Jay Abraham Case Studies
Jay Abraham Case Studies
Jay Abraham Case Studies
Measurable and
Tangible Results
Michael T. Hutchison
Vice President
9/91 Towne Centre Drive
Suite 600
Michael D. Basch
What I have learned about business success in 20 years, starting out as one of
the founders of Federal Express...then working my way down!!
Who I Admire. And where to turn for help growing your
business in today's relentlessly competitive marketplace.
Dear Colleague:
I was a founder and one of a handful of executives that started Federal Express probably the most
successful start-up venture in American business history.
In those early days, we raised over $85 million in capital, went from ZERO DOLLARS to One Billion Dollars
in ten years and from #279 to #1 in market share. Also, we were voted one of the ten best managed companies
of the decade.
I'm writing this letter to people who want more success, growth, profitability or competitive advantage for
(and from) their existing business. This letter is also intended for people who are struggling over how to
become more effective and innovative at what they're doing.
Finally, it's meant to show anyone willing to listen, how to exponentially expand their opportunities in both
action and thought, by making a quantum leap above your competition.
By telling you my own personal story, perhaps I can introduce you to a unique man and his unique
philosophy and breakaway business strategy that helped me to exponentially grow my own latest business
venture. He explained why many of the things I'd been doing or tried in the past hadn't worked as well as I
I suspect that this same man could help you get closer to the vision of success you have for your business
also. I'm sure you'll find my story worth listening to....
It starts out back in 1972 and ends right now, here, in 1994!
I initially served as Senior Vice President of Sales and Customer Service when we started Federal Express.
Back then, Customer Service included purchasing trucks, hiring drivers, setting up "pick-up" and delivery
routes and areas, finding facilities and managing all ground activities. Believe me -- I really can relate to the
challenges and problems you face daily as pilot of your own enterprise. My operation went from seven sales
people to over 300 people in all kinds of disciplines in the first 9 months we started operations.
Lest you think my plight was any easier, better, different or more exciting than the road you've been traveling
-- think again!
In those days we fought like mad, just like you probably do. We scurried for direction, good ideas, good
people, customers and capital.
Our only constant was our endless pursuit to find out what our customers wanted (that the competition wasn't
giving them) and give it to them better! I don't honestly think most companies today understand how important
this awareness can be towards dominating a market or industry.
If you've never experienced rapid success and growth, you can't imagine the excitement and challenge it
I was good at one-on-one sales probably because I had such passion for the business I had helped found.
But when it came to marketing, positioning, influencing or persuading the entire marketplace to see and then
seize our advantage -- that required a totally different skill and ability. By the way, I've come
to realize that marketing is a combination of educating your market while increasing demand for your
product or service. Few companies recognize this critical fact.
At first, the other stockholders wanted me to be Senior Marketing Officer of Federal Express. I can honestly
say one of the best things I did for Federal Express during those early years was to turn down that offer.
I think I can honestly say that Federal Express would not have succeeded without the help of a marketing
genius -- which is integral to the point I need to make about your company's prospects for continued success
and growth, too!
Marketing Genius #1
The critical marketing job was given to one of the two marketing geniuses I have met in my life. A man
named Vince Pagan. Vince died about 10 years after we started Federal Express.
During those ten years, I had the good fortune of being able to work with Vince. Early on, for example,
Vince understood that the core buying motive of people who purchase package transportation services is to
"keep the boss off my back" or the flip side, "make me a hero in my boss' eyes."
None of our competitors understood this powerful nuance. I'm not certain many of the founders fully
understood this fact, either. But boy, did Vince Pagan grasp its potency.
Federal Express' primary customers were not executives or even the people who benefited from fast, reliable
delivery. They were more often traffic managers, clerks and secretaries. People who were performing a buying
service for others who benefited. Their need and, therefore, the value we added, was not "on time delivery" as
everyone else assumed. It was credibility and fingertip access to the information.
First, this knowledge led to "Absolutely Positively Overnight." Heavily advertised, this let the buyer know
that if they used Federal Express, they made the right decision. They couldn't be faulted. They used the best.
Vince had an intuitive understanding of marketing that provided the direction for Federal Express' service
delivery system through today and into the future -- over 20 years since it started and 11 years after his death.
part sales expert, a brilliant idea generator, an astute strategist and innovator and an absolute master at creating
competitive advantages for his clients.
You've probably read about him in publications like USA TODAY, Success Magazine, Entrepreneur, The New York
Times, The Los Angeles Times, or Washington Post. He's pretty audacious since he regularly charges clients a
mind-boggling $3,000 per hour for his advice.
Probably more amazing still are the thousands of separate business success stories the man's helped engineer.
People like Tony Robbins, Tom Hopkins and The W. Edwards Deming Training Organization all have used
his services. So too, have dominant businesses in over 100 separate industries.
I'd heard a bit about Jay before but frankly never really given him or marketing much thought until I reevaluated the key success factor I needed to ensure that my fourth attempt at a start-up succeeded massively.
That fourth business is my present consulting business. We started out with a bang -- and all was seemingly
well. One thing led to another and within a year I was at seven figures. But there was a problem. Our
business was all emanating from two clients. And we were so busy servicing these clients we didn't spend any
time whatsoever intelligently, strategically or productively marketing!
Two totally unexpected reversals in a row left us with -- you guessed it -- no business and no prospects.
Another painful lesson for me.
That's when I sought out Jay Abraham.
Remember I said that I have known two marketing geniuses in my entire life -- Vince Fagan was one. Jay is
the other.
I guess I would define a marketing genius as someone who has the ability to see through the cloud to the
obvious -- then apply the actions and specific tactics necessary to rum mere "Potential" into dollar-rendering,
tangible RESULTS!
I can count the people I have known that I would consider geniuses on one hand. Vince, Jay, Fred Smith,
Federal Express' CEO, and Art Bass, Federal Express' president for five years.
So you can fully appreciate the magnitude of this statement, you should know that in my capacity as Senior
V.P. at Federal Express, I had the opportunity of rubbing shoulders with hundreds of very successful, very
wealthy and highly respected business leaders, entrepreneurs and venture capitalists. The four men I've named I
consider true geniuses.
Every specialty has its superstars. Those people who clearly stand at the head of the pack. When you're lucky
enough to work with them, your own horizons are broadened, your vision gets expanded and your personal
potential grows exponentially.
Back to how I finally met Jay.
I had hired a marketing consultant to try and help me develop a marketing plan. All well enough.
However, after working with him awhile, he felt (to his great credit) that we needed a bolder, more
innovative approach than he could offer. He recommended I attend a boot camp conducted by Jay.
He told me about Jay's ability to regularly put on seminars where 200 people paid $20,000 each just to
participate and hundreds of people had their name on a waiting list. I figured that anyone who could make
$4,000,000 on one seminar had to be worth listening to.
Then I heard something even more amazing. Jay didn't even deposit or keep attendees money until --and
unless they received full value long before they even attended his program. It seemed he'd prepared some
unbelievable pre-attendance information that hundreds of people actually used to make huge profits -- prior
to even attending.
I have found out that one computer company made $643,000 from just one idea they got in Jay's advanced
materials. A manager at Oracle Computers made her division an extra $400,000 in the three
months before she attended. A manufacturing company made $850,000. A little video store tripled their
weekend rentals using one technique in Jay's advanced material. I can go on for pages. But I think you get
the idea.
change the way they think by somebody telling them what they want to hear. Jay expands your mind
until you're ready to change your mindset.
I paid $25,000 to learn this man's ideas and secrets, then I followed him to Australia for a month to watch him
in action with other entrepreneurs. Call me a glutton but I traveled to Los Angeles two more times to study
his methods -- the man is that knowledgeable.
I've seen him help chairman's of half billion dollar financial conglomerates, then turn right around and help
a tiny start-up get off to a profitable start.
I've watched him grow service companies, manufacturing concerns, retailers, wholesalers, transportation firms
-- small, medium -- you name it; the principles this man teaches work wonders for anyone willing to work
But stylistically, he's unlike anyone else you ever listened to or learned from. He teaches by example. He
shows his point through real-world success story illustration. He makes the participants and attendees conduct
the program for themselves -- this process is so powerful and effective it'll literally blow your mind when you
experience it.
Speaking about experiences -- learning how to grow your business directly under Jay Abraham is such an
incomparable process, the 1000 people he trained last year started referring to it as "The Abraham
Which -- finally brings me to the point of this letter. After seeing the profound and profitable impact Jay
could have on virtually any business, I persuaded him to conduct a specially priced, specially designed, threeday program series for business owners, entrepreneurs, professionals and serious seekers of independence.
A program that taught and explained his fundamental success principles and demonstrated them in action -but at a price you couldn't afford to miss out on.
Remember -- Jay sold out five 200-person $15,000 programs. He sold out his $20,000 program, and he
filled all of his $25,000 strategy sessions including the one I paid to attend.
Jay has agreed to hold a handful of $5000 special three-day long, four-part training sessions for qualified and
sincere business owners.
Not only do you get three solid days of the man himself, you also get thousands of dollars in advance
pre-attendance material that's designed to make you a handsome profit -- just like it did me prior to
You get to network with hundreds of success-driven, like-minded business owners from all over the nation and
world and from dozens of different industries.
Their ideas and perspectives are worth a fortune by helping to shift and improve your mindset. Then Jay and
a hand-picked group of his colleagues will work with you by phone for twelve consecutive months to enhance
your success and achievements.
Better still, unless you get enormously more than $5000 in cumulative value by 2:00 on Day Two of the
program, you can leave and receive a full return of your program fee.
Also, to make it totally irresistible -- Jay will let you pay for the bulk of your attendance fee after you return
home and start applying more of the concepts he teaches you -- the profits from which will more than pay for
the entire program. Or -- if you prefer to bring along a partner, you can do so for free just by pre-paying the
fee up-front with full refund privileges still protecting your investment.
Why would Jay agree to do this when he's regularly filled $20,000 and $25,000 programs? These will be fun,
and easy -- and fresh ideas will flow. Opportunities galore will present themselves to Jay. Joint ventures.
Clients. Acquisitions and licensing deals aplenty will come to Jay. He likes that.
I've never written a letter this personal, revealing or laudatory before about anyone.
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Obviously, I believe Jay Abraham is a very special asset you should be exposed to.
He is the only living marketing genius I know to exist. He is one of four geniuses I've met and known in my
life. He's a man who taught me how to grow my own small business exponentially.
He's the only marketing genius you'll ever meet who'll say, "If I don't make you money, I don't deserve to be
Up until recently, the only way to access Jay was to pay him $3,000 an hour or $25,000 to attend his
This letter is your formal invitation and opportunity to spend three life-changing and "business-altering"
days and nights with Jay for one-fifth the price I paid.
Why am I eagerly enthusiastic about a chance for you to access Jay when I paid five times more? It is a
different program. But that probably wouldn't even matter to me.
Knowing how much Jay can help you, this is probably the best opportunity I've ever seen for your
company to grow and prosper. I want to be part of it.
My close association with Jay will produce marketing ideas that should make me millions of dollars. I expect
to forge profitable relationships and network with many stimulating and successful "self-made" entrepreneurs;
thus, opening up countless additional opportunities. Finally, I want to develop my mindset, marketing skill and
ability to innovate to an even higher level than I'm at now -- and I sense that this program is the fastest way
for me to do that.
My plans are to attend these upcoming programs; mostly as an observer -- but also to talk for 90 minutes or
so about the essence that made Federal Express great and how to transfer those systems to your company.
Enclosed is a formal promotional piece on the program that's upcoming. It gives you the flavor...tells you
what to expect and answers the questions you might have.
If the chance to grow your business exponentially without risk or obligation appeals to you read the
promotion, call to reserve your seat, and receive the preview materials.
Nightingale-Conant Corporation is the world's largest and most influential personal development publisher.
Among the nearly 200 authors whose work they publish are Tom Peters, Ken Blanchard, Tony Robbins, Brian
Tracy, Tom Hopkins, Deepak Chopra, Steven Covey, Earl Nightingale and Napoleon Hill.
They don't even currently publish any of Jay Abraham's work.
Yet both the President and his partner attended Jay's three-day-long Mastermind Marketing Program not once
-- but twice. Once in November, then again in January. They sat through every hour of each 36-hour
Then they spent 20 hours privately interviewing Jay to see what made him tick and what made his
concepts produce such powerful results.
Even though Nightingale-Conant doesn't publish Jay's work, they recommended every business owner or
professional in their customer base try to attend Jay's next Mastermind Program. More importantly, they told
live attendees that attendance was probably the best business investment attendees could ever make.
In the process of preparing to attend Jay's first Mastermind Program, Vic Conant made $900,000 off the preattendance materials Jay sent to prepare him for the experience. Vic says they'll make him millions more over
the next twelve months from what they learned.
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Inside is the actual letter Nightingale-Conant sent to their entire customer base. I encourage you to read it.
I personally talked with both Vic and Kevin McEneely at Jay's last program. I know first-hand every word of
this letter is absolutety true.
There are few life changing experiences in one's life. Jay Abraham is one.
Why else did I write this? Because most people in business today are operating without sufficient grounding,
preparation or understanding of their purpose, the highest and best use of their time, ability or opportunity.
By this I don't mean they lack specialized training. Most are probably over-trained in the wrong things, but
ill-trained in marketing, innovation and a success-based mindset.
Most people I have met and I'd include my former self in the category fail to grasp the overall, long-range
picture of what it can be -- what it should be like. They do not understand and appreciate the universally
applicable fundamentals of enduring success, the basic optimization philosophy, the endless profit and
opportunity implications and ramifications which are absolute essentials to becoming super-successful.
Only one man living I know can teach those things to entrepreneurs and professionals. Jay Abraham can
guide you to a richer, more fulfilling reward from your life investment in your business. Do read the
accompanying promotional offer and call to reserve your seat right now.
Page 7
where the Federal Government seems to have failed in spurring business growth to
new heights. His ideas can awaken small business (owners) to enormous
possibilities for growth."
Kevin and I decided we had to know more, so we contacted Jay's office and asked his staff to send us his
proprietary materials to read and listen to. I should point out that we sell tapes for $39-295 a set.
Jay's materials are so valuable he regularly gets paid $1,800-$5,000 for a tape set and $1,000 a copy for
one of his special reports. Interestingly, his materials aren't even professionally packaged. He just
records his seminars live and unedited and he writes down his current thoughts on growing business,
increasing sales and improving profits and thousands of people seem to almost stand in line
for the copies.
"Why?" we asked. When we received our copies, the answer became clear.
His material is brilliant not the complex or theoretical-type "generalized" philosophy I'm told many
conventional business experts confuse you with. Jay Abraham delivers real world, "hands-on," highly
specific, and extremely clear... step-by-step explanations of exactly how to grow any business and I do
mean any.
We later learned that Jay has been influenced by some of the greatest innovators, marketing minds and
entrepreneurs of the century. He's worked with, studied under or researched many of the great business
achievers and entrepreneurial minds and learned how to combine the key elements of their instinctual
brilliance into an amazingly simple success system that produces results whenever it gets properly
I know...I know ... that's an awfully powerful statement for me to make -- but facts are facts. I know a
lot about talented experts and effective training methods from the personal development authors we proudly
publish. But when it comes, specifically, to growing a business and increasing your bottom-line profits,
Jay Abraham is in a class by himself. He has personally produced more documented success stories of men
and women from virtually all walks of business life making amazing amounts of money and profit increases
than any one expert we have ever heard about and we know about virtually every legitimate business
expert. Kevin and I honestly found his track record almost unbelievable ourselves, so we personally
checked them out.
What we discovered truly impacted us. We found stories ... real-life success stories of doctors whose
practices doubled or tripled; of retailers whose sales shot up 40%; of wholesalers who added hundreds of
thousands of dollars to their bottom line. We actually talked to dozens of small and medium entrepreneurs
who have made small to large fortunes (large to us is seven figures or more) just by following Jay
Abraham's advice and ideas.
O.K., we thought. We had to see the man for ourselves. But first we decided to personally try out a few of
the ideas we got from the tapes and written materials Jay's office sent us. When we listened to the tapes,
alone, they dramatically changed our thinking and expanded our horizons. We saw possibilities and
opportunities where they'd never existed before. Within 6 months of trying out our first Jay Abrahaminspired idea, we made something close to $900,000! When the first "little" idea someone gives you
produces nearly a million dollar profit, you tend to take that man's advice and
recommendations seriously.
That's why we sent the letter encouraging you to attend a special training program Jay conducted in
Both Kevin and I registered to attend and participate ourselves.
Page 2
Here's what we experienced. First we met nearly 150 like-minded, success-driven business owners and
entrepreneurs who were committed to achievement and growth. They'd already taken an idea from nothing
and built a solid business -- now, they wanted to grow it to the next level of profitability and success.
We learned an enormous amount of ideas from these participants. You see part of the unique training
program Jay puts attendees through is a powerful masterminding/interactive process that forces you to open
your mind and absorb all the other ways of doing business, making money, selling, promoting,
prospecting, marketing or advertising that people outside your basic field have successfully learned to do.
Once you are introduced to all these fresh new approaches, your horizons are raised many tunes over.
Jay has developed probably the most successful business growth and achievement process we've ever
studied. It actually encompasses four separate parts. Each part is critically interconnected to produce the
enormous increases and profit gains people attending regularly achieve.
The first stage of Jay's brilliant success achievement process starts with grounding you in his
fundamental belief systems, philosophies and basic strategies on business, competition and customers
before you attend his live training. Toward this end he sends you out literally $5,000 in priceless advice
and perspective-altering preparatory materials.
I know you think I'm being hyperbolic with my adjectives but I assure you, I'm not. Why? Because there
are dozens of documented stories of people using the Abraham materials to produce profits in the tens and
hundreds of thousands of dollars prior to ever attending the live portion of the program itself. A few cases
in point just to establish my own veracity on this subject....
As I mentioned, Kevin and I made $900,000 on the first idea we implemented. That idea came right out of
the preparatory materials Jay sends all program attendees. Michael Quinn used these materials to make
$643,000 profit before he ever met Jay in person. A division manager at Oracle Computers made $400,000
in about six weeks using just one idea she got from the advance materials. I could go on for pages but I
think you get the general idea. So advance fundamental grounding is Part One...
Part Two is the live 36-hour program where Jay personally leads you in an extraordinary three day journey
that precisely explains how to grow any business...why companies gain competitive advantage over
others...how to gain distinction for your company, product line or profit center...massive veins of windfall
profits just waiting to be harvested for your business...the truth about how to sell, advertise, market,
promote, negotiate with, persuade or influence any market -- and how to create an optimal success system
for your specific business situation that produces the maximum possible profits and success levels from the
minimum efforts, expense and risk.
This live training program is totally interactive. There's extensive examples, illustrations, questions, answers
and highly specific demonstrations to bring all Jay's powerful principles to profitable application in your
own specific business situation.
Remember, I personally attended all three days with Kevin McEneely, and I assure you every word I've
written is based on my own personal, first-hand experience.
Part Three is networking. In a nutshell, he brings together a few hundred people (each person possessing
20 years, on average, experience and expertise) to concentrate all their combined ability and intellect on
one another's individual problems, challenges and opportunities for three incredibly illuminating days
and nights. So many breakthroughs occur during this process I honestly can't do it justice in
this letter
Page 3
But this is only Part Three. Along the way Jay carefully teaches each attendee the three simple, yet
infallible ways to grow any business and gets into all kinds of possibilities within each category getting
various attendees to show their own successful past experience with each approach so you see first-hand
how real, doable and profitable these "little" shifts (or additions) in the way you conduct your business
can be on your bottom line.
Highest and Best Use of Your Time, Capital and Opportunity: Getting
Leverage on Yourself and Your Business
He then gets you to identify your own best options from all the success strategies he reveals and together
you forge your own optimal success strategy before you leave the program. Each day attendees
carefully determine and report the improved scenario and profit contribution they conservatively believe
each new strategy will add to their business. Attendees learn enormously from these specific insights.
At the program I attended, Jay added an average annual profit boost of almost a quarter million dollars to
each person's business (some made less, but a lot made much more.) This is not my opinion. Each
participant had to conservatively calculate worst case, not best -- what each specific idea and strategy Jay
taught them would mean to their bottom lines. Next, Jay made them cut their figures in half then halve
them again to be absolutely realistic.
Then each attendee stood up and documented not only their total figure -- but the actual actions they
would take to produce these impressive increases. The money-making business education we all got from
this process was enormous. It added a conservative $5 million to our bottom line -- if Kevin and I do the
things Jay taught us at the program.
Part Four is forced success." I'm being a bit overt in my description but the effect is the same. You see
Jay knows from years of personal experience with private clients that, left to their own devices, the vast
majority of people will only accomplish a small fraction of the potential he's taught them how to achieve.
So Jay added a brilliant addition to this training program. For one full year you get to participate on long
interactive group follow-up conference calls with Jay and other experts he invites for each call. These
calls are designed to force more discipline into your execution, to work individually with people who need
a bit of a push, and to develop breakthrough strategies. They are also to report and share success stories
so you will have a real "success model" to pattern your own efforts after -- and help correct any problems
or mis-applications you may be making.
Quite honestly, if you participate on all 12 monthly follow-up consultation calls, it's virtually
impossible not to produce dramatic improvements.
We proudly publish some truly gifted personal development experts, most are my very good friends. I
admire them deeply. But Jay is different from a personal development expert He's an entrepreneur, an
idea man, a world-class business strategist and a marketing genius rolled up into one. He is unquestionably
the most "business savvy" real-world expert you'll ever see in live action. He combines a unique blend of
reality with highly specific and experiential "instruction."
In other words, everything he does, teaches or illustrates is based on first-hand experiences Jay's had
so he's able to illustrate and explain issues and concepts to you in exact, clear and tangible methods you
can easily understand and act upon. Jay combines strategy with tactical execution.
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We're told that many business and management experts present highly abstract, theoretical philosophy and
you're forced to fend for yourself. Jay teaches you exactly what to do. why to do it and when and where
~ and most importantly how to execute for maximum profit with minimum risk.
This ability doesn't come cheaply, however. You might remember (from my first letter) that Jay normally
gets paid $3,000 per hour for his private advice. He usually participates in the profits, too, at up to 50
percent of the money his ideas and concepts produce. He's made himself, his clients and joint venture
partners millions.
But I doubt seriously that you would be comfortable paying Jay $3,000 per hour to teach you his secrets
and methods...a year of working with him privately would run you hundreds of thousands of dollars. I
personally think it's a very good investment but I doubt if you can currently justify it.
That actually is the primary reason for me re-writing you a letter one final time.
Jay's November training program actually exceeded my own expectations by a huge margin. I know my
partner Kevin was impressed also. The head of a $500 million title company was there taking copious
notes. So too was one of the world's foremost commercial insurance agencies...as were some of the
greatest future achievers I've met.
Jay has two more programs currently scheduled. They're on June 3, 4, & 5 and a final one on August 12,
13, & 14 both in Los Angeles. I think you should seriously consider participating in one of these. In my
humble opinion, you should be there if:
You currently run or manage any profit-motivated business or professional practice and you're not
living up to your full business potential.
You're starting to lose your edge and need a fresh new approach to give your business a distinctive advantage over the
You want to have more joy, far more control, more financial and personal fulfillment out of your
business activities but don't quite know how to do it on your own.
You want the enormous effort, investment and commitment you've made and are continuously making in the business
to pay off more handsomely.
You recognize that good ideas properly acted on can be worth a small fortune to you and you're eager
to be taught as many breakthrough money-making or success building ideas as possible.
You want business to be easier, more automatic than it has been lately.
You could really benefit from uncovering a $50,000 or $500,000 windfall profit within your
You've become far too wedded to tradition or single-minded in your thinking and know that a broadened, more "funnel
vision" (as opposed to tunnel vision) perspective can infuse you and your business with the shot in the arm it needs.
You could benefit greatly if you had a marketing genius watching over and advising you for the next
full year.
I've asked Jay to hold a block of places at his June and August upcoming training programs for you and
other Nightingale-Conant customers I feel should be there.
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We're told that many business and management experts present highly abstract, theoretical philosophy and
you're forced to fend for yourself. Jay teaches you exactly what to do. why to do it and when and where - and most importantly how to execute for maximum profit with minimum risk.
This ability doesn't come cheaply, however. You might remember (from my first letter) that Jay normally
gets paid $3,000 per hour for his private advice. He usually participates in the profits, too, at up to 50
percent of the money his ideas and concepts produce. He's made himself, his clients and joint venture
partners millions.
But I doubt seriously that you would be comfortable paying Jay $3,000 per hour to teach you his secrets
and methods...a year of working with him privately would run you hundreds of thousands of dollars. I
personally think it's a very good investment but I doubt if you can currently justify it.
That actually is the primary reason for me re-writing you a letter one final time.
Jay's November training program actually exceeded my own expectations by a huge margin. I know my
partner Kevin was impressed also. The head of a $500 million title company was there taking copious
notes. So too was one of the world's foremost commercial insurance agencies...as were some of the
greatest future achievers I've met.
Jay has two more programs currently scheduled. They're on June 3, 4, & 5 and a final one on August 12,
13, & 14 both in Los Angeles. I think you should seriously consider participating in one of these. In my
humble opinion, you should be there if:
You currently run or manage any profit-motivated business or professional practice and you're not
living up to your full business potential.
You're starting to lose your edge and need a fresh new approach to give your business a distinctive advantage over the
You want to have more joy, far more control, more financial and personal fulfillment out of your
business activities but don't quite know how to do it on your own.
You want the enormous effort, investment and commitment you've made and are continuously making in the business
to pay off more handsomely.
You recognize that good ideas properly acted on can be worth a small fortune to you and you're eager
to be taught as many breakthrough money-making or success building ideas as possible.
You want business to be easier, more automatic than it has been lately.
You could really benefit from uncovering a $50,000 or $500,000 windfall profit within your
You've become far too wedded to tradition or single-minded in your thinking and know that a broadened, more "funnel
vision" (as opposed to tunnel vision) perspective can infuse you and your business with the shot in the arm it needs.
You could benefit greatly if you had a marketing genius watching over and advising you for the next full
I've asked Jay to hold a block of places at his June and August upcoming training programs for you and
other Nightingale-Conant customers I feel should be there.
Page 5
how to market. Even fewer businesses understand why and how to innovate. Jay Abraham is a worldclass marketing expert but he's probably even better at innovating. He looks at business as a series of
marketing profit centers pulling together and cross-pollinating to produce massive profits.
He understands clearly all the viable ways you could improve or increase the success quotient of your
business and he explains this process in a simplified manner anybody can understand and believe in.
When Jay breaks down the three ways to grow a business and then walks you through your own best
application, it's virtually impossible to deny the impact these actions will have.
My father originally published Earl Nightingale. Earl wrote a wonderful condensation of Napoleon Hill's
"Think and Grow Rich." In it he commented that the hand putting down the book at the end is a far
different, changed hand than the one that picked it up initially to read.
I'd say something similar about attending Jay Abraham's June or August Mastermind Training program.
The business owner who participates is a far wiser, more skilled marketer and innovator than the person
who walked into the room on Day One.
I've written you before about worthy people and products we publish.
But, I've never written you a letter this strong about someone we don't even publish. Frankly, growing a
business and increasing profits requires much more than personal development. It takes both a clear
understanding -- and the learned ability to better capitalize on specific success factors overlooked by
almost everyone. This unhedged endorsement letter is my way of putting the full force and reputation of
Nightingale-Conant and my own personal credibility on the line to tell you something important ....
You can profit greatly by attending Jay Abraham's training program. I know my partner and I did. Read
the enclosed brochure.
I've taken the liberty of reproducing a few of the articles about Jay to further evidence his professional
Tony Robbins said it best when he wrote these words about Jay Abraham...
"...some of the biggest entrepreneurial success stories of the last twenty years have
been masterminded by Jay Abraham.... When a man can take the same people... the
same company...the same efforts...the same expense...but by changing strategy and
approach produce ten times more results, is it any wonder I am signing my name to
this letter....I have personally recommended his weekend seminars to more than 500
people and he's gotten rave reviews....He helps you develop ideas on how you can
immediately increase your income, whether it's from your kitchen table or your
corporate boardroom...you'll be vastly rewarded for your efforts, I assure you."
Page 7
For example, Jay is convinced
that some of the best books ever
written have not been read by more
than a handful of people. (I totally
agree, because I have personally
read many such books.) He is
convinced that some of the best
products ever made have failed in
the marketplace. He is convinced
that some of the greatest services
ever offered have gone unnoticed
by the general public.
Obviously, by now you can
guess why this is so. It's because
they simply weren't marketed at
all. What a tragedy.
One of Jay Abraham's strongest convictions about the business
world is: If you're in business
any businessyou have to also
be in the marketing business. Jay
firmly believes that marketing is
what separates the good product
from the good product. Marketing
is what separates the good service
from the good service. What he
means is that, all other things being
equal, marketing is the difference.
Either you get into the marketing
business, or your business gets left
in the marketing dust of your
A very astute friend of mine
(an attorney) passed along an interesting observation to me about a
year ago. He said that in observing
all of the businesses he had done
work for over the years, almost
without exception he noted the
Every business that was not
marketing driven, no matter how
good its products or services and
no matter how well managed it
was, had either gone broke or
struggled to keep its head above
On the other hand, every
business that was marketing
driven, no matter how inferior its
products or services and no matter
how poorly managed it was, was
successful almost without fail.
I realize that business people
with quality products or services,
but little or no marketing strategy,
The Teachings of
As I mentioned earlier in this
letter, Jay Abraham is a teacher. I
don't want to pass over that point
lightly, because I personally believe
that it is his obsession with teaching that is at the heart of his unheard-of string of Abrahaming
(1 have never known anyone
to be unhappy with Jay's performance. As incredible as that
statement may sound, I can assure
you that if s true. I have known
several people who have become
very irritated with Jay, but every
single one of those people readily
acknowledges his unique ability
to produce sensational results.)
The reason that I want to delve
more deeply into the teaching aspect of Jay Abraham is that 1 have
never known another consultant
who tries to teach his clients every
thing that he knows. Most consultants guard their occupational
"secrets" zealously. Their ultimate
nightmare is that a client will learn
too much and then won't need their
services anymore. (Attorneys, of
course, are the classic example of
this paranoia.)
Not so with Jay. Jay wants
you to know everything about
Abrahaming that he knows. That
will become apparent to you the
first time you speak with him.
There are many reasons for his
unique philosophy about educat-
the profits.
And on...and on...and
onthe list is infinite.
The Cautions of
I've gone out on a limb here in
singing the praises of a man whose
talents irritate me greatly, so I want
to be certain not to lead you down
a primrose path. Thus, I want to
pass along to you a few words of
caution that Jay has expounded
upon many times.
