Obedience To God: Third Secret Explained: Part 3

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Include My Mother's messages to the world with My words of

direction also: biweekly, in directives to Our clergy and laity.


The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world.
The darkness of satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church
even to its summit. Apostasy, the loss of the faith, is spreading throughout the
world and into the highest levels within the Church.
Pope Paul VI, October 13, 1977
We are presenting excerpts fromwthe treasury
of heavenly messages given by Our Lord and
Our Our Lady to their voice-box seer
Veronica Lueken, from the years 1968-1994.

My child, they converse of the secret
that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple
explanation. It could not be fully revealed
because of the drastic nature of My
message. How I warned and warned that
satan would enter into the highest realms
of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third
Secret, My child, is that satan would
enter into My Sons Church.
Our Lady, May 13, 1978


Satan has done his work of folly well.
Yes, satan has gone into the highest
positions in My House, but he will not
triumph. In the final count the victory will
be with Us, for he will only proceed as
My Father deems.
Jesus, August 15, 1971

Do not be misled by the outer clothing
of man, for there are many wolves in
sheeps clothing, wearing the apparel of
rank. Know that many have given
themselves to satan.
Pray, pray much for those who wear
the highest mitres, for they, too, have set
themselves onto the road to hell. Your
prayers and your acts of sacrifice and
those who hear My voice, pray much for
the Red Hats that have gone onto the
wide road.
Our Lady, October 2, 1974

My children, why did you avoid giving
My counsel to the world? O you of little
faith in the high places of My Sons
House, His Church, why did you not give
My message to the world as I gave it to
you? Pride and arrogance! That is why,
My children.
Our Lady, December 31, 1977


My children, you will all recognize the
faces of evil. Satan has entered into the
highest ranks of My Church. Pray now
for your priests: your bishops, your
cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers are
needed, for many are on now the road to
perdition and taking many others with
My children, do not cast aside your
sacramentals. They are your armor in the
days ahead. Do not desert My Church.
Do not judge it by the man who has
stood there in ignorance or in pride and
changed it until it will almost be
unrecognizable. I am still with you, My
children. Do not leave. You must stay
and fight. In this manner, My children,
shall the sheep be separated from the
goats. It is a form of cleansing.
Jesus, July 15, 1977

We ask you from Heaven not to leave,
not to create a schism from your main
body in Rome. You must remain within
My Sons Church and pray a constant
vigilance of prayer. Satan and his agents
have entered in full battle upon My Sons
Church. Satan has entered into the
highest ranks within My Sons Church
and the world. He will manipulate powers,
provincials, until he brings about a great
chastisement, because man will not listen
and mend his ways.
Our Lady, February 10, 1977

The octopus of evil having many arms
now is reaching out. The evil and the
agents of satan in human form have
entered into the highest places in world
governments and in My Sons Church.

Our Lady, March 18, 1977

Satan has entered into the highest
places in your civil life, My child, and in
the houses of My Son throughout your
world. His reign will be short in earthyears. I have not come to your earth to
fill you with fear. I have come to prepare
you for the days of trial.
Our Lady, April 13, 1974


My child, you cannot keep from
fulfilling your mission to bring the
Message of Heaven by holding back the
truth. Go forward, My child, now, and
bring this message to the world: satan
has entered into the House of God. He
rules now from the highest places. The
world and the Church of God is in deep



Veronica Lueken, the seer of Bayside, was a wife and
mother of five children. She went to her eternal reward
on August 3rd, 1995. St. Theresa the Little Flower
promised to greet her with a bouquet of red roses
when she arrived in heaven.
Our Lady appeared to Veronica in her home on April
7, 1970, informing her that She would appear on the
grounds of the old St. Robert Bellarmine Church in
Bayside on June 18, 1970; that vigils of prayer be
held there (now temporarily held at the Vatican Pavilion
Site in Flushing Meadows Park), and that full directions
be given to the clergy of the parish to prepare for Our
Lady's first visit there.
Our Lady also requested that a Shrine and Basilica
be erected on this Her chosen Sacred Site, which is to
be named Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of
Mothers. She promised to come on the eve of the
great feast days of the Church. The Blessed Mother
also instructed Veronica to disseminate the message
given to her throughout the whole world.
Our Lady has requested that the Rosary be recited
aloud by the crowd during the whole of the Vigil. All
are requested to kneel in the presence of Jesus. The
Message was repeated word for word by Veronica.
Veronica also described what she saw. All has been
recorded on audio tape.

Our Lady, March 18, 1977

These Last Days, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331 http://www.tldm.org 1-616-698-6448 1-800-444-MARY

Make copies of the sheet and pass out or mail to as many people as possible.

Satan entered the highest realms of the hierarchy


As I warned you in the past and you did
not listen, unless you prayed more, did
more penance, sacrifice, communism
would go throughout your world,
ravishing nations, destroying your Faith,
entering into the highest places of My
Sons House. Can you deny what is
happening now in your world? Remove
the blindness from your eyes and look!
Come out of the darkness before it is too
late, for a House in darkness wears a
band of death about it! I repeat: a Church
in darkness will close its doors.

darkness. Those who are in command

many have fallen away. Pray, My
children, much, for with your prayers and
sacrifices they, too, can be recovered.
Our Lady, April 13, 1974


There is loosed now upon your earth
the man of perdition, 666. He has entered
now into the highest places of rank of
My Sons Church, and he has entered
upon the highest positions in the
governments of the world. My children, I
say to you now, to guard your souls and
the souls of your children. There are the
very forces of hell now loosed among
Our Lady, May 30, 1977

