What The Heck Is HDTV?: Oh, Say, Can You ATSC?
What The Heck Is HDTV?: Oh, Say, Can You ATSC?
What The Heck Is HDTV?: Oh, Say, Can You ATSC?
Powerful Performance
HDTV (and digital TV, DTV, in general there are some digital TV
variants that are not high-definition, and we discuss them in this
section) is all about giving you a bigger and better picture, better
audio, and generally making your TV-watching experience more
like a movie-watching experience. In fact, at its best, HDTV is so
realistic that its often described as looking through a window
as if youre really there, not just watching a program.
Video standards
There are three essential concepts to understand when you are
comparing different video standards:
Resolution: the number of individual picture elements that
make up a TV image. The higher the resolution, the more
detailed the image, and the sharper the image will appear.
Resolution is defined by one of two factors:
Lines (the number of left-to-right lines the TV can display). CRT-based TVs (tube TVs) are rated this way.
Pixels (the number of pixels across the screen times the
number up and down). Fixed-pixel displays (plasmas,
LCDs, DLPs and the like) are rated this way.
4:3 / 1.33:1
Standard TV
and older movies
16:9 / 1.78:1
US Digital TV
HDTV standards
There isnt a single HDTV standard out there. Instead, ATSC
contains many different TV standards (with different resolutions,
aspect ratios, and scan types) 18, in fact. Some of these standards
are truly HDTV; most are not. In the real world, you will deal with
four standards when you try to watch TV content on your HDTV.
The two primary HDTV standards are these:
720p: This provides 720 lines of resolution with progressive
scan (hence the p). By comparison, NTSC has less than 480
lines of resolution. 720p uses a 16:9, a widescreen aspect ratio.
Audio standards
The ATSC standard includes big improvements in the audio part
of television what you hear as part of any movie, video, or TV
show. Thats because ATSC includes Dolby Digital surround sound
capability in the overall standard for digital TV.
Center Channel
Left Surround
Right Surround
Home Theater
Perplexing Pitfalls
HDTV isnt the easiest thing in the world to get figured out weve
been dealing with it for years and still run into advertising and
marketing mumbo-jumbo that make us say, Huh??? The whole
purpose of HDTV For Dummies is to help you wade through the
marketing manure and to get you up to speed on HDTV. So without
further ado, heres a list of HDTV danger zones:
Digital confusion: The biggest (and most prevalent) myth we
see in the HDTV world is the notion that any kind of digital TV
signal (such as digital cable, digital satellite, or DVD) is HDTV.
This simply isnt true a TV signal must be 720p resolution
or higher to be considered high-definition.
EDTV confusion: EDTVs are TVs (typically plasma flat-panel
models) that cost a lot and can display progressive-scan
images but dont meet the minimum requirement of 720p,
so they dont display true HDTV signals. Theres nothing
wrong with EDTVs, just dont be fooled into thinking youre
getting an HDTV when youre not.
Image scaling: Were starting to see some new marketing
being applied to an old concept image scalers that can convert video signals from one resolution to another.