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Update on Oral Herpes Virus

Ramesh Balasubramaniam, BDSc, MSa,b, Arthur S. Kuperstein, DDSc,
Eric T. Stoopler, DMD, FDS RCSEd, FDS RCSEngd,*
 Herpes virus  Viral infection  Oral cavity  Mouth  Antivirals
 Oral herpes virus infections (OHVIs) are commonly encountered in clinical practice.
 OHVIs can resemble other types of oral mucosal diseases.
 Diagnosis of OHVIs is usually based on patient history and clinical examination findings,
but adjunctive laboratory tests may be necessary to establish the diagnosis.
 Treatment of OHVIs usually consists of palliative care, but may include use of topical or
systemic antiviral medications.
 Immunosuppressed patients with OHVIs are potentially at risk of developing lifethreatening complications and may require aggressive treatment.


There are 80 known herpes viruses, and at least 8 of them are known to cause infections in humans. These viruses include herpes simplex virus (HSV) -1 and -2, varicella
zoster virus (VZV) [human herpes virus {HHV} 3], Epstein Barr virus (EBV) [HHV-4],
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) [HHV-5], HHV-6, -7, and -8 [Kaposis sarcoma herpes virus
{KSHV}].1,2 There are structural and behavioral characteristics that are common to
the members of the herpes virus family (ie, they contain 4 layers: an inner core of
double-stranded DNA, a protein capsid, the tegument, and a lipid envelope containing
glycoproteins derived from the nuclear membrane of host cells).1,2 Herpes viruses

A version of this article appeared as Stoopler, ET. Oral herpetic infections (HSV 18). Dent Clin N
Am 2005;49:1529.
Disclosures for authors: no disclosures.
Orofacial Pain Clinic, School of Dentistry, University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway,
Crawley, Western Australia 6009, Australia; b Perth Oral Medicine and Dental Sleep Centre,
St John of God Hospital, Suite 311, 25 McCourt Street, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008,
Australia; c Department of Oral Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street, Room 207, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA; d Department of Oral
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, 240 South 40th Street,
Room 206, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]
Dent Clin N Am 58 (2014) 265280
0011-8532/14/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


Balasubramaniam et al

cause a primary infection when the person initially contacts the virus, and it remains
latent within the nuclei of specific cells for the life of the individual. The site of latency
differs among the herpes viruses, with HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV remaining latent in the
sensory nerve ganglia; EBV in B lymphocytes, oropharyngeal epithelial cells, and salivary gland tissue3; CMV in monocytes, bone marrow hematopoietic progenitor cells,
epithelial cells, endothelial cells,4 and possibly, salivary gland tissue5; and HHV-6 and
HHV-7 in CD4 lymphocytes.1,2 HHV-8 also remains latent in B lymphocytes circulating
in the hematopoietic system.6 After reactivation, herpes viruses can cause localized or
disseminated recurrent infections. They are transmitted between hosts by direct contact with saliva or genital secretions. HHV-8 may be transmitted via organ transplantation.7,8 Viruses are often shed in the saliva of asymptomatic hosts, who act as
vectors for new primary infections in previously non-infected individuals.9 EBV has
been associated with malignancies in humans, such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma
and B-cell lymphomas. Other malignancies are associated with EBV, including nasal
T-cell/natural killer cell lymphoma seen most commonly in Southeast Asia.10 HHV-8
has been definitively linked to malignant processes, such as KS, as well as several
lymphoproliferative disorders and Castleman disease.7

HSV-1 and HSV-2 are the two major types of herpes viruses known to cause most common oral and perioral infections.11,12 They can be distinguished by the distinct antibodies that are formed against each type of virus or by analysis of the nuclear DNA by
restriction endonuclease analysis.1,2 Classically, HSV-1 causes most cases of oral
and pharyngeal infection, meningoencephalitis, and dermatitis above the waist; HSV2 is implicated in most genital and anal infections.1,2 Depending on sexual practices,
both types can cause primary or recurrent infections in the oral, perioral, or genital
area.1,2 HSV infections of the finger (herpetic whitlow) develop after contact with infected
saliva or bronchial secretions. The incidence of herpetic whitlow is 4 cases per 100,000
per year.13

