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OpendTect User Documentation version 4.

dGB Earth Sciences
Copyright 2002-2009 by dGB Beheer B.V.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced and/or published by print, photo
print, microfilm or any other means without the written consent of dGB Beheer B.V. Under the
terms and conditions of either of the license holders are permitted to make hardcopies for internal
use: GNU GPL Commercial agreement Academic agreement

Table of Contents
1. Preface
1.1. About this manual
1.2. Release notes
1.3. About OpendTect
1.4. Copyright
1.5. Acknowledgement
2. Getting started
2.1. System overview
2.2. Toolbars
2.2.1. OpendTect toolbar
2.2.2. Manage toolbar
2.2.3. Graphics toolbar
2.2.4. Tracking toolbar
2.2.5. Slice position toolbar
2.3. Mouse Controls: Scenes & graphical interaction
2.4. Color Tables
2.5. General selection window
2.6. 2D Viewer
3. How to...
3.1. Quickstart a Project.
3.1.1. OpendTect Survey
3.1.2. Setup 2D/3D survey Survey name and Type Survey ranges Coordinate Settings
3.1.3. Data loading Load Seismic (2D/3D) Load Well data

3.2. Display loaded data

3.3. Interpret horizons
3.3.1. 3D Horizon
3.3.2. Edit 3D-horizon
3.3.3. 2D Horizons
3.4. Interpret Faults
4. OpendTect Trees and Elements
4.1. Scene
4.2. Inline, Crossline & Timeslice
4.3. Volume
4.4. Random line
4.4.1. Manual Mode
4.4.2. Create from existing
4.4.3. Create along contour
4.4.4. Create from polygons
4.4.5. Create from wells
4.5. Pickset
4.5.1. Manual/Empty Picksets
4.5.2. Polygon
4.5.3. Generate Random Picks (3D)
4.5.4. Generate Random Picks (2D)
4.5.5. Pop-Up Menus
4.6. Horizon
4.7. 2D Horizon
4.8. Fault
4.9. FaultStickSet
4.10. Body
4.11. Well
4.12. 2D Seismic
4.13. Annotations
4.14. PreStack 3D viewer
5. Menu - Survey
5.1. Select/Setup Survey
5.1.1. Description
5.1.2. Survey selection window
5.1.3. New/Edit Survey setup window Survey Ranges Coordinate settings
5.2. Session
5.3. Import
5.3.1. Import Seismic SEG-Y SEG-Y import preparation SEG-Y revision SEG-Y Examiner SEG-Y Import SEG-Y scan SEG-Y Pre-stack scanned Simple File Import 3D Simple File format Import 2D simple file format Import Prestack 3D simple file format Import Prestack 2D simple file format Import CBVS cube window
5.3.2. Import Pickset window
5.3.3. Import horizon window Geometry 3D Attributes 3D Geometry 2D
5.3.4. Import Fault
5.3.5. Import Well - Ascii Track Logs Markers Import Zero-Offset VSP
5.3.6. Import Wavelets
5.3.7. Import Mute
5.3.8. Import velocity functions
5.4. Export
5.4.1. Seismics SEG-Y Simple File Export 2D simple file format Export 3D simple file format
5.4.2. Horizons
5.4.3. Faults
5.4.4. Picksets
5.4.5. Mute
5.4.6. Prestack Event
5.5. Manage
5.5.1. Description
5.5.2. Seismic file management window Copy cube data window Merge files window Browse/Edit Cube Locations Manage 2D seismic lines Dump 2D geometry Volume sub-selection Pre-stack seismic manager
5.5.3. Horizon file management window Horizon manager Stratigraphy Relations
5.5.4. Manage Faults
5.5.5. Well management window Well manager Well Track Editor Markers Management Time-Depth model Logs
5.5.6. Pickset file management window
5.5.7. Wavelet management window Wavelet Manager Import wavelet Generate synthetic wavelets Statistical wavelet extraction
5.5.8. Manage Stratigraphy
5.5.9. Attribute Set Management
5.6. Pre-Loaded Seismic Data
6. Menu - Analysis
6.1. Attributes
6.1.1. Attribute Set window
6.1.2. Attribute Set toolbar
6.1.3. Auto Load Attribute Set
6.1.4. Default attribute sets
6.1.5. Input selection Input selection for 3D attribute sets Input selection for 2D attribute sets
6.1.6. Import an attribute set from...
6.1.7. Calculate Attributes
6.2. Volume Builder Setup
6.2.1. Lateral smoother
6.2.2. Horizon-based painter

6.2.3. Smoother
6.2.4. Body shape painter
6.2.5. Gridding Velocity source Velocity edition
6.2.6. Stored Volumes
6.3. Cross-plot
6.3.1. Well and attribute cross-plotting
6.3.2. Attribute-Attribute cross-plotting
6.3.3. Cross-plot filters
6.3.4. Attribute data and Toolbars
6.4. Well to Seismic Tie
6.4.1. Well-Tie selection window
6.4.2. Well-Tie: Display Panel
6.4.3. Well-Tie: Crosscheck Parameters
7. Menu - processing
7.1. Create Volume Output
7.1.1. Attribute 2D: Create Lineset output 3D: Create 3D Seismic output Multi-Component outputs
7.1.2. Volume Builder Output
7.1.3. Time depth conversion
7.1.4. Pre-stack processing Automatic Gain Control Mute Vertical stack Velocity correction
7.1.5. Between Horizons
7.1.6. Along Horizon
7.1.7. Re-Start
7.2. Create Grid Output
7.2.1. Grid
7.2.2. Stratal Amplitude
7.2.3. Isopach
7.3. Madagascar
7.3.1. Madagascar Installation
7.3.2. Madagascar Processing window
7.3.3. Toolbar
7.3.4. Madagascar Processing input
7.3.5. Madagascar processing output

7.4. Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)

7.4.1. Introduction
7.4.2. Initial Setup
7.4.3. Create Postscript Maps
7.5. Batch Processing
7.5.1. Single machine batch processing window
7.5.2. Multi-machine batch processing window
7.5.3. Batch log file
7.5.4. Cluser processing
8. Menu - Scenes
8.1. Time and Depth converted scenes
8.2. Additional transformed scenes
9. Menu - View
9.1. Work area
9.2. Z-scale
9.3. Stereo viewing
9.4. Toolbars
10. Menu - Utilities
10.1. Settings
10.1.1. Fonts
10.1.2. Look and Feel
10.1.3. Mouse controls
10.1.4. Keyboard Shortcuts
10.1.5. Advanced
10.2. Tools
10.2.1. Batch Programs
10.2.2. Position Conversion
10.2.3. Create Devel. env.
10.2.4. Command Driver
10.3. Plugins
10.4. Show Log File
11. Menu - Help
A Attributes and filters
Coherency-- Multi-trace attribute that emphasizes areas of highest discontinuity
Convolve-- Attribute that returns a filtered response
Delta Resample-- Attribute that enables residual alignment of seismic volumes
Energy-- Response attribute that returns the energy of a trace segment
Event-- Attribute that quantifies an event's shape or distance relative to a next event
Fingerprint-- Attribute that computes the similarity between a user-defined vector of attributes
and the equivalent vector taken at each position in a cube.
Frequency-- Response attribute that returns frequency properties

Frequency Filter-- Attribute that returns filtered data using FFT or Butterworth filter types
GapDecon-- Attribute that aims to attenuate repetitions of primary reflections (multiples).
Horizon-- Attribute that enables advanced calculations on horizons
Instantaneous-- Attribute that returns an instantaneous attribute
Match Delta-- Attribute that extracts time shifts between similar events in different seismic
Mathematics-- Attribute that returns the result of a user-defined mathematical expression
Position-- Attribute that returns any attribute calculated at the location where another attribute
has its minimum, maximum or median within a small volume.
Prestack-- The pre-stack attribute can be used either to extract statistics on the gathers and
their amplitudes, or to extract AVO attributes.
Reference-- Attribute that returns the definitions of the extraction position
Reference shift-- Attribute that moves the extraction position in 3D space
Scaling-- Attribute used for scaling of amplitude
Similarity-- Multi-trace attribute that returns trace-to-trace similarity properties
Spectral decomposition-- Frequency attribute that returns the amplitude spectrum (FFT) or
waveletcoefficients (CWT)
Velocity Fan Filter-- Attribute that returns energy with apparent velocities inside a specified
Min/Max range.
Volume statistics-- Attribute that returns statistical properties
B Command Driver Manual
C SEG-Y checklist

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 1. Preface
Table of Contents
1.1 About this manual
1.2 Release notes
1.3 About OpendTect
1.4 Copyright
1.5 Acknowledgement

1.1. About this manual

This manual combines primer, reference guide, and theory into one document. New users are advised
to read the Getting Started section, which acts as a primer to the system. Detailed information on
windows and parameter settings are described. Advanced users may also look at some of the
Appendices. Appendix A describes attributes and filters, what they do, and what parameters can be
This document was written using the online Documentation Tool system. Two versions are published:
an html manual for online use and a pdf version for printing. The html manual comes with the
OpendTect software when it is downloaded from the Download Center. Both the html and pdf
manual can be separately downloaded from here.
While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, it is possible that last minute
changes to the user interface are not reflected in the manual, or are not described accurately. Please
help us improve future editions by reporting any errors, inaccuracies, bugs, misleading or confusing
statements you encounter.
Please note that apart from this user manual, there is also an Application manager manual. These can
be found in /data/dTectDoc/ApplMan directory or the software installation directory. Commercial
plugins are not described in this manual but in separate Help files.

OpendTect User
Documentation version 4.0


Release notes

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 1. Preface

1.2. Release notes

This is the user documentation for release OpendTect v.4.0, an open source post-processing, and
seismic interpretation system launched by dGB
OpendTect is an open source software system that is released via the internet. Users can download
the software from the OpendTect website.
OpendTect system is a complete seismic interpretation system that can compete with any commercial
system available on the market to date.
OpendTect V4.0is released under a triple licensing strategy:
1) under the GNU GPL license.
2) under a Commercial license.
3) under an Academic license.
Under the GNU / GPL license OpendTect is completely free-of-charge, including for commercial use.
The commercial license enables the user to extend the system with (closed source) commercial
plugins that can either be purchased or leased.
Under the academic license agreement universities can get free licenses for OpendTect and
commercial plugins for R&D and educational purposes.
OpendTect is currently supported on the following platforms:

PC-Linux 32/64bit
Windows XP 32/64bit / Vista 32/64bit / Windows 2000
Mac OS X 10.4

About this manual


About OpendTect

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 1. Preface


1.3. About OpendTect

OpendTect is a seismic post-processing and interpretation system, as well as an R & D platform, for
developing innovative seismic interpretation tools. The system is released under a triple licensing

under the GNU GPL license.

under a Commercial license.
under an Academic license.

For more information go to dGB's download center

This manual describes the functionality in the OpendTect system. Manuals for commercial plugins
have their own help files.
OpendTect system features:

Visualization and analysis of 2D and 3D seismic data in a single survey.

Sophisticated 2D and 3D horizon tracking including auto-tracking, plane-by-plane, line and
manual tracking.
On-the-fly calculation and visualization of various attributes and filters.
Multi-platform distributed computing
Plug-in architecture.

New OpendTect 4.0 features:

OpendTect 4.0 is built with MSVC 2005, allowing for better integration with the third party libraries
and stability on Windows Operating Systems. New features have now been made available,
previously unavailable for versions built with Cygwin. OpendTect 4.0 is the first version available for
both 32 bit and 64 bit Systems for Windows.
Installation and directory structure: The installation and directory structure are entirely different
from the previous releases. Unlike the previous versions, OpendTect 4.0 is a complete Windows
application and does not require any Unix shell scripts for its operation. The console window is no
longer necessary for OpendTect on Windows. OpendTect 4.0 can automatically find its current
installation folder and load the data, Plugins and icons from respective folders. Use of
DTECT_WINAPPL environment variable no longer needed.
Progress Windows: The launching of batch programs and view progress windows is now

implemented in similar manners to that of Linux, which means the application has almost the same
features on both Unix and Windows (Previously, Cygwin Installation could not launch view progress
window ).
User Messages: User messages have been standardized, containing relevant text on the buttons rather
than only yes/no options.
Implementation of a new Axis Drawer: A new axis drawer has been implemented with better looking
arrows and annotations. The new Axes will not interfere with the other 3D objects in the scene. It is
now possible to take the snapshot of the scene along with axes, allowing the user to understand the
orientation of the survey in the snapshot image.
Implementation of Top Bottom Image: Users can add rectangular Images on top or bottom of the
survey box with transparency. This feature is useful if users want to add any reference map of the
survey so that they can understand the geographical position and corresponding seismic profile in a
better way.
View Orientation: A View North, and View North-Z options have been added to the Graphical Tools
toolbar along with View Inline and View Crossline buttons.
Release notes



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 1. Preface


1.4. Copyright
The information contained in this manual and the accompanying software programs are copyrighted
and all rights reserved by dGB Beheer BV, hereinafter dGB. dGB reserves the right to make periodic
modifications to this product without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision.
Copying, duplicating, selling, or otherwise distributing any part of this product without any prior
consent of an authorized representative of dGB is prohibited. OpendTect license holders are
permitted to print and copy this manual for internal use.
About OpendTect



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 1. Preface


1.5. Acknowledgement
The OpendTect system is developed around concepts and ideas originating from a long-term
collaboration between dGB and Statoil (now StatoilHydro). Most of the system was and is developed
through sponsored projects. We are indebted to all past, present and future sponsors. To name a few:

Forest Oil
Gaz de France
BG Group
The Dutch government



Getting started

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 2. Getting started

Table of Contents
2.1 System overview
2.2 Toolbars
2.3 Mouse Controls: Scenes & graphical interaction
2.4 Color Tables
2.5 General selection window
2.6 2D Viewer

2.1. System overview

OpendTect contains several commercial and non-commercial plugins that have their own menus/icons/toolbars. Such
tools appear on the main window if the licenses are available. The main user interface is shown below. The interface
is comprised of main menu bar, several toolbars (OpendTect, Graphical, Tracking, Color Table etc), a tree scene control, and
a 3D scene. Within the user interface, a scene contains the displayed data and data is loading as an element of the tree.
The important toolbox is an attribute set window, which is used to define seismic attributes as an attribute set. Such set
can then be used to display attributes on-the-fly, or to create an attribute output. The attribute set can also be combined
to generate a Meta-attribute. Meta-attributes can be predicted by using Neural Networks, mathematical manipulations and/
or logical operations. ChimneyCube, SaltCube, FaultCube are our patent Meta-attributes.

OpendTect main user interface including commercial plugins

OpendTect can be used amongst others:

To do seismic data interpretation.

To create advanced single-attribute cubes.
To filter the seismic data.
To track and filter horizons

To combine attribute and filter responses by math and logic (IF..THEN..ELSE, ..AND.., ..OR.. etc.)
As a platform to develop new applications or plug-ins.

Projects in OpendTect are associated with a seismic survey, which must be defined at the start (File - Survey). The
survey specifications define the geographical boundaries of the study area and the relationship between inline/cross-line and
X/Y co-ordinate system. Seismic data is loaded from external sources (e.g. SEGY) into OpendTect's CBVS (Common
Binary Volume Storage) format.
An important thing to remember is that OpendTect works with an active attribute set (You can auto-load an attribute-set
which will be active the next time you open the survey. Do the following: open an attribute set window, then select File
> Autoload Attribute set). Only attributes in the current active set can be used to make displays. You must select an
existing attribute set or create a new one before you can apply attributes. If you wish to test a different attribute or, in case
you simply wish to change the parameters of an attribute, you can do so by modifying the current attribute set.
Interactive testing of attributes is a key benefit of OpendTect. Attributes and input data can be visualized in multiple
graphic windows ("scenes") using multiple plane viewers (inline, crossline, randomline, time). Each scene has its own
graphic tree that controls the elements that can be switched on/off. The plane viewer dimensions can be re-sized to
reduce calculation times. The attribute specification window supports a direct application mode for fast testing of
to apply the current attribute to the currently selected active element. Up
attribute parameters. Press the "Swift" icon
to eight different attributes can be displayed in one element (inline, crossline, 2D line, timeslice, randomline)



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 2. Getting started

2.2. Toolbars
2.2.1. OpendTect toolbar
The OpendTect toolbar contains icons to launch OpendTect specific modules.

starts the Survey definition module

starts the Attribute module

starts the 3D output module

starts the 2D output module

starts the Volume builder.

starts the Crossplot module

starts the Madagascar link

starts the Generic Mapping Tools user interface
starts the Common Contour Binning* plugin.

starts the Neural Network* plugin.

* These are commercial plugins, that are available under license.

2.2.2. Manage toolbar

Opens the Seismic cube manager.


Opens the Horizon manager.

Opens the Fault manager

Opens the Well manager.

Opens the Pickset manager.

Opens the Wavelet manager.

Opens the Manage Stratigraphy window.

Opens the chronostratigraphy file management

Opens or creates a new chronostratigraphy interpretation

Opens the chronoslider

This VMB icon shows semblance window

This VMB icon shows horizon-based vertical update window

This VMB icon picks new trace location

2.2.3. Graphics toolbar

The graphics toolbar contains icons to manipulate the scenes (graphics window), below are
the available icons within OpendTect.

This icon allows the user to switch the view mode on. In this mode, you can rotate
the view and zoom in and out. Tip: in order to evaluate data values, zoom in and switch
to interact mode by clicking on the appropriate icon. Move the cursor over the zoomedin data and watch the returned position (inline, crossline and X,Y,T plus value) in the
status line at the bottom of the main window.
This icon allows the user to switch the interact mode on. Click on the element that
you wish to move. A frame with handles appears around the clicked element. The

handles are used to re-size the frame. Clicking and dragging inside the element is the
way to move the entire element in the in-plane direction. Tip: For accurate positioning
of a data element, use the Position option from the right-hand mouse button pop-up
menu in the tree.

This icon resets the view to the position that was saved when you pressed the
"save home position" icon.

This saves the home position that can be recalled with the previous icon.

This icon allows the user to reset the view such that all data are visible.

This toggles the view to orthographic/perspective view.

This icon resets the view in inline direction.

This icon allows the user to reset the view in crossline direction.

This resets the view in Z-direction.

This will reset the view to the North direction.

This resets the view to North-Z direction.

The display rotation axis is used to show/hide the N-E-Z (North-East-Z)

orientation arrows. This button can only be used in View mode, but the arrows remain
active in both view mode and interact mode.
This icon displays or hides the colorbar
This icon opens the snapshot window*, so that the user can grab pictures of the
scene, window, and/or the desktop.
(See below for details)

This icon sets the selection to polygon or rectangular modes.

Displays selected element only. When more than one element is displayed in the
tree, one can quickly view a single element and toggle between elements by clicking
the different elements in the tree.
This is a tool to measure distances by drawing a polygon on an inline/crossline or
on a horizon. The tool returns horizontal distance (meters), vertical distance (ms) and
the inline or crossline distance respectively. The distance is computed by using input
constant velocity.

Make snapshot
It is possible to make different kinds of snapshots in OpendTect. Three options are available to
take screenshots: Scene, Window, and Desktop.

The "scene" option allows the user to grab a particular scene within OpendTect.The COIN 3D
library is used, allowing the output picture to have a better resolution than the screen
resolution. Every element displayed in the scene will be in the output picture, including the
annotations (colour scale, orientation...). The overlapping windows will be neglected.
You can change the image settings e.g. height, width, resolution etc. If you save the settings,
they will automatically appear next time you grab new images (not only in the current session).

The "Window" option grabs one window including its decoration (menu bars, frame...). It can
be either the main window or any 2D viewer opened when the snapshot button was pressed.
The "Desktop" option is similar and will snap the entire user desktop. Both use the Qt library
for grabbing the picture. As a result the output is limited to the actual screen resolution, and
overlapping windows will appear on the screenshot.

2.2.4. Tracking toolbar

The Tracking toolbar contains icons to control tracking of surfaces.
For a primer on tracking in OpendTect, see how to interpret horizons.

By clicking this icon, the tracking settings is setup.

This activates the seed pick mode.

By pressing this icon, the user starts tracking the horizon from seeds.

By pressing this icon, the user will first remove all the autotracked horizon then
retrack from seeds only within the tracking box.
By pressing this icon the tracked horizon will be displayed at section only

By pressing this icon, the user selects a part of the horizon using polygonal/
rectangular option
This icon allows the user to remove the previously selected area within the
tracking horizon
With this icon, the user starts the auto-tracking of a surface within the tracking


This will undo/redo the last action.

This icon toggles the tracking cube on/off. Only inside this volume the data is in
memory. When the tracking cube is on, it can be re-sized using the green anchors.
This icon displays the QC plane in inline direction. But the user can also QC the

tracking on crossline direction

or timeslice direction

This selects the data to be displayed on the tracking plane. Only data
that is in memory can be selected.
When pressing this icon, the user opens the color bar selection menu.

The user changes the transparency of the tracking


The user moves the tracking plane N positions back / N positions forward i.
e. towards a lower/higher inline, crossline or time (depth) number. N is the specified
step size.
This icon shows the number of positions to move the tracking plane in the
direction indicated by the arrows described above.

2.2.5. Slice position toolbar

The slice position toolbar contains icons to move slices through the volume.
This will move the slice forward / backward.

set the step, i.e the number of inlines / crosslines to jump when
moving the slice forward / backward

System overview


Mouse Controls: Scenes &
graphical interaction

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 2. Getting started


2.3. Mouse Controls: Scenes & graphical interaction

The workspace contains one or more graphics windows. There are two basic manipulation modes:
view mode and interact mode. The latter has two sub-modes: moving and picking. One can toggle
between the view and interact mode with the Esc key.
In view mode (selected by clicking on the "hand" icon
), the cursor is displayed with two circular
arrows. In this mode, each scene can be rotated and zoomed independently using mouse button
operations. Left-click and drag is for rotating the image. Simultaneous left+middle button click and
drag is for moving the camera closer or further away. Shifting the image is done by middle mouse
button click and drag movements.
), the cursor is an arrow. In interact mode,
In interact mode (selected by pressing the "arrow" icon
you can move the elements in 3D space (move mode) or you can pick example position to train
neural networks (pick mode).
In pick mode, the current pickset is highlighted (reverse video) in the tree and the status bar displays
a message; for example: "Nr of picks: 25". A new position is added to the current pickset by clicking
with the left-hand mouse button. The status bar message is updated: "Nr of picks: 26". Picks from the
current pickset can be removed by holding the Ctrl-key (the Apple key on MacOS) and pressing the
left-hand mouse button.
Move mode is used to move elements to other positions in the data cube. An element is selected by
clicking with the left mouse button in the tree, or on the element in the graphics window (only if you
are not in pick mode). Arrows and a frame with handles appear around the active element. Moving
the element to another parallel plane is done by left-clicking and dragging on one of the arrows. The
new position is also indicated in the status bar at the bottom of the OpendTect main window. The
element can be resized by left-click and drag on one of the green handles. Left-click and drag inside
the element moves the element in the in-plane direction. Data will be loaded into the new position
after left-clicking outside the element frame.
Direct accurate positioning of data elements is possible using the Position option from the pop-up
menu in the tree. In interact mode, as well as move the cursor position (inline, crossline, 2WT), the
data value at the cursor position are returned. These are displayed in a status line at the bottom of the
OpendTect main window. Scenes can be rotated and zoomed in and out simultaneously using the
wheel controls and the zoom slide-bar in the OpendTect main window. These controls operate
irrespective of the view mode (view, interact, pick).
Table 2-1. Graphics interaction

View mode

Interact mode
Move mode

Pick mode

"s" + left

zoom in to left click



left click

left click


left click
or left
click in


CTRL-left delete pick




left click

element to

left click

element inplane

click+drag closer/
left click

continuous left click




and value


and value

Note. De-activate elements is also possible by clicking (left-hand) in an empty space of the tree.
Notes for MAC users. The Apple key usually has the same function as the CTRL key on a PC.
However, it is recommended to use a three-button mouse. All manipulations mentioned in this table
(and elsewhere in the documentation) are also possible with a single button apple mouse, in
combination with SHIFT and/or the Apple key and/or the CTRL key, but it is easier to work with a
three-button mouse.


Color Tables

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 2. Getting started


2.4. Color Tables

A colortable is a predefined group of color settings that can readily be applied to any attribute. This
group includes items such as the primary colorbar, undefined color settings, color segmentation, and
opacity. Changes made to the colortable are applied universally to any item that uses that colortable
as the base for its colorbar.
A colorbar is the specific colortable for a particular element's (line/horizon) attribute that is displayed
in a scene. Updating the colorbar can update the selected element's attribute. The image below is an
example colorbar.

The colorbar is composed of four elements: the color display itself, the minimum and the maximum
value of the variation for the colortable (as it is defined for the currently selected item), and a set of
This drop down list of predefined colortables appears when the user clicks on the name of the
colortable being used in the colorbar (ex: Channels). If no item is selected in the tree, the colorbar
will not show any value/range although it can be manipulated. The colortable is manipulated by rightclicking on the colorbar.
The pop-up sub-menu contains several manipulation functionalities. These are described in the

Flip causes the scale to be flipped. (The color assigned to the high value, now becomes the color
assigned to the low value, etc.)
Ranges/Clipping allows the user to change the range of the color scale, or clip a certain percent of the
scale. Please be aware that because of display time consuming, only 2000 random sampling points
are by default used to clip data. The clip values thus change from one data set to another.(An
alternate method for clipping is described in the Inline, Crossline & Timeslice sub-chapter.

Set as default sets the current color settings as the default color scheme for all elements in the tree.
Manage is used to modify the current colortable and to create new colortables with the current one as
a starting point. Colortables are modified by adding, removing, changing colors, varying opacity, and

defining the colorbar to be gradational or segmentized. The effect of the changes on your displayed
element can be seen directly. Colortables can be removed from the list by pressing the Remove
button. (OpendTect Default colortables can not be removed). Moreover, the user can import userdefined colortables by pressing the Import button.
Colortable Manager window
The Colortable Manager window opens when the user selects the Manage option described above.

A marker is the color you see in the colorbar. The black lines, in the while field above the colorbar,
are the marker boundaries. The marker boundaries are where the settings for the markers are defined.
Right-clicking on a marker boundary shows the following options: Remove color, Change color, and
Edit Markers.
Remove color deletes the marker boundary from the colortable.

Import colortable file: The colortables can also be imported by pressing the Import button. The
default colortables are stored in a file (ColoTabs) that is located in the OpendTect installation
directory (/root/opendtect-4.0/data/). Moreover, the colortables saved by a user are stored in a file
(settings_coltabs.user) that is located in the user home directory ($HOME/.od/), here user is the
OpendTect username. These files can be modified or imported by using import color table window
(see below).

Change color brings up a standard color definition window, where this defined color can be changed.

Edit Markers opens the Manage Marker window that displays all markers: marker ID, position, and
current color. The marker's position, in relation to low and high values, can be specified by number.
The standard color definition window can be opened from here, too, by double-clicking the marker
Opacity A thin red line, capped on each end by small red nodes, is visible at the bottom of the
histogram located in the top panel. By moving these nodes, or adding additional nodes, the user can
vary the opacity of the colors below. One can add opacity nodes by double-clicking in this area.
These opacity nodes can be dragged up or down to increase or decrease, respectively, the
transparency of the color directly below it in the colorbar. A hatched area (visible in the color toolbar
in the main window of OpendTect) indicates the part of the color bar that will display with some
level of transparency. The darker the color of the hatch marks, the higher the level of transparency.
NOTE: Transparency performance depends on the graphics card. When displaying two elements in
exactly the same position, transparency may not work as you expect. It may help to set transparency
values to the maximum to get the sort of display you desire. In addition, it may help to change the
transparency of the element as a whole by right-clicking the element in the tree, and selecting
In the background of the opacity panel, a histogram is shown in light grey. This histogram shows the

distribution of attribute values in the selected element. This helps you to tune the colorbar to the
value range you may want to highlight. To alter the histogram see Show Histogram in the Inline,
Crossline & Timeslice sub-chapter.
Segmentation allows the user to segment the colorbar into a user-defined discrete number of colors.
This can be done in a Fixed or Variable manner. Fixed allows the user to define the number of
segments they would like to have, but does not allow the marker boundaries to be moved. Variable
allows the user to both define the number of segments, and move the marker boundaries to suit
specific needs. Fixed is good for purposes such as velocity and contour lines, while Variable is good
for use with waveform segmentation.
Undefined color specifies the color that will be used to display undefined values in the data.
2D Seismics Color Settings: The user can group-edit an attribute's colorbar settings for all lines
within the same Line Set. By right-clicking the Line Set name, and highlighting Edit Color Settings, a
menu opens with all attributes currently loaded to that Line Set. By selecting one attribute, the Color
Settings window opens. This new window acts in the same manner as the general color toolbar, and
by right-clicking the colorbar, the same options (Flip, Ranges/Clipping, Manage, Set as default) are
made available. The user can evaluate different colortables and settings, and then choose the best one,
which will automatically be applied to that attribute in every line of that Line Set. This function is
only available under 2D Seismics in the tree.

Launch the 2D-color settings

2D-color settings (or color-table). The

changes are updated on the entire displayed

Mouse Controls: Scenes &
graphical interaction


General selection window

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 2. Getting started


2.5. General selection window

The general selection window is used for various purposes, e.g. selection of an attribute set or
restoring/saving a session. The window contains following standard buttons:

changes the location of the specific object on disk.

renames the object.

toggles the object to "Read only." Use this option to protect any object from overwriting.

removes the object.

When the user clicks Survey > Session, there are three options: "Save..", "Restore.." and "Auto..",
which enables the user to select a session which will restore, by default, each time the user opens

Color Tables


2D Viewer

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 2. Getting started

2.6. 2D Viewer
The 2D Viewer is used for examining the seismic data of an inline, crossline, and 2D lines in a 2D-screen. The seismic data
can be viewed in two manners, namely "Wiggles" and "Variable Density" (VD).

The 2D Viewer shows several options;

Enables the user to select a zone of interest and to zoom in on this region: In this mode the mouse wheel will zoom in
and out, and the left click will drag the data on the sides. The view is refreshed only once the left click button is released.
This option can be used to zoom in a specific area within the viewer.
This creates seeds on the 2D viewer ,this is especially possible when tracking a horizon.
To track an horizon on 2D viewer, make sure that the picking mode is active in both the main scene and the 2D viewer.
Zooms in when clicking

Zooms out when clicking

Flip the 2D-section

enables the user to grab pictures

Set display parameters

2D-Viewer's Help

When clicking the right mouse-button on the 2D Viewer, a small window pops up. There are three options in this
window, namely "Gridlines", "Zoom", and "Properties". "Gridlines" enables the user to display vertical as well as
horizontal gridlines. "Zoom" gives two options: to zoom in and to zoom out. The option "Properties" pops up a screen in
which the display parameters can be set for both the "Wiggle Variable area" and the "Variable Density".


2D Viewer Wiggles Display Properties

2D Viewer Variable Density (VD) Display Properties

2D Viewer Annotation Settings

When pressing the "Ctrl" button and clicking the left mouse-button in the 2D Viewer, a Positioning/Values Window pops
up. This window gives information about the position and values of the displayed data at each specific location in the
Viewer. When two different types of data are displayed in the same viewer, the values of both datasets are given.

General selection window


How to...

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 3. How to...

Table of Contents
3.1 Quickstart a Project.
3.2 Display loaded data
3.3 Interpret horizons
3.4 Interpret Faults

3.1. Quickstart a Project.

OpendTect is a seismic attribute processing and interpretation system.
The primary input is:

A 3D seismic data volume or 2D seismic data that are imported via SEG-Y.

The primary outputs are:

A 3D volume/2D linesets, such as a filtered cube/linesets or any other type of cube/lineset produced by the system.
Seismic data are exported via SEG-Y.
Interpretations horizon/faults.

OpendTect Projects are associated with a seismic survey. The first time OpendTect is started, the user must define a
new survey and import seismic data. At subsequent start-ups, OpendTect will start-up in the survey that was active when
the program was closed. The user may select another, pre-defined survey using Survey > Select/Setup and browsing to
its location using Set data root.

. Specify
Define a new survey. Select the Select/Setup option under the Survey menu or click on the survey icon
the name, ranges and the relationship between inline / crossline and X / Y co-ordinates in the survey parameter window.
You can enter the survey geometry manually or by scanning a segy file. After scanning, you can still adjust all parameters.
The notes area can be used for free format information (e.g: Type of Survey, Client Company, Contact Person, etc ...).
Optionally, a data access module can be purchased at dGB that gives access to Seisworks/OpenWorks (Landmark)
or GeoFrame (GeoQuest IESX). The core of this module is developed by UK-based software providers ARK-cls and is
known as Ideal Toolkit (ITK). The license gives you access to the data store of your choice. It currently supports I/O of
survey parameter, seismic data, horizons, and well data.
Import seismic data. Select Import-SEGY from the Survey menu and specify the input parameters. In case you do not
know the parameters, use the "Examine" utility to dump the EBCIDIC header, the binary header and the first 100 traces
header. From these it should be possible to determine the few input parameters needed by the program. The internal
OpendTect format is 8,16 or 32-bit depending on whether the input Cube was 8, 16 or 32 bit.
Generating seismic attributes. Now, you are almost ready to go! You have created a survey, which contains at least
one seismic volume. To do some real work, you must also create one or more attributes in the attribute engine that
reveal relevant, useful seismic information. Several default attribute sets are available to get you started quickly. Open
the attribute engine Processing/Attributes (or press the "Edit attributes" icon) and press the button
to open a
default attribute set. You are asked to select the input data to complete the attribute definitions. Press "OK" to save the
attribute set and to go back to the main window.
Display your data or attributes. Now you are ready to display any of the defined attributes, anywhere in the volume.
Create, for example, an inline element by right-clicking on inline in the tree and pressing Add. Go into interact mode
). Position the element in the middle of the cube by using the arrows along the side of the element.
When positioned, click anywhere in the black area (outside the element) and select in the data selection window
that automatically pops up the data you wish to view on this element. You can either select from a stored volume or you
select one of the defined attributes. If you choose an attribute, then this attribute will be calculated on-the-fly at all

sample positions of the displayed element.

Note: The time of displaying an attribute is much longer than the time of displaying a stored volume. That is why it is
always better to store your attribute(s) as stored volume or stored surface data.
You can also find a video Tutorial videos that will guide in steps to start a new project.
The next part will briefly describe how to setup a project.

3.1.1. OpendTect Survey

The OpendTect surveys are organized under Survey selection window which is used to change, create, edit or remove the
survey(s). It is launched from Survey (menu) > Select/Setup or select survey icon

The Survey selection window is divided into three panels with some key buttons. The left panel shows the already
existing surveys in the present root directory. The root (location) directory of OpendTect survey can be changed by pressing
the Set Data Root... button. The right panel shows the map view of selected/loaded survey. It is helpful to QC the
survey orientation (true north display). The bottom panel is basically used to put important notes about the project (Type
of project, client company, contact person etc ...).

For more further information on this window, please go to Survey selection window.

3.1.2. Setup 2D/3D survey

To setup a new survey (2D/3D) press New button in the survey selection window. The Survey setup window will pop up
(see below) in which the survey parameters are specified.
It may be noted that the survey is setup to define the survey box. The key parameters are survey type and its
respective coordinates. That can be entered either manually or by scanning a SEGY file. Optionally, in case if you
have workstation access, you can get them from GeoFrame as well. Or if the OpendTect survey already exists, copy
the coordinates by pointing the other survey.

Let's start with survey setup window...

Note: The important thing to remember is that in OpendTect, everything is tied to a 3D (X,Y,Z) with inline/
crossline coordinate system. This is regardless of whether you have 3D data at all. Thus, for a survey which contains only
2D lines, a fake 3D survey box of inline/crossline system is needed. But on the other hand, if you want to use both 3D and
2D data, set up the survey according to the 3D cube. Survey name and Type

The top most panel of the survey setup window defines two important things along with its disk location. The Survey
directory name is entered in the first field. A directory with this name would be created in the root where you will save
the OpendTect survey. The field for Full Survey name is filled with proper name of the survey that will be seen later on in
the OpendTect survey selection window. It is recommended that survey name and its directory name should be same as
shown in previous figure of survey setup but different names can also be used without any problem. In third field select
the location on disk where you want to save this survey.
The most important thing is the Survey type which can be Only 3D, Both 2D and 3D or Only 2D. The type is set accordingly:

Only 3D is used when the survey contains only 3D cube(s).

