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2009-2014 Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan: Mission

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In order to enhance the academic mission, the Division of Student Affairs collaborates with the University
and beyond to create a supportive and challenging environment that provides opportunities for student
learning, engagement, and success. Through the provision of high quality programs, services, and
facilities, the Division promotes student development and lifelong discovery; celebrates differences; and
promotes global citizenship.

The Division of Student Affairs will be a national leader in creating a vibrant and diverse campus
community in which all students are engaged, valued, challenged, and provided a platform to achieve
their full potential.


Academic persistence and success

Personal integrity, responsibility, and ethical decision-making
Personal growth and development in a safe environment
Mutual respect and human dignity
Diversity and inclusion
Sense of community
Civic engagement
Institutional responsibility and accountability
Sensitivity to work-life balance
Collaborative planning and policy implementation

Goal 1 Prepare Students for Leading Roles in an Innovation-Driven Economy and Global Society
Goal 2 Promote Research and Creative Work within the Division of Student Affairs
Goal 3 Develop Human and Physical Resources to Provide Students with a Co-Curricular Experience
Reflective of a Top 20 Public University
Goal 4 Promote Diversity and Inclusion
Goal 5 Improve the Quality of Life of Kentuckians through Engagement, Outreach, and Service
10/19/09 DRAFT


The Division of Student Affairs is integral to the University in its dedicated mission to teaching, research,
and service, and in its quest to achieve Top 20 status. The provision of Student Affairs programs,
services, facilities, and dedicated staff complement the Universitys leadership, vision and strategic plan.
The Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan is designed not only to be responsive to these institutional
strategic indicators but also to be proactive and innovative. It reflects the Division as a valued critical
partner and resource in forecasting student trends and identifying creative approaches to address student
needs at the University.

The Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan recognizes the imperative to accommodate and embrace
change on multiple levels including a renewal of the Divisions mission, vision, philosophy, structures and
resources. The outcomes of these changes will determine the course and standards of excellence for the
Division as it works toward achieving recognition as a national leader in the field and as a premiere
student services organization.

The Division of Student Affairs Strategic Plan is intended to challenge current ways of thinking and
implementation; uniquely identify Divisional priorities; and affirm the commitment of the Division to be an
active participant in the life and functions of the University in an ongoing and deliberate manner. This
plan is a living document which will adjust to the ever changing culture of our students, University,
Commonwealth, and global society.

Prepare Students for Leading Roles in an
Innovation-Driven Economy and Global Society
The Division of Student Affairs plays a key role in preparing students to be active citizens and leaders in a
global society. The opportunities the Division provides outside the classroom challenge students to
become active members of their communities, welcoming different points of view and systems of belief
while examining and refining their own values. Through innovative programs, services, and facilities, the
Division strives to equip students to lead in an international economy and society.

Objective 1.1

Enhance Division of Student Affairs programs, services, and facilities to improve

student retention, graduation, and success.

Strategy 1.1.1 Assess, to the extent possible, the impact of existing programs, services, and facilities on
retention and graduation rates and use results to inform and guide decision-making
regarding existing and future programs, services, and facilities.
Strategy 1.1.2 Align Division learning outcomes and departmental learning outcomes with the General
Education Curriculum and incorporate them into the planning and assessment of
programs, services, and facilities.
Strategy 1.1.3 Identify and apply best practices, model programs, and contemporary applications that
address retention and attrition in Division programs, services, and facilities.
Strategy 1.1.4 Utilize the Office of Institutional Planning, Research and Effectiveness to support
assessment and tracking efforts.

Objective 1.2

Engage students from multiple societal segments in co-curricular and curricular

leadership experiences.

Strategy 1.2.1 Collect baseline information identifying those student populations currently engaged in
co-curricular and curricular leadership experiences and use results to inform decisionmaking.
Strategy 1.2.2 Define a Division-wide leadership development philosophy and a set of core
competencies to be reflected in co-curricular and curricular programs.
Strategy 1.2.3 Investigate, in partnership with the academic colleges and departments, the development
of a leadership minor and new leadership courses.
Strategy 1.2.4 Enhance marketing and communication efforts to provide opportunities for students to
become involved in leadership and engagement experiences.

Objective 1.3

Enhance collaboration with faculty and staff outside the Division of Student Affairs
in the development and delivery of student programming and training.

Strategy 1.3.1 Identify opportunities and methods to engage faculty and staff in Division programs,
services, and facilities.
Strategy 1.3.2 Develop a centralized and coordinated process for tracking faculty involvement to
establish baseline measures and ongoing assessment.
Strategy 1.3.3 Identify and expand co-curricular activities associated with academic classes to inform
decision making regarding programs, services, and facilities.