The red forces are on the march. They
seek control of the throne of Peter. My
children, the man of perdition is among
you. Recognize the faces of evil about
you; recognize the forces that now
ensnare the world, heading it for its own
While man cries peace he goes
farther from peace. Peace, love and
brotherhood! Words, I say unto you!
Lip-service from mankind! That is all!
What comes from the heart is darkness
and evil! Even in the hearts of men in the
highest places in My Church, they
conspire with enemies of their God. The
faith is weak.
Jesus, May 28, 1977


Satan has entered into the highest
places of the Eternal City. Bishop shall
face bishop, and cardinal shall set himself
against his brother. In this manner all that
is rotten will fall.
You ask, My child, how this
sorrowful state has come to pass. It is,
My child, because too few pray, too few
know the value of suffering, and too few
have sought to do atonement for the
offenses committed against My Son and
His Immaculate Heart.


The enemies of God entered into the
houses of My Son many earth-years ago.
Their plan has been insidious, and with
much cunning they came forward,
coming into the highest places in power
within the houses of My Son. In this
manner, My children, have they been
able to mislead, misguide, and set many
souls onto the road to destruction of
their eternal souls.
We place a great responsibility upon
all parents to bring the truth to their
children. Many will perish, many will die
in the great Chastisement. How many
shall be rejected from the Kingdom, My
child? Only the time left for mankind shall
be the balance.
Our Lady, August 5, 1974


Romans, awaken now! 666 has entered
among you. The forces of evil are intent
upon vanquishing the Eternal City of
Rome. Satan has entered into the hearts
of those who hold the highest places in
My Church. If it were not for the
pleadings of My Mother and the many
souls who have given themselves as
victims, victims that cry out and plead for
mercy to an undeserving generation . . .
My children, come out of the darkness
now! You are plunging to your own
destruction. For rejecting the light, for
turning aside from the truth, for
destroying the Faith in the hearts of the
young, you shall receive a chastisement
far greater than man has ever known from
the beginning of your world. Your world,
many nations shall be consumed by fire.
Jesus, April 9, 1977


Satan has entered, my sisters and
brothers, into the highest ranks of the
hierarchy. Therefore, you will recognize
the faces of evil. By their fruits will they
be known.


Understand that Lucifer is walking the
earth now, Lucifer who has great
knowledge. He has intention for
conversions to satanism. He is entering
into the highest places of the hierarchy. I
ask that My Church be restored to its
former glory. You are destroying it with
change. My children, those who in
vocation have dedicated themselves to
the priesthood, I ask you as your God to
cast away your pride. Admit there has
been error. Listen to your Vicar [Pope
Paul VI] who stated that the smoke of
satan had entered My Church. Did he
have pride when he brought this
knowledge to you? No! He asked for
help. And what did you do? You turned
away and widened the door for satan to
enter! You are blinded, My hierarchy. You
seek to bring all into My Church, but this
must be by conversion. You are allowing
all manner of heretics and the antichrist
forces to enter among you. You are being
deceived. Awaken from your slumber.
Jesus, September 28, 1978

The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple
Hats have been misled. The time will
come when there must be a separation of
the sheep and the goats. There will be
bishop against bishop and cardinal
against cardinal, and satan shall set
himself in their midst.
There is in the Eternal City of Rome,
My children, a great delusion. The light
has not passed that way. Error upon error
is coming forth. The enemies of God have
taken the highest positions in My Sons
Church. It will be cleansed by trial.
Our Lady, October 6, 1975

Note: Please offer your Masses, daily

Rosaries, holy hours, St. Michael
exorcism prayer, and sacrifices for the
protection of our Holy Father!
Remember also your local bishop and
parish priests.

St. Theresa, October 2, 1975

Our Lady, October 2, 1975

All prophecy given to you, My children,
is conditional to mans response.
Remember this in the days ahead.
In Rome there are gathering forces of
evil. We call them, My children, the red
forces. Unless the children of light upon
earth can reach into these areas of
darkness, there will be a great trial set
upon Rome. The forces of 666 are raging
throughout your world. They have
entered into the highest places of
government and in My Sons Church. Do
not be deceived by the rank and position
of a man upon earth.
Our Lady, September 28, 1976

My children, My heart is torn because
too few are listening, so very few are
listening to My counsel. I cannot say
that this is caused by the lack of
dedication for those who have accepted
the role of disciples of My Son. But I
must say that the greatest opposition is
coming from Our clergy, who should
know better. But, My children, as I said in
the past, I repeat again, that satan and
his agents, the band of 666, has entered
into the highest places of the hierarchy;
and therefore he has captured some of
Our formerly noble hierarchy to do his

Our Lady instructed Veronica to hold a Holy Hour
each and every Sunday for the intentions of the
Pope and all clergy, and in reparation for the profanation
of the Lord's day. The weekly Holy Hour is held at
10:30 a.m.; the Vigils of prayer from 7:30 to 10:30
p.m.both events at the Vatican Pavilion Site in
Flushing Meadows-Corona Park, borough of Queens,
in the city of New York. The Apparitions continued
until June 18, 1994, and a message was given every
Vigil that Veronica was present.
For more information, additional copies, and a
calendar of upcoming vigils, including a map, write
directly to:

Our Lady, June 1, 1978

These Last Days, P.O. Box 40, Lowell, MI 49331 http://www.tldm.org 1-616-698-6448 1-800-444-MARY

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