Slay The Dragon 50 Page PDF
Slay The Dragon 50 Page PDF
Slay The Dragon 50 Page PDF
Robert Denton Bryant & Keith Giglio
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Story Matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Immersion: Context Is Everything. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Story Plot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A Story Tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
A Criminally Brief History of Game Narrative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
playing; what you think is working in games and why. I hope your passion turns into your profession.
And I, Bob, would like to thank my Golden Globe-winning girlfriend
Terri DePaolo for putting up with a lota lotduring the writing and
researching of this book. Also to my former colleagues and lifelong friends
Karen McMullan, Martin Hagvall, St.John Coln, Amy Zimmitti, Mike
Dawson, Allen Im, Jennifer Estaris, Daniel Boutros, Jeffrey Kessler,
Firstly, we want to thank you for buying this book. For putting your
Greg Morchower, David Mullich, Bill Smith, and Michael Blackledge for
making me feel welcome and for teaching me to teach. Plus huge thanks
duce, or work on a great video game that elevates the industry to an even
higher standard.
ing me more than I ever taught you. I dedicate my effort in this book to
As this book is co-written, Keith and Bob have some co-thank yous.
As a team, thank you to Ken Lee and Michael Wiese for believing in this
book and opening up the video game world to their wonderful audience
and network of amazing writers. Thank you David Wright for your mad
copyediting skillz and for helping us to upgrade this book to epic quality.
Thank you Debbie Berne for making our musings and doodles look awesome. Thank you to Linda Venis and Chae Ko at the UCLA Extension
Writers Program for giving us a classroom and allowing us to fill it with
like-minded dreamers. Thank you to our research assistant, Stephen
Warren, and to Alice Art Design and Rae Yamamoto for help with the
graphics. And a special thank you to Larry Major Nelson Hryb for
penning the Foreword.
I, Keith, would like to thank the other pieces on my game board of
life: Juliet, Sabrina, and Ava. Weve come a long way from that crazy
night of playing Risk! Games often have a winner, and I am the winner
with all of you in my life. Thanks to everyone at Syracuse University for
supporting me in and out of the classroom. Especially to my chairman,
Michael Schoonmaker, for getting our class on the books and to Dean
Lorraine Branham for not telling me Im crazy with some of my crazy
ideas. Lastly, I want to thank Robert Sternberg. My friend. Its always
a treat to have you around the house and firing up the Xbox. But more
than thatthank you for letting me pick your brain about what you are
F O R E W O R D 13
by Larry Hryb, Xbox Lives Major Nelson
are big business. As you will soon learn (if you dont know
more. ALL incredibly smart and talented, but VASTLY different from
already) the video game industry is HUGE. When I tell people that the
the creative environment I studied in and was used to. These men and
women WERE the left brain. I was used to the warm, fuzzy, vague,
then follow up with another factoid: Its bigger than Hollywood. Thats
right-brain way of thinkingbut that was not what this was. I learned
right. At only 44 years old, sales of the video game industry regularly
While Ive always been into video gamesfrom that first time I
The next building over from where I worked was a studio named
played Pong at the local Sears department store on their Video Arcade
Bungie that Microsoft had purchased a few years earlier. They were
the countless hours spent after school at friends houses playing NFL
for the original Xbox. I would often go over there for meetings and I
just not there. It was one team of about one hundred people in a huge
etc. Hours and hours pushing dots around the screen with our hands
U-shaped room who were all creative and technical, sitting next to each
other and coming up with creative ideas and making them real with
computer code. Right before my eyes I saw something amazing: The two
bring ideas and characters to life: Write a script, go to the studio and
But, it was slightly different. As this book will show you, television,
shoot it with very expensive (tube) cameras, VTRs, etc. I practiced the
films, and radio are linear storytelling. The viewer (or listener) passively
art of storytelling, character arc, and all the hallmarks that make for a
sits back and watches (or listens) to the story play out at a prescribed
good linear story and program. I would study that by day, and return to
my dorm in the evening and play video games. (It was upstate New York.
video games, its completely different. The players are at the center of
What else was a nerd to do in the winter?) I could FEEL the creative and
the action. THEY decide when and where to move, look, and take action.
