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Nitrogen Fixing Plants

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American-Eurasian Journal of Agronomy, 4 (2): 34-37, 2011

ISSN 1995-896X
IDOSI Publications, 2011

Nitrogen Yielding Plants: The Pioneers of Agriculture with a Multipurpose

Kavya Dashora
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India
Abstract: Out of the basic elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (N, P, K), nitrogen is the most
unavailable for soil. Though it is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere, yet the form in which it is utilized
by the soil and plants for their vital functions is not readily available. Growing of leguminous plants like alfalfa,
beans, clovers, nuts, etc in a way benefits the plants and soil by yielding nitrogen in the compound form. The
biological nitrogen fixation can be used as an efficient way to equip the soil with nitrogen which takes place
with the help of root knot nodule bacteria. Leguminous plants fix atmospheric nitrogen by working
symbiotically with special bacteria, rhizobia, which live in the root nodules. Rhizobia infect root hairs of the
leguminous plants and produce the nodules. This will not only help the poor farmers but also the soil to get
rid of chemical fertilizers. In this paper some plants which yield nitrogen in the soil are discussed.
Key words: Agriculture

Nitrogen yield


Leguminous crops


nitrogen is usually provided by using organic or

chemical fertilizers. Plants obtain nitrogen through
ammonium and nitrate.

Nitrogen is one of the most abundant gases of the

earths atmosphere and is one of the prime constituents
of basic fertilizers (N,P,K). The gaseous form of this
element cannot be used directly by the plants. As a result,
it is often a limiting factor in agricultural production,
especially for those crops that take up large amounts of
nitrogen. Adequate nitrogen soil content is necessary
for healthy plants and their growth and reproduction.
More importantly, plants use nitrogen for photosynthesis
[1]. While native plants are better adapted to their
surroundings and often times less affected by nitrogen
deficiency, in plants such as vegetable crops,
supplemental nitrogen may be required.
Good crops depend on an adequate supply of
nitrogen. Most nitrogen is naturally present in the soil as
organic content. However, nitrogen loss due to erosion,
runoff and leaching of nitrate can also cause nitrogen
deficiency in plants. Some of the most common symptoms
of nitrogen deficiency in plants include the yellowing
and dropping of leaves and poor growth. Delaying of
flowering and fruiting may also be there. As organic
matter decomposes, nitrogen is slowly converted to
ammonium, which is absorbed by plant roots. Excess
ammonium is turned into nitrate, which plants also use to
produce protein. However, unused nitrates remain in the
groundwater, resulting in leaching of the soil. There are
several ways to add nitrogen to soil. Supplemental

Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogen fixation refers to the

conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to ammonia and then
to nitrogen containing organic compounds that becomes
available to all forms of life. Nitrogen can be fixed by nonbiological processes, such as lightning or the HaberBosch process used to produce fertilizer products such as
urea [2]. However, biological fixation is the most common
process for nitrogen fixation. Globally, an estimated 193 x
106 tons of nitrogen is fixed through biological fixation
each year (Table 1).
Building up levels of organic matter in the soil is
another way of raising soil nitrogen. This can be achieved
by using organic fertilizer in the form of compost or
manure. Another sustainable way is growing legumes for
supplement soil nitrogen. Although organic fertilizer must
be broken down in order to release ammonium and nitrate,
which is much slower, using organic fertilizer to add
nitrogen to soil is safer for the environment. The presence
of the nitrogen on extreme ends like too much or too little
can be just as harmful to plants as too little. Too much
nitrogen can result in plant burning, which causes them to
shrivel and die. It can also cause excess nitrate to leach
into groundwater. Nitrogen is used by the plant to
produce leafy growth and formation of stems and
branches. Plants most in need of nitrogen include grasses

Corresponding Author: Kavya Dashora, National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi, India .


Am-Euras. J. Agron., 4 (2): 34-37, 2011

recognized [3,4] that interactions are possible between the

processes of absorption, assimilation and translocation of
NO3; N2 fixation; and assimilation and translocation of the
product NH3.The reduction and assimilation of NO3-in
higher plants occurs in both above and below ground
organs and the extent to which these parts participate in
its assimilation depends on the plant species, the level of
NO3, and the environmental conditions to which the plant
is expose [5]. Similarly, white sweet clover produces about
2.5 tons/acre dry matter and about 63 lb of nitrogen (N)
per ton of dry matter (NRCS). To optimize N fixation, the
soil should have adequate phosphorus, sulfur and
micronutrients, especially iron and molybdenum, suitable
pH and good aeration.
Of the total nitrogen required by legumes, generally
about half is nitrogen fixed from the atmosphere, with the
remainder being taken up from residual nitrate in the soil
[6]. It is usually noticed that where legumes are grown,
outside applications of manure or fertilizer nitrogen are
not needed. Different legumes also vary in the amount of
total nitrogen they can fix. Listed below in the table are
common legumes used in agriculture and the total
amounts of nitrogen they fix during a growing season.
(Table 3).