Both 2D and 3D is set when survey contains both 3D cube(s) and 2D line(s).
Only 2D is set when survey contains only 2D line(s). And recalling the above note again that a fake inline/crossline system
is defined to setup such survey regardless that 3D cube is not there. We will explain this in next section. Survey ranges

In the second panel of survey setup window the fields for inline, crossline and Z-ranges are filled with following possible ways.
1. Filling the ranges by scanning a SEG-Y file: Set the Survey ranges into Scan SEG-Y File(s) ->>. The SEG-Y import
window will pop up. In this window, select the input file/volume and press OK to start scanning the input file. After the scan
is completed, the survey ranges will be filled automatically.
2. Entering Manually: If you already know the extents of survey ranges (inline/crossline/Z-range), just fill the maximum
and minimum ranges and corresponding steps.
3. For 2D only: Set the Survey ranges into Set for 2D only ->> and press GO... The window will pop up (as shown below)

in which the average trace distance and the ranges for XY-coordinates are entered; Fill the approximate values and press
OK afterward. These parameters are survey characteristics to define the survey box. In the survey ranges the fake ranges
for inline, crossline are automatically set. Then fill in the Z range (no precision needed; 2D lines can stick out of the
display box in all directions). The limit of the survey box will not affect the loading of 2D lines. The lines outside the
survey area would be loaded normally. And that should be it. Press OK and select the new survey.

4. Get from GeoFrame: This option is used if you have workstation access to get the survey ranges from a GeoFrame project.
5. Copy from other Survey: Additionally, if the survey already exists, you can copy the ranges from that OpendTect survey. Coordinate Settings

The relationship between inline/crossline and X/Y is setup generally by using this panel. The coordinates are
automatically setup if you scan the SEG-Y file. You will only fill them if you are inserting survey ranges
manually. Nevertheless, the three point (easy) method is not accurate because of rounding off errors which may not be
100% accurate. Both methods have been described here.

In Easy mode, the coordinates are transformed by using three known points. Under Coordinate settings panel of Survey
setup window, fill the inline and crossline and corresponding known XY-transformation as shown in figure of previous
section 3.1.2

In Advanced mode, the XY coordinates are calculated by using an equation shown below. The inputs required from user
are origin (X,Y) and inline/crossline intervals along X/Y directions respectively. By checking the Overrule easy settings,
the current easy settings would be overwritten.

The basic idea behind this has been elaborated in following figure:

** The required inputs include origin X,Y pair, inline and crossline interval in both X & Y directions.

3.1.3. Data loading

The data loading has been briefly addressed in two sections. The first section will guide in loading the 2D/3D SEG-Y
data, while the second will guide in loading well data.
The details of each section will be described in Import Seismic chapter. Load Seismic (2D/3D)

The loading of SEG-Y data is done via Import sub menu under survey main menu (Survey > Import > Seismic > SEG-Y
> 2D/3D).
To start loading of 3D SEG-Y Volume, follow the steps:
1. Go to Survey >Import > Seismic >SEG-Y(>3D) sub menu. The SEGY Tool window will be launched to import the SEG-Y data.
2. In the Input SEGY field, select and locate the input segy file.
3. Set check to the Multiple files to import more segy files. Write the number of files in the first text field and number of steps
(e.g. Vol-1, Vol-2, Vol-3, ... Vol-n). Where 'n' is number.
4. Select the input file type: 2D/3D-Pre or Poststack data.
5. Select the number of traces that will be examined to display the trace header information.
6. Optionally, if you want to overrule the number of samples, set check to this field and fill the correct number of samples.
7. Select an appropriate SEG-Y file format.
8. If the bytes in a header have to be swapped, it can be set here.
9. Press Ok to proceed further
10. The SEG-Y Scan and SEG-Y Examiner window will launch in next step. Fill the appropriate byte locations in the SEG-Y
scan window. Write the output cube name and press OK to start loading the segy file. Load Well data

In OpendTect, the well data has been organized into four (4) sub categories: Well tracks, Logs, TD Models and Markers.
Each category is either loaded via Survey > Import menu or Well manager. In this section, we will cover how to load/setup
a complete well in OpendTect.
Load Well track and Time to depth Model (via Import): To load a well track, go to the main menu bar and select Survey
- Import - Well - Ascii - Track. The Import Well Track window will be launched. In the Well Track file field select the
input well track file. The Well track file should contain three main columns i.e. X, Y, TVDSS (True Vertical Depth
Sub Surface) and optional MD (Measure Depth) column. The file header can be defined in this window. Click the
Examine button to view the input file before loading, and to determine the header type. See Import - Well section to learn
how to set the file headers (fixed size/variable). The format definition is used to specify the columns (XYZ) definition and
unit system of the input ASCII file. Optionally, a vertical well can also be defined if the file doesn't exist. This is done
by setting uncheck to Well Track File field. In this case, specify the XY coordinates and depth range (default meters).

In the depth to time model field, locate and select the appropriate time-depth file. Specify the file header and format
definitions. If the time-depth model/checkshot does not exist, set uncheck to this fill to set a constant velocity model to load
the well. Later on the time-depth model/checkshot can be imported via the Well Manager. Additionally, specify whether
the file is a checkshot data or not. The additional information (Well ID, Operator, State, Country) can be included in the
well track by selecting the Advanced/Optional button.
Name the Output well and press Go, to complete the loading of well track. It will return a message, "Well track
imported successfully". Press Ok to close information window. Press Dismiss to exit.
Note: The surface coordinates and elevation above surface are defined from the well track file. In normal cases,
these definitions will be in the first line of the well track file. If the well track file starts below the datum (KB, Kelly
Bushing), you will need to manually adjust these parameters in the well track file before importing it as a well track.
Elevation above the surface is normally considered positive if the reference datum is above sea level. Conversely, if
the elevation reference is below sea level, you can define the negative values in the elevation as those above the
surface elevation reference.
Load Logs & Markers (via Well manager): Launch the Well manager
from the previous step in the left panel.

. Here you will find the loaded well track(s)

To import Logs, select the recently loaded well and press theImport button. In pop-up window, select the input LAS log
file, and then examine the file. The remainder of the window will be automatically filled in from input file. Importantly, if
you only want to load certain logs, highlight only the wanted logs. (By default all available logs will automatically
be highlighted.) Press Ok. The logs will be loaded and will appear in the right panel.
To import Markers, select the recently loaded well and press the Markers button. In pop-up window, select the Read file
button and follow the same steps as before when loading Ascii files. Alternately, instead of reading a file, you can
manually type in the depth, name and assign marker colors.
Updating well tracks, checkshot data, and depth to time models can also be done in this Well file management window.
2D Viewer


Display loaded data

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 3. How to...

3.2. Display loaded data

To display the loaded Seismic data, use a mouse click on inline/crossline and select the Add sub
menu from the pop-up tree. A seismic line will be displayed in the middle of a survey that will
contain a blank attribute. Right click on the [right-click] attribute to select and display the loaded
data. In a similar way, a 2D seismic line can also be loaded from the 2D Seismic element.
In order to load a horizon, click on a Horizon element to select the interpreted/imported horizons
from a list. Select Load option from the pop-up menu tree. In the pop-up window, select a horizon to
be displayed in the scene. The horizon with its Z-values will be displayed in the scene. You can edit/
select the desired color-specturm (Chapter: Color Tables). Moreover, you can also calculate new onthe-fly attributes (Chapter- Attributes) at this horizon.
To display the loaded Wells in the scene, click on element Well and click Load...Select the desired
Wells. The Wells would be displayed in the scene. To manipulate a Well and set its properties, right
click on the Well name in the tree. The pop-up list will show the options available. From here you
can edit Well track, Show/Hide Markers/Logs, change the properties, select logs, etc.


Often, users do not find a good trace number in the SEG-Y headers. Without that, weird things
can happen. Use the Examine button in the SEG-Y setup dialog to figure out what header
value may be usable as trace number. Or better: find the number that you recognize the data
If X and Y in the SEG-Y file are not correct, the data may be a long way outside the Survey
box. Then, nothing may be there after loading a line, or even the entire Survey box disappears.
If you have trouble with your graphics card, the lines may remain white after loading the
Seismic data. But if your mouse goes over the line, you can see Coordinates, trace numbers
and amplitudes. Then try to:
. instal the latest driver
. make sure you have a good card (hopefully nVidia-based)
. disable shading in Utilities-Settings-Look and feel.

And if everything else fails, you may want to contact support at [email protected].
Quickstart a Project.


Interpret horizons

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 3. How to...

3.3. Interpret horizons

3.3.1. 3D Horizon
Horizons can be tracked in various modes:

Tracked on lines (in the 3D scene or 2D viewer)
Manually picked on lines (in the 3D scene or 2D viewer)

Add an inline/crossline, right-click "Horizon" in the tree and select New ....
1. Define mode and tracker settings.
2. Pick seeds
3. Autotrack or interpret the horizon on lines.
4. QC and Edit the horizon.

1. Define mode and tracker settings

Right-click "Horizon" in the tree and select New ....This will launch a tracking setup which contains several tabs:

Mode Tab

Choose the tracking mode: tracking in Volume, Line tracking, or Line manual:
- Tracking in volume is used to auto-track a horizon inside a user defined tracking area (3D (sub)volume). The tracker area
can be moved and adjusted inside the survey box. This mode is preferred for most horizon tracking.
- Line tracking is used to track a horizon on a line (inline or crossline). This mode gives the interpreter more control and is
used in difficult areas. In between the seeds the horizon is tracked along the line. The result is a grid that needs to be
filled, either by autotracking or interpolation.
- Line manual mode will manually pick a horizon (interpolated line) between two seeds on lines. The workflow is similar
to line tracking, with the difference that between seeds a line is drawn. This mode is used to cross faults, push through
noise zones or interpret unconformities.

Event Tab


When Tracking in volume or Line tracking is selected the user needs to define several tracking criteria:
Input data: Select the seismic data that needs to be tracked. This can be the original seismic volume, or a filtered
seismic volume (preferred) or an attribute.
Event type: Specify the event type you want to track. The tracker can track negative reflectors (Min), positive
reflectors (Max), a Z-type zero-crossing (0+-), or a S-type zero-crossing (0-+).
Search Window: See figure below, drawing A The tracker will search in a time window relative to the last tracked
sample. The tracker searches for the chosen event type based on amplitude.
Threshold type:
Cut-off amplitude. Here, an absolute amplitude is used as the stopping criteria for the tracker. When the tracker encounters
a value below this threshold value it stops tracking. (For a max-event the tracker stops if the value is below this threshold
value, and for a min-event when it is above this threshold value). Tip: point your mouse at the event and the amplitude value
is displayed at the bottom of your screen.
Relative difference: The tracker will compare the amplitude of the last tracked point to the amplitude of the point that
is candidate for tracking. If the difference exceeds the chosen percentage, the tracker stops tracking.
Steps...: Step-wise tracking results in a better tracked horizons. Good parts of the horizon are tracked first, followed by
the more difficult areas. The tracker will first track those part of the horizon that have a low difference to the seeds or parts
that have a high amplitude. In subsequent steps the tracker settings become less strict. Therefore, the horizon will be of
better quality and needs less editing.
The user can define the subsequent percentage values (incremental: eg 1,2,5,10,20) , or subsequent amplitude
values (decremental e.g. 2500,2000,1500,1000,500)

If tracking fails.: If the tracker can not find a neighboring point (that complies with the specified relative difference or cutoff amplitude) it can either stop tracking or extrapolate the horizon. (Tip: When the tracker stops tracking before you want it
to, adjust the Threshold value and/or Similarity threshold before choosing the extrapolate option.)
Similarity Tab

Similarity is a kind of cross-correlation. A part a trace around the last tracked point is compared to all the trace segments on
the neighboring trace around the points that lie within the Search window (See figure below). The distance between the
points is typically 1 ms. The number of comparisons is thus controlled by the search window, while the compare
window controls the length of the trace segments. The measure of Similarity between the trace segments lies between 0 and
1. The tracker will chose the point that has the highest similarity drawing C). When the point with the highest similarity has
a value below the defined threshold the tracker stops tracking.
Tracking with similarity is more accurate, but it takes more time to compute.

Properties Tab

This tab is used to adjust the properties of the horizon i.e. color, line style, seed shape, seed size etc.
For loading a horizon as colorblended in a scene, please look dGB's How to...manuals

2. Tracking
After adjusting the parameters in the tracker setup (which can remain open during tracking), start picking seeds on a
displayed inline/crossline. The corresponding tracking controls are described in the tracking toolbar Section.
Tracking in volume
. Resize the tracking area by dragging the green anchors on
Pick one or more seeds and display the tracking area
the edges of the cube, but do not exceed your computer's memory size or the size of your graphics card memory. If you run
out of computer memory, OpendTect will crash.

Picked seeds and resize the tracking area

Now, click the auto-track icon

. After the input data is loaded inside the tracking area the horizon is tracked

Auto-track the horizon within the tracking area

After tracking a part of the 3D-horizon, move the tracking cube to next place (click the top of the tracking cube and drag).
A small part of the horizon should be inside the new position of the tracking area.

Move the tracking cube to next location

When the Cube is at its desired position, click


Next location is auto-tracked

Line tracking and line manual:
Interpreting on lines creates a grid, which allows for greater user control. Line tracking and manually interpretation can be
best done in the 2D viewer (Right click the seismic data in the tree and select Display in a 2D Viewer as > VD. Select the
track/edit mode button and pick seeds, then move the line and repeat the process.

3.3.2. Edit 3D-horizon

When (a part of) a horizon is tracked, the quality can be best checked by using the "display only at sections" option
The horizon is displayed as a line on inline and/or crossline display elements and on the QC plane. Drag the QC plane over
the tracked horizon to QC the tracking. SHIFT-click on the tracker plane to QC in another direction or select an
other orientation in the tracker toolbar. If the horizon needs editing, there are several options:

Retrack All. When the horizon is tracked with the wrong settings, change the settings and click the
icon. This will
first remove all the autotracked parts of the horizon while keeping the seeds. Then, the horizon will be retracked with the
new tracker settings in the tracking area.

Polygonal tool. Remove a part of a horizon with the polygon tool and retrack it. First select the polygon selection tool
of the tracker toolbar and circle the area to remove. Remove the horizon inside the polygon by clicking the remove icon
To fill the hole again:


will track the hole from the edges

Pick a seed on the QC-plain and track from seeds only


Three options are possible: "Grid", "Filter", and "Snap to event".

3.3.3. 2D Horizons
For a 2D horizon tracking, the workflow is slightly different. The tracking wizard is similar to the 3D tracking wizard shown
in the previous section. To start tracking a 2D horizon, click on 2D Horizon element of the tree and select New option from
the sub-menu. This will launch the tracking Setup window. The tracking setup contains the tabs similar to that of a 3D
horizon. See description of the tracking setup in the chapter: Interpret 3D horizon.

First, define the tracking mode. Go to the Event >> tab to define the tracking parameters (time gate, event, thresholds etc).
In this tab, a user shall select a primary seismic line-set on which the horizon will have to be tracked according to the
provided parameters. It may be noted that a horizon can be tracked on multi-linesets. In later case, a user will have to
change the input lineset in the input data field of the Event tab.

After defining the event parameters, pick a seed on a displayed 2D line in a scene. If the corresponding settings for event
are not appropriate, edit and change the parameters (e.g. time gate and threshold type) and press Retrack icon in the
tracking toolbar. This will re-track the same horizon with new settings. After adjusting the appropriate settings for the
horizon, the tracking wizard can be closed by pressing Dismiss button. This will also optionally save the tracking settings.
Note: In order to change the settings (for tracking), the wizard can be launched later on by right clicking on a horizon (in
the tree) selecting Tracking > Change setup (click on the tracking setup icon). Also at the bottom of the window, the
tracking toolbar appears that is routinely used to update the modes and switching between seeds (TAB-key).
For seed picking the options are:
* left mouse-click on plane = pick seed & local track
+ Ctrl-Shift = drop seed
* left mouse-click on seed = local retrack
+ Ctrl = remove seed & local retrack
+ Shift = remove seed & local erase
+ Ctrl-Shift = undrop seed
After finishing the horizon tracking on one 2D line, start tracking on next 2D line. The horizon can be displayed only
at corresponding lines by right clicking on the horizon name in the tree, and selecting "Display only at sections". There are
also several others options in the pop-up tree.
Tip: Always save the horizon routinely.
Display loaded data


Interpret Faults

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 3. How to...


3.4. Interpret Faults

Click on the element "Fault" of the tree scene and select New... option as shown below.

This will insert a new fault {New Fault x} with a blank attribute. Insert the inline/crossline in the scene where you want
to interpret the faults. Highlight the newly inserted fault in the tree and start interpreting a fault by clicking on inline/
crossline. In OpendTect, the fault model is arranged in an ordered sequence of fault sticks that are picked on vertical
planes (inlines/crosslines) and horizontal planes (time slices). Therefore, when a user attempts to pick a fault stick on a
time slice while the fault already contains sticks that were picked on inline/crossline, OpendTect will not allow that. The
fault planes will be constructed according to the arrangement of the faults sticks. This is done to avoid crossings within
the fault plane. Hence it is suggested to make a consistent interpretation i.e. either pick fault sticks on inlines/crosslines or
only on time slices. When you are done, right click on the fault and select save. Write an appropriate name of the fault
and leave the "Replace in tree" checked. Press OK. This will save and update the name of the interpreted fault. To
continue fault picking on a next inline/crossline, a user can take benefit of the scrolling options available for inline/
If a node has been interpreted mistakenly, press Ctrl (control) button down and click on the yellow node to remove it. In
this way you can remove the unwanted nodes. To move the node position, use mouse to select and drag the seed. After
editing/interpreting, please do not forget to save the faults to update the changes.

Fault tree pop-up menu items:

Add Attributes: The fault attribute in OpendTect works similar as other attributes. The selected attribute would be
displayed on fault plane. It can be the original seismic, calculated attributes, or others. Up to eight (8) attributes can be
inserted for one fault. In the tree, right click on the fault attribute and select the corresponding attribute from the list.
Properties: The option allows to change the general material properties for fault i.e. color, reflectivity, and transparency.
Use single color: To display a fault plane in single color, select this option.
Display: Three display modes for faults are categorized in the tree. To display fault planes in 3D, select the Fault planes

option in the sub-list. Otherwise, if option Fault sticks is selected, the interpreted sticks would be displayed in the scene.
Or, if you want to display the faults only at sections (inline/crossline), select At sections only.
Save: This option will save the newly inserted/edited fault.
Save as: To save the fault with a new name.
Lock: It will lock the current fault.
Remove: This will only remove the loaded fault from the tree. Remember, it will not delete the fault from the project. To
delete the fault, launch the Fault Management Window by pressing

button in the manage toolbar.

The figure below is an example section with interpreted faults. The displayed attribute along faults is the original
seismic. Notice that how the events would have been characterized along the fault plane. You can edit and adjust the
fault planes by using the yellow nodes, CTRL/SHIFT keys and mouse click as described earlier.

Note: The fault interpretation has only been developed for 3D surveys. For 2D, only fault stick set are interpreted.
Interpret horizons


OpendTect Trees and Elements

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements

Table of Contents
4.1 Scene
4.2 Inline, Crossline & Timeslice
4.3 Volume
4.4 Random line
4.5 Pickset
4.6 Horizon
4.7 2D Horizon
4.8 Fault
4.9 FaultStickSet
4.10 Body
4.11 Well
4.12 2D Seismic
4.13 Annotations
4.14 PreStack 3D viewer

Each scene has a corresponding detachable tree to control the elements to e displayed. A tree consists of several
elements of different type, which are described in detail below. Tree elements containing elements one level
down can be expanded by clicking on the markers (+ or -) left of each main element. The order in which items
appear in the tree can be changed by selecting the item that you want to move, then press and hold shift, and
press the arrow up or down keys on your keyboard.
The tree is a utility window that can be moved outside of the main OpendTect window. To do that, click on the
small squares at the top-right corner of the tree scene. Then drag by clicking (left-click) on its title bar to place it
anywhere. Please note that some operating system hide utility windows when the main window is inactive. This
setting may be found in the advanced "Window behaviour" settings.

"Docking tree"

4.1. Scene
In OpendTect, a Scene is a main working window with an associated tree. There are three separate working
domains of the scenes i.e. Time-domain, Depth-domain and Wheeler-domain. A time/depth-domain scene can be
inserted via Scenes menu. Each scene has its own tree elements (see figure above) so that a user can modify the
elements and scene settings accordingly.

The scene properties can be changed by right-clicking on a scene name in the Tree e.g. Scene 1 > Properties.
This will pop up the following window.

In this window, the user can set the following options for the specific scene.

Survey box: If checked, a 3D survey box will be shown in this specific scene.
Annotation text: If checked, the survey box annotations (inline, crossline, TWT) will be displayed in the
Annotation scale: If checked, the numeric values of inlines, crosslines and Z-values will be displayed.
Background Color: The user can specify his/her own background color for particular scene. By default it
is black.
Mouse Marker Size: This is option to increase the Mouse Marker (a marker pointing mouse location on
multiwindows) size on various windows in multiscene view.
Mouse Marker Color: The user can change the color of Mouse Marker from here. The default color is
Annotation color: The user can change the color of Annotation from here. The default color is white.

The Top/Bottom image...

This option allows the user to display images at the top and base of the survey area, with or without
transparency. The picture will be stretched to fit into the TopLeft and BottomRight corners of the survey (in a
north view). The proposed coordinates are the survey ranges.
This feature is useful when the user wants to add any reference map of the survey so that he/she can understand
the geographical position and corresponding seismic profile in a better way.

Note: You can use the Google export tool to convert the survey boundaries to latitude and longitudes. They can
be then imported into a mapping program (like googleearth) in order to take the appropriate screenshot.
The scene export option is only made for the debugging purposes. The export option dumps the scene
information into a file as iv file (Inventor 3D graphic), which later on can be used for bugs analysis.

Interpret Faults


Inline, Crossline & Timeslice

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements

4.2. Inline, Crossline & Timeslice

Inline, Crossline and Timeslice elements can be added into a tree by clicking on the element name and selecting Add/
Add default data/Add color blended from the pop-up menu. This will insert an inline/crossline/timeslice with a blank
attribute, in the middle of the survey. This blank attribute can be displayed in the scene by reading a stored seismic data
(see below). When a mouse pointer is placed on a Stored Cubes sub-menu , a list of stored seismic volumes will be
displayed. A user can select any desired cube from the list. The selected cube will be added as an attribute for the
displayed inline number. The added attribute can also be replaced any time by the same right-click method (see the
figure below).

Note: The check-boxes are used to show/hide the corresponding sub-element of inline/crossline/timeslice.
After an attribute is being displayed in the scene, it can be further manipulated by right-clicking over it. (See figure below).
The explanation to this list has been described at the end of this section.

The attribute pop-up list menu.

Pop-up List Menu


Each individual element (Inline/Crossline/Timeslice) has a similar pop-up list menu (see below). There are two different
ways to launch this list. One way is to display it from the Tree (as shown below) and the second way is to display it in
the scene. For the later case place a mouse over inline/crossline/timeslice and right-click to launch this tree. This list menu
has several functionalities that are described in following text.

An Inline pop-up list menu.

Add attribute: This is used to add an additional blank attribute for the corresponding inline/crossline/timeslice number.
The attribute data (stored cubes or the attribute definition) can be displayed by right-clicking on it and selecting the
desired attribute. Up to eight different attributes can be displayed within one element (inline, crossline, timeslice).
Show Histogram: The histograms of all added attributes of an element can be displayed using the right-click option of
the parent element (inline number, surface name...). It is a very good tool to clip the ranges of an attribute by using
vertical green lines in the histogram: The vertical green lines show the current amplitude range and can be moved left or
right using the mouse left click. The display is updated when the mouse click is released. This is performed independently
for each attribute. Please note that this will toggle off the automatic clipping.

A multi-histogram display for an inline containing two attributes (Seismic and Acoustic impedance).
Position: The Position is used to change an inline/crossline/timeslice number. This option is used to manipulate (sub-select
a range of traces/time) a line or to quickly scroll through a data for visualization.

Manual Scroll
Auto Scroll
Manipulate or scroll the inline
By pressing the Scroll button, elements are moved either manually (select Control Manual), or automatically (select
Control Auto). A user can scroll through inline/crossline direction by specifying a fixed Scroll step. In the manual mode,
the line/timeslice is stepped to the new position after each subsequent click on the Advance button. In the automatic mode,
the line/timeslice is updated in a movie-style with a fixed time interval (in seconds) - Time between updates. The autoscrolling can be paused by pressing the Pause button. To resume the auto-scrolling again press Go button.
Gridlines: This option enables the user to display grid lines on this particular element.

A new menu appears where the grid line spacing, style, color and width can be set.
Duplicate: This adds a new duplicate/copy of a selected element in the tree.
Reset Manipulation: This resets the changes made in the position of the line/timeslice. It restores the original configuration.
Properties: Refers to display parameters Transparency, Ambience/diffuse relflection and mouse movement (scroll and
pan settings).

Resolution: Allows changing the graphical resolution of the element. The Default does not involve any rescaling before

the data is sent to the graphic card. The options Moderate and High do some pre-interpolation before the data is sent to
the graphic card and generally results in a cleaner picture. If the memory of your graphic card does not allow high
resolution, the element becomes black.
Note that if Shading is on, the resolution option is not available anymore(except for the horizon element).
Display PS Gather: This option will pop-up a pre-stack viewer perpendicular to the inline or crossline.
Please note that it is also possible to display the first offset of each CDP gather similarly to any post-stack data. The prestack data are available in the list of stored cubes and marked with quotes { }, at the end of the list.
Lock / Unlock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving or displaying data on the object.
After clicking Unlock, all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This removes the element from the OpendTect tree and the graphics area.
The options available for attribute pop-up menu list are briefly described here:
Select attribute: When Select attribute is selected, the user can choose to display data from stored cubes or an attribute
from the current attribute set (if available). To display an attribute, the user has to select or create an attribute set.
Save Color Settings: With this option the user can save a color settings for a specific stored volume and make them
available for a next time use.
Move: With this option the user can move the attribute up, down, to top of the list, or to bottom of the list.
Show Histogram: This will display the data statistics (selected attribute) of the defined volume as a histogram in a pop
up window.

Show Amplitude Spectrum: An amplitude vs frequency plot will be shown in pop up window.

Change transparency: This option changes the transparency of the attribute item, which enables the user to visualize
a background attribute.
Display in a 2D Viewer as: This option allows the user to display an attribute in a 2D viewer as "Wiggle" or
"VD" (Variable Density). For detail information go to: 2D viewer
Remove: This removes the attribute item from the tree.





OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.3. Volume
It can be added by clicking on Volume element in the tree and selecting Add option. A small volume
box with blank attribute will be added in the scene. An attribute in the newly inserted volume can be
displayed by right clicking on the volume and selecting the Select Attribute option. This works
similar to inline/crossline/timeslice. It may be noted that, a user can display either the stored volumes
or calculate the attribute within this sub-volume.
The volume element also has the similar pop-up menu (see below) as described in previous section.
Each option has been described briefly in following paragraph.

Select attribute: This is used to select/change the data in a volume.

Duplicate: This will create a duplicate/copy of the sub-volume.
Reset Manipulation: This resets the changes made in the position of the sub-volume. This option is
only available if the user has made any changes.
Properties: It refers to change the display parameters such as transparency and ambiance reflectivity.
Save Color Settings: It is used to save the color settings for the loaded seismic data in this subvolume so that for next time it will use this color table for the same volume.
Show Histogram: This will display the data statistics (selected attribute) of defined volume as
histogram in pop up window.

Show Amplitude Spectrum: An amplitude vs frequency plot would be shown in pop up window.
Add: This adds new inline/crosslilne/time slices or an iso surface to the selected sub-volume.

Add isosurface:. This is a way to compute arbitrary isovalue surfaces and convert them into bodies.

if the option Set Isosurface is chosen, the following window pops up:

This selection window displays the histogram of the data collected within the loaded volume (left), or
only from seeds, that are stored in a pickset (right). "Update" will update the display in the 3D scene
(requires some computation time) while leaving the window open. OK will accept the currently
selected (or updated) value and dismiss the selection window.
This iso-surface right-click menu must be used to convert the isosurface into a stored body that can
be retrieved:

Lock / Unlock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving or displaying
data on the object. After clicking unlock all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This removes the element from the display.
Note: Within a volume Inline, Crossline, Time and Volren (see above), exists as a sub elements.
These elements can be toggled On/Off by checking/unchecking the small squared box in the tree.
Moreover, the multi-volumes display consumes memory also. The best practice in that case is that
don't load the seismic data that is beyond the hardware limitations. The user can add as many volume
visualizations as she/he wants depending upon the system compatibilities. Generally large number of
volume visualizations slow down the systems with normal hardware.
Volume rendering: When the Volren is toggled on, the volume rendering is activated, This requires
some calculations; a bar appears to show the progress of the volume rendering preparations. Once
finished, the volume is best viewed with a color bar that is translucent (see Color Tables section),
highlighting only values of interest, e.g. only high chimney probability values in a ChimneyCube.
In Interact mode, (Table 2-1) the cursor will return the position (inline, cross-line and X,Y,T) and the
data value at that position in the horizontal status bar of the OpendTect window.

Inline, Crossline & Timeslice


Random line

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.4. Random line

In OpendTect, there are five different modes of generating random line definitions:

Manual Mode
From Existing
Along Contours
From Polygon
From Wells

If you right click on the Random line option in the tree, three options will be available: New, Load and Generate.

New: Right click on Random line and select new. The new random line will be added as a sub-element of the random
line. By default, this is the center inline of the cube. To create the new arbitrary direction of random line, the user can
modify nodes (see white color node image in above figure) by editing or inserting nodes. With multiple nodes, the random
line can also consist of multiple flat sections. The sections of one single random line may intersect one another. In interact
mode, the little plane of a node can be used to drag the node laterally, and the vertical tube can be used to shift the edge of
the random line vertically. Nodes can be added from the pop menu by right clicking on the random line in the Interact
Load: This option provides to load pre-existing random lines geometry. Moreover, existing line can be edited latter on
as well.
Generate: This option creates random lines. Four options are available.

The four options are as follows:

From Existing: This allows the user to generate random line(s) from existing random line(s). There is an option
available to generate random line at some distance away from existing random geometry and store it in new random
line geometry.
Along Contours: This option allows the creation of random lines between specified contour range. For this, an
interpreted horizon grid will be required as contours.
From Polygon: This allows to create random line from already created polygon.
Create From Wells: A random line can be created in such a way that it follows well paths. By right clicking on the
random line tree, and selecting Create from wells, a dialog box appears with a list of wells that can be selected in
order to set up the random line path. This is an interesting option to use in SSIS when creation a 2D line section that
follows the well paths.

Once a Random line is created then by right clicking on the Random line in the tree, following options are available in a
pop-up menu:

Add attribute: When Select attribute is selected, you can choose to display data from stored cubes, an attribute from
the current attribute set or an output node of the current neural network. To display an attribute or neural network,
you first have to select or create an attribute set or neural network.
Show histogram: It displays a histogram of the selected random line.
Duplicate: Duplicates the line as an empty element in the tree. On the new element, you can display a different
attribute while keeping the original data directly available too.
Reset Manipulation: This resets any change in the position of the random line (or its nodes) you have applied, and
takes you back to the original position. This option is only available if you have actually changed the position of the
Properties: The Properties option refers to display parameters such as Ambient reflectivity, Diffuse reflectivity,
Edit Nodes: This option pops-up a table where lateral co-ordinates of nodes can be edited or added manually. Right
click on the inline or crossline position of a node to insert or remove nodes from the table.
Insert node: This option inserts a new node before the selected node.
Create from wells...: Is used to generate a new random line between the wells.
Save: The Random line changes can be saved at any step of the building process and then be reloaded.
Save as 2D: User can create a 2D line from a Random line. Right click on Random line in the tree and select Save
As 2D. A window will pop up as shown below. Select the input cube, the output line and the line name. The first
trace nr number of line is also necessary.

Note:The survey typeshould be 2D as well if you want to view the 2D line created from a random line.

Create 2D Grid: The random lines (with two nodes only) can be used to create a 2D grid with a fixed grid spacing.
When it is selected, it will launch a Create 2D Grid window (see below). In this window, specify the input 3D
seismic volume and the ouput lineset name. The output grid is generated according to the dip (perpendicular) and
strike (parallel) direction of the selected random line. The prefix labels are used as a prefix to the output line names
that will be stored in the specified new lineset name. The grid spacing is the constant spacing between the two line.
At the bottom, the total number of parallel and perpendicular lines will be updated according to the grid spacing. By
pressing Proceed button, a batch process will start to generate the 2D grid. When the batch program is finished, the
data can be displayed in the scene (see 2D Seismic section for details).

Lock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving or displaying data on the object. After
clicking again in lock all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This option removes the random line from the tree and from the graphic area.

4.4.1. Manual Mode

Manual Mode. In manual mode, the user creates a line definition by creating new line and inserting nodes before or after
predefined nodes. The first step is to create a new random line. This random line will have two nodes, one at each end of
the line. More nodes between these two nodes can also be inserted (see figure below).

Adding/inserting new nedes between the existing nodes.

The node at the left-hand side of the newly created random line is the node 0, and the one in the right hand side is node 1.
It is possible to insert a node before node 0, before node 1, and after node 1. The node will be created half-way between
the two surrounding nodes. In order to move a node to a desired position, use the click on the random line to make the
nodes visible/editable. In the interact mode, click at the node plane (horizontal/vertical) to move the node location. A
purple surface appears around the node and then the user can move the node in any direction inside the survey area.

The node can be moved in two directions (horizontal and vertical). The node's orientation can be changed by placing the
mouse pointer over the node and pressing Ctrl key.
Another way to edit or modify the position of the nodes is to click in the option Edit nodes... the following windows will
pop-up. The nodes are editable. User can also modify or insert new nodes as well. In this table, each node is defined by its
inline and cross-line position. The nodes can also be removed by right clicking over the desired cell and selecting remove
node option. Similarly, for the pop-up menu, a user can insert more nodes before/after the selected cell (node).

4.4.2. Create from existing

From Existing Option allows to generate random line from an existing random line. There is an option available to
generate a random line at some distance away from existing random geometry and store it in new random line geometry. If
you want to display the random line on creation, check the box Display Random Line on creation.

Create Random line from existing line geometry in left/right or both directions.
The first generation parameter is the input random line, which has to be chosen between the already existing random lines.
Then, define the distance from input in meters and the direction in which the node will be added. There are three
directions: left, right, and both. The final step is to name the output random line.
The user can click on the Display Random line on creation box and immediately visualize the random line.

4.4.3. Create along contour

Random lines can be create along the contours geometry. For this, an interpreted horizon grid will be required. The horizon
grid is use to generate the random lines at a selected index contours range. All contour values that are present within the
given Z-range, are used to construct the random lines. When the process is completed, you can edit the random lines also.
This functionality is important to see the seismic section along the contours (e.g. AVO responses, DHIs or hydrocarbon

First, specify the input horizon, and optionally select if it is within a polygon. Then define the contour Z range and the
step. Then the Random line Z range, there is an option to chose whether the random line Z range will be made relative to
the horizon or not. Last step is to give a name to the newly created Random line set. If you want to display the random line
on creation, check the box Display Random Line on creation.
The option Display Random Line on creation can be selected and the new random line will be displayed after clicking OK.
The following picture shows an example of result for a random line created along contour, it is composed of a set of
random lines that satisfy the contour z range and therefore is composed of more than one element.

An example random line generated along a fixed contour line.

4.4.4. Create from polygons

From Polygons allows user to create random line definition from already created polygon. In the parameters, select the
existing polygon and sub-select the Z-range for the random line, which will be generated. Write an output name for this
random line and optionally, set check to display random line on creation so that after creation it will be displayed in the
scene/tree. Press OK to proceed.

An example random-line generated along the white colored polygon. The polygon approximates the closure of a gas

4.4.5. Create from wells

Create From Wells
A random line can be created in such a way that it follows wells path. By right-clicking on Random line in the tree, and
selecting Generate > From Wells ..., a dialog box appears with a list of wells that can be selected in order to set up the
random line path.

Use the arrows to add and/or remove wells. Use the second set of arrows to setup a well sequence. Specify whether you

want to use only the well top position or not. When you use all well points, you can specify the order by clicking the
"Change Order" arrows.
The Extend outward allows the extension of the random lines in both sides away from wells
Press the preview button to see a top view of the random line that will be created. If the preview does not show exactly the
desired random line, then change the parameters (the wells involved or the order in which they are listed). You can save
the newly created random line by specifying the name in Output Random line(s) field. If you want to display the random
line on creation, check the box "Display Random Line on creation".

The following picture is an example of random line created from wells.

