Processing of China Clay by Super-Conducting High Gradient Magnetic Separation
Processing of China Clay by Super-Conducting High Gradient Magnetic Separation
Processing of China Clay by Super-Conducting High Gradient Magnetic Separation
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Super-conchrcrirr^; high gradient magnetic separation tests nrr a typical
china clay front the wester-rr part of India showed drat the brightness
of the clay can be enhanced front 72.89c to 79% ISO by srritablsnrarripularurg the process variables. Important variables studied arc
feed solid content, retention time, production rate (rutmber of canister
nolurnes), number of passes etc. keeping the magnetic field strerrgilt
corrstaut. The secondary magnet (wire stool rnatr-ix) and its packing
volunte were also not changed during these tests. A brightness of 799
Was achieved is-itlr a two pass operation for 5 canister volume feed
slurry having 1517c solid content and with retention rime of about 20
sees. Tire overall clay recovery is 86>44 (94r'7c_for the first pass and 92(4
for tire second pass). Understandably, the feed solid content of second
pass wa.s foster than 159% ttrhile the iron (Fe,0) could be reduced 1
about 559 the reduction in TiO, was about 12% indicating that there
.still exists scope for- renroyhrg Ti0, front this clerk and enhancing
brightness further: All the SC-HGMS tests were conducted at Bhabhcr
Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Bombay. India.
Key tb'ords : China chin; 13eaeftviaiion. Super--c-arrdrfcting high gradicrrt nufgfwlic
separation, 8riglrmess. Retention time
India has got substantial reserves of china clay spread over almost all the
states of the Union. Many of these are not exploited optimally since modern
technologies are not yet incorporated to most of the clay hene iciation plants in
the country. Many units still employ the Icvigation method which is a timeconsuming hatch operation. More over, discrete ancillary mineral inihotritic; sill
remain svith the clay thus making the product unsuitable for mans sal tic adLlctl
applications. Modern processing methods are mostly continuous and utilise;
Sodium hexa meta phosphate (calg=on) 0.4 % with respect to dry ,(lid.
used as the dispersing agent for the clay in all the tests.
Demineralised water was used for the test workEquipment
i) The super-conducting high gradient magnetic separation test set up of
BARC, Bombay.
The system constitutes a feed slurry preparation unit, separator unit and
the control unit. The feed preparation unit consists of a s.s. tank, a stirrer
and a slurry pump. The separation unit consists of the magnet, the cryo', enic system, the canister, the wire wool matrix and the necessary pipings and control valves. The control unit consists of all electrical and
electronic regulators for the ramping and deramping of the magnetii) The brightnessmeter, Color Touch, ISO model of M/s. Technidyne Corporation US for measuring the brightness of product samples.
Chemical Analysis
Na2O, Fe7O, and TiO, were determined by standard analytical procedures'
Na,O was estimated using flamephotorneter whereas others are by cotorimetry.
The super-conducting high gradient magnet is made ready for operation by
pouring the required quantity of liquid helium in the chamber and allowing to
attain the set temperature level. Necessary liquid nitrogen bath is also provided.
The current is passed through the super-conducting coil so as to energise the
magnet and to ramp up the Field to the required level (3 tesla). The required
slurry with a pre-determined solid content is prepared in the feed preparation unit
by adding the dispersant. The feed slurry is pumped through the canister at a
specified flow rate from bottom to top while the product clay slurry (nonmagnetics)
is collected from the top of the separator. Once the feed slurry pumping is over,
the matrix is rinsed with de-mineralised water in the same direction as the feed
slurry flow and the resultant material is also collected atom= with the product.
After the rinsing, the power is switched off so that the magnet gets deramped and
the field becomes almost zero. Flush water at high volume and pressure is now
pumped through the canister in the opposite direction to the field flow and the
impurities (magnetics') are collected from the bottom of the separator. The batch
operations are continued in the same fashion by changing the variable as required-
w Series 1
Feed Solids. I
"p I 14
Brightness, G ISO
Retention Time, Sec.
Variation of number of canister volumes fed showed that more than even
canister volumes reduces the brightness drastically ( Fig. 3). Production rate may
have to he set pegging around this feed volume.
Series 1
Brightness , %ISO
Volumetric production Rate, m3/hr
Number of Passes
The product of first pass is again Passed through the magnet under similar
conditions of separation. The brightness increased by another two units indica!
ing that a second pass is beneficial for removing more impurities from the clay.
All the tests more or less showed a clay recovery in the range 94-96'% for
Single pass operations. Due to the relatively love feed solid content. the production rate was eery low i.e.. in the range 0.1 to 0.2 tons/hr of dry solids. The
chemical analysis of product clay from 2nd pass showed 0. I59 Fe,O, and 1.417(
TiO, which, in turn, indicated that while the iron removal was about 55% that
of TiO, was a meagre 12%.
1. SC-HGMS tests clearly showed that the impurity minerals are susceptible for capture and hence the removal can be effected.
2. While more than half of the iron ( in term of Fe,O,) is removed, the
capture of TiO, is very minimal. This shows that still higher field and
gradient may have to he applied in order to effect more of TiO,_
3. The range of many of the operational variables were too small to have
a realistic feel of the process conditions . Perhaps a state-of- the -art
machine may give better results.
The authors are deeply indebted to Dr. V.C.Sahni , Head, TP & PED and
Dr. Bhagwat BARC, Bombay for giving permission to work with their
SC-HGMS unit and also to the engineers viz., Ms. U. Sridhar, Ajoy Singh and
K.L. Patel who helped us in all the test work. We are also thankful to Mr. N.P.H.
Padmanabhan, Head, ODS, AMC complex, Hyderabad for his co-operation and
co-ordination for the test work. We also thank our Director, Dr.G.Vijay Nair
who has given permission to present this paper.
1. Frantz S.G., (1937), US Pat. 2074085
2. Jones G.H.. (1955), British pat. 767124 & 768451
3. tannicelli J., (1976), "High extraction magnetic filtration of kaolin clay; clays and
Clay", Minerals, vol. 24, p. 64.
4. Watson J.H.P., (1994), " Status of superconducting magnetic separation in the mineral
industry"; Minerals Engineering, Vol.7, No. 5/6, p. 737.
5. Finch J.A. and Leroux M, (1982), "Selecting conditions for high gradient magnetic
separation "; Int. J. Miner. Process, Vol 9, p. 329.