The incidence of primary infections with HSV-1 increases after 6 months of age as a
result of loss of anti-HSV antibodies acquired from the mother during gestation. The
incidence of primary HSV-1 infection reaches a peak between 2 and 3 years of
age.1,2 Primary HSV-1 infections may still occur in adolescents and adults, with occasional cases being reported in patients older than 60 years.14 Incidence of primary
HSV-2 infection does not increase until sexual activity begins. In a prevalence study
between 1999 and 2004, 57.7% of the US population tested had HSV-1 antibodies.
Data from the Centers for Disease Control showed that 16.2% of Americans aged
between 14 and 49 years had HSV-2 antibodies.15 This prevalence was higher among
women (20.9%) compared with men (11.5%) and higher among Blacks (39.2%)
compared with Whites (12.3%).16
Many primary herpes infections are subclinical or cause pharyngitis, which is difficult to distinguish from other upper respiratory viral infections. Symptomatic primary
HSV disease is preceded or accompanied by systemic symptoms, which may include
fever, headache, malaise, nausea, vomiting, and accompanying lymphadenopathy.17,18 These prodromal symptoms are important to consider when clinically differentiating HSV infections from other vesiculoulcerative diseases of the oral cavity. In
the oral cavity, vesicles and ulcers appear on the oral mucosa and generalized acute
marginal gingivitis occurs 1 to 2 days after the prodromal symptoms appear (Fig. 1).

Update on Oral Herpes Virus Infections

Fig. 1. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis. Note vesiculoulcerative lesions on the labial

mucosa (arrows) and the intense erythema of the maxillary gingiva.

Primary HSV in healthy children is a usually a self-limiting disease, with fever disappearing in 3 or 4 days and oral lesions that heal in a week to 10 days.
Treatment of primary HSV infection is usually palliative. Milder cases can be
managed by supportive care, including maintenance of fluids, use of acetaminophen
to reduce fever, and use of topical anesthetics such as viscous lidocaine or a mixture
of liquid benadryl, milk of magnesia, and carafate to decrease oral pain.11,12 If the patient presents to the clinician within 24 to 48 hours of onset of vesicle eruption, antiviral
medication may be helpful to accelerate healing time of the lesions by inhibiting DNA
replication in HSV-infected cells.18 Acyclovir, an antiviral medication, has been shown
to decrease symptoms of primary HSV infection in children, including days with fever
and viral shedding.19 Valacyclovir and famciclovir are also common antiviral agents
used to treat primary HSV infections; because of their increased bioavailability
compared with acyclovir, treatment is effective with fewer daily doses (Table 1).20

After resolution of a primary HSV infection, the virus migrates to the trigeminal nerve
ganglion, where it is capable of remaining in a latent state. Reactivation of virus may
follow exposure to cold, exposure to sunlight, stress, trauma, or immunosuppression
and cause recurrent infection.1,2 Recurrent herpes labialis (RHL) is the most common

Table 1
Systemic antiviral medications for the treatment of primary HSV infection
Dose (mg)







Frequency (x/d)

Duration (d)





US Food and Drug Administration treatment recommendations for genital herpes.

Recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for genital herpes.
From Stoopler ET, Balasubramaniam R. Topical and systemic therapies for oral and perioral herpes simplex virus infections. J Calif Dent Assoc 2013;41(4):262.



Balasubramaniam et al

form of recurrent HSV infection, typically appearing on the mucocutaneous junction of

the lip, and is often referred to as a cold sore or fever blister (Fig. 2).1,2 Recurrent
herpes infections in healthy patients should be treated on a symptomatic basis. Treatment, as well as chronic suppression, of severe, painful, or deforming recurrent herpes
may require systemic antiviral medications.
Studies comparing topical antiviral medications for treating RHL have been
published.21,22 Topical penciclovir reduces the duration and pain of RHL by 1 to
2 days.23 The recommended dosage of topical penciclovir is application to the area
every 2 hours for 4 days while awake.12 Acyclovir is also available for topical use
and has been reported to decrease duration of RHL lesions by 12 hours.21,24 Studies
have investigated the use of 10% n-docosanol cream and found that when applied 5
times a day for 10 days, it significantly accelerates healing time and decreases pain,
especially if commenced during the prodrome.25,26 The US Food and Drug Administration has approved n-docosanol as the only non-prescription medication for treatment of RHL. Overall, the benefit of applying these medications to RHL lesions is
limited compared with topical penciclovir.21 Some clinicians advocate the off-label
use of suppressive doses of systemic antivirals to prevent severe, frequent disfiguring
recurrences of RHL in immunocompetent patients.
Although most recurrent herpes infections occur on the lips and heavily keratinized
mucosa of the palate and gingiva, recurrent intraoral herpes (RIH) can occur on any
intraoral mucosal surface and is seen more frequently in immunocompromised patients (Fig. 3).1,2 Patients at high risk for severe recurrences are those receiving cancer
chemotherapy or immunosuppressive drugs to prevent graft rejection after transplantation, as well as patients with advanced AIDS.1,2 Recurrent HSV lesions in immunocompromised patients appear as progressively enlarging ulcers, which may involve
large portions of the labial, intraoral, genital, or rectal mucosa if left untreated.27 These
lesions have the potential to disseminate and cause generalized infection (Fig. 4);
therefore, it is imperative for clinicians to rule out HSV as a cause of oral vesicles or
ulcers in immunosuppressed individuals.1,2
Immunosuppressed patients with HSV infection generally respond well to acyclovir
administered orally or intravenously.28 Cases of acyclovir-resistant HSV have been
reported, and foscarnet, another antiviral drug, has been effective therapy for these
patients.29 Valacyclovir should be used with caution for immunosuppressed patients,

