The Great Book (Raw - Still Being Edited)
The Great Book (Raw - Still Being Edited)
The Great Book (Raw - Still Being Edited)
Forward Introduction
1. Water Witness
2. Blood Witness . 23
3. Spiritual Witness . 35
4. The Manchild .. 41
5. The Translation .. 49
6. Kohoutek . 79
7. The Thunders .. 83
8. It Is Finished .... 91
9. The Changed Creature ... 121
10. The Marvelous Kingdom ... 147
This book is designed in a constructive way, so that it might help to give the reader a
thought patter of spiritual understanding in regards to the fundamentals of revelation.
I believe that the only sure means of understanding Godliness is through the mind of
revelation; revelation, of course, being the mind of Christ revealed. If there is another way
to really enter into the presence of God, other than by the mind of Godly understanding,
then it would most assuredly be the wrong entrance, and you would be without the wedding
garment of Christ, and accounted for as a thief and a robber.
People who think of revelation, think of it as a past thing, and quickly refer to Johns
writings in the Book of Revelations, but we, who are living in the age of revelation, who
understand spiritual things, know that there is a present day truth for the church and the
age in which we live.
This is what we have reference to in this book.
Jesus taught that every word should be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses. The Bible also
declares that He hath not left Himself without witnesses in the earth; so, we would like to take this
opportunity in these writings, to express our views and understanding concerning these three witnesses.
In all of the teachings of Christ, He expresses Himself as a trinity in one; not as three, as some trinity teachers
would have you to believe, for God is but one God; Not as a oneness, where there is no acknowledgement of
the trinity offices that God used to let us be able to understand Him, but Christ taught a three-in-one. This we
believe and also teach; that I, as an individual, am but one individual, but in the image of God. I am created a
three-in-one, my body, soul and spirit. God is also a trinity image, a three-in-one; Father, Son and Holy
Ghost, which are not three individual persons, but one person, Jesus Christ, so far as sight is concerned, in
this world and in the world to come. We will prove this to any honest and sincere mind or heart that is in the
search of the truth, by doctrine and revelation, using the Word of God as our sole foundation and guide, and
hereby, we will substantiate the Truth to where no intellectual wind of doctrine can ever uproot you again.
I know that many people are not going to acknowledge the things I am about to express in these writings.
First of all, I believe that all world evangelism is over and world revival is gone, so far as the Protestant Age
or faith is concerned. It has finished its course, and it is nothing more than an old shuck that has lost its life,
and is good for nothing but to be burned. It is just like an old dry shuck that makes a lot of noise, with every
contrary wind of doctrine, by its shouting, intellectual parties, and get-togethers. The sun of the Gentiles is
setting in this western world of ours. The light of the world, which is the ministry, or the true elect church, is
now going out. The lesser light of carnality, or Roman rule, which is only a religious form of reflection of the
great gospel light, is moving in as the night appears.
The moonlight is here. The wondering stars of darkness, enveloped by the red dragon tail of communism, is
covering the earth in its Negro type. The sunlight of civilization is withdrawing from a bunch of beatniks and
rock and rolls, returning to its original gospel habitation in the eastern world, for the great Easter sunrise
morning of resurrection, which will come through the appearing of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as He enters the
Eastern Gate of Jerusalem.
As Jesus rode in on the ass into Jerusalem, they did not receive Him as a peasant. He said, Your houses are
left unto you desolate, until the day of His return, which will be through the eastern gates; and they would
say, Blessed his He that cometh in the name of the Lord. Not a peasant, but a King with many crowns, on a
white horse, in royalty, the way they have always looked for Him. He came as a peasant to blind them in part,
for the Gentiles sake, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, for He knew they would receive Him as a
peasant . Now, Israels victory is at hand, for she will receive Him as Lord of Lords and King of Kings as she
has always looked for Him. Paul preached the gospel in Asia, and it was spread throughout the eastern world.
The sunrise turned to high-noon over Rome, through the heated wrath of God, the Great Light, upon
martyrs, which were the Lambs body or the church, for the atonement of the mens sin, these martyrs died.
The Roman anti-christ, in this type, slew a lamb church of martyrs, but now, the same gospel light is turning
into a bloodshed red in the western hemisphere, as a great massacre is about to take place between light and
Table of Contents
Forward Introduction
1. Water Witness . 1
2. Blood Witness .23
3. Spiritual Witness 35
4. The Manchild ..41
5. The Translation .. 49
6. Kohoutek . 79
7. The Thunders . 83
8. It Is Finished ... 91
9. The Changed Creature .121
10. The Marvelous Kingdom 147
In the beginning of our conversation, I would like to elaborate first of all, concerning Adam and the
expulsion from the garden. I believe that we all agree that humanitys trouble began in the garden, the
trouble, having been the unbelief that Eve portrayed through her act of disobedience, she, having been the
mother of all living, whether Caucasian, Negro, Mongolian or any other descent.
2We can readily see by this, that humanity is but one brotherhood in its entirety. So then, we can further
understand that Christianity, though a godly society, a holy instigation of God Himself, yet, it is also a family
of deity, or His very own children. This fabulous and most glorious enterprise of God has swept its way across
the pages of time, defying and conquering every historical event that proved to be an obstacle, contrary to His
purpose and plan. It has gently, yet forcibly, woven itself around the minds and hearts of all human anatomy.
It is, without question, the most brilliant and glorious knowledge and inspiration that has ever found its way
into the heart of mankind. Its creative act to the inward man, indelibly leaves an air of springtime and
resurrection. To a dying and thirsty soul, it has become a fountain of living water that has quenched the thirst
of the multitudes who sought him, converting His adversaries, turning them into devoted and loyal followers
so that for which He stood.
3Wordswould fail, and vocabulary expression would become exhausted, if we made an earnest endeavor to
express His magnificent state of being. The most simplified and comprehensive manner that I can use
concerning Him, to convey Him to your human intelligence, is to simply state that He was and still is, God or
deity incarnate within mankind.
4 Now then, as pertaining to the act of godliness, its purpose and motives: I believe the great controversy of
our day would be concerning the message of the hour, the present day truth for the times in which we live.
With all the sincerity of my heart, I shall, by His grace, endeavor to express my understanding relative to this
5 The very first expression is the most favourable or scriptural outline in the Bible, the most desirable in the
eyes of God, because it is referred to as the bond of perfection, fervent charity, Christ in you, the hope of
6 The purpose of this book, primarily speaking, is to introduce, by continuity, a sequence of godly
expressions, by means of interludes. So then, as we utilize the material contained in this book for godly
education, we should hold in remembrance, the incompleteness of our understanding, in that we are using
interludes, but a more complete and profound understanding can be obtained through other measures: by
books and tapes, which can be obtained from the same source, creating a variety in human understanding
and expression. Like a tree, there is a trunk, but many
branches are used to produce the fruits. So are we in Christ, the family of God, a family tree, having been
created for His own desire and pleasure, Jesus Christ, being the root or the offspring, the beginning of the
creation of God.
1 Let us therefore remember, while engaged in study, the principle facts and outlines of our endeavors.
Inasmuch as Adam was the created Son of God, he did not have eternal life, but rather abode in the presence
of the Shekinah glory of God, thus he enjoyed the ultimate expression of godliness and life.
2 Now, look at the other side of Calvary! Here we see the begotten Son of God, who is not only abiding in the
presence of the Shekinah glory of God, but is born of eternal life. Having been born of the Shekinah glory of
God, He cannot die, whereas Adam, himself, being led astray by beastly reasoning was in the fall. He then
became sinful and repulsive to God. The tree, being corrupt and infested with parasites, had to be cut down,
John the Baptist laying the axe to the root of the tree. Jesus said, I come these many years, having found no
fruit on it, so cut it down!
3The writer of the Old Testament said to let seven times pass over it. Inasmuch as He left the stump, it will
grow again. The seven church ages are seen here, as pertaining to the absence of the Jews. It is consummated
by the seven years tribulation period as a confirmation of Daniels expression in the days of Nebuchadnezzar.
This happens when the glory that Nebuchadnezzar accredited to his own self goes to God. The beastly aspect
of his wilderness wandering is over, and the glories of his kingdom is restored. This, in comparison to the
ministry of our Brother Branham and his followers is clearly seen, after the seven years subsequent to his
death, unto this present hour, for the same erroneous attitude of the Jews seized brother Branhams followers.
To those who might be able to comprehend spiritual things, you can see that the whole church would has gone
the same way. Thus, humanity has been cut down by sin and degradation; the seven times of Gods labour
passing over it, going beyond the millennium to the great white throne of judgement, which brings in the
4 Remember, the glory that God promised to the Gentile people was to exceed that which was promised to the
Jews, in that He referred to the Jew as the former house or lesser light, the law, having been veiled by
constant interruptions of mankind, through his intellectual reasoning and shortcomings, this being the church
in the wilderness (intellectual reasoning).
5 Looking at the latter house or the greater light, the Gentile church, which is referred to as the light of the
world, we see a glorious church, which is without spot or blemish, having been perfected by Jesus Christs
own blood at Calvary. It so excels mans righteousness or acts of Christianity, that there is no glory of the
former in the presence of the latter. The latter, being the life or righteousness of God Himself, with no flaws or
mistakes, whereas all of this accredited to us by the act of faith in His atonement toward our redemption.
6 By this we can see that on this side of Calvary, extensively speaking, it is the restoration. Allegorically or
symbolically speaking, the twelve apostles, being the foundation of the new church, the foundational part of
New Jerusalem, descending out of the Spirit; whereas a wise master-builder called Paul, the apostle, lays the
cornerstone, Christ Jesus, and as he adds the lively stones of Gods kingdom and priesthood, by the revelation
given him, building the city that Abraham searched for, whereas Peter said that this is the promise to
Abraham; the city not made with hands; having foundations, whose builder and maker is God; a celestial
city, build into a holy priesthood by revelation of lively stones, the writer said, whose temple ye are, a
glorious house with exceeding brightness above that of the sun. Even the Fathers house, the many-membered
mansions of His own body, an habitation of God, who is a Spirit, which inhabits the praise and joy of our
religious state of being; every stone fitly joined together by the mortar of charity, the bond that perfects part
to part or stone to stone to the completion of Gods building. Paul said, Whose building ye are, and though
Satan walks in the midst of the stones of fire; fallen angels, having desire to look into the matter, they cannot
comprehend the heights, the depths, nor the widths, in that the blinding radiance of the beauty of these
stones, places them on the outer circumference of the city, whose rejecters are whoremongers, liars and
thieves. This great revelation cannot be comprehended except by sons and daughters of God, inasmuch as
flesh and blood, that is to say, intellectual reasoning, cannot inherit the kingdom of God or comprehend
heavenly things. Remember, this revelation is the translation or rapture from terrestrial to celestial, from
corruption to incorruption. Herein is seen the essentiality of the ministry, with the Word that perfects your
faith, revealing to you godly expressions and heavenly mannerisms in their work of excavation, digging in the
earthly potentials and elements of your heart, to bring forth these precious stones of heavenly convictions
that constitute an inward God-man, pointing to the great event of His appearing, even the fulness of the
stature of God who is a Spirit, returning in His great cloud of witnesses which are His saints, to be glorified
and admired of all, in that Paul used the terms, They glorified God in me. Also, the expression was used, I
will make them to worship at your feet and know that I have loved you, being the head of the body, God, the
Eternal Father, being the life, whereas we, ourselves, as members of His own body, the Holy Ghost, being the
inspirational and quickening, the fulness of Him who filleth all in all.
1 As ministers, we are digging out through means of earthly baptism, by measures of water, heavenly stones, to
a lively resurrection.
2 Let us go back and review or reminisce concerning the church in the wilderness. The first thing that we take
up is the former light, which was the law to the Jew, and a burning testimony in its day; but, remember, the
latter light was to the Gentile, which was Grace, the light of the world. The former was within the veil, as
shown by the veil that was on Moses face when he came down from the mountain; but the latter was revealed
at the rending of the veil of the temple. This was shown at the cross when Jesus Christ was crucified.
3 Paul said that the first covenant had no glory, in the sense that the second was so much more glorious, even
as the moon is hidden at the revealing of the sun, because of the greater light. The glory of this latter
house excels, in that it is a heavenly glorifying, whereas the first was an earthly kingdom. One was Gods plan
in the mind of man, on the beast level from the fall, which was a diminishing life in humanity because of sin
and condemnation, the types, according to the pattern on the mount, and one was Gods plan in the mind of
Christ, the ever-increasing life, because of faith and grace. This life exists in the Sons of God, the greater light,
by regeneration.
1 We must realize that the Scriptures have said, My glory I will not give unto another. The natural Jew, the
church order of their day and of our day, which we define as denominationalism, were not His won manymembered body; but we, the bride, are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh; therefore, receive we the
greatest glory of all, even the Eternal glory of God, Himself. This is because we are not another, but His own
2 Do you know that unless you emerge into a oneness with the Spirit of Holiness, or the Spirit of Christ, you
have no eternal life nor hope of glory. This is the cause for which the church has not been glorified as of yet.
They have become alienated from the commonwealth of Israel, because of their unbelief, and the lack of
performance of the Word of God in their lives, being enemies to God, by the carnal mind, which is not subject
to the Spirit; whereas the mind of Christ is of heavenly constitution, bringing from the heart, the daily issues
of life, faith working by love, translating the inward spirit, transforming the mind or intelligence, and
resulting in a transfiguration of the human body by divine inspiration from glory to glory, which is revealed
from faith to faith by means of the Word of revelation. This is why so many people will miss the rapture,
because it is an inward work, the kingdom of God within you, whereas humanity seeks it by observation, or
after the outward appearance, while God looketh upon the heart. The separation from Egypt is the outer man
perishing through self-denial; not the body, but the inbred satanic mind and system that has robbed God of
His creation, Pharaoh and his followers perishing in the Red Sea of Calvary, by means of the crucifixion and
the atonement. First step: instantaneous change or translation of the spirit into the inward kingdom of God.
Next, the progressive journey or pilgrimage through the wilderness, that is to say, intellectual differentialities,
the pilgrimage of death, hell, and resurrection, bringing forth the inward spirits the souls in prison into
the glorious liberties of grace, wrought in the outer man, the new body of Christ, which is Canaan land,
having borne the image of the earthy, the beast image, which was derived from the fall, after new birth and
regeneration, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly, Christs body and image, the house Peter spoke of in
the Spirit, eternal in the heavens, (spirit) not made with hands. Second step: transformation of the mind, this
being progressively by means of intellectual differentialities, by exercising the senses and discerning between
good and evil. Now then, entering into Canaan, overcoming the giants of opposition (fallen angels) that
inhabit the body. Paul said, Within my flesh there dwelleth no good thing, (repercussions from sensual
appetites). Third step: transfiguration of the human body by divine illumination and the conquering of the
outer man. Its not I that liveth, but Christ, from the world of sight to the world
of faith, through the wilderness of intellect. In a one-two-three, we see our contact senses as a great fishing
net, gathering or collecting everything of the creeping, swimming, and flying species; but, when we run this
through the differential senses, everything is rejected by means of the filtering, that is to say, the mind of
Christ; like the old cotton gin, serving as a filter, by means of a centrifugal force from the inward
comprehensive senses, acting as a vacuum, rejects every undesirable thing, which is unlike Christ. His fan
within His hand, He shall thoroughly purge His floor, gathering His wheat into a garners, and burning the
chaff with unquenchable fire.
1 God, who is a trinity in one, was a oneness in the beginning, dissected Himself into a trinity for the purpose
of multiplication, and then returned to a oneness, in the final analysis of His plans. The trinity teachings are
the uncertain sounds of the trumpet, so that they who observe these teachings cannot prepare themselves unto
the battle of Almighty God.
2 God, in the restoration of the church, gave us justification by Martin Luther, and later, sanctification
through John Wesley, but now, in these latter times, He has given us this great message of glorification.
3 Remember, the Scriptures state that the line upon line, precept upon precept, herein is the glory of God
revealed; from light to light, from glory to glory, from one revelation to another revelation, as it is inspired,
quickened and revealed in its day, its time, or its season, when it this becomes a present day truth for the age
in which we live.
4 Though we have been taught in the Scriptures, that God hath justified, sanctified and glorified us by
predestination, according to His foreknowledge, He hath perfected us forever, once and for all, by the offering
of the body of Jesus Christ, and we are born of God, and we cannot sin, because His seed (Word) of faith
remaineth in us, and nothing can separate us from the love of God which sin Christ.
5We are told that we are complete in Him. To believe this, is to comprehend the heights, depths and widths of
Gods love, which passeth all human understanding. To transfer this intellectual remembrance into a heartfelt
conviction of faith, is to make glorification manifest in the body, a translation by faith, wrought by the
transforming of the mind from carnal mortality to spiritual immortality, right into the kingdom of God, just
as Enoch did.
6We can get some idea of what God has done with humanity down thru the ages, by noticing Moses, Jesus and
Elijah on the mount of transfiguration. So that you might be able to retain a continuity in your thought
pattern, let us acknowledge some of the fundamentals. These are governing principles of revelation, though
they are the elementary side of our subject at this time. Using a one-two-three order of 1st Power, 2nd Power
and 3rd power in thought, we see, in our first power of thought, one mass of 6000 years from Adam to Noah
and 2000 years from Jesus to the millennium. A day is as a thousand years with God, so this give us His
formulated six days of labor, showing the millennium or 1000 year reign to be the 7th or Sabbath day, in which
God rested from all of His labour. So then, in this we can readily see the precision of God in His
acts of creation. God, being the Spirit of Life, continues to reproduce in the natural realms until the
1 Now, the third power reveals 4000 years from Adam to the cross, the number four, showing us the Jewish
Age. From the cross unto the millennium we have 2000 years, the number two, showing the Gentile Age, and
from the millennium to the great white throne of judgement, we have 1000 years, showing the Christian Age.
2 The true pattern is four, two and one, beginning with Adam, extending to the great white throne judgement.
Following our numerical order, we notice that the first witness, which is water, begins with Adam and ends
with Noah, which is our first step, a span of 2000 years. The second witness of blood, takes up from Noah,
beginning with Abraham, and ending with Jesus at the cross, another 2000 year span. The third witness of
Spirit, continuing from Jesus, begins with Peter, ending with Bro. William Branham, the prophet of this age,
the last 2000 year span; for our brothers prediction of total consummation of the world system and
economics will end, in or about 1977, closing the age, as well as his ministry, should his predictions be
correct. Now, watch this very carefully, for this which we are about to relate, is your type, whereas your four,
two and one pattern is your true pattern. The Lord, willing to give us understanding in all things, through
types and shadows, has thus fixed it that we might comprehend heights, depths and widths, Christs
developed mind within humanity, the spiritual, being revealed by the natural.
3Remember, Paul said that all the spiritual is understood by the natural, from the creation of the world.
Watch it close now! The last span of 2000 years, God divided, separating the Roman rule of the dark age from
the Capitalistic Age of American rule. This is for the purpose of showing America, as a type of Canaan land
with her spiritual Jew. Remember, the last is first, and the first is last. In types, the Jew is first, but in the true
pattern, we find that the Christian (spiritual Jew) is first. This creates a reverse from your types to get your
true pattern. You can type spiritual things in a trinity continually. The first trinity pattern is found from
Adam unto Noah, which is the historical pilgrimage of humanity. The second trinity pattern is from Noah
unto Jesus, which denotes your government or intellectual pilgrimage, while the third trinity pattern is from
Jesus unto William Branhams ministry, which conveys the religious or angelic perspective to our hearts and
4Three trinity patterns are found in our first power. Our second is a general over-all three-in-one which is our
four, tow and one pattern. Our third power of thought is your 6000 years, with the last 2000 years, being
divided between Rome and America. The three-in-one telescope, when extended from the viewer, will express,
here, our dissected trinity pattern of types. When this telescope is pushed together into a oneness, it shows the
reverse, which is submerging, after it has completely emerged from a oneness to a trinity. So then, it goes
back to a oneness. The first power is Jew, Catholic and Protestant; while the second power is Catholic,
Protestant and Christian, the third power being Protestant, Christian and Bride (Elect).
5 We are dealing primarily with the first dimensional water world of earth6
ly vegetation. By using it, we are trying to express by means of vocabulary utterance, the three dimensional
type patterns. The first power extends in a trinity dispensational tract of time, from the garden unto America.
The second power extends from the cross unto the great white throne judgement. The third power extends
from Columbus into infinity (eternity).
1 Either one of these patterns, dissected into natural, physical and spiritual, will give you a complete
creational history.
2 God speaks unto us in terms of threes, or in a trinity, thus designating Heaven (space), earth (dust), and seas
(waters). Any one of these, broken down into a trinity, shows Gods triune work of creation. For example,
notice! In the water world there are the creeping things on the ocean floor, which are in deep darkness; there
are swimming things, which are in the twilight realms, between the outer light at the surface and the darkness
at the bottom of the ocean; next, we have flying things, which inhabit the tip or edge of the water, where there
is light. Now, let us move over to the earthly aspect. Beneath the earth, there are creeping things or creatures
of darkness; on the earth, there are walking creatures in the twilight realm; above earth, we have the flying
creatures, which escape the twilight realm of shadows, and are in the open light. Let us look at the heavenly
aspect. There are the sun, moon, and stars. Wandering stars are in the darkness, while the moon is in the
twilight realm, the sun dwelling in the realms of great light. Put all of these three aspects together, and you
will find that the sea is the depths, your heavens are the heights, and your earth is the middle realm, which
brings in the cross for width and length, which is your breadth. The cross formation is as a jackstone and
framework as a satellite in space.
3Let us examine the three perspectives of Gods dimensional work. We can briefly express a few revelational
views. Remember, the law is to the Jews, grace to the Gentiles, and revelation to the Church: the Old
Testament, the New Testament and the book of Revelation.
4 The first perspective is the Law. This has to do with your outer courts to the tabernacle of Moses, which is
called the church in the wilderness, which we are basing on the scale of four, two and one. In the three parts
of the tabernacle, we see first heaven second heaven and third heaven, with its thirty fold, sixty fold and one
hundred fold. The 4000 years reaches to Calvary (the big brazen alter). Dont forget that Jesus is likened unto
the brazen serpent. The evening time of life finds the Lamb of God, hanging at Calvary, while the consuming
God that is likened unto fire, through His fiery indignation, consumes the offering. The first-born male,
without spot or blemish, Israels Passover Lamb, from death unto life, the great marriage supper of God, the
Lords Supper- Joshuas prepared victuals to cross over Jordan; to eat His flesh and to drink His blood, is to
have life. Gods scapegoat, inasmuch as two animals were used, the Son of God, the first man Adam, though
he was not found in the transgression, yet, he went into the wilderness to bear the sins of the people. The
second man Adam was the Lamb received, being made our sins, and likened unto a goat, though he was
innocent. As in the Old Testament, the body or garment, given as a covenant to the royal priesthood; Josephs
coat of many colors which was mutilated by the beast, stained with sins of Red man,
Yellow man and the White man, etc, (the pacified wrath of Jacob, in that the brute beast had killed his son).
Always Cain, who went out into the wilderness, or Abel, who was received: Jacob and Esau, the flesh and the
spirit, the flesh, being the scapegoat, being made sin for the spiritual man; Christ, the Head, along with the
Jews, being make a scapegoat for the Gentiles. We the spiritual Jew, being received, an offering well pleasing
to God, while the Jew, being a scapegoat wanders in the wilderness, God receiving them after the Church
1 Remember in the Old Testament, the man had to lay his hands on the offering to kill it. This is what they
did to Jesus.
2 Just at the entering in of the second court, which is called the Holy place or the inner court, you will find that
the washing took place at the laver pool. The door here is baptism by water at Pentecost, the entrance into His
death. You see cloven tongues, which mean the split hoof, which is clean to the Jew, in that tongs were used to
remove the meat from the alter (they were heated tongs), the rushing wind of the Spirit returning to the
Father when the sacrifice is dead, in that Jesus likened him that is born of the Spirit to the wind.
3If you will notice, just inside of the Grace Age, which is the holy place, the second veil, this is where the
priests went. The Catholics represent the second veil. That is why they believe in the priesthood, for this is
where the priest went with the blood of the sacrifice, shown by the blood of the martyrs in the Dark Age.
4 The next thing you will notice in the second veil, the Catholic age of grace, is that there were twelve little
cakes to the right of the tabernacle, divided into two stacks, which shows the twelve apostles as the message,
which is Christ, the bread of life to our age. Right across to the left of the tabernacle, youll see the sevenstemmed candlestick, which is the light of the seven church ages, Gods anointing on the cakes.
5 In the next perspective, that would be shown by the Protestant Age, if we were to use a different scale, we
see the millennium, which represents the Holies of Holies. This can be found in types in the Protestant age,
which we will explain a little further down. The millennium is the revelational or Kingdom Age, as in the
Holies of Holies. We see Christ upon His throne, and we see the crossing of Jordan from America to the
millennium as in the moonshot from earth to heaven. At the entrance into the Holies of Holies we find the
little altar, with its coals of fire, picked up by the high priest, mixed with a sweet-smelling perfume that no one
was allowed to make, lest they be cut off from the tribe. This perfume, being typical of the Holy Spirit, which
perfume, mixed with the coals from the altar, enveloped Aaron in a cloud of vapour, which cloud caught the
High Priest away; as the disciples watched Jesus at Mount Olivet, Him saying, As ye see me go, I will come
again, which is the cloud of his return, at the rapture. Though the celestial, which is after the millennium, is
the true Holies of Holies, third dimensionally speaking; yet, we have a type in the Protestant Era. (Notice:
6000 years- the outer court, the millennium, the inner court or Holy Place Christ, the High Priest, the twelve
Apostles, ruling as priests with Him on thrones). As High Priest, He alone entered into the celestial, abiding
within the great light, which Paul said that no man could approach unto.
Now, let us examine the first dimensional type of the Holies of Holies. Notice, that the Protestant Age gives
us a beautiful picture. First of all, look at Washington D.C., sovereign, set apart from all other states or
nations. Here we see the Holies of Holies. Look at George Washington, a symbol of the Spirit of Truth. Now,
look at the second part of this nation, which we refer to as the United States, another setting for the Holy
Place, the inner courts; a place of priesthood and religious activity, held accountable for the blood of all
mankind, responsible for the wars, because of our great understanding. People without this religious cycle are
referred to as beast, the outer courts, being the United Nations, where all the beast are killed in wars,
turbulence and conflicts. There is much that can be said about this, but we must, of necessity, pass on to other
dimensional truths, if we are to hold our sequence of revelation.
2 Have you noticed in these writings, that in your middle realm, (earthly) even though it portrays heaven,
earth and hell, yet it is still the beast realm of creeping, walking, and flying creatures of flesh and human
anatomy. So, herein we see animals which den in the earth, human beings, which walk the earth, and fowls of
the air, which fly above the earth; all in the physical, second dimensional or trinity acts of God, always as a
three-in-one. In essence of our expressions, let us say, in a uniform manner that the Jews, which
acknowledged Father Abraham, and the Catholics, which acknowledge Father Washington, are just a threein-one, a mass of unregenerated humanity. Anything that is considered a constituted whole, can be dissected
into three parts, whether it be a kingdom of vegetation, humanity or animals. Time would not permit, to tell
you what we understand of these things.
3 Paul said that God, without respect of person, has concluded all under sin, and that the end of all flesh is at
hand. God is sifting the whole thing to bring a third part through the fire, which is the spiritual aspect of it.
This alone shall be saved. In dividing the last 2000 years, from the cross to the millennium, remember that
this will cause us to count our type pattern of the Jews from Adam to Babylon to America, as our physical
governmental age to the Romans, and a spiritual religious age to the Americans. If you will notice, the United
States already has invited so many different nationalities, governments and religious, as well as laws into
America, so that anymore, you cannot make heads or tails as to what the law or government stands for. It is
just one big Babylon of confusion. No one knows their rights anymore. Everything is just an act of force, by
what they call legal acts. Let us also remember that in a complete look at things, that Rome and America are
one as the religious realm of confusion. The second dimension puts the spiritual government out into the
4 On our long pilgrimage of civilization, from the Garden to America, we
have, at least, reached the place to where we can view the third dimension, the spiritual realm, to see what is
really happening to us today. Please keep in mind our earlier thoughts, light vs. darkness, which result in a
middle realm or a battleground of twilight, creating a cross experience in mans world, of the continual
warfare between Satans spirit in the body, and Gods Spirit in the soul. Here, we can see 4000 years of law
until John, 2000 years of grace unto William Branham, and 1000 years of righteousness unto Gods appearing
after the millennium at the great white throne judgement.
1 Have you ever noticed on your world map, where you can divide it up sectionally into three major parts,
paralleling with Egypt, the Wilderness, and the Land of Canaan? Here, you will find three major countries
that the Bible deals with: the Jewish Canaan land or Palestinian Government, and America, with her
Capitalistic Government.
2 Notice, civilization emerges from the eastern hemisphere, from Egypt, stemming from Abraham individually,
the next step, being from the Roman government, which is the wilderness, then America or spiritual Canaan
land, with her Jews. When reversed America, Rome, Jerusalem, - your natural type is one-two-three from
America to Jerusalem. The changeover shows the middle realm of frustration, the Roman Empire, the middle
wall of partition, which Jesus smote on the cross, the carnal, man-made ordinances of the traditional elders,
such as the counting of beads etc. if you are pure-minded, we can reveal something to you by revelation, here.
Everything God creates has a spiritual significance. Watch the spiritual birth here, forerun by the natural.
The Lord Jesus spoke of the stem of Jesse, which means the male reproduction organ, then, the matrix was
spoken of, which shows the womans reproduction organ. Now, the stem, which shows the seed of inspiration
passes from the loins to the vagina. It is made like unto a serpent, to show the sin of the garden act, between
the beast and Eve.
3 The seed of death was transferred as a spiritual inspiration of debauchery and sorrow, through the blood
pulp of the beastly serpent. Moses, in the wilderness, likened Jesus to the serpent, because he made our sin,
and He was the passage for the mediation between God and man. By the act of circumcision, the foreskin was
removed at Calvary, that the resurrected Christ might live. The glorification of it all is shown by the
protective filter of man and womans compositional part that surrounds each organ. The filter was the
protection of the life passing through, and showed glorification, inasmuch as hair is referred to as a womans
glory. The lubricant that was dispelled so that the gendering might be with thrill and excitement, also made
way for the only uncovered part of the stem to submerge into the mouth of the vagina.
4The eternal inspiration of life from God, the Holy Spirit, concealed in the blood cell of His own fleshly body,
Jesus Christ, the Son, and housed by a watery grave (baptismal act in His name), has produced a generation
of sons and daughters of God, who proudly carry the name of their Heavenly Father, and will not rest until
every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall
confess that He is Lord of all. This passage of mediation, in the serpent realm, again shows Rome, in that the
Gospel or Word of God was given to the Protestant Age by means of the Roman Church as the crucified life of
the martyrs, by the means of their own blood, passed through this brutal, serpentine age, to reproduce an
image of Christ in the Christian era. This is all seen as the God-life survives the Catacombs of Rome.
1 Let us rejuvenate our spirits by means of a little heavenly inspiration. In consideration of the Garden
experience, which is your type, look at your revelation of the Garden experience, which is your type, look at
your revelation, which commences at Calvary or from the birth of Christ. Not only does God speak to us after
the fashion of Israels pilgrimage, saying Out of Egypt have I called My Son, in that Christ Himself, came
up from Egypt, went into the wilderness 40 days; one day for a year, but He also crossed the Red Sea of
Calvary, ascending up to the Mount of Gods presence as Moses, returning seen of the brethren 40 more
days, making a total of 80 days in the wilderness experience; 40 days within His flesh, that is to say, the veil,
and 40 days out of the veil, in His resurrection; then His ascension to the Father, as it was with Moses.
2Just giving a little insight, not breaking it down step by step, in that it would take so long, herein is seen the
life of Noah, the preparation of the ark, denoting the longsuffering of God. The elevated ark God, that is to
say, Christs body resting on the headship at a place called Golgotha, which means skull, suspended between
heaven and earth, the rent veil, Peters open door to the Kingdom within Christ, ( Johns door open in
heaven) that is to say, an entrance into the Spirit, or the inner man, speaking membership-wise, Moses cleft
in the rock, through water, blood and spirit birth, the wounded side from which it flowed, showing the door in
the side of Noahs ark, Peter said, An abundant entrance into life. Jesus, being made sin, cast Satan out of
the body; the raven that went forth to feed on the filth and corruption of the world, those whom God had
rejected because of evil unbelief, twice dead, plucked up by the roots, while as yet , the dove of the Eternal
Spirit could find no place until the wrath of God subsided, the overflowing waters of humanity, that is to say,
Gods spiritual indignation subsided and settled back within its banks. The fountains of the deep, the
understanding of God, being broken up; in that Jesus descended to the highest place in heaven, to control and
send back the waters of refreshing upon the earth. There was no rain of the Spirit from heaven upon earth
(grace on all flesh) until this time. The dove quietly returned back into the ark with the leaf of eternal life
from the olive branch of heaven, ( the body of Christ, membership-wise, at Pentecost) and yet, seven days
until the church ages, or the tribulation of the wrath of God should pass over, that the door may then be
opened to the millennium, the Garden, the restoration of all things, Noahs new earth; the second witness, the
meat covenant; strong meat of doctrinal understanding having come out of the water witness, the first stages
of our birth, passing on to our revelational stages, the spiritual aspect of birth, which means life to be babe,
the opening of the matrix, being the rent veil at Calvary. The five-fold ministry of physicians through the
church ages, working with the membership part of the babe, as headship was born at Calvary, going on to
the sounding of the last trumpet, the finishing of the mysteries of godliness and the gospel; the finished birth
of the manchild, immediately caught up to the throne, raptured into the Fathers arms, which donates Jewish
rule, coming in as the head of the nations.
1 By Calvary, Jesus, the second Adam is also seen, in the expulsion from Gods presence, suffering without
the gate (outside Jerusalem) because of His wife, Eve, the Jewish people. Though taken from Christs side,
from His deep sleep of sorrow, yet, she betrayed Him by partaking of the forbidden fruits of sin in unbelief, in
that she listened to the beastly Roman powers. The man, not being found in the transgression, accompanied
his wife through the thorns and thistles of sorrow, his labour and travail, making provision of his wife and
children. The impregnation of beastly indoctrination, brought forth Cain and Abel, inasmuch as she had also
received the seed from her husband Adam. The Christian Jew of Pentecost and the Gentile German monk,
wrestling one against the other, resulted in the intellectual or Trinitarian Cain, killing out the faithful or oneGod conviction which was Abel; but God, willing to see His plan through, gave us the spiritual Jew
replacement of Seth in the Protestant Age.
2 Now then, looking into the third spiritual dimension, let me remind you again, that 4000 years of law
transpired from Adam to Jesus; 2000 years of grace were from Jesus unto Brother Branham, or the
millennium, leaving 1000 years of righteousness from Brother Branham to God, at the great white throne of
3 Dont forget, there are three major steps to the restoration of the church. 1) Martin Luthers age of
Justification, 2) John Wesleys age of Sanctification, and 3) This age of Glorification, as forerun by Brother
William Branham. (Justification to the spirit by faith, Sanctification to the soul by the blood, and
Glorification to the body by the Spirit).
4 This shows water, fire and Spirit baptism, the one baptism; the three-in-one, just as the Father, Son and
Holy Ghost are three in one. But, this has been dissected into three sectional parts as the three witnesses in the
earth. Basically speaking, Adam, Noah and Jesus form the first dimensional setting. Adam denotes the Water
Age, in that the water covenant of fruit (world vegetation) was made with him; Noah denotes the Blood Age,
in that the meat covenant was made with him; Jesus denotes the Spirit Age, because the spiritual covenant
was made with Him thru Abraham, in that the promise was to the see as of one, even Christ, and not as unto
many. Eight were saved in Noahs day: Broken in half, four were saved in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah:
Broken in half again, in the days of Moses, only two were saved out of Egypt: The final half, being Jesus, the
only one saved, Him, being the Head, with the members of the body constituting the heirs. Thus, we have a
picture of Noah and his family as a type of God-family.
5 In that Noah got the meat covenant, it is obvious that this second dimension, which is your blood realm,
starts with Noah and ends with Jesus. Your third realm, which is spiritual, shows Jesus; (Pentecost) which is
the Spirit witness at the beginning, running from the Lord Jesus over to Bro. Billy Graham, which are your
church ages coming to a close. Your big three are Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and William Branham,
constituted in one unit as a body, soul and spirit, in a Gran Finale of the times. It is
very interesting to study the lives and characteristics of these men in the light of the Gospel, as a present-day
truth, which we will enlarge upon, later on in our studies. What we have stated here in your three dimensions,
in reality, is but your first dimension, a three-in-one. (1st, 2nd and 3rd power) Your sectional parts, by act of
Trinitarian dissecting, is a 2-2-2 which we have expressed as the first section. The second one, you will find
runs 4-2-1, while the next one is a comprehension of the entirety of mankind, in a 6000 year span, introducing
the millennium and the coming in of the celestial earth after the millennium (old earth, restored earth and
new earth: earth, moon and sun). this pertains to the comprehensive views of the Bible.
1 We have allotted first as water to the Jew, the agricultural world of vegetation; allotted secondly to the
Catholic-Gentile world as fire, to burn the chaff by the blood witness of Calvary, judgement on the lukewarm
religious antichrist people. The third sectional part is allotted to the Christians, typed by Protestantism, as the
Spirit or spiritual baptism, from Jew to Protestant; body, soul and Spirit, so far as the type is concerned, but
in reverse, the kingdom from within, moving outward; justification, sanctification, glorification. This is why
the religious sect as a whole, will only accept spiritual baptism (Pentecostal); and this is why the Catholics will
not have anything but the blood, (denominations). The Jews will accept nothing but the water, for that is the
bodily realm in the natural, for, scientists say that our bodies are a composition of water. In the reversed
aspect, the spiritual Jew will be body, because it is the glorified body of the Spirit.
2God said the light of the latter house would be greater than that of the former. The former, which means
before, was a light called the evening light, like unto the moon, which rules the night; (carnal mind of man,
and natural Jew) and the last house is likened unto the sun, the great light which rules the day, upon which all
life depends. It is the mind of Christ. (spiritual Jew) The light is grace, a friend that sticketh closer than a
brother, for Christ is within you, the hope of glory.
3 The natural Jew is Gods clock-in-the night among the anti-church. Anti means type of, opposite or opposed
to. Now, the spiritual Jew is Gods timepiece or clock for His daylight church, the twelve Apostles, showing
the twelve hours.
4 Jacob, whom God called Israel, showed a natural church (nation of many members), and herein his twelve
sons showed the foundation of the natural church of human anatomy, or the beast that was to have worldly
prosperity, ending in death without life; but, Jesus son whom He begat in the Gospel (12 Apostles), are the
foundation of the New Testament Church, headed up in Jesus. The name, Christianity, like the name, Israel,
became a body name of a spiritual nation, ordained to suffering and loss in this world, according to human
anatomy, denoting death to the beast part, that the inner man might be ordained unto life. These two nations,
natural and spiritual, showed the twins (anti-type and true).
5He is not a Jew, that is a Jew outwardly, but a Christian. The inward man, is the true Jew, according to
Pauls teachings. The twins are seen in the battle between the flesh and the spirit. The conflict between
and Isaac, which as to do with the Egypt and Palestinian war of this time, having the same Father, God, the
Creator of all mankind, but two different mothers. Heavenly Jerusalem is the mother of the spiritual Jew,
under grace, which is the glorious liberties of the sons of God, free from the laws and ordinances of mankind,
which Christ abolished in His body at Calvary, destroying the enmity for all that believe. Paul calls this
Sarah, Isaacs mother; the next, he refers to as Mount Sinai, the law of Moses, who, with her children are in
bondage with her worldly elements, their mother, being Hagar, the bondsmaid, not at liberty in Abrahams
house, Abraham, being a type of God. This points to mother earth, the dust from which the natural man is
taken. Being subjected to vanity, he is the bondage to the beggarly elements of the world (appetites and fleshly
desires), bound by the gravitational demands of humanity or human anatomy. The woman was a servant; so,
we see that all the laws of the land are taken from the old Jewish Law, showing that all are in bondage to the
beggarly elements of the world; that is to say, the first-born, which is the flesh, is bound, gravitationally
speaking, by sensual appetites and earthly forces; for, that which is of the earth is earthly, Adam, being made
of the dust; but, as sons of God, we are born of the Spirit, free from earthly bondage; for which is of heaven is
heavenly. Spirit inherits spirit, which is the Kingdom of God, while flesh inherits flesh or corruption, which is
the Kingdom of Satan.
1 The lineage of the first man, Adam is of the dust, in that Adam was created from the dust. Principally
speaking, this means that the elements or composition of his body is relative to the earth and its constitution,
and cannot escape the gravitational forces of the world. The second man, Adam was from heaven, the new
generation (regeneration), making His lineage sons of God, relative to the Spirit, from which it is composed.
Having borne the image of the earthy, so shall we bear the image of the heavenly. As the egg is taken from the
shell, and, by medium of appetite, changed into an energetic specimen of intellectual and human physique, so
are we, by divine transformation, changed into the image of Christ. So then, here we have a true picture of
the fundamentals of Christ, who is the true Son of God.
2This makes Him the Alpha and Omega, the natural and the spiritual Jew, with a Jesus-Name revival at
Pentecost, and a Jesus-Name revival in the end. There will always be three in trinity or anti-revival (carnal
mind), for trinity is the intellectual or tree of knowledge wilderness of mans own reasoning, where he is ever
learning and never able to understand what he has learned, never coming to the Truth of the one God Canaan
land Revelation which translates him into a oneness with God, the Eternal Seal of preservation of the Godmind, which is expressed to mankind by the printed page of the written Word, with one natural nation of a
natural Jew-seed, turned into many nations of Let whosoever will, but all spiritual Jews, as Gods grain, to
be gathered into His garner. The stalk, tassel and blade are like the Jew, Catholic or Protestant Ages, or that is
to say, justification and sanctification, right on down to glorification. Then, the stalk and husk dried up like
Ezekiels valley of dry bones, to be burned or to be fed to the brute that God used to plow the field. He gave
them tem14
poral faith and temporal inspiration to prevail, to build the colleges and schools of human necessity for our
training; and the swine filled their bellies with the husks of the types and shadows, in which the revelation is
preserved, and from which it is revealed. God, as a Spirit, having veiled Himself in the form of all of
humanitys needs, until they comprehend the heights and the depths, to know all things, so as to perfect the
mind of Christ in its fulness, unto the complete translation of mind, soul and body, which is the change. This
is their reward, for it is the land of Esau. Herein is seen the Jew, who is a type, and the Ishmaelites (Arabs)
which are an anti-type.
1 Again, let us remember Abrahams two wives: the woman of bondage and the woman of freedom, the child
of bondage and the child of faith, one, a sexual birth (a temporal inspiration), and one a child of faith ( unto
Eternal Inspiration), New Jerusalem and Old Jerusalem, bondage to the law of carnal mind, and a mind, as
to heavens liberties. One is a child of flesh, and one, a child of the Spirit. One crossing the other, the same
way that the natural mind of intellect conflicts with holiness. Both are water and flesh. Remember Cain and
Abel. The Germans, which are called the master minds of intellect (showing the beast, the Catholic religion).
They killed out the natural Jew at Pentecost, which was Abel, but God replaced him by Seth, which is the
spiritual Jew that sprang from Martin Luthers reformation, known as Protestants.
2God said, I will not give my glory to another, but we are not another. We are His own body. Jesus said,
Father, glorify these with the glory I had with Thee before the foundation of the world by foreknowledge;
(John 17:5) the greater glory which was God, the great spiritual Light of glory, in the form of the mind of
Christ, instilled within the human being; not a prototype or an intellectual comprehension of religion or
godliness, as it was with the Jew; God shining through the veil of human intelligence, the lesser light, but the
rent veil, where the atom is split and the dynamic power of the nucleus within the thought revealed; that is to
say, Christ within you, the hope of glory; the babe within the fleshly womb of mankind, the glass darkly,
being our own human intelligence, the veil over our hearts in the reading of the Old Testament types and
shadows eradicated; the perverted image of the beast destroyed, through transformation of change, with the
brightness of His revelated coming, thus, ending the image of beastly constitution of human intelligence,
which is the result of education and human learning, thus constituting, by divine revelation and Godknowledge, from glory to glory, His own image, the sons of God. So, we see the light of the glory of His
unveiled appearing, proportionately speaking, is changing us into the glorious image of the Son of God. We do
not know what He looks like, but we shall be like Him at His appearing, for we shall see Him as He is. The
statement, as He is, conveying to our thinking, the fact that H is a quickening Spirit or a divine light of
transformation; God, the great Light, springing up from within us as a hope of glory, and from faith to faith,
as we comprehend the revelation, believing what is proportionately revealed unto us, we move into the
fullness of the stature, coming to the ultimate of His expressed image in the earth, the breaking forth of the
inward light, into an outward glorification, bringing a total
consummation and eradication of the outward image of corruption, changing it from terrestrial to celestial.
Notice one more thing! Christs coming from heaven to earth, as taught in our natural indoctrination, will be
to the Jews; whereas, the coming of Christ to us from heaven to earth, is springing from the kingdom within,
moving progressively into our outer man, which is the old earth image, causing it to become a restored earth,
as He dwells within. This is our Protestant millennium, Christ within us, God with us, restoring what the
cankerworm got, then, at His appearing, the instantaneous change of translation, with is our celestial, or new
earth, as recorded in 1 Thessalonians. While, as yet, the Jews go through the millennium restoration, the reign
of the Son of David, the Jews then join our celestial group at the great white throne of judgement, then, we all
reign eternally in the celestial.
1 For you that are spiritual, herein is mentioned, the great ultimate of the God-expression in your life. The
Bible tells us that the last enemy to be conquered is death. This is the whole purpose of God, and the plan of
salvation to mankind, for Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. Since death came by man,
(Adam) it is reasonable to think that life also comes by man. This life came by the second man, Adam at
Calvary, but the benefits could not be enjoyed unless they could be comprehended through a height, depth
and width of godly mind and measurements. This resurrected Christ, as He, himself gave reference to His
own state of being, saying that I Am (to you who can receive it) the divine transforming, inspirational,
resurrecting, quickening Spirit or Word of Life, in a revelated form, that is to say, unveiled; a transforming
radiance of godly life, intelligence and beauty.
2If you will notice, here we see the conquering of death, for the declaration of Himself from within, shall, from
measure, as the sounding of the last trump, (His own voice) change you from glory to glory, into the fulness of
His stature.