First, Jay will teach you anything he knows, without hesitation. But he's impatient. He will
not assuage your ego. He will not
tell you what you want to hear. He
will tell you what he really believesquickly and candidly. He
has no interest in being your "yes"
man or your psychiatrist. His
main objective is to make both you
and him lots of moneyquickly,
ethically, and with as little risk as
possible to either of you.
Second,notwithstanding what
I told you about my attorneyfriend's observations about marketing-driven companies. Jay will
not deal with you unless he is
convinced that you have a quality
product or service that is a definite
benefit to your customers.
Third, you must be able to
handle a dramatic increase in sales
almost overnight. If Jay agrees to
apply Abrahaming to your product
or service, he expects you to be
geared up to handle the increased
business. This is a common problem for neophytes in the directmarketing arena. Jay asks for
nothing up front, so you can understand why, when he produces
results, he expects to get paid to the
fullest extent possible.
Fourth, you must have an open
mind. If you want conventional,
dollar-wasting advertising marketing or sales promotion, hire a
dollar-wasting advertising firm.
There are plenty of them around
who will be happy to take your
14. Jay Abraham has an impeccable reputation for honesty and
integrity, and he is the ultimate
value for value entrepreneur. His
objective is to always make the
client feel as though he has received
far more than he paid forespecially since Jay's compensation
comes only from the increased
profits he produces.
In all my years as a best-selling author and speaker, I've never
written a letter of endorsement
like this. When you have a name
that people respect, giving any kind
of endorsement can be a risky
proposition, let alone writing a
whole letter about someone.
Not only is this the first time
that I've ever written such a letter,
but it undoubtedly will be the last.
I'm willing to make an exception in
Jay Abraham's case because I've
had the opportunity to work with
him so closely over the past year.
In addition, I've viewed him from
the worst possible side, and have
been able to find justifiable reasons
for actions that I once found to be
I feel comfortable in writing
this letter because Jay Abraham has
earned "A's" in all the areas that I
consider to be important: He follows my own value for value philosophy to the extreme; he thinks
long term in his dealings with
others, a rarity in a world filled
with short-term, gratification-oriented people; he is honest almost
to a fault; he seeks remuneration
for his remarkable talents based
only on resultsi.e., increased
profits; and no one that I know of
has ever been dissatisfied with his
Hmmm...you know, the more
I think about it, I really do hate Jay
Now, here's my word of caution to you: If you want to enlist
Jay's amazing marketing talents,
make sure that you have a firm
understanding with him ahead of
time regarding scheduling. He is
busyvery busybecause, obvi-
In Year 4-$96,952 In
Year 5 - $385,199 In
Year 6- $332,169 In
Year 7 -$668,519
We don't throw our money
around. So how can I justify these
enormous payments for marketing
help? Frankly, I've been criticized
for it. But, the truth is, the money
we paid Jay came from the increased profits he generated for us.
What's more, he taught me the
basics of marketing. He taught my
staff as well. He devised brilliant
marketing concepts, programs and
strategies that brought us new
customers, and made us grow. He
developed marketing techniques
that helped make us dominant in
our industry.
Oddly enough, it didn't take
that many hours of his time. He
mostly consulted with us over the
buckets of popcorn.
If you think that's strange, four
years ago he refused to come and
see me because he was afraid to fly. I
had to go to him. But last March
when I was having breakfast at a
hotel in Hong Kong, I looked up
and there he was. He had suddenly decided to no longer be afraid
to fly, and promptly took a vacation trip to Singapore, Bangkok and
Hong Kong.
He's obsessed with cars and
buys and sells Porsches, Rolls
Royces and Mercedes like you or I
might change socks.
Worst of all, each time I saw
him, he spent the first hour telling
me how wonderful he was.
You can understand why it
took me a while to wade through
all this to recognize his extraordinary gifts, but his work for others
was so wildly profitable, 1 decided
to get to know him.
I was finally forced to surrender to the fact that Jay Abraham is
an honest, loveable, eccentric, unorthodox genius the likes of whom
1 will probably never meet again.
Once I accepted that fact, he
made me millions. 1 paid Jay
Abraham $600,000 in one year because he made me $2 million, and
all the money 1 paid him came out
of the profits he produced for me.
He is an authentic marketing
genius free thinking, wildly cre-
George R. Culp
H.W. Culp Lumber Co.
New London, NC, 28127
Dear Jay,
I'm embarrassed. Actually I think red-faced and ashamed would be more appropriate.
I've promised you, (and myself), for months on end, even all the way to a year ago, that I would
sit down and chronicle in a clear, specific, concise, and to-the-point manner.....
......exactly what I learned from you......exactly how I have utilized, implemented, and
taylored to my own situation, your various concepts......and most importantly of all, a precision,
accounting of the immense multitude of benefits that I, (and others), are enjoying both in
financial and psychic compensation - it's in the millions. Seven figures. Really, it is.
Once more Jay, I do apologize for the delay. As my penance I'll try and go, as you've
taught me, the extra - extra mile. Here goes.
Background My greatest success has been with the marketing of my kiln drying schools. As you know, I'm
in the lumber business and that "kiln drying of lumber" is an integral part of the process of lumber
You may recall that we had a conversation some years ago shortly after my attendance at your
Februrary 1990, Protege/Mentor week long training.
And in that conversation you sensed my need to quickly verify and implement your concepts,
and as well through your unique still of inquisition like questioning you made it instantly obvious to
me that I had expertise - easily demonstrable and verifiable - that my like minded co-sawmillers may be
willing to pay for.
As novice at marketing as one could be, I gave it shot. In May 1990,I held my first
training. Results - $50,000 net profit before taxes.
Since then Jay, I have gone on to host a total of 6 training programs, all at my own plant site.
To add, I also raised my price from an initial school cost of $1350/Corp. to $25,000/corp. All
totalled, net profits before taxes of $597,000.00. Free, found dollars.
A good testimonial, and I'm happy for certain, but there was for sure a marketing method to my
madness. (Believe me, it didn't just fall out of the sky.)
For the moment I would like to cover the most significant marketing concepts and the
implementation process of them, all of which I learned from you.
* Redeploying hidden assets - Jay, just the mere discovery alone that I had knowledge that
others would be willing to pay for was a major marketing move for me. I had already gone to all the
huge effort and expense to discover my technological concepts, so to take a small amount of extra
effort to market them, (small in relation to the "discovery" effort), and to lay them out for
instruction purposes was indeed a logical next step.
I was taking a previously "hidden" intellectual asset that was making money for me alone, and
turned it in to a real live, honest to goodness, profit producer simply by the passing along of it to
others who could use in their own operations.
* Leverage - I have found the "leverage" principle to be at the heart of everything.
4. Used audio tapes of conference calls whereby past students told of accomplishments. (A
real voice normally isn't altered, and therefore adds a new slant of believability.)
Risk reversal - Wow, have I ever learned a lot here! Since the sawmilling community is a
fairly tight knit one, and everybody pretty much knows everyone else, I felt the liklihood of too liberal
a guaranttee was not to be of concern.
Different RR's I've used 1. Check up front but not cashed until after the school. Placed the check in an envelope in the
washroom. Any attendee could at any time, if dissatisfied with the school, without declaration pick
his check up.
2. Nothing up front. Down payment at end of live school, if and only if, satisfied. Followed by
monthly payments for 10 months. At any time if dissatisfied could halt payments.
This one worked the best. Several corporations shared that they would not have gambled
with an upfront $25,000 payment. What's more, with the time payment plan many mills could
avoid higher tiered management approval.
3. A $100,000 minimum, annual increase in profits. Once I demonstrated how easily this
increase could be realized, and from many many different avenues, all resulting from better drying of
their lumber, skepticism disappeared. Add to that, that the lowest level of new profits from the 8 Case
Studies was twice $100,000, it became very acceptable.
The power of telemarketing - Follow up by phone should never ever be discounted. Out
of a total of 25 sales in my last two schools at least 11 can be directly attributed to telemarketing.
In some cases, the phone simply served to move someone along the process of gaining
approval and registering. (People get caught up in their normal, day-to-day routines and oftentimes
lay your marketing materials aside for more urgent, even though they may be trivial, matters.)
In other cases, a live voice served to lend further credibility of the viability of the school.
The "approach" that worked best of all was one of further education, continued
testimonial and endorsement, and basically a "take away".
To expound. In some cases a manager may have concerns that my system would not apply to
his operation. Thusly, further education was necessary.
As registrations came in, reporting those signups served to give further credibility. (One large
multi-mill signup led to a Western Union Mailgram. It yielded two more registrations.
No high pressure telephone sales approach was used. We were calling "to see merely if there
were any questions, and to satisfy ourselves if they qualified".
If resistance was met, we told them that "not everyone was ready for the level of operation
we are taking miles to. It will involve some effort and expenditure, that's true, but so often people
wish to remain in their circle of comfortability rather than branch forth to new heignts. We wished to
ascertain whether this was that case or not." Of course they all said, "no, we're a forward moving
corporation." We then would precede with further education, features, benefits, credentialing, etc.
* The power of "FREE". - I allowed any mill that attended my Nov. 1993 school to attend
my Jan. 1994 school absolutely free of charge and with a total new set of attendees. And new
materials would be furnished free of charge too. At the Nov. school "you can send 3 men", and the
Jan. training "you can send as many as you want".
This concept sold many mills - "2 schools for the price of one" - "my main men can attend in
Nov. and there subordinates in Jan." - "Everyone at our mill can get your knowledge first hand."
And too, by having two schools close together I could capitalize on the marketing of the first
as already aquainting my list with me and the program.
But Jay, there was a secondary benefit to allowing mills to attend the second school for free. It
made several sales for the second. Here's what I mean - Of the 14 corporations that attended in Nov., 10 re-upped for Jan. I published the
fact that the 10 mills were going to expend more money and men's time to come back for a
"rehashment" and "further grounding" in the concepts.
And this is what it did - two new sales for the Jan. training related that since all those mills had
decided to spend further monies, even if just for travel and time, that the school must be great. They
said "you can get sold a bill of goods once" but no one would come back for more unless the
training had the true value as advertised.
Interesting revelations for me.
* "Emotion" - When to use them, and to your best advantage.
I had noticed, and it should be obvious anyway, that at the end of my seminar was when
attendees were the most "emotional". It was the time when hopes were the highest, credibility for
the training was peaking, opportunities for utilization of what they had been taught were being
mentally formulated, and they wanted to let it all out.
For a marketer it is an opportunity to get some of that priceless, deep from the heart
testimonials and endorsements that, as I mentioned earlier, are paramount to further success.
For many, if not all of the attendees, it is the only time when thought has been given to what
they are about to do. No other outside destractions are demanding of their "mental" time.
They've experienced educational and fact-backed credibility, they've seen first-hand
demonstrations of what they will soon experience themselves, and have heard others who have
followed the program earlier and have reaped the benefits. They want to jump on that band-
Responses such as, "Definitely, you can't get this kind of instruction anywhere else!"
"Absolutely! We were concerned about added production - not anymore!" , are common place and
serve a mighty purpose for future marketing.
In fact, my second school mailing was 95% quotations from the answers to the
questionnaire. (I had 142 useful quotations from 43 men at the November training.)
Furthermore it serves as a warmup and thought provoker for.....
- ....stand up and speak your piece at the end of the school
Others have called this exercise '"round the room". Specifically, as you well know, it's at the
end of the school when each student is given the opportunity to stand and voice what he learned,
how he'll use it to his advantage, and any other revelations and new found understandings he may
have experienced.
The questionniare serves as a warmup. It gets them thinking and internally verbalizing
what they are feeling about the program. They write it down.
And then extend it even to a higher zenith or peak with a stand up vocal testimonial.
For fear of sounding egotistical I'll refrain from giving specific quotations, yet I assure you
they are powerful in the least, and tearful from pride in the greatest.
But, as we've related together so often Jay, my school is only a "money hobby". In my prime
business of lumber manufacturing it's been equally as impacting.
Two ways particularly.
Way #1- A complete, total body X-ray of our sales approach revealed that we constantly
violated Marking Mistake #7 - Failing to make it easy to do business.
No kidding. After asking ourselves what could be difficult about our sales policies it
became painfully clear that we were far too rigid - rigid in the sense of not enough pricing flexibility - we wanted to firm price every thing for
up to 1 year. When after a small amount of research revealed that pricing at the time of
shipment yielded just as good a margin, and made the customer far more comfortable in the sense
his cost in each shipment was what the "market would bear" at the time of that shipment.
Too, some customers had voiced that they preferred custom packaging. Earlier, we had
balked, but for no real good reason. That soon changed.
Results: Long term contract sales of 25% of production rose to 40%, and with half the
effort. As well, 95% of the customers started "re-upping" each year. Previously it was 60%.
Way #2 - The introduction of "flexibility" into our manufacturing and marketing process.
If there is one "chagrin" to the lumber business it's that it is rigid in it's product mix - "we
make what we make and you can buy it or not.'" Know what I mean?
After canvasing our customer base, (remember, "the market will tell you"), we found several
new products high in demand and easy for us to make. In fact, one complete new product has no
cost involved and adds $15,000/ month to our bottomline. Again, 100% total profit.
Jay, in total to say that marketing has made me a higher level of income is an
In reality it has made me a wiser person. Far more capable of serving my fellow man.
I guess you first made it clear to me when you said, "George above all, let your customer
know beyond a shadow of a doubt that his interests and success are supremely paramount to yours.
When you can do that, both consciously and unconsciously, you'll have realized and learned what
marketing is all about."
That is my credo.
With the greatest of respect, I am now and always shall be....
P.S. Jay, many have called you "Creative Genius", "Idea Machine", "Mastermind Leader", and
the like. All real and correct.
If I had to characterize you in a few short words it would be this -
".....a man who has observed and learned from his experiences. Analyzed those
experiences and delightfully laid them forth in terms that I and thousands of others can
understand. To just read your words, and hear you speak and teach, serve only as
guideposts to our taking action. Only then can we truly learn from what you so
graciously took the effort to create and gift to others."
Bell Enterprises
Rte. 378 & Walter Avenue Bethlehem, PA
18015 (215) 865-3323 Fax (215) 861-0444
Mr. Jay L. Abraham
950 Indian Peak Road, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I decided, in appreciation for what you've done for me, to write you this letter.
As you may or may not know, I've never attended any of your live "training" seminars although for whatever the reason, I took
a leap of faith and purchased your home study program.
I'll admit, I was extremely hesitant about sending you my money. My wife and I kept saying to each other "there's no way anyone
can change their life by listening to audio tapes and reading a few books about the life and times of Jay Abraham, some marketing guru
from California." Well. I must say..."boy were we wrong!"
I can't imagine what I'd be doing today if I hadn't purchased your home study program. I'd probably be going to work at 8 A.M.
and leaving at 5 P.M....doing the same mediocre job for my clients I always did...and letting my business take me wherever it pleased.
But thanks to you...things have changed. And I just thought, maybe, by writing you this letter and sharing my experiences with
you, you might pass it on so that other people can enjoy the same success I have or at least the same opportunity to take action. It's
absolutely amazing what I've been able to accomplish by simply reading your material, listening to the audio tapes and watching your
videos again...and again...and again.
Every time (to this day) I read, listen to or watch any of your materials, I pick up something new. A new tactic, a new approach, an
idea I can use to help one of my clients prosper. Before I understood your concepts and made them a part of my mindset, I was just another
"run-of-the-mill" marketing consultant. I charged fees and got paid whether my strategies and ideas worked or not.
I never tested any headlines, approaches, offers, guarantees or prices. I had no idea what a USP was, and now it is the cornerstone of
how I look at building profits The thought of negotiating P.I. deals with the media or trying to attain free publicity was the last thing I
would have ever done for my clients and leverage was something I used to open my car door when it jammed.
But now, I apply these techniques all the time. Not only for me...but for all my clients as well. Let me explain:
In 1992, I helped a small mortgage broker earn over $31,000 in less than 45 days by simply applying the concept of testing. I tested
two or three headlines until I found a winner we could run with. Prior to my knowledge of testing, I would never have tried to see how
"high was high." My client and I would have been satisfied with mediocrity.
I recently applied your technique of two-step lead generation for a small manufacturer of parts-making equipment. I created such an
abundance of qualified leads that a $200 million corporation took notice perceived my small, $2-million-a-year client as a threat and is,
at this very moment, negotiating serious "buy-out" offers and licensing arrangements that could make my client extremely wealthy.
I grew an appliance distributor by over $300,000 in less than 12 months (during the heart of the recession) when the last thing
consumers were buying was luxury appliances. How? By uncovering the most lucrative aspect of their business (its volume buying
power) and selling that asset to the dealers rather than the product itself.
Everyone in the market was competing on price and price alone. They all said, "buy from us because we have the lowest price." I
was the first one to tell the marketplace "why" we had the lowest price. Prior to exposing myself to your material, I would never have
known to tell the marketplace the reason why we could offer such low prices. Correspondingly neither myself nor my client would be as
successful today.
Most recently I found myself laughing at another rather humorous situation.
A real estate developer contracted me to sell a $400,000 piece of property that had been sitting stagnant on the market for over
three years. Four different real estate agents had tried to sell it and each one kept saying the price was too high. So, when I took over
the marketing, the price had been lowered to $329,000.
Now here's the funny part. A few years ago, I would have done the same thing as the real estate agents...but not this time. Thanks to
you, I stepped out of my shell and away from the myopia that plagued everyone else, and realized that lowering the price was not going to
sell the property.
After all...everyone else had already tried it and it didn't work...so I tried something different. I asked the developer if I could
raise the price to $400,000 and use the $70,000 savings in a more effective way. He agreed, and I ran the following ad the next day:
"Bank Forces Developer to Sell Property Within 60 Days"
Developer willing to carry fne cost of your spec house, lot, or home until it sells or for 12 months
whichever comes first. Call 555-5555 for info.
The odds of my client having to fork over more than $70,000 in interest costs was highly unlikely.
As a matter of fact, the ad generated over 15 qualified prospects in one week and a sale in less than 30 days. Why? Because you
taught me how to "see the forest through the trees." You showed me how to find the hot buttons that make people tick. And I thank you
for that.
I now make a minimum of $25,000 every time I take on a new client. Prior to taking your home study course, I would have been
satisfied to make one-third of that amount.
My confidence and ability to help a company improve their profits has grown to such heights that I now enjoy (just like you) getting
paid 25 to 50 percent of the new incremental profits I help my clients earn. As a matter of fact, I've gotten so good and proficient at
improving bottom-line profits that I've even begun to get free nationwide publicity (another technique I learned from your program).
I've been a featured guest on numerous talk shows across the country such as, Small Business Strategies in Boston, MA; Morning
Business Drive in Washington, DC; Newsroom in Richmond, VA; as well as Business Day, Good Day U.S.A., The Stan Major Show and The
Sonny Bloch Show which are all syndicated nationally to a total, combined audience of over 265 cities across the country.
Doug Stephan, Chairman of the Board for the Independent Broadcasters Network, referred to me as "the nation's newest and
brightest young marketing expert you could ever meet."
All the success I'm enjoying now is a direct result of learning and attaining the mindset necessary to see opportunities where no one
else can. As a result, my clients are much happier with my services. Their profits have soared, and my income has doubled.
My wife is happier. I spend more time with my two children and I go to bed at night looking forward to the next day.
Jay, I hope you pass my story on to others who might be hesitant about the positive impact your home study program can have on
both their income level and their happiness. If they can't attend your program either due to cost or time constraints believe me, sending
for the home study version is a worthwhile decision.
As I mentioned earlier, "thank God I had the guts to take a leap of faith and purchase your materials." Believe me.. I was
nervous when I made that decision but it has paid for itself a hundred times over.
I realize you're a busy man...so I'll stop my rambling. But let me say just one more thing. I'm sure there are a lot of people who
call your office with the same concerns, aspirations and fears I had before I purchased your home study program. Tell them I said, "not to
worry." The home study program will be the best investment they ever make whether they own an existing business, want to own a
professional practice or are about to purchase or invest in any business enterprise.
Better yet, if they're really hesitant about the bottom-line impact your program can have on their lives, go ahead and share my
success stones with them you can even show them this letter I won't mind at all...as a matter of fact, I'd be honored if you did.
P.S.: Last year I made 4 percent return on my CD in the bank but I made over 2,100 percent return on my investment in the home study
program and that was last year alone!
As a Real Estate trainer, I had no USP. I was a commodity. My USP now is:
"Your Personal Business Coach - For Life."
I have created a line of products and services that allow me to work with my client base as their coach
for life. This single idea is directly responsible for my reducing the number of days of the month I
travel from 18 a month to 8. Today I invest 50 percent of my effort working to serve e my current
clients more effectively as opposed to 100 percent of the time searching for new clients.
Jay, thank you for this gift. By the way, Jay, my top agents that I coach are now using the USP,
"Your Personal Realtor - For Life." Your impact is far reaching.
My product sales per person before meeting you was $30-35 per person.
You taught me 3 simple yet profound ideas that directly increased my product sales per person to $5060. That represents over $300,000 increase in revenue.
My three day seminar sales were averaging 100 people per program before I was introduced to
your concepts. Within 90 days, I increased that to 150 to 200 people per program, and 50 percent of
that increased business is referral. That's a $468,000 increase in revenue.
Jay, you also showed me how to set up my business back end. I had never mailed to my seminar
attendees as a matter of fact, we even contemplated throwing away the names at one time. Jay told
me to mail them an offer for a $20 product after the seminar.
We did.
The results - 20 percent of them buy - $30,000 in sales in 3 months. We will easily do $120,000 in
sales this year.
Jay, our new direct response marketing division will generate $250,000 in new business.
The new Insider's Club, which you and I started together, has gone from $0 to $250,000 in 3
months. We are on pace to increase that to $1,000,000 in the next 6 months.
You have had a major input in my entire shift in mindset from selling to serving. That's
probably worth $10,000,000 over the next 2 to 3 years.
Jay, if we never talked again, you have impacted my life in such a massive way mostly by helping me
redefine who I am and what contribution I make to others.
The amount of money I will earn from this shift will be in the hundreds of millions of dollars during my life
time (God willing). More importantly, my family and clients will enjoy a level of Joe Stumpf that they may
have never known if it wasn't for you thank you! Your friend and servant,
(908) 846-1400
Principle Implemented/Successes;
* Revere what you do
Simply by understanding and applying this principle we recently signed a contract for
$380,000 for services that, in the past we would have given away. This contract ted to
a software license for an additional $400,000.
- Developing your USP
We have taken a technically complex product and defined a USP that lets the customer
know that "we can develop his application in one half the time and at one half the
cost and we guarantee it". The result to date is $400,000 in sales with many more sales
to follow this year. I believe this concept alone will produce an excess of $1.5M in
sates this year.
In summary, you have made a significant change in the way I think. When I go on a sales call
1 look forward to calling on an executive and seeing how I can use my new found knowledge to
help him to solve his business problems. I know if he truly regards me as a consultant I will
eventually earn his business. This makes the job fun, exciting and filled with more opportunity
than ever before.
You said the world is a 3D movie. Jay I want to thank you for giving me a pair of 3D
glasses so that I can see the myriad of opportunities. Despite twenty seven years in
marketing I thank you for continuing to make it a world of unlimited possibilities.
Robert A. Molluro
Regional Vice President
Amdahl Corporation
My husband and I have since sold part of our stock in Micro Dynamics and have
moved to our favorite spot: Carmel California. And I've started a new business that I
again love and feel very passionate about.
But Jay, the most valuable thing I got out of Protege Training was the knowledge and,
in fact, security, that I could be successful at anything I really wanted to do. I felt you
had shared with me the "secrets" of success. All I needed to do was apply them.
You know, it's very hard to articulate exactly what it is that you do. You help achieve
breakthrough thinking with simple yet incredibly powerful concepts. I'd say you really
are a "marketing genius." I don't use the term "genius" lightly -I met a lot of very
smart people when I was at graduate school at Stanford and even more within my
industry, but I only use that term to describe a handful of people.
Since Protege Training, I've done 4 other programs with you. In each, the lowest
measurable, quantifiable benefit I've received is 4 times my investment. It does become
a no-brainer to continue to learn more from you.
Jay, if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know. And thanks again.
January 28,1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Personal Advisory Services
944 Indian Peak Road, Suite 220
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I wanted to thank you for sharing your marketing mind-set with me.
I have been a student of marketing since the early '80's and I am
commited to life long learning. This thirst for marketing
knowledge lead me to discover one of your publications, "Your
Marketing Genius" in 1987. Using your principles and advice I
have been able to grow The Harty Press, Inc. from 5 million in
annual sales to over 12 million.
Over the last six years I have purchased "For Your Marketing Eyes
Only" and I have home studied via video tape your "Marketing Boot
Camps", "Prodige Training" and "Australian Boot Camp." The
information and marketing programming you share in these programs
is very powerful and is well worth every penny you charge.
The Northeast has been in recession since 1989 and using your
concepts I have grown and leapfrogged the competition. While the
competition was going backwards or struggling to stay even, The
Harty Press was and is enjoying good growth rates.
Using concepts like USP, Marginal Net Worth, Host-Parasite, and
Guarantees we have consistently added 150 to 200 new accounts
every year totaling $1.5 to 2 million in sales.
Anyone who is interested in growing a business and bringing more
money to the bottom line, must expose themselves to your valuable
information and methodologies.
Thank you.
Using marketing techniques learned during your seminars I turned a challenging year 1993 - filled with production problems into a stepping point for greater success in 1994!
Jay Abraham has been an eye opener for me. He had tought to see things from a
different perspective, increase our view and understanding - therefore finding more
opportunities that others would not see. Jay also causes me to ask better questions - i.e.
- How can I profit from this? What is the hidden opportunity? With whom can I establish
a mutually profitable joint venture?
Based on several key points in your lectures, Glacier Ridge made the following
alterations to its marketing approach, leading to incredible growth!
Shipping Address 222 South Easton Road, Suite 120 Glenside, PA 19038
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 187 Jenkintown, PA 19046
(215) 886-4670 FAX: (215) 886-8612
Marc S. Greenblatt
April 11,1994
In June 1990, I revived an idea for a better tool for removing mats and tangles from my dogs coat. The idea, had
come years before, when I had a cockapoo dog for a pet that always looked a mess, even just days after
professional grooming. But in 1990 I had read Anthony Robbins' Unlimited Power, had begun to act on my
ideas, taking the next step, or at least a next step, toward my goals.
I had also decided to get out of the aerospace engineering business, and to learn the skills of marketing where, it
seemed to me, the big money was made. One day my wife Jo, humoring my musings, suggested I build the
dematting tool and learn to market it I took that as an approval to risk real money (our money) and started
running. Four years later and with $85,000 in long term debt in tow, I have licensed the now very popular
MatBreaker grooming tool for production and distribution in the US to a still small, but rapidly growing company in
the pet industry. We expect my royalty to grow to S150,000 per year within three years. I retained rights to
foreign sales and for Direct Marketing in the US, and will launch a TV sales program in the next two months.
From Robbins' books and tapes I had learned the value of "Taking Action", observing the outcome, making changes
to improve the result, and taking a next step in line with the goals. Second, I had learned the value of other
peoples experience. So I joined an inventors group to learn how to patent an idea, I joined several entrepreneurs
groups to learn how to bring it into existence, and I started reading everything I could find on
marketing. I listened to every audio tape program I could beg, borrow or buy, watched hours of Brian Tracy
lectures, and subscribed to thirty or so magazines in the skill areas I thought I needed, thereby getting on probably a
million mailing lists-one of which was Jay Abraham's.
Now anyone who says they are worth $25,000 per hour is either very very good at what they do, or full of shit--I
had to find out which. In this particular mailing, he was pitching a marketing course for about ten times what an
expensive book on the subject would be, but I could pay for it over many weeks, one lesson at a time. It sounded
too good to be reel, but I could send it back if I didn't like it ( good Idea #1-always have an unconditional
guarantee). When the stuff came I couldnt put it down: it wasn't theory, it was parables and stories and just
grabbed me and put me right in the action. 1 could visualize myself putting these ideas to work-Now!
I was so impressed by the creativity of this man and me workability of his ideas and experience, I couldn't wait for
the lessons to trickle in. so I paid a lump sum for the rest of the course so I could read it all at once. Bad idea-for me!
I never had time to read the rest I got so rapped up in the marketing, publicity, ad design, the production problems
and the sales calls and trade shows and doing all this real world stuff, that I never got to read it all at once. In
fact, I saturated on the shear number of incredibly good ideas in a very. short time, probably using less man one or
two percent of what I read. Jay Abraham Is full of profit-making ideas, and the ones I put into action worked for
The point is, I got so many insights and practical methods which I actually implemented that I succeeded with only
the first 10 lessons. Since it was a small business, and a small first entrepreneurial effort-we're not talking big
bucks here-I can't really impress you with a Bill Gates story of my own. But I can say I more than doubled my sales
every year, going from $13,000 in year one to $180,000 in the third year, and succeeded in attracting a buyer that
will provide the cash flow to finance my next venture. I did it without a single employee, never expanding out of my
home office, contracting out every aspect of the business but the core marketing function. And I had an
incredible adventure along the way. And you can bet I'm about to sit down and read the rest of this priceless course
before I proceed to my first multi-million dollar venture- the next one!
February 3, 1994
Page 2
Jay Abraham
February 3, 1994
had to be a better way. One in which I didn't have to compete with every
Tom, Dick and Harry so to speak.
Throughout the Boot Camp I continually kept trying to come up with that one
idea or concept that would set me apart from my competition. Every few minutes
I would come up with another idea. I was certainly suffering from information
overload. Monday morning following the Boot Camp as I was taking a shower at
the Westin getting ready to fly back home the idea came to me, yes in the shower.
It was so simple but it had never occurred to me. Well that idea didn't work, at
least not totally. But what it did was allow me to refocus the concepts that I had
been using for several years and packaged it into what will create a niche for me.
Selling the concept and benefits of emergency planning to business executives
was always an uphill battle. It didn't really matter that there were Federal
regulations that mandated the development of such plans. Simply put most
business executives are too busy trying to make money. Emergency planning and
preparation is never a priority until they are faced with an emergency. Making
payroll is a more pressing concern. You see what I did was ask myself and a
number of business people what was important to them. What I found was that
the most important thing to business owners was making their product or
providing their service and staying one step ahead of their competition.
Most people have difficulty accepting the fact that they could experience a major
fire or be devastated by an earthquake or hurricane. In fact the odds are very small
that a business will ever suffer a catastrophic incident. So I put another twist on
my approach. Almost every business will suffer from problems such as loss of
telephone service and power surges. What is the impact of losing your telephone
for a number of hours? For a business that relies heavily on the telephone it
could cost thousands of dollars. I simply made them focus on common situations
that could literally cost them tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Instead
of telling a business executive that I can help them prepare for the big one I tell
them that I can generally identify several overlooked situations that they may be
vulnerable to and that could cost them a considerable amount of money. These
same strategies work not only for handling a relatively minor situation but also
in recovery form a catastrophic incident. I have always given my clients this
information but I emphasized the wrong points. What I though was important to
my clients really wasn't, at least not in their eyes. I never spent the time to ask
them what was important to them, I just assumed that I knew what was.
