Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923
Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923
Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923
1918 1923
List of Figures
Translators Preface
Translation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Holocaust or Not? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Was Nuremberg a Fair Trial? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Ecrasez linfame! (Preface to the first and second editions)
3 Red Terror
4 Systemic Hostage-taking
6 Bloody Statistics
6.1 1918 . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 1919 . . . . . . . . . .
6.3 1920 . . . . . . . . . .
6.4 In the North . . . . . .
6.5 After Denikin . . . . .
6.6 Crimea After Wrangel
6.7 1921 . . . . . . . . . .
6.8 1922 1923 . . . . . .
6.9 1923 . . . . . . . . . .
6.10 1924 . . . . . . . . . .
8 Class Terror
9 Che Ka Tyranny
Cynicism Of Execution . . .
Mutilation and Torture . . .
Tyranny of the Executioners
The Condemned . . . . . . .
Violence Against Women . .
Oppressing Bourgeois . . .
12 By way of conclusion
List of Figures
Back yard of Kharkov regional Che Ka (5 Sadovaya St.) with the copses
of the executed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Exhumation of the mass grave of the red terror victims. . . . . . . . . . .
Kharkov. Exhumation of the mass grave of the red terror victims. . . . .
A corpse of a 1718 year old man, flesh slashed from the side and face
mutilated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corpses of the hostages, found in the basement of Tyulpanovs house,
occupied by Kherson Che Ka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Corpses of the victims of red terror at a railroad station in Kherson region.
The heads and limbs mutilated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Station Snegirevka near Kharkov. Corpse of a woman, tortured to death.
No clothes were found. Decapitated and arms severed (not found during
exhumation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kharkov. Head of Abbot Rodion of Spassovski monastery, scalped alive
by the Bolsheviks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Figures
Translators Preface
The works of S. Melgunov are not a popular reading matter, not now, not in Europe
and North America. They are not nearly so well known as the works of A. Solzhenitsyn
such as Gulag Archipelago, Red Wheel or Cancer Ward. Published in 1924 last
time, Red Terror was translated to English and published by Hyperion Press only
in 1975. It appears to be out of print, never re-printed since.
I came across Red Terror when researching material for an article on contemporary religious, political and ethnic terrorism in the 21st century and did use many
quotes from S. Melgunovs writing. But also I realized that it was my civil duty to
the peoples of Europe and North America to translate his book into English for the
very first time.
The motivation for translating originated from realization, that many methods of
the Bolsheviks are being more and more applied in todays Western hemisphere: cynical lies in mass media, confiscation of property, disarming of population, alienation
of the young generation, re-defining the language. Even though I was intimately familiar with the methods of communist regime in Russia, the book was en eye-opener
in many areas. I even recognized some of the facts and could correlate them to the
stories my grand-mother told me, even though she was only 8 years old when Red
Terror 2nd edition was published in Berlin. Her stories were from the more recent
late 1920s, but they were frightfully similar: searches by night, arrests, disappearance
of people, executions, tips by the informants, poverty and suppression of rights.
Then there were Soviet era movies, such as Ours among them, theirs among us 1 :
rittmeiser Lehmke telling Che-Ka operative Shilov that you will return this gold, but
your own will shoot you for that! Only after reading Red Terror I realized what
message the movie was trying to covertly convey: the story of captain Schastny the
saviour of Baltic navy from capture by German fleet (see p. 37).
One of the sources that S. P. Melgunov extensively quoted from Vessel Of
Death is worth adding to this book as an appendix. At some point I will probably
translate the entire Che-Ka almanac if time and resources permit.
Translation Issues
Let us address some translation issues that arose when I researched mainstream
sources of Russian-English translation of the matter used in Red Terror. I did
English title At Home Among Strangers... in my opinion does not convey the idea of the
movie at all.
will see very often in Red Terror, proletariat waged a Civil War against the workers
(and peasantry!). They were not one and the same.
A term kulak is relatively well known in English press. It is used to describe
the better-off, or affluent peasants, who owned more land than the others and were
generally more successful in agriculture and business. Those affluent peasants often
hired the rest of the village population for part-time jobs. Kulak is a root of the
term raskulachivanije which meant not just confiscation of land, livestock and tools,
but complete destruction of farmers economy. I am very well familiar with the term,
as my own grand-grandfather fell a victim of it. What happened to him and his
family was very typical: while an only supporter of a family of 11, he lost everything
but one cow, a couple of goats and one pig. His land (10 acres in total of his own and
rented land) became a part of a collective farm. Confiscation does not adequately
convey the meaning of the process. Confiscation is a one-time removal of property
from someone, while the Bolshevik term meant much more: it was a permanent shift
of the victim from one social category into another, a complete deprivation of wealth.
It should be translated as dis-endowment instead of confiscation.
The book mentioned and quoted from a number of soviet and immigrant newspapers. Traditionally the press outlet names are not translated, but in this case they
are integral to the story and often carry certain meaning. I will translate them as
appropriate, except for some titles that existed until recently or still exist, such as
Izvestiya (Russian for News).
It is easy to become lost in the countless, similarly named political parties and
groups of the post-revolution period. Several parties will be mentioned extensively
throughout the book. They are:
All-Russia Communist Party (of the Bolsheviks) or RKPB. Will be referred to
as Bolsheviks.
Russian Social Democratic Labor Party or RSDRP. Will be referred to as Mensheviks.
Left and Right Socialist Revolutionary Parties. Will be referred to as Left SR
and Right SR (perhaps mentioned once or twice).
Constitutional Democratic Party. Will be referred to as Cadet Party or Cadets
(not to be confused with the para-military Army Cadets).
An important point, very seldom addressed and researched, was who were those
hordes of faceless, anonymous Red Army men and sailors, who committed the atrocities of the Civil War and subsequent democide? Where did those monsters in human
body come from, and why was their cruelty so non-human and horrible? Well, this
was a lost generation of youth, conscripted to fight in the World War I, which fell easy
prey to the Bolshevik propagandists. Russian Empire did not bother caring about
those young people. The officers (almost 100% nobility) considered it not worth their
privileged situation to converse with the soldiers and sailors and isolated themselves
in the headquarters and quarters. The officers had families and pastime, while the
soldiers and sailors did not. Young people, removed from their families and communities, and locked in the barracks became angry. They did not have access to women
for making sex, no one talked to them about their issues, they were simply locked out
of life and severely punished for any wrongdoing. Enraging them by playing on their
envy was not too difficult, not after the military defeats in a war with Japan of 1905
and a series of defeats by the Germans in 1914-1917. If we looked at the pictures of
the revolutionary sailors we would see the angry young men.
Holocaust or Not?
Reviewing the book Red Terror in Russia... by S. P. Melgunov one cannot help but
notice a grave injustice.
While Jewish holocaust was widely recognized, condemned on personal and institutional level and lead to virtual banning of organizations (Nazi party, neo-Nazi
affiliations, assemblies), press, symbols and even gestures, the more numerous, widespread and just as systemic democide by the communist party did not result in any
kind of prosecution whatsoever. While Mossad was hunting down and even kidnapping the Nazi and their collaborators around the world, the crimes of communism
were shoved under the rug. Soviet Union remained a recognized country for over 70
years that followed. That country was ruled by the Political Bureau of the Communist
Party Central Committee (and not by the Soviets of the Peoples Deputies as they
would want us to belive the soviets were powerless puppets). In other words that
was a Communist party ruling the country. Thus the world recognized Communist
party as a legitimate government despite multi-million genocide it committed.
One after another the enlightened democracies of the world first turned a blind
eye and deaf ear to the plight of Russian population, than basically embraced thuggish
psychopathic communist regime by recognizing Bolshevik government. While red
terror was ravaging Russia and millions were executed in cruel and grotesque manner,
tortured, intentionally starved to death, deprived of medical assistance, raped, robbed
of all property, exiled to remote areas with severe cold climate, the world celebrated
demise of a powerful emerging competing economy that Russian monarchy was. Few
still remember that Russia under monarchy was one of the largest exporters of wheat
and rye grains, oats, hemp fibers, lumber, tar and many other commodities. Today
it is the largest recipient of food aid after the African states still living in stone age...
All while the Russian oligarchs backed by FSB sport the largest yachts in the world.
Then, however, the things started getting out of hand. Germany, that played
important role in funding V. Lenin and his Bolshevik coup of October 1917, grew
uncomfortable with the events that transpired after Brest-Litovsk peace pact. Russian
immigrant press, operating out of the European cities such as Berlin, could not be
overlooked by German establishment and the horrors of soviet rule apparently reached
the top echelons of German power. Whom have they created? A jinn, that escaped
its lamp? Knowing what was published by the Bolshevik official press and Russian
immigrant press, it would be impossible for the nearest West European neighbor of
Russia to remain unmoved.
Another unforeseen effect of Bolshevik state recognition became known thanks to
an ex-spy Igor Guzenko, who defected to Canada and opened the eyes of the Western
states to deeply entrenched soviet spying networks around the Western world. USSR
was actively spying on their WWII allies, including by financing communist parties
around the globe and bribing the foreign officials. All while GULAG was operating
at full speed at home, by the way.
Then Vietnam war came, Korean war, North Korean atrocities... And none of
that served as a slightest hint to the enlightened democracies of the world that the
entity they were dealing with Soviet Union existed solely due to systemic cruelty
towards is population who had no rights whatsoever, needless to say a right to life.
It is true that Nazi Germany implemented a program on government level that
aimed at incarcerating the Jews in the concentration camps on the premise of their
undesirable status. But is it not true, that Soviet Russia implemented exactly same,
but many times more cruel and long lasting program, directed at anyone even slightly
more affluent than poverty level? Is one horrendous, deserving continuing persistent
efforts of the states and law enforcement, while the other is acceptable and can be
I personally cannot verify the figure of 6 million Jewish victims of Nazi holocaust
and will take it at face value for the purpose of this writing. The communists not
just allowed to die of typhus, not just starved to death they actively tortured to
death about three times more people in the same time span as that of WWII. Keep
in mind that was not the end of it communist rule lasted for 70 straight years,
14 times longer than Nazis ruled Germany. So why is civilized world banning and
prosecuting the holocaust deniers and Nazi sympathizers, but at the same time giving
a free pass to the communist parties? Of course it does! Remember Joe McCarthy?
That single persons attempt to stem promulgation of communism in the USA ended
with destruction of his career and unabridged freedom of the communists to roam the
country, assemble, publish their literature, recruit and be elected US presidents one
after another.
The US were defeated by joint efforts of USSR, Communist China and Vietcong.
Not only did the Vietnamese nationals pay for that with their lives ruined in the
concentration camps the Americans did too. Have they learned a lesson? No.
Communist wannabes Khmer Rouge emerged and promptly slaughtered 3 million
Cambodians. Has the world learned a lesson? Not again.
I keep the count. It is at 14 now. The latest one was very recent Venezuela. The
communist government they elected confiscated property of the foreign companies,
mostly American, suppressed human rights, plunged the country into poverty and
committed other atrocities, but it is still all Okay.
The communists are walking among us. They can be sitting next to you in the
office cubicles or standing at the bus shelters. They are carrying a different mentality,
that dictates drastically different values than ours: other peoples property is not
theirs it belongs to everyone via government as a proxy; other peoples lives do not
matter as long as they do not belong to worker and poorest peasant classes; the end
justifies the means etc.
Communism is not just another ideology, that was born out of freedom of thought.
It is incompatible with that freedom, as once communists rise to power, they suspend
all freedoms on the basis of their two-pillar dogma: the end justifies the means and
individuals are nothing while the class they belong to is everything. That entails
collective punishment and denial of rights to the class enemies. Affording freedom
of thought and expression to one or another ideology can be practiced only on the
basis of all of them subscribing to the same set of values. The idea of sleeping under
the same roof with a cannibal is obviously ludicrous, unless you would be able to
shackle that cannibal every night before going to bed. But in our political practice
the cannibal is free to munch on your body while you are asleep. We are treating
communists the same as we do the parties with hundred year old track record of
respecting diversity of political opinions and the concept of majority voting, while
they subscribe to taking and keeping power by armed force alone.
If you had known that a convicted serial murderer, rapist and robber was on
early parole and living next to you, would you feel comfortable and carried on, or
sold the house and moved the family across the city? Seeing how quickly people
move out of the neighborhoods when social fabric changes to no good, I bet you
would move. Local police web site with crime news would be your thermometer.
But as regards to communists you do not have such tool. The governments of the
enlightened democracies around the world are oblivious regarding communization
of their populations and are not keeping tabs on that red plague.
Does it have to do with soviet KGB permeating the UN and using it for spreading poison seeds to the 3d world? Does it have to do with the fiscal interests of
trans-national corporations? Or is it a simple not in my backyard mentality of the
politicians who want to live happily ever after and do not want to be involved in anything controversial, even at possible cost of the lives of all their countrymen? They
are immune to prosecution for any decisions they make when elected anyway who
Cowardice is the word. Joe McCarthy had guts to recognize and acknowledge
the problem. He heard tolling of the bell rang by Igor Guzenko and transmitted the
message. Is there no one else? Are all millions of currently living politicians in the
enlightened democracies completely gutless, spineless and what else?..
But I do believe that we should ask ourselves a question: why the deaths of 6
million Jews at the hands of Nazi regime carried so much weight, that it warranted
suppression of our dearest freedom of thought and speech (won in the liberation wars
and venerated in law and history) if it had to do with Nazism, but the lives of millions
more victims of communist ideology carried practically no weight?
Was communist practice materially different from Nazi?
Suspension of rights? Check.
Imprisonment in concentration camps? Check2 .
well, outside of prisoners of war Nazi targeted only one category with small exceptions, while
the communists dispatched everybody in sight without distinction does it matter?
Technically, they just put their puppet governments into power, but still by armed force.
And those were the very peasants the Bolsheviks claimed to represent!
Mass forced starvation.
Freedom of speech, expression and association come to mind.
elitists, who seriously discussed execution of 25 million Americans who would not be
willing to convert into Marxists at the re-education concentration camps.
We are having these close calls rather regularly. Is it enough, already?
There is a good Russian proverb (they are all good, but this is a very fitting
one): Do not abjure bag or prison. It means that no one should consider poverty
(when all belongings can fit in a bag on ones back) or imprisonment impossible. It
seems that population of the enlightened democracies abjured their bag and prison,
while they should never say never. Especially in the current political and financial
situation, where outflow of funds to the 3d world has starved us to a degree, where
all levels of government switched from providing basic services to the people and
businesses to... running highway robbery rings in the form of police (writing $100
tickets for what previously deserved a verbal warning), by-law enforcement (barging
into peoples backyards and damaging property) and finally resorted to civil forfeiture and eminent domain as sources of income. Things are changing and even the
small changes, when accumulated, have a potential of shaking and fracturing the very
foundations of our society. Be careful with the changes our civilization may not
necessarily be immune to their untested effects.
Does communism have a chance in hell to become a ruling party in the UK,
France, Germany, Canada or USA? Not right now I hope (well, except for UK, for
grins). But if the small changes merge into a big stream, everything could happen.
Russian monarch did not anticipate Bolshevik revolution either, and look what is left
of the previously great emerging economy.
Ah, just read the book and come to your own conclusions. Or keep slumbering.
It is totally up to you we have freedom, still...
Acronym for DEAth to the SPies a telltale name for a government organization indeed.
Head of the NKGB from 20 July 1943 until 1946.
Head of SMERSH from 1943 to 1946.
Minister of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union from December 1945 to March 1953.
torture in the Russian prisons and cannot keep up issuing verdicts for compensation
of the victims.
The facts, documented by S. P. Melgunov and A. Solzhenitsyn in their books,
coupled with the modern newspaper publications regarding numerous torture cases
in Russian prisons, cast serious doubt on those testimonies as Che Ka/GPU/SMERSH
simply cannot be trusted around the prisoners. I never thought I would live to write
something like that! Never say never...
Terri Fabre (Kuznetsoff)
Chapter 1
Ecrasez linfame!
Preface to the first and second
The peoples will be moved only when they will
realize the depth of their falling.
Edgar Quinet.
It is unlikely this would pass without notice, if only the readers and critics would
be brave enough to get the gist of it (it is possible, that they will see the shootings
here and take a detour) wrote Korolenko to Gornfeld regarding Vl. Taburins essay
Living Soul, printed in 1910 by Russian Wealth.
I would like that those, who read this book, were brave enough to get the gist of
it. I know that my work, incomplete in many areas, came out of print prematurely.
But having acknowledged that, I have not had and still do not have either physical
or mental strength to format it properly at least as importance of the covered issue
deserves. One would have to have truly steel nerves, to survive and devour within
the horror, seeping from the following pages.
Spontaneously you recall again the words by V. G. Korolenko, that he dropped
while working on Habitual Effect. He wrote to Gornfeld in the above quoted letter
from Alupka (April 18): worked on this horrible material of the death sentenced,
which poisoned my nerves for several hours every day. And when the reader will turn
over the very last page of my book, I think, they would understand that depressing
feeling, that the author was supposed to experience for the long days, sinking into
the seas of blood, violence and unimaginable horrors of modern time. In comparison
with today the epoch of Habitual Effect does not even pale...1
I think, that the reader would experience some moral relief from realization, that
perhaps not everything, that would pass before their eyes, would be completely his1
P. A. Sorokin in his testimony at Conradi hearing reminded us statistics of executions in the 1st
revolution and subsequent reactionary times: 1901 1905. 93; 1906. 547; 1907. 1139; 1908.
1340; 1909. 771; 1910. 129; 1911. 73.
torically accurate. Otherwise it would be really not worth living. One should cast
away the accursed world, where such shameful reality was possible without causing
the feeling of protest and anger; one should shed off culture, that could tolerate it
without protest. And one would pity, like Herzen: Accidentally killed by a bullet, I
would take with me to the grave another two three beliefs... When thinking about
the further written, one can really go insane. Some are the onlookers, others are
committing something monstrous, shameful for humanity, that pretends to possess
culture. The only salvation is remaining faith in future, of which perhaps Nadson
Trust, time will come and Baal will die
And love will return to Earth.
The historians provided and keep providing explanations and even justifications
of the terror of French revolution; the politicians find explanation even to accursed
modern times. I do not want to provide an explanation to an effect, that can be and
must be stigmatized by public opinion in the past and in present. I only want to
reproduce the picture of both past and present.
Let the sociologists and moralizers seek an explanation for contemporary human
cruelty in the legacy of the past and in bloody mist of the last Europaen war, in the
fall of morale and distortion of ideological basis of human psychology and thought.
Let the psychiatrists relate all that to the sicknesses of the century; let them attribute
that to mass psychosis.
First of all I would like to reproduce true picture of the past and present, so
distorted under the carving knife of historical research and subjective evaluation by
a contemporary practical politician.
Originally my work was planned as three parts: historic review, characterization
of red terror of the Bolsheviks and so-called white terror. But the circumstances
motivated me to publish the second part of the work dedicated to red terror first.
Conradi fired his shot, and preparation to the trial in Lausanne2 forced me to
urgently process that part of material, which I managed to collect.
And if I am releasing my book now, than only because in this case its external
architecture shifts to the background due to importance of the topic.
What is going to be published does not pretend to be a scholarly work. This
is only the foundation for a summary; it is like a first, perhaps a very incomplete
attempt to summarize accumulated information. That is the only goal of my book.
Perhaps it will motivate me to broader collection and publication of related material.
The conclusions will come on their own.
I already indirectly responded to one possible objection. I cannot take responsibility for every fact included, but I always provided a source, where it was borrowed
from. Let those who bravely provided theoretical foundation for an appeal to violence and blood, but are now speaking about imaginary terror (see, for example
the articles in Izvestiya on the Cornadi trial), refute, first of all, its factual side.
Imaginary terror, that powers in Moscow are threatening to reinstate for an acquittal
of the accused in Lausanne!
I know there will be another objection made.
What about white terror? That juxtaposition was at the base of the speeches
by the public plaintiffs and witnesses for prosecution at Conradi trial. That was the
main weapon of the famous socialist group. That was an argument of some WestEuropean media. Unfortunately, that juxtaposition can be heard among the ranks
of the closer like-minded people. None other than A. V. Peshehonov in his brochure
Why Have I Not Emigrated? for the sake of his writers impartiality considered
a series of such reservations about characterization of Bolshevik terror. Speaking
about Gen. Denikin government, Peshehonov wrote: Are you noticing no blood on
this government? If the Bolsheviks have Extreme Commissions, then Denikin had
counter-intelligence, that was really one and the same? Oh, of course, Bolsheviks
beat the records and surpassed Denikin in the count of atrocities. But in some areas
Denikins was ways ahead (p. 32).
And to clarify, A. V. Peshehonov told of the horrors of the gallows in Rostov-OnDon. As Peshehonov will realize from this book, there he was wrong too no one
could surpass the Bolsheviks. But that was not the point. How these unnecessary
reservations are weakening our moral protest! How vain becomes this protest from
the perspective of historical impartiality!
I am not avoiding characterization of white terror the third volume of my
work will be dedicated to it. I admit, that there we could register the facts no less
horrible, than those in the following narrative, for these stories tell us that white
terror was always more horrible than red, in other words, that restoration bore
more victims, than revolution. If the Bolsheviks were to be considered the successors
of revolutionary tradition, than we would have to acknowledge deviation from this
traditional historic scheme. It is impossible to spill more human blood, than the
Bolsheviks did; it is impossible to imagine more cynical form, than what Bolshevik
terror was shaped in. That was a system which found its ideologists; it is a system
of orderly implementation of violence, it is such a prominent pinnacle of murder as a
tool of government, which was never reached by any government in the world. Those
were not the excesses that could be justified one or the other way by psychology of
the civil war.
White terror was an effect of a different order those were primarily the excesses
from dissoluteness of power and revenge. Where and when in the decrees of government policy and even in advocacy of this block could you find theoretical justification
of terror as a system of government? Where and when were made the appeals to
systematic official murders? Where and when did it happen under the governments
of Gen. Denikin, Adm. Kolchak and baron Wrangel?
Moral horror of terror, its rotting influence of human mentality is after all not in
individual murders, and not even in their numbers, but in the systemic nature. Even
though the kossak and other warlords in Siberia or on Don, that the prosecutors
at Lausanne trial and everyone who loves to juxtapose red versus white terror spoke
so much about, cemented their activity with bloody excesses often over the innocent
people. Adm. Kolchak testified before the court in his remarkable testimony, that
Prof. Timashev characterized red and white terror in Rudder in approximately the same
terms. His article caused a heated remark of protest by E. D. Kuskova in The Days (27 November)
against an alleged attempt to evaluation of manslaughter. It must be destroyed. Destroyed
without distinction of color wrote E. D. Kuskova. That is the only possible stance for a writer,
defending a standpoint of genuine humanity and democracy. But it seems to me that respected writer
attributed to Prof. Timashev something he did not say. Different qualification of manslaughter
does not equal considering some forms of terror better than others. That is not what we call terror;
terror is a system, but not just violence. Can E. D. Kuskova really call the so-called Komuch
government, with all its political sins, a terrorist government? Meanwhile Mr. Mayski, a former
social-democrat and a former member of that government, published in Moscow Izvestiya many
instances of executions on the territory, ruled by the Committee Of the Members of Parliament.
However the traitors cannot be completely trusted, especially those, who pronounced his accusations
during the trial of the Social-Revolutionaries, i.e. when his former associates stood under a knife of
guillotine of Bolshevik justice... None the less the facts remain facts. However that is far from what
we call terror.
interest only for a psychologist, who will be trying to understand human relationships
in the epoch of civil war. I avoided asking the questions of theoretical nature in my
work. They are ocean-wide. I had to gather the facts first of all.
It may be that Russian public fulfills its duty in this respect other than required
by true reality of life. Do not forget, that only the contemporary, contrary to the
opinion of the theorists of French revolution from Olarovski school, can portray truth
which is not false for the descendants.
White terror is in the past, but what is going to happen in the future is unknown.
Terror of the reds, standing on its ideological foundation, is a reality of these days.
And humankind continues to look at it surprisingly calmly. Why? Just recently I
responded4 :
European public opinion as if intentionally is turning away from this
truth, for its naked and undecorated appearance becomes too irreconcilable with the cultural habits of contemporary legal establishmane and
widely accepted human morale5 .
And how difficult it is under the circumstances to read the letters from abroad,
that one-two years ago used to begin as follows:
Help, if only it is possible. Write to Nansen, write to Anatole France,
write to apolitical Hoover scream everywhere, where you can: S. O. S.!..6
It is necessary that European public opinion demanded to stop humiliation of people. Involvement of European socialism is necessary appeals from Russia a correspondent of social-revolutionary Voice of Russia, conveying untold horrors committed in 1921/22 in the conentration camps in Kholmogory and Portalinsk monastery.
Those appeals and expectations were largely fruitless back then. And what now?
Not so long ago we read a statement made by the central outlet of Czech socialdemocrats Pravo Lidu:
Russian immigrants disseminate information about persecution of those,
who disagree with their regime. But we believe, that those messages
should be taken with a grain of salt and sometimes we raise a question:
is not specific segment of russian immigrants spreading that information
with a goal to justify their inaction abroad.7
Pravo Lidu needs verification of the information about Bolshevik regime, they
need verification of the treatment of its opponents by soviet government. But only
two years ago the Czech-Slovak social democrats appealed to the foreign minister
Benesch based on reliable information about unbearable political conditions in
Russia under the soviet government. They inquired:
1. Would the foreign minister consider diplomatically causing everything possible
to be done to eliminate executions in all of the civilized countries, especially in
2. Would the minister consider taking measures within his jurisdiction, to reduce
the convictions of the social democrat political prisoners, whether workers, peasants or soldiers.
3. Would the minister take as much care as possible in the existing international
situation, that Russia stopped persecution of the socialists and that the socialist
political prisoners were given broad amnesty8 .
Indeed, the Czech social democrats spoke only about the socialists! They could
not rise to the understanding of truth, unfortunately foreign to them, as well as to
the many socialists of the Western Europe9 (and Russian, by the way, too), of which
we were recently reminded by a decorated Czech public figure T. G. Masaryk in
For a human there is no higher rule in his whole life and politics, than realization, that human life and personality must be sacred. So what made Pravo Lidu to
change its stance even towards the socialists now? A notorious question of recognition
of the soviet state? That was exactly how French socialist party motivated its proposal to the soviet government to stop prosecution of the socialists at its last congress
in 1924 it was important so that the party could unequivocally and without reservations join the proposal for recognition of soviet government by France. The British
Labor party, speaking of its supposedly new understanding of socialism, does not even
make that demand... But the Czech social democrats are leaning towards questioning
the very fact of persecution and that is exactly when we received information of suicides, battering and murders in the Solovetski Monastery not from immigrant press,
but from an official Bolshevik government media source (See p. 168). We notice thus
far a huge adjustment that should be made to a premature statement of The Days:
the times, when Bolshevik reprisals could be committed in silence are over. Every
new wave of red terror again and again causes protest of European public opinion 10 .
Do we have an authority to state, that even the socialists, committing suicides in
the horrible conditions of contemporary exile in Russia, should know that appeals to
their Western-European comrades are in vain by now?
The horrors, being committed in the concentration camps of the North wrote
in 1922 the above mentioned reporter of Voice of Russia are despicable. For a
person who did not see or experience them they could seem to be a speculation of
an angered person...
For us, who day after day in horror and pain anticipated an outcome of the tragedy
in Solovetski Monastery, and know and understand that horrible reality it was not
an experiment, that perhaps was useful as an impressive experience, for proletariat of
the Western Europe... For us it was our live, sick body. And it was painful to realize
complete powerlessness to help even with a word...
I am not cherishing a hope, that my book will reach those representatives of
Western-European public opinion, who sometimes lightly express their opinions of
the events in Russia either without knowing or willing to understand. It is so easy
for example to accuse Russian immigrant press of one-sided skewing of reality. But
the people, responsible for their words, do not have a right to resolve their doubts so
easily in front of their descendants the times when rude violence of the Moscow
rulers was explained, according to Kautski, with bourgeois libel due to complete
isolation of Russia.
The articles of the supreme commissioner on the Russian refugee affairs of League
of Nations, widely publicized in European press, serve as an example of such speech.
I had to write about them in The Days in my kind of open letter to Nansen titled
Words In Vain 11 .
Nansen blamed Western-European public opinion for unwillingness to understand
the events in Russia and recommended not to stop at the idle rumors. To understand everything is to forgive everything... Dr. Nansen tried to explain the
repressions, ravaging our unfortunate motherland, with that old proverb. The methods of revolutionary time cannot be as soft, as in time of peace. Political prosecution
existed under the old regime, that also represented oligarchy. Nemesis dispenses her
political revenge now.
However not everyone can take this unique historical point of view at the times
when the pictures of unimaginable suffering and pity unroll.
Perhaps Russian lack of culture is to blame, perhaps tradition of Russian intelligent thought, but we I wrote are incapable of understanding the great legacy of
humanity, in the shape drawn by Dr. Nansen.
And not just him alone...
When the murders of often innocent people are being committed, when political
terror is rampaging in a country, taking at times the most brazen form, our feeling of
morale cannot come to terms with a statement: nothing great transpires without fight
and suffering. Our social consciousness demands another approach to the bloody
convulsions, of which so epically wrote Victor Margueritte in his welcome letter to
the soviet government on its 5th anniversary, i.e. on 5 years of violating human life,
public consciousness, freedom of speech.
When the teacher and the student, Anatole France and Michel Cordei, bow
before the power, that supposedly brings destruction of injustice and oppression after
20 July 1923.
so many centuries, when they speak about communist rule as of a herald of new face
of the world for a human, we have a right to demand, that those who wrote that and
those who speak on behalf of democracy, learned of contemporary Russian reality
Only once, it seems, rose up a voice of protest by Western European democracy
against Bolshevik terror in the days, when a noose was hanging above the socialists
during the trial of the socialist-revolutionary (SR) party in Moscow. It looked like
European socialism abandoned its neutral position towards Bolshevik violence. We
heard the voices of Maxim Gorky, and Anatole France, and Henri Barbusse, and
Romain Rolland, and Wells, warning Moscow government against moral isolation
of Russia by the socialists of the whole world. The threat of death still overhung the
12 condemned! But in only a few months Gorky wrote, that soviet government is
the only force, that could motivate the mass of Russian people to the creativity of
new, more just forms of life. Others welcomed new face of the world half a year
However, history will have its own time! And those, who are rasing there voices
against the war, against its dismal sacrifices, must not muffle the voice of their
consciousness, while the most shameful that is only possible in human civilization is
being carried out. Those who are turning a blind eye to the horror of political terror,
intentionally or not, are casting the culture to the epoch of barbary of the distant
past. This major crime before humanity is a crime before democracy and socialism
that they are talking about. Only a reformed human being can reform the world. It
cannot develope in the atmosphere of oppression, horror, blood and public corruption,
that spread as a thick fog over our suffering country.
Our public consciousness decisively demands an answer to the question of how
humanity and philanthropy can coexist with violence committed in Russia, with human blood being spilled before the eyes of entire civilized world not in war time, but
in the torture chambers of the executioners? How philanthropy and humanity can
coexist even with sacred violence, if only it could exist?
The supreme commissioner of the League of Nations is proud of an opportunity
to aid the great people of Russia, that is building new life. But is not stopping a
vengeful hand of Nemesis, stretched above the great people and great country, about
And that hand can be stopped in the only case if the civilized world will unconditionally express their opinion of what is going on in Russia. Lord Cecil in a
letter to Times once proposed that English press informed public opinion of the
conduct of the government that is trying to be admitted into the number of the
civilized countries. But lowly Falstaff cannot be a prophet Brand replies to that
appeal Steinberg a representative of the so called left popular movement in his
recent book Ethical Outlook Of the Revolution. He recalls denouncing power of
Chicherins note in response to the protest of the Western governments against red
terror in September 1918 and says: They, the leaders of that world, do not dare to
raise their voices against revolutionary terror.
But those, who are not guilty of the sins of the ruling class, who dare to raise
their voice, why are they remaining silent?
We are appealing for neither military nor financial aid of the states and not
requesting their interference into the internal struggle against organized violence
wrote Administrative Committee of the Members of Founding Assembly in its address
to the European public opinion. We are appealing to the civilized and forward public
opinion. We are asking it to deny moral support to the people, who surpassed the
dark medieval ages in the methods of violence with the same energy and persistence
as it denounced any support of counter-revolution activities.. We cannot be silent
anymore concluded the address taking into account the fearful news, arriving
daily from Russia. We are calling all, who live by the ideals, founded on humanity of
the better future: protest against disgusting distortion of that idea, stick up for the
victims, whose only fault is desire to help the tortured people and bring their grave
suffering to an end...
Figure 1.1: Kharkov. Corpses of the hostages, tortured to death by the Bolsheviks.
And yet we are facing an almost impenetrable wall!
A special committee was created in Netherlands in 191812 to aid the political
prisoners in Russia. Its goal was informing Europe of the crimes, committed in the
prisons of monarchy, and mobilizing broad public movement for protection of those
political prisoners. Not so long ago civilized Europe loudly protested against the
prisons and executions of Russian monarchy. But what is being committed in Russia
reinforces the quoted address exceeds the horrors of the old regime ten fold.
Perhaps for the very first time the last international congress of the Human Rights League,
influenced obviously by the address of P. I. Milyukovs, elected by the vice president of the congress,
a resolution regarding the condition of political prisoners was adopted. Milyukov concluded his
speech as follows: we would request only that ... the sympathy of world democracy be not on the
side of the malefactors. Let us neither morally nor judicially sanction a tyrannical government, that
is never going to be recognized by its people. Let us stick up with the words only for the great
nation in its struggle for the most rudimentary human rights.
But how reserved is the adopted resolution in both tone and content!
International congress of the Human Rights League, that was provided by a neutral 3d
party with a list of about 1000 (!) Russian citizens, sentenced since 1920 either to a capital
punishment or to many years in prison and concentration camps for the political crimes,
considers it its duty to insist that the soviet government commutes all death sentences and
implements broad amnesty, lifting other convictions off the political prisoners. The Congress
demands, that Russian government sped up the process of restoring freedom of speech and
press, for those freedoms are necessary pre-conditions for development of a republic.
Bolshevik violence.
We need to make the world understand and realize the horror of those seas of
blood, that drowned human consciousness.
Berlin, 15 December 1923 15 March 1924.
Chapter 2
Post scriptum (about the sources)
While living in Russia I considered it my duty of a writer and historian to collect
information about terror. Of course I did not have access to the vaults of the organizations that dispensed so-called revolutionary justice. A future historian will have
such an opportunity, and only as much as information will be preserved. Information
vanishes and lots vanished already, when the Commissions themselves destroyed their
fabulous paperwork during emergency evacuations or before a pending rebellion (for
example in Tambov during the Antonovs offensive).
Here abroad, I could use only a small fraction of collected information, such as
the notes and newspaper clippings. But value of that information is in the fact that
the Bolsheviks themselves are speaking about their deeds.
Abroad I could use press, unavailable in Russia. I reviewed almost entirely immigrant literature; using hundreds of publications. That level of detail (as was deemed
possible in present condition of the matter) in gathering of the facts, that only in their
entirety can paint a true picture of genuinely unimaginable horror of Russian reality,
for the most part explains the composition of the book. All that is data, whose 100%
accuracy cannot be guaranteed of course. And yet I have to admit, that the publications in foreign press very little deviated from reality. It remains a question that side
they were biased towards yet. I will provide an example here. A note in Common
Business by Burtsev spoke once of a mass shooting of 13,000 people in Crimea after
retreat of Wrangel. The number sounded almost impossible for the editors at the
time. But now we know with absolute certainty, that reality exceeded what seemed
to be impossible.
The errors in specific events were unavoidable; the testimony of the individual
witnesses were subjective, but there were no mistakes in generalized assessments.
Suppose that a message in social-revolitionary press regarding 4000 deaths of workers
during the 1919 massacre in Astrakhan can be criticized. Who could provide an exact
figure? And who ever will? Even if it is only half of that. Could it be true that the
gist of it would change even a tiny bit? When speaking of one to dozens, the question
of precision of bloody statistics could perhaps be of significance; when dealing with
hundreds and thousands, then we are dealing with some kind of slaughter, where
precision of the figures shifts to the background. We only need to establish the fact.
The text makes reference to those foreign publications that I could use to the
reader make the necessary comparisons.
Chapter 3
Red Terror
In a country, where freedom of personality provides
an opportunity for just ideological struggle...
poilitical murder as a means of struggle is a
manifestation of tyranny.
Administrative Committee of Peoples Will.
I lived in Russia for the first 5 years of Bolshevik government. When I left in
October 1922, my first stop was in Warsaw. And immediately I accidentally faced
one of the most complicated issues of contemporary public psychology and public
At one cafeteria, founded collectively by a group of Polish intellectual women, one
of them asked me while serving me a coffee:
Are you a Russian just from Russia?
Tell me, please, why could you find no one who would kill Lenin and Trotsky?
I was somewhat ashamed of this direct question, more so that in the last few
years in Russia I got out of habit of openly expressing opinions. However, I replied
that personally objecting against the acts of terror, I believed that the assassinations
would not reach their goals.
An assassination of one would probably save the thousands, dying in the torture
chambers now. Why was there many of those among the socialists under the monarchy
who were prepared to sacrifice themselves in the name of saving others, who agreed
to a murder for the sake of avenging violence? Why are there no avengers for violated
honor now? Everyone has a brother, son, daughter, sister, wife. Why none of them
would raise their hand, avenging violence? I do not understand.
And I had to set aside the question of the right and morale of violence and honestly
reply, that the root cause was, as it seemed, that while human life was considered
worthless in Russia at the moment, everyone would be stopped by a thought, that
their personal action, their personal revenge, even in the name of motherland, would
cause thousands of innocent victims, while previously the perpetrator only or the
immediate accomplices would have died. It is different now. And how many examples
we saw in the last few years!
Chapter 4
Systemic Hostage-taking
Terror is useless violence, committed by the people
who themselves are scared.
Moses Uritski , a peoples commissar, head of the Northern Commune and St.
Petersburg Che Ka was assassinated 17 August 1918 by an ex-student, junker and
socialist Leonid Kanegisser. An official publication contained the following: Leonig
Kanegisser stated under interrogation that he assassinated Uritski without a decision
of any party or organization, but on his own accord, in order to take revenge for the
arrests of the officers and execution of his friend Perlzweig.1
A socialist Kaplan attempted to assassinate Lenin in Moscow on 28 August.
What was the soviet governments response to those to terrorist acts?
By a decree of St. Petersberg Che Ka as stated by the official article in the
Che Ka Weekly 20 October (No. 5) the firing squads executed 500 hostages.
We do not know and probably will never learn an exact figure of the victims we
do not even know the names. We can only tell with certainty, that the real figure is
a lot more than that recent quasi-official article stated (there was never any official
release2 ). Indeed, 23 March 1919 English military chaplain Lombard informed Lord
Curzon: in late August two tow-boats full of the officers have been sunk and the
bodies washed ashore on the property of one of my friends along the Gulf of Finland;
many were tied with barbed wire two or three together 3 .
Could that message be inaccurate? But that was a well known fact both in
St. Petersburg and Moscow. We will realize from another source, that Bolshevik
government further used that barbarian method of drowning the enemies (for example
in 1921).
Perlzweig and his associates were executed by a firing squad a few weeks before Uritskis assassination. M. Aldanov, Modern West, v. XVI.
The contradiction stems from the fact that Che Ka Weekly was rather an instructional magazine for the operatives of Che Ka, than an official publication. Trans.
A Collection of Reports on Bolschewism in Russia. Abridged Edition of Parlamenters Paper.
Russia Nr. 1. That book was translated into French under the title Le Bolchevisme en Russie.
Livre blanc anglais; quoting from there, p. 159.
One of the leaders of Che Ka Peters called those days in St. Petersburg historic
terror in an interview to a newspaper reporter in November: Contrary to the popular opinion said Peters I am not as bloodthirsty as they think. The spineless
revolutionaries in St. Petersburg panicked and became hyperactive. There were no
execution by firing squad in St. Ptersburg prior to Uritskis assassination, but too
many thereafter and without a system, while Moscow responded to the assassination
by only executing several ministers of the monarchy.
And the not-so-bloodthirsty Peters immediately threatened: I state that every
attempt of Russian bourgeois to raise its head again will be met with such deterrence
and reprisal, that everything understood as red terror will pale before it 5 .
Setting aside a completely false statement by Peters, that there were no executions
in St. Petersburg prior to Uritskis assassination. So for an attempt on Lenins life
by a socialist only some ministers of the monarchy have been shot! Peters had no
qualms to make this statement, while a few days back the same Che Ka Weekly
(No. 6) published a reduced list of the executed by firing squad for an attempt on
Lenin. It was published two months after the execution of 90 people6 . It included
the ministers, officers, as well as the clerks of cooperatives, lawyers, students, clergy
etc. We do not know the exact number of the executed. Except for the only article
in the Che Ka Weekly 7 nothing further was ever published. Meanwhile we know
from common knowledge that more than 300 have been executed by firing squad in
Moscow8 .
Those, who were imprisoned in Bootyrskaya jail those days, when thousands of
people from broad social strata, will never forget their mental terror. That was the
time, called by one of the eyewitnesses wild Bacchanalia of red terror.9 It was
frightening to hear at night and sometimes witness how dozens were taken away to
be executed by firing squad. The trucks arrived and drove away their victims, and
the jail was awake and shivered at every blow of a truck horn. Here they enter a cell
and call someone with possessions to a room of souls 10 that means for execution.
There they will be tied two together with a wire. If only you could know the horror
of it! I was imprisoned in Bootyrskaya those days and myself survived those horrible
nightmares. Here is one of the stories by an eyewitness:11
Memory could not store all the names of many, taken away for execution by firing squad from the cell where the author of these lines was
imprisoned in the August 1918, but the most heart-wrenching scenes became etched in memory and are unlikely to be erased till the end of life...
Here is a group of officers, 5 of them, summoned to the room of souls
a few days after the shot at Lenin. Some of them were randomly arrested
during the street raid. None of them expected to be executed, they calmly
followed their fate to be imprisoned...
And suddenly... with possessions, for transfer, to the room of souls.
Pale as paper, they are gathering their stuff. But the jailer cannot find
one of them no matter what. The 5th is not responding, not acknowledging. The jailer leaves and returns with the block supervisor and several
excommers. Roll call. The 5th is found... Hi is hiding under the bed...
They are dragging him out by the foot... The desperate sounds of his
voice fill the corridor. He is struggling and screaming What for? I do not
want to die! But he is overpowered, dragged out of the cell... and they
disappear... and reappear in the courtyard... No sound can be heard any
more... His mouth is gagged with rugs.
A young warrant officer Semenov arrested during a large fire at Kursk
train terminal in the summer of 1918 (the cars were on fire on the tracks),
for noting from among the onlookers, that perhaps the Bolsheviks themselves set the cars on fire to hide evidence of theft. He was arrested, as
well as his father and brother were arrested at their residence. Three
months after interrogation the investigator assured him that he was going
to be released. Suddenly... with possessions, for transfer. And his name
was in the list of executed by firing squad a few days later. A month
later while interrogating his father the investigator admitted, that he was
executed by mistake, among the others.
Once a young man 1819 years old was returned to our cell, who was
earlier taken away. He was arrested during a street raid in July 1918 near
the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. That youth told us, that a few days
after his transfer to Che Ka, he was summoned at night and put on a truck
to take him to execution (they executed not in the basement, but outside
the city in 1918). Absolutely accidentally one of the excommers noticed,
that they were supposed to execute not youth, but a middle aged man.
They verified the first and last name were the same, but the middle
Previously under monarchy it was used to disinfect the new prisoners; the grim room of souls
served in 1918 as a temporary stay for those who were going to be slaughtered.
Che Ka almanac, Dry Guillotine, pp. 49 50.
Not only St. Petersburg and Moscow were responsible with hundreds of executions
for an attempt on Lenin. That wave rolled over entire soviet Russia over the big and
small cities, towns, villages and boroughs. Bolshevik press seldom publicized those
killings, but still the Che Ka Weekly made mentions of those provincial executions
by firing squad, sometimes with direct reference: executed for an attempt on Lenin.
Here are at least some of them.
Criminal attempt of assassination of our ideological leader comrade
Lenin writes Nizhny Novgorod Che Ka motivates us to dismiss the
sentiments and carry out dictatorship of proletariat with a strong hand...
Enough words!... In the name of that the Commission executed by
firing squad 41 people from the enemy side.
That was followed with a list, that included the officers, clergy, bureaucrats, a
forester, newspaper editor, a guard and so and on so forth. The same day about 700
hostages were taken in Nizhny just in case. The Worker-Peasant Nizhny Novgorod
Flier explained that: For every murder of a communist or an attempted murder we
will respond by executing the bourgeois hostages, for blood of our comrades, murdered
or wounded, demands revenge.
In response to the assassination of comrade Uritski and an attempt on the comrade Lenin, subjected to red terror were:
by the order of Sumy district Che Ka (Kharkov region), three pilots;
...of Smolensk regional Che Ka, 38 land owners of the Western region;
...of Novo-Rzhevsk, certain Alexandra, Natalia, Eudokia, Pavel and Michael
...of Poshekhonye 31 (entire families: 5 Shalaevs, 4 Volkovs);
...of Pskov 31;
...of Yaroslavl 38;
...of Arkhangelsk 9;
...of Sebezh 17;
...of Vologda 14;
...of Bryansk 9 robbers (!)
and so on and so forth.
Figure 4.1: A corpse of hostage Ilya Sidorenko, owner of a leather store in Sumy sity.
Hands and ribs fractured, genitals removed. Tortured to death in Kharkov by the
No. 3 of the Che Ka Weekly published the following list too: Among others,
the following were executed for an attempt on the leader of global proletariat: a
contractor Kubitsky for stealing 400,000 roubles, two sailors for the same crime, Che
Ka commissioner Piskunov for an attempt to sell a revolver to a militia man, two
counterfeiters etc. There were dozens of such lists, as to unpublished there was no
place where no one was executed for Lenin.
