Review UPLC
Review UPLC
Review UPLC
UPLC refers to
Ultra Performance
Chromatography. It improves in three areas:
chromatographic resolution, speed and sensitivity
analysis. It uses fine particles and saves time and
reduces solvent consumption. UPLC is comes from
HPLC. HPLC has been the evolution of the packing
materials used to effect the separation. An underlying
principle of HPLC dictates that as column packing
particle size decreases, efficiency and thus resolution
also increases. As particle size decreases to less than
2.5m, there is a significant gain in efficiency and it
doesnt diminish at increased linear velocities or flow
rates according to the common Van Deemter equation.
By using smaller particles, speed and peak capacity
(number of peaks resolved per unit time) can be
extended to new limits which is known as Ultra
Performance. The classic separation method is of HPLC
(High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with many
advantages like robustness, ease of use, good selectivity
and adjustable sensitivity. Its main limitation is the lack
of efficiency compared to gas chromatography or the
capillary electrophoresis due to low diffusion
coefficients in liquid phase, involving slow diffusion of
analytes in the stationary phase.1,2 The Van Deemter
equation shows that efficiency increases with the use of
smaller size particles but this leads to a rapid increase in
back pressure, while most of the HPLC system can
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Where A, B and C are constants and v is the linear
velocity, the carrier gas flow rate. The A term is
independent of velocity and represents "eddy" mixing. It
is smallest when the packed column particles are small
and uniform. The B term represents axial diffusion or
the natural diffusion tendency of molecules. This effect
is diminished at high flow rates and so this term is
divided by v. The C term is due to kinetic resistance to
equilibrium in the separation process. The kinetic
resistance is the time lag involved in moving from the
gas phase to the packing stationary phase and back
again. The greater the flow of gas, the more a molecule
on the packing tends to lag behind molecules in the
mobile phase. Thus this term is proportional to v.
Therefore it is possible to increase throughput and thus
the speed of analysis without affecting the
chromatographic performance. The advent of UPLC has
demanded the development of a new instrumental
system for liquid chromatography, which can take
advantage of the separation performance (by reducing
dead volumes) and consistent with the pressures (about
8000 to 15,000 PSI, compared with 2500 to 5000 PSI in
HPLC). Efficiency is proportional to column length and
inversely proportional to the particle size18. Therefore,
the column can be shortened by the same factor as the
particle size without loss of resolution. Efficiency is
three times greater with 1.7 m particles compared to 5
m particles and two times greater compared to 3.5 m
particles. Resolution is 70% higher than with 5 m
particles and 40% higher than with 3.5 m particles.
High speed is obtained because column length with 1.7
m particles can be reduced by a factor of 3 compared to
5 m particles for the same efficiency and flow rate can
be three times higher. The application of UPLC resulted
in the detection of additional drug metabolites, superior
separation and improved spectral quality.9,10
The promises of the van Deemter equation cannot be
fulfilled without smaller particles than those
traditionally used in HPLC. The design and
development of sub-2 mm particles is a significant
challenge and researchers have been active in this area
for some time to capitalize on their advantages.
Although high efficiency, non-porous 1.5 mm particles
are commercially available, they suffer from poor
loading capacity and retention due to low surface area.
To maintain retention and capacity similar to HPLC,
UPLC must use novel porous particles that can
withstand high pressures. Silica based particles have
good mechanical strength, but can suffer from a number
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13. Swartz ME; Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
(UPLC): An Introduction. Separation Science Re-Defined.
2005; LCGC Supplement: 11.
14. Swartz ME; Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography
(UPLC): An Introduction, Separation Science Re-Defined.
2005; LCGC Supplement: 13.
15. Uttam Singh Baghel and et al; Ultra Performance Liquid
Chromatography: A Chromatography Technique; International
Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance 2010; 2(1): 19-25.
16. Gaikwad PV and et al; Ultra Performance Liquid
Chromatography: A recent novel development in HPLC;
Pharmacie Globale (IJCP). 2010; 2:08.
17. Swartz ME. UPLC: An Introduction and Review. J. Liq. Chrom.
2005; 28:1253-1263.
18. Sherma Joseph, D John, Larkin and Frances H; UPLC: Ultra
Performance Liquid Chromatography; Journal of AOAC
International. 2005; May 1.
19. Sikk P and et al; Ultra performance liquid chromatography
analysis of adenine nucleotide and creatine derivative for kinetic
studies; Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences.
2009; 58(2):122-131.
20. Park DJ and et al; An improved UPLC method for analysis of
Levofloxacin in human plasma; Chromatographia. 2008; 68,
August (No. 3/4): 187-192.
HPLC Assay
150 X 3.2 mm
3 to 5mm
3.0 ml / min
5L (Std.In 100 % MeOH)
30 C
35-40 MPa
T0 (25:75), T6.5 (25:75), T7.5 (95:5), T9
(25:75), T10 (25:75)
Water: 21.0 ml
750 l
UPLC Assay
150 X 2.1 mm
Less than 2mm
0.6 ml / min
2L(Std.In 100 % MeOH)
65 C
103.5 MPa
T0 (36:64), T1.1 (95:5), T1.3 (36:64)
Water: 0.66 ml
110 l
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