Notes Xuma Approaching
Notes Xuma Approaching
Notes Xuma Approaching
[0:30] [2] {0} Everything you think is just based on how you
think about it, rollercoaster metaphor
TRACK 5 Well groomed, clothed, fit, positive [0:00] [7] {9}
3) Get yourself together. Exercise, eat right.
Accept only a healthy, positive lifestyle.
She will be on her guard against the guys who don't have these things
taken care of.
- Like learning a language, or kung fu... you learn moves and more
moves and more moves (words), until at one point you can just
combine them spontaneously!
- Or that sucessfull people are those that are the most flexible,
they have the most alternative STUFF in their heads, ways of
doing things etc... by learning as many of these as possible
(mastering them), you will be able to eventually just wing it on
the spot (like learning pebbles?)
- READ pop-culture.
TRACK 7 Rapport, trust, comfort [3] {x}
[1:39] ultimate goal, improvisation... [10] {9}
15) Improvisation is your ultimate goal. You
will be a Level 4 or 5 approacher when you
have memorized the material given, invented
your own, honed your presentation,
and can invent things on the fly.
If, you really believe that the woman who is not showing
interest in you is just making a faulty and subjective
interpretation then it's easy to just adjust your presentation!!
rough on the outside on the beginning, and you need to open her
up a bit to reveal to soft inside within. This can be cracked in
every girl, even the bitchiest girl, infact the bitchiest ones are the
easiest to crack as it's a simple defence mechanism... when girls
act like bitches they really have a very vulnerable part they're
trying to not expose, so they cover up with this defense
We're applying social pressure to crack the nut
AGAIN, you're using BL as a barometer, and not as sign of
whether you should go and talk to her
TRACK 2-12 What she does with arms [0:00] [2] {6}
- Is she playing with toys
- Is she touching her arm
None of these is a clue on its OWN, look for clusters.
GENERALLY, if she's talking to you (engaged), and you feel the vibe
as being positive, she's atleast somewhat interested. You need to
escalate and keep the interaction moving forward. Unless she
displays clear signs that it needs to end definitively.
TRACK 2-13 Most important IOI [0:00] [2] {6}
- Touching you, does she touch you, does she lean onto you, does she
brush lint off of you
- If she play-hits you in any way (women who aren't interested don't do
Avoid compliments as openers, as ussually they aren't trusted, they think you must be
lying or trying to bribe them, they think it's false
Oggling other women
You push too far, too early (push for a date or whatever, in a unnatural manner)
TRACK 2-22 Excercise to get you ready intro [0:00] [7] {3}
13) Use all the exercises from the audio.
Theyre tried and tested.
You take a playboy centerfold and for a good 2-3 minutes just look her
into the eyes, without ever looking at the body, and then leave her,
without ever having looked at the body! :)
Doesn't matter how indirect you think you're being, she KNOWS when
you're interested.
~Basically explains the same thing Louis & Copeland talk about in
Mastery, about a respectfull (yet sexual) scanning-down of her body...
having an open powerfull body language (it's not explained so well in
her as in mastery, where they explain what they mean by POWERFULL
open body-language being a way of showing interest, it's on their ~
20) Get to Layer Three communication as
soon as possible. Do not be afraid to demonstrate
flirting sexual interest in a woman.
Dont try to sneak by her radar by being
friends first.
8) Stay balanced in your approach and
push the limits of your comfort zone.
15) Calmness and relaxation are absolutely
necessary. You cannot be resourceful and
on with a woman that you are all giddy
and nervous around. Contain your excitement.
Shes just a woman.
18) If youre having a lot of problems approaching
women, start by talking to guys
to get you over some of your fear of strangers.
It helps immensely.
24) Seek rapport only AFTER you have
started a light, fun conversation. If you go
for rapport immediately, it will be too much
of a shock and it will seem as if you are
seeking validation or supplicating. Instead,
hang back, demonstrate your High Social
Value (HSV) without coming across as arrogant
or pompous, and keep a high level of
fun in the conversation.
TRACK 3-17 So... how was your day? [0:00] [4] {2}
If you're good at the introductions, she'll play along with it.
TRACK 3-18 So, guys who has more one-night stands? Men or
women? [0:00] [2] {2}
The good thing about this opener is that it will give you a sense of
whether they are more uptight, or more sexually aware, sexually
TRACK 3-21 Hey guys i'm really curiuos here, who here has
the most curious and adventerous mind[0:00] [2] {2}
TRACK 3-22 The fictious cell phone character opener [0:00]
[8] {2}
TRACK 3-23 The cold-shoulder response [0:00] [8] {2}
SEGWAY: Well see, I took this one seminar on improving your
confidence, and lowering your shyness and... Hey, you wanna
something cool.. real quick?'
If you get the cold-shoulder from any of these women... isn't very
responsive "HEY, I was just trying to be friendly there, I mean i got this
vibe that you're this caring, and warm person? You're not really cold
and aloof are you?
"You need to break her down, get past those social boundaries she's
putting up to avoid the guys who really are dweebs. Because only a
guy who will be persistent and not take it personally will prove himself
and alpha male
- THE JOKE TRY IT OUT "Ok since we're in staring contest already,
you should know a little bit about your opponent, you shoud know that
I have been trained by the U.S. CIA to never look away first! :) "
TRACK 4-10 Poolhouse opener [0:00] [2] {2}
TRACK 4-11 Compliment her for department stores[0:00] [8] {2}
Together with the POST-compliment thing... you can just go...
give the opener... run away. And if she seems friendly and keeps
looking at you from all around the store... then come back and
make a convo!! :)
TRACK 4-12 POWER-TOOLS! Storytelling [0:00] [4] {2}
[3] {2} (Much better in other resources)
TRACK 4-13 POWER-TOOLS! Sexual innuendo [0:00] [8] {2}
TRACK 4-14 POWER-TOOLS! Power questions [0:00] [5] {2}
Maybe style's ED routine would fit in here
1) She knows what you're doing and why you're talking to her
2) Believe in your heart that it's good for the both of you for you to talk to this
woman, if you don't talk to her, she doesn't have the benefit of experiencing you,
her seeing how you can improve her life. It's a loss for her mostly
3) You need to be yourself (but selectively, show some mystery)