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Prestige WP QuickStart and FAQs

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Additional FAQ
for Prestige Ultimate
WordPress Theme



Advanced and functional WordPress Theme with unique features

big collections of skins with various designs

over 130 shortcodes with full live documentation
over 20 widgets (custom widgets)
30 fonts
6 header icons sets
DC Rating System Plugin
DC Newsletter Plugin
5 Homepage Sliders
Portfolio and News pages with own categories
Functional Galleries
Multiple Blogs, Portfolios, News and Galleries
Advanced Footer
Extensive documentation
Totally customizable content



Table of Contents

1. Quick Start: Basic Tips and Instructions

1.1. Prestige Plugins and Widgets Installation

1.2. Page Content
1.3. Homepage Content
1.4. Homepage Extra Content Options
1.5. Homepage: Sidebar and Page Content
1.6. Customizing Homepage Layout
1.7. Building the Footer
1.8. Creating and Using Sidebars
1.9. WordPress Basic Help and Shortcodes Basic Help
1.10. Creating Post/News/Project Excerpt


2. FAQs Frequently Asked Question plus Some Useful Tips

2.3. BLOG
2.9. Customizations
2.10. Solutions for Probelms and Errors

Totally customizable content





1. Quick Start: Basic Tips and Instructions

In PDF User Guide file you will find instruction how to install the theme. Below we added a few
tips that might be helpful when you begin to work with Prestige theme. This section will help
you to quickly start work on your site without problems. If you will find more about some part
of this description, take a look into the PDF User Guide.

1.1. Prestige Plugins and Widgets Installation

If you want to use Prestige plugins/widgets it is important to first copy/move all files from "plugins"
folder (located in Prestige theme folder) into "plugins" folder (located in wp-content). After this you
can go to Plugins section in WP backend and activate Prestige plugins.
If there is a custom Prestige widget of the same type as the original WordPress widget, then you should
use custom Prestige widget. For example instead of Categories use dcwp_Categories.

1.2. Page Content

Pages section in WordPress allows to create new pages and here you can also add/edit content for
these pages. When you start to edit a page in Prestige we recommend to switch for HTML editor - this
allows you to use shortcodes without problems.
In HTML editor you can use special buttons that we added to the top editor options bar. Like for
example headings tags or paragraph buttons - the p button and dcs_p button allows you to easily close
text in paragraphs with just one click (just select paragraph and click on p button). And if you would
like to bring auto-formatting for text content go to FAQs to find a simple solution for this.

1.3. Homepage Content

IMPORTANT! When you start to build your homepage, remember that after you will create a page with
"Homepage" page template you must select this page as "A Static Page" option in Settings > Reading.
This option is important also for a proper work of homepage sliders and skins background system.
In Prestige > General section you can select a homepage slider, main colors and font. Homepage
Sliders options are located in special sections, like for example Prestige > Accordion Slider, or Prestige
> Progress Slider.
Homepage slogan can be edited in Prestige > Home section - here you can also hide homepage slogan
or slogan author description with one click.

1.4. Homepage Extra Content Options

In Prestige > Home section you will find also two textareas for extra content: "Homepage slider extra
content" and "Homepage extra content". Both content fields allow you to insert a full width content
(you can also divide this content into columns using Columns Shortcodes).
The first one (Homepage slider extra content) puts content above the homepage slogan - it is very useful
especially if you would like to replace the homepage slider with some single video or shortcode (you can hide
homepage slider in Prestige > General section with one click and then insert some shortcode in this textarea).

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The second one (Homepage extra content) inserts the content between the slogan and above the page
content it is useful when you want to have a full width content construction between slider and the
main content of homepage. In our Live Preview this field was used to insert a 4 columns shortcode on
The content from these extra content fields will be displayed only if "Show..." option is selected (it is
located below each field).
The extra content boxes (in Prestige > Home section) are special options that allow you to easy
customize the layout of the homepage. If you will look on our homepage from this Live Preview there
is also a part with Sidebar and Latest News column. This is not created in Prestige > Home section this part is created in Pages section.

1.5. Homepage: Sidebar and Page Content

By default, in Prestige > Home section, option "Display homepage sidebar" is selected - for page with
"Homepage" template a sidebar is used.
If your homepage uses sidebar, you can select sidebar for your homepage in Custom Page Settings option named as "Page Sidebar" - to use this option you must first create at least one sidebar in Prestige
> General section. You can build your sidebars from widgets in Appearance > Widgets section.
If you want to insert some content for your page, you must go to Pages section and edit your page
that uses "homepage" template. If you want to use shortcodes you must first switch to HTML editor. In
our Live Preview homepage, for this column we are using a heading shortcode (to create the title for
Latest News section) and recent news shortcode (to display latest posts from News section). But you
can make any other construction that will work the best for your site, with sidebar or without it.
In Prestige > Home you can hide homepage sidebar with one click - if you will turn off option named as
"Display homepage sidebar" in Prestige > Home, it will change the homepage template to full width.

1.6. Customizing Homepage Layout

Homepage can be customized in many ways, it can be a construction with slider or without it, a simple
page with only a slider, or maybe a layout with a slider and some text information in columns, it can
be also a full packed homepage with many informations and various layout constructions like for
example mixed full width content with classic sidebar layout. With the Prestige shortcodes and options
like homepage extra content it is simple and easy. Some complex homepage layouts might need you
to look on the shortcodes description, make a small plan for this and choose the best way to produce
your idea, but everything is documented here Live and also in PDF User Guide, so this shouldnt be
hard even for WP beginners. Thanks to this, with Prestige theme you can create your unique layout
with great functionality.

1.7. Building the Footer

In Prestige theme you can build footer from 4 elements: Footer links, Widgetized Footer, Bottom
Copyright text line, and bottom logo. You decide which element to display on your site - in Prestige
> General options you can choose to display all four elements, or you can select only one or two
(for example only the bottom copyright text with a small logo). All with just a few clicks in CMS WP
To edit Footer links section you must go to Appearance > Editor section and select footer.php file. Now
you can edit the links manually, or even change the construction in the code to your needs.
Widgetized footer can be created from 3 sidebars with widgets. Fist you must create 3 sidebars in
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Prestige > general section and the put some widgets for these sidebars in Appearance > Widgets. After
this you can select these sidebars for your Widgetized Footer in Prestige > General section.
Bottom copyright text line and footer logo you can edit also at the bottom of Prestige > General section.

