ANSYS Fluent Getting Started Guide

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ANSYS Fluent Getting Started Guide

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Release 15.0
November 2013
ANSYS, Inc. is
certified to ISO

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Published in the U.S.A.

Table of Contents
Preface ......................................................................................................................................................... v
1. The Contents of This Manual ................................................................................................................ v
2. The Contents of the Fluent Manuals ..................................................................................................... v
3. Technical Support .............................................................................................................................. vii
1. Introduction to ANSYS Fluent ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Program Capabilities ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. ANSYS Fluent Documentation ........................................................................................................... 5
1.2.1. Accessing the Documentation Files Using the ANSYS Help Viewer ............................................. 5
1.2.2. Accessing the PDF Documentation ........................................................................................... 6 Downloading and Extracting the PDF Documentation Files .............................................. 6 Navigating the PDF Files .................................................................................................. 6 Printing the PDF Files ....................................................................................................... 6
1.3. Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0 ........................................................................................... 6
2. Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS Fluent ................................................................................. 13
2.1. Steps in Solving Your CFD Problem .................................................................................................. 13
2.2. Planning Your CFD Analysis ............................................................................................................. 13
3. Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS Fluent ......................................................................... 19
4. Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent ................................................................................................... 21
4.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent ..................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher ......................................................................... 21 Setting General Options in Fluent Launcher ................................................................... 23 Single-Precision and Double-Precision Solvers ................................................................ 25 Setting Parallel Options in Fluent Launcher .................................................................... 26 Setting Remote Options in Fluent Launcher ................................................................... 27 Setting Scheduler Options in Fluent Launcher ................................................................ 28 Setting Environment Options in Fluent Launcher ........................................................... 29
4.1.2. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System .......................................................................... 30
4.1.3. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Linux System ................................................................................ 30
4.1.4. Command Line Startup Options ............................................................................................. 31 Graphics Options ........................................................................................................... 32 Meshing Mode Option ................................................................................................... 33 Parallel Options ............................................................................................................. 33 Postprocessing Option .................................................................................................. 34 SGE Options .................................................................................................................. 34 LSF Option .................................................................................................................... 34 Version and Release Options .......................................................................................... 34 System Coupling Options .............................................................................................. 34 Other Startup Options ................................................................................................... 35
4.2. Running ANSYS Fluent in Batch Mode ............................................................................................. 35
4.2.1. Background Execution on Linux Systems ................................................................................ 36
4.2.2. Background Execution on Windows Systems .......................................................................... 37
4.2.3. Batch Execution Options ........................................................................................................ 37
4.3. Switching Between Meshing and Solution Modes ............................................................................ 39
4.4. Checkpointing an ANSYS Fluent Simulation ..................................................................................... 39
4.5. Cleaning Up Processes From an ANSYS Fluent Simulation ................................................................ 40
4.6. Exiting ANSYS Fluent ...................................................................................................................... 41
Glossary of Terms ........................................................................................................................................ 43

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.



Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

This preface is divided into the following sections:
1.The Contents of This Manual
2.The Contents of the Fluent Manuals
3.Technical Support

1. The Contents of This Manual

The ANSYS Fluent Getting Started Guide highlights some of the features in ANSYS Fluent and how to
get started using the software.
A brief description of what is in each chapter follows:
Introduction to ANSYS Fluent (p. 1), provides an overview of the capabilities of ANSYS Fluent and details
about the available documentation.
Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS Fluent (p. 13), describes the steps involved in solving a CFD
problem and questions to consider.
Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS Fluent (p. 19), provides specific guidelines that help ensure
your CFD simulation is a success.
Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent (p. 21), describes options and alternatives to starting, running, and
exiting ANSYS Fluent. It also provides instructions for remote execution and batch execution.
Glossary of Terms (p. 43), contains a listing of terms commonly used throughout the documentation.

2. The Contents of the Fluent Manuals

The manuals listed below form the Fluent product documentation set. They include descriptions of the
procedures, commands, and theoretical details needed to use Fluent products.
Fluent Getting Started Guide contains general information about getting started with using
Fluent and provides details about starting, running, and exiting the program.
Fluent Migration Manual contains information about transitioning from the previous release of Fluent,
including details about new features, solution changes, and text command list changes.
Fluent User's Guide contains detailed information about running a simulation using the solution
mode of Fluent, including information about the user interface, reading and writing files, defining
boundary conditions, setting up physical models, calculating a solution, and analyzing your results.
ANSYS Fluent Meshing User's Guide contains detailed information about creating 3D meshes
using the meshing mode of Fluent.
Fluent in Workbench User's Guide contains information about getting started with and using Fluent
within the Workbench environment.
Fluent Theory Guide contains reference information for how the physical models are implemented
in Fluent.
Fluent UDF Manual contains information about writing and using user-defined functions (UDFs).
Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Fluent Tutorial Guide contains a number of examples of various flow problems with detailed instructions, commentary, and postprocessing of results.
ANSYS Fluent Meshing Tutorials contains a number of examples of general mesh-generation techniques
used in ANSYS Fluent Meshing.
Tutorials for release 15.0 are available on the ANSYS Customer Portal. To access tutorials and
their input files on the ANSYS Customer Portal, go to
Fluent Text Command List contains a brief description of each of the commands in Fluents solution
mode text interface.
ANSYS Fluent Meshing Text Command List contains a brief description of each of the commands in
Fluents meshing mode text interface.
Fluent Adjoint Solver Module Manual contains information about the background and usage of Fluent's
Adjoint Solver Module that allows you to obtain detailed sensitivity data for the performance of a
fluid system.
Fluent Battery Module Manual contains information about the background and usage of Fluent's
Battery Module that allows you to analyze the behavior of electric batteries.
Fluent Continuous Fiber Module Manual contains information about the background and usage of
Fluent's Continuous Fiber Module that allows you to analyze the behavior of fiber flow, fiber properties,
and coupling between fibers and the surrounding fluid due to the strong interaction that exists
between the fibers and the surrounding gas.
Fluent Fuel Cell Modules Manual contains information about the background and the usage of two
separate add-on fuel cell models for Fluent that allow you to model polymer electrolyte membrane
fuel cells (PEMFC), solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), and electrolysis with Fluent.
Fluent Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Module Manual contains information about the background
and usage of Fluent's Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Module that allows you to analyze the behavior
of electrically conducting fluid flow under the influence of constant (DC) or oscillating (AC) electromagnetic fields.
Fluent Population Balance Module Manual contains information about the background and usage of
Fluent's Population Balance Module that allows you to analyze multiphase flows involving size distributions where particle population (as well as momentum, mass, and energy) require a balance
Fluent as a Server User's Guide contains information about the usage of Fluent as a Server which allows
you to connect to a Fluent session and issue commands from a remote client application.
Running Fluent Under LSF contains information about using Fluent with Platform Computings LSF
software, a distributed computing resource management tool.
Running Fluent Under PBS Professional contains information about using Fluent with Altair PBS Professional, an open workload management tool for local and distributed environments.
Running Fluent Under SGE contains information about using Fluent with Sun Grid Engine (SGE) software, a distributed computing resource management tool.


Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Technical Support

3. Technical Support
If you encounter difficulties while using ANSYS Fluent, please first refer to the section(s) of the manual
containing information on the commands you are trying to use or the type of problem you are trying
to solve. The product documentation is available from the online help, or from the ANSYS Customer
Portal. To access documentation files on the ANSYS Customer Portal, go to
If you encounter an error, please write down the exact error message that appeared and note as much
information as you can about what you were doing in ANSYS Fluent.
Technical Support for ANSYS, Inc. products is provided either by ANSYS, Inc. directly or by one of our
certified ANSYS Support Providers. Please check with the ANSYS Support Coordinator (ASC) at your
company to determine who provides support for your company, or go to and select
Contact ANSYS > Contacts and Locations.
If your support is provided by ANSYS, Inc. directly, Technical Support can be accessed quickly and efficiently from the ANSYS Customer Portal, which is available from the ANSYS Website (
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One of the many useful features of the Customer Portal is the Knowledge Resources Search, which can
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Technical Support
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.


Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Chapter 1: Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

ANSYS Fluent is a state-of-the-art computer program for modeling fluid flow, heat transfer, and chemical reactions in complex geometries.
ANSYS Fluent is written in the C computer language and makes full use of the flexibility and power
offered by the language. Consequently, true dynamic memory allocation, efficient data structures, and
flexible solver control are all possible. In addition, ANSYS Fluent uses a client/server architecture, which
enables it to run as separate simultaneous processes on client desktop workstations and powerful
compute servers. This architecture allows for efficient execution, interactive control, and complete
flexibility between different types of machines or operating systems.
ANSYS Fluent provides complete mesh flexibility, including the ability to solve your flow problems using
unstructured meshes that can be generated about complex geometries with relative ease. Supported
mesh types include 2D triangular/quadrilateral, 3D tetrahedral/hexahedral/pyramid/wedge/polyhedral,
and mixed (hybrid) meshes. ANSYS Fluent also enables you to refine or coarsen your mesh based on
the flow solution.
You can read your mesh into ANSYS Fluent, or, for 3D geometries, create your mesh using the meshing
mode of Fluent (see the Fluent Meshing Users Guide for further details). All remaining operations are
performed within the solution mode of Fluent, including setting boundary conditions, defining fluid
properties, executing the solution, refining the mesh, and postprocessing and viewing the results.
The ANSYS Fluent serial solver manages file input and output, data storage, and flow field calculations
using a single solver process on a single computer. ANSYS Fluent also uses a utility called cortex that
manages ANSYS Fluents user interface and basic graphical functions. ANSYS Fluents parallel solver
enables you to compute a solution using multiple processes that may be executing on the same computer, or on different computers in a network.
Parallel processing in ANSYS Fluent involves an interaction between ANSYS Fluent, a host process, and
a set of compute-node processes. ANSYS Fluent interacts with the host process and the collection of
compute nodes using the cortex user interface utility.
Figure 1.1: Serial ANSYS Fluent Architecture (p. 2) and Figure 1.2: Parallel ANSYS Fluent Architecture (p. 3) illustrate the serial and parallel ANSYS Fluent architectures.

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

Figure 1.1: Serial ANSYS Fluent Architecture

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Figure 1.2: Parallel ANSYS Fluent Architecture

For more information about ANSYS Fluents parallel processing capabilities, message passing interfaces
(MPI), and so on, refer to Parallel Processing in the User's Guide.
All functions required to compute a solution and display the results are accessible in ANSYS Fluent
through an interactive interface.
For more information, see the following sections:
1.1. Program Capabilities
1.2. ANSYS Fluent Documentation
1.3. Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

1.1. Program Capabilities

When in meshing mode, ANSYS Fluent functions as a robust unstructured-volume-mesh generator (see
Program Capabilities in the Fluent Meshing Users Guide for further details). When in solution mode,
Fluent allows you to simulate the following:
2D planar, 2D axisymmetric, 2D axisymmetric with swirl (rotationally symmetric), and 3D flows
Flows on quadrilateral, triangular, hexahedral (brick), tetrahedral, wedge, pyramid, polyhedral, and mixed
element meshes
Steady-state or transient flows
Incompressible or compressible flows, including all speed regimes (low subsonic, transonic, supersonic,
and hypersonic flows)
Inviscid, laminar, and turbulent flows
Newtonian or non-Newtonian flows
Ideal or real gases
Heat transfer, including forced, natural, and mixed convection, conjugate (solid/fluid) heat transfer, and
Chemical species mixing and reaction, including homogeneous and heterogeneous combustion models
and surface deposition/reaction models
Free surface and multiphase models for gas-liquid, gas-solid, and liquid-solid flows
Lagrangian trajectory calculations for dispersed phase (particles/droplets/bubbles), including coupling
with continuous phase and spray modeling
Cavitation model simulations
Melting/solidification applications using the phase change model
Porous media with non-isotropic permeability, inertial resistance, solid heat conduction, and porous-face
pressure jump conditions
Lumped parameter models for fans, pumps, radiators, and heat exchangers
Acoustic models for predicting flow-induced noise
Inertial (stationary) or non-inertial (rotating or accelerating) reference frames
Multiple moving frames using multiple reference frame (MRF) and sliding mesh options
Mixing-plane model simulations of rotor-stator interactions, torque converters, and similar turbomachinery
applications with options for mass conservation and swirl conservation
Dynamic mesh model simulations for domains with moving and deforming meshes
Volumetric sources of mass, momentum, heat, and chemical species
Simulations that use a material property database

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

ANSYS Fluent Documentation

Simulations customized by user-defined functions
Dynamic (two-way) coupling with GT-Power and WAVE
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) module (documented separately)
Continuous fiber module (documented separately)
Fuel cell modules (documented separately)
Population balance module (documented separately)
ANSYS Fluent is ideally suited for incompressible and compressible fluid-flow simulations in complex
geometries. ANSYS Fluents parallel solver enables you to compute solutions for cases with very large
meshes on multiple processors, either on the same computer or on different computers in a network.
ANSYS, Inc. also offers other solvers that address different flow regimes and incorporate alternative
physical models. Additional CFD programs from ANSYS, Inc. include CFX, ANSYS Airpak, ANSYS Icepak,
and ANSYS Polyflow.

1.2. ANSYS Fluent Documentation

ANSYS Fluent documentation is available through ANSYS Fluents online help system or through PDF
files. The online help system provides access to the ANSYS Fluent documentation using the ANSYS help
viewer, whether you are working in ANSYS Fluent or not. The PDF files can be obtained from the ANSYS
Customer Portal.
This section describes how to access the ANSYS Fluent documentation outside of ANSYS Fluent. See
the User's Guide for information about accessing the documentation through ANSYS Fluent.
1.2.1. Accessing the Documentation Files Using the ANSYS Help Viewer
1.2.2. Accessing the PDF Documentation

1.2.1. Accessing the Documentation Files Using the ANSYS Help Viewer
To start the ANSYS help viewer, go to the following location from the Windows Start menu:
Start > Program Files > ANSYS 15.0 > Help > ANSYS Help
The ANSYS help viewer provides access to documentation for most ANSYS products.
To navigate to the ANSYS Fluent documentation, do the following:
1. Scroll down to ANSYS in the left-hand panel.
2. Expand the ANSYS Fluent documentation set by clicking the icon next to ANSYS.
3. Click a document title to display the table of contents for the selected document.
4. To find specific information, you can do any of the following:
a. In the Table of Contents, click the icon ( ) next to a title to expand the tree hierarchy, or click an
item in the tree hierarchy to display the corresponding information.
b. In the Search option on the toolbar, select either Basic or Advanced Search, enter a keyword or
phrase and click Search.

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

For additional information on the ANSYS Help Viewer, see Using Help.

1.2.2. Accessing the PDF Documentation

The PDF documentation files are appropriate for viewing and printing with Adobe Acrobat Reader
(version 5.0 or higher), which is available for most Windows and Linux systems. These files are distinguished by a .pdf suffix in their file names. Downloading and Extracting the PDF Documentation Files Navigating the PDF Files Printing the PDF Files Downloading and Extracting the PDF Documentation Files

You can download the PDF documentation from the ANSYS Customer Portal ( Navigating the PDF Files

For the purpose of easier online document navigation, the PDF files contain hyperlinks in the table of
contents and index. In addition, hyperlinks have been applied to all cross-references to chapters, sections,
figures, tables, bibliography, and index entries. Printing the PDF Files

Adobe Acrobat PDF files are provided for printing all or part of the manuals. While you can also print
individual topics from the ANSYS help viewer, the PDF files are recommended when printing long sections
since the printout will have a higher quality.
Note that you can select the paper size to which you are printing in Adobe Acrobat Reader by selecting
the File/Print Setup... menu item and choosing the desired Paper size. If the page is too large to fit
on your paper size, you can reduce it by selecting the File/Print... menu item and choosing the Reduce
to Printer Margins option under Page Scaling.

1.3. Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0

This section lists limitations that are known to exist in ANSYS Fluent. Where possible, suggested workarounds are provided.
File import/export (for a list of supported files, refer to the table in this section, under Third-party software)
If you change the File Storage Options settings in the Autosave dialog box, the solution history will
be lost.
Data export to Mechanical APDL result file is not available on the linx64 platform. (Mechanical APDL
data export to .cdb file is available on all platforms.)
When exporting EnSight Case Gold files for transient simulations, the solver cannot be switched between
serial and parallel, and the number of compute nodes cannot be changed for a given parallel run.
Otherwise, the exported EnSight Case Gold files for each time step will not be compatible.
EnSight export with topology changes is not supported.
To properly view Fieldview Unstructured (.fvuns) results from a parallel ANSYS Fluent simulation