Table 1: Various sources of nitrogen fixation

S. No.

Source of N fixation

Nitrogen fixed (106 tons per year)

Total biological
Total non-biological


Table 2: List of a Few Rhizobium species and their corresponding hosts


Rhizobium species

Host plants

Bradyrhizobium japanicum
Rhizobium fredii
R. phaseoli
R. meliloti
"Cowpea rhizobia" group
or Rhizobium sp.
R. trifolii
R. Ieguminosarum

Glycine max (soybean)

Glycine max (soybean)
Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean)
Medicago sativa (alfalfa)
Vigna unguiculata (cowpea),
Trifolium sp. (clovers)
Pisum sativum (peas)

and leafy vegetables such as cabbage and spinach.

Basically, the more leaf a plant produces, the higher its
nitrogen requirement.
Nitrogen Through Fertilizers: Most chemical fertilizers
will contain three elements essential for growth of the
plant, Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).
These elements help in boosting the plant growth and
provide resistance from many deficiency diseases. But,
many a times, these chemical fertilizers are not feasible to
the economically downtrodden farmers, for whom the
nitrogen (N) is often the most limiting element for cereal
grain production.

Biological Nitrogen Fixation (BNF): It is the process

where the atmospheric nitrogen (N=N) is reduced to
ammonia in the presence of an enzyme nitrogenase which
is a biological catalyst found naturally only in certain
microorganisms such as the symbiotic Rhizobium and
Frankia, or the free-living Azospirillum and Azotobacter.
Biological nitrogen fixation is brought about by free-living
soil microorganisms and by symbiotic associations of
microorganisms with higher plants. In this paper we will
mainly discuss about the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis.
Leguminous plants fix atmospheric nitrogen by working
symbiotically with special bacteria, rhizobia, which live in
the root nodules. Rhizobia infect root hairs of the
leguminous plants and produce the nodules. The nodules
become the home for bacteria where they obtain energy
from the host plant and take free nitrogen from the soil air
and process it into combined nitrogen [7]. In return, the
plant receives the fixed N from nodules and produces
food and forage protein.

Legumes: in House Nitrogen Production for Plants:

Plants in the bean family, legumes, have nodules on their
roots where symbiotic bacteria live that fix nitrogen from
the air for use by the plant. They are unique among crop
plants in their ability to satisfy their large demand for
nitrogen either through absorption and assimilation of
inorganic nitrogen from the soil solution or by symbiotic
fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. The presence of nitrate
in the soil is desirable because it is required by plants for
growth and development. However, nitrate is highly
mobile and easily moves with water. The results of a
heavy rain can move nitrates downward in the soil, below
the root zone of plants. With crops that require a lot of
nitrogen over a period of time, like cabbages, adding
nitrogen incrementally through the growth period is the
most efficient application method. It has long been

The biochemical mechanism of N2 fixation can be

written in simplified form as follows: nitrogenase

NH3--------------->-----------Amino Acid----------

+ATP, +H+, low oxygen tension



Am-Euras. J. Agron., 4 (2): 34-37, 2011

Table 3: Some Common Nitrogen Yielding Plants

Botanical name

Common nitrogen yielding crops



Medicago sativa
Pisum sativum
Trifolium pratense
Glycine max
Melilotus officinalis
Lablab purpureus
Melilotus alba
Vigna _ubterranean
Arachis hypogaea
Vigna unguiculata
Mucuna pruriens
Phaseolus vulgaris
Vicia villosa
Vigna radiata
Cajanus cajun
Vicia faba
Sesbania rostrata
Cicer arietinum
Trifolium incarnatum
Vigna angularis
Trifolium alexandrinum
Lotus corniculatus
Mastigocladus laminosus
Carya illinoinensis

Field peas
Red clover
Sweet clover
Hyacinth bean
White sweetclover
Bambara groundnut
Velvet bean
Common bean,
Hairy vetch
Mung bean
Pigeon pea
Broad bean
Sesbania sp.
Chickpea (garbanzo)
Crimson clover
Adzuki bean
Alsike clover / true clover
Berseem clover
Birdsfoot trefoil
Blue-green alga
Free living bacteria
Free living bacteria
Free living bacteria
Free living bacteria
Free living bacteria


Rhizobium synthesizes the heme portion and the plant the

globine. Like human hemoglobin, leghemoglobin fixes O 2.
It is responsible for the red or brown color of active (i.e.,
N2-fixing) nodules. Non-N2-fixing nodules have white
nodule content or a green content when the globine has

