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Improvement of The Index Properties and Compaction Characteristics of Lime Stabilized Tropical Lateritic Clays With RHA

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The Improvement of the Index

Properties and Compaction

Characteristics of Lime Stabilized
Tropical Lateritic Clays with Rice Husk
Ash (RHA) Admixtures
Mtallib, M. O. A.
Department of Civil Engineering
Bayero University Kano, Nigeria
e-mail: [email protected]

Bankole, G. M.
Department of Civil Engineering
Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, Nigeria
Corresponding author: [email protected]

This work presents experimental results of a research carried out on lime stabilized lateritic soils using
rice husk ash as admixture. The index property tests classified the soils as (A-7-6) under the AASHTO
soil classification scheme. Thus, the material is deemed inadequate for use as a road pavement base or
sub-base. Index and geotechnical properties tests conducted on the soil containing lime and rice husk
ash combinations shows significant improvement in properties.
The Atterberg limits were significantly altered with lime and rice husk ash combination; the plasticity
of the soils significantly reduced from 18.10 to 6.70 for sample A and 26.6 to 5.92 for sample B at 6 %
lime and 12.5% RHA combination.
In terms of compaction characteristics, addition of lime and rice husk ash decreased the maximum dry
density and increased the optimum moisture content. At 8% lime and 12.5% RHA, the values of MDD
for samples A and B are 1.27 and 1.22 Mg/m3 respectively.
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values peaked at 50%unsoaked values for 8 % lime and 10 %
RHA combinations for sample A while that of sample B was 30% at 6% lime and 12.5% RHA
combinations. The values do not meet the requirement for good quality base or sub-base pavement
materials for major or urban roads. Stabilized sample A however suffices for use as road-base and subbase for lightly trafficked minor roads (CBR 45% for minor road).

The search for alternative binders or pozzolanic materials has become a challenge to national
development. In many developing countries, particularly Nigeria, there is a need to probe more into the
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potentials of laterite soils as a reliable and durable construction material as it is locally available and has
been one of the major building materials for a long time.
Of the various soil types that occur in the tropics and subtropics, laterite is one of the commonest
types and is of special interest in building and road construction. Laterites are highly weathered soils,
which contain large, but extremely variable proportion of iron and aluminum oxides as well as quartz and
other minerals. AASHTO classifies soils into seven groups, A-1 to A-7. According to Ola (1978) most
lateritic soils for road construction fall within the A-2, A-6 and A-7 groups and no lateritic soils have
been found in the A-3 and A-5 groups. It therefore appears that lateritic soils in the A-3 or A-5 groups are
Laterite as defined in Osula (1984) is a highly weathered tropical soil, rich in secondary oxides of any
or a combination of iron, aluminum and manganese; manganese having been reported as a predominant
element in combination with iron in some varieties of laterites notable those in India. Nigerian lateritic
soils are derived from basic igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks and can be found in the
sedimentary basins and over the basement complex areas of the country (Durotoye, 1983).
Lateritic soils have been successfully used in various aspects of Civil Engineering construction
projects. Lateritic materials are employed in the construction of Airport runways, highways, earth fill
dams, low- cost buildings etc. Osunubi and Katte (1997) have described lateritic soils as the most
common pavement material in the tropics and subtropics.
Some Laterites, like lateritic clays, require improvement on their engineering properties before they
can be used in any form of construction due to the fact that these soils have high swelling potential which
portend potential problem in construction thereby making them not favorable when used for construction
in their natural states. The improvement of the engineering properties of lateritic soils to bring them
within acceptable limits in terms of good quality sub-base or base courses for pavement construction,
manufacture of soilcrete blocks and satisfactory foundation materials is justified to ensure their
satisfactory performance in building and civil engineering structures.
Intensive research into lateritic soil stabilization has shown that in addition to cement, lime and
bitumen, other agents like industrial and agricultural wastes such as rice husk ash can also be used. The
use of industrial and agricultural wastes for stabilizing soils evolved out of the need to economically
utilize by-products of agricultural processes, which are often of undesirable environmental effects.
Muntohar, (1999) reported that rice husk ash is a potential material for soil improvement considering its
pozzolanic activity.
The importance of laterite soil as the most wide spread construction materials for roads, necessitates
the need to search for alternative binders other than the existing ones such as cement, bitumen, and other
chemicals considering their costs and, sometimes, scarcity.
Rice husk ash is a pozzolanic material that could be potentially used in Nigeria, though it is
moderately produced and readily available. When rice husk is burnt under controlled temperature, ash is
produced and about 17%-25% of rice husks weight remains ash. The predominant component of the ash
is silica with other traces of minerals as observed by Wen-Hwei, (1986).
Lime and Portland cement are the conventional means of stabilizing soils with inadequate engineering