Fig. 2. RHL.

Update on Oral Herpes Virus Infections

Fig. 3. RIH affecting the palatal mucosa.

because of the potential risk of hemolytic uremic syndrome. A comprehensive listing

of medications and recommended dosing regimens used to treat recurrent oral HSV
infections are given in Table 2.
Recurrent HSV has been known to trigger episodes of erythema multiforme (EM).
HSV is believed to be the most common cause of recurring episodes of EM in susceptible individuals who develop an immune response to HSV.1,2 Patients who experience
severe, recurring EM from HSV commonly receive prophylactic doses of antiviral
medication to prevent recurrence of EM. Oral acyclovir 400 mg twice daily may be

Fig. 4. Disseminated herpes simplex with orofacial lesions. (Courtesy of Thamer Musbah,
BDS, Philadelphia, PA.)



Balasubramaniam et al

Table 2
Systemic therapies for treatment of recurrent oral HSV infections


Treatment of RHL in the

immunocompetent host

 Oral acyclovir 400 mg 3 times a day for 57 d

 Oral valacyclovir 500 mg2000 mg twice a day
for 1 d
 Oral famciclovir 500 mg 23 times a day for 3 d

Prophylaxis of RHL in the

immunocompetent hosta

 Oral acyclovir 400 mg 23 times a day

 Oral valacyclovir 500 mg2000 mg twice a day

Treatment of recurrent HSV infections

in the immunocompromised host

 Oral acyclovir 400 mg 3 times a day for 10 d or

longer as necessary
 Oral valacyclovir 5001000 mg twice a day for 10 d
or longer as necessary
 Oral famciclovir 500 mg twice a day for up to 1 y

Prophylaxis of recurrent HSV infections

in the immunocompromised host

 Oral acyclovir 400800 mg 3 times a day

 Oral valacyclovir 5001000 mg twice a day
 Oral famciclovir 5001000 mg twice a day

Duration of the prophylaxis is based on the extent and frequency of exposure to triggers of RHL
episodes, such as sunlight, dental treatment, and so forth.
From Stoopler ET, Balasubramaniam R. Topical and systemic therapies for oral and perioral herpes simplex virus infections. J Calif Dent Assoc 2013;41(4):262.

effective in suppressing EM, and in cases non-responsive to acyclovir, valacyclovir

500 mg twice daily may be used.30
Differential Diagnosis

Most HSV infections are diagnosed clinically; however, a differential diagnosis should
be formulated that includes other vesiculoulcerative diseases. Recurrent aphthous
stomatitis (RAS) is commonly misdiagnosed as an HSV infection; however, there are
key clinical features that are unique to each disease.2 HSV infections typically have
a prodrome of systemic symptoms before vesicle/ulcer eruption; RAS generally
does not have the same prodromal symptoms before ulcer formation. HSV infections
usually present with associated gingival erythema; this is uncommon with RAS.
HSV infections may appear clinically similar to coxsackie viral infections, the most
common being herpangina and hand-foot-and-mouth disease. Herpangina can be
differentiated from HSV infection because lesions associated with herpangina are
typically confined to the posterior oropharynx, including the soft palate, uvula, tonsils, and pharyngeal wall. In contrast, HSV lesions may appear throughout the oral
cavity. Herpangina infections are usually milder than HSV infections, generally
occur in epidemics, and do not cause a generalized acute gingivitis seen with
primary HSV infection.1,2 Hand-foot-and-mouth disease can also present with
oral ulcerations and can be differentiated from HSV infection by lesions involving
the hands and feet.
EM may also be considered in the differential diagnosis of HSV infections. Distinguishing features of an EM infection include intraoral lesions, with a wide range of clinical presentations and typically associated target lesions on the skin. In contrast, HSV
lesions tend to be more uniform and consistent in clinical presentation. In addition, EM
lesions do not typically appear on the gingival tissue or cause gingival erythema, which
are characteristic features of HSV infections.

