Improved AVO Fluid Detection and Lithology Discrimination Using Lamé Petrophysical Parameters - CSEG Recorder Online
Improved AVO Fluid Detection and Lithology Discrimination Using Lamé Petrophysical Parameters - CSEG Recorder Online
Improved AVO Fluid Detection and Lithology Discrimination Using Lamé Petrophysical Parameters - CSEG Recorder Online
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
Traditional AVO and petrophysical analysis extract and exploit anomalous variations between
seismic compressional wave velocity (Vp) and shear wave velocity (Vs) to indicate changes primarily
in pore fluid, as well as lithologic properties (Gassmann 1951, Pickett 1963, Tatham 1982, Castagna
1993a). Other analysis methods using seismic measurements derive Poisson's ratio formulated
from (Vp/VS)2 (Ostrander 1984) or P and S reflectivities, ie. impedance contrast (Gidlow et aI. 1993,
Fatti et al. 1994 Wallace & Young 1996). The underlying emphasis on seismic velocity and density
arises from the Knott-Zoeppritz equations for continuity of displacement (u) and stress ( (u))
across an interface between different rock properties for a propagating seismic wave.
Displacement and stress are usually derived from a plane wave solution of the acoustic wave
equation; u = Aeil(t-x/V) However the underlying physics in the wave equation; d2u/dx2= /M
(d2u/dt2) does not involve seismic velocities, but instead the ratio of density () to modulus (M). So
converting velocity measurements to Lame's modulii parameters of rigidity () and
incompressibility () offers new insight into the original governing rock property factor /M. It will
be shown that an improved identification of reservoir zones is possible by the enhanced sensitivity
to pore fluids from pure compressibility, as well as lithologic variations represented by
fundamental changes in rigidity, incompressibility, and density parameters as opposed to mixed
parameters of seismic velocities.
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
The proposal here is to use modulii/density relationships to velocities V or impedances I, given as;
Ip2 =(Vp. ) = ( + 2) and Is2 = (Vs. )2 = , in order to extract the orthogonal Lame parameters
and , from logs with measured density , or and , from seismic without known density. The
simple derivations are; =Vp2. - 2Vs2., =VS2., and = Ip2- 2 Is2, = Is2.
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
Note, Poisson's ratio analysis being related to (Vp/VS)2, comes closes to measuring the most "rock
property sensitive" modulii ratio of / (i.e. (VpVS)2 = (/) + 2). Unfortunately the constant 2 in the
equation is of the same order as the / ratio thereby reducing the full impact of the relative
change of this ratio between different rock properties. Incompressibility is however non physical
unlike rigidity , but the extraction method can be seen as a form of stripping off the sensitive
rock matrix to reveal the most sensitive pore fluid indicator .
Table 1, shows the justification and power of the method in petrophysical analysis. Actual Vp, Vs
and values from a shallow gas well (not in the study area discussed later) have been combined to
give various rock property values and average % change i.e. contrast at the interface for
detectability. The unusual behaviour of a very limited VpVp compared to VsVs for this thick, good
quality gas sand zone requires some explanation, as most standard measurements concentrate on
this non-responsive Vp change. The answer lies in comparing columns 4 to 7, where it is apparent
that because of Vp's dependence on both and , the effect of decreasing A (incompressibility) as a
direct response of the gas porosity, is almost completely offset by an increase in (rigidity) in going
from capping shale to gas sand. However by breaking out A from Vp and combing it into a / ratio,
the average changes of 70% for A and 110% for / are by far the most sensitive to variations in
rock properties going from shale to gas sand. The best conventional measurements from Poisson's
ratio () of 45% and (VpVs)2 of 55% are far less sensitive. This , analysis works well for log data,
however for surface seismic without an independent measurement of density, the extraction of
and is not possible with any certainty.
For seismic data, a common starting point for AVO analysis is the simpler linearized approximation
to the Knott-Zoeppritz equations given by Aki and Richards (1979 p. 153). This equation can be
reformulated in terms of modulii and density as;
Though this equation has some merit in revealing the AVO variation for modulii and a totally
independent term, it is not practical for AVO analysis. A modified equation to extract P and S
reflectivities or impedance contrasts, given by Gidlow et al. 1992, Fatti et al. 1994, is used instead,
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
where the last term in only, cancels for most VpVs ratios around 2 and small angles;
Having extracted the P, S reflectivity sections, the next step is to obtain Ip and Is through inversion.