Objective 1.4

Proactively address changing student demographics and create opportunities for

interactive student engagement across cultures and other identities.

Strategy 1.4.1 Develop new and enhance existing programs and services which support and engage
targeted student populations with unique needs (e.g. first generation, transfer students,
non-traditional students, disabled students, military veterans, international students,
graduate students and other underrepresented student groups). Inventory and review
existing programs and services dedicated to support diverse student population needs.
Strategy 1.4.2 Enhance current and create formalized collaborations with the Office of International
Affairs to support international student recruitment, service support, and retention.
Strategy 1.4.3 Where applicable, create departmental student advisory groups to guide and direct

Prepare Students for Leading Roles in an
Innovation-Driven Economy and Global Society

Metric 1.1

In cooperation with key partners, increase programming, services, and facilities to assist
in the retention, graduation and success of students as a Division.

Metric 1.2

Use the Multi-Institutional Study of Leadership, Educational Benchmarking Incorporated

instruments, and other identified assessment tools to establish a baseline of current
leadership education efforts and initiate improvement.

Metric 1.3

Increase student engagement at multiple levels of leadership development through the

implementation of a comprehensive leadership program.

Metric 1.4

Increase by 10% the number of faculty and staff engaged in Division programs, services,
and facilities.

Metric 1.5

Increase co-curricular programs associated with academic courses.

Metric 1.6

Increase the number of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students who become
involved in Division programs, services, and the use of facilities.

Promote Research and Creative Work
within the Division of Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs has a responsibility to support and enhance the research mission of the
University of Kentucky. Research is determined to be any methodical investigation into a subject in
order to discover facts, establish or revise a theory, or develop a plan of action (Microsoft Online
Dictionary). Through application of best practices, model programs, assessment and ongoing research,
departmental units will make more informed programmatic, budgetary and service-based decisions. As a
result of these applications, Student Affairs will embrace innovative thinking and contribute to the
profession and the intellectual community.

Objective 2.1

Increase research and scholarly productivity within the Division of Student Affairs.

Strategy 2.1.1 Collaborate with undergraduate, graduate, and professional academic programs to
identify Divisional research opportunities that will prepare students for successful
graduate and professional careers.
Strategy 2.1.2 Support research, inclusive of student research, in the Division.
Strategy 2.1.3 Publish and present department and division level research.
Strategy 2.1.4 Identify resources for staff to attend professional conferences focusing on research and
contemporary practices in Student Affairs nationally and internationally.

Objective 2.2

Establish the Division of Student Affairs as a model program for attracting

undergraduate and graduate students to pursue a career in Student Affairs.

Strategy 2.2.1 Expand graduate assistant, research assistant, and other graduate student placements in
the Division.
Strategy 2.2.2 Evaluate staffing patterns and responsibilities for graduate student staffing across the
Division and identify model academic and Student Affairs cooperatives.
Strategy 2.2.3 Define the partnership between the Division and the Educational Policy Studies and
Evaluation program.
Strategy 2.2.4 Provide resources for Division staff to attend regional and national conferences to recruit
candidates for graduate assistantships who are seeking a career in Student Affairs.
Strategy 2.2.5 Conduct regular assessments of graduate assistants and graduate students placed in the

Objective 2.3 Strengthen assessment efforts within the Division of Student Affairs.
Strategy 2.3.1 Conduct benchmark comparisons to determine the level of administrative assessment
support consistent with the needs of the Division (e.g. Assessment Officer and/or
dedicated Assessment Office).
Strategy 2.3.2 Evaluate the number and type of assessment activities currently taking place within
individual departments and determine where synergies and costs savings can be realized
for more effective assessment results and applications.
Strategy 2.3.3 Conduct a comparative analysis with model Student Affairs organizations of assessment
methodologies and resources.
Strategy 2.3.4 Conduct program assessments and program reviews in accordance with University and
Divisional schedules.
Strategy 2.3.5 Publish and apply the results of assessments to inform Division program, service, and
facility planning and implementation.

Promote Research and Creative Work
Within the Division of Student Affairs

Metric 2.1

Increase collaboration with University efforts to support research outside of the classroom
or laboratory.

Metric 2.2

Conduct or continue research in one or more areas annually per department

proportionate to available staff and resources.

Metric 2.3

Identify and pursue at least 10 grants or other external funding sources to support
research in the Division.

Metric 2.4

Increase partnerships with academic programs to improve graduate assistantship and

graduate student experiences within the Division.