Page 3
Jay Abraham
February 3, 1994
A number of people that I have talked with have thought that they were well
prepared and that it was doubtful that I could find any strategies that would be so
profound to them. Well in order to make the offer irresistible I used your risk
reversal technique. I simply tell the prospective client that if I can't provide them
with strategies that are worth at least 10 times the value of my fee then my
services are free and that I will even absorb the travel costs. The notion that I
would travel across the country at such a potential risk to myself has convinced a
number of executives to allow me to conduct my assessments at their facilities. I
ask them what do they have to lose by not giving me a chance. The worst that can
happen is that I will have wasted some of their time. The most likely result is that
I will identify several areas that they are vulnerable to that they had never
thought of and provide them with several strategies that can minimize their loss
from minor situations and keep them in business following a major incident.
The following will explain how I have implemented just a few of your concepts.
I intend to try some of the other concepts when I can find out how to compress 48
hours in 24.
Referrals - I had never used referrals in the past to my full advantage. I now ask
for referrals from each of my clients and have had no problem in obtaining them.
In addition, I have made agreements with six individuals across the country that
have become my paid referral system so to speak. All of these people have
extensive contacts within their industry and are more that willing to use their
influence to help me get contracts for a piece of the action. This alone has been
the single most powerful concept that I have utilized.
Back-ends - Once I get in the door to do my assessments I will generally identify
several upsells and back-ends that the client will need such as training, plan
development, safety equipment, etc.. I have made arrangements with equipment
vendors to refer my clients to them for a piece of the action and since I don't
have enough time to handle all of the potential upsells that a client may need I
have set up agreements with three of my "competitors" to handle the excess
training and plan development work for a piece of the action.
Seminars to promote business - I have made arrangements with two large
organizations for them to sponsor a three hour workshop on my strategies. They
will use the concept that they have made arrangements with me to
Page 4
Jay Abraham
February 3,1994
conduct a very special workshop for their members. This will give me an
opportunity to present my ideas to a large number of potential clients and make
these organizations look good at the same time. In addition, the organizations
will provide me with a copy of their mailing list so that I can follow-up with the
Publications- I have taken the ideas that I have had over the past several years,
repackaged them, included some of your concepts and have put my thoughts into
two books. Yes, I have written two books in the past month in my "spare time".
The first book "The Executive Guide to Disaster Planning" is at the printers and
the second book "Strategies to Reduce Your Vulnerability from Emergencies" will
be published in early March. In addition, I will be recording an audio tape
package that will explain my concepts for those too busy to read the books. You
might be wandering how I might have used some of your concepts to help a
business prepare for an emergency? Well many of the concepts that will help grow
a business will also help them recovery from an emergency. Joint ventures and
alliances can be used as just one example following an emergency. The ability to
utilize another businesses production, distribution, or office facilities following
an emergency can allow a business to continue operations.
Communications with clients -I have increased the number of mailings that I
provide to my clients. I now mail, fax or call all of my clients and prospects every
three weeks. I have recorded an eight minute audio tape set-up as an interview
that talks about my concepts and how it will benefit a business. I will be mailing
out copies of this tape along with a short letter basically telling them that I have
sent them a copy of an interview that I recently did and that I wanted them to
have a copy in case they might have missed it since it has many concepts that may
help their business.
I am a firm believer that your concepts will work for anyone that will take the
time to study and implement them. It would have been very easy for me to give
up the first few times that I presented my ideas and they didn't work but I stuck
with it and I finally hit on the magic formula. I think that it is important for
people to understand that they may not get instant gratification from your
concepts and that it may take a few attempts to find that magic formula. But if
they stick with it they will ultimately find what it is that they seek.
Page 5
Jay Abraham
February 3, 1994
Just to let you know, I have signed up to attend the April Boot Camp and it looks
as if I will be bringing two of my associates that I have recently formed joint
ventures with. I figure that the more they know about your concepts the more
money that they will make for me.
William H. Stringfield
Anthony Robbins& Associates
Voice: (303) 674-2696
Evergreen, CO 80439
Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Rd. Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I apologize for the delay in sending you this "Success
Story" letter. I just moved both my home and office and I only
just received the forwarded letter requesting success stories.
I was assured by Brian in your office that I could still submit
my letter.
As you know, when I first attended your $5000 seminar and
followed it with a two-hour personal consultation, I had just
purchased a Tony Robbins franchise business and was starting it
up. We were generating approximately $4000 in monthly sales,
were growing slowly, but the system we were using was incredibly
demanding and stressful on me and my small staff.
We were generating our sales primarily by running ads in
the local newspapers and selling callers via the telephone on an
introductory event we call "Breakthrough!" which sold for $99.95
and included an incredible one-day seminar and one-hour personal
coaching session.
Then, at the event itself as well as in the personal
coaching sessions, we would work to enroll people into our
longer and more expensive intensives. The system was
working, but to me, it was inefficient and too stressful.
In my personal session with you, you recommended that I
shift from using newspaper advertising to direct mail. You
explained that by spending money in newspapers, we were
broadcasting our message to many, many people who would not be
interested in our product, whereas, by using direct mail, we
would only be broadcasting our message to people who had already
raised their hands and said "I'm interested."
It took me 3 or so months to create and test a direct mail
piece designed to fill much larger "Breakthrough!" seminars, but
we worked out the kinks and it is now working quite well. Sales
have increased from approximately $4000 a month to nearly
$15,000 a month (and are continuing to grow) and we're creating
250+ new customers a month (who are ripe for many back-end
offerings) instead of 40-50.
Each Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated
In fact, as a result of
award last year from Robbins
people of any franchise into
Using what I learned from you, for the people that just
could not or would not come up with the money for our more
expensive intensive seminars, we created "scaled-down,"
"modularized" versions that I anticipate could add $50,000 or
more in pure profit to our bottom line this year alone. The
sky's the limit for the future. And it's purely incremental
business since in the past we would not have gotten anything
from those customers at all.
There are so many more ideas you gave me, personally, and
through your materials and course, that I haven't even had time
to consider, test or implement yet, but with my new found time
and revenue stream, I plan to. And I know that they will
dramatically impact my business and personal life just as much
as what I've already mentioned.
You also wanted me to explain how I see you. In my work
with Tony Robbins, I've really learned the value of the concept
of "modeling." That is, if you want to create a specific
outcome in your life, go find someone else who's getting that
outcome consistently and find out what their belief systems,
strategies and physiology (if appropriate) are. Then, if you
adopt the same beliefs, duplicate their strategies and
physiology (if appropriate), you can achieve similar results.
To me, you are a model, a mentor for how to conduct my
marketing activities and run my business. Through your
materials, seminar and personal session, I've been able to
isolate and install your belief systems within myself. I've
learned and been taught many powerful strategies that you've
used. And, as a result, I've been able to achieve very
positive results (in my small business) in a much, much shorter
period of time than would ever have been possible without you.
I hope this helps you. If I can be of additional
assistance, feel free to contact me as follows:
(303) 674-0470
(303) 674-0180
Robert Scheinfeld
Anthony Robbins & Associates
8241 S. Tim Tam Trail
Evergreen, CO 80439
(you can also send the "success set" to the above address)
Thanks again for all your help, Jay, and the impact
you've had on my life and business.
Good luck with the book!
Page 2
To put this early success in perspective, the previous year I had a total of 108 cases,
and did quite well. But there I was in November, 1993, at the beginning of my primary
marketing season, sitting with 90 cases in the bankand I hadn't even sent out my major
marketing letter. Now, November is a time of year when I'm usually worrying about whether
I'll have sufficient numbers of cases signed up in time for the January filing deadline. You
have no idea how gratifying it felt to be sitting with 90 cases, all developed over the Summer
and Fall.
The end result: After sending out my well-tested, major marketing letter in January,
1994 (when the majority of bills go out), I signed up an additional 64 cases, giving me a total
of 140 cases for the fiscal year property tax season. This represented an increase of
approximately 30% over the previous year. The total volume of representation increased from
$151 million to S233 million- a 54% increase! And best of all, the average size of case
increased by 20%. Not only did I get more cases, I got bigger cases, many of which were
from major corporations.
It is somewhat early to quantify the financial rewards of this increased case load. But
based on past experience, each additional case is worth on average, $5,000 to me over three
years of representation. That equates to an additional $160,000 in fees from the increased case
load. However, because the size of the average case is 20% higher, I expect the increase in
total fees to be substantially greater.
Now, this increase in business is no coincidencebecause in my field the competition is
getting more intense each year, as accounting firms, law firms, appraisers, and local
representatives have recently started to jump into the fray, all competing for the limited amount
of business that's out there. But, I increased my market share dramatically this year because I
came back from California with the only pair of 3-D glasses in my area!
What do I see you as? In simple terms I see you as a Master; someone who has
been exposed to countless experiences, points-of-view, and ideas, and has the wisdom
and perspective to sort out the best ones, and guide those of us who are smart enough to
listen through the maze of success.
So thanks again, Mr. Jay Abraham. It's been worth the time, effort and financial
commitment you've commanded.
Chet Tart
200 N. BROADWAY, SUITE 300 WICHITA, KS 67202 (316) 265-9800 FAX (316) 265-1162
8175-P N.
Aurora. CO 800 i 2
(303) 360-0760
Arvada, CO 80003
woman called to let us know she found an error on page 9. Seven months
later people were still bringing in the offer on page one of that 12-page letter.
6. Each month we mail to 25% of our own database. There are
vaccination reminders plus offers that require the people bring the letter or
coupon insert to the clinic. We test headlines, we test prices, and we track our
results. It's easy to answer yes or no to ad sales people when you know what
your results are.
7. Jay told us to go to our suppliers and see what they might
contribute. We came up with a program with our pet food vendor that every
new puppy and kitten would get a free bag of the food that we sell in our
clinics. The vendor pays for it; and, they send the family a coupon for another
purchase of the food. All I had to do was ask!
8. Jay emphasizes that a business must have a back end. We realized
that we needed to add reasons for people to come to PetsVet other than
annual vaccinations and an occasional illness or wound. We have added pet
food and plan to enhance our line of pet merchandise to give our clients a
reason to come in our door several times a year.
9. Jay says we have to sell and educate our clients, not just offer lower
prices. Every reminder letter that we send has additional educational
information with it.
10. According to Jay, we have to make it easy, appealing and desirable
to business with us. We offer evening and Saturday walk in hours with no
appointments needed. If clients can't make any of the afternoon, evening or
Saturday hours we have them call in the morning to see when surgery will be
done and have them come in that morning. On our ads we state, "Our Friendly
Staff Provides You with Professional Attentive Care at Affordable Prices. We
Guarantee It!"
11. Jay says that we need to focus on the intended customer when we
prepare advertising. Here are some things we say in our ads:
"You can trust that your pet is in good hands...Over the last 10 years
our licensed veterinarians have performed over 75,000 surgeries and 90,000
We're happy to give you our fees over the phone and also any other
information you might need...We welcome your questions."
What else did we learn from Jay? For the past year we have scraped,
scrimped, and scrounged at our first clinic because of two nearby pet warehouse
stores with low cost veterinary service facilities. To our complete astonishment
one of the warehouse stores went out of business in November, 1993. That
forced the owner of the very successful veterinary practice located in the
store (of which he was also part-owner and which was a separate corporation)
out of business.
Did we jump for joy? Actually, we jumped for the phone. We realized
there was a tremendous asset in the pet records, which I had learned in
telephone chit chat with their receptionist totalled 14,000. What has finally
transpired is we are negotiating to merge that practice into ours. In the
meantime we are renting the pet records. No one else had addressed the issue
of their potential value.
Many veterinarians snickered, gossiped, jumped for joy at this
practitioner's misfortune. They just Bat lost out. We hired the veterinarian
who had owned the practice and before we even got the rental agreement
executed our gross income went up $7,000 in the first month for the scraping,
scrimping clinic. This veterinarian did not failhe got locked out of his
facility! We knew the whole process of opening up a new clinic, getting permits
and doing the build out would take up to 6 months because contractors in metro
Denver are so busy right now.
What did we get in addition to records? We got a veterinarian who was
passionate about his business. He grossed $700,000 out of 1200 sq. ft. in 1993.
What a fabulous opportunity for us. Because of the sheer volume of business
he did, we are considering adding additional services in each of our locations.
I'm sure much of what I've described is just common sense to Jay. And
I'm sure it's common sense to anyone who has been trained to think like Jay.
Veterinary medicine is a "dog eat dog" field of endeavor. Anything we can do to
increase our edge is going to insure the success and longevity of our business.
Lynn Schmaltz
P.S. I forgot to mention that Jay is a super salesman. After all, he did convince
me, by letter, to take the time to organize the information I've just shared with
you. He walks his talk. He says market to your customers consistently and
often. The letter I have just responded to was one of four letters I have received
about different issues from Jay in the last six weeks.
Jay Abraham
Marketing Genius
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
It took me a while to grasp the concepts of your marketing strategies. Now, I feel very capable to
make any business work quite profitably.
I'm one of those people who had great ideas or intentions for a product or a service but never could
really get anything making a profit. Now things are different, My business is growing every month
since my first "Abraham styled letter" was mailed in November 1993. A copy of the letter in
I sent the letter to ten potential accounts, I got a 50% response, and secured one large account. I
even had one purchasing agent call to tell me how well the letter was written. He said he gets
bombarded with letters every month for services similar to mine and my letter was the best he has ever
read. We ended the conversation on a good note but, at this time the decision was up to others. I'm
confident they will become my customer soon!
Since the month of December 1993, using your concepts, one account has more than doubled its
orders. Another account has also increased its activity with my company from a measly $30.00
monthly billing average to over $100.00. Below are my total sales for the last half of the year.
MONTH: Aug.'93, Sept.'93,
I now realize the value of a customer and I'm always eager to invest in them when an opportunity
arises. The business has grown from simply repairing instrumentation to sales of new instruments, the
Its funny because now I make more money on the back-end of some of my accounts than on the front
end. Its beautiful, I make money I would not have made before, and my accounts save money. My
bookkeeper is happy and intrigued because our total recievables for the first week of March '94 were
as much as the total month of October '93. The second week will be as much as the first. I literally
jump out of bed every morning because I'm eager to try a new concept with an account I visit that
My new challenge, because of rapid growth, I'm in a cash crunch and my accounts are slow
payers. Jay, any suggestions?
George S. Diamond
P.S. This business has grown from a part time, one day per week venture to a full time operation!
PHONE (406) 761-5000 FAX (406) 453-3946 TOLL FREE PHONES: IN MONTANA 800823-2647 OUTSIDE MONTANA 800-735-6753
Jay Abraham
It is possible this one mailing alone will generate more commission income for
our agency over the next 12 months than we earned during all of 1993. !
consider that extremely remarkable! It is important to note that the initial
mailing was merely a test, I am modifying the letter and will test it with another
mailing of about 400 pieces. When that test is completed and final modifications
are made, my roll out will involve some 5,000 pieces.
If there is a moral to my story, I suppose it would be that it is comforting to open
with a successful test!
I am religious about using your tapes to deeply imbed your ideas and concepts in
my mind. The simple fact is, "THEY WORK." ! want them immediately available
for application in any marketing situation ! encounter. The best way to
accomplish that is through constant exposure.
Thank you for the material you gave me. I am a CPA and earned an MBA with
highest honors. I have 18 years experience in business. Your three day Boot
Camp was better than my entire formal education and the learning of those 18 years
In addition to my insurance work, ! am structuring a deal with Charlie Carboneau
and another with my father-in !aw. When ! make my first million I will be back
for some graduate work with you.... .that should be in about 18 months!
Warmest regards,
PS: I authorize you to use any and all of the above material in any way you
choose. In return I ask only that you send me your next $1,000 publication as I am
writing in response to the offer you made in our last conference call.
P.S.S: My primary motivation in writing is not to request your new information... I
want most to thank you for the clarity of your concepts and ideas. You are the spark
which will ignite a revolution in world commerce. THAT IS LONG OVERDUE!
PO Box 686
Sunapee, NH 03782
March 31, 1994
I believe the two greatest gifts we have are to learn and to give.
Your technologies help us enjoy both of these.
When we sat for three days in Los Angeles I most enjoyed being- up
front for the hot seats. The most important training for me was to
get into the same state you and Mack were and be able to access the
resources to think in the lines to flow forth with the resources of
ideas and answers. I would like to think that I can continue to be
spark plug for the buddy calls. On the buddy calls I'm amazed at
how many people invest their time to sit there for an hour, but
barely participate in the process. Rather they'll pay their money
and they want you to "do it to them", rather than understanding
that the growth and learning and access in resources are function
directly proportioned to their involvement and contribution.
Jay I like to stay on the loop and receive a schedule of calls. I
want to hold the mirror and help reflect your boundless enthusiasm
and excitement for the process.
Sincerely yours,
Jay Abraham
Ste 220
944 Indian Peak Road
Palos Vde Penins, CA 90274-
up about
this is
Take my advice,
business grow.
2525 Cherry Avenue, Suite 310 Signal Hill, CA 90806 (310) 427-7313
Don Schenk
7413 Hamilton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45231
(513) 521-7307
Business Centers
March 23, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Road
Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
Where do I begin? Over the past year since attending your three day mastermind program and the
subsequent teleconference calls each month you have transformed the way I think about our
Marketing and Advertising programs, in fact, the way I think about my entire business.
Your literature promoting the mastermind session promised that if I implemented just a few of the
ideas contained in the pre-seminar materials, I would achieve results that would return many times
more than the cost of attending. Only one day into the pre-seminar material I found myself
feverishly scribbling notes about how I could begin implementing the concepts that you teach.
I immediately gathered my management team and got them involved in writing a USP for each
profit center. When we were finished, not only did we have a strong statement making it clear
why a prospect should buy from us, but the processes of designing the USP also galvanized a
team spirit and enthusiasm among all my managers and their staff for what we were doing for our
clients. Continually demonstrating the companies' USP became the focus of every employee and it
showed when prospects would take a tour of the center and be introduced to the staff. In a recent
Customer Satisfaction Survey, clients were asked why they selected ALLIANCE. Nearly 38%
indicated that the genuine attitude among all the staff, not just the sales person, that "their
business was important to them" was a major factor that caused them to sign a lease. This
represents 76 leases from March 93 to March 94 with a total aggregate profit of approximately 1.2
million dollars.
Another simple concept we implemented immediately was to test our ads and direct mail pieces.
This simple but powerful practice was the easiest to implement and did not cost anymore than we
were already spending. The result - we have found four different ads which have all out pulled
our prior advertising by better than 190% with the current ad out pulling our old ad by nearly
300%. The greater flow of prospects combined with the USP integrated into the sales process
has been a primary factor to average occupancy in our centers going from 86.8% to 93.5% this
past year, an increase in our bottom line due to occupancy of $670,000.
Chanin Building 122 East 42nd Street Suite 1700 New York, New York 10168 TEL:
Since attending your seminar, we have implemented dozens of your ideas - or - our ideas that
have come about as result of your teaching in Fractal Marketing. At the risk of this letter being too
long (although we know that the "proper" length of a letter is relative to what you have to say), I
also want to thank you for getting me focused on the "back-end" sales opportunities in our customer
base and with the prospects who don't sign leases with us. I am certain that the ideas we have
developed with this new mind-set will generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional
profits for my company for years to come. One such idea that we have been working with for
the past twelve months is a relocation program for our clients that leave our business center and
move on to traditional office space. Rather than cutting prices to keep clients in the center when
they have truly out-grown us (the mind-set of our entire industry) we have now implemented a
program to help them leave. Of course we have bundled all the products and services they will
require after leaving our facility through relationships we have formed with high quality vendors.
We are paid fees and commissions from these vendors and our clients receive preferential
pricing and service. The net result - margins in our base business are preserved since we are
not aggressively price cutting to keep clients and the profits from the relocation program can
often times equal what we would have made from the client as a tenant for one full year. During
the last twelve months, we have generated over $82,000 in profit from this program. However, the
truly exciting part to the story is that we have signed up over fifty existing clients to participate
in the relocation program if they decide to move out of our center, a back log of business that could
generate over $450,000 and is growing with new enrollees each month.
Jay, as a further testimony to the power of the mind-set that you teach, I will describe for you yet
another program we have implemented as a result of your training. We stepped "out of the box"
and asked ourselves - what could we be doing with leads we generate but cannot use because
of geographic location or pricing? As a result, this past year we launched the ALLIANCE
Business Centers NETWORK which has become the fastest growing network of independent
executive suite operators in the United States. At present, we have reached ninety-one (91)
locations throughout the United States and at the time of this writing, I am working on adding
forty-six (46) locations in Europe. The purpose of the Network is to execute a lead referral
program for the members and provide reciprocal use benefits to each member's clients nationwide.
Membership dues and referral fees are now funding the entire budget for a national marketing
program. As you can see, the potential "back end" sales to the members and their clients is
As I consider a way to define your role as mentor, teacher and coach I am struck with the simple
notion that what you really are all about is teaching and living a mind-set, a word I found myself
using throughout this letter. Anyone can implement any number of your strategies and achieve
excellent results. However, if one will trust enough to let go and embrace your mind-set, they will
achieve exponential growth, both monetary and intellectual.
Jay, I look forward to developing a stimulating and enjoyable friendship with you for years to
come. I will keep you posted on further results and developments.
Warmest regards,
David Beale
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March 17,1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I am pleased to respond to your request for success stories.
As an MBA ( in marketing, I might add ) I never felt I learned the
key to real marketing genius until I was exposed to you philosophy
and wisdom.
I have been on both sides of your marketing genius, as a student
and as a purchaser of services and products you were helping to
sell. Both sides are always an education and whether I am buying
from your sales letters or using your knowledge in my own
marketing, I continue to feel an excitement and eagerness as I
learn from a master those items that can stimulate action.
In my own experience I have utilized your USP and back-end selling
techniques. As marketing director, I have taken two national
membership associations that had reach a plateau and given them new
growth in both membership numbers and related sales dollars of
educational courses and merchandise. And, this was during what was a
period of declining employment. We saw an immediate 23 % growth in
membership and a 38 % growth in revenue.
And this growth continued, albeit at a slightly reduced rate, from
an organization that had shown no growth in the four previous
I am now in my own business and continuing to use your techniques
to produce continued growth in a declining economy.
I'd like to think such accomplishment were due totally to my own
marketing genius, but I know your approach has sparked my own
talents. Thank you.
March 24,
Bruce R.Heling.CPA CFP Kelly W. Sachse.CFP
Cheryl A. Moss. CPA CFP
Members. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Wisconsin Institute of Certified Public
Accountants. Institute of Certified Financial Planners, International Associaton for Financial Planning
names on the list. The initial response was, on its face, very discouraging - only one response. It
was somewhat comforting in that it was a very high quality lead - 3 times the average annual
billing the CPA normally has with clients in this industry. Still, we (and I'm sure the CPA) were
initially quite discouraged and perplexed.
In evaluating the situation it occurred to me to do a Marginal Net Worth Analysis for the
CPA based on this one response. The bottom line of the analysis revealed that every client he
obtained like this had a value to him - in today's dollars and after all expenses except income
taxes - of over $70,000! Or over $700,000 if we ultimately achieve similar results with the rest of
the mailing list. This changed our perspective profoundly in the following ways:
Results need to be measured in terms of Marginal Net Worth not numbers of
The quality of the leads generated is more important than the quantity.
Most important, it validated for us that we could actually do it. Until this happened, all
your material was still a theory to us, one we intellectually bought into but still had a vague
nagging fear about - Sure it works for you - but would it really work for us?
And how! Our fees from this one transaction present value to about $7,700 and we
realistically expect to earn over $100,000 from this one CPA over the next five years. In addition,
we have now begun a process to follow-up the initial letter with a call/letter/call/letter, etc. series
that we believe will lead to improved response rates out of this mailing list. And when we have
developed this marketing program to the point that we are obtaining reliable results, we plan to
market the program to non-competitive CPA firms outside of the Metro Milwaukee area.
Evaluating our efforts and results in these terms has been enormously clarifying and
inspiring. It makes such a difference to actually experience the Abraham concepts in our own
business. Thank you so much!!!!
t gratefully, Id.
P.S. Not inconsequentially, we are a natural back-end for this CPA because our services do not
overlap. To the extent that we are successful in generating new clients for this CPA, we are also
surfacing new prospects for our financial planning and investment advisory services.
P.P.S. You'll find a copy of the Marginal Net Worth Analysis enclosed.
& Overhead
Mktg Cost
Total costs
8 2001
9 2002
10 2003
11 2004
12 2005
13 2006
14 2007
15 2008
Sale of
Client @
1 times
Nominal $
of Total
Net Profit
Cindy Garner
Page 2
I was initially concerned that customers might abuse the
guarantee. But you have been proved right once again. Within
the last twelve months since your training, we have had only one
person request a return of their fee - that is one out of 808
inspections. (l/10th of 1 percent). Certainly no abuse is taking
place here.
(c) The crucial item that helped me complete the brochure was
the development of a Unique Selling Proposition. I was already
using a USP by the time I attended the training. But, after taking
the training I realized it was weak and changed it. I then created
a more focused USP. I created it as a promise instead of a vague
nice-sounding statement. This focus allowed me to generate the
entire brochure in one sitting, followed later of course by finetuning and editing. The point I'm making is that before this I
tried bringing together pieces of information I thought would make
the consumer hire us, and tried fitting these pieces into a whole.
With a more focused USP, it was almost like writing a story.
One thing I noticed was that with my USP written as a promise, a
guarantee followed naturally. If I left the guarantee out because of
my fear, I would have left a hole in the brochure causing the
reader to stop or to feel incomplete with what they just read. I
have a strong feeling that buyers who feel incomplete about a
service they've just been offered won't buy. At least I know that
is true about me.
This leads me to the next idea that helped me complete the
brochure so rapidly.
(d) You said that sales letters and marketing materials do not have
to be brief - they have to tell the whole story. They have to
answer all the reader's questions, address all their doubts, and
remove all the obstacles to them making a purchase. With this in
mind, I was able to let my pen flow until I said all that needed to
be said. I did not stop to consider how things would fit in the
brochure I contemplated. After it was all down on paper, I went
back through and culled and shaped it, removing non-essential
words and phrases.
Page 3
2) I also learned from you that getting referrals was not
something I had to let happen to me. I could control and manage it. So
I started asking all the real estate agents I worked with to refer other
agents to our company instead of me. I told them I had made a
decision to expand and needed business for my new inspector. The
number of inspections we performed last year increased from 525 in
1992 to 808 in 1993 - a 56% increase representing another $75,000 of
income. That increase would have been larger except for the fact that
the inspector spent several weeks in Colorado visiting with his soon-tobe wife. A second inspector began working with our company on
January 12th of this year. Within 6 weeks, he became fully scheduled.
Of course, some referrals came in the normal course of providing good
service to our customers, but I believe that a large portion of that
came from systematically asking the agents we worked with to refer
business to us, instead of leaving it up to them.
We have further systematized how we'll be getting referrals. We
intend to send out the following letter occasionally to our agent
clients. I adapted this from an issue of the Results Report, a
newsletter published by some of your Australian proteges:
We want to briefly let you know how we grow our business. We've
chosen to talk with you about it through this short note because we feel
we can offer convey what we want to say in writing rather than
We really enjoy working and dealing with clients just like you. And for
that reason, we make it a policy to invite our special clients to refer others
like them to us.
On the one hand, it makes our job so much easier and more
enjoyable. And on the other, it allows us to serve you better.
You see, when we grow through referals we can put less money into
marketing and advertising. And the money we save there goes back into
the business to provide you with a greater level of service. Dealing with
people who value the level of service we provide allows MS to specialize
and focus very closely on your needs so we can give you what you want.
Page 4
Does this make sense?
With that in mind, can you think of anyone who might benefit from
working with us? If you can, please ask them to give us a try. If you
can't think of anyone at this time, that's ok. Just keep in mind how we
build our business, and refer us when the occasion arises.
Thank you for your trust and your business.
3) I am using a monthly newsletter to stay in touch with our
clientele. I have licensed the newsletter from a home inspection company
in Texas with exclusive use for my area. Licensing the newsletter is
saving me the cost and time of development. I was in the process of
developing our own newsletter when I was introduced to this other
company's newsletter. I decided to license it since it is published along the
same philosophical lines as I had intended for our own newsletter
Our first issue is being mailed out this week. We are also soliciting ads
from various trades persons who would like to reach our cliente. We believe
that we can sell more than enough ads to pay for the newsletter mailing and
licensing costs and even leave us with a profit. I'll let you know how this
goes. The ads will go on an inserted, double-sided page that the clients can
pull out and file for future use.
We are always being asked by our clients for referrals. Since our
Association's Code of Ethics prevents us from making a fee for referral
work, this is an alternative way we can benefit from the people we refer
anyhow. They are paying us for the benefit of advertising in our
newsletter, not for a portion of any work they may do.
Before taking your training, I had totally given up on the idea of ever
benefiting from referring tradesmen to my customers. I had accepted the
limitation by our industry's Code of Ethics. Now that I think more broadly
(fractally) I was able to see this alternative that does not violate our Code of
Our goal is to sell 40 ads at $600 per year. If we succeed, that will yield an
extra $24,000 for our company. I'll keep you informed.
Page 5
4) I am near the end of coming to an agreement with another
inspection firm in Virginia where we'll joint venture a medium-priced
inspection manual to sell to new inspectors entering the field. I will be
providing the computer disks that contain all the texts and drawings I
developed for my proprietary manual. The other company will be
providing the development and marketing costs.
Several other opportunities have come my way since your training;
opportunities I would not have been able to engage in as confidently as
I do now. As a matter of fact, I have to be careful not to engage too
many at once or I'll dilute my effectiveness.
I thank you for opening up my world as you did. Even though there
were 500 to 600 attendees in the room during my training, you were
still able to draw up from me my latent potential. You were able to
cause it to rise to the surface, even though we must not have interacted
one-on-one for more than 5 to 10 minutes total. I call this amazing.
I was thinking the other day that the reason you produce such
exceptional results with your trainees is your clear intention to produce
phenomenal results for them. You are totally committed to contributing
everything you can to make our lives more productive and happier.
And what makes you different from a "seminar" leader is that you have
no intention in just "feeding" us information; you are committed to
helping us change our mindset so we can rise to limits beyond anything
we thought was possible before. You can't help but be successful - you
are totally committed to your customer and the results your customers
really want. You live what you "preach". It must be a nice place to be
in, psychologically, where your intention is totally on the well-being of
others during your communication. I see you as a modern-day Socrates
- a teacher that principally draws out from the pupil rather than stuffing
in information.
Well, I must go now. There are letters, notes, and projects yelling out at
me for attention. But as you know, I'll be in touch.
