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Transcription in Eukaryotes

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A. Carried out by three different RNA polymerases, each of which contains more than10
subunits (i.e., these are very complex enzymes). All three require several assisting proteins,
collectively called transcription factors.

RNAP I → all ribosomal RNAs (5.8S, 18S, 28S) except for 5S found in the
RNAP II → all nuclear genes encoding proteins (mRNAs) found in the nucleus
RNAP III → all tRNAs, the 5S rRNA, and all snRNAs found in the nucleus

B. Initiation of RNA synthesis:

1. For RNAP II (protein-coding genes), initiation requires several transcription factors that
assist binding to promoter sites. Promoters sites recognized by RNAP II (and associated
protein factors) are several conserved elements that are located upstream from the
transcription start point (the +1 base). The consensus sequences of the conserved
elements are…

a) −30 = TATAAAA [TATA homology or Goldberg-Hogness box]

b) −80 = GGCCAATCT [CAAT box]

c) GGGCGG [GC box] & often present but occur in different positions and in
ATTTGCAT [octamer box] different copy numbers

2. The TATA homology is found in all eukaryotic promoters known to date. The
remaining “consensus” sites are found but not necessarily in the same promoter. All
“consensus” sites affect binding efficiency of RNA polymerase/transcription factors.

3. RNAP I and RNAP III utilize some of the same transcription factors as RNAP II but the
promoters are quite different. RNAP III utilizes internal promoters (i.e., within the
transcriptional units).

C. Elongation of RNA via RNAP II (protein-coding genes):

1. Elongation of the RNA chain is similar to that in prokaryotes except that a 7-methyl
guanosine (7-MG) cap is added to the 5’ end when the growing RNA chain is fairly
short (20-30 bases in length).

(a) The 7-MG cap is “attached” by an unusual 5’-5’ triphosphate linkage and serves to
protect the growing RNA from degradation by nucleases. This “capping” is part of
RNA processing in eukaryotes.

D. Termination of RNA synthesis:

1. Transcription by RNAP II (for protein-coding genes) is not really terminated, in the

sense that transcription continues for 1,000 - 2,000 bases after or downstream from the
site that ultimately will become the 3’ end of the mature transcript.
(a) The “functional” transcript actually results from endonucleolytic cleavage of the
primary transcript.

(b) Cleavage occurs 10-30 bases downstream from the conserved sequence AAUAAA.

(c) After cleavage, an enzyme [poly(A) polymerase] adds about 200 adenine (A) bases
to the 3’ends. This is called polyadenylation or the addition of poly-A tails.

(i) The function of poly-A tails is to increase stability of the transcript and to
assist in transport of the mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. This is
another part of RNA processing is eukaryotes.

2. Termination of transcription via RNAPI and RNAP III is via response to discrete
termination signals.

E. Transcription enhancers and silencers:

1. These are sequences that exist upstream or downstream of the transcribe sequence, and
that enhance or depress rates of transcription.

2. Most enhancers and silencers are not well characterized, can exist close to or distant
(>1,000 bp) from the gene(s) they affect.


A. General facts:

1. Most eukaryotic genes are “split” (have intervening sequences), including protein-
coding genes and tRNA & rRNA genes. Exceptions include histones and a few others.

2. There are a few introns in prokaryotes. Most are found in viruses and an archebacteria.

3. Introns were “discovered” by the presence of R loops, single-stranded regions observed

when DNA-mRNA hybrids (heteroduplexes) were visualized by electron microscopy.
Observation of R-loops fit well with earlier observations that pre-mRNAs (hnRNAs)
were far larger than predicted based on length of mRNA in cytoplasm and/or amino acid

4. In general, the amount of intron sequence per “gene far exceeds the amount of exon
sequence. Some examples are given in the text; others are listed below.

(a) Human insulin – 3 exons, 2 introns (intron ≈ 1/2 of gene

(b) Chicken ovalbumin – 8 exons, 7 introns (intron ≈ 3/4 of gene)
(c) Dihydrofolate reductase – 56 exons, 55 introns (intron ≈ 95% of gene)

5. Some introns can be quite large. One intron in the Ubx gene of Drosophila, for
example, is roughly 70,000 bp in length.
6. The only features shared in common by all introns in protein-coding genes are splice

5’ exon (3)AGGU (5’) intron (3’) AGGU (5’) exon 


B. Splicing: there are three distinct types of intron excision, one for tRNA, one rRNA, and
one for mRNA.

1. For tRNA and rRNA:

(a) Splicing of tRNA is a two-stage model, involving a splicing endonuclease that

cuts at the ends of introns, and a splicing ligase that joins the two halves of the
tRNA together.

(b) Splicing of rRNA occurs via self-splicing or “autocatalytic” cleavage.

(i) this autocatalytic cleavage involves no external energy source and no

enzyme(s), but rather is simply a series of phosphoester bond transfers.

2. For mRNA (transcripts of protein-coding genes):

(a) Splicing is carried out by complex RNA/protein structures called spliceosomes.

(i) Involves five small snRNA molecules (U1, U2, U4, U5, & U6) that range
in size from 100 to 215 nucleotides

(ii) snRNA U3 is found only in the nucleolus, and hence is assumed to be

involved in ribosome formation

(iii) snRNAs do not exist as free RNA molecules but rather are complexed
with several proteins into snRNPs (small nuclear ribonucleoproteins)

(b) The initial step is cleavage at the 5’ intron splice site (↓GU-intron), followed by
intramolecular phosphodiester linkage between the 5’ carbon of the G residue at
the cleavage site and the 2’ carbon of a conserved A residue near the 3’ end of the
intron, forming a lariat structure.

(c) The next step is cleavage of the 3’ splice site, followed by joining of the two
exons via a 5’ to 3’ phosphodiester linkage.

(d) The spliced, processed mRNA is then transported to the cytoplasm for translation.

C. Why introns?

1. Some pertinent factoids:

(a) The intron arrangement in eukaryotes is quite old. Comparisons of homologous

genes across great taxonomic breadth show both similar intron number and
location within genes.
(i) Examples include α - and β -globin genes in mammals, birds, and
amphibians. Introns of these genes are highly conserved in number and
placement (but not in sequence), indicating that the structural arrangement
is over 500 million years old.

(b) Sequence differences between introns (even within the same species) are large,
indicating that there is little constraint on intron sequence per se.

(c) There also are numerous examples in introns of insertions or transposable

elements; suggesting that possible functions (?) of introns likely are not related to
specific sequences of DNA bases.

2. The most interesting speculation about possible function of introns is exon shuffling.

(a) Most, proteins have several domains. These domains include substrate
recognition, cofactor recognition, catalytic regions, allosteric functions, et cetera.
Examples previously discussed include the DNA polymerases (e.g., DNAP-I, the
Kornberg enzyme).

(b) Many proteins (e.g., enzymes) share one or more domains, and via “exon
shuffling” new “genes” coding for similar but different proteins could evolve
through recombination of different domains (exons). The evolutionary advantage
would be to make “new” genes into single transcriptional units.

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