Paper On Sonnets
Paper On Sonnets
Paper On Sonnets
Mr. Francis
English IV
Sonnets are fourteen lined poems that tell a story and have a rhythm of a song into it. Due
to this, a sonnet shows the poet’s skill and artistry from their thoughts. Keeping that in mind, it
can also reveal the true artist/poet form inside of them. Poetry can also show their true emotions
and lives of the writer. Some experiences or emotions the poet will write about is on love, hate,
joy sadness, a combination of some, or all of them. The author’s word choice makes the poem or
sonnet full of questioning of the true meaning. Word choices can make the reader think more
into the poetry than it rather flat out tell you and make the mystery of the meaning or the
A sonnet is like art. This is a good way of comparing two things because art is to be
enjoyed and to have a meaning behind it all and have creativity behind it all. This is true in any
type of writing in English because creativity is necessary in any publishing that are made into
your work because if there wasn’t there wouldn’t be much to talk about.
Also in a Shakespearian type sonnet, there are three quatrains and one couplet at the end of the
sonnet. The first quatrain gives out the images of what is happening and sets out examples of
problems. The second quatrain starts setting out the problem top the reader. The third and final
quatrain solves the problem that was stated to the reader in the previous quatrain. Then at the end
of the Shakespearian sonnet there is a couplet which is made up of two lines which gives the
reader a commentary over the entire sonnet; with this information and knowledge, you can
In Sonnet 138, Shakespeare talks about how age is one of his enemies in life. In quatrain
one, “When my love swears that she is made of truth I do believe her, though I know she lies,
that she might think of me some untutor’d youth, Unlearned in the world’s false subtleties,”
Shakespeare is saying that even though his love says she speaks the truth to him, he feels that
she’s lying because he feels like he’s old and she knows that he is too. He shows images of the
world’s lies in it and comparing it to his love as well since she lies to him.
In the second quatrain, “Thus vainly thinking that she thinks me young, Although she
knows my days are past the best, Simply I credit her false speaking tongue: On both sides thus is
simple truth suppress’d.” From what I got from this quatrain, I think the problem that’s being
shown is that the one he loves might have promised that she’ll never lie to him and yet she is
about his age. Also, another problem that I got out of this is that he’s starting to ask himself is
she trying to lie to herself that he’s old or trying to lie to William Shakespeare. This then makes
the reader start to question and look more into depth in this sonnet as well.
In the third quatrain, “But wherefore says she not she is unjust? And wherefore say not I
that I am old? O, loves best habit is in seeming trust, And age in love loves not to have years
told.” The problem that was stated in the previous quatrain was now resolved in this final
quatrain. In this question he asks again how come she’s lying to him and also asks himself why
he is not going to say how old he truly is. He then answers that love is trust seen in different
ways and that when you’re older and in love, it doesn’t seem necessary to show how old you
Then in the couplet, “Therefore I lie with her and she with me, And in our faults by lies
we flatter’d be.” The couplet gives us Shakespeare’s final thought over the three quatrains which
was because love is seen in different ways and when age isn’t to be shown, it’s the reason why
they are together. The concluding line supports the entire sonnets by saying their lies help them
Shakespeare shows his true emotions hidden in the creativity of word choices and word
plays too. If Shakespeare just flat out told the story and/or problem, the entire sonnet wouldn’t be
very interesting at all to the reader. In conclusion, when you have creativity in your writing (what
ever the type may it be), your English work will become a work of art because it would make