Reginald E. Niles
February 8, 1994
Please deliver to Mr. Robbins
before his meeting with Jay
His style of thinking reminds me of the advice in the Tao Te Ching: Seek clarity of
mind, not cleverness.
The world of business consultants is crowded with the clever and the quick: Gurus who make
money writing books with clever chapter headings and cute expressions for painfully obvious
concepts. Jay is just the opposite. He talks only in disarmingly down-to-earth language and
reveals profound insights with the intensity of a laser beam.
His laser beam bums through the complexity and finds the simplicity. And although his
insights are often highly innovative, he recommends only those actions that his clients can
safely test before committing their business to something entirely new.
His style is Socratic: He asks the questions that we business people should be asking
ourselves, but aren't.
Example: My "presenting complaint to Dr. Abraham" was that some of my clients think of
speech writing as a commodity service. As a result, they don't invest enough of their time,
thought and energy and they deliver good but uninspiring speeches. I get paid, but I have
no satisfaction.
In the past, I have written speeches that brought tears the eyes of roomfuls of middle-aged
men. Speeches that inspired people to change their careers. Speeches that people remembered
10 years later. I wanted to write those kinds of speeches all the time, not just once in a while.
My clients wouldn't cooperate.
During the first five minutes of our private consultation, Jay asked me questions about what I
do and whom I sell to. Then he asked, "Instead of the excellence of the writing, why don't
you emphasize the results your clients could get from a great speech?"
There it was, the naked question that I along with every other speech writer
should have asked myself. This question unlocks the door to better client
cooperation if senior managers understand that speeches can be strategically
important, they will invest the time it takes to build a powerful script and an
electrifying delivery. And the results will be almost a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Based on that single question, I have redesigned not only my marketing, but my entire
business: What I sell, whom I sell to, and how I deliver it. All changed, and changed for
the better. The clients win. Their audiences win. I win.
Just imagine, now. If these weren't money-making ideas, my pride might have gotten in the
way. I consider myself an intellectual. For 17 years, I have been making money with my
mind and my pea. Clients, other writers, and public relations people hang on my words when
I describe how I do what I do. Then this guy comes along, and in five minutes asks the killer
question that could redefine my whole profession!
But that's not all he does this kind of thing in hundreds of industries. In November, I
saw him do it in 30 industries.
So, I see Jay as more than a marketing consultant. I see him as more than a strategist or
management consultant. I see him as a business philosopher a profound thinker. And even at
that, the rarest kind of philosopher one who also offers practical ideas by the dozens.
In fact, he generates so many exciting ideas that his clients myself included -- prefer to
break up our consulting time into small segments. A half-day with this man generates mote
ideas than most people could absorb. Mercifully, he accedes to these requests and sudiotapes
every word for our review.
I hope this has been helpful. Jay's thinking process is so wide-ranging and so powerful
that he is a bit hard to describe. That's why I had to tell you in terms of what he does for
my particular business.
Joe Roy
P.S.: One last example: In the session we had just today, he tossed out an idea -almost a
throwaway -- that could create an entirely new way to write and sell speeches. I don't
believe it's ever been tried, but it made logical sense to me as soon as I heard it. I
believe that if [ were to execute it properly, it could triple my income and allow me to
live part-tune in the Caribbean. You can bet I'm going to try It.
Dear Jay:
Your new "Money Making Secrets" book gave me a headache after 15 minutes of reading it. My
mind was reeling with all these ideas, so much so that I had to put the book down. I got so
irritated at myself for missing such obvious and easy marketing techniques that would easily
double and triple my business this year. As you know, I have a tree care company on Long
Island. Last year I increased my business by 33 %, (actually a 44% increase in our higher profit
item - monitoring program), using the marketing principles you made available to me through
your books, tapes and seminar. One thing that I have implemented is to give away the first two out
of seven monitoring spray visits to clients recommended to me by Ireland-Gannon &
Associates, the largest landscape company in this area. It works great. Not only do I get top of
the line (rich) clients, but also with my backending, I make great profits even with the freebie
(perceived value), right from the start.
So here I was, happy to give it away (the freebie), but I was not extending the idea of marginal
net worth beyond this arena...There are many nurseries, high-end plant stores, florists,
landscapers, pool people, an invisible fence company and car detailing services that I have
established rapport with but have not put any "moves" (New York term) on. Their customers are
the kind of folks that I have come to love (ultra wealthy).
Reading the first four pages of your book made me see the error of my ways. I will offer to
give these other vendors' clients two freebie monitoring sprays. Also, I will give the vendors a
finder's fee of 20% of the referred client's monitoring program and 10% of what the referrals
spend on deep root feeding and pruning services this year. This should average out to a nice
$300 referral fee per client. 40 new clients would mean an extra $12,000 in their pocket, with no
investment on their part except a few kind words. We will make them look good because
of our caring, nurturing professional service. This links them to their customers stronger and
helps promote sales for the vendor...Everybody wins! Of course I will coach the vendors to take
full advantage of their customer base. Serving them helps me. I wonder where I learned that.
Thanks Jay...
I also learned to nurture my customers further through repeated letters, calls and visits; to using
post reassurance visits after the job completion to cross sell; to give our present customers the
best deals and guarantees and to understand the importance of my old customers and how to
keep them; to give special upsell deals at the point of commitment to one of our other services; to
segregate my customers into categories for targeted promotions. All of this I learned in the first 4
pages (only 390 to go...).
This book is wonderfully laid out and is a great refresher to the stuff I thought I knew. Your
Kurt T. Hoyt
Associate (310)
I'm sorry you didn't receive this letter sooner. The original was sent to the wrong address.
990 WEST 190TH STREET. Suite 1OO. TORRANCE. CALIFORNIA90502-)023 / P.O. BOX 2989. TORRANCE,CALIFORNIA 90309-2989
3752 West 1820 South / Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 / Telephone (801) 973-6056
3752 West 1820 South / Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 / Telephone (801) 973-6056
3752 West 1820 South / Salt Lake City, Utah 84104 / Telephone (801) 973-6056
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.-Jay Abraham personal
950 Indian Peak Road suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, Ca 90274
Dear Jay:
Thank-you for the opportunity to document my success story and for
the generous gifts you are offering.
I will document two success stories, my own marketing consulting
practice, Precision Marketing and Publications and a client of
marketing to almost zero, however the yield from this marketing was
the same as the telemarketing. That is, I could get the same
appointment ratio and closing ratio. For example if there were 30
business owners at the chamber luncheon I would offer free
consultation to those interested. From 30 I would garner three to
four appointments and close one. The profitability of my marketing
dramatically increased.
Telemarketing costs would be approximately $300 to yield $3000 in
fees. With the seminar and workshop approach my cost is $50 to
yield $3000 in fees. 83% Profit Increase!1
This fourth year I am looking forward to employing a consultant
that I can now have go back and work the telemarketing that worked
before. Projections are that his success will generate for
Precision Marketing, an increase of $24,000 to $30,000 a year in
255 East 400 South, Suite 150 - Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
(801)531-8996 * Fax (801)328-1243
But, things have turned around financially since 1991 when I purchased your course, "Your Marketing
Genius at Work." I have used your marketing strategies since 1992 and my net profit jumped dramatically
to $8698 for 1992 and $8000 for 1993. I owe all this success to following the marketing advice and how to
write ad copy in your course.
Before you put me on the right track to financial and business success, I was using my own marketing
course that could be called, "Your Marketing Idiot at Work." I made so many mistakes because of my lack
of knowledge.
These are just some of the many things I learned from you to make Gemini Publishing a success:
How to write attention-getting headlines. Changing headlines in my catalog made a big difference in
How to write good ad copy that stresses benefits and facts. My copy in the past had been too much hype
and generalities.
Taught me how to give my customers more than they expect. This has created many loyal
customers and loyal customers creates more sales.
* Showed me how to use premiums to increase orders. Now, my catalog is full of them and "they work
like crazy."
* Help me create my U.S.P. (Unique Selling Proposition). Now, I'm the envy of my competitors because
I offer more products, cheaper prices, cheaper postage, fast service, lots of premiums, and the best
money-back guarantee.
* Taught me to avoid mailing my catalogs from Thanksgiving to December 25th when my customers are
short on money. I was losing money before you made me aware of this fact. Now, I'm following your
advice to mail right after January 1st when my male customers are making New Years resolutions to
find a girlfriend, meet more women, overcome their shyness, etc.
* And most importantly, you made me aware of marketing mistakes and how to avoid making them.
I know you've been called a marketing genius, world's greatest salesman, master strategist,
philosopher, etc. I like to think of you as my mentor. I know you're a successful marketer and for me to
become successful in my business, all I've got to do is learn from you, "The Maestro." As the song goes,
"You are my hero, you are the wind beneath my sail."
To sum it up, thanks Jay for helping me turn my business from a loser to a money-making machine. I
know I'm not a Fortune 500 Company, but if you look through my catalog you will see that I have the
potential to make lots of money. I just need more exposure for my catalog.
You have my permission to use this testimonial for any purpose you may desire.
Don Diebel
P.S. Please note our new address and telephone number on this letterhead. You sent your last promo to
our old address on Gullwood St.
P.P.S. Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalog which you have helped to make a success.
R. James Evans. President - HC32 Box 6517 - Wasilla, Alaska 99687 - (907) 746-2859
the classes. They got 10%. (I should have offered more, I believe). I made $7,500 in just the
first month. With no investment. So, I guess we need to thank you for qualifying to get our
home, also.
Recently, several enthusiasts and I started the International Power Punching Federation, Inc.,
a non-profit organization whose purposes are to start national and international competitions
based upon kicking and punching pads which electronically measure impact force and speed.
We started the organization with just $50. Within the first year we held a 12-day U.S.
Kicking and Punching Championships. I've included a recent Black Belt Magazine write up
about it. From the article we've got several invitations to hold other competitions. Again, we
used your publicity methods to get the entire thing going. We cleared about $3,500 at the
U.S. Championships.
I guess I see you as a marketing genius. Not just a philosopher. A philosopher doesn't
have to get involved with practical methods. You do. That's what, in my opinion, sets
you apart from people who just talk.
Please send the materials plus the Mastermind Marketing transcripts.
Also, Jay, I sent you one of our Body Gym Exercise Videos in trade for your $367 marketing
manual. I could really use this manual could you send it in exchange for the videos. I
recognize that I haven't made any big volume numbers yet but remember there are many
people out there who want to get started with little or no down. Maybe my successes will
help them.
Please send quickly as my wife is dying and I'd like her to share a little of my success before
she dies. You've sent me materials and we'd talked on the phone so you know I'm not
R. James Evans, President - HC32 Box 6517 - Wasilla, Alaska 99687 - (907) 746-2859
D strib
10034 N Lacrosse
' "''
Skokie IL 60077
Tel. (1 708) 674 -9899
3 /qH
Jay You have my permission to publish this letter whatever way you want to.
P.O. BOX 15863
(913) 888-8807
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group
950 Indian Peak Rd. Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I writing in response to your recent letter. I hope my experience
will be helpful.
I used you strategies to help a chiropractor build his practice.
I suggested a cooperative mailing with other businesses. The
cost was approximately $500. He was concerned about how quickly
he would see a payback on this investment.
I asked him to quantify the value of a patient who would require a
treatment program. He estimate that a patient would be worth $1500
to him over the course of their treatment program. Using the
marginal net worth calculations, I explained to him that just one
patient would represent a 200% return on his investment.
The offer consisted of a free initial exam to determine if a
treatment program was necessary. After a couple of weeks passed I
asked him he was pleased with the results. He suggested to me that
he had less than a 1% response and wasn't sure he would try this
method again. I asked how many responses he received and how many he
had converted to patients requiring treatment. He told me he
received 45 responses of which he believed half would become regular
Astounded that he couldn't see what outstanding results he had
received, I quickly calculated how much that ad had done for his
practice. Assuming 22 patients would require ongoing care worth
$1500 each, his gross collections on this $500 investment was
$33,00050% of which was profit!
I suggested to him that it was unfortunate that the cooperative
mailing didn't go out every week! He laughed, finally realizing
what an outstanding practice building advertisement I had developed
for him.
I estimated if he continued the mailings with similiar over the
course of the year, he would gross $150,000 and net $75,000 using
just this one strategy. Many chiropractors don't gross this amount
while spending much more money on unmeasurable marketing methods.
Many of the descriptions of your role given in your letter seem too
limiting. I view you as a business counselor. Above and beyond the
specific strategies you teach, your ability to motivate people to
step back from their day to day responsibilities and expand their
vision of the opportunities available to them is remarkable. You
prod people to take action
Kurt S. Hansen
8 March 1994
23681 Birtcher * Suite 2 * Lake Forest, Co. 92630 . (714) 830-0302 ' Fax (714) 830-1366
March 4, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
RE; Success Stories
Dear Jay:
My exposure to your marketing precepts has, more than anything else,
enabled me to become adept at marketing large real estate properties
of a commercial/investment nature.
Perhaps most illustrative is the listing and sale of the 225-acre
Lindeleaf Ranch adjacent to the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and
U.S. 152 in Gilroy, CA.
The marketing proposal I wrote and presented to Mr. and Mrs.
Lindeleaf on behalf of our sales team was instrumental in our office
(Prudential Network Properties) obtaining the listing on this prime
property in competition with several other brokerages.
And the marketing package which I prepared and which our team
distributed to brokerages and qualified investors throughout the Bay
Area was pivotal in attracting interest which ultimately led to the
disposition of the property in three different sales for something
less than $10 million. (I cannot disclose actual prices due to
agreements of confidentiality with buyers and sellers.)
Both the listing proposal and the marketing literture which in this
case were so successful were written in a style that I learned from
the Jay Abraham training I received as a protege.
More than anything else, I see you as a remarkably intuitive and
gifted example of marketing prowess, whose methods I continually
seek to emulate.
March 7, 1994
Dear Jay:
Just a quick note to let you know what is happening
with my business since starting to work your concepts.
Two months ago, I was struggling with almost no business.
Now after starting two-stepping and call-letter-call, I have
generated over 200 leads in two months, and am now seeing how
with just simple follow-up, some buyers and sellers are
beginning to appear. My level of appointments has increased from
one every other week to 5 per week. And I am just getting
started into the system. I fully expect these numbers to double
again in two more months.
I see very clearly how this method let's the numbers work
for me. Somewhere in those leads, people stand up and say they
really want to buy or sell a home.
How do I see Jay Abraham? Expander of our thinking
process; one who helps us to simplify and see the obvious,
which we don't see unless someone shows us; Professor of
Fractality of Iterative Concentricity; paradigm breaker.
Thanks again for the new insights.
I am looking forward to getting to another of your
programs in the future.
Steve Peck
Dear Jay:
I have enthusiastically read and re-read, listened and re-listened to
your materials since attending your seminar.
My success has been in the area of direct mail marketing. I am a mortgage
broker and have fiddled around with direct mail like most of my
competitors have, usually with disappointing results, until now.
Recently I mailed 5,000 pieces to existing home-owners. I divided this
mailing into three different marketing letters. I made sure I placed
headlines that were developed only after attending your seminar and
beginning to understand marketing from a totally different angle. I have
been testing various headlines on a smaller scale just to test, test,
test the results. I found out that some of my "favorite" headlines didn't
actually pull the best. One headline that worked very well is, IT'S
The first headline was developed from the angle of risk reversal. I
offered not only a free appraisal, but more importantly explained the
reasons why. In other words, why this was being offered and what benefits
it would provide the prospect without ANY risk on their part. I also
explained why I could offer this to them and offered plenty of "because"
reasons and benefits. I made sure to write this letter as I normally
would be talking to a prospect and one at a time. This simple idea of
writing to a prospect one at a time has had tremendous impact.
The second letter offered no risk reversal or anything free. However, it
did offer a nearly irresistible, low rate and all the reasons and
benefits why this program could work for them. I offered not only a low,
low rate but an explanation as to why is was limited and that it was only
available for a specific time period and if you met certain criteria.
This letter did as well as the first letter.
The third letter in which I sent only 1,000 pieces might be considered a
flop. However, this "flop" of a letter out pulled any prior marketing
campaign I had ever done by over 200%! This includes other times when I
had mailed 4000, 5000 and 6000 pieces. Had I only sent this third letter
I would still be happy with the increased results as compared to all
prior letters and flyers we were sending.
The total campaign has delivered between 900-1000% more results that
anything I had done previously. Because we are a relatively small company
these results mean a dramatic influx of business to us. I have been the
only one in my company who has been working on these ideas and strategies
taught by you, until now.
This lousy little mailing that included all these ideas outproduced all
our other producers, collectively! Since that time our top producers are
now using the same marketing letters and we are testing other letters as
The first two letters worked well so I'm repeating the process. The funny
thing about this is before I would have probably restructured the entire
letter and then wondered why it didn't work. Of course, I am testing
different headlines and modifying the offers on a small group to measure
those results.
Jay, who is he? What is he? I think I see you primarily a marketing
genius. How about the "connector", I think this might describe an aspect
of you that I see. Your great ability to connect one idea to another. The
thought process to connect one business to another and so forth. You have
this ability to see beyond what most people see. You take a roomful a
business people and begin to connect the dots. You have a natural and
uncanny ability to put this business together with that business and
create another new angle and benefit for both sides.
You are really many things rolled up into one. I feel as stated earlier
you are a marketing genius, a marketing strategist and a "connector". The
last one may be a new title for you but that's how I see you.
Al Rodriguez
MODULARS_________________________________OUALITY THAT ENDURES
1560 East Taylor Street
Huntington, IN 46750-4043
TELEPHONE [219] 356-7610
Let me give you a brief history. I have been in the restaurant business
for the past twenty five plus years. I started with a small A & W Drive
In (1968). Within three years I also opened a 300 plus seat restaurant
with full bar service, catering ability, banquet faculties, and full
time entertainment. I rode the highs and lows for fifteen years plus. In
1985 all the big franchisee restaurants moved to town. I had tried all
the promotions I could think of to keep what business I had. But, to no
avail, the Big Guys won out. In 1987 I had to have an auction to keep
the banks happy. I leased the building out, and kept my head above
water. Then eighteen months ago a buyer came available. The future
looked great until last fall when they could not make their payments.
The rest is history. I am still trying to find a buyer, which will come
along sooner or later.
1560 East Taylor Street
Huntington, IN 46750-4043
TELEPHONE [219] 356-7610
1560 East Taylor Street
Huntington, IN 46750-4043
TELEPHONE [219] 356-7910
I had to tell you this fantastic story. We are not a million dollar
company. Our gross sales were only $ 126,000 last year. Can you imagine
what we will do this year.
I do want to study the tapes and "Success" Documents. I need to grow and
become enriched in all the knowledge you have.
If some one does not believe in your system, please feel free to show
them this letter as proof that only three small ideas have already
helped improve our business by over 150 % in just three short weeks.
Don't stop reading now. There is more information to come.
I see Jay Abraham as a great motivator. In the short time that I had
your program I became motivated to pull my ass up and try again.
have to have your program to finish studying. If I can improve my
business by 150 % with just three simple ideas think of what I would be
able to do with the rest of Jay's program.
I want to thank you Jay for the three ideas I received from just
glancing at your program. I will, some time attend one of your
programs. That is a commitment I will do. Once again thank you for the
ability to view your program. It gave me the motivation to keep going
when things seem the darkest.
I do hope you feel that this "SUCCESS STORY" is worthy of your free offer
as I am looking towards the BEST FUTURE ahead.
May God Bless you and all your ability to help people in the future.
One last point: There are many small business people in this nation
needing your thoughts and ideas. I am sure many would not even think of
helping themselves, but how many others need and want help?
I also know costs involved in such seminars as yours.
How many more thousands of business people could be helped with a
concise version of your program?
If I can increase my business by 150 % with just three ideas, and not
know the rest of your $ 5,000.00 program, what potentials are available
to the small business person with a short version?
How about a monthly tape version for a cost per month program?
Dr. Norman Vincent Peale offered a two tape program every six weeks for
a small fee. I know your charges would be greater, but could be with in
the means of small business.
1560 East Taylor Street
Huntington, IN 46750-4043
TELEPHONE [219] 358-7610
This country was built by the small business person. What has kept this
great country going? Small business has. Why not consider such a
program? I know the giants have made it big with the BIG GUYS, but they
were once SMALL GUYS.
I would like to consider a coverture program along these lines.
With your great thinking and business ability, there must be an answer
to the small business persons prayers.
Yes, Jay Abraham can make a MILLION DOLLARS on a three day program.
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. 950
Indian Peak Road, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
As per your request, I would like to give you an example of
something I achieved as a result of my exposure to you.
Just to refresh your memory, I went through your Protege program in
June of 1990 and began seeking clients on a part-time basis while
still keeping my regular job.
One of my early clients was a fast food fish restaurant. They had a
fish bowl on the counter and were collecting business cards for a
drawing for a free fish dinner.
I remembered a letter from a restaurant owner which you talked
about on page 16 in Report Number Four of "Your Marketing Genius At
Work" and I asked the manager what they were going to do with the
names of the people who didn't win the drawing. He said they
sometimes followed up with people by phone and occasionally mailed
some discount coupons to then but they didn't do any follow-up on a
regular basis.
I took the concept of the letter you discussed in YMGAW and had
them send a letter to these people offering a free cup of clam
chowder as a second place prize.
The letters were personalized on a computer and the individual had to
bring the letter in within three weeks of the date at the top. The
reason for this is because the manager estimated the average
customer ate at the restaurant approximately once every four weeks
and remembering what I learned from you, I wanted to get their
existing customers to come in more often.
The letter pulled a whopping 14 percent response!
And, most people bought something else in addition to getting their
free cup of clam chowder. . Also, a number of them brought someone
else to the restaurant with them. On top of this, we can't even
measure the increase in customer goodwill from this mailing.
All of this because of an idea generated from one letter in YMGAW.
Jay Abraham
950 Indiana Peak Road, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
March 8, 1994
Dear Jay,
I am a self employed physical therapist who markets my
services on a contract basis. My business is not directly
marketed to the individual customer, but to the referring
physicians. These physicians then refer patients to me for
treatment or testing.
Several years ago I purchased your basic course, "Your
Marketing Genius At Work," in hopes in would further educate me
in how to succeed in business. I had difficulty apply the
advertising principles to a business such as mine.
One and a half years ago I addes an electrical diagnostic
service to my business. The first 6 months I was billing
$700.00 per month. I decided to use some of your advertising
strategies and sent a personal letter to the physicians in my
referral area. I developed a "Unique Selling Proposition" and
promoted short waits for clients, guaranteed on time testing and
reports returned to their office within 24 hours of the test.
My billing is now averaging $3,500.00 per month.
I realize this testimonial may be small in dollar size
compared to some others you may receive, but I assure you for a
"Me, Myself and I" business, this was significant.
I am presently doing a business survey to determine the
feasibility of offering an education program to business and
industry in my area. This program will teach businesses how to
lower workman's compensation cost by educating employees and
managers in proper injury prevention strategies. This program
will be marketed to the business itself; and your advertising
principles will be directly beneficial. If I decide to go
forward with this venture I plan to reread "Your Marketing
Genius At Work" in order to develop an advertising plan.
I see you as a resource to help me succeed. Your books and
tapes that I have read or listened to have help my business
succeed. I regret not taking one of your intense seminars. I
know you have offered your personal service to small businesses
like mine in the past, perhaps if you make future offers I may
be in a position to take advantage of them.
Rodney Nichols, PT
March 9, 1994
Paul Berezny
Paul Berezny
March 9, 1994
March 9,1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham
Publishing Group, Inc. 950 Indian
Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA. 90274
RE: Success Story Dear
I am pleased to write you regarding the successes I have had by studying your materials
and then applying your techniques.
I have many of your videos, audios and manuals They are all invaluable. I purchased
the Aussie Boot Camp for $1800.00 through Gary Halbert and you couldn't get it back from
me for $ 10,000.00. After listening to it over and over and over again, I still get new ideas
everytime I listen to it or something that I didn't understand before now hits home.
One example that comes to mind is a gourmet take-out and catering business that was
located in a very dense business area. Because of your teachings, I established their Unique
Selling Proposition, "We bring you the freshest, most interesting food everyday without the
wait". Then we differentiated the business from all other restaurants and delicatessens serving
the "same old, same old" to the business person each day by having no menu and no set menu
itemseach day was an event, adventure, a party and surprise...the only food we had changed
daily! We featured all types of cuisine and healthy, low fat, calorie conscious but extremely
exciting and tasty food. This alone increased business by 30% per year. By using your concept
of the "life time value of a customer", I was able to send people to all the surrounding office
buildings giving away homemade chocolate chip cookies and FREE lunches to first time
customers while at the same time "collecting" their fax numbers so we could fax them the menu
everyday and let them know of our "rush" delivery service. This increased gross sales an
additional 20% per year. In keeping with your concepts of increasing the pulling power of
each ad, the number of times each customer buys from you and increasing the dollar amount of
each sale, we changed the planning and production schedules so employees could "upsell" takeout lunches and dinners at the same time customers picked up their breakfast. Therefore, the
average dollar amount of each sale drastically increased.
In light of the fact that our store closed at 3:00p.m., the entire kitchen facility was not
used thereafter. By creating "host-beneficiary relationships" (another one of your gems) with
other business people that needed to use a "certified" kitchen, we were able to create an
additional profit center.
We also promoted an entirely new part of the business... "corporate catering" which
was very lucrative. The customers all knew and trusted us and loved our food so it was a
natural "back-end" which grew into doing "personal catering" at people's homes that worked in
the area and knew of us because they came for lunch or breakfast, etc.
Through the accumulation of hundreds upon hundreds of fax numbers we were
constantly able to communicate with our customers and grow a very profitable business.
All in all, the business did more than double its gross sales in a one year period with a
large amount of it falling straight to the bottom line and without any real additional costs or
efforts. The gross yearly volume increased Rom $200,000/yr. to $430,000/yr.!! Although this
was not a multi-million dollar per year business, I have used your concepts with other
businesses with the same astounding results. They work regardless of the sizethey just make
that much more money when mere are more zeros involved!
...Jay you're a "marketing" genius. I believe that you truly have a "gifted" sixth sense
regarding marketing. And as we all know, marketing is where you can truly leverage yourself
in your business. Your see things very "clearly". I think part of the clarity is created because
you approach things from trying to create a "win-win" situation for everyone. And that's real
Please feel free to use this letter or any portion of it in your promotions.
Robert J.
P.S. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for making the information available!
Kitchens and Baths
295 Larkfield Road E. Northport, N.Y. 11731
Dear Jay;
Dear Jay,
I received your letter today searching for 1,000 success stories...my comments follow. You and your
publisher are free to publish my comments for your promotion campaign as referenced in your letter.
I have never met Jay Abraham nor attended any workshops. My knowledge of his methods comes
from reading his marketing books and listening to his audio tapes. (Aussie boot-camp, April 1993
Mastermind Marketing Program).
My regard for Jay Abraham's marketing talents is higher than Mt. McKinley. (For all of you in the
Lower 48, Mt. McKinley is the tallest peak in North America!)
Jay Abraham does to marketing what Michelangelo did to a piece of granite. He chisels away at all
the reasons why businesses fail.to find the core of fantastic business success.
Since I first began applying Jay's techniques to my business a year ago our direct mail sales have
doubled. Our overall business is up 10% and we are more profitable than ever before. It hasn't been
just good luck.
We have simply taken Jay's advise and put it to work.
One of my first moves was to create an in house advertising agency. Not only do we save 15% on
commissions, but my first marketing consulting contract netted me $9,000 dollars. (The campaign
based on applying Jay's marketing principles grossed my client over $100,000 on a $6,000 media
At Alaska Video Postcards we have taken a dull unprofitable mail order department and produced a
shining profit center. Today a single days' sales pays for all of the material I've ever purchased from
Jay...and I'm probably using less than 1% of the insights contained in the books and tapes!
As a student of marketing, I consider Jay Abraham my "professor." I feel privileged to study under
the best!
Todd Hardesty, President, Alaska Video Postcards Inc.
P.O. Box 112808 * Anchorage. Alaska 99511-2808 * 907-349-8002 * 800-478-4438 * Fax 907-349-2208
Phone 801-255-5548
March 8, 1994
03:06 PM
TO: Jay Abraham FROM:
Brian Keith Voiles
Dear Jay /
Well, here's a small success story for you that had tremendous impact on
me, my wife, and our four children. More impact than you could possibly
imagine... in fact,
You Totally Changed The Course of My
Professional Life For The Better!
About 3 years ago I started purchasing your materials from your "Profit
Report" (a friend had given it to me). I knew I'd found a gold mind and I
didn't want to share the information with anyone, not even
I bought some of your stuff, and I learned how to write copy from
your material. I learned about Reason Why thinking; I learned about a
Unique Selling Proposition... and I learned more.
Anyway... to get to the point: my family's life was changed forever
because of your techniques. I started writing copy that got me business.
What kind of business?
Well, you'll probably laugh (or faint!) when I tell you.
I Has A Proffessional,
Stand-Up Comedy Magician!
That month I did NINE SHOWS EVERY SATURDAY ... and I did 4 or 5 shows
during every week!!!
It was incredible. Well, I kept learning more and more but I never
did beat that 36% response.... but I did ma-age to average around $2,700 a
month for a couple of years.
Now, here's how you've changed the entire course of mv professional
One day a business friend invited me to write some copy (a sales letter) for
him. I did. (He traded me some food at a Mexican restaurant for the letter.)
To my amazement:
He Made a Huge HAD
Off My Letter!
(go to page 3)
Page 3
Do you now understand how you've changed my life? I'm writing and
getting very nice fees... we live in a whole new world a world we only
dreamed would happen before.
And now I've written copy for:
* Gary Halbert,
* Joe and Judy Sabah,
* Mike Enlow and Jim Ricketts,
* Ted Nicholas,
* and a ton of small business folks that
I've made very happy!
Anyway, I'm not here to brag... but to make a point. Jay Abraham...
you've changed my life forever! 1993's income was $102,467 more than
triple what I thought I'd ever make in the magical entertainment biz!
This year my goal is a quarter million dollars with faith, and if I
keep studying your stuff, and keep on being a student of this business, I'm
sure I can do it!
What You Are To Me;
You're not only "The master marketing genius of all geniuses", you're a
tremendous inspiration, motivation, and example to a poor boy that grew up in
the back-woods of Oklahoma who thought that 10 bucks an hour would be a
God bless you Jay Abraham.
Warmest Regards,
Brian K. Voiles
P.S. One more goal I have is to write copy for you! Someday I hope I get the
This sale was very important to me, here was my first large home, $300,000.00 plus, in
Rapid City , South Dakota, this is a higher end home. The person who having it built was,
Carol Rea. South Dakota small business person of the year, runner up for the small
business person of the year nationally and also president of a high tech emerging medical
instrument company that is on the move. Carol also has connections with the numerous
business people and government in South Dakota. I just couldn't lose this one.
