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G1000 Students PilotsTraining Guide

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pilots training guide

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


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August 2005
190-00368-03 Rev. A

Printed in the U.S.A.

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Copyright ......................................................................................................................................................................................................i
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................................................................... ii
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................................................................1

G1000 Integrated Cockpit System

Flight and Ground Instruction
Level of Knowledge Attained

Ground Lesson 1......................................................................................................................................................................................3

Introduction and G1000 System Overview
Exercise 1.1: Terminology and Review of Pertinent Federal Aviation Regulations
Exercise 1.2: Component Review


Ground Lesson 2......................................................................................................................................................................................5

Transition to the Primary Flight Display (PFD)
Exercise 2.1: Instrumentation Layout
Exercise 2.2: Instrumentation Depiction


Ground Lesson 3......................................................................................................................................................................................6

Power-up, Self-test, Checklist
Exercise 3.1: System Initialization

Ground Lesson 4......................................................................................................................................................................................7

Transponder Operation
Exercise 4.1: Operating Modes and Code Entry
Exercise 4.2: Practice (Optional)


Ground Lesson 5......................................................................................................................................................................................8

COM Radio and Audio Panel Operation
Exercise 5.1: COM Operation and Methods of Frequency Tuning
Exercise 5.2: Practice (Optional)
Exercise 5.3: Audio Panel Operation


Ground Lesson 6....................................................................................................................................................................................10

Exercise 6.1:
Exercise 6.2:
Exercise 6.3:
Exercise 6.4:
Exercise 6.5:
Exercise 6.6:

Land-based Navigational Aids

Practice (Optional)
GPS Navigation
Practice (Optional)
Instrument Approaches
Practice (Optional)


Ground Lesson 7....................................................................................................................................................................................14

Multi Function Display (MFD) Operation
Exercise 7.1: MFD Conguration and Controls


Ground Lesson 8....................................................................................................................................................................................16

Primary Flight Display (PFD) Operation
Exercise 8.1: PFD Conguration and Controls



Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 9....................................................................................................................................................................................18

Weather, Terrain and Trafc Awareness
Exercise 9.1: Weather, Terrain and TIS Operation


Ground Lesson 10 .................................................................................................................................................................................19

Emergency Procedures
Exercise 10.1: Emergencies and Failure Modes


Ground Lesson 11 .................................................................................................................................................................................21

Data Weather Link
Exercise 11.1: Weather and Digital Audio Entertainment


Ground Lesson 12 .................................................................................................................................................................................23

GFC 700 Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS)
Exercise 12.1: Flight Director and Autopilot Operation


Procedure 1 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................25
GPS Approach No Procedure Turn

Procedure 2 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................27
Flying the Missed Approach

Procedure 3 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................28
Flying the Procedure Turn

Procedure 4 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................30
Flying the DME ARC

Procedure 5 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................32
Vectors to the DME ARC

Procedure 6 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................33
Flying an Approach with a Hold

Procedure 7 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................35
Flying a Course from Fix to Distance, or Course from Fix to DME Distance

Procedure 8 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................37
Flying a Course from Fix to Altitude

Procedure 9 ..............................................................................................................................................................................................38
Flying a Course from Fix to Manual Sequence

Procedure 10............................................................................................................................................................................................40
Flying the ILS Approach

Procedure 11............................................................................................................................................................................................42
Flying the Vectors Approach

Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................................................................44
The G1000 Integrated Avionics System and Considerations of Its Use to Enhance the Aeronautical Decision
Making (ADM) Process and Single-pilot Resource Management (SRM).

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Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



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Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


G1000 Integrated Cockpit System

The G1000 is a completely integrated avionics system designed to t a broad range of aircraft models. It is an all-glass ight
deck that presents ight instrumentation, location, navigation, communication and identication data on large-format, high-resolution displays. The digital data presentation on the G1000 puts all ight-critical information literally at the pilots ngertips.

This Pilots Training Guide is provided to help the pilot transition to Garmin G1000-equipped aircraft. Use this study guide in
combination with the G1000 Simulator and/or the G1000 Pilots Guide as well as the ight instructors guidance and feedback to
maximize G1000 training before taking delivery of a new G1000-equipped aircraft.
NOTE: Ground lessons should be completed before starting ight training.
NOTE: In this training guide, each lesson contains exercises as well as a list of resources that are recommended before
completing these exercises.

Flight and Ground Instruction

It is important to coordinate ground lessons with a properly trained ight instructor. Work with an instructor to make sure
that the system is fully understood. This training guide works best if an instructor is involved from the very beginning.
Work with an instructor to ensure that the ight lessons cover all appropriate material. Note that the instructor may determine
that additional training is required to review aircraft systems, procedures, airspace, or other knowledge areas. Practice under an
instructor until condently procient with the G1000 system.

Level of Knowledge Attained

The material contained in the Pilots Training Guide is designed to help pilots progress from basic to advanced levels of
knowledge. The basic skills of interpreting the Primary Flight Display (PFD), tuning the radios and operating the audio panel are
covered early on in the training material. Later sections cover navigation, terrain and other more complex material. The Pilots
Training Guide was designed in this manner so that pilot and instructor could begin basic training quickly.
NOTE: It is not necessary to complete the Navigation portion of the material before taking off on a local training ight.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


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Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 1
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to do the following:

Describe the basic components of the G1000 Integrated Avionics System

Describe the communication between G1000 components


G1000 Pilots Guide

Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM) and supplements
Pilots Operating Handbook (POH) and supplements
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR)

Exercise 1.1: Terminology and Review of Pertinent Federal Aviation Regulations

1. Dene the following navigation abbreviations and acronyms:
2. Explain the use of and limitations of a TSO-C129a GPS during instrument approaches per the AIM.

3. When lling a ight plan, what sufx is used for a current Global Positioning System (GPS) database?

4. When can GPS be used in lieu of DME and ADF?

5. Describe the differences between a y-by and a y-over GPS waypoint and draw their respective symbols.

6. What does RAIM stand for? Describe its purpose.

7. A pilot is on the RNAV(GPS) 17 approach into KIXD (New Century Aircenter, Olathe, KS) and the system displays the
RAIM UNAVAIL alert inside the Final Approach Fix. The weather is reported as 500 feet overcast with 2 statute miles
of visibility. What action(s) should the pilot take and why?

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Exercise 1.2: Component Review

1. Dene the following equipment abbreviations and acronyms:
2. Describe the function of the following components of the G1000 Integrated Avionics System:
GRS 77
GMU 74
GIA 63
GDU 1040
GTX 33
GMA 1347
GDL 69
GMA 1347
3. What is the primary interface used between the G1000 components?

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 2
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to read, understand and interpret the primary six (6) instruments that
are displayed on the PFD and that indicate airspeed, attitude, altitude, vertical speed, turn rate/coordination and heading.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster

Exercise 2.1: Instrumentation Layout

In the space provided below, sketch the primary six (6) instruments as displayed on the PFD.