In this picture, a random line goes through four wells following a random path between these wells (which are used as



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements

4.5. Pickset
The Pickset is point data that can be used for several purposes in OpendTect, as simple point, vector quantizer, as
polygons, etc. The Pickset entry pop-up menu has three options: Load, Load Polygon, New. With New, new picksets
are created (and can optionally be filled with random picks) and with Load existing picksets can be retrieved from a
stored pickset. You can load more than one pickset.

Load. A pickset created and saved in previous sessions can be loaded.

Load Polygon. With this option, a polygon created from pickset can be loaded
New. A pickset can be filled using four options : Empty/Polygon/Generate/Random for 2D data.
Empty: This option allows the user to start picking from start.
Polygon option, you can use picksets to draw, e.g a polygon around a contour (especially useful in Common Contour
Binning). You can also store your polygon as fault. The details are given in the Polygon sub-chapter of this chapter.
Generate: This allows the user to generate a pickset using range, polygon, table, or surface. The details are given in
the Generate Random Picks (3D) sub-chapter of this chapter.
The Random for 2D data is used to generate random picks for a 2D data. The details are given in the Generate Random
Picks (2D) sub-chapter of this chapter.

4.5.1. Manual/Empty Picksets

An empty pickset is added so that the locations (of object) are picked manually. The empty picksets are generally used
for supervised neural network training (see the dGB plugins help documentation). An empty pickset is defined by right
clicking on the Pickset element and selecting New > Empty from the pop-up sub-menu. In the Pickset Creation window,
write an appropriate name and press OK to insert an empty pickset in the tree. For instance, lets define an object by
using manual picks that are representative of salt. Display the corresponding data (line/slice/horizon) in the scene. To
start picking, please make it active by clicking on it (If active, it will be highlighted). Within the scene, start clicking on
the displayed data (line/horizon). Each click will add a pick. If the pick is wrong, it can be removed by using Ctrl key and
left mouse-button click.

Adds empty picksets of the given name


An example of empty picks (blue) that will be used for supervised neural network training.

4.5.2. Polygon

It requires that the user chooses a name and color for the new pickset. This will create an empty polygon pickset folder and
the user will have to pick himself the polygon on the chosen horizon.
Making polygons. Polygon picksets are activated by clicking on the element in the tree. The active polygon pickset is
shown in reverse video and you have automatically switched to pick mode. Left clicks in the graphics window will result
in adding picks to the active polygon. The picks will be connected by a line. The last pick of the polygon can be removed
from the active polygon with Ctrl-left clicks (use the Apple key on MacOS).
In the following picture we can see two examples of polygon picksets, closed polygon (deltaic facies belt), and non
closed polygon (fault pickset).

4.5.3. Generate Random Picks (3D)

Random picks are very important especially for prediction purposes or object detection. These are defined specifically
for unsupervised neural network training (see dGB Plugin documentation for more details). Unsupervised
waveform segmentation (UVQ*) is one of them. The window is launched from the tree element Pickset > (right click) >
New > Generate .... The following window pops up. In this window write an appropriate name for the picks and select
a distinct color. The generate location by contains several options: Range, Polygon, Table, Surface. It generates random
picks within a selected range of inlines/crosslines/time, polygon, table, at a surface, or between two surfaces. Select and fill
rest fields that are according to the selection in the generate locations by... option.
Optionally, a rejection filter can also be applied by selecting Remove locations. It passes each random position according to
a selected filter (random, polygon, subsample, table, surface). It is useful to avoid random picks in unwanted regions e.g.
by providing a polygon.
Provide the maximum number of locations to be inserted in the bottom text field. Fill an appropriate random number. Press
OK to insert random picks.

Random (3D) pickset creation window

* Note: UVQs are explained in Neural Network section of the plugin documentation.

4.5.4. Generate Random Picks (2D)

Random picks for the 2D data can also be used for the same purposes as that for random picks for 3D (read previous
section). The pickset creation window for 2D random picks can be launched from the tree element Pickset > (right click)
> New > Random for 2D data ... sub menu. It will launch the following pickset creation window. In this window fill/select
the fields for name, a color, the number of (random) picks to be generated, on a specific lineset(/lines), geometry and Zrange. It may be noted that the specified random picks are generated according to the given geometry. The geometry is
defined by a Z-range/ horizon(s). It depends upon the purpose/objective. For instance, if the objective is to detect facies
by using random vectors (picks) on a surface, then horizon geometry shall be provided. Similarly, random picks can also
be defined between two horizons on the selected lines.

4.5.5. Pop-Up Menus

Pickset Element Pop-up Menu
This is the menu that pops-up when a user clicks on the main Pickset element. It contains the following menu items.

Load is used to display a stored pickset(s) from the general selection window.
Load Polygon is used to display a stored polygon(s) from the general selection window.
New adds a new pickset/polygon. For more details, please read the previous sub-chapters.
Save changes. The pickset changes can be save at any step of the building process, then and then be reloaded.
Display only at sections. When this option is switched on, only the picks on the displayed elements; in the graphics area,
will be shown. This mode allows user to pick new locations without being distracted by previously picked points
throughout the survey volume.

Show all picks. After displaying the picks at sections only, you can redisplay all the picks by choosing this option.
Merging Picksets. When at least one pickset is opened in the tree, it is possible to merge picksets by right-clicking
"pickset". A window pops up and the sets can be selected. A name for the output set should be defined. Picksets can also
be merged from the Pickset Manager.
Remove all items. This option removes the picksets from the tree-scene.
Pickset Sub-elements Pop-up Menu
If more than one pickset is loaded, the following options will be available in the tree:

Calculate Volume
In OpendTect, an estimated volume can be computed from a polygon to a given surface.
The velocity default is set to 3000 m/s. Negative thicknesses can be discarded or taken into account.

Close polygon. During, and at the end of a picking session you should store picksets.
Properties: In this window the Type, Size and Color of the pick markers on the graphics area can be set. The type Arrow is
also automatically used when the pick is given directional information in the Set directions option under the pickset popup menu.
Display only at sections: When this option is switched on, only the picks on the displayed elements in the graphics area
will be shown. This mode allows to pick new locations without being distracted by previously picked points throughout
the survey volume.
Convert to body: It converts the polygon into a body.
Set direction: This option is used for display purposes to see the direction guided by the steering cube/attribute. It helps
to understand the geological dips and fluid flow. It is assigned by setting a direction to each pick based on dip and
azimuth information (attributes). In the pop-up window (see below), specify either a steering cube or two attributes
providing the polar dip and azimuth in degrees. A velocity of 2000 m/s will be used in time survey to convert the dip
from degrees to s/m if the dip angle data is read from a stored cube instead of the dip angle attribute. Do not forget
after setting the directions to save you pickset and change the display type to "Arrow".

Once this option is chosen, the last and the first picks of the polygon will be connected and this option will then disappear
from the three as an option as we can see in the following picture. When setting direction for pickset, depending on
whether you are using 2D or 3D attributes, two options are available. The direction can be set from:

Attributes input

Steering cube direction

An example of setting direction (black arrows) to a pickset.

Save/Save As: To each time you create/update the pickset, you can either overwrite the stored input by using option Save
or store it as a new pickset by using Save As option.
Lock / Unlock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving or displaying data on the object.
After clicking "Unlock", all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This removes the pickset from the tree. Removing an unsaved pickset will result in a complete loss of that pickset.
Random line



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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements

4.6. Horizon

An existing horizon can be displayed in the scene by selecting Load option from the pop-up menu (see above). It will launch
a horizon selector window from which multi horizons can be selected. The load color blended sub-menu displays an
RGBA (red-green-blue and alpha) blended horizon(s) in the scene. This is used to blend multi-attributes with similar
spectral outputs. This is an interactive tool especially to color blend the iso-frequency girds (or attributes). See
spectral decomposition attribute for further details. New sub menu is used to start a new horizon interpretation. Display all
or Sort menus are used if multi horizons are displayed in the scene. Display all menu contains three sub menus: only
at sections, full or at sections and full. Only at sections results a horizon display (as a line) on the inline/crossline/
timeslice. Full displays a 3D horizon grid. The Sort sub-menu is used to put horizons in a stratigraphic order (shallow to deep).
The popup menu from a displayed horizon has several options.

A horizon pop-up menu

An example horizon grid with a contour overlay.
Add Attribute: This allows choosing the data to display on the horizon from stored cubes, a calculated attribute from
the current attribute set, or surface data that were included with the horizon already. For Surface data, a dialog will
popup where you can select multiple data files. After loading you can browse through the data by pressing the 'Page Up'
and 'Page Down' buttons on your keyboard. Note that the mouse pointer has to be in the scene.
Add Contour Display: This option display the contour on the horizon. The contours properties can be manipulated by
right-clicking on the Contour attribute in the horizon element. A user can adjust contour range/index, color and line
thickness. It may be noted that the contour step (interval) is automatically calculated, which can be edited at any time.

Properties: The Material window allows changing of the graphical settings like transparency, line style, and thickness.
Resolution: The resolution of a horizon can be changed for performance reasons. When using a low-end graphics
card, performance during rotating and moving the scene may suffer. By showing the horizons in a lower resolution,
scrolling and rotating becomes smoother. By default, the resolution is set to Automatic. This setting uses higher resolution
in areas where a horizon has a complicated shape, and low resolution in relatively flat areas. Also, when rotating, the
resolution will be set to low in order to enhance responsiveness of the rotation action. When released again, the resolution is
set higher again. Attributes displayed will always have full color resolution, only the shape of the horizon surface is affected
by this setting.


Write Flattened Cube: It creates the flattened seismic at specified time value of horizon. The output is stored as a
new flattened cube. The user can choose the benefit of this option by flattening the cube at the horizon.
Calculate isopach: This option will compute the time or depth difference between two horizons. The computed grid will
be displayed as a new layer on this horizon and may be stored as a surface data. The output will always be in seconds,
meters, or feet.

Calculate volume: It is used to calculate the volume between the two horizons. The volume is calculated within an
existing polygon. Select the polygon and press Estimate Volume button to calculate the volume within the polygon. To
read more about this, please go to the chapter-Pickset: Pop-up Menus

Quick UVQ: This option is related the Neural Network plugin license, if it is available. It is used to create a
quick unsupervised facies map. For further information please refer to the plugin documentation.
Use single color: When this option is selected, the horizon is displayed in a single color, which can be chosen from a
standard color selection window.
Display: The horizon can be displayed on the sections (inline/crossline/2Dline/timeslice) as a line, as a 3D surface or both.
Tracking: Horizons can be edited and tracked through the survey. The various tracking options are described in here.
Save: The save option gets highlighted when changes are made to the surface geometry. Save saves the new geometry of
the horizon. If a horizon consists of patches, you can save a sub-selection of these patches.
Save as: Save a sub-area or the complete horizon using an other name.
Create flattened scene: This option enables the user to create a second scene in which the data is displayed relative to
the flattened horizon. This can be a very useful tool in specific situations. By flattening a horizon, the user gets an idea of
the approximate section at the time of the deposition of this horizon. The tectonic history can be derived from the
difference between the original section and the "restored" section. Another advantage of flattening the horizon is that
it becomes easier to evaluate the depositional environments.

Three options are possible: "Grid", "Filter", and "Snap to event".

Position: It is used to re-position (selected inline/crossline range) the displayed horizon. In the position dialog, set the ranges
of the inline or crossline to sub-select the horizon display.

Shift: The scrollbar allows the user to scroll the 3D horizon vertically. The shift range allows the user to define the upper
and lower boundaries of the scrollbar range. The step size defines the distance between each possible horizon position. (e.g.
A range of -100 to +100 with a step of 10 allows for the user to scroll through 20 possible horizon positions, centered about
the original position.) Different attributes can be calculated for the horizon in this user defined shift range. The user can
then use the scrollbar to move up and down and view the attribute as it would appear on that horizon at the various
shift positions. This shifted horizon can be saved as surface data to be viewed later.

Algorithm: This utility allows the griding, filtering and re-snapping of the horizon. Two griding algorithms are available:
the inverse distance and triangulation. The user can choose between different types of geometry: Full survey,Bounding
Box,Convex hull and Only holes.

Filter: The "filter" utility enables filtering of the horizon. There are two filtering types: Median and Average. The inline
and crossline step-out should be defined. The larger the step-out, the smoother the result of the filter.

Algorithm - Snap to event: In case the horizon is not correctly snapped to a seismic event, this option can be used. The
user should define the input data, the event type (peak or trough, zero-crossing etc.), the search gate relative to the
original horizon, and whether the snapped horizon should be saved as new or overwrite the original horizon.

Lock: This will lock the selected object. It prevents accidental removing, moving, or displaying data on the object.
After clicking unlock, all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This option removes the horizon from the tree and the graphics area.


2D Horizon

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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.7. 2D Horizon
A 2D horizon can be loaded in a scene by clicking on this element of the tree. Click on Add from the
pop-up menu and select stored 2D horizon(s) from the list. The selected horizon(s) will be displayed
in the scene. To start a new 2D horizon interpretation, read the Chapter- How to interpret Horizons.
A displayed 2D horizon contains the following pop-up menu items:

Properties: This option is used to change the display settings for a horizon (color, reflectivity,
line style).
Display only at sections: This allows the user to display the tracking horizon at section, this
is especially for QC purpose to see if the tracked horizon lies on the expected reflector.
Tracking: It is used to launch the tracking wizard to update the tracking settings.
Save/Save As: After the horizon is updated, it can either be saved by selecting "Save" option
or it can be saved as new name by selecting "Save As"
Derive 3D horizon: It is used to create a 3D-horizon from a 2D horizon.
As soon as a 2D horizon is tracked, a 3D horizon can be derived from this by right-clicking
the 2D horizon in the tree and choose Derive 3D horizon. A window pops up in which you can
select the algorithm (inverse distance interpolation or triangulation) like the images below.
The results can be immediately displayed by selecting the Display after generation option.

This horizon can be improved by clicking the "Algorithm" option by right-clicking the horizon
name in the tree. You will have the options of "Grid", "Filter", and "Snap to event". The
details on horizon's algorithms can be found in the Horizonsection.
Create flattened scene: The flattened scene is created at that horizon.
Lock: This option is used to lock the horizon for further updates/changes.
Remove: This will remove the horizon from the tree.

Derive a 2D horizon from a 3D horizon

A 2D horizon can easily be derived from existing 3D horizons by right-clicking on 2D Horizon in the
tree and selecting Create from 3D. This opens a window where you designate the 3D horizon, the 2D
Line Set and 2D line(s) where you want to create the new 2D horizon. This function allows for the
2D horizon to be created on one line, or on as many lines as a Line Set contains, all at once.






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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.8. Fault
The fault option allows to interpret fault using a new fault or loading an existing one.

The new fault is inserted by selecting New option in the tree scene. The blank fault New fault 1 will be inserted as
sub-element of Fault. The user can then interpret the fault on inline/crossline/time-slice. After interpreting fault,
use Save to save the fault with appropriate name.

An example of picked fault line on a seismic section is shown in the following picture:

If the option Load is chosen, the existing faults will be displayed in the scene.
Add attribute: This will add a new attribute for fault element. Right click on newly inserted/existing attribute, and
'Select attribute' to select the desired seismic volume. The attribute will be displayed along fault planes. The
example line with interpreted faults in a 3D volume has been shown below. Notice that the faults have seismic data
displayed as an attribute along their planes.

Show histogram:This will display the histogram of the current fault.

Properties: In this window, the Type, Size, and Color of the pick markers on the graphics area can be set.
Display...: When this option is switched on, fault planes, fault sticks can be displayed, the third option is to display
faults at section only with this last choice, only the sticks on the displayed elements in the graphics area will be
shown. This mode allows to pick new locations without being distracted by previously picked points throughout
the survey volume.
Save/Save As: For each time you create/update the fault, you can either overwrite the stored input by using option
Save or store it as a new fault by using Save As option.
Lock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving, or displaying data on the object.
After clicking a second time on "lock", all manipulations are possible again.
Remove: This removes the fault from the tree. Removing an unsaved pickset will result in a complete loss of that
Note For Fault interpretation please see this interpret faults chapter
2D Horizon



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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.9. FaultStickSet
A FaultStickSet is a set of sticks for faults interpretation.Sticks are segments that are created by
connecting two or more nodes.
The FaultStickSet tree item allows the user to create a new FaultStickSet or to load an existing one.

The new FaultStickSet is inserted by selecting the New option in the tree. The blank fault New sticks 1
will be inserted as sub-element of FaultStickSet.
The user can then interpret the fault sticks on inline/crossline/timeslice and/or on 2D lines as well.

When creating a set of fault sticks, please mind the following:

1- The first fault stick for one specific section is created just by clicking along the fault.
2- The second fault stick in the same section is created by shift + leftclick for the first pick then just
leftclick for the next faultpick(s)
3- To remove a fault stick node, Ctrl+leftclick on the already picked nodes.
4- Once you are done with one section, move to another inline/crossline/timeslice/ or 2D line to create
new fault sticks.
After interpreting the FaultStickSet, use the option Save to save your set with an appropriate name.

An example of a picked FaultStickSet on a seismic section







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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.10. Body

Bodies are displayed and created from this tree item. Using the option "New polygon body" the
bodies can be drawn by picking on vertical and horizontal slices. The body will always be the convex
envelope around the picked locations.
It is also possible to create bodies from:

An isovalue surface (implicit representation): The body is extracted from a volume based on
the amplitude distribution.
A polygon projected between two horizons.

Bodies may be used for display but also the creation of volumes using the volume builder: The inner
and/or outer parts of the body are filled with constant value(s).





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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.11. Well
Basic Well Options
When no wells are loaded in your scene, right clicking on Well in the tree presents the following three options: Load, Tie
Well to Seismic, and New Well Track.

Load: Wells can be added to the scene with Load once they are properly imported through the Survey - Import - Wells menu.

Tie Well to Seismic: You can make a seismic to well tie with this option. Three parameters will be needed from the well
in order to make the link: sonic/velocity log, density log and the reference wavelet. The wavelet can be imported or extracted.

New Well Track: You can also draw a well path manually with the New WellTrack option. Drawing a new well track
works the same as editing an existing well track. Well nodes can be picked on the elements currently displayed in the
scene. Remember that a display with a Z-scale (View - Z-scale) other than 1 distorts the appearance of distance in the 3D view.

Individual Well Options

Once a well has been loaded into the scene and is visible in the tree, right-clicking the well pops-up a window with
the following options: Create attribute log, Tie well to seismics, Properties, Edit well track, Save, Lock, and Remove.
Items described in the Basic Well Options section above will not be described again here.

Create attribute log allows the user to create a new log by calculating an attribute along the well track. A new window
pops up where the attribute, log name, and the depth range should be provided. The Depth range is defined as start depth,
stop depth, and sample distance.

Properties sets various display properties of the well track, the logs, and the log markers. To avoid having to set properties
on all wells individually, properties can be set once on one well, and then applied simultaneously to all by selecting the
Apply to all wells button in the Well Display Properties window.

Track tab: Modifies the well track

properties (line thickness, color, and the
well name size).
Markers tab: It is used to modify the
marker size, color, shape, and the marker
name size.
Left Log tab: In this log, a user can
display a log on to the left side of a well
track. The log is selected in this tab.
Moreover, data ranges, color spectrum
and other properties of the selected logs
can be modified. Optionally, dual logs
spectra can be displayed together on the
same side by displaying one log as a trace
and filling the color with another log (Fill
with Log).
Right Log tab: Right log tab displays a
selected log on the right hand side of the
track. The properties are similar to that of
left log tab.

Edit Welltrack allows you to add or delete nodes to the well track. Deleting nodes is done by holding CTRL and clicking
a node. Adding nodes is done by making "node picks" on any of the active elements on your screen. Remember that the Zscale caused a vertical stretch, distorting the appearance of real distance in the 3D view.
Save stores a new well or saves the changes that were made to an existing one. Provide a name for a new well, and if a depth
to time model is available, select the file. The file should have the same format as when importing a welltrack. Optionally,
you can examine the file using the corresponding button. Specify if the model uses TVDSS or MS, also the measurement units.
Lock / Unlock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving, or displaying data on the object.
After clicking unlock all manipulations are possible again.
Remove removes the well from the tree (not from disc).

Multiple Well Options

These options are available only when more than one well is loaded in the tree, and can be accessed by right-clicking Well
in the tree. The new options available when multiple wells are loaded include: Create attribute log, Show all, Hide all, Show
all items, Hide all items, and Remove all items. Items described in the previous sections above will not be described again here.

Show all allows the user to toggle on all well names (top),well names (bottom), markers, marker names, and logs.
Hide all allows the user to toggle off all well names (top),well names (bottom), markers, marker names, and logs.
Show all items allows the user to toggle on all wells currently loaded and visible in the tree.
Hide all items allows the user to toggle off all wells currently loaded and visible in the tree.
Remove all items allows the user to remove all wells currently loaded and visible in the tree. This only removes the wells
from the scene, it does not delete themn from the disk.





2D Seismic

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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.12. 2D Seismic

Right click on 2D and select Add to add a 2D line set. After pressing Select, you must select which
lines from the available lines you wish to display. You can always add or remove lines later.
The pop-up menu of the line set has these options:

Add line(s): Here you select what lines available in the current line set you want to add to the
display list.
Select Attribute: Here you select what attribute you want to display on all lines currently
loaded from the line set.
Show all: Switches on all currently loaded line names or the lines themselves from the line set.
Hide all: The opposite of Show all: it switches off all currently loaded line names or the lines
themselves from the line set.
Remove: Removes the entire line set from the tree.

The popup menu from the individual lines from the line set has these options:

Select attribute: To set the attribute loaded onto this individual line. Remember that volume
attributes can not be loaded on 2D lines. You need to define attribute(s) specifically for the 2D
line set.
Properties: The Properties option refers to display parameters such as transparency and
Resolution: Allows changing the graphical resolution of the element. The default does not
involve any rescaling before the data is sent to the graphics card. Moderate and high do some
pre-interpolation before the data is sent to the graphics card and generally results in a clearer

picture. If the memory of your graphics card does not allow high resolution the element
becomes black.
If shadingis on, the resolution option is no longer available.
Lock / Unlock: Locks the selected object. This prevents accidental removing, moving, or
displaying data on the object. After clicking unlock all manipulations are possible again.
Duplicate: Duplicates the line as an empty element in the tree. On the new element, you can
display a different attribute while keeping the original data directly available too.
Show/Hide linename: Shows or hides the name of the line in the graphical area.
Position: Pops up a new window where the visual data range of the current line can be set.
Remove: Removes the line from the line set and the tree.

Moreover, you can change and display attributes of a 2D line set from tree. Right-click on the line set
in the tree. You will see the options shown in figure below.

Set Z Range: Specify the Z-range of line set to be displayed

Add Attribute: Adds the same attribute display to all lines within the line set.
Edit Attribute: Edits or changes the attribute of all lines within the line set.
Remove Attribute: Removes the attribute from lines.
Edit Color Settings: Applies the same color settings for all lines in a line set.
Show All: Shows all lines in a line set.
Hide All: Hides all lines in a line set.
Remove: Removes all lines in a line set.






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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.13. Annotations
With this option, you can draw arrows, load images, and write text on the display window by right clicking in one of the
items in this tree.

Arrow: You can store the arrow groups, change the properties, lock-unlock, and remove them by right clicking on this element.

The arrow properties can be change by right-clicking on the newly inserted arrow group and selecting the properties from
the pop-up menu. In the arrow properties, arrow type (top, bottom or both heads), color, width and size are adjusted.

Arrow style properties

Image: Once you have selected an image, you can then store, resize, lock-unlock, and remove it by right clicking on
this element.
Text: You can add text by creating a text group. When a group is created, you can add multiple text annotations by clicking
on an element (inline/crossline/timeslice/horizon) that is displayed in a scene. The text will be added at the clicked
position. After clicking, write the text in the pop-up text box. The text can be modified from the scene by right clicking on
the inserted text annotation and selecting Change text option from the pop-up list menu. Moreover, the text position can
be adjusted in a 3D view. This is done by using the horizontal and vertical anchors (two sided arrow head) that are available
in the interact mode. Use left mouse button to click on the anchors to move and relocate the text position. Text can be
moved vertically, horizontally, or it can be rotated. Repositioning is also possible by clicking and changing the position
pick. For details see the figure below. If one wants to remove the annotation, use CTRL+left mouse click on the
annotation's pick (yellow circle).

Add a new annotation group.

Changing the position of the annotation
Text - Pop-up Menu
The main element-Text annotation contains two pop-up menus:

Add Text Group: Adds a blank text group

Load: It is used to load the stored annotation group(s).

The text group pop-up menu can be launched by right clicking on the text group name.

Size: Resize the text group. It may be noted that it will resize the all inserted text sub-elements according to the new size.
Store/Store as: Saves the text group in to an existing name/new name.
Change Text: it is used to replace/change the text of the selected annotation. It may be noted that in the tree pop-up menu it
si inactive. A user can only change the text of a selected annotation. It is done by right-clicking over the annotation in
a working scene.
Background Color: Modifies the background color of the annotation.
Lock: If lock is selected, it will prevent further modification of the group.
Remove: It removes the group from the tree/scene.

2D Seismic


PreStack 3D viewer

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Chapter 4. OpendTect Trees and Elements


4.14. PreStack 3D viewer

Pre-stack gathers can be displayed in the 3D scene, perpendicular to an inline or crossline. Post stack
data must first be displayed on an inline/crossline. The post-stack data does not need to be linked to
your pre-stack data. Once you have loaded the line, go to interact mode (graphical toolbar, second
icon from the left), right-click in the scene on top of your inline and use the option "Display PS
gather". The menu will list any pre-stack data available (loaded) in the survey. Please note that you
can display multiple PS gathers on the same inline, and moving the inline to another position will
keep the position of the PS gather, as well as update its content.
PS-gather Positioning
When a pre-stack data is displayed in a scene, the pre-stack positioning window also pop-ups. By
using this window, the pre-stack data can be scrolled interactively. The crossline value locates the
present displayed prestack panel. That can be scrolled at given steps (increment).
From the PS gather display, within the 3D window, you can also display this gather in a 2D viewer.
Once again, in interact mode, right-click on top of the PS gather and use the option "View in 2D

PS-gather Properties
There are several Pre-stack properties available that are described below:
Note: Please note that the PS gathers are first displayed without any processing. This can be set
together with other properties in the PS gather display properties:

Shape: The shape tab will set the size of the PS gather with respect to other 3D elements.
Appearance: Color bar and amplitude ranges can be set in the color tab.
Scaling: This tab is used to scale (clip) the amplitude spectrum of the displayed pre-stack data.
Preprocessing: Pre-processing may be applied to enhance the display in the third tab. The

available algorithms are presented in the prestack processing chapter.



Menu - Survey

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 5. Menu - Survey

Table of Contents
5.1 Select/Setup Survey
5.2 Session
5.3 Import
5.4 Export
5.5 Manage
5.6 Pre-Loaded Seismic Data

5.1. Select/Setup Survey

5.1.1. Description
The Survey module is used to select, create and/or modify surveys. A survey defines the geographical boundaries of
an OpendTect project and relevant positioning information such as the relationship between inline/crossline and X/Y
co-ordinate systems. Each survey (project) stores its data in a separate directory that needs to be specified along with
the survey reference name.

5.1.2. Survey selection window

Select an existing survey from the list of surveys on the left or create a new one with "New"... (see below). The
boundaries of the survey are depicted in the graphics field on the right. The Notes field is a free-format text field to
store relevant survey notes.
WARNING: Remove... will remove the entire project from disk!
Set Data Root. When you installed OpendTect, you selected an OpendTect data directory, where all your surveys are
stored. With this option you can change this general OpendTect data directory.
X/Y <-> I/C. In the position conversion window there are two modes available for coordinate conversion: Manual /
File. In Manual mode, you specify a inline/crossline pair, or a X/Y pair, and press the corresponding arrow key to
obtain the position in the other domain. In File mode, you browse the input file and create new output file. By

specifying the corresponding type conversion (XY to IC or IC to XY) and pressing GO button, the desired conversion
is written on output file.

Export to Google Earth/Maps. After clicking in this icon

survey boundaries to a file that can be imported in GoogleEarth.

, the google export allows the user to export the

Nevertheless you will first need to specify the correspondence between X-Y coordinates and latitude/longitude in one
location of the survey:

Only after pressing "OK" you will be able to provide an output filename.

5.1.3. New/Edit Survey setup window

To launch the survey setup window select "New" or "Edit" button in survey selection window. The following window
will appear on your screen.

All fields in above window are mandatory.

Survey name: Specify the OpendTect survey name. A best practice can be (although not necessarily) that the survey
directory name is set same as the OpendTect Survey name.
Location on disk: Specify a location on disk where the OpendTect project would be stored. The location is also
termed as OpendTect survey location.
Survey type: For the survey type, there are three options;


1- Select only 3D, if the survey to be created will contain only 3D type data set. Select both 2D and 3D, if the survey
will contain both 2D and 3D type data set. If it contains only 2D type data set, select only 2D .
2- Ranges/Coordinate settings are described in separate chapters below. Survey Ranges

The survey ranges can be filled in manually, by scanning a SEG-Y file (2D/3D), by using set for 2D only option, or by
copying the ranges from an other survey. If the Workstation Access plugin is available, you will see the Get from
GeoFrame or Get from Seisworks option in the drop-down menu.

The set for 2D only option is especially used to create a 2D seismic survey. Set the average trace distance and the x
and y coordinate ranges, and these will automatically be translated into suitable survey settings.
Click on the Scan SEG-Y file(s) button to select a SEG-Y file. In the new window, you set the SEG-Y settings, see
also SEG-Y scan section. Pressing OK will start scanning the file(s). After scanning, you'll get a file report containing
sampling info, data statistics, and survey setup. The "Survey ranges" and "Coordinate settings" will be filled in
Note that Z range can be specified in milliseconds, meter, or feet. Coordinate settings

The relationship between inline/crossline and X/Y can be specified in two ways. The easy way is to specify three
points, two of which must be on the same inline. Due to rounding off errors, this method may not be 100% accurate.
In the "Advanced" option, the exact transformation from one co-ordinate system to an other can be specified. The
"Apply" button can be used to verify results graphically and to check the co-ordinate transformation formula.

PreStack 3D viewer



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 5. Menu - Survey


5.2. Session
The OpendTect session is generally used to save and to retrieve the specific settings of a scene. This can
help user(s) to resume work from previous settings. The session will save all settings of the displayed
elements, and that session can be restored at any time. When clicking the Survey option in the tool bar
and then click Session, three options appear. It is possible to save the session and restore a saved
session. When clicking "Auto", the session will restore itself automatically the next time you start

When a session is saved, the system stores all element positions and relevant information to recreate the
images. The content of the elements is not saved but is re-created when the session is restored.

The auto-load window

The user can enable or disable the auto-load session option. It is also possible to choose if one of the
save sessions will be used in this session. Finally the user has the choice on whether or not to load the
selected session now.
Please note that a similar function exists to auto-load one of the attribute sets.
TIP: As mentioned earlier that the contents of the elements are not saved but are recreated. In practice,
it is a common practice of the user(s) to save and restore the session. The mistake normally a user(s) can
do, is that a session is saved with the contents of an elements (e.g. attributes) that takes long time in
calculation. In this way, when such session is restored, it will take enought time to restore because the
session can only store the settings (or relevant information) but not the on-the-fly attributes. And thus it
re-caculates the contents. This can be avoided by creating outputs of such attributes. If an attribute
already reside in the disk and when a session is saved with such attribute cube/line, the session will be
restored very quickly. Similarly, the same thing can happen with a session that contains contents of
surface data (the attributes calculated along horizon). The attributes applied along horizon can be saved
as surface data. It is recommended, to save the surface data before saving a session.



Select/Setup Survey



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 5. Menu - Survey

5.3. Import
The Import menu is used to import seismic data, horizons, faults, well data, picksets, wavelets, mute/velocity
functions, respectively. Seismic data can imported as SegY-file, Workstation (SeisWorks, GeoFrame-IESX), or from
dGB's CBVS (Common Binary Volume Storage) formatted files. The SeisWorks and GeoFrame options are only available if
a user have a workstation license*. Moreover, OpendTect can also handle data volumes with irregular boundaries and
gaps. However, strong irregularity (e.g. consistent non-constant steps between inlines and/or crosslines) throughout the
volume may cause problems.

* To get more details on workstation license, please visit dGB workstation access

5.3.1. Import Seismic

Volumes and lines can be imported in the survey menu from files in four modes:

By converting a SEG-Y file to an OpendTect file.

"SEG-Y in place": By referencing (linking) a SEG-Y file to the survey without creating a new file.
From a regular ascii or binary file, with or without header.
By copying or linking an exisiting OpendTect (CBVS) volume. SEG-Y
SEG-Y is the standard way to share volumes/lines of data. In OpendTect the files are loaded with a rigorous respect to the
SEG standards using a loading wizard. Most SEG-Y files will be imported in a few clicks, and a number of exceptions can
be set to load the most problematic data. Nevertheless there are a few guidelines that must be honoured:


The traces must be sorted either by inlines and then crosslines or by crosslines and then inlines.
The gathers of pre-stack data must be consecutive and ordered by increasing offset (i.e. no common offset sorting).
Inline/crosslines or coordinates (and offset) must be written in every single trace header. Separate navigation data is
not supported.
The traces must have a fixed length.
There is no support of extended textual headers.

Once this is respected you will enjoy a large freedom:

Gaps can be present.

The traces can start at any time/depth, even negative
The files can be merged during import, re-scaled using linear equations, the storage format can be changed...

Please read the entire chapter before asking for support. If you need support please send us a screenshot of the first
step, examine window, import window and scan report together with a description of your problem. SEG-Y import preparation
The generic wizard called the "SEG-Y tool" can load pre-stack and post-stack seismic data, from one or multiple SEG-Y
files (2D and 3D). This wizard must be launched from the survey menu. It consists in two mandatory steps: The data
selection (first step) and the loading of the new file by providing the key parameters. A trace and data examiner will
always popup, and the input file may be scanned partially or completely before being loaded.

SEG-Y Tool Window (3D/2D)

Mandatory workflow in the first step:
1. Select your (first) file using the file browser.
2. Choose the correct file type between:

3. If multiple SEG-Y files representing one 3D volume (pre-stack or post-stack) have to be loaded you must specify the
number of files to be merged during loading. The input SEG-Y files must contain blocks or inlines. File names must
be indexed like file1.sgy, file2.sgy..., any file can be selected and the index must be replaced in the input field by a wildcard (*):

Please note that multiple 2D lines do not have to be selected in the first step but at the end of the second step.
In most cases you can press "OK" after have done the two actions listed above. Only if you have pre-knowledge that the
file may be weired you would like to perform one of the following actions before presssing "OK".
Optional actions in the first step:

Number of traces to examine: A set of traces may be examined a the beginning of the file. Looking at the output is
strongly recommended but not mandatory for a successful import. This can be disabled by entering "0". Pressing "Save
a default" will save the number of traces to examine in your user settings.
Overrule SEG-Y number of sample: If the number of samples per trace in not or incorrectly written in the line and/or
trace headers you can overrule it here.
SEG-Y format: If the format of the data samples is not or incorrectly written in the line header you can overrule it here.
Bytes swapped: Most header values and/or data samples are written using several bytes for each word/sample. Therefore
a byte order is needed and can be wrong. If the trace headers word look funny they might need swapping, if the sample
values are crazy large numbers they might need byte swapping too.

After pressing OK the real import window of the wizard will appear, together will a popup question and the examine
window. It is recommended to answer the question and examine the first traces before looking at the second wizard window. SEG-Y revision
After preparing the SEG-Y import you will be asked the revision type of your SEG-Y file(s). From the answer will depend
the speed and easiness of the import phase.

1. Yes - I know the file is 100% correct SEG-Y Rev.1: For lucky people, this is from far the most easy and quick way to
import your SEG-Y file. No additional settings are required except the output volume/line name in the OpendTect database.
2. Yes - It's Rev-1 but I may need to overrule some things: For un-lucky users: The revision 1 flag might wrongly be set to yes
in the line header while obviously the file does not comply with the SEG-Y revision 1 norm. May happen when the
software blindly copies entire headers without refreshing all necessary words.
3. No - the file is not SEG-Y Rev.1 - treat as legacy SEG-Y Rev.0: Previous way of loading SEG-Y files: The inline
and crosslines offset (bytes) must be found in the trace headers and their offsets must be provided to the software since it
may vary from file to file.
4. Cancel - Something must be wrong - take me back: Option used to go back to the data preparation, most often if the result
of the examine suggests that changes must be made before going further.
After selecting appropriate option, press OK to reach the import window.
You can save the answer to this question in your survey settings by activating the option "Don't ask again for this survey".
If you set this flag by mistake and wish to go back you need to edit the ".defs" file with a text editor and remove the line
"SEG-Y Rev. 1 policy:". SEG-Y Examiner
SEG-Y examiner window is used to examine the textual, line and first trace headers. It is a useful tool that covers two purposes:
1- Examine the headers so that, if necessary, SEG-Y settings can be found and adjusted (left).
2- View the first traces in a 2D viewer (right)

It is strongly recommended to always display the traces in the 2D viewer. This is done from the examine window by using
the view icon

The examine window will show the entire textual header, the words in the line header that are different from zero, and
the entire trace headers of the first traces.
You can use the vertical scroll bar to browse through the file headers and locate the import information. Optionally the
save button

can be used to store the textual header.

