6th Sem Non Conventional Energy Sources

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Branch: Electrical, EEE



324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)

Examination, Nov.-Dec., 2011

Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory.

Attempt any two parts out of (b), (c) and (d).
Q.1 (a) What are the conventional and unconventional energy

(b) write short notes on:
(i) tidal energy
(ii) OTEC

(c) What is meant by renewable energy source? Explain in brief

advantages and limitations of renewable energy source?

(d) Discuss briefly need. Availability & classification of nonconventional energy sources?

Q.2. (a) what is compound parabolic concentrator?

(b) what are the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating


(c) explain the following terms related with solar power plant: 7
(i) Solar insulation power curve.
(ii) Thermal power collection curve.
(iii) Energy storage
(iv) energy supply to load after hours.
(d) Draw a schematic of a solar PV electric plant

Q.3. (a) describe the main consideration in selecting a site for wind


(b) what are the advantages of vertical axis machine over horizontal
type? What methods are used to overcome the fluctuating power
generation of wind mill?

(c) describe with a neat sketch the working of wind energy system
with main components.
(i) the total power density in the wind stream.
(ii) the maximum obtained power density.
(iii) A reasonably obtainable power density
(iv) the total power, and
(v) the torque and axial thrust.

Turbine dia =120m, operating speed = 40 rpm at maximum

Q.4. (a) what is difference between biomass and biogas.

(b) How are biogas plants classified? Explain them briefly.

(c) The observed difference between the high and low water tide is
8.5 m. for a proposed tidal side. The basin area is about 5. Sq
km which can generate power for 3 hours in each cycle. The
average available head is assumed to be 8 m. and the overall
efficiency of the generation to be 70%calculate the power in H.P
at any instant and the yearly power output. Average specific

weight of sea water is assumed to be 1025kg/m 2

(d) Classify geothermal source and what are the main application of

geothermal energy?

Q.5. (a) what are the various losses associated with operation of

MHD generator?

(b) With the following specification for an MHD generator, calculate

the open circuit voltage and maximum power output.7
Plate area

= 25m 2

Distance between plates

=50 m

Flux density

= 2wb/m 2

Average gas velocity

= 10 3 m/second

Gaseous conductivity

= 10 Mho/m

(c) How MHD system are classified? And what are important factors
to be considered while selecting material for an MHD generators.
(d) describe the principle of working and constructional details of a

basic thermionic generator.

324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)

Examination, April-May., 2011
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: (i) Part (a) of each question is compulsory.

(ii)Attempt any two parts out of (b),(c) & (d) of each question .
Q.1.(a) What are primary and secondary energy sources ?
(b) What are the conventional and non-conventional sources of
energy? Describe in brief.
(c) Discuss the possibilities of utilization of the following methods of
power generation:

Wind energy
Fuel cells
Tidal energy

(d) What is meant by renewable energy sources with special

reference to India context.

Q.2. (a) What is solar constant?

(b) Describe solar pond electric power generation with neat block
diagram .
(c) Write short notes on:

Solar altitude angle

Incident angle
Collector efficiency.

(d) Classify the methods of solar energy storage. Describe the

thermal energy storage system.
Q.3. (a) What is the basic principal of wind energy conversion?
(b) Describe, with neat block diagram, the working of wind energy
system (WECS) with main components.
(c) What are the advantages of vertical axis machine over horizontal
axis machine?
(d) Describe the main applications of wind energy, giving neat
Q.4. (a) Classify geo-thermal sources.
(b) Explain the constructional detail and working of KVTC digesters.
(c) How are gassifiers classified? What are pyrolysis?
(d) Describe the closed cycles of OETC system with advantages over
open cycle system.
Q.5.(a) What is the principal of MHD generation ?
(b) Describe MHD closed cycle system with its advantages over MHD
open cycle system.
(c) What are the important factors to be considered while selecting
materials for MHD generator. Also give the name of materials for
electrodes and generator ducts.
(d) Explain in brief, the following:


Potential barrier
Thermoionic emission.
Work function.

324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)

Examination, Nov-Dec. 2010
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: part a of each question is compulsory and solve

Q.1. (a) What is meant by renewable energy sources ?

(b) What are the prospects of non-conventional energy sources in

(c) Justify the use of following sources of energy in Indian context.
4+ 3
(i) Agricultural residues.
(ii) Tidel energy
(d) Write a short note on Energy storage and Distribution.
Q. 2. (a) Define solar constant.


(b) What are the main components of a flat-plate collector, explain

The function of each component.

(c) Determine the local solar time and declination at location

Latitude 23 15N, longitude 77 30E at 12.30 IST on June


Equation of time correction is given from standard table

= -(101)
(d) Explain any two:
(i)Solar water heater
(ii)Solar power tower
(iii)Solar water pump
Q.3. (a) Why does the air circulate in the atmosphere.
(b) What are the advantage of vertical axis machines over
horizontal type ? Describe a rotor low velocity wind.


(c) Discuss the adventages and disadventages of wind energy

Conversion system ?
(d) Describe with a next sketch, the working of a wind energy
system (WECS) with main components .