1.8. Creating and Using Sidebars

If you want to create a sidebar first go to Prestige > General > Sidebars section and use "Add New
Sidebar" button. New sidebar will be visible on "Sidebars list" right below.
You can choose sidebar for page in Custom Page Settings. It is also possible to select sidebar for single
posts from Posts and Projects section - in Custom Post Settings.In Prestige > General > Sidebars section
it is possible to select a Default Sidebar. This default sidebar will be displayed on all pages without
individual sidebar selected in Custom Page Settings (applies only for pages with sidebar layout).
In Prestige > General > Blog/News/Projects settings section you can select a sidebar that will be
displayed on all Blog/News/Projects posts. Blog posts and Project posts can have also individual
sidebars selected for each post in Custom Post Settings - if individual sidebar is selected for these
posts, option from General section is not used.
In Prestige > General > Sidebars section it is possible to change the side for sidebar on all pages. By
default sidebar is on the left side, you can change the position to the right side. This option doesnt
applies for special "Sidebar Page Left" and "Sidebar Page Right" page templates - pages with this
template will always have sidebar on the left/right side.
To place widgets on sidebars go to Appearance > Widgets section. You can insert as many widgets as
you want on each sidebar.

1.9. WordPress Basic Help and Shortcodes Basic Help

Some basic help about WordPress: http://codex.wordpress.org/Main_Page
Shortcodes are rather easy to use and allow you to create and customize some complicated content
elements very easily. To use a shortcode for page or post, all you need to do is switch in WordPress
editor to HTML editor and insert a shortcode.
In Prestige theme each shortcode has some individual parameters described in our Live Preview demo
site under Show > Shortcodes List.
Each parameter must be added like this: [dcs_shortcode_name parameter_name="value"]
For example, for dcs_recent_posts you have a parameter "count" that defines number of recent posts
displayed on page, you can set the value for this parameter to lets say 3 and the shortcode with this
parameter will look like this: [dcs_recent_posts count="3"]
Then you can also add pagination for this shortcode with parameter paged and value "true", so
the shortcode with these two parameters "count" and "paged" looks like this: [dcs_recent_posts
Some shortcodes, like for example column shortcodes needs also a closing tag this is for shortcodes
that need some content to be put between these two opening and closing tags:
<h3>Some title</h3>
<p>some text</p>

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<h3>Some title</h3>
<p>some text</p>

1.10. Creating Post/News/Project Excerpt

If you insert some text content for posts without a more tag, all the content will be displayed on main
blog page. To display only an excerpt on page with "Blog" template or for dcs_recent_posts shortcode,
you must use the more tag in posts.
More tag looks like this: <!--more-->. You can use more button to insert this tag, or insert it manually.
You must insert more tag in place where you want the excerpt to end.
Here is also a bit more information about how a more tag works in WordPress:
If you are using shortcodes at the beginning of the post, you can use special description option from
Custom Post Settings that allows you to insert a text displayed as an excerpt on main Blog page.
In the same way you define excerpts for Projects and News posts.

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2. FAQs Frequently Asked Question plus Some

Useful Tips
Here you will find instructiond for using some of the Prestige theme features plus answers
on some questions about Prestige functionality and sipmle customizations. If you want find
answer in this section, you can look for it in Quick Start, or in PDF User Guide file.


2.1.1. How to change the site logo on header
1. Go to Prestige > General section and find Logo settings sub-section.
2. Click on Upload Image button and add you logo image (you will find a short instruction how
to use Upload Image buttons in a special note in part 1.4.4.).
3. If needed change the size parameters (logo width and height) and position (logo X and Y
4. Click on Save button.

2.1.2. How to create submenu and link it to other menu item

1. Create a submenu and choose this submenu name for item in Submenu column (see example below).

A shot from admin panel. Prestige > Menu section. Image shows an example of attaching the
submenu to menu top item. A submenu named as "Galleries" was created and selected for top
menu item with a name "Gallery".


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2.1.3. Main Navigation - How to create a main menu item (Prestige Menu System)
1. Go to Prestige > Menu section and create a main menu item using option Add new menu
top item. Before you click on this option you can write a name of the new item, or you can change
the name of this item later.
2. After a menu item is created in Top level elements section, you can write a manual link
for this item in Link column. You can also select a Page link in Page column (just select a
page from drop down list), but remember that for this option you must also select Use option
located next to Page column (by default Use option is selected for manuall Link column).
3. Changes for each item must be saved separately with Save button on the right side of each

2.2.1. How to create a slide and upload a slide image for homepage slider
1. Go to Prestige > Prestige/Accordion/Progress Slider section.
2. Click on Add New Slide button.
3. After new slide was created click on Upload button in this slide options.
4. Use Select Files button and choose image from local disk (or media library). Image should
be in proper size.
5. Choose Full Size option for uploaded image and click on Save all changes button. Then, in
the same window, go to Media Library bookmark at the top. Click on Show option next to
the uploaded image (first from the top), make sure the Full Size option is selected and click
on Insert into Post button.
6. If you want to display description for this slide you can use other slide options to build and select
a position for description field. This process sometimes needs additional changes after checking
the result on site because you have to find the best values for the description box position and
size. In slide options, for every slide you can also set a link (page link or custom path).
7. Click on Save button when you finish to create this slide and check the final result.

