Jurnal Praktikum English
Jurnal Praktikum English
Jurnal Praktikum English
: 1/10
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Pertama
On the first day of the session, I had reported to Mr. Mohd Yazid bin Mohamad
Kamin, headmistress of SK Batu Arang. I introduced myself and handed
Identification Letter to practicum him. In addition he also briefed me about
various matters relating to the school include:
Bilangan Jurnal
: 2/10
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Kedua
1-issues / events
This week, as always, I teach according to the given time schedule. No such
problems arise during the teaching is carried out. The students are paying
attention and cooperation during the teaching and learning.
This week, I have been involved with the training of the school rugby team. I
run every Wednesday evening training after completion of curriculum time at
6:00 pm. A total of 14 students who participated in the training. The tournament
will take place next week.
Bilangan Jurnal
: 3/10
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Ketiga
1 - Issues / events
This week I have been facing a significant class of control problems during four
years teaching Physical Education. Consequently, teaching and learning
activities planned could not be carried out smoothly. In addition, targets are
also deviated from the original plan.
2 - Analysis
This was due to several factors. Among them is the problem of the number of
students in a class is too many, especially for the excellent class while the
teacher had to deal with a variety of red pupils. As for the Corot, there are a
handful of troubled students and the lazy who do not want to bother to learn
other friends during their teaching and learning and do not concentrate on their
studies progress. This causes the uncontrolled class teaching and learning is
disrupted because of the students.
3 - Proposal Follow up
a) Reading or find materials and information related to good classroom
b ) I need to divide students into smaller groups according to their level of
c ) Provide a variety of teaching aids for attracting students
d ) Using simple language students, particularly for weaker classes
4 - Follow-up Period
I will try to solve this problem within 3 weeks. This is because the management
class control that can help improve the quality of teaching and learning is daily.
In addition, the students feel good to learn and teachers to deliver lessons fun
is good.
Bilangan Jurnal
: 10/10
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Kesepuluh
I hope to be able to understand some of the elements of the construction of such reflection
explicit and specific teaching objectives,
The implications of the learning objectives
Possibilities to conduct instructional implications.
Examples and alternative descriptions may help to clarify the subject matter more
effectively to pupils.
What should be done to attract and retain students?
Things that I should practice so that students are more active.
Teaching strategies that are used to produce effective learning. Evaluate themselves in
achieving the learning objectives.
I know the way to my teaching achievement.
The success of the assignment is the process of developing character, skills and
accumulated knowledge to me. I hope that efforts to educate this posting I made trust a
divine Creator Mother Thank you.
Bilangan Jurnal
: 5/12
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Kelima
Tajuk Jurnal
1 - issues / events
This week I have problems with the effectiveness of the plan set induction at
the beginning of teaching and learning in physical education 4. Induction set I
came up much less excited about the pupils in a shadow or reflection on the
lesson topic.
2 - Analysis
This is because the set of induction are expressed at moderate levels and less
creative. As a result, students feel less excited about the induction set thus
shadow topic will be studied for the day is less clear. In addition, fewer students
think about what is to be learned for the day due to the lack of a clear set of
induction and less interest to them.
3 - Proposal Follow up
1 - Reading or looking for information related to the planning of an effective set
of induction into the teaching and learning
2 - induction plan and they set an interesting and gives a sense of excitement
in students
3 - Ask for the views and opinions of the teachers experienced SKBA for
4 - Follow-up Period
I will try to overcome the problem of induction plans set as soon as possible
within 3 weeks. This is because the set of interesting and creative induction is
attracting students to find out what will be learned and thus stimulate their
minds to think more creatively.
Bilangan Jurnal
: 6/12
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Keenam
This week I was able to fix all the problems encountered before. Especially in
teaching and learning that is set during induction. I am using a fun little game.
Students are no longer running, but instead do a warm-up activity with small
Students were excited with warm-up activity. Pupils do not feel tired in the
warm-up activity. They are excited and having fun in the warm-up activity.
Thank God, I am able to control my class during induction set. I was so excited
to see the students can perform a warm-up session with the activities of small
game. For example, small game grasshoppers and woodpeckers, disconnect
the tail and so on. I got a lot of help from my colleagues.
Bilangan Jurnal
: 9/12
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Kesembilan
Bilangan Jurnal
Minggu Praktikum
Tarikh Peristiwa / Kejadian
Tajuk Jurnal
: 8/12
: Minggu Kelapan
: 5 May 2014 9 May 2014
At week eight is my mentor I have observed for the first time. I was so excited to be
discerned. Although I have been teaching for 7 years, there is still anxiety in themselves. I
observed my mentor during the teaching and learning of physical education 6.
My mentor has given some comments or criticism to me. Among them there are a number
of strategies and measures that can be accomplished to enhance my teaching. Among them
is a collaborative teaching and application of language arts. Teachers can use a variety of
teaching methods such as drama, acting, acting technique sculpture, facial expression, role
playing, readers theater , storytelling and theater news reader slot .
The atmosphere is good communication between teachers and students can achieve the
objectives to be achieve. Humor and inserts can reduce tense situations and pressure on
students. Students will feel more relaxed if the teacher can enrich the teaching and learning
Bilangan Jurnal
: 4/12
Minggu Praktikum
: Minggu Keempat
Tajuk Jurnal
1 - Issues / events
The results of the observations that have been made, I found this week
discipline declined mainly for scheduled class after recess. Consequently, the
time allocated for the teaching and learning process and the resulting decline
of teaching and learning objectives not fully achieved.
2 - Analysis
This is because, the bell sounded the end of the break late on specific reasons.
Students rely on the sound of the bell to get into the class. Most of them do not
wear a watch to keep time. This causes them to get into class late and not
ready to lead the next learning session.
3 - Proposal Follow up
1 - Ensure the bell sounded at the time of the weekly working
2 - remind and advise the students to meet the time and do not depend on the
sound of the bell to spend the rest of their
3 - Make some class rules to encourage more students disciplined
4 - Follow-up Period
I will try to address this problem in the near future. This problem is enormous
and will affect the preparation and concentration of pupils in receiving the
information and subject matter will be presented by the teacher.