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0

Mesh files must be exported from the parallel solver via the TUI command fieldview-unstructgrid.
Mesh and data files should all be exported from parallel ANSYS Fluent sessions with the same number
of nodes.
Tecplot file import does not support the Tecplot360 file format.
Boundary zone extrusion is not possible from faces that have hanging nodes.
For simulations that involve the Fluent, Mechanical, and Meshing applications, meshing problems
can arise in instances where there are multiple regions and contacts between them. In Fluent, a
zone can only exist in a single contact region. The Mechanical and Meshing applications both use
a different approach concerning contact regions when compared to Fluent.
ANSYS Fluent does not support FSI data mapping of edges and, therefore, in 2D.
ANSYS Fluent supports the Chemkin II format for Oppdif flamelet import only.
The surface-to-surface (S2S) radiation model does not work with moving/deforming meshes.
The DPM work pile algorithm is not compatible with the wall film boundary condition.
The shell conduction model is not applicable on moving walls.
The heat exchanger model is not compatible with mesh adaption.
The Fluent/REACTION DESIGN KINetics coupling is not available on the win64 platform.
DO-Energy coupling is recommended for large optical thickness cases (> 10) only.
FMG initialization is not available with the shell conduction model.
FMG initialization is not compatible with the unsteady solver.
The MHD module is not compatible with Eulerian multiphase models.
Bounded 2nd order discretization in time is not compatible with moving and deforming meshes.
When simulating porous media, the value of the Porosity (defined in the Fluid dialog box) cannot be
0 or 1 (i.e., it must be in between these values) if the non-equilibrium thermal model is enabled.
When simulating porous media, the non-equilibrium thermal model is not supported with radiation
and/or multiphase models.
The junction of a wall with shell conduction enabled and a non-conformal coupled wall is not
supported. Such a junction will not be thermally connected, that is, there will be no heat transfer
between the shell and the mesh interface wall.
After you enable the Eulerian Wall Film model, Fluent will not allow you to save the mesh modifications,
such as separating cells, extruding face zones, changing the cell zones type etc. If you want to modify

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

the mesh in Fluent, be sure to complete all mesh operations prior to enabling the Eulerian Wall Film
Parallel processing
These features are currently unavailable in the parallel solver:
Discrete transfer radiation model (DTRM)
Continuous Fiber Model (CFM) add-on module
Data export to non-native formats other than EnSight, FIELDVIEW, Tecplot, and the generic heat flux
data file
Mellanox OFED version is known to cause random crashes or startup issues in Fluent when
using core counts greater than approximately 64. The last known stable Mellanox version is 1.5.2. You
may use either of the following as a workaround:
Revert to OFED 1.5.2.
Set the value of log_num_mtt to 24 in the mlx4_core driver on all machines. For more information
refer to Solution #2024818 from the Knowledge Resources at the ANSYS Customer Portal (ANSYS
Customer Portal).
Parallel simulations involving non-conformal interfaces and node-based gradients may show a jump in
residuals when restarted on a different number of processors. You use the following Scheme command
to invoke an improved treatment of interface gradients that minimizes this jump. Once saved with the
case file, this setting will be persistent in future solver sessions.
(rpsetvar 'parallel/add-ext-si-bridge-nodes-to-int-or-corner? #t)

Newer releases of Linux are known to not have rsh installed which is used by default to spawn remote
processes in parallel. This will cause remote processes to fail to start unless you either select SSH in the
Fluent Launcher or use the -ssh command line option.
Platform support and drivers
ANSYS Fluent is not compatible with the job scheduler on HPC Server 2008 with the packaged version
of Platform MPI. The default MPI (MSMPI) should be used.
The minimum OS requirements for Linux are SLES 10 or Red Hat Enterprise 5.0.
The path name length to the library (including the lib name) is limited to 80 characters.
(Linux Opteron cluster using Infiniband interconnect only.)
On Linux platforms, including a space character in the current working directory path is not supported.
Visit the ANSYS Customer Portal (ANSYS Customer Portal) for the latest Windows graphics FAQ. Version
2.0 or higher of .NET Framework must be installed in order to run ANSYS Fluent on the winx64 platform.
If you are installing ANSYS Fluent 15.0 on a Windows machine that already has one or more previous
versions of ANSYS Fluent, then after installing Platform and Intel MPI libraries from the prerequisites,
make sure to delete the environment variables MPI_ROOT (for Platform MPI) and I_MPI_ROOT (for Intel
MPI). Otherwise there will be a conflict while running previous ANSYS Fluent versions in parallel mode.

Release 15.0 - SAS IP, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0

Remote Solver Facility (RSF) is no longer supported in ANSYS Fluent.
Itanium platform (lnia64) is no longer supported.
The coupling between Ansoft and Fluent in Workbench is not supported on Windows Vista (32 bit and
64 bit) and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10. On Linux, the coupling is supported for Red Hat 5, Red Hat
6, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11.
When running ANSYS Fluent on a Linux machine directly or through a remote connection (such as NICE
DCV or RealVNC), some dialog boxes may open in the background and be obscured from view. If you
encounter this issue, you can define the environment variable KEEP_DIALOG_ON_TOP. This forces
new dialog boxes to open in the foreground of your display.
Remote display
For proper mouse-button functionality with a two-button mouse when running ANSYS Fluent through
a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection to a Windows 8 machine, define the environment
variable CX_WIN8_MB_TWO on the remote machine.
The non-iterative time advancement (NITA) solver is applicable with only a limited set of models. See
the ANSYS Fluent User's Guide for more details.
NITA (using fractional time step method) is not compatible with porous media.
The following models are not available for the density-based solvers:
Volume-of-fluid (VOF) model
Multiphase mixture model
Eulerian multiphase model
Non-premixed combustion model
Premixed combustion model
Partially premixed combustion model
Composition PDF transport model
Soot model
Rosseland radiation model
Melting/solidification model
Enhanced Coherent Flamelet model
Inert model: transport of inert species (EGR in IC engines)
Dense discrete phase model
Shell conduction model
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Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

Floating operating pressure
Spark ignition and auto-ignition models
Physical velocity formulation for porous media
Selective multigrid (SAMG)
The pressure-based coupled solver is not available with the following features:
Fixed velocity
The AMG cycle for scalar models using the pseudo-transient method is dependent upon the order in
which the models and pseudo-transient formulation are set up. Models added or changed after pseudotransient is enabled will not use F-cycle as documented. This can lead to differences in convergence
behavior depending on the sequence of set up steps. A workaround is to disable and then re-enable
pseudo-transient after any changes to models and before iterating.
On some Linux platforms, pressing Ctrl+C will not interrupt the solution. A suggested workaround is
to use the checkpoint mechanism in Fluent to save files and/or exit Fluent. (Checkpointing an ANSYS
Fluent Simulation in the Fluent Getting Started Guide)
User-defined functions (UDFs)
Interpreted UDFs cannot be used while running in parallel with an Infiniband interconnect. The compiled
UDF approach should be used in this case.
Graphics, Reporting, and Postprocessing
Monitors may continue to print/plot values, even if the zones on which they are defined are deactivated.
Fluent in Workbench
Coupling between Fluent and Q3D is not supported.
Third-party software
Fluent-Platform LSF integration is not supported on the MS Windows platform.
Fluent-SGE integration is supported only on Linux platforms.
Wave and GT-Power coupling are available only with stand-alone ANSYS Fluent and not in the Workbench
ANSYS Fluent releases 14.0 and later use the CHEMKIN-CFD KINetics library 2.4.
GT-Power is supported on the 32- and 64-bit Linux and Windows platforms.
Supported versions of third party software are listed below:


Third Party Software

Supported Version







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Known Limitations in ANSYS Fluent 15.0

Third Party Software

Supported Version







Data Explorer




EnSight 6 (TUI only)


EnSight Case Gold













IDEAS NX Series 11












Bulk data input file - MSC.NASTRAN 2007




PTC/Mechanica Wildfire 4.0


9.0 (Export). Tecplot file format, version 11.2






In parallel, custom vectors cannot be created from components that are custom field functions themselves.
The IRIS Image and HPGL hardcopy formats are no longer supported in ANSYS Fluent.
When using ANSYS Fluent with the Remove Solve Manager (RSM):
Only one copy of a saved project that is in the pending state can reconnect successfully.
System Coupling is not supported.
Ansoft Coupling is not supported.
UDFs are supported with limitations as detailed in Submitting Fluent Jobs to RSM in Workbench
User's Guide.
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Introduction to ANSYS Fluent

The turbo-averaged contour plot in turbomachinery post-processing may give an unexpected
contour region in a selected topology.
Connecting or disconnecting a VPN network while running a Fluent simulation will result in a failure
because of changes to the network interface.


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Chapter 2: Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS Fluent

Before you begin your CFD analysis using ANSYS Fluent, careful consideration of the following issues
will contribute significantly to the success of your modeling effort. Also, when you are planning a CFD
project, be sure to take advantage of the customer support available to all ANSYS Fluent users.
For more information, see the following sections:
2.1. Steps in Solving Your CFD Problem
2.2. Planning Your CFD Analysis

2.1. Steps in Solving Your CFD Problem

Once you have determined the important features of the problem you want to solve, follow the basic
procedural steps shown below.
1. Define the modeling goals.
2. Create the model geometry and mesh.
3. Set up the solver and physical models.
4. Compute and monitor the solution.
5. Examine and save the results.
6. Consider revisions to the numerical or physical model parameters, if necessary.
Step 2. of the solution process requires a geometry modeler and mesh generator. You can use DesignModeler and ANSYS Meshing within ANSYS Workbench or you can use a separate CAD system for
geometry modeling and mesh generation. When meshing 3D geometries, you can also use the meshing
mode of Fluent. Alternatively, you can use supported CAD packages to generate volume meshes for
import into ANSYS Fluent (see the User's Guide). For more information on creating geometry and generating meshes using each of these programs, refer to their respective manuals.
The details of the remaining steps are covered in the User's Guide.