2.2.2. How to create homepage layout with recent news or recent posts
1. Create a page with Homepage page template. Then go to WordPress options Settings > Reading
and for Front page displays option select A static Page and choose your home page.
2. In Prestige > General section you can choose your homepage slider - after this you can
manage the slider in other Prestige cms sections.
3. Homepage slogan can be edited or hidden in Prestige > Home section. Here you can also
change colors for slogan and slogan author text.
4. In our Live Preview homepage you can see 4 columns area right below the slogan. If you want
to create this extra full width content between slider and homepage content, go to Prestige
> Home section and place the right code into Homepage extra content textarea (textarea
at the bottom). Show homepage extra content option must be selected (it is placed below this
textarea). Because you can use shortcodes in this field, it is possible to create here also other
columns construction or use any other shortcodes from Shortcodes List. Below is an example
of a four column layout content code:
<h3>Title text</h3><p>Some description text</p>

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<h3>Title text</h3><p>Some description text</p>
<h3>Title text</h3><p>Some description text</p>
<h3>Title text</h3><p>Some description text</p>
[dcs_thinspliter size="large" extra="10"]
5. If you want to place extra content above the homepage slogan, use the textarea named as
Homepage slider extra content.
6. Another part of our example homepage layout is page content with sidebar (this is not created
in Prestige > Home section). Sidebar you can choose in Custom Page Settings section, when
you edit page with "Homepage" template. If you want to create a sidebar, you must first go
to Prestige > General > Sidebars section and use Add New Sidebar button - after this you
can place the widgets on sidebar in Appearance > Widgets section. Also, display homepage
sidebar option must be selected in Prestige > Home section (it is selected by default) - turn
off this option only if you want to have homepage as a full width page without sidebar. More
about installing plugins/widgets and sidebar you will find in Prestige PDF User Guide file and
other sections of this PDF.
7. To display Latest News on homepage like in our dark Live Preview, you must first create
some news posts in special separate News section. Then you must add a dcs_recent_
news shortcode to the site content in Pages section choose homepage and insert the
shortcode into the editor (in HTML mode). Our full page content code for homepage looks
like this:
[dcs_heading size="1" align="left" mbottom="0" sub="DC Prestige Ultimate WP Theme"]
Latest News[/dcs_heading] [dcs_recent_news count="6" paged="true"]
8. If you want to add your recent blog posts on homepage instead of latest news (like the light
version live preview homepage) just replace dcs_recent_news shortcode with this content
shortcode: dcs_recent_posts. For this option, the full content code for homepage in HTML
editor looks like this:
[dcs_heading size="1" align="left" mbottom="0" sub="DC Prestige Ultimate WP Theme"]
Latest Posts[/dcs_heading] [dcs_recent_posts count="2" paged="true"]

2.2.3. Homepage Video Slider How to insert video path from You Tube or
Vimeo embed code
1. In Prestige > Video Slider section at least one slide must be created with Add New Slide
button. In slide options you will find Path to video on Vimeo or YouTube: textarea.
2. For video slider only a small part of the YouTube or Vimeo embed code must be copied (only
the video path). To get an embed code that works with video slider, you must choose on You
Tube option "Use old embed code" after you click on "Embed" button. If your You Tube embed
code for video looks like this...


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<object width="640" height="390"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/
v/JMYrKTU8Hmc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen"
value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"
width="640" height="390"></embed></object>
3. ...you must take only this part from embed code:
4. And for Vimeo videos, if video embed code looks like this...
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/5676472" width="400" height="225"
frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/5676472">Formula D Las Vegas
All In"</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/joshuaherron">Joshua Herron</a> on <a
5. ...you must take and insert it in Video Slider section only this part:
6. It works like this only for Video Slider. If you want to insert embeded videos in other part of
the site, like for example as a main media item for blog post just insert the full embed code
in Custom Post Settings.

2.3. BLOG
2.3.1. How to create a blog post with Vimeo or You Tube video
1. Go to Posts section and create a new post using Add New option.
2. Put title and all the content using HTML editor, select category, tags etc.
3. Upload a main image for this post (Post main image URL) - if you want to display thumb
image for this on widgets like Recent Posts. Uploading this image for videos is necessary
when you create a post for Post Portfolio page.
4. Go to Vimeo site and copy embed code for video. Put this code into video textarea in Custom
Post Settings.
5. Change both width and height values in this code - width property should be 600 pixels.
6. Publish this post.

2.3.2. How to add opaque mode to Vimeo or You Tube video embed code (this
mode avoids the videos to cover the main menu subnavigation). Not needed
when iframe code is used.
1. First copy the embed code to Video URL field
2. After pasting embed code find the beginning of <embed tag and add inside this tag a new
wmode parameter. This should look like this: wmode="opaque"
3. Save changes using Update button

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2.3.3. How to use images in other size than 600x270 for blog posts (but not
wider than 600px)
If you want to add an image for blog post as a main image, you must use JPG images 600x270
pixels big. But blog posts in Prestige theme can display as a main media item also videos or the
shortcode thanks to options from Custom Post Settings. You can use this options also to display
an image in other size than 600x270 pixels. Here is an instruction how to use this:
1. For this option Post main image URL you should use only images in the size from description
(600270), but if you want to use for some post images in other size it is possible, but only
with shortcode.
2. You can add image with image shortcode using another field from Custom Post Settings. For
example, use dcs_img shortcode and place it with your image path inside textarea named
as Post video URL / Shortcode:.
3. Here is the example of this shortcode:
4. Copy this code into Post video URL / Shortcode: and use your image path inside (this image
shouldnt be wider than 600px). The image will be centered.
5. You can also use some images bigger than 600px wide for this shortcode as posts main item,
but then you should use size (height, width) and thumb parameters to rescale it down. I
recommend to use size+thumb parameters also for smaller image, because it will look better
in site loading process. With these parameters the shortcode will look like this:
[dcs_img width="300" height="270" thumb="true"]
6. To decide about image position, use pos parameter for dcs_img shortcode you can decide if
the image is positioned to the left, right, center. But, when you add for example pos="left",
you must also add dcs_clearboth shortcode after dcs_img shortcode. The code with pos
parameter and dcs_clearboth can look like this for example:
[dcs_img pos="left" width="300" height="270" thumb="true"]
7. You can also use other shortcodes for posts in this way, like for example galleries, sliders etc.
More about dcs_img shortcode you will find in our Live Preciew demo site, under Show >
Shortcodes List > Image Shortcodes > dcs_img.
8. Another important thing, the shortcode area overwrites the image area, so if you inserted
image path for the image option and also placed some shortcode into Video / Shortcode
option, then only the shortcode effect will be visible.
9. For some widgets, thumbnails are generated from the post image if post will have only
image added with shortcode, than for these widgets it will appear as a post without main