Use the lateral scroll bar at the bottom to locate the header words that change with the traces. They indicate traces,
crosslines, offsets, coordinates... It is unlikely to see the inline number vary in the first traces. Nevertheless it is often at
the bytes preceding the crossline number. Increasing the number of traces to examine will help finding the inline number.
Please note that the examine window can stay open during import. SEG-Y Import
The main import window will look different based on the type of SEG-Y file. At any moment a partial or full scan of the
input(s) can be launched using the icon

on the right-hand side.

If the file is revision 1 standard then the import is almost done: You must provide an output name and can optionally subselect a range of the volume to be loaded and/or change the output format and/or re-scale the amplitudes. Pressing "OK"
will launch the import. Please note that depth volumes can be imported in time surveys and the opposite by using the
depth/time toogle. They can be visualized using transformed scenes, providing that velocities are available.

If the file is revision 1 but with changed parameters you will receive three additional fields that can overrule the values to
be found in the headers:

SEG-Y coordinate scaling: Please provide the scaler that must be multiplied to the trace coordinates in order to get the
loaded coordinates.
Please provide the time assigned to the first sample of the traces, in milliseconds or meters. Negative times are allowed.
Sample rate: Please provide the sampling rate of your data in milliseconds or meters/feet.

Those parameters constitute a SEG-Y setup that can be saved and retrieved using the yellow folder icon on the right. This
setup will not only contain the parameters but also the path of the input files and settings of the preparation step. The setups
are data dependant therefore they are stored in your survey.
If the file is not revision 1 you will get the overrule fields described above in a tab and two additional tabs to provide the
byte locations of either the pair inline/crossline or the pair of X and Y coordinates. In the case of pre-stack data an
additional tab will be present to provide the offsets/azimuth byte locations.

You need to look at the trace headers in the examine window and assign the right settings in this import window. Once
again the entire import setup may be saved or retrieved.
Once this is done you must provide an output name and can optionally sub-select a range of the volume to be loaded and/
or change the output format and/or re-scale the amplitudes. Pressing "OK" will launch the import.
The import of 2D lines is somewhat different: Inlines and crosslines are replaced by trace numbers, that must be unique
for each trace (therefore it can be the CDP but not the Shot Point).

The line name is most often part of the input file name. It will be used only if a single line is loaded. Otherwise the line
name is extracted as a part of the filename (see further below).
The lineset name represents a 2D survey that consists in one or more lines. An OpendTect survey can have many 2D
surveys (linesets), that are group of 2D lines that can be selected together for processing and interpretation.
There is no format/scaling or sub-selection for 2D lines. The SEG-Y data format defines the OpendTect format.
A default attribute name "seis" will be given to each line of the loaded lineset. This can be changed by pressing "Select"
and filling the empty "Attribute" field, like in the example below:

Optionally the attribute name can be typed in the same field as the lineset name, by separating both using the "|" character:
2006 survey|PSTM Seismic
Multiple lines loading must be enabled using the button "Import more, similar file" on the last line before pressing "OK".
Any line can be used to go through the wizard, and the settings must be the same for all lines. If that is not the case then it
is best to run the wizard several times per group of lines of similar SEG-Y settings.

This additional window is used to specify the generic line name out of the SEG-Y filenames. The line name must be
replaced by "#L", while everything else (including the path and the extension) is shown as text, like in the above example:
There will be one progress bar per input file during loading. SEG-Y scan
SEG-Y Scan is a useful tool to get an idea on the content of a SEG-Y file, and to check the loading settings. It is
best performed on a limited number of traces (default is 1000) when checking the loading parameters, and on the entire
file when extracting geometry and ranges.

SEG-Y scanning is of the processes use to derive the survey geometry for a SEG-Y file. A successful scan will result in
a successful loading, if and only if the numerical values returned are in line with the correct parameters (inline
range, coordinate scaling ...).
Here is an example of output report: SEG-Y Pre-stack scanned

Data duplication is a large problem when working with large datasets. All other import tool generate new OpendTect files
from ascii or binary files. This import works differently since it will not create any file but will link an existing SEG-Y file
to an OpendTect entry, selectable as any other OpendTect data. Nevertheless because of the nature of the SEG-Y data
the performances for reading and processing may be lower than with OpendTect pre-stack datastores that are optimized.

This special import tool is only available for pre-stack data. The importation itself is 100% similar to the normal SEGY import. The only difference is that there will not be any loading after completing the wizard.
Note: Please note that since this tool links to an existing file, moving or renaming the file outside OpendTect will break
the link and make the dataset unavailable. Simple File

This particular import option is included in OpendTect as a plugin. The user can import simple ASCII or Binary file by
using plain file Seismic I/O Plugin. This can be reached via Survey > Import > Seismic > Simple File > 3D or 2D (Pre/
Post-stack) etc.
In the import seismic window, select the file type (ASCII or Binary) and browse the input file location. As a secondary
option, auser can also examine the input file by pressing Examine button. The simple file can be either sorted in XY
positions or Inline/Xline pairs. If, in the file, the trace start position exists, select 'Yes' for Traces start with a
position. Otherwise, select 'No' and define the inline/xline start positions and steps manually. Similarly, if the
sampling information is not in the input file, select "No" and fill the sampling information boxes. Optionally, the user can
scale the cube before loading as well by mentioning the amount of shift and the corresponding factor. Either pass or discard
the null traces before loading. Store the output Cube/2D Line set by writing name in Output Cube field. Import 3D Simple File format
A ASCII/Binary-3D import window is shown below. Two types of seismic files can be directly imported via this window:
1-ASCII format, 2-Binary format. Set the radio-box according to the input file. The input file is located through Select
button. The next settings is to define whether the trace definition starts with a position (XY/inline-crossline) or not. If Not,
the position (Inilne, Xline) fields are filled manually. A user has to provide a start position of inline & crossline with number
of steps. The fields should be filled in accordance to the input file. If at the beginning of the file, the sampling information
is not given, it can be over-rule by setting No to 'File start contains sampling info' (see below). The sampling
information (start, step or increment, and number of samples per traces) is then filled in the fields. Moreover, while loading
an ASCII/binary format seismic file, a scale factor (output = Factor * input + Shift) can be applied. If the null traces are to
be rejected/passed, select either Discard or Pass radio-boxes, respectively. An appropriate OpendTect volume name for
the input file is filled in the Output Cube field. If the input file is a depth volume, set check to Depth option.

Simple 3D Seismic File Import Window Import 2D simple file format
A ASCII/Binary-2D import window is shown below. The settings for this window are quite similar to that of 3D-simple
file import window (see previous section). The input file is located through Select button. The next settings is to define

whether the trace definition starts with a position (XY/trace number) or not. If No, the position fields (X, Y, steps) are
filled manually. A user has to provide a start position of a trace (X, Y pair) with a starting trace number. The fields should
be filled in accordance to the input file. Remaining fields are similar to the 3D Simple file import window. Importantly,
the input file (a 2D Line) is store in a OpendTect Lineset. Therefore, write an appropriate name in a line-set with along with
the Line name. If the line is in a depth sorted, you can set check to Depth option.

Simple 2D Seismic File (ASCII/BINARY Format) Import Window Import Prestack 3D simple file format
The import window for a 3D-Pre-stack simple file contains the similar options that are mostly describe in a Import 3D
Simple File format section. There are two additional fields that have to be pre-defined in this region. These include
Azimuth and offset information available in the simple file (ASCII/Binary). If such positions are available in the input file,
a check should be set to the Position includes fields (Offset, Azimuth). The input seismic file is imported separately in
an OpendTect database as a pre-stack data. Write the output name in the Output Data Store field to start importing the file.

Simple Pre-stack 3D Seismic File Import Window Import Prestack 2D simple file format
The import window for a 2D-Pre-stack simple file contains the similar options that are mostly describe in a Import 3D
Simple File format. There are two additional fields that have to be pre-defined in this region. These include Azimuth and
offset information available in the simple file (ASCII/Binary). If such positions are available in the input file, a check should
be set to the Position includes fields (Offset, Azimuth). The input seismic file is imported separately in an OpendTect
database as a pre-stack Lineset. Write the output lineset and line names in the Output Data Store field to start importing the file.

Simple Pre-stack 2D Seismic File Import Window Import CBVS cube window

This module enables exchange of data between the OpendTect projects. The original CBVS (Common Binary Volume
Storage) file can be located with a standard file browser. Some CBVS volumes are stored in several sub files. These can
be recognized by the ^01 or ^02 (etc.) in the filename. To import the complete volume, select the base file without any
^xx marks.
The Cube type needs to be specified in order to give it the correct label for the software.
The Import mode indicates if the file should only be left at its original place and just be linked to the current survey (Use
in-place), or if the volume should be copied entirely into the current survey directory (Copy the data). Moreover,
while importing, the volume can be sub-selected (selected inlines/crosslines/time ranges) by pressing Select button in front
of the Volume subselection field. If the data contains the Null traces, either discard or pass the traces by selecting the
respective radio button. Before, importing the CBVS volume, the scaling (16bit, 32 bit etc) can be applied to the volume.
The Output Cube field corresponds to the output volume name (that will be available in Manage Seismic window) for the
input file.

5.3.2. Import Pickset window

Picksets can be imported into OpendTect as an ASCII file. The import window is launched via the survey menu (see below).

In the Import Pickset window, several parameters are provided. The input file can be located by pressing Select button.
The examine button is generally used to view the input file. This option is helpful to provide a proper file format in the
import pickset window. Get Z-values from relates to use the Z-values present in the file, along horizon, or constant.
For instance, if the polygon is the prospect outline and one wants to display it at a certain horizon, the option horizon can
be selected. On the other hand, if one wants to display a lease or a block boundary at the top of the survey outline, the
option constant Z (set 0) can be selected.

The file format is defined under the File header and Format definition fields. If the file contains some header information
that are to be omitted, relevant option can selected (No header, fixed or variable). If the input file doesn't contain any
header line, select No header option. Otherwise, the fixed header is selected if the header lines are constant (e.g. 12 lines).
The variable is the option that is based upon the header key word i.e EOW- End of Word.
Optionally, each pick can be loaded and displayed as a vector field. The 4th, 5th, and 6th column of the ASCII file will
then have to contain the vector length R (a non-negative number), the dip (-90 - 90 degrees, positive numbers are
downward), and the azimuth (0 - 360 degrees, 0 is the Y-direction, 90 is the X-direction).
Another option is to import pickset as Polygon. The polygon can be a prospect outline, lease boundary, area of interest etc.

Define input file format

The first option is the type of data loaded: X/Y, Inl/Crl, and in which column the parameter will be found. The Z value
column and unit has to be defined also. The Z units can be seconds, milliseconds, or microseconds. If the file-format
definition is update, it can be saved with a new name
. In the pop-up window (see below), write an appropriate name
of the file-format definition file, so that it can be useful for next time via Open button in the Import Pickset window.

Depending upon the future use of the same format definition (e.g. for other surveys or this user only) the format definition
can be saved at different levels: for all surveys, this survey or my user ID only.

5.3.3. Import horizon window

In Survey > Import > Horizons, the following options are available:

The format of horizon import is ascii files. Three options are available:

Import a 3D geometry
Import 3D attributes
Import 2D Geometry

These three options are explained in the next sub-sections. Geometry 3D
Select the input ASCII file and press Examine button to view the input file format. The detailed summary of the file will
be displayed in a pop-up window. When attributes are available in a separate column of the input file, user can import
the attribtue data simultaneously. Press the Add new ... button and write the name of the attribute that will be imported as well.

Next step is to define the file header and format definition. If file contains any header, you can define the header type.
Fixed header, is used if the file contains fixed header lines. Otherewise, in case of vairable header, mention the End-ofheader word. The examples of different headers are shown below.
<~ ----- No Header ----- ~>
1.90750083E+05 2.43331955E+06 1 14 1178.02 4024.00 4024.00 22 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
1.90846791E+05 2.43329411E+06 5 14 1178.61 4028.00 4028.00 26 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
<~ ----- ----- ~>
<~ ----- Fixed header of two (2) lines. ----- ~>
PROFILE 000_Horizon-A->1 TYPE 1 18 Block-1 3d_ci7m.ifdf m ms
1.90750083E+05 2.43331955E+06 1 14 1178.02 4024.00 4024.00 22 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
1.90846791E+05 2.43329411E+06 5 14 1178.61 4028.00 4028.00 26 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
<~ ----- ----- ~>
<~ ----- Variable Header lines ----- ~>
01 Horizon-A
02 Survey-1
03 Interpreter :
Patch(s): 3
1.90750083E+05 2.43331955E+06 1 14 1178.02 4024.00 4024.00 22 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
1.90846791E+05 2.43329411E+06 5 14 1178.61 4028.00 4028.00 26 3.4028235E+38 I 1000 Survey-1
<~ ----- EOF is the End-of-header word ----- ~>

button. Otherwise, if the listed

In order to use predefined file format, in the Import Horizon window press Open
formats do not correspond to the input file, define the new file format definition by pressing Define ... button. In the popup window (as shown below), specify the corresponding information of the columns. If there are undefiend Z-values in the
file, specify the undefined value so that it should be recognized during import. The default OpendTect Undefined value is
1e30. Accroding to the input file, either select X/Y or Inl/Crl as data type and the respective columns. The Z values colomn
and unit have to be defined. The Z units can be seconds, milliseconds or microseconds. Optionally, if the attribute is added
in the Import Horizon window, the additional columns of with given attribute(s) name will also appear in this format
definition window.

After the new file definition is completed, it is recomended to save the format with new name by clicking the save
. In pop-up window, write the name of the format and store it. The format can be stored at different levels
(All surveys, Current survey, Current OpendTect user level) so that it can be available for future use, respectively. To
exit format definition windows press OK when done.

Next step is to Scan Input Files ... and define the area subslection. The software will scan the input file according to the
defined format. After scan is completed, read the scanned file information (pop-up window) and in case of error(s) or
warning(s), fix it by adjusting the format definition.
The optional entery is to sub-select the area of interest by using Area Subselection. By using this option, user(s) can load
either full or a part of horizon(s). Additionally, in case of undefined parts, user(s) can select Yes or No in undefined parts. But
it is recomended to leave it default (No) because, user(s) can fill gaps afterwards. Give name to the horizon in the
Output Horizon field and check Display after import. After pressing OK button, the horizon will be loaded and displayed in
the scene.
Note: Tied to level is additional option specifically designed to manage the stratigraphic information of the survey. In order
to define the stratigraphic informatin of the survey, please read about Manage Stratigraphy. Attributes 3D

The Attribute 3D sub-menu (Survey > Import > Horizons > Ascii > Attribute 3D ...) is used to import the horizon attribute
data. Select the Input ASCII File and press Examine button. In the pop-up window view the format of the input file.

The available attribute(s) in the file will have specific names that should be provided so that the format definition can
be defined; user can import several attributes simultaneously. Press the Add new ... button and write the name(s) of the
attribute(s) that will be imported.
Select the corresponding horizon, whose attribute(s) is being imported. This will attach the attribute(s) to the selected
horizon's surface data.
Next option is to define the file header and format definition. If file contains any header, you can define the header type.
Fixed header, is used if the file contains fixed header lines. Otherwise, in case of variable header, mention the End-ofheader word. This is also explained in previous section (Geometry 3D). Define the proper file format definition
(columns) according to the input file and added attributes.

After defining file format, press save button

, and save it at specific level (All surveys, Current survey,
Current OpendTect user level). See details in previous section (Geometry 3D).
After defining the format definition, Scan Input Files ... and define the area subselection. The software will scan the input
file according to the defined format. After the scan is completed, read the scanned file information (pop-up window) and
in case of error(s) or warning(s), fix it by adjusting the format definition.
The optional entry is to sub-select the area of interest by using Area Subselection. If user(s) want(s) to load a part of

the attribute data, sub select the area by selecting certain range of interest. Press OK when done. Geometry 2D
The Geometry 2D is used to import the 2D horizon's geometry (the Z-values define the horizon geometry). Launch the
window via Survey menu (Survey > Import > Horizons > Ascii > Geometry 2D). In Import 2D Horizon window, select
the Input ASCII file and the corresponding 2D Line Set. User can also examine the file by pressing Examine button. Add
new horizon or overwrite to an existing one. The File header specifies the header information in the input file. If the
header exists in the file, user can select Fixed size (number of header lines) or Variable (End of Header 'word').

The format definition is used to specify the definition of input file format (as shown below). In format definition, user can
add the necessary information of the input file. The first field is used to define the undefined values format in the file.
Provide: Write the exact value of undefined values that are in the input file.
Keyword: Or just write the keyword of undefined values starting at certain column.
Fixed: If the undefined values start at certain column, user can specify the row and column position.

In the 2D file format, user needs to input the column positions of line name, X/Y or Trace nr, and Z-Values
(with corresponding units). To save the format definition into a file press save icon
file definition format. User will come back to Import 2D horizon window.

. Press OK after saving the

User can also interpolate the horizon while importing or select 'No' in the interpolate field. The 'Display after import' is
a secondary field. If checked it will display the horizon in the scene after loading.

5.3.4. Import Fault

The 3D-Faults import window is launched via Survey menu (as shown below).

This will launch Import fault window (see below). In this window, Select the input ASCII file and press Examine button.
View the input file in the pop-up window to figure out the file format.

The available type of the file can either be Plain text or Landmark format file. Select the appropriate Type. In OpendTect,
a picked fault on an individual plane (inline/crossline) is termed as a fault-stick. Such multiple sticks for one fault are
grouped in a FaultStickset to generate a 3D-fault plane. Therefore, the Stick selection field is available to identify the
sticks arrangement during importing the input file. The selection of the fault sticks can be Auto (i.e. detected from file), Inl/
Crl Separation (based upon separation of inline/crossline given in a file), or slope threshold (...).
Stick Selection - Auto: Automatically selects all sticks from a file and imports to shape them according to Opendtect's
fault model. This model does not support crossing faultsticks! If the imported set contains not only sticks picked on
Inline/Crossline, but also sticks picked on timeslices, only the larger subset of these two will be selected to shape the fault.
Stick Selection - Inline/Crossline Separation: To be applied in case faultsticks are picked on inlines and crosslines. Only
the larger subset of these two will be selected to shape the fault.
Stick Selection - Slope threshold: Fault-sticks that do that cross-over, can not be separated by setting above to options. If
the case is that the file contains the faults that cross-over, a separation based on the slope of the faults-sticks can be used as
a last resort. However, finding the right threshold can be tricky, so output might not be the same as expected.

The sticks are then sorted according to a stick index, geometric relationship or file order. If the file contains some text
header line, set the file header to fixed sizes. Otherwise, in case of variable header lines, a key word is written that describes

the end of header. In order to use predefined file format, in the Import Fault window press Open
button. Otherwise, if
the listed formats do not correspond to the input file, define the new file format definition by pressing Define ... button. In
the pop-up window (as shown below), specify the corresponding information of the columns. Accroding to the input file,
scroll the appropriate X/Y columns numbers. The Z value's colomn and unit have to be defined. The Z units can be
seconds, milliseconds or microseconds. It is necessary to import the fault by identifying the fault sticks (Fault stick
is individual line defined by connecting two or more fault picks/seeds). The column of faults sticks is defined in Stick
index field.

After defining the appropriate format definition, press save button

to save the format definition for future use. In
pop-up window, write the name of the format and store it. The format can be stored at different levels (All surveys,
Current survey, Current OpendTect user level) so that it can be available for future use, respectively. To exit format
definition windows press OK when done.

In Import Fault window, write the Output Fault name and Press Go button to import the faults.

5.3.5. Import Well - Ascii

Well depths in OpendTect are always referenced using their Measured Depth. The alignment with the seismic data in
done using the track (deviation survey) data and time-depth and/or checkshot data. The track data provides the relation
between lateral coordinates, TVDSS depths and Measured Depths. The checkshot data and time-depth data provides

the relation between Measured depths and travel times (TWT). Other formats can be used during import, but will be converted.
Please see the figure below for a list of datum definitions: Track
In this window (Survey-Import-Well-Ascii-Track), only the well track is imported. Functions now allow for table imports
rather than fixed format, allowing for many more file types to be available for import. However, well logs still require a
fixed format LAS. Once the well track is defined in this window, well logs can be added in Survey - Manage - Wells.

Select the input file in the Well Track File field. Optionally, a vertical well can be created by deselecting the check box at
the right of this field, and entering the surface coordinates and the top and bottom depth for the well.
The depth to time model is also selected for the well in this window. Checkshot data can also be used. If no Depth to
Time model exists for a well, a user can define a temporary constant velocity model by deselecting the check box for the
Depth to time model file field. Otherwise, browse and locate the file by pressing the Select button, to the right of the text field.
1. The Examine button is used to view the input file.
2. The file header is set (Fixed or variable) if the file contains any header information. Fixed header is used if exact number
of header file lines are known. In case of variable header lines, the end of header key word is used.
3. There are predefined File header/format definitions available for both Well track file headers and Depth to Time model
files. These predefined files can be launched by pressing the open


The Advanced/Optional button allows the user to update the optional/additional parameters. The two functions of
primary importance allow the user to (1) overrule the surface coordinates, and (2) set the surface reference datum (SRD).
Other fields available for manual override are Well ID, Operater, State, and Country. Logs
The inpur logs (LAS-file) are imported to an existing well-track. The import log window is launched from Survey > Import
> Wells > ASCII > Logs... In the Well file Management Window press Import button. This will launch Import Logs
window (See below). The input file is located by pressing the Select button of the Input (pseudo)Las-logs file. If it is a
standard LAS-file, the rest fields are automatically read. Otherwise, the fields are editable.

Depth Interval: Depth sub selection is made here. If fields are empty, entire data is loaded.
Depth Values: That is whether the LAS file is along TVDSS or MD.
Undefined values: Fill the appropriate number to search for undefined values in the input file.
Select logs: Logs selection is made to import the selected logs. Markers
The markers are also imported via Import > Survey > Wells > Ascii > Markers sub menu. It will launch the Well
file management window. In that window, select the well and press the Marker button. It will launch the Well Markers
window see below. This window is used to import the well markers. In order to import the markers, press the Read File
button. It will launch the Import Markers window. Locate the input markers file (Select Ascii file) and press Examine
button. Define the proper header and file format (as explained in the Import Horizon section). Make it sure that proper units
(m/ft) are selected in the format definition. When everything is done, press OK to import the the marker file (optionally
the existing markers can be replaced/kept by selecting the radio box replace or keep, respectively). Additionally, a maker
can also be connected to an existing stratigraphic level defined in a Manage Stratigraphy tool. Otherwise, it can also be left
as default (undefined). Currently, this is useful to connect the markers and seismic horizons at same level that later on can
be used as a filter in the cross-plot tool.

Import Markers window

Well markers properties Import Zero-Offset VSP

A zero-offset VSP data can be imported for a selected well via Survey > Import > Wells > VSP (SEGY). The system
will launch the SEG-Y Tool window. Browse and locate the input file and fill the respective parameters that are described
in the Section-Import > SEG-Y. When done, press OK in the SEG-Y tool window to select the input file.In the pop-up
window, input VSP file is first selected by pressing the Select button for the SEG-Y-input field. The system will return
to Import Zero-offset VSP window. In this window, fill the remaining parameters. Select the vertical sampling

information (Depth or Time). The input file can be re-sampled by overruling the sampling information. This is done in
the overrule SEG-Y sampling field. Set check to this field and provide the start and sampling steps, if one is willing to
re-sample the input data.
Next step is to attach the input file to the proper well. Select the Add to the well field accordingly and write a proper log
name that will be the log name inside the OpendTect project. Optionally, the input log can be sub-selected by providing
a proper range (Depth) in the Log-output interval. Press Go to import the VSP log.

5.3.6. Import Wavelets

Please look at the wavelet manager section for the help in importing wavelets.

5.3.7. Import Mute

Mute function may be used to pre-process pre-stack data. Mutes can be imported via ASCII files, the user has to have at
least one mute definition at one position. Two options are available:

The file contains position:

The file contain positions: The mute is defined for the imported positions, and interpolated at all others positions using
inverse distance weighting.

The ASCII files contain four columns sorted as X/Y (inline/crossline), Offset and Z (time/depth) values.

Example: Positions are included in the input file

1300 1500 0 0
1300 1500 1000 1
1350 1540 1500 1.5
1350 1540 1500 1.5
where the 1st column is inline, the 2nd column if crossline, the 3rd column is offset and the last column is depth

The file does not contain position:

If the input file does not contain any positions then the mute definition must be assigned to a specific position within the
survey in terms of inlines/crosslines. This single mute definition will nevertheless be applied to all positions in the survey
by inverse distance weighting.
The ASCII files contain two columns sorted as Offset, and Z (time/depth) values.

5.3.8. Import velocity functions

Velocity functions can be imported from ascii files in this window.

You will need to select an ascii file as input, and specify if the quantities are interval or effective (RMS) quantities. The
loaded velocities will be available for gridding in the volume builder. Only gridding volumes can be displayed in the 3D scene.

The import format must be X/Y (or Inline/Crossline), time or depth and velocity. Optionally it is possible to load the
anisotropy (Eta) parameter as well.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 5. Menu - Survey

5.4. Export
The following OpendTect data may be exported:

Seismic volumes/lines
Horizon grids
Faults sticksets
Mute definitions

5.4.1. Seismics
The export seismic module is used to export 2D/3D seismic data as SEGY and/or as simple File.

Next SEG-Y
This window will generate (a) SEG-Y file(s) on disk out of an OpendTect volume or line(s):

All the option are optional, except the output filename that must be provided. The export will be
launched when pressing "OK".

Input line set/volume. For 2D you also need to select a specific line. More lines can be
exported but using the option "Export more from same Line Set" on the last line.
Volume/trace subselection
Null traces: They can be either discarded or written in the SEG-Y file.
Scale values: A linear scaling can be applied while exporting the data.
SEG-Y format: Please note that this option may clip your data if the output format has less
bytes than the input OpendTect format.
Text header: The SEG-Y textual header is automatically created, but may be provided by the

Select the lines to export from the list. Each SEGY file will be saved with the name provided in the
Output field. Just as in the importing of multiple 2D lines #L will be replaced by the line name as it is
known in OpendTect, i.e. as it is seen in this list.
Multi-Component Export:
If the input cube is the stored multi-component data, the additional window will pop-up that will
prompt the additional data store in this volume (see below). Select the desired component to be
export: Only one component can be output in a single SEG-Y file. Simple File

This particular export option is included in OpendTect as a plugin. In OpendTect, you can also export
a simple seismic ASCII or Binary file from
Survey > Export > Seismic > Simple File > 2D/3D or Prestack etc.
The export window has been divided into two parts:
The upper part defines the settings of the seismic to be exported. Browse the desired cube/Lineset to
be exported. Select the desired range of volume/line. If you want to apply scaling while exporting,
check the scale values and write the amount shift with appropriate factor. Discard or pass the null
The lower part defines the layout of the output file. So, you can either write the trace positions (XY
or Inline/Xline) in the output file or without the trace information. Same is the case for sampling file.
Mention the file type ASCII or Binary and output file name/location. Export 2D simple file format
The stored lineset in the OpendTect survey can also be exported as a simple ASCII or binary file. The
2D-simple file export window is shown below.

Simple 2D Seismic File Export Window

Input Lineset: Select the lineset to be exported
Line name: The lines available in the lineset will appear here. Only one line can be selected.
Trace Subselection: A part of the line can also be sub-selected by pressing the select button. If the
entire line is meant to be exported, leave the values default.
Scale values: The data can be scaled in the output file. The output will be calculated with:
output = Factor * input + Shift
Null traces: Null traces can be discarded or left inside the line (Pass.)
Output a position for every trace: If 'Yes' then the output will contain a short header information. If
'No', no header will be added
Include trace number (preceeding X/Y): In the output file, it includes the trace numbers before X
and Y locations.

Put sampling info in file start: Select 'Yes' if the sampling information is allowed to appear at the
beginning of the file.
File type: Select the appropriate output file type: (ASCII or BINARY).
Output file: Select/write the output file location. Export 3D simple file format
The stored volumes in the OpendTect survey can also be exported as a simple ASCII or binary file.
The simple file export window is shown below.

Simple 3D Seismic File Export Window

Input Cube:Select the volume to be exported
Volume Subselection: A part of the cube can also be sub-selected by pressing the select button. If
the entire cube is meant to be exported, leave the settings to default.
Scale values:The data can be scaled in the output. The output will be calculated with:

output = Factor * input + Shift

Null traces: Null traces can be discarded or left inside the line (Pass.)
Output a position for every trace: If 'Yes' then the output will contain a short header information. If
'No', no header will be added.
Position in file will be: In the output file, the position information can either be XY locations or
Inline/crossline numbers
Put sampling info in file start: Select 'Yes' if the sampling information is allowed to appear at the
beginning of the file.
File type: Select the appropriate output file type: (ASCII or BINARY).
Output file: Select/write the output file location.

Multi-Component Export:
If the input cube is the stored multi-component data, the additional selection box will appear in the
window. Select the desired component to be exported as an ASCII or BINARY File.

5.4.2. Horizons

The horizon is exported as an ASCII file from the export horizon window that can be launched via
Survey > Export > Horizon ... sub menu. In the pop-up window, select the input surface (horizon).
The stored surface data will be listed in the Calculated attributes list. Select one/more calculated
attributes to be written in the output file. To de-select an attribute, use CTRL-key and left mouse
click. You can make a sub selection of the Available patches. Each patch will be stored in a different
file with extensions in the shape of ^1, ^2, etc.
Three types of ascii files are supported.

X/Y saves in (x y attribute), or four columns (x y attribute z) if z is included in the output.

Time is in seconds.
Inl/Crl saves in 3 or four columns in inline crossline attribute (z) format. Time is in seconds.
IESX (3d_ci7m) saves in GeoFrame IESX format. In this case you need to choose if the
survey co-ordinate system as it is set up in OpendTect is in feet or in meter.

Optionally, the Z-values can be added in the file by setting Output Z option to Yes. Moreover, Z-

values can also be exported as transformed depth values. Select the appropriate Z-units, leave the
default undefined value (or set any desired constant). Select the output file location with an
appropriate file name. Press GO to start exporting the horizon.

5.4.3. Faults
Export 3D Fault:

The available format for exporting faults is ascii. The following window pops up when this format is

In this window, it is possible to specify the output format. First, select the input fault to be exported.
Then, select the way the coordinates will be written: x/y or Inl/Crl. User can also choose the option to
write a stick index or a node index or to choose none of these two options. Finally, choose a name for
the Output Ascii file. Press OK to start exporting the fault.

Export FaultSticksets:

The FaultSticksSets are exported by selecting Survey > Export > FaultSticksSets > ASCII sub menu.
It will launch export FaultStickSets window. In that window select the input faultstickset and mention
the output coordinates format (XY or Inline/crossline). Set check to Z in msec to add z-column in the
output file. Importantly, the sticks are stored as a node/stick index. Depending upon other packages
requirements, an appropriate selection can be made for adding index information in the file. Locate
the output file location with an output name. If you want to add a line name in the output file name,
set check to the Write line name if picked on 2D field. Press OK to start exporting the fault sticks.

5.4.4. Picksets

The export pickset module is used to export picksets. One can think of outlines of structures, picked
faults, etc.

5.4.5. Mute
Mute definition may be exported to an ASCII text file.

The format definition will be be a column sorted text file with time or depth and offset values, and
optionally with additional coordinates.

5.4.6. Prestack Event

The prestack event export utility is used to export the picked events on the prestack data. The picking
is done in the VMB-Plugin of the OpendTect. To export such events, use Survey > Export > Prestack
event sub-menu. The following window will pop-up. Select the stored
prestack events and fill/select the output location. Optionally, area sub-selection can also be made.
The utility will export all events related to the selected pre-stack event.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 5. Menu - Survey

5.5. Manage

Manage Toolbar

5.5.1. Description
OpendTect keeps track of different files imported into or created by the system. Deleting, renaming and, in the case of
seismic files, also merging of files are controlled from the Survey-Manage menu. Seismic file, horizon, and well
management is called from this menu.

5.5.2. Seismic file management window

Seismic files can be moved to another Location

, renamed

, locked

, removed

, set as default

, Copied

, merged

, Browse/edit cube locations

In case you selected a 2D lineset, the manage window will change to:

Where the icon

will Manage 2D lines and

will dump the 2D geometry .

Note: The top filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all volumes that start
with letter S use "S*".
The user can also manage pre-stack data by either clicking the icon

for 3D prestack or

for 2D data. Copy cube data window

Any volume can be copied

into a new volume. All essential parameters (sub volume selection, storage type,
optimization direction, scaling and null trace handling) can be set in the Copy Cube data window.

If the input cube is multi-component (e.g spectral decomposition cube with different components), an option will be
available allowing the user to choose between all available components. All components is set as default. Merge files window

Use this option to merge

small sub-volumes into one big cube. For example, OpendTect processing time can be
reduced by distributing batch jobs (volume output) over multiple computers. This process can either be done automatically
or manually. In the latter case, processing jobs are submitted to process sub-volumes on different remote computers. When
all jobs are finished, the sub-volumes can be merged into a merged volume using this Merge files option.
When merging two cubes, the duplicate traces can be stacked when merging e.g. two seismic cubes (the merging cube
will reduce noise) or the traces of the first cube can be used.
Select the input files from the multiple entry list and specify the Output file name. The user can remove the original files at
a latter stage (use the remove button in the seismic file manager). Browse/Edit Cube Locations

The user can browse/edit a cube (edit the cube locations, positions, trace samples, etc) by pressing this icon
The window will pop up as shown below. In this window you can change the sample values by editing any cell (like working
in MS Excel sheet). No edition can be made if the cube is write protected.

Several options are possible:

This brings you directly to a new position (inline/crossline).

This option allows the user to check the selected trace information like: x/y coordinates, inline/crossline, vertical z
ranges, number of samples.

This option flips the five inline/crossline position by considering sixth column as central position of display.
This scrolls to a new inline/crossline value. It acts like a horizontal scroll.

This shows the 2D view of the current traces. Manage 2D seismic lines

The lines within the selected lineset are displayed on the left panel, and when you select a line, the attributes that are
available to that line are shown on the right panel. The lines can be renamed, and the attributes can be renamed and
deleted. when all attributes are deleted from a line, the line is automatically removed from the lineset too.

When you select multiple lines on the left panel, the attributes that are available to all selected lines are shown on the right.
In this manner, you can rename and remove entire collections of attributes simultaneously. Dump 2D geometry

With this module,

the user can generate an ascii file with the geometry of one or all 2D lines in the current lineset.
By default, the output file just contains the X/Y location of each trace of each line. Optionally, the trace number (loaded it
from the original file) can be included as the first column. Optionally, the user can output a Z value in the last column of
the output file.
This export facility may be very practical when you want to generate a base map from 2D lines in a different software package. Volume sub-selection

This standard menu is available when importing/exporting a volume, line, or horizon, copying a cube or horizon, or
processing an attribute.
In all those processes, the output might be limited with respect to the available input data. The limitation may be:

A rectangular part of the survey, possibly with a larger horizontal and vertical stepout
An area limited by an OpendTect polygon. The area within the polygon can be as well by decimated horizontal by using
larger stepouts
A table of positions from an OpendTect pickset or from a text file. The text file should contain inline and crossline
values without header
All: This last option will output the maximum number of trace with respect to the available data and possible stepouts Pre-stack seismic manager

This window is opened from the (poststack) seismic manager. It manages loaded pre-stack data.
Most options are common to the other managers: change file location, rename, lock, delete.
The copy cube and merge block of lines options work similarly to the post-stack seismic manager.

Pre-stack data stores are present on disk in a folder of the same name within the survey "Seismics" folder. The folder
contains one file per inline for quicker access, plus auxiliary files. The manager will display informations about the entire
pre-stack data store: Folder name, number of files, ...
A pre-stack specific option allow the creation of a pre-stack data store from two or more post-stack volumes. This can be
used to create pre-stack data from partial stack volume, for AVO attributes extraction.

A specific offset must be set in front of each volume.

Please note that no new file on disk is created. Therefore the deletion of a post-stack volume used in the pre-stack data
store will cause problems. Please use to same option to remove or modify the previously set multiple volume selection.