3 Let us consider revelation from another angle. Is death really conquered? Is it true that some shall be
changed and not others? If so, then Pauls writings are correct; he really did have a revelation that would
conquer death, but the times and seasons to one born out of season, would not lawfully permit the utterance
to bring the change before its time. Though Enoch was allowed to be translated by faith of the revelation,
which is the faith of Christ, which faith is referred to as faith to faith, as revealed to us by measure, that is to
say, contending for the faith. God let Paul experience the change by going into the third heaven, but would
not let him know whether he was in his body or out of his body, so as to hide the mystery of the change, until
the time appointed. He did make the statement that he could not tell. As to how he meant this, we do not
know. The one thing we do know is Jesus completed His course, and on the Mount of Transfiguration, as a
human being, walked into the celestial, and did not have to die to return into heaven. He had, as Enoch,
discovered the way. Having to die for our sins, He went to Calvary, saying to Thomas and the others, Ye
know the way that I go, for I Am the Door to the sheepfold.
Not only was He the Word of Truth, but He was also the Way and the Life: for He was the transformating
revelated Word that would strike the
human intelligence, swallowing it up, even as the king snake swallows up his perverted adversary as the
Brazen Serpent of Calvary, making a way; Peters Open Door, the abundant entrance into eternal life, that he
spoke of. We see this illustrated in the Old Testament types where Moses rod was turned into a serpent, and
swallowed up the serpents of the magicians of Egypt. We, who can comprehend in our times, the benefits of
the unveiled Christ, then become eternal, and gods that cannot die.
1 Look once again! If death is the last enemy to be conquered, then, lets you and I together, examine its
measures and means. What is death, to begin with? First of all, we know of a surety, that it is Gods enemy,
and is the result of sin, which measures and means are the acts of unbelief, resulting in the elementary stages
of death, which we refer to as sickness, metal or bodily disorders, oppressions, fears and frustrations, all,
having begun in the garden by human desire, which is beastly passion. The word, desire is referred to as
lust in the King James Version. The writer said that sin is in the world because of lust, finding its entrance
through Eve, the mother of all living, having been transmitted to Adams offspring, in that all nations are of
one blood. So then, in Adam, all die, as in Christ, all is made alive (the second man Adam, the regeneration).
Watch, as the writer expresses himself concerning this. First is the enticement, as we behold with our eyes,
that by which we are charmed or fascinated, the serpent charming the bird. Next, we are drawn away by our
own lust or desire. Then, when lust conceives, that is to say, when our sensual appetites affect our spirit within
the heart, the act of unbelief, which is disobedience from an evil heart of unbelief, projects itself through our
bodily being in the act of sin, which means death. The temple is defiled! God must destroy it, for when sin is
finished, it brings forth death; Gods judgement on the creature, which is nothing more than the
disfellowshipping of the shekinah glory or presence of God, which is life, inasmuch as our iniquity is the
barrier of separation. Christ, Himself, willing to receive the punishment for our sins, took our punishment at
Calvary, for He was bruised for our iniquities, and the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, therefore,
being justified by faith in the atonement, we have peace and eternal life in God, through Christ.
2So then, if memory can be eradicated, that is, memory of condemnation, then death is conquered, because
condemnation kills faith. John said that obedience, being better than all sacrifice or human efforts, that is,
obeying from the heart, Gods own form of doctrine, will liberate our souls, commanding acts of virtue and
godliness from within the desire of our own hearts, a joyful act and proclamation of His love to the world.
3The memory of evil is the sin that so easily doth beset us; whereas, we ought to cast down imaginations, for
medical science has proven that sickness which corrupts the body is caused by mans disposition. Even
hereditary diseases will follow certain natures, thus producing evil spirits that, through birth, will disfigure or
deform the fruit of the womb, in that the nature of a thing determines the fixed image, whether singular or
plural, as concerning the conception or cross breeding. This, of course, follows all the way back to Adam
(Satans spirit and his spirit living in his heart, flowing freely with his blood, reproducing the blood cell of
after the flesh, but after the Spirit, could be free from death. We do mind or think upon the things of the
Spirit, for we have the mind of Christ. Those who are not born again, being absent from the mind of Christ,
do mind the things of the flesh, for they are in the flesh, that is to say, that their spirit is in the control of
intellectual and sensual desires, whereas ours is in the control of heavenly and godly desires.
1Notice this one thing! He that is born of God, cannot sin, for the inward seed of the word of Spirit, in a
conviction of unyielding faith, by Christian atonement; therefore he is Christ, in His righteousness, in the eyes
of God. God can no longer see him, but patiently waits, as the little chick patiently pecks his way through his
shell, into his glorious liberties, out of the darkness of human intelligence, into the radiance of the glorious
light of heaven.
2 Now, we know that sin is the sting of death. If a man cannot sin, then, death has lost its stinger and hath
become helpless. God has said that the soul that sinneth shall surely die. In that He made the creatures
subject to vanity, He, Himself, hath paid the price for the fall, but, sin of the soul comes from ones own
sovereignty, therefore, God cannot be blamed. Faith is imputed to us as righteousness, as with Abraham, for
we have accepted Gods righteousness that He wrought in the earth by Christ, no being found with our own
righteousness, which is as filthy rags; not as the Jews, who went about to establish their own righteousness by
ritualistic practices and man-made ordinances concerning the Law, for they stumbled at the stumbling-stone,
Jesus Christ; for, lest our righteousness exceed that of the Pharisees, whose righteousness was by the Law, we
have no part with God; but Christ, our righteousness, exceeds that of the Law.
3For the last look at this subject, we see the change of the Law to faith, and the change of the priesthood to the
five-fold ministry. Now, that which is not of faith is sin, for faith is the transforming power that transforms
into His image. If we cannot sin, we cannot die, so then, death is swallowed up in victory, the victory that
overcometh the world, even your faith in Christ, which has defeated the world, having made you dead to the
world, and the world to you, by His own body.
4So then, to the last enemy we say, Death, where is thy sting? Christ abolished it in His sufferings at
Calvary, so then; Grave, where is thy victory? Christ conquered it by resurrection, for, having been
delivered for our offenses to Calvary, so was He resurrected for our justification. Even so, have we been
planted in the likeness of His death by the fore-knowledge of God. Old things are passed away, and behold, all
things have become new, and now we are at our change, in a moment, the twinkling of an eye; from
corruption to incorruption, from terrestrial to celestial.
5 So then, we see that it was not mans glory, as at the first rule of King David, but the rule of sonship, by King
Jesus, God and mind referred in man unto glorification, that they, by translation into Gods kingdom, might
appear in glory as Moses and Elijah did on the mountain of transfiguration. Have you noticed that the
Scriptures tell us that they who deny that God or Christ, the Anointed One, has been manifested in body
form or flesh is anti? That, if any man denies that God is a Spirit, and was manifest in the flesh of the body,
called a son, that this man was antichrist; which is trinity or counterfeit, being only a type of a true Christian.
God is in Christ as His members, the Hope of glory or translation. The bodily of members are coming
together so that the headship can come together. Everything is taking on its head. Notice that Elvis Presley is
the king of rock and roll; Roy Rogers, king of the cowboys; Dale Evans, queen of the cowgirls; and many
others. This shows the Head coming in. the members are gathering together, not to break ranks. (Joels army)
Ye are Gods building, the lively stones, bonded together by the mortar of Charity.
1 Everyone of these stones shall be cast down. Not one stone shall be left upon another. Jesus said that we are
gods, because gods beget gods. As a dog begets dogs, God begets gods. Jesus said, You say I call Myself God,
because I am a Son of God. We are the body of Jesus, the body of God, collectively speaking, the manifested
sons of God in the flesh, the members of Christ. The promise was made to the Seed of One, Christ. We must
be His body to inherit it. All others are left out, so, the kingdom, and the kingdom is joy, peace and
righteousness forever and ever, to own and rule all things by faith in Jesus Christ or His body. Now, is made
known unto the church, the manifold wisdom of God, that spoke the world into existence.
2 Jesus is the Head, we are the members, and the church is, the bride to the Head. So then, altogether, we are
the bodily members to Christ, who is the Head. All together, we make up the God-body. Gods Spirit is the
mind, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, the Life; Christ, translating you from glory to glory, from the
satanic mind of corruption, sickness and sin, the beast body of man, into the image of Jesus Christ, from
which we fell, into sin, under the control of the beast in the garden, to be subject to the beast mind of man, by
rejecting faith in the mind of God or Christ, turning to mans knowledge or the tree of knowledge, starting a
blood lineage, into which Satan began his incarnation, to head up in the endtime as antichrist, working part
to part, from unbelief to unbelief; from doubt to doubt, to a personification of Satan, himself, in his attempt
to rule the world and overthrow Gods Kingdom. He is perfecting his image by means of education, (tree of
knowledge). Paul said, Science (knowledge) falsely so-called, but God, dissecting Himself into a trinity form
at the garden fall of the beast, revealed Himself unto us through the mind of Christ, and hid it from the wise
and the prudent. At Calvary, He brought the three parts of His body back together again for the resurrection,
shown by the Jews, Catholics and the Protestants; Body: Soul and Spirit-Death, Hell and the Grave.
3The blood, of which all nations are made, by sex birth, ran out at Calvary, and Jesus said, They that are
born of Spirit are Spirit. The Word, around which all forms of matter orbit, was spoken to death; but, that
same Word veiled itself in flesh and spoke it back to life. Faith contains all things by Gods spoken Word; so,
as we execute ourselves to death, by knowledge of Gods spoken Law, we let forth ourselves back to life, by
the mind of Christ, thru His grace, by His atonement at Calvary. Jesus
said, He that heareth my Word, and believeth on me, is passed from death unto life, and shall not come into
condemnation. Lets head up in Christ from Gods Adam, the sons of God, and not in the Adam of the beast
at the end of the age, the antichrist. Temporal life is drying up (no thrill anymore). The water is held back
from Heaven, and the Fountain of the House of David is opened; and the man, the savior of the body of the
wife is saved, and the bondmaid is lost.
| (2nd Dimension Carnal)
Lets go back into the Old Testament and take a look at the sacrifice that they had in their day. First, the
beast would be brought unto the priest, then held and slain, and the blood spilled. Then, the spirit of life
would be released from the bodily prison of the beast. Remember, that in the original creation of God, there
was no perversion in Adams descendants, or in the replenishing of Adams world, as pertaining to the
creatures which dwelt with him or inhabited his world, as pertaining to the creatures which dwelt with him or
inhabited his world; but Satan, in the beast, through the weaker vessel, which is the woman subduing the
weaker will. Started a creation of perversion; a satanic world of heartaches and troubles, through the
multiplying of pestilence of various descriptions in the earth, and, taking life into prison, he used these
perverted creatures to destroy and disturb the human race, taking peace from the earth.
2 Peter referred to these that are in individual form, as being brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed (II
Peter 2:12). At death, the breath of life goes back to God who gave it; being released from the bodily prison of
the perverted creature in which it has been misused by the satanic will, to fulfil the lust of the flesh, which is
the beastly part of man. The natural body of the beast, spoken of in the Old Testament, was burned outside
the gate; then, the inward parts were taken, and offered up on the altar of God by fire, after they had been
cleansed by water and the sprinkling of blood and hyssop. Paul said, We have a better altar, and the
sprinkling of Jesus blood as a Lamb, to cleanse our conscience from sin, by the washing of the water of the
3Notice, in the wilderness, three phases of baptizing are represented, to show Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
according to Matt. 28. This represents Law, Grace and Righteousness. Law shows the natural water world of
vegetation (Jew World); Grace reveals the physical blood world of humanity (Catholic world); while
Righteousness declares the angelic spiritual world of spirits (Protestant world).
4 These three witnesses agree in one, which means that they are one composition in their present state of
creation, but they are dissected by time elements in divisional parts for godly educational purposes. Noahs
day represented water baptism of the body (Old World), because the water was upon the natural earth. Jesus
day shows the baptism of blood or fire, because it was to the physical earth of the soul (Present World).
Peters day was the cleansing of the Spirit, the angelic part of man, or angelic world (Future Millennium
5 Pentecost was the third witness, but God suffered Pentecost to die out to the minds of the people by the death
of the apostles, and the dark age of Roman rule. This way, God withheld the testimony of the third witness
from mankind until the latter times, which is the restoration of the church, springing from Martin Luther to
our day. The trinity teachings, (Catholic)
killing the oneness teachings (Jesus; Name Jews), shows the religious Cain killing Abel, which, in these latter
days, is replaced by the spiritual Jew, Seth or the Jesus Name oneness teachings. (Not the Jesus Name
We can see this forerun by the great ministry of our latter day prophet, William Branham. From his
ministry sprang Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborne, and a vast multitude of deliverance ministers, as a tree with
many branches, God, having left us a seed for this age, lest we should be likened to Sodom and Gomorrah.
The voice of Healing magazine, born from the William Branham ministry, served as a springboard, and
helped to bring an awakening to this Laodicean Church Age, producing many denominations, the time
element being just right to parallel the spiritual Jew to the natural Jew, which began to return to the their
homeland in about the year 1947.
2This typical tree represented temporal life, in that it pointed to the tree of knowledge, giving to the people in
indoctrination of the Word, revealing their sins by a guilty conscience, thus bringing death, in that guilt
destroys faith. It was Moses in the veil, typified by Brother Branham, who was faithful in all his house, but his
message went into the veil of the Voice of Healing tree with its many trinity branches, showing the deceived
woman, Eve (mother harlot system), wanting the benefits of prosperity and healing. Changing the truth into a
lie, it became a seed of perversion, to the corrupt life, producing a group of religious bastard children which is
a trinity teaching of the great whore (Catholicism); a reproduction of paganistic Rome, showing the birth of
Cain, as the trinity offspring from the God-Word given to the first man, Adam (Brother Branham Christ, in
the veil). This is why the followers got hung up on the Serpent Seed doctrine, and took a preserve outlook
concerning it, the sexy base side.
3It also showed Moses commonwealth in the wilderness, in that the Law shows the letter of death or, typically
speaking, the tree of knowledge (Moses Trinitarian denominational commonwealth in the wilderness). This,
in reality, means the religious Word or move of God toward the creative act of life, within the intellectual veil
of human activity and educational endeavours. The second son produced from this great ministry, which is
not represented by the spoken Word, neither the first wife, nor the first son of William Branham, is
represented here, rather, by the second wife and the second son, which are the spiritual perspective, for the
law of the letter killeth; because, in the beginning was the spoken Word, which was Jesus, who was made sin,
Who is the beginning of the creation of God.
4Paul tells us that the bodily veil of Jesus was the Law of the letter of death, having fulfilled every jot and
tittle. The first covenant, being old, was folded up and laid away in the grave. So, we see the first man, Adam
was God-life in a veil, from the time he (Adam) submerged into the womans bodily veil of the beastly mind of
Satan, stemming from the tree of intellect. Thus, flesh became a feminine beast body, reproducing children
from a sexual birth unto death (The woman part, like the serpent, giving life from the belly, eating food from
the dust of the ground, God, having placed him upon his belly for the rest of his life, because of his evil deeds).
5 If the Word was the beginning of the veil, then, when the Bible uses the
term, In the beginning, this has reference to something that is seen, heard or manifested. That is to say,
something existent; but, there was something before the beginning which was non-existent: God, the Spirit,
the mind or foreknowledge yet unexpressed, and was not yet made a Word of vocabulary utterance, until the
eve of its expression; which, of course, means Eve, the woman, which is the expression of Gods creative act of
the world of evil; whereas Adam, representing the spiritual, had been swallowed up within the mind of Satan,
as Jonah was swallowed up in the whale. (God-mind of Adam swallowed up in the satanic mind of Eve: thus,
God, veiling Himself in darkness middle wall of partition, Pauls glass darkly.)
1Life is now imprisoned within the feminine image, which is the beasts beautiful body, in that humanity is the
image of the beast. All flesh and blood is the feminine side of God by creation, but only the regenerated are
the feminine side of God, by spiritual re-creation. In this is seen the Jew and the Gentile. In the natural
perspective, the Jew is true, and the Gentile is faulty. In the spiritual perspective, the spiritual Jew is true,
(grace) and the natural Jew (law) is faulty. Your type is Ishmael and Isaac (Arabian nation and Israelite
nation, bond child and free child). He can only express himself from within the prison, through means of
reproduction (children), still being life within the veil of the beastly image.
2 The weaker side of God is his wife, which is the humanitarian side of creation (ones born again, flesh of His
flesh and bone of His bone). This shows Gods feminine part, the Jesus, or sinful side of God, which is the
unredeemed body. Inasmuch as God cannot sin, the woman, or the body is to blame; while His graceful life
remains in her, thus, she is kept alive. Through Eve, being the weaker side of Adams bone and flesh, we see
God and the church; while, beyond the type, in reality, the comparison is made between the first and second
man, Adam. We see, through Cain and Abel, the type, as to the natures inbred within the two children (two
nations in the womb of Rebecca, Esau and Jacob, a wicked and a Godly nation) at the rending of the veil,
differentiating between the Lord and the Christ; the imprisoned Christ, which was the Godly Adam, in its
first stages, before the fall, having been imprisoned within the beastly image of humanity from the fall. So
then, there are two worlds; a natural world of finite, which is the veil of all tangible creation, called the
middle wall of partition, which is referred to as the land of Esau.
3 There is also an unveiled spiritual world, by the act of re-creation, which we refer to as the land of Isaac,
who represents the free child, of the heavenly Jerusalem, the mother of us all; while Hagar represents
Ishmael, the bondchild, who is under bondage to the natural world of beggarly elements. This is typified by
the natural and spiritual Jew. Peter said that the elements would burn with fire. So then, this body of
elements or this world of atomic constitution shall utterly be consumed or dissolved; but, if this body of
worldly element should be consumed, then, we, who are spiritual, have a spiritual body, eternal in the
heavens, which cannot be destroyed. Scientists say that nothing can be destroyed. I believe that this only
pertains to the original creation; but, in that a spirit is referred to as burning or fire, this shows Satan: a fire
of lust, and God: a fire of life. If one fire of lust distorted the image by means of dissolving, then, God
can correct the error and bring back to its original form or image by means of dissolving the element. He will
do this through sonship.
1The body of Jesus, thus, typifying the sinful image, was smitten and punished by God at Calvary, thus
releasing the innocent Adam, who is the masculine perspective of God, smiting the feminine side of Adam,
which is the flesh (the woman), through her travail, paying for her sins; Christ, or the spiritual part, which is
the male perspective, at last, finds His freedom from the bodily imprisonment within the fleshly veil from the
perverted form and image of the beastly woman, Eve, the great whore.
2With this, God brought forth a virgin body, so that the reproduction of life from the spiritual Adam, within,
might be a spiritual birth of the reproduction of the image of the innocent Christ, called the second man,
Adam (God-life from within, reproducing children unto eternal life, in His own image, whereas the first man,
Adam had reproduced in natural birth, a beastly image unto death from the fall). The male and female show
the male aspect as the manifested image of the innocent second man, Adam, and the female aspect as the
unregenerated man (first man, Adam), who are the children of Satan or man (beast), made in the image of the
sons of God, showing the twins; for, in this world or garden of God, while, as of yet, it is veiled from its beauty
by thorns and thistles of the curse, Adam the son of God, walking along through this life, with the nearest
thing to a son of God, the image of the beast, which is a man. The mother carries the seed of the beastly man
unto a natural birth of death, because he is under the law of imposition, force to be partakers of the tree of
the educational system of death, for the laws of the land demand it.
3 The sons of God being free, being the sons of Adam, the mother also carries this seed, the same mother, two
different fathers, for, within the womb of the mother there is found an inseparable siamese twin. One part is a
parasite, for there is only one life in bodily functioning, but two different minds, trying to control the same
body. Two heads make it a freak. Paul calls it an inward man wand an outward man, the continual warfare
between the body and the soul (fleshly and spiritual man). Only through the operation of Calvary, by means
of the rending of the veil, can God, the Great Physician, carefully put forth His knife, or two-edged sword of
the Spirit, to perform the dissecting of these inseparable twins. He alone, can discern and tell which part is
the parasite, sparing the one, and destroying the other; giving life to the one whom life belongs (sons of God);
for, they were given the life through Adam in the beginning. This sword is the Word of God, the mind of
Christ, Pauls sharp two-edged sword, a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart, dividing asunder,
the soul from the spirit and the marrow from the bone.
4It is evident that people who come into the realm fail to see the siamese twins; and, in so doing, they start
another lineage which cannot be. This would make the blood atonement of Calvary of no value. God
illustrates, by means of two inseparable twins, to show the two nations, each one, going to his own destiny
after his living pilgrimage and exploits of life; but, it is clearly understood, that from the beginning, one had
to die, that the other might live.
5Two fathers, each being a spirit, used the one Adam-body: Adam, being
the fleshly woman, the womb of his heart, carrying the two lives, both carnal and spiritual minds, the mind of
Satan and the mind of Christ. From him came forth the carnal-minded Cain, unto death; and from him, also
came forth, the Christly mind of Abel, unto life,
1The woman and the beast in the garden are only a type, which is really represented by Adam and Eve, Jesus,
being the true Adam. The beast was only used to represent Adam, in that, at that time Adam represented
Christ; the children 1st power, the woman 2nd power and the man 3rd power (3rd heaven supreme rule).
2Innocent man, uncontaminated by the mind of Satan, means the redeemed body. This is the virgin wife of the
inner sons of God, made in His image in the beginning. In the fall, this image was perverted to the beastly
Eve, in that Eve typifies the fall. So then, the fallen image, the depraved side of life, which has accepted the
intellectual mind or the corrupted seed of Satan, is the beastly image or wife to the sons of Satan; while, in
heaven, all are as the angels. Satans angelic attributes take on an embodiment of fallen man, while Gods
angelic attributes take on the embodiment of redemption or regenerated man; for, their true image has only
been camouflaged, not distorted, by the fall.
3 The theme of the message of The Covering of His Glory expresses a third dimensional view of what we are
trying to project to your mind. It is vividly seen, by Scriptural expression, that Cain and Abel, being the
inseparable twins, Abel had to die, so that Cain might live. The spirit of the Christ-Adam died, so that the
flesh of the first Adam might live. The next step is that Cain dies out of the presence of God, that Seth might
live, Seth is the revival of Abel. It is shown at Calvary, as the fleshly first man, Adam is put to death by the
crucifixion, and the priestly or Christ part of the second man, Adam is restored to His original state of life,
thus correcting the disorder of the fall; for, Paul said, Of necessity, that which is natural must be first, as
was the case of Leah, who represented the Jews, a natural seed, ready to fall into the ground and die, to
reproduce a spiritual life, which is seen in Rachel, the spiritual Jew. At the death of Rachel, the Gentile bride,
Jacob returns to the homeland of the father; turning back to Leah, his Jewish first wife.
4This is seen as Brother Branham leaves Sister Hope for Sister Meda, and then, at death, he goes back to
Sister Hope. This accounts for the fact that Cain was not the linage of Adam, because there was only one life,
and it belonged to Abel. Abel died naturally, which was typical, but Jesus said, Lazarus sleepeth, but, Cain
died spiritually, by God revealing his birthmark, which showed the mark of the beast, which means perverted
life. That was proof that he was not in the linage of sonship, in that Adam was the Son of God, Cain, being
typical of the second death, which is the death of the sinning soul (Wilful, premeditated murder). The soul
that sinneth shall surely die. The writer said, Wherefore slew he is his brother? It was because he was of
that wicked one. There is no resurrection of Cain, nor his descendants, the great intellectuals and artificers of
brass; but, Jesus awoke Lazarus, which shows the replacement of Abel by Seth, the resurrection and the life,
the spiritual Jew, replacing the natural, who was destroyed by the beastly intelligence of Germany and the
In this, we see the bodily veil of Abel, the Jew, brought forth in the new body of Seth, in the resurrectional
regathering of Jews, or our message of life, which is God, returning to the Jew, in that He was the life that
departed from them.
2You can see, through the ten lost tribes, the feminine part, the woman or body, being lost through the fall,
going away into Syria; (721 B.C.) while Judah, the male part, holding the scepter, subjected itself to the fall;
Christ, going after the church, which had withdrawn herself from her husband, Judah, through her
idolatrous practice; the ten tribes, denoting ten commandments or self-righteousness, the tradition of the
elders; Jewish ritualistics of the Roman, paganistic church, which is not a Jew at all, but will join itself to the
natural Jew, thus deceiving and perverting Gods plan to bring in the regime of anti-christ. The Jews will be
caught in this through the promises of Kissinger, the betrayal kiss of death, and so in the name.
3The true ten lost tribes will be brought back through the tribulation period by two prophets, as the wings of
an eagle, picking up the Jewish woman after her travail of bringing forth the spiritual manchild, which is the
spiritual Jew, carrying her away into a secluded spot, a place prepared for her, perhaps, the valley of Petra.
America, being the woman world, with an eagle government, was caught away into the American wilderness
as a type of this, with the birthing of the great Columbus, whose name was Christ or Christopher, who had an
agreement with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand to become her governor.
4 Lets take one more look at the inseparable twins, using man and woman as Christ and the church: Pauls
mystery, bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh, only one body and one head, until Satan toke control of Eve,
making the body a two-headed freak. The male is the stronger part, which controls the feminine or weaker
part. The God-Spirit, being stronger than Satan, puts Satan in the feminine or second power realm of the
angels, man, of course, being first power. God uses a typical illustration in the natural of a water-life of
vegetation 1st power, a blood-life of beast 2nd power, and a sonship life - 3rd power, The last, being the
spiritual realm (natural, physical, spiritual).
5The feminine head of the woman overpowered the masculine head by means of allurement and sensual
passions, in that woman was made for man; for, God had subjected mans desire unto her, that is, the flesh,
being subjected to vanity, by reason of Him, Who subjected the same in hope, Christ in you, the hope of
6If the male is stronger, then, the supernatural power of Satan, in taking control of the female, created a freak
head, by means of the male surrender; so, the first episode of life under the regime of Satan, through the
woman, him, being the prince of this world. All sicknesses, turbulence and disorders of life are caused by his
restraint. The woman likes the thrill of excitement; that is to say, the flesh is weak, through its sensual
passions of sexual birth and desire; but, Christ, the Prince of Peace, represented by the male, loves the ways
of peace. All His paths are peace. They that keep their minds stayed on Christ Jesus will have perfect peace,
for He leadeth
us beside the still waters (gentle people). The Bible says that all of the world is at peace since Satan lay down,
speaking of the millennium and the binding of Satan for a thousand years.
1Because of the fall, it is imperative to the restoration of mankind, that God, the stronger Spirit, take over the
masculine senses, to bring the life back under the control of the male gender, so that the feminine parasite
head might wither away; and, as a deteriorated limb, be cut off from a living tree; for, Paul said that it was
grafted in wild, by nature, the Gentile woman, being contrary to her Jewish head, by means of her geniusy of
intellectual brilliance and definement. She has adorned herself in scarlet and purple, but, her cup is full of
abominations of her fornication and uncleanliness, for the Gentiles seek after the things of the world. Her
satanic mind has been corrupted by the beastly intelligence of her German indoctrination by men, such as
Einstein and others. She has played the great whore against God, the spiritual mind of her husband, the Jew;
for, Salvation is of the Jew, Jesus said.
2Through the seed of corruption, she has produced bastard children. She shall be cast into a bed of great
tribulation and her children will be burned with fire. Her Trinitarian god of the flesh (for so it means), is
relative to the word Baal, and her fornication, by intermarriage of church and state, has produced a fleshly
or woman head, a beastly image of membership, that will reveal its birthmark in the end, as a relatives of
Cain. Her husband has rejected her and put her away by writing of divorcement, in that her children could
not be called by the name, Jesus. A new world of nations will bring in a virgin earth of millennium; Jesus, on
the throne, the Jews, being the head of the nations, will produce children unto life; for, God said, The days of
My people shall be as that of a tree.
3 Both natural and spiritual Jews are rising to take their kingdoms, and to cultivate their parched grounds, to
make the desert to blossom as the rose, and to produce the fruits required for natural and spiritual survival,
doing this by the latter rain of this age.
4 Between the natural Jew and the spiritual Jew, we find the physical Jew, represented by the Roman Catholic
Church, which serves as a middle wall of partition or soul realm, which is located between the body and the
Spirit in revelation. Protestantism, typified by the sun or the great light, as the daylight church, is reflected to
the Jew or the earth, by means of the Roman Catholic Church, or the moon, as the medieval age of twilight,
which is neither day nor night, hot nor cold, but is lukewarm. She absorbs the wrath and indignation of God,
just as the natural moon intercepts the wrath or heat of the natural sun in mediation between the sun and the
5 Considering our three dimensional steps of first heaven, second heaven, and third heaven, our formula is the
natural pattern of creation, which is the water world of vegetation, thus, we find the unknown: 1) Mans
mind, world of sight, Egypt; 2) Satans mind, of intellect wilderness; 3) Christs mind, world of faith, Canaan.
6Like a reversible jacket can be turned inside out, God said that the last shall be first, and the first shall be
last. We, as Protestants, receive the lesser light of Law from the former church, (Jew) by means of reflection,
coming through the Roman Catholic age. Now, it reverses, and the Jew receives the greater light of grace
from the latter church (Protestant or Christian) by the same means, with revival, and setting in the western
part of the world (America). But, the greater light will rend the Roman veil, by eradicating the middle wall of
partition. This will be done by the tribulation period, releasing the glory of this great light to a millennium
restoration of Adams lost garden, for it returns to the Jew in the east of revival of life, while the rest of the
world goes into antichrist darkness via the National Council of Churches, which is portrayed or seen in the
second dimensional realms. The world, turning upright on its axis, by the great explosion, will reveal the
hidden garden, which is camouflaged by climate, waters and vegetation. The beauty of the western world will
perish, as God turns back to the masculine nation (the woman, losing the beauty of her favour with God,
because of corruption and disobedience); thus, the male will take on a new radiance, as he is illuminated by
God, to draw the woman back to her place. Watch the present age! This is at hand! Satan will make men
feminish and glamorous. He is satisfied to subject the woman to the male, now that he hath polluted the mind
of the male, having subjected the male to himself; therefore, the male will look like the woman, hair and all.
1 The male is the hidden garden of life. He is the tree which produces life; for, his understanding and
judgement is of God, in his originality. The woman is the tree of knowledge, for her desire is unto death; for,
sin is in the world through lust. Eves lust let it in. Her fruits are unto death. (fruit of her womb) The males
seed is unto life, because he is rooted by the river of life. (Gods Spirit) The water of that Godly river produces
life through his branches and his fruit; for, the Jews are the head of the nations, their leaves, for the healing of
the nations. Remember, when I say woman, I mean sons of men or unregenerated flesh, for the man is only a
type. Before new birth, it is the inner masculine part, controlled by Satan, overpowering the outer feminine
Christ, bringing into subjection, the outer virgin body of Mary. The virginity of the body is yet to be
manifested, in that the body is still in the degenerate stages of Eves fall. Though Satan has been cast out, he
still residing in the outer body, which is the woman; for Paul said, Within my body there dwelleth no good
things, for, we wait for the redemption of our body; so then, potentially speaking, we are already the virgin
body of Christ; for, it doth not yet appear what we shall be like, but, when He appears, we know that we shall
be like Him, for, we shall see Him as He is.
2The sun rises in the East (man) and sets in the West (woman), Christianity or civilization, rising up in the
eastern part of the world (Palestine), circling the world until the rule of the Negro takes over in America,
which will denote darkness, the shades of evening, which is the shadow of death. The Negro also denotes the
carnal mind of the beast, which caused the fall in the Garden, of Adam and Eve, from life to death, following
the type of Cain. The days of the Gentiles are over. The closing moments are now at hand. The feminine rule
of this woman nation is on the verge of return30
ing to the male aspect, which is the Jew; and not, as Hitler supposed, to the German Fatherland, the beastly
father of Cain. The church (woman) will, at last, acknowledge Christ (the Word) as her head.
1The male authority, which was lost to the woman, to show the disobedient church, will, at last, be restored,
and the husband shall again rule the home, having this children in subjection with all gravity. The
communistic dragon, working through the German Beast in its type, impregnated the Roman Catholic
Church (Eve) before her Hebrew husband could mate with her, causing her to become a prostitute, bringing
forth a bastard trinity child, without a lawful father in wedlock to give it a name, (Cain) yet, by her lawful
Hebrew husband, she brought forth a oneness Jesus Name child, bearing the Fathers name. The Hebrew,
ordained to carry the Seed of the Gospel to the world, was hindered by the intellectual seed of German
reasoning, which was not ordained to the spiritual mind of Christ, but to the carnal mind of intellectual
reasoning, along with materialistic gain, which is at enmity with God or the supernatural.
2This Hebrew husband, or first Adam, having been crucified, died out as a government in the land of Israel,
making it necessary to bring forth in the endtime, the resurrected second man, Adam, from the godly
impregnation of the Protestant church of America (Mary, the virgin) which shows Eve in her regenerated
state, bringing forth Seth, the restored Jesus Name church that the canker worm (Catholic Church) ate, for I
will restore, saith the Lord. Remember, children of God, all of these things are but types, shadows and
allegories, which point to the true elect body; so, the whole thing, (Jew, Catholic, Protestant, etc.) is antichrist
system, for Paul said, I have proved both Jew and Gentile to be under sin.
3Light must be crucified in death, for darkness to reign or rule. That is why Jesus had to die, and that is why
the early church martyrs of the Jesus name teachings had to die, to allow the dark age of Catholicism with
the trinity teachings, as gross darkness, to envelope or cover the earth. Again, it is shown by Negro and White
in their types, light vs. darkness, in this great massacre which is at hand; but remember, that darkness to
humanity, is only the breaking of morning or the day to the church; for God reckons time from evening to
morning in the spiritual, according to Genesis 1:5.
4 Evening (sleep) means death, while morning (awakening) means resurrection. In our third dimension
(spiritual), darkness shows the Jew; twilight, typifies the Roman Catholic Church (world), and light reveals
the Protestant or Christian. The unbeliever (Jew), the makebeliever (Catholic), and last, the believer
(Christian or Protestant) are seen in order as cold, lukewarm and hot in spiritual revelation. In the second
dimension (physical), we see Jesus hanging on the cross. You will also see the firmament spoken of in Genesis
1, which divided the sweet waters (people) from the bitter waters, or separated the night (darkness) from the
day (light). This shows the natural and spiritual Jew, with Jesus, hanging on the cross, standing between man
and God (moon realm), intercepting the wrath of the Great Light.
5 There are three phases of fire: Fire itself, heat and light; which are seen in order as sun, moon and stars. The
moon shall return to blood, which
means fire (wrath). Being hot on one side and cold on the other, it will spin in its orbit, we believe, before it
has time to cool on one side, as is its usual procedure in its slow turning. The moon realm, being the Catholic
church, will be intercepted by Red Communism, being neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm on one side. This
can be done by the continual impacts from satellites on each side, from Russia and America. Its a brimstone
of hot coals, just as the meteorites that fall in the desert. The fierce heat of the sun shall then be turned upon
the earth, while the fire in the earth comes to meet it to be swallowed up in a blaze of purging or
transformation, its glorification unto the new earth, burning out the earths perversion, purging it by fire.
Briefly stated, the Law is typical of the sun, the burning wrath of its indignation, being veiled within Jesus,
(Jesus, the Word Veil, being the moon realm). This is broken down: God, the great Fire of consummation, to
a light called the Holy Ghost, the Daystar, along with all of the children, we, being the light of the world in the
dark night of carnality. This type is first power, according to civilization pilgrimage.
1This same thing happens in the physical realms when the mediation of the soul has its chaff burned out by
fire baptism (Christs blood), the middle wall of partition (sin or satanic will) being removed; then, the
kingdom, from within man, shall release its glorifying force into the body for its redemption. This has already
happened spiritually; Satan, the spirit of accusation, having been cast out of heaven.
2 Gods Spirit made contact with mans spirit, and we were born again, or glorified in our spirit, by
translation, into the marvelous kingdom of our God. Now, we wait to wit the redemption of our body through
the same process. God, from the outside of man, beginning at the garden, wooed man by the rain from
heaven; down to the cross, where He entered mans heart again, opened the fountain in the House of David, to
work from within mans spirit through the soul, to break forth into the body for glorification or redemption.
3The ground was watered from within from Adam to Noah (Antediluvian Age); then, from Noah unto Christ,
or the Blood Age, the water came down from the cloud that hovered over the tabernacle; then, from Jesus
Christ to our time, the Spirit Age, the water is coming from within. Coming from Egypt to Canaan,
spiritually, the church is going through the wilderness, or the dry places where the serpents (evil spirits) are.
This means temporal inspiration of beastly sex life has run its course. It holds no more thrills to the
quickening of the blood genetics, because the eternal inspiration is now working from within. Only the church
is going through the wilderness, or dry places, or the wilderness where the serpents are, as it waters itself
from within, to sustain life and to produce the fruits of the Spirit. The make-believer will become a parched
ground, with no fruits unto life, and an habitation of snakes and lizards (devils and diseases) within their
physical earth, until an earthquake of fear and frustration shakes them into the bottomless pit of infinity.
4So then, Christ, hanging on the cross, is the smitten firmament, the body of sin, consumed by the wrath of
God was the chastisement of our peace, ending the antichrist power of trinitarian teachings. As the moon
breaks into pieces of fire and brimstone, falling upon all the earth, the blood of
the Son of God, of which, the whole earth is guilty, shall consume them as the blood runs up to the horses
bridle, when the many-membered body of Christ rains down upon the Jew. If you have ever noticed, you can
lay you hands upon a white car which has been exposed to the sun, and it will not burn you, but a black car
will burn you upon contact. In garments of righteousness, as white as snow, we reflect the glory of God back
to Him, and we can move right into the presence of the consuming fire, not absorbing the heat of His
indignation, but, darkness shall be destroyed by the brightness of His coming. Dimensionally speaking, the
life-giving Mind of Light (Christs mind) will eradicate the dark deathly mind of carnality (Satans mind).
Jesus, between us and God, the fire becomes the heat realm, that we might receive the third step, which is
caressing light unto life. The moon is being crucified. The satellite shows the symbol like unto the cross, to
bring mans end by the same intellectual mind that led him astray in the Garden.
1Remember, the German men like Einstein, the great champions of the earth, men who are the money powers,
which control the trend of the great whore that sits upon many waters. Waters typify her flesh or people,
which God said He would burn with fire, and cast her into a spiritual bed of adultery, killing her bastard
children of fornication, which were of the sexual, beastly birth, because she has no name for her children,
except a name that they live, but they are dead (denominational names). Remember, she that liveth in
pleasure, is dead while she yet liveth. She rejected the name Jesus, because she is not His wife, nor are they
called Christians in His name, because they are not His children, and they shall be cast into great tribulation,
while we tread the great winepress of the wrath of Almighty God, and their blood shall run up to the horses
bridle in the great battle of Armageddon, which is just ahead.
2Their symbol is the cross, showing the judgement of the great whore, the Jew, being the church of the
wilderness, or the church in the night. Darkness represents the mind of man or Judaism, and light, the mind
of Christ or Protestantism in their types. The prophet spoke of an age when it was neither light nor darkness,
which is the medieval or twilight age of the Roman rule. The antichrist came, which is the anti-type of the
true church, which brings in the trinity teachings, and also introduces Billy Graham as a strong teacher in the
earth, showing the three great men in this spiritual age, here in America. The three men to watch in this age
are: the Jewish Rabbi, the Catholic Pope and Billy Graham.
realm of transformation, where the mind is translated from carnality, or the mind of man, into the Mind of
God. This will end in glorification of the human anatomy, the existing enmity in the body, being destroyed
with the brightness of His appearing within the human temple.
1At this moment, let us leave the second realm of twilight, and enter into the first realm, which is the realm of
darkness. This world has no light, except that which is reflected to it by the moon realm, because the Bible
says, There was darkness upon the face of the deep. God, the Word, said, Let there be light, and there was
light. Thus, the image that was one with the darkness, which could not be revealed to the human sight or
understanding, became visible through the process of separation of image and darkness, giving us the
Protestant Age, which is the other extreme which we call light. The emerging of light, which is Christs mind,
penetrating mans mind of darkness, gave the distinction between Satans thoughts and mans thoughts.
2 Dont forget that the tree of good and evil was the realm of twilight. Satan, having been exposed to both
realms, could reflect God and man. This is what Jesus portrayed in His body, shows the operation of the
Great Physician, God, the Father, where He took the church out of the side of Adam, as He put Adam into a
deep sleep. God here, in this great operation, is cutting out the contaminated or defective organic part. Now,
let us closely observe through spiritual revelation, and we will see Josephs pilgrimage, while in prison. Before
Joseph (Jesus) would surrender himself to the ill-famed woman of his day, (world or harlot system) he rent
himself from his vesture, (Christs body), and left it within the hands of the woman (world). For this, he was
cast into prison (Jesus in the heart of the earth, preaching to the spirits in prison).
3 Notice the butler and the baker, two types of people, symbolized by the two thieves at the cross, both guilty,
but one of them freed from his guilt, because he asked for mercy. Joseph mastered this situation, and took the
keys to the place; and though the deep sleep of death hovered over these figures in the grave where Jesus had
gone, yet, there was an interpretation of their past life, in yonders world, which showed justification to one,
and judgement upon the other.
4 The grapes pressed into the Pharaohs cup, symbolized the fruits of the Spirit, or the blood of Christ coming
from the grave. Whereas the blossom indicates faith, the vine represents Jesus. The life (water) of the vine
shows God, the Father. We are branches, and three branches of the dream, means the time of Jesuss
pilgrimage in the earth: death, burial and resurrection, which also means the grave, hell and paradise. This
parallels body, soul and spirit in the physical realms and also Father, Son and Holy Ghost in the angelic
5Take notice, that the water in the vine, while in motion, turns into the blood of the grape, as it picks up the
elements contained within the vine. Let us illustrate again, while we are in this realm of natural things, the
world of water life. We know that God lets all of us experience a winter time in our life, to kill out the
pestilence of evil spirits; and though we die
Momentarily, as our inner part draws the life of activity out of our human encasement, the pestilence dies
because there is nothing left to feed upon. This is Gods purpose for the dry places in our life, or the
wilderness between Canaan and Egypt, for when life is withheld, the disease must die. (wilderness sleep of
death between earthly Egypt and heavenly Canaan land, as well as the trials of life)
The parasite lives from the same life that we live from. This is why the briar (sinner) rejoices as well as the
wheat, (Christian) when the rain (revival) comes; but, in their yield, the harvest is according to the seed. A
sinner and a Christian breathe the same breath of life, until they mature up into their pre-ordained image of
the educational, beast part of man; or the believing faith part of Jesus Christ. When spring time comes, the
warmth and caressing of light pulls upon the water, taking elements from the ground, which the tree feeds
upon, by means of the root, passing through the trunk into the branches, producing leaves and fruits, by
constitution of elements, which the water carries, which afterward, because of the heat, vaporizes into steam,
which forms the clouds, which eventually return, as Solomon said, back into the earth in its cycle, to repeat its
work. Having left the elements, it forms a nature, through medium of process, producing life, as the water
vapourizes through the pores of the tree. This has been caused, as God, the Great Light, which is likened unto
the sun, draws us unto Himself. The pestilence is gone, and now we are a healthy tree, full of sap. The nature
of the tree is determined by acidity reaction of intermingling elements and their functionings.
1In this negative aspect of water-world, we can only define shadows until we discover the fullness of the
stature through close observation of the image in part. A negative is a composition which is constituted of
light and darkness. This means that the Jew and the Catholic must form a combination, because the light
must be a lesser light. This, in return, produces the positive, which is the Protestant or the image itself, the
fullness of light. Before the image is produced however, it must go through the dark room of fluid process,
which was the dark age and the spilled blood of the martyrs, spiritually. Your negative is an image of
darkness haloed by light, until it goes through its transformation, after which, in its reversed form, it is an
image of light, haloed by darkness. Let me explain, that the Jew should be one with the Protestant. Satans
realm should be in the darkness. Satan denotes the Roman realm. He hath climbed in between the Jew and
the Protestant, which means mans mind and Gods mind. God allowed this as the Great Light, to veil Himself
in darkness, thus penetrating the dark satanic veil of beastly or intellectual concept. He takes on an image of
types and shadows, communing with His people by means of the old Indian sign language. As He moves in
closer, the dark veil of Satanism is slowly dissolved or eradicated, thus sparing His creature, causing Satan to
catch the wrath, in that a sudden bursting forth of the Great Light, could not be comprehensive, and would
destroy us, but a gradual revealing allows us, who try and believe, to become partakers of a transformating
light. (God, revealing Himself in a mild form; like a vapourized seepage from within the shadows as we are
able to receive) This is shown through Christ, Who was made sin. So then, the eventuality of God in us, brings
Darkness represents the Jew; the lesser light is the Catholic, which is a light, infiltrated with a powdery form
of darkness, making a twilight or evening time, where night changes into day. Now then, Protestantism is the
Great Light which comes together with mans mind, which is darkness, and their composition gives us a clear
image; then, all remaining darkness that outlines the figure, is eventually eliminated by means of
transformation, the light from within, penetrating the image, which is without, as a screening process, leaving
only the part of man which was Gods original image, and removing the dark image of Satan or worldly
knowledge, that infiltrated mans mind of necessities by the means of intermingling. Mans mind is a mind of
necessity, which is a composition of the five senses, while Satans mind is an educational mixture of good and
evil; but, Gods mind is a total constitution of light, wisdom and righteousness. Look at it like this: Gods
mind, the mind of virtue, of godly and wholesome things, Mans mind, a mind, constituted of the necessities of
life; that is to say, of the natural creative acts of God in the world. Satans mind is a mind of debauchery, filth
and deceit, which mind hath intermingled with mans freezing God out, causing death, like a spider, he has
carefully interwoven himself into mans mind and conscience. This godly antidote with sufficient strength to
eradicate this deadly evil, must be carefully administered by measure or in dosage to spare the patient.
2 Lets consider for just a moment, before we enter into the third dimension, which is the realm of light, or the
spiritual angelic aspect of our teachings. In our previous introductions, we spoke to you concerning the
eastern sunrise and the western sunset. We made mention of the pilgrimage of the Great Light and the revival
of life or inspiration that it brought to each area, leaving it in the darkness after the revival, as it journeyed on
to its final resting place, to bed down for the night, or the deep sleep of death, leaving the moon and stars in
control, with their lesser lights, that it might awaken with the brightness of glorification in the morning, for
the eastern resurrection of the Jew (body). This shows the age of the Gentiles being fulfilled, Jesus Christ,
returning to the Jews.
