Effects of Two Types of Trunk Exercises On
Effects of Two Types of Trunk Exercises On
Effects of Two Types of Trunk Exercises On
Purpose/Background: Many athletes perform trunk stabilization exercises (SE) and conventional trunk
exercises (CE) to enhance trunk stability and strength. However, evidence regarding the specific training
effects of SE and CE is lacking and there have been no studies for youth athletes. Therefore, the purpose
of this study was to investigate the training effects of SE and CE on balance and athletic performance in
youth soccer players.
Methods: Twenty-seven male youth soccer players were assigned randomly to either an SE group (n = 13)
or CE group (n = 14). Data from nineteen players who completed all training sessions were used for statistical analyses (SE, n = 10; CE, n = 9). Before and after the 12-week intervention program, pre- and posttesting comprised of a static balance test, Star Excursion Balance Test (SEBT), Coopers test, sprint, the Step
50, vertical jump, and rebound jump were performed. After pre-testing, players performed the SE or CE
program three times per week for 12 weeks. A two-way repeated-measures ANOVA was used to assess the
changes over time, and differences between the groups. Within-group changes from pre-testing to post-testing were determined using paired t-tests. Statistical significance was inferred from p < 0.05.
Results: There were significant group-by-time interactions for posterolateral (p = 0.022) and posteromedial
(p < 0.001) directions of the SEBT. Paired t-tests revealed significant improvements of the posterolateral and
posteromedial directions in the SE group. Although other measurements did not find group-by-time interactions, within-group changes were detected indicating significant improvements in the static balance test,
Coopers test, and rebound jump in the only SE group (p < 0.05). Vertical jump and sprint were improved
significantly in both groups (p < 0.05), but the Step 50 was not improved in either group (p > 0.05).
Conclusions: Results suggested that the SE has specific training effects that enhance static and dynamic
balance, Coopers test, and rebound jump.
Levels of Evidence: 3b
Keywords: core training, stabilization exercise, trunk muscle, trunk stability
Atsushi Imai
320 Ukiya, Iwatsuki, Saitama 339-8501, Japan
Email: [email protected]
The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 9, Number 1 | February 2014 | Page 47
The trunk, which is defined for the purpose of this
study as the region of the low back and pelvis, has
important roles including the transfer of energy and
the connection of movements between the lower
and upper body.1,2 Within the trunk, there are many
muscles. These muscles are classified into local and
global muscles depending on their anatomical orientation and function.3 Local muscles, which have
more direct or indirect attachments to the lumbar
vertebrae, are associated with the segmental stability of the lumbar spine.3 Global muscles, those that
attach to the hips and pelvis, are related to torque
production and to transfer of load between the thoracic cage and the pelvis.3 The interdependency of
the osseoligamentous structures, trunk muscles,
and neural control of the muscles is needed for optimal trunk stability.4 Particularly, coordination and
co-contraction of these local and global muscles are
important.5 Thus, trunk stability is considered the
ability to control the position and motion of trunk
during dynamic loading and movement conditions.6
Various trunk exercises are often performed for improving strength and stability of the trunk. One type of trunk
exercises, described as conventional trunk exercises
(CE) include repeated flexion and extension of spine,
such as sit-ups or back extensions, have been widely
performed for improving trunk strength.7 Another
type of trunk exercises, described as trunk stabilization
exercises (SE), which keep the lumbar spine in a neutral position and adjust functional postures with minimal accompanying trunk movements, such as the side
bridge or back bridge, are commonly performed. The
aim of SE is to restore and improve the coordination
and control of the trunk muscles in order to enhance
trunk stability.8 Previous authors have demonstrated
that SE is effective in not only rehabilitating and preventing the low back pain,9,10,11 but also for improving
balance12 and athletic performance.13 Moreover, it has
been also reported that the warm-up program including SE reduced the incidence of anterior cruciate ligament injury.14 Thus, the number of people who are
interested in using SE as the training for improving
athletic performance and for preventing injuries of
low back and lower extremities is increasing.
Several researchers have examined the effects of
trunk exercises on balance and athletic performance
in healthy adults or collegiate athletes. They examined trunk exercise programs with combinations of SE
and CE or only SE or only CE in order to investigate
their effects.12,15,16 Sato and Mokha15 found that trunk
strengthening exercises improved the 5,000 meter run
time of healthy adults. Butcher et al13 showed that SE
improved the vertical jump in athletes. Additionally,
Kahle et al12 reported that SE improved dynamic balance in the healthy adults. Although several studies
that investigated the training effects of trunk exercises
have been reported, there have been few studies comparing the training effects of the SE and CE. Parkhouse
and Ball17 have reported that static balance of university students was improved by SE but not by CE. Childs
et al18,19 reported that effects on musculoskeletal injuries and abdominal strength were similar between SE
and CE groups in the soldiers 18 to 35 years of age.