They can spend ten minutes in a hallway. Or ten seconds. The players
One day we would have video games with the fidelity of movies and
can open this door, then that door, then go out this window. Or they can
TV. One day there would be far away worlds we could explore for hours
just go out another window. Maybe they turn around and go around
on end.
the building. The pace and direction are entirely up to the players. This
14 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
F O R E W O R D F O R E W O R D 15
playing the same game can have three different experiences and results
The book you are holding in your hands is for anyone who wants to
This book will show you what a game is and explore story and game
learn about this new way of storytelling that really is an evolution of tra-
If youve ever played a video game and thought, Hey, I have a great idea
video game story creation as I have ever seen. This is an amazing indus-
for a storythis book is for you. If you want to get a better understand-
try that I am proud to be a part of where you really can make your own
real life adventure. Anything can happen. I love telling my old Syracuse
classmates that I came to Microsoft and I was part of a team that won
I love video games. I love that a person playing a game can create sto-
not one, but THREE Emmy Awards. A real life Emmy Award for work-
ries and character connections with deep emotions that can be greater
ing in the video game industry. Thats how far weve come. (Kudos to
the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences for recognizing the
lar open-world game set in the great American West in the late 1800sat
Enjoy this book. Enjoy the journey of creating your stories and characters and making them come to life in a game for players around the
world to (hopefully) enjoy.
I hope we get to meet someday and you can tell me about your own
wonder and successes in the industry.
movie, but this felt deeper. It was MY character I was controlling. I was
the one that made the story go forward at my pace. I got to know the
Larry Hryb
Twitter: @majornelson
hours of gameplay and story decisions I had made. When I got to the
Seattle, Washington
end it was overwhelming. (I wont spoil it for you but if you finished the
February 2015
blockbusters? They easily could be. Each of these story lines forms the
basis of a multi-million-dollar franchise with a global audience, shelves
full of licensed merchandise, legions of cosplaying fans, and side-stories
in multiple media.
18 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 19
But these are NOT the plots of movies coming to a theater near you
$93 billion.2 (Were not great with big numbers, but heres a comparison:
for the same period, worldwide theatrical box office revenue was $35.9
TV series). These are the story lines, worlds, and characters of block-
buster video games: Assassins Creed, BioShock, and Halo. They are huge
nowadays, passionate players are still willing to spend big on games that
franchises born from video game stories. These games are interactive
engage them.
narratives that take place in very rich worlds populated with involving
Video games have been around for almost 50(!) years, and for much of
after theyve beat the game. Video game stories and characterstheir
that time games have been made for and played by teenage boys. But we
intellectual property (or IP)are the next great frontier of our col-
play games at all ages now: Roughly a third of gamers are younger than
lective pop culture imagination. Video games have finally come of age.
18, a little more than a third are older than 36, and the remaining third
are in the 1835 year range. And the gender breakdown is almost even:
Weve only mentioned three so far, but you can probably name many
more: Call of Duty, Borderlands, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Grand
download stores like Apples App Store, Google Play, and Steam. And we
Layton, Ratchet & Clank, and Clash of Clans. That list goes on and on
grandparents to play video gamesmany for the first time. But while
as well.
more people than ever are playing video games, not everyone identifies
Where did this all start? When did games become more than games
themselves as a gamer. (And thats okay. Well discuss this later on.)
and a place where great stories might be told? Just as the movies can be
traced back to the success of a lovable tramp, we think the first box-of-
fice star . . . the Charlie Chaplin of the arcades . . . was a plumber who
It is not. Video games (and interactive fiction) are merely the latest media for writers to use their storytelling skills. We have a generation that has grown up with games. The Xbox has replaced the cable
box. Hollywood is not going anywhere, but neither are video games.
Consumers in North America spent over $21 billion on games at retail last
including mobile and tablet games, the number has been estimated at
1 Entertainment Software Association, Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game
Industry 2014, p. 13.
4 Entertainment Software Association, p. 3.
20 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 21
purses. From mobile to desktop, games are part of the pop culture
Infinite uses a silent movie within the game to tell part of the story. The
machine the player sees it on: a kinetoscope.)
