If I Were A PM or President

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1)give equal rights to men, re: children and domestic violence

2) make family courts use the same rules of evidence as criminal courts.
3) make divorce laws fairer (along French lines maybe) where in a divorce the assets are split in
proportion to the finances actually contributed by each party.
4) Stop division of pension rights on divorce (you keep your own pensions)
5) Decriminalise "victimless" crimes
6) Stop people holding foreign passports from owning property in the UK (tough luck if you want
dual nationality).
7) Stop foreign companies from owning property in the UK.
8) cancel most of the anti-terrorist laws, especially in "power of arrest and detention" areas

If I were Prime Minister I would:

- Abolish virtually all Welfare payments (aim reduce to 10% of current spending) re-directing a portion of
the money to helping employers offer more jobs
- Increase the Defence Budget
- Increase the Education Budget
- Increase the Health Budget but also apply a 'clawback' system where those who have received treatment
payback funds in the longer term.
- Increase funding to development of Public Transport infrastructure
- Impose a minimium 1000 per vehicle per year, Car Tax and triple fuel tax.
- Place a cap on the numbers allowed to goto University per year thus encouraging more people to go to
vocational training.
- Subsidise build and running of shipping, particularly Large Merchant Vessels.
- Introduce national service with individuals allowed to choose between Army, RN, RAF, NHS, Merchant
Navy, Domestic Service.
- Introduce 'Army Style' detention camps for first/second time youth offenders
- Introduce 'Hard Larbour' style prisons for serious offenders
- Introduce dedicated 'cold turkey' prisons, attendance at which is compulsory for all those convicted of
drug related crime.
- Allow the Emergency Services immunity from prosecution if speeding or causing a crash when
responding in a vehicle to an emergency or chasing a suspect.
- Allow the Armed Forces and Police immunity from shooting a suspect unless it can be proved, beyond
reasonable doubt, that they acted to kill an innocent.
- Abolish the UK enactment of the Human Rights Convention.
- Authorise sex discrimination in some areas, e.g. employment of women/homosexuals in the Armed

How I wish I were the Prime Minister of my country! I have so many schemes in mind for the upliftment and
development of my country. If I were the Prime Minister, I would put into practice all the following schemes.
In the first place, my country is very poor. Millions of people live in extreme poverty. I would take all steps to do away
with poverty. I would see to it that the poor were able to lead a decent life. They would not lack any of the necessities
of life-food, clothing and shelter. I would also have schemes for the improvement of national health. Then my people
would be happy and healthy.
Another great drawback in our country is ignorance and illiteracy. Many people do not know how to read and write.
I have plans to educate the people and make them responsible citizens. Next I, would impose heavy taxes on the rich

and use the money to help the nation. It is not fair that a few rich people should live in luxury and the rest should be
extremely poor. My aim is to do away with the great disparity in income that exists at present between the rich and
the poor. I would severely punish those who take bribes or are black marketers. Corruption would be stamped out
A problem which is neutralising all efforts to improve the standard of living of the masses is that of over population.
In 1951 when the first census after the partition of the country was taken, population was somewhere about thirty
five crores. But as General Smuts of South Africa contemptuously, though with some truth in it, remarked "Indians
breed like rabbits." We have by now more than doubled the 1951 figure and there is no knowing what figure will
replace this when we bid good bye to this century. Something urgent has to be done to arrest this alarming growth. It
will be my first duty as Prime Minister to turn to this problem of population growth and tackle it on a war footing.
Another aim of mine is to make our country self-sufficient and self-reliant. I know that we cannot rely on ourselves
for everything. Yet I would make people realise that we should depend on ourselves as far as possible.
Though I believe in peace and non-violence, I would strengthen my country's defense. We must be prepared to defend
ourselves in case of foreign attack. I would have compulsory military training for all boys up to the age of twentyone.' Then we will never be taken unawares. We will be able to meet and successfully repel all foreign attacks.
I have many more plans for the development of my country. It is only lack of space that prevents me from mentioning
them all here.

Build more MRT/LRT to increase the coverage so that people can take train to do work, schooling, etc. We also need
to increase the frequency and coverage of the feeder bus services. Otherwise you and me still have to drive to the
nearest MRT/LRT station, pay parking and to take the train. Wasting our money only.
Speed train from Penang to Johor, Terengganu to KL. Departing every 1 hours.
With the excellent transport system in place, people will be less dependent on vehicle to travel. Manpower can be
easily deployed in Malaysia because we have an excellent transport system. We don't have to stuck in a traffic jam,
you and me do not have to contribute to the accident death statistic, and our love one can come home safely.

Petrol Price
Stop subsidising all the oil prices. What? Are you crazy? Pay more money for petrol? Hello?
I thought I am crazy for doing this. But please hear me first. This is how I will plan to make the whole country work.
We are saving billions of ringgit every year if the government stop subsidising the oil. The money will be used to build
the number 1 transport system. Singaporean and Sawadeekap neighbour will not enjoy our subsidised oil anymore.
We can save a few hundred millions yearly on that alone. Your money and my money, you know. I also have to pay
income tax. Yes, talk about income tax. The tax bracket will be increased so that you and me pay less tax. Yahooo.
More money to spend. Exactly the point. My government will reimburse or so called subsidise the Malaysian petrol
by getting tax payer to pay less tax. The saved tax you can use it to pay petrol. Or take MRT/LRT when the excellect
wide coverage transport system is start operation. Save even more. If the crude oil price is going to increase to
US$200 per barrel, as what a lot of those speculators are predicting, then the government will have no money to pay
the oil company on the subsidise anyway. We will have to cycle to work because even the subsidise petrol price will be
around RM5 per liter. That is why we must build the transport system before the oil price increases further.

Income Tax
Of course the rich will happily pay 28%. I don't mind paying a few million ringgit of tax every year. It shows I am
very rich. If you hear your friend telling you how lucky you are because you pay so less tax, actually they are telling
you that your earning is kacang saja. We will increase the tax bracket say for example monthly salary less than
RM5,000 no tax. But that I will leave it to my Income Tax Department to calculate the figures as long as it will not
burden my people. For sure it should cover the estimated petrol required for a year for a working person to travel to
and from work using a Proton Saga manual or even better Kancil 660cc. Hehe.

Abolish Quota System - All quota system will be abolished. Bro, we all Malaysian lah. Some say I am Melayu. My
sejarah book say melayu mostly origin Indonesia, some Indo-China. Some claim themself Melayu, tapi bapa aja
Malayu. Mungkin mak iban, Cina, Indian. Chinese from China, Hindu from India, etc. That is only 50% melayu.
Maybe grandfather is chinese, grandmother melayu. That drop to 25% melayu only. So most of us is a mixture if
something. So everyone will have to be in a fair game for everyone to enjoy a good and prosperous Malaysia future.
Who don't want to see our family and children happy. Who don't want to see our neighbour happy and prosperous.
At least we all can leave happy together. For reference to our origin, please read your Form 1 to Form 3 Sejarah
University - Based on merit and co-curiculam. No more quota for races. Otherwise we will complaint university
standard tiap-tiap tahun jatuh tangga. Sudah tak ada standard.
Housing - Discount for bumiputra will be abolished. It is replace with subsidy for all races based on combined family
income at certain figure than only can enjoy the discount for houses below certain value only. If you are already rich
and buy big houses, I don't think it make sense to give discount to you right? Don't be greedy lah.

Freedom of Religion
Anyone can convert to any official religion and believe anytime. If you like you can even have Monday, Wednesday,
Friday as Muslim, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday as Buddhist, Sunday as Christian. As long as you are a good hearted
people, all gods will love you. Don't have to believe me.

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