UCS Implementation & Design Lab Camp: October 2013

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UCS Implementation & Design

Lab Camp
October 2013

UCS I&D Lab Camp

Copyright 2013 and Distribution Rights Held by
Global Knowledge Training LLC
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following sources: 2009 Jupiterimages Corporation;
Corel Corporation, Corel Gallery; Broderbund Company,
ClickArt 200,000.
Products and company names are the trademarks and
registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Whats in the Box?

DCUCD v5 Cisco UCS Design v5

Student Guide
Lab Guide

DCUCI v5 Cisco UCS Implementation v5

Student Guide
Lab Guide

UCS I&D Lab Camp Supplement Guide

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Course Intro
What to expect from this course

100% dedicated to labs

All lecture & concepts support daily labs

Student Guide pages SG pg. are listed in green

You manage your time to get the most out of your labs

Recommended Schedule:

Day 1: All Design related Concepts & Labs

Day 2: Direct Configuration & Environment Discovery
Day 3: Logical Configuration & Building a vSphere env.
Day 4: Access Layer Switch options
Day 5: Administering a UCS environment
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Class Administration:

Sign in/Roll Call

Class Hours
Break Room
Lunch Locations
Student Kit
Telephone, fax, internet access

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UCS Lab Topology...

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Participant Introductions
Whats your name?
Who do you work for?
What are your responsibilities there?
What do you hope to get out of this class/What made
you select this class?

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Day 1 Lecture material

- All Design related lecture & labs Concepts: a free-form overview chalk talk

Problems with the current Datacenter; Server sprawl, more

Solutions with the modern Datacenter; Virtualization in the modern Datacenter.
Virtualizing ALL Datacenter components.


DCUCD Module 1, Slides 14 - 37 (SG pg 1-14 - 1-45) = Virtualization in the modern

Datacenter. Virtualizing ALL Datacenter components
DCUCD Module 1, Slides 135 - 155 (SG pg 1-150 - 1-180) = Cisco Datacenter
Components and Validated Designs (ex. CVD at www.cisco.com/go/cvd)
DCUCD Module 2, Slides 1 - 24 (SG pg 2-1 - 2-28)
DCUCD Module 2, Slides 77 - 124 (SG pg 2-74 - 2-118)
DCUCD Module 3, Slides 1 - 16 (SG pg 3-1 - 3-14)
DCUCD Module 3, Slides 28 - 40 (SG pg 3-24 - 3-33)
DCUCD Module 3, Slides 50 - 68 (SG pg 3-42 - 3-54)

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Day 1 Labs
Labs: 0 - 4

Lab 0 = Lab topology & Addressing chart

Notice the design hierarchy used even in our Lab Addressing Chart

Lab 1 = Focus on DCUCD Module 2, Slides 107 116

Get to know Microsofts Assessment and Planning Toolkit MAP Toolkit

Lab 2 = Focus on DCUCD Module 3, Slides 1 - 16

Lab 3 = Focus on DCUCD Module 3, Slides 28 - 40

In both labs 2 & 3 there are charts for 3 solutions; one solution is already populated as an

Lab 4 = Focus on DCUCD Module 3, Slides 50 68

TCO/ROI, Power and Sizing Calculator(s)

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Lab0: Just to get you started...

Remote Lab Environment

Logging In
The PC Systems
The Server Systems
The Network Devices
Other Remote Lab Features
Understanding the Topology

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Day 2 Lecture material

- Direct Configuration & Environment Discovery Slides:

DCUCD Module 5, Slides 1 - 45 (only) (SG pg 5-1 - 5-50) = Addressing hierarchy

Review the "Address Sheet" in Lab

Concepts: a free-form overview chalk talk

Demo the basic structure, flow and options of UCS Manager

BASICS of a Service Profile: Logical identities, 1-to-1 Service Profile-to-Blade

Slides (cont.)

DCUCI Module 1, Slides 85 - 143 (SG pg 1-64 - 1-103)

DCUCI Module 3, Slides 1 - 43 (SG pg 3-1 - 3-33)
DCUCI Module 3, Slides 87 - 165 (SG pg 3-68 - 3-120)

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Day 2 Labs
Labs: 5 - 7

Lab 5 = Use the start of Lab 5 for...