But there were no stories on film . . . until very short fiction films
began to appear, like Edwin S. Porters twelve-minute The Great Train
Robbery (1903). Audiences (groups of people watching together, rather
Writers have always been drawn to new tech. From cave walls to the
successful (and incredibly racist) The Birth of a Nation (1915) proved that
will (usually) embrace it. Gutenbergs press was first used to print the
Bible, but many other works soon followed. As books grew less expen-
sive over time, newspapers, magazines, and dime novels were even
writers (or scenarists). Someone had to conceive the plot and write the
golden age. Why 1939? The years 1939 to 1942 saw the release of a trove
magazines. Devoted fans of his work and his characters would bark at
him as he walked through London: What have you in store for poor Pip?
When radio emerged as a mass medium, writers began scripting
Citizen Kane
dramas . . . you name it. Families gathered around the radio each night
who had made his name as a stage director, used this new medium in a
radio play, without telling the audience it was a play. America thought
Earth via Grovers Mill, New Jersey. Welless cleverly disguised narra-
The Wizard of Oz
Citizen Kane changed the medium. It set new expectations for cinematic storytelling. Its director? Orson Welles, the same boy wonder who
created a national panic with his radio play.
22 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 23
consoles, you could see the nose hair growing out of the nostrils of the
zombies that were about to kill you. In the current next generation,
they did back then, but more of the world goes. Hence, Hollywoods appe-
you can see individually animated legs on the mites on the nose hairs of
the zombies that are about to kill you. For most game players, the most
drop at a table where writers hang out, look at the original programming
wiggle sticks), better networking and, by far, the portability and ease of
offered by not only the broadcast and cable networks, but also Netflix,
Amazon and other streaming providers, and you will hear this consensus:
and binge watching have changed the way stories are told. Audiences
ling stories with better gameplay, rather than having to spend so much
to do. (Then again, many big game franchises have been providing long-
form episodic storytelling for, well, a lot longer than Netflix has.)
returning again and again to experience the next chapter in the story; to
explore more deeply these compelling worlds.
Breaking Bad or The Sopranos. For decades, many TV shows were essen-
Although theyre not playable movies, their graphics and sound are
tially radio programs with pictures. (Many very early TV shows, like
Father Knows Best and The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, started
nology allow more realism and beauty. The worlds and story lines have
attracted A-list Hollywood talent. Music tracks are no longer the ping-
For decades, television was the most underappreciated and most often
and mythology are unparalleled. What was the norm for the video game
industry now has become a key point in every story conference for movies
Brown famously called TV chewing gum for the eyes. It was unfash-
ionable in smart circles to declare that you might actually enjoy watch-
ing television. Does that attitude seem familiar to those of us who love
Rain) and many othersare treated like rock stars at game conferences.
video games?
Weve come a long way from the bouncing ball that was Pong. We are now
in a golden age of video game storytelling. Thankfully, the technology
5 1955 June 6, Time, Radio: Conversation Piece, Time Inc., New York. (Accessed
on September 12 2013; Online Time Magazine Archive)
24 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 25
many times with non-Oz stories.) The film studio and game publisher
games have in common, its that their creators and distributors are
marketing executives call this pre-awareness, and its the Holy Grail
Hollywood loves The Big Idea. The high-concept one-liner. The story
that gets butts in movie seats. The tantalizing What If? question that
people pay you to answer. The IP that can feed the fans insatiable appe-
tite for sequels and spin-offs (and book tie-ins and toys and T-shirts).
Every big media company wants nothing more than a franchise like
with the main character, and as that protagonist changes, the audience
release of a new trailer can fill the halls at comic conventions and might
even crash Twitter.
The appeal is twofold: for creators and fans, its about the fun of
With video games, players are in the drivers seat (sometimes literally, if
The Wizard of Oz (and we dont mean the beloved 1939 MGM filmthat
and physicallyin the game. A hero in a movie might need to rescue the
came almost four decades later). L. Frank Baum wrote The Wonderful
princess by slaying the big dragon, and we in the movie audience want to
Wizard of Oz in 1900. The book was a best-seller for years, and Baum
SEE him do it. But in a game, we the players want to slay the dragon and
wrote thirteen more novels based in the merry old land of Oz. He then
rescue the princess (or prince) through the vessel of the player character
brought the franchise to the stage as a musical play, which had a success-
(PC). We also want plenty to do and see along the way. Were players; we
ful run on Broadway and toured the United States. In 1914 he expanded
want to play.
into movies with a series of silent films produced by his own Oz Film
licensed and unlicensed) for nearly forty years before audiences ever got
video games, were the ones driving the PCs actions. Were helping to
define (and become) the character we control on the screen. These game
mechanics are what the player gets to do in the game: Run. Jump. Shoot.