Update on Oral Herpes Virus Infections

Laboratory Diagnosis

Laboratory tests may be necessary to diagnose atypical presentations of HSV infections.31 These tests should be used when evaluating immunocompromised patients
with atypical lesions for definitive diagnosis.

The classic standard for virus identification and diagnosis is isolation in tissue culture.
The goal of virus isolation is to observe cytopathic effects (CPE) of the cells inoculated
with virus. CPE are the degenerative changes that cells undergo when infected with
virus. The rate at which CPE develops is dependent on the type of host cell, the
type of virus, and the concentration of virus.1,2 When viewed at high power via light
microscopy, virally infected cells show multinucleated giant cells, syncytium, and
ballooning degeneration of nuclei.

A smear taken of epithelial cells at the base of a suspected lesion may be analyzed to
determine if these cells show changes consistent with HSV infection. The most common stain used is Giemsa, and virally infected cells have the same characteristics that
are shown by virologic testing. When a Papanicolaou stain is performed, eosinophilic
intranuclear viral inclusion bodies (Lipschutz or Cowdry type A) can be seen.

The diagnosis of herpes virus infections can be made more quickly and accurately by
using immunomorphologic techniques.32 In the direct fluorescent assay (DFA), the
specimen is incubated with fluorescein isothiocyanatelabeled HSV type-specific
monoclonal antibody.33 The positively infected cells are fluorescent green when
examined under a fluorescent microscope, and this technique is often used for the
rapid diagnosis of a clinical specimen.34 Studies have concluded that the overall
sensitivity when using DFA techniques to detect HSV is 80%, the specificity is 98%
to 100%, and the positive predictive value ranges from 90% to 100%.35,36

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most sensitive method for HSV diagnosis.37
PCR does not require viable virus or infected cells for detection, unlike tissue culture
and direct assays. Also, real-time detection allows for PCR to be carried out promptly,
and it may be used to discriminate HSV types.38 Detection of viral DNA by PCR is
considered the test of choice for HSV diagnosis.

Serologic tests are conducted to detect antibody formation in a patients blood sample. If serology is used in the diagnosis of suspected HSV infection, an acute specimen
should be obtained within the initial 3 days of the infection and a convalescent specimen approximately 4 weeks later. Because of the delayed humoral response, antibodies are not present in the acute specimen but appear during convalescence; a
4-fold or greater antibody increase in convalescent serum is required for the diagnosis
of a primary HSV infection. This factor may provide useful retrospective information
but is of little help when managing a patient in the acute phase of illness.



Balasubramaniam et al


VZV is responsible for two major clinical infections: the primary type is chickenpox
(varicella) and the recurrent type is shingles (herpes zoster [HZ]).

Chickenpox is characteristically a benign illness of childhood, spread by direct contact

of either skin lesions or nasopharyngeal secretions of an infected individual.1,2 The
incubation period is 10 to 21 days, and patients are infectious for approximately
1 week after symptoms begin. Complications of chicken pox include pneumonitis
and Reye syndrome, a progressive encephalopathy that most frequently occurs in
children who have been given aspirin during an acute varicella infection.39
Skin lesions of chickenpox are characterized by maculopapular lesions, which are
intensely pruritic. The lesions rapidly develop into fluid-filled vesicles on an erythematous base. Oral lesions may be present that resemble vesicles/ulcers seen in primary
HSV infections, but these lesions are not a particularly important symptomatic, diagnostic, or management problem.1,2