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The lateritic soil sample used in this research work was collected, by method of bulk disturbed
sampling, from two borrow pits at a depth of 2.0m at km 6 and km 12 along Kaduna-Abuja expressway.
The tests conducted for this research were conducted in accordance to procedures outlined in BS 1377
(1990) and BS 1924 (1990) for natural as well as stabilize soils respectively. Specifically the following
tests were conducted:

Index properties;

Particle size distribution (PSD);

Hydrometer analysis;

Compaction Test

Rice husk ash of 0%, 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5% were admixed with 0%, 4%, 6%, 8%, 10% and 12%
lime by weight of dry soil.

Lime RHA- Soil Blend Reactions

The addition of lime to clayey soils leads to cation exchange and pozzolanic reactions. The cation
exchange is the first reaction that takes place immediately and causes the individual clay particles to
change from a state of mutual repulsion to one of mutual attraction typically due to excess Ca2+ replacing
dissimilar cations from the exchange complex of the soil. This has the immediate positive effect of
promoting flocculation of the particles and a change in soil texture i.e. with clay particles clumping
together into larger sized aggregate or lumps thereby improving the soils gradation, permeability and
handling properties.
However, pozzolanic reactions occur because of the siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material
which in itself possesses little or no cementitious value, but which when in a finely divided form and in
the presence of moisture will chemically react with lime at ordinary temperatures to form compounds
possessing cementitious properties. Some components of natural soils, notably clay minerals, are
pozzolanic and the lime-soil pozzolanic reactions results in slow, long term, cementing together of soil
particles at their point of interaction. When the lime is added the pH of the soil is raised, typically to about
12.4, and this highly alkaline environment promotes the dissolution of the clayey particles and the
precipitation of hydrous calcium aluminates and silicates that are broadly similar to the reaction products
of hydrated cement.
The RHA contains some of the constituents of chemical stabilizers, albeit in trace amount and is
expected to aid the stated reactions. The essence is to reduce the composition of the stabilizer and replace
it with RHA to get a more economic blend.

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Analysis of the Unstabilized Lateritic Clay
The geotechnical properties of the untreated soil showed that the percentage passing No. 200 BS
sieve is > 73%. The Particle size distribution curve is shown in Figure 1. The proportion of clay is > 62%
while silt content is about 11% with natural moisture content (NMC) ranging between 25 29%. The soil
is classified as A - 7- 6 under the AASHTO soil classification system (Standard, 1992).

Liquid Limit
Liquid limit results for soil-lime and rice husk ash combinations at different percentages are as shown
Figures 2 and 3.
The general decrease in liquid limit at all soil-lime-rice husk ash combination is attributed to the fact
that the rice husk ash pozzolanic reaction with the lime form compounds possessing cementitious
properties calcium silicate cement with soil particles. Specifically, the liquid limit decreases to about
28.30% at 12% lime and 7.5% RHA combination for sample A and 34.25% for sample B. This trend
conforms to findings of Muntohar (2000) that the liquid limit reduces with increasing lime and rice husk
ash combinations. Since the liquid limit decreases at all soil-limerice husk ash combinations, the
stabilized soils could be used for engineering construction as sub-base materials based on the Nigeria
General Specification (1997)

Plastic Limit
The variations of plastic limit for the soil-lime and rice husk ash combination at different percentages
are shown in Figures 4 and 5.
For the soil-lime combinations at 0% RHA, there is a general increase in plastic limit with increasing
lime content up to 8% lime, that is, from 24.7% to 28.6% for sample A and 6% lime content for sample B
beyond which subsequent decreases were observed for both samples. Plastic limit also increased with
increasing rice husk ash content for the soil-rice husk ash combination for both samples except at 12.5%
RHA for sample B where there was a slight decrease.
Likewise for the soil-lime and rice husk ash combination, the plastic limit increased with increasing
lime contents up to 8% lime, at all rice husk ash content, and subsequently decreased for both stabilized
samples with the exception of plastic limit at 12% lime and 12.5% RHA combination where an increase
was observed for sample B.
The cationic exchange reaction adduced for the liquid limit is also applicable here. The results are in
agreement with Muntohar (2000) who found out that plastic limit increases with increasing lime and rice
husk ash content.