3 Paul said, If the casting away of the Jews be the reconciling of the world, what will the receiving of the Jews
be, but life from the dead (resurrection). The eastern world of the Palestine denotes man and his authority,
while the western world of America portrays the woman, taking authority, or the church worlds rejection of
man-rule. Germany recognized this, calling themselves the Father Land, womans number being thirteen,
making America the Mother Land, as seen in her original thirteen colonies. The authority that the woman
(church) has taken, must return to the man, for earth is dependent upon heaven; the church, being dependent
upon her head. We can see the eastern world, through means of the sunrise, the seed of life, impregnating the
western world in sunset of travail, as it turns to a bloodshed red, in a type of birth of the new nation of God.
The twilight shot of injection relieves the strenuous task of pain and travail, with deep sleep. Sorrow will
endure for the night, but joy cometh in the morning, for the manchild shall come forth in the eastern part of
the resurrection, to rule the nations with a rod of iron. The
woman (church) shall go into the wilderness of tribulation, where she has a place prepared for her until her
recovery, which will be the glorious millennium. We see this symbolized in its reversible form, where the
German impregnated Eve (Catholic Church) before her husband, Adam (Jew) could get to her with this seed
of faith and the mind of Christ, making her a harlot. The beastly seed of intellect from the super race,
impregnated her with the satanic mind of education, producing Cain, the Einstein of our day, the great
artificers of brass and metals, which Genesis speaks of, concerning the beast linage. She calls herself Mary,
but Eve was not a virgin, neither was her conception divine. She was eventually impregnated by her husband,
Adam (Jew) and brought forth the faith seed of the mind of Christ, that we call Christians in our world of
today. The womb of the great whore, in the Dark Age of Catholicism, symbolize the wrestling of Esau and
Jacob, the two nations in the womb. The great bloodshed in this age showed the birth.
1 The prolonged conflict, extending into America, indicates the mocking of Ishmael against Isaac. Ishmael,
which was the son of the bondswoman, the church which is in captivity, to the carnal mind, is the seminary or
PHD graduates of our day, with their ecclesiastical to control religion, while Christ, condescending to men of
low estate, is revealed in simplicity, through the child, Isaac, the son of promise, the freewoman, which is the
true wife of grace. We can see this great battle in the natural, between the Arab and the Jew, both saying that
Abraham, she was only a bondmaid. Sarah said, He shall not be heir with my son.
2 Paul said, Sarah was heavenly Jerusalem, which is the mother of us all, so, natural Jerusalem, which
answereth to Mount Sinai (Law) , in bondage with her children, by the tradition of the elders, is not a Jew,
but he that inwardly is born of Jesus Christ is the true Jew. So, we see that the people who are in bondage to
the beggarly elements of the world are taken into captivity by the mind of Satan, at this will, being subject to
fears, sin and death. They can never be heir with us who have passed from death unto life, over which Satan
hath no power.
We see a symbol of the manchild of Revelation, as the American government, ruling with a rod of iron. The
seal of Revelation that was announced by the eagle, represented the Eagle Age of America, the highest form of
religious government in the world, for no bird can reach the heights of the eagle and survive. Here, we must
enter into the third dimension, or religious realm, to deal with our positive image. In a quick reminiscing to
bring us up to date for present references, let us look at the Water Age briefly. We have Noah, then, Father
Abraham, Moses, who gave the message of his day, and Joshua, who took the children of Israel into Canaan.
The fathers wandered around in denominational circles, spiritually speaking, in the wilderness. They died
under the Law, along with their leader, Moses. You cannot put new wine into old bottles. Rejecting Joshuas
new revelation, shows us the condition of the Jew, and why the Protestants entered into the Canaan Land of
America, of this great Protestant Age, of revelation, which is the knowledge of Christ in you, the hope of
glory, and the understanding of His Messiahship. They were left in outer darkness.
2 The children of the Kingdom, cast into the outer darkness of the carnal mind, are now weeping and wailing
around the wailing walls of Jerusalem, while the Gentiles come from the east and the west, to sit down, or be
translated into the Kingdom of God.
3Notice, the great moon eclipse of the seven church ages, which is haloed from Alpha, the natural Jew
(Pentecost), Omega, the spiritual Jew (rapture), by the beautiful crowning of the colors of the rainbow, the
ark of the covenant in the wilderness, taken form Noahs experience in the water world, running its threefold
experience, its colors, representing the red man, the white man, the yellow man, etc., representing all nations,
being a fivefold combination, meaning grace, reaching from Abel, the Jew (Pentecost), who was massacred by
the German beast, extending over to Seth, the replacement, in the Protestant age of America.
4 As Jesus body on the cross symbolized Josephs coat of many colors, having the sins of the red man, the
white man and the yellow man, upon his vesture that was dipped in blood by his brethren, the Israelites or
sons of Jacob (Jew), we see him going through the pit and prison experience of death, burial and resurrection,
while the vesture, upon which the blood of the kid was placed, was taken to the father to appease him, letting
him become convinced that the beast was guilty of the death of Joseph, that the children might be free, while
Joseph went on into the great power and authority, at the right hand of power, that he might spare us. The
brethren, when this great famine of tribulation is upon the earth, the parents laying up for the children.
5 The picture is portrayed with America, as the land of Joseph, sustaining the world, Jerusalem, as Benjamin,
which was the true brother of Joseph,
the other brothers, being half brothers, not born of the same mother, and the Catholic church, or the rest of
the world, as the ten lost tribes of Israel, being the rest of the brethren, who took advantage of Joseph.
1 This explains the close relationship between the United States and the Jew. At the same time, you can see
here, the divisional act, or the separation that transpired between Jeroboam and Rehoboam, the son Solomon,
when the ten tribes forsook the Kings ordinances of the day. When the Protestants left the Catholic church,
the Catholics went into a great famine, now they seek to present Benjamin, the newborn Jewish nation, to
Joseph, to convince him of the need for world unity in universal religion, to Joseph, to convince him of the
need for world unity in universal religion, through the confederation of churches, taking advantage of the
rabbis, which are likened unto Jacob, the antichrist, making the covenant for the rebuilding of the temple of
Solomon. By this, they will desecrate and profane the temple and the name of the Lord.
2 The individual pieces of this temple are already made, scattered throughout the earth, symbolizing the
many-membered body of Jesus Christ, who are perfected, and waiting to be reunited with the head at the
ingathering. This agrees with what the prophet said, I will return in the last days, saith the Lord, to build up
the fallen down house of David, to bind the lively stones or jewels together, with the chief cornerstone, Jesus
Christ, the Word, whom the builders have rejected. I will bind them together, with the mortar of charity, the
bond of perfection, and cast down the stones that are bonded together of iniquity, and there shall not be one
denominational stone left upon another, of the fleshly building of man.
3Remember, Joseph and Benjamin were the children of Rachel. They were true brothers, the body and the
spirit, the Jew and the Protestant. The other sons were the sons of Leah, the half brothers, meaning flesh,
showing that the natural must forerun the spiritual; as the hull of the peanut must be used as a mould in
which the life forms. Jesus took the natural Jew, for they have the same father, as the case of Ishmael, but not
the same mother; but He wanted the spiritual Jew. Just as Abraham, through Moses, shielded the Jews by the
Law, so that they could enter the land of Canaan, even so God, the Father, through Jesus Christ, the Son
shields the Christian by grace, so that they can enter into the Kingdom of God, by translation.
4 Look at the similarity of the second witness, which is the Blood Age; Jesus, paralleling with Noah, Peter,
being the farther of the Catholic church, (according to their calculations), likened unto Father Abraham of
the Jews. Then, we have Paul, likened unto Moses, who got the revelation of his day, to whom the intellectual
realms turned for comfort, because he was educated; then John, the beloved, who introduced the church
government of that day by revelation, as the New Jerusalem, in its type. Please not the three fathers of the
three religious bodies or ages; namely, Father Abraham to the Jews, Father Peter (first pope-so-called) to the
Catholics, and Father George Washington to the Protestants.
5 The third, or spirit realm, shows Martin Luther, likened unto Noah and Jesus (the third great deluge and its
crossing), then, George Washington, the father of our country, likened unto Abraham and Peter, and William
Branham, likened unto Paul and Moses, in the mountains of Arizona, having
received the haloed cloud that crowned the mountains, which has confounded the intellectuals of the world,
bringing us the revelation of the age, as far as his ministry could extend. Next, the body of Christ, which will
parallel Joshua and John, for the members are the sons of the city (New Jerusalem), which is founded upon
the one-God teachings of the twelve foundations of the apostles.
1This is the bride of Christ, descending from heaven, the spiritual inward man, the inward kingdom, the little
leaving that leaveneth the whole lump, coming from within, to set down upon the new earth, of this
transformed and glorified body, in the physical realms, after the renovation by fire, and the great white
throne judgement, which has taken place in the church, by God, the Word, speaking from within His temple,
remitting or retaining our sins, according to our faith or unbelief in His Word. All of this is symbolized by the
tabernacle in the wilderness, the tribes divided into four parts, three tribes on each side of the tabernacle,
denoting the beast around the throne of Revelation, and showing Ezekiels four-faced man: the lion of
courage, the man of wisdom, the eagle, with is rapture ability to live above sin and the storms of life, and the
ox or calf, which shows his self-denial and strength of endurance to labour as a living sacrifice for God. These
also show the lion of the tribe of Judah, as the Jew; the ox, being the brethren that pulled away, or the tribes
of Israel, in the blood age of the German massacre and the Rome; while the man shows the dark age of the
satanic mind of carnality or intellect, which is at enmity with God, because it does not believe in the
supernatural, but demands intellectual finding or proof. It cannot receive by the act of faith, because He is the
Spirit of Truth, because they see Him not. He is received by the act of faith, because He is the invisible God.
The patriarchs of old endured as seeing Him who is invisible, because He was their strength. The eagle shows
the American age, the spiritual son, who, by translation, is caught up to the throne; hid with Christ in God,
whom the heavens have received until the restitutions of all things, which is the millennium. This shows the
four seals of Revelation, briefly.
2 There is much in each seal to be taught. The fifth seal, with the souls under the altar, is shown just before
the heavens depart as a scroll in the sixth seal. The martyrs are seen here, and the spiritual sons who shall
return from the kingdom within, to the glorification of the body, but are presently hidden beneath the soul
altar, where the blood has been applied, as a transforming Spirit.
3 This sixth seal, in the physical realm of revelation, shows the cross experience of Calvary, where the veil of
the temple was rent in twain. Twain, meaning two, the divided bodily temple of Jesus Christ, upon the cross:
Separation of twins Jesus and Christ, which means the body, made sin; and the Spirit, Christ, which is
made righteousness. This slows the heavens departing as a scroll, the Ark of His Testament, (Christ) revealed
from within the body of Jesus.
4John saw this door open in heaven, which was Jesus Christ, the Word, through which we reach the Spirit of
Eternal Life, by means of translation of our thoughts or mind; God, the Spirit, pulling our spirit, through
Christs Spirit, Who is the Door to the sheepfold, and the filter between man and
God. The stars, falling from heaven, symbolize the fallen angels, a third part, which Jesus saw as Satan or
lightning, fall from the sky; the thunder and lightning, symbolizing the war in heaven, which releases his
stormy winds to tear down the houses of this world, who are founded upon the sand and not upon the Rock.
The sun, becoming dark as sackcloth of hair, was God, the Great Light, veiling Himself with wrath, to smite
His own Son for our sake. In reality, it was Gods own body, suffering our penalty, because He held Himself
responsible for the creation of man, not lifting the judgement of sin through compromising, but suffering the
penalty for our release. The Son of God shows the moon, which turned into blood, or fire. This will also
happen in the natural world, just as it is seen in the physical world; and went through the same procedure in
the spiritual world, in its threefold unveiling. The sun, veiling itself, indicates, at this moment, that God, Who
is Light and Righteousness, hath forsaken Jesus, Who has been made sin, or that is to say, sin covering
righteousness. This is the world, coming in between Jesus, the church (moon) and God, the Great Light (sun),
causing the great eclipse. Notice, the seven stages of the church age eclipse: Remember, that about midway
from Pentecost to the Protestant Era, is your Thyatira church age of darkness (606 1520 A.D.), a Calvary of
martyrism, to bring about a Protestant light. There is so much here, in Calvary, to be seen! Here, in the
reverse, are the stars of an intellectual heaven, being cast out by the papacy rule, the martyred saints, the red
dragon blood linage, wrapping his tail around a third part of the stars, casting them to the ground. Daniels
vision said he cast down some of the heavenly host, trampling them under his feet. I say the tail, for the head
started in the garden; and John said that the generation of vipers continues unto our day. A third part of
everything was smitten, in the natural things John saw, which were symbols of spiritual things. The red
dragon is the blood stream of corruption, filled with sin and disease, unto death, which flows down through
the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, by means of heredity, transmitting its disease from one
generation to another. The sexual blood life of temporal inspiration was started by the beast, the trail of the
serpent, which began in the Garden, and wound its way down to Calvary, where the seed of the serpents
head was bruised by the seed of the woman (Jesus Christ). The woman was the church. The resurrected
Christ was the manchild, caught up to the throne of God, to rule the nations with a rod of iron over in the
millennium, with His twelve spiritual sons, the apostles, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. The seed of the
woman was Christ, born of Mary, bruising, in types, the body of sin, which was called Jesus, which was the
headship of the natural Jew, which nation is the antitype of the serpent; in that they represent, by contrast of
Jew and church, the intellectual religious formalities of Gentile nations, heading up into the antichrist system,
or under Catholic religion and their man-made superman, the antichrist, himself (papacy), esteeming the
cross, while crucifying the Christ afresh, putting Him to an open shame by their evil, unlawful and ungodly
deeds, as well as their religious paganistic practices.
1The seventh seal that was opened, was when all of the remaining book of revelation was revealed, wherein
was the feast of trumpets, the seven thun44
ders, the revealing of seven vials, which were poured out upon the land, and then, the heavenly Jerusalem,
descending from above.
1We will elaborate on these things a little farther along in our teachings, but at this present time let us look at
the blood seed once again. Observe first, the 30 minutes of silence in heaven, which seems to occur right after
the sealing of the Jews. First of all, notice these four winds (doctrine) wrestling over the waters that Daniel
saw. A good thought here, is the four Cs of : Capitalism, Christianism, Communism, and Catholicism. If you
will notice, the four angels of Revelation, holding back these four winds, were on the four corners of the
earth; which denotes to us, the cross, just like the satellite, with its four prongs running out from it. Notice,
the Jews were sealed before these destructive winds of doctrine could strike. After this, the thirty minutes of
silence gives us a good look at heaven and earth, and everything beneath the earth, standing in complete awe,
being speechless; as Jesus, the Christ, after the grace dispensation to the world is ended; He steps down from
the mercy seat, knowing that the whole world, at last, is to face the wrath of God without the blood covering,
which stands between them and God. We see the Jew people, likened unto water; a pulp or enclosure of the
fire and blood, which, in return, is the enclosure of the ark, the priesthood or life. All of this symbolizes the
seed of man or the seed of reproduction, the Spirit of life in the blood, and the blood in the pulp, in its Father,
Son and Holy Ghost, or three-in-one, for type and shadow purposes, for our spiritual revelation. This life was
protected until it reached the cross, where it went into the womb of the Dark Age for reproduction, of which,
we afore mentioned, concerning Cain and Abel. Jesus held up His hands at Calvary, ending the blood life of
disease, sin and death; then, through hard travail, after having received the Seed of Gods Word, reproduced
a Son of many parts unto perfection, through birth at Calvary, to manifest all of God and His greatness,
through individual members to educate us that we might comprehend the heights, depths and widths of
godliness and eternal existence, unto the fullness of the stature of Christ, to a oneness and glorification with
God to become God made manifest in the earth. Now, collectively speaking, we see Jesus Christ, the Head;
we, the members; the Holy Spirit, the life of the body; God, the Father, the mind which is the controlling
factor. As a bride, the members are one with their Husbands, the Head, Jesus Christ; but to God, the Father,
the Head and the members are sons of God. Jesus defeated Satan, as God, the Spirit, in heaven, cast him out
into the earth, and the third part of the angels, which took sides with him, following.
2 The dragon of revelation, wrapped this tail around the third part of the stars, and cast them down to the
earth. Then, Christ came to earth as a Son, defeated Satan as a man, to show the perfection of His creature or
creation, because Satan had taken it from Adam, through the beastly form; then, as a near kinsman of the
flesh, He took the kingdoms of this world from Satan, through the beastly form of corruptible flesh, likened
unto sin. Here is the picture. The beast part of man won out over Adam, took his inheritance, and Adam, the
spiritual part of man, died. The second man Adam from heaven, the spiritual part of man, took on the beast
form of flesh, through self-denial, defeated it in every way, taking the kingdom
back from the flesh, or the sons of men, giving it back to the sons of God. So, in the defeat at Calvary, the
beastly part of man died. Down in the heart of the earth, He went also, to defeat Satan, to loose His creatures
who died in the faith, from Adam unto Christ, and has brought us forth unto a new generation by the
washing of the water of the Word or translation. That which is born of flesh is flesh; that which is born of
Spirit is Spirit. We are now spiritual sons, waiting for the spiritual change of our human anatomy, the
redemption of our body.
1The pilgrimage of Jesus Christ; in the heart of the natural earth, shows that, from the Gardens, God, being
put out of the heart of man, or the Spirit of Life, being gradually given out, showed the dissecting of the body
into a trinity, to reveal Satan. As the physician, through surgical skill, cuts out the defective parts, so, Jesus
removes sin, or the evil disease of death from our inward man; God, going into the heart of man from
without, through the three dimensional steps of body, soul and spirit. After succeeding, He symbolized the
suffering of His Spirit in humanity, as seen by the crucifixion. Then, He started working in the Spirit, through
the three dimensional steps, coming through the outer man, to redeem him from the image of the beast unto
glorification, or his original image of godliness. Adam fell from the Spirit realm in the Garden, to the beastly
realm, by the seduction of the beastly mind, because of his unbelief in Christs mind, which said, Thou shalt
not partake thereof.
2 Paul said, To be carnally minded is death. Being under the control of the beast or body, the bride of Christ
was shown here, in its type, and the beast, in his attempt to impregnate it with bastard children, but Mary,
the virgin, conceived by faith, through virtue, unto the purifying of the blood-stream. We are that virgin, and,
by means of translation, through the hope of glory, of purification within us, eliminating the knowledge of
corruption unto sickness in death, which was caused by unbelief, accepting the Word that spoke man unto
death, as it speaks man back unto life. Everything orbits around the Word, like planets to the sun. in the
garden, the Word said, Thou shalt surely die. Condemnation, by the Law of Moses, which is the knowledge
of sin, getting strength by the Law, killed mans faith. He died, out of the presence of God, through unbelief,
which could not accept the Words of Life. Jesus counteracted this by grace, being Tree of Faith in the garden,
the Tree of Life. The Law of Moses showed the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and mans dual nature was
now in operation, because he had fallen to the beast realm, being subjected to blood life and the water realm
for survival.
3 The temporal sex life is the breast upon which the baby nurses until it is weaned and starts to eat the meat of
the Word. Gods great plan was to switch man over to temporal life, to process him and to prove him, to build
a nature which did not exist, to form a record in heaven of a character of characteristics which would be
released from the body some day, to be judged according to the deeds done in the body, to see if it was worthy
of oneness with Him. Now, the Word has appeared in fleshly form saying, He that believeth on Me hath
passed from death unto life, and shall never come into condemnation.
1Educating man back into life, God comprehended all of this as a finished product in His foreknowledge, saw
the suffering of men, repented in His heart, because of the evil, but, had already thought the world and man
into existence. Because His thought pattern is creative, and cannot be changed, He could not destroy the good,
because of the evil aspect of the creation, rejecting life.
2 The Jew, which was the body, went into darkness of the carnal mind. The Gentile, which was the soul of
Christ, went into hell, to symbolize the burning of the chaff. The Spirit, which left the body at Calvary, went
into paradise, showing the rapture of the church. The dove, released from Noahs ark, showed the Spirit of
Life, going from Jesus body, as the rain of Gods wrath could not touch us who are baptized into the body;
we, who have entered by the door. The dove went out, but could not feed upon the corruption; but the dove
brought back a leaf from the Tree of Life, which was the Holy Ghost, returning at Pentecost, upon the new
world of faith and grace that had been cleansed by the crucifixion of the Son of God.
3 The body was in the earth until the third day. Body, Soul and Spirit were reunited, each individual part,
leaving the wicked part in the earth, unto condemnation, judgement and destruction; then, in reuniting, it
came forth for resurrection, and ascended into heaven. This shows the Jew, Catholic and Protestant, which
will all come together, being the rejected part, the image of the beast, unto its head, the antichrist, being
burned with the fire of Gods consummation upon this earth. A day, likened unto a thousand years with God,
shows these three parts of the body, from Calvary unto the millennium. There are 2000 years, which are the
two days that the bodies are in the earth to be resurrected on the third day, the Sabbath of God, the
millennium. The reuniting of these three people, will show the one baptism of water, fire and spirit; that was
dissected to these three divisional groups, to show their place in the revelation, and to keep the church from
coming to perfection, until they all three came together again in a oneness in the endtime. As Jonah was in the
belly of the whale, so shall the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and nights.
4 Massively speaking, this signifies the whole mass of humanity, as pertaining to the church, which is the
membership of the body of Christ, remaining these 3000 years out of the presence of God. Dont forget, the
Jew shows the period of the church in the wilderness, for they do not become celestial until after the
millennium. Counting the millennium, we have 3000 years which show death, hell and paradise period,
divided up, sectionally speaking, the millennium, being the paradise period, the Protestant Age, showing the
hell period, with the Catholic Age, showing the death period. So that it will not be confusing, let us look at it
on our 4-2-1 scale. Your 4000 year period is one sectional part from the creation of the world unto Calvary,
which is your death period. Your second period, sectionally speaking, is 2000 years, from Calvary unto the
rapture, which is your hell
period, in that blood denotes fire, and this is your war or conflict age, with the spilling of blood, which is also
the destructive atomic age of fire, while the third sectional period is from the rapture until the coming in of
the great white throne of judgement, which comes in after the millennium. Friend, we are speaking of the
entirety of humanity, which shows Gods massive creation. This third period (millennium) is your paradise
period, the restoration of all things, the Jewish souls still in prison within the human body, in that they have
not been glorified in the outer man. Now, the resurrection is noted after the millennium, when the seas and
the graves give up their dead, unto the great white throne of judgement, which is the glorification of the
1 These three groups, as a telescope of three parts pulled out, Catholic out of the Jew, Protestant out of the
Catholic, and will be pushed together again, to show the reuniting of the body, soul and spirit (the departed
spiritual part of man); the people that are in the grave, the people that are in the soul realm of existence now,
the angels and man coming together in a oneness; for the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, coming together for a
oneness of the Godhead, in Christ Jesus, to rule and reign forever.
2 Now then, as pertaining to the Godhead itself, we must realize that, if there is but one God, there is need for
but one name, Jesus Christ.
Looking at things through another dimensional step, we can see how that Martin Luther and his followers,
being excommunicated from the religious world powers of that day, shows Lucifer and the fallen angels,
falling from Rome, the eternal city, having been rejected by the religious god of that day, the papacy; yet, we
must be in remembrance of this one thing, civilization, projecting itself from east unto west, is the natural
trend of life, and things that happen are the anti-type of the true, and this anti-type is only the veil of the true,
which is reversed.
2When we reverse the natural or historical-educational pilgrimage of man, which pilgrimage, starts from the
eastern civilization of the hieroglyphics of Egypt, then, we have the revelation, that which is in the veil,
inasmuch as the natural is the shuck, the husk for the prodigal, who refused to return to the Fathers house,
the husk made for the swine to eat; for Jesus called them dogs and swine, who were not sons of God. Now, in
your projector, from the west to the eats, the last becomes first, and the first becomes last. We soon learn that
there is no such thing as a natural Jew, because the Protestant shows the true Jew (spiritual). Though the
Lord Jesus was cast out of heaven in the sense of rejection, by His Father, even unto the smiting of His body,
which was made sin at Calvary, yet, this was only a type of sinful flesh, along with its followers; and, though
Jesus and His followers here, show Satan, falling from heaven, or Lucifer, that the human family was charged
with it, inasmuch as there had been an emerging into a oneness with humanity, which, of course, is the beast
part of man, and Jesus, here at Calvary, rent this beast part, or this veil part, that He might release that inner
God, or that innocent person, which was in captivity to the veil of flesh. Through this, we are made to
understand that, from the Garden to Calvary, is the fall of Satan in mankind, the ultimate of it, resulting in
death at Calvary, but, from Calvary unto the coming of the Lord Jesus, is the resurrection restoration of
humanity, leaving Satan, buried beneath the wrath of God, having been smothered out by the blood of Christ,
thus showing Satan, caught within the fiery indignation of the wrath and consumption of God, which is
Pharaohs army, caught in Moses Red Sea (blood shows fire). This fall and rise is depicted in the life of Jesus
Christ, who was made likened unto the brazen serpent of Moses in the wilderness.
3So, you see, all the sufferings of Jesus were to show the penalty of sin, and showed Gods judgement upon the
evil that had corrupted the human body. That is why the Bible said that He who knew no sin was made sin,
that we might be made the righteousness of God in Christ; and, what the
Law could not do, in that it was weak toward the flesh, God, sending His own Son, in the likeness of sinful
flesh, condemned sin in the flesh.
1This was Gods condemnation, or Gods judgement toward sinful flesh, inasmuch as sin had caused the
corruption of flesh, and flesh was now under the penalty of the judgements of God, and therefore, Gods
mercy towards men caused the great God of Spirit to enter into a veil of humanity, and pay the penalty of the
suffering, to keep us from having to pay it. He could not change nor alter His laws toward sin; and, knowing
that He was responsible for man being in the world, He robed Himself in a bodily veil of humanity, and came
and suffered the consequence of sin. So, we see that in the third dimensional step of Gods plan, here in the
Protestant outlook, or the Protestant aspect of it, that there is a continuation of the move of God, coming from
the east to the west; and everything shows it, all the way from Genesis to the Book of Revelation.
2 There are three major parts of the Bible: the Old Testament, there New Testament, and then, the Book of
Revelation. The Old is to the Jew, the New to the Catholic (Gentile Age 2nd dim.), and the Book of
Revelation, to the Protestant. (Angelic Church Age 3rd dim). The last age here, shows the eagle nation
(America). If you Bible scholars will notice, those seals were opened there, in the Book of Revelation. You will
see the sixth seal here, how that the Bible tells how the heavens departed as a scroll, and then, the Ark of His
Testament was seen; and also notice, how that the stars fell from heaven. Then, you can see what happened to
Jesus at the cross, also what took place in the Book of Revelation, when the dragon wrapped his tail around
the third part of the stars, and cast them down to the earth. This is also seen, as we look at Russia, and realize
that it is the communistic dragon, as far as the anti-type; and when we look at Rome, The Eternal City, the
same thing is recognized.
3 In Revelation 12, it speaks of the woman setting her foot upon the moon, which shows America, the woman
nation. So then, in this third dimensional step, we see that the woman in the anti-type, which is America, sets
her foot upon the moon; and the Bible speaks of her, standing upon the moon, at the time of the manchilds
birth. Well, we see the anti-type of the woman here, which is America; and then, we also see here, the antitype of the manchild, which is the Pope of Rome, form the so-called Eternal City, which, of course, is again
the anti-type. We see this Eternal City, upheld by seven mountains, which indicate the seven spirits of God,
which are the pillars of the True Eternal City, the New Jerusalem. Solomon tells us, that wisdom has hewn out
her seven pillars, which are the seven Spirits of God, in the Book of Revelation, that are shown by their own
individual move in each church age.
4 This is pictorial in the life of Samson, with his seven locks, for, when Samson (the church) is in the arms of
Delilah, he loses his supernatural strength, which is the anointing that defeats his enemy. The reason for the
weak state of the church, is the loss of its seven locks, (hair denotes glory) for it is Gods spiritual strength or
government that rests upon the shoulders.
5Notice the woman, how that Satan does everything to keep her hair off of her shoulders. The twisted mess
that her hair has gotten into, shows the
condition of the church, and the frustrated grace of God, among the people.
1Gods Samson, at Pentecost, great and mighty, fell into the hands of Delilah (Catholic Church). God, turning
His back, could not look upon the suffering of the body of Christ, during the Dark Age, because it was
bearing the sinful reproach of humanity. It was blinded, and made to grind at the denominational mill of
worldly enterprises, thus creating a flourishing religious society, who by its strength, continues to spin even a
greater web of ecclesiastical authority, to bind the people of God. In the Lutheran age of restoration, it was
recognized that the locks began to grow again, as shown by the conquest of the great Protestant age. We can
see, in this third dimensional religious age, that this thing is repeating itself in a spiritual unveiling or
revelation, to them that have an ear to hear what the Spirit saith unto the church.
2These locks as seen on the head of Samson, are the seven denoted church ages, which lose their virtuous
strength by laying in the lap of the great whore, which is the Catholic Church, becoming naked, wretched and
blind, in the last stages of the Laodicean age, in the blindness or darkness is denoted by the removing of the
candlestick; which blindness, happened to Israel in part, Gods great malefactor, which shall rise to the great
throne of power in the millennium. Jesus, the body, is the head which lost the seven spirits of the angelic
ceiling of the mind of Christ, the locks that Solomon speaks of when he said, The drops of the night are in
His locks, which means He died out of the presence of God, as a forsaken Samson, grinding in the chambers
of despair as it was with Adam, for the sake of a body that had played the harlot, which is clearly seen in the
life of Joseph and the ill-famed woman.
3In returning to our original trend of thought, we can see how that the anti-type of the once-defeated Samson
is projected as the Pope of Rome; who has ruled the world with a rod of iron, the manchild, who will again
come into power.
4 Then, we see the anti-type of the red dragon, which is communistic Russia, actually, the powers of
communism, springing up out of China, the dragon nation, and laying in there around the galaxies, as they
shoot at Mars and the different planets, where we can see that this dragon, which Revelation 12 speaks of, is
laying right around the womans feet, so to speak, ready to devour the manchild, for there is a controversy
between Communism and Catholicism; and, while the world is stumbling, trying to stay away from the red
dragon, which, of course, is communism, then the powers of Catholicism, which are the religious anti-type
government, are taking over the world.
5In looking into the Dark Ages. And bringing the church into the light of a third dimensional step, or a
spiritual application, you can readily see an expose of the second seal, where the red horse came forth. Now,
we can see here, in the sixth seal, a revelating that points back to the crucifixion of Christ, for the opening of
the heavens, and its revealing of the Temple of God, is seen in its second dimensional step, by the rending of
the veil of human anatomy of Christ Jesus.
6You can see then, that in the Dark Age, the church membership, or body
of true believers, was actually the body of Christ, being smitten by the ecclesiastical powers of Rome, their
blood-stained vestures, showing Christ at Calvary, while the Dark Age denotes the heavens turning black, or
that is to say, the carnal mind of satanic power on the rampage. The body of the church, as human anatomy,
veiling the treasure in earthen vessels, in its second step, was rent, that the third part, the inner treasure of
spiritual power or godly inheritance, might be revealed in a Protestant display, as a religious nation. It is the
kingdom from within, brought forth in its anti-type, and projected through the use of human instrumentality,
as the great kingdom of the United States of America.
1Your types are seen in your three wilderness, between Egypt and Canaan to your Jew, between Calvary and
your Protestant Age to the church, and between the rapture and the coming of the millennium to the Gentiles.
Look at your second dimension, where the church is found, in the Dark Age. Your sleeping virgins, which are
Christian (Protestantism) and Catholic, being awakened at the midnight cry of His coming, one is a religious
formality of spiritual rejection, a beastly image or constitution of wild passions and fleshly lusts, the other,
representing a sober religious conviction of godliness, a God-image of spiritual endeavors, and of the infilling
of Gods own Spirit of life, which is the oil. The dark night of tribulation, being the last part of Daniels week,
in that Jesus hung on Calvary from the sixth to the ninth hour (6th hr. = 12:00), which are the three hours on
the A. D. side of Calvary. This is the period where the everlasting gospel is preached; where the foolish
virgins seek the oil, also having to do with the Jew, who parallels with the rejected. Now, just a quick thought,
as we take a glimpse at Revelation 12: Everything going back to Calvary, Jesus, the church, with its jeweled
apostolic crown, which is denoted by the thorns, showing the divisional parts of the mind of Christ, among the
twelve, is herein seen as the church, the woman in travail, bringing forth the Manchild, Christ, and His
spiritual membership, which shall rule the world with a rod of iron: Gods voice or Word, the mind of Christ.
She was in heaven, for Jesus said, Nicodemus, I am in heaven. She was also standing in the sun, for Paul
said that He alone, stands in the great light, unto which no man can approach, Christ is the resurrected
manchild, coming forth from the bowels of the earth, immediately caught up to the throne of God. Satan, the
personified image of blood, within human anatomy, standing by, with his carnal desires of lust, waiting to
consume the manchild, having a place in the spirit, or heaven (that is to say, the church, which is in the
presence of God), lost his place at Calvary, was cast out into the earth, through his personification of human
anatomy. He cast out a great flood of waters, (people) seeking to drown the woman in his evil perditions, as
she fled away into a wilderness, hiding in the catacombs of the dark ages, a place prepared for her for a time,
times and half a time. Here, the Book of Revelation is seen, steadily unfolding in its types, reaching on over to
the Protestant Age, which is a type of the millennium, where the great hero of reformation came forth, to defy
the enemy, in the restoration of the church, the restoring of all things; a capitalist government of religious
affairs, which, in reality, does not set in until the millennium itself. This is where some of the greatest Bible
scholars get mixed up in
oppression of Satan, because he is ignorant of the Word of God, and the creature is subject to vanity by
creation. Through his repentance and faith of Calvary, in the name, Jesus, his sins are remitted.
1 The rich man hath his consolation, which is his wealth. He will not share his substance with the poor and
needy, but rather, he mocks them and uses them for his prey. He will not follow Christ, because he has great
possessions. He is Esau, and this world is his inheritance. Satan, the god of flesh and lust, is his god, even
money, which is mammon. Jesus said that you cannot sever God and mammon. He said that the love of God,
which is for spiritual and heavenly things, was contrary to the fleshly love of the world. Satan savours the
things of the flesh. If one love is there, the other is missing. The carnal mind, being enmity with God, in that
they, that are in the flesh, cannot please Him, for they, that are in the flesh, do mind the things of the flesh,
and they, that are in the Spirit, do mind the things of the Spirit.
2So, you see the reverse, my brother, they that are born again inwardly, are ever perishing outwardly, as the
lamb led to the slaughter, always showing the life and sufferings, the death of Jesus, the conflict between the
inner and the outer, a continual warfare between the body and the soul, the rich and the poor. The inward
grieved by bondage of the inner constraint of the Laws which accuse him of guilt, and condemnation, which,
in reality, are eliminated by Christ at Calvary. So, the inner, unregenerated man is at a total loss inwardly,
declining and relinquishing, going down to the chambers of hell in despair.
3The outward Jew, which has to do with natural prosperity, shows Gods blessing of bodily redemption, which
is one portion of God; whereas the inward spiritual Jew, referred to as the Christian, shows the spiritual
prosperity and blessings of God; for, sometimes, because of Gods purposes and plans, he is, at times, in need
of the necessities of life.
4At the redemption of the body of the Christian, the Jew spirit will be redeemed. Though the Jew body suffers
at the hand of men, while the Christian body is unmolested by the hand of men, yet, these types are for the
spiritual education of man, for the truth of it is, that the types show to the human eye, just the reverse. The
middle wall of partition, that you see as the Catholic and the Gentile, is the religious, trouble-making system
and body, which separates the Jew and the Christian; for they are the ten brothers, the sons of Leah, the
flesh, which separates the Benjamin and Joseph, the Jew and the Christian, which are true brothers. Their
bodily judgement is shown by the suffering of the Jews, their spiritual judgement, by the suffering of the
5Both Leah and Rachel had handmaidens, for handmaidens replaced the doctors of that day for childbirth.
So, you see, there are two parts to Leahs sons and two parts to Rachels sons: A fleshly bondschild from the
handmaiden, a son who is not a servant, from the true wife. The Jew is the true part of Leah, the Gentile
bondschild is shown by the Egyptian or Arab. Now, let us look at the two parts of Rachels children. The first
part is the free people of Christianity, the spiritual portion of Gods creation. The fleshly, or bondage side, are
the children of religious formality.
6Let us look one more time at revelation. From the Garden to the millen54
nium, shows a complete cycle of time, Gods seven days; six of labour and one of rest. The first man, Adam
and the Garden, was the image that the camera of life took, producing a negative from the fall of man to
Calvary. Time reckoned from evening unto morning, being the dark period, the darkroom of Jewish and
religious intelligence, the Jew, being the image or negative of Christianity. The evening time light, the day star
dawning in the heart of man, the beginning of the church after Calvary, started the age of chemical process,
as the blood of Christ, the red light of Calvary, was turned on in the darkroom. The chemical flow of the
martyrs blood, saturated the negative Jew, the film that was to produce the image, continuing to the rapture,
the last stages of development, as the Protestant Age sets in.
1The next step is the celestial, coming in after the millennium, which is the glorified image. Paul said, All of
the invisible things of God, from the beginning of the creation, are clearly understood, by the creation of
things that do appear, even unto the eternal Godhead, so that we are without excuse. So, then, the celestial,
which before the creation of Adam, in the Garden, only went into a veil of creation of human anatomy and
tangible substance, which is called man and creation, going through the process of time and ages, for the
development, to produce a celestial world of a heavenly city, eternal bliss and life, joy and riches without end.
2That is why God, the celestial, coming in after the millennium, which is the glorified image. Paul said, All of
the invisible things of God, from the beginning, said to His celestial sons, Come and let us make ourselves
bodies. God said, Let us make man (Adam) our embodiment, for God, the celestial Head, which produces
His own attributes as sons of God, said, Let us make these bodies of man after my own bodily image which is
Jesus Christ, Who was in His foreknowledge.
3 So, the dawning light at the eastern Garden of the Jew, led the Jew, until Calvary; then, the setting sun of
the Gentile, to lead the church, threw the shadows back upon the Jew, beyond Calvary. The shadows of sin
and rejection, that lay on the Gentiles, from the early sunrise, turned back on the Jew at sunset; Gods wrath,
being lifted by the sunlight of grace, to get a bride, called the church.
4Now, the dark night of tribulation is here; the eastern sunrise of grace to the Jew, will again cast the shadow
of wrath and rejection upon the Gentiles, who miss the favour of God, in the redemption of rapture of His
bliss bringing the Jews forth from a shadowy grave of heartache and death, into a glorious millennial world
of favour and blessing.
5We can see here, that the Bible said that the child was caught up to the throne, just as quick as it was born;
and truly, it is seen right here, in this time, when America is in great travail, to bring forth a government that
will rule the world, right at this very hour, as they make the moon shot, and the woman sets her feet upon the
moon, and they begin to highlight the footprints on the moon in a pictorial way. We see the twelve ships
that they have used, the twelve Apollos, which indicate the twelve apostles, being the foundation of the new
city; which, of course, brings us to the heavenly body of the moon, being a symbol of the city. We see it,
highlighted through this Apollo twelve, as the last shot comes up; and we look at the first, which was
Shepherd. We see it as the Lord Jesus, being the one there, to start the thing off. If you will notice, Shepherd,
being the door opened in heaven, in that vertically, he crossed the horizontal, it was a symbol of the cross,
which hung between heaven and earth. The earthly atmosphere, reaching about 600 miles upward, he broke
through this and compassed the earth, in that Christ overcame the earth, making a door in heaven, that
others might continue on into the galaxies. And then, we see following, a man by the name of White, which
shows the garments of righteousness, as he gets out on the golden rope. So, you see, these things cannot be
1 We made a prediction that a Brother Correll, who lived in Tucson, would suddenly decide to leave. In an
angelic sense, the publication of a pamphlet called The Sounding of the Trumpet, we said, would be the
resurrection of Brother Branhams forsaken followers, and that Billy Paul Branham and his mother, would
suddenly go back to Indiana; which they immediately did, after Brother Correll made his move.
2We also made the statement that this world complete Brother Billy Pauls faithful cycle of standing by his
dads side in the publication of the message; that, going back to Jeffersonville, Joseph Branham would
immediately come on the scene, being a symbolic type, the son of a Pentecostal woman, whereas the
denominational type was the forerunner, as a Baptist, which denotes the Jews, the apple of Gods eye, but yet,
only living in Hope, the first wife. The second son represented the Christ, Himself, the free Son; having gone
to work at the age of seventeen, and that, concerning the folder, the Law of the Spoken Word, was ready to
be folded up and laid away. Afterwards, a brother had a vision of image worship. As one of their own
brethren, he declared that the state of affairs was in a backslidden condition. Then, the declaration of that
which was not true, was presented to the people, inasmuch as, if I say that Elijah is the pastor of my own
church, or that Moses is my pastor, when I know that he is dead, then, I have become perverted in my
understanding. This is the proof that the first cycle had ended, also, the publication of the communications
did not, any longer, bear the name of the former ministry, so far as a personification.
3The publication of a book entitled The Revelation of Jesus Christ, at the very moment that our book,
entitled The Revelation of Jesus Christ, came forth; was the positive introduction and changeover. In that
The Voice of Healing was the family tree, we predicted that it would die out; and, right away, Gordon
Lindsay died. Also, the hole in the heart was discovered within the brother that had continued the publication
of the great evangelists ministry. They also ran into financial and governmental difficulties. After seven years
of silence to that ministry, by means of death, the new harvest was to come, for the stored up food of Josephs
famine had run out; for, when they had crossed Jordan, that is, coming over the Mississippi, back to
Abrahams original Canaan, the new harvest came. Remember, a bird always builds himself a new nest, in
that the pestilences of mites and bugs could injure her young.
1In this you see the change, though the return was to Jeffersonville, Ind., Joseph, at seventeen, searching for
his brethren, started a new move. That which was lost, as pertaining to the vision, the sister at Utica Pike saw,
was found; for, as she said, two years before the meeting, she saw a vision of that which was lost, concerning
Brother Branham. She said that the voice said that at a meeting in Utica Pike, it would be found. When this
meeting came, in December of 1972, she testified that the voice brought back to her remembrance, that this
was the meeting. At the same time, a strange thing happened. In that Brother William Branham was killed in
The Lone Star State, I believe that what I am about to say, can be understood. The evangelists wife, that is,
the man who was doing the preaching at Utica, lost her purse, with all of their livelihood and substance, at a
service station, (Texaco) carrying the lone star sign. The loss was confirmed by the law, which was a black
man and a white man. The purse was found by a little widow, who lived near the spot of the baptizing, where
the angel proclaimed the forerunning of that which was to come. The purse, strangely enough, was returned
or found by the owner at the Utica Pike meeting.
2During this time, the evangelist and his wife, not knowing exactly what they were doing, sought and found
among the tombstones, the name Hope, the wife which had passed on. Remember, Jacob first, with this wife,
Leah, then his wife, Rachel, then, when Rachel died, he was back with Leah, so then, not the flesh, but the
spirit was his desire. Yet, in the reverse sense, the brother, returning to his first wife by death (Jesus,
returning to the Jews), the church ages being over, at the sounding of the last trumpet, the bride being sealed
in, not those who are following the tapes and the man, but those who followed the Joseph aspect of the
revelation, and the Christ within the human veil; for it was at Calvary, the veil of the Spoken Word was laid
away, John, the forerunner, being typical of the Law; for, he made of himself twain, the great evangelist, being
both man and God; but, remember, the Jews clave to the veil of the rent tabernacle, and missed the
resurrected Christ; for the forerunning of David was accounted for by the Temple of Solomon, or the
prophecy which was manifested after Calvary; for, I will return, saith God, in the last days, and build up
the fallen house of David. This was to fill it with His presence. Elisha and the sons of the prophets built a
house after the departure of Elijah. Joshua took the children of Moses into Canaan.
3Moses followers died in the wilderness, for the Jews said to Christ, we are Moses disciples. Their carnal
mind of Jordan, was never conquered. Moses saw it, but could never lead them in, for Jesus, the MosesProphet, gave His life, that the Christ within Him could, beyond Calvary, lead the people to the glories of
4If the celestial was cut down by the Garden fall, and Daniel said that seven times was to pass over it, then the
millennium would bring back the celestial. The tribulation of life would be over, Josephs famine finished, for
this new began to break after seven years of Brother Branhams ab57
sence. Seven times were to pass over the trees of humanity, beyond the point of 3500 years, Calvary, the
middle of Daniels week, shows up part of the seven times; time, times and the dividing of times; dividing B.C.
from A.D.
1Much could be said concerning this, but, at least, the Shepherds door has been opened in heaven, and the
church ages of trumpets, finishing the mystery of godliness, has proportionately, in their seasons and times,
concluded Gods work. The matrix opened at Calvary, the headship of the child, Jesus Christ, breaking forth
by water, blood and spirit, by the three parts of massive humanity, as pertaining to the body of Christ and the
baptism, hat, at last, reached the point of Revelation twelve. The physician, working with the woman and the
child through the church ages, in the time of her travail, have, at last, brought forth a manchild, which has
immediately been caught up to the mind of Christ, the throne of God; our bodily parts, coming out of the
wilderness of sin from the birth of Calvary, our typical bodily parts, the Jewish woman, going into the
wilderness of tribulation at the birth.
2 The beautiful sequence of these present day events, would require so much time and space, that we are
compelled to move on to other avenues of thought. Many fillers may be obtained by securing tapes and other
3Immediately, after Brother Correll crossed the Mississippi River, showing that last step of the church, then,
they made the shot to the moon, which we predicted would come to pass, crossing that great place, that was a
symbol of Jordan, the vast emptiness that is between the earth and the moon, and then, bringing back the
stones, which symbolized the crossing of Jordan, when Joshua took the children of Israel over, and put those
stones out as a memorial, that the children might observe them, in the years to come, as a remembrance that
they can be observed by our children, that this great victorious triumph hath been accomplished from the
earth to the moon.
4There was once crossing, where Columbus made the crossing from the old world to America, which is the
new world; and that was one great crossing, showing the Red Sea crossing, or the pilgrimage of the people;
and then, the next great crossing was from earth to the moon, which showed the last crossing, which, of
course, was the crossing of Jordan, or the conquering of death, and, at this time, the church has come into
knowledge of the conquering of death. I am thankful, because we know that this is true.
5Now, if we look at this thing in this third dimensional projection, we can see that America, being the eagle
nation, is perhaps the reason why the eagle announced the fourth seal of the Book of Revelation, where John
saw the seals open. It is here that we can see that whatever took place in that seal, also will affect America.