5.5.3. Horizon file management window Horizon manager
To open the Surface file management window, choose the Manage horizons icon from the Manage data toolbar. In the
left panel of the Surface file management window, the available horizons are displayed. In the right panel, the
available attributes linked to the selected horizon will be displayed. It the bottom panel, information on the selected horizon
is displayed (eg. location on disk, date last modified). At the base of the window the available disk space is noted.

Horizons can be renamed, locked, removed, copied, or their disk location can be changed. Attributes can be removed with
the bin icon on the far right.
Note: The top filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all horizons that start
with letter D use "D*".
Manage 2D Horizons
When a 2D horizon is selected in the left panel of the Surface file management window, the Manage 2D Horizon
icon activates. Upon selecting this icon, the Surface file management window for 2D horizons opens. A list of the 2D
lines associated with the selected 2D horizon is available in the top panel, and the LineSet to which the 2D lines belong
is displayed in the bottom panel. Stratigraphy
The user can define a stratigraphic level of horizon by pressing Stratigraphy button. In the next pop-up window, you will
see the name of stratigraphic surface and its relation to defined stratigraphy of the area/basin. The general stratigraphic

levels and the subsequent units can be defined from Manage Stratigraphy. Relations
Check crossings:
To check conflicts with crossing horizons, select Manage horizon 2D/3D and press Relations...

The Horizon relation window pops up, Read Horizons ... The horizons are sorted automatically from top to bottom. Now
Select the horizons you want to check crossings, then Check crossings...

Solving crossing conflicts:

To solve crossing conflicts select the horizon that will be modified. The software will check the number of positions where
a conflict exits and modify the horizon by removing the conflict points or by changing the values to be equal to the
overlying/underlying horizon.

5.5.4. Manage Faults

Fault management allows to manage the faults, different options are available: change disk location, rename, remove, copy
etc. The fault management window can be launched either by pressing
e. Survey > Manage> Faults...

button from manage toolbar, or from menu bar i.

This window will contain the list of faults interpreted and saved in the OpendTect project as shown below.

By highlighting the fault, use tools available on right.

is used to change the current disk location of selected faults.

is used to rename the selected fault.

locks the selected fault from interpretation.

is used to trash (delete) the selected fault.

is used to set a fault as default.

copies the faults.

Note: The top filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all faults that start with letter
F use "F*".

5.5.5. Well management window Well manager

The available wells in the project are shown on the left. Wells can be moved to a different disk location, renamed, locked,
and/or removed with one of the buttons in the center of the window. When a well is selected, the available logs to that well
are displayed on the right. These logs can be renamed, removed, or exported with the buttons on the far right. For removal
and export, multiple logs can be selected. Other relevant information is indicated at the bottom of the window.
Changes the disk location of the selected well
Renames the selected well
Toggles the well to be read only(locked)/editable(unlocked)
Removes the selected well
Sets as a default
Exports the selected logs
Well Track editor
Checkshot Data editor
Depth/Time Model editor
Markers editor
Tip. For ease of use in a project, it is recommended to give logs the same name across wells. For example, the master
density log should be called RHOB in every well. If the logs do share the same name for every well, then settings, such as
logs to be displayed and color or fill color, can be automatically applied to all wells. Right click on a well in the tree, set
the prefered log types and colors, and choose Apply to all wells. Please note that both well names and log names are
case sensitive.
Note: The top Filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all wells that start with
letter W use "W*". This works only with text, not numbers or symbols. Well Track Editor

The well track editor window is launched from the well file management window. Well track can be modified in two
ways: manually or reading a new track file. The figure below (Edit well track) corresponds to manual editing of the well
track. After the editing of the track is done; changes can be updated in the scene interactively by pressing Update
display button.

Edit well track

If the new track file exists and the exiting track has to be over-written, press the Read new button in the edit well track
window. This will launch the Read new Well Track window. Browse and select the well track file and define the file header
and format, respectively. When done, press Ok to overwrite the existing track.

Read new track file Markers Management

The well markers can be modified from the well well markers editor that is launched by pressing the Markers
the Well file management window.

button in

Add markers. Markers can be loaded from a file by clicking the Read file button. The first column of the marker file should
be the measured depth, and the second column should be the marker name.
Edit markers. If individual markers need to be added or deleted, this can be done by right-clicking the mouse on an
existing well marker in the marker table and choosing the appropriate command. To edit the name or value, double click in
the appropriate cell.
Read File.. New/Existing markers can be read by pressing this button. It will launch a window (see below) to read a maker
file in an ASCII format. Select the input file location and define the header (no header, end of header word, constant
header). The file format is defined from format definition by pressing the select button next to it. In the format
definition, specify the corresponding column for the depth (MD or TVDSS) and for the markers name. Time-Depth model

Time/Depth model
Time/Depth Model: This window allows the user to edit individual time-depth nodes, export the current model, or read a
new model from a file. When Update display is pressed, the effects of any changes to the time-depth model are shown in
the display immediately.

Read new t/d model from file Logs
Logs can be added to a well through two methods: import existing and calculate new.

Import Logs: Log files can be loaded by clicking the Import button in the Well file management window. The file should be
in LAS format, in either MD, or TVDSS. Alternatively, the log files can be pseudo-LAS, meaning LAS (with one line of
data per depth value) with the header replaced by a one-line definition: "Depth Gamma Sonic" etc. Do not use quotes,
names should be separated by blank characters (spaces or tabs). For both LAS and pseudo LAS, the following units can
be recognized. The recognition process is case insensitive. In pseudo LAS, the user has to put the units directly behind the
log name in parentheses, e.g. Depth(ft) Density(g/cc).

Time: s, msec, usec

Distance: m, feet, f, ft, in
Density: kg/m3, g/cc, g/c
Velocity: m/s, ft/s, , f/s, feet/s, km/s
Sonic: s/m, us/ft, usec/f, us/m, usec/m
Acoustic Impedance: kg/m2s, kg/m2us, g/ft2s
Fraction (porosity, water saturation): %, PU, or blank for unitless
Permeability: k
Gamma Ray: API
Electric Potential: V
Resistance: ohm
Compressibility: 1/Pa
Temperature: K, deg.C, deg.F
Pressure: Pa, bar

Tip. For ease of use in a project, it is recommended to give logs the same name across wells. For example, the master
density log should be called RHOB in every well. If the logs do share the same name for every well, then settings, such as
logs to be displayed and color or fill color, can be automatically applied to all wells. Right click on a well in the tree, set
the prefered log types and colors, and choose Apply to all wells. Please note that both well names and log names are
case sensitive.
Calculate New Logs: New logs can be calculated in OpendTect by clicking the Create button in the Well file
management window.

5.5.6. Pickset file management window

In this window, all available picksets are shown. When a pickset is selected, the properties of the pickset are displayed in
the lower window. These picksets can be moved to a different location, they can be renamed, locked / unlocked, or removed
or set as default by clicking one of the buttons on the right side of the window. User can benefit by merging several
pickset together using Merge Pickset Button.
Note: The top filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all picksets that start with
letter S use "S*".

5.5.7. Wavelet management window Wavelet Manager
In this window, all available information about the wavelet is described. On the left panel, all available wavelets are
shown. The active wavelet is visualized on the right panel. The information on the properties of the active wavelet is shown
in the lower panel.

As shown above, there are several options. Each wavelet can be moved to a different location on disk, renamed,
locked/unlocked, or removed by clicking one of the buttons. The wavelet can also be imported from another survey
and its polarity can be quickly reversed

by multiplying all the amplitudes by -1.

From the wavelet manager you can import them, generate synthetic wavelets or extract them from the seismic data.
Wavelet estimation can be done in the synthetic-to-seismic tie module.
Note: The top filter is used to filter-out the objects with selected names. For instance, to display all wavelets that start
with letter W use "W*". Import wavelet

Import wavelet
First, the user needs to select an input file, and can then examine the file to check for important information inside.
The next option is the file header. The user can choose between no header, fixed size, and variable. In case the user
chooses fixed size, it is required to input the header size, which is the number of lines. If the user chooses variable, he has
to input the End-of-header 'word'. It is also possible to load

a predefined setting for this option.

Next, the format of the data must be defined. Depending on the choice in the file header option, a different window will pop
up when clicking on define.

If the file header is set to no header, then the following format definition window pops up:

It is possible to save the format by clicking in the following icon:

, the following window becomes available:

Click on the format. It will then be possible to edit it in the name for format line. Choose if this definition has to be stored
for all surveys, this survey or my user ID only.
If the file header is set to fixed size, then the following format definition window pops up:

Next, it is possible to save the format by clicking in the following icon:

If the file header is set to end-of-header "word", then the following format definition window pops up:

Next, it is possible to save the format by clicking in the following icon:

The next step is to define the scale factor for samples, as default Opendtect chooses the value 1.
Finally choose a new name for the Wavelet or choose a previously defined wavelet by clicking on Select Generate synthetic wavelets

Generate a wavelet
Two types, "Ricker" and "Sinc" are available. Statistical wavelet extraction

Statistical wavelet can be extracted from the seismic data in this module.

It is recommended to use a sub-selection of the seismic data, e.g. every 10th inline/crossline, and to use horizons to guide
the extraction. The extract length of the seismic data should be at least 1 second TWT.
The wavelet length should never be too small (min 50ms), or too large (200ms max). A rule of thumb is that the first side
lobe should be fully contained in the wavelet.
The extraction is performed using the following workflow:

Seismic traces are extracted and tapered

The autocorrelation of the seismic traces is computed, using the length of the desired wavelet
The frequency spectrum of the autocorrelation is computed.
The square root of the modulus of the frequency spectrum is taken, the zero Hertz component is muted to zero.
The inverse FFT is computed.
The zero phase wavelet is the real part of the inverse FFT output

The output phase rotation cannot be set in the current version. It is being implemented.

5.5.8. Manage Stratigraphy

Manage Stratigraphy window can be launched by pressing

icon from OpendTect manage toolbar. The
manage stratigraphy window will appear as shown below. This window is designed to arrange the stratigraphic intervals into
its geological sub-units. The user can create a specific information about the project and the different stratigraphic levels of
his/her interpretation. This window is organised as units/sub-units that are bounded by different stratigraphic levels.
These levels define the top and base of each units. So, depending upon user's description, these levels (boundaries) can be
the name of seismic horizons or the names of epochs/eras.

Add stratigraphic levels: At the right hand side of this window, stratigraphic levels are defined. The first level can be added
by right-clicking Empty and choosing the Create New option. Subsequent levels can be added by right-clicking an
existing level and selecting the Create New option. Insert as many stratigraphic levels as needed.
Stratigraphic level properties: To make changes to defined stratigraphic levels, right-click the level name and select Edit.
This opens a window that allows the color and time or time range to be defined. These options can also be defined when
the stratigraphic level is first added.
Add units/sub-units: On the left hand side of this window, the units are classified in a way that the top and base of each
unit belong to certain levels. For the initial unit, right-click base in the unit area and select Add unit. The minimum
requirement for creating a new unit is simply to define the name. To add a sub-unit, right-click the unit name and select
Create sub-unit, and define it in the same manner as a unit. Description and lithology of the unit can be added now or
edited later.
Add Levels: The stratigraphic levels are the boundaries of the stratigraphic units. These levels are added on the right-

hand panel. Right click on the ---Empty--- word in the Levels panel. And in the pop-up menu select the Create New option.
In the Create/New level window, write an appropriate name for the stratigraphic level and optionally provide the
geological age. Press Ok to add the level. The inserted level can then be assigned/linked as as a top and base of the
stratigraphic unit.

Stratigraphic unit properites: Properties such as unit/sub-unit description and lithology can be defined or edited by
right-clicking on the unit/sub-unit name and selecting Properties. A unit/sub-unit specific lithologic name can be
entered directly into the Lithology field. However, for lithologies that may occur in multiple units/sub-units, a lithology can
be defined and made universally available by clicking the Select button next to the Lithology field. In this Select
Lithology window, the lithology type can be named, and added to a list that will be made availiable for all units/sub-units
in this session. (Depending on your Save settings, these lithologies can be available outside of this session.) These options
can also be defined when the unit/sub-unit is first added.

Link stratigraphic levels and stratigraphic units: In the Link levels and stratigraphic units window as shown above, select
the top and bottom levels from the Existing Levels field on the right that are the appropriate boundaries for the unit/sub-unit.

Save as: The defined stratigraphy can also be saved at different levels, e.g. Survey levels, OpendTect data level, User level,
or Global level. For instance, if it is saved at Survey level, the stratigraphy will only be available for this survey. Alternately,
if it is saved at a higher level, it will not be limited to only the survey in which it was defined.

5.5.9. Attribute Set Management

The attribute set files can be managed from this window (See below). It is launched from Survey > Manage >
AttributeSets... In this section, you can modify the attribute set name, set as default, remove etc. The window contains
the buttons similar to that of general selection window.



Pre-Loaded Seismic Data

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 5. Menu - Survey


5.6. Pre-Loaded Seismic Data

The pre-load seismic data functionality is introduced inside the OpendTect to speed-up the working
efficiency with large volumes. A common practice of displaying the seismic data (2D/3D) inside the
OpendTect scene is to add an inline/crossline/2D line in the tree. Each time the line is displayed, the
stored volume is read every time. Therefore, the seismic volumes that are routinely used, can be
preloaded. On the other hand, if the same seismic data is pre-loaded, the efficiency of displaying the
data in the scene is improved.
Seismic data can be pre-loaded in OpendTect by doing the following:
Go to Survey > Pre-load > Seismics...

Clicking on Seismics.., the pre-loaded manager pops- up to allow the user to Add data that will be preloaded.

Pre-load seismic data manager

Add 2D lines
After choosing which data to pre-load, the user can also save his/her settings to be used next time.

Note: The functionality is available for all stored seismic (2D/3D-Pre/Post) data in the seismic data


Menu - Analysis

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 6. Menu - Analysis

Table of Contents
6.1 Attributes
6.2 Volume Builder Setup
6.3 Cross-plot
6.4 Well to Seismic Tie

The Analysis menu contains the following sub-menus (see figure below). The description on each sub menu is
described individually in different sections of this chapter. Whereas, the Neural Network analysis is a dGB-plugin, which
is separately described in dGB-plugin documenation.

6.1. Attributes
In OpendTect, seismic attributes are calculated/evaluated by using Attribute-set Window. In this window, many single/
multi trace, pre/post-stack, dip-steered/non dip-steered attributes are available. Moreover, it also contains special filters (e.
g. Gap decon, Frequency filters, dGB-special filters etc). The attribute are explained separately in the Appendix-A.

6.1.1. Attribute Set window

An attribute set window contains a set of seismic attributes definitions that are to be evaluated/calculated. The
window functions dual purposes while defining the attributes i.e. a user can work in the active scene while creating an
attribute definition and a user can also calculate attribute after saving the attribute set. In broad sense following work flows
are applicable in OpendTect attribute calculation process (on sections and horizons):

Evaluate attribute
On-the-fly attribute calculation
Creating an attribute output (2D/3D)

In following figure, three different attributes are defined as an attribute set in the list, which is considered as a routine
practice in OpendTect environment (especially to define a meta-attribute). These attributes can be; evaluated on sections
and horizons, applied on-the-fly and created as an output attribute. Importantly, some attributes will show steering selection
in the input parameter settings. The dip-steering plug in created by dGB provides various advanced steered attributes for
the users.

OpendTect works with the concept of an "active" attribute set. At start-up, there is no active attribute set. To create a new
one (New set ...), or to select an existing set(Open set ...) , select the corresponding option from the File menu (See
below). OpendTect is also delivered with a default attribute set for some general testing (Fault, Chimney,Salt default
attribute sets). This set can be selected from the Default set option under the File menu. To use a default set, you need to
select the input seismic data and a steering cube (if steered attributes are available in the default set).

Clicking any attribute in the list will show the parameter settings of the attribute. Notice that OpendTect uses SI units.
For details on each of the attributes see Appendix A. Note that some of the parameter options depend on whether you are
using 2D or 3D data as input. For example, the inline and crossline stepout field will be replaced by a single trace stepout
field. Generally, an attribute set can only contain 2D attributes or only 3D attributes. Mixed attribute sets are not possible.
When an attribute parameters are updated, the modified attribute can be added to the attribute set with a new Attribute name
by clicking Add as new. Clicking on any other attribute in the list means that the updated parameters are accepted,
while keeping the original attribute name. The Revert changes button only reverts changes to the original state before
clicking on another attribute in the set. When OK is pressed, the (updated) attribute set becomes the "active" attribute set.
The attribute set is saved to disk when Save on OK is ticked. To save an attribute set under a different name, use
the corresponding option under the File menu.

6.1.2. Attribute Set toolbar

The attribute set toolbar contains icons to open, save, and apply attribute sets.

or File - New set clears the window to create a new attribute set. The attribute set name can be specified when you
save the set (press OK, or select File - Save set menu option).

or File - Open set opens a previously saved set in the current project (from the directory Attribs/).

or File - Save set saves the "active" attribute set in the Attribs/ directory of the current project.

or File - Open default attribute set. This opens the default attribute set. Filenames for input data must be re-specified.

or File - Import attribute set from another survey. This imports an attribute set from another project. Filenames for
input data must be re-specified.
or File - Reconstruct set from job

Swift icon for direct display of the selected attributes with the current attribute parameters. the selected attribute is
applied to the active display element (shown in reverse video in the tree). The main graphic interaction buttons and
options remain active while the attribute set window is open, so you can change the active element.

File - Evaluate Attribute. Automatic variation and evaluation of attributes and attribute parameters. If you have
an "active" attribute and the current display element is a slice (inline, crossline or time slice) or a horizon, a new window
will pop up in which you can specify how to vary the parameters of the displayed attribute. For example,
Spectral Decomposition:

Here we create eight slices, with time gates of [-28,28] [-32,32] .... Use the slider to instantly move through all the slices.
When an attribute has been evaluated on a surface, you have the possibility to save all created slices. Enable this by
checking Store slices on Accept. The data will be stored as Surface data and can be reloaded via the tree.
As shown above, the "Evaluate Attributes" set contains a general selection of various attributes. It is intended as a guide
or starting point for a scan through the wide range of different attributes and may function as a starting point for an
effective attribute analysis.
Note:For more information on Evaluate Attribute, user can also view online movie tutorial (Evaluate Attributes-flash tutorial).

By pressing this button, a user can choose attributes to crossplot. Multiple attributes can be selected. The attribute
values are extracted at picked locations (see how to create a pickset). Once attribute values are calculated, the
crossplotting table pops up.
Moves an attribute Up/Down for rearrangement.
Sort attributes alphabetically.

6.1.3. Auto Load Attribute Set

By default, no attribute set is loaded at startup. These settings can be over-ruled by selecting a specific attribute set to be
auto-loaded in the list each time a user restarts the OpendTect window. This can be set from the attribute set window under
File > Auto Load Attribute Set sub-menu. If selected, it will launch the auto-load attribute set window. Selecting Yes will
show the list of attribute set to be auto-loaded. Select one attribute set and press Ok button. This will save the settings and
next time, whenever the OpendTect is started, the selected attribute set will be auto loaded. Such practice becomes useful
when a user works with attributes evaluation at different stages of a project and he/she has to update the same attribute sets.
In this way, the same definition is launched thus a user does not need to open the attribute definition again and again.

Load Now will directly load the selected attribute set, if not selected the attribute set will be loaded the next time the user
opens the survey.
Please note that a similar function exists for sessions.

6.1.4. Default attribute sets

OpendTect is provided with "Default attribute sets"
to get the user started. By selecting a default attribute set, a
window appears that asks the user to select the correct input volume(s) and the correct steering cube (see images below).
These attributes (except "Evaluate Attributes") require the following dGB plug-ins:

SteeringCube: attributes and filters are calculated along user-driven, or data-driven directions
Neural Network analysis: Both supervised and unsupervised neural networks allow generation of meta attribute volumes
that highlight any object of interest (e.g: Chimney, Faults, Salt,...).

The OpendTect version comes out with new "default attribute-sets", which are added to the already existing attribute sets
like NN ChimneyCube, NN SaltCube, Unsupervised Waveform Segmentation, dGB Evaluate Attribute, etc .

Evaluate Attributes: This default attribute set contains the default definitions of several basic attribute that are
grouped together to give an idea of attributes evaluation in OpendTect. Beginners can select this default attribute set to
start with the OpendTect. After selection, only input seismic data is required.
dGB Evaluate Attributes This default attribute set is also similar to above attribute set with additional dGB attributes
(using dGB plug-ins). For this set, both seismic and steering data are required as input.
The Dip-steered median filter: This default attribute set contains the definition of dip-steered median filter. It cleans up
the seismic data by removing random noise. Both seismic and steering data are required as input.
The Dip-steered Diffusion Filter: This filter is mainly used to sharpen faults. Both seismic and steering data are required
as input.
The Fault Enhancement Filter: This type of filter is used in the Fault/Fracture analysis, it dramatically sharpens the faults
by supressing random noise. It is a combination of the diffusion filter and the dip-steered filtered. Both seismic and
steering data are required as inputs.
The Ridge Enhancement Attribute: This filter detects lateral lineaments using different steered similarities (in
diagonal, parallel directions)
NN Fault Cube: A dGB standard default attribute set containing the definitions of all attributes that are used in neural
network (NN) training to create meta-attribute i.e. NN Fault Cube.
NN Chimney Cube: A dGB standard default attribute set containing the definitions of all attributes that are used in
neural network (NN) training to create ChimneyCube (meta-attribute).
NN Salt Cube: A dGB standard SaltCube meta-attribute.
NN Slump:A dGB standard SlumpCube meta-attribute.
Unsupervised Waveform Segmentation: It is an attribute set containing the definition of attributes that are used
in unsupervised waveform segmentation (a.k.a UVQs).
The Seismic Filters Median-Diffusion-Fault-Enhancement: This is the same as the "Fault Enhancement Filter" but
it enables to visualize and modify the parameters of the dip-steered median filter, dip-steered diffusion filter and
fault enhancement filter.
Fault Enhancement Attributes: An expandable attribute set containing the list of the attributes that are useful for
fault visualization and fault interpretation.
NN Fault Cube Advanced: A most superior FaultCube (meta-attribute) attribute set that is used as input for neural
network training to create fault probability cube.

A default attribute sets window containing the list of all available default attributes
When one of these default attribute-sets has been selected, a window pop-ups that allows the users to select the input
seismic and optionally a steering if this is required.(see image below)

Inputs selection window

6.1.5. Input selection

Every attribute requires input data. Both stored data and already defined attributes can be used as input to a new attribute.
In other words, attributes can be embedded. However, circular references are not possible. Input selection for 3D attribute sets

Select from the stored data or from the list with defined attributes in the "active" attribute set.

In case the input data is multi-component, the user will have an option to choose amongst all available components as
shown below.

Note: The Filter section allows the user to quickly find the right input. e.g type *S will look for all attributes/cubes started
with S like Similarity. Input selection for 2D attribute sets

Select from the stored data or from the list with already defined attributes in the current attribute set. When selecting
from Stored data, the user can also choose which from the stored attributes in the selected Line Set should be taken. If
the selected cube is multi-component, the user will get an option to choose which component to select as input data.

6.1.6. Import an attribute set from...

Attributes are primarily stored in attribute set files of extension .attr. Nevertheless attribute definitions can also be found in
the parameter files of a processing job when an attribute was used to process a volume or line set.
It is possible to import the attribute set of an attribute file from the menu: File > Import set from file. Existing attributes
are stored in the attribs folder of each survey. Optionally, attributes from another survey may also be imported.

A second option is to re-create the attribute set of existing processing file in the menu: File > Reconstruct set from job file
> Find from created cube. Existing jobs are stored in the Proc folder of each survey, with the extension par. There are
two options available to reconstruct the attributes definition: from an existing par-file or from a created cube file. In first
case (from par-file) select the input parameter (*.par) file. In second case (find from created cube), another window pops-up
in which the input volume and the corresponding parameter file are selected. The file name is found automatically.

Finds the attribute set from an existing (created) cube,

which was calculated inside the OpendTect.
All import new input volumes must be selected to replace the references stored in the input files.

6.1.7. Calculate Attributes

The attribute evaluation process has been considered critically and thus several key options are available for the user.
For instance, the Evaluate Attribute
is considered as intermediate (but not necessary) step to quickly analyze the
different parameters of any attribute within the working environment (View tutorial-Evaluate attributes). Similarly, the user
can create a list of seismic attribute definitions as a working set that later on can be updated. The attribute set is then used
to calculate the seismic attributes along lines/surfaces. There are two possible ways of calculating seismic attributes
in OpendTect: First, in order to calculate the results of any attribute in the foreground, user(s) can do it on-the-fly.
Second possibility is to calculate attributes after evaluation by running a secondary process in the background. In
OpendTect, seismic attributes are applied on several elements (inlines, crosslines, time slices, random lines, 2D lines,
volumes, horizons etc).
The workflow to calculate the selected attribute is quite simple:
1. Define (or use existing) attribute Set and save. For details see earlier sections of this chapter.
2. Calculate on-the-fly or Create Seismic Output or Create horizon attribute output.
3. If attribute is not calculated on-the-fly, retrieve results by displaying attribute in tree.
The example of first step is given in following figure. It highlights the sequential process (notice gree arrows form left to
right) of on-the-fly attribute calculation. Firstly, several attributes are defined. Secondly, by default, when a user presses
OK button in Attribute Set window, the Save Attribute definition window will appear to save the attributes definition as
an Attribute set. The attribute can then be applied on an inline (for instance) by adding a blank attribute (right-click on
inline number). Right-click on the blank attribute and select the attribute (Select Attribute > Attributes > "User Attribute").
The listed attributes are those that are defined in the attributes set window. Selection of any one, would start a process of onthe-fly attribute calculation. By following same workflow (as elaborated in figure) the same attribute can be calculated
along other elements (e.g. crosslines, time-slices, volumes etc).

Schematic flow of on-the-fly seismic attributes evaluation on an inline.

1. There are some attributes that can take to much time during the on-the-fly calculation process. This depends upon the type
of attribute that how much calculation steps it considers e.g. multi-trace (e.g. coherency) attributes normally take
more calculation times than the single trace (instantaneous) attributes. Similarly, the attributes with steering normally
takes more time in calculation. So, each time the attribute is displayed in the scene (as shown above), it is calculated in
the fore-ground. If the user is committed with the attributes results, this can be resolved by creating seismic outputs
(See Create Volume Output and Create Grid Output sections) in the background. This will also help to restore the
saved sessions quickly.

2. Additionally, multi-component output seismics-2D/3D (like spectral decomposition) are created by using create
volume output.
Another example of second step, is shown in following figures. The attribute can be calculated along horizon by following
the same steps described above, for inserting and displaying the attribute (as shown below). In this example, Coherency
is calculated on-the-fly along a horizon. This attribute normally takes time (depending upon amount of traces involved).
So, user can take benefit of saving the on-the-fly results that later on can be retrieved.

Schematic flow of on-the-fly seismic attributes evaluation at a horizon.

In order to save the calculated attribute as surface data, right click on the attribute and select Save Attribute. In pop-up
window edit the name accordingly and press OK. This will save the horizon attribute as its surface data. That can be
managed later on by using horizon management window. (see Horizon file management window)

Result of calculated coherency attribute. Saving the horizon attribute as surface data
The stored attributes along horizon can be retrieved as surface data. Right-click on horizon and add blank attribute. Rightclick on the newly inserted blank attribute and locate Surface data item in the sub-list of attribute (as shown below). In
the surface data selection window, select the desired attribute. This will display the selected attribute in the scene.

Retrieving the stored surface data (attribute) of a horizon.




Pre-Loaded Seismic Data

Volume Builder Setup

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 6. Menu - Analysis


6.2. Volume Builder Setup

The volume builder
setup is used to apply volume-based operations, unlike the attributes than
work trace-by-trace. The setup is launched via the Analysis > Volume builder menu. The setup is a
very useful tool for gridding velocities or other rock properties.

The volume builder setup window contains several available steps that are applied sequentially to
generate a volume. The last steps may replace the previous ones, therefore care must be taken when
ordering and setting up the workflow.
Once your flow is defined, you will need to save this setup. This can be done by writing the name of
your setup.
The computation and storage of a volume processing setup can be found in the Processing menu of
the OpendTect (Processing > Create Volume Output > Volume Builder...).

6.2.1. Lateral smoother

The lateral smoothing is a rectangular two-dimension smoothing filtering method of the volume.

6.2.2. Horizon-based painter

The horizon based painter step is used to create a model between two surfaces (or survey top and
bottom). The initial top and bottom values are necessary to be filled in the input. The intermediate
values are interpolated to a survey or a horizon. In this window, a user has to select either a survey
top/base as a top/base value or the horizon. In case of the horizon, the top and base horizons are
selected. The slope type is used in interpolation to define a slope.

6.2.3. Smoother
The smoother step is used to apply a three dimensional smoothing operator.

6.2.4. Body shape painter

The body shape painter is used to fill an OpendTect body with any constant value. It can also be
transparent (i.e. undefined). For instance, if one wants to create a salt velocity cube, the values inside
can be filled with a salt velocity and outside can be left as transparent.In that case the outer values
will originate from the other steps. If no other step exists the undefined value is written.

6.2.5. Gridding
The gridding will create a volume out of a sparsely sampled dataset. Two interpolation methods are
available for gridding: inverse distance interpolation or triangulation. The first method is designed for
the interpolation of sparse dataset, while the second algorithm should be preferred if the input exists
on a regular (but coarse) grid. In general gridding is always followed by some filtering. Velocity source

The input data can be either a (coarse SEG-Y imported) volume, stored (ascii) functions or velocity
picks (requires the Velocity Model Building plugin) Velocity edition

Velocity cubes have to be tagged to recognize their type: Vint for interval velocities (time or depth),
Vrms for RMS velocities (time domain only). Average velocities (Vavg) are not yet supported. Those
volumes are either created by OpendTect or import from other sources.

6.2.6. Stored Volumes

This step is in general used to provide a background volume before using spatially constrained steps,
for instance before the body or horizon-based painter.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 6. Menu - Analysis

6.3. Cross-plot
The Cross-plot tools is designed to create 2D-cross plots between well logs and attribute data. By using this tool, a user
can create various cross-plots between logs, single/multi-well(s), logs vs attribute, an attribute vs an attribute. The
cross-plotting tool is launched via Analysis menu (Analysis > Cross-plot > ..). It is designed for both 2D as well as 3D
seismic data. When any of the sub-menus is selected, it will prompt to select 3D/2D attribute cross-plotting.

Cross-plot sub-menu

Selection of 3D/2D cross-plot

The chapter will elaborate the idea of cross-plotting (attribute-well or attribute-attribute) separately in next sections.

6.3.1. Well and attribute cross-plotting

Well-attribute cross-plotting tool is used to cross-plot well and seismic attribute data along the well paths. It extracts
the attribute data along the well(s) paths and then that extracted data are later on used in attribute-logs cross-plotting along
from OpendTect Tool bar or
well(s). Well cross-plotting window can be launched by pressing the cross-plot icon
from Analysis (menu) > Cross-plot > Well logs <--> Attributes.... The window with some selections has been presented
in following figure.

Well-attribute data window (editable sheet) is used for cross-plotting mainly.

Attribute-Well Cross-plotting window

Attributes: In the list, multiple attributes/volumes are selected, which are later on extracted along the well for cross-plotting.
Wells/Logs: Input selection of wells (single/multiple) and corresponding logs is made for cross-plotting.
Radius around Wells: Trace extraction method to extract values for log re-sampling.
Filter positions: Filter out the range(s) of extracting data by using several cross-plot filters.
Extract between: Vertical filtering for data extraction between well markers/stratigraphic levels.
Distance above/below: It extracts data above or below the given start-end well markers/stratigraphic levels.
Log re-sampling method: Re-sampling statistics within radius of extraction around well(s).


An example cross-plot between porosity log and acoustic impedance.

Note: The above tool bar is explained in the Attribute data and Toolbars sub-chapter.

6.3.2. Attribute-Attribute cross-plotting

The attribute-attribute cross-plotting functionality is introduced to cross-plot one attribute data versus another attribute
data. The window (see below) can be launched from main menu (Analysis> Cross-plot>Attributes<=>Attributes). Or in
. The attribute cross-plotting window will list the available
the Attribute set window, press the cross-plot icon
seismic volumes as well as the defined (if any) attributes in the Attribute set window.

Attributes to calculate: The selection of attribute data is made here for cross-plotting. The selected data is extracted
withing given range/area.
Select locations by: There are different ways of extracting selected attributes data: Range, Polygon, Table, and Surface.
The Range is selected to sub-select small region of interest. If polygon is selected, it will extract the attributes within the
area bounded by the polygon. If Table is selected, attribute data will be extracted from PickSet group/table file. Or if
selected location is Surface, the attributes can be extracted along one selected surface or between the two surfaces.
Location filters: The option to filter out the attribute extraction positions.

6.3.3. Cross-plot filters

As an option, it is also possible to specify location filters

It is possible to choose the filter type: as Random, Subsample, Range, Polygon, Table, and Surface. Once chosen, then
specify a percentage of the data to pass.

6.3.4. Attribute data and Toolbars

After making these preliminary choices, the following cross-plot attribute data window will be available:
This table specifies the X-coord, Y-coord, Z(ms) and then the selected attributes. Each value in this table is located at a
inline/crossline position.
The different option to analyze the data are in the toolbar below:
Well/Attribute data Toolbar:

The extracted well/attribute data can be manipulated using the above toolbar:

It is used to save the extracted attribute data in a file (simple text file or the data can be saved as an OpendTect object).

Open/Retrieve the stored data

Assigns the X-axis of the crossplot to a selected/highlighted column.

Assigns the Y-axis of the crossplot to selected/highlighted column. If the crossplot has not already been launched, it
will appear after clicking on the Y-plus icon. A second Y-axis is displayed by selecting another column , afterward,
and clicking on the Y-plus icon. Both will appear in the crossplot in different colors. Only the first and second Y-axis
values are displayed on the left and right crossplot Y-axis.
Removes the selected Y-axis for cross-plotting.
It is used to remove the selected rows in the spreadsheet.

Moves the assigned Y-axis to the left to the first unselected column. The crossplot gets updated accordingly.

Moves the assigned Y-axis to the right to the first unselected column. The crossplot gets updated accordingly.

sorts the selected column to an increasing order.

Displays selected percentage of the data.
Toggles XY-columns ON/OFF
Toggles Z-column ON/OFF

shows histogram and statistic values

Plots scattered cross plots.

Well/Attribute Cross-plot Toolbar:

It is used to update the amount of displayed scattered points in a cross-plot. It increases the efficiency
to display the data quickly. Normally, a huge data slows down the machine performance, when displayed as scattered
points. To avoid this, this option is used to display a selected percentage of the points. Moreover, the percentage is only set
for the data that has values; undefined values are ignored in the percentage.

The scattered points of individual/all wells are displayed.

It is used to show a colored density cross-plot. Normally, if the displayed scattered data points are too large, it
consume huge memory to display the data. In that case, the density plots are useful. In a density plot the data will not
be filtered out in the display (% point displayed) as in the case of a scattered point display. In the cross plot properties
window, there is a tab available for the density plot. In that tab, a user can set a number (currently displayed data) to display
the data. When this plot is ON, there will be a color table displayed that can be changed. The color spectrum designates
the distribution of the points per pixel.

This option is used to Toggle on/off the second Y-axis (Y2) scattered points. It may be noted that when the second Yaxis (Y+) is selected to be cross plotted against Y1 and X, the data points may become too large to be displayed. Therefore,
in this case, the system will prompt a warning to display a given percentage of the data (% points displayed).

It is inactive, if a cross-plot is created with one Y-axis. It allows to make section of the scattered points.
The selection settings (Select only Y1/Y2, both) are important to remove unwanted points from the extracted data. When dual
Y-axis are cross-plotted, a user can select individual or both Y-axis points by changing this option.

It toggles a pan/selection mode. Selection mode is used to select the scattered points. When pan is toggled on,
rest selection options (see below) become inactive, which avoids editing/manipulation of the cross-plotted data.

This option is used to display the selected scattered point in an active scene. The selection of the data points is done
by using selection mode. By using this option, the selected scattered data can be saved as a pickset/body. Right-click on an
pick in a scene and from the pop-up menu select 'save as a pickset' or 'create body' option.

It is a selection mode (rectangle/polygon). The selection is made by holding the left-mouse button down and selecting
the desired area within the cross-plot.

It is used to de-select the selected data points (using selection mode tools).

The un-wanted data points can be removed by using selection mode and this trash button. In order to remove the
data points of Y1, Y2 or both, use selection mode tools to select an area within which the data is to be removed. After that
press this button to remove the data.