2.2. Planning Your CFD Analysis

For each of the problem-solving steps, there are some questions that you need to consider:
Defining the Modeling Goals
What results are you looking for, and how will they be used?
What are your modeling options?
What physical models will need to be included in your analysis?
What simplifying assumptions do you have to make?
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Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS Fluent

What simplifying assumptions can you make?
Do you require a unique modeling capability?
Could you utilize user-defined functions (written in C)?
What degree of accuracy is required?
How quickly do you need the results?
How will you isolate a piece of the complete physical system?
Where will the computational domain begin and end?
Do you have boundary condition information at these boundaries?
Can the boundary condition types accommodate that information?
Can you extend the domain to a point where reasonable data exists?
Can it be simplified or approximated as a 2D or axisymmetric problem?
Creating Your Model Geometry and Mesh
ANSYS Fluent uses unstructured meshes in order to reduce the amount of time you spend generating
meshes, to simplify the geometry modeling and mesh generation process, to enable modeling of
more complex geometries than you can handle with conventional, multi-block structured meshes,
and to enable you to adapt the mesh to resolve the flow-field features. ANSYS Fluent can also use
body-fitted, block-structured meshes (for example, those used by ANSYS Fluent 4 and many other
CFD solvers). ANSYS Fluent is capable of handling triangular and quadrilateral elements (or a combination of the two) in 2D, and tetrahedral, hexahedral, pyramid, wedge, and polyhedral elements (or a
combination of these) in 3D. This flexibility enables you to pick mesh topologies that are best suited
for your particular application, as described in the User's Guide.
For 3D geometries, you can create the mesh using the meshing mode of Fluent; otherwise, you must
generate the initial mesh (whatever the element types used) outside of Fluent or use one of the CAD
systems for which mesh import filters exist. When in solution mode, Fluent can be used to adapt all
types of meshes (except for polyhedral), in order to resolve large gradients in the flow field.
The following questions should be considered when you are generating a mesh:
Can you benefit from other ANSYS, Inc. products such as CFX, ANSYS Icepak, or ANSYS Airpak?
Can you use a quad/hex mesh or should you use a tri/tet mesh or a hybrid mesh?
How complex is the geometry and flow?
Will you need a non-conformal interface?
What degree of mesh resolution is required in each region of the domain?
Is the resolution sufficient for the geometry?
Can you predict regions with high gradients?


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Planning Your CFD Analysis

Will you use adaption to add resolution?
Do you have sufficient computer memory?
How many cells are required?
How many models will be used?
Setting Up the Solver and Physical Models
For a given problem, you will need to:
Import and check the mesh.
Select the numerical solver (for example, density based, pressure based, unsteady, and so on).
Select appropriate physical models.
Turbulence, combustion, multiphase, and so on.
Define material properties.
Prescribe operating conditions.
Prescribe boundary conditions at all boundary zones.
Provide an initial solution.
Set up solver controls.
Set up convergence monitors.
Initialize the flow field.
Computing and Monitoring Your Solution
The discretized conservation equations are solved iteratively.
A number of iterations are usually required to reach a converged solution.
Convergence is reached when:
Changes in solution variables from one iteration to the next are negligible.
Residuals provide a mechanism to help monitor this trend.
Overall property conservation is achieved.
The accuracy of a converged solution is dependent upon:

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Basic Steps for CFD Analysis using ANSYS Fluent

Appropriateness and accuracy of physical models.
Mesh resolution and independence.
Problem setup.
Examining and Saving Your Results
Examine the results to review the solution and extract useful data.
Visualization tools can be used to answer such questions as:
What is the overall flow pattern?
Is there separation?
Where do shocks, shear layers, and so on form?
Are key flow features being resolved?
Numerical reporting tools can be used to calculate the following quantitative results:
Forces and moments
Average heat transfer coefficients
Surface and volume integrated quantities
Flux balances
Revising Your Model
Once your solution is converged, the following questions should be considered when you are analyzing
the solution:
Are physical models appropriate?
Is flow turbulent?
Is flow unsteady?
Are there compressibility effects?
Are there 3D effects?
Are boundary conditions correct?
Is the computational domain large enough?
Are boundary conditions appropriate?
Are boundary values reasonable?
Is the mesh adequate?


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Planning Your CFD Analysis

Can the mesh be adapted to improve results?
Does the solution change significantly with adaption, or is the solution mesh independent?
Does boundary resolution need to be improved?

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Chapter 3: Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS Fluent

The following guidelines can help you make sure your CFD simulation is a success. Before logging a
technical support request, make sure you do the following:
1. Examine the quality of the mesh in Fluent.
There are two basic things that you should do before you start a simulation:
Perform a mesh check to avoid problems due to incorrect mesh connectivity, and so on. In particular,
you should be sure that the minimum reported cell volume is not negative.
Look at maximum cell skewness (for example, using the Compute button in the Contours dialog box
after initializing the model). As a rule of thumb, the skewness should be below 0.98. You can also use
the Report Quality function to calculate the minimum cell orthogonality. You can find more details
about mesh quality considerations in Mesh Quality in the Fluent User's Guide.
If there are mesh problems, you may have to re-mesh the problem.
2. Scale the mesh and check length units.
In ANSYS Fluent, all physical dimensions are initially assumed to be in meters. You should scale the
mesh accordingly. Other quantities can also be scaled independently of other units used. ANSYS
Fluent defaults to SI units.
3. Employ the appropriate physical models.
4. Set the energy under-relaxation factor between 0.95 and 1.
For problems with conjugate heat transfer, when the conductivity ratio is very high, smaller values
of the energy under-relaxation factor practically stall the convergence rate.
5. Use node-based gradients with unstructured tetrahedral meshes.
The node-based averaging scheme is known to be more accurate than the default cell-based scheme
for unstructured meshes, most notably for triangular and tetrahedral meshes.
6. Monitor convergence with residuals history.
Residual plots can show when the residual values have reached the specified tolerance. After the

simulation, note if your residuals have decreased by at least 3 orders of magnitude to at least

For the pressure-based solver, the scaled energy residual must decrease to
. Also, the scaled

species residual may need to decrease to
to achieve species balance.

You can also monitor lift, drag, or moment forces as well as pertinent variables or functions (for
example, surface integrals) at a boundary or any defined surface.
7. Run the CFD simulation using second order discretization for better accuracy rather than a faster solution.
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Guide to a Successful Simulation Using ANSYS Fluent

A converged solution is not necessarily a correct one. You should use the second-order upwind
discretization scheme for final results.
8. Monitor values of solution variables to make sure that any changes in the solution variables from one
iteration to the next are negligible.
9. Verify that property conservation is satisfied.
After the simulation, note if overall property conservation has been achieved. In addition to monitoring residual and variable histories, you should also check for overall heat and mass balances. At
a minimum, the net imbalance should be less than 1% of the smallest flux through the domain
10. Check for mesh dependence.
You should ensure that the solution is mesh-independent and use mesh adaption to modify the
mesh or create additional meshes for the mesh-independence study.
11. Check to see that the solution makes sense based on engineering judgment.
If flow features do not seem reasonable, you should reconsider your physical models and boundary
conditions. Reconsider the choice of the boundary locations (or the domain). An inadequate choice
of domain (especially the outlet boundary) can significantly impact solution accuracy.
You are encouraged to collaborate with your technical support engineer in order to develop a solution
process that ensures good results for your specific application. This type of collaboration is a good investment of time for both yourself and the ANSYS Fluent support engineer.


