Review UPLC

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Patil V. P. et al.

IRJP 2 (6) 2011 39-44

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Review Article

ISSN 2230 8407


Patil V. P.1*, Tathe R. D1., Devdhe S. J.2 , Angadi S. S.2 and Kale S. H.3

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India

Department of Pharmacology, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India
Article Received on: 09/04/2011 Revised on: 18/05/2011 Approved for publication: 10/06/2011
*Prof. Vandana P. Patil, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad-431134, Maharashtra, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) takes advantage of technological strides made in particle chemistry performance, system
optimization, detector design and data processing and control. Using sub-2 mm particles and mobile phases at high linear velocities and
instrumentation that operates at higher pressures than those used in HPLC, dramatic increases in resolution, sensitivity and speed of analysis
can be obtained. This new category of analytical separation science retains the practicality and principles of HPLC while creating a step
function improvement in chromatographic performance. This review introduces the theory of UPLC and summarizes some of the most recent
work in the field.
KEYWORDS: UPLC, HPLC, Resolution, Sensitivity.

UPLC refers to
Ultra Performance
Chromatography. It improves in three areas:
chromatographic resolution, speed and sensitivity
analysis. It uses fine particles and saves time and
reduces solvent consumption. UPLC is comes from
HPLC. HPLC has been the evolution of the packing
materials used to effect the separation. An underlying
principle of HPLC dictates that as column packing
particle size decreases, efficiency and thus resolution
also increases. As particle size decreases to less than
2.5m, there is a significant gain in efficiency and it
doesnt diminish at increased linear velocities or flow
rates according to the common Van Deemter equation.
By using smaller particles, speed and peak capacity
(number of peaks resolved per unit time) can be
extended to new limits which is known as Ultra
Performance. The classic separation method is of HPLC
(High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with many
advantages like robustness, ease of use, good selectivity
and adjustable sensitivity. Its main limitation is the lack
of efficiency compared to gas chromatography or the
capillary electrophoresis due to low diffusion
coefficients in liquid phase, involving slow diffusion of
analytes in the stationary phase.1,2 The Van Deemter
equation shows that efficiency increases with the use of
smaller size particles but this leads to a rapid increase in
back pressure, while most of the HPLC system can

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

operate only up to 400 bar.3 That is why short columns

filled with particles of about 2m are used with these
systems, to accelerate the analysis without loss of
efficiency, while maintaining an acceptable loss of load.
To improve the efficiency of HPLC separations, the
following can be done:i) Work at higher temperatures
ii) Use of monolithic columns
Elevated-temperature chromatography also allows for
high flow rates by lowering the viscosity of the mobile
phase, which significantly reduces the column back
pressure. Monolithic columns contain a polymerized
porous support structure that provides lower flow
The UPLC is based on the principal of use of stationary
phase consisting of particles less than 2 m (while
HPLC columns are typically filled with particles of 3 to
5 m). The underlying principles of this evolution are
governed by the van Deemter equation, which is an
empirical formula that describes the relationship
between linear velocity (flow rate) and plate height
(HETP or column efficiency). The Van Deemter curve,
governed by an equation with three components shows
that the usable flow range for a good efficiency with
small diameter particles is much greater than for larger