Now, you take the first four seals, and you will find, that, in the United States of America, which is the third
dimensional projection, as far as its type, that here in America, these seals will repeat themselves, even though
they have been made an expose from Genesis to Revelation in the Bible; and through the pilgrimage of the
church from the Garden, all the way to America, yet, in each dimensional
age, whether it be Law Age to the Law, or Grace Age to the Gentiles, or the revelational age of righteousness
to the church or religious body; it all shows the same. In each dispensational or dimensional age, it repeats
itself in a trinity pattern, though it has an all over trend from the Garden to the millennium, yet, at the same
time, in each individual age it still repeats itself in a trinity.
1Now, for instance, look at it in the light of what we have already said, civilization springing up in the east,
traveling from the east to the west, coming up among the Jews. We know that the hieroglyphics and the
Rosetta stone, and a few other things that were discovered by Alexander the Great, and some of the great
discoverers of that day, actually show our civilization or beginning, down in Egypt. Then, when you look at it,
you suddenly realize that the only authenticity of real life or history, is the Bible. They go back as far as the
hieroglyphics and then, after this, they cannot find out anything, unless they take the Bible as the real root
and stem of civilization.
2Now, I believe that there is no reason to deal with theory if we have got facts. Why listen to his story, which
we call history, when weve got Gods story, and the real mind of God, facts, which are called the Bible? Look
at civilization! Springing up from the Jew, and then, coming over to the beloved land of America, going down,
as we said, in a bloodshed birth, or a sundown here, in the United States, with this controversy which is
existing between races, governments, families, etc. look , and see, how that this thing in its all-over, landed at
Plymouth Rock, and even Columbus, coming over with the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, showed the
trinity there; Columbus, being a type of Jesus, only requesting one thing, and that was that he be made a
nobleman, having a tenth also, of that which came in, being made a governor, which were exactly the same
requirements of Jesus there, as Columbus talked with Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand.
3We see that these ships came over, as we might say, in a trinity, one of them symbolizing Mary, to give birth
to a nation; and then, they landed at Plymouth Rock, and from there, we can see history in its third cycle,
repeating itself, as our nation was established by a man by the name of George Washington; Washington, if
you keep it in remembrance, as we go along here, indicating the washing of regeneration of the new world, the
Spirit of Truth. Here, Washington, the same great man that we commemorate in the age that we are living in,
by carrying the name, Washington, D.C., taking the D.C, thinking of it in this fashion: The washing of Dirty
Clothes, which would be a simple and a foolish thing to the intellectual mind.
4The Bible teaches that the things of God, are spiritually discerned, and that the natural intellectual man
cannot receive them, because God reveals them through simplicity, thus making it foolishness to the natural
mind; for, the things of God are foolishness to man, but God has chosen the foolish and the abase things to
confound the wise, but, this same Washington, standing over here, in the end of the world, having been a
symbol of truth, as we know, according to his own childhood story, being a symbol
of the Holy Ghost or the Spirit of Truth, upon which our nation is founded, virtue being shown by the act of
the cherry tree. That same Washington or Truth Spirit, in its symbol, stands as a monument today, a
testimony against Washington, D.C. and its great power and authority. Why? Because they have forsaken the
truth, and, not too long ago, they noticed a crack right down the middle of the Capital, right where the statue
was facing it; as if to say, that judgement from Almighty God had put the sheep on the right, and the goats on
the left, bringing the rending of the veil, the truth might be made manifest, showing that a divided nation
cannot stand.
1We see here, in America, Washington, D.C., noted as the White House, a place, sovereign from all the states,
an individual place, with its own individuality, governing the world, and here, the White House, symbolizing
righteousness, the President within it, showing again, the Spirit of Truth, or Christ, and here, a symbol of the
Holies of Holies, Washington, D.C.; and then, out beyond Washington, D.C., it is seen that the United States,
as a confederation of states, shows the inner courts of the tabernacle, and then, we see the United Nations, or
confederation of nations, that show the outer courts of the tabernacle.
2In looking at these things, we realize that the United States is the place where the true bodies of the religious
sect will be destroyed. Now, let us look at it like this: in the Old Testament, they came into the inner courts,
and here, Aaron, as the High Priest, slew the beast, and the inward parts were offered up. Now, watch here, in
the United States, for, these great places of athletes will be turned into the same pagan practices, as it was,
with Rome. Already we see it, with the car races, with the people, screaming for blood. They are becoming
more vicious, with their mobs and their riots, and soon the arenas will be a place of massacre. Notice, how
that Billy Graham dedicated the arena over in Atlanta, Georgia (Atlanta, also a symbol of Rome); and, look
how the papacy, or the Pope, came in over here in the Yankee Stadium in New York, where you can see this
pagan thing coming in.
3Look, how that the Negro has taken over in Washington, and almost all of it is colored, showing that gross
darkness is setting in, to fill the place of the Holiest of Holies (in mans heart) as well as Washington, D.C. in
the type; and, as darkness comes in, light is moving out.
4Communism is taking over, Catholicism is moving in, and the Protestant light is going out. We spoke of the
antichrist (Pope of Rome) coming to the United States, somewhere around 1966, and so, he did. Pope Paul
came to christen the new year (Pope Paul, the sixth, and the year, 1966, making the number, 666). He went,
through the symbol of the Holies of Holies, which is Washington, D.C., and spoke to the United Nations,
trying to bring China (dragon country, in symbol) into the confederation of nations, to show you what is being
done by the powers of Lucifer. They say that there are more Jews in New York tan in Jerusalem, and more
Catholics in New York, the eternal city (3rd dimension), than in Rome. That is why it is called New York. As
a matter of fact, the Empire State Building denotes the worldly empire, the unequal heights and stature of the
antichrist. This has to do with the unoccupied papal throne, that has been waiting, ever since shortly after the
reformation of Luther. Here we see
the Pope, coming in as the anti-type, as God, into the anti-type Holies of Holies, taking over, through the
confederation, by church over state; and we see our President, doing obeisance unto him, telling him that we
are looking unto him for peace. Then, besides that, we experienced the greatest turnout of schools, celebrities,
dignitaries, that we have ever had, to a religious leader.
1Look back to 1960, when Kennedy came in as a Catholic. The Protestants went out! Light went out, darkness
came in symbolized by the dark and white horses that were at the funeral there. Look at that, and you will see
that from that time on, the Pope was highlighted. Before then, there was nothing said of him; now, he has
become an international figure, and seems to be the most important of any religious or governmental leader
weve got. Even Billy Graham does not draw the crowds that he draws.
2 Then, you look here, in the areas of Washington, and in the areas of New York, and you can see many things;
things that I could not tell you, right off hand, because some of you are not spiritual enough to understand the
simplicity of God, and, as Jesus said, having many things to say unto you, but you, being dull of hearing, I
could not; you would only mock it, to your own destruction, and you would not understand.
3 Looking at this particular thing, we see the city of New York blacking out, and that relay of darkness around
the nation. To know what had really taken place, you would have to see the news clipping. In the inner courts
of these United States, and in these arenas some day, the Christians will be fed to the lions, and all of the other
things will happen just the same way that it did in pagan Rome; and, as I have said in the earlier part of this
book, the United States is the third dimensional step, or Protestant Age. In spite of all of this, the Protestant
Age, which is the Christian or Elect Age, is the millennium; but God, knowing that it takes place as eternity
sets in, yet, willing to give us a type, divided the Catholic Age into two parts, thus, giving us a symbol of the
true Restoration Age, which, of course, is the United States in types. So, looking at it as we do, we can see that
there are things that are absolutely astounding and unbelievable.
4Look at Washington and its location; where it is situated, right in and around Virginia and Maryland. Now,
if you were just a little more spiritual, and would watch for names and types, you would find keys to unlock
mysteries; and you would find it so easy to take the name Virgin from Virginia, and the name, Mary could be
seen in Maryland; Baltimore, seen as lordship. Many other things are right together in this area, that could
be broken down, in the way of names and places, to show Christ, to the people who are spiritual.
5Now, while looking at these things, notice Memphis, Tennessee, where we see Martin Luther King, as a
symbol of Moses, in this day. You can see, if you watch close, how that God was showing the last major step of
the church world. For instance, let us analyze this last major step of the pilgrimage of this anti-type, to get our
spiritual. The pilgrims, landed at Plymouth Rock, spreading themselves abroad, moving westward because of
the gold rush (gold, a symbol of faith, drawing them westward). Now, the great powers of the west are on the
verge of crumbling. The peninsula
of California is nothing more than a honeycomb. Already, parts of it are breaking off into the ocean, ready to
cause civilization to be driven back to New York. Where did Hollywood come from, to begin with? Was it not
the Broadway of New York? The Bible said, Broad is the way, and herein its symbol is seen, just as that
great high building or structure, of the Empire State Building denotes the papacy, or manchild, coming in.
1 Remember, buildings symbolize people. Here, we see in the west, Hollywood, or the stars, as symbols, falling
from heaven in lewdness and corruption. Dont forget, films always show rapture, in revelation.
2I made the statement that the Pope or antichrist would be interested in movies. Not long after I made this
statement, I picked up a paper and read, where the Pope of Rome made the statement that he had always
wanted to be a movie director; so, through the television powers and the movie industry, we can see the flesh,
or the beast, projecting itself right through the screen, into almost every home, causing them to conform to its
lustful image. Today, every mother wants a TV dinner, her pedal-pusher and her paint; with her bobbed hair,
and with her spirit, full of lust, she welcomes daddy home in the afternoon, from hard labor. We see the image
of the beast, working through the woman always, capturing the mind, transforming it, and then,
transfiguring the body into this evil thing. That is why the Bible said, I will despise your image, when you
awake in the morning. It is because you will not be the image of God. Man is the image of God, unless he
perverts himself by the twisted tree of knowledge. So then, we see here, that Satan is working to cause the
transformation of the human mind, through his powers of abasing the human family, trampling down the
mind of humanity.
3It is broadly seen, but now, we are right where this thing reverses, and the west begins to be swallowed up of
the east, for God is going to destroy this world with fire or atomic powers; wand when we say world, we mean
the Protestant Age, for this is called the new world. Peter said, The elements, being on fire, which, of
course, is the elements being harnessed, as the atom bomb. He said, They shall burn with fervent heat,: and
this new world, which is the Protestant Age, will be burned; and then, there will be a rush of civilization from
this western world, back to Jerusalem; and antichrists kingdom will be burned here, in the United States,
where he has set it up to rule through the confederation of nations.
4With the going out of America, we can see the great calamity of revelation, as we understand it here, where
the mountains are removed out of their places, and where a third part of all things was smitten. To see this,
remember, that we are dealing with the Protestant Age, which is the third part, as shown in revelation.
5Remember, that, in the Book of Revelation, we are told that a third part of the waters became blood, and a
third part of the trees were smitten; and, though we do not have time here to elaborate freely on these things
that are recorded in Revelation, yet, if you will make comparisons, the Spirit of God will open your
understanding, and show you the things that I am trying to say.
6Now, I predict that the world, which is tilted on its axis, will, all of a sudden, stand straight upright and be
brought back to its natural position. This is
what John saw through tribulation, when the islands moved out of their places. The land, which is now
beneath the sea, covered by water, because of the tilted form of the world, will suddenly become dry land, as
the world stands upright, and the islands, which now are, will submerge into the sea. The great thundering
and lightnings of the elements, and the earthquakes that John saw, I believe, will be the blasting of the great
hydrogen and atomic powers, as it rips the world apart: God, pouring out His wrath on the kingdom of the
antichrist, right at the last part, in the last few months of his regime.
1America, the western world, being blasted, will, by this blasting along the western boarders of this world,
create the jolt that will correct the faulty position that she now stands in; that is to say, that if the flood of
Noah, on the eastern side of the world, tilted the world out of its position, that the right kind of jolt on the
western side, right at the end of the age, could set her upright again, ushering in the millennium, an upright
world, with its upright people.
2Jerusalem, the one little Naboths vineyard, that will not bow to Jezebel and Ahab, that one little heritage of
their father, that will reject the confederation of nations, will cause the Pope, with all of his powers and
nations, to gather in around it, that God might come through the eastern gates and stand in that day, to fight
for Jerusalem, to gather together all of the vintage of the earth, into the winepress of Almighty God.
3Over in Revelation, where it said an angel came out, having power over fire, one came out with a sickle in his
hand, and it was said unto him, Cast thy sickle into the earth and reap the grapes, for they are fully ripe.
Later, another angel took the vine. Remember the old saying that, It went through the grapevine, so, people
are the vine. The church is the ripe grapes, while the Roman Catholics are the sour, the Jews, showing the
wine. Jesus said, I am the vine. Now, we know that the Jew is the winepress of God, and that they will
trample the people, on horses, with their ability to bring judgement on the earth. They will use the powers of
the atom bomb, cast it upon Rome, in a third dimensional step, while communism burns the flesh of the great
whore with fire. This will be the showing of Jehu, as he rides in on his chariot, destroying and overthrowing
Jezebel, doing away with her through his zeal, and the Elisha ministry, of the double portion, which shows the
Jew coming in.
4We can see it all, as God gathers the nation together in the valley of Jehoshaphat, or the valley of Hinnom,
bringing them together against Jerusalem, that He might pour out His wrath upon them, for when ye see the
cities of Jerusalem, compassed about with armies, know that the desolation thereof in nigh.
5The Bible said that tidings out of the east shall trouble antichrist, for he shall set his kingdom up in the west.
He shall rule all the world, but, Jerusalem will not join his confederation of nations. Theyll break the pact
when the church is raptured at the midnight cry, and in doing so, he will go with great fury, to make an end;
but, he shall stumble and fall, and no one shall be able to help him, Daniel says. So then, we see that one little
nation, Jerusalem, becoming the head of the nations. In Deuteronomy it was stated, If you will obey Me, I
will make you the head and not
the tail, and He will make them the head of the nations, as He destroys the western world, to bring in the
millennium, to where they will rule.
1You can see here, that all of this is an anti-type. You remember, that when God created the world, He made it
upright, but man got tilted on his axis, and everything, being made in a triune manner, this meant that
everything had to be tilted on its axis, and now, by the third tilt, you might say, a third part of the spiritual
realms, being tilted.
2 God, perhaps did it by the great flood or deluge that hit the eastern part of the world in Noahs day; but
remember, man must be corrected, the Jew, being first in everything, to show the uprightness, and at this
time, the world will have to come back to its original state of uprightness, and when they drop the bombs over
on the western world, and the impact is felt here, this is when John said that he saw the mountains moved out
of their place, which means that he world was changed, and the water lines were changed, and mountains
were revealed, great earthquakes took place, and the world again will stand upright on its axis; the impact,
first, in the east, with the flood, the next impact, in the west, with atomic powers, and man will again be right;
and then, the heavenlies will also be straightened out, where the stars (angels) fall from heaven, showing
Satan, the accuser of the brethren, and his followers, being cast down, the fall of the rich, and the rise of the
3John makes this pictorial to the human mind. He speaks of a third part of the sun being smitten. This shows
the fall of mankind, Jesus, a third part of the Godhead, being smitten at Calvary, God veiling Himself in
darkness, as the sun turns dark.
4This darkness that was seen at Calvary shows God, the Spirit of Life, within the carnal mind of darkness, as
shown by the death of Jesus; for, as Jesus was smitten, the sun turned dark, showing that at third part of the
Great Light of heaven, which was God Head, had laid down in sleep, or was swallowed up by the beastly form
of the flesh, in the intellectual persecution of mankind: Adam, who was equal to God, in captivity to the beast
through the fall, for his wifes sake, among the thorns and thistles of the crucified life, protecting and
redeeming her from sin and disgrace; the second man Adam, portraying God, the great fall of humanity, and
the lasting effects that it had upon the heavenly world, all shown by Jesus, and the interruption of that
natural day of darkness, wherein was seen, all the confusion; the Spirit of Life, within humanity, as the
heavens (angelic world), affected so greatly by its earthly or bodily encasement; but the resurrection showed
Adam, redeemed from his fall, and restored to his heavenly place in the Garden. We see that the manifested
sons of God came to correct the earthly disorders. That is why the world travails, waiting for their coming.
Now, we dont have time to elaborate on all of it, as to what it means spiritually, but, we can see the anti-type
here, in the United States of this beautiful land of America, God, drawing it back to the eastern world of this
nation. The pilgrims, landing at Plymouth Rock
in the beginning, moving westward to California, but, as the western world begins to crumble, the patriarchs
will be driven back to the New England states, or New York, because the New England states, in their third
dimensional setting, show the new world; and, whereas humanity fell from it, then, it goes back to it.
1Look at the natural pilgrimage, as they cross the Mississippi River in its anti-type, and the blood trail that
was left as they moved along, showing the pilgrimage from Egypt, across the wilderness to Canaan land; they
moved across the Mississippi River, and then, across that great dividing line in revelation. Then, from there,
they moved into the fruited areas of California, with its symbol of Canaan.
2Now, in the reverse, leaving the natural historic pilgrimage of the natural man, and taking the spiritual, the
last first and the first last, look at the great prophet, William Branham, that was raised up, and went to the
Full Gospel Business Men in California, where he picked the church up in its type, brought it across the first
great hurdle; and then, he left it in the wilderness, as a symbol of the day of Moses, God, using a few people to
show what He was doing, remember, Few there be that find it, leaving them in a wilderness to die, after
bringing them out of Egypt (California).
3Look at the Great Divide, the biggest Indian reservation in the world. Indians! People typify waters in
revelation, red waters, in this case because these mountains are inhabited by red men. We see Moses there,
crossing the Red Sea with this people, bringing them over, giving them the great message, as he comes down
out of the mount; and yet, they broke the covenant, and none of them kept it; yet, he did bring them the
revelation of the hour.
4We see Sunset Mountain, and his ministry, as it goes down there, in the sunset of the western powers, and
then, the angels, as they haloed the clouds, coming down over his head, which is in The Yearbook now.
Scientists cannot explain it! See, it is symbolizing the seven Spirits of God and the crown upon the Brides
head; our brother, being a symbol of that one which was made perfect, a type of the Head to the church, as
Jesus Christ. He said, before his death, that the Bride hath made herself ready, for he saw it in a vision. Now,
the angels picked him up, turned him eastward, to show that this dispensational age of Protestantism was
over, and the Power of Catholicism had to come in; so, now it is seen by this, that God was through with
revival to America and the Gentiles, and was now going back to the Jew, or eastern country, which also
denoted that He would turn to the spiritual Jew, which means the Revelation Spirit, or the revealed Christ.
5Everything in the Protestant Age is spiritual; everything in the Jew Age is natural; everything in the Catholic
Age is carnal, which denotes human anatomy in the intellectual realms. The Jews are the agricultural realms,
the Catholics, governmental realms; the Protestants, religious realms; but, let us look at these things, as we
see Brother Branham, standing there on the mountain, his ministry finished; for he said, just before his death,
on one of his tapes, that his ministry was finished. Take the seventy weeks of Daniel, and run it out, according
to the given prophecy! Watch it fall,
right in there, at the end of the year of 1965, where Brother Branham went out! Now, look at the telephone
system that William Branham used there, in a symbol, telephone poles, more or less looking like a cross, and
the line of communication running from post to post.
1 Just look at him as he went right into the churches, bypassing the ministry, picking up the laity, in a symbol
of the rapture, sealing them into the Ark of the Revelation there, in that period, just before his death; and
then, the antichrist coming in immediately after they were raptured up into the message, which was the Pope,
coming to the United States around the year, 1966 (Pope Paul, the 6th 666). It is so very plain, and, at the
same time, Russia landed an emblem on the moon, everything showing revelation.
2Now, the prophet, having been dead several years at this time, comes in a resurrection, in symbols. Watch the
sons of God marry the church! Already, the church is beginning to accept the message and come in. the great
men like T.L. Lowery and Oral Roberts, and many others that have been blinded and put down into the
dungeon of denominational powers, after they have one time been Gods great Samson's of deliverance; now,
they have been blinded by Delilah, the world, which has put out their eyes, through the powers of enticement,
cutting their glory and their strength off, whereas, at one time, they were pure. Having preached prosperity so
much, they soon got to supposing that worldly gain was godliness; and now, look at them, in the
denominational prisons, preaching to the souls in prison, showing the body of Christ, that went down into the
heart of the earth in the longsuffering of the days of Noah. The Bible says that these souls were placed there
as a symbol of the church in our day. Friend, this is the entirety of trinitarian teachings; the trinitarian veil
has been rent, and the two ends of trinity, have separated as a mould, to allow the third part of the trinity,
which is the one-God teaching, to step forth in its resurrectional form. (The Law of Moses is one part of your
trinity, but the Lord said unto Peter, Not three tabernacles, but , the two ends, swallowed up in the middle,
the personification of God in Christ, the great three-in-one, the one-God teaching; not the doctrine of
denominational sects that call themselves Jesus name, which are only a type, but the revelation of Jesus
Christ. The voice said, Hear ye Him!
3Look at the symbol of the church now: Brother Branhams death, and, going down into the heart of the
earth, and these men, in this last three years, also going into the heart of the earth, in the symbol of the
denominational prisons. Watch these men, as their spiritual strength begins to be restored unto them, at the
certain time, after they have gathered the grain. They are grinding at mill, but soon, the denominational
world, and tear it down, and bring those people out in their liberty and in their strength, and the body of the
followers, that have kept their eyes upon the man and upon the veil, but, the men who moved in revelation;
that followed the Spiritual Christ that was in William Branhams life, when the veil was rent, and the great
prophet of our day lay down to rest. Then, look at it, and see how that it comes forth in the endtime. It
is very plain to see that the seventy weeks of Daniel will fall right in there at the end of 1965, right at the
beginning of 1966, to show that that which was said by the angel is right in place.
1There are so many things that we could add in our own personal experience of this last age here, that have
happened to the local following, but rather, let us look back there when the Lord appeared to Brother William
Branham, in the year of about 1946. Let us go back to the church in the wilderness, take it all the way to the
days of Noah, from Adam, run it down to the pilgrimage of Abraham, and run it to our present day and hour,
as it is breached over from Noah, right on down to Abraham, right on to Moses, right on to Joshua, right on
to King David, Solomon, and right on down to Jesus, right on down to Martin Luther, right on down to
Wesley, right on down to William Branham is this age.
2There, the pillar of fire that was with the church in the wilderness moved with it, being the angel or star that
was lifted up, showing the pillar of fire that had led them through the wilderness, which is that angel, stars,
symbolizing angels. Look, how it went down when the alters were desecrated, in the days of Antiochus
Epiphanes, when he put the sows and swine on the alters of God, the breach between the Old and New
Testament; and how his bowels gushed out as a Judas; and then, the Bible, born in the manger, came on the
scene; and then, look at it, as this same pillar of fire moved, came right on down to the days of William
Branham, in the year of 1946, and how that Israel, the natural parallel went in and became an independent
nation and lifted up the old six-pointed star or the Flag of David, bringing that millennium reign in, getting
ready for that millennium, the reign of David, and then, look at the pillar of fire over the physical tabernacle,
as it was over the natural tabernacle in the wilderness, moving over the physical tabernacle of William
Branham, demonstrating and calling people out and telling them their names, as the spiritual church began to
move again. Then, at the death of Brother Branham, look, how it went into the hearts of the followers and
turned into a spiritual revelation to perfect them, showing Brother Branham in the earth, until the time
which is near at hand, when it would come back out to be seen.
3So, sure enough, among the revelations and visions day and night, that I have received by God, I found
myself by vision, standing, praying for an individual, out under the open skies. Looking upward, I saw, high
and lifted up, a huge cloud, beautifully white, intermingled with fire, as lightning flashing through the clouds.
It was as though a great invisible hand pinched off the reasonably large corner of it, just as a woman, rolling
her dough, while making bread, would do for her biscuits. I beheld, as this beautiful fluffy ball of cloud, with
its snow-white appearance, drifted down out of heaven and stood over my human tabernacle, to immediately
burst into many pieces, going out to the small congregation that was present.
4So far as I remember, I was praying for the daughter of a man named Samuel, which we know shows
Samuel, the seer, as shown in the Old Testament. Now, a strange thing occurred, not too long before this
vision was given. A relative of Brother Atlee Beachy, one of our co-workers, came to visit with him while we
were situated in a very symbolic spot, which appeared to be a wilderness. Now, I had spoken to the man, Rev.
Atlee Beachy on occasion, where I had pointed out that his life, as well as his Amish people, portrayed the
Jewish pilgrimage of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, and that these people, who have lived so primitive,
not sharing with the world, in the many conveniences that are available, because of their zeal toward the
traditions of the elders, that they were predestined to receive a natural enlightenment of understanding,
which would bring them from their primitive way of life, into the modern civilization of our day, to them, a
Canaan land, for sure!
1Well, whether coincidental or not, this man who came to visit with the Rev. Atlee Beachy, just so happened to
be a deacon in the Amish Church, for a period of about 50 years, in good standing. Now, we know the number
50 denotes Pentecost; we also know that Pentecost brings to mind the Holy Ghost, and that the Holy Ghost is
the rest of the Lord, that God speaks of His people entering into, for, as God rested from His labours on the
seventh day, we see a thousand years, or Gods Sabbath, the millennium. Sunday, a symbol of the millennium,
which is Gods Sabbath, being such, is mans Sabbath; and each of the six days of the week, wherein man
labours, we know, shows the six thousand years of Gods labour; for, the Scriptures have foretold that a day
with God, is as a thousand years. Now, the Spirit is the churchs Sabbath; for, serving Him is joy, peace and
righteousness in the Holy Ghost; for this is the new win of Pentecost, that Solomon said, Maketh the heart
merry, and he that is of a merry heart, hath a continual feast of charity, feeding off of the loving Spirit of
God, He Who is Charity, and He, Who satisfies all of our longings and appetites as we ate of His flesh and
drink of His blood, He, Who is the Word, the only Bread of Life.
2We would say again, whether coincidental or not, we will let you be the judge; this man who came to visit,
was named Moses, and the strange part concerning this man, is that he was 80 years old, and he had never
been known to be extensive in his travel. As a matter of fact, he was not known to do much visiting even near
home. Perhaps one of the most baffling things would be that he broke the tradition of the elders, in such an
outstanding way, that even his own relatives were shocked.
3 The strange phenomenon that occurred, just previous to his arrival, was that a pillow caught fire in the
house of Brother Beachy, with whom he visited. A pillar of fire, a tabernacle, a man named Moses in his
eighties from a Protestant people, who are the most beautiful picture of the Jewish pilgrimage that I know of
anywhere. To cap this off, this man spoke to the people of the world, through the radio voice of one of our
most powerful radio stations, EXRF. Now, to me, things were taking place for, about this time, Brother Ernie
Correll, whom we afore mentioned, was getting ready to come out of the desert, and, not long after, Billy Paul
Branham and his mother, along with the Spoken Word, moved to Jeffersonville, Indiana, just as we
4 You, who are spiritual, can see something right here. A man by the name of J.T. Parnell, with whom I visited,
shortly after these happenings, had begun to be moved of God again, after several years of inactiveness, so
far, as real consistency is concerned. This man, whom I met just prior to the death of our Brother, William
Branham, had an outstanding vision, that
Seemed to pertain to the death and resurrection of our Brother, Edmond Way, from Canada, whom Brother
Branham raised from the dead in one of his meetings. This man, J.T. Parnell, whom I met in Florida, and, to
whom I predicted the death of William Branham, at the time of our meeting, has to do with this last day move
of God, as I understand; for, it was at this time, that the angel of God appeared to me in a vision, where the
Lord Jesus talked with me, and a ring was placed on my finger. There are many things that we could
elaborate on here, but, to condense our thought for reading purposes, we will stop here, so far as this
particular subject is concerned.
1I would like to add this to the conclusion of my thoughts; that our Sister Woods of Jeffersonville, Indiana,
and her prevailing condition, also has to do with this last move of God, allegorically speaking. Brother Woods,
whom I very dearly love, though I only had a little while to enjoy his fellowship, discussed with me, a few of
those things concerning his wife. A voice by vision said unto me, The old (as pertaining unto the Gospel) is
gone, and this is Gods New Business! I predicted that the blood issue of Sister Woods would stanch at a
certain time, which it did; whether by healing or physician, it was still after we had prayed for her. So then,
the issue of her blood, having been stopped, was typical of Brother Branhams followers (church). The life,
being in the blood, is typical of the Spirit; so, by stopping the loss of blood, the life of the church was saved,
typically speaking. The name, Woods, which refers to the cross or Calvary, makes it pictorial to our minds;
for, a woman is seen here, as the wounded body of Christ, inasmuch as Brother Branham is dead, having been
typical of the Husband, the inner life. To sum it all up in one brief statement, we are merely stating that the
kingdom of God, within Jesus, which hung upon Calvary, was the storehouse of Gods glory and riches; so
then, Jesus was the treasure, the heir to all of Gods glories, of whom, Brother Woods was typical. So then,
being Brother Branhams means of escape, whether by means of relaxation by fishing, or, as we would say, a
rest in paradise, that is, being a type of death, in that Christ, through death, found rest; the one-time Baptist
preacher, who had married the first wife, Hope, has now gone back to her, who has awaited him, in the
eternities, typically, returning to the Jews, Jacobs first wife, Leah. This is shown by the counterpart, which is
Brother Woods, who turned back to the Baptist Church, which is typical of the Jews, and Brother Branham,
having previously been a Baptist preacher.
2 Now, returning to our major theme of thought, let us look at the revelation as though it were an endtime
seed, springing up through a man by the name of William Branham, God leaving us a seed, lest we had been
as Sodom and Gomorrah; and then, look at it, as it formats into, more or less, a tree called The Voice of
Healing, and, from the trunk or that tree, sprang out the branches of Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborne, Billy
Graham, and all of these other great leaders in the earth.
3 The spring-time of revelation: Look at it in this age, the beauty of evangelism around the world, but, look at
the death of William Branham, in the year of 1965, and see the sap go down out of the branch of Oral
Roberts, the branch of T.L. Osborne and all of these other great leaders, as
they become cold and formal in a spiritual death, and as they are laying down the shield, entering into their
rest or retirement. Why? Because the life went back out of the branches into the Voice of Healing trunk,
right down to the root: Type of the William Branham ministry, which lay down to rest, then, right back to the
angel of the Lord, then right back to God goes the glory, that the glory might be given to Him who gave it.
Look at the end of it, David Terrell, being neither trinity nor Jesus name in the beginning, but, being caught
in between, God, using him for a bridge, to pick it up from A.A. Allen and other trinity followers, to breach it
over to the Jesus Name message, being a bridge, you might say; so look at how God breached it over, first a
seed, as Brother William Branhams ministry, then into the trunk of The Voice of Healing veil, then, to Oral
Roberts, to Billy Graham, then, back out of the branches, back to where it came from; but, before it died and
went back to seed, it came from Oral Roberts to A.A. Allen, where he took a tent from Oral Roberts as a
mantel or double portion, calling it Miracle Revivals; and so it was, then, it went to Brother Terrell,
Brother Delmer Baldwin came in, which also was our labour in the Lord and this message, in the sense of
being inspired to action. Thus, it came to the tabernacle in Olive Branch, Mississippi, and then to Centerville,
Georgia, for The Branch of the Lord shall be beautiful in that day, saying, the change is seen through the
Gateway of the West, this is the medium of exchange between the east and the west, as established by our
forefathers, along with Zebulun Pike. The actuality of the chance was seen, in Brother David Terrell, dovetailing the fore-runner, William Branhams message, saying Behold the Lamb! His sacrificial attitude
toward the Gospel, made way, in type, for the coming of the great manchild. The change, as the storm hit
Brother Terrells tent, near the Gateway of the West, as he called for Brother Baldwins tent, the beginning
of the Jewish move, the eastern part of Brother Junior Jacksons prophecy, saying, the Spirit would move
eastward, wherein is seen Brother Parnells vision, here, at Loves Temple; something to be revealed, which
has never been revealed, concerning the Ark of the Covenant. He said, that he was to come and learn
something; Brother Terrell, finishing the bride or woman part of it, in the Jewish part, a double portion of the
message to the bride of Brother Branham, and this, to be revealed. We predicted that Brother Delmers tent
would be set in Olive Branch, and that Brother Terrell would come there. It came to pass! The predicted fall
of Oral Roberts in his old age, the prediction of A.A. Allens sickness and death, saying it was nigh at hand,
pointing out Gods dealing with T.L. Osborne, and so, it was, with the tornado hitting his headquarters, also
stating that Billy Grahams ministry was at an end, and that it was soon to be revealed. It happened right
away, according to the papers, saying it was his health. I said that it had to do with racial discrimination. The
papers immediately revealed the $800,000 suit, according to Amendment Five, in relation to the
1One other thing to be noticed is, at Brother Branhams death, Brother Tommy Osborne preached the
funeral, picking up the ministry, to the extent that it showed death, as going into darkness, inasmuch as
Tommys ministry went into the dark room of Africa. You see, it went to seed, into
the sleep of death or darkness, to come up in an eastern sunrise of resurrection to the Jews, God, being
finished with the Gentiles. After three years now, we see an awakening at hand to the church, to show the Jew,
natural and spiritual, that the midnight cry is here, and the church is coming out of the darkness of the carnal
mind, and out of the sleep of death, that it went into by baptism in His name, until the appointed time to be
1We, ourselves, saw through the Spirit, after David Terrell had set his tent up there in Illinois, at the Gateway
of the West, the Gateway, being the dividing line between the west and the east in a symbol, where the old
traders came to trade in their goods; and here, him being over in Illinois, right next to Missouri, the old
Gateway, right there, at the same place where Pentecost really sprang up in about 1901, right at the Gateway.
Look at it! Going out at the same place it sprang up. There, it sprang up, and then went to Azusa Street,
moving westward; and look at it, being picked up in the west by William Branham, being brought back to the
Mosaic Gateway, you might say, there, showing the crossing, and right here, when David Terrell set his tent
up and a storm hit it; and I had predicted that the going out of this man was at hand in its symbol. The storm
hit his tent and turned it inside out, showing the last first and the first last; and then, he called for a man
named Delmer Baldwin, to set his little three pole green tent up in Illinois, and I said it would be breached
over, as it dovetailed out by David Terrell, and it was picked up right there, in the Baldwin tent, and I had
predicted that the tent would be set up in Olive Branch, Mississippi.
2 The Bible said in that day, The Branch of the Lord shall be beautiful, and the Mount of Olives was seen in
a symbol, in connection with Memphis, Tennessee, which shows Egypt. It also had to do with Martin Luther
King, the one called Black Moses. Here, they brought the tent and set it up, to the surprise of the people,
and then, I made the statement that a certain young man by the name of Grady Pike would come from the
east, and that here, he and David Terrell would meet at the tent, and so it was; and that here, they would have
a gathering, and David Terrell would come to the tent here, in Olive Branch, and so he did; that God would
breach it over here, at this particular place, bringing it across the Mississippi, just as Brother Correll would
pick up the Branham followers, in their type, at the right time, and bring them over, and so it was.
3 Then, I predicted that it would go from that tent into a certain building, where, immediately after that, there
was a tabernacle opened up, and it did go into it. Then, from that, it was to move on eastward, and more into
the areas of Macon, Georgia, where I said that there would be a gathering, and that something would happen
over in Hendersonville, N.C. with the William Branham followers, and it did. They had a great gathering
there. The first one, I said, would be successful; the last one would not, and it was not. Here, a man by the
name of Lee Vale, into which the Brother Branham ministry had gone (intellectually speaking), was to meet
with a Brother Bobby Wells and, by means of a dispute concerning the Greek language, he met a typical
rending, which denoted a furtherance of the Revelation and the changeover.
It is at this point that we have the breachover, the Revelation of Jesus Christ picking it up from this Bobby
Wells experience, by means of a little difference (clash), when the terms of biblical utterance were used out of
context, by use of the statement, prophet rather than prophets. So then, this explains the switchover from
Bobby Woodruffs tabernacle, which went out oat this time, over the old Sego Church on Third Street,
where Bobby Wells named his work The Spoken Word, neither one knowing what the other did.
2 Bobby Wells came to Macon, Georgia, leaving his place in Florida, not altogether understanding why,
coming right down to a particular street we had spoken of, called Third Street, opening a church there, at the
old Sego Church, which had to do with revelation, according to what I had see, under certain conditions
and for certain reasons. Here, he pastured the church, having success for a time; then, the revelation was to
move into the areas of Centerville, Georgia; and so, Bobby moved to Warner Robins, the place where God
showed me that Brother Jack Palmer would move from, and so he did; first Macon, then, Warner Robins,
and then, Centerville, Georgia, in a one-two-three.
3 Remember, that Macon was the one-time Capitol of Georgia; for, out of the heart, comes forth the issues of
life; and Macon, Georgia, being the heart of Georgia, gave way to Atlanta, Georgia, to fulfil Gods purpose;
and now, all of a sudden, we see a religious leader rising up in Atlanta, Georgia, giving his great speech at
Trenton, N.J., the same place, where Washington gave his speech, of which things we cannot speak in
particular, but, we related to the brethren, in what we understand. All of this, showing that it has been
breached over to this very hour, and that now, the end is at hand to the church; the manifestation of the Sons
of God, to marry the church, which is already beginning, and then, from here, going back to Jerusalem, to
bring the end of the world.
4 Look at Martin Luther King! We spoke of him, being a type of Moses, and immediately after that, they
published a piece in the paper, and called him Black Moses, and then, he made the statement, I have been
up to mount, and I have seen Canaan. Starting from Memphis, which is a symbol of Egypt, right there at
Jordan (Mississippi River), Father of Great Waters, as if to say that Brother Branham had brought the
followers from California, across the great hurdle of the Red Sea, being the Great Divide, left them in the
wilderness, and then, the Correll minister that we spoke of, picking it up in his symbol, as the Lord moved on
us to go there at a certain time, with a certain brother by the name of Tommy Carnes; the man, not being
altogether in the light of knowledge as to what happened, giving him a certain thing to make a certain trip on,
coming across the Mississippi River, along about this time, or prior to it; Martin Luther King, paralleling the
spiritual, forerunning it in the natural, the Negroes, having been in bondage, the same period of time that the
church had. I said they were a symbol of the church. Here, Martin Luther King, at this very same time, rose
up, picking up the Church, or the poor people in Memphis, showing what the Bible meant when it said, that
the common people heard Christ gladly. Theses, starting toward Washington, were a
symbol of the last great hurdle, but Moses died in the wilderness, so Martin Luther King never made it out of
Memphis; but, the Negro people did go to the White House, in the sense that their message and their
endeavors took hold, and they triumphed by entering into Washington, the Holies of Holies, like a
resurrection of the dead, before garbage starts to stink, the body, turning blue or black in the last stages
before corruption, as the white man is swallowed up in darkness, as his life comes to an end, - the racial
1 Then, I spoke of a white leader rising up, and here comes Lester Maddox, from out of Atlanta, a religious
leader, picking up the Joshua thing, where Moses left off. Jesus could go no further than the cross. There,
Moses died, and from that, the spiritual power of the Holy Ghost took over, to go into the New England
States, where Maddox made his great speech, and had such a great rally, through the Twentieth Century
Reformation Hour, of Carl McIntyre, the resurrection from Jordan, up to the White House, the heavenly
aspect, Washington crossing the cold Delaware, by angelic guidance, governmentally speaking, the Kennedy
bridge, that is across the river. Lester Maddox exhorted the people, and told them they needed to forsake
their wicked ways and get right with God. Remember, Moses wife was a dark woman; and also, Martin
Luther Kings home was in Atlanta, Georgia, where he was brought to and buried; then, the other part
picked up from there (woman show the church).
2Here, when the icy waters of chilly Jordan and the cold snow of death lays upon the church world, a repeat
of Washington crossing the Delaware, and we too, having seen a vision, in a sense, of Washington, and others
over in Memphis, at a certain time, saw these things coming, where at the same time, we predicted the death
of one of our co-workers stepmother, whom we had never seen, saying that she would die around the first
part of 1966. Though there were many states between us, yet, it came to pass; and she had a certain little grey
car, that had to do with revelation, in its pictorial aspect, which we spoke of, that Brother Taylor was
supposed to get, and, of course, he did at her death, just as we had seen it. Then, another astounding thing
was, just at this particular time, when many of these things were transacted, I saw Brother Branham, coming
out of the desert, in my understanding, after several years; I spoke of it, which he did, and also, at this time, I
spoke of the death of Brother Branham. I was in Florida, laying on my bed, early one morning, and I saw
something, and I told Brother J.T. Parnell that the prophet was going to die and leave us; which, of course,
shortly after that, he was in a wreck. I did not see the wreck, but, shortly after that, he was in a wreck, and, of
course, I said, According to what I understand, hell die just before Christmas Day, which I checked with
his boy, Billy Paul, later, and Billy said this was true; maybe in the hours of the morning, just before the
breaking of day, his dad died; and then, I said that his mother and sister would not die, which they did not,
and I said God would spare them for the childrens sake. Shortly after this, being tired and weary in body
from journey and from travel; an angel of God appeared to me in Florida in a vision; spoke to me, and put a
ring on my finger, which also has to do with this very thing.
Brother J.T. Parnell had a vision, where he restored a rod to Brother Branham, but it also, according to what
I understand, had to do with this move of God in this last day, things that I cannot go into, it would take so
long, and so much time, and many many things that pertain to this, that we cannot do anything but highlight
at this very time, seeing the death of the prophet; and, Brother Branham, along about here, preaching the
great sermon of Marriage and Divorce, and even his own followers, not realizing that it was that of Mosaic
thing that was showing the divorcing, not of people, but, that God was speaking to them concerning the
divorce, as He did Israel. Because Israel committed harlotry, He put them away, and here, the great prophet
of that hour was preaching a divorce to the entire world; that God was, at this hour, putting away the world,
giving them a writing of divorcement. Remember, God said to the prophets of the Old Testament, I have set
you over the new (world). God was turning them over to the antichrist, but his followers did not see it,
neither did the people see it; and I, most assuredly, would not have seen it, had it not been revealed by the
spirit. This was the thing, and this great hour that we are living in; never has there been a time like it in the
history of the world. The great wonderful coming of the Lord is at hand. Brother Branhams has been
beautiful as the last hour, for Solomon said, The end of a thing is better than the beginning, and this is the
most beautiful, where it was said that He kept the best wine for the last. One thing is to notice that the death
of Brother Branham was, The Bride hath made herself ready, by Calvary. Somebody had a vision that we
had the Bride. At the vision of Brother Branhams Calvary, lying on my bed in the darkness, through I was
awake, in some kind of trance that I cannot explain, Jesus, Himself, came, putting a ring on my finger.
Immediately, I was on my feet, in a world of light, looking in the opposite direction, beholding an angel. I
restored unto him, that which he had dropped or lost. Him, being pleased, the vision ended.
2We are not on the verge, but, we have already entered into this thing, folks, to where God is moving now in
the church, and this great thing is beginning to mature; these little broken, scattered pieces, that, to you, are
broken and scattered, are not to me; because we, not only have, through the grace of God, understood and
pieced all of them together, but, also, we have expounded it to the brethren, but, in this book, we could not do
it, just a highlight here and there, to bring about a continuity of thought.
3 At the very same time, when these, things were taking place at the Gateway of the West, we made the
statement that all we needed was an earthquake, to confirm the revelation. Now, coincidental or not, we had
ministered in about twenty-two different states, Mexico and Canada. At this time, an earthquake hit right
along about the Gateway of the West, going up the Mississippi River, toward Chicago, a train center (trains
usually show death), stopping there, and then, the other part, coming down the river in such a great
tremendous way, until it changed the course of the great waters, which is the Mississippi; and the impact was
felt, as it shook Olive Branch, which was showing the Mount of Olives, the cleaving in half of two bodies of
people, which took place also, as well as, scientists saying, at this particular hour, that the Mount of Olives is
cleaving in half;
the changed course of the waters, showing Gods reversed attitude toward His people, in that this river is
called, Father of Great Waters, waters, meaning people; the separation of two bodies, the cutting off of the
Gentile world, bringing in the Jewish Negro in type, the cleaving of the mount. Here, this earthquake hit,
showing the crossing of Jordan, everything, taking place in its symbol, right on time; and we have come up to
this place, right here, and God is making His last move, and the Light is moving out, and we have said that
the Protestant Age would go into darkness by 1970; and scientists have predicted a world of famine, and there
is a natural parallel for every spiritual thing, Joseph, rejected by the brethren, and yet, he had the food, in the
latter end; and we see a natural parallel of it. John F. Kennedy, having brought in Catholic darkness, in that
the Jewish-Negro type of Father, Abraham Lincoln came forth, for the Jews are always in the darkness, Gods
clock in the night. The double portion is on the move. Brother Branhams former, and this latter rain, all is
one season; for Brother Branham did say that the teaching rain would bring it all out.
1Joseph Kennedy, having made the statement, that he hoped to see the world bow down to him some day; and
his sons, with all of their endeavors for the world, drawing attention to the Kennedy name, in compassion as
well as otherwise. We see this thing here, in 1970, the light; I predicted that the light of the Gentiles would be
going out by 1970. They have predicted a total eclipse, which certainly shows it in the natural parallel, and
truly, the Christians are the light of the world, and, at this time, their hearts are turned to the dark races, also
to the sun; with the ministry, and many leaders, turning to the islands and the heathen darkness, showing the
light moving out of the United States, the Negro coming in, showing the gross darkness, covering the earth, in
its type, or the church going into its eclipse, the tribulation period, for the world has had its symbolic
Pentecost of darkness of the Kennedy liquor industries. It must be evening time, and it must be about time for
antichrist darkness to envelop the whole world, as the Bible said, that gross darkness shall cover the people. It
must be nearer to the tribulation than we think! There are many things concerning this that we wish we could
speak of, but you wouldnt understand.
2In the next few years, should Jesus tarry, there is a great move of the Apostolic Church, and the real ministry
of Jesus Christ, the body of the army of Joel, going forth, the sons of God, marrying the church as a man
taketh to himself a wife; and, down toward the end of these few years, there is coming a rapture, and from
there, a tribulation unto the millennium.