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Chapter 4: Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

This chapter provides instructions for starting and executing ANSYS Fluent.
4.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent
4.2. Running ANSYS Fluent in Batch Mode
4.3. Switching Between Meshing and Solution Modes
4.4. Checkpointing an ANSYS Fluent Simulation
4.5. Cleaning Up Processes From an ANSYS Fluent Simulation
4.6. Exiting ANSYS Fluent

4.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent

The following sections describe how start ANSYS Fluent:
4.1.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher
4.1.2. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System
4.1.3. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Linux System
4.1.4. Command Line Startup Options

4.1.1. Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher

When you start ANSYS Fluent from the Linux or Windows command line with no arguments, from the
Windows Programs menu, or from the Windows desktop, Fluent Launcher will appear (Figure 4.1: Fluent
Launcher (p. 22)). In the Fluent Launcher, you can specify the dimensionality of the problem (2D or
3D), as well as other options (for example, whether you want a single-precision or double-precision

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

Figure 4.1: Fluent Launcher

Under Dimension, select 2D for two-dimensional problems, or select 3D for the three-dimensional
The Display Options enable you to change certain settings related to the graphics windows:
You can choose to have ANSYS Fluent automatically display the mesh immediately after reading a mesh
or case file by using the Display Mesh After Reading option (disabled by default). All of the boundary
zones will be displayed, except for the interior zones of 3D geometries. Note that your decision regarding
this option can be overridden after you have launched ANSYS Fluent: simply change the status of the
Display Mesh After Reading option in the Select File dialog box that opens when you are reading in
the mesh or case file.
You can choose to have the graphics windows embedded within the ANSYS Fluent application window
by using the Embed Graphics Windows option (enabled by default), rather than having floating graphics
You can choose to use the default Workbench Color Scheme in the graphics windows (that is, a blue
background), rather than the classic black background.
Under Options, you can do the following:
You can choose to run ANSYS Fluent in double-precision mode by enabling the Double-Precision option
(by default, you start ANSYS Fluent in single-precision mode).
You can choose to start ANSYS Fluent in meshing mode (rather than the default solution mode) by enabling
the Meshing Mode option. See the Fluent Meshing Users Guide for further details about the meshing
You can choose to use various job schedulers using the Use Job Scheduler option (for example, the Microsoft Job Scheduler for Windows, or LSF, SGE, and PBS Pro on Linux). For more information about using


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Starting ANSYS Fluent

Fluent Launcher with job schedulers, see Setting Scheduler Options in Fluent Launcher (p. 28), as well as
Setting Parallel Scheduler Options in Fluent Launcher in the User's Guide.
You can choose to run parallel simulations on Linux clusters, via the Windows interface using the Use
Remote Linux Nodes option (see Setting Remote Options in Fluent Launcher (p. 27) for details).
Under Processing Options, select Serial for the serial solver, or select Parallel to run the solver in
parallel (see Parallel Processing in the User's Guide).
If you select the Show More Options button, Fluent Launcher expands to reveal more options (Figure 4.2: The General Options Tab of Fluent Launcher (p. 24)). Note that once Fluent Launcher expands,
the Show More Options button becomes the Show Fewer Options button, allowing you to hide the
additional options.

Fluent Launcher also appears when you start ANSYS Fluent within ANSYS Workbench. For
more information, see the separate ANSYS Fluent in Workbench User's Guide. Setting General Options in Fluent Launcher

The General Options tab allows you to specify generic settings for running ANSYS Fluent.

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

Figure 4.2: The General Options Tab of Fluent Launcher


Specify the version of ANSYS Fluent by selecting the appropriate option in the Version drop-down list.
The drop-down list contains all of the available versions of ANSYS Fluent that exist in your ANSYS Fluent installation.
In addition, you start ANSYS Fluent in full solution mode. You can choose to run ANSYS Fluent where
only the set up or postprocessing capabilities are available by selecting the Pre/Post Only check
box. The full ANSYS Fluent solution mode allows you to set up, solve and postprocess a problem,
while Pre/Post Only allows you to set up or postprocess a problem, but will not allow you to
perform calculations.


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Starting ANSYS Fluent


Specify the path of your current working directory using the Working Directory field or click
browse through your directory structure. Note that a Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) path cannot
be set as a working directory, and you need to map a drive to the UNC path (Windows only).


Specify the location of the ANSYS Fluent installation on your system using the Fluent Root Path field,
or click

to browse through your directory structure to locate the installation directory; try to use

the UNC path if applicablethe

button automatically converts a local path to a UNC path if any
matching shared directory is found (Windows only). Once set, various fields in Fluent Launcher (for example, parallel settings, etc.) are automatically populated with the available options, depending on the
ANSYS Fluent installations that are available.

Specify the path and name of a journal file by selecting the Use Journal File check box and entering
the journal file location and name, or click
to browse through your directory structure to locate
the file. Using the journal file, you can automatically load the case, compile any user-defined functions,
iterate until the solution converges, and write results to an output file. Single-Precision and Double-Precision Solvers

Both single-precision and double-precision versions of ANSYS Fluent are available on all computer
platforms. For most cases, the single-precision solver will be sufficiently accurate, but certain types of
problems may benefit from the use of a double-precision version. Several examples are listed below:
If your geometry has features of very disparate length scales (for example, a very long, thin pipe), singleprecision calculations may not be adequate to represent the node coordinates.
If your geometry involves multiple enclosures connected via small-diameter pipes (for example, automotive
manifolds), mean pressure levels in all but one of the zones can be quite large (since you can set only
one global reference pressure location). Double-precision calculations may therefore be necessary to resolve
the pressure differences that drive the flow, since these will typically be much smaller than the pressure
For conjugate problems involving high thermal-conductivity ratios and/or high-aspect-ratio meshes, convergence and/or accuracy may be impaired with the single-precision solver, due to inefficient transfer of
boundary information.
For multiphase problems where the population balance model is used to resolve particle size distributions,
which could have statistical moments whose values span many orders of magnitude.

ANSYS Fluent allows only a period to be used as a decimal separator. If your system is set
to a European locale that uses a comma separator (for example, Germany), fields that accept
numeric input may accept a comma, but may ignore everything after the comma. If your
system is set to a non-European locale, numeric fields will not accept a comma at all.
ANSYS Workbench accepts commas as decimal delimiters. These are translated into periods
when data is passed to ANSYS Fluent.

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent Setting Parallel Options in Fluent Launcher

The Parallel Settings tab (Figure 4.3: The Parallel Settings Tab of Fluent Launcher (p. 26)) allows you
to specify settings for running ANSYS Fluent in parallel. This tab is only available if you have selected
Parallel under Processing Options. Once you select Parallel, you can specify the number of processes
using the Processes field under Solver. If your machine is equipped with General Purpose Graphics
Processing Units you can also specify GPGPUs per Machine. If you have selected Meshing Mode, you
will also need to specify Processes under Meshing (see Using Fluent Launcher in the ANSYS Fluent
Meshing User's Guide.
Figure 4.3: The Parallel Settings Tab of Fluent Launcher


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Starting ANSYS Fluent

For additional information about this tab, see Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher in
the User's Guide. Setting Remote Options in Fluent Launcher

The Remote tab (Figure 4.4: The Remote Tab of Fluent Launcher (p. 27)) allows you to specify settings
for running ANSYS Fluent parallel simulations on Linux clusters, via the Windows interface.
Figure 4.4: The Remote Tab of Fluent Launcher

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

For additional information about this tab, see Setting Additional Options When Running on Remote
Linux Machines in the User's Guide. Setting Scheduler Options in Fluent Launcher

The Scheduler tab (Figure 4.5: The Scheduler Tab of Fluent Launcher (Windows 64 Version) (p. 28)) allows
you to specify settings for running ANSYS Fluent with various job schedulers (for example, the Microsoft
Job Scheduler for Windows (64-bit only), or LSF, SGE, and PBS Pro on Linux). This tab is available if you
have selected Use Job Scheduler under Options.
Figure 4.5: The Scheduler Tab of Fluent Launcher (Windows 64 Version)


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Starting ANSYS Fluent

For additional information about this tab, see Setting Parallel Scheduler Options in Fluent Launcher in
the User's Guide. Setting Environment Options in Fluent Launcher

The Environment tab (Figure 4.6: The Environment Tab of Fluent Launcher (p. 29)) allows you to specify
compiler settings for compiling user-defined functions (UDFs) with ANSYS Fluent (Windows only). The
Environment tab also allows you to specify environment variable settings for running ANSYS Fluent.
Figure 4.6: The Environment Tab of Fluent Launcher

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

Specify a batch file that contains UDF compilation environment settings by selecting the Setup Compilation Environment for UDF check box (enabled by default). Once selected, you can then enter a
batch file name in the text field. By default, Fluent Launcher uses the udf.bat file that is located in
the directory where ANSYS Fluent is installed. It is recommended that you keep the default batch file,
which is tested with the latest MS Visual Studio C++ compilers at the time of the ANSYS Fluent release
date. For more information about compiling UDFs, see the separate ANSYS Fluent UDF Manual.
Under Other Environment Variables, enter or edit license file or environment variable information in
the text field. Using the Default button resets the default value(s).