Typical was a special newsletter of Che Ka in Morshansk, issued as regards to the
current events. It said among other things: Comrades! They slap one our cheek,
and we reciprocate that three fold by slugging the whole face. A vaccination was
performed, i.e. red terror... That vaccination was performed everywhere in Russia,
particularly in Morshansk, where we responded to the assassination of comrade Uritski
and wounding of comrade Lenin with an execution by firing squad... (a list of 4)
and if there will be more attempts on our leaders and the prominent figures among
the communists in general, then cruelty will be expressed even worse... We must
respond to a strike with a strike 10 times stronger. And for the first time, so it
seems, there was a mention of the hostages, who would be immediately executed,
in case of any counter-revolutionary action. For the life of one of our leaders the
hundreds of bourgeois heads must roll stated a public notice to all citizens of
Torzhok city and the district, issued by the district Che Ka. It was followed by a
list of arrested and imprisoned hostages: engineers, merchants, a cleric and... the
right social revolutionaries. There were 20 in total. 184 hostages have been taken in
Ivanovo-Voznesensk. 50 have been executed in Perm for Uritski and Lenin12 .
Figure 4.2: Kharkov, yard of Che Ka. A corpse of hostage retired telegraph operator
I. Ponomarenko. Right hand severed. Several deep slashes across the chest. Two
more corpses in the background.
Are the above mentioned facts not enough to refute the official publications? Indeed, thousands of innocents died for Uritski and Lenin. Thousands more have been
taken hostages across Russia. What was their fate? Let us remind at least about the
fate of Gen. Ruzski, Radko-Dmitriev and other hostages in Pyatigorsk. 32 of them
have been arrested in Yessentuki in carrying out the order of Peoples Commissar
of Internal Affairs comrade Petrovsky, as it was officially announced13 , in a decree,
concluded with a threat of their execution by firing squad for any attempt of counterrevolution actions or attempts on the leaders of proletariat. Then hostages have been
taken in Kislovodsk (33 in total) and other places. There were 160 people, gathered
in a concentration camp in Pyatigorsk. The following event transpired on 13 Octo12
ber in Pyatigorsk: the Bolshevik Supreme Commissioner Sorokin attempted a coup,
aimed at cleansing soviet government of the Jews. He has arrested and executed,
among others, some excommers. As a justification, Sorokin produced the documents, allegedly exposing the connections of the executed with the Voluntary Army
as stated the reports of Denikins Commissions, that we are using in this case14 .
Sorokin was looking for an approval of his actions and power from an emergency
congress of the Sovdep, revolutionaries and Red Army representatives, summoned by
him in the town of Nevinnomyssk.
But the Sorokins adversaries managed to declare him outlaw prior to his arrival to
the congress as a traitor of revolution. He was arrested in Stavropol and immediately
executed... That has sealed the fate for many of the hostages, imprisoned in the
concentration camp.
No. 157 of the local Izvestiya published on 2 November the following order of
Che Ka under Atarbekov:
Due to an attempt on the lives of the leaders of proletariat in the city
of Pyatigorsk 21 October 1918 and under authority of the Order No. 3
of 8 October of this year, in response to a diabolical killing of the best
comrades, members of CPK and others, the Extreme Commission ordered
executed by firing squad the following hostages and persons, belonging to
the counter-revolution organizations.
That was followed by a list of 59 people, starting with Gen. Ruzski. There was
another list of 47 right there, which mixed together: a senator, counterfeiter, cleric.
The hostages have been executed by firing squad. That was a lie. They have been
hacked with the swords. Their possessions have been declared public property...
The systemic hostage-taking flourished further.
A student P. killed a commissar N. in Chernihiv region. And a reliable witness told
us how his father, mother, two brothers (the younger was 15), a German governess
and her 18 year old niece have been executed by a firing squad.
Soon after he himself was captured.
A year passed, during which terror in Russia took horrible shape: everything, that
we know from history truly pales. A terror act was carried out by a group of anarchists, who initially followed the Bolsheviks and even participated in the organization
of the Extreme Commissions. That assassination was for the most part a response to
the executions of a large number of the party members, declared hostages. As early
as 15 June 1919 the following announcement was made on behalf of Latsis, the Chair
of Ukrainian Che Ka:
As of lately a number of soviet officials received the threatening letters
from a combat squad of the international left Socialist-Revolutionaries,
the so called activists. White terror was declared on the soviet officials.
The Ukrainian Extreme Commission hereby proclaims, that any attempt
of assaulting the soviet officials will result in the execution by firing squad
As if in response to that a bomb exploded on 25 September 1919 in a building occupied by the Bolshevik party in Leontiev Lane, Moscow. The building was partially
destroyed. Several prominent communists were killed in the explosion. The Moscow
newspapers published a threat, signed by Kamshev, the day after: the whites, who
committed a notorious crime, will receive a horrible punishment. The killed
added Goyhbart in Izvestiya article will be decently avenged by the government.
And a new wave of bloody terror rolled over Russia: the government decently
paid back for the explosion to the people, who had no chance to have anything to do
with it. The government simply executed those, who were imprisoned at the moment,
for the action of the anarchists16 .
In responce to the Moscow bombing Saratov Che Ka executed 28 people, among
whom were several candidates to the Parliament from the Constitutional Democratic
Party, a former member of Peoples Will, lawyers, land owners, clergy etc.17 . That
was the official figure. There were more in reality, as many as was passed in a wire
from Moscow that allotted a portion of the country-wide blood quota to Saratov
that was 60.
We have a shiny testimony of how those lists have been compiled those days in
Moscow, which was a major scene of the play, by one of the Bootyrskaya prison
inmates18 .
According to the supervisor of Moscow Che Ka Zakharov, pale as paper and nervous Dzerzhinski came to Che Ka right from the scene of the
bombing and ordered to be executed all listed as Cadet party members,
police officers, monarchy officials and all kinds of princes and counts, imprisoned at all Moscow jails and concentration camps. And thus a single
verbal instruction of a single individual condemned many thousands people to immediate death.
It is impossible to determine how many they managed to execute by
firing squad in one night, but the figure should be calculated at the hundreds by the most modest estimate. The order has been canceled the day
Another year passed and a special system of hostage-taken has been
instituted by a decree of the central government.
A government announcement was made on 30 November 1920 stating
that a number of white army organizations intended (?!) to commit the
acts of terror against the worker-peasant revolution.
Figure 4.3: Kharkov, the corpses of the executed loaded onto a carriage.
Therefore the prison inmates from the various political groups have been declared
the hostages19 .
An old anarchist P. A. Kropotkin considered it necessary to respond to that announcement with an open letter to Lenin20 . Could it be true that none among you
wrote Kropotkin could remember, that such measures, reflecting a return of the
worst of the medieval times and religious war are undeserving of the people, who
undertook creation of a future society on a communist foundation... Could it be true,
that none of you realized what a hostage meant? It meant, that a person is imprisoned not as a punishment for some crime, that he languishes in prison in order to
As a matter of fact an article by V. L. Burtsev in Common Business was the only justification
for that announcement. He wrote: We must respond to terror with terror... there must be revolutionaries out there ready to sacrifice themselves, to keep Lenin and Trotski, Steklov and Dzerzhinski,
Latsis and Lunacharski, Kamenev and Kalinin, Krasin and Karkhan, Krestinski and Zinoviyev etc.
responsible. Perhaps, in parallel to that article, we should mention a note, that has psychological
value, made by a diplomat during the Brest-Litovsk negotiations. Chernin wrote 26 December 1917:
Charlotte Corday said: I assassinated not a human, but a wild beast. Those Bolsheviks will vanish
too, and who knows, will there be Corday for Trotski too.
In the Foreign Land, book III.
threaten your enemies with his death. For a death of one of ours we will execute so
many of yours. But is that not the same as taking a person out every morning to an
execution and bringing him back, saying: Hold on, Not today. Could it be true
that your comrades would not understand, that it is equal to a restoration of torture
for the inmates and their families...
Living already in seclusion, senile and sick, P. A. Kropotkin could not imagine
clearly enough real implementation of the Bolshevik theories of violence. Hostages!
Have not they been taken from the day one of terror?
Have not they been taken everywhere during the Civil War? They have been
taken in the South, East, North...
Reporting of the many hostages taken in Kharkov, a chairman of the regional
administrative committee Con said: if a bourgeois snake would raise its head, than
first of all the heads of the hostages will roll 21 . And they really have rolled. There
were 36 hostages executed for a murder of a local excommer in 1921. That fact,
published in Common Business 22 by Burtsev, found a confirmation in a number of
just as reliable notes, that we will find further. The rule eye for an eye was widely
implemented in practice.
Lockhart23 10 November 1918 Even worse, they are stabbing their political adversaries by avenging their wives. When a long list of the hostages was published
in St. Petersburg, the Bolsheviks have arrested the wives of those they could not
find and imprisoned them until the husbands turned themselves in 24 . The wives and
children were often arrested and executed. The Kiev Red Cross officials testified of
such executions in 1918 of the hostage wives of those conscripted to the Red Army
who defected to the White Army. The families of the 86 Infantry Battalion officers
defected to the whites have been executed in St. Petersburg in 191925 . A note to the
RCAC26 by a prominent left social revolutionary J. Zubelevich spoke of the execution by firing squad of the families of the officers, suspected of defection to the white
army 27 . The hostages could be quickly redefined as the counter-revolutionaries. Here
is a document, published by Communist 28 magazine:
13 August a military-revolutionary tribunal of the 14 army, tried the
case of 10 residents of Alexandria city, who have been taken hostages
(Bredit, Malski etc.), considered those not hostages, but counter-revolutionaries
and sentenced them to execution by firing squad.
The sentence was carried out the day after.
Hundreds of hostages the peasant wives with children have been taken during
the peasant revolts in Tambov region: they were imprisoned in the various jails,
including Moscow and St. Petersburg, for almost two years. For example, an order
by operative staff of Tambov Che Ka of 1 September 1920 read: To carry out ruthless
red terror towards the rebel families... arrest everyone above 18 among those families,
without regard to gender, and as long as the riots continues, execute them. Impose
extreme taxes on the villages, confiscate all land and property for a failure to pay 29 .
The official releases, published in Tambov Izvestiya attested to the practical
implementation of that order: 5 September 5 villages burnt; 7 September executed
by firing squad 250 peasants... Kozhukhov concentration camp near Moscow alone (in
1921 22) imprisoned 313 Tambov peasant hostages, including the babies as young
as 1 month and children below 16. Typhus30 devastated those semi-naked (with no
warm clothes), starving hostages in the autumn of 1921.
We could find the long lists of hostages taken for the deserters, for example in
Red Warrior 31 . There is a special category for some hostages here: sentenced to a
suspended execution.
Figure 4.5: The corpses of 4 peasant hostages (Bondarenko, Plokhih, Levenets and
Sidorchuk). The faces mutilated by slashing. Genitals mutilated with undetermined
tool. The doctors suggested that kind of mutilation must have inflicted maximum
possible pain.
Both parents and children have been executed. We found evidence of the following
facts. The children have been executed before the parents eyes, and the parents
before the childrens eyes. A Special Department of Che Ka under crazy Kedrov was
especially cruel was in that regard32 . He sent whole bunches of the infant spies aged
8 14 from the front to Bootyrskaya prison. He executed those student-spies on
the spot himself. I personally knew of several such cases in Moscow.
Who cares of moral torture, that P. A. Kropotkin spoke about. The Extreme
Commissions not just provincial, but in the capital cities, practiced real torture. Of
course Kropotkins letter remained crying out in the wilderness. If there was no
executions among the hostages that very moment, then perhaps because there were
no assassination attempts...
Another year passed. Thousands of hostages have been taken during Kronstadt
riot. Then more hostages have been taken after the famous trial of the social-revolutionaries. Those lived till the last day under the threat of suspended death sentence!
And perhaps the fact that assassination of Vorovsky occurred in Swiss territory,
too openly for the whole world, explains that there were no mass executions in Russia,
i.e. they were not officially publicized. We have no way of knowing what happens
in the basement of the State Political Administration, which replaced the Extreme
Commission in the name only. The executions continue, but press does not publish
information, or does but in reduced format. We do not know the truth.
But we do know for certain, that after the acquittal in Lausanne the Bolsheviks
unambiguously threatened to resume terror towards those they considered hostages.
So Stalin as published by The Days and Vorwrts stated in the meeting of the
Moscow Bolsheviks:
The voices of all workers demand from us retaliation to the instigators
of that monstrous assassination.
As a matter of fact the assassins of comrade Vorovski are not the miserable hit-men Conradi and Polunin, but those social traitors, who, having
escaped peoples vengeance beyond reach, are still continuing ground work
for a fight against the leaders of Russian proletariat. They forgot about
our foresight, expressed in suspending the verdict of the Supreme Tribunal
in August 1922, contrary to insistence of all worker masses. We can remind them now, that the verdict is still in force and we can bring to justice
their friends under our control for the death of comrade Vorovski...33
The hostages are capital for exchange... That phrase of the famous excommer Latsis, perhaps applied to the foreign nationals during the Polish-Russian war.
Russian hostage is only a form of psychological pressure, instilling fear, that entire
domestic policy, government system of Bolsheviks is based on.
Remarkably, that the Bolsheviks implemented in practice what seemed impossible
even to the most reactionary circles in 1881. A. Kamarovski wrote in a letter to
Pobedonostsev 5 March 188134 about collective responsibility. He wrote: ...would
it be considered practical to declare all discovered members of revolutionary party
outlaw for the despicable crimes committed by its members and hold them responsible
in corpore with their lives for any minor new attempt against lawful order in Russia.
Such is a grimace of history or life... Unlikely there could be more direct expression of barbary, or rather power of rude force over the basics of human civilization,
than systemic hostage-taking wrote an old revolutionary N. V. Chaikovski regarding hostage-taking these days. One would have to not just emancipate self of the ages
worth of human cultural values, but internally submit to Moloch of war, destruction
and evil in order to sink to not only applying it in practice, but its open declaration..
The humankind spent a lot of efforts in order to win... the first truth of any
There is no punishment for no crime committed reminds us an appeal regarding
the same issue, published in 1921 by The Union of Russian Writers and Journalists
in Paris:35 .
Just recently Georgian Che Ka declared 37 social democrats hostages and issued a warning,
that the first 10 on the list would be executed should anyone attempt an act of terror in Georgia.
According to Socialist Messenger 11 February 1924 (No. 3) the decree has been canceled by an
order from Moscow (keep in mind that recognition of the soviet government was being decided
those days). An odd argument was supplied for a justification: as the Mensheviks turned into a
small group of bandits, and the government institutions are strong enough for carrying out their
delegated functions there is no need to resort to such extreme repressive measures as declaring
certain members of Menshevik party hostages.
Letters and Notes, vol. I, p. 181.
The Latest News, 9 February 1921.
Figure 4.6: Captain Fedorov with the signs of torture on the arms. Bullet wound
on the left arm received during torture. Escaped the execution in the last moment.
Below: the sketches of the torture tools by Fedorov.
And we reckon, that no matter how heated is political party struggle, that is burning in Russia like a frightening fire, but this basic, this
first commandment of civlization cannot be suppressed under any circumstances:
No punishment for no crime.
We protest against the possibility of killing the innocents.
We protest against this torture by fear. We know how horrible are
the nights of Russian mothers and fathers whose children have been taken
hostages. We know just as well what the hostages themselves feel in
anticipation of death for a crime they have not committed.
And thus we say:
Here is cruelty that cannot be justified.
Here is barbary that has no place in human civilization...
Cannot be... Who heard that?
Chapter 5
Terror Foisted
Restoration of Death Sentence and
Bolshevik Rhetoric
Proletarian coersion in all its forms, beginning with
execution by firing squad... is a method of
developing a communist human from the material of
capitalist epoch.
Apparently the first commissioner of justice under the Bolsheviks, a left social revolutionary
Steinberg, who recently published a book against terror titled Moral Outlook of Revolution and
comprehensively whitewashed his party from a part in bloody business of terror, was wrong, stating
that Che Ka emerged from chaotic events of the first burning days of October revolution.
was in agreement with the theories, created by the Bolshevik ideologists. As early
as spring of 1917 Lenin stated, that social revolution is not so difficult to implement:
it would be enough to destroy 200 300 bourgeois. Famously Trotski responded to
a book Terrorism and Communism by Kautski with ideological justification for
terror, that boiled down to the enemy must be disarmed; in the times of war that
means destroyed. Intimidation is a powerful means of politics and one has to be
a hypocrite to not understand that.2 And Kautski was right referring to Trotskys
book as to a hymn, praising inhumanity. Those bloody appeals constituted, according to Kautski, a pinnacle of revolutions depravity. The planned implementation
of designed terror cannot be confused for the excesses of aroused crowd. Those excesses originate from the least cultural, marginal segments of society, but terror was
implemented by the intelligent, educated people. Those words by the ideologist of
German social democrats referred to the epoch of great French revolution.3 They
could be reiterated in the XX century: the ideologists of communism restored the
obsolete past in its worst forms. Rhetoric agitation of the enlightened, supposedly
filled with humanity people disgracefully carried out the bloody acts.
Without regard to the facts of reality, the Bolsheviks contended that terror in
Russia was used only since the first terrorist attempts on the so called leaders of
proletariat. One of the most cruel excommers, a Latvian national Latsis, had audacity
to speak in August 1918 about exceptional humanity of soviet government: they are
killing thousands of us (!!!), but we constrain ourselves to an arrest (!!). And Peters,
as we read above, stated in public with extraordinary cynicism, that there was no
execution in St. Petersburg prior to Uritski assassination.
Starting their government activities with abolishment of capital punishment for
rhetoric purposes4 , the Bolsheviks immediately restored it. As early as 8 January
1918 an announcement of the Soviet of Peoples Commissars decreed to create the
battalions for digging trenches from the ranks of bourgeois men and women, under
the supervision of red guard. The resisters will be executed by firing squad and
further: counter-revolution agitators to be executed on the spot.5
In other words, capital punishment without investigation and trial has been restored. A month later an announcement of the subsequently infamous Russia Extreme
Commission read: ...counter-revolution agitators... everyone attempting to escape
to Don for joining counter-revolutionary armies... will be ruthlessly executed by the
squads of the Commission on the spot. The threats pooured like from a horn of
plenty: the baggers6 to be executed on the spot (if offering resistance), those posting the bills to be executed immediately 7 etc. Once a Soviet of Peoples Commissars
Dzerzhinski has borrowed an argument for peoples anger from the Trotskis book: It is
diffucult to teach the oppressed masses good manners wrote Trotsky under class slavery. When
aroused, they use a club, a rock, fire and noose.
Kautski, Terrorism and Communism, p. 139.
No. 1 of the Paper of Intermediate Worker and Peasant Government 28 October read: Russian Congress of Soviets enacted: capital punishment, restored by Kerenski in the army, is hereby
Izvestiya No. 30.
Street merchants. Trans.
Izvestiya No. 27.
distributed an order to all railroads regarding some special train, traveling from the
Staff to St. Petersburg: in case of a delay in transit to St. Petersburg, those responsible for it to be executed. Confiscation of all property and execution by firing
squad is awaiting those, who would try to circumvent the acts of the soviet government on trading, buying and selling. The threats of execution are very diverse. It is
peculiar, that the execution orders are published not just by the central organ, but
by all kinds of revolutionary committees: Kaluga region declared, that those guilty
of unpaid taxes imposed on the rich would be executed; in Vyatka for being outside
after 8 in the afternoon; in Bryansk for intoxication; in Rybinsk for gathering in the
streets and notably without warning. They threatened not only with execution by
firing squad: a commissar of Zmeyev city imposed a tax and threatened, that those
not paying would be drowned in Dnester with a rock around their neck.8 Here even
more expressive: the Supreme Commander Krylenko, the future head prosecutor of
the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal, the guardian of law and order in soviet Russia,
22 January announced: Proposing that the peasants of Mogilev region deal with the
oppressors as they see fit. The commissar of Northern district and West Siberia in
turn published the following: if the perpetrators will not be surrendered, then for
every 10 people one will be executed by firing squad without regard to the guilt.
Such are the orders, decrees, appeals and announcements of capital punishment...
Quoting them, one of the champions for abolishment of capital punishment in
Russia Dr. Zhbankov wrote in Public Doctor 9 Practically all of them provide
broad powers of arbitrary decision to the individuals and even to an angry blinded
crowd, i.e. legalized lynching.
Capital punishment was restored back in 1918 within the limits it never reached
even under monarchy. That was the first result of bringing a system into executive
branch of revolutionary power. The center was ahead in suppressing the elementary
human rights and morale and served as an example. 21 February due to the offensive
of German troops a special manifest declared socialist fatherland endangered and
simultaneously enacted capital punishment for an extremely broad range of actions:
enemy agents, speculators10 , robbers, street criminals, counter-revolution agitators,
German spies to be executed by firing squad on the spot.11
There could be nothing more disgraceful, than a trial of Captain Schastny, conducted by the so called Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal in Moscow in May 1918.
Captain Schastny saved the remainder of russian navy in Baltic sea from surrender
to a German fleet and brought it to Kronstadt. He was accused of treason no less.
The indictment read: Schastny, acting heroically, made himself popular with the
intent to use that against soviet government. The main and only witness against
Schastny was Trotski. Schastny has been executed 22 May for saving Baltic navy.
That verdict established a precedent of capital punishment. That bloody comedy
of cold-blooded manslaughter caused a strong protest from the leader of Menshevik
social democrats Martov, addressed to the working class. It did not receive much
response, as the policy of Martov and his followers at the time was constrained to a
call to work with Bolsheviks against future counter-revolution12 .
Capital punishment in judicial or administrative order, as was practiced by Extreme Commission on the territory of Soviet Russia up to September 1918, i.e. to the
moment of official declaration of red terror, cannot be considered isolated incidents
by a wide margin. Those were not dozens, but hundreds of cases. We are referring
only to the deaths by one verdict or another. We are not talking about those executions by firing squad, that followed curshing of all kinds of unrests, a multutude of
which occurred in 1918, of firing on the rallies etc., i.e. of the excesses of power, of
the slaughter (back in 1917) of Finnish and Sevastopol officers. We are not talking of
the thousands, executed on the front line of the civil war, where the above decrees,
orders and announcements of capital punishment were implemented on full scale.
Later in 1919, when a historian of Che Ka activities Latsis summarized official
execution data in a series of articles (published earlier in Kiev and Moscow Izvestiya,
then re-printed as a book Two Years of Fighting on Domestic Front), he shamelessly
wrote that within the borders of the soviet Russia at the moment (i.e. 20 central
regions) only 22 people have been executed in the first half of 1918. That situation
would have continued further, stated Latsis, if not for a wave of conspiracies and
most brazen white terror (?!) on the part of counter-revolution bourgeoisy 13 .
That could be said only under complete public gagging. 22 capital punishments! I
too tried to summarize the executions by the soviet government in 1918, using mostly
data, published in the soivet newspapers. Marking what appeared in print centrally,
I could use only rather random data from the provincial newspapers and seldom used
reliable data from other sources. I already mentioned in my article Medusa Head,
Were it not the Left SR who supported necessity of class, organized terror in a session of St.
Petersburg Soviet 8 September? Were it not the Left SR who stated in Will of Labor 10 October
that as regards to counter-revolution Che Ka completely justified its purpose, proved its efficacy?
That party of October revolution stood then on a soviet government platform. Rightly so the
presiding judge noted during the trial of Left SR in June 1922: the Left SR take responsibility for
October revolution and creation of Che Ka.
See below an article Why? Steinberg again intentionally or not makes a chronological error, attributing granting the tribunals official power of capital punishment to the time of founding
movement of the Right SR, a riot organized by Savinkov in Yaroslavl. According to the former Commissar of Justice, those counter-revolution actions convinced the government that those methods
of power were necessary.
Kiev Izvestiya, 17 May 1919.
published in several of the socialist papers of Western Europe, that based on those
random data my archive included not 22, but 884 notes!14 There are many witnesses
of those events here among us, mentioned by the staff historian of Che Ka read
Voice of Russia in Berlin (22 February 1922.) regarding the statement by Latsis:
We perhaps, just as well as Latsis, remember that officially Che Ka was founded
by a decree of 7 December 1917. But we remember even better, that extreme
activity of the Bolsheviks started earlier. Were that not the Bolsheviks, who drowned
an Assitant Minister of defense prince Tumanov in Neva after the storming of the
Winter Palace? Was it not the Supreme Commander of Bolshevik army Muraviev who
officially ordered lynching of the resisting officers the day after capturing Gatchina?
Are not the Bolsheviks responsible for the killing of the generals Dukhonin, Shingarve
and Kokoshkin? Was it not for a personal permission of Lenin that the student
brothers Ganglez were executed in St. Petersburg only for wearing shoulder loops?
And did not Bolsheviks create a Military-Revolutionary Committee prior to Che Ka,
that used emergency powers to eradicate the enemies of the soviet government?
Who is going to belive Latsis that those were mostly criminals, who is going to
belive that there were only 22?...
Latsiss official statistics did not even take into account data, published earlier in
the Che Ka own publication; for example, Che Ka Weekly announced, that Ural
region Che Ka executed 35 people in the first 6 months of 1918. Does it mean there
were no more executions at the time? How can we reconcile such soviet humanity
with an interview of the Che Ka leaders Dzerzhinski and Zaks (Left SR) to a reporter
of Gorkys New Life 8 June 1918, that stated; We know no mercy towards the
enemies and continued, that the executions were carried out via the unanimous
verdicts of all members of Extreme Commission. On 28 August Izvestiya printed
official data of the executions by firing squad of 43 in the 6 of the regional cities.
The figure of executions in St. Petersburg was set at 800 in a report by a member of
St. Petersburg Che Ka, Uritskis deputy Bokiy at October conference of the Extreme
Commissions of the Northern Commune since Russia Che Ka moved to Moscow, i.e.
after 12 March, while the number of hostages in September was 500, i.e. in other
words 300 were executed according to the calculations of the Che Ka leaders in the
mentioned months.15 Should we not believe a note in Margulies diary: The Secretary
of Danish embassy Peters mentioned... how Uritski bragged to him about signing 13
death sentences in one day.16 And Uritski was one of those, who attempted to bring
terror under control...
Perhaps the 2nd half of 1918 varies only in open propaganda of terror.17 After an
Justice, Juin 28, 1923; La France libre 13 July; The Days etc.
Che Ka Weekly, No. 6.
M. S. Margulies A Year of Intervention II, 77.
As a matter of fact, propaganda was openly used earlier. Kokoshkin and Shingarev were not
killed by the government on 6 January 1918 it just declared the Constitutional Democratic party
outlaw. The shots were fired by the sailors and reds, but in reality their rifles were loaded by
the party politicians and journalists, remarked Steniberg in his book. He provides a peculiar fact,
testifying that Rostov administrative committee discussed an issue of complete execution of the
leaders of local Menshevik and right social-revolutionary parties in March 1918. The decision was
not passed by the majority. (Moral Outlook of Revolution, p. 42.)
attempt of Lenins assassination urbi et orbi red terror time is officially declared.
Lunacharski spoke about that at the Moscow Soviet 2 December 1917: We do not
want terror, we are against capital punishment and gallows. Against the gallows,
but not against the secret executions! Perhaps Radek alone advocated for public
executions. In his article Red Terror 18 he wrote: ...five hostages from bourgeousy,
executed by the public verdict of a local Soviet, before the thousands of workers
present, with their approval is a stronger act of mass terror, than an execution of
500 by an order of Che Ka without participation of the worker masses. Steinberg,
recalling lenience of the tribunals of the first revolutionary epoch, must admit,
that there is no doubt that, the period from March till the end of August 1918 was
a period of de-facto, though unofficial terror.
Terror was turning into a bloody slaughter, that at first raised indignation even
among the communist ranks. A famous sailor Dybenko protested against captain
Schastny trial in a peculiar letter to Anarchy newspaper 30 July: Could it be true
that there is not a single honest Bolshevik, who would register a public protest against
restoration of capital punishment? Miserable cowards! They are afraid to openly raise
their voice voice of protest. But if there is still a single honest socialist, he must stress
before world proletariat... we are not guilty of this shameful act of restoring capital
punishment and in protest are leaving the ruling parties. Let the ruling communists
lead us, who fought and are still fighting against capital punishment, to the gallows,
let them act as our executioners. For fairness sake, Dybenko soon recanted those
sentiments, as per Lunacharski, and three years later took an active part in the
executions of the sailors after crusing of Kronstadt riot in 1921: We cannot trifle
with those rascals,19 and 300 have been executed in one day. Other voices sounded
later. They fell silent too. And the creators of terror started putting up a theoretical
basis for what cannot have moral justification...
A famous Bolshevik Ryazanov, the only one who voted against official inclusion
of capital punishment into the new criminal code, drafted by soviet justice officials
in 1922, visited Bootyrskaya prison after an attempt on Lenins life and told the
socialists, that the leaders of proletariat can hardly contain the workers, who want
to storm the prison, to lynch the socialist traitors. I heard the same from Dzerzhinski
and many others during an interrogation in September. The masters and connoisseurs
of staging tried to create that impression by printing the fake letters from various
groups, demanding terror. But that common staging cannot trick anyone, as that is
just a method of agitation, rhetoric that nurtured and supported Bolshevik power for
so long. Waving of conductors baton adopted those counterfeit, but belated decrees
belated because red terror was announced, its slogans were pronounced in the
rallies20 , in the newspapers, on the banners, posters and what is left is only reiterating
them locally. Too general and boring are the slogans, accompanying the slaughter:
Death to the capitalists, Death to bourgeoisy. The slogans at Uritsky funeral are
more specific, more timely: Thousands of your heads for each our leader, A bullet
through the chest of each enemy of working class, Death to the mercenaries of AngloFrench capital. Indeed, every page of contemporary Bolshevik press responded with
blood. For example, St. Petersburg Red Paper of 31 August read regarding Uritscki
assassination: Thousands of enemies will pay for the death of our fighter. Enough
trifling... Let us teach a bloody lesson to bourgeoisy... Terrorize the living... death to
bourgeoisy let it become motto of the day. The same Red Paper read regarding
an attempt on Lenin 1 September: We will be killing enemies by the hundreds. Let
it be thousands, let them drown in their own blood. Rivers of blood will flow for
blood of Lenin and Uritstki more blood, as much as possible.21 Proletariat will
avenge wounding of Lenin so read Izvestiya that entire bourgeoisy will shiver
in horror. None other than Radek, perhaps the best political writer, stressed in
Izvestiya in a special article, dedicated to red terror (No. 190), that red terror,
caused by white terror, was on the agenda: Destruction of individual bourgeois, as
long as they are not taking part in white movement, only matters as a means of
intimidation during the actual fight, in response to the assassinations. Of course for
every soviet official, for every leader of worker revolution, who would fall at the hands
of counter-revolution agent, the later would pay with dozens of heads. Recalling
Lenins proverbial: let 90% of Russian people die, as long as 10% live till global
revolution, we can understand in what shape communists imagination pictured
that red revenge: a hymn of hatred and revenge will be the new hymn of worker
class read The Truth.
Worker class of soviet russia rose up reads an appeal by Moscow district Military Commissioner 3 September and gravely said, that for each drop of proletariat
blood... a stream of blood would be spilled of those, who march against revolution,
the soviets and leaders of proletariat. For each proletarian life hundreds of sons of
bourgeois would be destroyed... Effective immediately worker class (i.e. Moscow regional military commissar) decrees for the enemies to fear, that it will respond to
individual white terror with massive, ruthless proletarian terror. Russia Central Administrative Committee is ahead of them all, having adopted 2 September a decision:
RCAC solemnly warns all servants of Russian and allied bourgeoisy that for each
attempt on the lives of soviet leaders and the carriers of socialist revolution ideas all
counter-revolutionaries and their instigators will be held responsible. The workers
(?) and peasants (?) will respond to white terror of the enemies of worker-peasant
government with massive red terror against bourgeoisy and their agents.
In full compliance with the decree of that highest executive organ the Soviet of
Peoples Commissars enacted by regulation a special approval of Che Ka activity
that prescribed execution by firing squad of all persons, connected to the white army
organizations, conspiracies and riots. The Peoples commissar of internal affairs
Petrovsky simultanously wired an order to all soviets, that became historically notorious due to both terminology and sanctioning all possible abuses. It was publushed
in No. 1 of Che Ka Weekly titled An order regarding the hostages and read:
Assassination of Volodarski, Uritski, attempt on the Chair of the Soviet of Peoples Commissars comrade Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and massive
The central outlet of Russia Extreme Commission Che Ka Weekly, which was
supposed to be a supervisor and conductor of the ideas and methods of struggle for
Che Ka, published an article On the issue of capital punishment in the same issue:
Let us cast away all lengthy, fruitless and idle conversations about red
terror... It is time, before it is too late, to carry out the most ruthless,
organized mass terror not verbally, but in practice...
After the notorious order by Petrovsky we can hardly talk about worker class,
avenging its leaders, and of humane goals, set by Dzerzhinski and others in organizing
the so called Extreme Commissions. Only complete complacency of the Bolshevik
political writers allowed Radek, for example, to stress in Izvestiya 6 September,
that if not for the certainty of the worker masses that worker government could
respond to that strike, we would be experiencing mass slaugher of bourgeoisy. What
importance could have in reality an address by some communists of Vitebsk region,
demanding 1000 sacrifices for each soviet official? Or demands by a communist local
Notice, that this was the first time the term was used in an official document, originating from
the center.
of some transport unit to execute 100 hostages for every fallen, 1000 whites for
every red; or an address of communist local of West Regional Che Ka, demanding
13 September to sweep the disgusting murderers from the face of the Earth ; or a
resolution of red army guards of Ostrogorod Che Ka (23 September): For each of our
communists we will destroy hundreds, and for an attempt on the leaders thousands
and tens of thousands (?!) of those parasites. We observe how bloodthirstiness of
Che Ka is increasing with the distance from the center started with the hundreds,
reached tens of thousands. Only the original words are being repeated; but that
repetition, as it was published officially, originates from the excommers themselves.
A year later the same rhetoric is repeated in the same bizarre verbiage in another
part of Russia, captured by the Bolsheviks in the kingdom of Latsis, appointed head
of Ukraine Extreme Commission. Kiev Che Ka publishes The Red Sword that is
an official publication of Che Ka, pursuing the same goasl and Che Ka Weekly. Its
issue No. 1 published an editorial by Leon Krayni:
We must tear off a sting of bourgeois snake, and if necessary, its greedy
mouth must be torn apart, and fat belly must be cut open. The sabotaging, lying, treacherously pretending to be on our side (?!) classless
intelligent speculators and speculating intelligents must be unmasked. We
cannot and do not have the old moral values and humanity, invented by
bourgeoisy for oppressing and exploiting the lower classes.
The declared red terror chimes in a certain Schwarz has to be carried out a
proletarian way... If for establishment of proletarian dictatorship worldwide we will
have to destroy all servants of monarchy and capital, we will not hesitate and will
carry out that task, assigned by Revolution, with honour.
Our terror was foisted, it is a terror of worker class, not of Che Ka repeated
over and over Kamenev 31 December 1919. Terror was foisted by Entente stated
Lenin addressing the 7th congress of the soviets the same year. No, it was a terror
of Che Ka itself. A network of the Extreme Commissions for Combating CounterRevolution, Sabotage and Speculation covered all of Russia. There was no town,
district, that had no detachment of Russia Extreme Commission, which became the
main nerve of government administration and absorbed the remainder of justice. The
Truth itself, published by the central committee of the communist party in Moscow,
was forced to notice 18 October: power to the soviets was replaced with a slogan
power to Che Ka.
The district, regional, city (at first village and even factory) detachments, transport etc, army special detachments of Che Ka. Finally all kinds of military field,
military-revolutionary tribunals and the emergency staffs, retaliatory expeditions and so on so forth. All that unites for carrying out red terror. Nilstonsky,
author of a book Der Blutrausch des Bolschewismus (Berlin) accounted for 16
of various Extreme Commissions in Kiev alone. Each of them could deliver death
sentences. In the days of mass executions by firing squad tose slaughterhouses, mentioned in the Che Ka internal documents only as the mere numbers, redistributed the
killing among themselves.
Chapter 6
Bloody Statistics
On the ruins of the old will build the new.
With a sword we bring not a sword, but peace to the
Revolutionary rhetorics.
The Extreme Commissions are not the court organs, but organs of ruthless
reprisal according to terminology of the central committee of the communist party.
An Extreme Commission is not an investigative commission, not a court or tribunal sets its own goals Che Ka itself. This is a combat organization, acting all
across the home front of the civil war. It does not judge the enemy, it strikes. It does
not grant pardons, but incinerates everyone on the other side of the barricades.
It is not too difficult to imagine, how that ruthless reprisal was supposed to be
carried out in practice once instead of the dead code of law only revolutionary experience and consciousness are in force. Consciousness is subjective. And experience
will be certainly replaced with lawlessness, growing into bizarre shapes depending on
composition of the performers.
We are not fighting a war against the individuals wrote Latsis in The Red
Sword 1 November 19181 . We are eradicating bourgeoisy as a class. Do not seek
evidence during the investigation that the accused acted or spoke against soviet government. The first question, that you must ask would be what class do you belong
to, what is your background, upbringing, education or trade. These questions must
seal the fate of the accused. This is the gist and meaning of red terror. Latsis was
in no way original, by only copying the words of Robespierre in Convent regarding
Reign of Terror: to execute the enemies of fatherland it is enough to identify them
Not punishment, but their destruction is required.
Does that instruction not tell the judges everything?
But to understand, what is continuing to these days with renewed energy red
terror in reality, we have to find out the victim count. The breadth of murders by
the ruling power characterizes the whole system of applying red terror.
Bloody statistics essentially cannot be compiled as yet, and unlikely to be compiled. When only a hundred, perhaps, of the executed is being published, when
executions are taking place in the basements of the fortified compounds, when human passing often leaves no trace a historian has no opportunity to reconstruct the
true picture of reality in the future.
Latsis wrote at the time in the above quoted articles: our citizenry and even the
ranks of comrades are convinced, that Che Ka brings tens or hundreds of thousands
of deaths. And that is true: for the commoners read the abbreviation as an acronym
for every mans death 2 . Having supplied us with unrealistic figure of 22, that we
covered already, calculates the count of executed during the 2nd 1/2 of 1918. That is
4 1/2 thousand. That is a figure for entire Russia, i.e. within the 20 central regions.
If there is anything to blame Che Ka for, says Latsis than not for excessive urge
for executions, but for insufficien application of capital punishment. A strong iron
hand always reduces the number of victims. That truth was not always considered
by the Extreme Commissions. But not only Che Ka should be blamed for that, but
entire policy of the soviet government. We have been too soft, benevolent towards
the defeated enemy!
4 1/2 thousand is not enough for Latsis! He can easily discover, that his official
statistics is underestimated. It would be interesting to find out, in what category he
put, for example, the executed in Yaroslavl after Savinkovs revolt. The first issue
of Che Ka Red Book (there is such thing!), distributed only among the communist
officials, published really unprecedented historical document. A chair of German
Commission (acting under the terms of Brest-Litovsk accord) leutenant Balk declared
to the residents of Yaroslavl city, that the local detachment of the Nothern Volunteer
Army surrendered to the said German Commission. The surrendered have been
turned over to the Bolsheviks and 428 of them have been immediately executed by
firing squad. My archives contained 5004 executed for that perid within the same
territory. My data, as I mentioned, are random and incomplete; they contain for the
most part what was published in the newspapers that I had access to.3
Keep in mind that extreme brevity of the official notes complicated the task of
keeping the count. For example Klin district (Moscow region) Extreme Commission announced, that it executed several counter-revolutionaries; Voronezh Che Ka
announced, that it executed many of the arrested ; Sestroretsk Che Ka (St. Petersburg region) carried out executions after thorough investigation in every case. The
newspapers are ripe with those brief announcements. We applied a factor of 1 to 3
in these cases, i.e. guaranteed to be an underestimate.
The first letters of Russian for Every Mans Death coincide with the first letters of Russia
Extreme Commission. Trans.
I did not even have information of the famous execution of 12 socialist-revolutionaries in Astrakhan 5 September 1918 after a local unrest. Revolutionary Russia No. 16 18.
6.1. 1918
Figure 6.1: Back yard of Kharkov regional Che Ka (5 Sadovaya St.) with the copses
of the executed.
People of all classes, the peasants for the most part, to testify of the killing of their
family members and other violence, committed by the rampaging Bolsheviks... (Elliott to Curzon 21 March 1919.). Did that include the victims of the officer
massacre in Kiev in 1918? It counted 2000 people! Executions by firing squad and
by hacking with swords have been carried out right in the theatre, where the service
men were summoned to for checking ID. Does that include a navy officer massacre
Izvestiya 8 February.
Livre blanc; Interim Report of the Commitee to collect information on Russia 1920; Report of
the Commitee to collect information on Russia 1921.
in Odessa before arrival of Austrian troops? Later, writes one English chaplain,
an Austrian staff officer told me that a list of 400 officers, executed in Odessa area,
was delivered to them!.6 Does that include the victims of Sevastopol massacre of the
officers? Does that include those 1342, killed in January-February 1918 in Armavir
city, as it was found by the Commission for Investigating Bolshevik Activities, established by Gen. Denikin?7 And finally, the hecatombs of Stavropol, mentioned in the
memoirs of V. M. Krasnov the executions of 67, 96 etc.?8 There was no place, where
arrival of the Bolsheviks was not accompanied by the dozens or hundreds of victims,
executed by firing squad without trial or by the orders of the Extreme Commission
and the similar temporary revolutionary tribunals.9 We will devote a special chapter
to those massacres let these be the excesses of civil war only.
Figure 6.2: Exhumation of the mass grave of the red terror victims.
6.2. 1919
Figure 6.3: Kharkov. Exhumation of the mass grave of the red terror victims.
Continuing his bloody statistics, Latsis contends, that 3456 were executed by firing
squad by the orders of Che Ka in 1919, i.e. 9641 in two years, of whom 7068 counterrevolutionaries. Keep in mind, that by Latsiss own admission more than 2 1/2
thousands executed not for bourgeois class, and not even for counter-revolution,
but for the petty crimes (632 abuses of power, 217 speculation, 1204 criminal
acts). That indicates, that the Bolsheviks introduced capita; punishment not only as
a means of struggle with bourgeois as a class, but as a generic punishment, that has
not been used for that purpose in any civilized country.
But let us set that aside. Russia Extreme Commission, according to Latsis, executed by firing squad 140 people in September 1919. Meanwhile an investigation
into a counter-revolution case of a public figure P. N. Schepkin has been closed in
Moscow around that time. The newspapers published 66 last names of the executed,
but the Bolsheviks themselves admitted to more than 150. From 100 to 150 people
have been executed in Kronstadt in July according to a reliable witness, while only
19 have been published. Thousands have been executed in Ukraine, where Latsis
himself rampaged. A report by the sisters of charity of Russian Red Cross to the
International Red Cross in Geneva accounted for 3000 executions by firing squad in
Kiev alone.10
In the Shadow of Death. Statement of Red Cross sister on the Bolshewist Prisons in Kiew.
Archive of Revolution, VI.
The author of the above mentioned book Der Blutrausch des Bolschewismus
Nilstonsky provides enormous totals of Kiev executions. It is worth noting that the
author demonstrates high degree of familiarity with the activities by all 16 Kiev Extreme Commissions it expresses itself in precise recording and detailed topographic
description. It is possible that the author supplemented the immediate observations
with the materials, collected by the Commission for Investigation the Bolshevik Activities established by Gen. Rberg.11 That commission included, besides others,
the lawyers and doctors. They photographed the exhumed corpses (some pictures
have been published in Nilstonskys book, the rest are in Berlin according to him).
He contends, that according to Rbergs commission 4800 have been executed by
firing squad those have been identified. The total count of the Bolshevik victims
in Kiev, in Nilstonskys opinion exceeded 12,000 people. Although the figures are
approximate, they give an idea.
The unusual methods of terror12 stipulated creation of a special commission for
investigation of Ukraine Che Ka, appointed from the capital and headed by Manuilski
and Felix Kon. All former prisoners positively referred to that commission in their
testimonies to Denikins Commission. Propagation of terror has been stalled until
retreat from Kiev, when the mass executions reoccurred in July-August. A list of 127
executed by firing squad was published in Izvestiya 16 August those were the last
officially published victims.
There is a scary creek outside the city of Saratov Che Ka carried out executions
there. Although, I will quote an eyewitness in that regard13 from the same excellent
book, that we quoted several times previously and that we will refer to further down.
That almanac Che Ka, which contained information about the Extreme Commissions activities, was published by the Socialist-Revolutionary Party in Berlin in
1922. The first-hand accounts, gathered sometimes in the very prison, from the very
victims, eyewitnesses, participants, give this book an exceptional value; it was written by those, who survived what they were writing about. And those vivid memories
sometimes tell more, than the piles of documents. I knew many of them personally
and knew the methods used for collecting data. Che Ka almanac will forever remain
a historical document for characterization of our time, and a strikingly accurate one.
One of the residents of Saratov gave an account of the creek near Monastery district,
a creek, where there should be a memorial to the victims of revolution one day.14
As soon as the snow melts, the friends and families of the dead sneak
to the creek, single and in groups, looking over their shoulders in fear.
At first the visitors were being arrested, but there were so many of them,
See my analysis of this book, as well as a number of others, in my review Literature on Terror
in a collection In a Foreign Land No. 8. Nilstonskys book Bloody Hangover Of Bolshevism
adopts certain anti-semitism in the conclusion, that allows us to consider it biased. We are getting
used to taking the literary works of those, who cannot rise above animal chauvinism even when
describing a real tragedy, with a grain of salt. But data, originating from the other sources, confirm
much of information in this book.
See further.
On the activities of Saratov Che Ka. Che Ka almanac.
On the activities of Saratov Che Ka. A compilation Che Ka almanac, p. 197.
6.2. 1919
and they kept coming despite the arrests. The flood waters exposed the
victims of communist persecution by washing away dirt. The corpses have
been piled up in a 50 meter area from an overpass. How many? Unlikely
one could tell. Even Che Ka itself does not know. Approximately 1500
have been executed with and without documentation in 1918 and 1919.