After primary infection, VZV becomes latent in dorsal root or cranial nerve ganglia. In
0.3% to 0.5% of the population, the virus becomes reactivated, causing HZ.1,2 The
nerves most commonly affected with HZ are C-3, T-5, L-1, and L-2. When HZ involves
the trigeminal nerve, the first division (ophthalmic branch or V1) is most commonly
involved, and ocular involvement is a potentially serious complication.1,2 Consultation
with an ophthalmologist is necessary in these cases. The live virus HZ vaccine is
known to reduce the incidence of HZ by approximately 50%.40 It is well tolerated
and effective in the immunocompetent adult,41 with mild reactions at the site of injection, including rash, erythema, edema, and pruritus.
The initial symptoms of HZ are pain, tenderness, and paresthesia along the course
of the affected nerve. Unilateral vesicles appear 3 to 5 days later on an inflamed base
along the involved nerve (Fig. 5). When the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve is
affected, characteristic signs include unilateral vesicles of the external ear and oral
mucosa as well as unilateral facial paralysis, a group of signs referred to as
Ramsay-Hunt syndrome.1,2 HZ may also occasionally affect motor nerves.
Approximately 15% to 20% of cases of HZ of the trigeminal nerves affect either the
maxillary division (V2) or mandibular division (V3), leading to pain, unilateral facial

Fig. 5. HZ affecting the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve.

Update on Oral Herpes Virus Infections

lesions, and intraoral lesions along the course of the affected nerve.1,2 Diagnosis of HZ
is usually based on characteristic clinical signs and symptoms. Intraoral lesions
caused by HZ usually show a dramatic unilateral distribution associated with intense
pain, helping to distinguish it from an HSV recurrence.42 VZV may cause pain without
lesions developing along the course of the nerve; this is referred to as zoster sine herpete or zoster sine eruptione.1,2 Atypical presentations may require laboratory testing
for confirmation of VZV. These methods include viral cultures, cytology smears, immunomorphologic techniques, PCR, and serologic testing, as described earlier.
Immunocompromised patients with HZ are at risk for developing life-threatening
infections. In this group, HZ may cause large local lesions or disseminated infection.
Oral HZ in immunosuppressed patients has been reported to cause necrosis of alveolar bone and exfoliation of teeth.1,2 Disseminated infections among immunocompromised individuals may include widespread skin lesions, meningitis, encephalitis, VZV
pneumonia, and hepatitis.
Antivirals, such as acyclovir, are effective in shortening the course of HZ, accelerating healing, and reducing acute pain.1,2,43 Valacyclovir and famciclovir are effective
for treating HZ and are dosed less frequently than acyclovir (Table 3).1,2,43
Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a potential consequence of HZ, resulting from scarring of the involved nerve during infection.1,2 PHN is a painful, sometimes debilitating
condition, which can last months to years after the lesions are healed. The live virus
vaccine reduces the incidence of PHN by 66%.40 The incidence of PHN is increased
in patients older than 50 years, and use of acyclovir, valacyclovir, or famciclovir has
been advocated to reduce the incidence and duration of PHN.4446 The use of a short
course of systemic corticosteroids, to decrease the incidence of PHN, is occasionally
advocated; however, its efficacy is unknown.1,2 Other effective therapies for treatment
of PHN are gabapentin, topical capsaicin, tricyclic antidepressants, opioids, and
topical lidocaine patches.1,2,47

EBV is a herpesvirus that preferentially infects B lymphocytes. Infection of humans

with EBV usually occurs by contact with oral secretions, and more than 95% of the
worlds adult population is seropositive and chronically infected.3 The virus replicates
in epithelial cells of the oropharynx, and nearly all seropositive persons actively shed
virus in the saliva.3,48 Whereas most EBV infections of infants and children are asymptomatic or have non-specific symptoms, infections of adolescents and adults
frequently result in infectious mononucleosis.49,50 Infectious mononucleosis from
EBV has an incubation period of up to 8 weeks.1,2 The initial symptoms consist of a
classic triad of symptoms (fever, lymphadenopathy, and pharyngitis) and typically
runs a mild, self-remitting course.51,52 Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, oral ulcers,
and palatal petechiae may also be present and the cervical lymph nodes are involved

Table 3
Antiviral therapy for treatment of HZ






Frequency (x/d)

Duration (d)


Dose (mg)

Data from Refs.