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2.4.1. How to create a sidebar
1. First you must copy all plugin files from folder Prestige/plugins to folder wp-content/plugins.
2. Go to Plugins options in WordPress and activate Prestige plugins (dcwp).
3. Go to Prestige > General section and find "Sidebars" subsection.
4. Write a name for new sidebar and click on "Add new sidebar" button.
5. Go to Widgets section (under Appearance) and add widgets to your new sidebar
6. Choose this sidebar for page using options: Set a default sidebar (Prestige > General), drop
down list in page options (Custom Page Settings)

2.4.2. How to add a sidebar to Archive Page (posts archive, post category
display etc.)
1. For these pages a default sidebar is displayed.
2. You must set a default sidebar in Prestige > General > Sidebars section - use option Set a
deafult sidebar.
3. First at least one sidebar must be created in Prestige > General, then select default sidebar from
drop down list next to option Set a default sidebar and then click on this option button.
4. Default sidebar is displayed on archives pages (categories), search page, and all pages (with
sidebar layout) that dont have a sidebar assigned.


2.5.1. How to create portfolio page with projects posts or a News page with
news posts
1. Go to Pages section and create a new page that will use Projects Portfolio/News page template.
2. Create a Project/News post in separate Projects/News section.
3. Use additional settings for Projects Portfolio or News in Custom Page Options section - you
can decide in this section how many news will be displayed per page, activate Featured News
Slider, choose Portfolio working mode etc.
4. For these pages you will also find special settings in Prestige > General section.

2.5.2. How to create featured news slider on page with News template
1. Create a page with News page template.
2. In Custom Page Settings for this page use options Type here featured news ID... and
Check this filed if you want to show featured news slider.
3. For option Type here featured news ID... you must write the ID numbers of news posts that you
want to display in the slider, and you must select one option below it, so the slider will be displayed.
4. The ID number for news posts you will find in News section, in URL path for each news post.


2.6.1. How to change email address for contact form
1. Go to Prestige > General section and find Contact Page subsection.
2. Write your email address for Contact email textbox.
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2.6.2. How to use Location maps
1. Location Map example from our dark Live Preview (under Show > Prestige Location Maps)
was inserted with dcs_img shortcode.
2. Location Maps you will find in separate PSD folder inside Prestige ZIP.
3. First you need to make some changes for one of these maps in Photoshop, add you city
information etc., and then you can save it as PNG file, upload on server and use with dcs_img

2.6.3. How to create a page with Category Map, Tag Map, Projects Map or Page
1. Go to Pages and click on Add New option.
2. Choose the right page template from Page Attirbutes > Template list on the right column
and publish this page.

2.6.4. How to create a list of tabs (like in Prestige Live Preview FAQs section)
1. FAQs site you can find in our Live Preview when you click on the Prestige Help located in button
in the bottom-left in the browser. To create this list of tabs shortcode dcs_toggle_btn was
used. You will find description of this shortcode in our Live Preview under Show > Shortcodes
List > Toggle shortcodes. Plus some other shortcodes were used fir this list too.
2. Here is how the code looks for one position in our FAQs list:
[dcs_fancy_header color="#FFF"]Title for group[/dcs_fancy_header]
[dcs_toggle_btn title="Question text"]
[dcs_ol mtop="10"]
some text;
some text;
some text;


2.7.1. How to install NextGEN Gallery and create Gallery page
1. Download NextGEN Gallery plugin (we are using version 1.6.2). For this you can go directly to
Plugins > Add New section, find NextGEN Gallery plugin and install it from this section.
2. Install the NextGEN Gallery plugin and enable it.
3. In the Gallery-Options deactivate the "Activate PicLens/CoolIris support" option.
4. In the the Gallery tab in Options deactivate the "Show ImageBrowser".
5. In the Effects tab in Options choose Lightbox.
6. In the Thumbnails tab in Options set the "Width x Height" to 150150 (and option Ignore
the aspect ratio, no portrait thumbnails should be selected).
7. In the Gallery settings tab set the "Number of images per page" and "Number of columns"
to zero.


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8. Go to Prestige/css folder and copy the nggallery.css file to wp-content/plugins/nextgengallery/css folder (this step is optional, you dont have to do this step).
9. To create a single gallery go to "Add Gallery/Images" section. Open Add new gallery tab, put
a name for the new gallery and click on "Add gallery".
10. When gallery is created, go to Upload Images tab. Select a gallery and upload images for
this gallery using Browse buton - you can select as many image as you want.
11. When gallery is created, at any moment you can go to Manage Gallery section and add some
descriptions for images, delete images etc.
12. Now you can create a new gallery page using Gallery page template. Go to Pages, add new
page and put some title for this page and select Gallery page template.
13. In Custom Page Settings and use option Choose gallery for page to select created gallery
and set how many rows of images will be displayed on this page.

2.7.2. How to create a Compact Multiple Gallery using NextGEN Gallery

The Compact Multiple Gallery page example from live preview is using the Full Width page
template and the NextGEN shortcode in the body text, like this: [dcs_ngg gid=4] (where the
number is the ID of the NextGEN gallery). If you want to read about how to use NextGEN
Gallery plugin go to point 2.8.1.
After some galleries are created, you must create a page with Full Width template and use
shortcodes to build the content. Here is an example code for this page:
<h1>Compact Multiple Gallery</h1>
[dcs_img_ngg pid="421" thumb="true" width="920" height="420" async="true" margin="0px"]
[dcs_small block="true" padding="3px 0px 0px 0px" align="right"]Image description[/dcs_small]
[dcs_emptyspace h="50"]
<h3>Gallery 1 title</h3><hr />
[dcs_ngg gid="11" count="0" bcolor="#333333"]
[dcs_emptyspace h="20"]
<h3>Gallery 2 title</h3><hr />
[dcs_ngg gid="2" count="0" bcolor="#333333"]
[dcs_emptyspace h="20"]
<h3>Gallery 3 title</h3><hr />
[dcs_ngg gid="3" count="0" bcolor="#333333"]
<h1>Compact Multiple Gallery</h1>
[dcs_img_ngg pid="427" thumb="true" width="920" height="420" async="true" margin="0px"]
[dcs_small block="true" padding="3px 0px 0px 0px" align="right"]Image description[/dcs_small]
[dcs_emptyspace h="50"]
<h3>Gallery 4 title</h3><hr />
[dcs_ngg gid="4" count="0" bcolor="#333333"]

