TS-BR-FIN-Assign Cost of Sales As Robbery Value Field

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Technical Specification

Assign Cost of Sales as Robbery Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

Table of Contents:
How to use this Document.........................................................................................................................0.0
General Information and History...............................................................................................................1.0
Functional Specification............................................................................................................................2.0
Business Requirement...........................................................................................................................2.1
Alternatives and Recommended Approach...........................................................................................2.2
Design Objectives..................................................................................................................................2.3
Effort Hours and Resources...................................................................................................................2.7
Functional Dependencies.......................................................................................................................2.8
Operational Considerations.......................................................................................................................3.0
Relevant Screen Flow / Field Mapping.................................................................................................3.1
Error Handling.......................................................................................................................................3.2
Run Details............................................................................................................................................3.3
Notes for Integration Testing.................................................................................................................3.4
Data / New Table Information...............................................................................................................3.5
Development Unit Testing.........................................................................................................................4.0
Technical Specification..............................................................................................................................5.0
High-level Technical Design and Flow.................................................................................................5.0
Revised Estimate...................................................................................................................................5.1
End-User Impact....................................................................................................................................5.2
Pseudo-Code for Programs....................................................................................................................5.3
Transport Strategy..................................................................................................................................5.7
IDOC/ALE Details................................................................................................................................5.8
Form and Report Specific Information..................................................................................................5.9
Interface Specific Information.............................................................................................................5.10
Conversion Specific Information.........................................................................................................5.11
Enhancement Specific Information.....................................................................................................5.12
Workflow Specific Information...........................................................................................................5.13
EDI-Specific Information....................................................................................................................5.14
Development Issues / Concerns.................................................................................................................6.0
Attachments and Documentation...............................................................................................................7.0

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

0.0 How to use this Document:

When to use this template
This template should be used to detail SAP system developments. This document should only be created
after a Development Request has been submitted and approved by the FRICE Approval Committee.
Custom Development
Programs which are developed by Philip Morris International to use in coordination with the SAP system
to accomplish a business task.


These include SAP SmartForms and SAPscripts. SAP provides many standard
forms which may need to be changed to fits specific PMI requirements.
a. External Forms External forms are those used with entities outside of Philip
Morris International businesses. For example, an invoice will be sent to
customers for billing. This will be an external document containing corporate
logos and legal verbage.
b. Internal Forms Internal forms are those used within the PMI businesses. For
example, a picking list form may be identical from one business to the next.



A program created to display business data from the SAP system. Several hundred
reports are supplied with the SAP system and they should be used where possible.



An interface includes all of the activities performed to: 1. extract data from SAP; or,
2. Import data to the SAP system. System interfaces are often created for legacy
systems which will remain after SAP is implemented. For example, an interface
could be created to extract all Accounts Receivable balances from SAP to load into
a legacy system each evening. In this way, the legacy system could accurately
report the daily activity that has occurred within SAP during the day.
A middleware product will be used for the Program One project e*Gate
SeeBeyond. This product will become the preferred method to create interfaces.
Interfaces will still follow the Development Process, however, the creation of these
interfaces may be done by an external, third party. The middleware functionality
will be leveraged wherever possible.



Also known as a data load or a migration. A conversion includes all of the

activities performed to extract data from an existing system and load it into the SAP
system. Conversions are often executed only once. For example, a one time
conversion may be run to load all Open Orders into the SAP system from an
existing order entry system. This would occur as part of the cutover activities.
After the conversion has been completed, the order entry would be done within the
SAP system. Thus, the conversion programs would no longer be needed.

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM




Philip Morris International

SAP provides the ability, via exits, to branch away from the standard system code,
perform a custom designed piece of logic, and return to the program. In this way,
the standard system does not need to be modified. The following exit vehicles are
1. Enhancements via customer exits - menu, screen, function module,
a. Menu exits
b. Screen exits
c. Function Module exits
d. Keyword exits
2. Enhancements via ABAP/4 Dictionary elements
a. Table appends - adding new fields to the end of standard tables
b. Text enhancements - documentation for data elements
c. Field exits - creation of additional coding for data elements



Program One

An SAP workflow is a way to electronically enforce a business process.