On one of my sales visits, I offered to make her a model of her future home, to help with the
layout. This was not of much interest to her. I left the meeting with the instruction of getting
them a price quote, how many times in my years of selling have I heard get me a price
quote, this meant I didn't do a good job of selling my product, another price war.
On the way home I reviewed some of your tape conversations in my mind and what kept
coming up was give them something of perceived value. I thought I will build the model and
give it to them, not charge them $500.00 our normal customer price. This was on a Friday
evening, I spent Saturday, Sunday and a couple of hours on Monday Putting together this
1/2 inch to scale model of a very complicated home. On Monday evening my builder and
myself met with Jim Rea and presented our bid for construction with the Polysteel Form.
Carol was out of town in New York on business, but was due back late that evening. The
model impressed Jim and we spent as much time discussing the model and how we would
build the home, as we did looking at the bid. The fact is we spent more time looking at the
model, shinning lights in it for day light, sun rise and set and looking at the room
arrangement, plus the hall lay out. A couple of days later I talked to Jim again, we talked
about the model and not the bid. Carol had loved the model and the next day put it in her car
and was off to the home designer, Jim says she took it everywhere she went and showed it
to everyone. Our card was displayed in a prominent position and of course it was a
Polysteel home. Our phone conservation ended with you should be getting an order in a
couple of weeks, we never did review the bid. The builder received the job on a cost plus
basis that insures a builders profit. The home is about 30 days from being complete and I
know we have a couple of other deals that will come thru because of it. When the home is
complete we feel that the sales results to us will be 1,000 times the cost of the model. I also
used the net worth principle here, at first I was only looking at the front end, but the back
mend is where it is. If we only sell 3 houses a year at $250,000.00 per house and we only
use this house for 4 years that will generate $ 3,000,000.00 MILLION IN SALES from a
$100.00 dollar investment in material and about 20 hours of my time, the percentage is so
wild, $500.00 turns into 3 million in sales is a 6,000% return.
We are going to keep on using the model as long as it works, keep testing and
constantly improving.
Jay you took what I thought was a very creative mind and turned it into money machine, if
this works as well as ! think it will, the home show coming up in the next couple of weeks,
will produce an excellent return for us. The $1,800.00 was a great investment.
Ed Cheslack
Potysteel Building Systems
I see Jay Abraham as a man who can take very complex marketing principles and put them
in common ever day language that almost anyone can understand and use. The gift of
translation is not passed on to everyone. I have sat in seminars where a very simple sale
theory was made so complex, no one could use it. I see Jay as the marketer for the
common man or anyone else who would like to make money.
Jay, you and Tony Robbins have changed the way I do things, I wish I was younger to
have more years to use them, I never miss a chance to pass yours and Tony's ideas on,
maybe that will be my legacy in life. ! have enjoyed you tapes and most of all I know they
have helped me.
Ed Cheslack
P.S. please change my address 1446 Catholican everything else is the same. Will send
publication release in the mail
March 4, 1994
Just a short note to let you know how important your marketing
information has been to me in the last two years.
I have been in the accounting and tax business since 1976.
For years I reported a small growth each year depending on how the
economy was moving along.
In 1992 I realized that a major slowdown in the economy was
coming and also that more clients were using in-house computers
which cuts into our profit.
After hearing your information we took a number of steps you
suggested as I have outlined below.
1. We hired a Telemarketer
2. We set up 3 seminars a month.
a. "39 Tax Saving Ideas"
b. "How to Start your own Business"
c. "Living Trusts"
In 1993 our first year that we implemented the new program our
revenue increased 19%. Our previous years sales had been flat. In
1994 our sales projections are to increase 25%.
Your program and suggestions have been invaluable to our
company. We enjoy working with you and keep up the good work.
Best Regards,
Stan Unruh
Derek F. D'Angiolini
1127 Mill Rd
Hatfieid, PA. 19440
215 997-2877
P.S. You have my permission to quote any and all of this information in your marketing efforts.
Elise V. Kennedy
McKinley Lee 6116127th Pl. S.E. Bellevue,
WA 98006 (206) 7813507
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham, Personal 950
Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
3/08/94 Dear
I'm glad you asked for our input on this because my friend McKinley and I got some great ideas
from your seminar last August which we put to use. Mckinley does real estate investing and we
decided to do a joint venture together on a couple of single family properties. One of the properties
was picked up for 69K and the other for 95K. We put about 15K into both properties. The first one
sold for 92K, the second one sold for 126K for a total profit of 39K. We've used other ads before but
the one that had the phone ringing off the hook was this one:
Desperate-Divorce, Must sell, 3BR, l&l/2bath, Garage,
great neighborhood, nice schools, call 781-3507
We got info on 67 people, of which 8 were fully qualified and we unloaded the homes within a couple
of weeks verses a couple of months. McKinley said that usually he would have had to run an ad for
around 3 weeks before it generated enough qualified folks to buy, but with this ad we cut pur time in
less than half of the usual and we have a few more qualified folks that we have to get into houses. The
advertizing costs were also cut by less than half. Productivity in terms of property turnover more
than doubled.
We see you as a serious catalyst for bringing the best out in business folk.
We look forward to seeing your book in print. If we can help you in any other way, please let us
I am just getting started with this program but my passion of giving quality
service on an even higher level is incredibly exciting.
I see you as a brilliant visionary who has the ability to take a simple or complex
thought or idea to another level so that you optimize every conceivable drop of
potential value from each idea. I have only been exposed to you, your ideas and
stream of consciousness for two months through the Insiders Club sessions but
the process of changing my mindset from tunnel vision to funnel vision has been
incredible. When the bell went off in my thought process it was like an
explosion. I look at potential clients with a completely different outlook. I realize
that I can help them at a service level they have never encountered. The
process of revering myself and my unique abilities to serve them is affecting
every facet of my life.
I love People and expect to be your Realtor for Life
P. S. I can't express enough gratitude for your helping me to take my mindset
and personal achievement expectations to levels I never dreamed possible.
Dan Weis
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group 950
Indian Peak Rd, Ste 100 Rolling
Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
Having become a member of the Insider's Club, which you and Joe Stumpf cohost, I have changed my mindset to: "How do I promote myself and my services
to my past and future clients, so that they feel I'm giving them value-added service
and attention?"
Since I enjoy working with expired listings, I've just put together a 5-letter
mailing piece promotion to get the sellers' attention before I call them, so they
know who I am when I call. I send the 5 letters (not in envelopes) out every other
day for 10 days. After the 2nd letter, I follow up with a phone call to try and get
a listing interview with them. I repeat this step after the 4th letter too. By then,
most agents aren't still calling them. If they still aren't ready to put the home back
on the market after the 5th letter, I ask them if they'll meet with me when they
are ready and I put them on my mailing list with periodic phone call follow-ups.
I've just completed my second week of mailings and I just got my 3rd listing last
night. That's 3 listings (additional listing volume of $372,850) out of 72 mailings
and I hope to get more out this group of mailings. I feel my confidence level
increasing with each new listing under this program.
Jay, you have given me the insight to look at my business through my clients'
eyes. My promotions and advertising must tell the consumers: "What's in it for
them?" There are almost 4000 Realtors in the greater Cincinnati area and you
are helping me to look for better ways of prospecting for new clients and
keeping more of my existing clients. You are providing me with "The Edge"
that I need to stay ahead of the competition.
You're the best,
Jay, I would be remise if I did not thank you for introducing me to the
concept of back-ending. I work extremely hard to perfect our systems
to provide uncompromising service to our clients This has taken us
hundreds of hours and many interviews to locate, and put into place
those auxiliary service companies that touch our clients during and
after the transaction phase. We are a referral network for all our
clients for every imaginable need; therefore, once we locate these
vendors with like mind sets, we are committed to growing their business.
By serving & endorsing them, they in turn have a vested interest in our
success. This process has resulted in a monthly stream of additional
income into my business. This gives me the financial freedom to
concentrate on developing more innovative marketing strategies to better
serve our clientele. Jay, this awareness is a direct result of your
stream of consciousness that you have shared with us through our
mastermind calls.
Thank you Jay, for the opportunity to experience your level of
awareness, your philosophies, and your specificity of delivery. You
have truly taken me into another realm of operating mind sets for my
business. I'm thrilled to think we have only been together for four
Dear Jay,
Thank you for your recent letter regarding: SUCCESS STORIES
WANTED, REWARD OFFERED! I continue to find your letters and
all correspondence very impressive, thorough and each letter you
send gives me an additional idea on how to merchandise and
market our company and services in a different way. With regard
to the success stories that you are seeking, I have listed below
our success story for our company which is a new homes sales and
marketing company that represents builders and developers
throughout the Maryland, Washington, Virginia and Pennsylvania
areas. We are the largest new homes sales and marketing company
in the State of Maryland and to our knowledge possibly on the
East Coast.
We currently employ approximately 100 sales associates and
employees and have approximately 75 new home communities with a
sales volume of approximately $250 million in sales. The
success story that I would like to convey to you is the
Since attending your $5,000 per person seminar in April of 1993,
we have totally re-positioned our company in the marketplace and
have looked at marketing from a whole new different perspective.
Some of the exciting things that we have created to market our
company; through direct mail, insertions in home builder
publications, etc. are the following:
8965 Guilford Road, Suite 210 * Columbia, MD 21046 * Balt: 410-720-6024 - DC: 301-596-7940 * Fax: 410-720-6037
If someone had told me that I was going to sit from 9:00 in the
morning to 1:00 a.m. for three straight nights in an auditorium
in California, I would have told them that they were absolutely
dead wrong. Well, I personally did sit for three straight days
in your marketing seminar and was totally entrenched in all of
the ideas that you and the other members of the room shared with
each other. Your format of how you bring out ideas of all the
members of the group (rather than a typical seminar type
presentation) I felt was very informative. If there are two
main ideas that I got out of your seminar after 36-45 hours of
listening, I would sum it up in three main points:
Phil Gilman
P.S. You have my permission to use this.
Shad Woolley
602 Mercer Avenue
Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey 07762
908 449 8769
Dear Jay Abraham,
I bought Jay Abraham's "Your Marketing Genius At Work" because I was in trouble. I'm a
club musician, and I had a very successful local club country music band. We were doing
great all through the 80's, and then all of a sudden in the 90's, the market for bands
disappeared. DWI laws, high insurance premiums, and more healthy life styles caused nite
clubs to close left and right. The clubs that were left started cutting back on their costs and
live music was the first to be axed. My band broke up because of the financial pressure and
there I was on my own, staring at my guitar and a pile of bills! But Jay's information
helped me turn everything around.
I had to come up with a "U.S.P." that would make me valuable to club owners again so, as
part of Jay's advice, I looked at my competition for the answers. The only thing selling as
entertainment were DJ's and Karaoke "sing a long machines. The clubs only had to pay one
man and the audience could still dance. Of course I knew I was a better entertainment value
than records or tapes, but how could I convince a club owner of that?
Well, I became a "One-Man-Band" sing a long act! I purchased a music computer that gave me
a dance beat behind my playing and I typed up the lyrics to my songs and invited audience
members to join me on stage and sing along with me. It worked great! I had everything my
competition was offering plus, I was a "live entertainment" act.
But how should I sell this new idea to club owners? Here comes Jay to the rescue again.
1. I doubled my price! (This in effect made the owners think I must be something special to
be able to ask for that much money!)
2.I gave a super guarantee! (I told the club owners to try me for a night. If they didn't
think I was worth every cent of the money, they didn't have to pay me. They would, in
effect, be getting a night of free entertainment if I didn't produce results. How could they
refuse an offer like that?
I was so successful that other musicians started copying my act and diluting my U.S.P. so,
back to Jay's information. I am now in the process of adding some extra "value" to my act by
starting a country dance music newsletter and offering it free to the people who sign up on
my mailing list. It will be full of customer interviews, dance tips, club gossip, and new song
reviews. Of corse, to get their free copy, they have to come in the club to pick it up!
Thanks Jay, for all your help!
Yours truly,
.^ ^ ^ , L^^ -$4^s^_
Shad Woolley
P.S. If you receive this letter within the 10 day limit, I am giving you the right to use it as
you see fit.
ShadWoolley 602
Mercer Avenue
Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey 07762
Thanks Jay, and I'm looking foward to receiving my double bonus reward on top of the
gift you already want to give me! (How's that for a positive attitude!)
Sincerely yours,
Shad Woolley
Dear Jay,
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how thoroughly impressed
I am with the marketing materials I purchased from you. I am doing this
because, I must admit, at first I was very skeptical as to the validity of
your offer. I have been burned before by "money making" promises. Your
incredible guarantee made it much easier to try ideas. Now that I've had
the opportunity to experiment with your material I can honestly say that I
don't know how I ever remained in business without you! My tanning salon
is in a small town and is somewhat limited as to potential customers so I
thought! With just one of your suggestions on Headlines I outpulled any
previous ad I'd done by over 200%! I couldn't believe it myself! After 9
years in the business this one headline netted me $5000. profit as opposed
to the same basic ad run at the same time of year previously and brought in
$2300. profit. That's a 230% increase in my bottom line in one month using
just one of your techniques. It was incredible, the customers (and money!)
just rolled in. I've since tried out some of your methods of tracking
responses and on direct mailing to my client base. The results are
phenomenal! I'm doubling and tripling my profits every month. In fact
my business has grown from a four bed salon to ten beds. I am currently in
the process of purchasing a commercial building to expand again. I've
actually had to cut down on marketing because the number of customers
flocking to my business is more than I can accomodate. I never realized
that a population as small as Gloucester could produce this much interest
in a small business such as tanning. I can't wait to expand my business in
order to use more of your ideas to accomodate more clients and more money!
I will also be opening more salons in other areas with larger populations.
Using your ingenious marketing concepts I am sure that these businesses
will literally swamp the competition.
THANK YOU for that tremendous guarantee, without of which I
would never have given your course (YMGAW) a chance to make me
financially secure, happy and more confident of my future than I've ever
Tel.: 281-4442
page 2
Keep in mind that at this time everything had been set in motion to conduct a shut-down of operations and
to liquidate equipment. Time was critical. Once I closed I felt these customers would scatter and never be
as transferable as they would be on the day I closed.
To make as easy as possible I offered to let him pay over time at such a rate that if he could sell and
provide services as good as I had that my payment would only be a part of the profits. After we agreed on
the price, I should be compensated for my financing him. We finally settled on a finished total of
As a back end to that sale I pointed out that since our services were not precisely the same that he
consider buying a machine to help insure his optimizing services offered. Ultimately he agreed, and paid
me another $6,000.00 cash for some equipment I knew he should have.
I would like to mention that since I sold this packaged list and delivered more than expected in terms of
time and introductions, that sales did materialize for this buyer and he has been so happy and profitable
that the first two of the seventeen payment he owes were paid earlier than their due date.
To answer your request for what I see you doing for me philosophically I think that you have cause me to view the business world from a refreshingly new and so far very
profitable angle. I perceive you as taking the study of marketing and analyzing/exploring it from a
remarkable number of viewpoints and my realizing that one persons story is another persons learning
Thank you Jay,
Jay Abraham
Page 2
March 16, 1994
In four and a half months this restaurant & entertainment establishment has
gone from a pathetic $4,000 per month to over $12,000 in sales per month and
I've barely begun.
The first thing I did was to concentrate on the entertainment side of the
house. We became the only Club in town that has live music every Saturday
night that is also the headline I've been using for the last few months and
it has been pulling like crazy.
We enticed dart teams to let us sponsor them. Within one month we signed up
four large dart teams, and we are now the largest sponsor house within a 100
mile radius. This effort has taken a dead week night for the lounge and
turned it into a fabulous profit center.
I've recently moved completely over to the restaurant since the lounges &
entertainment are now under competent management. I, of course, still do the
Now for the restaurant: Its business has increased merely from the new life
the entertainment has brought in; but I knew that wasn't enough and I had to
move quickly.
I've written two PR pieces (I learned how from your material) and sent them to
the local newspaper. One has been published word for word, and the second one
is being published next week.
I've implemented a monthly drawing for a $50 gift certificate which has
enabled me to capture patrons' names and also calculate the marginal net
worth of each customer.
I persuaded one local bank to do something very special for their customers.
The bank president is buying all his customers their second meal at my
restaurant (they buy the first, he pays for the second one; so they think) .
This makes him look good in their eyes and I get new customers. Within 30 days
I will do this with every business in town that has a mailing list.
I've just worked out a deal with the local radio station. I give them 1/4
cash, 1/2 barter, and the rest is paid for by PO (per order) . "Just tell us
you heard this on KPTI radio and your 2nd meal is 1/2 price or your 4th meal
is free". This deal was set up after I got them to lower their original
package price.
I've also just worked out a deal with the new three screen movie theater 1/2
block away. "A free movie when you buy dinner at our restaurant". What does
the movie theater owner get? You guessed it, free advertising from me! The
owner is also going to allow me to advertise the restaurant on his screen as
part of our deal.
This place is coming alive and by June you won't be able to get into the
door without a reservation. This is all happening in spite of local
residents saying "this is the worst recession since the 1930's".
Jay Abraham
Page 3
March 16, 1994
This restaurant is a good start for me, but it's only the beginning.
I guess my enthusiasm, passion, and my overall love for entrepreneur
marketing is obvious to people I meet.
I knew I would someday work with you or someone along the same level as
This visualization is now in the process of coming true. In the very near
future I will be working with (as a partner) another great marketer. I'll
reveal the name of this person (you know of him) some other day as I don't
want to threaten a great opportunity before it starts.
I tell you this so others will understand what is possible. I'm beginning to
live what Earl Nightingale preached for so long. "You become what you think
most about in life".
I live, breath, eat, & sleep what I've learned from you.
Jay, you don't just teach people marketing concepts. You teach people how to
fish. You have given me the manual on life. I will never need to work for
someone else again.
It's obvious that I have put all that you have given me into non-stop use,
but anyone can do it if they will only apply it.
Someday I will become a well known marketing expert like yourself. But for
someone who doesn't have that same goal, they only have to apply a fraction of
your material to increase their business lOOx's.
For every excuse or problem one can come up with for their business, there
are 10 ways to solve it. You only have to look for the solution.
Fourteen months ago, I was a terrible writer. After reading and re-writing
some of the all-time best sales letters ever written, I can now get people to
vote on my writing with their wallets. And I'm getting better every day.
Some people say I can't write, but I'm making money from people who think I
All one has to do is learn what you teach and they will never have to worry
about taking financial risks again.
I'll conclude this rather lengthy letter by saying: To me you are an
entrepreneur's entrepreneur. Your teachings go much further than marketing.
You teach: mind-set and psychology; how one person's problems can really be
another one's opportunity; how to test; joint ventures; and I could go on
Jay Abraham
Page 4
March 16, 1994
P.S. I'm sure we will meet again soon. I look forward to that day!
Dear Jay:
You really are, a Marketing genius!
Tony Robbins' endorsement of your service caused me to immediately sit down and read the introductory
material to the February '93 conference. Your no risk offer enticed me to ask for the tapes. My decision to
attend the conference has proven to be an excellent one. The pearls of wisdom that you so often share are
simply amazing.
The past year has seen my company extend itself in many different directions. Your host/parasite concept has
given me many ideas, several of which I have implemented, that have resulted in alliances with various other
For example, we recently established a relationship with an independent marketing representative in
California who is now offering our consulting services on the West Coast. I see this as the first step towards the
eventual opening of a West Coast office (hopefully later this year or early '95).
One of the ideas I got from you was to conduct a survey of the industry we serve (the money management
industry). Of the 550 surveys we mailed out, we received responses from 147 firms (a 27% response rate!).
What has this done for us? Participants of the survey received comptimentary copies of the summary results. We
offered copies of the summary and detail results to various firms. The revenue that was generated (over $3,000)
more than covered the cost of the survey.
A major industry publication, Pension & Investments, referenced the survey in one of their articles. This
kind of publicity is great! Already, I've received a request to speak at an upcoming conference because of this
The survey dealt with an industry group's standards for reporting performance to prospective clients. They will
shortly be publishing their international standards. Some of the survey results are referenced in this
The survey also provided us with a database of information which we have begun to tap into. For example, we
have created a mailing list of prospects for a software package we're marketing.
p.s. I look forward to hearing your interview with Tony Robbins. He's a great interviewer, so I'm sure the
session was fantastic!
March 17,1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham
Publishing Group 950 Indian Peak
Road, Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates,CA 90274
My company produced and sells a marketing system on estate planning to life insurance
agents. It's an elegant package, is very profitable if used correctly and there's nothing else
like it in the marketplace. We truly have a better mousetrap but, alas, the world had not
beaten a path to our door... not until I sent 2,500 prospects a letter which you taught me to
We've tried direct mail before. We've mailed four-color glossy brochures. We've mailed
short-and-sweet teaser letters. And we didn't have much success.
Then, in October, 1993,1 bought your home study program and began the exhilarating and
exhausting process of listening to and reading everything that came in the 25 pound box.
Your description of how to write an effective letter was particularly interesting and it proved
extremely helpful.
The letter I wrote is enclosed. In it, I tried to do many of the things you suggest
Our sales process begins with a letter and it asks the readers to call us for a free video tape.
We don't follow-up on the letter with a phone call - we leave it to the prospects to call us at
this stage. The video tape demonstrates our marketing system and asks the prospects to buy
it. We tenaciously follow-up by phone after our prospects get the video. The system sells for
$995 which is not trivial money for most of our prospects.
We mailed this letter on December 1,1993 - right in the middle of all of the Christmas mail to 2,660 life insurance agents. Within 45 days, we'd received 301 requests for free videos.
Within 90 days, we'd sold 62 packages for a total gross income of $61,690. That means that
11 % asked for the free video and 21 % of those who saw the video bought our system. That's
about five times the response we've received from any other marketing approach - and
we've tried a lot of them. And one prospect, an extremely successful and wealthy insurance
agent in Florida, bought the system completely sight unseen - he didn't even want to see the
free video first, - simply because he was so captivated and motivated by the letter!
So, Jay, thanks very much for your help and advice in this area. I continue to methodically
read, listen and think about all of the other material you provided. Obviously, my $2,500
investment in your course has already been amply rewarded but my greed is significant.
Best wishes for your continued success and please keep your ideas coming. And thanks,
too, for the "Money Making Secrets" book - it's a real help for those of us who tend to be
more linear and less fractal in our thinking. I still organize my sock drawer according to the
Dewey Decimal System.
Warm Regards,
Larry A. Winkler
P.O.Box 78 (UPS-FED EX=391 Holden Rd)
Chittenden, VT 05737-0078
Dear Jay,
Enclosed is a "little" success story that is based on the
principles of testing direct mail pieces, telephone follow-up to
an offer, and a deal too good to believe.
In December of '93 our franchise insurance broker lined up a new
insurance provider for the system. The bad news was that we had
to come up with $2500.00 for the first payment. The problem was
that around December 15 our cash flow dries up. Most years we've
saved ahead, but this year 3 vans had died in October and
replacement and resurrection fees had eaten up the reserves. We
desperately needed money to meet a basic franchise requirement
to keep afloat.
My wife, Nancy, had been reading and listening to the preconference and conference materials with me. One worry-filled night
she went to the computer and designed a campaign letter written in
the Jay Abraham style of tantalizing detail to offer our current
customer base a chance to buy service in advance at a tremendous
savings (30% Off and service or product we offer provided it is
used by June 1, 1994). We had a fifteen day time limit on the
offer. I did a little reworking of the piece and went to the
photocopier. The piece went out and nothing happened. On our first
conference call, Jay suggested that we remember the telephone follow
Well, we were test marketing only a hundred pieces, so that
was possible. I trained my office person to ask folks about
the letter they had received and to give them only the offer
in summary. Within a week we had the money in hand, the insurance
paid and a wife delighted that she could "Abraham" it!
Thanks, Jay. I now have the freedom to continue my work of
becoming the Paddy Lund of the carpet cleaning service.
PS-We tried the next week with an additional 200 former customers
just calling up and making the offer. The result was about $400.00.
I believe this indicates the value of the two pieces in sequence.
I received your letter on March 8, 94 and thought what a request. Who has the time to sit
down and even think back to reflect on what I have learned from you, let alone put it down on paper?
As the days went by , you naturally have this on your mind, anyway I did. I thought you
know, I really own Jay an answer to his request because without him I wouldn't be where I am today,
so here goes......
I attended one of Jay's "Protege" seminars, the first one, in Sept. of 89. You have to know
my mind set at the time. I just retired from the police force in 1988, and started to run a police
organization that I started in 1984, the main objective in 1984 was to build a training facility for law
enforcement officers in Penn. We were totally self funded with no help from any government
departments. How did we raise our money?
We were totally dependent upon professional solicitors for all of our funds. In 1989 the state
of Penn. started a rigorous campaign against professional solicitors to put them out of business for
the shady tactics they used to raise funds. Our organization was also targeted for an investigation and
when I arrived in L.A. and met Jay I told him on the first day the problems I was having in our
organization and that when I had to return to Penn. I was faced with building our headquarters and
training facility. We had the money to start construction but we were short about $150.000.00 to
finish and I didn't know where I was going to get this money. Jay's words to me were "Don't worry,
by the time you leave here on Friday you will have all the answers". Yeah, right.
I arrived back in Penn. the first week in Oct. and yes, I had my work in front of me. The first
thing I attempted was to hire telemarketers and devise a plan to solicit funds for our organization.
The investigation was complete by Nov. and we settled by a consent degree and got rid of all
professional solicitors. By the end of Dec.we had raised $935,742.00 with the solicitors however, we
had to pay them a commission of 75% of all moneys raised. We were now on our own and
$168,000.00 in the hole.
By Jan of 1990 I had to start putting Jay's methods to work. Perceived Value, Back End,
Joint Ventures, how in the hell do I incorporate all of this into telemarketing and... open an indoor
gun range with a pro gun shop? Not to mention the marketing of the store, and I didn't even have a
I called Jay and we brainstonned for fifteen minutes, that's all I needed. I remember Jay
saying in all his lectures and talks, think "MACRO". I called Walt Disney Magic Kingdom Club and
requested to have our organization added to their club, they asked how many members we had. I told
them three hundred (300), they said call back when you have a thousand. In March we moved into
our new facility and I did call them back with three thousand (3000) members they included us in
the Magic Kingdom Club.
I called Kardan Purchase Power, a wholesale purchasing club. They requested $2.50 for
each member brochure you send out. That's a big overhead when your soliciting funds and
receiving only 5 and 10 dollar pledges. I talked them into a joint venture by promising them huge
numbers in members and receiving their up front money on the back end. They finally agreed if, I
could promise them 500 new members weekly. We were selling 2 to 3 hundred a day at that time, in
one week we had a deal.
I called National Car rental and Alamo for discounts for our members on their rental cars. I
was amazed at how easy it all came together. I put a coupon book together from all over Eastern
Penn. you know buy one get one free. They sold like hot cakes . By mid July I converted an office
in our new building into another telemarketing room we now had twenty stations. Our customers
loved us because we gave some perceived value back for their donation, nobody ever done that in
our area before, it still works today. We have over 90,000 members.
It worked, by the end of 1990 we raised $450,000 on our own and kept ever cent for our
own pockets. True at the end of the year we didn't have a cent of profits left however, we paid cash
for our new facility that today is worth over $400.000.
I'm sure today that what really helped us was the fact that we keep computerized records of
all our donors and we called them back three times a year and they gladly gave. Why, because they
were always interested in what they were going to receive from us.
In April of 1990 we opened the indoor gun range and pro gun store. While we were the first
indoor gun range in the area, you must realize that Pa. has one of the highest gun ownership's in the
Nation. I thought there had to be a big market out there. How wrong I was. Within a thirty mile
radius of our store there is at least thirty five outdoor gun ranges. I had my work laid out for us. The
summer of 1990 was terrible for sales. Why would someone want to pay to come into an indoor
gunrange when they can shoot for nothing outdoors?
I got my board of directors together and told them I had a marketing plan to give away our
memberships. They were outraged, give away a $50.00 (3 months), $75.00 (six months), or
$189.00 (a years) membership, I had to be crazy. I explained the back end method to them but they
just couldn't see it. I convinced them to let me try my method and finally won them over on the
premise that they didn't have anything to lose anyway.
I held a meeting with my telemarketing managers and laid out my plan. Give away at least
two 3 month memberships valued at $100.00 for a $25.00 donation plus all the other goodies they
received for their pledge. I had them call all of our donors back that already gave in Jan to April and
make this offer. I also instructed our telemarketers that memberships could
be given to any person if they themselves didn't want to use them. There was one restriction, it had
to be redeemed in one month from the date it was sent out. Results, 1500 new range members in
about six weeks.
We now had a new problem. Our back end was the ammunition we sell to shoot, and a lot of
the people that came in didn't even have a gun to shoot with. We didn't have any spare money
laying around to buy guns to use as rentals, so how do we get rental guns in our showcase. Think
MACRO: I called Smith & Wesson, Colt, Springfield Armory, Ruger, Heckler & Koch and a few
other biggies. I asked them to create a joint venture where we would only sell their guns by using
their guns in our rental program. We would pay for the guns at wholesale their cost, not distributor
price, and only after a one year period, so the guns would pay for themselves through the rental
program. It worked like magic, we have over sixty different makes and models in our rental
program, we use them for a year them replace them with new ones on the same rental program. This
gives us $ 10.00 every time we rent the gun, plus we sell the gun after a year and recoup the original
purchase price plus a 20% profit. The gun makers make out and like the program we put in use
because they sell more guns through our rental program. It was a win/win situation. I had to
mention this because Jay taught me this methodology.
With that problem solved we now had to tackle the ammunition problem. We were selling it
so fast we couldn't keep up with it and we had to go out and buy it. We bought five reloading
machines and put them on line. To buy a box of 50 reloads we paid $5.00 and resold it for $9.00
however, if we made it ourselves we could produce a 50 round box for about $2.00 including labor.
The machines paid for themselves in about two months . Things were going smoothly.
In 1993 another indoor range opened up in our area and was taking away our customers.
Another board meeting and another marketing plan. I explained to my board that I wanted to send
our customer list a special bonus plan where we would automatically add a month onto their
membership free and they would also receive a 15% discount on anything in the store, if they gave
away to their friends or relatives four coupons entitling the recipient to a free three month
membership. I never expected the results of this mailing. Overnight we received 6000 new
memberships from the original 1800. You guessed it, now we had another ammunition problem.
The company we bought the bullets from couldn't supply us fast enough so we bought that
company. The machines we had made a 1000 rounds an hour of just one caliber, we use all caliber's
however, the biggest two are 9mm and 38's. We purchased two machines that each make 5000 per
hour. Yes we were selling ammo like mad and running out of space. New problem.
Our banker is also a shooter and said to us Al, aren't you running out of room, your class
room was turned into a reloading room and we had to build a small building that just housed the
bullet manufacturing. Our cash flow is so good now that we are expanding into a building along side
of our present building. Can you imagine your banker saying don't you want some money to build.