4.1.2. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System

There are two ways to start ANSYS Fluent on a Windows system:
Click the Start button, select the All Programs menu, select the ANSYS 15.0 menu, select the Fluid Dynamics menu, the select the Fluent program item. (Note that if the default ANSYS 15.0 program group
name was changed when ANSYS Fluent was installed, you will find the Fluent menu item in the program
group with the new name that was assigned, rather than in the ANSYS 15.0 program group.) This option
starts Fluent Launcher (see Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher).
Start from a Command Prompt window by typing fluent 2d (for the 2D single-precision solver), fluent
3d (for the 3D single-precision solver), fluent 2ddp (for the 2D double-precision solver), or fluent
3ddp (for the 3D double-precision solver) at the prompt. Before doing so, however, you must first modify
your user environment so that the Command utility will find fluent. You can do this by executing the
setenv.exe program located in the ANSYS Fluent home directory (for example, C:\Program
Files\ANSYS Inc\v150\fluent\ntbin\win64). This program will add the ANSYS Fluent directory
to your command search path.
From the Command Prompt window, you can also start the parallel version of ANSYS Fluent. To start
the parallel version on x processors, type fluent version -tx at the prompt, replacing version
with the desired solver version (2d, 3d, 2ddp, or 3ddp) and x with the number of processors (for
example, fluent 3d -t4 to run the 3D version on 4 processors). For information about the parallel
version of ANSYS Fluent for Windows, see Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System in
the User's Guide.

4.1.3. Starting ANSYS Fluent on a Linux System

There are two ways to start ANSYS Fluent on a Linux system:
Start Fluent from the command line without specifying a version, and then use Fluent Launcher to choose
the appropriate version along with other options. See Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher for
Start the appropriate version from the command line by typing fluent 2d (for the 2D single-precision
solver), fluent 3d (for the 3D single-precision solver), fluent 2ddp (for the 2D double-precision
solver), or fluent 3ddp (for the 3D double-precision solver) at the prompt.
You can also start the parallel version of ANSYS Fluent from the command line. To start the parallel
version on x processors, type fluent version -tx at the prompt, replacing version with the
desired solver version (2d, 3d, 2ddp, or 3ddp) and x with the number of processors (for example,
fluent 3d -t4 to run the 3D version on 4 processors). See Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Linux
System in the User's Guide for more information about starting the parallel solvers.


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Starting ANSYS Fluent

If you are logged onto a Linux machine remotely, ANSYS Fluent picks the x11 driver by default. If your
remote desktop software supports opengl driver, you can launch ANSYS Fluent using the opengl
driver by either of the following two methods.
Use -driver opengl as a command line option.
Define HOOPS_PICTURE as an environment variable, either in the Linux console or under the Environment
tab of the Fluent Launcher.
For example:
Linux: setenv HOOPS_PICTURE opengl/:2.0
Fluent Launcher: HOOPS_PICTURE=opengl/:2.0
Where :2.0 is the value of the Linux DISPLAY environment variable.

4.1.4. Command Line Startup Options

To obtain information about available startup options, you can type fluent -help before starting
up Fluent. Table 4.1: Available Command Line Options for Linux and Windows Platforms (p. 31) lists the
available command line arguments for Linux and Windows. More detailed descriptions of these options
can be found in the following sections.
Table 4.1: Available Command Line Options for Linux and Windows Platforms





Start Fluent in server mode



Use the classic color scheme

-ccp x

Windows only

Use the Microsoft Job Scheduler where

x is the head node name.



Specify the hosts or machine list file



Sets the graphics driver (available

drivers vary by platform opengl or
x11 or null (Linux) opengl or msw
or null (Windows))



Show environment variables



Disables the embedded graphics



Run without the GUI or graphics (Linux);

Run with the GUI minimized (Windows)


Linux and Win64


Specify that ngpgpus GPGPUs per

machine should be used for AMG acceleration. Only available in parallel.



Run without graphics



Run without the GUI but with graphics

(Linux); Run with the GUI minimized
but with graphics (Windows)



Display command line options


Windows only

Run in batch mode

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent






Specify the IP interface to be used by

the host

-i journal


Reads the specified journal file


Linux only

Run ANSYS Fluent using LSF



Start ANSYS Fluent in meshing mode



Specify MPI implementation



Will launch an MPI program to collect

network performance data



Do not display mesh after reading


Linux only

Checks all nodes



Run the ANSYS Fluent post-processingonly executable



Choose the interconnect <ic>= default or myr or inf



List all releases installed



Specify release number



Specify a host machine for system




Specify a port on the host machine for

system coupling



Specify a unique name for a system

coupling participant


Linux only

Run ANSYS Fluent under Sun Grid Engine

-sge queue

Linux only

Name of the queue for a given computing grid

-sgeckpt ckpt_obj

Linux only

Set checkpointing object to ckpt_obj

for SGE

-sgepe fluent_pe min_n-max_n

Linux only

Set the parallel environment for SGE to

fluent_pe, min_n and max_n are
number of min and max nodes requested



Specify the number of processors x



Specify the number of processors for

meshing x Graphics Options

fluent -driver allows you to specify the graphics driver to be used in the session. For example,
on Linux you can specify fluent -driver opengl, fluent -driver x11, or fluent -driver
null. These options are described in detail in Hiding the Graphics Window Display in the User's Guide.
On Windows you can specify fluent -driver opengl or fluent -driver msw to enable
graphics display. Using msw instead of opengl instructs ANSYS Fluent to use the Operating Systems
Windows driver rather than the hardware OpenGL driver.


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Starting ANSYS Fluent

fluent -cc will run Cortex using the classic black background color in the graphics window.
fluent -fgw will run Cortex without the graphics window embedded in the application (for example,
fluent -g will run Cortex without graphics and without the graphical user interface. This option is
useful if you are not on an X Window display or if you want to submit a batch job.
fluent -gr will run Cortex without graphics. This option can be used in conjunction with the -i
journal option to run a job in background mode.
fluent -gu will run Cortex without the graphical user interface but will display the graphics window(s).
(On Windows systems, fluent -gu will run ANSYS Fluent, keeping it in a minimized window; if you
maximize the window, the GUI will be available.)
To start Fluent and immediately read a journal file, type fluent -i journal, replacing journal
with the name of the journal file you want to read.
fluent -nm will run Cortex without displaying the mesh in the graphics window. Meshing Mode Option

fluent -meshing specifies that Fluent opens in meshing mode rather than the default solution
mode. See the Fluent Meshing Users Guide for further details about the meshing mode. Parallel Options

These options are used in association with the parallel solver.
-ccp x (where x is the name of the head node) runs the parallel job through the Microsoft Job
Scheduler as described in Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent with the Microsoft Job Scheduler in the User's
-cnf=x (where x is the name of a hosts file) spawns a compute node on each machine listed in the
hosts file. Otherwise, you can spawn the processes as described in Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a
Windows System Using Command Line Options or Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Linux System
Using Command Line Options in the User's Guide.
-gpgpu=ngpgpus specifies the number of general purpose graphics processing units (GPGPUs) per
machine to be used for AMG acceleration. For more information, see Using General Purpose Graphics
Processing Units (GPGPUs) With the Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) Solver in the Fluent User's Guide.
-host_ip=host:ip specifies the IP interface to be used by the host process (Linux only).
-mpi=mpi specifies the MPI to be used. You can skip this flag if you choose to use the default MPI.
-mpitest runs the mpitest program instead of ANSYS Fluent to test the network.
-p<ic> specifies the use of parallel interconnect <ic>, where <ic> can be any of the interconnects
listed in Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System Using Command Line Options or Starting
Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Linux System Using Command Line Options in the User's Guide.
-pcheck checks the network connections before spawning compute nodes (Linux only).

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

-ssh (Linux only) specifies that ssh should be used to spawn remote processes instead of the default,
-tx specifies that x processors are to be used. For more information about starting the parallel version
of ANSYS Fluent, see Starting Parallel ANSYS Fluent on a Windows System or Starting Parallel ANSYS
Fluent on a Linux System in the User's Guide.
-tmx specifies that x processors are to be used for meshing. This value must be less than or equal to
the number of processes specified with -tx. Postprocessing Option

fluent -post will run a version of Fluent that allows you to set up a problem or perform postprocessing, but will not allow you to perform calculations. Running ANSYS Fluent for pre- and postprocessing
requires you to use the -post flag on startup. To use this option on Linux, launch ANSYS Fluent by
adding the -post flag after the version number, for example,
fluent 3d -post
To use this same feature from the graphical interface on Windows or Linux, select the Pre/Post option
in the General tab of Fluent Launcher, as described in Starting ANSYS Fluent Using Fluent Launcher. SGE Options

The -sge option runs ANSYS Fluent under Sun Grid Engine (SGE) software, and allows you to use the
features of this software to manage your distributed computing resources. Other options that can be
employed in conjunction with -sge are -sge, requested, -sgeq queue, -sgeckpt ckpt_obj,
and -sgepe fluent_pe min_n-max_n.
For a detailed explanation of these options, see Running Fluent Under SGE. LSF Option

The -lsf option allows you to run ANSYS Fluent under Platform Computing Corporations LSF software,
and thereby take advantage of the checkpointing features of that load management tool. For further
details about using the -lsf option, see Running Fluent Under LSF. Version and Release Options

Typing fluent version -r, replacing version with the desired version, will list all releases of
the specified version.
fluent -rx will run release x of ANSYS Fluent. You may specify a version as well, or you can wait
and specify the version when prompted.
fluent -env will list all environment variables before running ANSYS Fluent. System Coupling Options

The following command line options (in either Windows or Linux) can be used when ANSYS Fluent is
involved in a system coupling simulation.
-schost=x (where x is the name of the host machine, in quotes) specifies the host machine on which
the coupling service is running (to which the co-simulation participant/solver must connect).