Exercise 2.2: Instrumentation Depiction

Assume that the aircraft is ying with the following indications and ll in the appropriate elds on the sketch with this data:
Airspeed = 120 KIAS
True Airspeed = 120 KTAS
Altitude = 6760 ft.
Vertical Speed = 0 fpm
Heading = 95
Altimeter Setting = 30.15 Hg

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Ground Lesson 3
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to correctly identify proper alignment of the AHRS/ADC, complete a
system self-test and verify the database data.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 3.1: System Initialization

1. Is the aircraft required to remain stationary while the AHRS and ADC align?

2. Is there any warm-up time required for the engine instrumentation to be accurate?

3. What is the pilot action that should be taken if the MFD system self-test does not pass?

4. Where can one verify the effective dates of the Jeppesen database during the initial system start-up?

5. If the Jeppesen database is not current in the G1000, can the system still be used for IFR ight?

6. A pilot is planning a ight to KAPA (Centennial Airport, Denver, CO) from KCOU (Columbia, MO). When arriving at
the aircraft, the pilot notices that the Jeppesen database data is out of date by 3 cycles (84 days).

6a. Can the pilot make the ight under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR)?

6b.What en route ight planning considerations must be made?

6c. What destination ight planning considerations must be made?

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 4
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be familiar and comfortable with the operation of the integrated transponder
controls located on the PFD of the G1000 system. This includes the selection of the transponder operating mode, squawk code
entry and IDENT activation.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 4.1: Operating Modes and Code Entry

1. Which transponder mode of operation does the G1000 system default to when it is rst powered up if it is equipped with
the Garmin mode S transponder (GTX 33)?

2. Describe the process for entering a newly assigned transponder code.

Exercise 4.2: Practice (Optional)

Using the G1000 PC-based Simulator, review the start-up process while verifying the Jeppesen database effective dates and
then practice entering various transponder codes and operating modes using the PFD softkeys.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Ground Lesson 5
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be comfortable tuning and selecting communication frequencies using the
manual and database tuning features of the G1000 system, while properly conguring the selections on the GMA 1347 audio


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster
G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 5.1: COM Operation and Methods of Frequency Tuning

1. Is the active frequency being used displayed to the inside or to the outside relative to the bezel of the G1000 navigation
displays (GDU 1040)?

2. In what color is the active frequency displayed?

3. Which key should be pressed to change between the standby and active frequency? Draw this key.

4. If the COM radio frequency toggle key is held for 2 seconds, what occurs?

5. When manually tuning a frequency, what is the purpose of the large COM knob? What is the purpose of the small COM

6. When the NRST softkey is pressed on the PFD, a list of the nearest airports appears, with runway length and tower/CTAF
frequencies listed. How can the frequency be tuned in directly without manually tuning it into the COM radio?

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Exercise 5.2: Practice (Optional)

Using the G1000 PC-based Simulator, power up the system.
1. Verify the Jeppesen database effective dates and note those dates in the space provided below.
2. Enter the transponder code 3470 and set the transponder to ALT mode.
3. In COM 1, enter 124.30 MHz as the active frequency and 133.00 MHz as the standby frequency.
4. In COM 2, enter 135.325 MHz as the active frequency and 118.90 MHz as the standby frequency.

Exercise 5.3: Audio Panel Operation

1. Which key should be used on the audio panel (GMA 1347) to monitor a COM radio frequency without using it to transmit

2. Describe how the split COM feature works and provide a sample scenario of its use.

3. Describe the function of the digital clearance recorder.

4. What purpose does the red button located at the bottom of the audio panel (GMA 1347) serve?

5. When the PILOT ICS key is pressed, can the other passengers in the aircraft communicate with each other via the intercom?

6. Does the COM MIC key selection have any impact on the display of the COM frequencies on the PFD or MFD?

7. Two pilots are ying a long cross-country ight and encounters bad weather. The pilot ying the plane wants to get a
weather update, but is struggling to get on frequency and be heard because the ARTCC frequency is very busy handling
multiple reroutes. What tools are available to get the necessary weather information to continue the ight?

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Ground Lesson 6
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to navigate using ground-based Navaids and GPS, while manually
tuning VOR/LOC/ILS frequencies and creating direct-to and ight-plan-based GPS navigation.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster
G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 6.1: Land-based Navigational Aids

1. Is the process to manually tune in the NAV frequency the same as it is to manually tune in a COM frequency?

2. When using the database to tune in a NAV frequency, is the process the same as it is for tuning a COM frequency?

3. What type of information is provided about a ground-based navigation aid when it is highlighted by panning on the MFD
map and pressing the ENT key?

4. How and where can the pilot select the CDI information displayed on the HSI for the NAV 1 or NAV 2 frequencies?

5. Does the G1000 system automatically attempt to identify the tuned NAV frequency? How is this visually presented?

Exercise 6.2: Practice (Optional)

Using the G1000 PC-based Simulator, power up the system and congure the G1000 as needed for the following IFR clearance out of KAPA (Centennial Airport, Denver, CO): N12345 is cleared to the Goodland, KS, airport via the Thurman
VOR, Byers VOR, then direct. Climb and maintain eight thousand, expect one-two thousand in ten minutes. Departure frequency is 126.75, squawk 3470.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Exercise 6.3: GPS Navigation

1. Can a direct-to navigation/ight plan be created using the GPS on both the PFD and the MFD or must one or the other
be used and if so, which one?

2. Describe the process for cancelling a direct-to GPS navigation.

3. Describe the process for entering a ight plan.

4. When using the Flight Plan function, does the unit auto-sequence the waypoints and does the autopilot continuously y
the programmed route?

5. Describe some of the advantages of using the Flight Plan function as opposed to continuous direct-to navigation.

Exercise 6.4: Practice (Optional)

Using the G1000 PC based Simulator, power up the system.
1. Verify the Jeppesen database effective dates and note those dates in the space provided below.
2. Enter the transponder code 1252 and set the transponder to ALT mode.
3. In COM 1, enter the ATIS frequency for KAPA as the active frequency and the ground control frequency as the standby
4. In COM 2, enter the KAPA Tower frequency as the active frequency and the Departure frequency for an eastbound departure as the standby frequency.
5. Tune in and place the Thurman, CO VOR (TXC) into the active NAV 1 frequency; tune in and place the Byers, CO VOR
(BVR) into the active NAV 2 frequency.
6. Create a Flight Plan from KAPA to KIXD via Thurman, Goodland, Hill City, Salina, Topeka VORs and the RUGBB intersection.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Exercise 6.5: Instrument Approaches

1. When rst selecting an approach, what is the default option that appears when the PROC key is selected?

2. What is the difference in how the HSI presents data between selecting Vectors-to-Final and selecting an Initial Approach
Fix during an instrument approach?

3. Describe the CDI sensitivity scaling that occurs when ying a GPS approach.

4. When navigating using the GPS, if an ILS, LOC, or VOR approach is selected, where is the frequency for the primary
approach navigational aid automatically placed?

5. When ying an ILS approach, where do the glideslope indicator and marker beacon annunciation appear on the PFD?

6. Can GPS be used to y a VOR approach?

7. Does GPS provide guidance data to the autopilot to allow it to y a coupled holding pattern?

8. Can GPS be used in lieu of DME when ying a DME arc associated with a VOR, LOC, or ILS approach procedure?

9. What key must be pressed to access the ability to add a departure procedure (DP or SID) and/or arrival procedure (AP or
STAR) to a ight plan?

10. When navigating in VOR1, VOR2, LOC1, or LOC2 mode, if an ILS, LOC, or VOR approach is selected, where is the
frequency for the primary approach navigational aid automatically placed?