Some problem, huh!!
In 1992 I had to look at our costs of doing business and found out that the highest overhead
we had was the telephone. We spent $72.824.00 in 1991 on our telephone bill, there had to be
better service out there. We went through every company you could think of including the big
three. In 1993 our phone costs were $18.422.00 and our volume was the same if not greater than
1990 and 1991.
Again I thought of what Jay has taught me. I approached Allnet Communications and worked
a joint venture with them for our organization that has the best and cheapest phone service anywhere
in the country. Try and beat 13.7 cents a minute no matter where you call. That's not the first band
like other companies charge, that's a flat rate, and yes all of our donors and customers enjoy the same
rate through our organization. We even have a rate that is suitable for high end users that are
over $4000 to $5000 a month. We can guarantee a 10 to 20 % discount on that bill. I signed up a
customer that is a professional solicitor from New Jersey trying to get our business. His phone bill
is over $300.000 a month, we will reduce that by 20% and still receive a residual of 4% each and
every month on that bill. That's $9000.00 a month for as long as we have that customer. And we can
do that anywhere in the country. And get this, if that same customer would call Allnet Comm. he
couldn't get the same rate from Allnet as we could get him, it must go through us.
What can I say about Jay Abraham. Was the $ 15,000 I spent for that seminar worth it? You
bet, every penny of it was made back 100 times over. Jay's methods not only work, he puts you in a
different mindset. You can't just read his material or even hear it from himself and then expect it to
magically just work. You have to practice the principles he teaches. The thing about him is the way
he teaches it, you can tell that he has practiced everything he preaches or teaches you. The man just
turns everything he touches into gold. How, by magic, no, he thinks in that MACRO mode and makes
things happen.
We do a lot of advertising for the gun store and range and all of the principles he taught me go
into the advertising. Does it work? You bet and how do we know it works. He taught me how to
track all advertising and measure your ROI. He has an ingenious knack on every aspect of marketing
that just boggles my mind. I have every one of his books we received at his seminar and I keep them
very close to me. It's like having Jay right next to me. There isn't a subject he doesn't have down on
paper. Speaking of paper I have to tell you a small story that has a lot of significance on Jay's
A close friend of mine who was a policeman on my department retired last year and has since
joined me on our board of directors. Ron Kulp is a gun enthusiast and a physical fitness nut that
trains in a new system developed by a Secret Service Agent. I won't identify the system here because
the agent is still working and in a very high position . Anyway Ron told the agent about our facility
and he wanted to see it and our new plans for the new building . This agent is the James Bond type
right out of the movies, honest, when he got into my office his eyes didn't stop moving for a minute,
there were four other law enforcement officials with him but nobody watched him like I did. He
absorbed everything in his sight, after about ten minutes he asked the other people if they would
excuse themselves while he talked to me in private. He gave me a lot of praise about the facility, the
range, the training, the computer network, telemarketing division
but what really got him and kind of took me back, was he noticed that I had Jay's materials in my
bookcase. Yes even a secret service agent knew of Jay Abraham.
He didn't ask to see my financial records or even how we were doing financially, all he
wanted to know, was would I join him in a joint venture of marketing his program and making our
new facility his International Headquarters. Yes he has contacts all over the world that are eager to
train his principles in self defense and he is retiring late this year or early next year. I really have to
say that Jay's materials being out in the open and him knowing that I practice Jay's principals was
enough for him to cement the deal. The deal isn't on paper yet but I can guarantee you it will be in
about three weeks. Do I worry where the money will come from for the new building, no it's already
being made.
I've often wondered how it would be if I marketed myself to other businesses like Jay used to
for 25% of unfound profits, but you know what, I get more pleasure out of just using his principals
and methods the way I am in our organization.
I have to relate a deal to you made last Sunday March 5, 94. Being a policeman and into
training I have always wanted a system known as Shoot/Don'tShoot. This is a large life like screen
that you shoot at and make judgmental decisions in an instant. Were you right or wrong. The
problem with getting one of those systems is the cost. They cost in the neighborhood of $65,000.
Anyway something made me look at a Police Chief magazine a couple weeks ago and I spotted an
ad for one of these machines, the ad wasn't done up to good but the machine was a new product on
the market and I wanted to know more. I sent away for the information and received it, it was
devised by a policeman in Ohio and I called him. We talked for about an hour and the conversation
got around to his marketing of the product. He admitted to me that he was having a problem with
the marketing end. Yes he sold me the machine at his cost and he came to Pa. to set it up and make a
deal with me to market the product for him. Can you imagine he was selling this thing for $11,000
and his nearest competitor was $35.000 above his. I explained the perceived value to him and told
him he was pricing his product so low that everybody that heard or talked about it was saying it just
had to be a piece of junk at the price he was selling it at. Believe me, it is better than the one selling
at $65.000.
The point is, all of my marketing, joint ventures, backend selling, advertising, marginal net
worth, direct marketing and the telemarketing couldn't have been achieved without Jay's teachings,
the man is the entrepreneur's entrepreneur. I never would have dreamed that I would be where I am
today back in 1989 when Jay said "Don't worry"
PS Our unique selling proposition used in all of our advertising, " Try a Gun Before You Buy A
Gun". Our gun rental program sells guns just because they can try them first. What a USP.
PPS Jay you have my permission to use this in any article or reprint as you see fit, on the
condition that I receive a copy of that reprint.
Jack Barrett
P.S. Please feel free to use this letter in any material that you may be publishing.
Bob Giicker
9314 Cherry Hill Road, #206
College Park, MD 20740
Jay Abraham - Personal Abraham
Publishing Group, Inc. 950 Indian
Peak Road, Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274 March 17, 1994
Dear Jay,
Thanks for you interest in what I have accomplished with your techniques. After
going through your home study materials I have applied your techniques to a few small
projects of mine, and I plan to use your techniques on many more projects in the future.
The first application I made of your ideas was in selling a line of bookmarks and
postcards for an artist who created them. She was selling them to museum store gift
shops on word of mouth and once a year trade show visits. At the time I had merely the
rights to sell these items on sales calls in my local area.
Your materials led me to request national marketing rights, to sell to all of the
museum stores she had yet sold to, for a percentage of the sales. I sold these items to
an amazing 25% of these unsold museum stores! That was 150 new customers from one
promotion. And that was after she had already had taken her shot at them for a couple
of years. I collected $15,000 in the first year from this new business.
I followed that promotion up with a fairly successful campaign to sell these items to
college bookstores. There we sold to a full 15% of all of the large college bookstores in
the country.
Even after more than 3 years , with buyers constantly dropping old items for new
ones, I still collect around $5,000 per year in residual income with just a day or two
each month of my time invested. I have made about $33,000 to date from this one
simple project. Best of all, sales are climbing again as we are moving into the zoo and
aquarium gift shop market.
Yours Sincerely,
Bob Giicker
March 17,1994
Mr Jay Abraham Abraham Publishing
Group, Inc. 950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite
100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay
I'm a New Home Salesman, working on commission in the conservative,
competitive, Midwest city of St. Louis. Here's a few examples of how I have
benefited by using your ideas.
Developed a crucial, targeted, market-research mailing that drew an astonishing
93% return response. This helped us design features into an empty nester duplex product
that met the market exactly. And even though we opened in a trailer, without models,
during a recession, it sold it out on time.
Developed a teaser direct mail pre-sale strategy, with incentives for action, that
resulted in fifteen $150,000 new home sales in one day.
Developed a 4 letter mailing, with testimonials, to try to boost sales in a slow
moving 300 home Condominium Community that helped increase sales about 20% to
achieve a sellout in less than 3 years.
Was named New Home Salesman of the year in 1986 by the St. Louis Home
Builders Association's (HBA) Sales & Marketing Council.
Was named New Home Sales Manager of the year in 1989 by the St. Louis HBA.
Was named National New Home Salesman of the year in 1987 by the Sales &
Marketing Council of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)
Of course I've earned a few commissions in the process, and since then, too.
Your biggest asset is your ability to get to the point. Then comes your ability to
inspire and motivate to action. Next, Jay, I not only think you have ideas we who market
products and services can use, you also have the uncanny ability to recognize other
people's ideas that we can use too.
And, here's the plus. You're not to proud to think that you are the only guy with
any money making ideas, so you're willing to share these other people with us.
For instance, sending us Gary Halberts Letters. Now !'m not in direct marketing by
mail but the ideas from you and Gary on how to get my letters into stack "A" so they get
opened and read have proven priceless. And the ideas on how to get the reader to act,
with incentives and time limits, work in the new home industry too.
And, ideas like those contained in one of your surprise bonus gifts, "Winning
Through Intimidation". Using those "be prepared" concepts gives me an edge on the
competition that just keeps the some of them wondering how I (get so lucky).
Maybe I rotate to you because your ideas are not only simple, but you teach them
by your own example too. I'm thinking of 1) Living up to your promises, and 2) Giving
so much more than your subscribers expect.
Jay, in all, I've probably only invested about $1,000 in your materials. It's
impossible to measure the value of the results in dollars. And of course the results are
still coming in, I'm not ready to retire.
I'm just glad that, way back when, you invested in a mailing list that had my name
on it.
What's so valuable about your methods is that they work in any industry. or
business, or endeavor -large or small - because they are ideas about how to motivate
people into action.
And isn't that what we're all trying to do?
P.S. Like dessert, I saved the most important part of the letter 'till last. Thanks!
Sincerest and best regards from one of your many Fan's,
March 10,1994
Dear Jay,
I sell Volvo automobiles at factory discounts to foreigners in Korea. I've
been doing this since 1980.
I see you as one of the few individuals who has "a firm grasp of the
obvious." You have the uncanny ability to find simple solutions to seemingly
complex business problems. You make the complicated --or what we as
business people have managed to complicatereadily understandable to
generate profitable solutions. I would call you a "business X-ray technician": you see through the minutiae and get to the bare bones of
profitability problems with laser beam precision.
Using some of your ideas allowed me to increase by 500 percent the number of
telephone and fax inquiries generated by my ads in publications such as the
bulletin of the American Chamber of Commerce in Seoul. This resulted in doubling
the number of my sales appointments and presentations. Thanks to using your
concepts my sales increased 46 per cent while ad
costs dropped 30 per cent. Gross sales leaped by $97,300 in one month alone.
Specifically, I used your idea of testing and improving my headlines
until I developed the one that pulled the highest response ("How You Can Buy
Any New Volvo at the Factory Discount Price Without Having to Fly to
Sweden"). That ad headline outperformed others I had tried by five times.
By working against a control headline to compare response rates I was
able to add precision to the art of ad writing. Next, by refining the body
copy to have more emotional impact focused on my unique selling
proposition (USP) I was able to reduce the number of words (and ad costs)
while better galvanizing my Volvo prospects' interest. I refined the body
copy only after I had my new control ad with the most compelling headline.
One of the important lessons I learned from you was the practice of changing
one control variable at a time to track scientifically the results.
The benefit is now I have more certainty about what is working and why.
Without my control model and testing I would be haphazardly throwing my
advertising funds away with no real comprehension of what my ad weaknesses
were or, worse yet, how to correct them. Just knowing how
not to lose money can be profitable by itself.
I know that I can make far greater improvements and profits by using even
just a few of your many other techniques and strategies, Jay; however,
for now using the marketing practices of a strong USP, a compelling headline and
relentless testing have proven themselves to be very successful
We were asked to repeat the telemarketing campaign in 1993. I accepted the work with the stipulation
that we would be allowed to mail a letter to the senior citizens before calling them. Using the
knowledge, strategies, and mind set that I gained from attending your seminar in March of 1993, I
devised an educational 5 page letter that described the benefits of having a hearing test on a regular
basis, exactly what the hearing test consisted of and offered an inducement for
purchasing a hearing aid if in fact it was found that the prospect had a hearing loss that could be
helped through the use of hearing aids. To make a long story short, the average time it took to set
an appointment during this campaign was only 1 1/2 hours. That translates into a profit of $12.00 per
appointment, a 300% gain.
As I see it, your contribution to this success was the following principles:
a. When telemarketing, sending the prospect information first will almost always increase
the response.
b. The copy should be as long as it has to be in order to get the point across, c.
Consumers are silently begging to be led. They crave information. d. You have to
educate your way out of a business problem, you just can't cut price.
Another of my clients asked me to help him build a new business he was starting. It was a house
cleaning service - a franchise. Since it was a relatively new franchise, the franchisor didn't have much
to offer in the way of marketing support. I agreed to help. I proceeded to develop a letter which was
personal, direct and contained two key elements which I can contribute directly to my exposure to
you Jay. First, it offered a better than risk free guarantee. The prospect was offered free carpet
cleaning for the whole house, if he decided to engage my client for house cleaning. If he didn't find
the house cleaning service satisfactory, he could cancel at any time and since the carpet cleaning had
already been completed, he had received value which was his to keep. Second, he was offered a trial
period in which he would only pay $49.95 per visit which was at least $20.00 less per visit than all
the other house cleaning services were charging.
This one method built a business in seven short months from zero customers to a little over one
hundred customers. That's approximately $180,000 in revenue per year which is not bad for a little
mom and pop house cleaning business.
Now let me give you some examples of how you have directly helped me grow my business by
marketing our own services much more effectively.
One of the first ideas I had after starting to read your material and attending your seminar was to do
an endorsed mailing. I agree with you, by the way, that it is the most effective form of direct mail
anyone could possibly use. I asked one of our clients to allow me to write a letter from him to his
fellow Miracle-Ear franchisees detailing the effectiveness of an insert that I had created for him. The
letter gave all the details of how many he had inserted in the local paper, how much the campaign had
cost him, the total dollar volume of the sales he had made, and finally - how he had persuaded me to
include an order form along with his letter so that his fellow Miracle-Ear franchisees could also
benefit from using this very effective insert.
Taking into consideration that there were only 150 Miracle-Ear franchisees for us to mail to, the
results we achieved of $20,000 in insert sales were pretty exciting. That of course doesn't take into
account all of the repeat orders we've received from the respondents to that initial mailing.
At this point I would like to run down a list of the different ways in which my exposure to you has had
an effect on my business and my clients' businesses. Here goes:
1. As a result of learning about marketing mistake #9, "Not sticking with marketing campaigns that
are still working", several of my clients are profitably using the newspaper insert mentioned above as
many times as they can. If it continues to bring in a profit, they continue to use it, although most of
them greatly resisted this concept at first.
2. We have developed several postcards which offer free reports. The number of leads generated and
converted has been very impressive.
3. "Positioning" and "valuing my contribution" are two principles I learned from you that have had a
dramatic impact on the way I present myself to clients and prospective clients. When I tell a
prospective client that I am willing to guarantee results and put my money where my mouth is by
taking most or all of my compensation as a percentage of sales or profits, they don't hesitate to engage
our services. I believe that this is partly because they have nothing to lose, but, more importantly
because they can feel the confidence radiating from me.
4. I took your advice and made all overhead items justify themselves.
5. I've started to create a sales department and am building many pillars of profit where before we
relied solely on referrals. Much of our communication with clients and prospects was unorganized.
Our clients only heard from us when it was time to reorder. Now, we constantly communicate with
them - we're constantly working the back end.
In a nutshell Jay, here's what has happened. We've gone from a barely breakeven situation to a $5000.
per month net profit after all expenses including a generous salary for myself and my wife who is our
V.P. of Finance. This has happened during a year when you would expect a large decrease in business
due to the fact that our main clientele(hearing aid dealers) have experienced sales decreases of up to
50% due to many economic and regulatory circumstances.
Needless to say, what I've learned from you has also made it easier for me to expand our client base
in other industries.
Now, I suppose that each person who is exposed to you sees you differently. Td like to suggest that
this is true because they are seeking different things from you. For me, you are a teacher who teaches
by example. It's the "process within the process" that I watch and get as much from as the actual
information that you share with me.
I watch to see how you posture and position yourself with me. How you communicate with me and
try to persuade me. This could be unique to my experience since I am in a similar business as you are.
But, I don't think so. I suggest that everyone who is exposed to you should be aware of the
"process" within the process that you put them through. They should pay attention not only to the
information you are giving to them, but, also the way in which you persuade them to accept
it and compensate you for it. You are probably the best person I have ever seen as far as teaching by
example goes. And by doing that you are getting your students to look at the concepts and strategies
from many different perspectives.
In fact, you are training them to do what the great successes of our time have been able to do -look at
situations, opportunities, and concepts from many different viewpoints. They can basically have a
paradigm shift at will.
You are good at bringing the process to the forefront so we can see it. In many different ways, you
are training us to change the way we think about things that we are exposed to. That is the greatest
gift of all because it enables us to take what you've taught us and multiply it's usefulness many fold. It's
impossible to have an impact on someone's business by simply giving them new ideas. You have to
give them a new way of thinking so that they can come up with their own ideas. This is much more
enduring and powerful. And this, as far as I'm concerned, is what you are a master at Jay Abraham.
Thank You!
Warm Regards,
Phil Stocchetti
P.S I would very much like to participate in an Alliance which included and focused on marketing
consultants like myself. I believe that it would make it possible for you to duplicate yourself many
times over by using people like me who have an understanding of marketing and how to supply clients
with marketing services, but lack the advanced marketing mindset that you have.
I intend to forward my ideas on this subject to you under separate cover. In the meantime, if you are
already operating such an alliance, I would appreciate receiving information as to how to get involved.
Hi Jay,
I just got your letter. Here's my best successes achieved to date since I learned of your
philosophies approximately five months ago by purchasing your Home Study program.
First of all. .the product I market on a national basis is Professional Liability Insurance to
Registered Nurses, Nursing Students, Nursing School and Nurse Practitioners. Prior to being
introduced to your philosophies, I didn't have a results oriented marketing strategy. We placed
ads in national nursing journals and never tracked them or tested them. Our ads listed an 800
number for an application and further information. Prospects called in and we sent them
information and hoped for a sale. No tracking, no testing, no follow-ups.
So what are we doing now?
Success #1
Phone leads coming in on the 800# are sent different packages that are tracked. Our original
package had a conversion rate of about 24% (which I didn't know until I tracked it). One of the
new packages I'm testing is generating a conversion rate of about 36%. What does this mean in
the way of additional premium income? About $100,000 a year.
What did I specifically change in the mailing package?
The original package just contained a brochure/ application and return envelope. The new
package added a personalized letter. I'm now testing headlines and offer and guarantees to
further improve the conversion rate.
Success #2
Prior to studying your philosophies, I had no host/beneficiary relationships. Now... I'm amazed
to discover the number of those relationships that are available to develop. Specifically...I've
arranged for a national nursing organization to reduce their membership fee by 50% to those
nurses who purchase our insurance. Another nursing organization has agreed to reduce their
membership fees by 25% to those nurses who purchase our insurance. I've arranged for a major
nurse placement service to make our program information available to their nurses in return for an
"advertising fee". The impact on new business from the first two examples is unknown since they
were just rolled out a week ago.
The nursing placement service example is producing new business that we wouldn't otherwise
paid the nurse agency $1,000 for a test period of 4 months. So far we've generated $2,880 in new
business. Annualized, that equals $8,640. Now... by getting more agencies to do the same
thing.. the idea can really payoff!
Another host/beneficiary relationship that I'm testing is a nursing magazine endorsement of our
program. Specifically, I arranged with a major nurse magazine to do the following test The
magazine ads with the endorsement will be sent to a specific 10,000 population of subscribers.
Another 10,000 will be sent the magazine containing our regular ad...no endorsement. The test
period will last for 6 months. At the end, we will analyze the results to see if the endorsement
group generated more business than the non-endorsed group. If more business is generated by the
endorsed group we'll negotiate an appropriate fee to be paid for the endorsement
Another example is that a tape recording company that tapes nurse workshops and seminars has
agreed to reduce the cost of their tapes in return for my helping them to market their products to
my clients. I can use these tapes as a bonus item to help generate new business. They're giving me
a 55% discount off the regular retail price.
I have some other relationships going but you get the idea.
All these examples are under Success #2 because I feel I've succeeded in starting to "think outside
the box". I don't know what the final result will be in new business generated...some will succeed
and some will fail....but I think I'm starting to develop a new mindset..a new way of thinking
about marketing my product. For me....that's a success I want to thank you for.
Success #3
Prior to learning about your marketing techniques, we were sending a newsletter to our clients.
I thought this would be a good thing to do....it makes us different from the competition. The cost,
however, was quite high for us. About $75,000 a year for just two issues. While we got positive
feedback from our clients on it. I did not know if it was profitable. Was it helping to increase
retention? Was it not having any measurable effect? I felt that I could no longer justify the cost
without knowing the benefits we were getting.
So now I'm testing a monthly newsletter to a select group for the next 12 months to see if there is
any measurable increase in retention as compared to a selected group that is not receiving the
newsletter. The test will cost me under $5,000 and I free up $70,000 to use in other marketing
That's it for the successes so far. I've only been using your techniques for five months so I don't
have allot of profits to report at this time.
Walter E. Fifer
Cotterell, Mitchell & Fifer, Inc.
PS. Please send any correspondence to my home office: 93 S. Penataquit Ave., Bay Shore, New
York 11706 (516) 665-3506
These customers who buy our services are responsible for large budgets. They
usually work under very tight deadlines. They also recognize that there are many
things that can go wrong with the materials they are responsible for purchasing. If the
projects they order are not produced to their satisfaction - or the satisfaction of their
boss - their job is at risk.
As such, they normally will establish a small group of printers to work with. Printers
whom they know will deliver the quality they expect - when they expect it - at a
reasonable competitive price.
This makes it very difficult for a company they have not worked with in the past to
crack into their business.
Page 2
In the high-quality printing industry, the rule of thumb is that a sales person needs to
call on a new prospect an average of five times before they are even considered as a
potential supplier by that prospect.
If they even get that far!
Why not try something different?
One of your concepts is: "People are silently begging to be led...they are crying
out to understand more about your product and service."
I decided to try this on one key printing buyer with whom we've been trying
(unsuccessfully) to establish a relationship for the past three years.
This is a major university. The printing materials (I thought) were purchased through
a central department. Periodically, this department would send us via facsimile a
"Request for Bid". They selected us for these requests because of our reputation of
being able to produce the type of work they publish.
We, like all of our competitors, would estimate the project and send back to them a
price via fax. It was not practical to send a sales person with a proposal because the
prospect told us in the past they were gathering information and didn't need to "see"
Invariably, when we called to inquire about the project, we were told "Our price was
too high."
In April of last year, this group sent us another request.
This time, besides giving them an estimated price, we decided to send along a detailed
explanation of the various steps we planned into their project.
Our objective with this was to educate them - and, convince them that all of the
particular things they might be concerned with are also our concern.
Page 3
Following is the letter we sent:
To make sure you get what you expect, 1 want to outline some aspects of our
production plan for the "Magazine:"
Computer Files:
The disk(s) should include all of the separate Freehand 3.1 graphic files and
all of the fonts incorporated into the magazine.
We need the graphic files to make sure the colors are separated properly on
our film. And to make sure the traps in them meet our press requirements.
(Your artist said that the graphic files would be trapped.)
We need the fonts because our fonts may have different kerning pairs than
yours. And, we want to make sure the line breaks are the way you want them
to be.
Although the graphic files you furnish will contain traps, the page files will
not. This is because the Pagemaker 4.2 application your artist is using does
not have a trapping application in the software.
Our estimate includes trapping these pages to meet our press requirements. Of
course, we will also trap the graphic files into page elements where
necessary. We will do this automatically prior to film output. Our pre-press
professionals know what the thickness of the trap should be - and which
colors should overprint and underprint. This knowledge is not often
available at the computer service bureaus which have sprung up in the last few
The duotones will be scanned into our system and inserted into your pages
prior to film output. Before we do this, we might meet with your desig-
Page 4
ner to see what type of dots they want in the duotones. We've installed
standard duotone curves in our pre-press system for various densities of
each color. Your designer can look at printed samples and decide what
densities are desired.
Although we prefer to "dry trap" varnish - because of its higher gloss over
wet trapping, our estimate is based on in-line varnishing. We decided on this
to save money.
The results were dramatic. The person whom we assumed was the "buyer" (and whom
we had been trying to "sell" over three years) called and said that our information had
been forwarded to the actual person responsible for the project.
We decided to send this person some additional information:
Dear Mr.
told me yesterday that you had the information we sent for your
"Magazine" production. I also sent her an overview of our company - which she kept.
Since you don't know us, I thought it would be helpful if I sent you a copy of this
overview. I am also enclosing some samples of our work.
One thing I didn't mention to ____: We sometimes get files for multi-color projects
where colors are not separated consistently.
At first, we never discovered this until we produced film output. Although the color break
on the monitor would show the page as it were to appear on the printed piece, the film
sometimes would not contain all of the particular color elements for that plate.
To save time and avoid make overs, we installed a procedure to solve this.
Before we run film on a project, we send color separated pages to an 11 x 17 black & white
laser printer. Essentially, we are "pretending" that the laser printer is the imagesetter. (For
instance, if the page is a two-color project, we get a laser print of each color.) We then
visually check the laser output against the monitor - to make sure each color is properly
It is irritating to get a color proof that has missing elements. We've found this procedure
avoids bottlenecks. And, of course, perform it with your magazine files.
I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. We would like to work with you.
Thanks for your time. Sincerely, etc.
Page 6
All of this might seem complicated. But, it is written in language that is used by the customer.
It shows them that we know their creative processes.
It also must have reduced their fear of working with a new printing company:
We got the project from this customer. A buying influence we did not even know existed.
And someone we never met in person! I have never experienced this in our customized
manufacturing industry.
Last year we wrote $29,000 of business with them. Primarily because we decided to
TELL the prospect what we were doing. In two letters. This year we forecast a total
volume of $40,000
But, that's not all.
Within two weeks of our first letter to the "buyer", we received another request from a
different person at the same university. Again, this was someone we never heard of. Or
called on.
This person told us we were referred to him by the "buyer" to whom we wrote the original
letter. He also had a project he wanted us to estimate. We sent him the same type of
"educational" letters. They follow.
Dear __:
Our estimate for your _________ package has a statement at the bottom about
"imagesetter-ready" files. These are files that we simply open and output to film.
If we need to make any color breaks, position any of the graphic files, prepare traps, etc. - we
have additional work. We cannot estimate the cost of this until we are able to look at your
You'll notice that we used Williamsburgh Hi-Bulk paper for the Reply Card. If you want, we
could print this on Patina Matte paper at no additional cost. I suggest 65 lb.
Page 7
Patina Matte Cover. The card would then match the surface and color of the brochure -to
give visual consistency to the package.
As we discussed on the telephone, PageMaker 4.2 does not have a trapping application in
the software. As you know, "trapping" means slightly enlarging the perimeter of a color
that touches another color.
Trapping is essential because the printing process is not a precision engineering process. (I
often wish it were!)
The paper in a multi-color printing press is picked-up and released by metal fingers (grippers)
when it goes into each printing cylinder. In the meantime, water comes in contact with the
paper. (The water is used to separate the inked printing areas from the non-inking areas.)
The water and the constant pulling of the sheet by the grippers can cause it to stretch during
different stages of the printing press process. Because of this, trapping needs to be done
whenever any colors "butt" together - to prevent gaps between them.
Our estimate does not include trapping the brochure color elements. However, we can do this
automatically prior to film output. Our pre-press professionals know what the thickness of the
traps should be - and which colors should overprint and underprint. Again, we need to review
the files before we can give you an estimate to make any necessary traps.
Finally, we decided to add a press score to the brochure. Because of the small quantity, we
will print the brochure two-up on a half-size press for efficiency. (The press has the same
excellent printing characteristics as our full-size equipment. But, it is a less expensive to
The problem with this running plan is that the paper grain is against the fold direction.
However, the press score should enable us to fold the brochure without difficulty. And, since
the press is a four-color press, we can score the brochure in-line on the last printing cylinder
at minimal additional cost.
Page 8
If you have any questions, please call me. We would enjoy working with you on this
I am sending under separate cover an overview of our company and some samples of
our work.
As you know, we can automatically trap electronic files. We've made some basic trapping
assumptions in our enclosed estimate for your "_____." However, until we have a chance
to review the pages, please consider this estimate a budget price.
Our estimate includes printing 4-color process plus the same two PMS colors on both the
outside and the inside of the cover. If this will not be the case, there will be a savings.
We recently tested various screen resolutions with full color reproduction. (Screen resolution
is the dots per inch in the color separation.) More dots per inch produce sharper reproduction.
In the printing process, the dot gets larger as it travels through the various stages of the
process. Most of the change in dot size happens on the printing press. As the ink is
transferred from the plate to the printing blanket to the paper, the dot size increases. (This is
called "dot gain.")
This size increase is greatest in the 50%, or "middle tone," area of the reproduction. It is
greater with uncoated paper than coated paper. And, it varies from press to press!
We've calibrated each of our press cylinders to our color separations. This means, that we
adjust our color separations to print clearly on whatever press we plan to print the project to give you the detail and crispness you expect.
We will probably use a screen resolution between 150 to 175 lines per inch for this
magazine. Well make that decision after we have a chance to review your original
photographs. However, you can be assured that the reproduction of them will be good.
Please call me if you have any questions.
Sincerely, etc.
We produced $20,000 of business with this customer last year. Again, we were
assigned the first project without meeting him face-to-face! We forecast a total
volume with him this year of $40,000.
I hope this is helpful to you.
You or your publisher have the right to use this information as you desire.
As to what I think you have done for me philosophically:
In my career, I've attended many marketing conferences and read many books on marketing,
advertising, sales, sales promotion, etc., etc. I was in direct sales. I have been a part owner
in an advertising agency. I've attended many strategic planning meetings with companies in
diversified industries - industrial, consumer, service. I have personally known some very
successful sales, marketing and advertising people.
Throughout all of this. I have never been exposed to most of your concepts! Concepts that I
believe are valid and that work.
When I read the first set of materials from you, I was astounded. Even now, 1 can see so
many applications, I don't know where to begin.
- Please Turn to Next Page -
Page 10
I suppose I consider you as a "guru" of marketing. Someone who really knows how to
achieve results.
I really don't want to suggest what your role should be. Because, I am afraid that you will
publicize it so well that my competitors will gain an advantage! And, if they do, I will miss
the opportunity to assert the leverage your concepts produce. (OK, I'll give you one idea: I
think you should sell all of your materials to all of the universities in the country who have
graduate business courses. So they can sell them to their students for a "special" class on
From your standpoint, I also think your "network" of associates which you recently
introduced is excellent. It should enable you to learn of possible joint venture
possibilities that will bring you more success.
Thanks for your advice.
Jay Abraham
Dear Jay:
In response to your letter regarding how we have used what we
learned at your seminar, I have a number of things in the works.
First of all, my wife and I have discussed a lot of the techniques
that I learned at your seminar. Upon hearing about bartering, my
wife thought of a great idea that saved us thousands of dollars.