It is used to select the data from a cross-plot and display the corresponding selected data in the spread-sheet
(Well/Attribute data window).

This option is used to refine the selection by using a mathematical logic over a range. It restricts the selection according
to the range set in the Refine Selection window (a pop-up window invoks when this button is pressed). For instance, a user
may want to remove a data (x0) within a range of 3-4 from a crossplot in which 1-2 values are overlapping. To do that,
press this button to launch Refine Selection window. In the Enter Ranges field, an equation can be set i.e. X0 > 3 and X0 <
4. Where X0 is desired data in a cross-plot. After this a section can be made within a cross-plot to remove values within
the polygon according to the equation.

It is a tool to take the snapshot of the cross-plot.

The setting window is used to adjust the scale, view statistics, add regressing lines etc.
Scaling Tab: Sets a range (or scaling) of an axis. Set the Axis (X, Y1, Y2) and apply clipping in the percentage. Contrary,
the axis range can be manually set by setting No to the Use Clipping option. In later case, set the minimum, maximum
and steps for the selected axis (X, Y1, Y2) of the cross plot.

Statistics Tab: Sets/draws the regression line according to the cross-plot statistics. If a user wants to display the regression
line and correlation coefficient value in the plot, set check to these fields (Put in the plots, and show regression line).

User Defined Tab: Sets a regression line according to the user defined values.

Density Plot Tab: This tab is used to set the minimum points for the density plot. It may be noted that the total number
of displayed points are also given in this tab as Current number of points ..., which counts valid and undefined points.

Volume Builder Setup


Well to Seismic Tie

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 6. Menu - Analysis

6.4. Well to Seismic Tie

Well to the seismic tie is a major task of interpretation projects. It is used to correlate the well information (logs) to the
seismic. This enables the comparison (crossplots, ...) of well-based and volume-based data.
Well-to-Seismic tie workflow:
1. Data preparation:

Import the seismic volume (2D lines are not supported yet).
Extract a wavelet.
Import the wells: Each well requires a track, checkshot or time-depth curve and sonic log.
Import the additional data: 3D Horizons, well markers, additional time-depth curve if a checkshot was loaded.
Edit the log database: Fill the missing sonic parts, create a density log from the sonic (constant value or Gardner's equation)
if not available.

2. Synthetic-to-seismic tie

The module is launched from the Analysis menu or via the right-click menu of each well.
The input fields must be selected.
Based on the available data the density and sonic logs will be combined into impedance and reflectivity, depth-time
converted (includes an upscaling) and convolved with the wavelet. The result is a synthetic seismic traces for the well.
This trace will be compared with a composite seismic trace extracted in the volume along the (deviated) well path, on
the nearest trace. Both synthetic and composite seismic traces are cross-correlated, and the output value is an indication of
the alignment and matching quality.
The alignment will be carried out either by shifting the synthetic trace up or down, or by selecting several locations in
both seismic traces, specifying and applying a shift function that varies with the travel time.The applied changes must
be validated, before being converted into a new time-depth function that replaces the previous one. No changes are
being applied to the well logs.
A each step of the tie a deterministic wavelet can be estimated using the time-converted reflectivity log and the
composite seismic trace. This deterministic wavelet should vary per well, and is known to link the well data to the seismic
data more reliably.

6.4.1. Well-Tie selection window

The tie well to seismic window is used to select the necessary data for the tie workflow. Please have a look at the
introduction to see how to prepare the necessary data.

Well to seismic tie window

6.4.2. Well-Tie: Display Panel

The display panel is the main window where the wells are tied to the seismic data. This module is primarly used to update
the current (loaded) time-depth curve. Previous, intermediate and final TD curves can be exported to ascii at any moment
using the following icon

A secondary output of the synthetic-to-seismic tie is the estimated wavelet, that is estimated at any time and must be
saved explicitly.
The view is separated in three frames, from left to right:


The sonic (red) and density (blue) logs.

The computed impedance (red) and reflectivity (blue) logs.
The computed/extracted synthetic and composite seismic traces.

Note: The raw logs are shown before upscaling. The vertical axis of all 3 frames is in travel time.
Key points:

The time-depth conversion and synthetic seismic traces computation is done using the current time-depth curve and
checkshot (if available).
The checkshot data acts as a strong constraint, i.e. any input and output time-depth curve will be forced to honour the checkshot.
The time of the depth TVDSD=0 will always remain at TWT=0 even when applying a bulk shift: The difference is
absorbed between the point TVDSS=0 and the first sonic log sample. The reference datum elevations definitions
are summarized in the well track import chapter.

Display panel for the well-seismic tie and picking the tie to extract the wavelet.
At the bottom left corner of this display panel, there are several tracking controls. The options are used to pick an event
to match the seismic and synthetic traces. After picking the event, press Apply Changes to reflect the changes and update
the time to depth model.
Launches the Edit Time/Depth model window. In the pop-up window, press Export button to export the time-depth
model as an ASCII file.
Takes the snapshot of the display panel
Display settings/properties for the panel. The settings are similar to that of the normal 2D-viewer.Change in depth/
time model
Toggles interact mode ON/OFF
Pick seeds on the seismic or synthetic to update the time to depth model.
Change in depth/time model

If a checkshot was provided before, there will be two additional options in the well tie window: (1) use checkshot
corrections, and (2) display checkshot related curve.
Choose a tracking mode and select events in the synthetics/seismic displays by first selecting the Pick mode button. Events
can not be picked separately. Each event in the synthetics must be linked with an other event in the seismic.
Once all the events are selected on both synthetics/seismic displays, press Apply changes button. The depth/time model and
the whole computational workflow will be recomputed. If needed, repeat the operation.

The Display additional information button will open the Cross-checking parameters window, and provide useful
cross-checking tools, such as correlation coefficient and estimated wavelet in a specific depth range. The estimated
wavelet displayed here can also be saved.
The depth/time table can be saved between each state by pushing the Save button, in the toolbar to the right of the
synthetics/seismic displays, and saving with an appropriate name. The View/Edit Model button allows the user to import
a depth/time table.
Once a good correlation has been established, click on Ok/Save and save the depth/time model.

6.4.3. Well-Tie: Crosscheck Parameters

The cross-checking window is launched from the well ties display panel (Section-Well Tie: Display Panel). The
window contains the initial and estimated wavelet information. The wavelet can be computed between the two levels (startend of data or markers) that are provided at the top of this window. The window contains further key information: wavelets
plot and the correlation coefficient. By changing the compute data between option, the correlation coefficient is autoupdated. After achieving a high and positive correlation coefficient, the estimated wavelet can be saved. Importantly,
the negative correlation coefficient shows that the polarity of the estimated wavelet is reversed. To avoid that the
reference/initial wavelet's polarity has to be reversed.

Check-crossings window and correlation panel

To save the estimate wavelet, press the Save Estimated Wavelet button. In the pop-up window (see below), write
the appropriate name for the wavelet.

Save the estimated wavelet

Moreover, the wavelet properties are shown as a graphical display of the wavelet, its amplitude spectrum and phase spectrum.

Save the estimated wavelet



Menu - processing

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 7. Menu - processing

Table of Contents
7.1 Create Volume Output
7.2 Create Grid Output
7.3 Madagascar
7.4 Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)
7.5 Batch Processing

7.1. Create Volume Output

7.1.1. Attribute
In this module any (attribute) volume can be calculated and saved to disk. This includes 2D attributes, but the output is a
new volume in the selected Line Set. The volume output module can also be run in batch mode, allowing the user to
continue his/her work in the main window while the processing is running.

This module creates, for example, attribute cubes, neural network cubes, or filtered data cubes. 2D: Create Lineset output

A line set attribute can be created by doing the following: Processing > Create Volume output > Attribute > 2D
A window pops up as shown below:

First, Select the output quantity.

Note that only attributes from the current attribute set can be selected in the "Select quantity to output" window. To output
an attribute that is not specified in the current attribute set, you must change the current attribute set (select the attribute


module to do so).
Optionally, a trace or individual line selection can be specified.

Optionally, the output can be scaled with a Shift and a Factor. The output will be calculated with:
output = Factor * input + Shift
Null traces can be discarded. 3D: Create 3D Seismic output

First, Select the output quantity. Optionally, a sub-volume can be specified, or when calculating 2D data, a trace or
individual line selection.

Note that only attributes from the current attribute set can be selected in the "Select output quantity" window. To output
an attribute that is not specified in the current attribute set, you must change the current attribute set (select the attribute
module to do so).
Optionally, the output can be scaled with a Shift and a Factor. The output will be calculated with:
output = Factor * input + Shift
Null traces can be discarded.
OpendTect batch jobs for 3D volumes can be processed on a single machine or on multiple machines. One line only 2D
jobs are always processed on a single machine. 2D jobs with multiple lines from the line set are automatically sent to the
multi-machine processing mode.
For more information look at batch processing.

OpendTect can store data internally in 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit seismic data formats. 8-bit signed has a data range between 127 and +127. 8-bit unsigned ranges between 0 and 255. Similarly, 16-bit signed ranges between -32767 and +32767
(unsigned 0 - 65535). Per default, the data are stored in the same byte-format as the input (Storage is set to 0 - auto).
Adjust z range to survey range: With this option, the user can adjust his/her new scaled seismic to the survey range.
Optimize horizontal slice access: For better performance in loading time slices, set this option to Yes. This
compromises some speed in loading crosslines, but it loads time slices significantly faster. Multi-Component outputs

Multi-components cubes for some attributes (e.g Spectral Decomposition, Steering attributes) can be created.
Create first your attribute in the attribute engine.

Create the volume output: Go to Processing > Create volume output > Attribute > 2D/3D, fill in the dialog, and press Proceed.

In case the attribute allows such output you will get a pop up to select amongst all available components, the components
you want to compute in one ago.

Any component can be used as input for an attribute: In attribute engine, click on input data field to select your
multi-component attribute.

Multi-components cubes can be exported as segy or simple ascii file. Go to Export for more detail.
To display any component of the cube, right-click on attribute in the tree > Select Attribute > Store Cubes
In case it contains more than one component, an extra dialog will appear (see image below) to allow the user to choose
which one to display.

The user can also display more than one component as multi-texture.

Use the pageUp & pageDown to display all selected components.(here 5,15,30hz)

7.1.2. Volume Builder Output

Volume-builder creator window can be launched from Processing > Create Volume Output > Volume Builder. The
following window will pop-up. The window is used to create the output volume that has been defined in a volume
builder setup. Optionally, if the initial volume builder setup is not defined, press the Edit button to define the setup. Write
an appropriate Output Cube name. In next step press proceed to launch a batch processing window.

7.1.3. Time depth conversion

Time-depth conversion is done applying Dix's equation, based on an interval or RMS velocity volume. The user must provide
a velocity and input volume, and set the direction of the conversion.

7.1.4. Pre-stack processing

Prestack processing can be applied using a number of methods. It is the only place where pre-stack data can be output
in OpendTect based on another pre-stack datastore.

The processing can consist on a number of steps that will be taken sequentially.

The following sections will describe the work done by each step. Automatic Gain Control

Automatic Gain Control is one of the processing methods available for Prestack gathers. It will adjust the amplitude
level using a sliding window of user-defined size (window width). Optionally, part of the lowest energy may be discarded
from the amplitude level computation (in percent of the amplitude distribution). Mute
Mute functions may be applied to Prestack gathers. This window will allow you to choose the mute definition, as well as
to specify settings such as:

Mute type: Top or tail

Taper length (in samples) Vertical stack

Vertical stack may be used to laterally stack the traces in order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of Pre-stack gathers.
The stack is controlled by an inline/crossline stepout, and the Shape (Cross or Rectangle). Velocity correction

This processing method will apply a normal moveout correction based on a velocity volume. An hyperbolic moveout will
be applied (non hyperbolic moveout will be implemented later).

7.1.5. Between Horizons

Create a seismic output between two horizons. Select the quantity to output from the list of stored data or attributes. Specify
the horizons that form the upper and lower boundary of the output volume. Optionally, an Extra Z interval can be added.
The first field specifies the top of the time window, relative to the upper horizon, and the second field specifies the bottom
of the time window, relative to the lower horizon. Subsequently, a sub-area can be specified.

The Value outside the computed area is the undefined value. The standard undefined value in OpendTect is 1e30, but the
user can specify any value.
Optionally, an interpolation of the surface can be made. The interpolation can be full or partial. In the second case, only
the gaps smaller than the number you specify are filled. You can choose adding a fixed Z interval length to the leading
horizon when the second surface is missing or in case of conflict during the interpolation.
The calculation parameter file can be given any name (a default name is provided) so you can re-start the calculation
process easily, should anything go wrong during the calculation. Pressing Proceed takes you to the next step, where you
choose on which available machine you want to run the calculation process. More information on this window is provided
in single machine batch processing.

7.1.6. Along Horizon

Create a seismic output in a time interval relative to a single horizon. Select the quantity to output from the list of stored data
or attributes. Specify the horizon and the Z range around this horizon. Optionally, a sub-area can be specified.
The Value outside the computed area is the undefined value. The standard undefined value in OpendTect is 1e30, but the
user can specify any value.
Optionally, an interpolation of the surface can be made. The interpolation can be full or partial.
A calculation parameter file is automatically created with a default name in the Store Processing Specification field. This
file allows you to re-start the calculation process easily, should anything go wrong during the calculation. Pressing
Proceed takes you to the next step, where you choose on which available machine(s) you want to run the calculation
process. More information on this window is provided in multi-machine batch processing.

7.1.7. Re-Start
A processing flow that has been saved can be re-started with this functionality. The parameter file that has been saved
is opened and can be run again in single machine or multi-machine mode. Select the appropriate parameter file with the
Select button.

Well to Seismic Tie


Create Grid Output

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 7. Menu - processing


7.2. Create Grid Output

This menu is used to create an 2D/3D-grid based output. The data is stored as a surface data (or
attribute) to the selected horizon.

7.2.1. Grid
Some attributes consume significant calculation time e.g. coherency, curvature, spectral
decomposition etc. It also depends upon the size of an input seismic volume. Therefore, calculating a
surface data on-the-fly in a scene may take significant time. It may be handy to perform calculation
of a surface data independently by running a process in a background (batch processing). By using a
Grid output (2D/3D), the user can create surface attributes at desired horizons independently. In this
way a user can take benefit that he/she can still work in the OpendTect scene by running the batch
process in a separate window.

Select the quantity to output (2D/3D) from the list of stored data or attributes. The attribute is (by
default) saved with its own name, but you can also edit the attribute name. Select the surface
(horizon) on which the selected attribute will be calculated.
The parameter file, which is automatically created in the Store Processing Specification field, can
have any name (a default name is provided) so that you can re-start the calculation process easily in
case anything goes wrong during the calculation. By pressing Proceed button a batch processing
window appears at where a machine(s) is selected to run the calculation process. More information
on this window is provided in single machine batch processing section. After the batch processing is
finished, the result will be available as a surface data: right-click on a blank horizon's attribute in the
tree to select the surface data.

7.2.2. Stratal Amplitude

Stratal Amplitude is a processing tool available to compute statistics (min, max, rms, etc.) from an
attribute along a horizon or between two horizons. The window can be launched from Processing >
Create Grid output > Stratal Amplitude. The output will be stored surface data (grid) saved on the
top or base horizon.

In this window, select the input attribute from which the values will be extracted. The extraction may
be guided by a single horizon (Single Horizon) or between two horizons (Double Horizon).
Single Horizon is used to extract amplitude along a horizon within fixed window relative to the pick.
Double Horizon is an option of amplitude extraction between two horizons. In this case, the Z-offset
parameters may be defined to increase or decrease the area defined by the horizons.
Z-offset is the offset window specification above (negative values) or below (positive values) a
Area subselection field is used to specify the area within which the attribute is output. User can
select the whole volume or sub-volume by pressing Select and specifying the ranges.
Amplitude options are the available statistics for amplitude extraction. Four amplitude statistics are
available: Min, Max, Average or RMS.

7.2.3. Isopach
In OpendTect a quick way of calculating isopach maps is available. It is calculated by using create
isopach window. This window is launched from the Processing > Create Grid Output > Isopach submenu. In this window, select two horizons between which the isopach has to be computed. Write an
appropriate name for this attribute in the Attribute name field. The calculated attribute will be saved
as a surface data of the Calculate to.. horizon.

Create Volume Output



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 7. Menu - processing

7.3. Madagascar
A generic user interface exists to Madagascar, an open source seismic processing package that is very popular in seismic
R&D communities. In the builder, seismic pre- and post-stack input and output files are either OpendTect or
Madagascar formatted. The processing flow is constructed as a sequence of Madagascar programs, using their
parameters. These programs are selected from a list of available programs (presently over 300), with a search field included
to guide the user.
Madagascar processing results can be further analyzed in OpendTect.
Note: The user first must install Madagascar in order to use this interface between OpendTect and Madagascar.

7.3.1. Madagascar Installation

Madagascar is an open-source, standalone software. To be used with OpendTect, Madagascar must first be installed, if not
the following situation will happen:

The user needs to install the Madagascar package (see install) and set the RSFROOT variable to the installation directory.
In order to get the full UI, the user also needs to ensure that the text doc is installed. This can be done with:
$RSFROOT/bin/sfdoc -t $RSFROOT/doc/txt


7.3.2. Madagascar Processing window

The Madagascar processing window can be launched from the OpendTect toolbar by pressing the Madagascar
icon. The new pop-up window will look like the figure below.

Select the input cube to be processed, and then choose a program or combination of programs. Programs are organized
into groups of programs. Once one program is selected, a description of program's functions are shown in the
neighboring frame.

The different steps, as well as a synopsis, of the computation are provided. The descriptions of each program are available
on the Madagascar site.

7.3.3. Toolbar
The toolbar is composed of the file option and three shortcut items.
The file option is as follows:

The toolbar contains three shortcuts to create, open, and save the flow:

This creates a new processing flow.

This will open a saved flow.
This will save a newly created flow.

7.3.4. Madagascar Processing input

The first step is to select an input cube.

The input can be a 3D volume, a Prestack volume, a Madagascar volume, or None. It is possible to choose a volume

7.3.5. Madagascar processing output

The final step is to chose an output volume type.

Similar to the input selection, it can be a 3D volume, a Prestack volume, a Madagascar volume, or None.
Create Grid Output


Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 7. Menu - processing


7.4. Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)

7.4.1. Introduction
GMT (Generic Mapping Tools) is an open source collection of more than 60 tools for manipulating Geographic
and Cartesian data sets. It can produce Encapsulated Postscript File illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots,
via contour maps, to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspectives views. OpendTect supports an open
source plugin that uses GMT tools to create scaled maps.
For more details please visit the official GMT website at: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/

7.4.2. Initial Setup

To launch GMT tools, click on the icon

in the OpendTect main toolbar. The first time you launch the
GMT mapping tools, a warning message will pop up, if GMT is not already installed on your computer. This can
be downloaded from their web site: http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/

After successful installation of the package, the GMT user interface will be launched:

GMT User Interface

7.4.3. Create Postscript Maps

Several tabs have been arranged to specify the respective settings. In the later part of this section, a typical
OpendTect example of a postscript map will be shown.

Basemap: This tab is used to set the scale of the map and other map settings.
Locations: It is used to post pickset data (e.g. proposed well locations) in the map overlay.

Polyline: It is used to add polygons (e.g. lease boundaries) in the map overlay.
Contours: It is used to make a horizon contour map.
Coastline: This tab is generally used to draw coastal lines.
Wells: It is used to post wells in the map.
2D Lines: It is used to post the OpendTect 2D-Line(s) in the map.
Random Lines: It is used to post the Random Line(s) in the map.
Advanced: It is used to customize the GMT commands.

Example-1: Create a Basemap

In Basemap tab, specify:

1- Map Title
2- Set survey ranges (according to OpendTect survey)
3- The ranges can be Reset to Survey box

4- Set the Scale

5- Toggle Draw Gridlines
6- Optionally you can also add Remarks.
7- Write appropriate disk location for the output file in the Select output file field and press Create Map button.
Example-2: Create a Polyline

In Polyline tab, specify:

1- Select Polygon
2- Name of Polygons
3- Settings (symbols, size, color etc)
4- Press Add button... the selected Polygon will appear on left Map overlays panel.
5- Write appropriate disk location for the output file in the Select output file field and press Create Map button.
Caution: If you make changes in the settings, always click Replace before creating map.

Example-3: Insert Wells location

In Wells tab, specify:

1- Select OpendTect Wells
2- Edit the settings (symbols, size, color etc)
3- Press Add button... the selected Wells will appear on left Map overlays panel.
Example-4: Insert 2D lines

In 2D Lines tab, specify:

1- Select OpendTect 2D Lineset(s)
2- Name the Lineset(s)
3- Edit the settings (symbols, size, color etc)
4- Press Add button... the selected 2D Lineset(s) will appear on left Map overlays panel.
Example-5: Create a Contour Map

In Contour Map tab, specify:

1- Select OpendTect Horizon(s)
2- Sub-select the area (optional), Press Read Horizon button
3- The number of contour will be computed. You may change the number of steps.
4- Edit the settings (draw, fill, line styles etc)
5- Press Add button... the selected 2D Lineset(s) will appear on left Map overlays panel.

One typical example of a Basemap with 2D lines

One typical example of a time Contour Map with wells location



Batch Processing

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 7. Menu - processing

7.5. Batch Processing

7.5.1. Single machine batch processing window
In single mode processing, the user has the option to process the data on a local machine or on a remote host. In the log file,
all relevant information on the progress of the calculation will be stored. This is the same information that is displayed in
the progress window that appears when using local processing, (See Batch log file). The Nice level sets the priority of
the process. With the nice level set on 19, the process has very low priority and other processes that run on the same
computer get priority. If the nice level is set to 1 the process has the highest priority.

7.5.2. Multi-machine batch processing window

The multi-machine batch processing window controls on which machines a volume output or steering cube batch job will
be processed. Jobs are distributed over the Used hosts on a line-by-line basis (the number of inlines per job can be
specified). Hosts can be Added and/or Stopped at all times. Processed results are stored in a Temporary storage directory.
At the end of the processing sequence, OpendTect will merge all processed lines and store the data in the output file that
was specified in the Volume output or Create steering cube window, and it will delete the temporary disk files. If for
any reason OpendTect fails to perform this data transfer, this can also be done manually in the File - Manage module.
The temporary data store appears with a name starting with Proc_. Select this item and copy it to a new cube.
It is possible that at the end of a multi-machine batch job not all data was processed successfully. Some jobs may have failed
(e.g. because one of the hosts was temporarily not available). OpendTect will come back with a warning message stating
which jobs (i.e. which inlines) have not been processed yet. The user is then advised to re-submit these jobs until all data
are processed. The Auto-fill option automatically scans and fills gaps in the processed volume.
The Nice level sets the priority the process gets. With the nice level set on 19 the process has very low priority and
other processes that run on the same computer get priority. If the nice level is set to 1 the process gets the highest priority.
The Processes menu allows the user to set the Run, Pause, or Go - Only between options. The Go - Only between
option, pauses and runs the processes at user defined times.
Note that OpendTect calls the system utilities of the 'hostent' (sethostent, gethostent, etc.) type to get a table of hosts for
the user to select from. How the Operating System builds the lists is dependent on the particular system setup; most likely /
etc/hosts and/or the NIS tables are consulted. OpendTect supports multi-threading which means that all processors of
multi-processor machines will be used.


7.5.3. Batch log file

A batch log file is produced for every volume output run. The information is streamed to a file if the batch job is executed on
a remote computer. If the processing is done locally the log file is either streamed to a new, dedicated window, or to
the standard output window. Every N traces the program will output a symbol to reflect the progress. There are five
symbols the program can use. Which symbol it uses depends on the speed in number of traces times N per sec (given at the
end of a line in brackets after the cumulative number of traces processed). The symbols indicate the following:

a period (.) means 1 trace processed

a colon (:) means 10 traces processed
an equal sign (=) means 100 traces processed
a pipe marker (|) means 1000 traces processed
an asterisk (*) means 10000 traces processed

The following options are available:

, "stop process icon".

, "save log icon".

, "help icon".

7.5.4. Cluser processing

Batch jobs can be run from OpendTect to cluster management tools. So far dGB has successfully tested SLURM which is
easy to install and even easier to use.
Cluster processing is enabled by following this prerequisites:

The environment variable DTECT_CLUSTER_PROC is set to yes before starting OpendTect

The cluster management tool must be up and running. In the case of SLURM it means that the daemon 'slurmctld' should
be running on the master computer and that the daemon 'mlurmd' must be running on every node.
This cluster management tool (SLURM) bin directory is included in your PATH variable

Cluster processing is starting when choosing "Cluster" in the 'Submit' options menu of the volume processing window.
Only 3D attributes can make use of cluster computing so far.
A new window will pop up that will list a number of directories use for the storage of temporary files. The jobs will be
split using a user-defined number of inlines. The field named 'Cluster Processing command' represents the name of the
binary from the cluster management tool used to run a process.
You can run the "Main script file" (default: ~/yoursurvey/Proc/clusterprocscript) from a command line which will run each
job one-by-one using the above command and will also launch the UI to show progress and do post-processing merging
of temporary data.
Generic Mapping Tools (GMT)


Menu - Scenes

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 8. Menu - Scenes

Table of Contents
8.1 Time and Depth converted scenes
8.2 Additional transformed scenes

The OpendTain main window can have multiple scenes, most of them opened using this menu. The
scenes behave like windows within the main window: Each scene has its own tree and can be
minimized, maximized, reduced or enlarged in size, without ever going out of the main window. The
trees of different scenes can be move on top of each other and sorted as tabs, or completely separated
from the main window (they are utility windows).
The cascade option will restore a default size for each scene and sort them starting on the upper left
corner of the main window.
The tile option is a shortcut to maximize each scene by sharing the space of the main window equally:

Auto: The scenes are sorted automatically along the best fitting grid.
Horizontal: The scenes are arranged along a single line.
Vertical: The scenes are arranged along a single column.

If all scenes are maximized the active scene will be annotated on the left in the Scenes menu.
Clicking on another one will toggle to it.

8.1. Time and Depth converted scenes

OpendTect can display time data in the depth domain and depth data in the time domain.

This is done using a user-selected velocity volume and computing the new Z range (depth or time)
based on the original Z range (time or depth respectively). Like in all transformed scenes all display
elements are re-positioned on-the-fly.

The only expection is 3D volume for which the on-the-fly transformation can be slow. Therefore time
volumes can be depth converted (i.e. they become stored volumes) using an additional option in the
right-click option of inlines and crossline, in the transformed scene:

Please note that depth-stored volumes can also be imported via SEG-Y by settings the appropriate tag
in the SEG-Y import wizard.
Batch Processing


Additional transformed scenes

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 8. Menu - Scenes


8.2. Additional transformed scenes

Other transformed scenes are available from different parts of OpendTect:

In the right-click menu of 3D horizons it is possible to generate a scene where the horizon will
be flattened. The Z range has the same unit as the original scene, but it is relative and not
absolute anymore
Wheeler scenes are available in the Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretation System (SSIS

Time and Depth converted


Menu - View

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 9. Menu - View

Table of Contents
9.1 Work area
9.2 Z-scale
9.3 Stereo viewing
9.4 Toolbars

9.1. Work area

By clicking View in the uppermost tool bar, a small window pops up. The first option is the "Work
area". In Work area the user can set the area bounded by the survey box. This may be useful when
concentrating on just a small part of a survey.
Set Work Volume: The Selection of Work Area will pop up Set Work Volume window. Here the user
can set the ranges of his/her survey to work inside the volume of interest.

Additional transformed scenes



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 9. Menu - View


9.2. Z-scale
The Z-scale option allows the user to scale the survey box in the vertical direction.

As shown above, there are three options for Z-scaling. The first option is to modify the scaling by
using the slice bar; the second option adjusts the scaling to the current situation "Fit to scene"; and
the third option is to reset the scaling to the last saved "To Home".
Work area


Stereo viewing

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 9. Menu - View


9.3. Stereo viewing

The Stereo viewing menu allows setting the stereo viewing on/off. To use Red/Cyan stereo, the user
needs red/cyan glasses. The offset between the red and cyan view can be manipulated with the Stereo
Offset menu. The Quad buffer option has special hardware requirements in order to get passive stereo
view on a screen with dual and polarized projection.



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 9. Menu - View


9.4. Toolbars

All elements available in the main OpendTect window can be switched on/off here. See Toolbar for
the various actions of the buttons on the toolbars.

Stereo viewing


Menu - Utilities

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 10. Menu - Utilities

Table of Contents
10.1 Settings
10.2 Tools
10.3 Plugins
10.4 Show Log File

10.1. Settings
The settings for Fonts, Mouse, Keyboard, etc., can be changed from Utilities > Settings >

10.1.1. Fonts
The text of different global controls/graphics can be set or changed:


1. Control- This is used to change the text fonts of the OpendTect window.
2. Graphics large/medium/small- This will change the fonts of large/medium/small graphics
within certain windows e.g. survey box contains such graphics.
3. Small/Large Controls- This will change the fonts of small/large controls within a specific
windows e.g. the small controls (the text describing inline/crossline/Z-ranges or bin size) of
survey selection window.
Pressing any of the function buttons pops up a standard font selection window.

Standard font selection window

10.1.2. Look and Feel

The Look and Feel option is used to change the standard settings of OpendTect icon size, color bar
orientation, and to turn on/off the shading & volume rendering.

10.1.3. Mouse controls

The mouse buttons can be set differently. System administrators can implement user-defined mouse
button actions. See the Application Management Documentation for more details.

10.1.4. Keyboard Shortcuts

The user can define his/her own keyboard shortcuts to move a slice forward/backward. The user can
use one key (set the first key to no-button) or a combination of control or shift key, plus another key
which can be selected from a long list.

10.1.5. Advanced
The ADVANCED user settings are used to change the default settings of specific keywords. The user
can specify his/her own settings for various actions. Changing these will cause a change in specific
settings. For example to turn on/off the volume rendering shading, change the values of VolRen
Shading to Yes/No accordingly.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 10. Menu - Utilities


10.2. Tools
10.2.1. Batch Programs
To run the batch program go to: Utilities > Tools > Batch programs
Choose the batch program you need to run, the available are: cbvs_browse, cbvs_dump, lmhostid,
glxinfo, ivfileviewer. The text box will show comments and details.
If Another OpendTect batch program is chosen, fill in the required and (if needed) the optional
parameters (indicated by the square brackets "[ ]").
The batch program will start in a new xterm window. For example, if a batch program is cbvs_browse
like shown below, the cube to browse should be selected to run a batch program.

10.2.2. Position Conversion

Position Conversion is an utility that can be used to convert the position pairs from Inline/Crossline
to X/Y, and vice versa. This utility can be launched either directly from Utility > Position
Conversion ... or from Survey selection menu (Survey > Select/Setup).
In the position conversion window, there are two modes available for coordinate conversion: Manual/
File. In Manual mode, the user specifies an inline/crossline pair (or X/Y pair), then press the
corresponding arrow key to obtain the position in the other domain.
In File mode, the user browses the input file and create a new output file. By specifying the
corresponding type conversion (XY to IC or IC to XY) and pressing the GO button, the desired
conversion is written on output file.

10.2.3. Create Devel. env.

With this option the user can create the OpendTect developer environment. The source code and all
other relevant files are copied into a user specified directory. More information can be found in the
Programmer manual from the Help menu.

10.2.4. Command Driver

The Command Driver offers automated control of the current OpendTect application from a
command script. The command script is a replacement for a series of keyboard and mouse
interactions performed by the user. It can be used to automate parts of the work flow, and helps to
speed up executing repetitive tasks or giving automated demonstrations in OpendTect.
The Command Driver was created as a tool to make automated testing of the OpendTect releases
possible. That means it is not optimized for usage as a scripting tool. It is clear, however, that power
users have been starting to use the Command Driver tool for this purpose.
The list of available commands, their syntax, and semantics can be found in the Command Driver




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Chapter 10. Menu - Utilities

10.3. Plugins
The plugins window lists the plugins that are currently loaded (or not) into OpendTect, and provides relevant
license information.

Developers might want to use the option "Load a plugin" to manually load their plugin. The developers
documentation describes how to add a plugin to the automatic loading procedure.
In OpendTect, there are several commercial plugins available. Each plugin adds extra functionality to OpendTect. To load
a new plugin, browse to the appropriate file. More information on plugin design is available in the Programmer manual.
In general most plugins are loaded automatically at startup, based on the chosen options:

If you choose to toggle off the option "Show this dialog at startup" all plugins will be loaded at startup. It is recommend


to install only the plugins for which you do have a license and to load them all automatically at startup.





Show Log File

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 10. Menu - Utilities

10.4. Show Log File

The user can check the log file from Utilities > Show log file. This will show the log of low traffic signals.



Menu - Help

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Chapter 11. Menu - Help

There is an extensive help documentation available that can be launched from Help Menu.
Index: From the index menu, one or more user documents can be launched. The OpendTect help
documentation is always available. The plug-in documentations are available only if the respective
licenses are configured. The shortcuts for each documentation are also available:

F1 opens the OpendTect HTML documentation.

F2 opens the dGB Plugin documentation (Steering, Neural Network, CCB and SSIS), and
Earthworks Application Toolsuite, the help documentation for MPSI plugin of ARK CLS .

F3 opens the workflows documentation.

The online versions (HTML/PDF) of the documentation can be downloaded by using following link:
Admin: From this menu the index of the administrator help pages is launched.
Programmer: From this menu the index of the programmer help and example pages is launched.
About: This shows the version of OpendTect, and information about the developers and testers of

Show Log File


Attributes and filters

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Appendix A. Attributes and filters

Table of Contents
Coherency-- Multi-trace attribute that emphasizes areas of highest discontinuity
Convolve-- Attribute that returns a filtered response
Delta Resample-- Attribute that enables residual alignment of seismic volumes
Energy-- Response attribute that returns the energy of a trace segment
Event-- Attribute that quantifies an event's shape or distance relative to a next event
Fingerprint-- Attribute that computes the similarity between a user-defined vector of attributes and
the equivalent vector taken at each position in a cube.
Frequency-- Response attribute that returns frequency properties
Frequency Filter-- Attribute that returns filtered data using FFT or Butterworth filter types
GapDecon-- Attribute that aims to attenuate repetitions of primary reflections (multiples).
Horizon-- Attribute that enables advanced calculations on horizons
Instantaneous-- Attribute that returns an instantaneous attribute
Match Delta-- Attribute that extracts time shifts between similar events in different seismic volumes
Mathematics-- Attribute that returns the result of a user-defined mathematical expression
Position-- Attribute that returns any attribute calculated at the location where another attribute has its
minimum, maximum or median within a small volume.
Prestack-- The pre-stack attribute can be used either to extract statistics on the gathers and their
amplitudes, or to extract AVO attributes.
Reference-- Attribute that returns the definitions of the extraction position
Reference shift-- Attribute that moves the extraction position in 3D space
Scaling-- Attribute used for scaling of amplitude
Similarity-- Multi-trace attribute that returns trace-to-trace similarity properties
Spectral decomposition-- Frequency attribute that returns the amplitude spectrum (FFT) or
waveletcoefficients (CWT)
Velocity Fan Filter-- Attribute that returns energy with apparent velocities inside a specified Min/
Max range.
Volume statistics-- Attribute that returns statistical properties

Menu - Help



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Coherency -- Multi-trace attribute that emphasizes areas of highest discontinuity

Coherence or Coherency is a term used for a group of algorithms establishing how much adjacent traces are alike.
In OpendTect, we have only implemented Coherency type 1, the simplest. This type shifts one of the traces up and down
to find the maximum cross-correlation. Other Coherency algorithms intend to be better in all kinds of ways.
This attribute thus enhances variations in seismic data related to changes in continuity among neighboring traces. This
attribute can be used to enhance structures--for example, faults and fractures--but also specific lithologies (salt) or
lateral variations within a single seismic event.

The Coherency attribute enables the user to calculate the Coherency by comparing one trace with the next trace. Then, a
value between 0 (not similar at all) to 1 (completely similar) is awarded. In order to compare traces, two variables should
be specified. The first variable is the Maximum Dip. This variable represents the maximum dip (in microseconds/meter for
a time survey or in millimeter/meter for a depth survey), relative to an event in one trace, in which the algorithm will look
for similar events along the neighboring trace.
The second variable is the Delta Dip. This variable represents the window in microseconds/meter (or millimeter/meter in
depth survey) which is shifted along the neighboring trace to detect similar events within the earlier specified Maximum
Dip. The closer the value to 1, the more precise the results will be. By default,The Delta Dip is set to 10. Using this value
will result in a good balance between calculation time and quality of the results, although this also depends on the quality of
the data itself.