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Exercise 6.6: Practice (Optional)

Using the G1000 PC-based Simulator, power up the system.
1. Verify the Jeppesen database effective dates and note those dates in the space provided below.
2. Enter the transponder code 5455 and set the transponder to ALT mode.
3. In COM 1, enter the ATIS frequency for KAPA as the active frequency and the ground control frequency as the standby
4. In COM 2, enter the KAPA Tower frequency as the active frequency and the Departure frequency for an eastbound departure as the standby frequency.
5. Assume that a pilot is departing KAPA and select and load the Plains Two Departure, Goodland Transition (PLAIN2.GLD).
The rest of the ight plan goes from KAPA to KMKC via the Hill City and Salina VORs with the Jayhawk Five Arrival via
the Emporia Transition (EMP.JHAWK5). Expect the ILS 3 Approach into Kansas City Charles B. Wheeler Downtown
6. Load VOR frequencies as appropriate to monitor the progress of the ight along with the GPS navigation.
7. Initiate the ight on the Simulator. En route just east of Goodland, the pilot receives the following amended clearance from ARTCC:
N12345, I am showing level-4 radar returns on my radar over the Hill City VOR, in a line that runs from 40 miles
to the southwest of Hill City to 150 miles to the northeast. The entire storm appears to be moving east at 30 knots.
The pilot was planning on stopping for fuel in Salina, but realizes that the storm will be on top of the airport by the time
of arrival. Note that the aircraft is not equipped with a Stormscope or datalink weather. What are the pilots options?
Rank these options from best to worst.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Ground Lesson 7
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to locate, use and congure data on the MFD during ight operations.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster
G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 7.1: MFD Conguration and Controls

1. Which main type of data is presented on the default MFD display?

2. What data types can be overlaid on the MFD map? Where are the controls for this data overlay located?

3. Which MFD page group and page must be accessed to verify the status of the two (2) GPS receivers?

4. How are the Nearest (NRST) pages accessed?

5. What types of information can be accessed via the Waypoint (WPT) pages?

6. From which page and via which key can the map display be changed between north-up and track-up presentations?

7. When panning on the Map page, where does information appear about the terrain location over which the cursor arrow

8. Which page should be accessed in order to change the data eld options at the top of the MFD display?

9. Which key should be pressed and held for 2 seconds to automatically and quickly return to the Navigation Map page?

(exercise continued on next page)


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


10. A pilot is on a ight from KAPA (Centennial Airport, Denver, CO) to KGJT (Grand Junction Airport, Grand Junction, CO)
over the mountains. Weather is predicted to be MVFR with scattered rain over the entire route of ight. How would one
congure the MFD to give the best presentation of data for this ight? Assume that a GDL-69 weather datalink is installed
in the aircraft.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Ground Lesson 8
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to congure and interpret data presented on the PFD during all
phases of ight operations.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster
G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 8.1: PFD Conguration and Controls

1. Where is the control for cycling between the GPS, VOR1, VOR2, LOC1, and LOC2 CDI selections that appear on the
2. Name the two (2) types of presentation that are available for the HSI? (Note: there is only one type of presentation available on the Beechcraft A36/G36 and Baron 58.)

3. What type of data can be overlaid on the Map Inset?

4. Can the data elds located at the top of the PFD be changed by the pilot?
5. From the PFD, can the pilot enter, view and edit a ight plan?
6. Where is the course selection knob or OBS (omni-bearing selector) knob located?
7. What happens when the HDG knob is pressed?
8. What happens when the CRS knob is pressed?
9. Where is the control for the altimeter barometric pressure located?
10. How many feet of altitude and how many knots of airspeed make up the viewable portions of the altimeter and airspeed
indicator, respectively?

(exercise continued on next page)


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


11. A pilot is ying through the Rocky Mountains and decide to land at KASE in Aspen, CO. The RNAV (GPS) 15 approach
via radar vectors is assigned. It is daytime, although visibility is limited to a few miles with cloud tops at 10,000 feet MSL.
What options should be selected to display on the PFD map inset?

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Ground Lesson 9
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to accurately interpret terrain awareness and Trafc Information
Service (TIS) data while both incorporating this information into the aeronautical decision making process and understanding
the limitations of these systems.


G1000 Pilots Guide

Exercise 9.1: Weather, Terrain and TIS Operation

1. When ying an aircraft with the WX-500 Stormscope installed, where can the lightning data be displayed?

2. How is the data presented by the G1000 system for the WX-500?

3. When a lightning bolt is changed to a + symbol, what does this change denote?

4. Describe the service volume for the Trafc Information Service.

5. Is the terrain awareness feature in the G1000 system certied to allow deviations from ATC assigned altitudes?

6. In the terrain awareness feature, what do the colors red and yellow each represent?

7. Finish the following sentence: TIS trafc and the terrain awareness feature of the G1000 are __________ _________

8. With TIS, when does the G1000 system provide an audible alert of Trafc?


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 10
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to navigate using ground-based Navaids and GPS while manually
tuning VOR/LOC/ILS frequencies and creating direct-to and ight-plan-based GPS navigation.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 Cockpit Poster
G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 10.1: Emergencies and Failure Modes

1. If one display fails, which mode does the system automatically go into?

2. How is an AHRS failure indicated on the G1000?

3. When the AHRS and/or ADC fail, what remedial action should be taken by the pilot?

4. What information is presented to the pilot when a display is operating in Reversionary mode?

5. Describe the aircraft on-board power sources that remain in case of alternator failure and also provide an explanation as
to their operation, including a basic description of each power bus.

6. In ight, during a cross country, an AHRS failure occurs (failure indicated by a red X over the attitude indicator).
Note: the aircraft is equipped with a third-party autopilot which has its own rate-based gyro as well.
6a. Aside from the backup attitude indicator, what items can be used to ensure safe ight?

(exercise continued on next page)

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



6b. What are the next actions that should be taken concerning the completion of the ight? Note that, depending on the
circumstances, the following action items may occur in a different order.

6c. When the AHRS fails, what is the other piece of information that is lost besides attitude?


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 11
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to understand and interpret weather information displayed in the
cockpit. The pilot will be able to use this information as supporting information to enhance the decision making process before
and during the ight.


G1000 Pilots Guide

G1000 PC-based Simulator

Exercise 11.1: Weather and Digital Audio Entertainment

1. Briey describe the theory of how weather and radio information are provided to the aircraft.

2. What types of data link weather are displayed on MFD/PFD, and what appropriate steps must be taken to get there?

(exercise continued on next page)

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



3. List the weather products and corresponding update rates that are available through XM Weather.

4. Reported/forecast products use a date/time stamp. On what are the date and time based?

5. When and how is weather data information received?.

6. What type of lightning strike information does XM Weather provide?

7. What is NEXRAD?

8. What are the coverage areas of the XM Satellite signal? At what altitude must the aircraft y to receive the XM signal?


are planning a cross-county ight. Does weather data provided by WxWorx satisfy FAR 91.103 preght action?

10. A pilot is on a VFR ight from KXYZ to KABC. Currently, the altitude is 9,500 feet, 50 miles from KABC. Weather is predicted to be MVFR at the destination airport. Using the MFD, describe the steps that must be taken to receive a METAR
and/or TAF at the destination airport.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Ground Lesson 12
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to understand the operation of the Garmin Automatic Flight Control
System (AFCS) and use the Autopilot throughout various phases of ight.