But the executions took place above the creek in Summer and Autumn
only, elsewhere in Winter. The most recent corpses executed late last
autumn have not yet decomposed. Wearing nothing but underwear, with
the hands tied behind their backs, sometimes in the sacks or completely
It is frightening to look at the bottom of the scary creek! But the
visitors look, peering into any marks that would allow them to identify
the body of a relative...
...And with every day that creek becomes scarier and scarier for the
Saratov residents. It consumes more and more victims. The steep slope
slides after every execution, burying the dead; the creek widens. But every
Spring flood water unearths the latest execution victims...
Could that all be untrue?
Averbukh accounted for 2200 victims of red terror in Odessa in three months of
1919 in his no less frightening book Odessa Che Ka published in Kishinev in 1920.
(Red terror has been announced by the Bolsheviks in July 1919, when the Voluntary
Army troops captured Kharkov). The executions started long before the official
announcement a week or two after the 2nd capture of Odessa by the Bolsheviks.
The mass executions started in mid-April according to all witnesses, who testified
before Denikins Commission. The figures of 26, 16, 12 have been published.
With their usual cynicism Izvestiya read in April 1919: Crucian carp loves to
be fried in sour cream. Bourgeoisy loves the government, that rampages and kills.
This is good... Holding our imaginary noses (?!) we will have to bring bourgeoisy to
its senses with a strong medication. If we will execute a few dozens of those rascals
and fools, if we will make them shovel snow, and make their wives clean the Red
Army barracks (which is a great honor for them), than they will realize, that our
government is strong and they cannot rely on the British and French.
The executions increased in June during the offensive of the Voluntary Army. A
local paper Odessa Izvestiya read those days of already official terror: Red terror
has been given a go. And it will walk over the bourgeoisy districts, bourgeoisy
will crack, counter-revolution will hiss under the bloody strike of red terror... We
will uproot them with glowing steel... and will deal with them in the bloodiest
manner possible. And indeed that ruthless dealing officially announced by the
administrative branch of the local soviet, was followed with publication of the lists of
executed: often without qualifying the accusation: executed by firing squad under
red terror. Many of those were listed in a book by Margulies The Years of Fire.15
Those unauthorized executions caused worker protests. The rallies have been dispersed using
military force and banned (Margulies, 279).
Those lists of 20 30 people have been always understated according to the eyewitnesses. One of the witnesses, who had an opportunity to make observations due
to her status, informed that when Izvestiya published 18 last names, she counted
up to 50 executed; when it was 27, she counted up to 70 (including 7 female corpses
there was no mention of women in an official publication). According to an arrested
excommer up to 68 have been shot every night of red terror. By the official calculations of Denikins commission 1300 were executed by firing squad in a period between
1 April and 1 August. The figure of Bolshevik victims in the South according to
German historian Andreas Niemann should be considered 13 14 thousands...16
The workers in Astrakhan go on strike in March. The eyewitnesses testified, that
it was drowned in blood.17
A 10,000 strong rally of the workers, peacefully discussing their difficult situation, has been surrounded by the machine gunners, sailors and
grenadiers. After the workers refused to disperse, they were shot with
rifle volleys. Then the machine guns went off aimed into the crowd and
grenades started exploding among the rally participants.
The rally has fallen to the ground and became quiet. Neither screams
nor groans of the wounded and dying cold be herd from the machine gun
The city became deserted and quiet. Some escaped, some hid.
The workers lost no less than 2000 victims.
That was the first act of the horrible tragedy in Astrakhan.
The second even more horrible act stared 12 March. Many workers
have been captured by the victors and imprisoned in 6 detention centers,
in the barges and stem ships. The most horrible was the stem ship Gogol.
The wires about a riot have been sent to the capital.
The chair of Revolution Military Soviet L. Trotski responded with a
brief wire: Deal with mercilessly. That sealed the destiny of the unfortunate prisoners. Bloody madness ruled on the land and on water.
Executions were being carried out in the basements of the detention
centers and just in the yards. The imprisoned in the ships and barges
were being drowned in Volga river. Some of the victims had rocks tied
to their necks. Some were hogtied and simply thrown in water. One of
the workers, who hid amidst the machines and survived, told that about
180 people have been drowned from the stem ship Gogol in one night.
There were so many executed in the detention centers in the city, that
they barely managed to bury them in the mass graves in the cemetery
under the guise of typhus victims.
The emergency commissar Chugunov had to issue an order, that prohibited loss of corpses being transported to the cemetery under the threat of
execution. The residents of Astrakhan were coming across the half-naked
Fnf Monate Obrigkeit von unten. Erinnerungen aus den Odessaer Bolschewistentagen April
August 1919. Der Firn publishers.
Astrakhan Executions, Che Ka almanac, pp. 251, 253.
6.2. 1919
bloodied corpses of the workers in the streets almost every morning. And
the families of the captives sought the dear dead from corpse to corpse in
the dawn.
The executions of the workers only continued 13 and 14 March. But
then the government came to a sudden realization, that the executions
could not be blamed on bourgeois revolt. And they decided, that better
late than never and dealt with the first bourgeois they came across:
arrested every building owner, fish merchant, small business owner and
executed them...
By 15 March there was no household, that did not mourn a loss of
father, brother, husband. Some households lost several men.
The figure of executed could be found from a census in Astrakhan! At
first 2000 seemed to be correct, then three... Then the government started
publishing the lists of executed bourgeois with hundreds of names. By
April the number increased to 4000 and the repressions still raged on.
The powers apparently decided to take revenge for all previous strikes on
the Astrakhan workers: for Tula, Briansk, St. Petersburg strikes, wave of
which rolled over the country in March 1919. The executions abated by
end of April only.
Astrakhan was a horrible sight those days. The streets were dead
quiet. The households were in tears. The fences, store windows and
booths pasted with the execution orders, and more, and more...
Let us take a distant from the capital Turkmenia, where Russian population revolted in January against tyrannical regime, established by the Bolsheviks. The revolt
was crushed. They started wholesale searches told the eyewitnesses.18 All barracks, all railroad shops were full of the arrestees. Mass executions by firing squad
have been carried out 20 and 21 January. The corpses have been piled onto the railways. More than 2500 people have been slaughtered that horrible night... A military
field tribunal was established 23 January that assumed the trial of the January revolt
and continued to execute during entire 1919.
Why were those victims not included in the official statistics by Latsis? It was the
excommers who acted at least in the very first days in all cases, and military field
tribunal was the same Che Ka even in composition.
Neither The Truth nor other official Bolshevik publications answered the question, asked by anarchist organization Labor and Liberty 20 May 1919 based on
information from the underground flier of the Left SR party (No. 4): Was it true,
that Che Ka is executing 12, 15, 20, 22, 36 people almost daily? No one will ever
reply to that, as it was naked truth. And that was truth too bold, especially that
officially the power of capital punishment was given by decree to the Revolutionary
Tribunals only. It is safe to say, that on the eve of that decree in the 20th of February
both Russia and St. Petersburg Che Ka published the new lists of the executed by
firing squad even though the decree left the power of capital punishment to Che Ka
only during the riots. There were no riots either in Moscow, or in St. Petersburg.
Not sure what the socialist-revolutionary paper Will of Russia 19 based its calculation of 13,850 executed in the first three months on. Was that impossible? There
was such contrast with the official figure of 3456, announced by Latsis. An impossibility was most likely towards understatement of a real figure.
The Moscow newspaper of the Communist Party Central Committee The Truth
read 20 March 1919 regarding data, published in Great Britain ()that 138 thousand
were executed by firing squad): it would be really horrible if that was truth. However, the figure so shocking for the Bolshevik political writers, paled in comparison
with what was really going on in Russia.
Latsis no longer published his statistics for 1920 and on. And I no longer maintained my archive, for I was myself under arrest in a Bolshevik prison and a sword of
Bolshevik justice was overhanging me.
Capital punishment was abolished once again in February 1920. And Zinoviev,
speaking in Galle, Germany, boldly said that executions stopped in Russia after
defeat of Denikin. Martov, speaking at the congress of the German independents
15 October made a correction right away: Zinoviev neglected to mention that the
executions stopped for a very short time20 and resumed on frightening scale. We
can cast doubt that the executions stopped, knowing the customs of Che Ka. The
most striking example could be glanced from the process of amnesty.
The following inscriptions could be found among those made by the sentenced
to death on the walls of Special Department of Che Ka in Moscow: The night of
abolishment [of capital punishment] became a night of blood. Every amnesty
meant new mass executions for the prisons. The excommers tried to dispatch their
victims as quickly as possible. Sometimes the night, when the print shops worked on
the announcement of amnesty, that was supposed to be in the morning papers, mass
executions by firing squad were being carried out in the prisons. That is a must to
remember for those, who often point at the frequent issuance of the amnesty acts by
soviet government21 The nights before an anticipated amnesty were oh, so worrisome
for everyone, who had to spend time in prison those days. I remember those nights in
1920 in Bootyrskaya prison before the amnesty, announced on the anniversary of the
October revolution. They could not keep up transporting the naked bodies of people,
shot in the back of the head, to Kalitnikov cemetery. That was in Moscow and the
same was in the regions.
7 November 1920.
If they really did.
I believe A. V. Peshehonov should be more careful in his brochure Why Have I Not Emigrated?
where he softened Bolshevik reality in his rhetoric. Despite Bolshevik cruelty, reads p. 8, to do
them justice, most of the inmates do not languish in jail for too long at least not as long as their
sentence says. You bet! I know of a sentence to 120 years in prison! I know of a life-time sentence by
Che Ka (a temporary institution according the Bolsheviks). There are lots of savagery in Bolshevik
justice. Does Peshehonov not know, that thousands are awaiting trial for years without any court
order, and on the petty accusations or without any just as the counter-revolutionaries to-be.
6.3. 1920
We did not celebrate in Moscow, as remembered well reading the articles proclaiming end of terror just a year earlier. Here is a quote from an article by a certain
Norov in Moscow Evening Izvestiya.26 Denial of the power of execution to Che Ka
was the topic.
Russian proletariat is victorious. It no longer needs terror that sharp,
but dangerous weapon of a last resort. It is even harmful, for it scares
and disperses those segments, who could otherwise follow revolution. That
is why proletariat abandons a weapon of terror, picking up a weapon of
justice and law. (Emphasis of the original.)
...We remembered, how Kiev Soviet festively announced back in January 1919:
capital punishment is abolished within its jurisdiction.
It was supposedly Che Ka initiative to abolish capital punishment 15 January
1920. We knew full well that it was not Che Ka it resisted all the way, and when the
decision was made anyway, Dzerzhinski insisted that officially Che Ka was considered
the originator. Meanwhile Che Ka rushed to dipatch the remaining victims. More
than 300 people have been executed by firing squad by all accounts.
A prominent figure among the left socialist-revolutionaries Izmailovich, imprisoned at the time, said:
15 February 1919.
6.3. 1920
The night before the publication of the decree for abolishment of capital punishment 120 people have been taken from Bootyrskaya prison and
executed by the order of Che Ka... The condemned somehow found out
about the decree, scattered and begged for mercy referring to the decree,
but both resisting and compliant have been slaughtered like cattle... This
funeral will become a historic event too!27
One of the authors of the articles in Che Ka almanac, imprisoned those days in
Moscow Che Ka, testified:28
The decree has been enacted, even printed in the holiday papers (by
Julian calendar), but 160 prisoners from various detention centers, prisons,
concentration camps who were considered impossible to keep alive have
been executed by firing squad in the yard of Moscow Che Ka. Some of
them have been already sentenced to the prison terms and served half of
that, for example from Lockhart trial Hvalinski, sentenced to just 5 years
even in that cruel case. The executions continued 13 and 14 January. A
wounded man was sent to the prison hospital from Moscow Che Ka with
a wound to the jaw and tongue. He explained with hand gestures that he
was being executed, but did not die and was only wounded and considered
himself saved, once he was not finished off and sent to a hospital surgery
ward. He was beaming, his eyes were happy and he could not believe his
luck. We did not know his name of file number. But by night fall he was
taken away with bandage on the face and finished off...
400 people have been executed in St. Petersburg on the eve of abolishment of
capital punishment and even the night after. And 52 in Saratov, according to a
private letter, and so on.
After the capital punishment was abolished, the power to execute was factually
left to Che Ka. There was a clever caveat: Kiev regional Che Ka read for example
Izvestiya 5 February received a clarification by the chair of Russia Che Ka by wire,
that the decree on abolishment of capital punishment does not apply to the territories,
subordinate to the fronts. Those territories reserve the power of execution to the
revolutionary tribunals. Kiev and the region belong to the territory, subordinate
to the fronts. And with incredible cynicism the Special Department of Che Ka
distributed on 15 April an instruction to the chairs of the Special Departments of the
local Che Ka: In light of abolishment of capital punishment proposing that all those
arrested for the offenses, punishable by execution should be sent to the territories with
ongoing military operations as the decree does not apply there. And I remember how
one of the arrested in February 1920 on the charges of counter-revolution was told by
the investigator: we cannot execute you here, but we can send you to the front, by
the way the front was not necessarily a territory with ongoing military operations.29
But soon Che Ka would not have to resort to those Jesuit tricks (however I
doubt it had to actually resort to them, as everything was carried out in secrecy and
unlikely they were necessary, if only seldom)30 . As if forgetting about the abolishment
of capital punishment Izvestiya once announced, that 521 were executed by firing
squad between January and May, where the tribunals executed 176, and Moscow Che
Ka alone 131.
Capital punishment has been officially restored no later than 24 May due to Russian Polish war. It has not been abolished ever since. A decree by Trotski of 16
June 1920 is very peculiar in that respect, if compared with Bolshevik rhetoric of
1. Every rascal, who would advocate a retreat, every deserter refusing to obey an
order will be executed.
2. Every soldier who abandoned a position without order will be executed.
3. Every one who would drop a rifle or sell any issue item will be executed.
...But the Russia Congress of the Soviets enacted: capital punishment, restored in
the army by Kerenski is abolished...31 An orgy of executions started in the near-front
territory and not only there. A riot of red garrison in Smolensk in September was
quelled with extreme cruelty. Some estimated, that 1200 soldiers have been executed,
excluding the other categories of the rioters32 .
The central papers were silent about the executions of Che Ka33 , but they printed
information on the executions by the special military-revolutionary tribunals. And
that official data is frightening: between 22 May and 22 June 600; June July
898; July August 1183: August September 1206. Information was published
a month after. 17 October Izvestiya, announced 1206 executions for September,
including the charges. They were typical from the point of view of justifying red
terror: for espionage 3, for treason 185, refusing a order 14, rioting 65,
counter-revolution 59, desertion 467, looting 160, possession of weapons and
failure to turn in 23, fights and intoxication 20, abuse of power 181. It is often
difficult for a mere mortal to figure out Bolshevik justice. For example Izvestiya 34
published, that between February and September 1920 the revolutionary tribunals of
the Armed Guard (the home front troops, essentially an army of Che Ka) executed
283 people. We have a copy of one such verdict, published in Moscow Izvestiya 18
November. The Supreme Military-Revolutionary tribunal of the Armed Guard sentenced to execution by firing squad an engineer Trunov, Manager of administration of
Moscow Regional Military Engineering Service S. S. Mihno and Manager of Artillery
Supplies of Heavy Special Purpose Artillery N. S. Mihno for abuse of power. The
sentence is final and cannot be appealed in any way.
One can be lost in this bloody statistics, as blood is not dripping, but flowing in
springs, merging into the rivers, whenever life in Soviet Russia is disturbed one way
or another. In Summer 1920 20 doctors were executed in Moscow on the charges of
aiding draft dodgers. At the same time 500 people have been arrested for allegedly
bribing the doctors, and the soviet newspapers, publishing the names of the executed
doctors, asserted that the same fate awaited the patients too. An eyewitness imprisoned in Bootyrskaya prison at that time said, that majority could not believe until
the very last moment, that they were going to be executed by firing squad. Officially
there were 120 executed, and many more in fact. There was unrest among the troops
stationed in Moscow in the Autumn 1920. The rumors of mass executions in Che Ka
reached the Moscow residents; foreign social-revolutionary press 35 published information of 200 300 executions. The Latest News 36 wrote about 900 executions in
October; 118 in December. A reporter of Will of Russia accounted for 5000 people
executed in 1920 (the Autumn of 1920 was the time of investigating the conspiracies, associated with Gen. Yudenich offensive). An article In Moscow by Y. K-iy,
printed in The Latest News 37 , quoted a source, who arrived from Russia, as telling
of an absolutely monstrous act execution of women infected with syphilis, arrested
in the street raids for combating prostitution. I heard about something similar. I
could not verify the persistent rumors, circulating in Moscow about the executions of
the succumbed to glanders38 . Much of impossible and monstrous was not made up
under this regime, unheard of in this world.
In the North
We know of the civil war fighting in the Norht from the numerous sources. The
frightening rumors about the death squads of Che Ka Special Department under Kedrov in Vologda and other locations. The death squads were a new form of the field
sessions of the Che Ka Special Department.39 Kedrov, presently committed to a mental institution, became notorious for his extraordinary cruelty. The local newspapers
sometimes published thoroughly sanitized reports of those death expeditions, conveying very limited information about their nature.40 Those reports listed hundreds
of the arrested, dozens of executed by firing squad in the course of administrative
operations and military-revolutionary head counts. Sometimes information was
very muffled: for example, that 1000 officers have been re-evaluated, many hostages
taken and sent to the capital during Voronezh field session of the Che Ka Special
Department under Kedrov.
Kedrov proceeded in a similar fashion in the North since his departure, quite
notorious Eydook, who executed the officers himself, seemed to be a humane person. Arkhangelsk Izvestiya published from time to time the lists of those, whom
Kedrovs death squad sentenced to execution. Here is for example a list of 2 November of 36 people, among whom were peasants, cooperators, and a former member of
Parliament, Isupov from Vyborg. We have another list of 34 names of the executed by
firing squad for for the active counter-revolutionary activity during the Chaikov and
Miller government; and finally a third one of 22 executed, including Arkhangelsk
mayor Alexandrov, Northern Morning editor Leonov, manager of a post office, a
booking agent, store clerk and many others. A reporter for The Latest News 41 testified, that there were cases of executing by firing squad of the 12 16 year old boys
and girls.
Arkhangelsk is called the city of dead. An informed reporter for Voice of Russia 42 , who visited the city in April 1920, soon after the departure of the British
troops writes: A massacre started after pompous burial of the empty red coffins...
The city moaned under the burden of terror all Summer. I do not have the exact
figure of the killed, but I know that all 800 officers, to whom Millers government
suggested they should take a train towards London along Murmansk railway (but
escaped by an icebreaker itself) have all but been executed first. The most numerous
executions have been carried out near Kholmogory. A reporter for Revolutionary
Russia informs: September was a month of red terror in Kholmogory. More than
2000 have been executed by firing squad. Mostly the peasants and cossacks from the
South. There are practically no intelligent anymore, there are none left (No. 7).
What does it mean peasants and cossacks from the South? It means the people,
transported from the South and imprisoned in the concentration camps of the North.
Che Ka eagerly sentenced to the concentration camps of Arkhangelsk region: It
meant, that the prisoner was sentenced to a slow death in some horrible detention
center. Further we will learn, what were those camps like. Those who are sent there
never return, for they will be executed in a majority of cases. Often it was a method
of delayed execution.43
Throughout Don, Kuban, Crimea and in Turkmenia they used the
same method. A registration or re-registration was being announced for
the former officers or some other categories, who served the whites. Not
expecting anything bad, people express their loyalty and show up, where
they are arrested dressed as they are, immediately crowded into the rail
cars and sent to Arkhangelsk camps. Wearing nothing but the Summer
clothes from Kuban or Crimea, with no blanket, piece of soap, or a change
of underwear, dirty, infested with lice, they arrive to the Northern climate
of Arkhangelsk with not only slim chance to get underwear and warm
clothes, but to notify the families of their location.
The same method was used in St. Petersburg towards the commanders
of Baltic Navy. Those were the people, who did not emigrate, did not hide,
did not join Yudenich, Kolchak or Denikin. All that time they obviously
honestly and loyally served, as they have not been arrested once in all the
years of Bolshevik government. Some re-registration was announced 22
August 1921, which was not unusual and practiced not for the first time.
Each of them, dressed as they were, appeared at registration point on the
way home from work. Over 300 have been arrested. Each of them was
asked to wait in a room. They waited in that room for two days, then they
were taken outside, surrounded with huge guard, sent on foot to a train
station, packed into the cattle cars and transported in various directions,
without telling a word, to the prisons of Orel, Vologda, Yaroslavl and
other cities...
It was impossible to find out location of any officers, sent to the North according to the official publications. The Che Ka operatives frankly said in the private
conversations that none of them were alive.
Here is a scene of Kedrovs massacre in the North, recorded by Will of Russia 44 :
Kedrov gathered 1200 officers from Arkhangelsk, locked them on a barge near Kholmogory and opened machine gun fire almost 600 have been killed! Do you not
believe? Does it seem impossible, cynical and senseless? But that was a typical fate
for those, sent to the Kholmogory concentration camp.45 There simply was no such
camp before May 1921. The arriving parties of the inmates have been mass executed
by firing squad about 5 miles away from Kholmogory instead. An undercover investigator, who clandestinely traveled in the North for discovering a situation of the
inmates, was told by the residents of the nearby villages that 8000 have been killed
thus far. And perhaps that calamity was actually humane, for the founded later Kholmogory camp, nicknamed Camp of Death, meant slow death in the atmosphere of
complete humiliation and violence.
Human consciousness refuses to believe in those drownings on board of the barges
in XX century, replaying the famous events of French revolution. But not even rumors
informed us of those barges. This is the second time we are mentioning them. There
is a third publication somewhat later: the methods remained the same. Vladimir
Voytinsky wrote in his article, used as a foreword to a book The 12 Condemned (a
trial of the SR party in Moscow): The Bolsheviks sent 600 prisoners from several St.
Petersburg prisons to Kronstadt in 1921; the barge has been scuttled at a deep spot
between St.Petersburg and Kronstadt: all prisoners drowned, but one, who swam to
the Finnish shore... 46
After Denikin
Quite possible that those horrors pale in terms of the victims count before what
happened in the South after the end of the civil war. Denikins government was
crushed. New government rose to power, and a bloody strip of vengeful terror came
with it, of revenge alone. It was no longer a civil war it was eradication of the
former enemy. It was an act of intimidation for the future. The Bolsheviks captured
Odessa for the third time in 1920. Executions of 100 or more are being carried out
daily. The trucks are used to transport the corpses.47 We live like on top of a
volcano reads a private letter, received by the editors of The Latest News 48 The
raids for the counter-revolutionaries, searches and arrests occur daily. It is enough
for anyone to send a tip, that a family member served in Volunteer Army to subject
a home to ransacking and all family members to an arrest. Unlike a year later the
Bolsheviks dispatch their victims quickly, without publishing the lists of the executed.
L. Leonidov, a Common Business Constantinople reporter, well informed about the
Odessa events, conveyed stunning information of what transpired those days in Odessa
in a series of stories What is going on in Odessa 49 , that we will be quoting again
further. According to him the executions reached 7000 officially.50 They are executing
30 40 a night, sometimes 200 300. Than they use machine guns, for there are
too many victims to do it individually. Than the names are not being published, for
they execute entire prison cells. Could that be exaggerated? Possibly, but that is
very believable, as all officers, captured at Romanian border after Romania denied
them entry and they were late to join Gen. Bredovs troops, have been executed.
There was 1200 of them; they were imprisoned at several concentration camps and all
gradually executed. Mass execution of those officers was carried out 5 May. We do
not want to believe a printed statement that an oncoming execution was publicized
in Izvestiya. The church bells tolled for a funeral that night. A number of clerics
have been arrested and sentenced to 5 10 years of forced labor for that according
to the author.
A massacre of the Galicians, who betrayed the Bolsheviks, occurred around that
time. Entire Tiraspol garrison has been executed. All Galicians were ordered expelled
from Odessa, but when they arrived to a train terminal with the families, children
and luggage, they were shot with machine guns. Izvestiya printed a note, that the
Galicians, who betrayed proletariat, fell victims of an angry crowd.51
The executions are continuing further after capture of Crimea. My correspondents informs a reporter all contend, that a list of 119 executed was published no
earlier than 24 December. As usual the rumors are that real figure of the executed
that day is more than 300. Those were the executions for taking part in a Polish
counter-revolution organization. Polish conspiracy was widely considered a sting,
staged by the excommers, loosing their jobs. The further conspiracies followed:
Wrangels (31 executed for espionage, 60 clerks of Trade and Boat Partnership52 ).
The Bolsheviks entered Ekaterinodar. The prisons are crowded. They execute
majority of the prisoners. A resident of Ekaterinodar contends, that between August 1920 and February 1921 3000 people have been executed at Ekaterinodar prison
The highest portion of the executions falls onto the month of August, when
Wrangels assault troops landed in Kuban. Che Ka chair ordered to execute all
in the Che Ka prison cells. One of the excommers Kosolapov objected, that many
have not been questioned and some have been imprisoned by accident for example
for the curfew violations. The answer was segregate those, and dispatch the rest.
The order was carried out precisely. A surviver resident Rakityanski tells a horrible
story. As in preparation to evacuation the Che Ka files have been packed up, and the
executions were being carried out without any documentation, Rakityanski managed
to survive.
The prisoners were being taken away in dozens. When a first dozen
was taken away and we were told that they are going for questioning, we
were calm. But when they took the second one we realized that they were
executing. They killed us like cattle at a slaughterhouse.
Every one summoned to execution was asked what they were accused
of, and as those arrested for curfew violations were been separated from
the rest Rakityanski, arrested as an officer, claimed that he was arrested
after the curfew and survived. All excommers leaded with the chair were
carrying out the executions. Atarbekov was executing at the prison. The
executions continued all day, instilling fear in the residents of the surrounding community. In total 2000 have been executed by firing squad
that day. Who have been executed and what for remains mystery. Unlikely the excommers themselves realize that, for execution and sadism was
so ordinary for them, that they dispensed it without any formalities...
Revolutionary Russia, No 4.
Arbatovs memoirs in Archive of Russian Revolution, XII, 119.
The Latest News, December 1920.
No. 9.
Figure 6.4: A corpse of a 1718 year old man, flesh slashed from the side and face
but the provocateurs and bandits and execute dozens of them (for example, the
trial of Colonel Sukharevsky in Rostov; of cossack Snegirev in Ekaterinodar; student
Stepanov in Tuapse).
And here is poor Stavropol region again, where the wives are being executed for
not informing of an escaped husband, as well as the 15 16 year old teenagers and
the 60 year old elderly... They execute with machine guns and sometimes slash with
the swords. Executions are being carried out every night in Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk,
Essentuki. The lists of the victims are being published under the category Eye for an
Eye and the total is running over 240 people, but each ends with to be continued...
Those executions are a revenge for an assassination of the Chair of Pyatigorsk Che
Ka Zentsov and military commissar Lapin (killed by the horsemen while riding in a
That was a few months after elimination of Denikins government. Wrangels followed
Denikins. The victim count here is in the tens of thousands. Crimea was nicknamed
an all-Russia graveyard. We heard of those thousands from those who arrived to
Moscow from Crimea. 50,000 were executed reports For the People (No. 1). Others calculate the total at 100 120 and some even at 150 thousands. We do not know
which of the numbers is accurate, even if it was much lower than that!59 Could that
diminish cruelty and horror of terror over the people who were essentially guaranteed
amnesty by the supreme commander Frunze? The notorious Hungarian communist
and journalist Bela Kun worked here. He published the following statement:
Comrade Trotski told us, that he would not visit Crimea as long as
the very last counter-revolutionary remains there; Crimea is a bottle that
none of the counter-revolutionaries will be able to escape, and as it is late
on the path towards revolution, we will move it ahead quickly towards the
overall revolutionary level of Russia...
And he moved it with the mass executions previously unheard of. Dozens were
not just shot, but slashed with the swords. There were cases where executions were
carried out in front of the family members.
The war will go on as long as a single white officer will remain in Crimea read
the wires by Trotskis assistant at Military-Revolutionary Soviet Sklyansky.
Crimean massacre of 1920 1921 even caused a special inspection from RCAC. The
commanders of the cities have been questioned and according to Rudder 60 as a justification all of them produced a wire from Bela Kun and his secretary Townswoman
(Samoilova, awarded an Order of Red Flag in 1921 for the special achievements)61
that ordered them to arrest and execute all registered officers and military personnel.
At first the executions were based on the registration lists. There was a many
thousands long line up for registration reports an eyewitness A. V. Osokin, who
sent an affidavit to a Lausanne trial62 . Each tried to step into the grave first...
The slaugher continued for moths. Machine gun volleys could be heard
every night until dawn...
The very first night of executions in Crimea yielded thousands of victims: 1800 in Simpheropol.63 , 420 in Theodosia, 1300 in Kertch and so
Inconvenience of operating so bloated parties immediately became apparent. Despite confusion some still had enough willpower to escape.
Subsequently the smaller parties have been assembled and executed in
two shifts a night. In Theodosia it was 60 at a time, 120 a night. The
I. S. Shmelev testified before Lausanne trial that more than 120 thousand men, women, elderly
and children have been executed. Referring to the testimony of Dr. Shipin, he stated that official
Bolshevik data set the count of executed at 56 thousand people...
3 August 1921. See also The Latest News, No. 392.
According to Voice of Russia 1922, Samoilova has been abducted by the greens in Gurzuph
and killed.
See also The Latest News, 10 August 1921.
More than 5 1/2 thousand registered military personnel have been executed by machine gun
fire in Simpheropol at Crimtayevs estate (Common Business, 10 July 1921.).
residents of the nearest homes moved out: they could not stand the horror of mental torture. It was dangerous too the wounded crawled up to
the houses and begged for help. Some were executed for harboring the
The corpses have been thrown into the ancient Genoan wells. When
they have been filled, the parties of the sentenced were sent out supposedly
for work in the mines and forced to dig the mass graves during the day,
locked in the barns, disrobed and executed by night fall.
The dead were laid side by side in the graves. Moments later another
layer was laid and it continued until the graves were full. The wounded
were finished off in the morning by crushing the skulls with rocks.
So many were buried alive!..
Landings at Kuban have been staged in Kertch: the sentenced were
taken out to the sea and drowned.
The weeping wives and mothers were dispersed with the whips and
sometimes executed. The corpses of the executed mothers holding the
babies could be seen behind the Jewish cemetery in Simpheropol.
The sick and wounded have been carried out of the hospital in Yalta
and Sevastopol and executed. And not only the officers the soldiers,
doctors, sisters of charity, teachers, engineers, clergy, peasants etc.
When the initial mass off the condemned were used up, reinforcement
arrived from the country side, although usually those were dispatched on
the spot. The raids were carried out in the cities. For example 12,000
people have been detained in Simpheropol.
When the rush was over, they started using the questionnaires. People had to write them dozens a month, not just the office workers, but
everyone above 16 years old. Some questionnaires included 40 50 questions. Every year of ones life had to be disclosed in detail. Attention
was paid to the background (formerly social status), wealth not only of
the questioned, but their father, uncles and aunts. Attitude towards red
terror, allies, Poland, peace with Poland, support of Wrangel, why did not
evacuate with the army everything required an answer.
Everyone had to commit to returning to Che Ka in two weeks for
another questioning by the investigators who tried to confuse with sudden nonsense questions and those who passed the temptations received a
certified copy of the questionnaire.
Each had to acknowledge capital punishment for accuracy of the data.
Others were sent to the concentration camps of the North, where many found their
grave. Those who tried to escape brought revenge onto the remaining. For example
38 were executed for an escape of six officers from a camp at station Vladislavlevo.64
Entire population of Kertch has been subjected to registration. The city was
surrounded with patrols. Che Ka ordered the residents to stockpile food for three
days and imposed an all-day curfew under the threat of execution. Based on the
questionnaires the residents were divided into three categories, and according to
Kertch Izvestiya there were 860 of active combatants subject to execution by
firing squad. But the residents contended that the figure was twice understated.65
The most massive executions occurred in Sevastopol and Balaclava, where according
to the eyewitnesses Che Ka executed up to 29,000 people.66 Among the others 500 of
dockers have been executed in Sevastopol for assisting in boarding the ships by Gen.
Wrangel troops.67 The first list of 1634 executed was finally published 28 November
in Izvestiya of the Transition Sevastopol Revolutionary Commission, including 278
women; the second list of 1202 was published 30 November, including 88 women.68
It is considered that Bolsheviks executed more than 8000 people in the first week in
The executions in Sevastopol used not only firing squads, but hanging of hundreds
too. Those who managed to escape Crimea, such as the uninvolved foreigners etc.
reported frightening cruelty on the pages of The Latest News, Common Business
and Rudder. Even though the eyewitness accounts are subjective, they cannot be
discounted. The corpses are hanging along entire Nahimov boulevard say the
Rudder reporters70 of the officers, soldiers and civilians, arrested in the streets
and immediately executed without trial. The city deserted, residents are hiding in the
cellars and attics. All fences, walls, poles, store windows are covered with the posters
death to the traitors writes someone to Common Business.71 The officers were
hanged adds another eyewitness72 always in uniform with the shoulder loops. The
civilians mostly hung half-naked. Street hanging was used for teaching a lesson.
All poles, trees and even monuments were used... Historical Blvd. was decorated
with the corpses, swinging in the wind. The same was fate of Nahimov boulevard,
Ekaterininskaya and Greater Sea St. and Primorsky Blvd. The commander Bemer
(German lieutenant during their occupation of Crimea) issued an order, prohibiting
the civilians from complaining about actions of the soviet administration, as it aided
the white army. That was truly wild terror. The sick and wounded from the
hospitals have been executed (for example 272 at the public sanatorium in Alupka),
doctors and the Red Cross workers, sisters of charity (the fact of execution of 17
sisters of charity together was established), municipal officials, journalists etc. A
peoples socialist A. P. Lourie has been executed just for being an editor of Southern
Messages as well as Plekhanovs secretary Lyubimov. And so many of those, who
were not even close to the active combatants!
Rightly, those obituaries should be concluded with Ivan The Graves words: and
many numerous, whose names you, The Lord, knoweth... The victim counts testi65
6.7. 1921
21 August 1921.
Common Business, 23 August.
The so-called green rebels are fighting throughout South and red terror is applied everywhere. A riot is quelled in Ekaterinodar 27 28 September, and local
Izvestiya prints a list of 104 executed, including a bishop, cleric, professor, officer
and cossack. The rebels under Gen. Przhevalski operate near Novorossiysk Black
Sea Navy Che Ka executes hundreds of the captured rebels and hostages. Executions
occur every day. 12 white army organizations crushed in Kharkov military district,
Gen. Ukhtomskis and colonel Nazarovs conspiracy in Rostov and many others.
Pyatigorsk regional Che Ka discovers a conspiracy in late March 50 leaders of that
group are executed75 . Tersky district Che Ka executes 62 in Anapa under a certain
provocation case. Their only fault was an attempt to escape the horrors of soviet
reality to Batumi76 .
What transpired in the territory of The Don Army, in Kuban region, is evident
from for instance the address to the residents of Kuban and Black Sea shore by
a Special Appointee of Russia Che Ka to North Caucausus K. Lander in October
192077 .
1. The towns and villages harboring the whites and greens will be destroyed, entire adult population executed by firing squad, property
2. Everybody aiding the bandits will be immediately executed.
3. Majority of the greens hiding in the hills have families in the villages.
All of them have been registered and all adult family members of
6.7. 1921
the combatants will be executed in case of any bandit assault, the
children will be exiled to the mainland.
Interesting summary of the rebel activities in Ukraine in the first three months of 1921 in the
Kiev, Cernihiv, Volynsk, Podolsk, Kherson, Poltava, Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav regions was provided in
a document, assembled from the confidential data of the Special Staff for combating rebel movement
in Ukraine SSR and the operational notes of USSR Red Army. It was published in Revolutionary
Russia No. 11.
The Latest News, No. 572.
The Latest News, 18 September.
Figure 6.5: Corpses of the hostages, found in the basement of Tyulpanovs house,
occupied by Kherson Che Ka.
6.7. 1921
Figure 6.6: Corpses of the victims of red terror at a railroad station in Kherson region.
The heads and limbs mutilated.
activists were executed. A trial of Savinkovs followers completed in Minsk... 7 were
sentenced to capital punishment.87 In the month of September 45 were executed
adds Riga Daily Mail reporter.
Local Che Ka, as well as Podolsk and Volynsk, have a special mandate to
cleanse the regions of those, who sympathized Poland during occupation of the
territories by its troops. It is carried out by mass arrests, expulsions to the mainland,
executions by firing squad that is the method of cleansing.88
The executions of the left socialist-revolutionaries and anarchists are closely connected with the rebel movements. A Group of Russian Anarchists in Germany, as
we know, published in Berlin a whole brochure on persecution of the anarchists in
We have to specify wrote the authors in a preface that factual
material of the brochure represents only a small fraction of collected information. Our mourning list of the anarchists victims of communist
government is far from complete. Thus far we assembled only what
we immediately witnessed and what we new personally. But that is just
a tiny corner of communist persecution of anarchy and anarchists. The
regions, occupying 90% of Russian territory, Caucasus, Volga valley,
Ural, Siberia and others were not included in the summary. We could
6.7. 1921
2. Carry out surveillance of all anarchists and assemble the dossier, preferably of
criminal nature, that can be used to prosecute. Keep dossier and the order
secret. Issue the related orders to all local detachments...
3. Arrest all anarchists and lay charges.
Common Business 90 with reference to Kharkov Izvestiya informs, that more
than 5000 hostages have been executed by firing squad under red terror in November
1921 in Kiev, Odessa, Ekaterinoslav, Kharkov and other cities. Should we cast doubt
on the figure after reading the facts, quoted above?..
Siberia follows Crimea91 . Georgia follows Siberia. And the same pattern repeats.
Thousands of arrests92 and hundreds of executions carried out by Trans-Caucasus
Che Ka. A refugee from Batumi to Constantinople said in an interview to a Rudder
reporter93 regarding the first days after Bolshevik occupation of Tiflis94 The city was
raised and pillaged in the following day:
Our correspondent saw a huge hecatomb of 300 corpses, piled near
the Monastery Square. All surrounding walls have been splattered with
blood, as execution has been obviously carried out right there. There were
men, women, elderly and children; civilians and officers; Georgians and
Russians; workers and nobility there.
The main actors here are the notorious Peters, tyrant of North Caucasus Atarbekov and no less notorious sailor Punkratov one of the tyrants of Astrakhan, transferred to Baku, where he destroyed many hundreds of Baku workers and intelligent
people at Nargen island...
What about central Russia, where civil was over long time ago, where its immediate effects could not reach? Same thing here in 1921. The hundreds are still being
executed by firing squad. The executions are being used not so to punish the real
and imaginary conspiracies, not so for the small riots against tyrannical government
they are a method of belated revenge for the hostile actions. Take for example a trial
of the pharmacists in Pskov revolutionary tribunal on the charges of selling alcohol,
that ended in cruel execution of 8 people95 , or October trial of Moscow government
guard, that lead to an execution of 10 to 12 people; even the large groups of the
accused in Moscow in the trials for the abuses at the Ministry of Finance and Health
Ministry, are being sentenced to capital punishment. Vishnyak in his book Black
Year provides telltale data of executions by the tribunals for June only: in Moscow
748, St. Petersburg 216, Kharkov 418, Ekaterinodar 315 etc.96
2 December 1921.
I have little data from Siberia, therefore leaving it alone for now.
Ramishvili stated more than 5000 in an interview to the editor of Le peuple in December
Rudder, 14 April 1921.
Tbilisi. Trans.
Common Business, 2 March
Vishnyak, Black Year, preface.
The Latest News 97 published data of Russia Che Ka activity for the first three
months of the new year. They said that data was borrowed from an official report:
4300 executed; 114 riots quelled it is regarding the 12 central regions. Mass executions by firing squad occurred in Yaroslavl, Saratov, Samara, Kazan and Kursk. 347
executions in Moscow alone in January. Voice of Russia quoted data by statistical department of Transport Commissariat, 1759 (!!) passengers and employees have
been executed under the orders of the railway tribunals in 1921.
There were extremely troubling executions, for example execution by firing squad
of 27 school students in Orel essentially the executed were 5 children.98 After disbanding Russia Committee for Aiding the Starving in Odessa 12 people were executed
for, according to Odessa Izvestiya a connection to that organization.99
6 people escaped a concentration camp in Ekaterinburg. Uranov, a head of department of forced labor, arrives, lines up the imprisoned officers and selects 25 for
an execution by firing squad as a lesson for the rest.100
61 people were executed in St. Petersburg in the fall in connection with Tagantsevs conspiracy101 . During a revolt of the sailors in Kronstadt, that frightened the
Bolsheviks, thousands have been executed: according to Frankfurter Zeitung 2500
have been killed between 28 February and 6 March among the troops of St. Petersburg garrison alone. According to the sailors, who escaped from Kronstadt to
Finland, the executions are being carried out on ice in front of the fort. 1400 were
executed in Oranienbaum.102 There is information about execution of 6 clerics for a
part in that revolt.
SR-Menshevik conspiracy in Saratov in March, or rather a riot against confiscation of grain caused mass arrests and executions by firing squad. Official publication
said 27 executions, in reality... We have no idea. But we know, that the hostages are
being executed in the prisons in anticipation of a rebellion the teachers, engineers,
officers, monarchy officials etc...103 In connection with this conspiracy or another
58 Left SR have been executed in Saratov for banditism, or by the terms of reality
for taking part in a riot104 .
A revolt of railway workers in Ekaterinoslav lead to 51 victims, perhaps more. Z.
Y. Arbatof testified in his memoirs Ekaterinoslav 1917 1922.105 , that the figure
of executed workers reached 200. 50 of them have been sentenced to an immediate
execution. The night of June 2nd the convicted were driven to a high shore of Dnepr
in two trucks and lined up in front of a machine gun. The dead fell into the river as
if cut with a scythe... Flow carried the corpses away... Some corpses remained on the
6.7. 1921
shore. The Ukraine Che Ka in Kharkov demanded to take over the execution of the
rest of workers... According to the Bolsheviks so was quelled little Kronstadt.
A conspiracy in Biysk lead to 300 arrests and 18 executions; another in Semirechensk district to 48 executions among the officers and kulacks; in Elisavetgrad
(December) 55 executed out of 85 arrested and so on, so forth.
The cossacks, who escaped, are returning to the motherland. Not amnesty, but
revenge awaits them. A cossack Chuvillo, who again escaped from Yeysk, told the
Russian foreign papers, that out of 3500 people party 894 have been executed by
firing squad.106 And agian I am prepared to agree, that this random message could
be exaggerated. But the very fact of numerous executions of both legally and illegally
returned officers and soldiers is indisputable such executions registered this year
too. A reporter of Russian National Committee107 collected many such facts in an
essay titled Repatriation. They contend that by information from various sources,
including the soviet newspapers in Odessa, up to 30% of those who arrived from
Constantinople to Novorossiysk in April 1921 aboard the stem ship Reshid-Pasha
have been executed. There were 2500 repatriated aboard the ship. The first sailing
in February brought 1500 people. As a general rule stated the author all officers
and military officials have been immediately executed in Novorossiysk. About 500
from that party have been executed. The rest were sent to the concentration camps,
many of them to the North, i.e. to the almost certain death. Surviving immediate
dispatching is not a guarantee of safety. We find confirmation in the letters even from
November and December 1923 published in The Cossacks Thoughts (No. 10). Every
one arriving to Novorossiysk might hear a code phrase: hired for service in Mogilev
region 108 . Needless to say about the exile of the so-called repatriated. Only naivet
of a foreigner, too believing in justice, could explain firm position of Dr. Nansen,
who stated in a report on 21 April 1923109 regarding repatriation of the cossacks
from the Balkans, that soviet government faithfully fulfilled the responsibilities it has
taken. There were two responsibilities among those: soviet government undertakes to
extend amnesty of 3 and 10 November 1921 to all Russian refugees, repatriated under
the mediatorship of Supreme Commissariat110 , and soviet government undertakes to
provide John Gorvin and other official representatives of Dr. Nansen freedom (?!)
of communication within Russian territory with the repatriated for the purpose of
verification, that the said amnesty is being applied to all those refugees without
limitation of any kind. Although, notes Dr. Nansen in his report according
to an information there was a case (?) of arrest of two repatriated on insignificant
charges, but my delegates are in conversations with soviet government regarding the
fate of the arrestees. One has to have a lot of faith in a written document and no
understanding whatsoever of Russian reality, to state that in public. In what manner
could the private individuals, representing a Supreme Commissar of League of Nations
for the Russian Refugee Affairs control the actions of soviet government? They would
likely have to establish a state within a state or at the very least organize their own
secret service. One cannot discount the following tactics of the Bolsheviks: revenge
can be belated by a long span. People disappear without trace, are being sent
to exile, become imprisoned for a long term long after receiving official guarantees.
Need a proof? Virtually every page of this book has one. The most typical trial
was conducted recently in Moscow military tribunal.111 The accused was an officer
Chugunov, who deserted from Red Army in 1919, voluntarily repatriated in 1923
and wholeheartedly repented. The accused returned from Poland to Russia with a
permission of Russia-Ukraine Embassy for Repatriation. His citizenship was restored
after an application to RCAC. 18 May he was arrested and charged. Considering
his wholehearted repentance, voluntary repatriation, class background (a son of
peasant), Chugunov was sentenced to 10 years in highest security prison.
1922 1923
There were statements made, mostly by the foreigners, who recently visited Russia
and were only vaguely familiar with life in the country (for example Errio), that terror
in Russia is supposedly a thing of the past. Those statements have little connection
with reality. If it is often absolutely impossible to verify some information while
living in Russia, than it is much more difficult for me now. Suppose that all figures,
published in the foreign press, are vastly exaggerated. For example, all newspapers
printed information supposedly from a report by commissar of internal affairs, that
2372 people were executed in May 1922. That information can bring only insane
desperation there is simply no political activity in Russia it is a field, covered with
only dead bones: there is neither protest nor indignation. Everything is exhausted,
humiliated and suppressed. And I was eager to believe, that the figure was mistaken
one way or another. Let us consider the other figures, finding their way into free
foreign press, exaggerated too: for example in January and February, according to
the Supreme Political Authority, i.e. former Russia Che Ka, 262 executed in Moscow;
348 in April, 164 in the night of 7 May (including 17 clerics), 187 in May in Kharkov,
209 in the cities of Kharkov region. 200 have been executed by St. Petersburg
revolutionary tribunal for the murders and robberies.
