The Society For American City and Regional Planning History (SACRPH)

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66 International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(1), 66-69, January-March 2014


The Society for American

City and Regional Planning
History (SACRPH):
Biennial Conference - Toronto,
October 4-6, 2013

Dean J. Saitta, Department of Anthropology, University of Denver, Denver, CO, USA

The Society for American City and Regional

Planning History (SACRPH) held its biennial
conference in Toronto on October 4-6, 2013. I
was invited by incoming SACRPH President
Joseph Heathcott to chair one of the sessions,
a reflection of Joes interest in expanding the
conferences historical scope and interdisciplinary appeal. What follows is a review of
the conference based on sessions I attended
over the course of three days. These sessions
spoke to my particular anthropological interest
in the relationship between urban planning and
cultural diversity.
The conference kicked off with an opening
address by the outgoing president of the Society, Lawrence Vale, entitled Twice-Cleared
Communities: The North American Struggle
For (and Against) Public Housing. Vale
discussed two prominent examples of public
housing projects that were built in the mid 20th
century, and then demolished 50 years later once

the projects came to be regarded as slums.

One was the Techwood/Clark Howell Homes
in Atlanta, and the other was Cabrini-Green
in Chicago. Twice clearing, however, is a
widespread phenomenon. Sean Purdy of the
Universidade of So Paulo discussed Vales
presentation with respect to Regent Park in
Toronto, the host citys best example of a twicecleared community. The provision of adequate
public housing remains a planning challenge
across North America. People still want access
to public housing despite its checkered history
and the associated social stigma. Boston and
Buffalo were identified as cities that are doing
better than most in providing affordable housing
without displacing residents.
The conferences plenary session considered the question of Toronto: An American
City? Four contributors dealt with the distinctive elements of Torontos urban landscape, the
immigrant impact on neighborhoods, how those

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International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(1), 66-69, January-March 2014 67

neighborhoods have come to reflect growing

social inequality, and the challenges of urban
sprawl. Over the course of its history Toronto
has exhibited less formal planning than most
American cities. Historically this light zoning
had a number of virtues. It allowed new immigrants to form welcoming enclaves in the city
center while keeping consumer markets close at
hand. It also kept housing affordable and minimized spatial inequalities of income. However,
things have been changing in the post-World
War II period, in keeping with broader American
trends. Slab apartment towersidentified as
a quintessentially Canadian form of suburban
housingcame to dominate the metropolitan
landscape. In the 1970s suburbs began to replace
the city center as the primary reception area for
immigrants. Despite efforts in the 1970s and
1980s to maintain mixed housing in the center
the ethno-spatial divide has been increasing, with black citizens especially segregated.
Since 2006 New Urbanism has become the
dominant approach for regenerating suburban
communities, given that high-rise suburbs are
not conducive to immigrant business building.
All of these trends are paralleled in the United
States. Thus, Toronto is, and isnt, an American
city. The plenary session was extraordinarily
helpful in contextualizing a city that is often
celebrated as one of the worlds most progressive and multicultural.
A session on Multicultural Landscapes
and Planning in Toronto Since 1970 focused
in on issues of planning and ethnic diversity,
especially in the suburbs. Torontos suburbs are
not only growing and diversifying faster than the
city center, but the immigrants themselves are
different. They are coming from a much greater
array of countries and they are highly skilled.
Mohammad Qadeer reprised his important argument that planning for cultural diversity is not
a distinct genre of planning. Instead, multicultural planning is best evidenced in the routine
practices of planners, specifically where they
make reasonable accommodation for ethnic
differences (e.g., in the siting of religious houses,
in the provision of different types of housing,
and in street names and signage). Qadeer noted

that the common critique of urban planning as

technocratic and value-neutral is shopworn. One
can find examples of multicultural planning if
one looks for reasonable accommodation. Thus,
progress is being made.
A particular highlight of the conference was
an all-day Roundtable on The Physical City:
Social Change and Urban Space. The morning session considered Historical Narratives
while the afternoon considered Learning from
the Recent Past. A clear unifying thread was
Henri Lefebvres Right to the City, including the degree to which it is exercised in the
suburbs. Presenters sought to turn conventional
wisdom on its head. Suburbs were identified as
potentially emancipatory spaces, while public
spaces in city centers can be disciplinary and
authoritarian. Multiple examples showed how
citizen activism and protest can break out anywhere, at multiple spatial sites. The Right to the
City can be asserted from the top-down as well
as the bottom-up. A participant asked if there is
a set of best practices for exercising the Right
to the City. Answer: we might generate one by
finding commonalities in the histories of how
different groups have experienced urban and
suburban space.
A session on Everyday Urbanism: Seeing and Making the City also channeled
Henri Lefebvre, and the concept of lived
experience. Margaret Crawford, with whom
Everyday Urbanism is associated, spoke about
American garage sales. These weekend events
turn the front yard of the suburban house into an
inclusive, public space. In so doing they become
heterotopia: spaces with multiple functions
and meanings. Garage sales help reproduce an
alternative, bargaining economy. They serve
the cause of sustainability by recycling goods
across households. They undermine zoning
laws by transforming the private recesses of
houses into commercial public spaces. In short,
garage sales have transformative potential
to make suburbs different, more social places.
Another paper analyzing the front yard garden as a public commons communicated
the same message. Listening to both papers I
found myself thinking about how Latinos and