P.S. Jay, I ask nothing in return for this letter, and give you
the permission to use it as you deem appropriate in any manner that
you may need. I may not be able to give back more than I have
received, but I will practice the strategy because it does work.
Dear Jay:
This letter is written in response to your request for success stories.
Since last year when I purchased your materials, which include "Your
Marketing Exercises at Work", "Special Insider Collection: and tapes, I have
immersed myself in your concepts with the goal of applying these ideas to my
law firm marketing.
Although I believed that we truly did offer superior legal service and
although I had enunciated a sales concept of excellent work while controlling
legal costs, it was not until I read your materials, that I was able to
formulate this into a powerful unique sales proposition. This unique sales
proposition is applied every day and permentes our daily work and being. It
forces us to offer more and better service while at the same, time focusing
on ways to save our clients legal expenses. Because our focus is so sharp and
our USP is so keenly tuned toward our clients, most of whom are casualty
insurance companies, we have been able to increase our sales by approximately
twenty to thirty percent in the short time that we have been using your
By applying your concepts we have been able to carve a niche in an
industry which has no perceptible niches and has enabled us to mine new
prospects which would I have considered extremely difficult only a year ago.
One final example is worth recounting. Last October we were advised that
one of our clients would be selling off one of its subsidiaries which
accounted for about half of our billings. I took our USP and the Abraham
concepts on a daily mission to seek out and obtain new business and backend
business. By using your techniques, we have been able to replace our lost
sales but even better to generate new ones and grow to an even greater
level. This is because we have refocused ourselves on service and value.
Your last question is how I perceive your business role to be. I
perceive you to be ray marketing coach, the same way I use Tony Robbin's as my
peak performance coach. Although I find, it interesting to be able to
mastermind with your group, I do not know that that would be the most
valuable use at this moment of ray time. I think my time is best spent
applying and referring your concepts to my business.
Stephen A. Matuszak
& Associates, Inc.
Investment Management
8630 E. Via De Ventura, Suite 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85258 (602) 991-6778
March 4, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham
Publishing Group Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274
You are indeed a genius, Jay Abraham . . .
. . . although I thought I knew what a USP was, I never
understood it the way you presented it in your manual on
marketing a professional practice.
The uniqueness of what my firm does suddenly became
apparent and when I coupled that with the technique of using
seminars to attract prospects, everything clicked. A small
point, maybe, but for me it produced powerful results!
Using this new-found insight, our revenues doubled last
year and are on their way towards doing it again this year.
Jay, I see you as a master "big-picture" thinker.
Strategist is too limiting, but it is close to defining your
strong suit. Keep up the good work!
Lesson #1 : Revere what you do, or can do, and don't be afraid to be compensated for it.
The value placed on me, at this time, was a base salary of $50,000, plus an incentive of 12% of
the company's gross revenues for 1994, plus an incentive of 10% of the company's net income
before owner's compensation for 1994. This may not seem much by the "big-league" standards,
but for someone coming off a bankruptcy, it's gold.
As for company results, I have spent most of the first six months with this company trying to: (1)
stop the financial bleeding it was having - basically triage; (2) make sure the company had a
system in place and the people needed to deliver the consulting services and research it was
providing to its clients; and (3) begin expanding the company's marketing efforts.
I have been trying to instill some of the mindset that you taught me, into the rest of the
company's employees, but find it difficult to overcome long-standing paradigms they have as to
how things should be done. Small progresses are being made, but it takes time, and most of all, it
will take results before they buy in altogether.
Jay Abraham
Page Two
Nonetheless, I have been able to try just a few of your marketing concepts in the company so
far. Namely, the company was trying to market a new research "product" to small bankers for
$350. They had tried a brief informational mailing in the Fall of 1993, with little or no
telemarketing follow up, and had a successful sale rate of just 2.5%.
Just recently, I convinced others in the company to try a longer approach to the marketing piece
with consistent telemarketing follow up. This was the first "piece" that I had ever written using
long copy and I'm sure there is improvement that can take place. We also ran an A / B split test
to test whether or not there should be a sample of the product included.
The early results are a successful sale rate of 5% - double what they were before. What's more,
this product is really not a profit generator for the company as much as it is a qualified lead
generator for other custom services we can provide (at a much higher margin). Our telemarketing
follow up has produced a number of qualified leads that we are following up for our custom
The end result is that our profits on the product alone are covering the price of generating
qualified leads for custom services that have margins of 30 - 65%. It's early yet in this test
piece, but it certainly looks promising and most importantly, others in the company are seeing the
value of creating a funnel of suspects to prospects to qualified leads to clients / revenues, and that
you can do this through a front-end product that can create the leads for your back-end high
margin services.
Lesson #2 : Long copy sells.
Lesson #3 : Test.
Lesson #4 : Create a lead generating system that pays for itself and have a front-end for
your more profitable back-end services.
We haven't yet turned the comer, but we're getting there. As of March 11, 1994 (not quite 20%
or the way into the new year), we already have engagements and contracts (not all performed
yet though) totalling 90% of 1993's revenues and 32% of 1994's budgeted revenues !
I wish I had more to share with you at this time, but right now, that's all. As more of the tools I
have learned from you get used and results occur, I will be glad to share them with you. If our
turnaround is successful as planned, we will be increasing the company's revenues by 184% and
net income from a loss of $150,000+ in 1993 to breakeven in 1994. When that success takes
place, we hope to be positioned to take on other turnarounds for both income and equity stakes one at a time, but we'll build our track record slowly yet find ways to shorten the turnaround
for companies using more of your methods.
Jay Abraham
Page Three
Separately on your question of "what I see you as", Jay.
I would tend to agree with the examples you included in your letter to me : a marketing expert;
a great salesman; a master strategist; a philosopher and a thinker; a complete marketing man; a
non-stop idea generator; and an entrepreneur's entrepreneur.
But, to use my own words Jay, I believe you are a "dreamer with focus".
That may seem contradictory since dreamers are often thought of as having their heads in the
clouds and clouds are thought of as limiting your focus. But that's not how I see it. Instead, I see
you as a "dreamer with focus" because...
* dreams are "big picture" and focus on the possibilities, and that to me is what your
mindset, and the mindset you try to instill in others, is all about;
the best dreams are simple, yet exciting, and that to me is what many of your
concepts are about;
* dreamers are creative in their solutions because they are looking for the
possibilities, and people usually get what they focus on (predictive results); and
I hope this helps you in your new undertaking and thank you once again.
One of the things I have done is to affiliate myself with other consultants to offer a better service
to our customers. I have an associate that is excellent at direct mail and have established
relationships with consultants in other geographic areas to mastermind with and to jointly market
each other to our own respective cities.
I have attracted other business owners and entrepreneurs that have allowed me to identify many
more business opportunities.
Client examples * Worked with a manufacturing start-up to organize business processes and reworked their
marketing and advertising to focus on customer benefits. Sales went from nothing and no
dealers to $100,000 and 37 dealers within three months.
* Software firm with two years of sales experience needed capital for expansion. I wrote a
business plan that repositioned their products and the company allowing for attracting
joint venture opportunity with major company that should propel them to sales 10 times the
previous year.
* Worked with a consultant who is an engineer to take his knowledge and create a product
line of products to leverage his solution and solve problems for many more customers.
This will allow for a generic solution to many customers that should get one hundred times
the sales he could accomplish as a consultant.
* I worked with an Advertising and Printer company to analyze their costs and sales to focus
them on selling the highest margin business. Along with specific Abraham sales techniques
which resulted in changing the company from twelve months of losses to three consecutive
months of profits, within two months of starting work with them. Included in this ongoing
engagement is helping them understand the various stages of their sales cycle, refining
their USP and revising the marketing.
* Business proposal to a Fortune 100 company and a $150,000,000 in sales company that
would essentially be a host parasite arrangement I learned from you. This could result in
incremental sales in the nine figure range within two years. I have presented this with my
own idea but in a manner I learned from you which has garnered me tremendous credibility
with both of these businesses. At this time they are considering the proposal. When this
works I will get back to you and the Wall Street Journal with the detailed success story.
* Worked with a business owner to remained focussed on financial goals and objectives:
1. Sales increased 17%
2. Gross profit percentage maintained
3. Designed and Implemented marketing program including TV and direct mail
4. A/R dropped $6,000
5. Inventory dropped $33,000
6. Cash increased $4,000
Jay's philosophy
Jay your marketing approach has helped me understand how to put myself in the customers
shoes and talk directly to his/her motivation to buy. This focus on customer benefits
contrasts with the usual marketing approach and cuts through all of the thin veneer of common
place marketing excrement to base human needs. By appealing to these needs in a honest
ethical manner and providing true value to the customer is the purest of Abraham marketing and
a Win-Win situation for all involved. While I think this is the essence of Abraham
marketing I was more impacted by the entrepreneur mind set acquired during the mastermind
The entrepreneur mindset is the most uplifting part of my business life. The plethora of
business opportunities that jump into my mind during the course of a day from the techniques,
approaches and teachings you have provided encourage me to keep going and I will find the
financial benefits for my clients and myself.
Thank- you Jay for allowing me to participate.
p.s. Jay if you so desire, you have my permission to utilize this letter in your marketing
and promotional efforts.
I am now testing some new letters and sales approaches and am looking at conducting
joint ventures. Although my business is still relatively small, I have a big desire and know that
the knowledge and ideas you have provided will serve me well for the years ahead.
I think of you as a motivational expert of human relations. Everything you say is based
upon principles of human nature which we all realize as fundamental truth, if only we think
about them. Every time I listen to or read your work, I am inspired to realize that I, too, can
achieve success if only I listen to myself and others. What you say is so simple and so powerful,
it always makes me realize what is possible. Thank you for providing so much useful
Gary Kaskowitz
March 13, 1994 TO:
Jay Abrahams FROM:
Russell Jones
Dear Jay:
i want to thank you for giving me three powerful marketing concepts that
turned my publishing business around. When ! read your Seminar Transcript
Report on Perceived Value, Your Unique Selling Propostion, and Marketing
Leverage.....IT HAPPENED! It was like a bolt of lighting striking me. That
one missing link of what I was looking for...I finally realized what !
needed to do in my promotional material for my business.
My Publishing business increased by 80% over the next 12 months, It also
allowed my wife and ! to have the funds available to build a five bedroom
house on top of a mountain top with over 11 acres for my five kids to play. I
now have a office in my home and from my office window I can see
thousands of Pine Trees, families of deer, and the Snow Caps of Sierra
Mountains. Again, I want to thank you for the knowledge and help you gave me
in my business. You really have a way of bringing out the hidden talents that
lay within all of us.
Thank You
Russ Jones
Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I am the owner of a small busy dental practice in central
Texas. I recently expanded my business by adding a partner.
In order to keep the patient flow coming in and consistent,
we placed a display yellow page ad. Previously I had only
had a name listing.
This is to let you know what happened when we listed our USP
in the display ad. We listed our most significant aspects
or attributes that set us apart from the other dental
offices in this area. In listing our USP, we have doubled
our new patients coming into the practice. We are mainly a
referral practice, but many of these new patients have
listed the yellow pages as how they found us. They noticed
our ad was different and we offered something they were
looking for.
Thank you, Jay, for your help in guiding me to a better
way of advertising. You are that seasoned sage who can
blow away the fog that we let cloud our minds.
March 10, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Jay Abraham Personal 950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite
100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
Over the past few years I've had many opportunities to "practice what you
preach." The results have been very gratifying indeed:
1. I conducted a survey by mail a couple of years ago and got a 56%
return! Granted, the respondents weren't put out much, but I
needed that information! The piece consisted of my personal 1 page
letter asking for help, a one page questionnaire with a space at the
bottom for comments, a stamped self-addressed envelope, and a
nice ball point pen (so they wouldn't have to look for one).
Our policy of "go the extra mile" in service, delivery, quality and
being just plain as helpful as possible is, I'm sure, one of the
reasons we survived the worst 4 year period the pool industry can
remember. (We even made some money in the process.) We have
received many letters from customers who were mistreated by
dealers of our product expressing surprise and deep appreciation
for our exceptional responses to their problems. These satisfied
customers have brought us many sales we would not otherwise
have had. That is very important to a small company with an even
smaller marketing budget!
There are many other examples of the advantages of your overall marketing
approach. Our company and success has resulted from a lot of small examples
rather than the "one big" example you seek. Although that success has not been
"beyond our wildest dreams" we're still working at it. Maybe one day we'll "get it
Best Regards,
Donald J. Delaney,
Mr. Abraham, I appreciate the contribution and difference your ideas have and are
making to my work. You reveal the light.
Warmest wishes,
Donald J. Delaney
past 9 months - the sales in that profit center were equaling those of
the main sportswear line profit center we spent more than 2 years
building. Because of this I decided to get more involved with the drink
line company and attended their annual sales convention. I learned that
this company had duplicate distributorships such as my own positioned in
every major market in the country. My counterparts were very successful
in their given areas; and I was happy to be part of such success.
However, my plans were much bigger than to just "push product" for
another company. Being "Jay Abrahamized" I knew that I was now ideally
positioned to propose a Host Parasite relationship to the drink company.
I had sportswear of my own that I needed to to sell more of and I knew
that I could virtually skyrocket my sales if I had exclusive access to
the drink company's distributor network; whereby each distributor in
each major market would "offer and push" my sportswear to their existing
customer base.
I proceeded to put together a nice sample package of competitively
priced sportswear specially customized to bear the drink company's
highly regarded logo, and submitted my proposal. I would continue to
effectively distribute their drink line in our area provided that they
allowed me exclusive access to their distributors as sportswear
supplier. BINGO! I hit pay dirt! The company agreed to this since they
had no risk in the matter and even stood to gain since I sweetened the
deal with royalty kickbacks for the privelege.
To fully appreciate this deal you have to understand that it worked
exactly like Jay Abraham said it should. Here I was - a vrtual "NOBODY"
proposing to a $22 Million a year sales company to allow me access to
their coveted exclusive distributor network - one which took the
company's owner 20 years to put together after countless dollars worth
of advertising and blood sweat and tears. I almost felt guilty. Here I
was only 27 years young, wet behind the ears playing "BIG BUSINESS" with
experienced business men. I overcame my emotion and got to work.
Besides, I deserved to win this deal since I had enough sense to invest
in Jay Abrahams Marketing material, As a result, my company's sales
increased as projected and I closed out 1993 at over $750,000 in gross
sales. Not bad for a young man who started out with only a credit card
line of credit and "Abraham Knowledge".
So as not to rest on my laurels, and to protect myself - I have
continued on "Abrahamizing" my business. I have included a hybrid
business system to further strengthen my company's cash flow just
in case my "Deal of the Century" ever fell apart. My company now offers
a "OPEN TO THE PUBLIC" warehouse of sorts for fairly priced fitness
accessory products ranging from A to Z. Each retail customer name is
recorded and "worked" Jay Abraham style as back end sales account for
the majority of our sales in this newly formed profit center. We are
able to liquadate our seconds here and enjoy good cash flow even during
cyclical slow periods in our primary operation. This has all worked so
well that we are now entertaining the thought of entirely forcusing on
this strange hybrid profit center of retailing our products to the
public since it is so profitable and takes little effort other than
ringing up the sales.
My thanks to Jay Abraham for arming me with the weapons needed to allow
me to effectively compete and succed in the BUSINESS BATTLEFIELD!
Because of where Jay Abrahams techniques have led my company, I now have
the luxury of picking my shots. It is a great feeling knowing that you
have options. That you have the power to decide whether or not you are
staying in business. No more being subject to the whims and woes of
others wishes to see you succeed or fail. Jay Abraham - because of the
knowledge so wonderfully imputed to me by way of your written word - I
now have power with a capital P! Indeed "KNOWLEDGE IS POWER"! If
everything I now have was taken away from me today - I know thatby
tomorrow I can be on: the fast track of business success again by
putting one of several of your marketing techniques to work in any
business ranging from selling tooth picks to advanced electronic
In closing, I would like for you to consider my opinion of how I view
you. To me you are like the Ultimate Business Doctor. Just like a true
Doctor of Medicine can identify sickness and implement remedies for
health improvement; a talent fostered by years of experience and study;
so to are you able to do the same for ailing businesses. Your
prescription for increasing sales is the life blood of any business that
is a business. No sales - no business blood - no money to stay in
business! Your medicine for ultimate business health should be
"pounded" into every American business students' head. Should that ever
happen, no country on earth could compete with the United States! I hope
that the Japanese and Germans have not become ardent students of yours
yet! Once again, thank you Jay; and I hope I one day have the privelege
of meeting you in person.
March 5, 1994
Mr. Jay Louis Abraham
5908 Lemon Avenue
Long Beach, California 90805
Re: Testimonials of Jay Abraham style marketing, the meaning of Jay Abraham and a release.
Dear Jay:
Here are 6 examples of how your philosophy and programs have quadrupled profits (or
better) in several completely different applications.
1. A five fold increase for a mortgage broker who used two concepts.
Benjamin Ehrlich was a part-time mortgage broker in South Florida. He was clearing
$2,000 a month as a broker. To supplement his income he was a DJ at bar at nights.
He was mailing a single page letter to people who were holding mortgages in South
Florida offering to purchase the mortgage for cash.
I changed the headline. I told him to send his old letter and my version to his list and
modify the response telephone number to see which did better. The headline was key.
I suggested that many of his letters were being wasted because: I) The letters were, in
about a quarter of the time, going to the attorney of the mortgage holder. II) The only thing he
knew of the list was that they held mortgages.
I told him to keep using direct mail, as it was low cost and he was making money with
it. Also I told him to test alternate headlines and measure response rates.
Next I suggested display ads so as to bring in people who were already interested in
selling their mortgages. I pointed out to him that display ad rates were negotiable. So he should ask
the outrageous for rates.
I told him that he needed to develop a back end for his business. He had the trust and
good will of his clients whom he successfully closed. He could bring them other offers. At the
very least he had a list he could rent.
Also, just because he couldn't do the deal, perhaps a hungrier broker might. So he could
bring in a hungrier broker to do the deal and capture a finding fee. That would give him another
shot at getting something for his efforts.
This was my first foray as a Jr. Jay Abraham. I was clumsy with it. Ehrlich and I did
not see each other for near 10 months. When we did he told me he had dropped the direct mail,
relying only on display ads. He had negotiated some excellent discounts on ad space. His income
was $10,000 per month. A five-fold increase from $2,000 per month.
2. Making money off a planning mistake (while being a free rider).
The National Federation of Young Republicans met in July 1991 in Miami, Florida.
There were 400 delegates in attendance. What we knew about the delegates was: Each was
below age 40. Each had paid $300-500 in flight expenses. Each was politically active in YR
politics. Each had spent $200-300 on room and board. Each had spent $100 in registration and
more on miscellany.
A problem for the organizers. They had a campaign school for Sunday afternoon for an
additional $20. There was a logistics problem: delegates would be leaving. The school might be a
complete bust.
I suggested they put a letter into the delegate packet re-selling the campaign school and
acknowledging the logistics problem. Then offer them as a courtesy, to record the session they
would miss, and send the tape to them. Further, I pointed out they should break out the school
attendees from the main list of delegates for follow up rentals of the list. The organizers were
dumb-struck. They thought I was some kind of marketing genius (Where did they get that idea?)
They decided, later on as I found out, to do nothing! What I suggested was too
Meanwhile, my group ({plug} the Republican Liberty Caucus {plug}) spent $125 for
booth space. The organizers were determined to get this money. This booth rental money, they
thought, showed they were savvy, hard-nosed and business-like. One of the organizers actually
told one of our group this, almost word for word.
Our booth, alone of all other groups there, conducted a survey on political attitudes. We got
300+ of the 400 delegates to take our survey. The survey, from the Advocates for SelfGovemment (not a plug, just an honest acknowledgment) places people, based on their attitudes on
a diamond shaped chart.
The survey was the talk of the convention. Delegates would drag other delegates up to
our table to get them to take the survey. We handed out scads of our literature.
We collected addresses of all the survey takers. (Remember how qualified these delegates were to
begin with.) We knew more about the delegates than the organizers did. We knew their
attitudes about issues we wanted to know about.
We paid all of 41 cents per lead! We used the captured names for mailings following the
convention. Frankly, our letters weren't too good. They did not tie in directly on the convention,
their headlines weren't tested, the mailings did not get follow up phone calls. But, despite these
shortcomings, we doubled our membership base during the fall of 1991. A large part of that
doubling came from those captured names from the YR convention.
The organizers (the savvy, the hard-nosed, the business-like) have left the self-same
names from the convention in boxes somewhere in Miami, unused these past three years.
3. Networking with geezer lawyers. (The cynical arrogance of me.)
Most attorneys tout networking. I made a list of every attorney in my area of Miami who
was in practice over 25 years, who had no one else in his office with his surname. Older, sole
practitioners, for the most part. Invoking Robert Ringer's Universal Lawyer Respect Rule, I
wrote to them attorney to attorney. I offered to take off their hands one of the most tedious, lowprofit aspects of retail practice: residential tenant evictions. My list has 78 attorneys. My
response rate exceeds 10%. They also have called me in for other areas of law.
Only Jay Abraham trained attorneys have spoken to me about focused marketing. Most
attorneys either suffer from word of mouth disorders or think law office marketing means P.I. or
traffic or bankruptcy.
4. Getting my practice blessed.
My current project is in a test phase. I am billing it as a Marketing Test. I am
approaching churches in my locale offering to give a private briefing on estate planning law.
There are scads of attorneys doing estate planning seminars in South Florida. I am
positioning myself as being informative, useful and not-hyped.
To that end, my theme is: My name is Alan Turin, a poor, naive, young adult Roman
Catholic guy trying to get along in this ever-so-competitive-world, while suffering from the
worse case of inflamed sinuses [painfully true] in my young, adult Roman Catholic life.
I am contemplating putting on seminars in estate planning, but before doing that, I'd like to
do a test with local churches. I offer to do a private, no more than 25 couples, 90 minute
briefing on estate planning. As a further thank you to those in attendance, each one is entitled to
a free, individual consultation as well. In test, it is working. In one year, with luck, and I could
be utterly debt-free (Hallelujah!) and in a new house with my wife.
(With 9 out of 10 attorneys, no make that 94 out of 100, it is impossible to do this. You
can detail the whole program from soup to nuts, and never fear poaching. They will ignore it. Let
them see a new, effective legal form, that they clamor to copy. Go figure. Attorneys are the most
marketingly myopic group of people I have ever met.)
So I began to ask her questions: What about an immigration attorney going to foreign
students associations at engineering/science schools to address immigration questions? What
about writing to banks offering a seminar on contingent liability in toxic waste sites on
repossessed lands? What about going to large law firms and offering training in post-judgment
collections techniques? (Large, corporate law firms don't like to do anything on a contingency.
They never bet on their talent, only tout it.)
To the lady's credit, she was gracious with us. She really opened up. The whole group got
interested, a significant accomplishment with a room of attorneys. Afterwards I told her about
you and gave her your address. She had heard of you. When I mentioned Jim Cecil, she became
very happy and friendly and raved about him. She operated out of Seattle.
The marketing upshot for me was one attorney who started taking notes from my
questions. He offered to pay me for a marketing consultation.
6. A throwaway idea that quadrupled advertising reach (and created a law partnership).
An acquaintance of mine I chanced to meet in downtown Miami. He showed me his
office. We began to speak of marketing our practices. He showed me an ad he had run in the
local daily business/law/real estate newspaper. His was the only ad under the category of
property tax appeals. He had paid $350 for the ad, which ran about one week.
How did the ad do, I asked. Excellently, he told me. My phone did not stop ringing for
two weeks. Frankly, I was surprised. So I asked, out of 100 calls, how many became clients. Oh
none, he replied. The calls were from other attorneys, friends et cetera calling up with
congratulations on his ad. Where did he get his clients, I persisted.
(A side note. I know I come out as the hero in these examples. That is not my intention, nor
how I feel about any of these marketing examples. The efficacy of the ideas you gave me is the
real hero in all of this. Jay, I don't ever forget when someone has done me or mine own a kindness
or a courtesy. Your your philosophy and your programing has done much more for
me than be a "kindness" or a "courtesy". This I don't forget. Thank you. I owe you a lot.)
They came from an ad in the local section of the main daily paper. That cost $70 as
opposed to the $350. I pointed out to him that he could quintuple the reach of his advertising
dollars by not spending $350 on the lawyers' newspaper and repeating the $70 ad five more
times. If he wanted to do announcement cards, they came a lot cheaper and he could target
large real estate operators who might like abatements on their taxes.
He tried some, but by no means most or all of these ideas. His practice picked up. His
landlord, who is a practicing attorney, figured this fellow was onto something to be this busy so
soon in his career. He offered him a position in his firm, with an equity stake.
What Jay Abraham has meant to me.
The foregoing was easy, this part will be difficult for me.
While I can write in my older, scholastic style. I now find it much easier to write in Jay
Abraham marketing prose.
Like here.
But that is a small matter or perhaps not. To be able to write and get response is
something worthwhile.
What you do Jay is unique. With the exception of Protege's you've trained, business
owners cannot find what you do anywhere else. Period. Is programming a business owner to
look for host parasite relationships to do joint ventures with marketing? Yes! Does telling a
business owner that, beyond moral constraints and legal compulsion, that there are no rules
make you a practicing existentialist? What is a practicing existentialist?
What you teach is logical and sensible. And after it is taught, infuriatingly obvious.
You can pick up and read Caples, Hopkins, Julian Simon and Joe Karbo all for under
$100. How many people do you think have read these books, understood their points and then
acted on it? Precious few. What we obtain too easily, we esteem too lightly. At least Thomas
Paine said so. He was right 218 years ago about people, he is still right.
Jay what you do is price your work at a closer approximation at the value of its
application. Thus people sit up and take notice. No joke, you may be one of the few successful
prophets in the world. Jay I am not saying this to butter you up.
You get people to pay attention to simple truths and act on it.
An example from my own life, pre-Jay Abraham. Back in 1983 I bought a "book" on
diamond dealing through Gary North. I paid $70 for it. It was the most expensive book I had
ever purchased, until I went to law school. I paid careful attention to that book and its advice. It
left a strong impression on me, I'm still writing about it 11 years later.
You've paid a heavy price experientially to master what you know. You revere it, as you
should. Fortunately for us, the experience has not made you bitter or reclusive.
When Gary North interviewed you for the Protege program he said it wasn't information
that was key, it was motivation. Whoever understands human motivation and can get action from it
is onto something big. Jay, you are onto something big.
Think about this, I have spoken with you in my entire life, all of 3 hours, max! I have
heard your tapes (again and again) and read the companion reader to your 9 week conference
call (again and again). I was a Protege wannabe. That's it. But here I am working onto the sixth
page of this letter. Why? Just for the reward? Not entirely. I could be working on my law
practice. But I rather do this, communicate to you. The reason is that I feel I owe you big time.
Jay, this last portion, I fear is not as useful to you as I'd like it to be. If I can put into
better words within the next ten days, I'll send you a follow up.
The release. Jay you have my permission to use the above stories. If the previous
sentence isn't enough, send me one of your release forms and I'll fill it out and send it back to
you. OK? Take care, be of good cheer. And as ever, I remain,
Alan R. Turir
March 8, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Road,
Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay;
Your marketing information is by far my most prized possession - next to my
wife and kids. And, yes, I'd be happy to tell of the success your techniques
brought to me. And, yes, I'd be happy to accept your reward for the use of them in
your marketing materials. And, yes I have one thing I would like from you as a
special favor - that is if any of my examples are useful to you.
Here is what I would really like. A few months ago I received your letter
offering a copy of the "organized" compendium of your ideas. Your letter said
someone else compiled your techniques, assembled them by topic and was selling them
on their own. While I appreciate your free flow ideas, there are times when I want
to "look up" a technique. So, if the following info is valuable to you please send
me a complementary copy of the "organized" Jay's techniques. It would be a great
addition to my library.
You asked how I perceive what you do. Here is how:
I remember the first time I stood in front of Ceasars Palace in Las Vegas. I
came to Vegas as a paid speaker for a national association, I was being treated like
a real celebrity. I had just left my office where I am treated like a king in my
own kingdom. I remember thinking as I looked at Ceasars "What kind of man thinks
this big - who's mind is so large; I felt so "little". Who is this man that had the
courage to think so far beyond? Jay, you have more courage to think "beyond" than
anyone I have ever met. When I study your material (which I have done several times
a year since 1987 when I first purchased FYMO) I feel like my mind is stretched
beyond its intended limits. And don't think for a minute that I'm kissing up to
you. I actually have tremendous respect for you and your marketing ideas. They
have made me millions. You should also be congratulated for committing to reduce
your thoughts and experience to writing.
In a nutshell: In another era you probably would have built Rome.
Philosophically, you don't recognize boundaries. Your
focus is more on the customers needs than yours.
Robert J. Will
March 7, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group Inc. 950
Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling
Hills Estates, Ca. 90274 Attn:
Jay Abraham
Dear Jay,
You want success stories and I want those tapes you are offering.
So here is my story.
I participated in one of your Mastermind Seminar and must say that I'm
still learning just how much I learned in those few days. It was
definitely an "out of the body experience". I have never done much
external marketing in my practice. Most of my patients are generated
internally. I've always believe that to achieve a good follow through
on my recommendations for continuing care, it was important to
"market" myself and my services each visit. I applied some of the
principles I learned from your seminar and books as my "procedural
scripts". As a result my patient visit average increased in 1993
compared to 1992. This allowed me to keep my practice volume up at
the same level of gross services without having to generate high
numbers of new patients. Of course there is a lot of front end
expense (overhead) to bring a new patient on board. The resulting
decrease in overhead from 1993 was $250,000.00. Thank you Jay!
March 7, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Company, Inc.
950 Indian Hill Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I'm so glad you sent me the letter requesting a testimonial because I've been meaning to
send you one for so long. Besides, your generous offer now gives me some incentive to
finally do it.
The truth is I probably don't have a very impressive example compared to some of your
other testimonials. Regardless, compared with all the gimmicks and advice I've gotten
from the so called "experts" over the years, your advice was definitely the one and only
one that anyone should trust.
I remember exactly how I became familiar with your concepts. It started when I read a full
page ad in one of my dental journals offering three free reports of yours. (I still have the
ad!) When I got the reports I simply couldn't put them down. I immediately changed the
way I promoted my practice. I changed my measly, institutional advertising into one which
made dynamic, compelling offers. I used long, exciting copy (in spite of everyone else's
criticism). I figured out what the net marginal worth was for each new patient and
determined that it was definitely worth my while to offer free dental exams including a
complete set of x-rays! This was unheard of especially when "normal" dentists were so
busy counting their pennies and thought it was unprofessional to offer any service for free!