Q.4. (a) What do you mean by tidal range ?

(b) Give the adventages and limitations of Tidal power

Generation.What are the propects of Tidal Energy in india.
(c) State adventages and disadventages of Geothermal Enregy
over other Energy froms.What are theapplication of GeoThermal Energy at different temperatures.

(d) Explain the function of fuel cells alongwith adventages &

Q.5. (a) What replaces solid conductor in an MHD Generation. 2
(b) Decribe an MHD closed cycle system,with its adventages
and disadventages.
(c) Describe the principal of working and constructional detail
of a basic Thermionic generator.
(d) What are the different methods for hydrogen production?
Explain in brief.
324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)
Examination, April May 2010
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note : In each question part (a) is compulsory and solve any two
From part (b) ,(c) , & (d) in each question . assume suitable data
If required .
Q.1(a) Importance of non conventional energy. 2
(b) Classify various non conventional energy
Sources and give a table to show the availability of
Various energies .

(c) With the help of table and suitable data give relative
Merits and demerits of various non conventional
Sources of energy .
(d) Describe the energy strage, its distribution and conservation.
Q.2. (a ) What are limitations of solar cells.
(b) Describe solar cell power plants with the help
Of block diagrams .

(c) What are solar energy collectors ? Draw diagram of

Various collectors . Enlist the applications .

(d) What are the different types of solar cells Explan its
Performance characteristics efficiency and losses.

Q.3. (a) Wind energy is called as green energy.

Why ?

(b) Draw a neat sketch of a wind turbine generator set

Axis type) and label various important parts . Give their
function in one line each .
(c) Define following terms related to wind from :
(i)Cut in velocity
(ii)Cut out velocity
(iii)Load curve
(iv)Availability factor
(d) Enlist advantages and limitations of wind power

Generating system.
Q.4. (a) Limitations of tidal energy .
(b) Draw a neat diagram for the Dolphin type water
Generator and explain its working .
(c) Explain the working of a bio-mass gasifier with the
Help of block diagram and associated chemical
Reactions .
(d) With the help of suitable diagram expain the working
Binary cycle geo thermal power plant .



Q.5. (a) Meaning of M.H.D. and its potential in india.

(b) What are the design problem in MHD power

(c) Explain working of closed cycle MHD power
Generation system .

(d) What are the advantages and limitations of MHD power

Generation .

324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)

Examination, Nov.-Dec., 2009
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: Part-(a) of each question is compulsory . Attempt any two

parts from (b) (c) and (d) of each question. Numerical should be
solved with all intermediate step clearly.
Unit I
Q.1.(a) What are the conventional and non conventional energy
sources ?
(b) What is meant by renewable energy sources ? Give advantage
and limitations of renewable energy sources.
(c) Describe electromagnetic energy storage.
(d) What are the methods of direct energy conversion ? Describe in
Unit II
Q.2.(a) brief Why orientation is needed in concentrating type
collectors ?
(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating
collectors over a flat-plant collectors ?
(c) What are the different approaches of thermal electric conversion
system for solar energy ?
(d) What is the principal of solar photovoltaic power generation ?
What are the advantages and disadvantage of photovoltaic solar
energy conversion ?
Unit III
Q.3.(a) Describe the main consideration in selscting a site for wind
generators .
(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal and
vertical axis windmill What methods are used to overcome the
fluting power generation of windmill?
(c) Prove that in case of horizontal axis with turbine. Maximum
power can be obtained when.

Exit velocity =
Pmax =


wind velocity and

A V 3

(d) Discuss the advantage and disadvantages of wind energy

conversion system.
Unit IV
Q.4.(a) What is the difference between biomass and biogas ?
(b) What are the main application advantages and disadvantages of
geothermal energy forms?
(c) Write short notes on the following:
(i) Open cycle MHD system
(ii) Closed cycle MHD system
(d)Calculate the open-ckt voltage and maximum power output of
MHD engine with following specifications :
Plate area =0.2 m

Distance between plantes =0.4m

Flux density =2 wb/ m

Average gas velocity =1000m/sec

Conductivity of the gas =10mho/m
324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)
Examination, April-May., 2009
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: Part-(a) of each unit is compulsory . Attempt any two parts

from (b) (c) and (d) of each unit.
Q.1(a) Enlist the various categories on the basis of which energy
sources are classified.

(b)write the merits and demerits of the following type of nonconventional energy sources:
(i)Solar Energy
(ii)Biomass Energy
(iii)Geothermal Energy
(c)Explain the various methods of mechanical energy strrage. 7
(d)What are the advantages and limitations of renewable energy
sources ?

Q.2(a)Draw the V-I characteristics of a solar cell.

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating

collectors over flat plant type collectors.

(c) Explain the following application of solar energy along with

proper diagram.

(d) Explain the working principal of a solar cell with proper


Q.3(a) What is Betz limit of a wind turbine ?

