This document describes two power supply circuits:
1. A high-performance regulator capable of supplying 10 amperes of current from a single chip using both high-power discrete transistors and modern monolithic IC processing.
2. A power supply unit that uses an external transistor for current boosting beyond 4 amperes, with the transistor adjusting to supply only the excess current beyond 4 amperes. It includes overvoltage protection.
This document describes two power supply circuits:
1. A high-performance regulator capable of supplying 10 amperes of current from a single chip using both high-power discrete transistors and modern monolithic IC processing.
2. A power supply unit that uses an external transistor for current boosting beyond 4 amperes, with the transistor adjusting to supply only the excess current beyond 4 amperes. It includes overvoltage protection.
This document describes two power supply circuits:
1. A high-performance regulator capable of supplying 10 amperes of current from a single chip using both high-power discrete transistors and modern monolithic IC processing.
2. A power supply unit that uses an external transistor for current boosting beyond 4 amperes, with the transistor adjusting to supply only the excess current beyond 4 amperes. It includes overvoltage protection.
This document describes two power supply circuits:
1. A high-performance regulator capable of supplying 10 amperes of current from a single chip using both high-power discrete transistors and modern monolithic IC processing.
2. A power supply unit that uses an external transistor for current boosting beyond 4 amperes, with the transistor adjusting to supply only the excess current beyond 4 amperes. It includes overvoltage protection.
This IC does not depend on external capacitors for frequency
stabilisation. Internal structure of the IC combines high-power discrete transistor technology with modern monolithic linear IC processing. This combination yields a highperformance, singlechip regulator capable of supplying 10 amperes of current.
Fig. 3: Discrete power supply unit for QRO
regulator meant for providing an adjustable output votage of 1.25V to 15V at
current up to 10A. Its power dissipation (PD) is 70W. For setting output voltage, only two external resistors are needed.
Maximum input voltage rating is 20V
and ripple rejection is 74 dB. The output voltage is decided by resistors R1 and R2. Vout = 1.25 (R1+R2/R1)
Transistor T1 is used for current
boosting. In this circuit the power dissipation (PD) of the IC is limited to 50W. So, we need an outboard transistor for current boosting. In this circuit the current boosting transistor used is TIP36C, and its PD is 90W. A current-sensing resistor (R5) of 0.15 ohm is used. When the current is less than 4A, the voltage across R5 is less than 0.6V and the transistor is in off state. The voltage regulation works as before. LM396 holds the output voltage constant and the load current passes through LM396. When the load current is greater than 4A, then the voltage across R5 is greater than 0.6V and the transistor turns on. The outboard transistor will supply extra load current of more than 4A. It is a beautiful circuit because the transistor current adjusts to the value of the excess load current. The current through LM396 is slightly more than 4A. The outboard transistor handles the rest of the current. Crowbar protection is added against high-voltage DC output. LED1 at VIN terminal is a normal voltage indicator. If it goes off, it means that VIN is very low. Capacitor between Adj. terminal of the regulator and the ground increases ripple rejection. Lab note: The protection diodes prevent the high-value capacitors, at the output stage of the regulator, from discharging via the low-current points into the regulator and damaging it.
any of us use cooler pumps during summer. An air-cooler unit,
in addition to the fan motor, uses a 35- to 50-watt pump motor. The pump runs continuously and unnecessarily wastes power. The pump motor can, in fact, be switched off for some time once the pads are wetsave power and also prolong the life of the motor. The given circuit is a cyclic on-and-off timer which helps to achieve this objective. The circuit is simply an extended ver-
sion of 555-based astable multivibrator
with a long time-period. The length of ontime is a multiple of the period of 555 output and the number of used CD4017 outputs being connected together in wiredOR fashion, using diodes. The off-time period is a multiple of the period of 555 and the number of unused outputs of CD4017. The circuit thus increases the on and off time of the 555 waveform with the help of 4017 counter. The 4017 output being programmable, can be used to get different
duty-cycles of the overall on-off period, as
desired. It is recommended to set the ontime for three-four minutes and the offtime for seven-eight minutes as it suits most coolers. When there is inadequate water in the tank, the pump is automatically switched off. This is achieved by pulling the reset and inhibit pins of 4017 to supply voltage. Taking these pins towards ground potential (while the tank water level is sufficient) through the water in-
side the tank, ensures that CD4017
is active. In the absence of water between sensor pins, the circuit is both inhibited and reset. Other uses of the circuit include on-and-off timer for the exhaust fan. It can also be used where asymmetric waveform of very long time-period is required for timer applications.
ne of the main features of the
regulated power supply circuit being presented is that though fixed-voltage regulator LM7805 is used in the circuit, its output voltage is variable. This is achieved by connecting a potentiometer between common terminal of regulator IC and ground. For every 100-ohm increment in the in-circuit value of the resistance of potentiometer VR1, the output voltage increases by 1 volt. Thus, the output varies from 3.7V to 8.7V (taking into account 1.3-volt drop across diodes D1 and D2). Another important feature of the supply is that it switches itself off when no load is connected across its output terminals. This is achieved with the help of transistors T1 and T2, diodes D1 and D2, and capacitor C2. When a load is connected at the output, potential drop across diodes D1 and D2 (approximately 1.3V) is sufficient for transistors T2 and T1 to conduct. As a result, the relay gets energised and remains in that state as long as the load remains connected. At the same time, capacitor C2 gets charged to around 7-8 volt potential through transistor T2. But when the load is disconnected, transistor T2 is cut off. However, capacitor C2 is still charged and it starts discharging through base of transistor T1. After some time (which is basically determined by value of C2), relay RL1 is
de-energised, which switches off the
mains input to primary of transformer X1. To resume the power again, switch S1 should be pressed momentarily. Higher the value of capacitor C2, more will be the delay in switching off the power supply on disconnection of the load, and vice versa. Though in the prototype a transformer with a secondary voltage of 12V-0V, 250mA was used, it can
nevertheless be changed as per users
requirement (up to 30V maximum and 1-ampere current rating). For drawing more than 300mA current, the regulator IC must be fitted with a small heat sink over a mica insulator. When the transformers secondary voltage increases beyond 12 volts (RMS), potentiometer VR1 must be redimensioned. Also, the relay voltage rating should be redetermined.