65 Parsha 02-05-10

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tis, Hashem’s personal involvement main aspect.

They understood that the

Surviving the Darkness with His people and their affairs. This
makes a stronger impression, for such
primary message of this miracle was
the Hashgacha Protis, Hashem’s in-
awareness allows us to recognize the volvement in the minutest details of
Practical Advice to Bring Light to theoGalus Almighty in our daily living, when we our lives.
do not usually see open miracles. As Amaleik’s influence waxes,
from the rest of the world. For forty In general, one needs the merit of Hashem’s presence in the world ap-
By Rav Moshe Shternbuch
years, we existed as a separate nation the tzibbur to consider one’s actions pears to be diminishing. In truth, this
The following was written by Rab- with almost no contact from outside significant. When it comes to recog- is not so, and what we see is merely
bi Daniel Yaakov influences. In this way, Hashem puri- nizing Hashem’s Hashgacha Protis, an illusion so that the final revelation
Travis based on a fied the Jewish people. Klal Yisroel sang the shirah in the sin- should be greater. By separating our-
drasha given on Klal Yisroel had just witnessed the gular to show that every person’s indi- selves as much as possible from the in-
leil Shabbos by Rav ten makkos, seen the sea split, and vidual recognition is powerful. fluences of the outside world around us
Moshe Shternbuch, were being provided for miraculously. For this reason, the women only and concentrating on Hashem’s Hash-
Rosh Av Beis Din of Yet, with all of this direct Divine inter- sang this initial line of the shirah (see gacha Protis in our lives, we will merit
the Eidah Hacha- to see the light of Moshiach soon.
reidis of Yerusha- •••••
layim. Only through complete isolation could Klal Yisroel maintain Rabbi Travis is a rosh kollel of Kollel
••••• Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim, and
their state of elevation. is the author of Shaylos U’Teshuvos
DARKNESS Toras Chaim and “Praying With Joy - A
BEFORE DAWN action, Hashem feared that seeing the 15:21). While the men were able to Daily Tefilla Companion,” a practical
outside world would push the Jewish notice and appreciate all of the mir- daily guide to improving one’s prayers,
The Rambam writes that the origi-
people away from the truth of Torah. acles that were taking place around available from Feldheim Publishers.
nal idol worshipers believed in Hash-
Only through complete isolation could them and thus sing a longer shirah, For more information about his work,
em. They felt that it was beyond G-d’s
Klal Yisroel maintain their state of el- the women were able to focus on the contact [email protected].
dignity to converse with Him directly;
rather, one should worship the forces evation.
of nature, which are His servants. The Rambam writes (Dei’os, Ch.
6), “A person is naturally drawn af-
Hashem was still considered the ruling
power of the universe. ter his environment… Therefore, he
should befriend the righteous, and
At the Shabbos Table
Amaleik introduced a completely
new philosophy to the world. They live amongst chachomim in order to
learn from their actions, and distance
with Rabbi Juravel
claimed that although there is a Divine
power, He is completely above this himself from evil people… If he can- By Rabbi Dovid Juravel
world. G-d has absolutely nothing to not live amongst righteous people, he
do with human life, and His existence should flee to the desert.” Someone once commented, “All the tzaddik began learning Kab-
in no way affects us. In today’s world, where the influ- the sciences are nothing. Only To- bolah and a pillar of fire appeared.
The great gaon, Rav Yehoshua Leib ence of Amaleik is so great, would the
rah counts.” Rav Shimon Schwab When Rav Boruch Ber Leibowitz
Diskin, said that, in truth, Amaleik’s Rambam obligate everyone to uproot
replied, “That means to say that heard about the incident, he com-
philosophy is completely irrational. from their place of residence to move
Torah is simply better than noth- mented, “It’s no great wonder that
Everything has a creator, so certainly to the desert? Rav Chaim Brisker
said that, practically speaking, a per- ing? Say, rather, that all the sci- a pillar of fire appeared when the
the world, which is the most complex ences are great, but Torah is even tzaddik Rav Nochum learned
aspect of existence, must have a maker son does not have to move. However,
when surrounded by heresy, he must greater!” Kabbolah. The wonder is that the
as well. Hashem made room for such In describing the greatness of Chofetz Chaim could see it at age
unfounded philosophies to be pos- rid himself of as many outside influ-
ences as possible in order to create a Torah, the Chazon Ish told of fifteen.”
sible by creating a special entity in this several incidents involving the The third incident: A man was
world called apikorsis, which, largely lifestyle as if he were living in a desert.