(He later lost a fortune, but thats a different story.) Audiences bought his
Explore. Collect. Solve. Beat the Boss. Be the Boss. (More on all this later).
books and tickets to his shows because they already knew of Oz and its
They are motivated by story and quests and goals to pound the joystick,
characters, but wanted to know more. It was much easier for Baum to
press X, Y. To lean forward and live in the story as the character would.
In the past, this was the most humbling thing for game writers to
than it was for him to sell a new book set in a different world. (He tried
learn. Players are often not as interested in what happens in the story you
have authored as they are in what happens in the story they are authoring
6 Baum, L. Frank. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Oxford University Press, 2008.
themselves by playing the game. You, the writer, have to learn to tell your
26 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 27
story through the lens of PLAYER ACTION. If the player cannot succeed,
the character does not succeed. But the times have changed: players and
Avenue in the heart of Los Angeles. If the story has a title, its Aristotle
audiences want deeper content and characters they can connect to. Why
do we see gamers jumping back to Liberty City any chance they get?
Bob and Keith had both recently graduated with masters degrees
Cat, the late Blake Snyder showed us how important it is for us in the
that make us begin to root for the movie hero the Save the Cat scenes.
from each other, and became friends over Ethiopian food on Fairfax
Video games have a very similar but more active principle: The players
Avenue, too many Oki-Dogs, the L.A. Riots, and drives down to the San
have to invest emotionally in the journey youve laid out for them.
Keiths path took him on the road to Hollywood. He co-wrote feature film scripts with his wife Juliet and was a working screenwriter for
Bob went to work in the video game business. He started at the bot-
story, and vice versa. They have to work in concert. Well guide you in
the coming pages so you understand how to tell your story through
reader). Bob quickly worked his way up the video game ladder, moving
in movies. They have to be organic to the story line for the audience to
suspend disbelief and enjoy the ride. The best games accomplish this
Bob spent hours playing all kinds of games, and way too much World
fine alchemy between narrative and gameplay so that one enhances and
of Warcraft. Keith would get schooled in Halo by his nephews. They con-
reinforces the other (think of the big mid-game twist in BioShock). Your
sional passes, read comic books, and talk movies and games.
But even though they thought they were on divergent paths, their
In video games, NPCs are the non-player characters who often guide the
were being marketed to adults, not just teens and parents. Kids who
PC through the world. These digital sidekicks hand out missions and
grew up playing video games were now working in the film business as
information to the PC. They are the quest givers, the rule enforcers, the
One year Bob took Keith to the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3)
ersby, teachers, and trainers. We are going to be your quest givers. Were
Festival for the video game industry.) It was Keiths very first time, and
he felt like Luke walking into the cantina at Mos Eisley, but with less
game narrative.
We are not going to steal your virtual loot and sell it on eBay (though
one of us knows how).
28 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
L O A D I N G . . . 29
ers and hardware makers: Activision. Ubisoft. Electronic Arts. SquareEnix. Xbox. PlayStation. Nintendo. The booths were lavishly designed,
with characters from the games walking about for photo ops. The giant
that feeling in Lost. What made it so compelling was also what made
screens played the trailers for these games on continuous loop, their
it so challenging. No one told you what the rules were. You just had
These games looked and felt like movies! The quality of the content
was seductive. The computer animation was as good as watching the
Lord of the Rings trilogy. But more importantly, the stories that were up
on the screen were inviting, begging to be seen. Film and games are no
longer distant cousins, they are blood brothers. The South by Southwest
structure has influenced his storytelling. His novel Luka and the Fire of
(SXSW) Festival focuses on music, film, and games. The 2013 Tribeca
Life contains a main character, Super Luka, who is given 999 lives and
Film Festival debuted footage from a game called Beyond: Two Souls
has to pass through a number of levels to steal the fire of life and use it
starring Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe. Kevin Spacey (House of Cards
bigger and teeming with possibilities. (Side note: the last time Bob and
Remember we said our story was branching? Lets return to it. Keith
Keith went to E3, they accidentally wound up at a bar in the nearby Hotel
continued to work as a film and television writer, but he always kept one
Figueroa having cupcakes and beer with an adult film star, who was
eye open a little wider on what was happening in video games. Bob went
pitching her own game project. Our point is: everybody is getting into
video games!)
had been mechanic-driven and was based on a toy companys IP. The
thought the levels of the mind portrayed in Inception played out like
video game levels?