The above mechanism indicates that N2-fixing

systems can thrive in soils poor in elementary nitrogen
and they are a source of proteins and also they provide
nitrogen for soil fertility. Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP)
is the source of energy necessary for the fragmentation
and reduction of N2 into ammonia. In rhizobia, ATP
results from oxidative degradation of sugars and related
molecules. These sugars are manufactured by the hostplant during photosynthesis and transferred to the
nodules. In general, for each gram of N2 fixed by
Rhizobium, the plant fixes 1-20 grams carbon (C) through
photosynthesis. It is usually accepted that N2 fixing
systems require more Phosphorus (P) than non-N2-fixing
systems. Phosphorus is needed for plant growth, nodule
formation and development and ATP synthesis, each
process being vital for nitrogen fixation.
Nitrogenase is an oxygen sensitive enzyme.
The low oxygen tension condition is realized through
compartmentation in cyanobacteria (heterocyst in
Anabaena azollae), active respiration (in Azotobacter)
and synthesis of leghemoglobin (in Rhizobium legume).
Leghemoglobin is a macromolecule synthesized by
symbiotic partners, the rhizobia and the host plant.

Effectiveness of the Legumes in Yielding Nitrogen:

There are approximately 1,300 leguminous plant species
in the world. Of these, nearly 10% have been examined
for nodulation, 87% of which were nodulated. It was
observed that not all legumes are infected by rhizobia.
Gliricidia sepium and Vigna unguiculata (cowpea)
nodulate freely but nodules have never been found on
roots of Cassia siamea. A Rhizobium that nodulates
cowpea may not nodulate Leucaena and vice versa.
Leguminous species mutually susceptible to nodulation
by a particular group of bacteria constitute a crossinoculation group. Therefore it can be seen the
mechanisms of recognition between the micro-symbiont
and the host-plant is good enough to explain specificity.
Table 1 gives a short list of rhizobia and their hosts to
illustrate the grouping of rhizobia. Similarly not all

Am-Euras. J. Agron., 4 (2): 34-37, 2011

symbioses fix N2 with equal effectiveness. This means

that a given legume cultivar nodulated by different strains
of the same species of Rhizobium would fix different
amounts of nitrogen. From the biochemical reactions of
biological nitrogen fixation, it is evident that N2 fixing
systems contribute to the quality and quantity of
agricultural production.

various techniques like the acetylene reduction assay

method, xylem exudate analysis, or by other methods. A
number of edaphic, climatic and biotic factors inhibit N2
fixation. The amount of biologically fixed nitrogen can be
enhanced by different methods, including inoculation
with proven strains, screening for improved microbial and
host-plant materials and introduction of improved cultural
practices through biological nitrogen fixation more
nitrogen can be yielded so that the hazards of the
chemical fertilizers can be reduced.

How Biological Nitrogen Fixation Takes Place in

Legumes: The bacteria, which are mostly free-living in the
soil in the native range of a particular legume, infect the
root hairs of the plant and form small root structures
called nodules. The association is symbiotic because the
energy is provided by the plant to feed the bacteria and
fuel the nitrogen fixation process. In return, the plant
receives nitrogen for growth. Out of many strains of
rhizobia, some will infect many hosts, while certain hosts
will accept many different strains of rhizobia. In
conventional cropping systems it is estimated that 50-800
kg of nitrogen per hectare per year are accumulated by
nitrogen fixing plants, depending on species, soil and
climate, Rhizobium efficiency and management [8].
Nodulating bacteria from the family Rhizobiaceae are
common in the semi-arid tropics around the world. The
opinion that nitrogen fixation by the root nodule
bacteria, Rhizobium, is restricted to a specific symbiotic
association with specific legumes has recently been
challenged. Trinick9 showed that nodules formed on the
non-legume Trema canabina by a strain of Rhizobium
which nodulated Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), possess
nitrogenase activity and fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Soybean tissue cultures inoculated with R. japonicum, or
with cowpea strains of rhizobia, also possess apparently
functional nitrogenase as determined by the acetylene
reduction assay. Biological N2 fixed represents nitrogen
gain and determines inorganic nitrogen fertilizer savings
in agricultural systems. Legumes can fix more than 250 kg
N ha 1. However, the amounts of N2 fixed can vary
considerably in time and space








Since nitrogen is commonly the most limiting plant

nutrient and also the most expensive element as a mineral
fertilizer, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) holds great
promise for smallholder and economically not so sound
farmers. Biological nitrogen fixation is accomplished by
certain microorganisms and plant-microbe interactions.
Legumes are nitrogen-fixing systems that have long been
used for biological nitrogen fixation in agriculture.
Biologically fixed nitrogen can be estimated by using



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