(b) A propeller type wind turbine has a diameter of arm And

operates at 40 r.p.m. at maximum efficiency and at 1 standard
atmospheric pressure velocity of 15m/s. Calculate:
(i)the total power density in the wind stream
(ii)the maximum obtainable power density
(iii)the obtainable power density at an efficiency of 35%

(iv)the total power

(v)the torque at maximum efficiency and the maximum axial thurst.
(c) Explain the Darrieus rotor wind energy system along with its

advantages and disadvantages.

(d)Derive expressions for maximum power, torque and exial thurst

of a wind turbine.

Q.4(a) Enlist the main components of a tidal power plant.

(b)Explain the factors affecting biodigestion or generation of gas in a


biogas plant.

(c)Explain the general categories of geothermal resources in brief.

Plate area =0.25 m ; Distance between plants =0.5m, Flux density
=2 wb/ m ; Av. Gas velocity = 10 m/sec, Gaseous conductivity =

10 mho/m.

(d) Write short notes on :

(i)Seebeck Thermo-electric effect
(ii)Uses of hydrogen as a source of energy

(e) Explain with a diagram the process of electrolytic production of


324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)
Examination, Nov-Dec., 2008
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory.

Answer any two of the remain three parts (b),(c) and (d) of each
Q.1(a) Define renewable energy resources and name them.

(b)What are the advantages and limitations of non conventional


energy sources ?

(c) Explain giving an example how the stored energy can be used

during peak demand hours.

(d)Write short note on:
(i)Biomass & Biogas
(ii) Geo-thermal energy
Q.2(a) Name the methods of utilization of solar energy .

(b) Explain with a sketch the working of a photovoltaic cell.

(c) What are the main components of a flat plate solar collector?

Explain the function of each.

(d) Describe in brief the various energy strage methods used in the

solar system.

Q.3 (a) What are the factor which determine the output from wind

energy converter ?

(b) Derive an expression for the power generated by wind indicating

various parameters.

(c) Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure & temp. 15

C has a

velocity of 15 m/sec. Turbine dia =120m, Turbine operating speed

=40rpm, Air density=1.226 kg/ m , Efficiency =35% at maximum

efficiency Calculate :
(i) Total power density in the wind strem
(ii)Maximum obtainable power density

(iii)Total power in kW.

(d) Explain with a diagram the working of wind electric system and

functions of various components.

Q.5(a) What are the materials used in MHD generating system 2

(b)Calculate the open circuit voltage and maximum power output in

an MHD generator with following specifications :

324612 (24) B.E. (6th Semester)
Examination, April-May., 2008
Branch: Electrical, EEE
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum Marks: 80

Minimum Marks: 28

Note: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is

compulsory.Attempt any two parts out of (b),(c) and (d).
Q.1.(a) What is an energy system ? Explain in brief.

(b) Write the merits and demerits of the following types of non7

conventional energy sources :

(i) Tidal energy
(iii)Bio energy

(c)Which type of non-conventional energy source is the best suitable

for rural and agricultural application and why? Explain in detail.

(d) The non-conventional methods were known to man since time

immemorial , still they were not developed comment and give

Q.2.(a)What are the limitation of PV systems ?
(b)Calculate F.F. maximum power and cell efficiency with the
following parameters.
V oc =0.24V,

I sc =-10 mA,

V m =0.14

I m =-6.5 mA, Intensity =100 w/ m2 , Area =4

cm 2 .

(c)What are Solar Concentrators ? Describe various components of
solar concentrator and discuss its advantages:

(d)Describe with a neat diagram, the construction and principal of

operation of a flat solar energy collector.

Q.3(a) What is baise principal ofwind energy convertion ?

(b)Explain the working of horizontal axis tero blade windmill with


suitable diagram .
(c)What methods are used to overcome the fluctuating power
generation of a windmill? Discuss their merits and demerit.

(d) Explain the momentum theory in wind power generation. Give

the classification by rotor used for wind generation.

Q.4(a) What is Biomass? How it is useful?

(b)How Bio-energy may be useful for rural application? Justify your



(c)Explain the various methods of tidal power generation. What are

the limitations of each method ?

(d) A tidal power plant of single basin type has a basin area of 25

m2 .The tide has arrange of 10m. The turbine however stop

operation when the head an it falls below 2m. Calculate the energy
generaled m ate filling process, in kwh if the turbine generator
effication is 75% (Density of sea-water =1025 kg/ m )7

Q.5(a) What is Magneto-hydro-dynamic generator ?

(b)Draw Schematic diagram of a MHD generating system having

heart recovery steam generator .Explain the functioning of the


(c)Explain the single baise arrangement and its operation for a tidal
power plant.

Q.6 (a)What is meant by thermionic generation?

(b)Explain the electrolytic production of hydrogen with proper


(c)Explain the operation of a closed cycle MHD system.

(d)What is meant by figure of merit, Z, in thermo electric conversion

For a thermoelectric power generate following parameters are given:
Temperature of hot reservoir of source =600 K
Temperature of sink =300 K
Figure of merit for material Z =(2 10 ) K

Determine the efficiency of the thermoelectric generation.

What will be its Carnot efficiency.

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