G1000 Pilots Guide

Exercise 12.1: Flight Director and Autopilot Operation

1. List all parts (LRUs) associated with the GFC 700.

2. Where is the Autopilot control located in the cockpit?

3. Where are the Autopilot mode annunciations displayed? Describe the annunciation mode color.

4. List the Flight Director pitch and roll limitations.

5. Describe Flight Level Change Mode (FLC).

6. Describe the function of the Control Wheel Steering (CWS) button.

7. When the Go-Around button is pressed, what Flight Director and Autopilot functions can be expected?

8. List several ways the Autopilot can be disengaged.

(exercise continued on next page)

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



9. An aircraft has just departed from an airport and is performing a runway heading climbout. Following the departure procedure, the plane climbs to 4000 feet, then turns to a heading of 270 degrees. The nal cruising altitude is 9000 feet. How
would the pilot congure the Autopilot to follow all of the departure procedure up to the nal cruising altitude?

10. Using the scenario above, congure the Autopilot to intercept an airway. Currently, the Autopilot is set to HDG mode and
ALT hold mode.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Procedure 1
An approach where there is typically no procedure turn required to get established on the inbound course to the FAF is
the rst example. We use GPS RWY 12 at KPRC to show how the G1000 sequences through an approach and what type of
annunciation and range factor changes can be expected. This example is based upon and active ight plan from KFLG (Flagstaff,
AZ Pulliam Airport) to KPRC (Prescott, AZ Love Airport). See gure 1.

Select KPRC as the destination, via the Direct-To key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.


Press the PROC key and select the GPS RWY 12 approach. From the transitions window, select IRODY as the IAF (select


Within 30 nm of the destination, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode. The switch to terminal
mode is accompanied by a gradual CDI range transition from 5.0 to 1.0 nm full range deection.


Several miles prior to reaching the IAF (IRODY), review the approach sequence, as necessary. Press the FPL key to
display the Active Flight Plan Page. Press the FMS knob and turn the large FMS knob to review each segment of the
approach. When nished press the FPL key again to return to the previous page.


As the plane approaches the IAF (IRODY), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 204 is displayed in the navigation status
bar on the PFD. As the IAF approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN TO 204.


As the plane approaches the IAP (OKAPY), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 124 is displayed. As the waypoint
approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN TO 124.


At 2.0 nm from the FAF (MULHU), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened
from 1.0 to 0.3 nm full range deection.


As the plane crosses the FAF NEXT DTK 124 is displayed and the destination sequences to the MAP (RW12map, the
runway threshold). Keeping the needle centered, y toward the MAP, observing the altitude minimums dictated by the
approach plate.


As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.

10. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended at the MAP. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but
course guidance along the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach
is required, follow the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return
to automatic sequencing of waypoints.
NOTE: When the message RAIM is not available is displayed in the Alerts Window on the PFD a missed

approach must be executed.

NOTE: The nal approach course must be intercepted 2 nm outside of the FAF for the approach to be


190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 1 Approach with No Procedure Turn


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Procedure 2
As the MAP is passed, if the runway is not in view, a missed approach must be performed. The G1000 continues to give guidance
along an extension of the nal course segment (FAF to MAP) until manual initiation of the missed approach procedure.
1. As the plane crosses the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed in the navigation status
bar on the PFD. SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but course guidance along the
nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course.
2. Initiate the missed approach sequence by following the missed approach procedures as published on the approach
plate, for proper climb and heading instructions.
3. If necessary, press the CDI softkey to switch external CDI output to GPS for guidance. Press the SUSP softkey to return
to automatic sequencing of waypoints. The G1000 will guide to the missed approach holding point.
4. A message is displayed in the navigation status bar on the PFD recommending entry procedures for the holding pattern
5. The G1000 provides course guidance only on the inbound side of the holding pattern. When leaving the holding pattern to re-y the approach, press the PROC key to Select Approach? or Activate Approach? (or use the Direct-To key
to select another destination).
NOTE: When the message RAIM is not available is displayed in the Alerts Window on the PFD a missed

approach must be executed.

NOTE: When ying a non-GPS instrument approach, such as with ground-based navigational equipment
(VOR, LOC), with GPS as supplemental guidance to get to MAHP, switch the external CDI output from
VOR1, VOR2, LOC1, or LOC2 to GPS. The CDI selection can be changed by pressing the CDI softkey.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 3
The procedure turn portion of the approach is stored as one of the legs of the approach. For this reason the G1000 requires
no special operations from the pilot (other than ying the procedure turn itself) beyond what is required for any other type of approach. This example is based upon a ight from KILG (Wilmington, DE New Castle County) to KMIV (Millville, NJ Municipal).
The approach into KMIV will be NDB or GPS RWY 14 with the RNB transition. See gure 2.
1. Select KMIV as the destination, via the Direct-To key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.
2. Press the PROC key and select the NDB or GPS RWY 14 approach. From the transitions window select RNB as the IAF.
3. Once cleared for the approach, press the PROC key and select ACTIVATE APPROACH?
4. Within 30 nm of the destination, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode. The switch to terminal
mode is accompanied by a gradual range transition from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full range deection.
5. Several miles prior to reaching the IAF (RNB), review the approach sequence, as necessary. Press the FPL key to display
the Active Flight Plan Page. Press the FMS knob and turn the large FMS knob to review each segment of the approach.
When nished, press the FPL key again to return to the previous page.
6. As the plane approaches the IAF (RNB), the waypoint message (NEXT DTK 327) is displayed in the navigation status
bar on the PFD. As the waypoint approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory (TURN TO 327).
7. Fly the outbound course keeping the CDI needle centered.
8. After ying approximately one minute past the IAF, the message START PROC TURN is displayed.
9. Turn left to a heading of 282 to initiate the procedure turn. No guidance through the procedure turn is given. The
procedure turn is displayed in magenta indicating the active leg. The CDI needle starts moving to the right.
10. After approximately one minute, make a 180 right turn to a heading of 102 to intercept the inbound course. The
G1000 sequences to the inbound leg to the FAF, the CDI needle swings to the opposite side to provide proper sensing
along the nal course segment and NEXT DTK 147 is displayed in the navigation status bar on the PFD.
11. As the CDI needle starts to center, make a right turn to 147 to intercept the nal approach course.
12. At 2.0 nm from the FAF (RNB), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened
from 1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.
13. As the plane crosses the FAF, the message NEXT DTK 147 is displayed and the destination sequences to the MAP
(RW14map, the runway threshold). Keeping the CDI needle centered, y toward the MAP, observing the altitude
minimums dictated by the approach plate.
14. As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.
15. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that
automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended. A FROM indication is displayed in the CDI, but course
guidance along the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach is
required, follow the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return
to automatic sequencing of waypoints.
NOTE: Once the FAF is crossed, the nal course segment is displayed in magenta and a dashed line extends

the course beyond the missed approach point. The dashed line is provided for situational awareness only
and should NOT be used for navigation. Please follow the published missed approach procedures.
NOTE: When the message RAIM is not available is displayed in the Alerts Window on the PFD a missed

approach must be executed.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 2 Flying the Procedure Turn

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 4
The GPS overlay for a DME arc approach uses additional Jeppesen provided waypoints to dene the arc. When cleared for a
DME arc approach, do either of the following to intercept the arc:

Follow a specied radial inbound to intercept the IAF.

