مسائل على القوسية
مسائل على القوسية
مسائل على القوسية
Alhamid 1432/1433H
The first arch dam seems to be built in Iran in the middle of the 13 th
century (masonry and 26 m H)
Narrow gorges provide the most natural solution for an arch dam
construction: L/H 5 is recommended.
Arch and cupola dams transfer the greater proportion of the water load to
the valley sides rather than the floor. Abutment integrity and stability are
therefore critical.
Arch dams offer great economics in volume of concrete and foundation
excavation and preparation.
Type of Arch Dams
(i) Constant radius dam ( constant center arch dam)
Vertical u/s face of constant radius with uniform radial d/s slope. D/s
radius varies with elevation, Fig 3.14(a), central angle 2 reach maximum
at crest level. (N.B. Not the most economical in volume, but simple in
construction and suitable to U shape valleys.
If the thickness, Tt, of the arch rib is small as compared to Ru, the
compressive horizontal stress, h R/Tt
In practice the central angles of arch dams vary from 100 to 150 . The
base width of arch dam is usually between (0.1-0.5) H, Fig. 14.22.
Tt can be expressed in Rd (entenal radius) by using: