Motion To Withdraw
Motion To Withdraw
Motion To Withdraw
N OW COMES Joshua L. Gordon, counsel for Cirino Gonzalez, and respectfully requests
this honorable court to allow him to withdraw his representation of Mr. Gonzalez.
As grounds it is stated:
1. On February 4, 2009, counsel received a letter from the New Hampshire Supreme
Court, Attorney Discipline Office (“ADO”) (copy attached). The ADO is the authority charged
with enforcing the New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct. The letter indicates that the
ADO received a complaint purportedly filed on behalf of the defendant, Cirino Gonzalez. The
2. The New Hampshire Rules of Professional Conduct provide that an attorney may not
represent a client when “there is a significant risk that the representation …will be materially
limited by … a personal interest of the lawyer.” N.H. R. PROF. COND. 1.7(a)(2). In light of the
ADO complaint, counsel is concerned that the representation may be effected by his own interest
in avoiding professional discipline, and thus not in accord with the rule.
Motion to Electronic Delivery
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3. The rules also provide that “[i]n representing a client, a lawyer shall exercise
independent professional judgment and render candid advice.” N.H. R. PROF. COND. 2.1. In
light of the ADO complaint, counsel is concerned that his judgment and advice may be effected,
4. On behalf of the defendant, counsel requests appointment of new counsel, and a delay
in proceedings to give new counsel time to become familiar with the record.
this Court to allow him to withdraw, to appoint new counsel for the defendant, and to delay
action on the case sufficient to give new counsel time to become familiar with the record.
Respectfully submitted
for Cirino Gonzalez
by his attorney,
Dated: February 8, 2010
Joshua L. Gordon, Esq.
N.H. Bar. No. 9046
Law Office of Joshua Gordon
26 S. Main St., #175
Concord, NH 03301
I hereby certify on this 8th day of February 2010, a copy of the foregoing is being
forwarded to the office of the United States Attorney.
Dated: February 8, 2010
Joshua L. Gordon, Esq.
New Hampshire Supreme Court
Attorney Discipline Office
James L. DeHart 4 Chenell Drive, Suite 102 Landya B. McCafferty
General Counsel Concord, New Hampshire 03301 Disciplinary Counsel
603-224-5828 ♦. Fax 603-228-9511
Thomas V. Trevethick James L. Kruse
Deputy General Counsel Assistant Disciplinary Counsel
February 2,2010
I acknowledge you letter of January 20,2010 under a power of attorney from Cirino
The New Hampshire Supreme Court Attorney Discipline Office processes grievances
againstattorneys when there are allegations of professional misconduct. By "professional
misconduct," we mean conduct that violates the Rules of Professional Conduct.
In any case in which it is ultimately found that a lawyer has violated the Rules of
Professional Conduct, the Professional Conduct Committee imposes or recommends an
appropriate sanction. Possible sanctions are reprimand, public censure, suspension or
disbarment. The Committee does not have authority to award money, resolve fee disputes, or
affect the underlying case.
The letter does not indicate why your son in unable to file his own grievance. If you are
going to file a grievance under a power of attorney from him, you will need to provide us with a
copy of it.
Also, you will need to provide us with more detail about Joshua L. Gordon and his
alleged conduct.
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Mr. Jose M. Gonzalez
Re: Grievance against Joshua L. Gordon, Esquire
on behalf of Cirino Gonzalez
February 2,2010
Was (or is) Mr. Gordon the trial attorney? The appeal attorney?
Both? If he was not the trial attorney, did your son seek discovery
from the trial attorney at the time of trial?
How long and approximately how many times has your son
requested a copy of discovery?
Are there any other details that will help us to better understand the
Failure to submit further information within 20 days of the date of this letter, will result in
this matter being closed without prejudice based on the failure to comply with this request.
James L. DeHart
General Counsel
cc: \4oshua L. Gordon, Esquire
G:\DOCS\Complaint Screening\Requests for More Information\2010 request for moreinfo\gonzalez.2.2.10.doc