Metric 2.5

Implement Division-wide graduate student placement evaluation to identify level of

satisfaction, quality, and preparedness for professional advancement.

Metric 2.6

Increase the level of administrative staff and support services for assessment efforts
within the Division.

Metric 2.7

Engage 100% of Division departments in ongoing assessment and planning.

Develop Human and Physical Resources to Provide Students with a
Co-Curricular Experience Reflective of a Top 20 Public University
The Division of Student Affairs will realize its goals only when the resources which enable it to thrive are
identified and cultivated. For the Division, these resources are students at the University, its employees,
its facilities, and the capital necessary to provide the highest quality of service to the student body. The
needs of the student body are dynamic they will continue to change. Therefore, it is critical that the
Division develop the resources of staff members in order to prepare students for success. As the Division
moves forward, it must focus on attracting and hiring the most qualified, creative and committed staff to
ensure the quality of programs and services provided to students increases with the demand. It is

essential for the Division to have 21 century facilities that adequately meet the needs of students and
are comparable to benchmark institutions. The Division must advocate for and invest in its staff and
facilities with confidence that the return on the investment will be realized by the student body achieving
its potential.

Objective 3.1

Achieve parity with the Top 20 public research universities by implementing a

more effective and efficient organizational structure.

Strategy 3.1.1 Restructure the Division to ensure the Vice President for Student Affairs has an
appropriate balance of daily Divisional tasks and broader University involvement.
Strategy 3.1.2 Align like programs and services to utilize resources (financial, facility, and human) to the
fullest potential.

Objective 3.2

Recruit strategically to attract and retain highly skilled and diverse candidates in
order to more efficiently serve the needs of students.

Strategy 3.2.1 Review and edit the documents and resources used in the recruitment process to ensure
the University is sought out as a desirable employer for high level candidates.
Strategy 3.2.2 Review and modify position descriptions in comparison with similar positions at
benchmark universities.
Strategy 3.2.3 Implement programs to increase leadership, knowledge, skills, and abilities to enhance
staff competence and accountability across the Division.
Strategy 3.2.4 Increase the number of professional development opportunities and resources including
a Divisional new employee orientation.

Strategy 3.2.5 Improve work-life practices, as per the University wide Work-Life Survey, to promote a
healthy, productive, and safe work environment for exempt and non-exempt staff.
Strategy 3.2.6 Create a workplace environment that promotes the values and practices necessary to
foster a professional culture of highest ethical standards, respect, learning, innovation,
efficiency, and service to support students, colleagues, and consumers.

Objective 3.3

Identify innovative and creative ways to use technology in order to create new
programs, be more cost-effective, and make students and staff more aware of
services and programs.

Strategy 3.3.1 Implement a comprehensive program in cooperation with Information Technology to

apply new and emerging technologies across the Division.
Strategy 3.3.2 Achieve parity commensurate with benchmarks for information technology solutions and
services to support Division programs, services, and facilities.

Objective 3.4

Ensure availability of and access to student-space facilities and services to

provide students with maximum opportunities to grow and learn.

Strategy 3.4.1 Adjust facility operating hours and expand the service-delivery hours of operations in
accordance with students expectations and needs.
Strategy 3.4.2 Continue participation in national benchmarking studies including, but not limited to, the
Educational Benchmarking Incorporation assessment of services and facilities in the
Student Center, Residence Life, and Dining Services.

Objective 3.5

Articulate a short and long-term capital improvement plan for the Division of
Student Affairs.

Strategy 3.5.1 Advocate for capital projects to meet student needs reflective of a Top 20 public

Objective 3.6

Increase development and fundraising efforts to ensure the Division of Student

Affairs is competitive with benchmark Student Affairs organizations.

Strategy 3.6.1 Collaborate with the Office of Development to identify key components to implement a
comprehensive Division development and fundraising plan.
Strategy 3.6.2 Create and execute a Division development and fundraising plan.

Develop Human and Physical Resources to Provide Students with a
Co-Curricular Experience Reflective of a Top 20 Public University

Metric 3.1

A new Divisional organizational structure will be approved and implemented by 2012.

Metric 3.2

Increase student satisfaction with availability of programs, services, and facilities.

Metric 3.3

Based upon the University standard, keep pace with the Universitys progress as it strives
to increase the percent of staff at the appropriate point between the minimum and midpoint of the pay grade, based on performance and years of experience, to 90 percent.

Metric 3.4

Improve the Divisions work-life satisfaction through completion of the University WorkLife survey and utilization of the data to improve work-life practices.