Follow ATC vectors, which allow interception of the arc at any point along the arc.

This example is based upon a ight from KSAF (Santa Fe, NM Municipal) to KFMN (Farmington, NM Four Corners Regional).
The VOR DME RWY 7 approach is selected along with HIDOX as the IAF. See gure 3.

Select KFMN as the destination, via the Direct-to key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.


Press the PROC key and select the VOR DMW RWY 7 approach. From the transitions window, select HIDOX as the


Within 30 nm of KFMN, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode. The CDI range gradually transitions
from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full range deection.


If the approach has not already been activated, be sure to do so when cleared for the approach.


As the plane approaches the IAF (HIDOX), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 206 is displayed in the navigation status
bar on the PFD. As the IAF approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN TO 206.


Follow the arc, keeping the CDI needle centered.


The next point in the approach is an intermediate x WILDE. As the plane approaches WILDE the waypoint message NEXT DTK 072 is displayed. As the waypoint approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN
TO 072. Initiate a standard rate turn to this course heading.


At 2.0 nm from the FAF (PINTO), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened
from 1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.


As the plane approaches the FAF, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 072 is displayed. Make any adjustments necessary for the nal course segment (FAF to MAP).

10. As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to the MAP (RW07map, the runway threshold). Keeping the
CDI needle centered, y toward the MAP, observing the altitude minimums dictated by the approach plate.
11. As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.
12. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that
automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but course
guidance along the nal approach course continues.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 3 Flying the DME Arc and Vectors to the DME Arc

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Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 5
This example is en route from KSAF to KFMN on a heading of 294, 25 miles out and ATC gives vectors to intercept the arc
outbound from HIDOX. See gure 3

If the approach has not already been activated, be sure to do so when cleared for the approach.


ATC instructs to turn left to a heading of 270 to intercept the arc.


Prior to intercepting the arc the leg must be activated since the arc was not intercepted at the IAF.


With the Active Flight Plan page displayed, press the FMS knob to activate the cursor.


Turn the large FMS knob to highlight DME ARC and press the MENU key to display a list of options.


Activate Leg is now highlighted, press the ENT key. A conrmation window is displayed with ACTIVATE highlighted,
press the ENT key. This activates the arc leg as well as the approach.
NOTE: The leg can also be activated by pressing the ACT LEG softkey.


Follow the arc, keeping the CDI needle centered.


The next point in the approach is an intermediate x WILDE. As the plane approaches WILDE the waypoint message
NEXT DTK 072 is displayed. As the waypoint approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN TO
072. Initiate a standard rate turn to this course heading.


At 2.0 nm from the FAF (PINTO), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to 0.3 nm. CDI scaling is tightened from
1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.

10. As the plane approaches the FAF, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 072 is displayed. Make any adjustments necessary for the nal course segment (FAF to MAP).
11. As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to the MAP (RW07map, the runway threshold). Keeping the
CDI needle centered, y toward the MAP, observing the altitude minimums dictated by the approach plate.
12. As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.
13. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that
automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but course
guidance along the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach is
required, follow the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return
to automatic sequencing of waypoints.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Procedure 6
This example is based upon a missed approach from KSOP (Moore County, NC). Now the pilot has decided to divert to KIGX
(Chapel Hill, NC) instead. The RNAV (GPS) RWY 9 approach into KIGX is selected. The RNAV (GPS) RWY 9 approach begins
with a holding pattern at the IAF, FIKKA. See gure 4.
1. Press the Direct-to key.
2. Turn the small and large FMS knobs to enter the destination airports identier (KIGX).
3. Press the ENT key twice. This time select the RNAV (GPS) RWY 9 approach into KIGX. The approach begins with a
holding pattern at the IAF (FIKKA).
4. Press the PROC key and select the RNAV (GPS) RWY 9 approach.
5. From the transitions window, select FIKKA as the IAF. When asked Hold at FIKKA? YES or NO, select Yes and press
the ENT key. Choose ACTIVATE?; this will load and activate the approach.
6. Once the approach is activated, the Active Flight Plan Page is displayed. Review the approach sequence by pressing
the small FMS knob and turning the large FMS knob to review each segment of the approach.
7. Within 30 nm of the airport, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode. The CDI range transitions
from 5.0 to 1.0 nm, full range deection.
8. Prior to crossing FIKKA, the message HOLD DIRECT is displayed in the navigation status bar on the PFD to suggest
the proper holding pattern entry.
9. Fly the holding pattern (the holding pattern is displayed in magenta, indicating the active leg).
10. As the plane crosses the IAF, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey indicating that automatic
sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended. As the plane makes the turn inbound, SUSP is cancelled and the
G1000 returns to automatic sequencing.
NOTE: If it is needed to go around the holding pattern again, press the SUSP softkey to manually suspend

waypoint sequencing BEFORE crossing the holding waypoint the second time. If the waypoint has already
been passed, re-activate the holding pattern using the ACTIVE FLIGHT PLAN page.
11. As the plane approaches FIKKA from within the holding pattern, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 090 is displayed.
12. At 2.0 nm from the FAF, the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened from
1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.
13. As the plane approaches the FAF, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 090 is displayed. Make any course adjustments
necessary for the nal course segment (FAF to MAP).
14. As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to the MAP (RW09map, the runway threshold). Keeping the
needle centered y toward the MAP, observing the altitude minimums dictated by the approach plate.
NOTE: When viewing the Navigation Map Page, the nal course segment is displayed in magenta (the

active leg of the ight plan always is displayed in magenta) and a dashed line extends the course beyond
the MAP. Do NOT follow this extended course. Instead, follow the published missed approach procedures.
15. As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



16. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed in the HSI and directly above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of approach waypoints is suspended at the MAP. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but
course guidance along the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach
is required, follow the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return
to automatic sequencing of waypoints.
NOTE: When the message RAIM is not available is displayed in the Alerts Window on the PFD a missed

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.

approach must be executed.

Figure 4 Flying an Approach with a Hold


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Procedure 7
Certain approach, departure and arrival procedures in the Jeppesen database contain course from x ight plan legs. The
G1000 is able to load these legs into the ight plan along with the rest of the procedure data, and to provide navigation along
these legs. There are four different types of course from x legs:

Course from x to distance

Course from x to DME distance
Course from x to an altitude
Course from x to manual termination

Course from x to distance or DME distance legs appear in the ight plan like normal waypoints, but the destination name
always begins with a D, followed by a distance in tenths of nautical miles from the waypoint x. This example uses the VOR/
DME RWY 25 approach into Palmdale, California (KPMD), and includes a teardrop course reversal. See gure 5.

Select KPMD as the destination, via the Direct-To key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.


Press the PROC key and select the VOR/DME 25 approach. From the transitions window, select PMD as the IAF.


As the plane reaches the IAF (PMD), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 070 is displayed in the navigation status bar
on the PFD. As the waypoint approaches, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN TO 070. The plane is
now on the course from x to distance leg as shown on the active ight plan. The distance displayed in the ight plan
is D13.0. The ight plan automatically sequences to the next leg upon reaching D13.0.


As the plane approaches D13.0, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 265 is displayed. Make a standard rate turn to
the right to intercept the nal approach course and watch for the CDI needle to center.