Let it all be exaggerated. And still it was high hypocrisy on the part of Stalin
when in an August address at the meeting of Moscow communist party he threatened
to reintroduce terror. According to a Voice of Russia reporter, Stalin stated in
justification of mass arrests of the intelligent:
Our enemies may finally force us to use red terror again and respond
to their activity with the measures, practiced in 1918 1919. Let them
remember, that we deliver on our promises. And they should know how
we carry out our warnings from the experience of the past years. And all
aligned with our political adversaries must warn their most brazen friends,
who crossed the line of the permitted and openly objected against the
government measures. Otherwise they would force us to grab the weapon
that we set aside in the mean time and did not want to resort to. But
we will use it immediately if all our warnings will not be heeded. We will
respond to a covert attack with an open cruel strike on all our adversaries,
whether active or passive.
There was no need to threaten, for all still remembered the recent executions of
the clergy after the trials for the protests against confiscation of church assets. It is
hard to imagine the more disturbing sentences, than those, as the protests were very
minor. St. Petersburg handed 11 death sentences 5 July in a trial of 86 members
of St. Petersburg church communities: among the executed were St. Petersburg
metropolian Veniamin and 4 others; May trial of 54 clerics in Moscow ended with
12 death sentences. And how many of those executions occurred in the province?
From one to four clerics were executed in Chernihiv, Poltava, Smolensk, Arkhangelsk,
Staraya Russa, Novocherkassk, Vitebsk for mere advocacy against confiscation of
the sacred items.
The executions for the instances of already non-existing active political counterrevolution are continuing along with the executions for religious counter-revolution.
We can read very typical letter in The Latest News 112 about quelling of the recent
riots in Ukraine. Quelling the riots writes a correspondent was in reality used
for eradication of the remaining intelligent.
The following quote from a letter of a person, who escaped from Proskurov city
in late January gives an idea of the size of terror:
Incredible terror of the latest months forced many to make themselves
scarce ahead of time. The arrests of remaining intelligent are continuing.
Koritsky, Chuykov, Voloschuk brothers (the elder agronomist hung
himself before execution, and Voloschuks wife is under arrest in Che Ka),
Dobroshinski, Kulchitski, Andrusevich, a young man Clemens, Shildovski,
Lyahovetski, Radunski, Gridun and many more, 200 in total, accused
under the same conspiracy case were executed. 23 of them were executed
18 January. The same day 9 of the arrested escaped after breaking down
the cell door.
I escaped when they came to arrest me early during the 4th wave of
arrests... Those who vanished from Proskurov horizon should praise the
God for that they did not witness the heart wrenching scenes of wives,
mothers and children in front of Che Ka the day of execution.
Those whose names were listed above were not politically active, for the
most part they objected Ukrainian nationalism and fell innocent victims
to the charges, fabricated by Che Ka. The Proskurov conspiracies were
cooked by the general rules of excommer art.
The horrible news of rampaging terror arrive from the other locations in Ukraine.
22 February.
Read at least the stacks of Voice of Russia and The Latest News 113 for 1922,
at least the references to the official Bolshevik papers, and you will come across the
executions of the so-called Savinkovs followers (for example 12 people in Kharkov),
Petlyura followers (for example 25 people 4 September in Odessa, 55 in Nickolayev,
some in Minsk, after the trial of 34, 8 in Gomel), North Caucasus rebels 10 people,
10 (5 by another account) in Pavlodar (Semipalatinsk district), 12 and 42 (for the
Antonovs fliers) in Simbirsk region; 68 greens in Maykop (including women and
teenagers), executed for intimidation of the bandits, becoming brazen with coming of
Spring. 13 members of Berdyansk counter-revolutionary organization in Melitopol,
13 army cadets in Kharkov. We can attach a noisy trial of the Don Army staff
officers, that ended in execution of two communists in Summer; a trial of Nobel
followers; a number of trials of the repatriates; execution of socialist-revolutionary
Shishkin by Moscow revolutionary tribunal for refusing to testify before the court,
that he does not recognize for being an organ of Bolshevik terror; execution of
colonel Perhurov in Yaroslavl (one of the leaders of Savinkov rebellion in 1918); 13
in Krasnoyarsk; a trial of Karelia rebels; 148 cossacks for a riot in Kiev; Odessa
sailor conspiracy, that arrested up to 260 people; executions in connection with a
strike in Odessa114 . It is unlikely we can consider exaggeration an article in Voice
of Russia titled Bacchanalia of Executions, that listed an array of such executions.
Their reporter wrote from Riga 5 August:
State Political Administration and the revolutionary tribunals demonstrated exceptional energy, expressing itself in numerous arrests and death
sentences. St. Petersburg revolutionary tribunal handed down 10 death
sentences to the accused in the trial of Estonian control commission.
Saratov tribunal sentenced two membes of SR party to execution on
the charges of organizing a peasant revolt in Volsk district. SR Shamov
was executed 29 July in Voronezh by a verdict of the local tribunal. A
death sentence was carried out for 18 officers, captured in North Caucasus, Trans-Caucasus and on Don. Those officers were imprisoned in the
concentration camps since late 1920 and early 1921. Among the executed
by firing squad 70 year old Gen. Muraviev, colonel Gandurin and others.
The trials, that had no political lining, at least not on the outside, should be
mentioned here too: 3 engineers in Kiev, 40 people115 for pilfering aid to the starving
in Saratov, 6 railroad workers for theft in Novocherkassk. The cities of Tsaritsyn,
Vladimir, St. Petesburg, Moscow and many more should be marked as the places,
where the death sentences have been handed down. Perhaps, people were not always
executed by firing squad. That is without doubt, as is the fact that foreign press
received only a small fraction of such publications. They are not even published in
the official Bolshevik press. The Latest News once published a brief note: the
Example: No.No. 700 800 of The Latest News information about the executions in No. 703,
709, 721, 729 732, 740 742, 746, 753, 773, 780, 796.
The Latest News, No. 729.
No doubt starving themselves. Trans.
6.9. 1923
executions of the corrupt officials escalated. And I recall as in the last days before
my emigration from Russia (in early October 1922) a special week against bribes
was announced. The entire Brest rail terminal was pasted with the posters to that
effect. As usual combating the bribes was pompous: many hundreds if not thousands
of the rail road officials alone were arrested...
Z. Y. Arbatov, who escaped through Minsk at that time, wrote in his expressive
memoirs116 , about Minsk:
A list of the names was nailed to the wall of a store, ending with the
bold letters whom Che Ka terrorizes. Without stopping I captured a
figure 46... My friend pulled me ahead and, looking over his shoulder
quickly said: These are not news here... There is a new list every day...
But if they will see you reading the list, Che Ka can arrest you... They say,
that if you are not connected to the enemies of soviet government, than
you do not need to read those lists... A few dozens are being executed
daily by firing squad!
27 August 1923.
6.10. 1924
And the new year begins with the same publications. The trial of the spy Dzyubenko,
heard by the military section of the Supreme Court in Moscow the accused colonel
of Kolchak army was sentenced to an execution by firing squad with confiscation of
property. The sentence of Dzyubenko adds Izvestiya 121 carried out in the time
frame prescribed by the law. The trial of the spy Khrusevich, an instructor of artillery school of Kronstadt garrison the same section sentenced him to an execution
by firing squad.122 Execution for the strikes reports The Days:123 in Upper Tagil
field section of the regional court sentenced 5 unemployed and one worker to an execution on the charges of leading the January rioting and strikes in the factories. The
sentence was carried out... The recently printed brochure of the Working Group,
dated February, published a note writes someone to The Days 124 from Moscow
about the execution 8 Russian and 3 Georgian workers of Baku oil fields...
We are awaiting more death sentences. Another political trial is staged in Kiev
in connection with the discovery by the State Political Administration of a counterrevolutionary organization called Kiev Regional Center of Action...
There is no end to the executions by firing squad reports an emigrant
from Russia in New Time.125 But everything is more covert. They send
for the executions from Tambov to Saratov, and from Saratov some place
else to hide the tracks.
The people are disappearing and there is no way to find out where to.
Oh, how realistic that is!
There were attempts at summarizing the data. Do we need to do that now?
Perhaps the future will not lift the dark curtain, that is hiding all aspects of the
period of Russian life in the last 5 years. The history will always stand to a certain
degree in front of the locked doors to the kingdom of red terror statistics. We
will never learn the names and numbers of the victims. There are rumors that the
fishermen often catch the corpses of Solovki monks tied together with wire by the
wrists during trawling...126
One such theoretical attempt for accounting was undertaken by Eugine Komnin
in Rudder.127 I will quote his musings they are of interest for establishing that
possible statistics of the executions:
By the Winter of 1920 Russian Federation included 52 regions with
52 Extreme Commissions, 52 Special Departments and 52 regional revolutionary tribunals. Besides that there were: countless district transport
Che Ka, rail way revolutionary tribunals, tribunals of Government Armed
Guard (presently Internal Armed Forces), field sessions, sent out for the
mass executions locally. Add to this list of the jails the special departments and tribunals of the armies 16 at the time and divisions.
There were at least 1000 jails in total and if we took into account
that the district Che Ka existed for quite some time than more.
The number of regions in the Russian Federation increased since
Siberia, Crimea, the Far East have been occupied. The number of jails
has increased exponentially.
According to the soviet reports we could (back in 1920 terror has not
subsided since, it is just not reported anymore) average a figure of executions for a jail: it fluctuates from 1 to 50 (the later in the large cities)
4 March.
21 September 1923.
The memoirs of midshipman Gefter. Archive of Revolution X, 118.
More of Medusa Head. Rudder, 3 August 1923.
6.10. 1924
and 100 in the areas just occupied by red army. Those explosions of terror
occurred from time to time and subsided again, therefore a (moderate)
average should be set at 5 people per day, and multiplied by 1000 (jails)
5000 people a day and 1 1/2 million annually.
And Medusa head is hovering above the incinerated country for nearly 6 years.128
According to the rumors some Extreme Commissions created a special position
for a body count supervisor.
Does it not tell all?
Professor Sarolea, who published a series of articles about Russia in Edinburgh newspaper
The Scotsman touched upon the death statistics in an essay on terror (No. 7, November 1923.).
He summarized the outcome of the Bolshevik massacre as follows: 28 bishops, 1219 clergy, 6000
professors and teachers, 9000 doctors, 54,000 officers, 260,000 soldiers, 70,000 policemen, 12,950
landowners, 355,250 professionals, 193,290 workers, 815,000 peasants.
The author did not provide the sources of that data. Needless to say that the precise counts seem
to fictional, but the authors characteristic of terror in Russia in general matches reality.
Chapter 7
During the Civil War
to the fact that class hatred and dehumanization could reach the deep
Many corpses, besides the expected bullet wounds, had stab and slash
wounds inflicted antemortem, often in large numbers and throughout the
body; sometimes the slashes covered the entire body; the heads of many if
not majority were completely smashed and deformed with complete loss
of facial features; there were corpses with severed limbs and ears; some
had wound dressing evidence of being taken from the hospital beds.
There is no variance in the description of Bolshevik invasion and their terror in
March April 1918 in any town of the Don Army region and Kuban region. There
were no towns without victims, and station Ladyzhenskaya, where 74 officers and
3 women were slashed to death is not an exception. The wounded in Ekaterinodar
were chopped with axes, eyes were pocked out, decapitated; 43 were murdered just
as cruelly in Novocherkassk. The terrors cause riots, followed with quelling with the
same methods. The history of cossack rebellions notes in the Russian Upheaval
Essays 2 Gen. Denikin is tragic and uniform: several towns of Labinsk district
rebelled in June besides those who died in combat 770 cossacks were executed. And
truly the stunning scenes of inhumane terror could be portrayed by the dozens...
The same situation could be observed in the various cities of Crimea in Sevastopol, Yalta, Alushta, Simpheropol, Feodosia. The file No. 56 talks about one
Massacre of Saint Bartholomews Day in Eupatoria. The reds showed up in Eupatoria 14 January. The mass arrests of the officers, the affluent residents and everyone
pointed at as counter-revolutionaries began. More than 800 have been arrested in 3
4 days in a small town.
The executions were carried out the following way: the sentenced to
execution were lead to the top deck, where they were shot after humiliation
and thrown overboard (The executions were carried out aboard stem ship
Romania). The alive were thrown overboard as well en masse, but in
that case the victims hands were tied by the elbows and wrists behind
the back, the legs were tied as well and sometimes the head was pulled
back with a rope. The grates were tied to the feet. All arrested officers
(46 in total) were lined up along the board of the transport ship adds
another witness3 one of the sailors kicked them overboard where they
drowned. That savage massacre could be seen from the shore by the
families: children, wives... All of them cried, screamed and begged for
mercy but the sailors only laughed. Staff Rittmaster Novatski, considered
a leader of rebellion in Eupatoria, died the most horrible death. While
heavily wounded, he was stabilized, awakened and thrown into the ship
The executions were carried out onboard the transport ship Truevor, but according to an eyewitness, as follows: by the order of the tribunal the sailors called
out the names through the open hatch and summoned the victims to the deck. They
were lead to the calvary across the deck under guard. There they were surrounded
by the armed sailors, disrobed, tied by the hands and foot with ropes and laid on the
deck. Their ears, nose, lips and genitals were cut off, and sometimes arms severed,
and they were thrown overboard in that condition. Then blood was washed off the
deck and everything repeated. The executions continued all night and each took 115
20 minutes. The blood-curdling screams reached into the bulge from the deck and
to silence themTruevor started the machines and went into open sea. In three days
of 15, 16 and 17 January no fewer than 300 were killed and drowned onboard of
Truevor and Romania.4
A sailor Kulikov said in one of the street rallies that he personally threw overboard
60 people.
The night of 1 March 30 40 people vanished from the town. They were taken 3
miles away from the town and executed on the sea shore.
It was found that the victims were lined up along a mass grave dug
nearby and shot in volleys with the partition bullets, stabbed with bayonets and slashed with swords. Often the executed were only wounded
and lost consciousness, but they were piled up with the rest and buried
alive. There was one case where one so wounded got up and ran, but was
finished off with another shot.
Kryshevski writes in his memoirs:
Bolshevism was imposed in Crimea in its most cruel rogue bloodthirsty
form, based on wild terror of the local government. Blood was flowing in
all towns, the gangs of sailors rampaged everywhere, there was total robbery, in other words it was a nightmarish situation of raising and pillaging,
when the residents became subject to permanent robbery.
He further talks about the executions in Yalta (80 officers), Theodosia (60), Simpheropol (100 officers and 60 civilians killed inside the prison) etc.
At the same time in Sevastopol, that was February, a second massacre
of the officers took place, but this time it was well organized, the executions were planned and not only naval officers, but officers in general and
the number of respected residents of the town, about 800 people in total.
The murders were just as cruel the eyes were pocked out...
The hundreds of Tatars were being killed in Crimea as well for resisting the Bolsheviks.
It is impossible to tally the victims says investigation of Bolshevik activities in
Stavropol from 1 January till 1 June 1918. The people were killed without trial and
Vol III of the Essays by Gen. Denikin has a horrible illustration: Identification of the corpses
of those tortured to death by the Bolsheviks in Eupatoria. It leaves no doubt about accuracy of
the above mentioned.
investigation by the verbal orders of the commissars and red army unit commanders
(the documents count 96 of prominent residents). The memoirs about Stavropol
region by the former Transitional Government prosecutor V. M. Krasnov, published
by I. V. Gessen in Archive of Revolution, confirm this investigation. He told about
raping of the Kalmyk women, of the children with the ears cut off, of raping and
torturing of the school students at S. Petrovsky gymnasium.5
Figure 7.1: Station Snegirevka near Kharkov. Corpse of a woman, tortured to death.
No clothes were found. Decapitated and arms severed (not found during exhumation).
The cities Kharkov, Poltava and others pass before the reader in the documents of
Denikins commission. Everywhere there are corpses with the severed arms, fractured
bones and heads ripped off, with broken jaws, genitals cut off. And everywhere
the exhumed mass graves yield dozens of corpses: 69 in Kobeli, 20 in another small
town, and another one, 18 of 70 year old monks in Kharkov. Here is a body of 75
year old Abbot Rodion who was scalped in Kharkov...
The Bolsheviks are coming and going during the civil war in the South. And coming back... these secondary occupations are often more horrible than the primary. Not
the excesses play out, but organized blind revenge. Let us touch upon some aspects
of the bloody events, the last in Kuban region in 1918, that transpired in Armavir.
They are peculiar in that revenge was not directed at Russian population. In July
Armavir was liberated by Gen. Borovskys division. The troops were welcomed by
Armenian population with bread and salt 6 ; the funerals of the officers, killed at Armavir were paid for by the Armenians. When Gen. Borovsky strategically abandoned
the city, the Bolsheviks returned. They started mass executions. First of all more
than 400 Armenian refugees from Iran and Turkey, who camped near the rail way,
were slashed to death including women and children. Then the executions moved into
the city. More than 500 of civilian population were stabbed with bayonets, slashed
Figure 7.2: Kharkov. Head of Abbot Rodion of Spassovski monastery, scalped alive
by the Bolsheviks.
with swords and shot with rifles and machine guns. People were being killed in the
homes, streets and squares where parties were crowded into... After slashing Iranian
consul Ibdal Boka, the reds burst into the yard where 310 Persian nationals sought
refuge. All of them were shot with machine guns...
Let us take a depiction of those days in Rostov-On-Don from another source, a
remarkable book by social-democrat A. Lockerman 74 Days of Soviet Government,
published back in 1918 in Rostov. It describes the same mass executions by firing
squad, including the wounded from the hospitals.
The arrested were disrobed in Siverss staff; some were left wearing
pants and boots, others with underwear only. In 20th century, in the light
of day, the naked and barefoot people were rushed down the snowy street
in winter cold and once crowded in front of a church fence the volleys were
fired... Many were crossing their chest and the bullets hit them during the
prayer. The bourgeois superstition such as covering the eyes and inviting
a minister were not observed of course.
All 14 16 year old teenagers, who signed up for Volunteer Army,
including the school and seminary students, were executed.
Siverss staff unconditionally stated, that all members of Volunteer
Army and all persons, signed up for participation, without distinction of
participation or age, would be executed without trial 7 .
Many cases of executing people who left homes after 9 pm curfew took
place the patrols lead them to the alleys and executed. The executions
were carried out at the wall of the race track, in peoples view, at the
wharf during the day. Often the corpses of the executed were mutilated
beyond recognition. Terror was carried out under the slogans Death to
bourgeois, Death to the capitalists, but the enormous list of victims
had nothing to do with the capitalists. Large percentage of the dead
was composed of the students of secondary schools and colleges and the
professionals and at first it seemed that a massacre of the intelligent was
going on. But that was not the case, the majority of the dead were
random people from all walks of life, mostly the ordinary folk.
Before their retreat the Bolsheviks committed a series of disgusting abuses again.
The retreat is no less cruel, than occupation. In late 1918 the Bolsheviks abandoned the town of Sarapul: in light of complications, that evacuation of the local
prison would entail, it was decided to clear it by executing all inmates.8
One of their (Bolshevik) leaders stated in public, that if they would have to
abandon the town, they would slaughter 1000 residents reports Elston to Curzon
11 February 1919.9
Enough material can be found in the Livre Blank to characterize the methods
of civil war in the Russian North-West in 1918 1919.
Elliott writes to Curzon in March 1919:
Usually the victims have been executed by firing squad, but very often
they have been drowned or slashed with the swords. The massacres of 30,
40 or 60 people took place, for example, in Perm and Kungur.
Murder was often preceded by savage torture. Before executing the
workers in Omsk they were flogged and severely beaten with the buttstocks
and iron rods in order to extract the confessions. The victims were often
forced to dig their own graves. Sometimes the executioners lined the
victims in front of a wall and fired the missing shots, delaying death. The
survivors testified of that.
There were teenage girls, pregnant and elderly women among thus
executed...10 .
The corpses of the officers and soldiers from Torbolovs unit wrote Knocks to
the ministry of war have been found in Blagoveshensk with the record player needles
under the fingernails, eyes pocked out, nails hammered into the shoulders (where the
shoulder loops were). Their bodies turned into the horrifying frozen statues. They
were killed in Meschanova and transported to Blagoveschensk...11 .
Here is a note from Elston to Balfour 18 January 1919 regarding the facts of the
events in Kiev worth noting according to the Czech foreign minister.
...Even Armenian massacre by the Turks cannot compare to what the
Bolsheviks do in Russia... Dr. T. found the severely mutilated corpses of
the Czech soldiers in the field during fighting in Ussuriysk district in July
Their genitals were cut off, skulls cracked open, faces slashed, eyes
pocked out and tongues cut off...
The local representatives of Czech national council, Dr. Girsa and his
assistant said, that hundreds of the officers were executed by firing squad
in Kiev after the Bolsheviks captured it over a year ago...
They were taken from the homes in very cold weather, stripped naked
with only the hats left, loaded into the carts and trucks. Lined up, they
waited in the cold for hours until the Bolshevik soldiers would finally get
around to executing them.
At the time Dr. Girsa was a surgeon at the 12th public hospital. It
was overfilled with the sick due to cruel treatment of the intelligent and
officers in Kiev. He and his staff had to hide even the mortally wounded
officers in the closets, as they would be executed right here and right away
by the Bolsheviks who were looking for them.
Many heavily wounded were dragged from the hospitals and mercilessly
The Bolsheviks took to the streets and executed people with penetrating wounds, fractures and other heavy wounds. He recalls how he saw the
dogs eating the corpses of the officers. Dr. Girsas assistants wife saw
a truck, full of the frozen corpses of the officers, that were being taken
outside the city for burial...
People were evicted from their homes, the hospital beds were emptied
by night, the wounded were killed without mercy; the men were executed
without trial...12
The same Elston writes to Balfour 14 January 1919:
Up to 1500 have been killed in Blagoveshensk during the massacre of bourgeoisy. A. Budberg.
Diary. Archive of Russian Revolution XIII, 197.
A Bolshevik Supreme Commander Muraviev provided a colorful description of capturing Kiev.
That rare adventurer, who told Vladimir Ilich 13 , that he was going to capture the whole world with
his revolutionary troops, so described his heroism in Kiev in a speech in Odessa: We are coming
with fire and sword, establishing soviet government: ...I captured the city, fired at the palaces and
churches, at the clergy, did not show mercy to anyone! 28 January the defense council asked for a
ceasefire. In response I ordered bombardment with chemical weapons. Hundreds of generals, maybe
even thousands (An impossible figure. Trans.) have been mercilessly killed. That was our revenge.
We could of course contain our explosion of revenge, but we did not have to, as our slogan was to
be merciless (Margulies: The Years of Fire 191).
...The figure of savagely killed innocent civilians in the cities of Ural
reaches several hundreds.
The Bolsheviks nailed the shoulder loops to the shoulders of the captured here officers; the young girls have been raped; the civilians have been
found with pocked out eyes, others without noses; 25 clerics have been
executed in Perm, and bishop Andronick buried alive. I was promised a
final total of the killed and other details once they would become available.
The different types of testimony from the different areas draw the uniformly horrible pictures. In Estonia, Latvia, Azerbaijan everywhere civil war was fought
without exception. The bloodbaths in Valka, Derpt, Vezenberg etc in 1918 1919
were described in Das wahre Gesicht des Bolschewismus! (Tatsachen, Berichte,
Bilder aus den Baltischen Provinzen. November 1918 February 1919). Unter
der Herrschaft des Bolschewismus. (Gesammelt von Erich Khrer, Pressebeirat der
deutschen Gesandschaft bei den Regierungen Lettlands und Estlands) and a number
of similar works, published in German. Much material on the Baltic states is in the
reports, printed in Livre blanc; it talks about the hundreds with their eyes pocked
out and so on so forth.
The author of the memoirs of revolution in Trans-Caucasus14 talks about 40,000
muslims, killed by the Bolsheviks during a rebellion in Elisavetpol in 1920 etc.
In order to understand the effect, called red terror as a whole, one cannot pass
the by facts, that transpired immediately on the battlefield of civil war. And not
even during combat, not during the charges, when animal side of human nature takes
over. One cannot just discount that as the excesses, and specifically those of the
Chinese or international battalions, that exhibited exceptional cruelty according to
absolutely all witnesses. The international battalion in Kharkov says Left SR
Vershinin committed such atrocities, that much of what is considered horror paled
before that.15
Those are not the excesses, as cruelty is part of the system here, i.e. it is a
planned effect. The same Latsis, writing Izvestiya 23 August 1918., i.e. prior to
an attempt on Lenin, spelled out the new laws of civil war, that were supposed to
replace the established customs of war, expressed in various conventions dictating
that the prisoners must not be executed etc. That is just funny: Massacring all
wounded who fought against you that is a law of civil war.
The Bolsheviks did not only enrage human nature, but directed it certain way
with their systematic rhetoric. The events of March 1918 in Kuban transpired under
the slogan of communist party in Pyatigorsk: All hail red terror! One of the civil
war combatants from the Bolshevik side drew a truly epic picture: the cossacks were
executing the captured officers near a haystack. I was glad, the game was not for
nothing, but was a truly civil war. I rode up to them and greeted. The cossacks
recognized me and yelled hurray. One of them said: When we have red officers, we
do not need the whites and here we are, comrade, finishing them off. Well, folks,
carry on; remember, that only when there will be no more of them, we will have real
freedom 16 ...
S. M. Pugachevsky. For the Power of the Soviets (from a civil war fighters diary) The Red
Army History, vol. I, 406.
Chapter 8
Class Terror
Proletarii, remember, that cruelty is a remainder
of slavery, as it testifies of barbary remaining in
Jean Jaurs.
The quotes from Livre blanc told us the facts of quelling the peasant riots, that
sparked up in the areas occupied by the Bolshevik government. They also told us
about quelling of the worker riots.
The workers, resisting the Bolsheviks, have been dealt with just as
with the peasants writes Elliot to Curzon 5 March 1919.1 100 workers
have been executed in Motovilovka near Perm in December 1918 for a
protest against Bolshevik conduct.
But we can find countless similar facts not only in the British reports. Russian
press is a bottomless pit, filled with such publications. A long list of peasant uprisings
out of protest against tyrannical Bolshevik regime, against food confiscation etc. could
be compiled even inside Russia. All of them have been drowned in blood.
The history of Russia, where peasant revolts always played an important role,
never before saw the kind of quelling, that was practiced by soviet government. Nothing like that occurred even earlier, at the times of serfdom, for the modern techniques
included armored vehicles, machine guns and chemical weapons.
Unfortunately, huge volume of data that I assembled in that area between 1918
1919 was lost during one of the numerous searches.
Here is a typical document, summarizing the events transpired in Tambov region.
That predated the so-called Antonovs rebellion, which enclosed a vast area and served
as a response to what the Bolsheviks did to the peasantry in the name of class terror.
It is dated late 1919. This is a note, submitted to the Soviet of Peoples Commissars
by a group of socialist-revolutionaries. This is regarding quelling of an upheaval in
November 1919. Several reasons lead to the uprising: draft, livestock confiscation,
inventory of church property etc. Ignited in one district, they quickly spread to the
others like infection, and finally to the regions.
Soviet government has sent dozens of death squads to the local communities, and here is a brief summary of the facts of their bloody activities. The horrors, committed in the same territory in the past by the
monarchs henchman Luzhenovsky: the most disgusting, total flogging of
the peasants was used in Spasskiy district by all death squads. Many were
executed by firing squad. The Spassk residents were forced to be present
at the execution of 10 peasants and a priest in the downtown square, and
to provide the carts for transporting the corpses. 30 peasants, executed
behind Spassk prison, have been forced to dig their own mass grave. The
death squads in Kirsanov district, in their insane cruelty, locked the arrested in one barn with a large hungry hog; those subjected to that torture
have gone mad. The Chairman of Naschekin Committee of the Poor continued executions even after the death squad left the town. Hundreds and
thousands have been executed in Morshansk district. Some villages, for
example Raksha, have been all but destroyed by artillery fire. Peasant
property was not only stolen by the communists and the reds, but also
burned with the stockpiles of seeds and grain. Pichaev district has been
mostly affected, where every 10th house has been burned and women and
children have been driven into the woods. The village of Perkino never participated in the rebellion, but it elected a new soviet. A death squad from
Tambov executed the entire new soviet. 15 peasants, completely crippled
by the death squad, have been sent to Morshansk prison from Ostrovsk
district. There is a woman in the same prison, whose hair has been completely ripped off. Dozens of rape cases have been recorded. 8 peasants,
wounded by the reds, have been buried alive in the Morshansk cemetery (Markov, Suchkov, Kostyaev, Kuzmin etc.) The following avengers
have proven themselves especially cruel: a communist commander Chufirin, Chumikin (ex-convict), Parfenov (ex-convict, pardoned by the head
of state), Sokolov (former sergeant-major) and others. Many villages of
Tambov district have been almost destroyed by bombardment and fires.
Many have been executed by firing squad. The villages Tilling Corner,
Znamenka, Karian, Bondari, Lavrovo, Pokrovskoe-Marfino have suffered
the most. Entire church staff has been executed in Bondari for a serving
a prayer, requested by the peasants after overthrowing the local soviet2 .
The member of the 1st Parliament O. K. Bocharov has been executed together with the rest of the accused rebels. Seriousness of the approach to
quelling of the rebellion by the regional government is evident from the
fact, that a 16 year old youth Lebski was leading one of the death squads,
while A. S. Klinkov, a chronically bankrupt former fraudster merchant,
The excommers considered it normal; at least a report by Kamyshin Che Ka read: They are
blaming us for ruthlessness and cruelty, but how else can we treat those... who celebrate the fall of
worker-peasant government with the prayers? (Che Ka Weekly No. 4, 25).
bribe-taker and alcoholic was and still is a commander of Tambov district
Che Ka. The lives of the arrested were under his total control and he personally executed them left, right and center. Besides the special purpose
death squads sending the newly established communist party members
for a trial by fire has been practiced and those criminal gangs organized
real orgies in the villages drank, robbed and set homes on fire, turning
the famous slogan of Libert, galit, Fraternit into a horror of barbarian occupation. The bloody acts of the Latvian squads, that left a long
nightmarish memories behind them is duly noted too. The prisons and
basements of Che Ka are currently overcrowded. The count of arrested
across the region is in the thousands. The diseases are spreading quickly
among them due to starvation and cold. The destiny of more than half of
them is clear they would be executed, if the same commissars and Che
Ka will remain in power.
According to the note the uprisings occurred in Kozolov, Usman, Borisoglebsk and
other districts of Tambov region, while the eyewitnesses stated that Shatsk district
was literally drowned in blood3 .
The peasant rebellions quite easily transitioned from the village riots into the
district-wide and spilled into the cities. A Berlin newspaper Rudder printed a picturesque description of peasant rebellion in Petropavlovsk city. The peasants here will
be referred to as the whites, but in reality it was a truly popular movement. Let us
quote the very end of it:
With red occupation started red terror; the mass arrests and executions without trial; the posters stating case of invasion of the white
bands the city will be flattened by red artillery.
According to a doctor who returned from detention of the whites,
red terror in the country was more horrible, than in the city: all homes
have been robbed, livestock stolen, some families completely slaughtered
without mercy to the women, children and the elderly. Only the elderly
and little babies stayed in some households: the men and women left with
the whites. The mutilated peasant corpses are scattered in the villages
and along the roads as a warning to the others, it is strictly prohibited
to bury them.
The peasants in turn ruthlessly dispatched the communists. The long
rows of mutilated corpses of the communists were on display at the Peoples House4 in Petropavlovsk in February, March, April and further in
May, despite the weekly ceremonial funerals of 50 60 of them every Sunday. And the mutilated corpses of the hostages, killed as soon as the communists entrenched in the city, could be seen in the formerly meat stores
of the marketplace (as a warning too). Among them were the corpses of
The peasants were aggravated by the communists to such degree, that I know for
a fact, that they cut a captured commissar with a wood saw in Mozhaysk district
very near Moscow.
A Bulletin of the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, published in January 1919,
stated the following about the mass executions of the peasants in the late 1918:
Epifansk district of Tula region 150, in Medynsk district of Kaluga region 170, in
Pronsk district of Ryazan region 300, in Kasimov district 150, in Spassk district
hundreds as well, in Tver region 200, in Velizhsk district of Smolensk region 600
An uprising in the villages around Kronstadt occurred in July 1919. The accurate
numbers are available: 170 executed in one village, 130 in another; it was simply every
third executed.
More than 5000 have been executed by firing squad during the Kolyvanovs uprising in Tomsk region in 1920. A similar uprising in Ufa region was quelled with such
cruelty according to the Left SR, that by the official data 10,000 have been executed,
and by the unofficial 25,000 or more5 . Hundreds of peasants have been executed in
Valkov district of Kharkov region wrote a reporter of the underground Left SR
paper Flag of Labor published in Moscow. He accounted for 140 executed in one
village6 .
And here is a description of quelling the rebellions in Belorussia in 1921. Those are
the historic documents of civil war, that started exclusively due to food confiscation.
Resistance caused cruel revenge.
Lyaskovich district of Bobruysk region was almost entirely burned by the Bolsheviks. The arrested have been sent to Vologda region or the starving areas, their
property has been confiscated, dozens of hostages taken in the areas, where guerrillas
showed up. A death squad of certain Stock is operating in the district they torture
the suspects by compressing fingers in the door frames etc.7
I will quote a single document in relation to quelling of Antonovs rebellion, which
spilled far beyond Tambov region.
By the plenipotentiary commission of RCAC, 11 June 19218 ...
1. The citizens, refusing to identify themselves, to be executed on the
spot without trial9 .
2. Read the hostage taking order to the villages hiding the weapons and
execute the hostages if weapons not surrendered.
3. A family, harboring a bandit10 is subject to arrest and exile from the
region, its property to be confiscated, the major bread-maker in the
family to be executed on the spot without trial.
4. The families, hiding the family members or property of the bandits,
to be considered the bandits and the major bread-maker executed
on the spot without trial.
5. The property of the escaped bandits to be distributed among the
peasants, loyal to soviet government and the abandoned homes to be
6. Carry out this order ruthlessly without mercy11 .
Tambov and neighboring regions have indeed been drowned in blood. Without
exaggeration Left SR Gan could state to the Revolutionary Tribunal12
The hundreds of peasants have been executed by the field sessions
of revolutionary tribunals and regional Che Ka; thousands of unarmed
civilians fell under the machine guns of the reds and trainees; tens of
thousands exiled to the Northern regions with the families, while their
property has been burned or stolen13 . According to the data in possession
of the Left SR a number of regions are in similar situation: Samara, Kazan,
This data arrives from everywhere: 4000 rebels executed by firing squad in Buzuluck in 1920, in Chistopol 60014 , in Elatma 300, and those 300 have been made
to dig their own mass grave15 . That is the data from the central Russia. What about
Ukraine? Or Siberia?...
Mass staged executions are being practiced: with disrobing, digging the graves,
traditional Fire! and shots fired above the heads according to S. S. Maslovs book16 .
This particular feature of quelling the uprisings should be specifically noted, as these
are the acts of government, that supposedly brings great future of communism and
speaks so often about cruelty of the whites. According to the same No. 1 of the Left
SR Bulletin they lined up 30 and decapitated with the swords...
What about flogging? It is used too claims the Left SR publication everywhere.
They flog with the twigs, cleaning rods, sticks and horse whips...
They beat with the fists, buttstocks and revolvers.
And a long list of regions, using corporal punishment, follows...
Officially they can state that flogging is not used in Russia, for corporal punishment is a shameful act where power is in the hands of workers and peasants.
Reality is completely different. I. Z. Steinberg collected large volume of notes about
the soviet gendarmes of the early period of Bolshevik governing. Most important
that information came entirely from Bolshevik press The Truth and Izvestiya.
An article in The Truth titled Gendarmes Under Soviet Flag 17 read of how Che
Ka in Nikolaev (of Vologda region) shook down the excess grain from the residents
and quelled the kulaks uprising:
Che Ka locked the large numbers of peasants in a cold cellar, disrobed
and whipped with the cleaning rods. The peasants in Volsk district of
Vitebsk region have been flogged by the decree of the administrative committee. The peasants of Uren village in Kostroma region had to put on
5 or more shirts in order to decrease pain from flogging, but that could
not help, as the whips have been made of wires. Often the shirts became
stuck in the scars and dried up, so that they had to be softened with warm
A private letter, quoted by Spiridonova in an address to the Bolshevik Central
Committee, reads: They lined us up, the entire 1/3 of the district, and slugged from
left to right with the fists, and those who tried to escape have been flogged (That
was regarding the actions of a food confiscation squad).
Regional government, having arrived to Vetluzhsk and Varnavinsk district villages
of Kostroma region, made entire villages kneel, so that the peasants felt respect to
soviet government.
They said: Bust them up, let them remember soviet government...
Figure 8.1: Left: a corpse of hostage S. Mihaylov, a grocery store clerk, apparently
slashed with a sword. Middle: a corpse of teacher Petrenko, flogged to death with
the cleaning rods, lower spine fractured. Right: a corpse of Captain Agapov with
mutilated genitals.
berg wrote about a tragedy in Shatsk district of Tambov region. There is a revered
icon of Gods Mother in the village of Vyshinskaya. Spanish flu epidemic was ravaging
the residents. They organized a prayer and procession of the Cross, for which local
Che Ka arrested both priests and the icon... The peasants learned of desecration of
the icon by Che Ka: they spit, scraped the floor and went like a wall to rescue the
Gods Mother. The women, elderly and children. Che Ka fired on them with machine
guns. The machine gun is downing the ranks, but they are coming, without seing
anything, over the corpses, over the wounded, crawling ahead, with the scary eyes,
mothers holding the babies, with everyone screaming: Mother, the savior, save and
pardon us, we all are going to die for you!...
To recap we would have to tell about mass exile of the peasants, that followed the
executions, burning and confiscation of peasant property.
When we talk about quelling of the peasant uprisings; when we talk about execution of the workers in Perm19 or Astrakhan, it becomes clear, that it is no longer about
some special class terror against bourgeois. Indeed, terror has been applied to all
classes without exception from the day one, but primarily to the classless intelligent.
That was the intent. The goal of terror read the front page article in No. 1 of
Che Ka Weekly eradication of the ideologists and leaders of the proletariats
enemies (read: enemies of soviet government). The sentencing documents of Che Ka
and tribunals sometimes referred to leniency towards the convicted due to proletarian
background. But that was just a facade, required for the most brazen rhetoric. Of
course some categories of population have been tricked by that facade, but soon, so
it seems, everbody figured real value of that rhetoric.
I reckon, that the investigators like comrade Trunov, described by V. Krasnov
in his memoirs20 , could be rare species, but perhaps only at first, when intense agitation against bourgeoisy per se was going on. Interrogation by that investigator in
Bezopasnaya21 village was limited to Show your hand! Disrobe! The arrested was
disrobed, pushed outside, stabbed with the bayonets and thrown into the pits, left
over since cattle plague epidemic. Keep in mind, that the prison, where Trunov dispensed justice was only a prison in a village, although a large one, could it not be
clear, that the investigators action was nothing but a stereotypical phrase? A statement by a certain worker Mizikin from Lefortovo district in Moscow, later quoted
by The Truth should be attributed to the same rhetoric. During the discussion in
Moscow Soviet of powers of Che Ka and Latsiss proposal, that judicial inquiry was
unnecessary, Mizikin said: What are these questions for? (of background, education,
occupation etc.) I would go to his kitchen and look into the pots: if there is meat
there enemy of the people! For execution! Practicing that proletarian principle
in 1918 would automatically mean execution by firing squad of the entire privileged
communist party; not working must not eat 22 ... Only the Bolsheviks had meat in
According to Gen. Denikins data, about 800 workers have been executed during the Spring
1918 revolt at Botkinsk and Ezhevsk factories.
Archive of Revolution VIII, 163.
Oh, irony! Bezopasnaya is Russian for Safe. Trans.
A popular Bolshevik slogan of the time. Trans.
the pots at the time, and perhaps the speculating bourgeois.
No one would believe Latsis that terror supposedly did not affect the confused
workers and peasants, like no one would believe Shklovsky, who contended in No. 3
of Che Ka Weekly, that there was not a single case, where oppression was directed
at working class. When in July 1919 the protest rallies against the mass execution of
the workers occurred in Odessa23 , regional Che Ka published an order which stated,
that the counter-revolutionaries were spreading the false provocative rumors about
execution of the workers; the board of Che Ka announced, that it has not executed a
single worker, not a single peasant and immediately made a reservation except the
apparent bandits and robbers. All interested comrade workers have been invited to
inquire of the official listings of the executed by Che Ka. Then a warning followed:
the persons, found spreading the false provocative rumors will be subjected to the
most severe punishment, admissible under the existing martial law. Unlikely anyone
showed up to view the listings after that... The Astrakhan massacre was unique only
in its huge number of victims: for example 60 worker representatives have been executed by firing squad in September 1920 in Kazan for demanding 8 hour working
day only (!)24 , review of the wages, expulsion of the rampaging Hungarians etc.25 .
An appeal of the Left SR to the workers in April 1919 was right to propose boycott
of May 1st festivities: The communist government has executed many thousands of
laboring peasants, workers, soldiers and sailors26 . Prison for bourgeois, friendly influence for the workers and peasants says a mural in one of the Bolshevik institutions.
That scary creek in Saratov, that we talked about above (p. 50), was equally scary
for bourgeois, workers and peasants, for the intelligent and members of all political parties, including the socialists. Just like the concentration camp in Kharkov,
where Sayenko worked, named specifically a camp for bourgeois, was overcrowded
according to one of its inmates by the members of all segments, primarily by the
Who can establish how much blood of workers and peasants was spilled in the days
of red terror? No one and probably never. I tried to determine social composition
of the executed from my archives from 1918... According to little data that I could
capture, I arrived at approximately the following27 . Of the intelligent 1286 people; of
the hostages (professionals)28 1026; peasants 962; commoners 468; unidentified
450; criminal elements (however, political cases have often been labeled criminal)
438; abuses of power 187; servants 118; soldiers and sailors 28; bourgeois 22;
clergy 19.
No matter how arbitrary was the grouping, it disproves the statements by the
Bolshevik leaders and knocks the last stone from the political foundation they tried to
base the system of terror on (there can never be moral justification for terror in public
consciousness). By the words of Kautstki: that is a fratricide, committed exclusively
See V. Margulies
It was a Bolshevik policy item prior to October revolution. Trans.
Flag of Labor No. 3. See above about execution of the workers in Ekaterinoslav.
A flier by the Left SR Central Committee. No. 4.
See Medusa Head.
I intentionally segregated that category of the office workers, officers and others.
out of lust for power. That was unavoidable. That occurred during French revolution,
as I mentioned earlier29 . That postulate, which I consider absolute, creates the most
doubt. I am sure that in the future more affirmative data will become available. Here
is one more example. One of the inmates of Nikolaev Che Ka prison wrote in his
testimony to Denikins commission (21 August 1919.): The situation of the workers
and peasants, who had no opportunity to bribe their way out, was the most dire: a
much greater portion of them have been executed, than of the intelligent. There is
a document in the commissions archives, confirming that hypothesis with raw data.
An attempt was made in a report of Nikolaev municipal government to summarize
the recorded executions. The commissions managed to confirm 115 executions by
firing squad; a clearly understated number according to the commission for not
nearly all mass graves have been examined (two of them could not be examined due
to complete decomposition of the corpses; the river floor could not be examined too).
Also, Che Ka publicized only a portion of the executions; there was no data at all
about the executions of the deserters. Only in 73 cases the commission was able to
discover social background of the executed; it broke them down into the following
1) the most prosecuted category (merchants, landowners, military, clergy, police)
25, of them 17 officers,
2) the working intelligent (engineers, doctors, students) 15,
3) workers and peasants 33.
If my categories from 1918 were used, than percentage of the so-called bourgeois
would be even less30 .
These facts have gained more prominence in the subsequent stages of terror. The
prisons have been full of workers, peasants, intelligent. They filled the ranks of executed by firing squad too.
The last year would allow us to create another category: red terror against the
The statement that red terror was a response to white terror aimed at destruction of the class enemies, conspiring against worker and peasant proletariat could
be made for no other purposes than rhetorical. Perhaps those appeals, directed at
Red Army, made the initial stage of civil war so cruel, so truly barbarian. Perhaps
that rhetoric mixed on lies corrupted some segments of population. The government
appealed to the people to fight the enemy and inform of it. But those appeals to
snitching were simultaneously followed by the threats: every failure to inform read
the order31 of the Chair of Extreme Military-Revolutionary Tribunal of Donetsk re29
Of 2755 guillotined in France, whose social background could be discovered by Louie Blanc,
only 650 belonged to the well off classes, i.e. less than 20%. Hippolyte Adolphe Taine arrived at the
same conclusions: according to him 12,000 of the executed, whose occupation could be discovered,
7545 belonged to the lower bourgeois and workers. Thus the historian of different generations and
different political affiliation arrive at the same conclusions.