Metric 3.5

Identify and launch 5 new Division information technology applications to enhance on-line
learning, student service delivery, and facilities.

Metric 3.6

Complete the design phase of the expansion and renovation of the Student Center,
inclusive of dining and retail space, by 2012.

Metric 3.7

Consistent with the Universitys 2010-2016 Capital Project Plan, renovate, design or
commence construction on at least three capital improvement projects inclusive of these
identified priorities:
Renovate Alumni Gym to provide a North Campus health, wellness and fitness space
Renovate Memorial Hall to incorporate handicap accessibility and accommodation
Renovate Complex Commons dining area
Design South Campus dining facility

Metric 3.8

Increase the number of donor contacts and gift giving by 20%.

Promote Diversity and Inclusion

The Division of Student Affairs has a responsibility to support the University in its efforts to promote
diversity and inclusion. The Division is uniquely positioned to not only assist the University in this effort,
but to become pacesetters toward creating a culture of embracing differences. Reflective of the
Universitys Strategic Plan, the Division believes diversity and inclusion are essential values, and strives
to prepare students for meaningful and responsible engagement within and across diverse

Objective 4.1

Promote inclusive excellence across the Division of Student Affairs.

Strategy 4.1.1 Establish a common understanding of the Divisions diversity and inclusion priorities.
Strategy 4.1.2 Develop a system to evaluate existing Division strategies which enhance the culture of
diversity and inclusion.

Objective 4.2

Promote shared responsibility throughout the Division of Student Affairs for

enhancing diversity and inclusion.

Strategy 4.2.1 Create a structured method by which Division staff and departments are exposed to and
held accountable for incorporating diversity and inclusive excellence in job performance,
programs, services, and facilities.
Strategy 4.2.2 Investigate the development of a formal reporting process and institutional
responsiveness for students who have experienced discrimination.
Strategy 4.2.3 Develop partnerships with local, regional, and national organizations that promote
diversity and inclusive excellence.

Objective 4.3

Promote curricular and co-curricular transformation that recognizes the

educational advantages of diversity and inclusion.

Strategy 4.3.1 Identify and allocate resources to support collaborative programs among the Division and
potential academic and non-academic partners to achieve greater diversity in curricular
and co-curricular learning (i.e. Office of International Affairs).

Promote Diversity and Inclusion
Metric 4.1

Evaluate all departments progress in implementing strategies to achieve inclusive

excellence in programs, services, and facilities.

Metric 4.2

All departments will document and demonstrate staff accountability for systemic
integration of diversity and inclusive excellence across the Division.

Metric 4.3

Increase availability of curricular and co-curricular opportunities for students to graduate

with tangible skills pertaining to cultural competence and community building.

Improve the Quality of Life of Kentuckians
Through Engagement, Outreach, and Service
Consistent with the Universitys instrumental role as a flagship and land-grant institution to better serve
the Commonwealth, the Division of Student Affairs is a significant contributor to engagement, outreach,
and service. Co-curricular and curricular programs are offered and continue to be developed to meet the
symbiotic needs of the community and those of students, faculty, and staff. Through dedicated
partnerships, research, teaching, training, programming, and the infusion of service-learning, the Division
strives to actively engage students, faculty, and staff, in these purposeful efforts. The Division seeks to
enhance its role as a vital participant and source of expertise in strengthening community engagement,
outreach, and service locally, nationally, and globally.

Objective 5.1

Increase the Division of Student Affairs level of community engagement, outreach

and service.

Strategy 5.1.1 Create a centralized repository of Division resources and existing engagement, outreach,
and service programs.
Strategy 5.1.2 Establish a tracking system to enhance inter-departmental collaboration and identify
resources, current activities, and student participation.
Strategy 5.1.3. Develop program and service plans for assessing and determining community needs that
can be addressed by respective Division departments.
Strategy 5.1.4

Create structured feedback mechanisms across the Division that include community
members, students, faculty, and staff to enhance engagement (e.g. advisory boards,
focus groups, surveys, etc.)

Strategy 5.1.5 Develop innovative engagement, outreach, and service initiatives that positively impact
the lives of Kentuckians and beyond.

Improve the Quality of Life of Kentuckians
Through Engagement, Outreach, and Service
Metric 5.1

Increase by 10% the number of students participating in engagement, outreach, and

service partnerships with an emphasis on involvement of underrepresented students.

Metric 5.2

Increase the number of Division collaborations with academic colleges and departments
focusing on community engagement.

Metric 5.3

Establish five new engagement, outreach, and service partnerships based upon mutually
identified needs between the Division and community entities.

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