The effects of training on performance are variable, and are likely based upon the principle of the
specific adaptation to imposed demands.20 Thus, it
would follow that training effects of SE would be
different from those of CE. However, the beneficial
aspects of each trunk exercise remain unclear due to
lack of evidence. Moreover, the subjects of previous
studies were university students, soldiers, or healthy
adults, the study for the young sports players has
not been reported.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the training effects of SE and CE on athletic performance and balance in youth soccer players. The
authors hypothesized that SE would improve balance and CE would improve athletic performance
involving dynamic motions of the trunk.
Twenty-seven youth male soccer players participated
in this study. They were members of the same high
school soccer club and were participating in soccer
practice and games six times per week at the time
of the investigation. Players were excluded from the
study if they reported low back pain or had sustained
a lower extremity injury that required treatment or
which might have inhibited performance within
the previous 12 months. Each player was randomly
assigned to either the SE group (n = 13) or the CE
group (n = 14). Nineteen of the original twenty-seven
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The 30-meter sprint test was used to determine
quickness and speed. The sprint time for 30 m was
measured using photocell (Speedtrap; Fitness Apollo
Japan, Co., Ltd., Tokyo) positioned at the starting
and finishing lines at a height of 1 m. Participants
started from a standing position, placing their forward foot 0.5 m behind the sensor. The measurement of the time was performed twice. The faster
time was selected for additional analysis.
Vertical jump
Explosive strength and power ability was assessed
using a vertical countermovement jump test which
is simple and popular. Participants performed a vertical countermovement jump with arm swing on a
mat switch (Multi Jump Tester; DKH Inc., Tokyo).
They were instructed to jump for maximum height
in the vertical jump. The jump height was calculated
using the following equation:
Jump height = (g Flight time2) 81
The International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy | Volume 9, Number 1 | February 2014 | Page 50
Figure 2. Trunk stabilization exercises: (A) Front plank, (B) Back bridge, (C) Quadruped exercise, (D) Side bridge.
Training program
Training programs were conducted three times
per week for 12 weeks. The session of the SE and
CE were performed at the final practice session of
the day. All sessions were directed and supervised
by the coach, who has qualifications as a certified
strength & conditioning specialist (CSCS). The SE
program was composed of four exercises that were
the front plank, quadruped exercise, back bridge, and
side bridge (Figure 2). Participants were instructed
to maintain a neutral position of spine and to hold
the posture of each exercise during set time (Table
2). The CE program was composed of four exercises
that were the situp1, situp2, back extension1,
and back extension2 (Figure 3). Participants were
instructed to perform the maximum repetitions as
many as they could during the set time for these
exercises (Table 3). The intensity and volume of
each trunk exercise were progressed gradually.
Trunk stabilization exercises
For the front plank, participants were instructed to
maintain a prone position that supported the body
by forearms and toes. In the next stage, they raised
one arm, one leg, or one arm and opposite leg from
a prone position and maintained the raising position. The quadruped exercise was performed in the
quadruped position, progressing to raising the right
arm and left leg or left arm and right leg. The side
bridge was performed in a side lying position by supporting the body with the elbow and foot. For the
back bridge, participants began by lying supine with
their feet flat on the ground, knees bent at 90 and
hands folded across the chest. They raised the pelvis to achieve and to maintain a neutral hip flexion
angle. In the next stage, they raised one leg from the
floor, extended the knee straight, and maintained
this posture.
Conventional trunk exercises
Situp1 was performed the standard situp, knees
bent at 90, and hands folded across the chest. In
the next stage, participants were supine position,
the hips bent 60 off the floor; legs straight. They
raised the upper body until hands touched toes. Sit
up2 was performed the sit-up with trunk rotation.
Participants were instructed to raise, bend, rotate
the upper body to the left or right until the elbow
touched the opposite thigh, and returned to the starting position. This was performed alternating on the
right and left sides. In the next stage, participants
were in the supine position with hands interlocked
behind the head, the right knee bent at 90, the right
foot rested on the floor, and the left leg crossed over
the right leg. They were instructed to raise and rotate
the upper body until the right elbow touched the
left knee from this starting position. They repeated
on the one side during the set time. Opposite side
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Figure 3. Conventional trunk exercises: (A) Sit-up-1, (B) Sit-up-2, (C) Back extension-1, (D) Back extension-2.
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p = 0.208), paired t-tests revealed significant improvement between pre-test and post-test in the only SE
group (p = 0.015; ES = 1.07).
Athletic performance
There were no significant group-by-time interactions
of all athletic performance data. For within-group
change from pre-test to post-test, significant improvements were revealed in the Coopers test (p = 0.002;
ES = 0.70) and rebound jump (p = 0.009; ES = 0.31)
in the SE group, but were not observed in the CE
group (all p > 0.05). Also, vertical jump and sprint
improved significantly in both the SE and CE groups
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