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2.7.3. How to create a galleries list with dcs_gallery_box shortcode
To create a Galleries List page like this full width example page from the Live Preview demo:
http://digitalcavalry.com/themeforest/live/wp/prestige_light/galleries-list-full-width/ you must do
these steps:
1. First install NextGen Gallery plugin from Alex Rabe
2. Setup this plugin as it is described in point 2.8.1 of this FAQs and in the PDF User Guide
3. Create galleries in NGG
4. Create pages with "Gallery" page template for each page that uses this template you can
select a NGG gallery in Custom Page Settings. This is described also in point 2.8.1
5. When you have galleries created like it is mentioned above, create a page with Full Width
6. On page with Full Width template you can insert dcs_gallery_box shortcodes to create a
set of galleries like in our examples on Live Preview Demo (under Show > Shortcodes List
> Content Shortcodes - on this page you will find also description for this shortcode: http://
7. If you want to use this shortcode on a Full Width page you must delete size parameter or use
for this parameter value big.
8. For each dcs_gallery shortcode you must add ID parameter with the proper ID number of
the page with "Gallery" template (remember that this is the ID number of page, not the ID
number of NGG gallery). ID number of page you can find in Pages section when you select
one of your pages to edit, you will find the ID number as a part of the URL path, at the top
of your web browser.
9. If you want to create a gallery list layout with sidebar, like this example: http://digitalcavalry.
com/themeforest/live/wp/prestige_dark/galleries-and-sidebar/, you must do the same what
is described in steps above, but parameter size for each dcs_gallery_box shortcode must be
set to "small". You must also use dcs_gallery_box shortcode not on a Full Width page, but on
a page with Sidebar Page template (or Sidebar Left/Sidebar Right)
10. To divide content on pages use <!--nextpage--> tag.


2.8.1. How to create a Video Gallery page with videos from You Tube and Vimeo
displayed in lightbox
If you want to know more about how to create a Video Gallery like this full width example
page from the Live Preview demo: http://digitalcavalry.com/themeforest/live/wp/prestige_
dark/video-gallery/ (under Gallery > Video Gallery) you can take a look on this instruction:
1. At the bottom of example page in our Live Preview demo you will find "Get Code" link. You can
just copy this code and insert it into your page with "Full Width" template. But, it wont work
just like this. Because each dcs_img_ngg shortcode needs a proper value for pid parameter,
you will also have to change the pid value if this value is incorrect (if there is no image in
NGG with this ID), the dcs_img_ngg shortcode dont work properly and nothing is displayed
on page.
2. This dcs_img_ngg shortcode in our example code start like this: [dcs_img_ngg pid="142"...
The pid="142" is the parameter with NGG image ID value.
3. In our example, each dcs_img_ngg shortcode displays one image with a proper link to video
from embed code - this video is displayed in lighbox after click. For each shortcode you must
have a proper video link from You Tube or Vimeo and one image (it can be a screenshot)
uploaded in NGG gallery. Then each shortcode must have the proper image pid value and a


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path for a video. You can also use the same image for all videos, just by adding the same pid
value for each shortcode.
4. The value for pid parameter you will find in Gallery > Manage Gallery section. After choosing
one of your galleries, you will find a list of all images from this gallery. The ID number of each
image is in the column on the left side.
5. You can create a dedicated gallery in NGG for your video gallery with screenshots and than
just add the right image ID to each shortcode.
6. If you dont want to use NextGen Gallery plugin for this Video Gallery, you can also use dcs_
img shortcode instead, with the images uploaded using Media Library.
7. More about dcs_img_ngg and dcs_img shortcodes you will find in our Live Preview under
Show > Shortcodes List > Image Shortcodes.

2.9. Customizations
2.9.1. How to bring back auto-formatting for paragraphs
By default auto-formatting is disabled, thats why we recommend to use HTML Editor, thats why
also a special p button was added to this editor. With this p button (or dcs_p button) in HTML
Editor you can very easy close text in paragraphs just select text and click on the button. By
default, in Prestige theme, if you dont use the paragraph (p) tags, the text will be one block of
text, without the paragraphs created.
But if you want, it is also possible to bring back auto-formatting in Prestige theme. For this open
cp_shortcodes.php file (it is located in cms/php/ folder) and comment (remove) two lines
with remove_filter (you will find these lines of code somewhere about line 180).
Remember that if you will remove these lines some shortcodes might not work properly, because
of the auto-formatting.

2.9.2. How to change the height of the site header in Prestige

Header height has some fixed height that cant be changed in the CMS. However, there are two
ways to achieve this by making some modification in the code. This might be needed if you
want to insert some bigger logo for the site.
The two ways to achieve this are only a bit different. Which one you must choose for your site,
depends on how the skin background images will look like after you will move the background
down by adding some blank space to the top for bigger logo adjustment.
1. First method for higher header - only CSS changes:

Lets say you want to make the header section higher by 100 pixels. First make a copy of
common.css file, then you can modify the common.css file that is used on your site. Open the
common.css file. If you dont change the current background image, you will have to move
the background image down. For this go to line 30 (line with background-position property for
body), and you must change it from this:
background-position: 50% 0%;

to this:
background-position: 50% 100px;

Another thing need to change next is to increase the height of header container in CSS. To
make this change, in the same common.css file go to line 1045 - line with height property for
header-container (in HEADER CONTAINER CSS section). It looks like this:
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You must increase it also by 100px, so it must look like this:

2. Second method for higher header CSS changes to change the height of the header
plus background images modification

In some cases (for some skins) you will need to have a little different background images
for higher header - background image with some more space at the top, or you can also
add gradient to create a smooth transition on top. If you will open skin images and add
to the top of these images for example 100px of graphic area, you dont need to change
the background position property. After you will add some extra space at the top of skin
background images, you need to only make the second part of method 1, you need to do
only this:
In common.css file go to line 1045 (line with height property for header-container in HEADER
CONTAINER CSS section). It looks like this:

You must increase it also by 100px, so it must look like this:


2.9.3. Search page customizations "posts" & "pages" selected by default

By default, when you search some text with Search option on the site, only the results from
Posts are displayed. You must then select on search page the other options to search also in
pages, news, or projects. It is possible to make a change and define which options will be
displayed by default for Search option. For this a small change in the code is needed.
1. Go to Appearance > Editor and select search.php file to edit.
2. In search.php file at line 43 you will find this code:
echo '<h1>'.$pre_title.$search_query.'</h1>';

3. You must add some new code here, between these two lines of code. If you want Pages option
as selected by default, the final code here will look like this:
echo '<h1>'.$pre_title.$search_query.'</h1>';
$_GET['s_in_posts'] = 'on';
$_GET['s_in_pages'] = 'on';

4. If you want to search by default in all types of posts and also in Pages, the code must look
like this:
echo '<h1>'.$pre_title.$search_query.'</h1>';
$_GET['s_in_posts'] = 'on';
$_GET['s_in_pages'] = 'on';
$_GET['s_in_news'] = 'on';
$_GET['s_in_projects'] = 'on';


Digital Cavalry 2010, www.digitalcavalry.com


2.9.4. Post Portfolio page modification when the user clicks on the picture it
goes to the post, not lightbox
By default, when you click on images on page with "Post Portfolio" template, the link go to
lightbox. Only text link under the image moves you to the post page. However, it is possible to
make a small modification and make the thumbnails link to the post automatically and not to
the picture.
1. Open portfolio-post.php file and go to line 86 (you can make this modification also from
wordpress admin in Appearance > Editor). This line looks like this:
<a href="'.$image.'" rel="lightbox"><img src="'.$thumb_path.'" alt="" /></a>
2. Change this line so it looks like to this:
<a href="'.get_permalink($post->ID).'"><img src="'.$thumb_path.'" alt="" /></a>
3. OK, now the images on page with Post Portfolio template will link to the post instead of
lighbox image.

2.9.5. Footer Logo link - How to have the footer logo pointing to a different URL
than the website homepage
In Prestige > General section you can change the logo image for footer logo - it is displayed at
the bottom-center of the site footer. By default, this logo links to the main page of your site, but
it is possible to change this. For this you must make a small modification in the code.
1. In WP backend go to Appearance > Editor section and select footer.php file. Then go at the
bottom of this code and find a line that looks like this:
<a href="<?php echo get_bloginfo('url'); ?>"><img src="<?php echo GetDCCPInterface()->
getIGeneral()->getFooterLogoPath(); ?>" style="margin-top:8px;" alt="" /></a><br />
2. It is the one of the last lines. You must change here this part from the beginning:
href="<?php echo get_bloginfo('url'); ?>"
3. It should look like this for example, but "http://themeforest.net/user/DigitalCavalry" is of
course your custom path:

2.9.6. Hide/Delete popup search with icon on header (next to menu)

On the right side of the main navigation menu (at the top of the site) there is a search icon with
a popup search option. If you dont need this search option, it is possible to remove this icon
with a small change in the code.
1. Edit header.php file - you can do this by copying/replacing file on your server or from
Appearance > Editor section in wp-admin.
2. From header.php file code delete div with "header-search-popup" ID, and you must also
hide/delete a link with "header-search-btn" ID.
3. Now move the top navigation menu to the right side by making one change in common.css
file (this file is located in css folder). After you will open this file search for MAIN MENU CSS
section and in #navigation ID change the value for right:75px; property.
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2.9.7. How to make Header and Post Community Icons open in a new page
By default, header and post community icons links open in the same window. But if you would like
these icons to link to a new window, you can achieve this with a small modification in the code.
1. Open cp_general.php file from cms/php/ folder. For header icons go to line 367 you should
see there a link defined for icons and it is placed in div with id="icons". Now the part of the
line 367 where it looks like this:
<a class="icon" href=".......
2. Change it to this:
<a class="icon" target="_blank" href=".......
3. After target="_blank" property was added to the link, all header icons will open page in a
new window.
4. For posts icons you must do the same operation but for other link code search for "postcommunity-icons" in cp_general.php and also add target="blank" property for this link.

2.9.8. How to turn off Cufon for Prestige theme

Cufon is a script that in Prestige is used to replace the headings text and main menu text items
with font selected in Prestige > General section. But, for some reason you might want to turn
off Cufon on your site and use only a standard font. It is possible with a simple change in the
1. Open common.js file located in "js" folder.
2. Search for this code: setupCufonFont();
3. Change this line by adding two // characters at the front, so it looks like this:
4. You can also remove this line completely.

2.9.9. How to add a new font for Cufon (font used for headings and menu)
In Prestige it is easy to do. You just need a font that you like (or has the characters that you
need), and then generate from this font a file for Cufon script via this page:

After this just insert the generated file into fonts folder and you will be able to choose the
new font in Prestige > General section. On this page you will find a tutorial that shows how to
generate Cufon font:

2.9.10. How to change Autoplay time for Accordion Slider

For accordion you can also change the Autoplay time value, but it must be done manually in the
code. Open file slider_accordion.js located in js folder and find this line:
slider_acc.auto_play_time = 4000;


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Change the 4000 (milliseconds) value to for example 7000, if you want to show each slide a
bit longer...

