Mer Ka Ba Activation

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Metatron Ascension Technology

by Dr Tony Minervino

The Mer-Ka-Ba Activation Meditation clears, activates,
accelerates and transforms your energy fields into
a coherent expression of your expanded being.
The fully developed and activated Merkaba is your
personal vehicle for inter-dimensional exploration,
and its mastery will enable you to access aspects of
your being that have been, until now, out of your
reach. You will expand your knowledge of yourself
and your multi-verse.
So what is the Mer-Ka-Ba? Mer refers to light or energy. Ka
refers to the individual spirit or consciousness. Ba refers to
the vehicle or, as appropriate, embodiment.
The Merkaba is formed by two interlocking tetrahedrons
(three-sided pyramids), forming the star tetrahedron a threedimensional Star of David its two-dimensional representation
can be seen above in Metatrons Cube and in the diagram below.
The upper tetrahedron is referred to as the positive, sun or
male tetrahedron. The lower tetrahedron is referred to as the
negative, moon, earth or female tetrahedron.

The individual is contained in
the centre, surrounded completely
by the Merkaba field formed by
the two interlocking tetrahedrons.
When they are activated, the top
and bottom tetrahedrons spin as
a unit. Do not attempt to spin
the top and bottom tetrahedrons
The Merkaba is actually made up of three layered fields:
a positive, electric or male field that upon activation rotates
towards the right or clockwise; a negative, magnetic or female
field that rotates towards the left or counter-clockwise; and a
third field that remains stationary.
The stationary Merkaba field surrounds the physical body
and extends approximately one hands length above the head
and one hands length below the feet. When fully activated, the
Merkaba field elongates out in all directions on the horizontal
plane into a shape resembling a typical UFO (flying saucer) or
the shape of the energy field surrounding the galaxies this
discoid field is approximately 55 feet in diameter, varying with
the height of the individual.
Usually in the male, the upper tetrahedron is oriented with
the edge and point forward and the lower tetrahedron with
the edge and point in the rear. Usually in the female, the
52 Rainbow News April/May 07

orientation is reversed, the upper tetrahedron is oriented with

the flat plane forward and the lower tetrahedron with the flat
plane in the rear.

Daily practice of this meditation is recommended for
optimum results. The preferred position for this meditation is
seated upright with feet flat on the floor, resting the back of
the forearms and hands on the thighs, palms up. The eyes can
be open or closed according to preference. Closing the eyes
usually allows us to be more internally referenced, and allows
for more expanded possibilities. Sitting cross-legged, standing
or lying positions are options.

There are 18 breaths that fully activate the personal

Breaths 1-6: Inhale and exhale through the nose in a way

that you feel the breath in the back of your throat and hear
the rasping sound of the inhaled and exhaled air deep, full
Finger positions for breaths 1-6
1. Thumb and first (index) finger together being certain to
not allow other fingers to touch one another.
2. Thumb and second (middle) finger together.
3. Thumb and third (ring) finger together.
4. Thumb and fourth (little) finger together.
5. Thumb and first (index) finger together.
6. Thumb and second (middle) finger together.

As you inhale for a seven count and hold your breath for a
seven count, visualise the upper tetrahedron (male) lighting
up brightly. Then as you exhale for a seven count and hold the
breath out for a seven count, visualise the upper tetrahedron
going dark and the bottom tetrahedron (female) lighting up
brightly allow whatever color of light shows up it may be
bright white light or any other color. After holding the breath
out for a seven count or when you feel the hunger for air, cross

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