Finally by using the (modulii x density) to impedance relationships given above, extraction of and
is possible. Results of this method on synthetic, prestack AVO models derived from subtle
changes in carbonate rock properties, show significant improvement in DID detectability over the
conventional analysis based on VpVs or Ip, Is, variations.
AVO analysis requires crossplotting Ip, Is or in this new approach , for a "fluid factor" (Smith &
Gidlow 1987) or threshold type stack that isolates only the anomalous gas zones from background
relationship. Figs. 2a, b, compare the Ip, Is to , crossplots, with , showing a significant
advantage in isolating both lithologic properties, ego sand, shale, and carbonate facies as well as
gas zones. The Ip, Is points in Fig. 2a, cluster in a close linear relationship (hence Castagna's mudrock line) with shale having the lowest values on both axes. By contrast in Fig. 2b, the lowest
(incompressibility x density) point has the best gas sand values along with (rigidity x density)
values higher than shales. Simply put, for the Ip, Is plot all rock types plot to the upper right
direction from the lowest shale values, while for the , plot the anomalous gas sands are in the
upper left hand quadrant from the lowest shales while other more competent pure lithologies
(silts, cemented sands) plot in the opposite upper right quadrant relative to the shales. The reason
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
for the separation improvement in 2b, compared to 2a, is that the v's axes are orthogonal
with regard to modulii, unlike Ip v's Is, thereby making the crossplot more discriminating. This
difference is better seen between figs. 3a and 3b, showing the equivalent crossplotted results from
a seismic line through the gas well. By being able to clearly identify the upper left quadrant of the
, crossplot as good gas sands unlike the tighter Ip, Is crossplot scatter, the resulting "fluid
factor" stacks in Figs. 4a v's 4b, show the improved discriminating power of the new ,
approach. Fig. 4b, has the gas zone only shown plotted in green on wiggle traces of P impedance,
while the Ip, Is "fluid factor" stack has numerous ambiguous gas zones that are false. Finally a pure
(incompressibility x density) stack in Fig. 5, shows clear isolation of the gas zone in blue,
sandwiched between higher zones both for the overlying shale and underlying carbonates as
predicted by logs.
1) Improved petrophysical discrimination of rock properties using , over conventional Vp, Vs
2) Greater physical insight by isolating reservoir rock properties for pore fluid and lithology, into the
modulin or Lam parameter terms of their seismic responses
3) Easier AVO crossplot thresholding for a more sensitive ", fluid factor" type stack.
4) A new pure (incompressibility x density) stack showing gas zones without interpretive
thresholding or fluid factor choices.
Improved AVO fluid detection and lithology discrimination using Lam petrophysical parameters | CSEG Recorder Online
Geology and Geophysics in the U.K. and transferred to Calgary from London with a seismic
contracting company in 1982. He has worked at a number of local Canadian and U.S. seismic
contractors and for the last 12 years he has been employed at PanCanadian Petroleum in the
Exploration Geophysics Department.
Bill has been a member of the CSEG since 1982, serving twice as a Convention Technical Session
Chairman. He has also presented and coauthored technical papers both at CSEG conventions and
the SEG Development and Production Forum, and is a Professional Geophysicist with APEGGA.
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gas" Geo. Prosp. 35, 993-1014.
Smith G.C., 1996 "3-parameter Geostack" Ann. Int. Mtg., SEG. Expanded Abstracts, 1747-1750.
Stewart R.R., Zhang Q., Guthoff F., 1995 "Relationships among elastic-wave values; Rpp, Rps. Rss,
Vp, Vs, , , " CREWES Report #7.
Tatham R.H., 1982 "Vp/Vs and lithology" Geophysics Mar., p 336-344.
Thomsen L., J990 "Poisson was not a geophysicist" TLE Dec.. 27-29.
Wallace R. Young R., 1996 "Pre-stack Inversion: Evolving the Science of Inversion" CSEG Recorder,
Wright J., 1984 "The effects of anisotropy on reflectivity offset" 54th Ann. Mtg., SEG Expanded
Abstracts, 670-672.