As the plane approaches the intermediate x CF25, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 265 is displayed. Fly this
inbound course, keeping the CDI needle centered. CDI coupling automatically switches from GPS receiver to the Nav


Within 2.0 nm of the FAF (THERO), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to 0.3. CDI scaling is tightened from 1.0
to 0.3 nm, full range deection.


As the plane approaches the FAF (THERO), NEXT DTK 265 is displayed. Continue to keep the CDI needle centered.


As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to MAP (MA25).


As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.

10. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of
approach waypoints is suspended at the MAP. Course guidance along the nal approach course continues. Do NOT
follow this extended course. If a missed approach is required, follow the missed approach procedures as published on
the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return to automatic sequencing of waypoints.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide


Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 5 Course from Fix to Distance or Course from Fix to DME Distance


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


Procedure 8
Course from x to altitude legs shows the specic target altitude on the active ight plan. This example is based upon a ight
from KSMO (Santa Monica Municipal) to KPMD (Palmdale, CA) with VOR/DME RWY 25 approach selected, which includes
a course from x to altitude leg. In this instance, the leg corresponds to the initial phase of the missed approach, which reads
Climb to 5000 outbound via PMD VOR R-282. See gure 5.

After crossing the MAP, press the SUSP softkey. The missed approach sequence is automatically offered, starting with
the course from x to altitude leg. The NEXT DTK 282 waypoint message is displayed in the navigation status bar
on the PFD. Follow the missed approach procedures, as published on the approach plate, for proper climb and heading


Note that within a few seconds of pressing the SUSP softkey to release suspend mode and start the missed approach
sequence, SUSP is re-displayed above the SUSP softkey as the G1000 returns to suspend mode. This is normal when
ying a course from a x to altitude leg and indicates that automatic leg sequencing is suspended.


Fly the outbound course keeping the CDI needle centered. The Navigation Map Page depicts the ight path extending
indenitely from the PMD VOR. The distance increases and indicates the distance back to the PMD VOR.


Upon reaching the desired altitude (5000), press SUSP to return to automatic leg sequencing. Conrm that SUSP
no longer is displayed directly above the SUSP softkey.


The message NEXT DTK 133 is displayed, guiding to the inbound course. The actual desired track (DTK) depends
on the ground speed and distance from PMD VOR. Intercept and y the inbound course, keeping the CDI needle


As the plane approaches PMD VOR (the missed approach holding point), a message in the navigation status bar recommends the holding pattern entry HOLD PARALLEL.


Note that the G1000 again displays SUSP above the SUSP softkey. Automatic waypoint sequencing is suspended at
the missed approach holding point. The waypoint message (ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT) is displayed each time the plane
approaches the PMD VOR in the holding pattern.


When leaving the holding pattern, press the PROC key to reactivate the approach or select a different approach, or
press the Direct-To key to select another destination.

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 9
Course from x to manual sequence legs are displayed on the Active Flight Plan Page and the Navigation Map Page with
man seq in place of a waypoint identier. An example of this type of course leg appears in the COASTAL TWO DEPARTURE
from Westeld, Massachusetts (Barnes Municipal). The example leg corresponds to the departure leg from Barnes Municipal and
appears as follows on the Active Flight Plan, Navigation Map Page and Navigation Status Bar: See gure 6.



Press the PROC key to select the CSTL2 departure. Then select the departure runway RW02. From the transitions
window select GEDIC.


As the plane departs the airport, NEXT DTK 025 is displayed in the navigation status bar on the PFD and SUSP
is displayed directly above the SUSP softkey. The plane is now on the course from x to manual sequence leg. The
distance displayed is from the waypoint x (the departure runway RWY 02).


Fly the outbound course keeping the CDI needle centered. Once cleared to sequence to the next leg, press the SUSP
softkey. Conrm that SUSP no longer is displayed directly above the SUSP softkey. The message NEXT DTK 185
is displayed to guide to the next waypoint (HFD VOR). The actual desired track (DTK) depends on the ground speed
and distance from the HFD VOR.


Once the SUSP softkey is pressed, the G1000 automatically sequences to each waypoint along the remainder of the
departure route, including the selected transition.

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 6 Flying a Course from Fix to Manual Sequence

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 10
NOTE: When an ILS approach is loaded, the ILS frequency is automatically placed in the NAV Frequency

window. Refer to the NAV/COM Pilots Guide for details.

Precision approaches can be performed with the built in Nav (VOR/localizer/glideslope) receivers. Prior to reaching the FAF
the CDI should be set to NAV1 or NAV2. The G1000 automatically switches the external CDI output from GPS to NAV1 or NAV2
as the nal approach course is intercepted. When the ILS approach is activated, the G1000 automatically switches within 1.2
nautical miles left or right of the nal approach course. This switch will take place within 15.0 nautical miles prior the FAF.
NOTE: If an attempt is made to intercept the approach course beyond the FAF, the CDI must be manually

switched from GPS to LOC1 or LOC2 by pressing the CDI softkey.

The CDI selection can also be changed manually by pressing the CDI softkey. Once the switch from GPS to Nav has occurred,
either automatically or manually, it does not automatically switch again until the approach is reactivated or another approach
is selected. To prevent automatic ILS CDI selection, select the Manual ILS CDI Capture, in the AUX System Setup Page (the
factory default setting is Auto, which enables the automatic switch to Nav).
This example is based upon on an active ight plan from KSNA (Santa Ana, CA ) to KSAN (San Diego, CA Lindbergh Field)
with the ILS RWY 9 approach and GATTO as the IAF, which includes an outbound leg and a procedure turn. See gure 7.

Select KSNA as the destination, via the Direct-To key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.


Press the PROC key and select ILS RWY 9 approach. From the transition window, select GATTO as the IAF. Choose
LOAD? or ACTIVATE?. A reminder message is displayed, indicating that GPS can only be used for approach monitoring. LOAD will maintain Direct-to navigation, while activate goes directly to the rst x. Activate the approach once
cleared by ATC.


Within 30 nm of KSAN, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode and the CDI range transitions from
5.0 to 1.0 nm, full-range deection.


If the approach has not already been activated, be sure to do so when cleared for the approach.


As the plane approaches the IAF (GATTO), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 272 is displayed in the navigation
status bar on the PFD. As the distance to the IAF approaches zero, the message is replaced by a turn advisory TURN
TO 272.


Fly the outbound course (272), keeping the CDI needle centered.


Once the plane has own approximately one minute past the IAF (GATTO), the message START PROC TURN is displayed.


Turn left to a heading of 227 to initiate the procedure turn. The G1000 does not guide one through the turn (the
procedure turn is displayed in magenta indicating the active leg). The CDI needle starts moving to the right.


After approximately one minute, make a 180 right turn to a heading of 047 to intercept the ILS. The G1000 sequences
to the inbound leg and NEXT DTK 092 is displayed. CDI coupling automatically switches from the GPS receiver to
the Nav receiver as the plane completes the inbound turn.

10. As the CDI needle starts to center, make a right turn to 092 to track the ILS approach course.
11. At 2.0 nm from the FAF (GATTO), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. The CDI scaling is
tightened from 1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.
12. As the plane approaches the FAF (GATTO), the waypoint message NEXT DTK 092 is displayed.

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A


13. As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to the RW09map (RW09, the runway threshold). Keeping the
CDI needle centered, y toward the MAP, observing the altitude minimums dictated by the approach plate.
14. As the plane approaches the MAP, the waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT is displayed.