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Where A, B and C are constants and v is the linear
velocity, the carrier gas flow rate. The A term is
independent of velocity and represents "eddy" mixing. It
is smallest when the packed column particles are small
and uniform. The B term represents axial diffusion or
the natural diffusion tendency of molecules. This effect
is diminished at high flow rates and so this term is
divided by v. The C term is due to kinetic resistance to
equilibrium in the separation process. The kinetic
resistance is the time lag involved in moving from the
gas phase to the packing stationary phase and back
again. The greater the flow of gas, the more a molecule
on the packing tends to lag behind molecules in the
mobile phase. Thus this term is proportional to v.
Therefore it is possible to increase throughput and thus
the speed of analysis without affecting the
chromatographic performance. The advent of UPLC has
demanded the development of a new instrumental
system for liquid chromatography, which can take
advantage of the separation performance (by reducing
dead volumes) and consistent with the pressures (about
8000 to 15,000 PSI, compared with 2500 to 5000 PSI in
HPLC). Efficiency is proportional to column length and
inversely proportional to the particle size18. Therefore,
the column can be shortened by the same factor as the
particle size without loss of resolution. Efficiency is
three times greater with 1.7 m particles compared to 5
m particles and two times greater compared to 3.5 m
particles. Resolution is 70% higher than with 5 m
particles and 40% higher than with 3.5 m particles.
High speed is obtained because column length with 1.7
m particles can be reduced by a factor of 3 compared to
5 m particles for the same efficiency and flow rate can
be three times higher. The application of UPLC resulted
in the detection of additional drug metabolites, superior
separation and improved spectral quality.9,10
The promises of the van Deemter equation cannot be
fulfilled without smaller particles than those
traditionally used in HPLC. The design and
development of sub-2 mm particles is a significant
challenge and researchers have been active in this area
for some time to capitalize on their advantages.
Although high efficiency, non-porous 1.5 mm particles
are commercially available, they suffer from poor
loading capacity and retention due to low surface area.
To maintain retention and capacity similar to HPLC,
UPLC must use novel porous particles that can
withstand high pressures. Silica based particles have
good mechanical strength, but can suffer from a number

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

of disadvantages, which include a limited pH range and

tailing of basic analytes. Polymeric columns can
overcome pH limitations, but they have their own issues,
including low efficiencies and limited capacities. In
2000, generation hybrid chemistry that took advantage
of the best of both the silica and polymeric column
worlds was introduced. Produced using a classical solgel synthesis that incorporates carbon in the form of
methyl groups, these columns are mechanically strong
with high efficiency and operate over an extended pH
range. But, in order to provide the kind of enhanced
mechanical stability required for UPLC, a second
generation bridged ethane hybrid (BEH) technology was
developed. These 1.7 mm particles derive their enhanced
mechanical stability by bridging the methyl groups in
the silica matrix.
Packing 1.7 mm particles into reproducible and rugged
columns was also a challenge that needed to be
overcome. Requirements include a smoother interior
surface of the column hardware, and re-designing the
end frits to retain the small particles and resist clogging.
Packed bed uniformity is also critical, especially if
shorter columns are to maintain resolution while
accomplishing the goal of faster separations. In addition,
at high pressures, frictional heating of the mobile phase
can be quite significant and must be considered. With
column diameters typically used in HPLC (3.0 to 4.6
mm), a consequence of frictional heating is the loss of
performance due to temperature induced non uniform.
To minimize the effects of frictional heating, smaller
diameter columns (12.1 mm) are typically used for
UPLC. 11
Sample injection
In UPLC, sample introduction is critical. Conventional
injection valves, either automated or manual, are not
designed and hardened to work at extreme pressure. To
protect the column from extreme pressure fluctuations,
the injection process must be relatively pulse-free and
the swept volume of the device also needs to be minimal
to reduce potential band spreading. A fast injection
cycle time is needed to fully capitalize on the speed
afforded by UPLC, which in turn requires a high sample
capacity. Low volume injections with minimal carryover
are also required to increase sensitivity. There are also
direct injection approaches for biological samples.12,13
UPLC Column
Resolution is increased in a 1.7 m particle packed
column because efficiency is better. Separation of the
components of a sample requires a bonded phase that
provides both retention and selectivity. Four bonded
phases are available for UPLC separations: ACQUITY