The first blockbuster mainstream CD-ROM game was the classic
Myst, about an island that contains lots of mysteries. Does that premise seem familiar to modern TV audiences? Heres what Lost co-creator
7 In the
same article, he says we have a lot of gamers on our writing staff.
30 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
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in the Writers Program at UCLA. Keith then moved east and now
Keith was used to hearing. (Its a language well teach you in the coming
teaches the class at Syracuse University. Bob has taken the class to new
pages.) Keith asked a few questions, figured it out, wrote some barks and
staff writer. Then Keith went to work for Bob at a toy company writing
video games.
Although theyd written and commented on each others work for
years, this was the first time they worked together professionally. They
They have seen their students enter the game industry armed with a
deep understanding of how story works for games.
This is our goal for you, the reader of this book. To level up your
abilities as a writer.
got along very well, except when they would argue about the role that
story should play in the game.
ence video games have on their work. Listen to director Joe Cornish,
It was story points vs. game mechanics. It was Aristotle vs. Mario;
drama vs. fun. They would spend hours discussing dramatic structure
of movies and television and video games. What was the same? What
World, which was one of the first games to use motion capture,
Cornish said. It had some terrific creatures that were made out of
location was something else that, Cornish maintains, came from the
Their very first class was a day-long seminar. They had no idea
who, if anyone, would show up. It was on a sunny 75-degree Sunday in
Westwood. Whod want to sit in a room with Bob and Keith and learn
about story structure, game mechanics, and barks?
But the classroom was packed. Every seat was taken. There were
game Portal. It went viral, logging more than fifteen million views.10 He
is now attached to direct the movie version of the comic book Y: The
were screenwriters; there were aspiring game designers; and, most sur-
Last Man written by Brian K. Vaughn, a comic book writer and producer
on Lost.
himself a working TV actor. During a break Keith asked her, Why are you
taking this class? She said it was because she knew this was an emerging
32 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
Warner Bros. scored a huge hit with The Lego Movie. Audiences have
been playing with Lego for years. But in all the reviews (which were
L O A D I N G . . . 33
Lego worlds, not just with the toy bricks, but with the funny animated
adventures that go along with playing any of the Lego games, including Lego Indiana Jones, Lego Star Wars, and Lego Batman. Its the Lego
which inspired The Lego Movies comic sensibility. The Lego movie only
lions already familiar with that world. We were disappointed that film
reviewers didnt acknowledge this.
Seizing on the success of the Lego movie, its no wonder Warner Bros.
age you to do them. Let us be your quest givers here to take you through
would be icing on a very big cake that has already been baked. (BTW,
the creator of Minecraft was able to purchase a $70 million home in Los
Angeles. We guess you need a pretty big kitchen for that pretty big cake.)
Remember those story pitches that started this chapter? As we write
this, they are all in development as motion pictures. Michael Magneto
Fassbender is attached to star in Assassins Creed. Ridley Scotts company is developing the Halo feature film. Although, as of this writing, its
stuck in development hell, we fully expect to be on line the first day for
the BioShock movie.