Mathematical description
The coherency is measured twice, between the current position represented by the vector X and the following two vectors:
Y is the vector on the same inline, but on the next crossline
Z is the vector on the same crossline, but on the next inline
For each pairs of vectors (X,Y) and (X,Z) the following quantities are computed:


Where is a dip or angle used to define the correlation length, between max and +max, with a step d. Please note that
since is not the sampling rate the vectors Y and Z are re-sampled for each value of , and not directly the original trace.
The output coherency is the average between C(X, Y) and C(X, Z):

Note: The Coherency attribute is available in a 2D survey as well.

An example of the Coherency time-slice (580ms) from F3-Block, Netherlands Offshore. The Coherency time-slice (on
right) improves the visibility of the glaciated plough marks (NS-oriented) that are not clear on normal amplitude time-slice
(on left).
Attributes and filters



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Convolve -- Attribute that returns a filtered response

The input data is convoluted with a three-dimensional kernel specified by Filter type and associated
parameters. Lowpass, Laplacian, and Prewitt are well known filters in image processing.

Lowpass is an arithmetic averaging filter which is used to smooth seismic data. The smoothness is

determined by the Filter size. The shape parameter specifies whether the input samples are collected
in a sphere or a cube centered around the evaluation point. The output is the sum of the sample values
divided by the number of samples.

The Laplacian filter is an edge enhancement filter. The sharpness is determined by the Filter size.
The shape parameter specifies the input samples to the filter. In a 3x3x3 Laplace filter, the output is
calculated by multiplying the central sample value with 26 and subtracting all surrounding sample
values. The convolution is characterized by the following kernel:
(-1,-1,-1) (-1,-1 ,-1) (-1,-1,-1)
(-1,-1,-1) (-1,+26,-1) (-1,-1,-1)
(-1,-1,-1) (-1,-1 ,-1) (-1,-1,-1)
In case all sample values are equal and non-zero (either positive or negative), the effect of this
operation is zero.

Prewitt is a contrast enhancement filter. This filter computes the gradient in different directions from
a 3x3x3 input cube. The Output is returned in the specified direction (inline, crossline, or Z-plane). A
3x3x3 Prewitt kernel to calculate a horizontal gradient is given by:
(1,0,-1) (1,0,-1) (1,0,-1)
(1,0,-1) (1,0,-1) (1,0,-1)
(1,0,-1) (1,0,-1) (1,0,-1)
Note that the inline gradient returns the difference in amplitude in the inline direction. This is best
visualized on a crossline. Similarly, a crossline gradient is visualized best on an inline.
A 3x3x3 Prewitt kernel that returns the vertical gradient is given by:
(-1,-1,-1) (-1,-1,-1) (-1,-1,-1)
( 0, 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 0) ( 0, 0, 0)
( 1, 1, 1) ( 1, 1, 1) ( 1, 1, 1)

This option enables the user to convolve the data with a wavelet. In this context, a wavelet is the time
series response of a filter. The wavelet should be imported into OpendTect first or it can also be

created in OpendTect using the ARKCLS Spectral blueing attribute.

The Convolve attribute is now available also in 2D surveys.


Delta Resample

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Delta Resample
Delta Resample -- Attribute that enables residual alignment of seismic volumes

This attribute is used to make shifts inside seismic volumes. By defining an input cube and a delta
cube, which represents the shifts that should be applied to the input data, a correctly aligned output
volume can be generated. The delta cube can be generated by using the attribute "Match Delta".
Using the "Delta Resample" attribute is very useful in case of working on, for example, multiazimuth volumes which frequently show some degree of misalignment. This technique can also be
very useful for time-lapse seismic data and NMO-corrected data. Only after aligning, a correct
comparison can be made between two different volumes.

The delta cube can be generated by using the Match Delta attribute. An advanced option in the
attribute engine is that, when the input is periodic and contains phases, it is possible to define a
(maximum) period. The box "Input is periodic" should be clicked and the period should be defined in
the box. However, a situation like that is very exceptional and, in 99 out of 100 cases, the shift can be
applied without using this option.
One of the side-effects of this residual alignment is that existing horizons are not consistent with the
data any more. The horizons should be re-snapped to the aligned seismic data by using the option
"Algorithms" when right-clicking a horizon in the tree. The third option "Snap to event" enables the
user to make the horizon consistent again. Only after snapping the horizons can the user, for example,
calculate horizon-steered attributes or performing waveform segmentation.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Energy -- Response attribute that returns the energy of a trace segment


This attribute calculates the squared sum of the sample values in the specified time-gate divided by
the number of samples in the gate. The Energy is a measure of reflectivity in the specified time-gate.
The higher the Energy, the higher the Amplitude. This attribute enhances, among others, lateral
variations within seismic events and is, therefore, useful for seismic object detection (e.g. chimney
detection). The response energy also characterizes acoustic rock properties and bed thickness.

Seismic data showing anomalously high values

Energy attribute (time-gate [-28,28]) enhances anomalously high values (yellow)

Delta Resample





OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Event -- Attribute that quantifies an event's shape or distance relative to a next event

It is a very useful tool to quantify the quality of a horizon in seismic data which can also be applied to any inline,
crossline, or timeslice element. A sketch of several event attributes has been shown here first to show the basics
architecture of the Event attributes.

In the single event mode, the algorithm searches for an extremum and quantifies the shape around the event in
terms of either Peakedness, Steepness, or Asymmetry.

Peakedness: It is the ratio between the Extremum value and distance between next and previous zero
crossings (ZC).
Steepness: It is the slope of tangent to the seismic trace at a zero crossing.
Asymmetry: Defines the asymmetry of event. Mathematically it can be written as:
(L-R)/(L+R) where L is the distance between previous ZC and extremum and R is distance between next

ZC and extremum.
In the multiple event mode, the event type needs to be specified. For the event types Extremum, Maximum,
Minimum, Zero Crossing, Negative to Positive Zero Crossing and Positive to Negative Zero Crossing, the output is
the distance between the chosen event and either the next or previous like event.

Single event mode

For the event types Maximum within the gate and Minimum within the gate, a time-gate in milliseconds needs to
be specified. The algorithm computes the distance, within the specified time-gate, from the current point, e.g. on a
horizon, to the nearest maximum or minimum.

Multiple event mode

The Event attribute is, for example, useful when doing a quality check for a horizon. It can also helpful for users to
find the distance between two events and using it as an estimate of relative thickness changes between two events.
The adaptive use of Volume Statistics along with Event attribute can also bring relative changes to derive
meaningful geological aspects.






OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Fingerprint -- Attribute that computes the similarity between a user-defined vector of attributes and
the equivalent vector taken at each position in a cube.

This attribute computes the similarity between a user-defined vector of attribute values and the
equivalent vector taken at each sample position inside the cube. The reference vector can be
constructed from one or more positions. A statistical property (average, median, variance, minimum
or maximum) is calculated after the construction of the vector. Also, it is possible to construct the
vector manually by editing the attribute values of the fingerprint vector. The similarity between the
fingerprint vector and the equivalent vector at the evaluation point is computed as the normalized
Euclidean distance between the two vectors and ranges between 0 (vectors are not identical at all) and
1 (vectors are 100% identical).

Note: If you want to insert/remove the reference attributes, right click in the empty area of Reference
attribute window.
Advanced options

In order to compare vectors, you can use the "Advanced" option to obtain the ranges for the input
values. The ranges are automatically calculated using random picks when you press the button
"Calculate parameters". You can also use a pickset to find the ranges or even manually introduce
them. In the "Advanced options" window, a weight can be assigned to each individual attribute. The
default value of the weight is set to 1.

Example of result application fingerprint attribute






OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Frequency -- Response attribute that returns frequency properties



All possible Frequency outputs are in X-axis, Y-axis = Amplitude values

The specified time-gate is transformed to the Fourier domain and the requested output is calculated. The time-gate is
tapered with the specified Window/Taper prior to Fourier Transform. The shape of the various tapers is shown in the
figure below.

If Normalize is enabled, the frequency spectrum is normalized with regard to its area. This will make it possible to
compare attributes from areas with high and low energy.

Dominant frequency
Returns the dominant frequency from the frequency spectrum--the frequency with the highest amplitude

Average frequency
Returns the arithmetic mean of the frequency spectrum.

Median frequency
Returns the weighted median value of the frequency spectrum, which is the frequency at half the spectral area on each
side. The median frequency might be somewhat more robust than average frequency, at the cost of lower precision.

Average frequency squared

Returns the average of the squared frequencies.

Maximum spectral amplitude

Returns the maximum amplitude of the frequency spectrum, i.e. the amplitude of the dominant frequency.

Spectral area beyond dominant frequency

Returns the spectral area beyond the dominant frequency (see figure below).

Absorption quality factor

Returns the area beyond the dominant frequency weighted by frequency.

Frequency slope fall

Returns the peakedness of the spectrum. It is defined as: 1+(MSA-Spectral Area)/(MSA+Spectral Area). A value
approaching zero indicates a flat distribution while a value approaching one indicates a peaked distribution.


Frequency Filter

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Frequency Filter
Frequency Filter -- Attribute that returns filtered data using FFT or Butterworth filter types

The specified Input Data is bandpass filtered with the commonly used Fast Fourier Transform or
Butterworth filter. The difference between using the FFT or Butterworth filtering method is that, for
the FFT, one considers the complete trace while for the Butterworth filter, only a "small" segment,
depending on the selected number of poles, is taken into account. The user should keep in mind that
using the Butterworth Filter results in a small shift in the seismic data.

The curves of the Butterworth filter for various numbers of poles

The Filter type is set to LowPass, HighPass or BandPass according as it is discriminating against
frequencies above or below a certain limiting frequency or outside of a given band of frequencies.

User-interface for Fast Fourier Transform filter

User-interface for Butterworth filter




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



GapDecon -- Attribute that aims to attenuate repetitions of primary reflections (multiples).

The type of multiple removal algorithm chosen for this application is the well known inversed
filtering method also known as Gap deconvolution. This filter aims to attenuate a user-defined part of
an auto-correlation function. The underlying idea is that multiples in the data are secondary
reflections, i.e repetitions of the primary reflections that show up in the auto-correlation function at a
time that corresponds with the extra travel time. The filter can be applied on-the-fly or in batch-mode
to produce a filtered output cube. The user defines the GapDecon attribute from the list and specifies
a number of input parameters;

Correlation window = the window for calculating the auto-correlation function.

Examine = pressing this button will open a new window where the user selects a subset of the
data (e.g one inline, or one cross-line) on which the result of the auto-correlation will be
calculated and displayed for filter design purposes. This result can be used to determine the
lag and gap size.
Lag-size = the window length in the auto-correlation function that is unaffected by the filter.
This window contains the wavelet-shape information.
Gap-size = the window length in the auto-correlation function that the filter aims to blank.
This window contains repetitive (multiple) information.
Noise level = random noise that can be added to stabilize the filter derivation. The noise level
is set to 1% by default.
Stepout = a moving average across neighbouring traces that is applied prior to the calculation
of the auto-correlation function. This trace averaging results in a smoother end-result. The
higher the stepout, the smoother the result.
The user can set the input and output to minimum or zero phase; if the input is zero phase, a
phase rotation of 90 degrees is applied before applying the GapDecon filter. In case the output
must be zero phase, the inverse 90 degrees rotation is applied after the filtering.
Check parameters = check whether the (multiple) energy has indeed been removed. A QC of
the parameters : the GapDecon-filter with the selected parameters, lag 50 and gap 120 (see
example above), is applied on a user defined line and the auto-correlation of the filtered data is
displayed in a 2d-viewer to check whether the parameters are correct. If they are not correct,
the parameters can still be changed.

Spiking Deconvolution. The Gap Decon attribute can also be used for Spiking Deconvolution or
Whitening. The goal of Spiking Deconvolution is to flatten the output spectrum. This is achieved by
shortening the embedded wavelet and attempting to make it as close as possible to a spike (zero-lag
spike). One should keep in mind that the frequency bandwith of the data might limit the extent to
which this whitening is possible. At higher frequencies, Spiking Deconvolution might cause an
increase in noise.
Frequency Filter



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Horizon -- Attribute that enables advanced calculations on horizons

This attribute is designed to extend the use of surface data. In the past, surface data could only be
visualized. Now, surface data can be used for calculations. This attribute can be used for several
purposes. When applying it to a horizon only, it will give similar results as calculating attributes on
the horizon. However, when using the output of this attribute as input to a mathematical expression,
the output can vary from just a simple thickness calculation to a highly advanced combination of
several attributes.

As shown above, there are two possible outputs, namely Z (depth) and Surface data. For each
position on the horizon, the value (Z or surface data) is used as output along the complete trace.



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Instantaneous -- Attribute that returns an instantaneous attribute

Instantaneous attributes are computed sample by sample, and represent instantaneous variations of various
parameters. Instantaneous values of attributes such as trace envelope, its derivatives, frequency and phase may
be determined from complex traces. (see figure below)

Complex Seismic Trace Attributes (From Taner et al.,)

The imaginary part of the complex trace is computed via the Hilbert transform. Possible outputs are:

Instantaneous Amplitude (Trace Envelope)

Outputs the instantaneous amplitude (or envelope) of the selected data volume at the sample location.
It can be used as an effective discriminator for the following characteristics:
Mainly represents the acoustic impedance contrast, hence reflectivity,
Bright spots, possible gas accumulation,
Sequence boundaries,
Thin-bed tunning effects,
Major changes in depositional environment,
Spatial correlation to porosity and other lithologic variations,
Indicates the group, rather than phase component of the seismic wave propagation.

Instantaneous Phase
Calculates the instantaneous phase at the sample location, it emphasizes spatial continuity/discontinuity of
reflections by providing a way for weak and strong events to appear with equal strength.
This attribute is of central importance since it describes the location of events in the seismic trace and leads to
the computation of other instantaneous quantities.
The instantaneous phase makes strong events clearer and is effective at highlighting discontinuities of
reflectors, faults, pinch-outs, angularities and bed interfaces. Seismic sequence boundaries, sedimentary layer
patterns and regions of onlap/offlap patterns often exhibit extra clarity.
The instantaneous phase relates to the phase component of wave-propagation, it is also used to compute the
phase velocity.

Instantaneous Frequency
Outputs the instantaneous frequency at the sample location.
The instantaneous frequency attribute responds to both wave propagation effects and depositional
characteristics, hence it is a physical attribute and can be used as an effective discriminator.
Its uses include:
Hydrocarbon indicator by low frequency anomaly.
Fracture zone indicator, since fractures may appear as lower frequency zones.
Bed thickness indicator. Higher frequencies indicate sharp interfaces such as exhibited by thinly laminated
shales, lower frequencies are indicative of more massive bedding geometries, e.g. sand-prone lithologies.

Hilbert (Quadrature Amplitude)

The quadrature trace is the imaginary part of the complex seismic trace (see image above), and can be
computed from the real trace via the Hilbert transfrom.
Both the real trace and its quadrature counterpart share the same amplitude spectrum; the quadrature however
is phase rotated by 90 degrees. Zero-crossings on the real trace transform to peaks and troughs on the
quadrature trace and peaks and troughs on the real trace transform to zero-crossings on the quadrature trace.
The quadrature is used in various mathematical combinations to compute other complex trace attributes such
as instantaneous phase and instantaneous frequency. it is sensitive to energy, frequency, and phase.

Amplitude 1st derivative

Time derivative of the instantaneous amplitude i.e time rate of change of the envelope. It shows the variation
of the energy of the reflected events. It is used to detect sharp interfaces and discontinuities.

Amplitude 2nd derivative

Second derivative of the envelope. It provides a measure of the sharpness of amplitude peak. It can be used to
identify all reflecting interfaces within the seismic bandwidth.

Cosine phase
Cosine of the instantaneous phase, also called normalized amplitude.
It has the same uses as instantaneous phase with one additional benefit: It is continually smooth. By providing
the +/-180 degree discontinuity that occurs with instantaneous phase, the cosine of instantaneous phase can be
further processed (e.g, filtered and stacked) using conventional seismic processing tools. Amplitude peaks and
troughs retain their position, but with strong and weak events now exhibiting equal strength.

Envelope weighted phase

Instantaneous phase, weighted by the envelope over the given timewindow.

Envelope weighted frequency

Instantaneous frequency, weighted by the envelope over the given timewindow.

Phase acceleration
Time derivative of the instantaneous frequency.

Thin bed indicator

Difference between instantaneous frequency and Envelope weighted frequency

The absolute value of the envelope time derivative

Q factor
Instantaneous frequency divided by the bandwidth


Match Delta

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Match Delta
Match Delta -- Attribute that extracts time shifts between similar events in different seismic volumes

This algorithm extracts the time difference delta t between peaks in different seismic volumes. A
search window is set to avoid loop-skips. After extracting all delta t values, they are interpolated. The
resulting cube is the delta cube in ms or meter/feet which can be used for the Delta Resample

Extraction of delta t from two neighboring traces.

Besides the reference and the match cube, a maximum time-window must be defined in order to avoid



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Mathematics -- Attribute that returns the result of a user-defined mathematical expression

The Mathematics attribute is a way to combine data from stored data and attributes into a new data.
The input data can be volumes, 2D lines or well logs. The output data has always the same dimension (3D,
2D, 1D respectively) as the input, with the exception that 3D and 2D attributes can also be computed along
surfaces (horizons and faults). The mathematical expression is calculated at each sample position.

A mathematical expression is specified in the Formula text field with variables, constants, numerical values
and/or recursive operators.

Constants must start with the letter C and be following by a number: C1, C5, C9... The number does
not necessarily start at 0 and does not have to be consecutive. Constants can be evaluated just like
stepouts and time gates for the other attribute. They are not available for logs creation.
Variables expressions can be any string: seis, energy, sim, ... They can be called with a number
between brackets like seis[-1] or seis[4], in which case the value represents a shift in number of
samples. seis[-1] represents seis on the sample above, seis[4] represents seis four samples below.
Recursive expressions are a way to call back the result of the mathematical formula on a sample
above for computation. This result is called with the expression OUT[-i] (case insensitive) where i is
a number of samples.

Note 1: There is no limit in number of variables/constants used in an expression.

Note 2: There are special constants for which it is not necessary to provide the numerical value: DZ is the
sampling rate of the input data, Inl and Crl are respectively the inline and crossline numbers of the current
trace. The special constant are case sensitive.
Note 3: Mathematics attributes containing a recursive equation should only be applied to the full volume/
lines, not along a surface because of the integration length.
Parentheses ( ) are allowed and even welcome. Once the mathematical expression has be entered you must
press Set. Then a table will appear where you will be able to assign data to the variables and values to the
constants and recursive settings: Start time (or depth) of the recursive function and value at this time.
Supported operators are:
+, -, *, /, ^, >, <, <=, >=, ==, !=, && (and), || (or), |xn |(absolute value).
Supported mathematical functions are:
sin(), cos(), tan(), ln(), log(), exp(), sqrt(), min(), max(), avg(), sum(), med(), var(), rand(v) and randg(std).
Where avg is the average, med is the median, and var is the variance of the input parameters. The input
parameters in parentheses should be separated by a comma.
The function rand(v) gives a random number from a uniform distribution between 0 and v. The function
randg(std) generates a random number from a Gaussian (normal distribution) with standard deviation std
and expectation 0.
Supported constants are:
pi (3.1415927), undef (The OpendTect undefined value: 1e+30)
In addition it is possible to make logical operations using IF .. THEN .. ELSE statements. The following
syntax must be used:
The three parts can be any set of variables and/or constants. IF..THEN..ELSE statements can be embedded
like here:

Examples of expressions

X0 == X1 returns 1 if X0 equals X1, 0 is returned if the statement is false, i.e. X0 is not equal to X1.

X0 != X1 returns 1 if X0 is not equal to X1 and 0 if X0 equals X1.

X0 && X1 returns 1 if X0 and X1 are not equal to 0. If one of these equals zero a 0 is returned.
X0 || X1 returns 1 if X0 or X1 is not equal to 0. If both are zero a 0 is returned.
|X0| returns the absolute value of X0.
X0 > 1 ? X1 : X2 means if X0 is larger than 1 return X1, else return X2.
sin(X0) returns the sine of X0.

Let's say you have one input cube, say 'Cube1' and one attribute already defined, Energy40, which is the
Energy per sample calculated in a [-20,20] ms window around the current sample. Then, you could define
'Damped amplitude' as;

Select Mathematics attribute

Enter formula: seis / energy
Press Set
Select 'Cube1' for seis and 'Energy40' for energy
Provide a name for the attribute, and press Add as new

Application to well logs - special cases

Special cases do occur when using well logs for mathematical expressions:

The computation is done in the depth domain. No upscaling is performed.

The inputs logs have probably different Z ranges. The output Z range will be a regular array defined
by the user in front of "Output MD range". The input values are computed along this array.
If "Fill empty sections" is not set for any log then the output will be defined where all logs do exist.
Otherwise the input log that must be filled will be interpolated. In the shallow and deep parts the
input log will be extrapolated by copying the data from the first and last sample respectively. This
interpolation/extrapolation is done prior to computation.
An automatic assignment of well logs based on the expression names is attempted.

Addition examples
1- Centred differentiation example:
A centred differentiation can be coded using the formula (seis[+1]-seis[-1])/(2*DZ) where DZ is the
sampling rate. Please note that for lateral shifts the reference shift attribute must still be used.
2- Recursive filters can be created using the syntax "OUT[-i]". The most general form of recursive equation
is the following:
y[n] = a0*x[n] + a1*x[n-1] + a2*x[n-2] + ...
+ b1*y[n-1] + b2*y[n-2] + ...
where x[] is the input volume, y[] is the output volume and the a's and b's the coefficients. n is the current
sample number.
In the mathematics attribute the current sample index "n" does not need to be specified. Therefore the
equation above can be entered as:
c0*x0 + c1*x0[-1] + c2*x0[-2] + c3*OUT[-1] + c4*OUT[-2] + ...
where OUT[-1] stands for y[n-1] and OUT[-2] stands for y[n-2]
For each instance of OUT[-i] a starting value and attached time/depth must be provided.
Two examples of low pass and high pass recursive filters are provided in the default attribute set "Evaluate
"Single pole low pass recursive filter" and "Single pole high pass recursive filter". Best results are achieved
when providing an input of impedance or velocity type.
3- The phase rotation is an attribute available in the Evaluate attribute set and in the dGB Evaluate attribute
This attribute allows the user to apply a phase rotation of any angle to the data.

It applies the formula: seis*cos(c0*PI/180)-hilbert*sin(c0*PI/180)

where seis is the seismic data
hilbert is the Hilbert transform of the seismic data
c0 is the applied angle for the rotation
C0 is in degrees.
Match Delta



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Position -- Attribute that returns any attribute calculated at the location where another attribute has its
minimum, maximum or median within a small volume.

The input attribute is the criteria used to determine the position at which the output attribute has to be
calculated. The stepouts and time-gate define the volume in which the input attribute is evaluated. In case of a
2D attribute as input, the inline/crossline stepout is replaced by a single trace stepout.

The Operator determines which position is returned from this analysis; the position of the minimum,
maximum, or median of the input attribute. This position is the position at which the output attribute will be
The position attribute can be used for several purposes. For example, one can determine where in a small
volume the energy is minimal and output the frequency at the location of this lowest energy. Also, application
of the position attribute is an important step for Fault Enhancing Filtering. In this case, the user takes the
Minimum Similarity as Input attribute and as Output, for example, filtered data (using Max as Operator). The
stepout is set to, for example, 1 in both inline and crossline direction and the time-gate is defined [0,0]. The

result below shows a sharply defined fault:

Before applying the position attribute


After applying the position attribute



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Prestack -- The pre-stack attribute can be used either to extract statistics on the gathers and their
amplitudes, or to extract AVO attributes.

This attribute requires pre-stack data as input, but will output post-stack data. The following
workflow is used in the above example:

Pre-processing is applied to the gathers, like mute and AGC.

The data is extracted in the offset range [500, 3000] m and sorted per CDP and depth sample.
For each CDP and depth a crossplot of amplitude vs. square root of the offset is made.
A least square regression is computed.
The intercept value is returned.

The pre-processing of the gathers is optional. When used it must be setup in a separate window either
by selecting an existing setup or creating a new one.
The offset range is used to define the extraction window. It requires absolute offset values, in meter

or feet (depending on the survey unit definition). Optionally if angle were used instead of offsets
while loading, then angle ranges can be used. Once again they have to be in the same unit as in the
input trace (SEG-Y) headers.
After optional pre-processing and data extraction, a vector of amplitudes is available for each CMP/
CIG, at each depth. From each vectors either statistics or a least-square regression can be made.

The above list of statistics can be returned. The option count provides the fold of each bin, while
average or RMS may be used to generate full or partial stacks.
Least Square:
The Least-Square calculation type is cross-plotting the extracted amplitudes, computing a leastsquare regression and returning one of its property.
Before the crossplot the amplitudes can be transformed using the following axis transformation (left

Similarly the offset values that are associated with those amplitudes can also be transformed (righthand side). This is more useful to get close to the sin2 of the angle.

AVO attributes can become AVA attributes is the X axis becomes Azimuth. Please note that the
azimuth must be provided in the trace headers when extracting AVA attributes.
The extractable AVO (Least-Sequare) attributes are Intercept, Gradient, their standart deviation and
the Correlation Coefficient. Please note that further transformations can be achieved using the output
as input to another attribute.




OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Reference -- Attribute that returns the definitions of the extraction position

The X, Y, Z, Inline number, Crossline number, Sample number, Inline index, Crossline index and Z
index position of the reference (extraction) point is returned.

X: outputs the X-coordinate

Y: outputs the Y-coordinate
Z: outputs the depth according to the survey setup (e.g. miliseconds, meters or feet)
Inline nr: outputs the inline number
Crossline nr: outputs the crossline number
Sample nr: outputs the sample number starting from 0 ms or the top of the survey when the
survey has a negative start time. The first sample has sample number 1. If the survey has 4 ms
sampling and starts at 0 ms, at 400 ms the sample number is 101. If the survey has 4 ms
sampling and starts at 2500 ms, the first sample has sample number 626. If the survey has 2

ms sampling and starts at -200, the sample number at 0 ms is 101.

Inline index: outputs the number of inlines from the edge of the survey starting at 1 (e.g. If
you have an inline range of 2000 to 3000, the inline index will range from 1 to 1001)
Crossline index: outputs the number of crosslines from the edge of the survey starting at 1 (e.
g. If you have a crossline range of 2000 to 3000, the crossline index will range from 1 to 1001)
Z index: outputs the sample number from the top of the survey starting at 1. (Note: this
attribute is identical to sample number if the survey has a negative starting time or starts at 0.)

Note: The Reference attribute replaces the old Reference time attribute. Attribute sets containing the
old Reference time attribute will be automatically updated to the Reference attribute, with Z as
output, which gives an identical output.


Reference shift

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Reference shift
Reference shift -- Attribute that moves the extraction position in 3D space

The Input attribute is extracted at the shifted position. The original reference (extraction) point has
inline/crossline co-ordinates (0,0). Relative number 1 means the next inline or crossline, respectively.
In case of input of a 2D attribute, the inline/crossline shift is replaced by a single trace shift. The
vertical shift is specified in milliseconds using the Time option. Besides, there is also the option to
use Steering while calculating the Reference shift.

Shifting the reference position is a form of directivity that is useful in multi-attribute analysis. For
example, to highlight flat spots, one may consider attributes that are extracted in a horizontally
aligned window.



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Scaling -- Attribute used for scaling of amplitude

The amplitude of the Input Data can be scaled in three modes:

Using a time/depth variant weighting function

Using weight(s) extracted in static time/depth window(s)
Using Automatic Gain Control (single dynamic window)

The output amplitudes are always the ratio of the input amplitudes over a weighting function w(i), i
being the sample index.
1. Z^n scaling

The weight function is defined by Z^n where Z is the time/depth of the current sample and n is
a user-defined exponent:
w(i) = Z(i)^-n where is Z is the time or depth of the ith sample.
The exponent is a float and thus it can be negative, positive and equal to zero (unity operator).
An exponent larger than zero will apply a correction proportional to the depth, while an
exponent smaller than zero will apply an inversely proportional correction wrt depth. The
output amplitude is the normalized sum of the input amplitude using a weight equal to Z^n.
2. Window(s) scaling
The weight function is a step function: w(i) is constant over a static time/depth window, equal
to the "basis" value than is computed from the input amplitudes using the following
mathematical definitions:
The Root Mean Square (RMS)
The arithmetic mean
The maximum
A user-defined value (float)
Please note that the window time/depths are float and do not need to be on a sample. The time/
depths will be round to the nearest sample when defining the extraction window. Unlike most
of the window definitions in the attribute engine you must provide in this scaling attribute
absolute time/depths values and not values relative to the actual sample. A weight of 1 (no
scaling) will be given to the samples not covered by a user-defined time gate. The weights are
cumulative: If several windows overlap the output weight will be the sum of the "basis" output
for the samples belonging to multiple windows.

3. Automatic Gain Control scaling

The AGC is a special case of the window scaling. In this case the window is defined relative
to the actual sample and the "basis" is the energy value in that sliding window. The window
width is a total size, i.e. the relative width corresponds to +/- half of the total window width.
The low energy mute will mute the output samples that have an energy lower than a ratio of
the trace energy distribution: The energy of the input trace is computed and the output values
are sorted per increasing energy value. Given 1000 samples the energy of sample 250 (for a
low energy mute at 25%) corresponds to the mute level: If the energy computed in the AGC
window is lower than this level the value 0 will be output. Otherwise the sum of the squares
over the number of (valid) samples will be output. Undefined values are not used for the
computation and a zero is output if all values of a time window are undefined.

Reference shift



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Similarity -- Multi-trace attribute that returns trace-to-trace similarity properties

Similarity is a form of "coherency" that expresses how much two or more trace segments look alike. A similarity of 1
means the trace segments are completely identical in waveform and amplitude. A similarity of 0 means they are completely
In OpendTect, we favor a different approach. We first try to find the direction of best match at every position, which is a
result by itself: the dip. By using this dip we can then calculate the best Similarity between adjacent traces. Similarity is
based on fundamental mathematics: the samples of the trace are seen as components of a vector, and the Similarity is defined
in terms of distance in hyperspace.
The point about using the Similarity is that it's mathematically simple; it is very clear what is going on. Then, by
combining different kinds of similarities and other attributes, you can always get much better results with lots less
computing time.
Consider the trace segments to be vectors in hyperspace. Similarity is then defined as one minus the Euclidean
distance between the vectors, normalized over the vector lengths.

The trace segments is defined by the time-gate in ms and the positions specified in relative co-ordinates. In case of using
input from 2D data, the trace positions are defined by a trace step-out only, not by inline and crossline stepout. The
Extension parameter determines how many trace pairs are used in the computation. This is visualized in the image below.

Definition of trace positions relative to the reference point at (0,0).

With None specified, only the trace pairs specified in Trace positions are used to compute the output. Mirror at 90 degrees
(not available when input is 2D data) and Mirror at 180 degrees means that two similarities are computed: for the
specified trace pair and for the pair that is obtained by 90 or 180 degrees rotation. When using Full block as extension,
all possible trace pairs in the rectangle, defined by Inl/Crl stepout, are computed.
The attribute returns the statistical property specified in Output statistic. The Steering option enables the user to follow


the local dip to find trace segments that should be compared instead of comparing two horizontally extracted trace
segments. The Steering option supports three different modes of data-driven steering; Central, Full and Constant
direction Steering.

Mathematical description
Let us assume two vectors X, Y of length N=15 samples:
Xi, i=1,15
Yi, i=1,15
The similarity is 1 minus the Euclidean distance between the vectors divided by the sum of the length of each vector.
Please note that the length of a vector is its L2 norm, also called RMS value:

An example timeslice is highlighting fault structure: (a) Dip-steered Filtered Seismic, (b) Non-Steered minimum Similarity,
(c) Steered minimum Similarity. Notice that the definition of faults has been improved with the Similarity attributes. The
steered minimum Similarity (c) is highlighting precise fault definitions as compared with the result of non-steered
minimum Similarity (b).


Spectral decomposition

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Spectral decomposition
Spectral decomposition -- Frequency attribute that returns the amplitude spectrum (FFT) or
waveletcoefficients (CWT)

Spectral Decomposition unravels the seismic signal into its constituent frequencies, which allows the user
to see phase and amplitude tuned to specific wavelengths. The amplitude component excels at quantifying
thickness variability and detecting lateral discontinuities while the phase component detects lateral
It is a useful tool for "below resolution" seismic interpretation, sand thickness estimation, and enhancing
channel structures.
The user can choose between two types of transform:

FFT the Fast Fourier Transform. The FFT requires a short window (time-gate) and a step-size
between the analyzed frequencies. This step can be interpreted as the frequency resolution.
CWT the Continuous Wavelet Transform. The CWT requires a wavelet type.

When choosing the CWT, you can set the wavelet type:

Mexican Hat

In FFT only, the signal within the time-window will be transformed into frequency domain. The given

step determines the output resolution, if necessary zeros will be added to acquire this resolution. The
amplitude spectrum is calculated for the requested frequency. The time-window slides from top to bottom
to cover the complete signal. In an ideal situation, the time-window encompasses one seismic event,
which may be a superposition of multiple geological events which interfere in the seismic trace.

The CWT is defined as the sum over the signal multiplied by a scaled and shifted wavelet. The wavelet is
shifted along the signal and at each position the correlation of the wavelet with the signal is calculated.
The result is called a waveletcoefficient. The given frequency corresponds to the central wavelet
frequency. The step determines the output resolution, which is especially interesting when evaluating this

Spectral Decomposition (CWT) applied to a horizon. Notice that each index frequency is describing the
specific parts of channels (NNE-SSW oriented). Also thinner and thicker parts of horizon along channels
are highlighed clearly.
Color blended display:
RGBA* blending attribute display is used to create a normalized color-blended display that often show
features with greater clarity and enhances a detail map view. Traditionally, it is used to blend the isofrequency responses (Spectral Decomposition), but a user can blend three/four different attributes that
define a spectrum that is comparable. For instance, spectral decomposition outputs the amplitude at
discrete frequencies. So, it renders the same output (unit=amplitude). Depending upon a geological
condition or the objective, FFT short window or CWT (continuous wavelet transform) can be chosen.
Results are best displayed on time/horizon slices, volume.

A color blended map view (image on right) of the spectral decomposition (red-10hz, green-20Hz, blue40hz). Compare the results with the coherency map (image on left). Note that the yellowish colored fault
bounder region is thicker as compared to the surrounding regions. The faults throw (red-color) are also
clearly observable. Coherency/similarity together with color blended spectral images can reveal better
geological information.
* RGBA- Red, Green, Blue, Alpha-channel
Spectral Decomposition is usually applied relative to a mapped horizon, but OpendTect allows the user to
decompose any (sub-)volume or slice through the data. In case the user would like to decompose a
horizon, then the following work-flow can be applied;

Load the horizon and click in the tree to ensure that the horizon is the active element
Go to the attribute-set window
Select Spectral Decomposition from the list of attributes
Choose FFT or Wavelet Decomposition and set the time-window or the wavelet and set the 'step'
Press the "Evaluate attributes" icon
Specify the range of frequencies to 'calculate' (these are computed with the specified 'step' in the
previous window)
Use the slider to 'movie-style' inspect the different components
Switch the toggle "Save slices on Accept" to on. This toggle can only be switched on for horizons
because horizon decomposition can be time-consuming. With the toggle switched on, the slices are
stored as horizon slices for later inspections
Press "Accept" to save the current frequency. Note that the attribute-set window now reflects the
frequency that will be computed by this attribute
Give the attribute a name and add it to the list. When the user wants to apply this attribute in a later
phase, only the specified component will be calculated
In order to re-examine the stored frequencies, go to "horizon" in the tree and press the right-hand
mouse button. Choose "Select Attribute" from the pop-up menu. Then select " Surface Data" and

select the requested components. Now, the user is able to scroll through the components by using
Page-Up and Page-Down buttons.



Velocity Fan Filter

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Velocity Fan Filter

Velocity Fan Filter -- Attribute that returns energy with apparent velocities inside a specified Min/Max range.

Velocity fan filter

The velocity fan filter passes energy with apparent velocities inside the specified Min/Max velocity range. The filter
supports three options: pass low velocities (i.e. suppress high velocities), pass high velocities (i.e. suppress low velocities)
and pass velocities within a specified cone. Therefore, this attribute can be used to filter out or enhance certain dip/
azimuth events.
The Filter size is the size of the 3D kernel. Filter size 3 means the data is convoluted with a 3x3x3 kernel. To reduce
edge effects it is recommended to apply a cosine square taper. A Taper length of N means (100-2N)% of the specified
velocity range will be flat. Azimuth filter is a special option that allows the dipping energy to be passed inside the
specified Azimuth to pass direction only.