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UPLCT M BEH C18 and C8 (straight chain alkyl
columns), ACQUITY UPLC BEH Shield RP18
(embedded polar group column) and ACQUITY UPLC
BEH Phenyl (phenyl group tethered to the silyl
functionality with a C6 alkyl). Each column chemistry
provides a different combination of hydrophobicity,
silanol activity, hydrolytic stability and chemical
interaction with analytes.
ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 and C8 columns are
considered the universal columns of choice for most
UPLC separations by providing the widest pH range.
They incorporate trifunctional ligand bonding
chemistries which produce superior low pH stability.
This low pH stability is combined with the high pH
stability of the 1.7 m BEH particle to deliver the widest
usable pH operating range. ACQUITY UPLC BEH
Shield RP18 columns are designed to provide
selectivities that complement the ACQUITY UPLC
BEH C18 and C8 phases. ACQUITY UPLC BEH
Phenyl columns utilize a trifunctional C6 alkyl tether
between the phenyl ring and the silyl functionality. This
ligand, combined with the same proprietary end capping
processes as the ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 and C8
columns, provides long column lifetimes and excellent
peak shape. This unique combination of ligand and end
capping on the 1.7 m BEH particle creates a new
dimension in selectivity allowing a quick match to the
existing HPLC column. An internal dimension (ID) of
2.1 mm column is used. For maximum resolution,
choose a 100 mm length and for faster analysis, and
higher sample throughput, choose 50 mm column. Halfheight peak widths of less than one second are obtained
with 1.7m particles, which gives significant challenges
for the detector. In order to integrate an analyte peak
accurately and reproducibly, the detector sampling rate
must be high enough to capture enough data points
across the peak. The detector cell must have minimal
dispersion (volume) to preserve separation efficiency.
Conceptually, the sensitivity increase for UPLC
detection should be 2-3 times higher than HPLC
separations, depending on the detection technique. MS
detection is significantly enhanced by UPLC; an
chromatographic dispersion at lower flow rates
promotes increased source ionization efficiencies. The
ACQUITY UPLC System consists of a binary solvent
manager, sample manager including the column heater,
detector, and optional sample organizer. The binary
solvent manager uses two individual serial flow pumps
to deliver a parallel binary gradient. There are built-in
solvent select valves to choose from up to four solvents.
There is a 15,000-psi pressure limit (about 1000 bar) to

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

take full advantage of the sub-2m particles. The sample

manager also incorporates several technology
advancements. Using pressure assisted sample
introduction, low dispersion is maintained through the
injection process, and a series of pressures transducers
facilitate self-monitoring and diagnostics. It uses needlein-needle sampling for improved ruggedness and needle
calibration sensor increases accuracy. Injection cycle
time is 25 seconds without a wash and 60 sec with a
dual wash used to further decrease carry over. A variety
of micro titer plate formats (deep well, mid height, or
vials) can also be accommodated in a thermostatically
controlled environment. Using the optional sample
organizer, the sample manager can inject from up to 22
micro titer plates. The sample manager also controls the
column heater. Column temperatures up to 65C can be
attained. To minimize sample dispersion, a pivot out
design allows the column outlet to be placed in closer
proximity to the source inlet of an MS detector.14
For UPLC detection, the tunable UV/Visible detector is
used which includes new electronics and firmware to
support Ethernet communications at the high data rates.
Conventional absorbance-based optical detectors are
concentration sensitive detectors, and for UPLC use, the
flow cell volume would have to be reduced in standard
UV/Visible detectors to maintain concentration and
signal. According to Beers Law, smaller volume
conventional flow cells would also reduce the path
length upon which the signal strength depends. A
reduction in cross-section means the light path is
reduced, and transmission drops with increasing noise.
Therefore, if a conventional HPLC flow cell were used,
UPLC sensitivity would be compromised. The
ACQUITY Tunable UV/Visible detector cell consists of
a light guided flow cell equivalent to an optical fiber.
Light is efficiently transferred down the flow cell in an
internal reflectance mode that still maintains a 10mm
flow cell path length with a volume of only 500 ml.
Tubing and connections in the system are efficiently
routed to maintain low dispersion and to take advantage
of leak detectors that interact with the software to alert
the user to potential problems.15
Decreases run time and increases sensitivity.
Provides the selectivity, sensitivity and dynamic
range of LC analysis.
Maintaining resolution performance.
Expands scope of Multiresidue Methods.
UPLCs fast resolving power quickly quantifies
related and unrelated compounds.
Faster analysis through the use of a novel separation
material of very fine particle size.