The specification should be saved with a name that follows the format:
= Development Specification
=Team Identification
Bbbb = Short description

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

How to Complete this Document

It should be noted that this document has been created to be useable to any type of system development.
However, not all sections may be applicable to a specific development.
Summary of Document Tasks
Complete Functional Specification

Sections to Complete
a. Complete
Sections 1.0 - 4.0,

Process Team Member

b. 6.0 Issues/Concerns as
c. 7.0 Attachments as



Functional Sign-off Meeting


This meeting ensures that the

Technical Team Member
understands all of the
information in the Functional
Specification. The document
should be updated as required
with any additional detail.

Process Team Member

Technical Team

Complete Technical Specification

a. Section 5.0,

Technical Team

b. 6.0 Issues/Concerns as
c. 7.0 Attachments as
Technical Specification Sign-off
Meeting Completion

Development Unit Testing Sign-off

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Technical Team
Complete Development Unit
Testing template

Process Team Member

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

1.0 General Information and History:

Descriptive Information
Spec Title:

Assign Cost of Sales as Robbery Value Field

Spec ID:

Substitute the Cost Values


Development Type:

SAP Release

SAP ERP Central Component


Development Request ID




CIT number

Priority (H, M, L):

Process Team Owner:
ABAP Team Owner:
Legacy Owner:

Rudi Kokubo

Change History
Date Modified

Modified By
Pablo Etchanchu
Rudi Kokubo
Alessandro Riccio
Alessandro Riccio
Marcelo Massey


Marcelo Massey

Related Gaps:

Approved By

Celio Ferreira

DdddddDocument Sign-off

Approver / Date

Functional Sign-off
Technical Sign-off
Unit Testing Sign-off

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Non standard SAP

Date Required:

Brief Description of Change

Creation Technical Specification
Change the Robbery Billing Document
Exclude YRRB from if condition
Include treatment for VAO costs
Changes for Prompt Delivery Project, for
Robbery Issue
1) Change for Robbery (YROB) of
Prompt Delivery, to consider also the
VV038 (cost non tabbaco).

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

2.0 Functional Specification Details:

2.1 Business Requirement:

Description of Business Process or Task:
[Required. This section should contain a detailed description of the task in business terms. Describe any
relevant business scenarios that may help define the processing. Note your audience may have no
knowledge of the process so, be specific.]
According the PMI business rules, all the Robberys costs must be assign in the value field VV074
Currently, the procedure called Valuation is used to determine the Standard cost in CO-PA.
However, its a general rule for transferring the Cost Element Prices to Value Fields VV032 (COS - SVC
As the Robberys costs works an exception, will be necessary to develop an User-exit in CO-PA only
to transfer the sum of the value fields from VV032, VV033, VV034 to value field DEVTNS-DISTRIB.
COST (VV074).
After Brazil alignment with VAO PMI global template, VAO costs are being sent to field value
VV038 (COS-NON TOBACCO PRD) by an internal modification on ZXKKEU03 include. When a VAO
robbery occurs, this cost must go to VV074 value field also.

Business Process Flowchart:

[ Required.. Insert a descriptive business flow (using standard flow symbols see appendix for details)
which would aid in understanding this process. ]

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

2.2 Alternatives / Recommended Approach / SAP Functionality Discussion:

[List the alternatives considered, including standard SAP, to creating this custom development.]

Recommended Approach:
[Required. Describe the rationale for choosing this alternative form those listed above. ]

2.3 Design Objectives:

[Required. This section should detail the objectives of the intended development.]