See below sentencing statistics for the Revolutionary Tribunals 1922 1923
The Star of Kharkov, 7 June 1919.
gion Pyatakov would be viewed as a crime against revolution and punished with
all power of the military-revolutionary law 32 . Informing is considered civil duty and
declared a virtue. From now on we all would have to become the agents of Che Ka
declared Bukharin. We have to watch every counter-revolutionary in the streets,
in the homes, in public places, at the railroads, in the soviet institutions, wherever
and whenever, capture them, pass them to hands of Che Ka wrote left communist Myasnikov33 , the murderer of the Great Prince Michael Alexander, who have
subsequently fallen from grace for a brochure, where he opposed Lenin34 . If each of
us would become an agent of Che Ka, if each worker would inform about counterrevolution, then the later would be tied by hands and feet, then we would become
strong and guarantee the results of our labor. Every honest citizen must do just
that, it is his sacred duty. In other words, the entire communist party would have
to become secret police, entire Russia would have to turn into Che Ka, where there
could be not even a hint of independent and free thought. So, Che Ka detachment at
Alexandrov railway in Moscow proposed to announce to all workers, that they would
have to give prior notice of any meeting to Che Ka, who would send its representative
for sitting in, and the minutes would have to be delivered to Che Ka immediately
after the meeting...35
Those appeals called not only to inform they sanctioned the most egregious
tyranny. If Kiev revolutionary tribunal36 called on the workers, reds etc. to fulfill the
great mission and inform investigative department of the tribunal (wherever you
were... in town or out, around the corner or miles away inform in person or send
a wire... the tribunals investigators will arrive immediately), than in the same Kiev
19 July 1919 the Regional Defense Committee allowed the residents
to arrest all who resist soviet government, take hostages from the rich
and execute them by firing squad in case of counter-revolution resistance;
subject the villages to military blockade for hiding the weapons; once the
deadline for surrendering weapons has passed, carry out mass searches
Oh, how reminiscent that is of the modern days AML laws! Everyone involved in financial
transactions can be punished by 2 5 years in prison and fine of $500,000 $1 millon for a failure
to submit a suspicious transaction report. Trans.
Izvestiya, 1 October 1919.
Where Myasnikov considered using the same methods, developed for bourgeois in 1918 1920,
on working class a mistake of communist government. Thus Myasnikovs ideology was not far from
those sailors of Kronstadt, who protested against execution of 6 women and sailors, but considered
execution of bourgeois the right thing.
* By the way, Myasnikov explained the mystery of Prince Michael Alexanders murder in his
brochure Could it be true that you do not know, that for the words I am writing many hundreds
or thousands of proletariat languish in prisons? If I free, it is only because I am a communist for
15 years... and besides that the working class knows me, failing that, if I was just a communist
metal worker... than where would I be? In Che Ka or worse: I would have been escaped, just like
I escaped Michael Romanov, like were escaped Rosa Luxemburg, Liebknecht.
* There seems to be another Myasnikov among the Bolsheviks. It is possible, that the author of
Izvestiya article and the leader of so-called worker opposition were different individuals.
Peoples Business, 28 February 1919.
Kiev Izvestiya, 24 July 1919.
The soviet newspapers in the provinces often published the announcements according to the following template: Kostroma region Che Ka announces, that every
citizen of RSFSR is under obligation to execute on the spot the citizen Smorodinov, accused of premeditated desertion.... You, the communist, have power to kill
any provocateur and saboteur wrote comrade Ilyin in Vladikavkaz 38 if it is
preventing you from walking towards the victory in a battle over the corpses.
One of the Southern revolutionary committees even issued a license to life and
death of a counter-revolutionary in 1918. Some worker unions and reds announced
in Astrakhan in June 1918 that the bourgeois hostages would be executed in 24
minutes if shots were fired at the workers and reds.
Chapter 9
Che Ka Tyranny
They kill the wild anymals, but not harass or torture
Y. P. Polonsky.
Having created conditions for tyranny externally, the architects of red terror
established unlimited tyranny internally as well.
If we would glance over the official data from the rarely published lists of executed
by firing squads, we would see unforgettable picture of human tyranny over the lives
of their brethren. Sometimes people have been officially killed without knowing whom
and on what charges: executed such and such, identity not possible to establish...
Dzerzhinsky and Zacks so described the methods of the Extreme Commissions in
an interview to New Life 8 June 1918:
We are being wrongfully accused of anonymous killing the commission consists of 18 experienced revolutionaries, representatives of [communist] party Central Committee and and representatives of RCAC.
Execution is only possible by unanimous order of all commission members. It is enough for one to vote against execution and the accuseds life
is spared.
Our strength is in the fact that we do not know brother or mother,
and treat the comrades, accused of wrongdoing just as seriously. This is
why our personal reputation has to be beyond suspicion.
We judge quickly. In most cases it takes one to few days from the arrest
of a miscreant to a verdict, but that does not mean that our verdicts have
no basis. Of course we can be mistaken, but we made no mistakes so far
and the best proof of that is our protocols. The miscreants, crushed by the
body of evidence1 , confess of the crimes in virtually all cases, and what
can carry more weight, than the confession of the accused?
To a remark of the New Life reporter regarding the rumors about violence, used
in interrogations, Zacks stated:
Did not Latsis just instruct Che Ka to not seek evidence (p. 45)? Trans.
That interview is a lie from the first till the last word, it is a lie about the times
that both leaders referred to.
Cynicism Of Execution
18 people decide life or death in Che Ka?! No, only 2 3, sometimes just one!
Even justice of the peace had power to impose capital punishment. That has
caused a kind of collision between the two subordinate offices in 1919 . 20 June Kiev
Izvestiya (No. 70) published a note:
In response to the queries from the districts the regional legal department explains, that the justices of the peace have no power whatsoever
to issue death sentence verdicts. Capital punishment as a norm has not
been established by any decree and is contrary to socialist justice. In this
transitional time capital punishment is being used by the revolutionary
tribunals and administrative committees exclusively as the means of class
Just a few days later we could read something completely different:
In light of the queries from the districts regarding possibility of issuing
death sentence verdicts by the justices of the peace the Supreme Court
Control explained: presently the power to use capital punishment can
rest with the justices of the peace in case of mass attempts of counterrevolutionaries to undermine soviet government.2
We judge quickly... Perhaps that happened in the days of mass executions, perhaps that expedience of sentencing is a feature of Russia Che Ka process, but... reality
is different. Months pass without interrogation, investigations take years, and still end
with... the same execution by firing squad.
We are being accused of anonymous killing... In reality, as we mentioned, large
number of executions are not being publicized, even though 5 September 1918, at
the heat of terror in soviet Russia, the Soviet of Peoples Commissars issued an order
mandating publication of the names of all executed by firing squad and the grounds
for using capital punishment. The publications of Che Ka Weekly, that was supposed to be an instructional matter for the commissions provide a very informative
No. 6 of the Weekly (26 October) published a list of the executed month earlier
for an attempt of socialist-revolutionary Caplan on Lenin. Several hundreds people
have been executed by firing squad and only 90 names published. Of those 90 executed 67 last names published without first and middle names3 ; 2 with initials only, 18
with general indication of occupation, for example: Cotomazov, former student; Muratov cooperative clerk, Razumovscki former lieutenant-colonel, etc. Only 10 had
indication of the reason for execution: obvious counter-revolutionary, white army
man, former minister of internal affairs, counter-revolutionary Khvostov, archpriest Vostorgov. And the reader had to figure out, that Maclackov meant execution of the former minister of internal affairs. That was not hard to guess, but who
were Zhichkovski, Ivanov, Zelinski no one knew and probably never will.
If that was how a decree of central authority was implemented by the central
office, one can imagine what transpired deep in the provinces, where terror often took
exceptionally monstrous forms. Here the execution announcements (if any!) were much
more muted: for example, executed 39 large landowners (?), arrested under the trial
of counter-revolutionary group Defenders of Transitional Government (Smolensk
Regional Che Ka); executed 6 henchmen of monarchy (Pavlov Posad Che Ka);
several names and addition: and so many more (Odessa).
The same trend continued even after the chaotic upheaval, that infamous excommer Moroz mentioned in the same publication (No. 6).
The murders have been carried out literally anonymously. The sentencing panel
never even saw those whom they convicted, never heard their testimony. We in turn
do not know the names of the murdered4 , as Che Ka never published the names of the
judges. Che Ka even coined a technical term for the executions without publishing
the names: muted executions (Odessa). What kind of moral impudence one had
to have in order to reply, as Chicherin, to a Chicago Tribune reporters question
regarding the number of executed by the orders of secret tribunals and the fate of
the Emperor Nickolas II family. The commissar of foreign affairs replied: There are
no secret tribunals in Russia. As to the executed by the orders of Che Ka that has
been published (!!!). The fate of the kings daughters added Chicherin is unknown
to me. I read in the newspapers (?!) that they were residing in America...(!!)5
The own confession of the accused... How many times I personally observed the
fact of such confessions under the influence of intimidation, threats, under the barrel
of a gun! How many of those complaints have been left on the walls of Che Ka by the
All rumors regarding violence are absolutely false... We will see, that torture and
mutilation is rather common for the extreme commissions, and not just deep in the
Yes, human life costs very little in Soviet Russia. That clearly spelled out a Moscow
delegate to Kungur Che Ka Goldin: We do not need evidence, interrogation or suspicion for an execution by firing squad. We execute as we deem necessary, that is
it 6 . And that was really it! Could one provide a better reference to the extreme
Let us however review motivation for some of the executions, as much as they
have been officially published by soviet press. We can find something peculiar. Among
those qualifications we can find such precise descriptions of the crimes committed:
slick, evasive counter-revolutionary, (the wife) was aware of husbands activity, a
number of sons and daughters of various generals (St. Petersburg).
Sometimes the accusations are so shameless that they can only amaze: the peasants Gorokhov and others, for beating of military commissar, merchant Rogov for
propaganda against the soviets in his shop. Or simply executed under red terror.
Very little information in the following qualifications: 20 obvious whites (Orel), Dr.
Zverev, white (Vologda), 16 kulacks (Sebezh), former member of cadet party
(Moscow), counter-revolutionary convictions etc. I could provide many more examples like that from the official soviet newspaper clippings in my possession. It
is sufficient to simply scan a volume of Che Ka Weekly (6 issues). But here is a
publication of the executed by Che Ka in Moscow, shaking by close acquaintance
with the names it mentioned, the names familiar to entire educated Russia: N. N.
Schepkin, A. D. and A. S. Alpherov7 , A. A. Volckov8 , A. I. and V. I. Astrov9 , N. A.
Ogorodnikov10 , K. K. Chernosvitov11 , P. V. Gerasimov, (executed as Grekov)12 , S.
A. Knyazkov13 and others. There were 66 names in total, published in the Moscow
newspapers 23 September 1919. Our public consciousness will never come to terms
with execution of the Astrov spouses, referred to as Denikins spies in the official
announcement with a note: A draft plan for overthrowing soviet government, courts,
transport, supply chain and an application to Volunteer Army have been found during
a search of Astrovs residence.
It cannot come to terms with the executions under the motives, put forward by
the later trial of Tagantsev against N. I. Lazarevsky, prince Ukhtomsky and others.
What have they been executed for? Official publication (1 September) said about N. I.
Lazarevsky: a convicted supporter of democratic government, drafted a number of
documents for overthrowing soviet government, namely a) local government model of
Russia, b) of [Russian] fiat currency circulation, c) of restoration of credit in Russia;
and about the sculptor S. A. Ukhtomsky: provided information about organization of
museums (?!) for passing overseas and a related report for printing in white press.
The poet Gumilev has been executed at the same time.
The publication about the trial of N. N. Schepkin also read: Yakubovsky Maria
Alexandrovna, constitutional democrat, teacher, connected with Kolchaks agent
her only fault was that she was captured by an ambush at a private apartment.
From a letter by social-democrat Frumkina to Ural district committee of the communist party.
Always Forward! 22 January 1919.
Prominent educator, member of Moscow City Council, and his wife. Trans.
Groom of the Chamber of the Russian Queen. Trans.
Professor of hydraulic engineering and his wife. Trans.
Member of Kostroma City Council. Trans.
Formerly judge and lawyer, member of transitional parliament. Trans.
Lawyer, member of transitional parliament. Trans.
Famous historic writer and educator. Trans.
Kiev Izvestiya 29 August 1919, almost when the Bolsheviks were expelled from
Kiev, published a list of 127 executed by firing squad under red terror in response
to mass executions of workers and communists in the territory, captured by Denikin
and Petlyura. Who were those executed we for the most part do not know. Only
the names have been published and all were supposed to believe, that Sinyuk Ivan
Panteleymonovish, Smirnov Vladimir Vasilyevich, Serbin Mitrofan Alexandrovish,
Serebryakov Alexander Andreyevish etc. were the sworn enemies of the workers and
poorest peasants.
Let us provide several examples from the foreign press quoting the soviet newspapers from Southern Russia. They are similar to those, quoted from the central
regions. Take for instance Odessa: justice of the peace Nikiforov, who worked as a
night guard of Odessa Ship and Trade Companys factory, executed for while dodging
draft and refusing to work for the benefit of soviet Russia, got employed at the factory
in order to spy and agitate among marginal proletariat; an old lady Sigizmundova,
who received a letter from her son officer in Varna, Poland, executed for communicating with the agent of Entente and its henchman Wrangel 14 . Gen. Baranov was
executed in Odessa in 1919 under red terror for taking a picture of Katherine II
statue in the square faced by Che Ka building15,16 .
We already know, that revolutionary tribunals executed even for intoxication,
petty theft. In reality they executed for the officers buttons, found during search,
for criminally obtained corpse of a son. Among the executed was a butcher from
Miusskaya Square, who dared to curse the statues of Marx and Engels in Moscow as
the scarecrows... The doctors of Kronstadt have been executed for being famous
among the workers. Is it surprising, that the communists in Ivanovo-Voznesensk
officially threatened execution for the failure to surrender (and even for a failure to
register!) the sewing machines17 , and Vladikavkaz commander Mityaev promised to
sweep off the face of the Earth everyone guilty of selling alcohol. Baku commissar of
Post and Wire Communication threatened the wire operators with execution within
24 hours for delay in processing the messages or those, who responded rudely18 .
Che Ka keeps the logs of death sentences. But does Dzerzhinsky consider sufficient
the logs, kept in 1919 in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine? We published the samples
of those truly amazing logs of Kiev regional and Ukraine Che Ka under Latsis
the creator and implementor of red terror in Ukraine in No. 4 of In the Foreign
Land. Those logs with the authentic signatures and stamps, preserved by Denikins
commission in its archives, deserve to be photocopied. In one session the regional Che
Ka managed to hear 59 cases. The death sentences have been issued oh, so lightly! 19
May 1919, besides the routine issues, heard 40 files and issued 25 death sentences. The
sentences have been thoroughly justified none of them even mentioned motivation:
Rudakov Peter George; Vashin Ivan Alekseyevich; Ryzhkovsky Vikenty Romanovich
etc. to apply capital punishment and confiscate cash19 . In the same article20 we
mentioned cynicism of Ukraine Che Ka and sampled its meeting minutes signed by
Latsis, without a date, meanwhile some unfortunate Eugine Toklovodov was sentenced
to execution by firing squad to be carried out in 24 hours for counter-revolution
actions... We mentioned frightening simplicity of the documentation for the executions
in Kharkov Che Ka. Here the excommers Portugeis and Feldman executed in 1919
without any logs: simply wrote brief and hurried notes on the files: to execute Bayeva
as a hardened criminal 21 .
Apparently the above mentioned is called to shape it legal and arrive at spirit
of execution in terminology of the excommers, who despised old morality as bourgeois prejudice. These instructions have been sent by the Odessa Che Ka secretary
according to an ex-student of Novorossiysk university Sigal. Or this: turn the case in
such direction, as to put 15 people up against the wall.
With little respect to human life the namesakes have often been executed sometimes through oversight, other times specifically to avoid mistakes. There was a case
in Odessa where three doctors have been executed: Volkov, Vlasov and Vorobyev22 . A
certain Ozerov was executed in Odessa. The investigator finds an error and executes
the other Ozerov, to whom the verdict was supposed to apply23 . The same case was
quoted by Averbuch in his book Odessa Che Ka.
A tip was given about counter-revolution activity of a certain Aaron Husid, without exact location. The same day, according to the address records accessed by the
order of the investigator Sigal 11 people with the last name Husid have been arrested.
And after two weeks of investigation and various torture, two namesake Husids have
been executed, despite the fact that originally only one was accused, as investigation
was not able to establish which of them was really a counter-revolutionary. Thus
another Husid was executed just in case...
A reliable witness, who cannot be suspected in intentional twisting of reality,
testified, that a deputy prosecutor N. S. Baranov has been executed in Odessa instead
of an officer with the same name; that witness was present in a cell, when Alexey
Vyvodtsev was summoned for an execution; there was another K. M. Vyvodtsev in
the cell, but response was The name does not matter, that is the right Vyvodtsev.
One of the intelligent witnesses to Denikins commission, an agronomist, testified,
that again in Odessa a peasant Yakov Hromoy of Yavkino village has been executed
he was confused for another peasant Yakov from the same village, who was clinically
lame24 .
So many have found themselves in that situation, and some of them by accident
escaped death in the very last moments. I know many similar facts of Moscow investigators activity. My personal observations will be kept aside for now they will
be included in the memoirs presently being edited. The same facts can be found in
Livre blanc and Che Ka Weekly.
Nilstonsky also wrote about the executions of namesakes in Kiev (p. 17)25 .
And how many executions by mistake! Excommer jargon even coined a term the
errored. An officer organization headed by a certain Levshin was discovered in
Moscow in 1918. All officers residing in Levshin Drive have been arrested. They languished in Bootyrskaya prison simultaneously with those arrested under Lockhart
trial. Of 28 arrested only 6 survived. The situation was much worse in the provinces.
Quoting an official document: the commissars in Bronnitsa city (near Moscow) executed everyone, whose face they did not like. The administrative committee of the
soviet did not even meet, but one or another member simply said: we have ruled
and nothing could be done any more. They gave an arrestee a shovel, posted two
guards and sent him to the Bronnitsa race track, where he was made to dig his own
grave, then executed and buried him.
Should we be surprised by all that, if Latsis himself testified in his articles, that
execution by firing squad was used just in case to intimidate the commoners, impart
a due effect, to discourage from sabotage and conspiring. The hostages have been
executed in anticipation of kulack uprising in Yaroslavl.
The Bolsheviks stated, that they had to terrorize the population to prevent all
kinds of counter-revolutionary movements in the [Ekaterinburg] city wrote Elston
to Curzon 11 February 191926 .
And execution of the hostage family members remains the most unacceptable; it
is impossible to come to terms with an announcement, that a family of 3 7 year old
girls and 69 year old mother has been executed for her officer son in May 1920.
Why were the counter revolutionaries executed at particular moment in time?
That is unclear too. The ministers of monarch government were executed in the
Autumn of 1918. Another minister Bulygin survived 1918, but for some reason was
tried by Che Ka 5 September 1919. He was accused of reactionary policies of 1905. The
verdict read: to execute citizen Bulygin, confiscate property belonging to Bulygin
and transfer to the Administrative Committee for distribution among the workers
of nationalized factory 27 . Did Dzerzhinsky consider such verdicts justified in his
Recounting the above mentioned one can hardly doubt use of real torture in the
basements of the Che Ka. The address of Administrative Committees of the members
of Transitional Parliament in Paris to the public opinion of Europe (27 October 1921.)
unlikely overstated anything when it protested against bacchanalia of political killing
in Russia, violence and torture. Sometimes it can be hard to distinguish physical
Nilstonskys book, although containing a number of very interesting facts, confirmed by other
sources, obviously overstated the figures. In this case he wrote of 10 (?!) namesakes.
Livre blanc. p. 108.
Ryazan Izvestiya 7 September 1919.
and mental torture, for they often intertwined. In reality the conditions in Bolshevik
prison are a prolonged torture in itself.
Everything we know of the old Russian prisons, of Russian Bastille as Schlisselburg castle was referred to the prison for the important political prisoners pales
before many prisons and regime, established by communist government. Was imprisonment there, often for months without interrogation, without accusations, under
the constant threat of execution, that materialized in the end, not a torture, almost
physical? P. A. Kropotkin called systematic hostage taking a restoration of torture
under those circumstances. But everyone imprisoned was just the same hostage as a
matter of fact.
When I was imprisoned in Bootyrskaya prison, I met a Dr. Mudrov from Moscow.
I did not know what he was accused of, but apparently there were no significant
accusations against him. He was transferred from Che Ka to the general prison and
remained there for several months. He got used to the life there and prison administration obtained an investigators permission to engage Mudrov as a prison doctor for
lack of required medical personnel. There was a typhus outbreak in prison and Dr.
Mudrov faithfully worked. He was no longer called to the interrogations. One could
speculate that his case would be closed, at least it was obvious that there was no
urgency in it. Once he was called to Che Ka for an interview. He has not returned
and several days later we learned of his execution by firing squad. There was no justification for that sensless cruelty. No one ever learned what Dr. Mudrov has been
executed for. The official publication about that in Izvestiya on 17 October read
only that he was a former member of Cadet party.
I recall another encounter, even more striking. It was Summer 1922. I was arrested as a witness under the trial of socialist-revolutionaries. At some point they
summoned me from the cell to trial. I walked along with some elderly emaciated
man. I managed to exchange a few words with him along the way. Turned out he
was a lieutenant-colonel Perkhurov, who took pat in Savinkov rebellion against the
Bolsheviks in Yaroslavl 1918. Perkhurov languished in a holding cell of Che Ka special department starving, with no books, no visitors, no walk, that were banned in
that supposedly investigation jail. Was he forgotten, or held on to for some reason
I do not know. He was sent to the court just like me, as a witness, but... in court
he was turned back into an accused. He was transferred to Yaroslavl and according
to the official newspapers he was executed by firing squad a month later. Another
officer languished in that jail with horrible regime for year and a half and expected
an execution probably nightly.
These are only two examples that I immediately witnessed. But there are hundreds
of them! And if that occurred in the capital during the days, when initial anarchy
of Bolshevik government transitioned into established order, than what was done in
the remote provinces? Horrible tyranny ruled there. Living for years in anticipation
of execution is a physical torture. The staged execution is the same torture, used
so often by the Che Ka investigators for the purpose of intimidation and extracting
information. I recorded many such stories during imprisonment in Bootyrskaya. I
had no grounds to question the validity of those stories about personal suffering
they were so actual. Some of the accused in the trial of St. Petersburg cooperators
Che Ka almanac published many such incidents. All that was quoted from the
source. Back to the same creek in Saratov (p. 50), where local Che Ka buries its
victims. Here the hundreds of corpses are piled up out to 120 150 feet already. Two
young women are being taken to that creek in October 1919 and demand from the
disrobed under the barrel of a gun on top of the creek that they said where one of their
family members is. The eyewitness saw two completely gray haired young women.
Seldom, but from time to time, some unfortunate victims, who were subjected
to physical or mental torture, survived and testified with their mutilated bodies and
absolutely gray from fear and suffering hair better than with words. Even less often,
but it happened too those who escaped death learned about the last suffering of
the executed and conveyed information.
This is how we learned about horrific torture of a member of Parliament Ivan
Ivanovich Kotov, who was dragged from the bulge of a barge for an execution with a
broken arm and a leg and poked out eye (executed in 1918.) 31 .
And here is Ekaterinodar Che Ka, which used the same methods of intimidation
in 1920. Dr. Shestyakov was taken to the Kuban river bank outside the city by a car.
There he was forced to dig his own grave, a firing squad was lined up and aimed... and
a volley of blank shots was fired. The same was done to a certain Korvin-Piotrovski
after severe beating. Worse he was told, that his wife and 10 year old daughter were
arrested. And their execution was staged before his eyes that night.
An article in Che Ka almanac provides clear details of torture and mutilation in
the chambers of Ekaterinofar Che Ka and elsewhere in Kuban region.
Physical and mental torture is carried out. This is how they torture
in Ekaterinodar: they stretch a victim on the basement floor. Two burly
excommers pull the victim by the head and shoulders, stretching the neck,
while the third one slams a blunt object, usually a butt of a handgun, into
the neck. The neck bloats, blood flows from nose and mouth. The victim
suffers immensely...
Dombrovsky, a teacher, whose only fault was that during a search they
found a suitcase with officer clothes, left behind by an officer family member passing through the town back in Denikins time, was tortured in a
solitary cell. Dombrovskaya confessed of that, but the excommers had a
tip that she was hiding gold jewelry, received from a relative, some general. That was enough to subject her to torture. Firstly she was raped and
abused. The rape was carried out in the order of seniority. The excommer
Friedman raped her first, than the rest of excommers. Then she was tortured in order to extract information of where she was hiding gold. First
they carved her naked body with knives, than crushed the fingertips with
the pliers. Suffering and bleeding, the victim pointed at some place in a
barn of 28 Medevedev St., where she lived. She was executed at 9 PM
6 November, and an hour later that night the excommers searched that
address, and supposedly found a golden wrist band and several rings.
Che Ka almanac, p. 198. See the documents, collected in chapter IV of Mauvais traitements
et tortures des prisoniers, Socialist-revolutionary Memorandum.
cells when Che Ka conducted a large political trial in Moscow in 1919; the female
communists often visited the cells, telling the guards: These are the spies, you can
kill them for an attempt to escape.
A woman Bosch was a chair of Penza Che Ka, who was so wanton in 1918, that
she was transferred by the central organization. A 20 year old man was a chair of
Vologda Che Ka. He used this method (and not in 1918 but in 1920). He sat on a chair
at a river bank; they brought the bags and the inmates for interrogation, put them
in the bags and sank them in an ice hole. He was committed to a mental institution
in Moscow when the rumors of his methods reached the center. I learned of him from
a reliable witness.
Same whipping and torture with rubber in Tyumen38 . Here is how they torture
in Uralsk Che Ka according to the mentioned report by Frumkina Meder was lead
to a barn, keeled against the wall and shots were fired left and right of him. Goldin
(investigator) said: if you will not surrender your son, we will not execute you by firing
squad, but first break your arms and legs, and then finish you off. (That unfortunate
Meder was executed the day after.) An investigator of Novocherkassk prison inserted
the barrels of two revolvers into the victims mouth and pulled out the teeth together
with gums39 .
Vast material was collected by the Special Commission of Gen. Denikin on the
torture chambers of Che Ka. Was a method of executing Gen. Ruzski and others used
in Pyatigorsk, mentioned earlier, a torture or not?
The executioners ordered their victims to kneel and stretch their necks
forward. Then they slashed them with the swords. Some executioners were
inexperienced and could not deliver a fatal blow from one strike. Some
hostages were slashed up to 5 times or more. The chair of Che Ka Atarbekov himself slashed Ruzscki with a dagger. Others had arms and legs
severed first, than decapitated 40 .
Here is descriptions of the actions by the Kharkov Che Ka commissar Sayenko,
who attained extreme notoriety during capture and abandoning of Kharkov by the
Bolsheviks in 1919. Hundreds of people were under his control. One of the witnesses
said, that upon entering a cell when arrested he noticed that the inmates were frightened.
To the question What happened? followed an answer: Sayenko came
and took two for interrogation, Sychev and Belochkin, and promised to
return at night to shave off a few more inmates. Few minutes later a
door opened and a 19 year old man Sychev entered, supported by two reds.
It was a shadow of a man. To a question What happened to you? short
answer I was interrogated by Sayenko. Sychevs right eye was completely
bloodied and swallen, right chick had a huge abrasion inflicted by a butt
of a revolver. 4 front teeth were missing, neck bruised, a large torn wound
was on the left shoulder blade; in total there were 37 bruises and scars
on the back. Sayenko was interrogating them for 5 days. Belochkin was
taken to a hospital from interrogation, where he died. Sayenkos favorite
method was stabbing the interrogated 1/2 inch deep with a dagger and
turning it in the wound. All tortures were carried out by Sayenko in the
office of Special Department investigator before Yakimovich, his assistants
and investigator Lyubarsky.
The same eyewitness further tells about an execution of several inmates, carried
out by Sayenko the same night. Drunk of under the influence of cocaine, Sayenko
came at 9 PM to the cell, accompanied by an Austrian staff captain Klochkovsky, he
ordered Pshenichy, Ovcherenko and Belousov to go outside into the yard, where they
disrobed them and started stabbing and slashing them with the daggers, starting with
lower body and going up. Having finished the execution, bloodied Sayenko returned
to the cell and said Do you see this blood? Same will be with anyone, who would
go against me and worker-peasant party. Than he dragged Sychev, beaten in the
morning, to the yard to let him see Pshenichny still alive and finished the later with a
revolver shot, struck Sychev several times with a sword sheath and pushed back into
the cell.
Writing on the walls told of the feelings that Che Ka inmates experienced. Here
are some of them: beaten for 4 days to unconsciousness and forced to signe a prepared
statement; signed, could not take any more torture. Was given 800 cleaning rods
and looked like a chunk of meat... executed 26 March at 7 PM at the age of 23.
Chamber of torture. Entering here, leave hopes behind.
The surviving witneses confirmed the horrors of that Chamber of torture. According to those survivors, interrogation by Che Ka occurred at night and always
included threat of excution and savage beating in order to extract confession in the
trumped up charges. After the failure of threats confessions were extracted by whipping with the cleaning rods into unconsciousness. The investigators Miroshnichenko,
a former hairdresser, and Iesel Mankin, 18 year old man, were most persistent. The
first forced a servant Kanisheva under the barrel of a gun to confess of harboring
the officers, the other, aiming a handgun at the interrogated used to say: your life
depends on the correct answer. Since early April new mental torture added to other
The executions were carried out almost before the eyes of the inmates;
the sound of shots from the cellar in the yard used for torture and execution could be heard in the cells. During the inspection of that cellar 16
June two 30 lb weights and a 2 foot length of rubber hose with improvised
grip were found. The weights and hose were used for torturing the victims
of Che Ka. The floor was covered in blood-soaked straw; the walls had
bullet holes and blood splatter, with brain tissue and pieces of scalp with
hair stuck; the entire floor was also splattered with those pieces.
The autopsies of 107 corpses, exhumed from the graves of Sayenkos victims in
the concentration camp, discovered savage cruelty: beatings, fractured ribs and shin
bones, crushed skulls, severed hands and feet, severed fingers, decapitation, burning
with hot metal, etc. The first body exhumed was identified as that of Cornet of the
6th Hussar squadron Zhabokritsky. He was savagely beaten antemortem, inflicting rib
fractures; besides that chest was burned with a round object in 13 places and an entire
strip was burned on the back. Further: Head of one corpse was completely flattened
into a disk 1/2 inch thick; flattening was performed by simultaneously applied pressure
from two sides. Here as well: 7 stab and bullet wounds inflicted to an unidentified
woman, who was buried alive.
The bodies with hot liquid burns of abdomen and back were found, slashed with
the swords but not instantly killed: the victims were wounded by slashing specifically to torture at first 41 . Wherever the corpses were discovered in the more or less
secret places, all of them bore the same signs. Be it Odessa, Nikolayev, Tsaritsyn. It
is possible that the skulls of the corpses, exhumed from the Odessa pit mines, could
be fractured from throwing into the pits; it is also possible that many signs of torture occurred from prolonged burial; and it is possible, that those who examined the
bodies, could not distinguish torture from perimortem effects and confused macerations for burns and bloated genitals for the antemortem mutilation and still there
is sufficient evidence and multiple pictures (a few dozens), that clearly demonstrate
that the corpses could not naturally arrive at the condition, discovered at autopsy.
The stories of physical torture on par with Spanish inquisition would always be exaggerated our consciousness would not feel any better from realization, that Russian
torture was slightly less cruel, less inhumane.
With some moral relief we can stress, that all staff of anatomical theater in Odessa,
where the corpses of the executed by Che Ka were often sent, testified about absence
of any external signs of torture. But that fact does not preclude the very possibility
of torture. Not everyone, of course, was tortured, and those corpses obviously would
not be sent to an anatomical theater.
Much of testimony by the eyewitnesses to Denikins Commission was confirmed
by the sources on the other side opposed to White Army. Let us take for example
Kharkov and Sayenkos achievements. Left SR, imprisoned there at the time, said42 :
As Denikins troops approached, bloodthirsty rage of Che Ka increased
more and more. It found its hero. That hero was Sayenko. As a matter of
fact he was low flying a Che Ka commissar, but in those days of panic the
lives of prison and Che Ka inmates have been under his exclusive control.
Every night his car drove to the prison, every night they grabbed several
inmates and took them away. Usually Sayenko executed the sentenced
himself. He shot one, sick with typhus, in the yard of the prison. Short,
with shiny eyes and twitching maniacal face, Sayenko ran around the
prison with a cocked Mauser in a shaking hand. Previously he arrived for
the sentenced. In the last two days he himself selected his victims among
Figure 9.1: Kharkov. The corpses of hostage women, tortured to death. Second on
the left S. Ivanova, a convenience store owner. Third from the left A. I. Karolskaya,
colonels wife. Fourth from the left L. Hlopkova, land owner. Breasts of all cut off
antemortem, genitals burned (charcoals found inside vagina).
the arrested and rushed them across the yard by striking with flat side of
his sword.
During the last day of our confinement at Kharkov prison the sounds
of volleys and single shots sounded across the quiet prison all day long.
120 people have been executed that day in the back yard of the prison.
That is a story of one evacuee. There were few of those happy survivors only
20 30. His friend describes that horrible sorting before surrendering the city for
three nightmarish hours 43 .
We were waiting in the office and observed a nightmarish scene, how
quickly the inmates were being judged. A well-dressed young man popped
up from the cubicle adjoining the office, shouted a last name and the
guards went into the said cell. Imagination created a horrible picture. The
living human beings are lying on the bunk beds in the dozens of the cells.
And in the quiet of the night, interrupted with the sounds of cannon
fire near the city and single revolver shots in the disgusting prison yard,
where one dead falls after another 2000 strong prison population is
twitching in frightened anticipation.
Released from prison after transfer to Moscow in October 1919. Arrested in September 1937
and executed in 1938. Trans.
Kremlin Behind Bars, 62 63.
Figure 9.3: The villagers I. Aphanasiuk and S. Prokopovich, scalped alive. I. Aphanasiuks corpse bears hot metal burns.
Information about torture during interrogations found its way even into soviet
press, especially in the beginning, when mutilation and torture was too uncommon,
at least for some members of the ruling party.
For example Moscow Izvestiya 52 published a letter from a random victim communist under the title Could it be a medieval torture chamber?
I was arrested by accident in a place where counterfeit Kerenskys
money were supposedly printed. I was imprisoned for 10 days before interrogation and experienced something impossible (he is referring to an investigative commission of Suschevo-Mariinskiy district in Moscow)... They
were beating people unconscious here, than carried them into a cellar
where continued to beat with breaks for 18 hours a day. That affected me
to such degree that I have almost gone mad.
Two months later we are learning from The Truth, that there is a cellar in
Vladimir Che Ka where they stick needles into the heels53 .
A communist was arrested by accident again, who appeals to society: it is scary
to live and work, for any position of authority, especially in the provinces, can easily
find themself in that situation. That case was paid attention to, as a communist was
involved. But they passed by the thousands of other cases in silence. I am ashamed
by your torture chamber wrote L. M. Reisner about St. Petersburg Che Ka in
December 1918. But those were all sentiments, and seldom protests drowned in
ambient noise. St. Petersburg The Truth described usefulness of staged executions
in February 1919: a kulack was allotted 30 bushels of emergency food tax. He has not
paid. They arrested him. He did not pay. He was lead to a cemetery not paying. He
was put up against the wall still not paying. Fired a shot near his ear. Oh, miracle!
He agreed to pay!
We have an amazing historic document, that serves as clear evidence of torture.
It was published by the very Che Ka Weekly in Moscow under the title Why Are
You Lenient? and signed by the chair of Nolinsk Che Ka and others.
Explain, why did you not subject that Lockhart to the most sophisticated torture, to extract information that the rat was supposed to
have in abundance54 ? Explain, why instead of subjecting him to torture,
from just a description of which cold fear would overwhelm the counterrevolutionaries, you released him? Enough of being lenient!.. A dangerous
scoundrel was arrested... Extract every bit possible from him and send
him to afterlife!...
That was printed in No. 3 of the official publication55 , whose goal was, as we
mentioned, to lead the provincial Extreme Commissions and conduct the ideas and
methods of Russia Che Ka struggle. Was it surprising that the representatives of
Che Ka stated in the congress of the soviets: we now admit, that lack of discipline
and lenience towards bourgeois and their lackeys must have no place.
Che Ka is ruthless to that rabble that is a slogan sent to the provinces and
perceived by the local authorities as a call to ruthless and uncontrolled cruelty. The
instructions (rather theoretical) for the justice departments of the regional Administrative Committees to maintain justice are in vain56 . Provinces only take center
for an example. According to one of the British reports, Kanegisser (an assassin of
Uritski) was tortured in the very center. Was Kaplan tortured, as per the persistent
rumors in Moscow? I could not say. But I remember the impression from the first night
spent in Russia Che Ka after an attempt on Lenin: some were definitely tortured here
by sleep deprivation...
Information from the torture chambers seldom becomes available. I recall a trial
in August 1920 in Moscow, where tortures were exposed before the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal (drowning in ice cold water etc.). It was exposed even more during
a political trial in Turkmenia in October 1919.
All 10 of the accused retracted their testimony made during the investigation at Che Ka, stating that they signed those under coercion by
horrible torture. The tribunal questioned a Special Department of Che
Ka... Turned out that mutilation and torture were routinely used.
The public was weeping at the court writes Will of Russia 57 reporter. What
the prosecutor called crying of bourgeois so affected the judges, that tribunal itself
protested... We could recently read in Moscow Izvestiya 58 about a session of Omsk
regional court, that 29 November tried a commander of district militia German, a
militia man Scherbakov and Dr. Troitsky, accused in torture of the arrestees... They
burned hands and arms with hot sealing wax, poured it on the back of the head and
neck, then ripped it off with skin. Those methods of intimidation, reminiscent of
Spanish inquisition, are absolutely unacceptable moralized the chair of the court
during trial. But torture was essentially legalized. Socialist Messenger 59 exceptionally illustrated that:
In light of persistent rumors and discovered facts regional tribunal
of Stavropol established in Spring of this year a commission of Public
prosecutor Shapiro and reporting investigator Olashanski for investigating
torture, practiced by Criminal Investigation Unit.
The commission has found, that besides usual beatings, suspension and
other types of torture Stavropol Criminal Investigation used the following:
1. A hot cellar, that was a cell in the basement, with no windows
10 by 4 foot. The floor has 2 3 steps. They crammed 18 people
in that cell for torture, so that not all could stand on the floor and
some had to hang on the shoulders of the others. The air in that cell
was such that a lamp or matches would not burn. People were kept
in that cell for 2 3 days with no food or water without access to
a toilet. It was established, that women were imprisoned in the hot
cellar together with men (for example Veizman).
2. A cold cellar. That is a pit previously used as a cold cellar. The
arrested were disrobed to underwear and sent into the pit down a
ladder, which then was removed and water poured from above. That
was used during the Winter cold. The cases have been established
were up to 8 buckets of water was poured onto an inmate (Gursky
and Winer have been subjected to that among the others).
3. Skull measurement. Head of the person being interrogated is tightly
wrapped with a rope, then a rod is inserted under the rope and turned
to a point, where rope compressed the skull and separated scalp.
Besides those methods of torture for extraction of confessions the murders of the arrestees by the investigators for the alleged attempts to escape
have been established (Mastryukov was thus was killed in April 1922).
All those facts have been confirmed by the victim and witness testimony, forensic data, autopsies and confessions of the investigators, who
used torture and testified, that they acted on the orders of Criminal Investigation Unit commander Grigorovich (also a member of Stavropol Administrative Committee, member of the regional Committee of the Communist Party and deputy chair of the local Political Administration), his
assistant Povetsky and legal counsel (!!) Topyshev. Tortures have been
carried out under their personal supervision and in their presence.
The tribunal ordered to bring the accused to justice and issued an
arrest warrant. But no one could be arrested, as the chair of regional
Political Administration has sheltered them at the dorms of the Political
Administration and produced a secret order of Russia Che Ka, that among
21 September 1922.
other things prescribed, that if during the inquiry or preliminary investigation the face-to-face interrogations, evidence and usual threats would
not lead to a confession, than the old tried method was recommended.
The origins of that secret order were as follows. There was a complaint against a
notorious Moscow Che Ka investigator L. D. Wul in mid-1921 regarding mutilation
and torture he used during investigation. Wul was planning to quit and relinquish
responsibility for increased violent crime rate in Moscow. Under the circumstances,
supposedly Menzhinsky (?!) gave a permission to use the old methods, and an order
regarding the old tried method was issued. The outcome of that story was common.
None of the torturers could be arrested. But those, who exposed the secrets of criminal
investigation unit, were prosecuted.
The same was confirmed with new details by a letter from Stavropol, printed in
No. 1 of Left SR almanac The Paths of Revolution. The outcome in Turkmenia was
the same. The most active torturer there was a former circus clown member of Che
Ka and executioner Drozzhin. After his activity was discovered, he was recalled and
transferred to a prison as political commissar60 .
Not much imagination is required to picture that circus clown in his new role. We
have no information of his activity on the new scene, but we can find the illustrations
in the facts from across the country in Arkhangelsk.
There is an essay about Kholmogory concentration camp in Che Ka almanac
the same one mentioned above. I personally know the author of that essay, who
took great risk of visiting the far North in order to collect information about the
horrors rumored in Moscow and assess a possibility of aiding the unfortunate inmates
of that death camp. I heard his report in Moscow. It was even more horrible in
oral transmission. It was really scary, but we were powerless to provide any aid. It
is enough to mention two three facts to describe the conditions of Kholmogory
concentration camp:
While extremely cruel Bachulis was a camp commander, many were
executed by firing squad for the minimal breaches. He had horrible reputation. Rumors were that he separated the inmates into the tens and
punished all 10 for the breach of one; that when one of the inmates escaped and could not be found, and other 10 have been executed. Then
the escaped was finally captured, sentenced to execution and lead to a
fresh grave; the commander, cursing him, struck him over the head and
knocked unconscious into the grave, where he was buried alive. That story
was told by one of the jailers.
Later Bachulis was appointed a commander of the North-most camp,
in Portaminsk city 70 miles North of Arkhnangelsk where the inmates61
were fed dry fish only, with no bread and he gave free play to his cruelty.
If I am not mistaken Drozzhin was awarded an order of Red Banner. See also a report No.
344 of Gen. Denikin operations staff.
The sailor rebels, after all.
Scheglov, who issued a note to some of the socialists, beaten in Bootyrskaya prison,
was instantly sent into severe exile65 .
There is information that members of political parties become victims of tyranny.
We learned that 18 year old SR Lavrova was flogged in Tambov66 , that same was the
fate of SR Kuznetsovs wife, when location of her husband could not be established67 .
So we learn that social-democrat Treiger was jailed in a 9 by 6 foot box in Semipalatinsk, together with a mad Chinese murderer68 . Left SR M. P. Shebalin wrote in
a letter, delivered clandestinely, how he was tortured in St. Petersburg: he was beaten
on the hands and feet with a butt of revolver, his eyes and testicles were compressed
(into unconsciousness)69 , he was beaten specially to leave no blood or bruises (bleeding was through the throat)70 . I know Shebalin very well after being his cell-mate
for half a year at Bootyrskaya prison. He is a man incapable of lies or exaggeration.
Remember, that I am writing from a cell, that Russian Bastilles Schlisselburg and
Peter and Paul castles where I was imprisoned under the monarchy as a political
prisoner, pale writes Shebalin.
He also told about sophisticated invention of the cork cells at Gorokhovaya St.
of St. Petersburg Che Ka (the cold, small solitary confinement cells, tight sealed, with
double walls padded with cork completely sound-proof). The interrogations with
freezing, burning by fire etc. are being carried out in those cells. The inmates were
usually held in the cork cells for 5 10 days, but sometimes up to a month. The
letter is dated 9 April 192271 .
Beating with the buttstock, butt of a revolver and kicking notes S. S. Maslov
in his book72 , based for the most part on the material he brought over from Russia
do not count, as it is common and widely accepted. And he provides a shining
example that has nothing to do with politics. The more peculiar it is for communist
justice, which new principles are so positively characterized in soviet press. Of course
the criminals are not punished there, but re-mediated.
In May 1920 a group of homeless children aged 11 15 was arrested
in Moscow on suspicion of being pocket thieves. They were locked in a
basement cell separate from the rest but together as a group. Che Ka
decided to use the arrest on full scale. They demanded from the children
at first by threats and promise of reward to inform on other pocket
thieves. The children said they did not know anyone. After the fruitless
interrogations several jailers entered their cell and started savage beating.
It happened in May 1922. According to Revolutionary Russia (No.No. 16 18) Dr. Scheglov,
imprisoned at Arkhangelsk concentration camp, was forced to clean the toilets.
Revolutionary Russia, No. 14.
Revolutionary Russia, No. 1.
Socialist Messenger, 1923, No. 5.
Sinovari testified at Lausanne trial of torture by compressing genitals used in St. Petersburg.
Letter by I. A. Shebalin to The Paths of Revolution.
By the way, an underground Workers Flier wrote in 1922 about shackling of the suspects in
St. Petersburg. See also a statement of Left SR in 1923. (Socialist Messenger 1923, No. 5). They
also mentioned torture by a yellow house, i.e. by confinement with the mentally ill.
Russia After Four Years Of Revolution.
Have the conditions changed? We recently learned about a murder of an old revolutionary Kulikovsky during an interrogation in March 1923 by an investigator of
Irkutsk State Political Administration (GPU). The Days reporter informed, that for
refusing to talk during interrogation he was beaten with a butt of revolver, his skull
was fractured and he died...
To clearly picture the essense of red terror, we would have to realize cynicism of its
form not only the fact that both guilty and innocent, political adversaries and unaffiliated, have been executed by firing squad, but also the methods of their execution.
That outer shell is probably more important to understanding of red terror.
We already reviewed a clearly sadist Sayenko of Kharkov (see p. 120). A few
words about his assistant sailor Edward, according to Karelin: he was notorious for
friendly chatting with the inmates and killing them with a shot to the head while
Averbuch, well informed about the events in Odessa, portrayed a chair of local Che
Ka Kalinichenko. The legends were told about his perversions and savage tyranny:
once during the celebration of his birthday he ordered to deliver three fattest bourgeois from the prison. His order was executed and in drunk rage he immediately shot
them with a revolver.