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Running ANSYS Fluent in Batch Mode

-scport=y (where y is the port number) specifies the port on the host machine upon which the
coupling service is listening for connections from co-simulation participants.
-scname=z (where z is the name of the participant, in quotes) specifies the unique name used by the
co-simulation participant to identify itself to the coupling service (see System Coupling Server File
(scServer.scs) in the System Coupling Guide for more information).
The general syntax for invoking ANSYS Fluent for system coupling is:
fluent 3d schost=host name in quotes scport=port number scname=name of the solver in
For instance:
fluent 3d schost=" scport=1234 scname="Solution1"

Once ANSYS Fluent loads and the case, initialize the solution using the following command:
(s i i)

Once your case is initialized, start the system coupling by typing the following command in the ANSYS
Fluent text user interface (TUI):

For more information, see Performing System Coupling Simulations Using Fluent in Workbench in the
Fluent in Workbench Users Guide, as well as the System Coupling Guide. Other Startup Options

There are other startup options that are not listed when you type the fluent -help command.
These options can be used to customize your graphical user interface. For example, to change the ANSYS
Fluent window size and position you can either modify the .Xdefaults file (Linux only) described in
Customizing the Graphical User Interface (Linux Systems Only) in the User's Guide, or you can simply
type the following command at startup:
fluent [version] [-geometry] [XXxYY+00-50]

where XX and YY are the width and height in pixels, respectively, and +00-50 is the position of the
Therefore, typing fluent 3d -geometry 700x500+20-400 will start the 3D version of ANSYS
Fluent, sizing the ANSYS Fluent console to 700x500 pixels and positioning it on your monitor screen at

4.2. Running ANSYS Fluent in Batch Mode

ANSYS Fluent can be used interactively, with input from and display to your computer screen, or it can
be used in a batch or background mode in which inputs are obtained from and outputs are stored in
files. Generally you will perform problem setup, initial calculations, and postprocessing of results in an
interactive mode. However, when you are ready to perform a large number of iterative calculations,
you may want to run ANSYS Fluent in batch or background mode. This allows the computer resources
to be prioritized, enables you to control the process from a file (eliminating the need for you to be
present during the calculation), and also provides a record of the calculation history (residuals) in an
output file. While the procedures for running ANSYS Fluent in a batch mode differ depending on your
computer operating system, Background Execution on Linux Systems (p. 36) provides guidance for

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

running in batch/background on Linux systems, and Background Execution on Windows Systems (p. 37)
provides guidance for running in batch/background on Windows systems.
For additional information, see the following sections:
4.2.1. Background Execution on Linux Systems
4.2.2. Background Execution on Windows Systems
4.2.3. Batch Execution Options

4.2.1. Background Execution on Linux Systems

To run ANSYS Fluent in the background in a C-shell (csh) on a Linux system, type a command of the
following form at the system-level prompt:
fluent 2d -g < inputfile > & outputfile &

or in a Bourne/Korn-shell, type:
fluent 2d -g < inputfile > outputfile 2>&1 &

In these examples,
fluent is the command you type to execute ANSYS Fluent interactively.
-g indicates that the program is to be run without the GUI or graphics (see Starting ANSYS Fluent (p. 21)).
inputfile is a file of ANSYS Fluent commands that are identical to those that you would type interactively.
outputfile is a file that the background job will create, which will contain the output that ANSYS Fluent would normally print to the screen (for example, the menu prompts and residual reports).
& tells the Linux system to perform this task in background and to send all standard system errors (if any)
to outputfile.
The file inputfile can be a journal file created in an earlier ANSYS Fluent session, or it can be a file
that you have created using a text editor. In either case, the file must consist only of text interface
commands (since the GUI is disabled during batch execution). A typical inputfile is shown below:
; Read case file
rc example.cas
; Initialize the solution
; Calculate 50 iterations
it 50
; Write data file
wd example50.dat
; Calculate another 50 iterations
it 50
; Write another data file
wd example100.dat
; Exit Fluent

This example file reads a case file example.cas, initializes the solution, and performs 100 iterations
in two groups of 50, saving a new data file after each 50 iterations. The final line of the file terminates
the session. Note that the example input file makes use of the standard aliases for reading and writing
case and data files and for iterating. (it is the alias for /solve/iterate, rc is the alias for
/file/read-case, wd is the alias for /file/write-data, etc.) These predefined aliases allow you
to execute commonly used commands without entering the text menu in which they are found. In

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Running ANSYS Fluent in Batch Mode

general, ANSYS Fluent assumes that input beginning with a / starts in the top-level text menu, so if
you use any text commands for which aliases do not exist, you must be sure to type in the complete
name of the command (for example, /solve/initialize/initialize-flow). Note also that
you can include comments in the file. As in the example above, comment lines must begin with a ;
An alternate strategy for submitting your batch run, as follows, has the advantage that the outputfile
will contain a record of the commands in the inputfile. In this approach, you would submit the
batch job in a C-shell using:
fluent 2d -g -i inputfile

>& outputfile &

or in a Bourne/Korn-shell using:
fluent 2d -g -i inputfile > outputfile 2>&1 &

4.2.2. Background Execution on Windows Systems

To run ANSYS Fluent in the background on a Windows system, the following commands can be used:
fluent 3d -g -i journal
fluent 3d -g -wait -i journal
fluent 3d -hidden -i journal

In these examples,
fluent is the command you type to execute ANSYS Fluent interactively.
-g indicates that the program is to be run minimized in the task bar.
-i journal reads the specified journal file.
-wait is the command you type in a DOS batch file or some other script in a situation where the script
must wait until ANSYS Fluent has completed its run.
-hidden is similar to the -wait command, but also executes ANSYS Fluent completely hidden and noninteractively.
To get an output (or transcript) file while running ANSYS Fluent in the background on a Windows system,
the journal file must contain the following command to write a transcript file:
; start transcript file
/file/start-transcript outputfile.trn

where the outputfile is a file that the background job will create, which will contain the output
that ANSYS Fluent would normally print to the screen (for example, the menu prompts and residual
See Creating and Reading Journal Files in the User's Guide for details about journal files. See Creating
Transcript Files in the User's Guide for details about transcript files.

4.2.3. Batch Execution Options

During a typical session, ANSYS Fluent may require feedback from you in the event of a problem it encounters. ANSYS Fluent usually communicates problems or questions through the use of Error dialog
boxes, Warning dialog boxes, or Question dialog boxes. While executing ANSYS Fluent in batch mode,
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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

you may want to suppress this type of interaction in order to, for example, create journal files more
There are three common batch configuration options available to you when running ANSYS Fluent in
batch mode. You can access these options using the Batch Options dialog box (Figure 4.7: The Batch
Options Dialog Box (p. 38)).
File Batch Options...
Figure 4.7: The Batch Options Dialog Box

The Batch Options dialog box contains the following items:

Confirm File Overwrite
determines whether ANSYS Fluent confirms a file overwrite. This option is turned on by default.
Hide Questions
allows you to hide Question dialog boxes. This option is turned off by default.
Exit on Error
allows you to automatically exit from batch mode when an error occurs. This option is turned off by
Note that these options are also available in the file/set-batch-options command in the text
file set-batch-options
Any combination of these options can be turned on or off at any given time prior to running in batch

Batch option settings are not saved with case files. They are meant to apply for the duration
of the current ANSYS Fluent session only. If you read in additional mesh or case files during
this session, the batch option settings will not be altered. As batch options are not saved
with case files, journal files developed for use in batch mode should begin by enabling the
desired batch option settings (if different from the default settings).


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Checkpointing an ANSYS Fluent Simulation

4.3. Switching Between Meshing and Solution Modes

You can switch from the meshing mode of Fluent to the solution mode by clicking the Switch to
button, located by default in the top left corner of the application window. The mesh
from your meshing mode session will be transferred and read in the new solution mode session.
You can switch from the solution mode of Fluent to the meshing mode by using the switch-tomeshing-mode text command. Note that this text command is only available for 3D sessions, before
you have read a mesh or case file.