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.

15. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP is displayed above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of
approach waypoints is suspended at the MAP. A FROM indication is displayed on the CDI, but course guidance along
the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach is required, follow
the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return to automatic
sequencing of waypoints.

Figure 7 Flying the ILS Approach

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Procedure 11
In some cases ATC tells one to expect vectors onto the nal approach course instead of ying the full approach. The two options below can be used to select vectors to nal:

When the approach is rst selected choose VECTORS from the transitions window.
Load a full approach including the IAF from the transition window. When cleared, press the PROC key and select ACTIVATE VECTORS TO FINAL.

With Vectors To Final selected, the CDI needle remains off center until established on the nal approach course. With the
approach activated, the Navigation Map Page displays an extension of the nal approach course in magenta (remember magenta
is used to depict the active leg of the ight plan). This example is based upon an active ight plan from KPAN (Payson, AZ) to
KSDL (Scottsdale, AZ), with Vectors for the VOR or GPS-A approach. See gure 8.

Select KSDL as the destination, via the Direct-to key or as the last waypoint in a ight plan.


Press the PROC key and select the VOR or GPS-A approach. From the transitions window choose VECTORS.


Within 30 nm of KSDL, the G1000 switches from en route mode to terminal mode and the CDI range transitions from
5.0 to 1.0 nm, full range deection.


If not already done, activate the approach (with vectors to nal). This allows the G1000 to guide to the nal approach


ATC instructs to turn left to a heading of 170. This places the plane parallel to the nal approach course in the opposite
direction. The CDI needle deection is to the right.


ATC instructs to turn right to a heading of 185.


ATC instructs to turn right to a heading of 230.


ATC instructs to turn right to a heading of 325 to intercept the nal approach course. As the plane converges with
the nal approach course the CDI needle moves toward the center.


As the CDI needle centers, make any remaining course corrections to establish the plane on the nal approach

10. At 2.0 nm from the FAF (GELTS), the G1000 switches from terminal mode to approach mode. The CDI scaling is tightened from 1.0 to 0.3 nm, full range deection.
11. As the plane approaches the FAF, the waypoint message NEXT DTK 002 is displayed in the navigation status bar on
the PFD. Make any course adjustments necessary for the nal approach course segment (FAF to MAP).
12. As the plane crosses the FAF, the destination sequences to the MAP (MABAW). Keeping the needle centered, y toward
the MAP, observing altitude minimums dictated by the approach plate.
13. As the plane approaches the MAP, a waypoint message ARRIVING AT WAYPOINT appears.
14. As the plane crosses the MAP, SUSP appears above the SUSP softkey, indicating that automatic sequencing of approach
waypoints is suspended at the MAP. A FROM indication is present on the TO/FROM arrow, but course guidance along
the nal approach course continues. Do NOT follow this extended course. If a missed approach is required, follow
the missed approach procedures as published on the approach plate. Press the SUSP softkey to return to automatic
sequencing of waypoints.
NOTE: When the message RAIM is not available appears in the Alerts Window on the PFD a missed

approach must be executed.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Reproduced with permission of Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Not to be used for navigation.


Figure 8 Flying the Vectors Approach

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



The Garmin G1000 Integrated Avionics System has brought a number of improvements in cockpit technology to the General
Aviation (GA) aircraft. These improvements range from longer life and greater reliability of the primary instruments to a simplied pilot interface. With the addition of new technologies, the G1000 system is capable of providing the pilot with a wider variety
of information about the ight environment, thereby leading to greater situational awareness and reduced pilot workload. The
G1000 system allows the pilot to focus on aeronautical decision making (ADM) and single-pilot resource management (SRM).
The majority of GA ight operations are single-pilot operations. The single-pilot, IFR, cross-country ight is often regarded as
one of the most challenging ight operations. The need to communicate and navigate while relying solely on the aircraft instruments makes the single-pilot cockpit a busy and stressful environment. Since the inability to manage these demands effectively
can prove life threatening, understanding and using all of the tools available in the cockpit is key to overcoming the challenges
presented by single-pilot IFR ights.
The autopilot is a fundamental tool that is often overlooked in the current aviation training environment. As an SRM tool,
no other piece of avionics is as valuable in reducing pilot workload as the autopilot. Pilots should routinely practice using the
autopilot and gain a full understanding of their particular system. Using the autopilot allows the pilot to focus on other ight
management tasks such as route deviation planning and general aircraft system monitoring without reaching a point of sensory
In the case of system failures or emergencies, the autopilot relieves the pilot of the workload of manually ying the aircraft and
thus allows the problem to be addressed. It is important to note that many GA aircraft are equipped with a rate-based autopilot
that receives roll inputs from an electric turn-coordinator. In aircraft equipped with a vacuum-driven attitude indicator, failure of
the vacuum pump should prompt the pilot to immediately change to a partial panel scan and to engage the autopilot in at least a
roll and pitch mode. In aircraft equipped with a GPS coupled to the autopilot, the pilot should activate GPS direct-to navigation
to the nearest suitable airport, then place the autopilot in NAV mode to y straight to the airport. In either case, the autopilot
reduces pilot workload by helping to ensure that the wings remain level and that standard rate turns are used.
At initial release, the G1000 system will interface with the third party, rate-based autopilot installed in the aircraft. These autopilots are linked to a remote-mounted rate-based gyro that is independent of the G1000 system; therefore, the above-mentioned
methodology still applies if attitude information is lost. Indeed, using the autopilot in roll-control or navigation mode at the point
of attitude failure allows the pilot to maintain control of the aircraft while taking appropriate emergency actions. Again, the use
of the autopilot reduces pilot workload and should allow the pilot to better manage the emergency. Nonetheless, it is imperative
that the pilot double-check all autopilot inputs in order to avoid mode confusion and monitor them to ensure that the intended
operation is taking place.
While the autopilot is the single most valuable tool for SRM, it is also important that the pilot develop a consistent approach
to using the communication and navigation tools present in the G1000 system. The two COM and NAV receivers combined
with the ability to tune COM and NAV frequencies from the Jeppesen database give the pilot a streamlined process for frequency
selection and management.
A typical methodology for COM/NAV frequency management is to designate COM1 and NAV1 as the primary airborne and
en route frequencies. COM2 can then be reserved for both weather (ATIS, ASOS, AWOS) and ground frequencies. Meanwhile,
NAV2 is set as the backup to NAV1. If established as part of a standard operating procedure, these selections help to minimize
the confusion over which COM and/or NAV is selected and active. When a consistent approach to frequency management is not
used, the pilot is more likely to run into mode confusion concerning the use of the audio control panel; this can in turn lead to
missed radio calls and/or transmissions on the incorrect frequency.