He writes73 :
Once I happened to patronize cafeteria Astra in Preobrazhenskaya
St, frequented only by the Bolshevik officials. And there by accident I
heard a story, told by a notorious executioner Basil of how he dispatched
two bourgeois, how they writhed and twitched in agony, how they kissed
his hands and feet, and he still fulfilled his revolutionary duty.
Among the Odessa executioners was Johnston (a Negro), specially ordered from
Moscow. Johnston was a synonym of evil and cruelty... Pulling skin from a living
human before execution, severing limbs during torture etc. the negro executioner
Johnston alone was capable of that. Was he really alone? The gloves, removed
from a human hand have been shown at an exhibition organized by the Bolsheviks
in Moscow in 1920 1921. The Bolsheviks wrote, that it was a specimen of whites
cruelty. But the rumors of those gloves, pulled by Sayenko in Kharkov reached Moscow
long time ago. There was information that several such gloves have been found in the
basement of Kharkov Che Ka. The Kharkov anarchists, transferred to Bootyrskaya
prison, unanimously testified about those gloves pulled in Kharkov from the hands
of the tortured.
Figure 9.4: Kharkov. Corpse of a hostage, retired General Putyat. Skin pulled from
the right arm, genitals mutilated.
We are being accused of Hottentot morale, said Lunacharski in a meeting of
Moscow soviet 4 December 1918. We accept that accusation... And so Sayenkos
gloves could be an exhibit in Moscow as a proof of enemys cruelty...74
Only a young woman executioner Vera Grebennyukova (Dora) could compete
with Johnston in Odessa. The legends were told about her tyranny. She literally
Figure 9.5: Corpses of three hostage workers from a factory on strike. Middle: A.
Ivanenko, eyeballs burned, lips and nose cut off. Hands of the others severed.
Figure 9.6: Skin, pulled from the hands of the victims of Kharkov Che Ka using a
metal comb and special mandibles.
Figure 9.7: Skin, pulled from the limbs of the Rabinovich house victims in Lomonosov
St., Kherson, where Kherson Che Ka operated the torture chambers.
mutilated her victims: pulled hair, severed limbs, ears, fractured cheek bones etc. In
order to judge her activity, it is enough to provide the fact, that she alone executed
700 people in two months of service at Che Ka, i.e. almost 1/3 of those executed by
all executioners of Che Ka75 .
The executed in Kiev were made to lie down into bloody mass, covering the floor
and shot in the back of the head, crushing the skull. They were made to lie down
on top of the previously executed. The to-be executed were released into the garden
and hunted down one by one. A report by the Kiev sisters of charity registered the
following facts. During full moon the well dressed commander of regional Che Ka
Mikhailov fancied hunting the arrestees, who were disrobed and released into the
garden, with a revolver in his hand76 . French writer Odette Keun, who considered
herself a communist and due to the circumstances became familiar with practices of
Che Ka77 prisons in Sevastopol, Simpheropol, Kharkov and Moscow, quoted another
inmate in her memoirs as telling about such hunting of women even in St. Petersburg
(she dated that seemingly improbable fact 1920!!!). There were 20 female counterrevolutionaries locked in the same cell as that other one. The soldiers came for them
at night. Soon they heard screaming and the inmates saw those women completely
naked, loaded into a cart. They were taken into a field and guaranteed, that those who
would run faster would not be executed. Then all of them have been slaughtered...
According to S. M. Volkonskis memoirs78 there was a custom in Briansk to
shoot in the back after interrogation. The heads were crushed with an iron hammer
in Siberia... One commoner woman testified that in Odessa in the yard of Che Ka
near my window Che Ka executed an agent of former criminal police. They were
killing him with a club or a buttstock for more than an hour. He kept begging for
mercy. A certain Valyavka, who executed hundreds of counter revolutionaries in
Ekaterinoslav, had a habit of sending a dozen of people into a small yard surrounded
with a special wall. Then Valyavka with a couple of associates went into the middle
and opened fire79 .
Chair of Che Ka in the same Ekaterinoslav comrade Trepalov used to write
against the names that he did not like an abbreviation exec; he wrote that so that
it was often hard to determine what specific name it applied to. The executioners,
to save the effort (during evacuation of the prison), executed the entire list of 50
according to the principle down them all 80 .
St. Petersburg paper Revolutionary Business 81 provided the following details
about the execution of 60 under Tagantsevs trial.
Execution has been carried out at one of the stations of Irinovo railway.
The arrested have been taken at sunrise to dig a mass grave. When it was
half-ready, everyone was ordered to disrobe. They started shouting for
help. Some of the condemned have been pushed into the grave and shot.
The rest have been pushed on top of the bodies and slaughtered in
the same manner. Both the dead and moaning wounded have been buried
after that.
The Moscow executioners daily carried out their bloody business in the special
basements with paved floor and drainage for blood82 . They were described in a story
She was deported by English police from Constantinople for communist agitation. That sounded
suspicious for the soviet government and thus French writer learned about Che Ka routine. Odette
Keun Sous Lnine. Notes dune femme, dporte en Russie par les Anglais, p. 179. See In the
Foreign Land.
My memoirs, p, 263.
Z. Y. Arbatov. Archive of Russian Revolution. XII, 89.
Z. Y. Arbatov. Archive of Russian Revolution. XII, 119.
March 1922.
According to one of the witnesses in Covens Echo this is how the executions were performed
in a basement of 13 14 Sretenka St: there is a rifle in a stand in one side of a basement, aimed at
a target where the victims head should be. If the criminal was short, he was put on a step. The
Latest News, 17 July 1921.
We can find many characters among the executioners with the clear signs of decay.
I remember one 14 year old executioner, held at Bootyrskaya prison: that semi-idiot
did not understand what he did, and pathetically spoke about his deeds. Che Ka
investigator Hungarian national Remover has been arrested in Kiev in January 1922.
She was accused of unauthorized execution of 80 arrested, mostly young men. Remover
was considered insane on the basis of sexual psychopathy. Investigation found, that
Remover personally executed not only the suspects, but also witnesses, summoned to
Che Ka and having misfortune of arousing her sick sensitivity... One doctor recalled
meeting a woman commissar Nesterenko at a hospital, who among other things
made the red army soldiers rape women and girls, sometimes underage 90 .
Look up the archives of Denikins commission and you would realize that the top
ranking Che Ka officials, not in executioner position, carried out the executions with
their own hands. Vichman in Odessa executes in the cells whomever he wants, even
though there are 6 special executioners at his disposal; (one of them was officially
referred to as cupid). Atarbekov in Pyatigorsk uses a dagger for executions. Rover
in Odessa killed a certain Grigoriev and his 12 year old son in front of a witness...
Another excommer in Odessa fancied kneeling his victim in front of him, squeezing
head with the knees and shooting in the back of the head 91 . There is no end to those
Death became common. We already talked about cynical epithets used in the
Bolshevik newspapers for announcing the executions by firing squad. Terminology
of death becomes simplified and cynical in general92 : to write off, to exchange
(Odessa), go looking for a father in Mogilev region, to send to Dukhonins staff 93 ,
Bul played guitar (Moscow), I could not seal more than 38 i.e. execute with own
hands (Ekaterinoslav), or even crustier: clicked (Odessa), to send to Mashuk to
sniff the violets (Pyatigorsk); commander of St. Petersburg Che Ka loudly tells his
wife over the phone: I am taking grouses to Kronstadt today 94 .
Execution itself is carried out just as simplified and cynical, as we mentioned
before. Death sentence is read in Odessa, then the condemned is disrobed and a board
with number hung around his neck. By that number they will be called out95 . They
even require a signature for reading the sentencing. They often collected biography
data for the newspaper announcements from the cells after reading the sentencing96 .
That legality of execution is observed in St. Petersburg too, where the sentences are
being read in a special arrivals room. The newspaper of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party The Truth 97 ridiculed the publications of British press that
a military orchestra was playing during the executions. That was during the days of
terror in September 1918. That was the way the monarchy ministers were executed
in Moscow, and not only them. Back then executions were carried out by the red
army men at Khodynskoye field. The Chinese replaced the reds. Later an institute
of professional executioners for hire was established and sometimes it was augmented
by the part time workers.
A number of witnesses to Denikins Commission told about the executions in
Nikolaev in 1919 to the sounds of spiritual music. The inmates themselves (criminals)
carried out executions in Saratov and bought themselves pardon that way. The judges
themselves executed in Turkmenia. The witnesses contend that even these days the
same is customary in Odessa regional court not even in Che Ka. I am not qualified
to determine, whether it is good or bad when the same person who issued a verdict
executes it too... Information that judge V. personally kills the inmates is from 1923:
they disrobe them in the next room and immediately kill... Rumors are that Odessa
Che Ka uses a new improved method of execution in 1923. The victims walk down
a narrow dark corridor with a pit in the middle and two keyholes. They fall into the
pit and are shot at from the keyholes, while the shooters cannot see the face of an
I cannot help but quote another description of the executions of Moscow Che
Ka, published in No. 4 of underground flier of the Left SR98 . That was the time of
debates about the powers of Che Ka and revolutionary tribunals, i.e. of the power
of Che Ka to death sentencing verdicts. The more peculiar is the scene, described by
an eyewitness:
Every night, seldom with a gap, the condemned are being taken away
for sending to Irkutsk. That is a popular term among the modern days
excommers. Previously they were taken to Khodynskoe field. Now they
are taken to No. 11, than to No. 7 in Varsonophievskiy Dr. There the
condemned are taken in the groups of 30 12 8 4 (as it occurs) to
the 4th floor. There in a special room they strip to underwear and take
them downstairs. They are lead across the yard to the stacks of firewood
and shot into the back of the head with revolvers.
Sometimes the shots miss. The man falls, but does not die. Then they
fire more rounds at him, point blank into the chest or head.
10 11 March R. Olehovskaya, sentenced to death for a petty offense,
not even worth a prison term, could not be immediately killed. 7 bullets
struck her head and chest. The body was still twitching. Then Kudryavtsev (excommer, former warrant officer, who recently became a communist
and was overzealous) grabbed her by the throat, ripped the blouse and
started twisting the throat and choking. The girl has not turned 19 yet.
20 May 1919.
April 1919.
Snow in the yard was read and brown. Everything was splattered with
blood. They burned the bonfires two feet in diameter (due to abundance
of firewood). Melting snow created horrible red streams.
Bloody stream overflowed the yard and spilled into the street and
neighboring buildings. They rushed to hide the traces. Opened some hatch
and threw that scary snow down the chute, blood of the people who just
The Bolsheviks proudly announce we do not have guillotine. Not sure what is
better: public execution or secret execution in the chambers, cellars, masked by the
sound of engines to muffle the shots... Let others talk about that... But we even
noticed the public executions.
Not everywhere executions occur at night... In Arkhangelsk executions were carried out during the day in the Clafton factory square and many local children gathered to watch 99 . They often killed during the day in Odessa too. Executions in
Mogilev occur practically before the eyes of the families. A truck stops in front of
revolutionary tribunal of 16th army says an eyewitness 100 at around 5 7 PM
and a dozen of heavily armed executioners jump in with two spades. The condemned
are put in the truck too and driven away. The truck returns in exactly one hour.
The executioners jump off, dragging the bags with the boots, uniforms etc. left of the
executed... All that occur during the day (3 hours time difference) before the eyes of
the family members, women and children.
Only someone under the spell of exceptional political cruelty, who lost all human
senses, would not be turned off by the circumstances of royal family massacre in
Ekaterinburg. The parents and children were crowded into one room and slaughtered
before each others sight. As red army man Medvedev, one of the eyewitnesses of the
execution said in his testimony to investigation in February 1919, preparation to
the execution were slow and everyone obviously figured out their fate. History does
not know another scene of massacre like that which marked the night from 16 to 17
July 1918101 .
The Condemned
Death sentence has become truly a common occurrence in Russia. We know that
in the past people climbed guillotine singing La Marseillaise... The sentenced to
death in Russia Left SR in Odessa, loaded hogtied on a truck under 35 other bodies
above them, are singing their La Marseillaise. Perhaps that normality of death is felt
especially strong in prison. There are vivid pages in Che Ka almanac, that describe
the emotions of an inmate, who found himself in a death ward102 .
The sounds of detuned piano could be heard from outside... That was really
scary in anticipation of death. Everyone experiences that psychological torture who
witnesses an execution by firing squad with their own eyes. I recall one night in 1920
at Bootyrskaya prison. I was among the privileged prisoners. Late at night, in an
empty prison yard, I happened to observe a scene, not sure if scary or frightening,
but it registered in memory as a sharp needle due to its unnatural contrast.
A party was going on in a corridor where communists were jailed piano, gypsy
songs, stand-up comedian. That was a night with actors, organized by administration
for the inmates of the detention center. Singing and music were flowing across the
yard. I was sitting quietly and suddenly looked at the room of souls. There by the
bars I saw a writhe face, stuck to the window and gulping air with the lips. That was
one of the victims to be executed that night. There were many of them, around 20,
waiting for their turn. The commissar of death was taking small groups away...
I do not remember anything further, but since then I was afraid to go into the
yard outside of walking hours... I recalled an article from Habitual effect by V. G.
Korolenko, where author quoted a letter, received from a prisoner who was present
in prison when an execution was going to be carried out. A prison froze. It kind of
died and no one dared to break that deathly silence. Has human heart encrusted
from what has become a daily routine, or human life has lost its value, but people are
getting used to executions. This is the horror of our psychological existence. I could
including women and the elderly. The condemned were not allowed to leave the cell and they had to
pee and poop right there (p. 14)... After reading the sentencing in St. Petersburg the condemned are
held for 1 1/2 more days. They are no longer given food or water; not allowed to go to the washroom
for the condemned are finished anyway!
Che Ka almanac, pp. 232 233.
not help but quoted The Latest News 104 reporter from Mogilev: On the eve of field
session in Gomel the posters about public trial of the deserters at the theater have
been plastered on every corner. I went to see. Three are sitting in and judging the
deserters. The chair yells at the accused and sentences to execution by firing squad. I
fled from the theater and ran into the public in the foyer buying tickets to an evening
show like nothing happened...
And the condemned themselves? They are quietly going towards the end without
fighting and protest and submit to being tied with wire. If you could only see those
people, sentenced to death and being taken to an execution, wrote sister Medvedeva
they were already dead... Others reduce to begging the executioners; the third
struggle and are being beaten and taken to the cellar by force. Should we provide
all the facts of that? We were frightened, the heart stopped wrote T. G. Kurakina
in her memoirs about Kiev105 when they came at night for the condemned. Deep
silence fell in the cell, those unfortunate knew how to die: they went outside silently,
incredibly calm only the pale faces and spirited eyes gave up the fact, that they
were no longer of this world. But those unfortunate who did not want to die created
even more negative feelings. That was horrible. They resisted to the last moment,
grabbed the bunk beds, walls, door frames; the guards pushed them in the backs and
they weeped, screamed but the executioners dragged them forth and yet taunted
them, saying: What, do you not want to be put up against the wall? You do not
want, but will have to be.
Apparently not out of fear of death, but horrified with execution itself many try
to commit suicide before execution. I recall a Tatar, who painfully cut his own throat
with a shard of glass in Bootyrskaya prison in anticipation of execution. Many facts
of such suicides, up to self-immolation, have been registered in Che Ka almanac,
archives of Denikins Commission. The executioners always attempted to resuscitate
the victim. What for? Just to finish them off themselves. Communist prison watches
that the victim could not escape revolutionary justice... The archives of Denikins
Commission registered stunning facts in that area. The corpses of the executed have
been taken to a morgue in Odessa. A driver noticed, that one of the women was
blinking and told a worker. A woman woke up inside morgue and, contrary to the
workers insistence, started screaming: I am cold, where is my crucifix? (Another
eyewitness said, that she started screaming when saw her husbands corpse beside
her). The executioners heard her and finished her off. Another witness told about
one who woke up in a coffin he was finished off too. Another case: a lid of one
coffin lifted and a voice shouted: Comrades! I am alive!. Che Ka was called over
the phone and replied: Finish him off with a brick. They escalated the call to
Vichman himself. The reply was humorous: We will engage and send your way the
best surgeon in Odessa. An excommer comes and finishes the survivor off with a shot
from a revolver.
I will once again quote the finishing lines of the article Vessel Of Death 106 .
And when an avengers hand rises in that situation, would public consciousness
condemn an act of vengeance towards those, who were creators of all above mentioned?
I recall the words of great Russian political writer Herzen, written more than 50 years
ago. Here they are:
On the night of 26 June after the victory of National at Paris we heard
the uniform volleys with short intervals... We looked each other in the
eyes; everybodys faces turned green... But those are executions, we said
simultaneously and turned away from one another. I pressed my forehead
into the window glass. Hatred for those moments lasts for decades, revenge
takes entire life. Sorry are those, who forgive those moments107 .
Those were the disarmed enemies, but here... are the close families...
There is a description of a scary scene in the memoirs by S. M. Ustinov108 : Along
the major street, ahead of Volunteer Army troops, a disheveled, barefoot woman
was spinning in an insane, wild dance... The Bolsheviks executed her husband before
retreating the night before...
Read the messages about violence committed against women, and you will no longer
be surprised by unavoidable, almost natural revenge.
We can find plenty of information in that regard in the amazing book that we
quoted so often. Do the following lines speak volumes of what the women prisoners
of Kholmogory concentration camp have to put up with109 .
...The cooks, laundrywomen and servants of prison administration are
from among the inmates, and often from the intelligent. The commanders
deputies call the girls they liked into their apartments under the pretense
of cleaning (for example Okren used to do that) including at night time...
Both commander and the deputies have consorts from among the prisoners. Refusing one or another work, disobeying administration is something unacceptable: the prisoners are so intimidated, that they meekly
put up with any humiliation and brutality. There were protests one of
such protesters, who openly expressed her dismay, was executed (when
Bachoolis was a commander). Once an intelligent educated girl was summoned to a deputy commander at 3 AM; she flat out refused to go and
what happened? Her cell-mates begged her not to refuse, otherwise both
she and them would suffer the consequences.
The special department of Kuban Che Ka posts the guards not only in the change
room, but in the bath itself when the female inmates are bathing...
Recall the teacher Dombrovsky, raped before execution...(see p. 118) One young
woman, sentenced to execution by firing squad for speculation, was raped by the head
of Kislovodsk Che Ka counter-intelligence, then slashed to death with a sword and he
abused her corpse 110 . A reliable witness stated in his unpublished memoirs a 12 year
old daughter of Gen. C. was raped before she and her mother have been executed
according to the drivers who drove them to the place of execution...
The laughing and swearing drunk executioners surrounded the women,
writhing in hysterics on the floor. They passed crude jokes, unbuttoned
the dresses, searched... The ward supervisor begged: Leave them alone. I
know that you cannot be trusted around the women to be executed...111 .
That happens everywhere. One of the exiled anarchists wrote recently in Berlin
Anarchy Messenger 112 about Vologda transfer prison:
The warden warned us before leaving to be on alert: a guard or supervisor himself might show up at night with you know what on their mind.
That was the custom. Almost all women in the incoming transfer parties
are getting raped. And almost all jailers are sick and infect the women...
The warning was not for nothing...
I recall a rape incident that occurred in the mens solitary confinement block on
the top floor, in the high security ward of Special Department. The guards stated,
that the arrested woman offered herself for 1/2 lb of bread. Okay, let us assume that
was true. For 1/2 lb of bad rye bread! Does this fact require any comments? Sinavari
talked about rapes in St. Petersburg in his testimony during Conradi trial.
But here is information of different sort regarding the activities of the same Kuban
Extreme Commission.
That little town tsar, who held power of life or death of the residents in
his hands, who carried out confiscations, commandeering and executions
of people with impunity, was tired of lavish lifestyle pleasures and found
satisfaction in gratification of his lust. There was no attractive woman,
whom Sarayev has seen and not raped. The methods of violence are simple
and primitive in their savage cruelty. The close family of the targeted
victim is arrested brother, husband or father, and sometimes all together,
and get sentenced to execution by firing squad. Naturally, the woman tries
to make arrangements, runs from pillar to post. Sarayev cleverly turns
that to his advantage, making a disgusting ultimatum: she either comes
across for the freedom of a family members, or they would be executed.
In most cases the victim chooses the later in a struggle between death of
family and her own falling. If Sarayev particularly liked that woman, the
case dragged on longer, making the victim satisfy him the next night and
so on. All that occurred with impunity among the terrorized residents,
deprived of the elementary rights and means to protect their interests.
A chair of administrative committee in Pashkovskaya village came to
liking of one cossack officer Ns wife. They organized his harassment. At
first the official commandeered half of Ns house and moved in. But close
proximity was not enough to attract the beauty to the official. Then the
measures have been taken to get rid of the obstacle the husband and
he was arrested and executed as a former officer, which means a counterrevolutionary.
There is no end to the facts of sexual harassment. They are all uniform
and evidence of one thing deprivation of rights, completely irresponsible
tyranny of Bolshevik government...
You are very attractive, your husband is not worth of you, told Che Ka
investigator to Mrs. G, and calmly added, I am releasing you, but will execute your
husband on the charges of counter-revolution; but I may release him, if you will keep
my company once released... Terrified, close to insanity G. told of the interrogation to
the cell mates, and received unanimous advise to save her husband at any cost. She
was soon released from Che Ka, the investigator visited her apartment a few times,
but... her husband was still executed by firing squad.
An excommer offered freedom to an officers widow M. on the condition of cohabitation. M. agreed and was freed, and the excommer moved in with her.
I hate him, told M. her friend Mrs. T., but what can I do, widowed, with three
small children... However, I am not so stressed anymore, not afraid of the searches,
not worried, that any moment they would barge in and drag me to Che Ka.
I could supplement that list with the similar cases from the practice of Moscow
institutions, and not only Moscow. I know from reliable source of a fact, that proves,
that one of the top ranking Che Ka officials is guilty of such murder... As I cannot
risk revealing the source, they cannot be named now.
Every sailor had 4 5 lovers, mostly from among the officer widows and wifes
of the officers who were away tells the witness at Lausanne trial quoted above
about Crimea ordeal. To not come across, not surrender means to be executed.
The strong committed suicides. That was a widespread outcome. And further: the
drunk, mad of blood, grabbed a list and crossed out the last names of those, whom
they did not like during the nightly orgies, where the sisters of charity and wives of
arrested and escaped officers and other female hostages were forced to take part in.
The crossed have been executed the same night... Orgies occurred systematically
at Nikolayev Che Ka and Tribunal testified one witness to Denikins Commission.
Even the women who came with appeals for their family members the arrestees
were freed for taking part. Sister of charity Medvedeva from Kiev testified to that
commission about an extremely cynical scene. The excommers had a number of
women at their disposal, says Medvedeva. They approached women from the
inappropriate point of view only. That was scary. Sorin loved orgies. This is what
transpired on Holy Starutday at the former Demchenko Hall. Two appellants enter
the hall, curtain opens on a stage where three completely naked women are playing
grand piano. He saw the appellants, who told me that, in front of those.
Some respecting women weeks announced in Russia by Workers Newspaper
and Proletarian Truth! For infamous nationalization of women and so-called days
of free love, that caused so much ridicule in Bolshevik and other press, existed without
doubt as facts of tyranny in the provinces. That was documentary confirmed.
Oppressing Bourgeois
Terror it is killing, spilling blood, executions. But it is not only execution, that most
impacts thought and imagination of the enemy... The methods of terror are countless and varying, as countless and varying are expression of oppression and tyranny...
Terror it is execution everywhere, at every corner... writes one of the participants
of October revolution, one of the creators of that system of government, where execution is bloody finalization, dark pinnacle of the system, which is stubbornly daily
killing peoples soul in his new book Moral Outlook of Revolution 113 It is a pity
that Mr. Steinberg wrote that in October 1923 in Berlin and not in October 1917. It
is too late to talk about greatest sin of our revolution now, in the atmosphere of
inexhaustible soul decay, that we observe. Without doubt, in order to get the gist
of the events, christened red terror, we must portray it in the rest of many areas
of public life, where tyranny and violence take place previously unheard of. That
pp. 20 23.
tyranny puts human lives in jeopardy. Not only freedom of speech has been suppressed everywhere, not only heavy burden of censorship collapsed human thought,
but many Russian writers perished in the torture chambers and basements of the
institutions of revolutionary justice. Let us recall A. P. Laurier, the most humane
popular socialist, executed in Crimea for collaborating with Southern Messages,
SR Zhilkin, editor of Arkhangelsk Northern Revival, Leonov editor of Northern
Morning, Aliasberg reporter of the Odessa papers Modern Word and Southern Word, accused of discrediting soviet government before Western proletariat,
Plehanov follower Bachmetiyev, executed in Nikolayev for reporting to Free Word;
social-democrat Matskevich editor of Transitional Government Messenger; A. S.
Prugavin, who perished in Novo-Nikolayevsk prison, V. V. Wolk-Karachaevsky, who
died of typhus in Booturskaya prison, Dushechkin there too. Those are the names
taken at random. But too many of them! So many scientists! The listings, recently
published abroad by the scientist union are desperately far from complete.
Let us leave those sad memories alone for now. We want to touch upon another
important form of terrorizing population, that exceeds everything else in its rudeness
and lack of sense. We will talk about oppression of bourgeois. That concept applied
to all intelligent and was especially widespread in the South114 . There were designated
dates, when total searches were conducted and almost all personal property except for
bare minimum was confiscated according to a quota: one bedding sheet, two napkins
etc. Following is a description of one such day in Ekaterinodar in 1921, announced at
the anniversary of Commune de Paris115 :
The armed to the teeth Bolsheviks accompanied by the squads of reds
barged into all apartments, belonging to those, who had a misfortune to
be nobles, merchants, prominent citizens, lawyers, officers before the revolution, but now were doctors, professors, engineers in other words bourgeois carried out detailed search, confiscated money and everything of
value, dragged the residents outside dressed as they were without distinction of sex, age and even health condition, sometimes the almost dead of
typhus, loaded into the waiting carts under heavy guard and drove them
outside the city into the barns and barracks. Some bourgeois were locked
into a concentration camp, some sent to Pertrovsk city for forced labor (!!)
at the fisheries of Caspian sea. Nightmarish scene of expelling hundreds of
families continued for day and a half... Their property was confiscated for
distribution among the workers. We do not know if it reached the workers,
but know full well that it ended up at the marketplace and was bought
back by the former owners from the speculators, and finding own suits on
the commissars and dresses on their wives became a custom.
We should describe the instances of arbitrary taxes, that reached hyperbolic proportions especially in the first few years of Bolshevik ruling. Failing to pay them
meant arrest, imprisonment and possible execution as a hostage at random.
The street raids have been replaced with nightly apartment raids. The
captured bourgeois have been dragged into the militia detachments and in
the morning, without regard to the age, sent for loading the rail cars and
digging trenches. They were not used to menial labor and were inefficient
at that not due to laziness, but due to lack of experience and old age of
many, but the same curses and whips of the guards fell onto the temporary
laborers. The women were sent to clean the barracks and the buildings
confiscated for stationing the commissars and communist institutions. The
young girls have been intentionally sent to forced labor in the first day of
Passover. They were suddenly summoned to the detachments and sent to
clean the red army barracks, dirty as hell. The students were not allowed
to change from their festive dresses or pick up mops and rugs for cleaning.
The commissars forced them to clean the toilets with their bare hands
under the barrel of the gun and a whip118 .
A week of confiscating surplus was carried out in Kiev.
The former commissar of Bolshevik justice was right, stating in his book, that
arbitrary confiscations and evictions, that were rooted in the secret quotas and only
on the surface applicable to the rich and idle, but in reality struck the hungry and
tired, were a manifestation of terror, when they were enacted by the orders similar
to No. 19 of 9 April 1918 in Vladikavkaz: All bourgeois, both those who have paid
tax contribution and those who have not, is under obligation to turn up at 8 PM to
the Winter Theater. Failure to turn up is punishable with execution by firing squad
it is real terror in the truest sense of the word. Would it not be enough to quote
an interview of Peters to the communist reporters, published by Kiev Izvestiya 29
August 1919.
I recall how the St. Petersburg workers echoed my appeal to carry
out mass searches of bourgeois. Up to 20,000 workers, sailors and red
army men took part in those raids. Their work was above and beyond...
They found 2000 bombs (!!), 3000 prismatic binoculars, 30,000 compasses
and many other items of military issue. Those searches allowed us to
find the tracks of the counter-revolutionary organizations, that were later
discovered country-wide...
Unfortunately there is no such organized help in Kiev... The marauders
and speculators, who inflate the prices, hide food that the city needs so
badly. Yesterday we found stockpiles of food during the searches. Their
owners, who failed to comply with my order to register the stockpiles, will
be subjected to capital punishment.
That is no longer fictional. And the same issue of Izvestiya provided immediate
feedback in the form of a list of 127 names of the executed by firing squad. The
hostages, who so often paid with their lives during the civil war, were not fictional
either. And not only during the retreats, but upon finding staged, provoked and real
conspiracies against soviet government.
Chapter 10
Graveyards Of The Living and
Homes of the Dead
Prison and Exile.
The de-jure hostages and those who can be referred to as de-facto hostages overcrowd
the prisons and all kinds of concentration camps. What are the living conditions
there? We already learned about that from a description of one such camp in the
far North. Let us assume that house of horrors is an exception. For one cannot
imagine, that only horror rules the country. But everyday life in Soviet Russia, and
especially in prisons under immediate control of the Extreme Commissions is nothing
but horror: they did not treat us like that at the penal servitude colonies of the
monarchy wrote Left SR Spiridonova in 1919, the same one who supported the
Bolsheviks during the October 1917 coup. Imagining the living conditions of Saratov
and Tsaritsyn barracks converted into prisons for lack of space, is not too hard.
The jailers of those prisons and concentration camps intentionally invented tyrannical measures over the prisoners. The old prison never knew so sophisticated methods of tyranny, that are commonplace in present wrote the authors of memorandum
about the soviet prisons in 19211 . Kara, Zarentuy, Sakhalin all pale in comparison
with the modern times2 . All that truly pales, when the prisoners are being forced to
bury the corpses of the executed3 ; when women are forced to clean up blood from the
floors after the executions, to clean walls splattered with blood and chunks of human
brain possibly of their family members: that is a torture indeed. But tyranny is
ongoing for example many were forced to clean up the outhouses with their bare
hands; virtually every testimony before Denikins Commission mentioned that fact.
In Odessa they specifically summoned the bourgeois from French Boulevard 4 ; when
those vomited while cleaning waste with intentionally so primitive tools, they were
Memorandum of a Congress of the Members of Russian Parliament in Paris, p. 12. The document
included volumes of information on conditions of political prisoners.
The locations of hard labor camps during the monarchy. Trans.
It happened in Moscow, the same was noted by the Kiev sisters of charity who were forced to
clean up the cellar, used for executions.
An upscale neighborhood in Odessa under monarchy. Trans.
beaten with the buttstocks. Cleaning of toilets with bare hands was commonplace
everywhere: that fate caught up with Gen. Ruzsky too. The political prisoners are
housed in the infectious wards (there were incidents); the bourgeois in Theodosia,
working on sweeping the streets, had to wear the confiscated high hats; the prisoners
in Pyatigorsk get yelled at: Get to your doghouses, mongrels! etc.
It appears that methods of tyranny are specifically getting invented. Nightly interrogations, nightly searches... They wake up everyone in a cell and move them to a
cellar. After two days they would move everyone back. That is a story about Odessa
prison... We experienced those nightly searches and transfers etc. in Moscow. That
would be senseless, if it was not a method of tyranny over the prisoners, special
method of psychological pressure.
The concentration camps once wrote to RCAC the SR prisoners are the
places of wild tyranny, focus of epidemics unheard of, mass extinction. And again
there is no overstatement here on the side of the victims. We provided mortality
statistics at Kholmogory camp. In 1922 of 5000 prisoners of Arkhangelsk camp from
Kronstadt only 1500 survived5 . Thus thousands diminished mere hundreds even without the executions.
Many former prisons now bear a title Soviet detention house, but in reality
that is much worse than the penal centers under monarchy, at least by the living
conditions. When and where the rules prohibited not only reading, but walking as a
Those are the official policies of the so called internal prison of Che Ka Special
Department in Moscow, where the windows are covered with the special steel blinds
(besides the bars), that seal the windows from outside the cells are always dimmed.
The solitary confinement cells at Gorokhovaya St. in St. Petersburg, prison of the
local Che Ka, are a sort of wooden coffins (cells 6 by 3 feet with no windows or
light). Where there were 3 solitary cells under monarchy, there are 13 now holding 24
people6 . The same policy as in Moscow Special Department applies here. A built-in
cabinet was used as a punitive cell in Kiev a sister of charity once found 3 prisoners
locked there: an old man, his daughter and her husband, an officer. What about the
moist, dark cellars? SR Samorodova was held for about a month in Baku in 1922
literally in a crypt a deep basement cellar with no windows, absolutely dark day or
night. Other accused in the SR trial in Baku were kept in the similar noxious cellars,
with no windows, no light during investigation (both workers and intelligent). A 16
year old high school student was made to kneel on nails and shards of broken glass
in a cellar with a heating oil tank 7 .
The prisoners were at least fed under monarchy. And now? The rations at the
Moscow prisons in 1918 included 1/2 lb of bread and broth with rotten potatoes and
cabbage8 . On top of that prohibition of parcels with food from the families for month
at a time is widely practiced as a punishment and method of extracting required
testimony9 .
Enormous mortality of starvation was direct consequence of that policy up to
75% at the prison hospital. The head of Taganskaya prison officially reported, and
Bolshevik press published10 40% mortality of starvation. It was published when several
sentimental Bolsheviks were dismayed by what they learned and witnessed. An
article by Dyakonov in Izvestiya 11 was titled Graveyard Of The Living. He wrote
about the holding cells at Taganskaya prison:
Several cells are overcrowded by the sick with high fever up to 100.4
104 degrees. Everything is in the mix: camp fever and Spanish 12 . Those
half-dead creatures lie there for a week or longer; they are not being sent
to a hospital. Temperature in the cell is 40 45 degrees, sometimes as
low as 37.5. Some of the sick have thin blankets, others do not; they cover
themselves with the coats. No bedding sheets, no pillow cases; the filthy
boards are covered with a kind of mattress with no straw left. Underwear
is worn for up to 2 months without change. The faces are emaciated,
bodies like shadows. The expression is of people awaiting death. And not
a single nurse for 100 of those prisoners.
The doctor on duty, who worked at that prison for 20 years, served
there under the different regimes, said that death of starvation is frequent
as of lately. Typhus and Spanish flu take a toll of several people a day.
The same filth is in all wards and cells, the same emaciated faces; the
hungry, begging eyes staring from behind the iron bars and stretching the
thin hands. Almost 1000 people are moaning from pain, about amnesty,
and that they are waiting to be interviewed for 2 3 months, to be tried
for over a year that turns the scene we saw into a horrible scene of some
nightmarish hallucination.
But enough with the facts.
Let those who can understand human suffering supplement that scene
with the pain, experienced by a person, who is thrown into that house of
Truly, a living soul, who languished behind the iron bars and thick
walls for a month, has atoned for a most heinous crime.
And how many innocents are imprisoned there!
without salt (The Path Of Revolution, p. 338). St. Petersburg Revolutionary Business (No. 2) so
described conditions of 2000 Tambov peasants, including women and children, imprisoned at Vyborg
prison in St. Petersburg in February 1922: Not people, but scary shadows are walking about prison,
moaning all day... Hunger extinction is literally going on. Several people die every day.
Many prisons also practiced nationalization of the parcels. They were not delivered to the
prisoners, but were pooled. Not hard to imagine what was the outcome. It is possible that the
solitary confinement wards in St. Petersburg are either pooling the parcels or giving them to the
Izvestiya, 26 December 1918.
4 December 1918.
Typhus and Spanish flu. Trans.
The same author wrote in another article: The letters from other detention centers
of Moscow and the provinces paint the same horrible picture of the houses of the
Bizarre, that we are not going to tolerate... Well said, while the inmates of Che
Ka are being held like cattle sometimes hundreds at a time at a location, designed
for a few dozens, among the billions of pests, with no food or change of clothes...
One of the renowned Russian political writers, who was arrested in Crimea at
advanced age, was imprisoned in a cellar, where both men and women were locked.
He spent 6 days there. It was so crowded, that it was impossible to lie down. One day
so many news prisoners were brought in, that they could not even stand. Then parties
were executed one after another and that created some space. The arrestees were not
fed for several days, (apparently everyone in the cellar were considered doomed). Cold
water was given once a day. The parcels were not accepted and the family members
who brought them were dispersed with blank volleys...
Prisons became more organized with time, but in reality little has changed. The
graveyards of the living and houses of the dead are still where they were, and the
same miserable living conditions continue. They became even worse in some areas.
Are we now receiving the news of mass beatings at the prisons, of the inmate strikes13 ,
of hunger strikes we never heard of under monarchy (for example, SR Tarabookin
16 days) that hundreds and thousands take part in once entire Bootyrskaya prison
went on a hunger strike: more than 1000 people; of suicides etc. It would be wrong to
judge that Bolshevik prison from the perspective of personal experience from the old
times. People of our gravity were somewhat privileged even under monarchy. There
was the time, when the socialists, at least in Moscow, were allowed certain privileges
above the rest. They achieved that with protests, hunger strikes, solidarity they
Those strikes of the socialists, always accompanied by the beatings, exiles etc., became commonplace; they occurred in Bootyrskaya prison in 1918, 19, 20, 21 and 22. We will not reproduce
their descriptions as foreign press published a lot about them.
broke down established order. Only to a point for they paid for those privileges
Here is a statement by the officially closed Moscow Political Red Cross, submitted
in 1922 to the bureau of RCAC. It starts with:
Political Red Cross considers its duty to point the Bureau at systematic degradation of the condition of political prisoners as of lately. The
conditions of their incarceration has degraded to those of the first days of
civil war on Russian territory... The excesses, allowed in a nervous atmosphere of 1918... have been reproduced in day to day practice...
People in Russia get used to everything, they have gotten used to prison too. And
so hundreds and thousands of the prisoners languish, sometimes quietly, with dustgray swollen faces, dim and lifeless eyes; for months and years in the basements and
cellars (with blinds on the windows) of the former Extreme Commissions, now the
Departments of State Political Administration (GPU). Any spirit of disobedience
or self-determination is ruthlessly persecuted. And that situation is equal between
Odessa, Orel, Moscow and St. Petersburg, needless to say in the provinces.
Here is a striking description of political exile by G. M. Yudovich, transferred
from Moscow to Ustsysolsk of North-Dvinsk region in the fall of 1921, over a chain
of provincial prisons14 .
We arrived at Vologda transfer prison late at night...
The supervisors met us with dirty swearing from the very first moment.
Stand here!...
Do not dare! Do not move! Be silent!...
They took away much of our property. Everything be it a spoon or
a cup was important in our dire situation. I tried to protest and register
a complaint. That of course got me nowhere.
Then they directed us into the cells.
I approached a door of the common female cell and groaned. No words
can translate that incredible horror: 30 40 of half-dead creatures were
moving among disgusting sticky mud. There were feces and mud even on
the cell walls...
The day brought new horror: food. We were fed with half-rotten fish
only. There were no grains the jailers stole it. As Vologda transfer prison
is a central, i.e. it constantly houses the prisoners being transferred,
overcrowding is incredible and no one is concerned with food preparation.
Kitchenwares are never washed. Everything is cooked in the dirty pots.
The pots, used to cook disgusting broth, are teeming with incredible number of worms...
Vyatka follows Vologda.
G. M. Yudovich mentioned, that she was sick before exile and applied for a delay,
pointing out that she had no warm clothes and could not travel to the North. The
reply was to transfer immediately. It always is. That is another form of tyranny
of the prisoners. For example, a party of convicted to forced labor was rushed to
Ekaterinburg from Ivanovo camp in Moscow on the night of 19 October 1920. There
were famous public figures among the prisoners. We will quote only a few lines from
the description of that transfer by one of its participants.
There were sick people aged 60 70 among the 96 prisoners; all their
application to be allowed to stay were in vain. Many had no warm clothes
after all, as weather during their arrest was still warm, and the first real
snowfall was right on the 19th . Many had no shoes, no food. Everyone was
rushed to pack and many left the basic necessities behind. The prisoners to
be transferred were lead to a gallery, which was very cold, and had to wait
for more than an hour, then were searched and taken to the yard. After
several head counts they were lead into the streets under heavy guard and
walked to a rail terminal of Northern railway (Yaroslavl terminal). The
guards were rude along the way, rushed the prisoners, even though it was
hard for the elderly carrying their stuff. Arrived at the terminal around
1 AM. Here we stood outside for more than 3 1/2 hours in snow storm
(5 14 degree weather) due to lack of cars and absence of a responsible
official, who had to accept the prisoners and load onto the cars. After 1 AM
a party from Androniev camp arrived and stood nearby. We recognized
several prisoners among them, who were transfered from Ivanovo camp
supposedly for release (by the way, there were 30 35 Polish nationals
among the 96, who were considered civilian prisoners of war). Loading
into the cars started at half past three. The train left only at 9 10 AM
on 20 October, so it was not clear why we had to be rushed with packing
up and wait in the cold at the terminal.
There were about 60 cars in a train, as about 100 people from Ordynka
camp joined us from Ivanovo and Andronyev camps, and a few dozens
from Novo-Peskovo and Pokrov camps. On top of that about 500 students
of political courses for the red army commanders (formerly white oficers
of Kolchak and Denikins armies) and 450 candidates, i.e. about 1400
1500 prisoners in total. We learned the following about the students and
candidates in transit. The officers, who qualified to serving in Red Army,
all have been sent to a 6-week political course, which they had to pass in
order to serve. The prominent figures from the communist party lectured
them in the principles of soviet government and communism. The students
from Alexandrov almost graduated, only a few days was left for them until
graduation and distribution to the Red Army units. They were not under
arrest and lived in the dorms of Alexandrov military school. The day before
or on the morning of 19 they were suddenly crowded into Kozhukhov camp
(in about 10 miles from Moscow) without explanation and joined the train
on the night from 19 to 20. As to the candidates, they were transferred to
the same courses from the various camps around the country and awaited
entry, i.e. graduation of the previous group. They were free. Some of them
lived in the dorms, others rented private apartments, and only had to
show up to a daily checkpoint. That day, on the 19, those who showed
up at checkpoint were detained as they were dressed, i.e. with no warm
clothes, not allowed to pack their belongings from the apartments, and
sent to the terminal for transfer to Ekaterinburg. The cars in the train
were freight (not even insulated).
Food matched the conditions of transfer... Only 8 times in 12 days was
given bread (often no more than 1/2 lb), twice small pieces of raw meat (we
were lucky to procure the stoves), 2 3 times several spoonfuls of grain, 2
3 times one spoonful of cooking butter, 2 3 times 3 4 potatoes, twice
a piece of herring, twice coffee, twice sugar, once salt and once tobacco
(2 cigarettes per person) and one box of matches per cart. Even with the
stoves, not everyone had a chance to cook, as many did not have pots; it
took very long to cook for 35 and while waiting for their ration many did
not eat for days at a time, and finally often there was no water. Some were
lucky to pack some food from the camps and supplement the ration that
way. Those who had no own food were starving or had to buy and barter
any money and stuff they had (far not everyone did) for food (starting
from 3 4th day of travel, when the train entered grain-producing Vyatka
region). Money could buy almost nothing. Everything was used for barter
soap, thread, pencils, copper and tin kitchenwares, extra underwear and
I reckon, that for any one insufficiently familiar with the conditions of Russian
politics of the day, it would be difficult to imagine Bolshevik prison with the inmates
from 3 to 97 years old (there was an 8 year old spy in Bootyrskaya prison); those
armies of exiled men, women, children and the elderly...
Prison is a never ending horror in Russia these days. And not only for the prisoners
themselves, but for the families too. They learn about death of the family members
accidentally. So many parents still do not know, whether their children are dead or
alive. They are living with hope to find a close relative in some remote corner of
Northern concentration camps. They are deprived of even the last relief burying the
corpses of the loved ones.
It can be the other way around. I know of an incident in Moscow, confirmed by
an official document from 1920, when Che Ka notified the parents, that their 16 year
old son, arrested under the case of lawn tennis club, was executed by firing squad
4 December. Meanwhile it was established, that he was executed on the 22. They
issued that document so that parents would not make arrangements for their sons
release. The arrangements, according to Latsis, only mess with the process this is
why Latsis accelerated executions of those, for whom arrangements were going to be
The families run from pillar to post at the Che Ka institutions in order to find
any information about the prisoners, but not getting any. Not even where they are
locked up. The above mentioned document by Red Cross said:
Che Ka stopped providing information about the prisoners to their
families... The families are being kept unaware of their members situation
for weeks. For example, the families of those arrested 14 15 April (1921)
by an order of the Secret Department (up to 400 in total) could not pass
the parcels (primarily food) or learn their whereabouts for three weeks.
Can you imagine mental state of those, who are looking for the prisoners while the
executions are being carried out? And those days repeat so often! Is that not a special
kind of torture, shifted from an individual to a number of their family members?
Variety of grounds for arrests, sometimes mass arrests practiced by the Extreme
Commissions is unimaginable. Demonstrating humane nature of soviet government,
Latsis provided the arrest statistics by Che Ka in 1918 1919 at 128 thousand people. And that was for entire Soviet Russia! Where is that unruly terror, that our
commoners are accusing us of at every opportunity?! If we would take into account,
that that officially prison capacity in 1919 was 36 thousand, than even Latsiss figure
is nothing but small. But mortality statistics, just as that of the arrests, are understated in the utmost. Indeed, if some tiny Kineshma has a concentration camp for
1000 prisoners (the prisons are never vacant these days16 ); if the concentration camps
just near Omsk house 25 thousand, it becomes clear, that we are dealing with hundreds of thousands country wide, as nearly all monasteries have been converted into
the prisons.
With peculiar process, practiced by Che Ka (or GPU does not matter), when
hundreds of innocents are being arrested just in case, the prisons are doomed to be
Latsis pointed out in his articles, that more than half of the arrested were released
in 1918 1919.