Plasticity Index (P.I)

Figures 6 and 7 shows the variations of PI for the soil lime and rice husk combination at different

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From the results, it was observed that plasticity index decreases with increasing lime content at all
percentages for both soil-lime stabilized samples. However, there were sharp decreases in P.I between 4%
to 6% lime content for both stabilized samples beyond which the decrease becomes less pronounced.
For the soil-rice husk ash mixture at 0% lime, slight decreases were observed in the plasticity index
(PI) values for both stabilized samples. Likewise there is a general decrease in the plastic index values at
all soil and rice husk ash combinations for both samples.
The results obtained show decrease in the plasticity index at all lime and rice husk ash contents which
makes the stabilized soils much more better for use as construction materials . A common specification
for base courses requires that plasticity index shall not exceed 6. When compared with conventional
specifications of 12% from Federal Ministry of Works and Housing (FMW&H), most values recorded for
the plastic index are suitable for use as sub-base and base course materials, but 6% lime content and 10%
RHA will be most economical.

Standard Proctors Compaction

Optimum moisture content
The detailed results of the optimum moisture content for soil-lime and rice husk ash combinations at
different percentages are illustrated in Figures 8 and 9. The OMC for the unstabilized lateritic soils
samples were 23.4% for A and 23.28% for B.
For the soil-lime at 0% RHA, generally the optimum moisture content increases with increasing lime
content up to 8% lime from 23.4% to 26% and 23.28% to 28% respectively and subsequently decreases
for both stabilized samples. With soil-rice husk ash mixture at 0% lime there was an increase at 7.5%
RHA for both samples, but decrease in OMC was observed at 10% RHA and not too significant increase
at 12.5% RHA for stabilized sample A, while that of sample B decreased at other RHA contents.
Likewise, the OMC also increases generally with increasing lime and rice husk ash combination up to
6% lime content at all percentages of rice husk ash beyond which further increase in admixture content
reduces the OMC for sample A, while that of stabilized sample B increases up to 8% lime content at all
rice husk ash content beyond which OMC decreases.
The increase in the OMC is due, in spite of the reduced surface area caused by flocculation and
agglomeration, to the additional fine contents to the samples which requires more water in addition to the
free lime that needed more water for the pozzolanic reactions to take place.

Maximum dry density (MDD)

Figures 10 and 11 show the variation in maximum dry density (MDD) with different lime and RHA
combinations. The Maximum Dry Density (MDD) generally decreases with increasing lime content up to
10% lime content beyond which there was an increase for both stabilized samples of soil-lime mixture
Also with the soil-rice husk ash mixture at 0% lime, the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) decreases up
to 10% RHA and subsequently increased slightly for both stabilized rice husk ash samples. Likewise the
Maximum Dry Density (MDD) also reduces generally with increasing amount of lime and rice husk ash
combination up to 10% lime content at all percentages of RHA beyond which further increase in lime and
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rice husk content increases the Maximum Dry Density (MDD) of both stabilized samples. The decrease in
Maximum Dry Density (MDD) can be attributed to the cationic exchange of the lime which induces
flocculation and agglomeration of the clay particles. Also contributing to reduction in the Maximum Dry
Density (MDD) is specific gravity of the rice husk ash which is lower than that of the natural sol samples,
therefore the lighter particles fills the voids of the flocculated soil matrix to give a less dense matrix.
With reference to OMC soil-lime rice husk ash combination curves, this trend is in order and agrees
with the usual increasing OMC/decreasing Maximum Dry Density (MDD) and decreasing
OMC/increasing Maximum Dry Density (MDD) pattern and is in agreement with Ladd et al., (1960) as
well as Halliburton (1970).
Decreasing of dry density indicates that it need low compactive energy (C.E) than the natural soil to
attain its maximum dry density, as a result the cost of compaction will be economical (Muntohar and
Hantoro, 2000).

California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

Figures 12 and 13 shows the variations of CBR for the soil lime and rice husk combination at
different percentages.
For the soil-lime and rice husk ash combinations at different percentages, the CBR values increases
with increasing lime content up to 6% and 8% lime at all rice husk ash contents beyond which the CBR
values decreases for both stabilized samples. Peak CBR values of 50% was obtained for 8% lime and
10% RHA combinations for sample A and 30% at 6% lime and 12.5% RHA combination for sample B.
Recorded CBR values are generally low. The Nigerian general specification for road and bridge work
recommends a minimum CBR value of 80% for base course in pavement design, hence the peak CBR
values of 50% for sample A and 30% for sample B did not satisfy the condition to be used as base course.
However, sample A met the minimum conventional CBR value for lime treated soil of 40% for sub-base
(Lightly trafficked road) Osunubi, (1998) since the CBR value for sub-base for the tropic are CBR 45%
(minor road) and CBR 65% (major or urban road).