3Remember, that, as the confederation of nations gather around Jerusalem, so, shall the denominations
confederate and gather around this little body of the elect, for it is a natural parallel. Christ, the Revelator,
the Spirit of St. John, the Divine, rises in this hour, with the power of that great Elijah prophet, that it might
be seen in the church, unto the translation, casting the mantle back to the Jew, at the departing; the Jew,
having a portion within his body, having been trained through discipline of body, then, receiving the Seal of
the Spirit, they will have both body and Spirit, making the double portion, whereas the Gentiles have only
been required a
spiritual thing, into the translation, where the body is redeemed. This is for them to be made the head of the
nations in the millennium, as a perfect, but yet, not celestial being; being given the double portion, they will
immediately go away Redemption of the body! Here, we can see, as it was with Naboth, where Jezebel put
him on high, and then, accused him of blaspheming, to take his vineyard, so have they done the Jew this way,
and men like Oral Roberts, the great leaders, lifting them up on high, that they might get a shot at them, as
they blaspheme governmental orders in the church, that they might cut them down. In that it will be church
over state, it will be a religious treason of law to speak against their doings.
1As it was seen in Revelation, where this angel cast in the sickle and gathered the grapes, which are people,
being pulled together there, around Jerusalem, that they will tread the winepress of Almighty God, it said that
the blood of the grapes would run out unto the horses bridle, and then, the vine itself, which is the people,
shall be taken then, for there will never be another physical harvest in this world. That second angel said,
Cut the vine down!
2 Those Jews are going to trample the people, or their enemy, when the Lord returns with a crown, and they
behold the vesture dipped in blood, and those on white horse following Him; and they will tread the winepress
of Almighty God, till the blood runs up to the horses bridles, and then, the great marriage supper of the
Lamb will place, where He will accept His Bride, the Jews, being made the head of the nations. Remember, in
the Book of Deuteronomy, that God said, I will make you the head and not the tail, if you will keep My
Laws. They rejected it. God rejected them, for He said, Because you have rejected My Word, I have
rejected you, but now, they are returning, and will be made the head of the nations, in the millennium, the
great millennium, setting in for the thousand years, until that time of renovation, complete renovation, when
the new earth shall set down upon it, and the sea and all shall give up its dead, unto the Great White Throne
of Judgement, that we might enjoy, throughout eternity, the celestial city, the celestial earth, and the celestial
beings, even from everlasting to everlasting, without beginning or end. The Bible says that it shall be done
after this fashion or manner.
3God said that He was the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. He told John, These things that
you see, they are true; write them, and put them in a book, and send them to the churches. I, with John, feel
the same way as he did, Even so come, Lord Jesus. This, we are expecting; the soon return of the Lord,
Jesus Christ, and are wanting to share it with those who can understand. Many things, Jesus said, I would
say unto you, but ye are dull of hearing, and are not able to bear them, but let us take the simplicity of these
writings, where God reveals Himself in simplicity, and let us try to understand these things. One thing we see,
the trinitarian veil rent, the William Branham Revelation, by the Voice of Healing tree, entering in through
Brother Oral Roberts, the Moses veil, the dimming of the light to the on-approaching, just preaching
prosperity and, blessings. Rebecca across the bleaching desert, has now become the unveiled wife, in the
revelational chamber, as the secret places of the tent of
the mother, are brought into view. The one-God message is free from the trinitarian veil, which means that
the Christ of the Apostolic Church, has finished His death sentence in the heart of a trinitarian world of
Gentile people, having their bodily grave of entombment, he returns to His eastern sunrise of boyhood, to His
own God-family, as a manchild of love and delight. The veil is gone! The Oral Roberts hand that Vaden
crucified, in nailing it to the stump, ran its course; as Brother Branham said, I feel the power in my hand,
the same theme song, Only Believe, being used Brother Roberts western world of woman, going down
Brother Branhams eastern world of male, in its new family tree, coming up. The winter time is over, religious
parasites dead, the resurrectional sap of life and springtime, returning as the fig tree puts forth her leaves.
My Brother and Sister, look up! For, your redemption draweth nigh. Summer is nigh at hand; your salvation
and redemption is nearer than when you first believed.
There is something that I feel would be worth our consideration at this time, and that is the comet,
Kohoutek, and its effects upon earth and humanity, and also, its perspectives in revelation. Having been
discovered by a German scientist by the name of Lubose Kohoutek, thus, it received its name or title. The
comet is in line to become the comet of a lifetime; with many predicting a doomsday, and these people, not so
far wrong, as some might think.
2 The Twenty-five mile wide mass of frozen water, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia, dirt and meteoric
rock, which moved toward the sun at a phenomenal speed, is pictorial, perspectively speaking, of the birth,
death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
3Remember, the stars, according to Genesis, are for signs and season. Their reactions on our own planet earth,
are, as Einstein might say, in his theory of relativity, because of its relation one to another. Speed and friction,
which would create a reaction of the relative deposits in the earth, would also create a reaction of the human
body, since it is a composition of dustly elements. The powerful magnetic reaction could completely destroy a
human body, by reaction of nerves, turning one into an old man before his time, or restoring ones nerve
energy, and turning him back into a young man. It can bring about the phenomenal reaction that John
visualized in the Book of Revelation, the great catastrophe of the tribulation period. Being a type of Christ, it
also denotes the coming of antichrist.
4 Now, let us look and see if there is any proof to substantiate our thoughts. Notice, that the phenomenon of
1528 was its nearest relative, so far as human excitement was concerned. The comet was so horrible in 1528,
that some died of fear, while others fell sick, as the comet appeared, as a star of excessive length, and the color
of blood. At its summit, was seen a figure of a bent arm, holding a great sword in its hand, as if it were about
to strike. On both sides, were seen, a great number of axes, knives, and spaces covered with blood, among
which, were a great number of human faces with beards and bristling hair. If you will notice, this was about
the time that Martin Luthers reformation of the Protestant Era was coming to surface. Now, all of a sudden,
here, at the end of the Protestant Age, comes this comet, which has never been sighted before, coming forth;
and, according to scientific theory, is predestined to affect the entirety of humanity.
5We spoke of the end of Billy Grahams ministry being at hand, just before the papers stated that he was
withdrawing from the field, because of physical conditions; and also, we said that one of the major causes had
to do with racial discrimination, which denoted the church ages submerging into darkness, and gross
darkness covering the people; Billy, thus signifying the end of the church ages.
6So, you see, the doomsday predictors are not altogether, as you suppose,
eccentric. Notice the relativity, allegorically speaking, between the Lord, Jesus and this comet. Being one of
the duller objects in its appearance, in that man was born in sin and shapen in iniquity; it can be seen as the
Lord, Jesus, who was mad sin for man. In this, we are speaking of its dirty, outward constitution; that coma,
being like a dirty halo, or a crown of thorns, that which is unbecoming or unsightly; but, as it approaches the
sun, which is the disastrous means of consummation, in that is completely renovates and dissolves the
ugliness, scientist say that from this point, it becomes glorified and a spectacular sight. So, it was with Christ
at Calvary, when the inner Christ, robed in the veil of humanity, unbecomingness and sin, lifted this veil up
into the presence of God, the Great Light. There, God smote and dissolved all outward imperfection, and
brought forth a glorified Christ, from within the veil, the church, being the judgement seat of Christ, in that
judgement begins at the house of God, the Bible stating that it is God speaking and not humanity.
1By this, we see the typical Christ, near His proposed birthday, appearing, to force the subconscious to the
surface; scientists saying, that the unprepared, supposedly, would feel the impacts of judgement.
2 The gravitational forces certainly imply a raptural coming of Christ, which throws the earth into a
tribulational convulsion, rending the veil, as the first man, Adam meets the second; and the great battle of the
heavenlies begins: Christ and antichrist-the Son of God and the son of perdition the Spirit of God and the
spirit of Satan the powers of life and death. Here, by means of tribulation, the great unveiling of tangible
created matter takes place, through tribulational rending; and, from its matrix of intellectual constitution,
presents a millennium birth, which produces the worlds greatest society, through the art of perfection,
consummating in a glorious introduction of a celestial and glorified body of heavenly enchantment and
raptured beauty, which is alive with sparkling radiance of a colorful and heavenly sphere, that is stimulated
by the Son of God, or the Eternal Spirit, Himself.
3 One thing that is especially denoted by the approaching comet, is the humanitarian theory of virgin
impregnation, especially in the reference which is used concerning the word, Eve, as we say, New Years
Eve. This, of course, makes us think of a Garden. Is it possible, that somewhere in the world, that the virgin
birth of the many-membered manchild could be near? Is there a new government on the horizon? In that
there is a periodic turn of event, the receding two hundred years brings us to the eve of the new regime, that
will be forerun by the antichrist. Isnt this the thing that caused Herod to rage? Is it possible that the
diplomatic Herods of today are frustrated, because, as Daniel said, Tidings out of the east have troubled
him? Again, I say, is it possible, that the twisted tree of educational or scientific knowledge, has resulted into
a cesspool of iniquity, of fears and frustration, bringing to birth, a bunch of bastard children, which are full of
titles of man-made degrees or diplomas, having measured themselves by themselves, for their own means and
purposes; by flattery, and they have overthrown godliness and sound wisdom, having no name, as pertaining
to godliness, nor any identity, as to be identified with Gods Christ, in His sacrificial death or resurrection,
unto eternal life of wealth
or happiness.
1 Perhaps, it would pay us to stop and consider the way or our going a little better, and try to be more
thorough in our decisions, regarding humanitys welfare, and our souls destination, for, certainly, it is
apparent that God is, at last, unveiling His masterpiece, thus, consuming the veil of humanitarian endeavors
and imperfections, with the brightness of His coming; thus, eliminating the problems of mankind, by means
of conversion, bringing the inner spiritual Jacob, to rule over the outer intellectual Esau, for so He has said,
It is written, that the elder shall serve the younger, and, Eve, thy husband shall rule over thee (spiritmale, body-female).
2It is really coincidental, was we would say, or the Divine providence of God, that this book is coming forth, as
to an unveiling of the hidden mechanics of life, to produce a dynamic move of God in the earth, as is believed,
in that there has been a dream or night vision, that we wrote a book, and it brought the rapture. So, it could
seem rather strange that a spiritual, unseen daystar might be dawning within the human heart, for, if the
comet becomes a daystar, then the hidden mysteries of God should emerge from the eternities, having been
hid, from the foundations of the world. It should come forth, even to where human intelligence could see; the
comet, being an alpha and an omega, in that it is seen in the pre-sunrise morning from December 1-28, 1973,
and in the evening, after sunset, from December 29th to the middle of February, 1974. By this period of time,
according to our calendar, Noahs flood tribulation had struck, to carry him over to the new earth, in that
there was to be a three day appearing of the star, that certainly does sound like the resurrection and the three
year tribulation period, February, also, being the love month, where the heart receives either the wooing or
the mocking valentine.
As we consider Calvary, and the fact that there was, at this point, both Law and Grace involved in the
divine transition, it is very obvious to me, that the prophet like unto Moses is here, and that Calvary is the
mount that was smitten with the fiery indignation of God, wherein was given, the two covenants, the twins, or
the stones of Moses, the intellectual concept of God, and the faith concept of God, one, the intellectual concept
of God, as pertaining to the Law, stemming from the tree of knowledge, in the Garden, being consummated
at Calvary. The period between the origin and the termination of the Law, is a time of trouble and detriment,
to the first Adam, which is the Jew, and resulted in His cutting off from the presence of God. The bruised and
broke Jesus of Calvary, denotes the first broken covenant, He, being bruised for our transgression. So as not
to cut the Jews off completely, as was the case in the wilderness, He created a body of His own, to catch the
imposed penalty of His wrath, for transgression of the Law. So, the elders were cut off in the wilderness, while
the world of Egypt, which did not accept Calvary at all, was swallowed up on the Red Sea of the spilling of
His blood. Others, from Calvary to the tribulation period; being Jordan, the crossing into Canaan, this
intellectual concept of Catholic religion during the Dark Age, though they received Calvary, so far as the
blood acknowledgement, yet, the intellectual formality of their religious activities, wont let them pass into
Gods Canaan land or millennium for this people. In the type, they fit between the cross and the Lord Jesus
resurrection, while, dispensationally speaking, they fit between Calvary and the coming of the Lord, at the
tribulation, the Protestant Age, being typical of Canaan, which is the church, after the resurrection of Jesus.
2 The new world of Noah, typified one dimension; Canaan land, the second dimension, and the resurrection
after Calvary, the third dimension, which is spiritual, until the millennium shows it to be a naturally
manifested thing. So, we see, by these types, that Jesus was Moses first covenant, which was broken, being
the Law. This shows the rejected body of the beast. After death, you may see God. Now, dead by His body, we
are a spiritual being called the Bride. This is Christ, Moses second covenant, which was Joshua and the
children, who made it over Jordan (the grave), for, we have passed from death unto life. The body, being a
carrier of the life, is denoted by the Jews, who are the elders, Jesus, being Moses. Now we wait, as
disembodied spirits, to return into our new God-bodies, the celestial body, which is in the Spirit or heaven.
When Christ re-enters His body, at the right hand of the Father, having finished His priestly work in the
Holies of Holies, which is mans heart, He will return, as the rejected head, that is to say, Jesus or Moses to
the Jewish body. We, as a spiritual sons, will also return, as the membership of the rejected church body, the
Jew. The prophet, like unto Moses, to the Jew (Moses and the Law), Christ, the Holy Ghost, coming to the
saints (spiritual Jews), Christ, which is to say, Joshua and grace, which together denote Moses and Elijah,
during the tribulation period, which is the song of Moses and the Lamb, the elders of Moses on ones side, the
Elijah-Benjamites of the 144,000 on the other side, with Jesus and His mystical body in between.
1 So then, the Jew shows the rejected sinful flesh of Law or beast conception of God, with its seminary
ritualistic formalities and practices; Cain and his religious practices was rejected at Calvary, for no flesh shall
glory in His presence.
2 The church then, shows Rachel, the unbroken stone of grace, which is the Law of the Spirit, that Paul spoke
of: The inward mind of Christ. The body, being dead by Calvary, there was no way to transgress or break the
second covenant of Moses, by sinful flesh, in that the children did not have the knowledge that the elders had,
therefore, it could not cause their death.
3 It is obvious that when the Lord, Jesus said that it was finished at Calvary, that it truthfully was finished,
and that it was the end of the world; also, that it was the fullness of time. We also see that the Kingdom of
God had come, and that His will was now done on earth, as it is in heaven. Inasmuch as Jesus said, I come in
the volume of the Book, to do Thy will, oh God, He showed that it was finished. The mysteries of God were
now finished, for He made known, things that were hidden from the foundation of the earth. Joels prophecy
of the last days was here, for Peter said, This is that, which the prophet Joel spoke of. The Bible says that in
the fullness of time, He sent His Son. Peter said, Ye are the people, upon whom the ends of the world have
4 If that was the end of the world, then what has this been from Calvary until now? We say that this is the
Kingdom Age, when that isnt true. The Kingdom Age is the millennium. Then, there is only one thing left, by
which we can identify this age or period of time. It is neither the world, nor the Kingdom, but it is the Church
Ages. The Church Ages are a preparatory work or a forerunner of the Kingdom Age to come in, which is the
5Though we have elaborated concerning the types and shadows, we are, at this point, dealing with reality.
Egypt is the period of time until Calvary; your church ages are your wilderness, because it is your
dispensational change; the millennium is your Canaan or Kingdom Age, divided into two parts. Not that the
millennium is divided, but, rather, we have two stages of it. The first part is King Davids restoration, while
the next stage of it is King Solomons glorification of the celestial earth (new earth). So then, briefly, we see
before Calvary, numbered with the Jews, - Jesus, the Son of Man. Through the church ages, He is numbered
with the Christians, as the Son of God; next we see Him in the Millennium, as the Son of David. The
tribulation period, the millennium, and the celestial, are only a manifestation of that which has already been,
from Calvary to the coming of the Lord. If you will notice, the Book that the Redeemer took from the Ancient
of Days, was the Book of Redemption, which was the sealed foreknowledge of God, sealed by the Seven Spirits
of God, in that a spirit is a
seal. Remember the Scriptures which say, Grieve not the Holy Spirit, whereby thou art sealed, unto the day
of redemption, which is the resurrection of the body. In the redemption, some will be changed, for they never
will have died. The body is referred to as the purchased possession, or the time appointed of the Father, which
is the adoption; for, this is the time of the public ceremony that the Jews had, when the son had matured and
was ready for his inheritance. Though we already are sons, yet we are still under tutors until the time
appointed. There is one difference between sonship and the time appointed. At the time appointed, we are no
longer mystic sons, but we are manifested sons, as we return into our new glorified body. I speak of us as
being dead in our bodies.
1 If you recall, this book was sealed on the backside, this being the book which was taken from the hand of the
Ancient of Days, in the Book of Revelation. Remember, the seven eyes of the lamb: eyes within and without,
seeing both spiritually and naturally. This book was the Book of Redemption, the concealed foreknowledge of
God, which was the pre-proposed acts of God. What is this great book? It is the mind of Christ. The
foreknowledge of God had never been unveiled unto Calvary, but, the Son of God, at Calvary, finished His
course, walked up, and took the book: Loosed the seals, by the rending of the fleshly veil, making an entrance
into the spiritual Holies of Holies; and the Ark of Gods covenant appeared. As He divided the waters from
the waters, the church, His heavenly world of creation, came into view. He unveiled His masterpiece! Only the
spiritual can see it, for, having eyes to see natural things, the world has no spiritual eyes to see spiritual things,
natural ears to hear natural things, yet, no ears to hear what the Spirit saith unto the church. Having eyes,
they see not, for the wicked shall not see when good cometh.
2 The Kinsman Redeemer has proven worthy to loose the seals. Though Samsons locks were cut off at
Calvary by the Jewish harlot, yet, the gates to the city have been moved to the Mount of Calvary, from the
valley of intolerance, and now, there is a heavenly entrance between heaven and earth, as denoted by the
astronaut, Shepherd. He came forth from the dungeons, or the imprisoned tomb of death, but, the growing of
his seven locks, which are the seven church ages, shall not reach its entirety, until the consummation of the
ages, when He shall stand between the two great pillars, likened unto Jachin and Boaz, which are Moses and
Elijah, as the manchild of power and might, pulling down both Law and Grace, the religious pillars, which
will cause this religious world to crumble upon its enemies. Remember, the Jew is only typical of the whore
and her antichrist (Protestantism her daughters or membership). These two pillars represent strength and
beauty (Law for strength, and Grace for beauty).
3The seven seals of the Church Ages were on the backside of the book, in that Jesus was the Volume of the
Book, and at Calvary, He said that the Book was finished, the last part of Gods act, was to create the world,
after having created the angels, which is typical of Gods seven days of labour or Daniels last week; Calvary,
typical of the broken covenant with the Jews, in the midst of the week, the Catholic Pope, making himself
God. From the Garden unto Moses, it is typical of white, which is righteousness. When there is no Law of
condemnation, sin is not imputed.
From the time of the Law, we see the red horse rider, we see the offering of sacrifices, whereas, when they
went into Babylon, we see the black horse rider of confusion; and then, after this, we see the pale horse rider,
in Nehemiahs struggle of war and survival, the souls under the altar, through the silent centuries, and the
sixth seal of the rent veil of the heavens, from Calvary, extending over the tribulation period of the seventh
seal, and the terrors that followed.
1 The seven church ages are typical, in the mystical sense of Daniels last week, antichrist breaking the
covenant in the Dark Age, using the Christians for prey. The seven years of tribulation, are the manifested
works of God from Calvary, or the resurrection, when He showed John the keys, having given Peter the keys
to the kingdom, and showing John the keys to death and hell, death, to the Jews, hell, to the Gentiles or
Catholic regime, and the Kingdom to the church, for Thine is the Kingdom.
2 The seven seals are clearly seen when unveiled as the church ages. The Book of Redemption indicates the
period of the ministry, redeeming souls through the church ages, by the loosening of the seals by the body of
Christ, the manchild, as the headship caught up at Calvary, coming back in the Book of Revelation, to pick
up His membership, when the mysteries of Paul, the Apostle, typical of the seventh angel message, reach their
climax. A brief explanation is, that, as Jesus, the mighty angel, declaring that time should be no more, in that
it was the end of the world, John could then see the vision of the end, immediately after the declaration, only a
few years after Calvary, the vision, being made manifest at the consummation of the world, Paul, as John,
concerning the thunders, saw things that could not be uttered. These are still the days of the voice of the
seventh angel, where the thunders, and mysteries of God should be finished. Brother Branham follows the
typical part of this, being a Jesus Name minister. He is in a separate category from the three men herein
mentioned. Typical of the beginning, as Christ, Pentecost or Paul, there would be, before His reappearing, the
trinitarian perspective of that which is in part. The trinitarian veil is always considered the Dark Age of the
message, as a natural, physical or spiritual. (Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and A.A. Allen the life of these
three mens ministry, being William Branham). That is why they all died when he left the scene. The water
world of the Baptist entrance into the church, the Methodist version of the blood, as an entrance, and the
Pentecostal, spiritual teachings of entrance, all of them, being but a veil, which would produce, through
sifting, a Jesus Name, so-called denomination, to bring about a shuck that, in process of time, would open
unto a non-denominational Christian-elect, that would put it all together for Christs sake and the
3 If you will notice, the white horse rider had no arrow to pierce the soul, He had a religious bow of strength,
which was the Law, by which he conquered, but, grace had taken away the sting of death, which was the
piercing arrow of the knowledge of right and wrong. He is seen in the early part of the church ages. He is
typically seen in the Old Testament. The first death, from which you can be redeemed, is the innocent Adam
and Eve and their descendants. In their ignorance, concerning Gods Word, they departed from the shekinah
glory of life. God winked at their ignor86
ance, which means He closed His eyes to sin; but, from Calvary forward, there is a ministerial knowledge of
right and wrong. The Law is magnified and enforced with great strength against those who reject Grace. To
know to do good, and not practice it, is to reject Grace. Your disputers and philosophers are altogether vain in
their figment of imagination, prophets of their own spirits, vainly puffed up by their fleshly minds, surmising
and reasoning about things of which they know nothing, promising liberty to others, while as yet, they,
themselves, are the children of corruption, in bondage to their own religious societies, having seen a vain
vision, because of their lack of communication with God. My heart is filled with so many things which I
cannot put within this book!
1Speaking of Brother Branham, he, being typical of Jesus and Moses, drew all things unto himself, thus,
eliminating the ministry, making himself God, that he might typically be smitten, so as to release the inner
Christ, which, by measure, would return, as the Holy Ghost, into the hearts of the ministry, to fulfil the
succeeding years, as we term to be about seven; a general distribution through ministerial activities, a Christ,
which would project Himself from within, to bring the furtherance of Gospel, through His bodily
membership, an end to the typical church ages; the results, at this point, being a manchild to rule the nations
with a rod of iron, a brief interval of tribulation and then, a millennial kingdom that will transform into a
celestial preservative forever.
2While beholding the transformation of the government, we see a great change in the government. The end of
all things was at hand, even in Pauls day. To narrow things down to a more personified perspective, would
only tend to confuse you. The change of the money system, into a world currency, by numerical order, shows a
computer system of televised and electronic media, by which the man with the number 666 can project
himself or his desire to any place in the world. Any indicted individual, who will not coincide with his desires,
can be brought into his presence, immediately, everything, coming under numbers, especially referring to
what we call the Social Security Number, showing that the only security, will be through the numerical order.
There will be no security, whether social or otherwise, as we already see, in that this number is already in
demand for benefits at the present. Without checks or currency, the numerical system so excels all others, that
you can now, over night, be stopped from buying or selling. A religious government of church over state, a
papacy control, will automatically make you subject to the preeminent number, 666. The brute beast head of
intellectual control, will cause his great membership to function throughout the earth, destroying any one or
power that oppose it. The number in her head or hand, denotes that he is intellectually your head, while the
right hand denotes that he has the power of your control. The ear was to be pierced through with an awl, if
the servant did not desire to depart from his master. Much could be said at this time, if we had time and
energy to express it.
3 One thing that we would like to say, concerning this, is that the dragon of Revelation, was cast out into the
earth, which means separation from the heavenly mind of Christ and His believers, and has set up his regime,
through means of the tree of knowledge, which is the intellectual, or edu87
cational system of the worldly empire and its governmental orders. When the Manchild, Christ Jesus, went
up at Calvary, the invisible members of the Manchild also were caught up. The dragon, being cast out,
persecuted the Jewish woman that fled into the wilderness, as the day of the Jewish tribulation set in. Being in
the presence of God, as the Jewish nation was, she was in the presence of the shekinah glory, her foundation,
being the moon, or lesser light on which she was founded, going into a wilderness of unbelief. The beastly
men, like Eichmann, and others have warred against her, Satan, having personified himself in the papacy of
Rome; and the great ultimatum of this visional transition is manifested and seen as the tribulation period, at
the consummation of all things. The manifested manchild is also recognized at that point.
1 The stars that we see falling, in the Book of Revelation, are those, whom the foreknowledge of God rejected,
who, through their religious activities, are reflectors of the true light of the sons of God. In the Dark Age, it is
seen, where he wraps his tail around the host of heaven, and casts them to earth. Satans religious regime is
shown by the white horse rider, as a religious conqueror; he then withdraws from the white horse, and wages
war against the saints also, his intellectual concept of trinitarian, religious theories, thus measuring the people
by intellectual restraints. God preserves the oil and the wine, which are the true Christians. After the white
horse conquering of the church, and the bloody slaughter of the red horse, killing out the saints and the
apostles, the intellectual dark age of religious concept reached a great peak, the results of that intellectual
darkness and paganistic cults or religious practices, turning the people to idolatry, and strengthening Satan,
in his next religious ride; for, as a pale horse rider, sicknesses, starvations, envies, strifes, and confusion,
along with great plagues and epidemics, swept over the people, inasmuch as their religious practices had
separated them from the hand of Almighty God, Who could and would have supplied all of their needs.
2The next great dimensional gesture is, that we behold the souls under the altar, who have been slain for their
testimonies. It is obvious that, by this time, many of those who are in a place as was described in Brother
Branhams vision Beyond the Veil, inasmuch as Christ, so said Brother Branham, was a little higher. Those
that are found beneath the altar, would be the departed ones, which are reckoned for in the Book of
Revelation. Inasmuch as heaven in His throne, then, earth is His altar or his footstool, at which people bow.
Through His ministry, He ministers from His altar; those, buried beneath the earth, being under His altar.
This is denoted by Calvary, which is the big brazen altar, on which the Lamb was slain, and, mystically
speaking, anyone covered by the blood, is under Gods altar; which, spiritually speaking, in a physical
dimension, is our spirits under the altar of our own souls, for we are considered dead, and our soul, beneath
the altar of our heart, which is sprinkled by the blood of Jesus, and in referred to by Paul as a better altar
than the brute beast have access to. So, we see many departed souls beneath the altar of God, crying out for
revenge against men like Eichmann, and others, which have cruelly mistreated them. Figuratively speaking,
this is the Jew, because the Jew cries for revenge, according to Law, where we cry for mercy according to
The next scene is the manifested Calvary, as seen in the return of the Son of God, which is denoted in a
typical sense, as the time between Martin Luther and the establishing of democracy, which brought a typical
millennium. It is obvious that, with the coming of the Lord, that the seventh seal unveils the manifestation of
the manchild, and what has taken place, through these dimensional happenings. Brother Branham, typical of
the great angel, was, within himself, as a twain; the rending of the veil which was denoted by the opening of
his head, allowing two extremes, a liberal and a conservative; while, from within, came forth the Christian
view, and the ultimate of his endeavors. A pillar of fire among people in a denominational darkness, a
wilderness of confused and frustrated religious convictions, ever learning and never coming to the knowledge
of the Truth, the life, having withdrawn from the stalk and the shuck, is now in the grain. The contrary winds
of doctrines that blow through the husks as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals, can only produce dry
moans and groans.
2 It is obvious that the church age soundings were introduced by thunder, as Paul, the great revelator, in the
sounding of the final mysteries, established his churches in Asia. The entirety of the church ages,
comprehended within Pauls ministry, was according to times and seasons, introduced perspectively
speaking,; his labours, sectional made manifest, through what is referred to as the church ages. We hear the
Lord saying, And unto the angel of the first church, write, to the second church, etcetera, on down to the
seventh; each angelic sounding, revealing a portion of the mystery, for, the seven eyes of the Lamb, which are
the seven visional views of the church ages, are shown in the Book of Revelation, while the ages are shown as
a constitution of the membership of the Lamb, the seven spirits before Gods throne, being the seven angels or
seals to the church ages, in that He said, I make My angels spirits. It is obvious that each angel or spirit
contained the mystery of the age, and that, only the membership of the Lambs body could loose this seal to
the hearers. The chosen man of each age, as a godly representative, denotes also, the powers of the horns. To
me, by this token, it is obvious what took place concerning the thunders. There are a lot of wild notions as to
what took place, but, let us briefly look at some of the things.
3 First of all, are we to know and understand concerning the thunders, and for what purpose they were
withheld to begin with? If within the sounding of the trumpet of the seventh angel, they were to be finished,
why then, did Brother Branham, if he finished the mysteries, not make them to know, saying that he saw
them in an unknown tongue? It is true that God intended for us to know them, for that which is revealed
belongeth unto man, but, that which is not revealed, the secret things, belong unto God.
4 The spirit of John the Revelator contained these things. It was said, Seal them up John, for you must
prophesy to multitudes, nations and kings! Through his spiritual writings, he has; but, if the spirit of John,
the Revelator is typical of the church, being the Spirit of Love, it returns unto the church, to perfect faith, in
that it is the bond of perfection. The interpretation of the revelation, being the revealed thunders, then, it is
obvious that, as a brother recently stated concerning a vision he saw of a minister who went forth in claps of
thunder, shook the mountains, demand1
ing the attention of the present ministry, causing it to turn and give head to the latter.
1 What is thunder? It is obviously a voice, for, when the Lord spoke, on one occasion, they declared that it
thundered. From the thunders on Mount Sinai, the results were a covenant hewn out in stone. It is obvious
that when it thunders in Revelation, the Ark of His Testament is revealed. From the thunders of Calvary, the
rocks were rent in twain. When thunder rolls through the heavens, it is a symbolic of war in heaven; with
Michael, against the satanic forces; the lightning, indicating the fall of Satan. From whence cometh wars? Is it
not from lust that wars in your members? When hot meets cold, there is a great combustion that turns it into
a great moderation. So then, this would lead us to believe that the thunders would have to do with the
resurrection, indicating that the war between Michael and Satan is the final essence of the mysteries of God;
for, this war commences from the sounding of the last trump; wherein the thunders are supposed to be heard.
Are the thunders just a sound? More than a sound, it is a message; for, John was about to write it! Where
were they to be heard? The mighty angel said that, within the sounding of the last trump, the mysteries were
to be finished. Look at the prophecies of Daniel! He saw war in heaven. Finally Michael stood up for His
people! The Lord said, at that time, that all, whose names are found written in the book, would be delivered.
But, he said, Daniel had no interpretations of the vision! This means that the answer was sealed, within
Gods Spirit. But, now, here John is, at the time of the end. The vision has now turned into a revelation, which
means, revealed. Here, we see Michael, standing for His people, at the end time, casting Satan out of heaven,
for, there was war in heaven, and Satan and his angels prevailed not. The Scriptures declare that the
deliverance of the saints, and the reward of the prophets is at hand. Notice this: God said, John, you seal up
the thunders, which indicates that Johns spirit was the seal to the revealed knowledge concerning the
thunders. The difference is between God sealing it up, and John sealing it up. A human seal indicates that it
belongs to mankind, or the ministry. I hope you can see what I am saying. You see, all that John wrote will go
to whoever reads it, whether church or otherwise; but, that which is sealed in his spirit, if it be Christs Spirit
from within, can only go unto the Church, as the return of Elijah, would be unto the Church. Remember, the
Law, to the Jew Grace, to the Gentile or Catholic Righteousness of God, by the Revelation of Jesus Christ,
to the Church, of which, the Protestant is typical, for, we be found, having not our own righteousness, but His.
The potential unfolding of all this, is found in our day. Dont forget the teachings of the womans feet upon
the moon, and the symbolism of America. I tell you, in the name of the Lord; something is happening, that the
world cannot see. Remember, these thunders were hid from the world, but, were secretly revealed unto John,
as the Church.
I made the statement, not too long ago, and said that in the garden, there was a beast, and the beast was the
nearest thing to man. That man in the garden was called, Adam, the Son of God. The Bible says, Now,
beloved, are ye the sons of God. It does not yet appear what ye shall be like, but, the Bible says that, When
He appears, we know that we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as He is.
2The beast in the garden, was the nearest thing to Adam, the very nearest thing to Adam; and, did you know,
that today, that same beast is in the world? The nearest thing to the son of God, Adam, was a beast; and, did
you know that today, the nearest thing to a son of God, is a man? He looks like a son of God, talks like a son
of God, and walks like a son of God, but he is a beast. The Bible says, Brute beast, made to be taken and
burned and destroyed. The nearest thing to a son of God is a man. He walks right along beside the sons of
God, day after day; but, my friend, there is a world of difference, for, we are the sons of God.
3 You say, Brother Pike, what is the difference? A son of God is eternal. He cannot die. He is eternally
alive, forevermore. He is healthy. He is eternally youthful. He is eternally rich, and he is eternally powerful.
He is a son of God.
4 What is a son of God? He is none other than a god. Jesus said, I have called you gods. You can see then,
why it is so hard to speak to Gods people. You are speaking to eternal beings. You are not just addressing
somebody, like the president would do; but, you are speaking to gods. You are speaking to people who are
eternal. People who cannot die. You are speaking to the richest people that have ever been on the face of the
earth. Gods! He said, I will make them to come and worship at your feet, and know that I have loved you.
We are talking about gods tonight. Gods people are gods. They are equal to the angels and cannot die. They
are Gods people.
5 If the Church just knew who she was. You may say, well, we are waiting for the Lord to do something. Jesus
said, at Calvary, It Is Finished. I can prove to you in the Scriptures that He meant every word that He said.
Everything that He said was just exactly right, without any alterations or changes. To each generation, it was
just exactly right.
6 We read the little verse, It Is Finished, and that doesnt seem to cover much territory; but, the Bible says,
Great is the mystery of godliness. A lot of people will say, Well, it is just a little simple thing, Brother
Pike, but, that is not right. The Bible doesnt say that the Gospel is a little simple thing, but, it says, Great is
the mystery of godliness, and Paul said, I am a steward of that mystery. That is why everything that comes
along is not a preacher. I know we have preachers from here to there. We have everything from I dont
know on up, that are preaching; but, my friend, they are not preachers. Jesus said that few are the
labourers. You just have a few real friends. You have a lot of counterfeits.
7 I have said this before, and I want to say it again. Diamonds are a great thing. They are especially great, here
in America. A real diamond is valuable; but, over in some countries, diamonds are not valuable. Do you know
why? Because there are so many of them. That is what the devil tries to do. He tries to keep reproducing and
reproducing, until he can just flood
the country with preachers; and they look like they are just about a dime and a half, a dozen. That is the way
Satan does it, and that is the way he is doing the American money.
1I dont know whether you know it or not, but America is broke! You say, Brother Pike, that is not true;
but, it is true. America has printed more money, than she has gold to cover it. That is why they keep saying,
The value on the dollar is less. A quarter on the dollar, a dime on the dollar, a nickel on the dollar, and soon
there wont be any dollar. Gold is a symbol of faith. Every natural thing runs parallel with the spiritual. God,
being a Spirit, and knowing that we comprehend through natural intelligence, does everything in an antitype. He put Himself in a veil, and Paul said that all the invisible things of God, from the creation of the
world, are clearly understood, even to the eternal Godhead, so you are without excuse.
2I have had people say, Dont preach the Godhead, Brother Pike, they say, You will confuse people, but,
the Bible says that it is clearly understood, and there is nothing confusing about it. The only thing confusing
about it is, when somebody has an intellectual concept of it, and, when you try to tell them something, they
come against you, to try to explain it in their own theology. That is where the confusion is, not in Gods Word.
3Peter tells us that we should stir up our pure minds concerning the Word of God. I will try, at this time, to
offer an explanation that may prove to be enlightening to your understanding concerning the Garden
experience; but, first of all, we must remember that the subject, Death, is involved. Death is powerless. The
Church is free from the fear of death. To consider unbelief, is to rob death of its strength. The love of God
conquered death at Calvary, for the Bible tells us that love is as strong as death. One of the greatest enemies
of faith is fear. The fear of death is mans greatest bondage, until, at last, he is born again and the yoke is
4 The Bible tells us that there is a sin unto death, and there is a sin that is not unto death. He said, I do not
say that you should pray for the sin that is unto death, but the sin that is not unto death, He said, You shall
pray for this, and God shall hear, and there shall be repentance given unto those that have not sinned unto
death. There is a sin unto death, however, that there is no need to pray for, because there is no mercy, there is
no atonement, there is no propitiation for that sin, and there is no need to pray for it.
5 In the Garden, is where the trouble started, and something took place. It was in the Garden, where Eve
started to lean to her own understanding, when the Bible emphatically states, Lean to her own
understanding, but, trust in the Lord, with all your heart. Acknowledge God in all of your ways, and He shall
direct your path. So it was, that Eve failed to do that, and, in so doing, she turned to her own intelligence.
She turned to her own understanding.
6 That is the trouble with the Church. You try to tell the Church something, and they want to go their own
way. They dont want to believe the Bible and take what you say. They try to figure it out, and some people
are so smart and intelligent, they have outsmarted their own selves. Really, it is not them, but Satan, taking
advantage, through their intelligence.
Eve went looking around the tree, after God had told her she could not eat of that tree. Why didnt she just
believe the Word, when God said, You cant eat of that tree, but, nevertheless, she wanted to eat of the tree
anyway, so the Bible says. God had told her, All the other trees, you can be partakers of, but, this is one tree,
you shall not eat of, but, Eve could not rest, until she ate of that tree.
2Its like painting a barn. You can put a sign up, saying, Wet Paint, and everybody who comes by, will have
to stick a finger in it. I dont care what you tell folks, they have to test it out. They just have something about
them that they just wont listen. That is all there is to it. You can tell somebody, Dont go down this road,
there is a bridge out, down there. Somebody will say, Well, lets drive down there and see. They just have
to see it for themselves.
3I believe God wants us to see it; but, did you know, that before we can really see the things of God, we have to
have faith in God. The Bible says, Have faith in God. Jesus said, in Mark 11:22, Have faith in God. I say
unto you, if you can believe in your heart and doubt not, you can have whatever you say. What a challenge to
the Church, tonight.
4Jesus said, If a man can believe in his heart. He didnt say any special person, man or woman; He just said,
If you can believe. Jesus said, I dont say unto one, but I say unto all; if you can believe, you can have
want you want. You may say, Brother Pike, I have seen the time, when I believed, and I didnt get it. That
is because you didnt obey the Scriptures.
5 You may say, Well, you told me if I believed, I could have it. I didnt tell you that; and, neither did the
Scriptures tell you that. You say, Well, what did you tell me? I said, If you can believe in your heart; not
in your head, but in your heart! There is a world of difference in believing in your head, and believing in your
6 We have tried to serve God through our head. We have tried to serve God through intellectual reasoning,
and through the letter, but, my friend, the letter killeth. It brings judgement, but, what God wants you to do,
is serve Him through your heart.
7 God is trying to get us to serve Him with our heart. Why is that? Because, it is with the heart, that man
believeth, unto righteousness. It is from the heart. You cannot believe and be righteous with your head.
8 Satan believes there is one God. The Bible says, If you believe there is one God, you do well. Satan believes
that also; but, my friend, you must have faith in your heart. You can believe a lie and be damned. You can
believe you are on your way to heave, and be on your way to hell. Is that right? So, we must get the right
9 See what God does? God reveals a truth, proportionally speaking, in every season, until He brings the
Church, or the body of Christ, into the fullness of the stature of the maturity of the God-mind that He might
translate them, and redeem the bodies from death. The Bible says that we know in part. He finished it at
Calvary; but, He had to reveal it to us, proportionately, because we are dull of hearing. Isnt that the truth?
The Bible says, I have many things to say unto you, but you are dull of hearing.
Christ has proportionately spoken to us all, down through the ages. A truth is never accepted out of season.
Paul said, on one occasion, I am like one born out of season. He said this, because he had so much truth. In
other words, he was saying, I should have been born in an advanced generation. I am one born out of due
season, he said. I know so many things, and yet, I cant tell them, because it is not lawful for me to tell
2You may say, Brother Pike, why was it not lawful? It was not lawful, according to Gods development of
His species in the earth. It could not be Godly lawful, to bring something out, at that time, which would
destroy them.
3Look at it today! Even the little girls and boys know what goes on, when it comes to marriage. They know
what goes on when it comes to a child being born into the world. Why is this? Because God ordained it! I have
heard people fuss and fume, and say, It ought not to be, and I agree with you; but, my brother, the Bible
says that God creates the good, and God creates the evil, and works all things according to the counsel of His
own will. God ordained that in the latter times it was to be known. Why did He do it?
4 It was done because the secrets of God must be finished, and every natural thing is symbolic. It is typical of
some spiritual thing, and God had to bring it to pass.
5 Paul said he was born out of season, and should have been in an advance world, so to speak. He was
looking over here to our day, because it was a third dimensional act of God, and there, he saw, away over
here, in our day. Is that right? As one born out of season, he could not lawfully bring these things out. He
could not, with an oral expression, make known, the things to the Church, that he wanted to, because it would
have destroyed them.
6 Years ago, if the little children would have known what they know now, it would have destroyed them.
Thirty years ago. If someone had talked about going to the moon, somebody would have turned around and
walked off, and gone down to the neighbors house, and said, Hey, did you know old John So and So had
done gone crazy? He has flipped his lid, and he is up there talking about going to the moon, and there is no
such thing. They would have been real leary about it. I can remember, a few years ago, when people talked
to us about that, and they didnt know anything about it; but now, it is a common thing. Go to the moon?
Sure, why not?
7 The Bible says, Though thou makest thy nest among the stars, from thence, I shall cast thee down to hell.
Apollo in Greek means Satan, and that thing climbing up yonder in heaven, building that little nest up there,
and setting it among the stars, He said, The carnal mind, thy sins, is enmity with God. Thy sins, HE said,
Have reached up to heaven, but, God says, I will cast thee down to hell.
8 I made a statement concerning the first Apollo, which they launched at might, and I said, Well, it has to do
with the midnight cry. I said, If, they would just launch it a little after twelve oclock, it would be right in
there, where God wants it; and, my friend, where God wants it, that is where it is going to be. They tell me
that they finally got it off at 12:33
a.m., so then, again we are made to see the wonderful works of Christ. The Bible says that Jesus soul went to
hell, for it says that He suffered not His soul to remain in hell, nor His Holy One (body) to see corruption. Did
you know that the body represents the Jews; that the Spirit represents the Church, and that the soul that
went into hell, represents the Gentiles and the Catholic Church?
1 Where are we today? I said, the other night, When that woman set her foot on the moon, then, the
manchild was born, is that right? We know that America is that woman nation, and they have been
emphasizing the footprints on the moon. We have seen it on postcards, and spread all around. The Bible says
that when the woman set her foot on the moon, the manchild was born. That means that there has got to be
something coming off, Christian friend.
2 The Church is in heavy travail. Mary was heavy with child, when she went up for the taxing. Right now,
they are beginning to tax the Church, and the Church is heavy with child, ready to bring forth a manchild.
The Bible says that the manchild shall rule the world with a rod of iron. Something is happening. The nearest
thing to that manchild is a man. A human being, a beast. The Bible says that all of the world wondered after
the beast. Everybody wondered after the beast. That means that the beast is a man. That the beast is human
intelligence. It started from the tree of knowledge, in the Garden, and has wound up in the seminaries, etc.
3 It actually went from the tree of knowledge to the human being, which is an intellectual concept, and from
there to seminaries and from there to cemeteries. The Bible says, The day you eat thereof, that day ye shall
surely die. Just as sure as you be partakers with you intellect, He said, this intellectual understanding, it will
kill faith. It will destroy faith, because, in your intellectual being, you have to define everything. You have to
have an understanding of everything. You have to bring it down to a finite state. You have to put it under a
microscope, and say, so many molecules over here, and so many molecules over there.
4 Its like a little boy, that came up to me in Alabama, one time, when I was holding a revival there. He said,
You know, we have just discovered something. I said, What is it? He said, My daddy just discovered
that two and two dont make four. I couldnt argue with him, because I really dont know; and I said, Well,
son, how did he come up with this? He said that he found that one of the twos had more molecules than the
other two. Whether it had or not, I dont know. There is one thing about it, he had a brainstorm for
something. That is the kind of world we are living in tonight. Confused and frustrated, people do not know
where they are going, or what they are doing; but, at the same time, there is a manchild, that is coming into
the world.
5 At this very hour, there is something that is taking place in the womb of the heart tonight. Paul said, I
travail, until Christ be formed within you.
6 If America is an anti-type of the woman, standing on the moon, which is the Church, then, Communist Red
China has to be an anti-type of the Red Dragon. How many of you know that Chinese people worship
dragons? In all of their parades, you will see them dressed up like dragons. That red
dragon has to be there. The red dragon, which is China is an anti-type, is waiting there before America, which
is a Catholic nation. Somebody said, America is a Protestant nation. No, Protestantism went out, when
Kennedy came in. She is a Catholic nation.
1 When the Pope came over here and stood up, Johnson was in office, and he did obeisance unto that Roman
power, and all the schools turned out for him, etcetera.
2 We made a prediction, before he came over here, while we were out in California there, in the basement,
praying and talking to God. In that time of supplication, God spoke to me, and I related to some people, how
that the antichrist would visit America in the year, 1966: Pope Paul VI, being the sixth666; and that
America would go Catholic. They did just exactly like that.
3 The Pope stood up in America and said, America now has a Pope. That means America is Catholic. It has
gone under the number of the beast. You say, But, Brother Pike, it couldnt do it, but it did do it.
4 Somebody said, Well, the Bible says they will give you the number of the beast; but the Bible says they
received it in their head, is that right? It had to come through the head of the nation, and down through the
celebrities before it ever got to you. It is already working. Sure, the Confederation of Churches! It has all got
to come together. Do you remember when that thing took place in 1966? There was a great black-out in New
York, and it swept around the country in relays. My friend, that meant that something was taking place. We
get into a state of carnality and into intellectual reasoning, and we get away from God. We destroy our faith in
the Word. We get to the place where we have to define everything, and get it under the microscope, because, if
we dont, we wont have it. That is why the intellectual powers are an enemy to God.
5 Everything in the world is an anti-type. The government, the schools, everything. God said that in the last
days, the knowledge of the Lord will fill all the earth. That means that He will just take the veil off. After He
takes the veil off, you will see Him right there, just like He is.
6 This great thing has been taking place. America has gone Catholic. The symbol, or type of the manchild, is
the Pope of Rome, because he rules with a rod of iron. There has to be an anti-type. There has to be a veil.