But we are going to be asked, where do the huge numbers of arrested
innocents originate from? It happens due to the fact, that when entire
institution, battalion or military school become implicated in a conspiracy, is there another method to prevent possible mistakes than to arrest
everyone, then separate the innocent during a thorough investigation?
Apparently Bolshevik government was unique in the whole world in adopting that
method of finding the guilty. As to security of the person, that was nothing more than
a bourgeois prejudice. Entire battalion, entire institution... We in Moscow witnessed,
how for example, 1000 office workers of Housing Department get arrested overnight
for the abuses, or up to a hundred of ambushed get arrested at some institution or
apartment17 . We cannot help but notice the ugly shapes, that widespread system of
ambushes takes, when many random people, who have no connection with the politics,
get arrested and imprisoned for prolonged terms. We can provide numerous examples,
where the arrested during ambush were kept without interview for over a month,
read a report by Political Red Cross. For example, 600 shoppers have been taken to
Che Ka from an ambush at an art store of Dacciaro18 in Moscow. Once entire wedding
was imprisoned in Bootyrskaya prison the guests, cab drivers etc. 400 people were
arrested in a case of cafeteria at Nikistky Blvd where food speculation was suspected.
That occurred in all cities. Those raids sometimes reached hyperbolic proportions.
According to rumors, 16 thousands were arrested in Odessa in July 1921. They were
detained for three days. Common Business 19 reporter explained that by a plan to
prevent the unwanted segments from voting during the election of the Soviet. The
Latest News 20 quoted an emigrant from Novorossiysk, that there was a designated
prison day in that city, when a 24 hour curfew was imposed. The mass arrests were
carried out those days and armies of people of all ages and classes were taken to Che
Rakovski wrote in an official document: People get arrested only for a specific
deed in Soviet Russia. Only an official document could state that. Reality did not
match that a little bit, of course.
No wonder, that Odette Keun was convinced by her imprisonment at many prisons, that out
of 10 residents, 8 were imprisoned by Che Ka in the big cities.
The store mostly sold posters of the famous paintings. Trans.
9 November 1921.
1920., No. 131.
A decree of RCAC Bureau of 1 February 1919 stated Red Cross report that
prescribed the Che Ka investigators to complete investigation of the cases within one
month, is not being followed.
It was always like that. In 1918, when Peters stated that all 2000 of the arrested
(29 October) have been interviewed, when in reality people were jailed for months
without interview while Che Ka could not manage chaos; same was in 191921 , same
was during re-organization of Che Ka to GPU in 1922. It remains the same now, even
though it was officially announced by decree of RCAC, that every arrestee must be
interrogated within 48 hours, that charges have to be laid no later than two weeks from
arrest date, that investigation has to be completed in two months and the arrestee
has to be released or sent to trial, that detention for a longer term than two months
has to be approved by the top legislative body of Soviet Russia.
Everyone who believes in Soviet habeas corpus act is naive. There are no exceptions in that area. Perhaps there cannot be.
As to the arrest statistics, then even Bolshevik own official data, no matter how
understated22 , demonstrate, that tyranny of arrests is not decreasing. Information in
the reports of Internal Affairs Commissariat and Justice Commissariat to the 10th
Congress of the Soviets leads us to believe, that 10,638 were in exile on political
grounds as of 1 December 1922; there were 48,819 political prisoners23 . The data was
for Central Russia only. According to the lists of Supreme Administration of Detention
Centers there were 72,685 arrested as of 1 July 1923 of them 2/3 on political
grounds24 . The composition of prisoner population has not changed compared with
our mortality statistics of 1918. The workers and peasants accounted for 40% of the
prisoners25 . Terror still is not following class theory to the day. That is only a system
of government, employing tyranny.
Exile became enormous since 192226 . All the methods of the past have been restored. Both Turukhansk and Narym camps, and Solovki. An appeal of Berlin Society
For Aiding Political Prisoners and Exiled in Russia further reads:
Recently Portaminsk concentration camp on the Arctic Sea shore was
in the spotlight. Starting late last year (1922) the large parties of the
prisoners were transferred there from Moscow and other cities.
This is how the exiled described general conditions at Portaminsk:
The camp is situated in the ruins of a monastery, with no heating, no
bunk beds or running water, which is given in limited quantity, with no
sufficient meals and with absolutely no health care. Twice a year during
Spring melt and Autumn snowfall Portaminsk is not accessible for weeks
and there is no communication of the exiled with the mainland...27
But Portaminsk capacity was insufficient. Solovki Archipelago became high destination for exile in the last year. Here is a description of the new exile location with
over 200 prisoners.
The inmates are housed on 2.7 acres; leaving that lot is strictly prohibited and guards are ordered to fire without warning at the violators...
The island would be inaccessible in Winter.
Condemning people to physical and spiritual death, communist government especially cruelly creates the conditions, unheard of even in tragic
history of Russian penal servitude and exile.
We can find a description of that red penal servitude in the Solovki Archipelago
in a letter from Russia, published in No. 31 of Revolutionary Russia 28 .
The main difference from pre-revolution penal servitude is in the fact,
that entire administration, from top to bottom (except for the head of
Administration) is composed of the criminals, imprisoned in that camp.
Of course those are select individuals: for the most part they are the excommers, convicted for theft, extortion, torture and other misdeeds. Over
there, away from any public and judicial control, powerless and silenced
population of the red penal servitude is at the mercy of those tried
excommers... It has no shoes, clothes and food, has to work for 14 hours a
day and gets punished for any violation entirely at the whim of resourceful
administration: with the sticks, whips, punishment cells and stone sacks,
starvation, standing outside among mosquitoes while naked...
Savvatiyev hermitage, where the socialists are imprisoned, is situated
deeper on the island. It occupies 2.7 acres near the lake and is fenced with
barbed wire. About 200 socialists and anarchists live there in a building,
designed for 70. They are provided absolute freedom within that camp:
they can starve, become sick, go insane and die without limits, without
any attempt to intervene by administration. Any conversation with the
See description of wild cruelty, that occurred in Portaminsk and Kholmogory camps above in
the Mutilation and Torture section. We highlighted this description as it exceeds anything possible
in usual prison practice. This is torture, real but prolonged.
October November 1923.
Just after two months since publication of my book the worst expectations came
true. We learned about a suicide at Solovki; we learned from an official publication
about mass beating with fatal outcome. Izvestiya No. 3429 published a fine-print
note regarding the events at Solovki: An unfortunate incident occurred 19 December
1923 at 6 PM in the court of Savvatiyev hermitage, where the prisoners clashed with a
squad of Red Army who guarded the said hermitage where the prisoners are housed.
According to the chair of the commission for investigation of the incident, member of
Bureau of Central Administrative Committee of USSR R. Smirnov 6 people were
killed and died of wounds; two lightly wounded.
The fact of establishing a special commission for investigation and its brief official
report we can deduct real scale of tragedy, that played out in the North, cut-off from
the rest of the world. That is the fate of the socialists. What about fate of the other
political prisoners in Solovki?... Everything we need to know we can read in an article
by a Socialist Messenger 30 reporter.
There is a special prison in Solovki besides the concentration camps for
the socialists the so called Kremlin... Kremlin is a completely remote
location from the detention camps of the socialists it is a different world.
The old criminal society with its old economy, old habits and old morale
is concentrated there. The so called economic get sent there, i.e. people
convicted on the economic charges for bribery, theft etc. But there are
political prisoners here too: the clergy, counter-revolutionaries etc.
10 February 1924
11 February 1921.
The horrors of regime at the Kremlin, despite the open cells, exceed
any expectation. People get savagely beaten. The laboring get beaten for
any mistake. Not only the guards carry sticks, but the party wardens too.
The punishment are on part with inquisition: people are disrobed and left
outside with mosquitoes (in the summer) or locked for a week or two in
a dark cell where it is impossible to lay down (so small it is), or in a tower
with ice in winter. Nutrition is horrible, for the rations get stolen.
Situation of the women is truly desperate. They are even more deprived
of rights than the men, and regardless of their background, upbringing,
education and habits have to fall. They are under total control of administration that taxes them in kind... The women get laid for the bread
rations. The sexually transmitted diseases are just as widespread as scurvy
and tuberculosis.
In sort this is a truly slave camp with population completely deprived
of their rights, with horrible conditions, starvation, beating, torture and
That regime is the greatest disgrace for the Bolsheviks, even if it was
applied to the gravest criminals only. But when the defeated political
adversaries are put into that situation, there is not enough words of protest
to condemn that dirty business.
And those people dare to shame some Sementovsky31 , Kovalev and the
likes for inhumane treatment of political prisoners! Are they any better?
No, they are worse, hundred times worse! At least there was no rude hypocrisy back
then. And now they are judging the executioners of tsars penal servitude, sending
solemn protests against violence and repressions to Finland, Latvia, Poland, France
etc.; writing noisy articles about violence against the communists in the foreign prisons
and... committing violence over human beings and their lives, unheard of previously!...
Reading the solemn resolutions and addresses to the revolutionary fighters, languishing in the bourgeois prisons adopted and signed by the Russian Society Of The
Former Political Prisoners 12 March 1923 in a meeting, chaired by the communists
Theodorovich, Vilenski-Sibiryakov and Kramorov becomes disgusting and painful.
They expressed assurance, that time, when revolutionary pressure from proletariat
will slam the doors of prisons open, where bourgeois keep their class adversaries. The
Society is creating an international organization Revolutionary Red Cross For Aiding The Prisoners Of Capital, that will not stop its activity until the prison doors
will be open worldwide, as it was 6 years ago in Russia. Disgusting as hypocrisy is
unbearable. Painful as people, whom I previously respected and harbored warmest
feelings towards became implicated in that high hypocrisy...
The notorious stone sacks, that existed at the monastery virtually since the times
of Ivan-The-Grave restored in Solovki. The prisoners get locked in those narrow and
Inspector of prison administration under monarchy. According to the memoirs of political prisoners under the old regime he authorized transfer of sick prisoner into the hospital, which was against
the policy. Trans.
deep cavities in the stone walls with no light for a week or two 32 .
The words of poet Polonsky from his diary in connection with the Turkish atrocities of 1876, that we used as an epigraph to the sections about Bolshevik atrocities,
can be juxtaposed with a statement in a brochure about Russia by a French communist Pascal, published by the Communist International in St. Petersburg: Terror
is over. As a matter of fact there was never any terror. That word terror representing something very specific for a French, always makes me laugh when I am
observing reservation, humility I can say friendliness of that horrible Che Ka.
A. S. Izgoyev titled his review of my book At a Human Slaughterhouse 33 . When
you are reading that catalog of human savagery... the very basis of terms humanity
and human society shakes... As the reader hopefully realized, E. D. Kuskova, always
so sensitive towards violence, who wrote on 6 September 1922 in The Latest News
that It is for two years that there are no more explicit horrors was wrong.
At the Soviet Forced Labor. A letter from Solovki. Socialist Messenger, 8 March 1924.
Rudder, 13 February 1924.
Chapter 11
Pride And Decoration
The corrupt of all parties and colors is flowing
naturally into Tuileries Palace and rotting there.
Herzen. 1850.
Sensitivity and cruelty often go hand in hand. And Eydook, a poet, fond of lyrical
sentiments, can kill people with his own hands for the sake of revolutionary business...
The characteristics of another type of excommers, who originated from nobility
or bourgeois, represent a special chapter in public pathology. There were such. But
perhaps it is too early to talk about them, as the mistakes here can be fatal.
Without doubt the Extreme Commissions could not help but had to be permeated
by the criminal elements from the day one.
Punitive machine of revolutionary power said Dzerzhinski in his note of 17
February 1922 had to represent crystal-clear segment of revolutionary justices of
the peace and investigators, empowered by revolution. In 1922 it was too late to
talk of what was supposed to happen, he had to talk rather of the outcome. Che Ka
staff contended the chief of that organization further have been carefully selected
from the party ranks and included the ideologically pure individuals with impeccable
past, for only prevalence of high quality staff Che Ka was capable of fulfilling the
duties, delegated to her by revolutionary proletariat (?!). Even if it was so in reality,
than atmosphere of tyranny, instilled by the very creators of new political tradition
in Russia, would inevitably corrupt even the best. The Che Ka historian Latsis had
to admit that continuing staff turnover was required: no matter how honest was
a person, how crystal was their heart, work of Che Ka in the conditions severely
impacting mind and dulling ethic feelings, takes its toll. Only rare exceptional officers
were not impacted by those conditions. According to Latsis, Che Ka activity had
corrupting effect on on many young communists, whose character was not yet firm
There was an investigator at Yaroslavl regional Che Ka, a former plumber. At
first he worked well, then started drinking. His friend accordionist was his drinking
buddy. He would get drunk and interrogate the arrested. And to beat boredom he
would bring his friend along. While he is interrogating, that one played accordion...
He was illiterate and could not write a proper report, only wrote: white execut. That
epic scene of Che Ka reality was recorded by one of the former investigators of the
same Yaroslavl regional Che Ka, who was jailed in its basement with the author of
the article Sketches of Life In Prison in Che Ka almanac...
The excommers are in all respects privileged segment of new communist society
not only in broad powers, but in economic sense.
Russia Che Ka in Moscow is a kind of state within the state. They own entire
blocks of confiscated buildings a few dozens. They have their own dressmaker shop,
laundry, canteen, hairdresser, shoe repair, mechanic shop and so long so forth. There
are huge stockpiles of confiscated food, wine and other property in their basements to
supply the staff and not even accounted for or inventoried... Even during the days of
hunger every excommer was given privileged ration sugar, butter, white flour etc3 .
Every theater had to send free tickets to the best seats to Che Ka etc.
We can observe similar situation in the other cities as well. Che Ka always occupies
the best buildings. When Che Ka is established in Sevastopol, than nowhere but at
Ferdinand Kist Hotel. A Che Ka quarter was founded in Odessa too, where all services,
required by its residents can be found, including hair dresser, cinema etc. Zhitomir
Che Ka even has its own theater company.
The types of drunk sailor-excommer or a youth with a revolver tucked in the belt
read a letter to Common Business will soon become a thing of the past. They are
being replaced by polite investigators from the ranks of lawyers and undergraduate
students. That is probably close to reality composition of excommers gradually
shifts, specially in the provinces. But even more disgusting are those well nourished,
cared for and well dressed, at liberty to decide the fate of their prisoners, so strikingly
different from common impoverished population.
The name of Che Ka must be not only loud, but clean... Could that happen,
when in Moscow alone up to 20,000 (?!) of those agents with privileged rations was on
payroll of Che Ka? There were more than 2000 staff in Russia Che Ka alone, 3/4 of
them Latvian nationals. The Latvians are in general specially positioned in the Che
Ka institutions. Their entire families faithfully serve new communist order. They
are a kind of foreign mercenaries Che Ka in Moscow was referred to as Latvian
quarter. A brochure of Left SR so characterized that leaning of Che Ka towards the
Latvian nationals: They move to Moscow from Latvia as to America to improve
economic conditions. The Latvian nationals, often speaking no Russian, carry out
interrogations, searches, write the reports etc. The funny stories circulated about
that, but of course not so funny for those who were the target of those activities.
Officially they called on the enthusiasts, but for the most part received marginal
elements. Krylenko stated, that criminal element permeated Che Ka. Too many and
everywhere. That was unavoidable4 . A clown from Turkmenia or a pimp are not an
exception from a general rule, describing composition of the Extreme Commissions.
But they might not be the criminals, as perhaps Puzyrev, a former driver of Prince
Vladimir Aleksandrovish, who became a Che Ka investigator in Odessa. But quite
often the prominent investigators were later exposed as bandits, murderers, thieves
and fraudsters. There are enough documented facts. We could provide dozens of them.
Plenty were mentioned in Che Ka almanac. For example a safe house of a gang of
robbers in Ekaterinodar was found to be an apartment of Che Ka investigator Klimov;
an agent of secret operative department of the same Che Ka Albert, recommended
by the Youth Union to Kuban University, was exposed as a chief of another gang of
robbers. Plenty of documents to that effect can be found in the archives of Special
Commission 5 : we will see an array of former and present robbers. The Che Ka op3
eratives in Moscow became implicated in gang activity. One of the Che Ka officers
testified in 1919 that there were many criminals among Che Ka, who issued themselves search orders, carried out racket and kidnapping. Many such bandits could be
found among the staff of soviet administration. Odessa, perhaps due to its southern
character, provided the most notorious examples. One of the lawyers, questioned by
Denikins Commission, stated: Criminal element quickly figured out soviet government and became closely attached to it... Rumors quickly spread in the city, that
a secretary of Che Ka comrade Mikhail was none other than notorious robber Mike
Japanese, but 25 May 1919 No. 47 of Izvestiya published official rebuttal of that
rumor, where Mike Japanese was referred to as notorious robber. Several days later
the newspapers, perhaps Communist, published a letter by Mikhail Vinnitsky (an
alias Mike Japanese), stating that all his life he fought for the communist ideals
and robbed only the bourgeois. Within short time comrade Mikhail Vinnitsky started
to make a career: he converted his gang of thieves and robbers into a Special Soviet
Battalion No. 54 and was appointed a commander... When draft of the communists
was initiated, comrade Feldman himself was appointed a political commander to that
battalion (the moving force behind the local Administrative Committee)6 .
Odessa criminal Kotovski appeared before us in the position of red division commander. That Kotovski stood out as tolerant7 . But other animals in human skin
remain the same animals. Such is the former head of Tsaritsin soviet administration
certain Osip Letny, who later became a chief of gang that committed countless murders and robberies. Such is the chair of Revolutionary Tribunal in Baku Haji-Ilyas
and his mates, members of local Che Ka, who were executed in January 1921 on the
charges of organizing a gang, that masqueraded robberies and racket as combating
counter-revolution. Of course Haji-Ilyas judged according to revolutionary consciousness, issued death sentences at his sole determination and personally executed those
sentences. The figure of those murders is monstrous8 .
Bribes and fraud are two unavoidable satellites of bourgeois order read Che
Ka Weekly in 1918. They should not repeat that today, when soviet government had
to announce the weeks against bribes not once!
Pointing out trial by the Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal of certain Kosarev, a
comptroller in the Control and Inspection Commission, that was tasked with validating legality of activities of the rest of Che Ka departments. It was found that he was
sentenced to 10 years of penal servitude for a murder of an old woman for robbery.
Kosarev was tried in 1920 for delivering a cart of firewood instead of frozen poultry.
In 1922 Moscow Revolutionary Tribunal tried a commander of one of provincial tribunals Tarabookin, who was exposed as a former bandit. He was tried for extortion.
Tarabookin and his assistant killed a jeweler and misappropriated valuables worth 20
million Roubles.
Sometimes Bolshevik government savagely dispatched their own agents implicated
in notorious bribes, cynical robberies etc. in administrative order. And still those were
exceptions to the general rule of complete impunity. They could appeal for ruthless
eradication of those snakes, discrediting soviet machine, as did Zaks while acting for
Dzerzhinski9 and at the same time realize, that without those snakes the machine
could not exist. We can register so many cases when the sentenced to execution by
firing squad for the criminal acts were released from prison and immediately promoted.
The old method of Secret Police a sting was condemned by the commission
members stated proudly a chair of St. Petersburg Che Ka in a meeting of Northern Region Che Ka Association in October 1918 in St. Petersburg. In reality, starting
with the case of British consul in Moscow Lockhart, who was invited to a meeting
of fictional white army committee with Peters approval (as acknowledged by The
Truth newspaper later), entire operation of Che Ka machine was based on crude
stings, sanctioned from above. A special secret order signed by Dzerzhinsky was distributed 5 December 1920 by a Special Department, where paragraph 5 prescribed to
establish fictional white army organizations for expedient discovery of foreign agents
on Russian territory.
Apparently empowered by that order Latsis was an instigator of disgusting political stings in Kiev where false Chilean and Brazilian consuls from the ranks of Che
Ka supposedly organized escape to the foreign countries but turned those who fell for
it over to revolutionary justice as counter-revolutionaries. No. 1 of Red Sword 10 ,
published by Political Department of Special Corpus of Ukraine Cha Ka, printed official notice of grand conspiracy leaded by Albert Petrovich Pirro, representative
of Brazilian Republic at the government of Ukraine. According to official publication
Pirro himself was executed11 with four others: investigation of other individuals, involved in that organization, is ongoing. Among the executed was R. L. Poplavskaya,
accused of an attempt to emigrate to France to warn Clemenceau of a clandestine
trip of a group of communists for propaganda. Of course citizen Pirro was not executed, as we now learned that he was only a sting. It is still unknown what excommer
acted as fictional Pirro12 . Foreign press13 wrote about certain baroness Stern, active
in 1920 in Odessa. That is also an interesting piece of information about Bolshevik
methods of sting. Baroness Stern arrived from Constantinople as convicted communist
according to the reporters of the quoted newspapers, local Izvestiya wrote about
her, she was welcomed by the Bolshevik chiefs... She unveiled her true face to a
German consul: she is supposedly a representative of the International Red Cross,
who arrived from Germany in order to repatriate the German nationals. The Russians could be also helped to emigrate under false identity. In light of possibility for
confiscation of valuables she proposed to take them for safekeeping. The emigrants
were arrested by Che Ka at an agreed upon date on the information from baroness
Stern. Stings were often used in Odessa read the documents of Denikins Commission. Of course that is a ruse! skeptics would argue. Was Brazilian consul Pirro
a ruse too? Moscow had its own representative of Danish and Swedish Red Cross
certain Dane, especially interested in the whites. I know the individuals with whom
he tried to make connections, and there were those who naively swallowed the lure.
A case in Anapa, mentioned above, was nothing but a sting14 by the order of
Tersky district Che Ka 62 people, who attempted to escape from Anapa to Batumi
with the assistant of undercover agents of Vladikavkaz Che Ka, were executed by
firing squad. The case was very typical in its organization. The first group of 12
refugees headed by Baron Zusserman was warmly welcomed in Vladikavkaz, that was
used for transit to Batumi: they were provided with housing, food and even taken out
to the theaters and cinemas. Allegedly Zusserman lived with his family, without their
knowledge, in an apartment of the chair of Che Ka! Meanwhile a larger group of 100
people gathered... The comedy ended... with unavoidable executions... The Latest
News 15 reporter writes that in 1921 the following method of capturing the escaping
bourgeois and whites was very popular along the border with Basarabia: the families in Basarabia sent a reliable man for someone. By accident or intentionally the
reliable man is captured by Romanian Che Ka. An agent of the later shows up with
the letter, organizes escape and when facts are put together arrests the offender.
It is believed that the stings were16 a medical examiner of the commission, whose
famous trial in the Summer 1920 lead to so many outrageous executions; a building
supervisor of Odessa Che Ka organizer of the so-called Evstafiyev conspiracy in
August 1921 in Odessa17 ; sailor Pankov at Tagantsev case in St. Petersburg18 . There
were elements of a sting in the case of St. Petersburg cooperators. The huge conspiracy on behalf of Poland in Smolensk in 1921, where up to 1500 were arrested
according to rumors, was staged. The eyewitnesses say that the sting agents from
Omsk Che Ka, dressed in officer uniforms, were seen in Ishim district during a peasant rebellion. The same occurred during SR/Menshevik rebellion in March 1921 in
Saratov19 .
The cases of Lev Cherniy, Fanny Baron and others, executed in 1921 on the
criminal charges of counterfeiting are typical. The Berlin anarchists wrote in their
brochure20 : It was established, that not only the executed comrades had nothing to
do with the criminal cases they were sentenced in, but also that the idea of printing
counterfeit soviet bank notes originated from Moscow Che Ka. Two of its agents
Steiner (Kamenniy) and a driver made connections with some criminal elements,
made acquaintance with some anarchists for the purpose of a sting and organized
counterfeiting and expropriations. All that was done under supervision of Che Ka.
Recall the Lenins wires regarding the anarchists quoted above and the whole
thing will become more than believable.
Che Ka almanac depicted the old Secret Police with its tricks and methods of
psychological influence remarked German communist Frederich Mink in his accurate
essays on Russia21 .
A letter to the Common Business 22 reads:
A new detachment of Russia Che Ka was established on Foutain Rd.
in the estate of Konelsky23 , disguised as Statistics Department of RSFSR
Health Care Commissariat. Its true goal is foreign intelligence and domestic counter-intelligence. It is headed by the member of Odessa regional
Che Ka and Russia Che Ka Special Department, notorious Latvian national Zakovski. Mikhailovsky an excommer from Moscow, transferred
to Odessa as a specialist, was appointed to a very high ranking position of resident in Basarabia, Poland and Galicia. His concubine Xenia
Vladimirovna Mikhailovskaya (maiden name von-Gerngross), daughter of
a colonel (aliases Papoose and Ada), was appointed to a no less important position: she is an assistant to the resident and member of Russia
Registration Administration (military intelligence).
The entire intelligence network in Basarabia and bordering Poland is
under control of that organization.
The department of Health Care Commissariat operates in grand style.
From time to time they stage fictional conspiracies against soviet regime
to justify their pay check before central government.
Thus they recently exposed a white army intelligence organization that
they themselves staged. Ada meets an officer using her cute face and
naively tells him of an existing officer organization, produces as a proof
the underground fliers calling for uniting all anti-Bolshevik forces to overthrow the hated soviet government which is about to fell (due to Wrangels
offensive from Romania?). Those are printed on a typewriter at the Statistics Department of Health Care Commissariat. And if the naive officer is
still suspicious, than money offered by Ada supposedly from the organization to support the officers in need finally sway him. He tells the friends
about the fact of existence of an organization. Now there is a group of
prospect members of an organization or at least of those who approve an
idea of its existence. The goal is reached, Mikhaylovsky, Zakovski and a
squad of excommers appear on the scene and arrest the group. There is no
investigation for military counter-revolutioners and the innocent victims
of disgusting sting get executed by firing squad.
Che Ka stands on guard of revolution... And when discussions begin in the
Bolshevik circles about its reduction, taking under control then the tried method
of intimidation developed by the Secret Police comes to the scene. The real and fake
counter-revolution conspiracies are being discovered: Che Ka stands on guard of
revolution! Perhaps the communists will recruit their own Azeph!
There is a special staff of prostitutes at Russia Che Ka in Moscow. They intentionally use 12 14 year old children, paid for their work with money, gifts and
sweets. The hundreds get offered to buy their lives by agreeing to be secret agents
of Che Ka. So many tragedies occurred due to that! Here is certain V. who agreed
to Che Ka offer under the threat of her fathers execution. Bitter remorse lead to
self-immolation...24 Similar story of suicide by one woman, who hung herself after
framing the innocents appeared in Times famous editorial series Russia to-day.
They added: We have to dwell in the bowels of middle ages to find a similarity with
GPU. 25
Stings are popular at the ground level. The workers refer to the communist cells
as communist hounds not for nothing, according to a so called worker opposition
of the communist party. The prisons are teeming with the so called brooders 26,27 .
Countless big bribery, fraud, abuse etc. cases, that culminated with death sentences,
have been fabricated by the Che Ka agents personally interested in a percentage of
revenue from each case (the investigators was awarded 5% of the amount confiscated
in a speculation trial). I know of a case initiated by Moscow Che Ka under the typical
circumstances. Two investigators partying at certain Rs apartment arrested the host
and the guests after those loosened their lips too much. Rs wife hired a lawyer P., who
appealed to the Bureau of Che Ka with an affidavit. The outcome was unexpected: P.
was arrested as he did not have authority to appeal to Che Ka He was imprisoned
at Novo-Spassk concentration camp as a result.
The system of total searches, arrests, raids and ambushes is a specific method of
excommers helping themselves according to one of the contributors to Che Ka
almanac. Is that not true? The answer is in the announcement of the very Moscow
Soviet, published in the newspapers 9 December 1919: it admitted, that all apartments
where ambushes were held, were subjected to total devastation and were robbed
to the ground.
Yes, many Che Ka organizations were indeed bandits and marauders according
to the Bolshevik commissar of justice Left SR Steinberg. When those bandit and
marauder organizations were exposed, they found powerful allies among the true
inspirers and leaders of the Extreme Commissions. Peters himself spoke in their defense back on 22 September 1918: Recently he wrote in No. 2 of Che Ka Weekly
the enemies of soviet government started disseminating disgusting libel of bribery,
fraud and false accusations... No need to faint he continued if there were a few
abuses: new people are not used to judicial wisdom. All accusations were dismissed
as shameless lies of the bourgeois.
Another excommer published a dismissive statement in response to the accusations
in No. 5 of the Weekly: That means our strength, as the scoundrels are practical
people and do not associate with the weak. Is it surprising then, if one of the reports
by Elston to Curzon28 spoke of commonplace practice in Perm: the local merchants
get arrested, released for ransom, arrested again and so on, and executed in the long
Kuban Che Ka is running a ring of imprisonment for ransom.
Huge ransoms were paid for release from arrest in Odessa according to many a
testimony to Denikins Commission. And Moscow? It was not an exception.
Tiraspol Che Ka and others, bordering Basarabia, created a human smuggling
enterprise in 1920 1921. Certain S. M. S. provided a colorful description of that
activity by the local Extreme Commission29 . The commander of Romanian Che Ka
Special Department is at the head.
All towns and villages along Dnepr are teeming with the brokers offering transfer to Basarabia, like by dreadnought. Lucky are those who
deal with an ordinary broker, operating above the board, i.e. who bribes
some influential excommer. The excommers themselves often operate undercover as brokers. A sudden ambush appears in the last moment, when
the victim is walking towards the river bank and arrests the refugee and
their property. As the later is usually foreign currency or gold it serves
as material evidence of a failed state crime, negotiations start and the
refugee is released...
The so called underground plays the most dirty part in those stories along with
the excommers. Officially they are agitators and propagandists, delegated by soviet
government to Basarabia for underground operations. In fact they are smugglers.
They are the major brokers as well. One of them became talkative and described
the process:
I go to Romanian Che Ka, produce a mandate, they register me, supply
with literature, Romanian passport and cash and specify exactly when
and where to cross the border. I only had to show the communist party
membership to the Romanian border patrol.
Each of the major Ukrainian cities has its own border town, its own
window to Europe.
Sometimes the window slams shut.
Early in 1921 the villages of Podolsk region were very popular both in Odessa and
Kiev. News of discovery of 80 corpses in various stages of decomposition in a cave
3 February 1919.
The Latest News, 7 February 1922.
near Kamenki village spread along Dnepr in Spring. Those were the refugees, long
considered to be in Basarabia.
But where Che Ka was still malnourished and needed well off clientle, emigration
occurred without hiccup. Since the morning the entire town knew that there would
be transfer. By 3 PM the entire families appeared in the streets carrying the bags and
walked towards the well known assembly point. An official from Che Ka showed up
and counted the heads (two children counted for one person). Then everyone jumped
into a large cart and were driven to a crossing.
That continued for 2 3 months, until the superiors decided that they made
The unfortunate who are trying to escape across the frozen river to Basarabia at
night without first paying Che Ka 4 5 thousand old money get hunted down in
The captured get flogged with the sticks and whips naked outside in the cold. The
stings are very popular here...
According to a reporter of The Latest News one of the comptrollers of government commission for inquiry into GPU operations Skvortsov (formerly a worker)
committed suicide in Moscow at Nikitsky Blvd on 16 February 1923. A sealed envelope addressed to the Bureau of the Communist Party Central Committee was found
in his possession with a suicide note, which read:
Comrades! Cursory familiarity with paperwork of our major institution
tasked with defense of the achievements of the working people, analysis of
investigation documents and the methods intentionally used to strengthen
our situation, necessary in the interests of the party according to comrade
Unszlicht30 , forced me to forever abandon the horrors and outrage, that
we used in the name of high ideals of communism, that I unwittingly took
part in while employed as an official of the communist party. Redeeming
my guilt with my own life, I am delivering the last request: wake up
before it is too late and do not disgrace our great teacher Marx with your
methods, do not antagonize the masses by tainting socialism.
Does anything need to be added to that confession?..
There were conscious Bolsheviks prior to that, especially in the early years, when
the most cynical methods of Extreme Commission operation were still foreign to the
intelligent mind. The soft-bodied (in Peters terms) could not stand moral responsibility for bloodbath, organized on behalf of not just communist party, but of the entire
proletariat. There were publications in the first few months of 1919, where the author
of historic order regarding hostages Petrovsky had to admit, that the Extreme Commission brought corruption into the process of building soviet government without
operational justification.
As we know, Peters stated in December 1918 that the Extreme Commissions are
guided by revolutionary experience and consciousness, not a letter of law. What does
Jzef Unszlicht, deputy chair of Russia Che Ka GPU in 1921 1923. Trans.
that mean? Lenin himself explained it earlier: In the name of reaching revolutionary
goals, our targets, everything is fair game 31 . Everything is fair game pathetically
repeated those words the editor Leon Krayni in No. 1 of Red Sword for we were the
first to raise the sword not for oppression and enslavement, but for empowering and
liberation of all from slavery. The wheel of history made a turn and morale changed
accordingly. We have a new morale... And we observe unheard of slavery appearing
in Russia as a result of that turn of wheel of history.
Dyakonov, whose name we mentioned in connection with protest against the
graveyards of the living (see p. 159), wrote February 1919:
It is about time we stopped chattering of the theory that legal protection is a bourgeois prejudice... Cannot you hear the voices of the real workers and peasants and even communists not some counter-revolutionaries
sounding from the places of detention, from the factories, that demand
abolishment of the practice, where a person can be imprisoned for months,
tried by a Tribunal or executed at whim...
That is tyranny and lawlessness, and the author made a reservation that at some
point revolution provided a justification for killing.
An elderly Bolshevik Olminsky wrote32 :
There can be differing opinions about red terror, but the events transpiring in the provinces are not red terror, but criminality.
He pointed out an example when a 16 year old boy, thief and rogue, was given
power to kill people in a village.
Reaction of the institution, referred to by Zinoviyev as decoration and pride of
the communist party was typical. Olminskys words seemed to them blubbering of
a cowardly baby 33 :
We have to state it directly, that the intelligent has nothing to do
anymore, they discussed and wrote about everything and have nobody to
argue with... They are creating fake inter-departmental strife in order to
wag their tongues about...
Inter-departmental strife was a push towards limiting the power of Che Ka to
issue the death sentence on its own, of bringing it under subordination to commissariat
of internal affairs and justice, i.e. of subjecting its operation to at least some regulatory
The Bolsheviks are inclined to mimic montagnar terminology. Lenin was not original here he
plagiarized Collot dHerbois.
Evening Izvestiya, 3 February 1919.
Che Ka Weekly, No. 6. The Bolshevik instructors take care to prevent sentiments in the
future. Socialist Messenger (1921, No. 19) quoted the following problem from a book by Nevsky
and Khersonskaya titled Collection Of the Problems For Extra-Curricular Library Work (published
1920): A 12 year old girl is afraid of blood... Compile a list of books to read so that they would
make her cast away aversion to red terror.
A prominent historian.
Izvestiya, 6 November 1919.
See G. I. Schreider. New Bolshevik Science. Will Of Russia, 20 September 1920. It reproduced
a series of lectures, read at The Central School Of Soviet and Party Operations. Truly a spy faculty
on the premises of studying organization, goals and process of Che KA.
8 December 1921.
a communist. We all are exhausted and tired of throwing around in that
accursed ant heap of espionage.
We could add another typical official document titled instructions to the secret
agents for January 1922. That document prescribed the agents to:
1. Watch factory administration and intelligent workers, precisely determine their
political orientation and inform of all anti-soviet agitation and propaganda.
2. Watch all gathering under the guise of playing cards, drinking (but with different
goals), enter them as much as possible and inform of the goals and tasks with
the names and exact addresses.
3. Watch intelligent, working at the soviet institutions and listen to their conversations, capture their political affiliation, find out their location after hours and
immediately inform of everything suspicious.
4. Enter into all closed circles and family functions of the Messeiers intelligents,
learn their disposition, become familiar with the organisers and goals of the
5. Look for any connections of local intelligent with the others in the district,
region, capital and foreign countries and immediately inform if any38 .
Zinoviyev wrote on the 5th bloody anniversary of the Extreme Commissions:
The sword we handed over to Che Ka is in a firm hand. The acronym
GPU is no less frightening for the enemies than VCK39 . Those are the
most popular letters on the international scale...
At some point Black Repartitioning referred to renaming of IIId Department into
Department of State Police as to grand ridicule of Russian society. What should reform that converted VCK to GPU be referred to as, that was so fittingly summed
up by Zinoviyev?... The letters VCK were translated into Russian commoner slang
as death to every person. We do not know how commoner humorous speech translates GPU40,41 . But on the international scale it is a symbol of that Medusa head
according to Kautski, that entire democracy is supposed to turn away from. Our consciousness has no right to put up with skepticism of Anatole France: all revolutions
create senseless victims.
Moscow The Truth once repeated42 the earlier promise by Trotski to slam the
door before leaving so that whole world would hear: ...those who are planning to
replace us would have to build on the ruins, among graveyard silence. That silence
already fell on Russia.
Chapter 12
By way of conclusion
Chapter 13
A Few Remarks On Conradi Trial
As a matter of fact I did not take part in Lausanne trial. But when Polunins defense
lawyer approached me with a request for information for characterization of terror in
Russia, I had no doubts, neither of political principles, nor moral, that I was obliged to
provide everything I knew1 , regardless of my personal feelings towards assassination of
Vorovsky: whether I would approach Conradi action as an act of personal revenge or
political act. It was insignificant for my feelings, who would settle political accounts
with whom at trial. Scary truth, but truth indeed, and in any political situation
that truth had to be told. Democracy must be the first to learn that greatest law
of human honor.
The unscrupulous people called that point of view incitement to murder2 . I had
no desire to argue with the writers whom I deeply despise for they have cast away
the basic credo of writer ethics independence of thought and word; I did not wish
to convince those, who could not be convinced, for according to Herzen logic can
do little, when a person does not want to be persuaded.
But a few words have to be told now.
In reality only the individuals, who while calling others morally blind, but cannot overcome the own political prejudice themself, would attempt to discount public
importance of Lausanne trial to mere settling of political accounts, as was done for
example in a recent address of SR party to the socialists of Western Europe regarding
the threat by Moscow to dispatch the hostages from among the SR. We, the Russian socialist-revolutionaries, had no opportunity to play a role in the battle between
Russian counter-revolution behind Polunin and Conradi and the Bolshevik distortion
of revolution behind the Vorovskys dead body wrote the emigrant organization of
SR party.
We are sworn enemies of Bolshevik tyranny and red terror... Many
times we called the Bolsheviks to the task before the court of humanity
for re-introduction allegedly with the different goals (sic!) of the same
methods of government, that were a curse of our motherland under monar1
The summary of this book was sent to Ober a few days before the hearing. As evident from
Obers speech, published in its entirety, the later made use of my data in several instances.
On The Eve accused me specifically of that.
They can and perhaps should firmly denounce any political assassination, that
would sew the poison seeds of new horrors and new killing; perhaps the ethics, which
denounces violence, would never, under no circumstances justify acts of vengeance and
revenge no matter for which purpose; perhaps human has no right to approach the
frightening issue of death from the perspective of utility... But our common psychology
in any case would provide moral justification to only that assassination, where the
actor, committing a crime against humanity, forfeits his own life. This is why everyone,
who dares to take responsibility for spilling human blood, who consider themself
righteous to commit an act of revenge, must avenge where there is violence; perhaps
that is why anyone walking onto the path of terrorist struggle has no right to violate
the sacred law of refuge.
But why does the political party, that from the very beginning of its political
struggle always walked the path of terrorism, believes that it is the only one allowed
to appeal to the court of humanity?
And who gave us right to deprive Conradi of the stimulus of that, perhaps criminal,
heroism, that leads Russian citizen and patriot to avenge those thousands of martyrs,
for those thousands of victims of terror, whose blood so deeply soaked Russian soil?
Without doubt Vorovskis assassin did not avenge the false methods of implementing the great ideas of socialism. But there is something more powerful in human life,
and who gave us a right to deprive Conradi of love to violated motherland, in whose
name he, according to his own words, committed his crime? Who gave F. Dan a right
to call Conradi senile avenger for personal injuries and suffering?
Commoner ideology of the jury members of Swiss democratic court system,
despite difficult international political situation, managed to rise up to understanding
higher objective truth and acquitting the assassins regardless of political empathy or
antipathy of the judges towards the accused.
Why? For the same reason, I think, why Berlin circuit court acquitted in 1921 the
assassin of the Grand Vizier of Turkey Talaat-Pasha the young Armenian student
Talirian, and back then SR press welcomed that verdict, as did democratic press of
Germany itself, as a verdict of official court, which coincided with legal feelings of
people masses.
Reality, exposed before the Lausanne court, was too frightening: at least the judges
tried Bolshevik reality3 and not political arguments between revolution and counterrevolution. Humanity dressed in judicial process, perhaps for the very first time
Vorovsky himself fell a victim of that reality, taking responsibility for it, as he was a member
of Russian communist party and occupied government positions.
rendered a verdict to Bolshevik terror. And that acquittal should serve as memento
mori for those, who are continuing their violence.
Let us set aside so popular in some circles references to million-strong worker
masses. Who did not resort to using them?! That is pure speculation of public opinion, as Louie Blanc once said.
Perhaps I am a bad democrat and a bad socialist, for according to Mr. Dan4 ,
every democrat must make every possible effort to put counter-revolution into the
dock and nailed to the pillory but I fail to understand that democratic stance,
and in this case I am not weary of rejecting democratic and socialist prejudice.
I recall the remarkable final words by a French writer Odette Keun, almost a
communist, in her recent book about Russia: I am moving the European governments
in the name of those who still live amidst those horrors in Russia, to set forth a
condition in any negotiations with Russian government to relax the current regime,
that absorbed and exceeded hell of the dark ages. Only that reality passes before my
eyes, but not the accursed, perhaps, past or mysterious, most likely dark, future.
To be silent at this time ends the above quoted address to the European
socialists means to become complicit in the new atrocities, new crimes. Let the
powerful voice of world humanity stop the hand of executioners, who are playing
with a noose above the heads of their doomed victims before it is too late.
Hypnosis of fascism can only distract from our appeals to world humanity at
this time.
Under the Mask of Legal Defense. Socialist Messenger No. 20. Below I reproduce with
minor editions an article from the Days regarding Martovs brochure against capital punishment,
published by Socialist Messenger. That article might serve as a reply to the Menshevik paper
Chapter 14
Regarding Martovs Book On Capital
What a joy that the great revolution would occur
without evils and tears. History too often informed
of the actions of predator beasts. We can hope to
start human hitory.
Honor de Mirabeau, 27 June 1789
How wrong was de Mirabeau! How wrong was Jean Jaurs, who wrote that the
words of the great tribune would have to become a slogan for the impending proletarian revolution. Proletarii, remember, added Jaurs elsewhere quoting Babeuf,
that cruelty is leftover slavery, as it is evidence of barbary inside ourselves, that is
an attribute of oppressive regime!...
But human history has not yet started in our days. That creates an edging
feeling when reading the strong appeal by Y. O. Martov against capital punishment
published by Socialist Messenger as a special edition. It is a document written truly
with blood of the heart and the sap of his nerves. The entire power of his wish,
passion, protest, whipping sarcasm said the editors Martov threw into the face
of the executioners to stay their criminal hand.
I would love to reproduce Martovs article line by line, to quote its strong passages,
written in defense of that teaching, that declared brotherhood of laboring people as
the humankind top goal, in the name of which bloody rampage of terror is being
committed in modern Russia. Let us quote the last few lines only. He concluded:
One cannot be silent. In the name of the working class honor, in the
name of socialism and revolutions honor, in the name of duty before the
home country, in the name of duty before Worker International, in the
name of the ideals of humanity, in the name of disgust towards the gallows
of monarchy, in the name of love for the shadows of perished fighters for
freedom let a strong voice of working class sound throughout Russia:
One cannot be silent! Every word of that appeal indeed strikes like a hammer;
buzzes like a bell. And still Martovs appeal did not get heard.
The associates of the late chief of Russian social-democracy so explain that fact:
surrounded by imperialist intervention and blockade, threatened by restoration and
counter-revolutionary armies, working class was paralyzed in his struggle against terrorist dictatorship.
Is that so? Do the explanations not lay in another psychological plane instead? The
editors of Socialist Messenger made a significant chronological mistake intentionally
or not. It dated Martovs appeal Autumn 1918, whereas it was written in the Spring
of that year in connection with a death sentence issued by the Supreme Revolutionary
Tribunal to captain Schastny (see p. 37). He was murdered 28 May. That chronological
error is the only reason, perhaps, that Martov made virtually no mention of the
activity of the Extreme Commissions.
Where were those restoration and counter-revolutionary armies then? How did
imperialist intervention and blockade manifest themselves? But the gist is not in
that chronological error. There was internal contradiction between the ardent appeal
of Martov to the working class: unanimously and loudly state to the world, that
proletarian Russia has nothing in common with that terror, that barbary of capital
punishment without trial, and that ambivalent stance that leadership of worker
party took at the time.
One cannot condemn with disgust, call to active protest and at the same time
find synergies, connecting with the party, labeled country-wide executioners. R.
Abramovich so described those synergies in a preface to Kautskys book From Democracy To Slavery Of the State: In all those years we never lost the sight of the fact,
that the Bolsheviks fulfill, although with non-Marxist methods, an objective historical
task before Russian revolution as a whole.
Gorky defined those tasks even more flashy in a letter to the French workers
regarding starvation in 1921: by unavoidable will of history the Russian workers are
conducting a social experiment and starvation is threatening to interrupt that grand
Russian proletariat, your name is being used to commit that travesty, wrote
Martov, castigating Schastnys case that bloody comedy of cold-blooded manslaughter. No, that is not a court... And I will never forget that depressive feeling that each
of us experienced two years later in the session of the same Supreme Revolutionary
Tribunal, when myself, Martovs brother (Vladimir Tsederbaum-Levitsky), Rozanov
and others were tried in the case of so-called Tactical Center. Many of us faced the
real possibility of execution, and perhaps an accident redeemed us from the brace of
death. At a critical moment in the comedy of trial before the speech by the prosecutor Krylenko the tribunal received an amicus brief of the Menshevik party central
committee, stating that Rozanov et al were expelled from the party for participation
in counter-revolution. That statement was read in public. The socialists rushed to
distance themselves from the counter-revolutionaries before the verdict in order to
maintain purity of socialist tactics.