Balasubramaniam et al

in more than 90% of patients.1,2 Less common complications include myocarditis,

hepatitis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, aplastic anemia, splenic rupture,
and encephalitis.49,51,52 In most cases of infectious mononucleosis, supportive therapy is sufficient; however, in immunocompetent patients with complications, the combination of corticosteroids and antivirals is beneficial.53
Several malignancies are associated with EBV, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, and lymphoproliferative disease.1,2 Burkitt
lymphoma is a high-grade malignant lymphoma of small, noncleaved B cells. In Africa,
tumors of Burkitt lymphoma usually present in the jaw, and more than 90% of these
cases are associated with EBV.48
Oral hairy leukoplakia is caused by EBV and occurs in a large percentage of
HIV-infected patients, as well as in some immunosuppressed transplant recipients.48
It presents as a raised, white, corrugated lesion of the oral mucosa, which commonly
involves the lateral or ventral surfaces of the tongue. It may also appear as a plaquelike lesion and is often seen bilaterally. Histopathologically, it appears as thickened parakeratosis with surface corrugations. It contains patchy bands of balloon cells in the upper
spinous layer of the hyperplastic epithelium. Nuclear beading as a result of EBV replication is observed, whereby there is nuclear clearing of scattered cells and peripheral
margination of chromatin.54 Multiple strains of EBV DNA may be present in the lesions.1,2

CMV, also referred to as human CMV, is a frequent cause of asymptomatic infection in

humans and may cause significant clinical disease in immunosuppressed patients.55
The virus is mainly transmitted via contaminated blood and bodily secretions,
including breast milk, saliva, and genital fluids.1,2
Neonates may develop cytomegalic inclusion disease, an often fatal disease resulting from congenitally acquired CMV infection.56 In its most severe form, this disease is
associated with microcephaly, chorioretinitis, nerve deafness, hepatitis, hepatosplenomegaly, and thrombocytopenia.55 In immunocompromised adults, salivary gland
enlargement is a common finding with this disease.1,2
In healthy children and adults, primary CMV infection is usually asymptomatic. This
primary CMV infection results from either blood transfusions or sexual contact in a
previously seronegative person.1,2 Clinical symptoms include fever, myalgia, cervical
lymphadenopathy, and mild hepatitis. Tonsillopharyngitis is less common than in
primary EBV infection, and lymphadenopathy and splenic enlargement are less prominent features.46 Complications of primary CMV infection may include myocarditis,
pneumonitis, gastrointestinal disease, and aseptic meningitis.56
CMV infection may produce serious disease and death in immunosuppressed patients who have deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity. Patients at risk for developing
life-threatening CMV infections are solid organ and bone marrow transplant recipients,
as well as patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. A serious
complication of bone marrow transplant recipients is CMV pneumonia, which has a
high mortality despite treatment.57 In advanced HIV, CMV disease may cause retinitis
and, less commonly, gastrointestinal disease and encephalitis. CMV retinitis is characterized by hemorrhagic retinal necrosis, spreading along retinal vessels, and threatening sight when disease encroaches on the macula.58
The widespread use of antiretroviral therapy has reduced the incidence of complications caused by CMV infection. Incidence of CMV end-organ disease has declined
with the use of antiretroviral therapy and is typically seen only in the few who fail to
respond to therapy.59

Update on Oral Herpes Virus Infections

There are reports of CMV-related oral lesions in patients with AIDS. These lesions
have been described as slowly enlarging ulcers.1,2,30,60 These ulcers are usually a
few millimeters to 2 cm in diameter, painful, punched out, without surrounding edema
usually of the palate or gingiva.61 One study reported that CMV was the sole ulcerogenic viral agent in most oral lesions in a study population of patients with AIDS.62 Coinfection of oral ulcers with both HSV and CMV has also been reported in patients with
AIDS.62,63 Reports indicate that genomes of CMV are frequently detected in several
different types of periodontal disease.64 Similarly, 1.32% of renal transplant patients
present with oral ulcers caused by CMV infection.65
The diagnosis of CMV disease is made by histologic evaluation of suspected lesions, viral culture, antigen detection, and CMV DNA detection.1,2 Biopsy specimens
of CMV lesions show characteristic histopathologic changes, including enlarged cells
with prominent intranucleolar and intracytoplasmic inclusions, referred to as owl-eye
cells.1,2 Viral culture of suspected lesions is used to detect CMV; however, the major
drawback is the prolonged length of time that it takes for a positive culture to develop.
PCR techniques are becoming the standard assay for detecting CMV in most laboratories. PCR can detect CMV in body fluids such as urine, blood, and saliva.1,2 Salivary
gland enlargement used to be a major clinical criterion for identifying CMV infection in
infants, because of the tendency of CMV to infect salivary glands.1,2
One study66 indicated that there is a relationship between xerostomia and the presence of CMV in saliva of HIV-infected individuals. Prospective studies using viral culture, PCR techniques, and histopathologic examination showed a significant
correlation of xerostomia with presence of CMV in the saliva.67 Similarly, a study68
assessing frequency of CMV shedding in saliva was associated with occurrence of
CMV disease in HIV-infected individuals who were previously without CMV disease.
The results of this study suggest a link between CMV in saliva, salivary gland dysfunction, and CMV infection in HIV-infected individuals.68
Antiviral agents are used to treat and prevent CMV infections. Drugs such as ganciclovir (and its oral formulation valganciclovir), foscarnet, and cidofivir have been
shown to be effective in treating CMV infections.55,56 Newer drugs are in development
for the treatment of CMV infections, including maribavir, CMX001, and AIC246.56,69