Lab 6 = Focus on DCUCI Module 1, Slides 86 - 146


An introduction to UCS Manager ~Demo~

BASICS of the Service Profile wizard and Service Profile wizard

Direct configuration of your C-Series server using Ciscos Integrated Management

Controller CIMC

Lab 7 = Focus on DCUCI Module 3, Slides 87 165

Use this lab to best understand the lab environment

LAN; VLANs & Port Channels, SAN; VSANs & SAN Port Channels, Management & Data flows

This is a very real-world topology used in many production environments

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Day 3 Lecture material

- Logical Configuration & Building a vSphere env. Slides:

DCUCI Module 4, Slides 110 - 158 (SG pg 4-92 - 4-122) = Overview of Pool types
DCUCI Module 4, Slides 159 - 209 (SG pg 4-124 - 4-160) (Optional)
DCUCI Module 4, Slides 211 - 246 (SG pg 4-162 - 4-184) = We will NOW use a
Service Profile Template to create Service Profiles (add'l vNIC & vHBA Templates)


Free-form Overview of VMware's vSphere, now vCloud Suite

ESXi; concept of a Hypervisor
vSphere client
vCenter Server
Basic Configuration; Networking (vSS & vDS = Nexus 1000V), Storage (Local
& SAN), Creating VMs
Cluster features; HA/DRS/DPM/FT

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Day 3 Labs
Labs: 8 - 10

Lab 8 = Focus on DCUCI Module 4, Slides 110 158

Lab 9 = Focus on DCUCI Module 4, Slides 211 246

From Lab 8 through the rest of the labs you will use the DCUCI Sub-Organization.
The Resource Pools created in this lab will be used by Templates to create your
logical build. Ex. vHBA, vNIC Templates and Service Profile templates.

A Service Profile Template will be created to use the pools from Lab 8.
From the Service Profile Template a Service Profile will be created and serve as the
Logical Build for your actual server (ex. UCS B-Series blade).

Lab 10 = Use the free-form lecture to review the installed components

Here you will build the foundations for what will become a real-world vSphere env.
vSphere Client, vCenter Server (Windows based) and VMwares vSphere Update Manager

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Day 4 Lecture material

- Access Layer Switch options -


DCUCI Module 5, ALL SLIDES This module fully describes the Nexus 1000v (Labs
11 & 12), UCSM & vSphere Integration (Lab 13) & VM-FEX options (Lab 14)
Slides 1 - 8 are a high-level overview of vSphere Networking.


Free-form lecture on how "Fabric EXtension or FEX has been around since the
days of the Catalyst 5500. A line card "EXtended" that devices Fabric.

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Day 4 Labs
Labs: 11 - 14

Lab 11 = Focus on DCUCI Module 5, Slides 9 15

Lab 12 = Focus on DCUCI Module 5, Slides 9 15

Here we introduce the Nexus 1000V VEM, Port-Profile concepts and commands

Lab 13 = Focus on DCUCI Module 5, Slides 43 59

Here we introduce the Nexus 1000v VSM, Nexus 1000v Installer and the needed Control,
Management and Packet VLANs.
Best success when using B-Series Servers for Testing. Lab steps instruct you to keep
VMs on blades.
Nexus 1000v uses a new installer introduced in v1.5

An introduction to integrating UCS Manager and vCenter Server to allow overlapping

administrative functions to be performed within UCS Manager. Ex. Virtual Switch config.

Lab 14 = Focus on DCUCI Module 5, Slides 60 98

Exploring VM-FEX deployment options to leverage VM to Direct Hardware


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Day 5 Lecture material

- Administering a UCS environment Slides:

Finalize any labs from Day 4

DCUCI Module 2 (SG pg 2-1 - 2-114)
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 1 45
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 46 - 87

UCS Manager Upgrade process (Overview only)


* DO NOT actually make changes to the install firmware currently on the blades.
The UCS environment uses a shared chassis, making a change to the globally
installed firmware could impact others on this chassis this week and future
classes to use this same chassis.
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 90 114
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 116 160

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Day 5 Labs
Labs: 15 - 17

Lab 15 = Focus on DCUCI Module 2, Slides 1 45

Configuring Role Based Access Control for administrative access to UCS Manager

Task 5, Step 7 DOES NOT change auth. It only shows how to make a change

Lab 16 = Focus on DCUCI Module 2, Slides 90 114

Exploring Backup and Import options for UCS configurations

Lab 17 = Focus on DCUCI Module 2, Slides 116 160

Syslog is a global setting. Pods must be broken up into teams & configure a
Syslog server per team.
SNMPv3 is here for a real-world configuration DEMO ONLY. We then switch
back to SNMPv2 to complete this task.


A: Design Answer key, Complete lab topology (4) & Optional Labs
B: Installing Hyper-V 2012, vSphere v4.1 & vSphere 5.1

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