UCS Implementation & Design Lab Camp: October 2013
UCS Implementation & Design Lab Camp: October 2013
UCS Implementation & Design Lab Camp: October 2013
Lab Camp
October 2013
Student Guide
Lab Guide
Student Guide
Lab Guide
Page 3
Course Intro
What to expect from this course
You manage your time to get the most out of your labs
Recommended Schedule:
Page 4
Class Administration:
Page 5
Page 6
Participant Introductions
Whats your name?
Who do you work for?
What are your responsibilities there?
What do you hope to get out of this class/What made
you select this class?
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Day 1 Labs
Labs: 0 - 4
Notice the design hierarchy used even in our Lab Addressing Chart
In both labs 2 & 3 there are charts for 3 solutions; one solution is already populated as an
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Logging In
The PC Systems
The Server Systems
The Network Devices
Other Remote Lab Features
Understanding the Topology
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Slides (cont.)
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Day 2 Labs
Labs: 5 - 7
LAN; VLANs & Port Channels, SAN; VSANs & SAN Port Channels, Management & Data flows
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DCUCI Module 4, Slides 110 - 158 (SG pg 4-92 - 4-122) = Overview of Pool types
DCUCI Module 4, Slides 159 - 209 (SG pg 4-124 - 4-160) (Optional)
DCUCI Module 4, Slides 211 - 246 (SG pg 4-162 - 4-184) = We will NOW use a
Service Profile Template to create Service Profiles (add'l vNIC & vHBA Templates)
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Day 3 Labs
Labs: 8 - 10
From Lab 8 through the rest of the labs you will use the DCUCI Sub-Organization.
The Resource Pools created in this lab will be used by Templates to create your
logical build. Ex. vHBA, vNIC Templates and Service Profile templates.
A Service Profile Template will be created to use the pools from Lab 8.
From the Service Profile Template a Service Profile will be created and serve as the
Logical Build for your actual server (ex. UCS B-Series blade).
Here you will build the foundations for what will become a real-world vSphere env.
vSphere Client, vCenter Server (Windows based) and VMwares vSphere Update Manager
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DCUCI Module 5, ALL SLIDES This module fully describes the Nexus 1000v (Labs
11 & 12), UCSM & vSphere Integration (Lab 13) & VM-FEX options (Lab 14)
Slides 1 - 8 are a high-level overview of vSphere Networking.
Free-form lecture on how "Fabric EXtension or FEX has been around since the
days of the Catalyst 5500. A line card "EXtended" that devices Fabric.
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Day 4 Labs
Labs: 11 - 14
Here we introduce the Nexus 1000V VEM, Port-Profile concepts and commands
Here we introduce the Nexus 1000v VSM, Nexus 1000v Installer and the needed Control,
Management and Packet VLANs.
Best success when using B-Series Servers for Testing. Lab steps instruct you to keep
VMs on blades.
Nexus 1000v uses a new installer introduced in v1.5
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* DO NOT actually make changes to the install firmware currently on the blades.
The UCS environment uses a shared chassis, making a change to the globally
installed firmware could impact others on this chassis this week and future
classes to use this same chassis.
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 90 114
DCUCI Module 2, Slides 116 160
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Day 5 Labs
Labs: 15 - 17
Configuring Role Based Access Control for administrative access to UCS Manager
Task 5, Step 7 DOES NOT change auth. It only shows how to make a change
A: Design Answer key, Complete lab topology (4) & Optional Labs
B: Installing Hyper-V 2012, vSphere v4.1 & vSphere 5.1
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