Information Logging Standard: 1. Overview

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Consensus Policy Resource Community

Information Logging Standard

Free Use Disclaimer: This policy was created by or for the SANS Institute for the
Internet community. All or parts of this policy can be freely used for your organization.
There is no prior approval required. If you would like to contribute a new policy or
updated version of this policy, please send email to [email protected].
Things to Consider: Please consult the Things to Consider FAQ for additional
guidelines and suggestions for personalizing the SANS policies for your organization.
Last Update Status: Updated June 2014

1. Overview
Logging from critical systems, applications and services can provide key information and
potential indicators of compromise. Although logging information may not be viewed on a daily
basis, it is critical to have from a forensics standpoint.

2. Purpose
The purpose of this document attempts to address this issue by identifying specific requirements
that information systems must meet in order to generate appropriate audit logs and integrate with
an enterprises log management function.
The intention is that this language can easily be adapted for use in enterprise IT security policies
and standards, and also in enterprise procurement standards and RFP templates. In this way,
organizations can ensure that new IT systems, whether developed in-house or procured, support
necessary audit logging and log management functions.

3. Scope
This policy applies to all production systems on <Company Name> Network.

4. Standard
4.1 General Requirements
All systems that handle confidential information, accept network connections, or make access
control (authentication and authorization) decisions shall record and retain audit-logging
information sufficient to answer the following questions:
1. What activity was performed?
2. Who or what performed the activity, including where or on what system the activity was
performed from (subject)?
3. What the activity was performed on (object)?
4. When was the activity performed?
5. What tool(s) was the activity was performed with?
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6. What was the status (such as success vs. failure), outcome, or result of the activity?
4.2 Activities to be Logged
Therefore, logs shall be created whenever any of the following activities are requested to be
performed by the system:
1. Create, read, update, or delete confidential information, including confidential
authentication information such as passwords;
2. Create, update, or delete information not covered in #1;
3. Initiate a network connection;
4. Accept a network connection;
5. User authentication and authorization for activities covered in #1 or #2 such as user login
and logout;
6. Grant, modify, or revoke access rights, including adding a new user or group, changing
user privilege levels, changing file permissions, changing database object permissions,
changing firewall rules, and user password changes;
7. System, network, or services configuration changes, including installation of software
patches and updates, or other installed software changes;
8. Application process startup, shutdown, or restart;
9. Application process abort, failure, or abnormal end, especially due to resource exhaustion
or reaching a resource limit or threshold (such as for CPU, memory, network connections,
network bandwidth, disk space, or other resources), the failure of network services such
as DHCP or DNS, or hardware fault; and
10. Detection of suspicious/malicious activity such as from an Intrusion Detection or
Prevention System (IDS/IPS), anti-virus system, or anti-spyware system.
4.3 Elements of the Log
Such logs shall identify or contain at least the following elements, directly or indirectly. In this
context, the term indirectly means unambiguously inferred.
1. Type of action examples include authorize, create, read, update, delete, and accept
network connection.
2. Subsystem performing the action examples include process or transaction name,
process or transaction identifier.
3. Identifiers (as many as available) for the subject requesting the action examples include
user name, computer name, IP address, and MAC address. Note that such identifiers
should be standardized in order to facilitate log correlation.
4. Identifiers (as many as available) for the object the action was performed on examples
include file names accessed, unique identifiers of records accessed in a database, query
parameters used to determine records accessed in a database, computer name, IP address,

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and MAC address. Note that such identifiers should be standardized in order to facilitate
log correlation.
Before and after values when action involves updating a data element, if feasible.
Date and time the action was performed, including relevant time-zone information if not
in Coordinated Universal Time.
Whether the action was allowed or denied by access-control mechanisms.
Description and/or reason-codes of why the action was denied by the access-control
mechanism, if applicable.

4.4 Formatting and Storage

The system shall support the formatting and storage of audit logs in such a way as to ensure the
integrity of the logs and to support enterprise-level analysis and reporting. Note that the
construction of an actual enterprise-level log management mechanism is outside the scope of this
document. Mechanisms known to support these goals include but are not limited to the
1. Microsoft Windows Event Logs collected by a centralized log management system;
2. Logs in a well-documented format sent via syslog, syslog-ng, or syslog-reliable network
protocols to a centralized log management system;
3. Logs stored in an ANSI-SQL database that itself generates audit logs in compliance with
the requirements of this document; and
4. Other open logging mechanisms supporting the above requirements including those
based on CheckPoint OpSec, ArcSight CEF, and IDMEF.

5. Policy Compliance
5.1 Compliance Measurement
The Infosec team will verify compliance to this policy through various methods, including but
not limited to, periodic walk-thrus, video monitoring, business tool reports, internal and external
audits, and feedback to the policy owner.
5.2 Exceptions
Any exception to the policy must be approved by the Infosec team in advance.
5.3 Non-Compliance
An employee found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and
including termination of employment.

6 Related Standards, Policies and Processes


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7 Definitions and Terms


8 Revision History
Date of


Summary of Change

June 2014

SANS Policy Team

Updated and converted to new format.

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