2.4 Assumptions / Related Follow-up:

List of Assumptions:
[Required. This section should contain a list of assumptions used to ascertain that this development was
necessary. This might also include a list of business factors which make creating this development a
requirement. ]
Assumption-related follow-up:
[Required. Since assumptions can create follow-up actions, it is important to list those here. Leaving these
unresolved may change the viability of the resolution being discussed. Example an assumption may be
laser printers will be located on all plant floors. The resulting action item follow-up with Basis
group regarding availability of laser printers in plants. ]



Target Date

2.5 Scope:
[Required. This section should detail whats in and whats out of the resolution. This section should
go from high-level to low-level scope. Specifically, it should start by saying what business units will be in
scope. Next, the business units affected could be listed (plants, sales offices, etc).]

2.6 Risk Category / Description:

[Required. This section must assign a risk category and give text explaining the risk factors. The
categories are as follows:
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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One


RISK DESCRIPTION. HIGH due to tax requirement.

2.7 Hours / Resources Estimate

Tasks / Hours:
[Required. This section should discuss tasks, hours and resources required for pursuing this work. This is
information is sometimes provided by the Process Team Membert or the ABAP Programmer. The table
below should be completed: ]





2.8 Functional Dependencies

[Required. This section should list all of the downstream functional affects of the proposed solution. For
example, if these changes can affect invoicing, - all transactions to be affected should be listed here.]

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

3.0 Operational Considerations:

3.1 Screen Flow / Field Mapping

Relevant Screen Flow:
[Required. This section should include any sequence of screens and required actions which are relevant to the
design of the technical solution.]
Field Mapping:
[Required. For all of the screen flow shown above, this should include as much detail as possible on relevant fields.
The field-mapping table should be completed. Any additional information regarding tables, fields and field values.
Some of this information may be taken from the scripting activities.]
Insert in the User-Exit EXIT_SAPLKEII_002 (include ZXKKEU08) the following code below to transfer
the sum from value fields VV032, VV033 e VV034 to VV074.
Insert in the loop item CO-PA:
When the Company Code is item-BURKS = 1758
Step a)
When item_FKART = YRIB (Not YRRB anymore)
a.1) Sum the value fields VV032, VV033, VV034 and VV038 (for VAOs);
a.2) Record the results in the value field VV074;
a.3) Clean up the value fields VV032, VV033, VV034 and VV038.
Step b)
When Company Code is item-BUKRS = 1758 and item_FKART = YROB (Robbery Issue for
Prompt Delivery)
b.1) Sum the value fields VV032, VV033, VV034, VV049 and VV088;
b.2) Record the results in the value field VV074;
b.3) Clean up the value fields VV032, VV033, VV034, VV049 and VV088.

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

Change for Robbery (YROB) Prompt Delivery in 08.07.2011 - BEGIN

Problem: the cost of VAO is not displayed correctly in COPA.

Description of the change: for Robbery (YROB), add the vv038 (cost of vao) field in the
calculation of vv074. After that, initialize the value of vv038.
These changes are required because right now, the program is not including the cost of the
VAO materials in COPA.
Suggested changes below in red color:

*[BEGIN OF INSERT]---------------------------------------MAC/20110223
IF i_ce1-bukrs EQ '1758' AND i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YROB'.
*# Sum fields
i_ce1-vv074 = i_ce1-vv032 + i_ce1-vv033 + i_ce1-vv034 + i_ce1-vv038 +
i_ce1-vv049 + i_ce1-vv088.
*# Clear values VV032, VV033, VV034, VV049, VV088
CLEAR: i_ce1-vv032, i_ce1-vv033,i_ce1-vv038,
i_ce1-vv034, i_ce1-vv049,
MOVE i_ce1 TO t_item.
* Update record
MODIFY t_item.
*[END OF INSERT]-----------------------------------------MAC/20110223

Example in LCL:

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

The value of VV038 (8,11 in red above) must be added to the VV074 field (in green
After that, VV038 must be initialized.
Expected results:
VV074 = 17,78 (actual value) + 8,11 (value of VV038) = 25,89
VV038 = 0,00
Change for for Robbery (YROB) Prompt Delivery in 08.07.2011 - END

3.2 Error Handling

Possible Errors and Error Handling:

[Any methods for handling errors should be detailed here- e.g. messages or pop-ups.]