Everything in this world is a veil. It is just a symbol of life. Did you know that if you have never been born
again, you are not living; you are just a shadow of life, that is all.
7 How many of you know that when Adam was in that Garden, that He was in the presence of the eternal
powers and Spirit of God. He had access to eternal life, when he was in that Garden. He had eternal life in
this way; he was in the presence of the Shekinah glory. He did not have eternal life as a gift, because he was
still dying. You say, But, Brother Pike, he had eternal life. Then, how could he die, if he had eternal life?
Eternal life means to never die. You may say, Well, he had eternal life, but God took it away from him. My
friend, that doesnt make sense. That would not be eternal life. The fact that God gives you eternal life means
that you are eternally existent from now on.
8 While Adam was in the Garden, according to the Bible, he was in the
presence of the shekinah glory of God. Just like when you take a bulb and put it in a lamp; turn the bulb on,
and light the lamp up and give life to it. Just like a dark cloud; let the sun shine down through it, and it will
turn it into a beautiful white cloud, with a halo around it. That is life in humanity.
1 Adam was in the presence of that glory. That thing radiated through him and Eve, and they had a great life
with God; but, one day, they got to leaning to their own understanding. One day Eve began to lean to her own
understanding, and the very minute she turned away from God, and went over here, in this tree of
knowledge, what took place? The very minute she went to the tree of knowledge, she began to die. Death set
in on her. The Shekinah glory of God was gone.
2 The Holy Ghost cannot fellowship your carnal mind. The Bible says, the carnal mind is enmity to God.
That is why the Church doesnt have the blessing of God. That is why the Church cant get healed. That is
why the Church doesnt have the fellowship with God that they need to have; because they are too
intellectual. Folks are too carnal. They want to carry on church in some carnal way, instead of in the Spirit of
3 Today, we need the mind of Christ. That day, when they took the Ark of the Covenant way from Israel,
those Philistines felt like they could handle that just as well as the Israelites. They said this thing brought
them a blessing; we will take it too. These intellectual people are just like that. They take the Ark; they take
the Word; but it wont work for them. It works in reverse.
4 We find out in the Bible, that the Ark didnt work for them. All they had was trouble, and one sickness after
another. Look at the world, today, one sickness, right after another, because they dont know how to worship
Gods Ark, which is the Word. You get God upset! God is the Word, and when you get Him upset, He will
turn the world upside down. The Bible says that He sits upon the circle of the earth, beholding the inhabitants
thereof as grasshoppers.
5 When we get into carnal state of mind, then, we become the enemy to God. What is it? It is to die. That is
where death came in. The Bible says that death came by man. What is death? It is that tree of knowledge. Do
you believe that? The Bible states it. It is the carnal mind. The Bible tells us that to be carnally minded is
death. That is the Jordan we have to get over, right there. We have come out of Egypt down there, but, we
have to get over Jordan. The Church is having a hard time getting over Jordan.
6 We sing that little song, God said to Joshua, cross over to the other side. Jordan overflowed all of its
banks, during the time of harvest. Look at the world today, death, a symbol of Jordan. Look at death,
overflowing the whole world. Death on the highways, death in the schools, with dope, etcetera, and death,
everywhere you go. Death, with disease, Jordan is overflowing her banks. Why? Because harvest time is close
by. That is what it is. God is getting ready to do something.
7 Adam and Eve were in the presence of life. They did not have eternal life; they were in the presence of life.
Today, the world is in the presence of life; but, I want to tell you something. Dont you ever get this con98
fused. You dont have life tonight; you are only in the presence of life. God gave grace, so there could be a
presence of life, and that life is present today, because of the grace of God. That is what Adam was a symbol
of, over the rein the Garden; but, just as quick as that Shekinah glory of God withdraws, you are going to
have a death. It is going to be death. It is going to be horrible. It is going to be darkness.
1 Adam and Eve lived here, and they enjoyed everything, because, when the Spirit of God is there, there are
no briars. When the Spirit of God is with you and fully in you, there is no sickness; there are no thorns and no
heartaches. God maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. That is Bible, but, let God withdraw. Somebody said,
Where is the Garden? It is right here around us. God has proportionately, through the ages, as knowledge
has increased, withdrawn His divine illumination, because man has not conformed to His way and will. This
accounts for the steady increase of sickness and sorrow, Satan gaining strength, because of our disobedience
to the ever-increasing knowledge of God. When He comes back, the desert will blossom like a rose. It will be
beautiful. All the briars will be taken away.
2 Adam and Eve had life, but they died, because they leaned to their own understanding. They started that
thing in motion, that we call education, today; and, they have kept it going ever since. They have literally
killed and destroyed the entire human race with it. They have hatched out a bunch of long-haired hippies, a
bunch of bearded people, a bunch of dope addicts, a bunch of sex fiends, a bunch of perverts; that is
education. I am not guessing, I know it is true. I happen to know the background of some of these things.
3 What is it? It is the tree of knowledge. You are trying to choke your children to death. You are leaning to
your own understanding. You say, Brother Pike, dont you know, if they dont get a good education, they
cant do anything? You unbeliever! Dont tell me youre a child of God! Dont tell me you got saved! Dont
tell me you believe in God! After the Bible has indoctrinated us with the understanding that God lifteth up
one and putteth down another. God makes kings to reign. God creates the good and the evil. God works all
things after the counsel of His own Will.
4 Somebody said, Solomon got a college education, and God made him rich. No, that is not what the Bible
said. The Bible says that Solomon asked God to give him understanding; and understanding heart, so that he
could help Gods people; and then, God made him rich. God made David rich! Look at Manasseh, reigning as
king; and only twelve years of age. Where then, was his education, in that he was so young? He took Josiah,
when he was only eight years old, and made a king out of him. Where was his education?
5 The Bible tells us that they set up a commonwealth out there in the wilderness. They had all the money, all
the sheep, everything, out there in the wilderness. Where were their colleges? Some critic would say, they got
their education in Egypt; which could not be true, because, the ways of the Egyptians were an abomination in
the sight of God. Another thing to remember, is, that Abraham, through the monarch of Joseph, and that, by
divine revelation, taught these poor educated people how to keep from
starving to death during the famine. All you need, to interrupt the truth, is some fellow, that would have to be
an educated moron, or an intellectual fanatic, to think that God could create a world, shake a mountain and
set it on fire without a match; resurrect the dead; and then, not have enough sense to guide his people, or to
help them set up a government, that was pleasing to Him. The Bible says that God maketh rich and addeth no
sorrow. Now, the world can make you rich, but it is going to bring sorrow.
1 Gehazi ran after the world. Elisha asked him where he had been, and he said, I havent been anywhere.
Elisha said, You are lying, because I saw you, when you ran after Naaman. So then, folks, you can have the
love of the world, but, the leprosy and the plagues go with it, and you will be a leper from here on.
2 Do you want a pretty face? You can have it. Spend all your time making your face pretty, and when you
wind up with cancer, T.B., and start rottening, then, you will know what is happening. Just let your carnal
mind rage on.
3 Push your children on out there. Get them through high school, and, after that, give them about two or
three years of college; leave God out of their lives; and then, when they come home, you will have something,
Im telling you. I talked with a rich man, not too long ago, a big man. I saw him brooding, and I said, What
is the matter with you? He said, It is my son. I said, What is the matter with your son? He said, I put
him through school and in college, and I brought him through it, and expected him to help me in the business;
but, he feels like I ought to just take care of him, and his mother feels like I ought to do it too.
4 You raise your children, and when they are about eleven or twelve years old, you tell them to get an
education, so they wont have to work like daddy, and, bless your heart, when they get out of school, they
dont want to work like daddy; and you offer him a job, and he feels insulted. He says, I put my time in
school; I want to be a doctor, dentist, lawyer, or something. Do you know what they do? They wind up out
there on the street corner, flirting with some other mans wife. They defile your wife. They defile your
daughter; whereas, if you had them out there in the cotton field or pea patch, they would grow up to be men.
It is not the educational world that built civilization; but, it was the cotton pickers and pea pickers that did it.
5 This generation we have today! You cant even keep them on a job. The old saying is that an idle mind is a
devils educational workshop. A person can condescend to men of low estate, as instructed by Christ, thus, he
is endowed with the great artistic ability of being a real man, developing his life, through experience and
understanding, able to make his own way in life, as a credit to his generation, or else, he can become a
flattered, cunning educational fool, shiftless and lazy, spending all of his time, trying to rob people through
the medium of what is referred to in our day as good business ethics.
6 I actually believe in my heart, I am convinced of this, that, if we give our children some good godly
understanding, they would be all right. Give them faith, that is what they need. You give them a good
education, and
then, they take cancer, T.B., or something, and dont know how to get loose from it, and the doctors cant help
them. All your education is wasted.
1 At this point, I might bring to your remembrance, that I have been considered a man of renown by
professors, and some of the greatest professors, and some of the greatest professional men of our day; not that
I consider this an achievement of life, nor, in this, do I seek an advantage, with ones person in admiration,
except Christ. I openly and boldly make these declarations and statements, inasmuch as I am a fool for
Christ; I am no fool, that is to say, without understanding. By great consideration, even as Solomon, for many
years, I have carefully defined, through careful analysis, the very perspectives of life. Paul said, Though rude
in speech, yet, not in knowledge, for I am not ignorant of the devices of Satan. In essence, I want to say, our
ministry and travels have been broad, extending even into foreign places; so as to know and understand
humanity, there tribal customs, and ways of life.
2 With Solomon, I can truthfully say, that all of it is vanity and vexation of spirit. The summary of the whole
thing, is to turn back to Christ, His ways of life, to fear God, and keep His commandments. I say this in the
light of the fact that I have had opportunity for fame and fortune, extending even to the world of stars. I care
for none of it; for it is altogether, unprofitable to God, to man and to the human soul. Paul said, In my
glorying, I speak of as a fool, because of peoples weak concept of life, and their feeble means of
measurement, by man-made degrees, magnifying one another, measuring themselves by themselves; God
said, They are not wise.
3 It was the tree of knowledge that killed in the Garden. It was still the tree of knowledge that is killing today,
and, as long as we follow the trail of the serpent, I want you to know, we are going to continue to die, but, the
day we get away from that thing, and we begin to turn to the mind of God, we are going to see something.
Adam and Eve had life, but they were in the presence of life.
4 We need to understand that there is a first and a second death. We are talking now, about the sin unto
death. God said, Adam, if you eat of that tree, you shall surely die. Is that right? Did he do it? Yes, he did it.
5 What is death? Death is to get out of the presence of the Shekinah glory. God told them, My shekinah
glory is not going to stay over there, when you start messing with the carnal mind, so, He just withdrew. So,
the day that the Shekinah glory left, they are dead. Sure, they were still walking around, but they were dead.
Jesus said, They are twice dead, and plucked up by the roots. That means they will never grow any more.
They died just like the Lord said they would die; however, the glorious part of it is, they died the first death.
There is a first and second death. They died out of the presence of God. Somebody said, Brother Pike, the
first death is when you close your eyes, and they put you in a coffin; but, my friend, when you are out of the
presence of God, you are already dead. The coffin is just the end of you. You just go along, until you fall off
into the grace; but, you have already died. They died the first death; but, did you know, God could send a
Saviour; God could send a propitia101
tion for sin. By dying the first death, there was still a chance for atonement. It was not a death of the soul;
that is, the second death; but, it was the death of the body. They felt death in their body.
1 All the way from Calvary, back to the Garden, it has to do with the Law. It has to do with the body. The
judgements of God were upon the beast, with is the outer man. It was upon the Cain. It was upon the Esau. It
was upon the Ishmael, not upon the Jacob, nor upon the Abel, it was upon the beast. The judgements of God
were upon the beast.
2 The Bible says that death reigned all the way from the Garden over to Moses; over them, who had not
sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression, but they were still dying.
3 There is your first symbol, right there. All the way from the Garden, over to the Law, that white horse rider
was riding. He was conquering. All the way, he was riding and conquering. He had the bow in his hand, which
symbolized the covenant, but the one thing he did not have, was an arrow, which could pierce the soul. He
couldnt get to the soul. He was conquering, but he couldnt get to the soul. He didnt have anything that
would get to the soul, but, he was still riding and conquering. He had power to conquer.
4 When that first death took place, God gave a propitiation for it. He gave the covenant. That thing was
loosed all the way over to Moses, but, in the days of Moses, when the Law came, from that time, men got a
knowledge of sin. This is the difference. God suffered ever man to walk in his own way, all the way from the
Garden, over to Moses. He winked at their ignorance. He said, The thoughts of mens hearts are continually
evil. This was all the days until the day of the Law. He suffered it, but He could not impute death unto the
soul, because they had no knowledge of sin, and the Bible says, that where there is no knowledge of sin, sin
cannot be imputed; and, since sin has to come before death can come; that set a place for a propitiation for
sin. That is why He told them under the Law, bring two doves. Bring the Holy Spirit for one dove, and bring
you sinless spirit, in that you have repented, for another dove; and put them together in the power, and it
would be sufficient. They have to be innocent.
5 That came all the way down to Calvary. Now, you say, Brother Pike, over there at the Law, didnt that
bring men a knowledge of sin? It is true, that it did. It brought the Law. Someone said, The letter killeth, is
that right? Yes, but, the Spirit makes alive. The New Testament is the Spirit. Jesus said, My words are
Spirit and Life. That is the Tree of Life; but, the letter, back there, was the Law, and that is the Tree of
6 The Bible says the Law is pure and just. It is holy. You say, God made the Law. God made the Tree of
Knowledge too. Paul said that he was alive until the Law came. When the Law came, sin was revealed, and he
died; and, that which he thought was ordained unto life, he found to be unto death.
7 You say, What are you trying to say? I am trying to say that sin gets its strength by knowledge of right
and wrong; and the Law provided the means, that is why it represents the Tree of Knowledge.
8 Death set in, but you see, people didnt know enough about knowledge
then, just Israel. You may say, Well, Brother Pike, why didnt God impute it upon the soul of man then?
Because that was just given to Israel. He shielded the world, by keeping them in ignorance. He just gave it to
Israel, and that is why Israel had so much trouble, when the rest of the world didnt. The judgements of God
fell upon Israel, because she knew better, but, look at what God did! He took them away, and put them in
Babylon, and took the covenant away from them, and took the Law away from them. Why did He do that?
He raised up a generation of Jews that were ignorant, so He could have mercy on Israel; and then, came over
here and gave the Gentiles knowledge, so that He could preserve Israel, until He could come back to them.
That is the truth. Paul said, Oh, the greatness of the wisdom of God, how that He put Israel in ignorance, so
that He could have mercy on us all.
1 I am saying, through all this, that it had to come down to Calvary, and from Calvary, it is the rending of the
veil. From Calvary, it is the dividing of time: - B.C. and A.D. The Bible says that the angel came out, and set
one foot on the land and one foot on the sea, and stood, and raised his hand to heaven, and sware by Him that
liveth forever; and sware that time shall be no more. Since Calvary, you can throw your almanacs, your
calendars, your clocks and your time markers, in the ocean, as pertaining to time constraint or limitation of
life to the believer; for, he is now eternal, having passed from death unto life by the atonement, through the
media of faith, for life is now, one great endless or eternal day, to every Christian.
2 Back there, it was one great eternity, before time element became involved. Gods purpose for time markers,
was to give a descriptive or sectional understanding of His own state of being, through the media of tangible
composition. The ultimate of His act, was to become an intimate inspiration within man, giving off, into His
own physical body, verbal or godly, inspirations. When that time element set in back there; time began to tic,
tic, tic, coming on down to the day we are living in; but, do you know that God is the great eternity, and that
He is without beginning or end, or number of days?
3 For instance here, let us define God by oral expression, in some manner so that we might better understand
Him. By this, we mean a declaration of His existence and state of being. Inasmuch as the Bible teaches that
Jesus is the express image of the invisible God, we are told that God is the Great Light, unto Whom, no man
can approach, Whom no man has seen nor can see, and that Christ Jesus, alone, dwelling in that Light, is the
radiance of His life-giving expression, recognized as a human form; that is to say, as we are told by the
Scriptures, that Jesus has declared God.
4 We understand by this, that He is the formatted expression or declaration of God; this, God is seen as an
exhibit. A simple expression of this in a comprehensible compound statement, would be as follows. God is an
eternal, self-existing state of being, of living radiance, that is relative to humanitys creative form by means
and medium of the sensitiveness of faith.
5 The omnipotence of the omnipresence of this existing, living radiance is recorded by means and measures
of the relativeness or relativity, as it projects itself through form of human pulsation, as a stimulance or
tion of the heart; and is channeled by intricate mechanism of human anatomy, passing through the brain
cells, in course of brain wave or vibrance that is recorded on the nerve system; and climaxes as an activation
of jubilance, producing what is termed as characteristics of life; all of this, having been done by means of
existing lights and shadows, a radiance that is termed as spirits, either good or bad, which terminates or ends
in an ultimatum that is known as life.
1 God only used a sectional filler or a divisional additive, a little space of intellectual comprehension; an
interventional ultimatum that we call time, or spaces of time. God just gave us a few little markers. So then,
when the angel of Revelation 10 appears, which denotes Calvary to the believer; this angel is a repeat of
Calvary, to the Jew and to the world; and shall relieve the world of all time responsibility; for, time is, within
itself, the great means of the satanic killer, by the created responsibilities and pressures, the mad frustrations
of its squeezing positions. So then, we see eternity, from the eastern perspective of life, emerging on the
horizon, as the Jew comes in.
2 Someone will say, well, I need my three meals a day, but the Bible says Blessed is the nation, whose king
eats for strength and not for gluttony.
3 What I am trying to say, Christian friend, is that the first death was set in motion in the Garden, and it
came all the way over to Calvary. There was a propitiation for it, because there was a penalty imposed upon
the flesh. When God dwelled Himself, in a body of flesh, so it was then, that God robed Himself in a veil of
humanity; and, tabernacling in a human body, He came down to visit humanity, by means of an atonement,
sacrificed His own body of human anatomy, to suffer the godly or jurisdictional consequence of our sin and
wrong, nailing it to Calvary. So, that is why Paul, in his great revelation, could not make Jews understand
what he was saying; and, they thought he was double-talking when he said, In my inward man I desire and
delight after the things of God; yet, I see, in my outer man, another force working. Though the inward man is
renewed day by day, yet the outer man perishes. I see, in my inner man, there is a will to perform; there is a
desire that is present, and I have a desire to be holy and pure, but, I see another law. Paul said, It is in my
members, warring against the law of my mind; and, when I would do good, evil is present with me. Oh,
wretched man that I am, Paul exclaimed, Who shall deliver me from the body of this death. Then he waxed
bold and said, I thank God, that what the Law could not keep it; God then, made a human body, sending His
own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh (my sinful flesh). He then took Him, and nailed Him to Calvary, to put
to silence, this repercussion of evil (satanic forces), that inhabited my body; for, in His sight, my old body of
sin is dead, by the body of Christ. The Law condemned it to death; and by grace, I am now, the resurrected
body of Christ. So then, it is no longer I, that liveth; but, it is Christ. He liveth within me, and the life, I now
live, I live by the Son of God. He said, also, so many of you as have been baptized into Christ, you left your
body at Calvary. That old sinful beast was nailed back there. Jesus was likened to the serpent, likened unto
sin. Seeing Him, smitten of God, to make an
world is in them; and, as long as the world is in anybody, they are going to wander around after the world;
but, if God gets you born again, and puts the world out of you, and puts heaven within you, then, you are
going to wander around in heaven. Isnt that right?
1 Now, we agree in the Scriptures, wherein God has told us that He hath placed the world in our hearts, that
this is before we are born again. This is a spiritual satanic power, which becomes a domineering,
ecclesiastical, perverting and deceiving control of our being.
2 This entered in by means of Eve, the beautiful beast, into the heart of Adam, and, has bred a generation of
vipers, weaving its serpentine course, all the way to Calvary; where the seed of the woman (Christ) bruised its
head of intellectual knowledge. The woman, compassing a man, by divine conception (Mary, the virgin), begat
a Son, the Seed of the woman.
3 In that the woman gave birth to the natural beast, the nearest thing to the sons of God, the image of the
earthy, a whorish woman, even so, must a virtuous woman (church) give birth to a son of faith, Christ, the
God-image, a son of God; not an intellectual seminary scholar, which is a bastard child, carrying his
trinitarian or intellectual concept of a slain and dissected god, unto death, but, a child, who bears the name of
His Father, that is carrying a constituted doctrine of true oneness; one God, one Faith, one Baptism, unto life
and resurrection. Not dividing Him, to the frustration of the human mind, by a confusing dissection of trinity,
to kill him in the minds of those who cannot comprehend, but, by naming our God, who is a constitution, or
something put together again, unto life, which is not confusing, and can live in the understanding of men. If
the world is within the unregenerated hearts, as a man thinketh in his heart, or, whatever the composition of
thoughts are, the hearts constitution will give forth the daily issues of life. Unbelief produces the gravitational
powers to create the imprisonment of the human body and soul, unto bondage and death. You cannot escape
your environment, because your reversed believing or thinking, constitutes natural walls of obstacle and
opposition, whereas, in the spiritual mind, your body can decompose; the wall, also, by the right believing,
decomposes, the atoms of the body, being controlled by your thought pattern; likewise, faith, controlling the
atoms that are in the wall, the kingdom within you, that is born again; producing the thought pattern of
Christ, the God-mind over matter, subjects everything to you, as to Gods first created Adam, so then, you
could pass right on through the wall, as Jesus did after His resurrection.
4 I saw, in a vision, where my inward man did this, after coming into the revelation, where also, I was caught
away in a whirlwind, on numerous occasions and visions, seeing Christ and the angels, being caught up into
heaven, seeing heavenly things.
5 It stands to reason, that if God, the Eternal Spirit, the Eternal Father, projected Himself as a form of Holy
Ghost life, into His creation, by medium of the spoken Word, Christ Jesus, projecting Christ into the image as
life, by medium of the fleshly Word, Jesus, whether in the beginning, as to a natural creation, or as to
Calvary, to the spiritual creation, then, it is clearly seen, that God is speaking the world into existence, by
formulating an intellectual veil of types and shadows, for, natural creation is
types and shadows, God, veiling Himself in darkness. There was no world, until the beastly act, bringing the
mind of versatility, the contrast of light and darkness, to snap the picture, producing the negative, that,
through process of time, would be developed into an image of light, for God hath commanded Himself as
Light, to shine out of darkness, saying, Command thou Me, concerning the works of My hands, the
unveiling of His own beastly intelligence, the glass darkly. So then, by this, you can see, that the constitution
of our inward thought pattern of human intelligence, is the God of Light, within a veil. So then, we are
confined to the lesser light realm, the world of moonlight, never seeing clearly, until we are born again. Then,
the mind of Christ, the great sunlight of the heavenly kingdom within, begins to radiate round about us,
eliminating the shadows, then, we see face to face, to know as we are known; for, by the Word of Revelation,
God, speaking from within the ministry, is speaking the world out of our heart, thus, eradicating the
perverted world of camouflaged image, a complete eradication of the curse, the image of the curse, that
produced sensual birth, being gone, the birth unto death.
1 Now then, the birth unto life begins, for the birth of Adam, the intellectual beast, that was a composition of
the dust, made us earthly, but, the birth of the woman gives us life, for this is heavenly. Now, you will notice,
that this is very close, a sexual inspiration of birth, from Adam unto death, a divine virtuous inspiration of life
to the woman, Mary, the virgin; from Christ, in the second Adam, comes forth to life; for Christ, the
quickening Spirit, impregnated the womb of Eve, to produce His own self in image from, even as Adam, a
seed, reproducing after its kind. This inspiration, causing the womans reaction, just as any male gendering
would do; her reaction was what produced the blood cell for the birth, and the fleshly or human anatomy side
of God, thus, making God and man one; whereas, with Adams case, the separation came between Adam and
God, from the satanic sexual inspiration of natural birth, which always results in death; but, the same
inspiration that entered Marys womb was so powerful, that it overpowered the human side of it, resisting the
inspiration of sex, by bypassing both male and female organic parts, going directly into the vagina, in this
manner, by entering into Marys heart, through great faith and a virtuous life. He so stimulated her blood
genetics, thus purifying her blood, lifting her in such a state of heavenly ecstasy, that she actually conceived a
blood cell in her womb, as the Spirit affected the needful parts of the body, by divine inspiration, to bring
forth the child. This is called regeneration, just exactly the opposite of Adam, which inspiration, separated
man and God. David said, a conception of iniquity, or, in such did my mother conceive me; but, Marys was a
conception of virtue and righteousness.
2 In your first birth, your inward beastly man impregnates your outward woman before the quickening Spirit
of your second birth, Gods second Adam, can get to His virtuous wife of the new body, even the body of
Christ, whose body we are, travailing upon Calvary, to bring forth a nation of believers, the same stimulation
of virtue in our heart, purifying our bloodstream, until Christ be formed within us. It will make our outer
man to change into bone of His bone, and flesh of His flesh; even as it formed Christ within her womb, the
eternal image. Consider Jesus at His resurrection. We find Him fellowshipping His disciples and eating fish.
Perhaps someone would say then, He has resurrected from the dead and gone to heaven. Oh no! My friend,
He was in heaven before His death. Dont you remember the time when Nicodemus was conversing with Jesus
as he received instructions unto eternal life? Jesus rebuked Nicodemus, inasmuch, as if to say, Nicodemus,
you are spiritual. He continued His parabolic speech, by explaining to Nicodemus, that no one, except
Himself, had ever ascended up into heaven, nor had anyone, before the coming of Christ, descended from
heaven. Then, as Jesus continued His message, He explained to Nicodemus how that, at that very moment, He
was still in heaven. Nicodemus could not understand the sayings of Jesus. Someone in our age, perhaps would
say, If you preach that kind of doctrine, you will confuse the people! My friend, I didnt preach that. The
Lord preached those things.
1 I am trying to tell you that we are already in heaven. You may say, Wait a minute, Brother Pike, I am here
in this world! But, the Bible says, I have chosen you out of the world and I have hid you with Christ.
Where is Christ? I heard someone say, He is at the right hand of the Father. The Bible says, He that
overcometh, I will let set down in the throne with Me. Somebody says, Well, that will be a mighty crowded
throne. No, it wont be crowded, because the Bible says, Heaven is His throne, and earth is His footstool.
2 I am saying today, that God is waiting on you to realize that it is finished. He cant burn the world up, until
you get out of it. You say, I am waiting for Him to come and take me out of it. My friend, you have to
believe your way out of it! Jesus told you that Enoch was translated by faith, not to see death; and, you have
to believe that you are out of the world.
3 If I told you today, that you were healed by His stripes, how would you get your healing? The
foreknowledge of God saw a finished work, and said, By His stripes, ye are healed, and you must believe
that, before you ever get it.
4 The Bible says that the Word is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The Word is a healer.
By His Word, He created the heavens. His Word is the same, yesterday, today and forever. He never changes
nor alters His Word, through every generation. It is God, the Spirit.
5 By the Word, He created Him. The Bible said that He sent His Word and healed them; and that when Jesus
came, it was the Word made flesh. He upholds all things by the Word. He spoke the world into existence by
the Word, and the angel said, Time shall be no more. Why? Because God, the Word; not the minister
speaking, but God speaking through him; the Word, speaking the world out of existence, that is in your heart.
God, today, is speaking it out of existence. What is the Word? - God, the Spirit of foreknowledge, made
manifest in human anatomy.
6 He has revealed, not to the world, but to you proportionately, His transforming, translating Word. You say,
What are you saying? I am trying to get you over Jordan. The Word is speaking the world out of existence.
Look at science! A little bit, by degree, they are changing your whole world. Your world is vanishing away.
Where is the T-Model? Where is the A-Model? They have been changed and transformed. God translates
your spirit into the eternal Spirit of His Son, into the Kingdom of God; and then, after that spirit is translated
into the kingdom, by faith; then, God transforms your mind. Paul said, Be ye, therefore, transformed, by the
renewing of your mind, that is, take the Word of God; get a little bit here, and a little bit there. Deny this
part of your mind; deny that part of your thinking, for, the Bible says, Lean not to your own understanding
(thinking). Get the old beast mind out of you! Get that intellectual reasoning out of you, and turn it into faith.
Does the Bible say that the just shall live by reasoning; by intellect? No! But, it says, The just shall live by
faith. Then, why cant we teach folks that? The just shall live by faith. Eve died because she disbelieved. The
just shall live by faith; but, when she stopped believing, she stopped living. It is the same way with you.
2 The Bible is the Word of Life. The Jews had it, but it didnt profit them, because there was no faith mixed
with it. Do you know what brings this Word of life? It is by believing it. It doesnt matter who it is who brings
it, if you believe it as an individual, it will come to life for you. It is God, and it is the Word of life. Jesus said,
He that heareth My words and believeth on Him that hath sent Me, has passed from death unto life. Let me
give you an illustration. Did you know that everything orbits around the sun; and the sun is a type of Great
Light, which is God? In Timothy, it says, The Great Light, which no man can approach. No man can see
Him, or has seen Him. Is that right? God is the invincible, invisible God. They endured, as seeing Him, Who is
invisible (eyes of understanding). The sun, here, is the great light. Everything has to orbit around it. Scientists
say, that without it, the world would freeze over, if the light went out.
3 If God was the Great Light, and the Great Light told Adam, Thou shalt surely die, the day that ye eat of
the tree; then, that intelligence orbited around that Word. Everything orbits around the Word. The Word
spoke everything into existence; and everything orbits around the Word; and, nothing can escape the Word.
When that Word said, Thou shalt surely die, from then, until our generation, today, everybody has
educated their children through that tree of knowledge, Thou shalt die, thou shalt die, thou shalt die,
orbiting around the Word.
5 But, did you know that Calvary changed the course of history? You say, Brother Pike, it hasnt
happened. But, it has happened. It is all in the Word, and God reveals the truth proportionately, and you are
partakers of the benefits of it, as you come into the age wherein it is revealed. We are in the age of the rapture
now, and that means you have got to be indoctrinated into it.
6 Let me explain. Look at the Garden, once again. God, saying to Adam, Thou shalt not eat thereof, lest ye
die. The words, believed by man, unto life, Satan saying unto the woman, Thou shalt not surely die, the
words of unbelief, unto death. Unbelief reversed the course of nature, for, faith in reverse, can produce lying
signs and wonders, holding the truth in unrighteousness, life in captivity to the parasite, life working enslaved
the will of Satan. The sufferings of Calvary were the enlightening factor of the sufferings of God, the Spirit of
Life, in the perverted beastly body, with its sensual passions of lust. Observe this closely! Adam, the Godmind, Eve, the satanic mind, through her beauty, subduing Adam, she, she being the most beautiful beast in
the Garden. She did this by her passions. The Christ that was married unto Adam, since He is the second
Adam, potentially speaking, by foreknowledge, though as of yet, the marriage supper was to be after the
tribulation, which is beyond the beastly regime of tribulation; for, the woman, going into the wilderness, while
as yet, she was in the Garden, shows the reverse of things; for, the birth was not Cain, but a manchild, the
Abel, who, at death, was caught up to the throne (the Cain, cast out of the lineage Satan, being preserved in
the earth, by Cains posterity God being preserved in the heart of His posterity). Adam, being the wife of
the Spirit, lost His beauty and radiance, to the females species; therefore, she has had rule and authority ever
since, through the strength of Satan, waxing strong, through education and intellectual forces.
1 Can you see the reverse from the God-mind of Adam, to the satanic mind of Eve? This if life within the veil.
This produced the world. Christ changed it at Calvary. The beast was subjected to its belly of survival. The
woman, being that type, is saved through childbearing, by means of the belly. In one dimensional setting of
our teaching, man, as a generation of vipers, the nearest thing to a son of God, the serpent, made of the dust,
placed upon his belly, for all of mankinds labour is for his belly, feeding off of the earthly composition of the
dustly elements of this world. Remember, Jesus reversed things at Calvary, as the woman came out of Adam,
the man, and as the man was swallowed up of the woman, by serpentine authority, this being the perversion;
so, must the man come out of the woman, in reverse, that the woman may be swallowed up of the man, Christ
Marys womb. The black widow (darkness) eats her husband after the children are born (Eve); so, let me
educate our children unto faith and life, since the change at Calvary. The unlawfulness of Pauls utterance,
concerning the revelation, is, that it was out of season, and would have spoken the world out of existence,
having changed the creature before his time.
2 It is now lawful to say these things, first, as an indoctrination in your head, thus, becoming the Word of
thought, transferred then, to the heart, by means of faith, and turned into power, for healing and translation.
You have to get intellectually indoctrinated through your head, by means of the seminaries. That is Gods
purpose in the use of the seminaries in the earth, this being the beast part of Gods operation. By this means,
we have the types and shadows of the operation of God, which is the blueprint; but, my friend, you have got
to transfer this down in your heart. That is when it translates you.
3 We, as preachers, are to preach and indoctrinate you in this faith, and then, it is up to you, to let the Holy
Spirit quicken it to your heart. Your seminaries are the work of the photographer, the negative, the middle
of partition; for, the light image has been turned into darkness (mans knowledge). The next step of process
changes it back to spirit or revelation, as it was before man got it; the intellectual Pharaoh, assaying to follow
this religious exodus, from bodily Egypt, refusing to lose his religious hold of his life-time labour, will be
drowned in the Red Sea of his own blood, as the strong wind of the eastern powers refuses to hold the waters
of mass humanity back from war and conflict any longer. Now, the preacher can give it to everybody, because
it goes into the intellect; and, some of them must have an understanding, to be condemned at the judgement;
but, it takes God, to put it down in the heart. No preacher does that; that is Gods part. No preacher puts
revelation in the heart of the man. We preach to your head, but, God puts it in your heart. He chooses the one
He wants.
1 This shows the twins, Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, selling their heavenly birthright, for a worldly mess
of pottage. While enjoying sin for a very short season, they lose their eternal inheritance. The one that gets it
in his head, with his religious formality and will-worship, will be just as actively engaged in his religious
perspective of life, as the son of God, which gets it in his heart; but, the son of God has a spiritual unction, an
inward thing from the Holy One. This inward see of Christ, reproduces to the image of Christ, a revelated
one-God teaching, through virtuous inspiration of heavenly birth and life.
2 The other religious seed of intellect is a trinitarian, non-virtuous inspiration that tends to societies, worldly
conformities, producing the bastard child, a still birth, a birth of deformity, a Mongolian image, a sacrifice of
blemish, a spiritual dwarf that cannot enter into the congregation of the righteous. It is the maimed, the halt
and the blind, which God will not receive.
3 We have passed from death unto life. It is like orbiting around the sun. Everything orbits around the sun,
and everybody orbits around the Word; but, one day that Word came forth again in the Garden. It put on
flesh and dwelt among us. It went and paid the price for that transgression. It took that beast, and hung it up
at Calvary. He that knew no sin, was made sin. He took it and hung it up at Calvary, showing what He would
do to antichrist. God could not look at it. Jesus died, out of the presence of God, that we might live in the
presence of God. He went into the chambers of hell, to keep you from going there. He hung there at Calvary,
and separated the body and the Spirit.
4 The Bible says that in death, the body goes to the grave and the spirit goeth back to God who gave it. He
took your sins and my sins. We died, through the body of Jesus Christ; and when that body was dead, Paul
said, Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, by the body of Christ. When you have been baptized into
Christ, and have put on the heavenly tabernacle, eternal, in the heavenlies, not made with hands, I know it is
mystic and you dont see it, but it is still there. Now, at death, the Spirit went back to God, who gave it. That is
where you are today, if you have been born again; but, there has got to come a redemption of the body, that
comes out of heaven with the resurrection. That same Jesus, that same Word, came and tabernacled in flesh;
and, while it was in flesh, what did it
do? It changed the course of the world again. It said, The day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die, but,
the, my friend, it came back, and it changed it, after the penalty was paid. He said, He that believes on Me,
can live like Adam and Eve did. Now, everyone that believes on Me, shall never come into condemnation. He
is passed from death unto Life. He has passed from death unto Life, because believes in the Word, and the
Word of Life. Faith in the Word, is what brought it to death; now, faith in the Word is bringing it to Life
because his faith is not in reverse anymore. Now, orbiting around the Word, lets educate our children unto
life, and not unto death, unto health and happiness and prosperity in God, and not unto death. Lets not
educate them in intellectual knowledge alone. Lets not tell them, thou shalt surely die. But, you say, Brother
Pike, it is appointed once unto man to die, and after that, the judgement.
I know that, by Adams sins, but, the Bible says that God looked down from heaven, and heard the groaning
of the prisoners, and loosed them, that were appointed to death, beginning at Calvary. He broke the
1 I have heard people say that Enoch and Elijah would have to come back to die. Well, it is confusing to me,
if that is true. They say, Well, it is appointed once unto man to die. Somebody misunderstood Scripture.
Jesus says, Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures. The Bible says that Enoch was translated by faith, that he
should not see death. God would turn His own Word around and break it, if He brings him back. That is why
he was translated; that he should not see death. Paul says, I show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but,
in the age that this knowledge is revealed, that death is conquered; then, there will be a sudden change, and
you will not have to go the way of the grave. You will do like Enoch did. I show you a mystery; not all will go
by way of the grave.
2 You may say, Well, grandma and grand-daddy went by way of the grave; and they are a lot better off than
I am. I dont doubt that, but, that is not the way God saved them. God saved them by faith. You say, Well,
why did they go by way of the grave, Brother Pike, if I can be translated? It is because they knew in part,
and it was not the age of the fullness of the mind of Christ. They couldnt have the maturity of the faith then,
because you have to have the maturity of the mind of Christ, to have maturity of faith. Faith comes by
hearing the mind, the Word. We know in part and we believe in part; and, when the fullness comes, the, we
believe in fullness.
3 You get the indoctrination in your head, that you have passed from death unto life. That wont work. You
cant just believe in your head; but, you must believe in your heart, that you have passed from death unto life.
John says, you have to convince your heart. You have to know something. You have got to understand
something to have faith. Somebody cant just tell you, and you believe it; but, if someone will explain it little
by little by little, then you can believe it because you know and understand it.
4 God has to give us the mind of Christ proportionately, because it was the God-mind. The first death was
the death in my body. In my body, there dwelleth no good thing; but, beyond Calvary, we leave that body of
ness, death, heartaches and poverty; because we are on this side of Jordan, on this side of the carnal mind.
When we have the mind of Jesus Christ, we are resurrected from the dead. Old things are passed away, and,
behold, all things are new; and God has raptured us up in heaven, and He is trying to reveal it to us, so that
we can get it out of our intellectual indoctrination, and get it into our heart, through faith, to where it will
redeem the body, by translation. He must get us all into the ark first.
1 I have made the statement that, if I just kept getting people in here, and kept getting people in here, and
would turn gas loose in here, to where I would have the place full of people and gas, and would strike a
match, everybody would to up at one time. That is what God is trying to do. He is trying to get everyone of
you indoctrinated, to get your faith right, to let you know that you cant die; so, when the fire is poured out,
you are not here, you are in heaven. He has got to get you out. He had to get them out of Sodom and
Gomorrah. See, He raptures you out, translates you out, and you are not there anymore. Nothing can hurt
you. Having your faith prefixed and not in reverse, it will cause the appearing of Christ, to set your faith off
toward life or death, depending on belief or unbelief.
2 Judgement begins at the house of God. Everyone shall appear at the judgement. At the house of God comes
judgement. Whosesoever sins you remit, it is not you that speaketh, but your heavenly Father. Your heavenly
Father is remitting your sins through the ministry, that voice, that Spirit, the oral expression of the ministry
by the Word. According to your faith, Jesus said, so let it be done unto you. It is God talking to you.
Judgement begins at the house of the Lord, and whosesoever sins you bind, shall be bound, and whosesoever
sins you remit, shall be remitted.
3 Somebody says, I dont believe the baptism in Jesus Name. Look at it just a minute. What is the water
for? It says be baptized for the remission of your sins. Where is remission? He said, There is remission in no
other name, than in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Who is to do the remitting? Jesus said, As My
Father hath sent Me, even so, send I you,
and He said, Whosesoever sins you remit. Put all three of them together. To remit, for remission, and in
remission, and you have forgiveness of sins. The minister is to remit your sins by water, for remission of sin, in
the Name of Jesus, where the remission is. Some people say, If I do this or that, I will make heaven, but the
Book of Revelation says, To them that fear My Name, they shall receive great rewards.
4 Judgement begins at the house of God. That means your sins are behind you. That means you have passed
from death unto life; that you are glorified, without spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing. That means you
are translated into the Kingdom of God, justified and perfected. You have got to believe all of those things, to
believe the Word. As He was, so are we, and He was the Word. If that is true, then, that does away with this
idea that we have all got to come before the judgement seat of God; and that God is going to judge us and
decide whether or not that He wants to save us. Friends, listen! The rapture will take place, and we will come
back and live with Christ for a thousand years; and then comes the great white throne of judgement. Do you
mean to tell me that I am going to live with God one thousand years, be raptured up into heaven; and then,
Hes going to take me to the judgement, to decide whether or not I am good enough to be there? But you say,
Brother Pike, the Bible says that everyone shall appear before the judgement seat of Christ. That is true,
for the saints shall judge the world. We are going to stand there, and, as ye have done it unto the least of them,
ye have done it unto these, the body of Christ. We are going to stand there to judge the world, as the Christ.
1 The Bible says the book was opened, and then, the books were opened. The Book of Life was opened.
There is only one Book of Life, and that was Jesus Christ. Everyone that was found in Him and His blood,
shall have eternal life; and then, it says the books were opened. They are the membership of His body, who
are written and read of all men; for, ye are written epistles, the Bible says, and that is what shall judge the
world. Something is taking place, and that is what it is. What they do to you, Jesus said, they shall do to
Me. On these bases they shall be judged. I was hungry and ye did not feed Me, naked and ye did not clothe
Me. So, shall God judge the nations in the millennium, as to how they befriended them, (Jews) in the time of
their rejection of God in the earth.
2 I am trying to say, that we have passed from death unto life. We obtained mercy before then, and we shall
never come into the judgement to be judged.
3 Has death really been conquered? Do the Scriptures prove that it has been conquered? The Bible says that
it is in the last enemy to be conquered. Where would it be conquered? Ordinarily, it would have to be
conquered beyond the millennium, because the graves are still out there in the millennium. The millennium is
not the new earth, it is the restored earth. John said that he saw the new earth, after the restored earth had
passed away; restored earth, being transformed by God, the Great Light, the consuming fire; then came New
Jerusalem down on the new earth, the Kingdom Age of Jesus, being the millennium out there. So you see, the
Jews will have their government, just like the Protestants have theirs right now. There will be kings out there.
Some of you people will be kings out there; and I might be one of your subjects, if I can just get out there.
4 The ultimate of this age of millennium is the transformated new earth, which is the glorified perspective of
the Kingdom after it is restored. If the graves are still here, then, the sailors that buried their dead in the
ocean, are still there, even at the end of the millennium, because the Bible says that at the great white throne
judgment, the islands fled away, everything fled away; but, here, at this great white throne judgement, the
Bible says, The sea gave up its dead; that means the dead were still there, during the millennium. It said the
graves gave up the dead, after the millennium, and then, they appeared before the judgement throne of God.
That is the celestial, coming in. In the millennium, it is still terrestrial, but, we will be celestial, because we
will be changed. The Jews will still be terrestrial out there, because there will still be nations going on.
5 Notice, that John speaks of the islands fleeing away, God having made man upright in the Garden; and he,
becoming tilted on his axis, caused the world and heaven to become tilted, moving it away from its original
position in the sun, casting a shadow upon it, whereas the shadows should have been beneath the earth in its
upright position; because of its tilt, it
has a continual shadow around the earth. The world, within the veil of shadows and types, man tilted a third
part, his bodily part, in that he is body, soul and spirit; as a family, it is his wife; for, it is man, wife and
children. There is a natural and physical. Now, look at your spiritual world, for it is the same.
1 Notice, the Book of Revelation: a third part of the stars, smitten, a third part of the trees, a third part of the
sun, the moon, the waters, see, Father, Son and Holy Ghost; one part made sin, even Jesus, the Son.
2 Satan is the sinful shadow, but Christ is likened unto it, in that Satan was the son of the morning,. Some
believe him to be the covering cherub. There is one thing, for sure, that he was driven out of heaven, and
became the perverted light. Light means knowledge. The Bible says, If that light that is within you, be
darkness, how great is that darkness. Jesus said, If your eye be single (eyes of understanding), not a
siamese twin of double-mindedness, just the Mind of Christ. Youve got a whole body of Light. The Lord said
to Paul, Turn my people from darkness unto Light. If the world I tilted from the flood of Noah, from the
eastern perspective, then, a blast of the atomic bomb on the western perspective, could set her upright. The
Protestant Age is the third part, which could show what John saw, in the Book of Revelation, driving
civilization back to the east, for the coming of the Messiah and the millennium, after antichrist has had his
regime in the western world of the woman, tidings out of the east troubling him, about the coming of Christ.
3 The world swinging upright, is the islands moving out of their place that John saw, the mountains going
beneath the sea, the original mountains for the upright position of the earth, before its tilt, coming to their
place again. The fertile soils beneath the ocean will reveal the hidden garden of the millennium. This cannot
happen until the lost and fallen Adam becomes upright on his axis, according to righteousness; thus,
eliminating the briars of sickness and sorrows, entering into the brighter day of the millennium rest, of mans
Sabbath; the glass darkly gone, he can see, face to face. This revelation makes this even close at hand. The
earth groans for the manifestation of the sons. God perfects them. They perfect the environment, Adam,
dressing the Garden. The earth groans for the manifestation, because, allegorically speaking, it went down
with Adams fall, and it cannot come back up until the many-membered body of the second Adam becomes
upright. That means that death cannot be conquered, until God brings in the great white throne of
judgement, because death has still got some people in captivity. The Bible says that this is the second
resurrection. That is the resurrection of the wicked, but, Jesus said, Blessed and holy is he that has part in
the first resurrection. He came on the white horse, and this is the first resurrection. The first death went to
Calvary, the death of the body. Jesus called it sleep, because He said, Lazarus sleepeth, but, the second
death in the sin of the soul, and the lake of fire. I said before, that hell is not eternal, because, hell is cast into
the lake of fire, along with death. Here, we have the great white throne of judgement. Here is death. This is
the end of it. The celestial is coming, and the terrestrial will be no more, and, now, death is the last enemy, and
it shall be con116
quered. If this is true, and death is to be conquered out there, then, how did we become eternal, one thousand
years this side of eternity? Remember now, Jude speaks about eternal flames, and Mary stood at the tomb of
Lazarus and said, I know that my brother will live again, in the resurrection, but, Jesus said, I Am the
Resurrection and the Word of Life, so then, you have passed from death unto life; for, death ended at
Calvary. The Bible tells us that He abolished death in His body. He has destroyed him that had power over
death, however, that is not for the world, but, that is for the believer. The world is going on to the great white
throne of judgement, were death is. Remember, the Scriptures tell us, that some mens sins go before them to
the judgement. This is speaking of confessed sins. We are free from those sins, because we have confessed
them. Unconfessed sins will be judged at the judgement. Brethren, should we judge ourselves, the, we would
have no need to be judged. The Bible tells us these things. The reason for our much trouble is because we
dont judge ourselves.