You may be very familiar with the material on linear narrative: character, con-
Marvel for raising money to develop its own properties for the big
flicts, and all the other tenets of drama. But you might not know anything about
game mechanics and gameplay. Or, you may be an avid game playeror game creatorwho is familiar with gameplay but might not know about story structure. With
that in mind, we have laid out some choose-your-own-adventure options to help
guide you through the book. As much as we hate to skip over cut scenes, sometimes
it happens. So we are providing you with a SKIP button here.
differences, to bridge the similarities, and to get you thinking about that
L O A D I N G . . . 35
story and jump right to gameplay. But you want to make sure you read the story
Everything in this book has been beta-tested in our classrooms. We have structured the book so you can use it to map out your semester. Each chapter contains
exercises and projects that we have workshopped with our own students with great
success. Our students have gone on to work in the video game field as writers, pro-
For a game dev, a chapter like Whats in a Game? may seem like a boot camp
tutorial. So skip it. And you can probably skip over game mechanics. But dont pass
up story, or characters. Even level design has something to offer on how it applies to
what keeps viewers in their seatsengaging content.
Must-read chapters:
2. Do Games Need Stories?
3. Aristotle vs. Mario
4. The No-Act-Fits-All Structure of Video Games
5. Writing a Great Playable Character
6. Who Am I When I Play? Gameplay as Method Acting
8. The Hero of a Thousand Levels
9. Building Your World with the Narrative Design Toolbox
12. What Happens Next?
games, they should ask: What are the rules? What are the obstacles?
Are there rewards and achievements? Setbacks? How is the game structured? This is not a book about balancing gameplay based on statistics
and math. Its a book on game story. But as Writers will soon learn, story
and gameplay go together. How does the gameplay in the board game
Playing to Learn
How are they represented? What is the story line? What is the goal of the
characters, and is that different from the goal(s) of the players? How is
Play a game and in one page describe the world of the story, the plot,
and the game play. Record your impressions in your Game Journal.
Games are meant to be played. Funny how simple that seems, but it is
the truth. But now when you play a game, we want you to play with a
Some board games that are well worth playing if you havent tried
them are:
more analytical eye. Start a Game Journal, and fill it with your reflections on and impressions of every game you play, good or bad. Record
Battlestar Galactica
For your first entry, we want you to play a board game. But not a game
Puerto Rico
Settlers of Catan
Sheriff of Nottingham
Board games have enjoyed a renaissance over the last decade or so.
Ticket to Ride
Actor Wil Wheaton (Star Trek: The Next Generation) hosts a web series
called Table Top, which features celebrities and game industry veterans playing new board games.
If youre still stumped as to what to try, there are plenty of great suggestions at
as described on the back of the box. But board games are a great way
Way too many games; way too little time. Keith tells his screenwrit-
for writers to start thinking about game design. As Writers play board
ing students to watch all of the films on the American Film Institutes
38 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
P L AY I N G T O L E A R N 39
list of the 100 Greatest American Films of All Time. Well, aspiring
gameplay organic to the story line. They are also interactive narratives
that we feel make the best use of the tools of video game writing.
definitive list of the top 100 games, although many lists agree on many
great games. Many game magazines and web sites publish such lists
games. (Pong is, after all, simply Pong.) Although many classic games
have been remastered for play on modern systems ranging from PCs
BioShock Infinite
Play games that have been recognized in the last five years or so for
Deus Ex franchise
play trial and demo versions. Play games in various game genres to get
Fallout 3
the feel of how they work. Play a sports game like FIFA or NBA 2K. (Yes,
God of War
games industry does not yet have its Academy Awards, its worth pay-
Halo franchise
ing attention to any such list. Some of the story-driven nominees and
Heavy Rain
Bravely Default
The Last of Us
Portal 2
(Please dont freak out if your favorite game isnt on the list. This is
Play a game and in one page describe the world, the plot, and the
gameplay. Record your impressions in your Game Journal.
W H AT S I N A G A M E ? 41
to cover all computer games. Fair? Good. Well generally be talking about
digital (computer) games throughout the book. We have mad respect for
the writing and world building that goes into so many popular analog
CH A P T ER 01
(table-top) games, but, frankly, Bob still hasnt learned to play Settlers of
Catan, so well usually be talking about video games. But not always.
The hard partdefining gameis a lot harder, especially since the
ludologists got involved. (Ludology is the academic study of games and
gameplay.) We are in a very evolving period of time as a debate rages
about what exactly is a game.