Sending our children to yeshivos Chofetz Chaim. always occupied with chessed.
by way of faulty logic and rationaliza- The Ponovezher Rov was once People constantly came to his
tion, allows one to deny His role. and seminaries is a crucial first step to
ensure that they get the right chinuch. standing on line, waiting his turn house for help, and his family ob-
The Zohar reveals that as we get
However, this is not enough. We should to see the Chofetz Chaim. Sud- jected to their private life being
deeper and deeper into the golus, Ama-
leik’s ideology gets stronger and stron- try to do everything in our power to denly, he saw someone walk to disturbed. They decided to ask
ger. Their philosophy of removing G-d prevent our children from coming into the front of the line and go into the Chofetz Chaim’s advice. The
from our lives is becoming more and contact with certain friends and other the Chofetz Chaim’s room ahead Chofetz Chaim was at seudah sh-
more accepted, and they seem to be influences who will pull them away
plunging the world into ever-thicker from Torah.
darkness. Why does Hashem let Ama-
The Chazon Ish demonstrated how great one can become
leik’s power grow stronger daily?
“I will surely sing to Hashem... He
through toiling in Torah.
On the day that the Almighty choos-
es to end the golus, the truth will be threw the horse and its rider into the
revealed. In order for the light of this sea” (Shemos 15:1). of his turn. The man spoke to lishis when the man came. The
revelation to make the strongest im- The Shiras Hayam starts off by the Chofetz Chaim for nearly an moment he entered, the Chofetz
pact, He must temporarily plunge the praising Hashem’s actions regarding hour. The Ponovezer Rov figured Chaim quoted the posuk, “May
world into a state of darkness. The the treatment of the Egyptian soldiers that the man must be important if only good and kindness pursue
thicker the darkness, the greater the and their horses. Seemingly, the main the Chofetz Chaim allowed him me…” He then said, “Everyone
light will be when the golus finally miracle that took place was the split- to go first. When the stranger left, has problems pursuing him. Bet-
concludes. ting of the sea. Why are the horses and the Ponovezer Rov greeted him ter the problems be good and kind-
The closer we get to that day, the their riders such a crucial aspect of the with a “Shalom aleichem” and ness, rather than other problems.”
more acute the danger of being mis- shirah? the stranger returned the greeting. There are many such incidents
led by the darkness becomes. During Seeing the Almighty’s hand through Later, the Rov asked the Chofetz in which the Chofetz Chaim’s
these times, we must take special mea- open miracles is a powerful revelation Chaim who that man was. The ruach hakodesh was demonstrated
sures to ensure that we survive this in- of His awesome glory. However, this Chofetz Chaim replied, “You in addressing a problem before it
terim period. What can we do to make experience does not leave a lasting saw him? Did you give him Sha- was even asked. Yet, when a dyb-
sure that we will merit seeing the great impression on one’s life. Only by in- lom aleichem? Did he return your buk entered a woman and people
light that is in store for us? ternalizing that Hashem directs every greeting? Then you were zoche… asked it why the Chofetz Chaim
aspect of our lives can we live with
The man was Eliyahu Hanovi!” was considered great in Shomay-
TAKING REFUGE His Presence and develop a constant,
Both the Chofetz Chaim and the im, the dybbuk replied, “Because
IN THE DESERT lasting relationship with Him.
Ponovezer Rov merited seeing Eli- of his Torah!” Torah outshone his
Watching the sea open up in front of
For forty years, the Jewish people the entire Jewish people was certainly yahu Hanovi. seeing Eliyahu Hanovi, the pillar
lived in a desert. During this time, they one of the greatest miracles in the his- A second incident occurred with of fire, and his ruach hakodesh.
survived miraculously, eating monn tory of the world. Yet, the awareness Rav Nochumke of Horodno. Rav The Chazon Ish demonstrated
and drinking water from the be’er of that the Almighty dealt individually Nochum would seclude himself how great one can become through
Miriam. Why was it so crucial that with each and every soldier and horse in shul. The Chofetz Chaim, who toiling in Torah. May we be zoche
Klal Yisroel experience this? in the Egyptian army - the powerful was fifteen years old at the time, to reach these elevated madreigos
In order to remove the influences of army of Mitrzayim, delivering pre- wanted to know what the tzaddik •••••
Amaleik and all of the other nations cise measurements of retribution to did after midnight, so he hid in the To have Rabbi Juravel speak at
we’d encountered, Hashem isolated us each one, teaches us Hashgacha Pro- shul to observe him. At midnight, your function, call 646.320.3125.

21 Shevat 5770 • February 5 2010 YATED NE’EMAN Page 65

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