2.9.11. How to add a Zoom icon with lightbox link to project post page image
This is a bit more complicated change, but with this instruction it is rather easy modification.
Thanks to this you can add a Zoom icon placed in the right bottom corner of the main image,
on the project post page with sidebar. This Zoom icon will be a link to full image presented with
lightbox (it will work the same like a Zoom icon on a page with Projects Portfolio template).
1. Open addPages.css file located in css folder and find this class:
.portfolio-project .zoom
2. Add another class to this definition, so the top line is combined from two classes and looks
like this:
.portfolio-project .zoom, .blog-post .photo .zoom
3. Make the same with the next class, so after change the top line looks like this:
.portfolio-project .zoom:hover, .blog-post .photo .zoom:hover
4. Then also add a new class - it can be placed right below:
.blog-post .photo:hover > .zoom {
5. After this open single-project.php file and find this line (80):


'<div class="photo"><a





6. Change this line to this code:



rel="lightbox" class="zoom" title="'.$imagedesc.'"></a>'.$imagedesc.'</div>';

7. If the code is not working check if characters are correct, because '

2.9.12. How to use Custom Content option (example based on projects posts)
In Prestige theme you can use a standard layout for posts, or a totally custom layout thanks
to Custom Content option. This option can be used for blog posts from Posts section, and
also for custom posts from News and Projects sections. Custom Content option is useful
especially in Projects and News section, when you want to replace the top main image with
some shortcode like for example gallery shortcode or slider shortcode. It is useful also when
you dont want to display all the standard information like the author or category info. Here is
an example how to use this option for Project post:

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1. Go to Projects and create a new project post or select one of the existiing posts. Then in
Custom Project Settings section for this project select option named as Check this field
if you want to display fully custom content.
2. After this, on project post page you will see only content defined in the editor. But, you still
need to add a main image (920420px, JPG ) in Custom Project Settings, because it will be
used for the main page with Projects Portfolio page template.
3. Now you can add any shortcode in the editor. For example, it can be any shortcode from
Gallery shortcodes or Slider shortcodes described in the Shortcodes List.
4. When the Custom Content option is selected, you can still place some standard element of
the project post page, like for example the post title with date and category, or the author
box. For this can use dcs_project_top, dcs_project_author, dcs_project_bottom shortcodes
in the editor.

2.9.13. How to delete Breadcrumbs (top navigation tree) from pages or posts
To delete breadcrumbs from pages a small modification in the code is needed. For pages this
modification must be done in the code of the page template from which you want to delete the
For example if you want to delete breadcrumbs from contact page template, open contect.php
file and comment (hide) or delete the lines with navigation-tree-container div that starts on line
36 and ends on line 38, or just comment one line 37 with dcf_naviTree function.
To delete breadcrumbs from blog posts you must do the same, but in single.php file, for news
posts in single-news.php file, and for projects in single-project.php file.

2.9.14. Post Slider widget modification How to change the order and display
posts from the oldest to newest
By default posts in Post Slider widget are starting from the latest post (from newest to oldest).
With a small modification in the code it is possible to switch this order:
1. Open file dcwp_postslider.php from wp-content/plugins/ folder and go to line number 31.
It looks like this:
$query_args = array('nopaging' => 0, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'caller_get_posts' => 1);
2. At the end of this line you must add additional parameter order to change default query posts
order. Change this line to this:
$query_args = array('nopaging' => 0, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'caller_get_posts' => 1, 'order'
=> 'ASC');
3. Update file on your server in wp-content/plugins/ folder.

2.9.15. How to hide thumbnails in Progress Slider on bottom bar

For this you can make a modification in cp_progressslider.php file located in cms/php/ folder
and remove the thumbs code from the black bar. But, the easiest way to do this is this:
1. Open slider_progress.css file located in css folder and search for this class:
#slider-a-container .thumb


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2. Add display:none; property to this class, so it looks like this (plus the other properties that
are not shown here):
#slider-a-container .thumb
3. Save this file, update it on your server, and thats it.

2.9.16. How to add favicon to your site in Prestige Theme

To add a favicon in Prestige theme, go to Appearance > Editor section and choose Header
(header.php) file to edit. Then find these two lines of code at the top:
<!-- ICON -->
<link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon" />

For href property add a URL path to your favicon between "" characters, so this part of code
will look like this for example:
<!-- ICON -->
<link rel="icon" href="http://your-domain.com/full-path/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />

And thats it. Favicon image you can upload in Media Library, it should be 16x16px.

2.9.17. How to change the font size of paragraphs (plus a tip for changing the
standard theme font)
For this you must change the font size for paragraph style. Open common.css file and
somewhere about line 170 you will find this code:
font:12px/18px Verdana;
margin:0px 0px 15px;

Change the font values and thats it font:font-size/line-height Verdana;.

If you want to change the size of standard font in Prestige theme (not only the paragraphs),
you must change the font size for the body (at the top of common.css file). For some other
features in Prestige theme, the font size is defined in other parts of CSS files to change it you
can search for "Verdana" text in common.css and addpages.css file, or look for the CSS code
defined for these features.

2.9.18. How to delete posting time from Twitter widget

With a simple modification in the code, it is possible to delete the time information from Twitter widget.
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1. Go to Plugins > Editor section and select Twitter (Prestige) plugin with Select plugin to
edit option.
2. After this find this line of code:
$out .= '<span class="time">'.$tweets[$i]->_date.'</span>';
3. Delete this line, click on Update, and the time for each tweet will be not displayed.

2.9.19. How to turn Off/On comments for Page/Post and how to disable
To turn off comments you will find option for this in Page or Post options. For example, when you edit
a Page, at the top there is editor, then right below it you will find Custom Page Settings section,
and after it there is a Discussion section with Allow Comments option. If Discussion section is
not visible, go to the top of this page, open Screen Options, and select Discussion option.
In Settings > Discussion it is possible to turn off comments for all pages with global option.
Here you can also turn off trackbacks with the option right at the top.