Those, who held court were oath-breakers of the revolution, blasphemously blessing the cold-blooded murder of civilian hostages. They were handed a weapon: we
consider those whom you judge the traitors of socialism. I will never forget that
moment and not from the perspective of personal emotions...
Hypnosis of counter-revolution, of possibility of restoration, dimmed perception of
reality of that unheard of reaction, that Bolshevism produced. Traditional psychology
of socialist circles was still standing in the way of realizing the simple truth, so simply
formulated by Kautski: the deeds of counter-revolutionaries are important, not their
background; does it matter whether they belong to proletariat and its heralds or to
the old proprietors? Yes, one can execute entire armies of bourgeois and still act in
counter-revolutionary fashion... Some Russian socialists could not understand that
simple truth and perhaps still cannot. Is it a surprise, that their protests against
terror did not gain response among the socialists of Western Europe for so long, or
gained, but the same half-baked stance as the protesters own. Those in attendance in
Galle during Martovs address in 1920 could yell Executioners! Monsters! when he
mentioned the hostages being executed in revenge for the deeds of the husbands and
fathers 1 and at the same time acknowledge, that official protest could be perceived
as supportive of counter-revolutionary segment. The same goes for the Brisish Labor
Party and Section Franaise de lInternationale Ouvrire... If some socialists
remain the mute witnesses of that crime wrote 10 March 1921 I. Tseretelli in a
letter to the socialists on occupation of Georgia than it can be explained with only
two reasons: they either do not know the truth, or are afraid, that their protest would
be perceived as an act of intervening in Russian affairs... The crime was committed
and reprisal loomed. And again the central committee of Georgian social-democratic
party appealed to the consciousness of world proletariat and begged for help:
There could be no response that was sought, for none other than social-democrats
(both Georgian and Russian) were the ones, who appeared before democracy as the
staunchest propagandists of non-interference during the civil war, of the idea, justifying moral indifference, that the world demonstrated towards the news of terror
horrors. As a matter of fact, the editors of Socialist Messenger admitted that long
ago in an article Recognition And Terror:
Perhaps that prejudice has been eliminated: No one should confuse Bolshevik
regime with the worker masses in Russia and its great revolution read an appeal
of International Anarchist Union, printed 24 July 1922 by Bruxelles Peuple. But
association remained the same kind of thing. Popular consciousness can be only
trained in definitive and unconditional denouncement of evil.
Were we not afraid of condemnation from the popular socialist parties, for example
at the latest congress in Hamburg, afraid to tell the complete truth in order to not
to play to the benefit of world reaction?
But distorted half-truth indeed is often worse than a lie. How different is a stance of
British labor party, that abstained from voting on Russian issue at Hamburg congress,
from direct statement by L. O. Frossard at Orleans congress of Section Franaise de
lInternationale Ouvrire:
Even if I knew something bad about soviet Russia, I would never make
that public to prevent damage to Russian revolution.
And only when that historic prejudice would be eliminated, that which to this
day makes some seek moral justification of terror even during French revolution, only
then the appeal Down with capital punishment! The executioners-cannibals to the
trial by people! would be actual.
Unfortunately it has not been eliminated among the leaders. It was not understood
and realized by psychology of the masses.
We are still finding literary attempts to negate impression from the horrible
regime by reference that the other side is committing or better, did commit
no better atrocities.
But can theft be justified by a reference that others steal too? asked Kautski.
There is no place in our time for that historic objectivism, that our own Herzen
called false truth. First of all it cannot create inspiration, so necessary today.
West-European proletariat noted Kautski in his response to Trotski warmly
welcomed the Bolsheviks, like a Messiah, but now turned away outraged by that
horrible Medusa head. And we must not be afraid to tell the whole truth, as is
not afraid Kautski. He wrote 29 September 1922 in a preface to Russian edition of
Proletarian Revolution And Its Programme: no party, struggling for liberation of
proletariat, can have anything in common with the Moscow executioners.
And only complete intolerance can bring red terror to an end.
The monster tasted hot human blood... But we are people! Down with capital
punishment! The executioners-cannibals to the trial by people!
P. S. Our party will never yield an honor of fighting against Bolshevik terror
to anyone wrote recently in Socialist Messenger F. Dan regarding the part
democrats and socialists took in Conradi trial. During the days of most savage
tyranny, it raised the damning and protesting voice and came to defense of its victims without inquiring about their class background or political affiliation. Only late
Y. Martov found strength to openly register protest in Soviet Russia against massacre
of the royal family. Without diminishing Martovs achievements in that area, we must
still make a reservation: not only Martov found strength to protest the others simply paid for the protests with their lives; Martov alone was able to openly publish his
protests, as only the paper of Menshevik party was allowed by the Bolsheviks to be
Ambivalence of struggle against terror in the Menshevik party itself (as it was
not about socialists) is evident from an article in Kharkov paper of that party Our
Voice. The front page editorial 28 March 1919 was dedicated to red terror. Using
the outdated references to the old historic works of Kautski and Marxs testimony to
Keln court: we are merciless and demand no mercy for us, Our Voice attempted to
prove, that history justified Jacobin terror directed at the overthrown social classes.
Classic epoch of terror during French revolution added the newspaper still
causes moral outrage of bourgeois historians... Our evaluation of one or another acts
of terror never originated from Manilovs sentiments. We justified them from the
perspective of revolutionary rationale or threat.
That position was more typical for the certain types of socialists, than passing
passionate inspirations against violence towards human life. The question of rationale
of terror is immoral in itself. First of all that ambivalence must be avoided by those,
who are claiming to be true democrats of the future, referring to the millions of
worker masses does not cut it.
Appendix A
Vessel Of Death
Documenting Operation Of the
Extreme Commissions
There can be life events torturous to think about and even more torturous to document, for a cowardly thought is shying away from them, while human words are weak
and miserable before the face of greatest tragedy, unrolling day after day, virtually
before our eyes...
At some point, while the crushing the first Russian revolution, monarchy marked
its victory with Bacchanalia of death squads and executions. The entire country
shook from horror of cruel tyranny, silently bled1 . Press, serving the victorious, vituperated and cheered, unsatisfiable in revenge and uncontrollable in its hatred of
revolution; and the other, born in the days of popular awakening, was silent, crushed
and locked in the iron vise of restored censorship.
But in those dark, deeply tragic months, amidst forced silence and dumb oppression, twice tolled the bell of outraged public consciousness and for a moment made
the whole world focus its sight where bottomless sorrow and hungry death became
habitual effect of Russian reality.
Lev Tolstoy rose up with all his giant height and pronounced unforgettable words
regarding executioners lubricated noose and being ready to share the fate of crucified
These accusations are overstated. In reality, no more than 3000 revolutionary terrorists were
executed by the troops and sentenced to execution by the courts. The largest mass killing of the
time Lena Gold Mining massacre produced 270 dead and 250 wounded. The minister and police
chief responsible for the massacre have been sacked. Compare that to a massacre of 948 workers at
the same Lena Gold Mining, committed by NKVD in 1938.
While there was no more than 3000 executions of the revolutionary terrorists, 3611 public officials
have been killed and injured in the acts of revolutionary terror between October 1905 October
1906. By the end of 1907 the figure reached 4500. The total count of 9000 victims of terrorism in
1905 1907 included 2180 dead and 2530 wounded. According to official statistics there were 19,957
acts of terror between January 1908 and mid-May 1910 with 732 public officials and 3051 private
citizens killed. 1022 public officials and 2829 private citizens were wounded in the same interval.
Politically motivated armed robberies, referred to as expropriations, became popular among the
revolutionaries. According to Russia Ministry of Finance the banks lost about 1,000,000 Roubles
between January 1905 and June 1906. Trans.
Sensitive as popular consciousness itself Korolenko spoke up and lifted a curtain
before the endless forest of gallows a horrible forest, that, as in a fairy tale, all but
covered Russian land. And in tune with tolling of those bell-like voices moaning of
compassion and protest sounded across the country, for back then people have not
yet lost an ability to feel and almighty death has not yet killed their will to live.
That was 15 years ago during victorious celebration of monarchy, during the dying
days of the first revolution...
And now, after a chain of years passed, almighty death rules Russia again, and
again powerless and crucified country bleeds again.
But from side to side of Russian land the voice of concerned popular consciousness
can be heard no more, there are no giants of spirit, daring to say powerful Stop to
the Death.
What happened to peoples soul? What does its deathly silence mean?
We experienced the Great Russian Revolution with its bright days and enormous
catastrophic periods. We experienced four years of Bolshevik dictatorship that perhaps entire French 1793 pales in comparison with. And we know inside our shaken
mind and we see with our fogged eyes that, what the dozens of previous generations
did not know or see, of what many generations of our distant descendants would only
We are no longer scared of mysterious and at previously incomprehensible Death,
for it became our second life. We no longer tremble from harsh smell of human blood,
for its hard vapors saturated the air we breath. We no longer tremble from the endless
lines of those being taken to execution, for we have seen last agony of the children,
executed by firing squad in the streets, have seen the mountains of mutilated and
frozen victims of terrorist madness, and perhaps ourselves stood not once at the last
We got used to those scenes, like people get used to the sight of familiar streets,
and we hark to the sounds of shots fired no more than to the sound of human voice.
That is why the country remains silent in the face of triumphant Death and its
compressed chest cannot emit elemental scream of protest or at least of despair.
It managed to survive those unforgettable four years of civil war somehow, but its
poisoned soul remained imprisoned by Death. Probably that is why Russia, being
executed and tortured in the chambers now, is silent...
Bolshevik terror made history by now.
If in the first two years after October coup the Bolsheviks fancied going into challenging stance of Robespierre while the home-grown unsatisfiable Marats demanded
more and more blood; if very terror of those years was flashy, shapeless and elemental, than after subduing government machine the carriers of dictatorship experienced
growing urge to shape terror in certain form, subordinate it to the certain institutions,
and most important to silence it, make it less noisy, less noticeable.
That urge was not only stipulated by a danger of becoming stuck and drowning
in the same bloody anarchy it initiated.
Alone in its social experiments, unrecognized by the world powers and desperately
separated from them with a burning curtain of terror, this government foresaw the
fatal consequences of its isolation and anxiously looked for a solution. If was then when
peculiar regime of soviet order of justice was formed that cynical two-faced Janus,
subserviently looking at Europe with one face, and at the Asia of savage Mongols
with the other. Then the legalities rose from the depths of the communist torture
chambers and a shameless decree of abolishment of capital punishment appeared in
the Collection of laws and decrees of the government...
To accommodate Europe, the terrorist monster dressed up in white human clothes,
but predatory claws of a beast and unsatisfiable soul of a cannibal are still hiding
under those.
Terror has not passed away. But from the city squares and bloodied sidewalks it
has hidden in the dark basements of Che Ka to continue carrying out its black art
behind the impenetrable walls away from human consciousness.
Terror has not passed away. But shapeless and chaotic at first, it little by little shaped into a wire frame of complex vengeful machine with infinite number of
instances and links, formal process and all attributes of revolutionary justice, but
always with the same unavoidable end result death in a cellar at the hand of a
professional executioner.
That faceless machine, activated with a firm Bolshevik hand, daily quietly and
systemically executes virtually unconscious Russia by firing squad. And the greater
in the victim count, the deeper it digs into its cellars.
The newspapers print virtually no news of daily executions anymore and the official political writers prefer to replace the very term execution by firing squad with
the hazy mysterious extreme penalty. And only when another counter-revolutionary
conspiracy is being discovered, and communist fatherland is in danger, the columns
of Izvestiya and The Truth print the long lists of people, squashed by a terror
machine. And then the shaken country learns the names of silenced victims of revolutionary justice...
Terror has not passed away. And that is probably why the time has come to talk
about it on full scale. The day will come, when put together, the immense human suffering and human lives perished will merge into enormous stunning mosaic of the four
years experienced and the modern cannibals, who installed communist government
with their beastly hands, will be tried by history.
But we, the surviving witnesses of terror, who are continuously feeling its heavy
breath, who saw blood and new Death we cannot yet talk about it in sufficient
detail. For that what we saw and know are the isolated incidents, small facts-particles,
thrown by the tornado of terror into our mind.
But it is possible, that we must talk and write about those random facts, imprinted in memory, true and undecorated by popular hearsay right now, when terror
is continuing and when its bizarre history is being written day after day.
These notes should be viewed as a personal document, composed of the own stories
by the condemned and witnesses of their last days and minutes, which does not claim
to be complete. This is not history of terror. This is not an attempt of its political
or ethical evaluation. Only a few small facts of the executions of criminal convicts,
carried out in a cellar of Moscow Che Ka in a very short period of time from late
January to June 1921.
Political terror, still grave and fierce, still devouring thousands of human lives and
still staying in the focus of the carriers of dictatorship, was left out of scope of this
writing. That fact alone should explain true nature of these notes to the reader.
No matter how much the home grown Fouquier de Tinville Krylenko would
write about revolutionary justice, no matter how fiercely he would fight to monopolize power of capital punishment under his revolutionary tribunals, the fact remains:
all institutions of Bolshevik justice continued until the very last days and still continuing to execute by firing squad: revolutionary tribunals, railway tribunals, all
kinds of anonymous threesomes and fivesomes of the Extreme Commissions.
Vengeful sword of terror equally ruthlessly falls onto the heads of the sentenced in
the trials of the tribunals and in the openly primitive torture chambers of Che Ka.
The only difference is that justice machine of the tribunals works somewhat
slower than the mobile threesomes of Che Ka, dispensing revolutionary justice out
of court in absentia, without witnesses and defense acting upon the investigators
report alone.
The only difference is that sentenced by a tribunal knows about his fate from a
verdict read, while the detained by Che Ka session learns about its order in the very
last moment while being taken out for execution by firing squad... Sometimes even
on the threshold of the cellar.
But both of them systematically and firmly carry out the system of ruthless terror.
Both know no language other than that of death...
I had to observe those unfortunate souls with frozen eyes, whispering their doomed:
Extreme punishment...
They were brought back from the tribunals, still not completely understanding
scary meaning of those two words and locked into the high security cells together
with the same condemned awaiting their last moment.
They mechanically wrote incoherent appeals for clemency under dictation of others
and the guaranteed 48 hours dragged for them like painful eternity.
Climbing to a window or sticking an ear to a door viewer, they harked to prison
silence and the firm steps of the guards or sounds of trucks driving into the yard made
them tremble with deathly shake...
Some were taken out for execution at the end of the second day and they left the
cells hi a hurry and almost unconscious. Fate smiled to the others and a life-saving
document of suspended sentenced was inserted into the door viewer. But sometimes
the news of pardon was delivered verbally by a guard and the sentenced remained
uncertain until the end of whether his live was spared for at least some time.
That started the torturous and flexed months of delay, of seizures from internal
struggle between life and death without prospect and real hope, with no moment of
peace and rest.
But RCAC usually did not hurry, as it was a question of sparing human life. And
its final verdicts sometimes took 4 6 8 months to arrive. During that time people
grew older, thinned and their souls slowly faded away... And later, some accursed night
came the news that death sentence was confirmed by RCAC and the condemned left
forever with possessions within the city, unable to explain, why those 48 hours
stretched for him into that unbearable sticky torture...
They walked the predetermined path of tribunal justice and that fatal path ended
for them in the same cellar, where bloody operation of Che Ka threesomes ended
as well. Who knows which of those paths is more humane and easier...
The major institutions of Che Ka are situated at 14 Great Lubyanka, in the
building of former Moscow Insurance Corporation. Machine of Death is operating
here day and night and complete circle of converting a person from an accused into
a sentenced and from a sentenced into a mutilated corpse occurs here...
The offices of the investigators, whose reports the session bases its rubberstamp cruel sentences on, are situated in the main building. The sentenced await
their last moment behind that, in a small basement of a single-story addition. Right
here in the yard, attached to Lesser Lubyanka, is a cellar, redesigned for Che Ka
executioner. There, in the middle of downtown, within the former walls of a peaceful
insurance company, one of the dirtiest blind tools of terror is hiding and destroying
hundreds and thousands of human lives in silence.
Office No. 55 of the senior investigator Wul is probably one of the scariest in the
suite. All criminal and especially bandit cases are concentrated here. Usually there
is no mercy and death sentence is a usual and practically unavoidable norm in those.
Wul is a permanent and only reporter in the threesome, he directs and completes
work of the less senior investigator in all those cases and the outcome of hearing always
depends on him.
Still young (around 30) with slightly curly hair and straight shiny eyes, animated,
energetic and calmly polite in conversation. Wul causes everyone entering his officer to
tremble for a rare case does not end with a death sentence, rare interrogation avoids
savage beating.
When a junior investigator cannot reach confession, he threatens to send to Wul
and often that alone mention is enough to extract a wholehearted confession.
Wul investigates the most important cases himself and his methods of interrogation
will play important role in the general picture of Che Ka justice. Here is one of many
examples of Wuls interrogations conveyed personally by Jan Otremski.
He was accused of firing shots at the windows of Basmanny Soviet. A Mauser
with several clips of ammunition was found during the search of his residence, which
apparently he won in a card game... with one of Dzerzhinskys aid-de-camps. According to Otremski he had nothing to do with the accusations and was framed by some
speculators for a disagreement about profit sharing.
Unusual origins of the Mauser elevated Wuls attention to this case and he decided
to get to the bottom of it at all cost.
Wul meat me very politely said Otremski, wiping bloodied face with a handkerchief. He offered me a chair, took out a golden cigarette case and asked if I
had a morning coffee. Before I could answer, he picked up phone, called and told
something to an officer who came. Few moments later a tray with two cups of coffee,
sugar, white bread and butter was standing in front of us.
Help yourself said Wul we will talk about the case while having a glass of
A phone rang and I heard the following conversation by Wul:
Jan Otremski is right in my office now... I am certain that we will not have
to execute him... He will confess wholeheartedly and will become our valuable coworker...
At the moment I failed to realize, that entire conversation was staged for me and
became scared.
They are wondering if you are still alive... said Wul with a smile and pushed a
plate with bread to me. But I could neither eat nor drink as smelled a trap and was
too shaken.
Confess in everything, Otremski, continued Wul and we will forget your
background. You will enter our service. He started persuading me and within the
next 15 20 minutes kept switching from tempting promises to threats. From my
side I firmly denied a part in shooting up Basmanny Soviet and refused to serve Che
Seeing my persistence, he finally became enraged, got up, grabbed a rifle from the
corner and started beating me with a buttstock. After several strikes at the head and
chest I fell to the floor bleeding. After a minute I woke up, got up and somehow left
Wuls office followed by his crude cursing...
Jan Otremski was a Polish citizen and notified Polish Red Cross about that savage
beating, attaching bloodied handkerchief as evidence. But Polish citizenship could not
save his life and soon after that interrogation 14 May 1921 he was executed on
the grounds of Wuls report...
I focused on the typical details of Otremski interrogation in order to not overload
further story with the dozens of similar facts. Wul practices that system of interrogations day after day systematically and calmly, seldom changing the particulars.
In case of suspicion he searches the suspect himself to make sure that they are
disarmed and defenseless enough. Sometimes he prefers to beat not over the head,
but by the muscles and elbows of the stretched arms; but otherwise the same routine:
cigarettes, coffee, white bread, offer of cooperation with criminal investigation and...
rifle buttstock.
And so day after day with total inaction of the tortured. It is called Wul played
guitar in the jargon of the beaten bandits.
Wul, a member of Russia Communist Party, bears an order of Red Flag on his
chest for that talented and persistent playing.
Like in the good old days, communist secret police and criminal world are so closely
connected, that it is sometimes impossible to draw the line between the hunter and
the hunted, between revolutionary law enforcement and its violators.
Yesterdays bandit becomes loyal agent of Che Ka today and yesterdays excommer ends up in a cellar in the hands of an executioner. Under-inspector of Moscow
Che Ka criminal branch Morozov, former subordinate and friend of Wul, exposed in
corruption, was sentenced to death based on a report of the same Wul, while the
career criminals Coat, Sour Cream, Zubruychick et al turned into the agents of
criminal investigation after Wul successfully played guitar and are presently turning in their comrades in trade. It is worth mentioning, that the turned in bandits
during the interrogations get accused not only of the current crimes, but also of
those they committed in the time historical while cooperating with the Coats and
Sour Creams. And often they respond to the threats by Wul: Ask Coat (or Sour
Cream) we worked together in that case.
While the countless Coats, using entire range of investigation, betrayal and complex stings2 , supply resources for execution and tireless Wul, using the threesome to
calmly and effectively tag the condemned, the executioner, who is hiding from daylight and human eye, is the last link in a bloody chain of Che Ka justice. At the time
of the events, described here, greedy, dumb and cruel red army soldier Punkratov was
Che Ka executioner. He replaced the executioner Emelyanov who died of typhus and
mental disorder.
That man, who executed several hundreds of victims with his own hands, was a
quiet peasant in Ryazan region and lived happily with his father. He was conscripted
in 1913 and ended up at the war front a few months later. There he was promoted to
sergeant-major. That position drastically changed his character and for the first time
his eyes lit with dread fire.
He was decommissioned in 1917 but soon after conscripted again, this time by the
Bolsheviks and due to his sergeant-major background immediately appointed deputy
commander of the special battalion of Moscow Che Ka. Here Punkratov became close
friends with an executioner Emelyanov and replaced him after his death.
Blond, 27 years old, medium height, with broad shoulders, Punkratov drew attention to his shaved head and shining gray eyes on a face red from continuous drinking.
He always smelled of alcohol.
He rented an apartment in Sretenka St. with his roommate 25 year old Efrosinya
Ivanovna a prostitute from Tverskoy Blvd.
Every morning he came to Moscow Che Ka and sat in the prison building until
about 3 PM doing nothing. Here he usually ate lunch.
He knew all long time inmates by name and remembered every detail of their
case. He was polite to some, gave them cigarettes and let it be known, that due
to his position could do a lot to ease their fate. On the contrary he used severe
supervisory tone with the others and cursed them for no reason. He could not stand
questions about the executions.
That was how he spent the first half of day. But sometimes even during those
hours he had to do work. He was indispensable when order among the arrestees had
to be restored, and commander Rodionov summoned him for physical influence...
I know of a number of instances, when the big cases of bribes, fraud, theft and other abuses of
power the cases that always ended with death sentences were intentionally staged by the agents
of Che Ka, personally interested in percentage from each arranged case. Unfortunately description
of a number of those would only bloat these notes.
He personally registered for execution all sentenced by Moscow Che Ka threesome and various tribunals as he loved paperwork. Sometimes he had a kind of
humanity rush and then he stated with importance:
I cannot register this one: his case is too insignificant and perhaps he would be
Those fortunate would than be taken back to prison.
For the most part Pankratov fetched his victims himself. He treated them rudely,
was deaf like a wall to their pleading and complaints and constantly swore.
By 6 PM he drove them all to Moscow Che Ka, sat somewhere in the corner,
smoked and silently waited dusk. An hour later, agitated, with the feverishly burning
eyes, he descended into the cellar and carried out his executioner business...
On the nights when there was no work Pankratov left, always leaving precise
location where he could be found in case of emergency. The emergencies indeed
occurred from time to time.
One night Pankratov went with his townsman and future replacement Zhukov
to a shoemaker to try the new boots. Before he could put a foot into one boot, a
courier walked in and informed, that Pankratov was summoned to Moscow Che Ka.
Pankratov asked Zhukov to wait and left, but returned in some 40 50 minutes and
continued trying the boots. He executed someone during that time.
Another time Pankratov was summoned to Moscow Che Ka right from Korshs
theater, where he went with Efrosinya Ivanovna and Zhukov. He had to grab a cab
and go to Lubyanka, and his company walked home. Pankratov returend in an hour
after executing three bandits. He was very drunk and had tea in gloomy silence...
What was how Punkratovs duty intertwined with personal time and leisure.
Pankratov was rich and well nourished. He ate and drank a lot, played cards often
and lost a lot of money. He always had money, as his income was substantial and
stable. On top of big salary he received all possessions of the executed. He kept the
best and sold the rest. All valuables remaining on the body were his. Most of all he
was interested in gold teeth and pulled them from the mouths before rigor set in...
Che Ka rewarded Punkratov for hard difficult work and paid him well. On top
of common Che Ka rations he received special daily ration of wine, meat and white
bread, plus more for every executed.
He was economical person and after every working day wrote a time sheet for
Punkratovs live was thus affluent and he had nothing to complain about. But
little by little he started getting tired and having nightmares at night... And then
mass executions started... He felt that he was giving up and becoming insane...
He became scared and decided to quit. Luckily Zhukov was right here reliable and decent successor. Zhukov also inherited the rental apartment and Efrosinya
Ivanovna... And Punkratov left a few days later. Rumors are that he got a job of
director at some collective farm...
Infinite river of human blood was spilled by that executioner, he caused untold
cruelty and mental torture of the last minutes, that boggled mind and last will of the
condemned was extinguished.
Like Wul, Punkratov was a Communist Party member. Like Wul he loved his
trade and like him, became so creative with killing people, as was possible with his
uncomplicated beastly character.
Punkratov knew how to prepare the doomed victims to the last minute and perfectly mastered technique of execution. With severe beating or dirty cynical swearing
or dread sparks in his feverish eyes he turned the most violent criminals into passive and subdued creatures, that hypnotically complied, rushed to disrobe, afraid to
disobey any order and waited for the fatal shot while mentally already dead...
The next few lines will tell about the last hours and minutes of the condemned.
As it was mentioned, a single-story addition was situated behind the main building
with the suite of investigator offices. Previously there was insurance company archive
there. To the left of the entrance are two offices, converted into the general holding
cells, and three small high security solitary cells. Usually the just arrested and those
who are summoned for an interview are kept here and people seldom stay here for a
long time.
To the right of the entrance is a large peculiar room, with a narrow railed catwalk
along all four walls and spiral stairs into the basement. That is the scary Vessel that
takes the condemned to the shores of Death in its bulge...
There are two small solitary cells in one of the bulges walls. Here the people spend
their last Earthly hours scared into insanity.
The Vessel is almost always quit and silent. The bulge walls are impenetrable
to human voice from the yard and the painted windows of the top floor pass virtually
no daylight. There is no day or night here, for electric light is lit around oclock. There
is no space and time here, for every minute seems frozen eternity in the vise of the
cellar. All connections with life are broken here, for the only stairwell into the living
world is guarded by the watchful sentries, and the condemned walks up the stairs only
once in order to leave the Vessel to set his subdued foot onto the shore of Death.
Every night after sunset a door opens up near the stairs, high voice of the executioner sounds and another condemned leaves the bulge. The new condemned take
his place...
Majority of the condemned spend only one day here. But there are others, who
languish in the Vessel for the long weeks, day after day waiting for their turn. Every
night they survive painful agony again and again and every morning they are awaiting
dusk in deathly sorrow...
Is it possible to convey the entire bottomless depths of horror and despair, that
keep the doomed inmates of the Vessel in its mouth? Does anyone, who never
walked down the spiral stair into the bulge, know of those? Human imagination is
powerless, as are the human words... And only weak and faded reflections of that
stunning tragedy, that plays out in silence of Che Ka cellars right in the middle of
Moscow, reach our mind...
Here are a few random episodes from practice of mysterious and scary Vessel,
told simply and truthfully by several fortunate awaiting death down there and
subsequently pardoned by RCAC.
In late January of 1921 I was locked in the Vessel where two more condemned
were awaiting execution. They were accused of armed robbery of 287 million Roubles
from a vehicle in Tretyakovsky Dr. Their co-accused were locked in an adjacent cell
and also awaited a meeting with death.
The sentenced by Che Ka threesome were usually executed on Wednesdays and
Saturdays. This is why they clearly realized that they were living their last day on
Wednesday, January 26. Despite that they were very calm and even asked the head
man during lunch to give them more cnunky [soup]. Do not forget, that you are
feeding us for the last time...
Indeed, a guard on duty came around 6 PM and ordered to remove all occasional
and temporary staying inmates from the basement. It became clear, that they would
be taken out for execution. Both our cells were open, but we could not talk with
the inmates of another cell as the guard watched every move. They still managed to
destroy some messages...
In half an hour the executioner Punkratov descended to the basement accompanied
by commander Rodionov. The condemned were summoned from the cells and ordered
to disrobe. They put off the coats, jackets and shirt quickly, as if in a hurry... All faces
were pale. Some were wobbling and even fell, but got up right away. They smoked one
cigarette after another and did not talk. Then just as silently and almost running they
went up the spiral stairs... And we froze where we were as if stunned and watched
them leaving. I was thinking that the same fate awaited me...
The guards came a minute later for the possessions of those who left. Remaining
food was immediately shared and other things was later worn by the guards and the
executioner Punkratov...
About 20 minutes later after the condemned left a truck passed through the gates
of Moscow Che Ka... It was taking away the corpses of already executed to Lefortovo
morgue for autopsy and burial in a mass grave. The executed were tried in absentia
and awaited death for 11/2 month. They wrote on a wall of our cell: Bandits were
locked here. Executed January 26 for 287 millions. Their names remained unknown.
On Saturday, January 29, i.e. three months after the above executions, 19 of
sentenced in absentia by Moscow Che Ka session were brought into the Vessel from
Bootyrskaya prison. 13 of those 19 were bandits accused of various armed robberies.
Two 19 year old criminal investigator and 22 year old Che Ka investigator Utkin
for forging a search warrant and misappropriating 300 thousand Roubles. And four
militia men for allowing several robbers to steal food from a sealed rail car. All four
young people, of whom 19 year old peasant Medvedev was the first time offender.
All of them were extremely agitated, cried and begged the executioner on their
knees to make inquiries as they were completely innocent. But Punkratov showered them with curses and even beat one of them. The investigator Utkin and militia
man Medvedev were most sorry. Utkins buddy investigator H. asked me for paper
and quickly wrote a statement, that Utkin was innocent and should be pardoned in
all fairness. The rest of militia men immediately wrote the same statement about
Medvedev. Commander Rodionov took both statements to the Moscow Che Ka session.
At 7 PM Pankratovs voice was heard over noise and crying of the condemned:
Disrobe! All somehow fell silent and started to put the clothes off. Then kissed
each other and rushed up the stairs. Only two were left: Medvedev and one of his
comrades, 23 year old Egorov. The possessions of the condemned were again gathered
and taken somewhere, while food was shared and eaten by the guards. The share of
the executioner was left for him and even we received some.
In hour and a half Rodionov returned and got the militia men waiting in the cell
to sign some paper. Both thought that they were pardoned. But in less than 5 minutes
after he left Egorov was summoned upstairs and executed, and few more minutes later
Medvedev was told, that his execution was commuted for 15 years of concentration
camp. I could not describe his joy. Can only say that he was pulling out his hair...
Early in February in one of the Saturday Zhurinsky a 55 year old man with gray
hair was brought into the Vessel. He was accused of loaning big money to a number
of prominent Moscow bourgeois, counting on unavoidable fall of soviet government.
Moscow tribunal sentenced him to execution, but appealed to RCAC for clemency
and awaited his fate for four months. Finally he was notified, that RCAC confirmed
the sentence. On the premise of sudden visit by the family he was transferred from
Bootyrskaya cell to a dog house and by night fall he was in the Vessel.
The old man talked very little and replied to the guards offer to have dinner:
Does it make sense to eat before execution? and started crying. Then he took a
copy of the verdict out of his pocket and threw it on the floor. Soon came Punkratov
and yelled: Come outside! without even mentioning name and did not tell to disrobe.
Zhurinsky left stepping firmly and decisively... And 2 3 minutes later truck engine
roared taking still warm corpse to Lefortovo morgue.
About five days later three sentenced to execution by Moscow tribunal for counterfeiting were transfered from the same prison to the Vessel: 49 year old Nikulin,
36 year old accountant of soviet institution Smirnov and 26 year old factory clerk
Vasilyev. All three were married and each had several children. They appealed for
clemency to RCAC and waited for resolution for 6 months. In the end the verdict
was confirmed. They were grabbed during a walk in the prison yard and not allowed
to collect their possessions from the cells.
This is how another inmate of the Vessel described their last minutes:
At first the three conducted themselves very calmly, talked at lengths with myself
and other inmates. They wrote the farewell letters to the families and one of the
cell-mates, who expected his sentence to be commuted to no more than a year of
concentration camp agreed to deliver them. But soon after he too was executed and
the letters did not reach destination.
The oldest, Nikulin, kept asking to tell his wife that he calmly awaited death. But
I twice saw that he started crying. The comrades consoled him as much as they could.
They were very upset that could not grab cyanide from the cell... Smirnov even cried
from disappointment.
One of them asked: What time do they execute?
I replied: Around 7 PM.
At sundown one of them said: Let us look at sunlight one last time.
Nikulin raised his head and sighed: Right now I am still walking and seeing how
it is getting dark, and in 3/4 hour a bullet will puncture my temple...
He could not help but started crying again.
All my life I did not believe in God, but now do believe.
Smirnov sadly replied to that: Believe or not, it smells of death anyway.
Then he told us: Comrades, never rely on anyone and live by your own mind.
And the main thing: do not eager easy gain. I perished in pursuit of that... How I
would like to fix that error... But apparently it is late... It is hard to die...
Vasilyev kept walking back and forth, sometimes laid down on the bunk bed.
All in vain he exclaimed in trembling voice.
Only quarter of an hour was left...
Later he recalled: When we went to trial, three coffins were carried the other
way... I felt it was a bad sign...
It was about 5 10 minutes to 7 PM. They tried to talk all the time. Looked
out of the window and smoked. Vasilyev took off his sweatshirt and gave it to my
cellmate, and Nikulin gave me 1,000 roubles he found in a pocket. Dinner was served
but the condemned did not eat and gave us everything. They started deciding who
would go first. Usually they called by the list and Vasilyevs name would be the first.
Well, he said I will go first.
Someones head popped up above at exactly 7 PM and yelled to the guard on
duty: Send one up!
All three shook, put off the hats. They came to us to bid farewell. Than kissed
each other and crowded into the corner, but none came out.
One go outside yelled the guard loudly. But none moved.
Come outside all right yelled he in broken voice and tears rolled down his
cheeks. We started crying too from looking at him.
The condemned still stood, holding the hats with their heads down and quietly
asked each other to decide... It was very sad to look at them, and grave silence was
even worse.
But suddenly Smirnov put on his hat, lit a cigarette, buttoned his coat and rushed
upstairs. Half way up he stopped, looked back at us, raised his eyes and said: Never
crossed myself... And he crossed. Then looked at us again, nodded and one last time
yelled: Farewell.
See you I dropped.
Not see you, but farewell he corrected me and carried on.
At the door he was asked name and address, quickly replied and left through the
Vasilyev and Nikulin froze in the corner...
Less than a minute later the same voice yelled from above: Another come outside.
Nikulin hugged Vasilyev and they went together, but Vasilyev was stopped at the
door. That very moment Nikulin left through the door... Vasilyev froze on the spot
and fixed his pained eyes on the door.
He was called out in a minute or two. But he jumped back in horror, wobbled
and fell almost unconscious. He was propped up and carried out of the door... Half
an hour later noise of truck engine was heard. The corpses were taken away...
Late in April, on Easter eve, several condemned were transferred here. One of
them Garpushin was sentenced to execution by a railway tribunal for printing
counterfeit tickets and transporting food by rail. He was convicted for the same before,
but pardoned and released under amnesty. But this time the sentence was supposed
to be carried out in 48 hours and he was sent to the Vessel. There were also 25
year old bandit Eremin and deputy supervisor of some station of Alexandrov railway,
sentenced to execution for breaking into a car and stealing 8 bags of oats. I do not
remember his name.
All sat and awaited death any hour. Supervisor came Easter Sunday around noon
and called out... Garpushin requested a permisson to change into clean clothes. He
was allowed. But he was not the first summoned the station deputy supervisor was.
He left...
Then they called Eremin. Garpushin was next, but for some reason no one was
coming for him. 10 minutes of horrible waiting passed, but suddenly door opened
and... Eremin entered, whom we already considered executed. He told us the following:
When I was brought into the cellar, the station deputy supervisor was already
dead in a pool of blood. The executioner Punkratov was sitting in the corner on a
bench with a Colt in his hand. When I approached, he told me something, do not
remember what. Then told me to disrobe. I put off a trench coat, boots and started
unwrapping the foot wraps that already soaked in blood. Suddenly a red army man
came running, gave a note to Punkratov and ordered execution to stop. And seeing
a rail way mans corpse on the floor dropped:
Still managed to send one to afterlife.
Punkratov angrily replied: You should have slept even longer up there. This one
would have followed...
Then approached me, slapped on the shoulder and said: Lucky you, but do not
tell anyone what you saw here.
Offered me a cigarette. They brought bread and soup from somewhere, but I could
not eat...
Eremin, Garpushin and another condemned Lobachev were sent to Bootyrskaya
prison at once, and poor station deputy supervisor perished just like that, only because
an office girl from RCAC was a few minutes late with her paper on Easter Sunday...
Five months later those fortunate were pardoned. But according to those, who saw
Eremin, could not recover from his experience. He became quiet and fool-in-Christ...
In mid-May, not too long before publishing of decree that removed power of Che
Ka to sentence in the big cases, executioner Punkratov resigned and position passed
to the above mentioned Zhukov.
The story of him appearing at Moscow Che Ka is following: discharged from he
army, Zhukov came to Moscow looking for work and ran into his townsman executioner
Punkratov. He arranged for Zhukov tp be hired as a commissar at Moscow Che Ka
and offered to share an apartment.
Before becoming an executioner, Zhukov often stood guard on the Vessel, took
the inmates to the washroom and peacefully talked to them about his life.
Here said one prisoner we met closely. He was 29 years old and blind on one
eye. He was dressed very poorly and always complained, that he is impoverished and
his family is starving in the country. I offered him 15,000 Roubles for delivering a
letter and bringing back some stuff. He would not agree for some time, saying that
lives with Punkratov, who might find out about his violation. But finally agreed and
went to my home. He had tea at my place and apparently did not regret his side
income. Later he did similar favors to my cellmates for big money.
But lavish and nourish lifestyle of Punkratov was bothering him and he often
enviously talked about his roommate: Punkratov lives like a bourgeois, and I am
dog-poor, have nothing.
Told us how Punkratov is enriching himself, pulling golden teeth of the victims,
taking the gold crosses, rings and other valuables... That continued until mid-May,
when it was Zhukovs turn to become rich: he replaced his townsman and became an
executioner himself.
The small groups of condemned were transfered to the Vessel from Bootyrskaya
prison on May 14, 23 in total. They were sentenced to execution by Moscow Che Ka
on the charges of banditry. The root cause of such great number of condemned in one
night was probably in a push of the threesome to dispose of its victims before the
new decree came into force...
As soon as they were brought in, investigator Wul, whose prisoners they were,
came downstairs. Seeing him they condemned became noisy and tried to talk to him.
But nothing could be understood among common noise. Having looked at them all,
Wul smiled, waved his hand and left. The curses and swearing followed him... Many
considered themselves innocent. At that moment a bandit Purple entered our cell
and asked everyone to leave. We left, not realizing what was the matter. But several
minutes later we heard moaning. I rushed back in and saw Purple on the bunk bed
with his throat slit. The wound was not too deep, as he used a safety razor blade.
I called a guard. Two guards immediately grabbed him, bleeding and carried into
Zhukovs cellar.
Zhukov promptly finished him off...
None of the condemned was surprised by that incident and did not even care to
go into the cell to see the dying buddy. They, awaiting death every moment, did not
care. Purple wrote on a wall: Slit my throat to not fall into the hands of the living
parasites. Farewell, my wife... But his fate was different: he still died at the hand of
an executioner.
Commander Gorbatov with the executioner Zhukov descended around midnight.
They started summoning for execution one prisoner at a time at the routine intervals
of 1 2 minutes... Some disrobed quickly, others tore their clothes unwilling to leave
anything to the executioner. When a notorious bandit Ignatov who was dressed in
expensive jacket, pants and virtually new boots, was summoned, he was ordered to
go upstairs dressed... The executioner Zhukov was dressed like dandy the day after.
The last was a man from Georgia (cannot recall his name), accused ot armed
robbery of the Moscow city commander.
What do they want to execute me for?.. I will not come... Will not come...
Three guards tried to take him by force, but he put up a fight. They sent for
Zhukov, who was waiting for his last victim in the cellar. He came and hit him twice
in the side with a butt of revolver, then cracked his skull with a strong strike. Georgian
fell unconscious, bleeding. Twho guards lifted him and carried into the cellar, where
Zhukov finished him off, like Purprle with a single shot...
Half an hour they came to collect the possessions of the executed and the sound
of truck engine told us that their bodies were being taken to Lefortovo morgue. 23
people were executed that night...
Since that night Zhukov no longer talked to us and did not recognize. He was
always dressed like dandy, smoked cigarettes, no longer borrowed tobacco from us and
no longer complained about his poverty. He reached lavish lifestyle of his predecessor
and became just as happy and content with his fate.
In late February and March 28 more people, sentenced to execution by the session
of Moscow Che Ka for banditism, passed through the Vessel. All of them were tried
in absentia and learned their fate in the last moment. I will not dwell on the last
moments of their lives... But here are two episodes from April that an eyewitness told
me about.
Three bandits, sentenced by railway tribunal to execution for an armed
robbery, were transferred here from Taganskaya prison early in April. 48
hours passed since issuance of the verdict. They arrived tied and severely
beaten, as they put up a fight in prison, realizing that they were being
taken out for execution.
They were untied here and put into the cells. Awaiting the executioner
they have written down their names on the walls, talked to us and requested to pass a few small things a coin or a button to the families.
My cellmate Shelackin hoped for a release and volunteered to deliver
the items, but he was executed May 14 and the notes and items ended up
in Moscow Che Ka...
The executioner showed up at usual time, but no one was coming out
voluntarily. Then they were beaten one after another, tied and carried
upstairs. They did so to the first two. When they came for the next one
young (21 years old) bandit Geonov they found him hung in a cell...
Jacket and pants, tied together and to the heating pipe, were his noose.
No one noticed when it happened. They rushed to release him from the
noose and resuscitate, but it was too late...
Not much can be added to that story.
Every minute of approaching Death tightened an iron ring of Doom around the
condemned, the scarier and scarier.
All human traditions quickly became the past, all those little rights and guarantees, that the worst bandit enjoyed a quarter of an hour ago even in Che Ka
basement. And the executioner, who came to talk to use out of boredom in the morning, and investigator Wul, who fed them white buns, and the anonymous guards,
who peacefully served as sentries, who served dinner an hour ago and took them to
a washroom all of them, as under a spell, turned into the wild beasts with one
common goal, one desire: to manage to tear apart the victim thrown to them.
They disrobed the still living people and later argued about their clothes. They
tied still living and instinctively resisting death by hands and feet, like the animals
get tied at the slaughterhouses, and carried them away to the executioner.
There were the likes of Medvedev among that faceless mass of the assistants in
execution those intoxicated from blood , who were as cruel as Zhukov or Punkratov...
There were indifferent servicemen, who took part in executions as part of their duty
and for whom execution of people was the same annoying, but unavoidable routine as
war. But there were others too the individuals, who ended up in Che Ka basement
by accident or ignorance, but retained human consciousness and could not take that
stunning pressure of the last suffering.
I personally met one of those random participants of terror, who quit for some
made up reason. That 36 year old worker, a carpenter by trade, removed from peaceful
labor by European war, was thrown into the Special battalion of Che Ka, where he
guarded the enemies of worker-peasant government rifle in hand. It was hard for him
to talk about the Vessel and executions. But from individual phrases he dropped, I
learned how he took the people to the door of doom, how ran away to not hear the
screams and moans, and how several horrible moments later a sound of a single shot
caught up with him...
I was an honest soldier said he once. I went to the bayonet attacks on
Germans several times, was twice wounded and say a lot of sorrow and lots of blood.
But that all was not so scary, as the accursed cellar at Lubyanka.
If entering from Lesser Lubyanka St, that would be the first door on your right.
There are several basements and one of them is used as an execution chamber. It
has paved floor with a trough and drain. The walls are pitted by bullets. Smell of
stale blood in the air. And a small bench in the corner, where an agitated executioner
awaited his victims.
Usually the executioner worked alone. But there was instances, when it was not
sufficient, and then some volunteer form among the guards or the red army men from
a Special Battalion joined in. During Punkratovs and Zhukovs time that was a duty
of a young soldier Andrianov.
After the paperwork and formalities are complete, the corpses are taken to Lefortovo morgue for autopsy and burial. That is the end of the cycle on the path of already
dead body and soulless machine of Death releases it from its iron grip.
Revolutionary justice has been served.
But its sword of vengeance pursues not only direct enemies of Bolshevik state.
Freezing breath of terror reaches those, whose fathers and husbands are already resting
in the mass graves.
The vengeful sword strikes not only direct enemies of Bolshevik state. Freezing
breath of terror catches up with those, whose fathers and husbands already lie in
mass graves. Stunned with overhanging doom and anticipating disaster for months,
the mothers, wives and children learn about it long after the fact, by the circumstantial
signs, and rush to the Che Ka cells, maddened with sorrow but unsure that this is
the end...
I know of a number of cases, where Moscow Che Ka issued the permissions for
visits with those, who were known to be in Lefortovo morgue.
Wives and children came with pogeys to the prisons, but instead of a visit they
were given a routine answer:
Not registered at this prison.
Or something confusing and misleading:
Left with possessions within the city...
Not an official notice of execution, not a farewell visit, not a dead body for respectful family funeral...
Bolshevik terror is ruthless. It knows mercy neither to the enemies, nor to the
children, mourning their fathers.
This is the end of my quick notes.
I intentionally dedicated them not to those, who fell under the sword of terror
while fighting for their political ideas, but to those criminals and bandits, who are
equally unacceptable to all political regimes.
But perhaps the Stations of the Cross of those specific people with dim thoughts
and still sleeping social consciousness can create more contrast with vast historic
crime of those, who in the name of communism tried to cure the social injustices with
such methods, and who carried out terror (and what terror!) while creating a new
free society...
A. Chumakov
September 1921