HHV-6 was discovered in 1986, when it was isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes of six individuals with lymphoproliferative disorders.70 Studies showed that
CD4 T cells were the major type of cell infected by HHV-6.71,72 Two variants of
HHV-6 have been differentiated: HHV-6A and HHV-6B. Eighty percent to 90% of
the population intermittently shed HHV-6 (and HHV-7) in saliva.73
Primary infection with HHV-6 can be asymptomatic or cause an unspecified febrile
illness or a specific clinical disorder, roseola (exanthema subitum).74 The virus is
commonly isolated from saliva, and respiratory transmission is the major route of
primary infection. HHV-6A is the subtype commonly found in skin biopsy specimens
from immunocompromised patients43 and has also been postulated as a cofactor in
the progression of HIV disease.75,76 HHV-6B is the particular subtype implicated as
the cause for roseola.77 Oral lesions are not commonly associated with either
HHV-6A or HHV-6B infections.

HHV-7 was discovered in 1990, when the virus was isolated from activated CD4 T cells
obtained from a healthy individual. The genomes of HHV-7 and both variants of HHV-6



Balasubramaniam et al

are closely related, with 20% to 75% nucleic acid homology depending on the genes
being compared.74
Primary infection with HHV-7 is most often asymptomatic; however, it may cause
pityriasis rosea, presenting as a single rose-colored, scaling, and herald patch. Oral
lesions involving HHV-7 are rare and may present as punctate hemorrhages, ulcers,
bullae, or erythematous plaques.78 HHV-7 is commonly isolated from saliva, and the
mode of transmission is analogous to HHV-6.1,2
Reactivation of HHV-7 in immunocompromised patients can lead to widespread
multiorgan infection, including encephalitis, pneumonitis, and hepatitis.74 HHV-6
can be activated from latency by HHV-7 reactivation.79,80

HHV-8 was isolated in tumor tissue from a patient with AIDS-associated KS in 1994
and named KS herpesvirus (KSHV).7 Moritz Kaposi, a Hungarian-born dermatologist,
first described idiopathic multiple, pigmented sarcoma of the skin in 1872 and suggested a possible infectious cause for KS.74
KSHV is capable of inducing malignant tumors in humans. Of the KSHV-associated
malignant diseases, the most prominent is KS.8 KSHV is believed to stimulate angiogenic and inflammatory cytokines and gene products release found in angiogenesis
for the development of KS.81 In addition, the clinical progression from patch or plaquelike lesions to nodular lesions is associated with the viral load.82 There is evidence that
the risk for developing KS is higher in KSHV-infected solid organ transplant recipients
and HIV-seropositive patients, further supporting the etiologic role of KSHV.83,84
Oral KS may be an indication of undiagnosed HIV infection.85 HIV-associated KS
can be aggressive, and lesions may become more widespread and prominent,
involving oropharyngeal and gastrointestinal mucous membranes.7 Oral lesions may
be solitary, multifocal, or multicentric red-purple macules, plaques, or nodules of varying sizes.8 The hard palate, gingiva and dorsal tongue are the most frequent sites of
oral involvement.85,86 Treatment strategies for oral KS range from monitoring focal,
asymptomatic lesions without intervention to initiating systemic chemotherapy for
widespread lesions.8

Oral herpes virus infections are often encountered in clinical practice. An appropriate
diagnosis and treatment plan requires advanced knowledge of these diseases. Clinicians should be aware of the potentially critical nature of herpes virus infections, especially in immunocompromised patients, and manage these cases accordingly.

1. Stoopler ET, Greenberg MS. Update on herpesvirus infections. Dent Clin North
Am 2003;47(3):51732.
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