It makes no sense. How can you play a movie? You watch a movie.
comes are assigned different values, the player exerts effort in order to
How do you see a game? You play a game. (Although Amazons billion
influence the outcome, the player feels emotionally attached to the out-
dollar purchase of is the latest evidence that video games are
as these two storytelling platforms align more and more, certain con-
But what are some of the core aspects of a game? And are any of
ventions from the one have begun to influence the other. Two of the best
recent video game movies were not based on actual video games. Edge
of Tomorrow and Snowpiercer are both movies that feature video game
tropes which may or may not be recognizable to the non-game-playing
Games have goals. Classic board games expressed this as The Object of
the Game printed at the top of the instructions. In order to make those
goals challenging, games have obstacles. From a pawn blocking a pawn
Lets get the easy part out of the way: Video means, effectively, played
on a screen using a computer. That computer may be in your mobile
phone, your game console, or your laptop. But we like to use video games
14 Juul, Jesper. 2005. Half-Real: Video Games between Real Rules and Fictional Worlds.
Ebook. 1st ed. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, loc 400.
15 Anthropy, Anna. 2012. Rise of the Videogame Zinesters: How Freaks, Normals, Amateurs,
Artists, Dreamers, Dropouts, Queers, Housewives, and People Like You Are Taking Back an Art
Form. Ebook. 1st ed. New York, NY: Seven Stories Press., Loc. 939.
42 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
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Chutes and Ladders, there will always be obstacles to impede the prog-
players play against the game system, but they may also be playing
Drama in any form must have obstacles and conflict. If Odysseus had
used Google Maps, the Odyssey would have been a lot shorter and way
tition and rooting for the good guy, be they Othello, Atticus Finch, or
less interesting.
Katniss Everdeen.
And, perhaps most importantly:
I want to be the top hat! Have you ever heard this? It can happen any
time a group sits down to play Monopoly. Games often have characters
Games have rules. Its the first thing participants discuss when starting
that are acted by the players during the gameplay. Remember Clue?
a game. Someone will explain the rules. How to move. What the cards
We humans have a way of identifying with (and as) other people (real or
Movies and TV shows also have rules. Drama has rules. Characters
objects, like Monopolys top hat. Even colors. Growing up, Bob always
somehow. When stories deviate from these rules, we often find them
The play has a character (or avatar) who isfor the playerthe
Rules matter in games. Yes, there are some games where you play
without rules. These are games you might have played at the playground
have to play with rules. Hide and Seek. Duck, Duck, Goose. Four Square
When you sit down to play a game, the game maker provides the dra-
(the ball game, not the app). All sports and card games.
matic context. The world. The setup. Building the world is the first step
game take place? The historic Atlantic City of Monopoly? The imaginary
accomplish this, then this other thing will happen. It could be a reward
Even such simple board games as Stratego, Battleship, and Risk show us
a worldnamely, combat in the field, at sea, and on a global scale. (By the
way, where the heck did the aliens in the Battleship movie come from?
They werent in our game box!)
At some point during a board game, players might have to refer to the
rule book or instruction manual. Computers are awesome because they
automate the rules, making them close to invisible. The computer rolls
the dice, does the math (physics and calculus) instantly, keeps score, and
44 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
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always thinking about what the characters are doing in a scene. What
on game night doing all that. In so many games, the computer is your
ics, with some example games. Think about games that youve played
the computer is running the game, the player can stay immersed in the
world of the game. Finally, when its time for more of the story, the com-
rule systems. Theyre about the story also. Stories have rules as well. Just
This can cover a lot, like running at a fixed speed (Temple Run, Canabalt)
think of all the rules associated with opening the lost Ark, or using the
Project Gotham Racing). You might be jumping (Super Mario Bros.) and
(and characters) make choices that affect outcomes, and those outcomes
affect further choices the player can make. Its a feedback loop: Rules
affect the players next actions, and those actions are again judged by
the rules. And so on, tens of thousands of times per play session.
Think about the emotions you feel when you are playing a game and
thats been thwarting your progress. Or when you find that one hidden
item that will complete your quest. Our goal as game writers is to use
those feelings to deepen the narrative experience for the player. This
you, then perhaps you should think about hiding (Metal Gear Solid).