Experimental results on rice husk ash improvement of the index properties of lime stabilized lateritic
soils are presented. Particle size distribution revealed that the natural samples were predominantly finegrained with traces of coarse grains, and group indices of 11 and 17 for sample A and sample B,
respectively. The AASHTO classification (A-7-6) shows that the samples are not suitable as sub grade
Samples A and B exhibit higher L.L values of 42.81 and 55.9 % respectively, but when admixed with
lime and RHA combination at varying percentages there were improvement indicated by the reduction of
the liquid limits (LL) values. The plastic index also reduced considerably. Specifically, the plastic index
of the lime stabilized soils when admixed with RHA from 18.1 to 1.5 % and 26.6 to 1.9 % for samples A
and B, respectively, at 12% lime and 12.5% RHA combination. In general 6 % lime and 12.5% of RHA
combination are the economical and optimum dosage to reduce plasticity of the natural soil.
The compaction characteristics of the natural lateritic soils were also altered with the addition of lime
and RHA. The MDD decreased with increase in lime and rice husk ash combination while the optimum
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moisture content of the stabilized soils increased. The decrease in MDD is attributable to the cationic
exchange of both lime and the admixture which induce flocculation and agglomeration causing
volumetric increase and a corresponding decrease in density and also the exceeding water absorption by
RHA as a result of its porous properties. Decreasing MDD indicates that compaction energy is less than
the natural state. Increasing OMC tends to be prevalent when lime was added. The OMC is a reversal of
the MDD variation.
The CBR values obtained for lime and admixture were remarkably higher than the values for
untreated samples. Peak value of 50 % was observed at 8 % lime and 10 % rice husk ash combination for
sample A while that of B was 30 % at 6 % lime and 12.5 % RHA. Based on the acceptance criteria of 80
% CBR for base layer of road pavement, the stabilized materials falls short of requirement of the Nigerian
General Specifications. However, sample A met the minimum conventional CBR value for lime treated
soils of 40 % for sub-base for minor lightly trafficked road, since the CBR value for sub-base for the
tropic are CBR 45% (minor road) and CBR 65% (major or urban road) Osinubi (1998)

Figure 1: Particle Size Distribution Curves for Natural Samples

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Figure 2: Variation of liquid limit with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 3: Variation of liquid limit with Lime and RHA Combinations

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Figure 4: Variation of Plastic limit with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 5: Variation of Plastic limit with Lime and RHA Combinations

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Figure 6: Variation of Plasticity Index with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 7: Variation of Plasticity Index with Lime and RHA Combinations

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Figure 8: Variation of Optimum Moisture Content with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 9: Variation of Optimum Moisture Content with Lime and RHA Combinations

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Figure 10: Variation of Maximum Dry Density with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 11: Variation of Maximum Dry Density with Lime and RHA Combinations

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Figure 12: Variation of California Bearing Ratio with Lime and RHA Combinations

Figure 13: Variation of California Bearing Ratio with Lime and RHA Combinations

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1. BS 1377 (1990) Method of Testing Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes. British Standard
Institution, London, England
2. General Specifications (1997) Roads and Bridge Works, Federal Ministry of Works & Housing
headquarters, Abuja, Nigeria
3. Muntohar, A.S. (1999) Effect of Lime and Rice Husk Ash on the behavior of soft clay. Regional
seminar of Islamic University of Indonesia. September 1999, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
4. Muntohar and Hantoro (2000) Influence of Rice Husk Ash and Lime on Engineering Properties of a
Clayey Sub-grade. Dept of Civil Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
5. Ola, S.A. (1978) Geotechnical Properties and Behavior of some Stabilized Nigeria Lateritic Soils.
Engineering Geol. 12, 145-160
6. Osinubi, K.J. and Katte, V.Y. (1997) Effect of Elapsed time after mixing on grain size and plasticity
characteristic I: Soil-Lime Mixes, NSE technical transactions Vol. 32 No. 4
7. Osinubi, K.J. (1998) Influence of compaction delay on the properties of lime treated soil. Journal of
Transportation Engineering. ASCE 124(2); 149-155
8. Osula, D.O.A. (1984) Cement Stabilization using Lime as Admixture. M. Eng. Thesis, Civil
Engineering Dept. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
9. Wen-Hwei, H. (1986) Rice Husks Production and Utilization. AVI Publishing Company
Incorporated, West Port Connecticut.

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