2.10. Solutions for Probelms and Errors

2.10.1. Prestige Theme installation problems How to install Prestige theme
To install Prestige theme you must upload only Prestige or PrestigeLight folder from the
downloaded ZIP into wp-content/themes/ location on your server. These folders are located in the
ZIP file, in folder named as themes - you dont upload all the content from the ZIP file.
Both folders have pretty big size for a theme, mainly because of the all skins images included in
folder named as "skins". If you will have problems with uploading it on server because of the size,
you can do this upload in parts for example, first upload all theme files without "skins" folder.
After this create in the theme folder on your server a folder named as "skins". Then upload all the
skins folders inside or only one selected skin that you want to use.
You should be able to install it like this without problems, but if you still have any problem with
installation you can upload it folder by folder, in more separate uploads.
More detailed instruction about how to install WordPress and Prestige theme you will find in PDF
User Guide. Here is also an instruction for installation available on Theme Forest for issues with
theme installation:

Please not that sometimes also some files might get corrupted in download or upload process, and
a solution in this case is to download again the full ZIP file with the product from Theme Forest (you
can download a purchased product again by going to your profile and then to Downloads section).

2.10.2. Prestige Newsletter Plugin dont work properly

The problems with Newsletter can be caused by folder rights (permission) settings on your
server. You can try to change the rights to higher for lib folder located in wp-content/plugins/
dcp-newsletter/ folder. After this you will have to delete dbconfig.php file from this lib folder.
Then deactivate and activate the plugin again in Plugins section (wp-admin) and after this
check if it works.


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If the newsletter still not works, and the information in dbconfig.php is correct matches your
WP installation config data, the reason for this can be that the actions.php file is blocked from
execution (this file is also located in lib folder). You can check if it is allowed to execute this file
in server settings, some servers have settings by default that dont allow to execute php files.
It must be allowed to execute file actions.php.

2.10.3. Prestige Voting Plugin dont work properly

The ratings system should work fine after you activate the plugin in WP backend. But for some
servers the additional rights (permission) changes are needed this is the same problem as in
2.11.2 and you might need to set higher rights for lib folder, but for voting it is located in wpcontent/plugins/dcp-voting/. After this you will have to delete the dbconfig.php file from this
lib folder, and then it is also important to deactivate/activate the plugin in wp-panel and check
if it works. Usually this helps for this problem and no other changes are needed.
But, if after this it still not works, you can open dbconfig.php file and check the information
in this file is correct - if should be the same as in your WordPress installation config. If it is not,
then the reason for this can be that the actions.php file (it is also located in lib folder) is blocked
from execution. You should be able to check if it is allowed to execute this file in server settings
(or you will need to ask your host about this). Some servers have default settings that dont
allow to execute php files. It must be allowed to execute file actions.php from lib folder.
After you will make all these changes, test if the ratings work for your comments by adding a
new comment and rate it.

2.10.4. Thumbnails are not generated for Progress Slider on Homepage

First make sure that you are using JPG images in proper size for slides only JPG images are
allowed. Create a new slide, add JPG image using Upload button and check if it works.
If you still have this problem, looks like it is not allowed to save files in wp-content. First you
can check if there is already a Prestige_temp folder created in wp-content and if yes, change
the rights for this folder, so it is allowed to save files inside this folder. After this change you
must click again on Save for each slide in Prestige > Progress Slider section.
If there is no Prestige_temp folder in your wp-content, then try to change the rights (permission)
setings for wp-content folder and then save again each slide for Progress Slider. After this
change Prestige_temp folder should be automatically created in wp-content folder and it
must be allowed to save the files in this folder.

2.10.5. Thumbnails problem (timthumb) thumbnail images are not generated

for News posts, "Gallery" page template, Chain Slider, etc.
On most installations timthumb should work right at the start, and thumbnail images will be
displayed correctly for all Prestige features. But, if for some reason everything works on your
page without problems, and thumbnail images are not generated properly (loading icon is
spining and the image is not loading), this can be a problem of server settings.
One simple way to test timthumb on your site created with Prestige theme is to create a page
with News template and one single news post with main image attached in Custom News
Settings. Then, if you will go to the main News page on your site you should see thumbnail
image for this news post displayed properly. If thumbnail is not generated and you can see this
image in original size inside this post, it means the timthumb is not working correctly on your
server. In this situation some changes in server settings are needed.
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First thing that you must check in this situation are the folder rights (permission) settings. It
must be allowed to save files in folder "Prestige_temp" located in wp-content folder, and also
you must check the same thing for folder named as "cache" located in theme folder. You should
be able to change the rights in your host account (server settings).
If you will change the rights, and the problem will still exist, the reason for this might be some
other host settings. You must check by yourself or ask your host, if for your server it is allowed
to set higher rights, because the web server might be unable to read from directories or files
with higher rights. If this is the reason, maybe your domain will have to be whitelisted for that
rule, or you must set the right to 755. After this it should work fine.

2.10.6. Error "...cp_classes.php on line 24"

If you get this error right after installing Prestige theme:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS in /home1/....(username)/public_html/
....(sitename)/wp-content/themes/Prestige/cms/php/cp_classes.php on line 24

It most probably means that your server is not PHP 5.0 or higher. Check settings on your server,
(even if you think you have PHP 5.x :) and make sure that your server is running with PHP 5.0
or higher. You should be able to switch PHP version in your server settings.

2.10.7. Error in the dashbord "...cp_controlpanel.php on line 38"

This might be a help for you if you get this error code at the top of the dashboard display:
Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /www/mydomain.com/public_html/
wp-content/themes/Prestige/cms/php/cp_controlpanel.php on line 38

To fix this, please check if in the WordPress installation on server, there is a Prestige_temp
folder in wp-content/ folder on your server. If there is no folder like this, you will have to change
the rights (permission) settings for wp-content folder. If this folder already exist, check the
rights settings for this Prestige_temp folder. You can also check the permission settings for
cache folder located in the main Prestige theme folder (located in wp-content/themes/). The
problem shows up if it is not allowed to create a "Prestige_temp" folder on your server in wpcontent location, or is is not possible to save images in "Prestige_temp" folder.


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Digital Cavalry 2010, www.digitalcavalry.com


big collection of skins with various designs

over 130 shortcodes with full live documentation
over 20 widgets (custom widgets)
30 fonts
6 header icons sets
DC Rating System Plugin
DC Newsletter Plugin
5 Homepage Sliders
Portfolio and News pages with own categories
Functional Galleries
Multiple Blogs, Portfolios, News and Galleries
Advanced Footer
Extensive documentation
Totally customizable content

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