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Operation cost is reduced.
Less solvent consumption.
Reduces process cycle times, so that more product
can be produced with existing resources.
manufacturers to produce more material that
consistently meet or exceeds the product
specifications, potentially eliminating variability,
failed batches or the need to re-work material.
Delivers real-time analysis in step with
manufacturing processes.
Assures end-product quality, including final release
testing. 17
Due to increased pressure requires more maintenance
and reduces the life of the columns of this type. So far
performance similar or even higher has been
demonstrated by using stationary phases of size around
2 m without the adverse effects of high pressure. In
addition, the phases of less than 2 m are generally nonregenerable and thus have limited use.
Analysis of amino acids
UPLC used for accurate, reliable and reproducible
analysis of amino acids in the area of protein
characterization, cell culture monitoring and nutritional
analysis of foods.
Analysis of natural products and traditional herbal
UPLC is widely used for analysis of natural products and
herbal medicines. The main purpose of this is to analyze
drug samples arise from the complexity of the matrix and
variability from sample to sample. Purification and
qualitative and quantitative chromatography and mass
spectrometry are being applied to determine active drug
candidates and to characterize the efficacy of their
candidate remedies. UPLC provides high-quality
separations and detection capabilities to identify active
compounds in highly complex samples that results from
natural products and traditional herbal medicines.
Analysis of Levofloxacin in human plasma.
Identification of Metabolite
Biotransformation of new chemical entities (NCE) is
necessary for drug discovery. When a compound
reaches the development stage, metabolite identification
becomes a regulated process. It is of the utmost
importance for lab to successfully detect and identify all
circulating metabolites of a candidate drug. Discovery
studies are generally carried out in vitro to identify
major metabolites so that metabolic weak spots on the
drug candidate molecule can be recognized and
protected by changing the compound structure.

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

Study of Metabonomics / Metabolomics

Metabonomics studies are carried out in labs to
accelerate the development of new medicines. The
ability to compare and contrast large sample groups
provides insight into the biochemical changes that occur
when a biological system is exposed to a new chemical
entity (NCE). Metabonomics provides a rapid and robust
method for detecting these changes improves
understanding of potential toxicity and allows
monitoring the efficacy.
ADME Screening
ADME studies measure physical and biochemical
elimination, and toxicity of drugs where such
compounds exhibit activity against the target disease. A
significant number of candidate medicines fall out of the
development process due to toxicity. If toxic reactions
or any side effect occurs in the discovery/development
process, then it becomes more costly. It is difficult to
evaluate candidate drugs for possible toxicity, drug-drug
interactions, inhibition, and/or induction of metabolizing
enzymes in the body. Failure to properly identify these
potential toxic events can cause a compound to be
withdrawn from the market. The high resolution of
UPLC enables accurate detection and integration of
peaks in complex matrices and extra sensitivity allows
peak detection for samples generated by lower
concentration incubations and sample pooling.
Bioanalysis/ Bioequivalence Studies
For pharmacokinetic, toxicity, and bioequivalence
studies, quantization of a drug in biological samples is
an important part of development programs. The drugs
are generally of low molecular weight and are tested
during both preclinical and clinical studies. Several
biological matrices are used for quantitative
bioanalysis, the most common being blood, plasma and
Dissolution Testing
For quality control and release in drug manufacturing,
dissolution testing is essential in the formulation,
development and production process. In sustained-release
dosage formulations, testing higher potency drugs is
particularly important where dissolution can be the ratelimiting step in medicine delivery. The dissolution profile
is used to demonstrate reliability and batch-to-batch
uniformity of the active ingredient. Additionally, newer
and more potent formulations require increased analytical
Forced Degradation Studies
One of the most important factors that impacts the quality
and safety of pharmaceuticals is chemical stability. The
FDA and ICH require stability testing data to understand