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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field


Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

3.3 Run Details

Example Output:
[Required. This should include an example of the report.]
Print Requirements (printer/spool):
[Required. Will this development run on-line (dialogue) or batch. If the report is online does it need a transaction
or report tree?
Special Printer Requirements:
[Optional. Will this development require a special printer]
Distribution List:
[Required. This list should include all persons who will receive the report.]
Run Type:
[Required. Will this development run on-line (dialogue) or batch. If the report is online does it need a custom
transaction? Is the processing even-driven (based on completion of another system event)?
On line
Run Frequency:
[This section should contain how often the report will be executed along with any scheduling requirements or
variants/parameters. (One Off/Ad Hoc/Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Yearly).]
Critical Dependencies:
[This section should detail any critical links to system processing. For example, if the report must run after a given
application, this should be described here.]

3.4 Notes for Integration Testing

Notes for Integration Testing

[Required. This should include details for end-to-end / hands off integration testing. For example, if jobs must
be completed for integration testing, then those requirements should be described here.]

3.5 Data / New Table Information

Source of Initial Data:

[This section should detail the source of the initial data needed for the development. Also, the need for an initial
load program should be described here. A detailed list of tables and table data should be given here.]
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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

Data Requirements/Data Retention Policies:

[Required for new tables. All data retention policies, decisions from the scripting process, should be listed here.
Data cleansing procedures should be documented here and then forwarded to the implementation teams.]

Source System
Input File Definition

Data Cleansing:
Data Retention Policies:
Table New (new entity):
Table Owner for Data:

4.0 Development Unit Testing:

Please complete the Development Unit Testing template and save it on the network. This completed template will be
the deliverable which is used to verify that Unit Testing is complete. A development cannot be moved ot QA for
Integration Testing,, prior to completion of Unit Testing.

5.0 Technical Specification:

Technical details associated with the development.

Include: ZXKKEU08

5.0 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate

[Required. This section should show the technical design at a high-level. This should include a flow of the
programs, tables, reports, and user-intervention actions shown in the context of the technical solution. This flow

5.1 High-level Technical Design Flow / Revised Estimate

Detailed Technical Estimate for Technical Design:
[Required. This section should contain a detailed estimate based on the technical design which is being
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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM





Philip Morris International

Program One




5.2 End-User Impact

End User Impact:
[Required. This section should detail the impact of this design on the business user. This should list the tasks that
this person will be required to do to make this design work ie process a daily error file, kick off a job, etc.]

5.3 PSEUDO-CODE All ABAP Programs Forms, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, and Enhancements
Programs/Reports/Function Modules Pseudo-code:
[Required. This section should include detailed pseudo-code for all programs which are shown in the above
technical flow. Please relate these programs to the flow diagram. Pseudo-code should look as follows:

Assign Cost of Sales as Robbery Value Field.

For Company Code 1758 and billing type YBRI, translate value of fields vv032, vv033 and
vv034 to field vv074.
* BEGIN ------------------------------------------------ PGE/20080619
*# Only for Company Code 1758 and Billing Type is YBRI
i_ce1-bukrs EQ '1758'
*** Begin *** DGE/20080820 ***
AND i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YBRI'.
AND ( i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YRRB' OR
*** Begin *** DGE/20081027 ***
* Begin of ______________________________________________PGE/20090217

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YRIB' ).
AND i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YRIB'.
* End of
*** End
*** DGE/20081027 ***
*** End
*** DGE/20080820 ***
*# Sum fields
i_ce1-vv074 = i_ce1-vv032 + i_ce1-vv033 + i_ce1-vv034 + i_ce1-vv038.
*# Clear values VV032, VV033 and VV034
CLEAR: i_ce1-vv032, i_ce1-vv033, i_ce1-vv034, i_ce1-vv038.
MOVE i_ce1 TO t_item.
* Update record
MODIFY t_item.