4.4. Checkpointing an ANSYS Fluent Simulation

The checkpointing feature of ANSYS Fluent allows you to save case and data files while your simulation
is running. While similar to the autosave feature of ANSYS Fluent (Automatic Saving of Case and Data
Files in the User's Guide), which allows you to save files throughout a simulation, checkpointing allows
you slightly more control in that you can save an ANSYS Fluent job even after you have started the job
and did not set the autosave option. Checkpointing also allows you to save case and data files and then
exit out of ANSYS Fluent. This feature is especially useful when you need to stop an ANSYS Fluent job
abruptly and save its data.
There are two different ways to checkpoint an ANSYS Fluent simulation, depending upon how the
simulation has been started.
1. ANSYS Fluent running under LSF or SGE
ANSYS Fluent is integrated with load management tools like LSF and SGE. These two tools allow
you to checkpoint any job running under them. You can use the standard method provided by
these tools to checkpoint the ANSYS Fluent job.
For more information on using ANSYS Fluent and SGE or LSF, see Running Fluent Under SGE or
Running Fluent Under LSF, respectively.
2. Independently running ANSYS Fluent
When not using tools such as LSF or SGE, a different checkpointing mechanism can be used when
running an ANSYS Fluent simulation. You can checkpoint an ANSYS Fluent simulation while iterating/time-stepping, so that ANSYS Fluent saves the case and data files and then continues the calculation, or so that ANSYS Fluent saves the case and data files and then exits.
Saving case and data files and continuing the calculation:
On Linux, create a file called check-fluent, that is,

On Windows, create a file called check-fluent.txt, that is,


Saving case and data files and exiting ANSYS Fluent:

On Linux, create a file called exit-fluent, that is,

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Starting and Executing ANSYS Fluent

On Windows, create a file called exit-fluent.txt, that is,

The saved case and data files will have the current iteration number appended to their file names.
ANSYS Fluent offers an alternate way to checkpoint an unsteady simulation. While the default behavior is to checkpoint the simulation at the end of the current iteration, for unsteady simulations you
have the option of completing all of the iterations in the current time-step before checkpointing.
This can be set by entering the following Scheme command prior to running the unsteady simulation:

Now when you save the checkpoint file (as described previously), the case and data file will be saved
at the end of the current time-step and named accordingly. To switch back to the default checkpointing mechanism at the end of the current iteration, use the following Scheme command:
(ckpt/time-step? #f)

Note that the (ckpt/time-step? #t) command will have the effect only in the case
of an unsteady simulation.

It is recommended that you do not use checkpointing when using ANSYS Fluent in Workbench.
However, if checkpointing is necessary, the exit-fluent/exit-fluent.txt file can
be used and the file will be checked in its default location (the FFF/FLU system directory
containing the *.set file). If ANSYS Fluent is calculating, then the existence of the file is
equivalent to an interrupt command. Similarly, the check-fluent/check-fluent.txt
file can be used to save the project on demand when ANSYS Fluent is calculating.

4.5. Cleaning Up Processes From an ANSYS Fluent Simulation

ANSYS Fluent lets you easily remove extraneous processes in the event that an ANSYS Fluent simulation
must be stopped.
When a session is started, ANSYS Fluent creates a cleanup-fluent script file. The script can be used
to clean up all ANSYS Fluent-related processes. ANSYS Fluent creates the cleanup-script file in the current
working directory with a file name that includes the machine name and the process identification
number (PID) (for example, cleanup-fluent-mymachine-1234).
If the current directory does not possess the proper write permissions, then ANSYS Fluent will write the
cleanup-script file to your home directory.
If, for example, ANSYS Fluent is started on a machine called thor and the process identification number
is 32895, ANSYS Fluent will create a cleanup-script called cleanup-fluent-thor-32895 in the
current directory. To run the cleanup-script, and clean up all ANSYS Fluent processes related to your
session, on Linux platforms, type the following command in the console window:


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Exiting ANSYS Fluent

sh cleanup-fluent-thor-32895

Or, if the shell script already has executable permissions, simply type:

To clean up extraneous ANSYS Fluent processes on Windows (serial or parallel), double-click the corresponding batch file (for example, cleanup-fluent-thor-32895.bat) that ANSYS Fluent generates
at the beginning of each session.

During a normal run, this file will be deleted automatically after exiting ANSYS Fluent. In
abnormal situations, you may use this batch file to clean up the ANSYS Fluent processes.
Once an ANSYS Fluent session has been closed, you can safely delete any left over cleanup
scripts from your working directory.

If an ANSYS Fluent session hangs or freezes on Windows, and you want to view the complete
contents of the ANSYS Fluent console output in a transcript file, you should use the taskkill
command through the DOS command prompt, rather than terminating the ANSYS Fluent
application through the Windows Task Manager.

4.6. Exiting ANSYS Fluent

You can exit ANSYS Fluent by selecting Exit in the File pull-down menu. If the present state of the
program has not been written to a file, a Question dialog box will open to confirm if you want to
proceed. You can cancel the exit and write the appropriate file(s) or you can continue to exit without
saving the case or data.

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Glossary of Terms
This glossary contains a listing of terms commonly used throughout the documentation.
adaption (p. 43)
case files (p. 43)
cell types (p. 44)
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) (p. 44)
console (p. 45)
convergence (p. 45)
cortex (p. 45)
data files (p. 45)
dialog boxes (p. 45)
discretization (p. 45)
GUI (p. 45)
mesh (p. 45)
models (p. 45)
node (p. 45)
postprocessing (p. 45)
residuals (p. 45)
skewness (p. 45)
solvers (p. 46)
terminal emulator (p. 46)
TUI (p. 46)

A technique useful in improving overall mesh quality. The solution-adaptive mesh refinement feature of ANSYS Fluent allows you to refine and/or
coarsen your mesh based on geometric and numerical solution data. In
addition, ANSYS Fluent provides tools for creating and viewing adaption
fields customized to particular applications.

case files

Files that contain the mesh, boundary conditions, and solution parameters
for a problem. A case file also contains the information about the user
interface and graphics environment.

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Glossary of Terms
cell types

The various shapes or units that constitute the base elements of a mesh.
ANSYS Fluent can use meshes comprised of tetrahedral, hexahedral,
pyramid, wedge, or polyhedral cells (or a combination of these).
Figure 10: Cell Types

computational fluid dynamics (CFD)


The science of predicting fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer (as in
perspiration or dissolution), phase change (as in freezing or boiling),
chemical reaction (for example, combustion), mechanical movement (for
example, fan rotation), stress or deformation of related solid structures
(such as a mast bending in the wind), and related phenomena by solving

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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

the mathematical equations that govern these processes using a numerical algorithm on a computer.

The console is part of the ANSYS Fluent application window that allows
for text command input and the display of information.


The point at which the solution is no longer changing with each successive iteration. Convergence criteria, along with a reduction in residuals,
also help in determining when a solution is complete. Convergence criteria are pre-set conditions on the residuals that indicate that a certain
level of convergence has been achieved. If the residuals for all problem
variables fall below the convergence criteria but are still in decline, the
solution is still changing to a greater or lesser degree. A better indicator
occurs when the residuals flatten in a traditional residual plot (of residual
value vs. iteration). This point, sometimes referred to as convergence at
the level of machine accuracy, takes time to reach, however, and may
be beyond your needs. For this reason, alternative tools such as reports
of forces, heat balances, or mass balances can be used instead.


A utility that manages ANSYS Fluents user interface and basic graphical

data files

Files that contain the values of the flow field in each grid element and
the convergence history (residuals) for that flow field.

dialog boxes

The separate windows that are used like forms to perform input tasks.
Each dialog box is unique and employs various types of input controls
that make up the form.


The act of replacing the differential equations that govern fluid flow with
a set of algebraic equations that are solved at distinct points.


The graphical user interface, which consists of the main ANSYS Fluent
application window, dialog boxes, graphics windows, etc.


A collection of points representing the flow field, where the equations

of fluid motion (and temperature, if relevant) are calculated.


Numerical algorithms that approximate physical phenomenon (for example, turbulence).


The distinct points of a mesh (p. 45) at which the equations of fluid
motion are solved.


The act of analyzing the numerical results of your CFD simulation using
reports, integrals, and graphical analysis tools such as contour plots, animations, etc.


The small imbalance that is created during the course of the iterative
solution algorithm. This imbalance in each cell is a small, non-zero value
that, under normal circumstances, decreases as the solution progresses.


The difference between the shape of the cell and the shape of an equilateral cell of equivalent volume. Highly skewed cells can decrease accuracy and destabilize the solution.
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Glossary of Terms

ANSYS Fluent has two distinct solvers, based on numerical precision

(single-precision vs. double-precision). Within each of these categories,
there are solver formulations: pressure based; density based explicit; and
density based implicit.

terminal emulator

See console (p. 45).


The text user interface, which consists of textual commands that can be
entered into the terminal emulator.


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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

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