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

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While managing frequencies for ground-based Navaids is important, proper use of the GPS ight plan function can also prove
benecial. Rather than performing continuous direct-to navigation with the GPS, taking the time on the ground to enter a full
ight plan allows the G1000 to enhance the navigation experience. First, the pilot will be able to visually inspect the route of
ight on the MFD map, once at altitude, so as to verify both terrain clearance (using the terrain awareness overlay) and active
airspaces (if active, MOAs and Restricted areas would call for a re-routing from ARTCC). Secondly, using the ight plan function
allows for seamless autopilot turn anticipation. Finally, taking a moment to program the ight plan on the ground makes it easier
to react quickly to in-ight routing changes. Pilots should program the ight plan on even short cross-country ights.
Likewise, the maps on both the Multi Function Display (MFD) and the Primary Flight Display (PFD) help the pilot to manage
the navigation functions of the system. By using the maps to verify GPS navigation inputs, the pilot is able to visually cross-check
data entry by looking at the course lines drawn on the map. This visual representation of the active navigation is the quickest
way to determine whether all of the correct waypoints were entered for the intended route of ight.
In this discussion so far, the focus has been on SRM. Now, attention will be turned to leveraging the various data inputs
from the on-board weather sensors, datalinks, trafc awareness and terrain awareness functions. Proper understanding of both
the operation of these various tools and their integration with the pilots aeronautical decision making (ADM) process can bring
signicant safety gains to the GA eet.
Weather datalink and airborne lightning detection equipment have brought unprecedented weather avoidance capabilities to
the GA aircraft. While these weather tools provide valuable information, they do have limitations that must be considered and
they should thus be used appropriately by the pilot in the ADM process.
The primary limitation with both datalink weather and airborne lightning detection equipment is that neither device is to
be used for storm penetration. Instead, these planning tools should be used to help the pilot make a timely and well-informed
decision on how to proceed with the ight. Indeed, datalink weather receivers can bring a wide variety of information into the
cockpit besides the well-known NEXRAD radar images.
While avoiding strong thunderstorms and other areas of heavy precipitation is desirable, the ability to also review textual
weather information for en route and destination allows the pilot to maintain better situational awareness for airport selection in
case of an emergency. The capability to review textual weather data from ground reporting stations while en route also allows
the pilot to evaluate all approach options based on ceilings at the destination airport and to decide whether a diversion should
instead be made to an alternate airport much earlier in the ight. This, coupled with the ability to review weather information
well outside of the transmission range of ATIS/AWOS/ASOS systems, enables the pilot to better prepare for arrival and reduces
last-minute workload.
Thunderstorms are typically used as the main selling point for datalink weather receivers due to their visual NEXRAD presentation, whereas ice the other main weather concern for ight is often not emphasized enough. However, it should be stressed
that the potential for icing is also provided textually and in some cases, graphically, via datalink weather. This becomes a very
powerful tool in the winter months. The ability to bring more information about the icing potential in either format type (textual
or graphical) is a signicant improvement to the overall safety of ight.1
Overlaying both the NEXRAD and lightning images on either the G1000 MFD or PFD map inset serves to corroborate information on the location of the strongest storms. When lightning detection equipment is installed in the aircraft, the unique strikeaging capability of the G1000 provides additional visual cues as to the current state/stage of the storm. Indeed, continuously
growing strike rate counts as well as an increase in the number of lightning bolts (bold or normal) often denotes a developing
severe thunderstorm. On the other hand, decreasing strike rates combined with a growing number of plus (+) symbols indicates a decrease in the strength of the storm and its possible dissipation.2
While this type of information is very powerful and convincing, it is important to use it to plan the ight path and not to try
to penetrate an area of weather. Indeed, the data should be used to plan a deviation well clear of the storm in order to ensure that
the remainder of the ight can be safely executed. One should always remember that discretion is often the better part of valor
and that no technology can depict actual meteorological conditions with 100% accuracy.
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Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide



Trafc Collision and Avoidance Systems (TCAS) represent another technological advance that has been made in the area of
trafc avoidance. Originally developed for large commercial aircraft, TCAS technology is now starting to trickle down features
and capabilities to the GA eet. For example, the GTX 33 Mode-S transponder can be used as an optional component in G1000equipped aircraft and brings Trafc Information Service (TIS) data directly to the cockpit.3
TIS data is provided and transmitted by the FAA over Mode-S terminal radar sites and is derived from the actual transponder
returns of aircraft as seen on the air trafc controllers scope. A key difference between TIS and a TCAS system is that TIS should
only be used as an additional tool to see and avoid trafc. Therefore, the pilot should not become reliant on TIS and try to avoid
trafc solely by reference to the trafc display in the cockpit. First, deviations should not be performed until the pilot has visually
acquired the threat trafc. Secondly, Mode-S radar coverage and TIS service are only available in areas equipped with Mode-S
terminal radar. Since TIS service may not always be available in the en route environment, the pilot should not entirely depend
on this tool to acquire trafc visually and should always scan for trafc.
The last tool to be discussed given its benet to the ADM process is the new generation of GA terrain awareness systems. Terrain awareness systems are split into two generic classes, that is, certied systems and non-certied systems. The certied systems
are the TAWS-A and TAWS-B devices. These systems provide a number of terrain avoidance features that are not available in the
non-certied terrain awareness systems. The G1000 includes a non-certied terrain awareness feature that can be displayed on
both the MFD map and the PFD map inset. TAWS-B will be available as an option for the G1000 system.
The colors used to depict dangerous terrain elevations based on aircraft altitude are red and yellow. Red indicates that the
aircraft is within 100 feet of or below the terrain level. Yellow indicates that the aircraft is within 1,000 feet of the terrain. These
two colors allow the pilot to look at the planned route and then decide which altitude seems optimal for the completion of the
ight. This color scheme also brings additional situational awareness during the critical approach phases of the ight in both
VFR and IFR conditions. With the interest in preventing Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents, even simple situational
awareness tools such as the G1000 terrain awareness feature can provide yet another helpful input to the ADM process.
In conclusion, as GA aircraft and pilots transition to 21st-century technology, the G1000 Integrated Avionics System brings
a number of safety enhancing benets. Although automation in the cockpit should be embraced, both its positive and negative
impacts on the safety of ight should be recognized and understood. Proper autopilot use is key to enhancing safety by reducing
pilot workload - this is particularly true in certain emergency situations. In addition, the ability to develop a methodical approach
to other cockpit tasks, even as simple as COM/NAV frequency selection and GPS management, can help the pilot to maintain
better situational awareness while minimizing the overall cockpit workload.
The ability to view weather, trafc and terrain information to improve the ADM process represents another signicant benet
brought to the cockpit by the G1000 Integrated Avionics System. Indeed, from satellite downlink weather with both NEXRAD
radar images and textual weather to real-time lightning detection data, the pilot now has access to a wealth of information directly
from the cockpit. Although the combination of weather, TIS and terrain awareness information can increase the safety of ight, it
is also critical that the pilot use this information properly and consistently. Too often, human beings rely on technology alone to
provide the solution to hazardous situations. However, in the dynamic, three-dimensional ight environment, it is the pilot who
represents the most signicant component of the avionics system. It is from the cockpit that the most important calculations are
made using the information and inputs provided by the avionics to ensure a safe ight. These calculations are enhanced both by
regular recurrent training and by the full understanding of the strengths and limitations of the various data inputs. Good ADM
and SRM practices are of critical importance to the long-term improvement of the GA safety record.

G1000 GDL-69/69A uses XM Satellite Radio with WxWorx data. Please, refer to http://www.wxworx.com/ for more information on available weather data products.
Please, refer to the appropriate manufacturer documentation concerning the complete operation of lightning detection equipment.
For more information on the TIS system, please refer to: http://www.tc.faa.gov/act310/projects/modes/tis.htm


Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

190-00368-03 Rev. A

190-00368-03 Rev. A

Garmin G1000 Pilots Training Guide

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