1 There is a sin not unto death. That is the first death, which is the death of the body. That is the way that
God has persevered you and me, because we are ignorant all the way from the time of Adam. We are ignorant
of sin, and God couldnt impute it; but, when we came to the knowledge of the truth, then, we are no longer
ignorant, and, from that time on, we can sin the sin of the soul. Then, the Bible says, There is no more
sacrifice for sin, but a fearful looking for a judgement. That is why He said there would be a great falling
away; and that knowledge would increase (knowledge of the truth); and that is why the Pentecostal people
will get into trouble, if they dont watch out.
2 God kept us in ignorance, so He had a propitiation. Adam and Eve died, and that was the first death. That
is the sleep of life, and you can be awakened from that. You can awaken a man, when he is sleeping the death
of life; but, my friend, when a man sins the sin of death of the soul, you cant awaken a man from that. That is
why Jesus died and went to hell; to keep us from sinning the sin of the soul. That is the sin unto death that
you cant pray for. When a man has knowledge of the truth, and that man willfully violates the things of God,
he is gone. To redeem him again, Paul said that there would have to be another crucifixion. You would have to
crucify Christ afresh, and put Him to an open shame; because He died for sins one time, and as long as the
person is ignorant, though they do all manner of sin, yet is it not considered sin; it is a trespass.
3 Blessed is the man to whom God will not impute sin. Blessed is the man to whom God imputes faith for
righteousness (righteousness without works). Blessed is the man whose sins are forgiven, whose iniquities are
covered. God justified Abraham by faith. Ignorance is one thing, but, if you ever come to the knowledge of
sin, and you sin after that, there would have to be another crucifixion to take away sin again.
4 We have escaped the penalty of death. Your inner man is sealed, until the day of the change of the body.
You are just as eternal as you will ever be. You dont have to worry about coming to any judgement, and
seeing if God will accept you. You dont have to let the devil torment you to
death. Get up and do something for God, and quit worrying about it! That carnal wretched mind that is
worrying and wearing your mind out, is tearing your nerves out. Get up, and be about your Fathers
business! Dont be such an unbeliever! The Bible says that His grace is sufficient.
1 Paul said, I am persuaded to believe, that nothing can separate you from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus. He said powers cant do it; that takes in the devil. Heights cant do it, depths cant do it, things
present cant do it and poverty cant do it. Nothing can do it! You are sealed until the day of the redemption
of the body.
2 What is it now? You need to wake up, Christian friend! Now, is death conquered? The Bible says that if
death is conquered, then, shall be brought to pass, the saying, O death, where is thy sting, and grave, where
is thy victory?
3 Lets see if death is conquered then. The Bible says that the Law was the strength of sin. If there is a change
in the Law, there would have to be, of necessity, a change of the priesthood. God did away with the blood of
the beast, because the beast has gone to Calvary. That is the end of the beast. God kept them alive back there,
under the blood of the beast, because He was guilty. Now, Jesus has made us a pre-end to the beast, the
headship of it; and now, we are on this side of Calvary, the beginning of the creation of Gods eternal
substance. Adam and Eve were not born into the shekinah glory of God; they were just in the presence of
shekinah glory; but, my brother, you have been born of the shekinah glory. You are not in the presence of God
like the world is. You are intermingled with eternal life. You are born of the seed of divinity. You are eternal.
You dont have the breath of life in you, like it was in Adam. That was the first one. Jesus breathed on them
and said, receive ye the Holy Ghost. That was the breath of eternal life, not temporal life.
4 That little shadowed life is gone, which is the beast part, but, we are out of that; the middle wall of partition
is gone, the veil is rent. He went inside and got the life out, and brought the life out, that soul, that was in
there. He released that soul. The reason souls are in captivity out there, is because they have never met Jesus,
and that body that had your soul in prison there, Jesus rent that veil, and He separated your body from your
spirit, by nailing His own body on the tree, laid your body in that tomb, and then, made the way for that
Spirit to enter into that body and resurrected it, bearing the image of the heavenly.
5 Is death conquered? I Am the Resurrection. He that believeth on Me, hath passed from death unto life. If
sin gets its strength by the Law, which is by knowledge, then, the thing that brings death is sin. The soul that
sinneth shall die; not the body that sinneth. The propitiation was for the body; but, the soul that sinneth, it
shall surely die. The Bible says, Dont fear him, that after he has killed the body, cant kill his soul; but, fear
Him that can give the second death; whom, after He has killed, He will throw the soul into hell, Jesus Christ.
6 As long as the strength of sin in the Law, is folded up and taken away, a dead man cant transgress the Law,
can he? If you are dead and in the grave, how are you going to violate the Law out there. You are dead to the
Law of orders. If you cant transgress it, how can you sin, for sin comes by
the Law? If you cant sin, then, how can you die. The Bible says that the sting of death is sin. Catch a bumble
bee and pull his singer out; he might keep you in captivity by fear, but he is just a big bluff. He hasnt any
stinger. If you go face to face, like I did with the devil, one time in a vision, when he blew up like a balloon;
then, you would see him go to pieces, as a bursted balloon, just as I did.
1 I am saying to you, that he that is born of God cannot sin. I have talked to other preachers, and they say, he
may not sin. There is no may not to it! The Bible says that he is sealed forever and glorified, and you cant
make him sin. They that do these things that Peter taught, shall never fall away. They have passed from death
unto life. He that is born of God, cannot sin. The Bible says that if you change one of the least of these
commandments, and teach men to do so, you will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. It did not say
may not, it said, he cannot.
2 Some say, Well, Brother Pike, what about all of these people who have been walking along with us,
shouting and speaking in tongues, and then, have gone back into the world? The Bible says that if they had
been one of us, they would have never left us. He that is born of God cannot sin. Why cant he sin? Because
the words of eternal life, the seed, remaineth in him, and he cant sin, because he is born of God. How can a
son of God ever sin? A dog begets a dog, cants beget cats, and God begets gods, sons of God. You cant sin,
because the Word justifies you by faith. That which is not of faith, is sin. You cant disbelieve. You are sealed
in faith, and the seed Word of faith causes you to believe.
3 Sometimes you will say, Well, Im gone, Im lost, and the devil will run across your mind, and bring some
filthy, low down, sloppy thought to you, and you think how in the world could I ever think a thought like
that? The Bible says that the thoughts of mens hearts are continually evil; and all flesh is corrupt before
God; and, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man; all flesh is
corrupt before God. God justifies us by faith, faith in your heart; and you cant do anything but believe.
When all that mess comes up and makes you feel dirty, and you feel like you have back-slidden, it cant hurt
you on the inside anyway, for you have an inward seal of the Holy Spirit, over your spirit, which cannot be
penetrated. His Spirit, intermingled into a oneness with yours, like the dust in the wind, you are one. Paul
said, Oh wretched man that I am; how can I get rid of this body; but, he said, Thank God, it is gone! If
we are born of God, and faith is justification; then, we cannot sin, because we cannot transgress the Law,
since we are dead to the Law.
4 That means one thing. The sting of death, which is sin, was plucked out at Calvary, and is gone, and it
doesnt have any power to kill any more. We are free from sin. If sin is what causes death, then, we are free
from death. I Am the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus said. You are passed from death unto life, for the last
enemy to be conquered is death. By faith, Enoch was translated, that he should not see death (getting over the
carnal mind, Jordan). He believed it and got ready for it.
5 Death, where is thy sting? Jesus plucked it out at Calvary, and cast it away. I am saying, Grave, where is
thy victory? If death cannot do
anything to me, what victory do you hold, grave? Paul said, All of our lives were subject to bondage, because
of the fear of death; but now, we are no more subject to bondage, because of the fear of death. We have passed
from death unto life. By His foreknowledge, we are justified, sanctified and glorified. Justification to my
spirit, sanctification to my soul, and glorification to my body. This is the restoration of the church; Luther,
Wesley and Billy Graham, respectively. In the present day truth, we have Billy Graham, Oral Roberts and
William Branham.
3 Remember, the soul of a son of God hath never, at any time, sinned. That is how it can be justified by faith.
Though caught in the web of sin, it is innocent, in that it had no knowledge of sin; and, through repentance, at
the acknowledgement of truth, proves its innocence, while, the guilty soul, in continuance of disobedience,
proves its guilt. There is no resurrection from the dead, to the sin of the soul, the sin unto death. Though the
wicked will come forth in the judgement, it will be unto damnation, with no inward life, Gods shekinah,
merely picking them up for the judgement, to cast them into the fire. The atonement is for the purchased
possession of the body. It is also innocent, in that it is an outward attack of Satans aggression. Not the inward
man, who delights after the Laws of God.
So, just pull the shades down, unto the storm is over, and the sunshine breaks through; neither doth winter
last forever; for, when the parasites are dead, the inward life springs forth once again to a springtime of
resurrection and life.
Now, I believe that you are trying to perfect your lives. I believe that God is trying to perfect to Himself a
people without spot, wrinkle or blemish, because He is ushering in the millennium; and this place over here, is
a preview of it. Hes ushering in a millennium government. Hes bringing it in! Now, God will help you clean
up inside and outside. That means, youll talk right and think right, wont be temperamental, wont be
finding fault, gossiping or backbiting.
2 So, the purpose of God, to the heart of man, is to, proportionately, by measure, glory to glory, truth to
truth, measure to measure, according to its seasons, as it is revealed, that is to say, in the mind of Christ, that,
coming from within, He is perfecting your outer man, bringing it to the glorified stage of the body of the Son
of God. It is His purpose! If you dont do it, my brother, youve missed your purpose. Youve missed your
purpose if you dont do it. Sisters in Christ, if you dont completely subject yourself to your husband, after
the things of God, youve missed your purpose in the earth.
3 Now, we are trying to perfect your understanding. To you, who will acknowledge the things that we tell you,
it is our position in life, to cultivate and perfect your understanding in godliness for the benefit of your eternal
securities. But, to you, who are not interested, you who only want to be illuminated with the Spirit of God, it
might interest you to know, that he purpose of that illumination, was to captivate the mind of humanity, that
he might catch their attention, and bring salvation to them.
4 God did that when He was reaching the world out yonder. He poured out the rain on the just and the
unjust, but I want you to know that as they crossed the Red Sea and run into the serpents, that they didnt do
much shouting over there. Do you know why? There was a different pull coming up. God intended for them
to sit down, quit their playing, and begin to eat the foods of righteousness, and learn His Laws. Now, He let
them dance and shout and holler over their victory, where they had whipped the devil and come over the Red
Sea, but, there comes a time when God is going to want you to sit down and listen to something and learn
something, and change over to His way, for there has to be a perfecting of the new man.
5 The Bible teaches that the ministry is to perfect the saints. Weve come over at Calvary; we are on this side
of the Red Sea (blood of Christ), and we know that Pharaoh (type of Satan) was drowned back there in the
overflow of it. But weve done come over that and its different altogether. Were over that now, and weve
shouted and praised God, and weve had a Pentecost. It was wonderful, because we needed a Pentecost.
6 Now, through the darkness of the church ages, though the martyrs blood runs as antichrist flows in on
them; as the serpents of the wilderness, sym1
bolically speaking, began to attack them. Remember, there wasnt a lot of shouting and jumping.
1 See, there has to be a change; and a man by the name of Paul, the apostle, came on the scene, to make that
change, to bring the indoctrination and revelation of Jesus Christ, to preserve them through the dark ages, to
where they could come on. They just love to jump and holler and scream, and have a good time; thats right.
If youre a babe, Im not opposed to it, but, my friend, the parents are supposed to lay up for the children. Its
time that we did something.
2 Now, here its perfecting your understanding. This is the secret of the whole thing. Be sure that you dont
faint in your minds. Now, I would like to share my thoughts with you. I think you are a wonderful, peculiar
treasure in the earth. I believe that. I believe the church is that wonderful, beautiful, peculiar treasure of
God, the pearl that was lost, which they couldnt find. I believe you are lost among mankind, and God is
seeking you out, and He is going to find you. You are beautiful in His sight. Did you know that just one of you,
just one of you, that is a real true Christian, will outshine the noon-day sun. One person alone, at the
resurrection, will outshine the noon-day sun.
3 Now, in teaching, I want to bring some thoughts to your mind; and I want to show you the importance of
the perfecting of your life, and prove to you, that unless you do, you are not going to be translated. Somebody
might say, Well, all the signs were fulfilled, and thats true, because God is getting His work done. But, my
friend, if God isnt getting His work done, should it require ten billion more years? He can not receive you,
until you perfect your life. He cant! Theres no way, He cannot.
4 First of all, I would like to say that the trouble began in the Garden. No doubt, many multiplied times, your
mind has wondered about the Garden, and what really took place over there. You ponder over it, you think
over it; you ask yourself questions, and wonder what actually took place in the Garden. Now, you understand
it; you can, if youll get your mind out of the gutter, and get your mind off of being a sex-fiend, if you want me
to make it plain; and realize that all things are pure to the pure. There is something that took place in the
Garden heavenly, and its wonderful, and, not at all like youve got in that conglomeration of a mess in your
mind. It didnt happen like that at all; but, there is something beautiful that did happen.
5 Now, we have shied away from it, because, every time we get to it, then, you can feel some of those things
that have been put in the minds of people out there, that come back in like a cesspool of iniquity, and makes
me to shy away from it. Ive said this so many times; men come in my home, and they want to go into that
realm, always talking about that, and I would rather they go on out of my house and shut their mouths,
because I dont want to get in the hog pens. I see something beautiful and glorious, something thats far about
the world and all it has to offer, and I want so much to have a pure heart. The Bible says of those things that
are done in secret out yonder; that we are not even to mention them among us one time, as becometh saints,
because its displeasing to God.
6 Alright, now then, I want you to notice, here in the Garden, as we pick
up our thoughts and constitute a millennium over here, I want you to notice that in this Garden, something
took place that brought the world into existence. The world could never have come into existence, unless this
thing had taken place. It can take place. Now, I know, that when I teach this, probably, the first thing that you
will think, is Well, Brother Pike, the Bible says that God created the heavens, and God created the trees and
all these things, because God said, Let there be, and there was. I am aware of that, but I want you to see
something here. When God, the Eternal Spirit, came forth in His itinerary of creation, when He first came
forth, He was a Spirit. He was, as Paul said, The invisible God, that could not be seen. The Bible speaks of
the patriarchs of old; saying that they endured, as seeing Him, Who is invisible, because God, the invisible
Spirit, accompanied them, and caused them to be able to endure, giving strength, all of them, being
strengthened by the power and the might of the inner man. Is that right? From the Garden, when God came
on the scene, He was an invisible Spirit, that was to bring life and creation into existence. God today, is still an
invisible Spirit, and He still, today, is bringing the creation into existence.
1 I want you to notice this: As He came forth, HE had two types of species that He would work with, that is to
say, He had a male and a female. Now, there are two or three different dimensions that this could be taught in,
but, I am just speaking to you on one level, this time, so that it will not be confusing. In the Garden, there
were two species, male and female; all of human anatomy, but, the man, as pertaining to one dimensional
level, denotes Christ, while the woman, the other species, denotes Satan. Now, I know that doesnt sound right
to the human mind; but, if you recall what you have already read concerning Adam and Eve, having seen the
reverse of it, then, you ladies wouldnt be so upset, but, you would just listen.
2 Alright now, the male species in the Garden: God spoke to Adam and Eve; and He said, Adam, thou shalt
not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die.
On the day that you eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in that day, thou shalt surely die. Is that
right? Alright, did Adam obey God? He certainly did! There is no record where he disobeyed God. Now, you
say, Brother Pike, he did disobey God, but, the Bible said, The man was not in the transgression. He did
not disobey God! Now, He said also to the woman, at the time He did the man, Thou shalt not eat of this tree,
for, the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Did she obey God? She certainly did not obey
God! She did just exactly contrary to what God had told her to do. Now, what were the results of it?
3 Now, look at the woman today; dont they do the same thing? You can tell a male and a female not to do it.
The male will go off and try his best to do right; but, the female, shes just got to talk and say things. Why?
Because, she is called the weaker vessel. I need not tell you this, but, I remind you again; two people could not
live together, except one species be weaker than the other. The spirit of the female is made weaker than that of
the male, so that the male spirit cannot become domineering and
become a Lord over it, but rather, that through the strength of the greater power, which is the male, that the
weaker power, which is the female, can gradually emerge into the oneness of spirit, through his strength and
through his love; as he stands strong and wont yield; and, if she stands against that, she eventually will yield,
because he doesnt yield; that is to say, in love, he instructs her, he leads her, and, by love, he causes her to
come in oneness with him. If you do it any other way, you are a devil. Now, your whoremonger, strengthened
by Satan, seduces the woman to his ungodly image of the beast. Now, dont misunderstand what I am saying;
but, when a man forces a woman to submit to him, instead of going Gods route, that man is a devil, and hes
got a devil; and, what he is, hes a lord over Gods heritage. If any preacher does the same thing to a church,
hes a devil. Thats right, because hes wrong. Now, Hes got to be strong. Hes got to stand there like a giant,
and not budge an inch, as has been my own family behavior in dealing with my wife; and a lot of times, since I
have come into this, she has been upset, and went this way and that way, and it wouldnt be her, it would be
Satan, taking advantage of the weaker vessel; but, when she finished doing everything that she had in mind,
being upset, or whatever it was, when she finished, I would always say, It is still written the same way, and
thats the way its got to be. As a result of that, I have a good wife today. Not one that doesnt cause me a
problem, nor does she have a husband that doesnt cause her problems; but, growing together, we get along.
We solve our problems. We manage to get along. Some women just cant get along with their husbands, or the
husband, with the wife. In other words, they always want to interrupt Gods program. Did you know that?
1 The Bible said, A wise man concealeth the matter, not to the extent of being hypocritical, to hide your
evil, to practice your wrongs upon; but, when you make a mistake, and you dont mean to do it, you have a
difference with your wife, and the wifes wanting to shout it from the highest housetop, My husband, hes a
hypocrite! You know what, thats a devil. Its trying to kill the influence of that man. Somebody said, But, if
he had done wrong, Brother Pike, wouldnt he be a hypocrite? No! The same way with the husband; he
wants to shout, Shes a hypocrite! Well, isnt she a hypocrite? No, because her justification in the sight of
God, is not according to her dos and donts, its according to the shed blood of Calvary, and shes justified by
faith in what Christ did, not what shes doing. Its up to you and her to perfect each other, in working
together. Thats your job; one member, submitting to another. The same thing applies to the female gender of
the church, and the male gender of the church.
2 Among us today, weve got female gender and weve got male gender. When I say that, Im not talking
about you women. Im speaking about a people that are males in the spirit, and of some who are females in
the spirit. Some, just sit and listen. They are recipients. They dont care if they ever get out and preach, or
something like that; they just receive; but, with a travail of birth, they bring forth children in the local areas,
and make a good mother. Now, do you understand what I am saying? The same problem goes, when you want
to jump on a brother or sister, and
tear up ones life, so to speak; say evil things against them, failing to remember, that their justification is by
the shed blood of the Lamb; and, that they are not guilty; and, neither can you lay anything to the charge of
Gods elect, considering the fact that the person is a born again believer, though you look, ever so long. The
Bible tells us that God, by faith of justification, He, having sanctified or perfected treasure, without spot,
wrinkle or blemish, and, not anyone can lay anything to their charge. So then, you are warring against God,
and speaking against the glorified body of His many members; thus, bringing the wrath of God on you, in
that, when you do it to the least of them, ye do it unto Him, bringing the wrath of God upon you, because of
the children of disobedience, not listening, nor learning, not growing in the knowledge of God, failing to
mature in the Spirit.
1 In this Garden, notice then, this female species disobeyed God. She would not listen to God. What caused
it? It had to be that way. God made her weak so that she would be subject to transgression without her head,
to show His purpose concerning the subjection of the church to Christ. It was His purpose and plan from the
very beginning. If that woman had not done what she did, somebody said, the world would be in good
shape. They are wrong! The people (world) could never have come to a glorified form in God, if the woman
had not done what she did. God ordained that it transpire that way. The woman was made weak for that
purpose. Why did not God make her stronger than Adam, so that she could resist Satan? It was for this
purpose. Adam represents the invisible or spiritual part of Gods creation. Though he was only a type of the
quickening Spirit Adam; Jesus Christ, yet, in this type, the non-existent, non-verbal, non-tangible God of the
unknown world is herein seen. The beautiful, beastly woman represents the existent, that which can be seen
or felt, the world existing by her; through union, the unseen seed passes through her vagina, to produce an
image of human sight. So then, Adams spirit was pulled into her, just as a man yields his entire being,
through relationship, to human passion of the womans enraptured environment. In that life only exists by the
inner man, the body being a shell, we see how that Adam entered into Eve, becoming subject to the beast
mind of passion and generation. Life, going into captivity, that it might; through organic means of
reproduction, produce an image or carrier of life, until the inner, invisible image of the inner man, can
mature; and , as the chick pecks his way out of the bodily grave or cocoon, by means of Calvary or the
resurrection, having entered into the cocoon of the woman, by means of the door of death, the beast mind of
the tree of knowledge of the Laws of dos and donts, making the cocoon or body subject to death by its
inadequacy or inability to perform the desires of conformity to the invisible image of God or Christ, the
spiritual; thus, there is an existence of invisible life, that has been made visible by the tranquility of the female
humanitarian species.
2 A more simplified explanation, is that by the mind of knowledge; Satans mind over atomic matter has
constituted a perverted form of existence, bringing a negative of life, by means of education, and seeks
to sustain it by the same means and measures. Being just the reverse, whereas the world of righteousness is
invisible, the world of iniquity is visible; but, by means of divine transformation or godly instruction, Gods
mind over atomic matter is purifying and changing the atoms, back to the spiritual or celestial. Paul said,
Sown in weakness, for, we are born in sin, shapen in iniquity; that is, our identity is of the beast, but,
through regeneration or new birth, the second man, Adam, the quickening Spirit, is created in His own image
and likeness by means of the Tree of Life, which is Gods own mind.
1 This finishes the training period of creation, the negative side of life, in that its purpose was to subject
humanity to God or the invisible, by projecting to mans own intelligence, his inadequacy, his inferiorities,
and, causing him to turn to the right means, for sustenance and security, which is, of course, God. It shows
the church. Now, thats why I love to see you ladies do right; be holy and clean in your spirit; because youre a
type of the church. Thats why I love to see you men love, and be kind, and also see you do the things which
are right. Be humble and submissive, youre a type of Christ, the Lamb of God in the earth.
2 Alright, notice, that after the male had conversed with the female; that is, after that Eve had been deceived,
they were on different levels; they were in different worlds. Why did not God ex-communicate Eve from the
Garden immediately, at the time of her transgression? He could have! He would have perfectly been justified
to do so, before she ever shared the forbidden fruit, with Adam. Is that right? Why? He was sovereign. He
could do it if He wanted to; but, in one sense, He could not do it. Why is it that He could not do it? Because
today, God could, as you very well know, destroy everyone of you, couldnt He? Hes sovereign, but,
circumstantially speaking, He cant. There just isnt any way! Perhaps someone might say, But, Brother
Pike, I believe He could, if He wanted to. No, He couldnt; and, besides that, theres no way He could even
want to. He cannot do it! Why? For Christs sake. Christ has already done what was required to keep you
alive and preserve you eternally; and, God made a covenant with Christ, and gave Him His Word, that if He
would do this, that, from then on, His wife would forever be forgiven and protected, along with His children.
Is that right? Thats why He couldnt do anything with Eve. He cannot do it to the church! The church is
safer than a baby in a mothers arms, because of what Christ did. Nothing can separate you from the love of
God, which is in Christ Jesus.
3 Lets recall the time that Adam was put out of the Garden, as pertaining to the expulsion. At this time, it
was not because he was in the transgression, but, it was for the sake of his wife. Jesus did not come down to
earth, nor was He made sin for His own sake, but, for the sake of His wife. Is that right? Adams exit from
Paradise was necessary. The substantiation of Gods decrees of righteousness by the Law, are seen in this fall.
Let us call to remembrance, the Old Testament, wherein it is stated that if a man annuls the thing which the
wife does; in the sight of God, it is not effective, because she is not the head, and since the head is the place of
knowledge, then sin, before God, is to him that knoweth to do good; that is pertaining to the headship.
Primarily speaking, the reason that Adam es126
caped Gods judgements, was because, up until this point, he was not responsible for Eves conduct; in that
the woman had not yet been subjected unto the man, so that he could rule over her. The woman escaped the
judgements, because she was made the weaker vessel. This could leave only one, to catch the repercussion;
Abrahams lamb, which was entangled in the briars and thorns of our mistakes and weaknesses, in that He
created man, He accepted the blame. Should the husband, at any time, fail to make an allowance for his wife,
she is due for punishment. Is that right? So then, Eve remained in the presence of the shekinah glory of God,
without any interruption, without any problem, without any wrath of God, until she got Adam to agree with
her wrong. Now, notice, that when Adam gave his consent, they were both penalized by God; then, Adam,
immediately became blind, because his sight was converted from eyes of understanding, which is the sight of
the inner man, to eyes of intellectual reasoning, which is the sight of the outer man; dead to God, but, alive to
the world. It will take a conversion to correct this disorder. The Garden was in the east of Eden, but, the very
minute that he and she saw their nakedness, this was proof of the change of sight, which brought the change
of worlds.
1 We are reminded of this one thing; as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is. His thoughts constitute his
world. Adams eyes of understanding, Christs singular mind, a world full of light, becoming involved, by the
relations of a beast intelligence, caused double-mindedness, and a world of intellectual darkness. Darkness
means light in a veil, a dark light; God, the Great Light veils Himself in the shadows of darkness, to become
typical of symbolic. This way He expresses His divine personage of truth, by typical means; restraining
himself, He doth not burst forth in the entirety of His brightness, but by faith silhouette, expressions of glory
to glory, the light grows brighter, Moses, instructing the people not to approach the mountain too closely, lest
God breaks forth on them. The natural light of this world has increased steadily by time and dimension; so,
has the light of knowledge, but now, they are speaking of doing away with the security lights. This sounds like
eradication of perversion, with the brightness of His coming, and the withdrawal of the Christians, which are
your security lights, and Light of the world, all, because of the oil shortage, gross darkness, covering the
people. If you will notice, Kohoutek came in between the absence of the moon-set and the sunrise; the moon,
being the reflector, the mixture of beast and man, a dual personality of hot and cold; a mind of entanglement
and imperfection.
2 The sunlight is the mind of perfection. If you will notice, the moon is the sun in a veil, a reflector. The
darkness denotes the veil. The moon qualities are moon dust, which is the absorbent potentials of life. Science
will, perhaps someday, learn that it is the ashes that glow, as in a fireplace.
3 If Kohoutek has to do with the menstrual period of the female, with its read approach; and if it to be Gods
mind in humanity, in its type, because of undesirable appearance, before it approaches the sun, this would
explain the unveiling of Christs sinful unbecoming parts, until He divided or split the personalities, by the
rending of the veil; this shows Kohouteks unveiling, as it comes into contact with the Great Light, the sun.
the eradication
of the beastly veil of the intellectual human concept of God, which is only a reflector in this worldly night of
darkness; Calvary, bringing the daystar of the church ages, by eradicating Moses veil of Law, of typical and
symbolic ordinances, that is to say, Gods lesser means or light, of the expressions of His divine personage.
Now, the image is no longer negative, but, coming into plain view, for a millennium restoration; for, in that
day, beyond the millennium, the writer speaks of the light being exceedingly bright, the manifold brilliance,
that completely swallows up the daystar of the millennium, that is to say, the unveiling of Calvary.
1 Satan, in communing with Eve, interrupted the godly continuity of her thought pattern. He did this, by
holding the words of truth in unrighteousness. He corrupted her godly intelligence, by debauchery and deceit.
He imprinted, by means of perversion, his destructive means and measures, upon her mind, which made her
to believe that she would not die. He said, Ye shalt not surely die, but, the day that thou eatest thereof, your
eyes shall be opened. Did he tell her the truth? He certainly did! But, what did he do? He changed the truth
into a lie, because he said, Your eyes will be opened, and ye shall be as gods. Is that true? Jesus said, They
have become as one of us. God said, Now, that man has become as one of us. Thats what the fall was for;
was to make man as God, in the earth. He could not become as one of them; he could not become a heavenly
being; he could not become a god, until he fell. Remember, Jesus said, Ye are gods, but ye shall die like men
(death from the fall).
2 Now, watch, for this is the way that the world came into view. The anointing of God is so sensitive, that
when actively engaged in the transition of the Spirit, one passing thought of human intelligence, can be the
means of projecting a spiritual interruption to the mind of God. From the innermost being, the godly mist of
heavenly fragrance, and the dew drops of jeweled splendour, breaks forth, after its dove-like manner, when
we become still and quiet. Satan makes us restless and energetic; and, by personal ambitions, cuts us off from
the spiritual communications of God; whereas, the Lord has said, Be still, and know that I am God. The
sons of Satan come, to hinder the anointing, because its moving toward the perfection of the saints of God. In
this Garden, let us first observer what the Scriptures saith. The anointing, the Spirit of God, searches out the
things of God. Does it search out the things God in your life? The Bible said, Yea, the deep things. He goes
and gets the deep things, those things that are hidden belong to God, but the things which are revealed,
belong to the sons of men, for this is revelation. If we can dig down deep enough to get it, we can reveal it, and
the pearls of great price, become our treasures. If we do not, it belongs to God. He that abideth in the shadow
of the Almighty, shall dwell in the secret place of the Most High. David said, Yea, though I walk through the
valley of shadow. Remember, the world is the valley of the types and the shadows. The unveiling of the types
and shadows is the revelation, which is the secret place of the Most High. Now, in shucking down the corn, the
grain is revealed.
3 Look at Adam, whose mind was not infiltrated, but, his agreement with Eve, made him a partaker. Eves
action destroyed her faith, because, she infiltrated her mind, by listening to the beast. What happened? It
her faith by bringing condemnation. If you can understand what I am about to say, you can see that eating
the fruit was not the sin, but, rather the disobedience to Gods command. This was the sinful act of unbelief.
If eating the fruit was a sin, then, Adam was also in the transgression; for, he also ate of the forbidden fruit.
You see, Adam did not transgress the Law of Gods spoken Word, nor did he have corrupt communications to
obtain the fruit. Christ was partaker of death, but not of sin. Remember, the tree was good for food, one to be
desired. Look at the Law! The Jew ate the root and died. For Jesus said, I Am the bread, and he that eateth
thereof shall live. If the Law is good for food, and much to be desired, then, wherein lies the problem. Jesus
taught that the problem was eating of the supper unworthily; that is to say, that the Jews ate unworthily, not
discerning the body of Christ, going about to establish their own righteousness, ordinances of filthy rags,
approaching unto the holies of holies, and that, without the blood application (of Christ). Paul said, the
problem was that they did not have their veil conscience purged from sin; for, they, without us, could not be
1 The blood of bulls and goats was not able to make the comers thereunto perfect; but, Christ has perfected
forever, those that are sanctified, by His own blood; Christs blood, being the true entrance into the holies of
holies; for, He said, I Am the Door. Now then, if it is a conscience, it must have to do with faith. Paul said, I
strive always to keep my conscience void of offense toward man and God. Some have made faith
shipwrecked, for so said Paul, They are past feeling, having seared their consciences. It is faith, that, in that
Enoch pleased God; was it not his good conscience that produced the translating faith? So, children of God
shall live by faith. We see that Eves sin was the condemnation of her transgression, which resulted in the
diminishing of her faith. Did not the Law give strength to sin, not that the Law was good for food, for Gods
Laws are the angels bread; but many are weak, Paul said; that is, they sleep or are dead, in that they
partake unworthily? The weakness is in man, for the flesh is weak toward the performance of godliness,
which is in the Law of God, faith, being the divine mediation between the God-Spirit and the human spirit.
We are then compelled, out of necessity, to have godly love, which fulfills the Law; thereby, clearing the
conscience, and causing faith to work, for, it is written that faith worketh by love. By new birth and
regeneration, God, the Holy Spirit of Love, for God is Love, hath, within us, by His own self, fulfilled His
lawful requirements in this way; He, being the Holy Spirit, the only eternal, self-existing one, as the Holy
Ghost, has shed abroad, the love of God in our hearts. Now, watch this closely, and you shall see the difference
between Adam and Eve. The Jewish Eve could not fulfill the Law. The weaker vessel failed, but Adam, being
typical of Christ, the strong, masculine Adam, resisted the temptation; was able to perform the task of the
Law of commandments, virtually by-passing the evil seducing powers of the human or beastly intelligence,
and, by that, was not partaker in the transgression. But yet, he was a partaker of the forbidden fruit, in that
he was partaker of the fruit of the womb, the flesh
of humanity, therefore, being partakers of death, by the forbidden sinful flesh and blood, which cannot
inherit the Kingdom of God; for, Paul said, Within my body, dwelleth no good thing, in that he called it
sinful flesh.
1 The Bible says that the just shall live by faith. So, we see in our teachings, that, at the time of Eves sin,
immediately, the Spirit of Life was cut off by the lack of faith and confidence in the Spirit or virtues of God.
Condemnation had broken the life-line of faith in the friendship of God. Divine expectation of sustenance and
eternal securities vanished, because faith could no longer draw life. Jesus came to restore that God-faith, that
it might pull that God-love. When the Bible tells us that we should live by faith, this means that we should
have confidence in what Jesus did for us at Calvary. Well, thats one step of it, but, my brother, when you go
to pray for the sick, it is just confidence in what Jesus has done, or is there more to it than that? Most
assuredly, there is! An invisible circulatory system of virtue is literally streaming down from God, through
Calvary, to the sick and ailing humanity.
2 When you lay hands on a sick person, with faith in the atonement, that faith pulls a life into that sick body,
and that life eradicates the infirm spirit, and moves it out. Its the same way with eternal life. The faith of
Christ has been made heir to eternal life. Your faith has been made heir to a natural life. Thats why you did!
See? Through Adam, all die; but, Jesus is a regeneration. The God-mind has a God-faith. Now, all of us must
have the God-faith with us, because, we can raise the dead.
3 There are evangelists and preachers around the world, who aggravate God. In my evangelical endeavors I
encounter such. They wont spend any time in prayer, fasting or meditation, but, they really want the cream
and the peaches. They want to have everything that they can get naturally and spiritually. Theyd love to run
out there and say, Glory to God! Get out of the wheelchair! They do this for the praise of men, so that
people will behold them as gods. They want to go out there and resurrect the dead; but, let me tell you
something, you dont get the faith that was once delivered to the saints, until you get the mind of God;
because, my mind is what brings my faith. Its Gods thought pattern that brings the God-faith. Thats why
the Bible said, Contend for the faith, that was once delivered to the saints. What you believe, when we say
that, is, that He gave it to Peter, James and John, but, its not for us, today; but, if you will remember, the one
man that said, Contend for the faith, was living in the days of Peter, James and John; and, he was talking to
Peter, James and John, speaking of the faith that the old prophets had back there, that Elijah had, that Enoch
had, at the translation, that Moses had, when the mountain trembled, like the time, when he opened the Red
Sea, and the time, when Joshua made the sun to stand still.
4 Contend for the faith that was once given to the saints. Somebody said, But, how could they have it back
there, Brother Pike? They could have it, because the Holy Spirit was with them, and they were completely
ignorant of God and His way, and, all they had to do was just walk in the presence of their leader, that God
had kept in preparation for forty long years, just in the wilderness alone, not considering the time he spent,
over in Egypt, learning the ways of the Egyptians. All they had to do was
follow the leader, and he would keep the Spirit of God with them. Then, why arent you talking to Moses
today? All you have to do, is follow the leader; and he is responsible to keep the Spirit of God with you.
Somebody said, Well, I dont believe it! Well, if you dont believe it, youll be lost; because, thats the truth.
Jesus said, Unless you believe that I Am He, ye shall die in your sins. Thats Bible!
1 What is the actuality of the Garden experience? Adam, here in the Garden, could not be spiritual, for, he
had not gone through the constitutional development of the program of God. Paul, as one born out of season,
could not reveal what God had given him, except in a few words; for, the eradication of the veil, by means of
elimination, is the end of the world. The veil is the world itself, which is the shuck or husk. Paul could not
shuck the grain, before its season. Though the fields were white unto harvest, as pertaining to human souls;
yet, the labourers were few, considering the time element involved. To remove the veil by the spoken Word of
God, is to unveil Gods superb masterpiece of eternal qualities and potentials. Lawfully, he could not do it,
because of times and seasons. According to the divine Law of God, the mind that I have received, will speak
the world out of existence, and I cant bring it forth at this time, so said Paul.
2 Now, back to the Garden! Here, stood Adam, with the mind of God; and, here, stood Eve, with the mind of
Satan. Do you agree to that? Its true. There they stand, face to face with each other. Satan has gotten into
Eve; God has gotten a hold of Adam; and there they are, face to face. Now, what happened? First of all, we
see mans world and womans world, face to face, the great battle is on.
3 Let us elaborate just a little bit. Who is going to win out, God or Satan? Momentarily, it is sure
disillusioning! The man is to fall prey to the woman. Like a machine, pulling in the harvest, to grind it to
powder, to bring forth a powdery form, that will serve as clay in the hands of the potter, reproducing an
image of typical observation; a God image, a shadow of Him that was for to come, bringing forth a law of
constraint that was to become a government or a shadow of the things which were to come. In a more
simplified terminology or means of expression, the male life, subdued, by means of desire and passion to the
female gender, to bring forth an image, or fruits unto death.
4 In that a tree blossoms, produces its fruit, the fruit, luscious, passes through the stages of growth within,
and goes back to seed to reproduce. So then, wherever it was in its spiritual nativity, at the beginning, so, has
it returned to its origin in the end.
5 The woman, producing a carrier of life, has thus, made manifest to human sight and intelligence, the
human species of human anatomy, which is the God-life or God within the veil, manifested in the earth. This
was done by her beastly education, from her Garden experience, through means of her organic parts. So then,
God, by the fall of man, became subject to woman, Satans natural anti-methods and the world. So, you see,
that the veil, or carrier of life, is to perish with the brightness of His coming; for, by divine illumination of His
presence, the typical shadows, acting as the carrier, shall suddenly decompose, diminishing into oblivion, after
the little chick has thoroughly pecked his way out of the shell. The victory over the fall,
is seen in the resurrection after Calvary, for the fall terminated in Calvary.
1 The second man, Adam, the beginning of the creation of God, now pulls the woman into Himself, for the
divine refinery. God, gathering all things, in the fullness of time, into the body of Christ, reproducing
glorified, spiritual God-images of eternal existence; for, at Calvary, came the end of the world, the end of the
veil, all things, being at the end for the believer, as Paul said.
2 In a rehearsal of our thinking, we can readily see that though Eve was taken out of the side of Adam, yet,
she pulled Adam into her. How did she do it? She couldnt have done it as a woman. When a woman rules
over a home, shes got a devil, because a woman wasnt made to rule over the home. She does not have the
strength or the resistance. If a woman can withstand a man, shes got a devil, or he was got a feminine devil of
relinquishing. A man which is masculine, will retaliate in manly defense of his God-given position in life. Is
man, then, inferior to the devil? In his depraved condition, yes! Because the devils a fallen angel, and man is
made a little lower than the angels; but, if that devil can get into that woman, then, hes stronger than that
man, and that man will have to submit. Now, in the regenerated condition of man, he is not inferior to Satan,
for, all power is given unto him, over all the powers of the enemy; and Jesus said that nothing shall by any
means hurt him. This means, of course, as to spiritual spots and blemishes, pertaining to his salvation, which
Christ wrought for him at Calvary.
3 Some would say, Well, how can we escape the impact of his evil forces? By faith in Calvary! Remember,
there is power thats stronger than the devil, if you are acquainted with it! You try to subject the woman, by
godly means, to male leadership, and then, watch, and you will see her satanic hysterics, as Satan struggles
within her reasoning, to hold her captive, so as not to lose his position or control over you and your family.
4 She will pull her hair, and throw her bobby pins down on the floor; grab the sugar, and throw it all over the
floor, and holler and scream, Im dying, Im dying, Im going to commit suicide, Im going to commit
suicide! Shell flee from the home, racing up and down the road in her frenzy; while you run down the road
after her, like some silly something or other. Shes just a hollering, screaming and a going; then, shell jump in
the car, if you ever give her the car keys, and shell flare off down the road; and, shes going right into the
river, until she gets close to the river, and then, she changes her mind. Now, what is it? Both of you have been
made a spectacle by Satan, to the world. Shell rage and carry on to terrorize you, all because you said
something she did not agree with. Thats the devil for you. God didnt make women to act like that! He didnt
make men to act like that. Now, what is it? If you can get in touch with God, and refuse to surrender your
faith to that terrorizing impact of fear, you have conquered the enemy.
5 When the woman acts like that, just have faith in God. Jesus said, Dont fear. It is Satan that has control
of your companion, and she needs your strength. Now, I know her reactions will be that she hates you. Shell
slap you in the face; claw you, kick you, bite you, knock you over with a rolling pin, or anything she can get a
hold of. You say, thats a woman. No,
thats not a woman, thats the devil! God does not make a woman like that. You dont really believe thats a
woman, do you? Ill tell you right now, I dont mean to be comical, though it may sound comical; if that is a
woman, I would divorce mine immediately, and I would never marry again. Thats not a woman, because the
Bible said, He that getteth a wife, getteth a good thing. A woman is very precious.
1 Lets consider the children the same way. Now, Junior, for instance; not hardly out of his diapers, but, he
thinks daddys old fashioned! Hes going to puff on a weed somewhere out yonder, get a little dope if he can;
and mama, she gets all shaky, because women will give it to a child. Now, she thinks she can handle him, but,
the reason is because she compromises with him. If he wants a television, they get a television. If he wants
comic books, mama will hide them under the mattress, so that daddy dont see them; so that Junior can have
his way. See? So, she and Junior get along good; and both of them jump on daddy, if daddy ever says
something contrary to their desire, because they have beforehand, joined themselves with the forces of Satan.
Now, as with the case of a wealthy man, I afore mentioned, from whom I purchased some building materials;
he related to me how that he puts his boy through college, having educated him to help in the business. He
spoke of how the boy came home, wanting him to provide for him, and to allow him so much money, just for
frolic. He told me that the wife agreed with the boy, believing that it was the proper thing to do, because he
was so highly educated; but, what does the Bible say? The Bible says that the spirit of foolishness is in the
heart of a child, but the rod of correction will drive it far from him. If you beat him you wont kill him. It
doesnt mean for you to become angry, and pounce on the child, by the constraint of an evil spirit that has
seized you, thus allowing another devil to abuse the child.
2 Here you can readily see that, when Satan subdued the male spirit, by means of strengthening the female
spirit, through Eve; Adam, being the head of all humanity, the whole world was plunged into darkness.
3 The reason Satan, in Eve, was the stronger, was because Adam, by eating of the fruit, separated himself
from his God-strength. Eves submission, did not bring about the worlds downfall, but, when Adam partook
of it, their eyes opened to shame. When Adam submitted to that beastly intelligence, here is what happened.
Men have been beasts ever since. Science can prove it to you. They eat like beasts, they die like beasts, they
talk like beasts, because they are beast. The first birth is nothing more than a beast, and, unless its changed
into the second birth, it will die a beast, because Solomon said, The same thing that happens to the beast,
happens to all people. They go the same way of the beast, because they have no revelation.
4 When Adam allowed the devil, which is Satan, to get control over his spirit, Satan, being a spirit, also
worked through Eve, the most beautiful beast in the Garden. The Bible speaks of brute beasts, made to be
taken and burned. If you dont conform or convert over to Christs way, He said, You are a brute beast,
made to be taken and burned. He subjected Adam for His purpose. You can see it in a little while. Did He not
say, that when they were naked, he clothed them with skins? Isnt it our skin,
weve got on this morning? The Bible speaks of the inward man, and the warfare, between the inner and the
outer beast. Is that right? Cain and Abel, the two natures, ones got to overcome the other.
1 If Satan got control, through knowledge in the Garden, then, it stands to reason, that he would continue his
regime by education. Now, if you will watch what we are saying, you will recognize the fact that knowledge
was to increase in the latter times, giving a greater strength to Satan, for, knowledge is his entrance into life,
and into mens matters, for, the more that we know, the more God requires; yet, without Christ, we are found
doing less. Dont be deceived, my brother and sister; the carnal mind of education, the enmity with God, and
is Satans brilliance at work, in his own beastly image, which came down from Cain, through the fall. By
means of education and scientific reasoning, he is perfecting himself in man. He, in his image, is walking
among the sons of God, walking up and down among the jeweled stones of fire, perverting and corrupting
humanity. The ministry, at the same time, is perfecting the inner sons of God, who are in captivity to this
outer, beastly veil, again, because of the fall. Paul speaks of science (knowledge) saying, that it is falsely so
called. These are your educational systems that instigate laws that will force you and me to send our kids out
there, to the cesspools of iniquity, where they can feed them dope, and wreck their mental capacities and
everything; tie them down with lust and evil, and make them filthy, keeping them in a school of debauchery
all of their lives. Sure! Thats the way; and a carnal minded person will do it every time. Theyll say, My
children must have a college education.
2 If Adam is now subject to Eve, if Satan now has control, then, whats the next step? Lets get us a religion.
Sure! Lets use a group of preachers; the kind that lead silly women astray; those that are laden with divers
lusts; they devour widows houses, and for pretense make long prayers, loving the uppermost seats in the
synagogues. They love salutations in the market places, enlarging the borders of their phylacteries, by
educational degrees. They want to be called by men, Rabbi, sensually, having separated themselves from
the Spirit, by human reasoning. They know nothing of God. All they have is a denominational society, which
is reprobate to every godly work or standard. They are bastard children, without a heavenly Father. Thus,
continues the system of Esau. One of the best places to get them, is to get them out of the seminaries; or, if a
man of God ever is raised up, if you see he really has the Holy Ghost, and that God has called him, then you
want to keep him just as a spiritually ignorant as you can, or get rid of him. You want to lead him astray, after
fame or popularity, money and prestige, until he becomes a showman or modern Balaam before the people, so
they can see what he can do in demonstrating a gift, so he cant be of any value to God, and so that the church
cant escape the entanglements of the fashions and frolics of the world. Satan doesnt care how religious you
are, folks. Someone might think that he doesnt want the Spirit of God around, but thats where they are
wrong. They know that if Gods Spirit leaves that, all the life leaves the earth. Satan surely wants God
around, because God is the Spirit of Life. What he doesnt want, are the laws and ordinance of Christ. he
doesnt want to forsake his lust and
conform to the image of Christ, but he wants the shower of Gods blessings.