------------------------------------------------ PGE/20080619

IF i_ce1-bukrs EQ '1758' AND i_ce1-fkart EQ 'YROB'.

*# Sum fields
i_ce1-vv074 = i_ce1-vv032 + i_ce1-vv033 + i_ce1-vv034 + i_ce1-vv038
i_ce1-vv049 + i_ce1-vv088.
*# Clear values VV032, VV033, VV034, VV049, VV088
CLEAR: i_ce1-vv032, i_ce1-vv033, i_ce1-vv034, i_ce1-vv038, i_ce1-vv049, i_ce1-vv088.
MOVE i_ce1 TO t_item.
* Update record
MODIFY t_item.

Note: changes tobe done in red above, to include vv038 in the calculation and after that initialize the vv038.

5.4 Screens:
Screen Flow:
[Required for gaps with relevant screen flow can be taken from previous section in 3.0. This section should
include any sequence of screens and required actions which are relevant to the design of the technical solution.]

5.5 Data:
Data Elements/Domains/Structures/Logical Databases/Views:
[Required for new tables. This section should list any new or modified data elements, domains, structures or logical
databases that are required as a result of the development.]

5.6 Security:
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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field


Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM

Philip Morris International

Program One

[Required. This section should contain a list of users, or groups of users, who will be allowed to perform the
processing which utilizes this development. The plan for securing access should be detailed in this section by
restricting access to the program, transaction ,etc.]

5.7 Transport Strategy:

Transport Strategy:
[This section should contain any special transport activities or coordination that may be required to move the
development from one system to the next. Also, activities that must happen outside of SAP should be highlighted.
For example, if a UNIX shell script must be created and moved to a production directory this should be listed.]



BR_BR_FIN_SR4916192_PA Valuation strategy change for Robbery

5.8 IDOC/ALE Details:

[Required for developments requiring IDOC or ALE. List the details relating to ALE set-up or configuration. Also,
describe any required IDOCS. If extension of the IDOC is required, include those details here. ]

5.9 Report and Form Specific Information

[Required for Reports and Forms. This would include interface-specific information.]]
SAPscript Information:
[Required for gaps including SAPscript. This section should describe the pages, windows, and specific sapscript
code required as part of this technical work. Any standard print program pseudo-code should be listed in the
preceding section.]

5.10 Interface Specific Information

[Required for Interfaces. This would include interface-specific information.]
5.11 Conversion Specific Information
[Required for Convresions. This would include conversion-specific information ]
SAP Standard Load Analysis:
[Required for Conversions ie Material Master, Customer Master, Vendor Master, etc. Please indicate if you are
using an SAP standard load program. If not, please specify why the standard load would not work. ]
Data Cleansing Process:
[Required for Conversions . This section should contain the process designed to cleanse the data in preparation for
the load to SAP This would be defined by the Process Teams.]
Conversion Strategy:
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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

[Required for Conversions . This section should contain a detailed plan for migrating to the new development. Any
data loads which must be performed prior to running the objects should be listed.]

5.12 Enhancement Specific Information

[Required for Enhancements. This would include enhancement-specific information]

Report output.mht

5.13 Workflow Specific Information

[Required for Workflow. This would include workflow-specific information]

5.14 Other EDI-Specific Information:

[Required for EDI related developments. Please include the following details Partner set-up required, Output
determination work required, etc. ]

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

Program One

6.0 Development Issues and Concerns:

[This section should contain a matrix which will track issues and resolutions related to this development.]




Note: The People column is intended for initials with a legend to be supplied at bottom of the table describing each
person including their full name.

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Status: Final
Last updated on: 05/06/15 5:00 PM


Philip Morris International

7.0 Attachments and Documentation:

[This section should contain scanned in documents that are referenced within this document.]

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Assign Cost of Sales as Non-Tobacco Value Field

Program One

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