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Ardrox 185l Tds

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Ardrox 185L

Alkaline rust and scale remover

ARDROX 185L is a water miscible liquid giving a strongly alkaline solution containing sequestrants.
ARDROX 185L may be used in place of 185 powder, thus minimising the exothermic reaction, which
occurs when caustic powders are dissolved in water.
ARDROX 185L is primarily intended for the removal of rust from iron and steel but is also capable of
removing oil, grease and some air dried paints.
ARDROX 185L does not cause hydrogen embrittlement of high tensile steels and there is markedly less
tendency for re-rusting to occur than with acid pickling techniques.
NOTE: Titanium Processing
The presence of iron in ARDROX 185L solutions will cause higher than normal surface activity on
titanium alloys. We strongly recommend that the solutions of ARDROX 185L used for de-rusting and
steel descaling are not used for cleaning titanium.

Chemicals required

Testing chemicals required

Indicator solution No.13 (thymolphthalein)
Testing solution No.9 (0.1N sulphuric acid solution)

Method of use
ARDROX 185L is usually used at a concentration of 25 - 50 litres/100 litres of water, depending on the
amount of rust to be removed.
Operating temperatures: 180 - 190F (82 - 88C).
The immersion time will vary according to the degree of contamination, light rust being removed in
approximately 15 minutes while heavy rust may take about an hour.
Thorough water rinsing must take place after the use of ARDROX 185L. If no further immediate surface
treatment is to follow, the use of a dewatering and protective fluid such as ARDROX 3961 is desirable to
give protection from re-rusting.
NOTE: If the components are heavily contaminated with oil or grease, the life of the ARDROX 185L bath
will be prolonged if they are first degreased.

A company of mg chemical group Dynamit Nobel

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Ardrox 185L
Method of control
Do not top up the tank to its proper level until all concentration adjustments have been completed. Take
a sample of 100-200ml and cool to ambient. Add active carbon, stir and allow to stand for 30 minutes.
Filter solution through a Whatman No1 paper until about 100ml is obtained. Pipette 25ml into a 250ml
volumetric flask. Make up to the mark with distilled water. Pipette 10ml of this solution into an
Erlenmeyer flask and add 5-10 drops of Indicator No.13. Titrate against Testing solution No.9 until the
blue colour is discharged leaving a pale yellow-green solution. Record the volume used as V(ml). The
bath strength is calculated as follows:
Measured strength (litre ARDROX 185L/100 litre bath solution) = V x 1.1
Record as MS. Estimate (or otherwise obtain) the volume of solution currently in the tank, VS (litre) and
the normal operating volume of the tank, VT (litre). The sampled tank therefore contains:
(VS x MS100) litres of ARDROX 185L
Record as CS. If the operating strength is OS (litre) ARDROX 185L/100 litres then the tank needs to
(VT x OS100) litres of ARDROX 185L
Record as MU. (MU CS) litres of ARDROX 185L need to be added to the tank and then topped up
with water to the normal operating volume (VT).

Effects on materials
Being strongly alkaline, ARDROX 185L solution will rapidly attack aluminium, zinc, tin and lead and their
alloys. A marginal attack on copper and its alloys may occur and the copper taken into solution may
plate out again on ferrous parts. ARDROX 185L has a negligible effect on magnesium, cadmium, nickel,
cobalt, and their alloys. Glass and ceramics are etched by ARDROX 185L solutions and there may be
some degradation of rubbers and certain plastics such as polymethylmethacrylate (e.g. 'Plexiglas').
Intending users are advised to check the compatibility of the ARDROX 185L with any special materials,
which they may wish to use.

Technical information

Slightly viscous, colourless liquid.

Protect from freezing conditions. Keep container sealed.

Equipment materials
Solutions of ARDROX 185L may be used in mild steel tanks but heating elements should be constructed
of stainless steel or Inconel. Seals and gaskets are preferably made of P.T.F.E.

Safety guidance
Before operating the process described it is important that this complete document, together with any
relevant Safety Data sheets, be read and understood.

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Ardrox 185L
General information
Chemetall PLC supplies a wide range of chemical products and associated equipment for cleaning,
sanitising, descaling, paint and carbon removal, metal protection and non-destructive testing. Sales
Executives are available to advise on specific problems and applications.

Labour and environmental protection

All local and national regulations on the transport, storage, use and waste treatment of chemicals in
concentrated or diluted form and as working solutions must be obeyed.
Further specific information on the products can be found in the EC Safety Data Sheets supplied. The
user should also pay strict attention to information and hazard symbols shown on product labels.

Waste disposal
All waste waters must be treated in accordance with national legislation and local regulations prior to
discharge to the sewer.
lc Feb 2001

registered trademark
The above data have been compiled to the best of our knowledge on the basis of
thorough tests and with regard to the current state of our long practical experience. No
liabilities or guarantee deriving from or in connection with this leaflet can be imputed to us.
Reproduction, in whole or in part, only with our express permission.

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