1 When God said, Let there be light, there was light; but when Adam was brought under the control of
Eve, then, life, which was in Adam, went into an intellectual veil. Gods knowledge, His doctrine, His
understanding was Jesus the Word, manifested in the flesh! This great mind of God, that the true church
possesses proportionately speaking, is revealing His state of being from within, and, by transformation of
your mind, will eventually transfigure the outer image, into His own divine likeness. Paul said, Be ye,
therefore, transformed, by the renewing of your mind, so as to prove the acceptable and perfect will of God.
This measure and means of God, is His process of elimination, to eradicate the beastly intelligence, replacing
it with the mind of Christ. If the spirit of Satan and his knowledge, brings perversion of fear and death, then,
the replacement of the Spirit of Gods knowledge, will restore life, peace and joy to the individual.
2 If you will erase from your life, every spot, wrinkle or blemish, you will be changed into the glorious image
of Christ, because Christ is the one that inherits the glories of God. You may say, Well, what do I want with
the glories of God? Youll outshine the noonday sun! Youll be the most beautiful thing that was ever put in
the earth. Youll be young; youll be healthy; youll be strong; youll have diamonds; youll have gold; youll
have silver; youll have pearls; youll have the fiery chariots of heaven to ride in. What good is the mind of
Christ? Thats all! You can control the sun, control the moon, control the stars, control the earth! You say,
That cant be. But, isnt it a true fact, that, insomuch as God has done. His part, that every man, like Moses
and Joshua and the others, whosoever took a hold of it, became mighty men of renown. Look at what
Solomon did. He set up the most beautiful kingdom in all the world. Why did he do it? Because, he was a type
of antichrist and a type of Christ. Is that right?
3 Alright now, lets look and see what happened. Adam, who represents the Word of Life, though he was a
type of Christ, was typical of the tree of knowledge, in his fall. Gods Word is Spirit and Life to you, if you
obey it. The Word of God, here, speaking to Adam, was for his benefit and his preservation, just as the laws of
the land can be a preservation to them that obey them. Our natural laws provide for us, road signs, for our
security, we only reap the benefits if we obey them. Destruction is to them that refuse to conform to its
request. So then, the wrath of the Law is imputed, because of transgression; and satanic tragedy prevails, in
its pre-eminence over the transgressor or the disobedient. The warning then, is the Word of Life, if you will
listen and obey it; but dont listen to the unruly and emotional inspirations of the beastly intelligence and
flesh, which talked to Eve.
4 It was a perverted form of life that changed the truth into a lie. Thats where your evangelists, pastors,
teachers and all these other things, come from, that wont get the mind of God, nor teach the people the mind
of God. They refuse to lead them into righteousness, failing to cover their nakedness or do the thing which
God has commanded them to do. So then, Laodicea is naked, wretched and blind. Its a perverted form of
godliness. They are holding the truth in unrighteousness, for their own pur135
poses and means. Satan, who savours the things of the flesh, seeks to exalt and magnify the human element
for his own purpose.
1 Even the children are greatly affected. It is no wonder that your children have become a bunch of dope
addicts, whores, and whoremongers. By the use of mini-skirts, there are already strip teasers in the church;
but, you bunch of proselytes are so drunk off of the world and its societies, seeing the favor and the prestige of
a group of blood-thirsty devils; so that you put your own children into the garbage cans of the world, by the
evasion of righteousness and Godly instruction, and by the tradition of your father, you make the Word of
God of none effect. You kill your own children with death, by the poison asps that are beneath your gossiping
tongues. That is why John said, You generation of vipers; the parents, having eaten sour grapes, have
caused the childrens teeth to be on edge. How can you escape the damnation of hell, with your ungodly
societies and religious formalities. Your evil practices of theft, by means of cunning transactions, and your
frolics, to satisfy the flesh and worldly lusts, shall, most assuredly, condemn you at the judgement. Your
willful blindness and negligence toward the truth, has caused God to turn you over to a reprobate mind, to
cause you to believe a lie and be damned. Your goodly dainties are being taken away from you; the
judgements of God are at hand; so, shall ye cry for the rocks and the mountains to cover you, to hide you
from the face of Him that sitteth upon the throne; for, like Esau, you have sold your birthright for a mess of
2 God wants a clean house. God wants a house with some screens on it, to keep the pestilences out, to where
He can come in and sit down, and enjoy life, within the human temples; but, if its contaminated by Satans
presence, it is defiled, and God will destroy it; for, germs of disease contaminate the blood, and the Spirit of
Life takes its flight. Satan, as a parasite, attacks your body to sap your life. The angels love to come around
you. They love to feel that inspiration. Do you believe that? One might say, Well, that isnt true, but it is
true. If God suffers grief through you, why not joy and inspiration of life through you. The only contact that
God, the Eternal Spirit of Life can have with His tangible creation of matter, is through your spirit and
membership, as He lives within you, reaping the benefits of nature, through the medium of your nerve system.
He is the life of the sons of God, whereas the sons of God are the body; (His image) but, with the
unregenerated, Satan is a perverted form of life, and the sons of Satan are his body. This is why gangsters are
so often referred to as rats.
3 The Bible tells us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Why? The reason is, God doesnt like to be grieved. He
wants to be joyful and happy. Isnt that the way that we like to be? Serving God is joy, peace and
righteousness. He doesnt like to be grieved. This accounts for the reason why He tells us, Happy is he that
doth not condemn himself over that thing which he alloweth. That brings grief to God, because it injures
your faith, takes down the shield, and lets Satan in on you. God doesnt like the presence of Satan. He
becomes just as grieved as you are, when Lucifer comes around. We should always remember, that apart from
our body, God
cannot be grieved or tempted by the presence of Satan, but, He becomes partaker of our temptations and
infirmities, through our own human anatomy, for so were the days of His pilgrimage, while in the body of
Christ, the High Priest, who can be touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Demons wander through dry
places, separation from God, the waters of life, seeking rest but cannot find it. Devils are in the air. They are
the powers of the air. Satan is the prince over these powers which are in the air. These powers work in the
minds of the children of disobedience, taking them captive, at the will of Satan. Their contacts with your spirit
by the same means, the outer man, having no resistance, unless he is virtuously charged with Gods Spirit.
Your faith is your shield. A spot on the apple can be cut away, but, should the worm strike the heart, the apple
loses its value altogether. A study of demonology, could reveal much, if we had space and time.
1 Lucifer cannot get control of you until you dispossess the body. The only exception would be a voluntary
surrender of your will to his. If demons can ever get your attention, by medium of passion, the way Lucifer
did Eve, and talk to you a little bit, then, theyre going to strike your spirit. When they do, that overcast is
coming, its going to be a cloudy and a stormy day. All you have to do is listen to his voice. If you know that
within your own bodily house, your inner spiritual man has been sealed; Satan becomes as the dust in the
wind. He can beat upon the house, but, he cannot come in. He is likened unto the plagues and epidemics, or
smog that is in the air. The dust in the air cannot penetrate that which is sealed from within. Although you are
having all kinds of problems in the body; see, the body is dead, by the body of the Lord Jesus, at Calvary.
Why cant you just pull down the shades, and wait til the storm passes by, and let the shades back up, to let
the sunshine back in. Winter doesnt last forever. It comes to kill out the pestilences, then, afterwards, comes
the springtime of resurrection.
2 Previously, we spoke of the woman coming out of man. Now, this is really going to seem contrary to what
you have been taught. Woman came out of man. This caused the fall. That which the man produced, was
responsible for the fall. Somebody might retaliate at this point, saying, Wait a minute, the woman is the
cause of the fall. Lets see if it is that way. That which the man produced, not only caused the fall, but also is
the cause of death. When Eve was taken out of Adam, did it cause death? It is what the woman produced, that
caused life. Jesus Christ came forth from the womb of Mary. The woman produced life. The man produced
death. Somebody might say, Preacher, wait a minute, Im all mixed up. No, its not confusing; it is just the
way you are observing things. When we think we know something, the Scriptures tells us, that we dont know
something as we ought to know. Now, when we become vainly puffed up in our fleshly minds, having an
overcharge of intellectual knowledge, not having received the edification of charity, we run all over the
country, teaching something that we dont understand ourselves. When Eve was taken out of the side of
Adam, wasnt this the entrance to death, giving it opportunity to destroy humanity? When Jesus was taken
out of the womb
of Mary, didnt He provide the entrance to eternal life, that we might have the full restoration of that which
Satan had destroyed? Now, we could explain that, if we had time, but, I just want you to think on that a little
bit. So then, if you notice, everything at the time went into reverse.
1 It is a true fact that Adam was swallowed up by the beastly intelligence of Satan. Thats what brought the
world into existence, right there. Now, do you understand what I am saying? Now, listen real close. The Bible
said, He that hath an ear, let him hear, what the Spirit saith unto the church. I dont want you to just hear
what Brother Pikes saying, I want you to hear what the Holy Ghost is saying to you. As a minister, I speak to
you by oral expression or organic sound. You receive that into your human intelligence. Look at the Cain
perspective. Cain was just as religious as Abel; so then, you will do everything that a son of God does. You are
a perfect mimic of God in your minds; but, the Spirit of Love, which fulfills the Law of the letter, is absent
from your heart, therefore, you cannot gender active faith, which produces the fruits of the Spirit in your life.
So then, having a knowledge of Truth, without an act of performance in the outer creature, the condemnation
of our heart destroys the lifeline of faith, through intellectual reasoning, like it did to Eve, she, being the
weaker species of life, which represents the outer creature of the flesh, the feminine aspect of our subject.
Now, let us look at the other side of life. The revelation of the oral or human expression goes into the heart.
This is the inner man, the stronger species or masculine perspective. (Adam) By this, we see the inner
kingdom of God. There are twins born in every revival.
2 Alright now, listen to this real close. Repentance cannot provide eternal securities, but rather, the activated
foreknowledge of God, is the Word of eternal life. By the same means and measures, the world became
3 We see, by this, that the world must, of necessity, go through a translation, to bring it out from under the
curse. Everything has to be transformed or translated. Alright, if it has to be translated, to get back to the
original, then, it must have been translated in reverse, to leave the original. It has to be that way. For instance,
to give an illustration that will clear up some of the things Ive been teaching, look at a rat. Is a rat, the right
thing in the earth? Isnt he a pestilence, like a murderer, a whoremonger, a liar, a cheat, or a robber; these
intellectual sharks, that call themselves good businessmen, that went off to college somewhere, to learn how
to take you for everything youve got because of the inadequacy of your knowledge concerning the laws and
governments of the land. Truly, if people are symbolical of waters, then, the waters of this world, certainly are
infested with sharks and an awful lot of big fat lazy whales that just lay around doing nothing, ready to gulp
down anything that comes their way. Oh, that God would give us a few spiritual porpoises to clean up the
mess and to help save lives by eliminating a few sharks.
4 Now, you can readily see that this is life in captivity, because it is the same life that you possess. The life is
pure, and goes back to God, who gave it, at the death of perverted image. It is the perverted mind that
misuses the innocent life. Its the same life on the inside, but its in captive138
ity to that satanic mind, that uses the body and mental faculties, for the lust of the flesh. Your fable religious
convictions are of the same principle. We see that life went into captivity in the Garden, when Gods life in
Adam went under the control of the beastly mind that was in Eve. This means that life is perverted. Now,
what do you want to do? Kill the rat! Is that right? He is one of the most undesirable characters that I know
of. Flies are the same way. What do you want to do? Kill them of course, because they are pestilences that rob
you of your peace, joy and all good things. You must destroy them, for that is the only way to preserve life in
the earth. These creatures are trespassers, which are always in violation of the laws of life, and do continually
improach upon your rights, robbing you of your morals, your virtues, your joy and your substance. It is well
stated that Satan is a thief and a robber, who robs you of your health and your loved ones.
1 Christ comes to restore and to give life more abundantly. Satan knows that when our morals and virtues of
life are gone, that God hath no more control or place in the earth. If he then, can, by medical science, instigate
a method of preservation for natural life, he will have triumphed. He will then continue to corrupt the
government and the laws until he hath turned the whole world into a cesspool of iniquity, by means of
indecency and corrupt society. He hath one hope of continuation, and that is by means of reproduction,
whether it is through over-indulgence or illegitimate acts, he doesnt care if the aged ones die, so long as there
are new bodies of youth and physical strength. But, he fails to recognize the fact, that the judgements of God
on imperfection, will eventually be responsible for the complete annihilation of man from off the face of the
earth. He hopes to offset this, by holding in captivity, a few of the children of God. These hostages have the
favour of God, and if he can prevent their perfection of faith, Christ cannot return for them; for, it must be a
church without spot, wrinkle or blemish at His returning. The prevailing blood of Jesus, will not allow God to
destroy the earth as long as there are believers here, for, they are the salt or the preservative of the earth. It is
the absence of godly presence, which causes disease. To escape physical decay caused by the increase of
disease; demons, like rats, must always change their nest.
2 What is Gods interest in my life? Is it praying, fasting, giving or going to church? This is all secondary, for,
what God wants is virtue. A virtuous womans price is far above rubies. God would like for me to be able to
instigate the mind of Christ in you, so as to convey His understanding to you, that the Spirit of God may find
an entrance into your life, so as to produce virtuous qualities, that will result into a complete transformation
of your life, and this, by a heavenly transition of His own divine ingenuity, until there is a complete
eradication of every evil spot, wrinkle or blemish of your personage, presenting unto Himself, an equivalence
of His own glorious image, through the gentle persuasion of His dove-like voice, and the loss of your identity
in death, that you might be identified with Him in life.
3 Folks, as a whole, dont believe in witches. Well, I dont believe in them either; I believe in Christ, but, my
brother, youd better understand one thing, that a witch can do what she says she can, if she can capture your
faith and interest. She is helpless, without a subject to work with. Even so, the Spirit of God is limited, and
becomes helpless in your behalf, it He does not have a believing subject. Fortune tellers can do certain things.
I know there are a lot of make-believe preachers; but, you do have some that really have something from
God; that can raise the dead, open the blind eyes, and heal the sick. There are some true preachers, and some
of them are more matured in their growth than others, because, in the God-life, you have different stages of
growth and different phases of the ministry; but, you also have legions of religious and devilish witches out
there; and, you also have a group of religious fortune tellers; or it is better stated, a religious group of fortune
hunters; for, they are nothing more than showmen. They all have some kind of gimmick that they work; and,
they are well trained by Satan in their performance, insomuch as it would deceive the very elect, if it were
possible; but, predestinated elect are sealed by foreknowledge, and cannot be deceived or lost. Nothing can
separate them from the love of God, Paul said. Now, there are people that have familiar spirits, who can
actually enter into another world, going beyond the veil; their spirit, being absent from their body, just as a
man of God can do; and they tell you whats going on in your life. Devils are not ignorant of the truth, nor are
they cut off from the knowledge of God, as pertaining to the veil part of life. If they were, they would not be
guilty of transgression, and could not be justly judged as evil doers. The problem with them is the lack of
performance in holy things, because God cannot dwell in them, to give them strength to fulfil His purpose;
thus, they are cut off from life. I once knew an old woman in the areas of Forsyth, Georgia, that celebrities
and dignitaries frequently visited; so I understood, but, they eventually murdered the woman, for, she
actually knew you, and could tell you about your life; no kidding about it! This is the principle reason that
God gave a command to destroy witches, necromancers, sorcerers and such like, in the Old Testament. These
were mediators between man and the spiritual world; Satans tools in the earth, by which, he could, through
supernatural means, pervert man, control, and misuse him, by placing fear into his heart, in that he could not
understand spiritual things. These people, like Balaam, had gifts in their lives, but submitted them unto the
contrary powers. In so doing, they brought the wrath of God upon them. The Bible tells us that if a false
prophet prophecies something, and it comes to pass, let the people know that I am trying those people. If an
evangelist, pastor, preacher or teacher comes, and he can do something supernatural, and will not line up
with the Word, be it known unto you, that God is trying His people, to see if they will stay with His Word.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but the Word will not pass away. He that God sendeth, will not boast
himself of miracles, because there are lying signs and wonders. God did not say, Go, and work miracles. He
said, Preach the Word, and then, these signs shall automatically follow you.
1 Now, as pertaining to the bewitching part of our subject, Paul said, Who hath bewitched thee, Oh foolish
Galatians, that ye should not obey the Truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ, evidently was set forth and
Let it be known unto the reader, that evil spirits are real, and that the God-Spirit and the evil satanic spirit
are different, altogether, but, when God made Lucifer, He made him upright. The Scriptures state that there
was no iniquity found within him, until he perverted his way before God. Devils are evil angels or spirits.
Take the letter d off of the word devil and it is evil. Evil spirits are still a form of life-perverted life,
contrary to godliness, but, being spirits, they know what is going on in the spiritual world, and they hold the
truth in unrighteousness, to use it for their own selfish purposes. The life of what the witch is doing, is just as
godly as the life of what the minister is doing. Its the same God. Somebody might say, Brother Pike, that
cant be! Alright, lets see if it can be. When the devil came into the Garden, and spoke through Eve, who
was it? Somebody would say quickly, That was Satan. Sure! But, now tell me this, how did the devil ever
get life to begin with? How did he ever come into existence, to begin with? Where did he come from to start
with? He did not just hatch himself out. God created him, the same life in perversion, the same knowledge in
perversion, a church world in perversion. So, you see, it is perverted life in action. You can always recognize it
by its trait of misusing the Scriptures and the creature of God. I hope that you understand what I am saying.
So then, Gods life went into a rat, represents the embodiment, or the bodily envelopment of the evil spirit.
The truth, changed into a lie, dwells inside, for Satan is the father of liars.
2 If you want to make it a little more brief, well just refer to the embodiment as a serpent. If you can
understand, it represented God, veiling Himself in darkness, by means of types and shadows. If God was life,
going into the veil of darkness, then, thats the way that the world became existent, because this world is a
world of darkness. It is Davids valley of types and shadows. Everything tangible in an image of darkness. It is
a veil in which God lives, the grain within the husk. God did that so as to veil Himself in the ear of corn, and
in the trees; and also, in water, blood, and all forms of matter, so that, in time and ages to come, He might
make Himself manifest to the human intelligence, by means of divine perception and revelation; that is to say,
reveal Himself, from within every tangible substance, unto the glorifying and transformation of the outer
image; bringing to light, a world of glory, by spiritually dissolving the outer crust, by means of divine
transformation, the inner life, being revealed, thus, becoming a revealed knowledge and a proven life of
substance to mankind, compelling or commanding mans attention to Gods own lovely state of being, in that
man, at last, not only comprehends the fact that God is his creator, but, his very life and substance, so that his
means of survival is God altogether; the God, or life knowledge, as a heavenly substance, filling all the earth,
bringing glory and inspiration to your intelligence, after He has already educated you with the types of
darkness. God said, Paul, take the Revelation, go turn my people from types to spiritual reality, turn them
from darkness, that is to say, from their carnal concept of God. To understand God, Who is a Spirit, it is
necessary, first of all, to have the natural understanding of life, which is a derivative from the first birth; then,
one must know, symbolically speaking, what each individual thing in
life represents God-wise. The results are the development of a spiritual or dimensional comprehension and
understanding, which will transform, translate and transfigure ones own person and being, into a glorious
image of God. Inasmuch as ones understanding has comprehended the heights, depths and widths of
godliness, that is to say, the mind of Christ; his understanding has thus become a spiritual God-power of
divine illumination, which has so activated your tangible and verbal potentials of life, that you have suddenly
changed worlds, and that, from glory to glory, from inspiration to inspiration, your inner man hath dwelt
within the night of the carnal mind, whereas you have suddenly awakened from a life of dreaming, a world of
darkness, to a reality of light and day, which is the Mind of Christ. When we begin to think like this, it is
evident that we are headed for a redemption of the body.
1 The Bible teaches us that if that light within you be darkness, how great is that darkness. Remember Satan
is a form of life, which means, as God, he is a form of light. Remember, light and darkness refers to
knowledge. So, it is perverted knowledge. It will only deepen the depth of despair and ignorance, making one
wise in his own conceit. A trinitarian concept of God, is an intellectual forerunner of types, which is the
religious husk that the swine do feed themselves with, ever learning, and never coming to the knowledge of
the truth. If your eyes be single (eyes of understanding), then, you are not double-minded; you can see what
God is doing. You are filled with the light of God or godly understanding, beholding God, as a oneness, and
not as a trinitarian veil, though God veils Himself in the types and shadows of darkness; yet, the shuck of the
corn divides itself into many directions.
2 Let us consider life within the veil. They used to have a song, which stated, Latch on to the affirmative,
eliminate the negative, but dont mess with the in between. Now, if youll notice, when life went into the veil,
it continued on and on to Calvary; but, at Calvary, instead of taking a woman out of a man, God reversed it
and took man out of the woman. This day, it is in reverse, because this went in reverse in the Garden, by
taking the woman out of the man. So then, the correction of it was to take a man out of a woman. Somebody
said, Now, Brother Pike, youre crazy. No, Im not crazy. If Adam went into Eve as the first man Adam,
then, it stands to reason that if shes the mother of all living, then, Mary would be part of Eve. In that, Mary,
is a part of Eve, then, extensively speaking, that which went in at the Garden, was the Son of God Adam, he
that knew no sin, in that Adam, the son of God, was not in the transgression, but the woman, who is the
church. In other words, this is what happened to you and me: the inner you and the outer you, the inner you,
representing Christ, the male part, while, the outer you represents the woman, the flesh. The Law of the
Spirit explains this, in that he used the terms, that inwardly, there was will toward good, but outwardly, how
to perform this good, Paul said, I find not. So then, to will this present, but how to perform that which is
good, I find not. I am become a victim of circumstances and environment, oh wretched man that I am. Who
shall deliver me from the body of this death? We are free from the imperfections of the body, by the death of
the second man Adams body, at Calva142
ry, and alive by Christ, who is the resurrection and life at the right hand of the Father, His righteousness, His
majesty, His power in the earth, to all mankind; the temple or tabernacle of God, among men.
1 Let us elaborate, for just a moment on this subject, in revealing its dimensional depths. Remember, after
the death of your body at Calvary, your spirit went back to God, who gave it. So then, your spirit has been
translated into His Kingdom, the catching up of the manchild as quick as he is born. Your new body, eternal
in the heavens, which is represented by Christs new body in the heavens, shall, at His coming, break forth
from within the spiritual dimension, transforming or swallowing up the human body. Your body, which now
exists, being dead by Jesus body, shall suddenly be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, from
mortality to immortality.
2 Remember now, straight up and down is vertical, while, cross-wise is horizontal. Now, let us see what is
meant by Calvary and the cross. The God-nature of Christ within man, crosses the outer nature of the beast,
man; the conflict between the earthly and the heavenly. Paul speaks of this continual warfare, which exists
between the inner and the outer man. Thats where your cross comes in. Ones got to die on it. Youve got to
leave the old man hanging there, for, they that are Christs have crucified the flesh, with the lusts thereof;
mortifying the deeds of the body. Though the outer man perishes, yet, the inner man is renewed day by day.
3 Look at what really took place by Calvary, in your behalf. Watch closely now. Herein is seen the greatest of
world dramas, the greatest battle that was ever fought. Watch the conflict, as the two all-time great
champions face each other: the battle, between Jesus and Christ. Though we know that Jesus was without sin,
yet, being made our sin, He had to become the last man, Adam in His body, as a living soul, subject to all the
vanities of life, to be the sacrifice, He had to be without spot, wrinkle or blemish. Here, we see the creature,
struggling to contest, against its Creator, though, there is no contest between man and God; yet, inasmuch as
God has subjected man unto vanity, Satan has taken advantage, and has set up a kingdom within man; and,
from within, this beastly part, by means of the tree of knowledge, wages war against God; even God, Who is
the owner and creator of this temple; Satan, within Gods temple, showing that he is God, and, by means of a
perverted form of life and knowledge, he rules the universe and mankind; also, having control over the
spiritual world, in that he holds in hostage, the creature of God, causing God, Himself, to be in such a great
state of imposition, that He cannot do anything about it. Now, Satan thinks he has already got things fixed up,
and he really has. It appears that, because of mans weakness, he has outsmarted God. There is only one thing
left. If there could be just one near kinsman of the flesh, he would be heir to all of Gods creation. If he could
live an overcoming life, he would have the right to redeem all that Adam lost; and then, he could start a new
generation, and a new world. Can he do it? There is no one left! Satan has them all! Every child thats born,
has the spirit of sin within its heart and bloodstream, in that God has made all nations of the one Adam blood.
So then, God, Himself, veiled in human flesh, subjected to vanity and
passions, must, of necessity, meet Satan face to face. This is what your cross represents: Light versus
darkness, and Life versus death. My, what a battle, such as the world has never known! The battle of the
heavenlies, the invisible forces of God and Satan, clashing, and the innocent body of a harmless Lamb, caught
in between. He has, for thirty-three years, withstood Satan, and stood, without spot, wrinkle or blemish; the
only living creature Who could make this statement, The prince of this world cometh, but, he hath no part in
Me! Now, that He has withstood Satans mighty impacts; having overcome passion and fleshly appetites of
the body, His greatest agony is yet to come, for Satans enticing, alluring, seductive impacts hold no
comparison with the fury and wrath of God which He has yet to face. This mighty battle between Satan and
God has begun.
1 Typically speaking, here is Satan, using the body of the Lord Jesus, to wage war against the inner Christ, of
the Almighty God. Satan, working from without the human body, has, through mans sensual facilities, by
means of mans beastly part, waged war against the inner Kingdom of God and Christs inner nature. Man
has taken on a split personality unawares, and has found himself, from within, engaged to continual warfare
against himself, which is without. Satan is trying to possess the life, which is within the body, that he may
establish his own perverted nature; whereas God has made the life within the body, so that He may establish
therein, His nature.
2 Either the outer or the inner man will eventually submit to one or another of the two powers. It must be
God, within the inner Christ, or Satan, within the outer Jesus. One must surrender. Remember, Jesus was
made sin, though He knew no sin. Satan was not in Jesus, neither could he get into Jesus, but the God-life had
to withdraw from the unspotted Lamb, just long enough to let Satan overshadow it, and make it sin, that God
might release all of His fury and fiery indignation against the first man and his descendants, the beastly
image of perversion and corruption. So then, the Spirit had won, and the body had lost. Satan and the beast
image had lost the battle. The only part that is hard to comprehend, is that, in the battle, it appears that all of
Gods plans in making Himself a bodily image, has gone down the drain. But, wait just a minute! Has God
really failed? Weve been smitten for sin; weve suffered without the gates; as in the days of Moses and the
time of sacrifice, our outward parts, having been taken away from the inward parts. By the consuming fire of
the God of Calvary, our outer beastly part is burned without the gates. We have been torn in half. Our inner
parts have been received of God, on the altar of sacrifice. Our blood, through Christ, has been received as an
atonement for our soul, in that we are His great body. Our spirit has been turned into sweet-smelling incense.
The Holy Spirit, the mighty intercessor of God, has taken it into the Holies of Holies, and our inner man is hid
with Christ in God, Whom the heavens have received, until the redemption of the body, which is the great
3 So then, Gods plan has not failed. It is obviously seen, that Satan has played right into the hands of God,
and all of this was His plans and foreknowledge from the beginning. He has created a beastly form, exposed it
to the radiance of His shekinah glory in the Garden, subjected it to vanity,
placed Christ, the Hope of glory, within it, purged, processed, tutored, and is now transforming the inner
man, by means of godliness and Calvary, that, extensively speaking, it may mature, in due season, by change,
into the glorious image and liberties of the Son of God, subsequent to God, as His own divine image; that, in
the eternities or ages to come, He might be identified with Christ, projecting the riches and glories of
godliness. This maturity is by the resurrection of Christ, unto our justification, even though the redemption of
our body is acknowledge by the receiving of the Jew, the catching away of the manchild, and the Book of
Revelation. Even though the spiritual perspective to the church has been accomplished, yet, that is the
invisible union of Christ and the Bride. The Lord Jesus body does not return, until it returns to the Jew. His
Spirit has already returned, and the inner or spiritual work of His high office or priesthood has been
accomplished; yet, the reign as a King or the Son of David, the bodily part, which is Jesus, is identified with
the Jews. When the Spirit of Christ, along with the spirit of the Bride, unites with the soul of Christ, and the
soul of the church, and when the soul of Christ unites with the body of Christ, and the body of Christ unties
with the Jew body, this will be the witting of the redemption of our body; Paul said, Life from the dead.
In that the Jews are considered dead to God, they represent our body, which will be redeemed, that is coming
to bring the resurrection. He is a quickening Spirit of translation or revelation to the Bride. He is a mind or
knowledge of truth, a soul of power, sovereignty and decision to the church; while, at the same time, He is a
glorified body of resurrection and transformation to the Jew.
1 The trinitarian dissecting of Calvary, representing the three sectional massive bodies of the people: JewCatholic-Protestant, must, of necessity, re-unite in a great confederation of government and religion, to show
the invisible work of Christ completely. Remember, His appearing is the second time without sin unto
salvation; the invisible Christ, that the world cannot see, like a thief within the dark veil of human knowledge,
the dark night of mans reasoning.
2 Beneath it all, Christ is stealing her away, translating or rapturing her into the inner Kingdom of God; her
body, dead, so far as the beastly part of Eves transgression, the spirit, having gone back to God at the death
of the body, for, if there is no body of sin, the spirit wish with God, and the wall of partition (beast mind) is
gone, the beasts body, having been dissolved, with the coming of His great revelational Light, that destroys
the perverted image, by means of divine change and transformation, through the purging and renovation of
God, the consuming fire. She is suddenly found, returning at the resurrection of her body, which is eternal, in
the heavens, not made with hands; for, Paul said, If this body be dissolved, we have another, eternal, in the
heavens, not made with hands, a body in the Spirit, which is called a spiritual body.
3 Now then, if Gods Word is His own spiritual constitution, that was manifested as a fleshly human body,
dont be shocked at what I am about to say, for God is not running behind at all, neither has he delayed His
coming, which shall be unto the Jews. He has not left His work undone. He said at Calvary, It Is Finished.
It just took a matter of time, through
At this point, let us take notice. The formulated expressions that we use, so often camouflage what we say;
so then, our inner understanding has become a veiled mystery, when we did not intend it that way; for, Paul
said, concerning tongues, Howbeit, in the Spirit, they do speak mysteries. By this, we are made to
understand what Jesus meant, when He used the expression, Take heed, as to how you hear. Now, let me
illustrate what I am trying to convey to your understanding.
2 By Gods Word, there comes forth a divine illumination of the Eternal Spirit. The misty cloud, with its
silver lining, the misty veil of divine illumination, creates an activeness within your heart, by magnetizing it
with the love of God. This religious magnetism, in return, becomes an activation, or means of contact with the
supernatural. Then, we are partakers of the heavenly auspices of God.
3 Consider an intellectual tutor. He is a type of the God-teacher. He seeks to establish within the human
understanding, a formulated means of comprehension and expression. Through these means and measures,
he can develop a great specimen, which is not primitive, and which will not be a conglomeration of confused
endeavors, during its life-time. Here we see a conglomeration of confused endeavors, during its life-time. Here
we see a type of what revelation really is. A very simplified expression is in the system of numerical order. If
we know that two plus two makes four; what proof can we offer. Where did the four come from? We did not
have a four to begin with, neither did the teachers give us the four. Then, again, I say, Where does it come
from? You see, your four is the revelation; the once hidden, but now, the revealed answer to your mystery. It
is a derivative from your constitutional system of numerical order.
4 Now, at this point, perhaps I can tell you what I am trying to express. For instance, if I use the terminology,
saying, The world came into existence, then, I have camouflaged the truth, not meaning to, for the world
could not come into existence, for, what existence is there for the world to come into. So then, the proper
terms would be, that the world became existent. Proper English, would, perhaps, be into existence; but, let
us not forget that the natural is the veil of the supernatural or invisible. Paul tells us that the visible exists by
means of the invisible. I hope that you can be perceptive, so as to grasp Gods point of view in a matter. It is so
beautifully and cleverly concealed, that even a genius cannot enter into it. Einstein, with the theory of
relativity, was only a symbol of the great actuality of God.
5 Once again, let us elaborate. We can see that mass matter, or atomic energies, is only a constitution or the
embodiment of the pre-existent; and yet, when you say pre-existent, you may still miss the meaning; that is to
say, that the invisible does not exist. It is pre-existent. Existence itself, is the embodiment of the pre-existence.
So then, what shall we say? The infinite has verily clothed and adorned itself in a majestic array of outward
beauty, or materialistic splendours. You see, that the infinite, in taking on the fashions of the finite, hath
become a great majesty of existence.
2 Now then, typically speaking, if the majesty of the existent is only a mould for the non-existent, and the
beauty of that which is seen, is only the result of a seepage, which is streaming from the interior, then, we are
made to understand Pauls glass darkly. Isnt it a true fact, that the radiance of a beautiful flower, along with
its glorious fragrance, is only the result of the constituted elements which have, in part, over a period of time,
been furnished by the unselfish activity of the water or the saps, the inner life? So then, picking up the
elements of the inward earth, it hath gloriously brought forth a beautiful presentation of its lovely apparel
and hath, without oral expression, given in detail, a full declaration of its state of being, showing forth the
entirely of its operation, purpose and magnificence in the earth. So then, if this be the case of tangible matter,
then, the verbal inspiration of human composition is only an intuition of a godly expression. A careful analysis
of any created form of matter will reveal the purpose and plan of God in mankind. A more simple term of
expression would be that the beauty and radiance of the act of creation was only an outward expression of the
already existing or concealed compositories; that is to say, the hidden elements of life.
3 Again, what shall we say to these things? God is trying to tell us that if we open the mould, after that the
image has thoroughly been constituted and replenished, we will find the inward nuggets of great value.
Though it be an invisible substance, yet, it is comprehensible, a world of hidden beauty. Dissolve the outer
crust, and the reality of the inner is made manifest. We can see by this, that intellectual defining, is for the sole
purpose of inner development.
4 Notice that a child is in paradise, until the age of accountability. What is the age of accountability? When it
discovers the tree of knowledge of good and evil. When it partakes of this understanding, the garden of youth,
of beauty and innocence, fades into obscurity. Misery and death begins its course to take their toll.
5 Alright now, can you grasp what I mean by translation? If we use the terms, evolving or evolution, this
would be a vague expression of transformation. Look at this for just a minute! Consider just one perspective
of the statements of Jesus. Let us use Einsteins formula, typically speaking. Look, at how astounding it is, as
forms of matter diminish into nothing. What is meant by the statement of Jesus, My Words are Spirit, and
they are Life? One thing is that the Word is like a penetrating oil; a discerner of the thoughts and the intents
of the heart. It revelates your innermost being, and brings to surface, our hidden or innermost thoughts,
making your conscience manifest to the naked eye. It divides and categorizes your spiritual, intestinal and
organic parts, and their functionings; even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, to the separation of the
marrow from the bone. These words can transform, translate or transfigure you. They can, through the act of
demolition and reconstruction, regenerate and reconstitute the entirety of your framework, not only from
the humanitarian side of it, but, by the spoken Word of the sons of God, they can rejuvenate and re-arrange
the whole earth, thus making your life the exhibited Christ.
1 When Jesus said Words of life, what He was saying was, that oral expression is the formulated
constitutional projection of God, Himself. Foreknowledge, which is the pre-determined thoughts of God, is, in
reality, Words of life to them who are deserving of the benefits or the message which is sent forth to the hearer
or the believer. What is meant by this? It simply means that, if the foreknowledge, as Peter has stated, Hath,
before our birth, made us elect of God, by predetermined means or measures, thus establishing our
boundaries in life; then we, as recipients of this God-news or glad tidings of great joy, become partakers of
our life-given benefits which were given to us in Christ before the world ever was. So then, what is it? A
revelation! See? It is our pre-determined destiny, or predestination into eternal life, eternal existence, eternal
joy, with all the brilliance and radiance that God-life can offer, with all sufficiency, our cup running over, it is
eternal abundant life.
2 We say again, that Words of Life means the revealed contents of the predetermined life belongs to them.
The word, thus has become creative, in that, by faith, they believe in this vocal or word expression of the
predetermined, and the pre-arranging of their lives. This causes the powers of God to become activated in a
re-creational act, by means of their inner man; and through opportunity of humanitarian submission; this, in
result, glorifies the outer man; so, give Him your spirit and your thoughts, and He will pull you right into the
infinite, burning the chaff out as you go. Give Satan your spirit, and your transformation will result in death
and eternal separation from God, for He said, concerning the resurrection, In the morning, I will hate or
despise your image. (beast image, body of Satan)
3 Folks, very truthfully, everything is non-existent except truth itself. The Spirit of Truth is the only selfsupporting, self sustaining and self-existent one. So then, everything that is born of Truth, hath its eternal
qualities, and cannot perish. This is why Jesus said that if we speak one word against the Spirit of Truth, that
our spirit, by this inspirational utterance, is forever and eternally cut off from life, because, it is the only
source of life. So then, you see, the secret to the whole things is faith in God, the Spiritual Word-mind of
foreknowledge. Faith in the Eternal Spirit, by medium of Christ, the atoning Word of revelation, can
translate our outer beings into His glorious image.
4 Look at Enoch. He pleased God. How did he please God? By faith, of course, for, we are told in the Holy
Scriptures, Without faith, it is impossible to please God. What is meant by this word, pleasing? Alright,
lets illustrate. Let me see, if, by descriptive means, I can depict to your mind what I am saying. In your
human relation with your companion, are there words of expression for your pleasure or state of ecstasy? In
its likeness of the new birth and the translation, it so excels, that even Solomon, in all his wisdom, stated,
One thing, I cannot understand, the way of a man with a maid. So, you see, the word, pleasing, means
inner pleasure, the intermingling or integrating of your spirit and His; divine integration, pinpointed in such
a way, that it goes beyond a hairs breadth. The intermingling is so precise, it is as though a misty cloud would
submerge into another, and then, the sunlight would melt them both into nothingness via vapourizing, to a
greater point of vapourization than what they are. They have become so, that now they are just part of the
rays of light, so that they are extinct, as far as sight is concerned. So, it was with Enoch. He so purified his
spirit by the Spirit of God, through the medium of faith, that he was not, for God took him. In part, he just
kept sipping in a little of the Eternal Spirit at a time.
1 His confidence, which was his faith, because of a clear conscience, kept growing in relationship with God,
that is according to the needed measure, burst forth in his being, and, like the illumination of Moses, his blood
genetics became so illuminated, in that man is already a composition of electrical sparks, that the entirety of
his being was swallowed up in godly radiance, and every satanic imperfection was eradicated.
2 What really caused this to take place? I can tell you, but can you fathom what I am saying? It was faith! No
just a faith, which means from part to part, or from faith to faith; not a revelation, but it was the faith, the
constituted parts to a oneness, so that faith was made perfect. Contend for the faith that was once delivered
unto the saint Enoch! From measure to measure and glory to glory, from faith to faith, we are changed into
His glorious image, the image that was lost when Adam took on imperfection.
3 The further man traveled, coming down through the genealogies of his pilgrimage, chronologically
speaking, his imperfection grew to a greater measure as his lifeline continued to shorten, so that his children
of posterity in the earth, have come to a total consummation, which is shown by the death of Jesus at Calvary,
and there is no escape, except by Calvary.
4 Now, look at it in reverse! By faith of Calvary, we take on perfection and put off imperfection. Now, as
imperfection has reigned unto death, so shall perfection reign unto life; but, you say, How can this be, or
with what body can the dead come forth? Paul said, Oh, thou fool! Does it stand to reason that if the great
God of heaven could place within His human machine, a depraved mind of frustration and debauchery, to
develop or humble, and to bring it to a place of godly recognition, so that it might see its need for the Spirit of
Life. If God has so schooled and tutored His creature by this mind or by law of sin and shame, unto death,
can He not, in return, place within His creature, a mind of purity, of joy and hope, to rearrange and to refrain
from the act of demolition, and mete out to the apple of his eye, a constructive rehabilitation to life?
5 If the subjection is for the purpose, by use of time elements and seasons, to subdue and abuse the bodily
framework to its original and elementary composition, this being for the purpose of letting it know that its
existence and dependability hinges altogether on the Spirit of Life; so then, the creature has been subjected to
vanity, by reason of God, giving it the hope of glory, through Christ, of a more blissful and superb state of
existence, thus, faith is born. Having been separated from its godly position and securities, the need for life is
now recognized within the creature. In search
of a remedy, faith suddenly comes to light or birth. So, we see, by this, that from faith to faith, beginning with
the instigation of Calvary, we are being changed into the predetermined image of Gods foreknowledge; that
is to say, Christ.
1 Now, let us formulate our thoughts, so we can get the fullness of the expression. Lets capture the intents of
Gods heart. Paul speaks of the measures of faith, every man and his measure. He also speaks of the measures
of the mind of Christ, which he refers to as the Gospel. He calls it knowledge in part. Again, he speaks of a
pre-ordination of a full measure unto a full stature of Christ, yet, Jesus said, Thirty-fold, sixty-fold, and an
hundred-fold, while we say, body, soul and spirit.
2 Let us consider it after this fashion, from the aspect of relativity. Let us say that a measure of faith is
relative to a measure of the mind of Christ, or Gospel knowledge in part; and also, that a measure of a mind
of the Word knowledge in relative to the measure of the Spirit; for, Paul speaks of the Spirit, by measure. This
of course, is God, as the Holy Ghost. We are taught to be filled with the Spirit. We are also taught that Jesus
returned in the power of the Spirit, which, of course, is virtue, by which our body is charged or illuminated,
as the inner man continues his relation or fellowship with the Holy Spirit. This virtue is what healed the little
woman. So, you see, that virtue is power.
3 By this, we can see that, whereas imperfection reigned unto death, that perfection is reigning unto life. The
mind of Satan, being the tutor, from measure to measure, brought man to death, by means of an eternal
separation from God, for each measure of growth in iniquity brought a greater generation, until the full cup
had to be drank by Christ as He prayed, Father, let this cup pass from Me, nevertheless, not My will, but
Thy will be done. God, knowing that this was the only way that He could make an eternal creature,
processed him, and then, came to suffer the penalty of his fate, Oh, what love!
4 Now, look at this, as we go uphill from Calvary. The grade is steep, but not too strenuous for the inner Godstrength. At the birth of the church, it is but an infant, but, remember, the measure of knowledge, according
to its age and season; this, of course, being cell upon cell, is comprehended by the individual, a divine
transformating glory, being released from his inner being; that is to say, a spiritual relativity.
5 A brief explanation of what I mean is that God is an existing mind. So then, all that exists, whether visible
or invisible, tangible or non-tangible, the entirety of consistency is termed as one thing; an eternal
composition of living and creative thoughts that are relative one to another, and are spiritually diagnosed as a
creational act of constitution, according to the desire of godliness, whether by divine providence or through
faith in ones heart.
6 A thirty-fold, toward the increase of the fullness of the stature, may result in death; and even with a sixtyfold, you may go by way of the grave, but, should we obtain an hundred-fold, this results in translation. Now,
I am not perverting the Word. Those that are in the grave, shall also be resurrected, but, my brother and
sister in Christ, I would have you to under151
stand, that a natural comprehension of godliness, as to the accepting or acknowledging that God is the creator
of the worlds of mankind, is good for the first dimensional step; and it is a good foundation for a second
dimensional acknowledgement of an intellectual concept of godliness, as pertaining to the understanding of
God, but, neither of these are to be compared to the last dimensional or revelated spiritual acknowledging of
God, which is received by the triple composing of the natural, physical and spiritual, into a oneness with God.
Did Jesus do the same thing that Enoch did? Most assuredly, He did! What did He do? First, he perfected
holiness in the fear of God. This resulted in a fixed heart, which produced the perfected faith. The writer said,
We wish even this, the perfecting of your faith, which faith worketh by God, the Spirit of Love, charity, the
bond of perfectness. The results of a perfect faith was a pure heart. The Spirit of God, flowing through His
life, without hindrance, transfigured His body, as He appeared in the fullness of Gods glory on the mount of
transfiguration; not a glory in part, but, the constituted measures, because the constituted measures of faith
had become The Faith. See, the constituted measures of the God-knowledge had unveiled a constituted
measure of glory, by means of a constituted measure of faith; perfect knowledge brought perfect faith. Perfect
faith brought perfect glory, for, when that which is perfect is come, part is done away with, in that charity is
that which is perfect. Once that it emerges in our heart, it bonds together the stones that were in part, just as
it does the membership in the church, charity, being the bond that holds together, or that which constitutes
perfection by constructive means. If then, having finished its work by the act of patience, for the Bible tells us
to let patience have its perfect work; it then results or transpires into the glorious, the bright and brilliant
daystar, which is Christ within you, the hope of glory. Paul said, I travail, until Christ be formed within
1 Now then, it is no more you that liveth, but Christ that liveth within you, and the life that you now live, in
the outer man, you live, by the Son of God; therefore, your fruit remaineth. Ask what you will, and it shall be
done unto you. Say, what you will, for the perfect faith will not let you doubt in your heart, and you shall have
whatsoever you say; for now, ye are the heir, even Christ, the sole heir, to all the glories of God. Now, with
Christ, you can say to the Nicodemuses of this world, The old world and the old man is passed away. I am in
heaven, and behold, all things are new. I have, in these heavenly places, passed from death unto life. I have
found perfect peace, for, my mind is continually stayed upon God. All the paths that I walk in are peace,
because they are His paths. My heart is in heaven, for, this is where my treasures are. My conversation is in
heaven, for, I dwell in these heavenly places. In that I have abode in the shadow of the Almighty, I now dwell
in the secret place of the Most High. The angels of God encamp around about me, and God, Himself, is in my
midst. I shall not suffer want, for I am made to lie down in His green pastures. No evil thing shall befall me,
for all things work together for my good. I delight myself in Him, so that the desires of my heart are satisfied.
Death is swallowed up in victory, for death has lost its sting, and the grave has lost its victory, for I have,
through Calvary, by faith, been translated into the Marvelous Kingdom of God.