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how the quality of an API (active pharmaceutical
ingredient) or a drug product changes with time under the
influence of environmental factors such as heat, light,
pressure and moisture or humidity. Knowledge of these
stability characteristics defines storage conditions and
shelf life, the selection of proper formulations and
protective packaging and is required for regulatory
documentation. Forced degradation or stress testing is
carried out under even harsher conditions than those used
for accelerated stability testing.
Manufacturing/ QA/ QC
Identity, purity, quality, safety and efficacy are the
important factors to be considered while manufacturing
a drug product. The successful production of quality
pharmaceutical products requires that raw materials meet
purity specifications. That manufacturing processes
proceed as designed. That final pharmaceutical product
meets, and hopefully exceeds, defined release
specifications. Continued monitoring of material stability
is also a component of quality assurance and control.
UPLC is used for the highly regulated, quantitative
analyses performed in QA/QC laboratories.
Method Development / Validation
According to FDA, validation is defined as establishing
documented evidence that provides a high degree of
assurance that a specific process will consistently produce
a product meeting its predetermined specifications and
quality attributes. Method development and validation is a
time-consuming and complicated process: labs need to
evaluate multiple combinations of mobile phase, pH,
temperature, column chemistries and gradient profiles to
arrive at a robust, reliable separation for every activity.
UPLC help in critical laboratory function by increasing
efficiency, reducing costs and improving opportunities for
Impurity Profiling
For the drug development and formulation process,
profiling, detecting, and quantifying drug substances and
their impurities in raw materials and final product
testing is an essential part. Impurity profiling requires
high-resolution chromatography capable of reliably and
reproducibly separating and detecting all of the known
impurities of the active compound. Also critical is the
ability to accurately measure low-level impurities at the
same time as the higher concentration active
pharmaceutical component. UPLC System and Columns
requirements while maintaining high peak resolution.
UPLC also involves the latest peak detection algorithms
and custom calculations to optimize data processing and
reporting. It also confidently detects impurities in
compounds even at trace levels.

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

Compound Library Maintenance

Confirming the identity and purity of a candidate
pharmaceutical is critical to effectively screening
chemical libraries that contain vast types of small
molecules across a range of biological targets. Chemists
need to be sure they have synthesized the expected
compound. In this high-throughput screening
environment, the ability to obtain information in
multiple MS and UV detection modes in a single
injection is invaluable Combining fast analysis with
open-access software delivers the power of LC/MS to
chemists who are not analytical instrumentation
specialists. A single complete system enables them
thoroughly screen a compound, from sample
introduction to end results.
Open Access
Maximum efficiency is essential for analytical
laboratories that are constantly challenged to increase
throughput and deliver results to research chemists in
pharmaceutical discovery. UPLC and UPLC/MS
systems and software enable versatile and open
operation for medicinal chemistry labs, with easy-to-use
instruments, a user-friendly software interface, and fast,
robust analyses using UV or MS for nominal and exact
mass measurements. 18,19,20
UPLC increases productivity in both chemistry and
instrumentation by providing more information per unit of
work as it gives increased resolution, speed, and
sensitivity for liquid chromatography. The main
advantage is a reduction of analysis time, which also
meant reduced solvent consumption. The time spent
optimizing new methods can also be greatly reduced. The
time needed for column equilibration while using gradient
elution and during method validation is much shorter.
Sensitivity can be compared by studying the peak width at
half height. It was found that the sensitivity of UPLC was
much higher than that of conventional HPLC.
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Table 1: Comparison between UPLC and HPLC16

Particle size
Flow rate
Needle wash
Injection volume
Column temperature
Maximum backpressure
Gradient (time in min) ACN:H2O
Total run time
Total solvent consumption (including 0.5
min of delay time in between injections)
Plate count
USP resolution
Delay volume

IRJP 2 (6) June 2011

HPLC Assay
150 X 3.2 mm
3 to 5mm
3.0 ml / min
5L (Std.In 100 % MeOH)
30 C
35-40 MPa
T0 (25:75), T6.5 (25:75), T7.5 (95:5), T9
(25:75), T10 (25:75)
Water: 21.0 ml
750 l

UPLC Assay
150 X 2.1 mm
Less than 2mm
0.6 ml / min
2L(Std.In 100 % MeOH)
65 C
103.5 MPa
T0 (36:64), T1.1 (95:5), T1.3 (36:64)
Water: 0.66 ml
110 l



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