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68 International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(1), 66-69, January-March 2014

Latinas in American cities have, for quite some

time, been transforming yards and streets into
social spaces (the equivalent of Latin American
plazas) where economic and other transactions can take place. Are Everyday Urbanists
simply re-discovering a Barrio Urbanism
that has existed in other cultures for centuries?
Minimally, the Everyday Urbanism session
nicely illustrated the need to incorporate lessons
learned from the lived experience of ordinary
spaces into our planning discourse.
One of the more compelling discussion
topics that percolated throughout the conference was the relative merits of Big Data
Generalizations vs. Particular Narratives of
Place as ways to understand the life of a city.
Aggregated Big Data (e.g., individual transactions gathered from smart phones, credit card
purchases, and other sources of information)
invite all sorts of interesting studies of consumer
choice and human behavior as they relate to
urban planning. Still, the crowds sympathies
seemed to lie with place-based narratives.
Many participants championed the importance,
for planning purposes, of accounts that detail
city life in all of its sensory glory: the sights,
the sounds, the smells, the feels, the chance
encounters, the brushes with human difference.
This theme was also picked up in a session on
Teaching the Built Environment Outside of
the Professional Box. Participants explored
innovative classroom strategies for teaching
urban planning and design. The most compelling
of these pedagogies directed students to gain a
sensory experience of cities via fieldwork. For
example, Dan Campos assignment at Morgan
State University asks students to walk between
two places in Baltimore and then tell a story
about that experience that references particular
sights and sounds. Margaret Crawfords assignment at Cal-Berkeley assigns students the
task of experiencing the city by playing five
different roles: as tourist, flneur, detective,
somnambulist, and bricoleur. These calls for
incorporating participant observation and other

ethnographic methods into planning education

would warm any anthropologists heart.
The Roundtable on The Physical City
noted the important role that online blogs played
in sharing information, building community,
and promoting the Right to the City during New
Yorks Occupy Wall Street insurgency. The session I chaired on Scholarship Blogging: What?
Why? considered how blogs can accomplish
many other goals. It brought together scholars
from history, sociology, and urban planning.
Participants demonstrated the utility of blogs for
archiving original research material, disseminating scholarly research to the public, creating
and nurturing an online scholarly identity, and
achieving other outcomes. The session succeeded in sponsoring a fruitful discussion of
academic bloggingits possibilities and, for
younger scholars, its potential pitfallsacross
academic disciplines.
This was my first SACRPH conference. I
was impressed by the interdisciplinary quality
of the presentations and discussions. It was
useful to have the ideas of Big Names like
Jane Jacobs, Henri Lefebvre, David Harvey,
Marshall Berman and others both re-interpreted
and problematized. The various efforts to demystify suburbs were provocative. An anthropological sensibility was clearly in evidence.
In addition to championing anthropological
methods, panelists noted the role of culture in
shaping the questions we ask about cities and
anthropologys utility in drawing larger meaning from individual narratives about city life.
There was a clear concern to unify planning
theory and practice, and to engage the public
in participatory planning and design. Many
presentations were concerned with how to incorporate the humanities into planning education
while remaining mindful of professionalization
and accreditation constraints. All of this was
intoxicating. Im hooked, and I look forward
to attending the next SACRPH conference in
two years time.

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International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(1), 66-69, January-March 2014 69

Dean Saitta, PhD, is Professor and Chair of the Department of Anthropology at the University of
Denver, and Director of the universitys Urban Studies program. He is the co-author of Denver:
An Archaeological History. He currently is researching and writing about issues facing the
contemporary city from an archaeological, historical, and cross-cultural perspective. He writes
a blog called Intercultural Urbanism ( and occasionally
posts at Sustainable Cities Collective (

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