Instruction Manual: Produced By: Sean Edwards
Instruction Manual: Produced By: Sean Edwards
Instruction Manual: Produced By: Sean Edwards
Getting Started
After you have created your profile you will be able
load it and start the game.
Lunar Flight is a challenge based game where it is
upto the player to choose what they would like to do.
= Translate Backward
= Yaw Left
= Yaw Right
= Pitch Forward
= Pitch Backward
= Roll Left
= Roll Right
HUD Display
(1) Velocity Vector (+)
The Velocity Vector (VV), displayed as a + plus
symbol, is a very useful indicator for the pilot. It
shows the exact direction the Lunar Module
will go if it continued its current course without
any deviation. The Velocity Vector has its own
Camera mode in the OHD.
(2) Power
The current primary thrust power output.
(3) ALT - Altitude (Radar)
The distance between the Lunar Module and
the ground.
(4) Roll Angle (The current Roll angle of the Lunar Module)
< indicates rolling Left
> indicates rolling Right
= indicates 0 Roll (Level)
(5) P - Pitch Angle (The current Pitch angle of the Lunar Module)
/\ indicates pitching backward (nose up)
\/ indicates pitching forward (nose down)
= indicates 0 Pitch (Level)
(6) Vertical Rate (Displayed in meters per second.)
/\ indicates Ascending (moving up), the value will be positive.
\/ indicates Descending (going down), the value will be negative.
= indicates 0 (Hovering or Stationary)
(7) VEL (The current speed in Meters Per Second)
(8) Fuel (The remaining fuel in the tank)
Displays a (T) when the Thrustlock is activated.
(9) Nav
Selected Navpoint and distance to it.
(10) Rotation Rate Display
Displays the Pitch, Yaw & Roll rotation rates in Degrees Per Second.
(11) Heading Alignment Sphere
Points towards the currently selected Navigation Point
Cockpit View
Additonaly you can use Fuel or Repair Action Items to instantly repair or refuel.
There are 3 types of missions in Lunar Flight:
Transport (Deliver a load of cargo to another base.)
The weight of the cargo affects the Lunar Modules performance:
Increased inertia
Higher Impact Damage, the extra mass and resultant inertia will increase the magnitude of
impact forces.
Increased Fuel Consumption
o Due to the increase in weight, more power must be applied to move or stop the Lunar
Larger load deliveries have higher rewards.
Survey (Fly to a location and acquire data then return to the base and upload it.
Lost Cargo (Locate a Lost Cargo Container and Deliver it to its intended destination)
Lunar Flight has a simple system to help with the task of flying to your desired destination.
The Alignment Sphere:
The alignment sphere is displayed in both the HUD and in the Top Down camera view of the
Mission Computer. It is a sphere with an arrow inside that points to the currently selected Nav
Point. In general the Top Down sphere is used for aligning the Lunar Modules orientation toward
the Nav Point. The HUD sphere is most useful when Landing as it will point directly down when you
are over a refuelling pad.
The Nav info display shows the distance to the currently selected Nav Point. The Distance is also
displayed in the Cockpit and the HUD only view.
Selecting a Nav Point:
There are several ways to select a navigation point
Map Icon Selection Click on the desired Nav Point (Quad View Only)
Press the Last & Next buttons in the Nav Info display.
Press < or > keys to cycle.
After accepting a mission the Mission Computer will provide a Button to select the current
mission objectives location. For Survey Missions this will first select the Survey Location.
After acquiring the data it will select the Upload destination base.
Nav Info:
The Nav info is displayed in the top right of all the Mission Computer pages. It provides an interface
for selecting a navigation point and details the selected Nav Points distance from the Lunar Module.
The navigation point can be selected using the < > keys or by pressing the LAST & NEXT buttons.
The Xbox 360 (B) button is assigned to the Next action.
Once you have enough money and have the required Rank you can purchase upgrades to improve
the performance of the Lunar Module.
Active upgrades will reduce your Skill Bonus in the mission debriefing, to receive the highest Skill
Bonus you should not use any upgrades.
Action Items:
In addition to Upgrades you can purchase Action Items. You can have upto 3 on board at
a time. The available items are displayed in the Action Bar.
The types of action items that can be purchase are:
Impact Warning System:
The Lunar Module is equipped with an Impact Detection system that will alert the pilot of a
potential crash. The system will be triggered if it detects a speed above 6.5KPH and a minimum
range to impact of 20 meters. The range scales with speed to ensure enough warning is given to
avert the crash.
Out of Fuel:
If the Lunar Module lands safely when out of fuel, the recovery of the Lunar Module costs
Active Mission is lost if recovered.
It is possible to run out of fuel on the landing pad and still be able to complete your mission
and refuel.
Out of Money:
If the account goes into the negative you will not be able to purchase any Upgrades or Action Items
until the account is back in the black.
Cargo Recovery:
The Lunar Module is equipped with a Transponder to help locate lost cargo. It consists of an audio
Beep and pulsing light in the cockpit that increases in rate as the proximity to the cargo decreases.
It can be switched off by Pressing T (default) or pressing the Transponder Button on the Cargo
Page of the Mission Computer.
Once the Lunar Module is within 3 mtrs of the Cargo it can be recovered into the Cargo Hold by
pressing R (default)or pressing the Recover Button on the Cargo Page of the Mission Computer.
Before unloading check to see where the Cargo was destined on the Cargo Page of the Mission
Computer as it cannot be unloaded at the wrong location. It can be Unloaded by pressing U
(default) or pressing the Unload Button on the Cargo Page of the Mission Computer.
C - Toggle Cockpit
X - Toggle Fullscreen
PageUp - Next Fullscreen Camera (When in Fullscreen) (Flyby, Follow, Cockpit)
PageDown - Last Fullscreen Camera (When in Fullscreen) (Flyby, Follow, Cockpit)
F1 = Fullscreen Cockpit/HUD toggle
F2 = Fullscreen Follow Camera
F3 = Fly by Camera
F4 = Quad View
F8 = Overhead Display - Cycle
F9 = Overhead Display - Topdown Camera
F10 = Overhead Display - Map
F11 = Overhead Display - Navpoint Camera
F12 = Overhead Display - Velocity Vector Camera