An example of a velocity fan filter (high-pass) applied on a time slice. By applying the appropriate filtering parameters,
the random noise has been suppressed thus enhancing the amplitudes visibility. Also notice the comparision of this filter
with the DSMF (Dip-Steered Median Filter) that is almost same with an assumption of high pass of velocities in the
middle image.
Spectral decomposition


Volume statistics

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0


Volume statistics
Volume statistics -- Attribute that returns statistical properties

This attribute extracts data from a cube or line using a small 3D probe and returns a statistical
property from the samples collected.


The probe is defined using relative times/depths and trace stepouts with respect to the actual location.
The probe can be:

Cube: The three dimensions listed above define the 3D cube.

Cylinder: The cylinder option requires the same settings as the cube, but traces outside of the
ellipsoid will not be used.
Optical stack: The probe is not 3D but a 2D vertical plane in the direction of the data, or
perpendicular to it. This settings is useful only when applied on random lines where the
azimuth is different from the inline and crossline direction.

Please note that the probe direction can be reduced by using:

A [0,0] time gate: The probe becomes a flat rectangle or disk. Only one sample per trace is
used at the actual time/depth.
A 0 stepout: Only one sample is used in one or both directions.

The following statistical properties can be output:

Variance = Square root of the standard deviation
Min, Max, Sum
Norm Variance
Most Frequency
RMS: Root Mean Square

Please note that undefined values collected by the probe will not be used for the computation. In the
case of a stack only the valid values will define the number of values.

Velocity Fan Filter


Command driver manual

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Appendix B. Command driver manual

Table of contents

The Menu
Window Management
The standard scripts

Around 2006, it became clear that OpendTect was growing so fast that extensive testing of every part
was becoming a real big task. This is a well known issue in the Agile development literature. The
usual approach is to implement automated testing.
When designing the implementation, the main issues we had to cope with were:

A dynamic user interface that is defined by relations between fields. Therefore, the exact
layout of windows can change considerably by small changes
Small changes or fixes in algorithms can produce slightly different outputs for the same input
A test system should be programmable, not just be a replay of previously run tasks

Thus, we couldn't use approaches based on replay of clicks, or comparison of outputs with known
previous runs. Instead, we create a series of screen snapshots that can quickly be inspected by the test
This resulted in a Command Driver based on the following principles:

Fields are addressed by names, wildcards supported

Operations are defined to select, fill, push, manipulate, ...
Additional flow control operations can be used
Scripts can call other scripts
Variables can be set or used from the environment

ListClick "Calculated attri*" "F03-2" Double

Include "$SCRIPTSDIR$/EvalutionEnergyAttrib.cmd"
Almost immediately we noticed that finding out the names of the fields was very hard without some
tool. Thus, we made the 'Tooltip name guide', which will put OpendTect in a state where the name of
a field is shown as a tool tip (overiding any existing tool tip). When it became clear that our
automated test facility would be used as a scripting system for power users, we implemented a tool to
record actions.

The Command Driver menu

The menu items currently available at Utilities->Tools->Command Driver:
Utilities->Tools->Command Driver->Run
pops up a dialog for executing a command file. One must specify the locations of the command file
and the log file.
Utilities->Tools->Command Driver->Tooltip name guide
enables a tooltip mode that displays the hidden name of a uiObject pointed to. Tooltip names are
displayed double-quoted on a cyan background. Go to the Survey->Select/Setup window for a small
demo-example. Click the "(X,Y) I/C" -button and unveil the hidden names of buttons and input
fields with your mouse pointer. OpendTect (plugin) developers might have a look in the file $WORK/
src/uiIo/uiconvpos.cc to see how these names are annotated in the code.
Utilities->Tools->Command Driver->Start recording
Utilities->Tools->Command Driver->Stop recording
starts (stops) recording a sequence of user interface actions performed by the user into a command
file. A dialog pops up to specify the location of the command file.
Note that scripts can also be run from the command line, as in:
start_dtect cmd=my_script.cmd
OpendTect will not close when the script is finished. If that is necessary, you must do this from the
script (use the 'Close All' command).

Window management
Commands always apply to the current window. This is OpendTect Main Window when starting the
driver. Any modal window popping up will automatically become the current window. Modeless
windows that pop up can be appointed current window by using the Window-command. In case a
modal current window closes, its parent will become the current window. If a modeless current
window closes, the latest former current window still existing will be restored as current window.

Subwindows in the workspace of another window cannot become current window. No commands can
be addressed to the progress window popped up by a uiTaskRunner, since the driver will await its
decease before executing a next command.
QDialog windows popping up are a special case. OpendTect is borrowing the QMessageBox,
QFileDialog, QFontDialog, and QColorDialog from Qt. It is impossible for the command driver to
manipulate the contents of these windows. The only QDialog parts that can be manipulated by the
driver are those buttons resulting in closing the QDialog. One may use the standard commands
Button, Ok, Cancel and Close for this aim. The special commands ColorOk, FileOk and FontOk will
be available to specify the desired color, file, or font from the command line directly, meanwhile
closing the QDialog.
Neither can the command driver manipulate the contents of windows popped up by batch programs
that were launched from OpendTect. An example of this is the multi-machines processing window.
Except for manual intervention, there is no workaround yet.
A higher form of window management is provided by the so-called window assertions. These are
square-bracketed window names in between the command lines. All commands succeeding a window
assertion are expected to be executed in the asserted window. If the current window does not match
the latest window assertion, this results into the detection of an error. A window assertion is cancelled
either by the next window assertion or by an empty assertion: [].
The benefit of window assertions is in error recovery. If OpendTect does not pop up a window that
was expected by the command file or does pop up a window that was not expected by the command
file, the Command Driver is able to proceed under guidance of these window assertions. This already
solves a lot of cases in which the flow of OpendTect happens to be mildly data or environment
dependent. For example, if an error message like "File already exist! Overwrite?" appears but is not
handled in the command file (or the other way around), the Command Driver can continue as it was
most probably intended by the user: close the window and write the file. Another example is any
command to switch on/off a button or menu item. If it happens to be switched on/off already, window
assertions enable the Command Driver to skip all commands following from that switch as well.
Although not compulsory, it is advised to make systematical use of window assertions. It also
improves the readability of your command file. See any file generated by the Command Recorder to
get an idea.

The standard test scripts

In the 'doc' directory of the release, you can find a 'Scripts' subdirectory. It contains the standard test
scripts for OpendTect. These test scripts all work on a survey 'F3_Demo', the demo data set for
The directory contains several scripts, many of which can be run stand-alone, but certainly not all.
There is also an execute-all script: 'AllScripts.cmd'. Another composite script is 'AllAttributes.cmd',
which will make snapshots in the Snapshots directory. This Snapshots directory is created

automatically; the location is your_surveys/F3_Demo/Snapshots. The snapshots are created as an

index followed by the file name.
Another script is 'ExportData.cmd'. While running this script an 'Export' directory is automatically
created as a subdirectory of 'F3_Demo'. All the exported data will be stored in the above directory.
Some scripts are dependent on PlugIns like SSIS, VMB etc. These scripts are located in dgb/doc/
Scripts. To run these scripts you should make sure the related plugins are loaded.

Command specification
Any texteditor can be used to produce or modify OpendTect scripts. Every command file has to start
with the following four-lines header. The correctness of version number, date and time is not vital for
a successful execution of the command file.
dTect V4.0
OpendTect commands
Mon Apr 20 09:20:09 2009
The Command Driver currently expects one command per line and one line per command. Be careful
not to type any newline-, return- or enter-key between arguments on a (very) long command line.
Simply have the line run through the right margin. Empty lines and (commentary) lines starting with
a '#'-symbol are allowed and ignored.
One can make a quick start by having the first command file generated by the Command Recorder,
and start editing from there.
The specification of available commands is currently written in a top-to-bottom sequential form. This
means that command arguments are explained only at their first appearance. Placeholders between
angular brackets are used to specify the command syntax. If a syntax placeholder is not defined at a
particular command, it has already been defined at an earlier command or is considered atomic. The
syntax definition uses the following tags:
abc syntax placeholder
| exclusive-or between alternatives
? zero or one occurrences
* zero or more occurrences
+ one or more occurrences

Include "filepathstr"

Case casetag
casetag = Sensitive | Insensitive

Window "winname"
winname = textstr


Inserts another command file into the command stream. In

order to specify file-paths relative to either OpendTect,
current survey, or user directories, the file-path may
contain one of the placeholders: $BASEDIR$, $DATADIR
and $EXPORTDIR$. Unix-style file-paths are
automatically changed into Windows-style file-paths on
Windows-platforms and vice versa. The special
placeholder $IDX$ represents an integer that is increased
after every occurrence in the command stream. It may be
applied in file-paths to generate unique filenames.
Switches between case-sensitive and case-insensitive
searching in menus, windows, lists, etc. Insensitive is the
default. The command parsing itself is case-insensitive by
nature and will ignore this setting.
Switches the focus between different windows on screen.
Any window not having a modal child displayed may be
specified as the new current window. This command is
needed to access modeless windows, since only modal
windows that pop up will automatically become the
current window.
This window assertion tells the Command Driver what is
supposed to be the current window when the commands
succeeding the assertion are processed. A mismatch will
results into an error. The latest assertion is cancelled by
either a next assertion or the empty assertion: []. If a
window assertion refers to a modeless window, it will be
set as the new current window. This makes the Windowcommand above obsolete in case window assertions are

Switches between different procedures to handle an error.

The Stop-option will exit the driver immediately. The
Recover-option will make use of window assertions to
safely proceed execution in specific cases. The ContinueOnError errortag
option will bluntly try to execute the next command in
errortag = Stop | Recover | Continue case revovery fails. This last option should be used with
great care. Practice has shown that irretrievable damage
can be done if commands are executed in a different
window than expected. The default option is Recover.

Menu "menupath" onofftag?

Selects a menu (sub)item by providing the whole menu
path. Checkable menu items are toggled, unless the
optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired state.
menupath = pathstr
Any search name provided to the command driver,
pathstr = itemname( sep
including menu (item) names, may be terminated and/or
itemname )+
preceded by a wildcard to enforce prefix, substring or
sep = '`'
postfix matching. If a (wildcarded) item name matches
itemname = textstrdisambiguator? more than once in a (sub)menu or any other list, a number
can be attached to disambiguate the search. A negative
textstr = wildcard?string
number will count the matching items in reverse. To give a
few exotic examples: the menu path "Survey`*#-1" would
wildcard = '*'
select the last item of the Survey-menu, while the path
"Survey`#1" would refer to its first empty-named item.
disambiguator = '#'selnr
selnr = posint | negint
onofftag = On | Off

Press a (push/radio/check/tool)-button by providing one or

more search keys. Checkable buttons are toggled, unless
the optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired state.
The best search key is of course the button name, but some
objects do not have a (visible) name and lots of times
names are not unique. Therefore, a key may just as well
refer to another object in the neighbourhood of the button
to click. The list of possible buttons will be narrowed
Button "keystr" onofftag?
down for every next key provided. If the referred object is
keystr = objname( sepobjname )* closer to one button than another, the latter will be
dropped. The vicinity criterion is based on the youngest
common ancestor of referred object and button in the
objname = textstr
object tree. If the user is unable to specify a set of keys that
leaves exactly one button, as a last resort one of the
remaining buttons can be selected by attaching a
disambiguation number after the last key. Beware that the
order of those buttons will be fixed, but unlike menus not
always in a left-right top-down fashion (yet). The buttons
will be counted in reverse in case the disambiguator is

ButtonMenu "keystr"
"menupath" onofftag?

Selects an item from the menu attached to a button. Some

tool-buttons contain a left-clickable arrow part to have
such a menu appeared. Checkable menu items are toggled,
unless the optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired
state. Selection of the button is analogous to the button
selection described above. Selection of the menu (sub)item
is analogous to the Menu-command.

Input "keystr" inpdata? entertag?

entertag = Enter | Hold
inpdata = "inputstr" | number |
FilePath "filepathstr"

Spin "keystr" spinsteps entertag?

spinsteps = posint | negint

Slider "keystr" percentage

nrsteps = posint

Wheel "keystr" degrees nrsteps?

Inputs a string or number into one of the fields of the

current window. The field selection is analogous to the
button selection described above. The Hold-option only
triggers actions defined on changing the input field, while
the Enter-option also triggers actions defined on pressing
the enter/return-key afterwards. The latter is the default. If
no input data is provided, the current contents of the
selected field will be entered. The FilePath-option forces
the input string to be treated as a file-path concerning
platform independence. This will happen automatically in
case the input string contains a directory placeholder or in
case the input field comes together with a Select-button
and perhaps an Examine-button into a graphical element
called uiFileInput.
Clicks a spinbox any number of steps upward (positive) or
downward (negative). The spinbox selection is analogous
to the button selection described above. The Hold-option
only triggers actions defined on changing the spinbox
value (after each step), while the Enter-option also triggers
actions defined on the spinbox losing its focus afterwards.
The latter is the default. If no number of steps is provided,
the spinbox will keep its current value while losing its
focus. Multiple steps are only supported as long as no
action triggered in between does pop up a modal window.
One can also edit the input field of the spinbox directly by
using the Input-command instead.
Shifts a slider towards the specified percentage of its range
displayed on screen. Beware that the relationship between
this percentage and the actual scale represented by the
slider is not necessarily linear. It is optional to perform the
shift in more than one step, but it may yield nice
animations on screen. Multiple steps are only supported as
long as no action triggered in between does pop up a
modal window. Selecting the slider is analogous to the
button selection described above.
Rotates a thumbwheel a specified number of degrees
upwards/downwards or leftwards/rightwards. The number
of degrees will only have a direct meaning if the
thumbwheel represents an angular scale. It is optional to
perform the rotation in more than one step, but it may yield
nice animations on screen. Multiple steps are only
supported as long as no action triggered in between does
pop up a modal window. Selecting the thumbwheel is
analogous to the button selection described above.

Combo "keystr" itemsel

<itemsel> = "itemname" | selnr

Sets the selected item of a combobox, either by its name or

by its ordinal number in the list. The list will be traversed
in reverse if the number is negative, so for instance -1
refers to the last item. Using a selection number is just a
shortcut for composing an item name "*#<selnr>" from
merely a wildcard and a disambiguator. The selection of
the combobox itself is analogous to the button selection
described above. The Input-command may be applied to
edit the input field of the current item of an editable

Clicks and (de)selects precisely one item in a listbox.

Selection possibilities for listbox and item are analogous to
combobox selection. The optional mousetag is defining
whether the item is (de)selected by means of optional
control- or double-clicking of either the left or right mouse
ListClick "keystr" itemsel
button. Left is default in all cases. Beware that the
mousetag is one united word and order counts. Some
mousetag = ctrlclick?doubleclick? listboxes pop up a menu when (right)-clicking on an item,
in which case one has to apply the ListMenu-command
instead. Single-selection listboxes will only select the
clicked item and deselect all others. Multi-selection
ctrlclick = Ctrl
listboxes act different in the following cases. Controldoubleclick = Double
clicking toggles the selected state of the clicked item,
leftrightclick = Left | Right
while any other item keeps its current state. Right-clicking
an already selected item leaves the whole selection

ListButton "keystr" itemsel

mousetag? onofftag?

ListMenu "keystr" itemsel

mousetag? "menupath" onofftag?

(Un)checks the button in front of a listbox item. The checkbutton is toggled unless the optional On/Off-argument
specifies its desired state. (De)selection of item and listbox
is fully analogous to the ListClick-command. Beware that
mousetags with Double or Right are known not to have a
(lasting) effect on the check-button.
Selects a (sub)item from the menu attached to a listbox
item. Checkable menu items are toggled, unless the
optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired state. The
selection of both listbox and item is analogous to the
ListClick-command. However, since OpendTect is
normally hiding its popup menus under the right mouse
button, the default for no mousetag at all is set Right over
here. Selection of the menu (sub)item is analogous to the

Selects any number of items in a multi-selection listbox.

Selection possibilities are more comprehensive than those
at the ListClick-command. Now all items matching a given
(wildcarded) item name can be specified. One can also
specify the whole range between a first and a last item at
ListSelect "keystr" firstitemsel
once. The list will be traversed cyclically in case the first
lastitemsel? onofftag?
item succeeds the last. Without the optional On/Offfirstitemsel = lastitemsel = itemsel argument, all specified items will be selected and all other
items deselected. With the On/Off-argument set however,
only specified items will be selected/deselected
respectively, while unspecified items keep their current
Clicks either a row-head, col-head or cell in a table, and
select precisely the one row, column or cell attached to it.
Selection possibilities for the RowHead-, ColHead- and
Cell-options are analogous to the item selection for listand comboboxes. The Cell-option puts all cells row-afterTableClick "keystr" tableitemsel
row in a virtual list for this purpose. Another way to
address a single cell is by selecting both its row and its
tableitemsel = headitemsel | cellsel column. Also these row and column selections are
analogous to the item selection just mentioned. If the row
headitemsel = headtag itemsel
or column selection is not made by number but by name,
headtag = RowHead | ColHead
then the search for a match will start in its header. In case
the table shows no header or no row/col-head is matching,
cellsel = rowsel colsel | Cell
then the search will proceed in the next column/row until a
match is found. The selection of the table itself is
analogous to the button selection described above. The
rowsel = colsel = itemsel
option specifying a left, right or double mouse-click will
be Left by default. Some tables pop up a menu when rightclicking a cell, in which case one has to apply the
TableMenu-command instead.

TableFill "keystr" cellsel inpdata

Fills one cell in a table with new text data. Alike the Inputcommand, this might be a text string, a file-path string or a
number. The selection of both table and cell is analogous
to the TableClick-command, except that table headers
cannot be filled.

TableMenu "keystr" cellsel

"menupath" onofftag?

Selects a (sub)item from the menu attached to a table cell.

Checkable menu items are toggled, unless the optional On/
Off-argument specifies their desired state. The selection of
both table and cell is analogous to the TableFill-command.
Selection of the menu (sub)item is analogous to the Menucommand.

Executes a local command driver action within one cell of

a table (instead of within the current window). The
selection of both table and cell is analogous to the
TableFill-command. Only those commands accepting a
keystring argument might be appropriate actions to execute
within a cell. For example, if the top-left cell of a table
TableExec "keystr" cellsel action contains a single combobox, its selection can be made as
TableExec "my table" 1 1 Combo "*" "my item"
Tables with cells containing multiple user-interface objects
of the same or different kind can be handled too.
"keystr" tableitemrangesel
tableitemrangesel =
headitemrangesel | cellrangesel
headitemrangesel = headtag
firstitemsel lastitemsel?
cellrangesel = firstcellsel
firstcellsel = lastcellsel = cellsel
Tab "keystr"? "tabname"
tabname = itemname

TreeClick "keystr"? treenodesel

treenodesel = "treepath" | PathCol
"treepath" colsel
treepath = pathstr

Selects any number of rows, columns or cells in a table.

This command is the table-equivalent of the ListSelectcommand. Selection possibilities are more comprehensive
than those at the TableClick-command. Now all rowheads, col-heads or cells matching a given (wildcarded)
item name can be specified. One can also specify the
whole block between a first and a last row, column, or cell
at once. The table will be traversed cyclically in case the
first (cell) row or (cell) column succeeeds the last. Without
the optional On/Off-argument, all specified cells will be
selected and all other cells deselected. With the On/Offargument set however, only specified cells will be selected/
deselected respectively, while unspecified cells keep their
current state.
Puts a tab on top of the stack by name. Since windows
with more than one tab-stack will be rare, its selection is
optional. The selection is analogous to the button selection
described above.
clicks and selects precisely one node in a tree. The
selection of a tree node is analogous to the selection of a
menu (sub)item. In which column to click is optional, but
it will be the first one by default. This column selection is
almost analogous to the column selection for tables. If the
selection is not made by number but by name, then the
search for a match will start in the column header, and next
proceed at the selected tree node if not successful.
Selection of the tree itself is analogous to the button
selection described above. It is optional because the
current window will often contain only one (data) tree. The
data tree with the lowest scene number is guaranteed to be
the default for OpendTect Main Window. The option to
specify a left, right or double mouse-click will be Left by

default. Any tree node might pop up a menu when rightclicking on one of its columns, in which case the
TreeMenu-command has to be applied instead.

TreeExpand "keystr"?
"treepath" onofftag?

(Un)expands the subtree of a node in a tree. The expander

is toggled unless the optional On/Off-argument specifies
its desired state. The selection of both tree and node is
analogous to the TreeClick-command, except that column
selection is not an issue here.

TreeButton "keystr"?
"treepath" onofftag?

Presses the button in front of a node in a tree. The button is

toggled unless the optional On/Off-argument specifies its
desired state. The selection of both tree and node is
analogous to the TreeExpand-command.

TreeMenu "keystr"? treenodesel

"menupath" onofftag?

Selects a (sub)item from the menu attached to a column of

a tree node. Checkable menu items are toggled, unless the
optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired state. The
selection of tree, node and column is analogous to the
TreeClick-command. Selection of the menu (sub)item is
analogous to the Menu-command.

CanvasMenu "keystr"
"menupath" onofftag?

Selects a (sub)item from the menu popping up at a canvas

area. Checkable menu items are toggled, unless the
optional On/Off-argument specifies their desired state.
Selection of the canvas area is analogous to the button
selection described above. Selection of the menu (sub)item
is analogous to the Menu-command.


These are special commands that 'Ok' or 'Cancel' a dialog.

Usually, this has the same effect as pressing the Ok- or

Close closeoption?
closeoption = All | subwinsel
subwinsel = "keystr"? "winname"

Clicks on the Close-button in the title bar of the current

window. The All-option will close all OpendTect windows
at once. This option is compulsory in case OpendTect
Main Window is the current window, so that OpendTect
cannot be killed by accident. The optional subwindow
selection is available to close a window in the workspace
of the current window by name. Since windows with more
than one workspace will be rare, selection of the
workspace is optional. This selection is analogous to the
button selection described above.

Clicks on the Minimized-, Maximized- and Restorebuttons in the title bar of the current window. The optional
Show subwinsel? showtag
subwindow selection is available to resize a window in the
workspace of the current window by name. Since windows
showtag = Minimized | Maximized |
with more than one workspace will be rare, selection of the
workspace is optional. This selection is analogous to the
button selection described above.
ColorOk color alpha?
color = R G B | colortag
R = G = B = alpha = byte
colortag = Black | Blue | Brown |
Cyan | Green | Grey | Lilac | Lime |
Magenta | Olive | Orange | Purple |
Pink | Red | White | Yellow

FileOk "filepathset"
filepathset = filepathstr( sep
filepathstr )+

"imagefilepathstr" frametag?
frametag = CurWin | ODMain |
imagefilepathstr = filepathstr
imageext = .bmp | .jpg | .jpeg | .png
| .ppm | .xbm | .xpm

Specifies the desired color while closing a QColorDialog

window. One may specify a color either by its RGB-values
(0-255) or a color tag. In case the QColorDialog offers the
possibility to specify transparency, the value of the
optional alpha-channel is passed as well. Its default value
is 0 (non-transparent).

Specifies zero, one, or more file-paths while closing a

QFileDialog window. The command will yield an error
message if their number, type (file/directory), extension,
and/or writability is not in agreement with the current
mode of the QFileDialog. File-paths will be interpreted
platform independently. Both absolute and relative filepaths are accepted. The current directory of the
QFileDialog will be taken as base directory in the latter
case. The use of directory placeholders is analogous to the
Include-command. This FileOk-command does not
provide the functionality of the QFileDialog-button
"Create new folder". If a file-path specifies a non-existing
file or directory, its parent directory must exist.
Writes a snapshot of the current window (and its
environment) to file. The default grabbing area is bounded
by the CurWin-frame, but can optionally be enlarged
towards the ODMain-frame or the whole Desktop-frame.
The snapshot filename must have one of the prescribed
image extensions. The file-path will be interpreted
platform independently. Both absolute and relative filepaths are accepted. The use of directory placeholders is
analogous to the Include-command.

Sleep seconds sleeptag?

sleeptag = Regular | Extra

Waits a period of time so that spectators can distinguish

the consecutive steps from a command file on screen. The
Regular-option will sleep until further notice between
every two commands with a visual effect. The Extraoption is the default and will take an (additional) nap only

Comment anytext

Inserts a comment in the log file. Command lines starting

with a '#'-symbol are containing comments that are not
shown in log files.


Finishes the command stream immediately.

Volume statistics


SEG-Y Checklist

OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



Appendix C. SEG-Y Checklist

This document contains examples of SEG-Y loading problems and proposes solutions for the most often encountered
If all cases select your must launch the SEG-Y import from the survey menu (Import --> Seismics --> SEG-Y). Enter the
settings needed for the first step and press OK. In the next window (main import window) press scan and perform the
scan. An examine window will pop up. Display the first traces in the 2D viewer.
You should have on your screen:

The main import window

The examine window
The scan report
The first traces displayed in a 2D viewer

Once you have this on screen check the most appropriate situation in the list below:

The textual header is not readable

The line header in not readable
None of the trace headers are readable
The first trace header is readable but no other - zero sample rate - last trace incomplete
The examine/scan reports incorrect coordinates
The loaded volume contains wrong amplitudes
The loaded volume contains holes - traces were rejected
The loaded volume is shifted with respect to the others - does not start at zero

Excel utilities
1. SEG-Y file size computation
2. SEG-Y trace numbers computation

SEG-Y checklist
The textual header is not readable
The top of the examine window may look like any of those two windows, although there is an enormous variety in textual

The left picture is a very common empty (automatically filled) textual header. Sometimes an operator fills the empty
parts, but you can expect mistakes to occur. The second picture is a textual header from an OpendTect exported SEG-Y
file. All the fields were directly copied from the project database (additional edits are possible).
Every SEG-Y file begins with 40 times 80 characters encoded in ASCII, or EBCDIC for old files. The main difference
between them is that your favorite text editor (wordpad, vi or text edit) will not be able to translate EBCDIC encoded
characters if you open the SEG-Y file with it, while if you open an ASCII SEG-Y textual header you will see the same as
in the OpendTect examine window, without the line breaks.

Problem: If you do not see the above described structure you might not be reading a SEG-Y file at all, but
maybe a seismic file written in a different format (binary, SEG-D, ...).
Solution: Translate your file if possible.

Problem: Some characters in the textual header are weired.

Solution: They were badly translated from EBCDIC to ASCII (or the opposite), either when writing the
file or when reading it. Unfortunately there is no 1 to 1 translation between EBCDIC and ASCII, therefore
this issue cannot be solved. That is why EBCDIC coding has been banned from the SEG-Y revision 1 norm.

The line header is not readable

The line header overview is provided in the top part of the examine window below the textual header. Use the right scroll
bar to reach it. Only the non-zero values are shown, on the contrary to the other headers where the entire content is
reported. A correct line header will look like this in the OpendTect examine window:

The title line, field names (first column), byte offsets (second column) and explanations between brackets (fourth column)
are provided by OpendTect. Only the numbers in the third column originate from the file. The byte numbers indicate
where those values were found.
Look at the field isrev1 (301): If the value is zero your file is revision 0 compliant. If the value is equal to 1 then your
file in (normally) revision 1 compliant. This enables to answer to the revision 1 question.

Problem: If none of the values are reasonable but contain a lot of 256 and 16777216, or in general if none of the
numbers make sense, the file might be byte-swapped (i.e. written using "little-endian" byte ordering instead of
"big-endian"). See example below:

Solution 1: In that case cancel the import window (that will bring you back to the first step), and put the
"Byte swapped" parameter to "all".
Solution 2:.If this is not enough then the textual and/or line headers might be corrupted. Try to re-create
your SEG-Y file if possible.

None of the trace headers are readable

Problem: The line header is truncated: The line header should be 400 bytes long. It will not be possible to deduct
the start position of the first trace if any of the first 3600 (=3200 + 400) bytes are missing. If the line header is
truncated then you should see a lot of non-standard entries in the examine window, like in the example below:

Solution: Use the excel utilities to determine if your file may be missing some bytes. If that is the case you
need to re-create your file unless you know exactly how many bytes are missing and how to lengthen your
line header.

Problem: The bytes are swapped.

Solution: See above.

The first trace header is readable but no other - zero sample rate - last trace incomplete
This happens when the trace size could not be computed successfully. The trace size is function of the sample size
(format) and number of samples. The problem then occurs when either of those variables was not correctly written in the

Action 1: Check if the sample size (format) is correct in the line header: The sample format is reported in the
examine window in the line header in front of the "format" field. It must report a value of 1, 2, 3, 5 or 8. If not the
following warning will be shown when scanning the file or loading it:

A value of 1, 2, 5 represents a sample size of 4 bytes.

A value of 3 represents a sample size of 2 bytes.
A value of 8 represents a sample size of 1 byte.
Furthermore the warning "Err: Warning: replacing zero sample rate with survey default" is printed (but that is not
the only cause) if the actual sample size is larger than the sample size deducted from the headers of overruled.
On the contrary the warning "last trace incomplete" is printed (but that is not the only cause) if the actual sample
size is smaller than the sample size deducted from the headers or overruled.

Solution: Overrule the SEG-Y format to another format until the line header and all trace headers are
readable in the examine window. Scan your file and check the output amplitudes since three different
formats are available for a sample size of 4 bytes. A proper display of the data in the 2D viewer will
indicate a success.

Action 2: Check if the number of samples was correctly extracted from either the line or trace headers:
The number of samples is reported at multiple positions in the SEG-Y file:
In the examine window in the line header overview in front of the "hns" field.
In each trace header at byte offset 115 (field "ns").
OpendTect will only use the number of samples defined in the trace headers. Therefore the line header field "hns"
might be missing or in contradiction with the trace headers, with no consequence upon the data loading as long as
the trace headers "ns" field are correctly written.
Solution: Overrule the SEG-Y number of samples to another value until all trace headers are readable.
The excel utilities might be helpful to check the correct value and to check if the file is not missing some

The examine/scan reports incorrect coordinates

The coordinates may be found in each trace headers on bytes 73 (CDP-X) and 77 (CDP-Y) or 181 and 185 respectively
with SEG-Y revision 1 files. However those values will be scaled during scan and loading by the scaler coordinate that
should always be found on bytes 71-72.

Problem: The coordinates found in the trace headers do not make sense: Your file might contain coordinate trace
header encoded as floats instead of integers. This is not allowed by any SEG-Y standard, although still being
encountered sometimes.
Solution: Get a SEG-Y compliant file.

Problem: The unscaled coordinates are reasonable but after scan/loading the scaled coordinates are not correct.
Solution: Overrule the scaler coordinate to the right value in the import window. You need to specify a
number that when multiplied by the trace header coordinate will return the actual (scaled) coordinate.
Therefore the trace header scalco "-10" would have to be overruled by 0.1 in order to get the same scaling.

Please note the it is not possible to apply a static shift (easting/northing) to the coordinates, however this is not needed by
OpendTect. Nevertheless you can load the SEG-Y file first and apply your shift to the survey coordinates afterwards in
the survey definition window.

The loaded volume contains wrong amplitudes

This is linked to the sample format not being correctly set. The three formats 1, 2, 5 code the data on four bytes. You
may need to switch and overrule between 1, 2 and 5.

The loaded volume contains holes - traces were rejected

Neither a SEG-Y file nor and OpendTect volume need to be rectangular, i.e. they do not need to contain all traces of
rectangular survey. This is normal, except if you expect a rectangular volume. Please note that the default setting in
OpendTect is to dismiss null traces, i.e. traces where all samples have a zero value.

Problem: The warning "during import 123450 traces were rejected" appers when loading the file.
Solution 1: Display the loaded file. The warning sometimes pops up by mistakes such that your file may be
already correctly loaded.
Solution 2: Make sure that the survey area is large enough to accommodate your new volume.

In general: .
Solution: Use the excel utilities to compute the number of traces you can expect to have in your SEG-Y
file, and compare it with the actual number of loaded traces, reported in the scan report. OpendTect will be
able to load all full traces until the first missing byte is found in the input file or until the end of the file,
even if the end of the file is in the middle of a trace. In that case only the last non-complete trace will not be

The loaded volume is shifted with respect to the others - does not start at zero
Sometimes the first sample does not correspond to the time or depth 0. If that is the case the corresponding time or depth
should be reported in each SEG-Y trace header at bytes 109-110 (delrt) and/or 105-106 (laga) with the opposite polarity
like in this example:

"laga" is equal to -200, delrt is equal to 200: both mean that the first sample corresponds to time 200ms.

Problem : The start time is not specified in the trace headers but is expected to be different that zero.
Solution: Overrule the start time parameter in the import window.

Problem: An incorrect start time was applied during loading.

Solution: Either re-import the file by overruling the start time or use the reference shift attribute to apply

a static shift to your traces.

Please note that in all cases you must have a priori knowledge of the start time.

Excel utilities
The following two utilities can be used to:

Compute the SEG-Y file size based on the sample format, number of traces and number of samples. A successful
application will be the indicator of a SEG-Y file without missing bytes.
Compute the number of traces present in the SEG-Y file based on its size, the sample format and the number of
samples per trace, assuming a constant trace length. If the returned number os an integer the SEG-Y file does not
contain holes (except for a very unlikely occasion).

How-to use them: Double-click on the pictures below, open the file and fill the variables. The sample format must be
specified using the list box.
Please note that extended textual headers are not supported.

SEG-Y file size computation

SEG-Y trace numbers computation

Command Driver Manual



OpendTect User Documentation version 4.0



An attribute is a derived quantity from a seismic input set. Attributes in OpendTect are defined
by a name, a value, and a position in 3D space (inline, cross-line and Z (2WT or depth)).
Attributes can be calculated from single-trace, multi-trace, and multi-volume inputs. They can
be steered and/or chained.
Steered attributes are multi-trace attributes in which the trace segments are found by following
a (pre-)calculated dip-azimuth. Chained attributes are attributes derived from other attributes.
For example, Similarity and Energy are separate attributes that can be chained to calculate the
Similarity of the Energy using the "Position" attribute.
See Also: Attribute set.
Attribute set
An attribute set is an entity consisting of a group of attributes. Usually attributes in a defined
attribute set have something in common. For example, all attributes in a set have the potential
to highlight an object type of interest, or a combined attribute, using all other attributes as
intermediate results. This would be a desirable output.
See Also: Attribute.
A body is an element that defines an arbitrary three dimensional geological shape (or a geobody). The body can also be created manually or by using polygons.
See also: Body section of the documentation
Crossline dip
Dip in the direction of the Crossline axis, or in the direction of increasing crosslines.

See Also: Inline dip.

An element is a sub-division of various items (of the tree) that are displayed in a 3D scene.
Inline, crossline, timeslices, horizon, wells etc are some elements. Each element is sub-divided
into a sub-element. For instance an inline element can have further sub-elements e.g. inline #
120 that can contain upto eight different attributes.
Fault Stickset
The faults are interpreted on a section as a stick, and all sticks that belong to one fault are
grouped in one sticksets. Therefore, a fault stickset contains an unordered collection of the
interpreted sticks.
Inline dip
Dip in the direction of the Inline axis, or in the direction of increasing inline numbers.
See Also: Crossline dip.
Meta attribute
A meta-attribute is an attribute created from multiple input attributes. In OpendTect, a meta
attribute is created either through neural networks, or through mathematical manipulations and/
or logical operations. For example, TheChimneyCube and TheFaultCube are metaattributes. See the Ridge enhancement filter attribute set from the Default attribute sets for an
example of a meta-attribute created through math and logic. The meta-attribute in this set is
the last attribute in the list.
See Also: Attribute set.
A Pickset is a collection of picked locations, i.e. inline-crossline-Z information. Picksets are
part of a Pickset Group. For example a Pickset Group containing picks at fault locations may
consist of different fault Picksets to differentiate between large faults and small faults, or to
reflect picks on different inlines.
See Also: Pickset group.
Pickset group
A Pickset group is a collection of different Picksets. Usually Picksets are grouped because
they refer to the same object, e.g. Chimney_yes or Chimney_no.
See Also: Pickset.
Surface Data
It refers to a stored attribute grid in a horizon. An attribute is calculated on-the-fly or it can be
calculated in a batch process. If it is on-the-fly, a user needs to store by right-clicking on it an

selecting Save attribute... option. The saved attribute can also be managed in the horizon
management window. It may be noted that a horizon can contain unlimited stored attribute/
surface data.
The tree is the docking window, which is detachable and movable. This is used to display the
data into a scene. The tree is attached to a scene and is labeled as Tree Scene 1. Where '1' is
the scene number. Each tree has its own elements that are displayed in corresponding scene.
A volren is a small 3D-cube loaded inside a sub-volume. It is an excellent tool for multivolume rendering.
Command driver manual


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