Well explore story further in the next chapter, but for now, lets say
that a story is a journey of emotion. If thats true, and we feel it is, then
and selling (The Sims, franchise mode in Madden). You may be choosing
which weapon or power-up to use (Angry Birds, Mario Kart), arrang-
What action? Everything: the action the player takes, the resulting action
that the game system (or an opposing player) takes, then the resulting
They are the verbs of the game. Gameplay designers are always think-
ing about what the players can do in a level, just as screenwriters are
combat (Street Fighter, Tekken), on the squad level (Final Fantasy Tactics)
46 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
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is an urban combat simulator, they share the same core mechanic: point-
and less (Chivalry: Medieval Warfare), by far the most popular form of
doesnt mean that story isnt important to our enjoyment of games. The
story should complement the mechanics of the genre and vice versa. It all
comes together during the development and production of the game. With
that in mind, we want to touch on how video games are actually made.
many others), players love to point at a target, press a button, and let the
simulated physics fall where they may.
Movies have directors. Theyre the ultimate boss on a film set; they are
This is another broad one, as it can include volleying the ball in Pong
that the hundreds of people who work on the film are executing toward
century ago, and its customs and practicesits industry cultureis very
Well dig deeper into this in Chapter 07: Game Design Basics for Writers.
Remember that many games, and very many story games, tend to
Grand Theft Auto games you race sometimes, you shoot sometimes, and
Games do not have directors, per se. They sometimes have creative
sometimes you shoot while racing. In Sid Meiers Pirates! you sword
game director credit on large projects or some Japanese games, but the
term is rare. There may be a person (say, the Director of Game Design)
both on the retail shelf and in the minds of game players, because histor-
who owns the creative vision of the game, but he is always working with
the producer (responsible for the schedule and budget) and the technical
director (or lead programmer, responsible for the coding), as well as the
other department heads (art, audio, marketing, live team, testing, com-
munity managers, etc.) to balance their creative vision against the other
sionalong with novels and playsby the emotions they evoke (comedy,
enjoy a certain mechanic tend to look for other games with the same
mechanics they enjoy, just as people who enjoy mystery novels look for
more mysteries to read. Thats why retailers often put Halo and Call of
Duty on the same shelf. Even though one is a space opera and the other
48 S L AY T H E D R A G O N
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to sing . . . and then Bob launched into a song hed written that would
Well, fight your way out of the mines and re-take Castle Greyskull.
an auteur in a canvas chair. There is often a blue sky period very early
Bob had figured that details like gameplay could be sorted later. He
was wrong.
His experience was typical for screen and fiction writers who move
and writers who work from this mantra: If we can have anything in the
into game writing. Its a very sobering realization that you, the writer(s),
world in our game, what might it be? Blue sky starts the collaborative
are never the prime creator of a game. Fledgling game writers get told
cess of Hollywood. Sure, the creative producer of the game will reject
ple idea like lets make our hero swim! can have a huge impact on the
There are, of course, a few video game auteurs who work like, and
would require the time and money involved to create entirely unantici-
have fans like, film directors: Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid), Sid
pated models, textures, and animation trees. The sad irony is that for an
Meier (Civilization), Will Wright (SimCity, The Sims), Tim Schafer (Grim
Fandango), and Ken Levine (BioShock), among a few others. But they
Thats the bad news. And it is also looking in the rear-view mirror.
The good news is that more than ever, developers at every level need
a great idea for a game: Mattel should resurrect its then moribund
at the then 20- and 30-year-olds who grew up playing with He-Man and
ogy and game mechanics, this is changing. The idea for The Last of Us
the game as a gritty, noir take on He-Man. Skeletor had years ago con-
did not come from the mechanics. It came from the mind of the writer/
of the iconic zombie movie Night of the Living Dead. Unable to get the
Bob pulled together an ad hoc group of artists and producers (who often
rights, he came up with his owna mash-up of Night of the Living Dead
doubled as gameplay designers) from the studio and pitched them his
and the classic PlayStation 2 game Ico.16 Druckmann made the idea his
16 The Making of The Last of Us - Part 1: A Cop, A Mute Girl and Mankind,
be/Fbpvzq-pfjc, retrieved January 20, 2015.
Making A Game
The Narrative Designer will focus on ensuring that the key elements
In this exercise, gameplay will be locked, and its up to you to make the
1. Two players
2. One six-sided die
3. Both players start on the same space (#1). Taking turns, each
player rolls the die and moves their token one to six spaces around
the board.