Anyway, I placed this ad in one of those coupon booklets and from the first moment I
knew I had something big. How big? Well, before I embraced your concepts I was
getting, on average, about 22 or 23 new patients a month working a four day week. In
less than one month I went to over 35 new patients and have hit the 50 mark more than
I know this might not sound like much to some but let me also say that I only work out
of one room (my hygienist has one room) and I don't want to be married to my practice
like some colleagues of mine and who run assembly-line practices. Besides, I went down
from four days to three (I'll tell you why later).
I ran this ad successfully for two years until I changed it, still using some of the
principles I learned from your tapes and reports. My results stayed right up there. I was
pulling in an average of over 40 new patients a month. Eventually I stopped running the
ad only because / didn't want to swamp myself anymore. Also, I suffered some health
setbacks and I wasn't supposed to push myself too much either.
So why did I go from four days to three? Well, I was so enthralled by the universality of
your concepts and principles that I decided to go into the marketing business myself and
now I have my very own marketing consulting firm (fashioned after your's, Jay). I see
only as many clients as I wish to see, give public seminars, and take it much easier than I
ever thought I would have at this stage. (I'm thirty seven years old.)
Again, I know I'm no Paddy Lund, but I feel that without your principles I never would
have realized the possibilities that existed for me in this field. Thank you for everything
you've done for me. I hope this letter does everything you want it to do for you.
P.S.- Although most dentists in the area are somewhat conservative and assume that I
must be doing something unethical, a number if them have demonstrated the ability to
come off their high horses and actually listen to these concepts! The open minded ones are
awed by the simplicity of it all. The rest of them figure since it's so simple there must be
a catch. I guess some people will just never be believers. Too bad.
February 2, 1994
Jay Abraham
%Abraham Publishing
944 Indian Peak Rd. #110
Rolling Hill Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay;
I used your concepts on a mailing to our customer list. It was a
Gold Nugget Promotion. They had to bring the "Nugget" that was
taped to their letter into the store to be tested. Upon testing
they were told what they won. Every "Nugget" was advertised as a
We had a 20% response. Thank You Jay Abraham.
Enthusiastically Yours,
Dear Jay:
When I got started as "Marketing Director" of L A Business Systems, Inc.:
-I had no marketing experience (I was a programmer/analyst/consultant)
- no one had heard of CAN-FAX (our product that connects fax machines to computers) and
-I had some 'Your Marketing Genius at Work" information from Jay Abraham.
Now, I try various marketing and sales approaches, I test different pricing startegies, and L A Business
Systems, Inc. is known throughout the world as the innovator of computer-fax software. (Within my
company, I am now reffered to as the "Marketing Genius.")
Thank you, Jay.
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group 950
Indian Peak Rd. Suite 100 Rolling
Hills Estates, CA 90274
Fax Copy: (310)544-6108 3 Pages
Dear Jay:
It's been about one year since I came to your three day mastermind marketing seminar. And a lot
To refresh your memory. I am President of a twenty person software development/systems
integration company in a suburb of Chicago. We develop complex software systems for the
manufacturing and distribution companies, focusing on integrating plant floor data collection
systems and integrating them into their operational systems.
Since that time, the following events has happened:
My business has almost doubled in revenues, from $110,000 per month to over
$200,000 per month.
New opportunities are literally banging at my door every day from a marketing, management
and business perspective. So many that I need additional account managers now to respond
to new business rather than having them go out and find it.
My clients and employees are much happier from a day-to-day perspective, now that I've
changed some of the operating principles of the organization.
And I've done all this without adding additional staff.
It's really quite amazing. In one year, I have done the work of twelve. That's right. It took me
the previous twelve years to get to where I was.
So the question is: How did I do it? And...How am I continuing to expand my business? Let me
Coining back from the seminar, my brain was on overload. I felt exuberant,
exhausted and saturated with your ideas. There were so many insights, ideas, strategies,
concepts and techniques that I decided to immerse myself in a couple of basic strategies and
beliefs. These beliefs and strategies included:
1) If 'they' could do it, then I could do it. You gave me so many references of
people who expanded their business just by changing they way they viewed their
business and opportunities that I literally couldn't afford not to try.
2) I changed our company's focus from being a software company to a marketing
company. This single distinction did not sit well with me at first (I'm a software
developer at heart) but I knew in my heart that if I did not change this belief, the
techniques themselves would not endure all by themselves.
3) I made myself an expert in my particular field of endeavor. I started giving
speeches and seminars. I started to create, refine and document specific strategies for
performing successful engagements and communicating them with a new found sense of
4) I started "revering" my myself, my time, my company, my employees, our
vendors, our work, and our clients. Treating each and every relationship as special and
unique. Special note: Implicitly and unexpectedly, we ended up raising our standards of
performance which tangibly increased the value of our systems and services.
5) I focused on how others were succeeding and modeled their specific strategies and
techniques. I searched for the underlying themes which made them successful and
emulated them. In the past, I had always looked at other people's results and specific
techniques. But by focusing on the principles and beliefs which made them effective, I've
gained a whole new set of distinctions.
With the above principles in place, I implemented many of your strategies/techniques on a
daily basis. For Business Technology Group, joint venture marketing has been
absolutely the most powerful and easiest strategy which I've employed. At every spare
moment, I'm looking for new ways/relationships to create which will introduce new
streams of revenues which I didn't have before.
I've implemented various other strategies for educating our prospects, developing backends and retaining the client on a long-term basis (increasing the marginal net
worth). And while not every single technique implemented has paid off in a measurable
and tangible way, I feel ecstatic with the results I've received. At the bare minimum, I've
gained additional knowledge and understanding to apply in the future.
Quite frankly, my personal and business transformation has been dramatic. Yet, the
transformation isn't over. In fact, I feel each day as if it's a new beginning. The crystallization
process being far from complete. And I realize that my marketing skills are evolving and
increasing on a daily basis.
Perhaps this will be a lifelong process...
Jay, it's important for you to know that to me you are a coach, a teacher and a mentor. Even
though you and I have only talked twice, I view myself as a student and a disciple (is that too
strong?) of your philosophies. Through your seminar, tapes and books, you've gotten me to raise
my personal standards of performance in ways I've always dreamed of.
- 2 -
Thank you for the opportunity to allow me to explain how you've profoundly impacted me and my
business. If I can do anything for you, just call. I look forward to our continued relationship and
an exciting future.
-3 -
March 8, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Road, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
Several years ago I read Your Marketing Genius At Work. This led to researching
everything you taught in detail with the dozens of references you gave in the course. It
took several years but I did succeed in applying the concept of a Self Liquidating
Advertising Promotion. Your concept of "What is in it for the other guy " did the trick.
Recently, a major national retail chain decided to offer furniture in their stores. I needed
customers without paying for advertising (don't we all?). By giving the store a USP that
set them apart from all other furniture stores their new department is registering instant
success. This whole thing is exactly one month old and actual sales data is estimated for
the year. However, if after the initial test in the Boston area, the chain expands the
offer to all 33 New England stores we will register a $800,000.00 first year PROFIT.
My company will go from a $120,000.00 Gross to the single biggest and most profitable
cleaning company in New England within ONE YEAR!!! Initial results have already
yielded more this year than I made in all of 1993.
So what did I do? I simply told the new furniture department how to make their
upholstered furniture more valuable to the potential customer. My company offers
LIFETIME cleaning of the upholstered piece - no additional retail fee. For very obvious
reasons I have not detailed everything as we expect to go national with this within a two
year time frame. This one simple idea has provided hundreds of referrals, built in
expansion capital, fantastic back end sales etc. Also, the furniture store stands to make
the same amount that my campany makes, their very happy! I just cannot believe after
so many years of hard work that this has happened and is in fact FREE to my company.
The furniture store is doing all the advertising for me!
By the way, my wife left when my son was born, things got pretty tough, massive debt,
chapter 7 etc. It feels good to know my 5 year old will have a future. You have my
permission to print every word.
March 8, 1994
Thanks for your most recent letter entitled "Success Stories Wanted: Reward Offered"!
I am pleased to respond but feel somewhat ashamed because I should have sent you a letter
like this years ago but never found the time until now. I don't quite understand how a
generous offer of a "Free $250 success set" all of a sudden gave me a few extra hours to sit
down and write to you, but I'm glad it did.
I have a three success stories that I am grateful to you for. None of them are very
big by your typical standards but they are important to me all the same.
The next time I applied your principles in a meaningful way was in 1992 in my
stock brokerage business where I put together a brochure on an investment strategy
that I call the "OTD Investment Approach". OTD stands for "Out Perform the Dow" and
it is a very conservative stock selection method that has produced compounded returns
of around 20% per year since the early 1970's. No other broker around here has ever
done anything like this and my clients and prospects responded well to the
presentation. Within 6 months I had placed around $300,000 in this program and today
it is worth about $750,000 and still growing.
Perhaps the greatest benefit that I have received from studying your Marketing
Genius Course is the ability to break away from the crowd in my thinking. It has made me
a better stock broker because I now try to look at all investments as you would look at
a "deal", and this strategy works well both for me and my clients. Being a broker is
rewarding and personally gratifying but I'm always on the look out for a tangible
product where I could really put some of your wisdom to work. I think I found it!
feels because I have a very competitive friend who has spent the last five years trying to
"am-a-way" his way to success. He still has a photo of a Corvette taped to his frige for
inspiration but it is hard to drive a refrigerator and he doesn't understand why he isn't
rich after five years of hard work. All I did here is apply some of your thinking and
plugged a great product into an existing marketing force that others are motivated to
build. With a few days of work (and continual follow up and service of course) I'll
annually net several tunes what my friend is doing after years of very hard work in the
same industry. Incredible leverage.
We are testing a sample size bottle of this supplement in convenience stores and are
preparing to roll it out nationally which could gross several millions annually if all goes
well. Before I met the owner of this company six months ago he was doing around
$20,000 a month in sales. We'll double that in the next eighteen months and we're just
starting. All that we're doing is going after markets he never thought of before while
continuing to build upon what is already in place.
My next idea is to buy a good mailing list, compose a "Jay" letter and test a few
thousand of them to health conscious consumers. You can bet that there will be plenty of
teasers on the outside of the envelope like you placed on the one that inspired this letter.
I promise to let you know how this one turns out
you have become my "Marketing Mentor" and I will continue to use what you have
taught me, try to think as you would as situations come up, and continually be grateful
for everything you have shared. Thank you.
NO __
Jay Abraham
March 7, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Mr. Abraham,
When I first became aware of your tapes and written material, I thought they
were too expensive. But I was very impressed with the information and I wanted my
business to grow. I sent for your material and was not disappointed. I saturated my
mind with the material and then began to put it to use.
My company had advertised usually in the newspapers and with some card
mailings directly to customers. The effects were not really gratifying. I took Jay's
advice. I looked at my average customer's value over their life with us. I discovered
each customer was very valuable to me.
I looked at all the products we sell and determined that we would like to sell
many more of the high ticket pool covers. By using Jay's methods over a two year
period - (or two seasons), we increased sales of these pool covers by 20% between
1991 and 1993. Just a reminder these were recessions years. This was also
significant because it was when my competitors and our trade magazines were
crying the recession blues.
Thank you Jay - it is incredible!
P.S. We will continue to use your methods to increase our sales - keep up the good
March 5, 1994
Dear Jay: Success
In June 1990, I was owner/manager of a small $300,000 a year disabled medical
transportation service. The same month, I met Jay Abraham.
After spending 5 grueling days of unconventional marketing approaches, I came back to
my shop to test a few. I first tried a meager mailing of a database of 5,000 disabled riders
announcing a guarantee that if late for a pick-up, we would institute a no-pay policy.
Surprisingly, my daily customer count rose from 50 a day to 250 a day. It accelerated
efficiencies of performance with my drivers by 30%, knowing they would be the ones
penalized for late pick-ups. My business surged from $300,000 to over $1,000,000 within
three months.
We purchased chauffeur-like uniforms to give us distinction from our blue-collar
competitors. Our unique selling proposition was "Let the caring professional tend to your
traveling needs."
Once this perspective had been established, we began using our fleet as a medium to
distribute hospital-medical supplies to this target market. This has netted me over $50,000
in commissions alone, with little effort and cost.
After making loyal customers and the perception of quality, professionalism, courtesy, and
on-time had been established, our market began to revere our entry into the pool of
competitors operating in our area.
Now that we've gotten our new direct mail program rolling, I thought it appropriate to
write you a note. Everyone in the company from the president on down is amazed at
the results this program is generating. The ideas from your Mastermind seminar are
working above and beyond anything we ever expected.
I know we can credit your seminar and the brain storming that came out of it for the
basis of our success. Rather than hours of dull lectures, you created an "environment"
for ideas to develop. The interaction with the audience and wealth of experience they
brought really added and expanded to the information you provided.
That environment is being translated directly into a success for us company wide.
When we started implementing your ideas in our existing direct mail program,
Precision Graphic Systems was fairly new in the screen printing business. We did
approximately $300,000 worth of business in printing last year. Currently this year,
after only two months of selling, we have actual sales of more than $95,000, and expect
to hit $570,000 before the year is over.
Since the product line and sales force have remained the same, it looks as the new
direct mail package is making the difference.
Once again, thank you for a great program. We are anxious to begin work on dozens
of other ideas we learned at your seminar, but frankly we have been so busy with new
work, that we have not had the time to implement them.
Mark Fullerton
Marketing Director
P. 0. Box 1053
Torrington, Wyoming 82240
March 10,
As a result of
It increased
It is experience in
Dear Jay,
My partner and I produce Special interest Videos on Long Island, NY. We
use direct mail to sell our videos, I have been to your February 1995 and
November 1995 seminars.
One of the best ideas [ received from your seminar, was to test the idea before
producing the video or project. Under normal conditions a writer would first
write and research a book or topic than attempt to market it. We would do the
same thing. The video would take time and money to produce.
The idea of testing the idea before producing the video helped us focus in on
more profitable products, it also helped speed up the time we spent on each
project. After testing, if the idea did not achieve the results we were looking
for, we simply dumped the idea and moved on to the next idea. The savings from
testing each idea is about $5,OOO - $7,500 per video. First years saving
alone were over $50,OOO. And as a result, the average cost per project has
dropped 55% this past year.
Jay, I see your purpose as the person who breaks open our box. It was one of
the first things that I learned from your seminar. And it is one idea that I
like to share with others. Whether in a seminar or on a conference call, your
questions help us to look in different directions. Thank You Jay.
Richard J. Fasano
March 5, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group - Jay Abraham Personal 950
Indian peak Rd. Suite 100 Rolling Fills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
In response to your letter Success Stories Wanted: Reward Offered! I want you to know how
much I have appreciated and used your advice. As you can see by my letterhead my
business in a consulting type of business. By using many of your ideas I have not only
increased my own profitability but that of my clients.
The basis of my success was in the use of your Unique Selling Proposition principle. I
learned this from you several years ago and recently used it in the establishment of this new
business. I had worked for some months on a business plan when I thought to review The
Abraham File and your reports. It has saved me many hours of wasted labor and also many
dollars for advertising and promotion. Building my business around your USP has given me
a real jump start and enabled me to recruit top quality sales and administrative personnel.
Since the implementation of your UPS system over the past six months the sale of our
service has improved by over 100%. Additionally the referral business has increased by
200% as we are no longer simply "selling" a service. We are now providing a real benefit to
our clients with absolute guarantees of successfully reducing their overhead expenses.
Furthermore, the use of your ideas in promotional letters and brochures has been absolutely
invaluable. My clients have seen some of the letters and literature from my competition and
immediately discarded it as hype and/or too difficult to understand. On the other hand they
have called me and requested more information and requested an appointment with our
account executives. The "Perceived Value" of our service has been readily apparent due to
using your ideas of both advertising and promotion.
I see you as the ultimate in Idea Men. Yes you're a great salesman, marketer, promoter and
businessman. But, more importantly, you generate ideas and stimulate those of us who have
had the fortunate experience of learning from you. Your help is absolutely invaluable and I
hope to acknowledge further outstanding successes as my business grows from its infancy to
full maturity. Thanks again for all your help and ideas.
March 5, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham Persona!
944 Indian Peak Road
Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
Since ! have taken your program in August of 1993, I have had many marketing
successes. In this letter, I would like to let you know about the biggest one which ! can
attribute directly to you.
! am in the contact management and sales automation software business. Before
taking your program and spending literally hundreds of hours reviewing your tapes and
written materials, I had a funny way of treating our existing clients that had not made a
recent purchase. I basically ignored them and waited for them to contact us to make
another purchase. ) spent all of our time and money trying to acquire new clients. It was
through your teaching that I truly understood, for perhaps the very first time, that the
most valuable company asset that I have is our current and previous customer list. This
is something that needs to be continuously cultivated and nurtured.
As a result of this, I wrote a letter to our entire client base of around 300 businesses. In
this letter, I basically told them how important their business was to us and told them about
additional products and services that we offer and how they would benefit. This one
action atone increased our overall business for 1993 by approximately 23%.
You have totally changed my mindset about marketing, I am an engineer by training and
had felt out of my element in trying to make sound marketing decisions, In the past,
marketing to me was tike walking down the streets of Tiajuana, everyone is
promising great results for purchasing their wares (i.e., yellow page advertising,
advertising in directories and business journals, joining expensive networking
organizations, specialty advertising items, etc.), but no one seemed to deliver. I had
used some expensive "marketing experts" because I had the money and they had the
experience. When it was over, they had the money and I had the experience. Now
when I am presented with a marketing opportunity, I think "so if Jay were in running my
marketing program, what specifically would he do in this situation?" By just asking
myself this question, I feel that ! am making much more effective and profitable
marketing decisions. You have removed much of the mystique from marketing for me.
I have been in business for myself for about five years. To be honest with you, it has
been a real struggle. When I started the business, I had $50K of savings in the bank
and no short term debt, now ) have no savings in the bank and about $50K worth of
credit card debt which I used to basically finance my business. All while working harder
than ! ever have.
In the future, the role I see for you as rotated to my company is to help me more fully
understand specifically how to "optimize" my marketing efforts in terms of both time and
money. I would like to see you offer detailed marketing case studies from both
campaigns that worked and those that didn't and to tell us why. What I am talking
about is much more detailed than any of your materials that I seen so far. I would like for
you take us through an entire marketing campaign explaining every step and showing
us specific letters that you sent, how many you sent, what it cost to send them, who
you sent them to, what the response rate was, and how much revenue they generated, I
would also like to know about all the other marketing things that were done such as
which back-end products were selected and how well they did etc. Basically, I would
like to see more examples of how to put it all together.
Since taking your program, I don't think that a week has gone by that I have not spent
at least 3 hours studying your materials. I want you to know that I have found a wealth of
extremely valuable information and for that I am very grateful. Thank you.
Rick Bellefond
Chatsworth, California
March 8, 1994
Dear Jay,
Just a note to thank you for the help and support you have given me
these past three years.
I had been using direct mail for years with only modest success until
I began to apply the principals of your program. Your ideas and
advice has singularly been responsible for a 40% increase in
enrollment in my seminar programs and a 75% increase in the sale of
my technical manual on orthodontics. This translates to well over
$100,000 in additional after tax profits each year for the past two
Needless to say, I'm very thankful I found you and look forward to a
long continuing relationship.
March 7, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group Inc. Jay
Abraham Personal 950 Indian Peak
Rd. Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274
about $5.00.
Even though this is a small success story comparatively, it was an
astronomical success for me. Your concepts are so sensible and
correct, is the reason most people haven't thought of them.
You asked for a description of what I see you as. There are many I
could think of however, I will list just one. "Truth Finder". I
believe you have found what truly works to make any business better
than it was, no matter how successful it might have been.
Jim Miller
P.S. I am enclosing a copy of the flier I used. I hope this letter
can help you increase your success.
FAX # (216) 475-1450
One of Bill Clinton's themes was, " Where there is no vision...the people perish." In my mind the
most important thing Jay Abraham does is provide a vision. A vision that no matter how small
your are right now, or no matter how big your are right now, no matter how unsuccessful your
marketing and sales efforts have been so far, or even if you are convinced you know it all...you can
learn to increase your profits, 300%, 500% , 1000% or more if you are willing to learn what it
takes to become a Super Success, a Multi-Million Dollar Marketer.
That's it in a nut-shell. You must first believe that it is possible, no matter where you are no
matter what you are doing that will the right education from a true marketing master you can learn
how to increase your profits 1000 times or more. Once I got the vision, once I got the belief I was
ready to get started. This year I look forward to being a million dollar year in sales. To go from
nothing to One Million Dollars, may not be the greatest accomplishment, but then again...it ain't
Return on investment
Return on investment
March 3, 1994
Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estate, CA 90274
Mr. Jay Abraham,
I just received your letter today and I wanted to write to you to tell you my
story. In fact, it is a double barrel story, if you will.
I have been receiving information from you for several years and through
the concepts of a "Unique Selling Proposition" and some of your "Direct
Marketing" ideas, I built a huge direct sales organization.
While this organization was in the Multi-level Industry, If found that your
ideas and concepts work the same if a person will just adjust the concepts for
whatever industry they are working at the time. While everyone else was holding
meetings in motel rooms and dragging people to these opportunity meetings, I
did it through the mail. I was told, Wayne you cannot do this business through
the mail, but I took your concepts and composed a letter, and began a mailing
campaign. At that time, my funds were very low as I was on "Workman's
Compensation" from an injury from a job that I had held for 20 years. I set a
goal of mailing 100 letters each week (a small number by your standards), but
that was all I could afford at that time. Within a years time, we had built an
nationwide distributor organization of over 55,000 people and a monthly sales
volume of over $1.5 Million. As you said many time, "find out what works, and
repeat the process". I always search for the headline to any letter I write
and then use your process of explaining what I am selling or wanting people to
respond too. Yes, sometimes my fingers write different things than what I
wanted to convey to the reader, and I even have had school teachers correct my
letters in red, but they get read, because of your concepts.
Yes, sadly as many people in the multi-level industry have found, many
companies go out of business because of the leadership of the company. But, if
it works one time, it will work again and again.
I am currently using these same concepts and writing techniques to once
again strike out in a business that has never used your type of writing and
marketing ideas. This is a huge marketplace (non MLM, by the way), and I fully
expect to achieve even greater results in a much shorter period of time. I
expect to duplicate my advertising efforts by over 2000 times in less than six
months, with a volume of from $50 to $75 million in monthly volume worldwide.
I know that Jay Abrahams concepts work, therefore you apply them to any
business or industry, you test market to find the niche and your Unique Selling
Proposition and then you just repeat what works over and over again.
Yes, it is very hard to define exactly what you do. But, in my book, you 837
Stoneman Way, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762-4217 (916)933-2462
March 3, 1994
In 1987 our accountant told us that we were technically bankrupt, our phone system consisted
of one line and two phones, and our computer system was an Apple IIe with a memory
shorter man mine! After meeting with our accountant today, I can tell you that the net profit
for 1993 is in excess of one third of our gross sales in 1987. Please keep in mind that this is
after a moderate (but livable) salary was paid during the year. Our phone system now consists
of four lines in, and seven telephones with another line to be added in me near future. I am
typing this letter on our new IBM pc system with a dedicated file server and two work
stations (expandable to five). I now have the time and resources to test headlines and plan
new campaigns! It win be my responsibility to generate enough business to keep everyone
busy and to manage the future course of our business.
Jay, it is getting late and I want to get this in the mail to you tomorrow. I can say without
reserve: Be Forewarned-If you team up with Jay Abraham, assimilate his principles and
implement them, he win take you on the ride of your life! A word of caution: Don't try to do
too many at once as you will be overwhelmed.
Good evening, and Thank You for sharing your knowledge and wisdom!
Jack Bentley J
& L Inc.
P.S. Enclosed is a draft copy of our new Yellow
month. I mink it will light up the phones! What do you
March 4, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group
950 Indian Peak Rd, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I'm delighted to share a success story with you. I'm a marketing consultant like
yourself (well, nobody's quite like you) who bought Your Marketing Genius at Work and
applied as many ideas as I could with every client I worked with.
One day I got a call from a woman who owned a business that did bar exam preparation
classes for prospective attorneys. The advertising window of opportunity is very, very
narrow. The ads from most of these companies are placed in one issue of the local legal
newspapers that list all of those who just passed the recent bar exam. The rest of the paper
consists of ads from all the preparation schools targeted to those who did not pass the
last exam.
Vivian Dempsey was running the most atrocious sort of ad. No copy, a few weak
bullet points, a lame graphic and a pointless headline. Even with this she was getting a
number of students, but most people came from word-of-mouth because she really did a
good job and helped many people pass the exam.
Essentially I explained two concepts two her: Powerful headlines and lots of copy. I
said we ought to create an ad that looked like a newspaper article (a copy is enclosed). The
headline we came up with was: "What You Need to Know to Pass the Bar Exam" and a
sub-head that read: "Why Your Current Study Plan May Not Guarantee Success." The
amazing part was that after I explained the concept and what should be in the copy, she
went back to her office and wrote the whole ad from start to finish. It hardly needed any
editing. We did a little fine-tuning and put in a small picture and ran the ad in two local
legal publications.
The results were phenomenal. In less than two days she doubled enrollment in her
class. The phone rang off the hook. She put 26 people in her class at $1,000 each.
There was an interesting side bar to this. The day the ad came out I gave Vivian a call
to see if she had any responses yet. The phone rang and rang. No answer. I called more
than a dozen times throughout the day and I couldn't reach her. Not even an answering
machine. Here we had spent all this time and money to place an ad and there was no
one responding to the calls. I was worried. What could have possibly happened? I
drove over to her house in Berkeley to see what I could find. Well, it turns out she had
been out all day and had forgot to set the answering machine! Yet even with that, the
next day she received so many calls that the class was filled to capacity. I keep
wondering what would have happened if she'd been in all day that first day!
Jay, mostly I work with very small businesses with a very limited budget, so I try
to find inexpensive ways to effectively promote their businesses. Another very good
response was a small ad placed by a paralegal firm. The headline to this small ad was the
key: "Legal Services Without a Lawyer." The ad cost about $100 per month and brings in
about $2,000 in revenue.
The other question is interesting. How do I see you? Since I'm a marketing person
myself with a lot of talent and passion for the profession, yet with considerably less
experience in the field, I see you as a mentor. Your materials and ideas are a constant
inspiration to me. On the way to a client meeting yesterday I listened to one of your
cassette tapes (for about the 10th time) and got a whole new level of appreciation for
some of what you called Macro Marketing Principles. I read a little from the Mr. X book
every week and apply the concepts to my clients' challenges. Your materials have given
me the best and most solid foundation for an effective and successful marketing practice.
For this I am very very grateful.
The best
3021 N.E. 72nd Ave., Suite 15
Vancouver, WA 98661 (206)
260-2OWN FAX (206) 2600186
March 3, 1994
March 4, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham Personal 950
Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
You have already helped me achieve remarkable success that has added significant additional money to me
personally. I thank you and since you asked me to write you a letter telling you about it, here it is.
Four years ago I built a 3000 square foot two story "mansion" in the city of Tempe. When I wanted to sell, I
went through a Realtor who took a full year to sell it. During that entire year, I had to pay expensive mortgage
interest payments and upkeep that costs me many thousands of dollars.
This year, I inherited a house from my mother who unfortunately passed away. I decided to sell it myself using
the principles of marketing you taught me. Principles like creating a powerful USP and
reversing the risk for buying. And the importance of properly identifying where your prospective
market is and
communicating to them the true and genuine value of the product one is offering. And, of course,
making the product easy to buy.
The result was that I sold this house myself at full appraisal price, paid no Realtor fees, and I
did it in only one day!
Was this luck? No. Because over the course of the following two days I had seven additional buyers all wanting
to buy this same house! They wanted it for themselves or for their parents or for a brother or sister and so on. I
was flooded with offers.
These are the specific things I did to make this happen:
Before I put it up for sale I first hired contractors to come in and professionally paint the interior, fence, and
storage shed. Then I cleaned and polished the entire house to provide a very appealing product (house) for my
prospective customers. I also had a neighbor thoroughly clean and manicure the yard. This all took only 25 days
of preparation.
Finally, I was ready to implement my Jay Abraham sales plan.
Armed with these new marketing techniques, I sent out a mailing of 12,000 pieces which produced 698
prospects. Out of the 698, we converted 359 to buy (so far). That's a unbelievable 51 % conversion rate! I
have never come close to converting that many prospects. I usually hit the 20% conversion mark.
In terms of actual sales, that mailing produced $254,890. Are your ideas responsible for this successful
mailing? If I converted my usual 20% of the 698 prospects, that would have generated $99,116 in sales.
I hold you responsible for the extra 30% conversion which adds up to $155,774.
As I write, I'm at the beginning stages of a second mailing that produced 841 prospects. So far, 170
($120,700) have sold. I expect the conversion rate to reach the same level as the last mailing because we
haven't even seriously worked these new leads yet.
But, you know, the amazing statistic I'm in total shock about is: Out of the 529 we sold from these
mailings, only two, that's (2), have taken us up on our money-back guarantee and sent the programs
back! I still have a hard time believing this one.
What does this kind of money mean to my company? Since I only do a half million a year in sales,
bringing in cash flow like this from one mailing is substantial. I bought a new $50,000 editing system,
I'm getting ready to hire two new people ($50,000 and $35,000 salaries), and I bought a new $30,000
Chevy Suburban for the wife. I also took some of the money and invested in more of your training.
In my second round with you, Jay, I got another idea that turned out to be a break through insight for me,
or what I like to call a real blinding flash of the obvious. You taught me how to revere myself. You see,
I'm the type of person who goes to great extends to do a great job to produce a great product. I'm also the
kind of person that when given a complement on a project I spent eight months producing, will respond
with "Aw chucks, it was nothing."
You made me realize that this timidity, this understating attitude of mine permeated all my marketing
pieces. I was asking my customers to draw the same conclusions I do about my products without giving
them any compelling reasons for doing so. In other words, I had great products, but was doing a poor job
of communicating that to my prospects.
After having this powerful insight, I went about rewriting all my marketing pieces. I no longer just
simply list the benefits of my products, I tell the prospect specifically how my products will improve this
area or decrease problems in that area. I no longer leave them to draw their own conclusion about how
much money my products will make them or save them. I back it up with quantifiable data we have
gathered. In short, I position my products to be more meaningful to their business.
The amount of money this idea is worth is yet to be determine. It's hard to attach a dollar figure to this
idea because I just completed rewriting all the pieces. I do feel confident that my conversion rate will rise
from these rewrites without increasing the coststo me, that's free money!
I would conservatively estimate the value of your three ideas to my business to be $500,000 a year. And
this is no exaggeration. I am currently on pace this year to do a million in sales. That means your ideas
effectively helped me double my business in a span of 5 months. Not bad for a guy whose
March 8, 1994
Later when he and his wife are gone, his children will probably call me back to sell his house,
land, shop and tools. Since he is less than seventy years old, that day could be a long time coming.
But if anyone in his family ever get the chance to recommend an auctioneer to anyone, I am sure I
will get a good referral.
Thanks again for exposing me to this simple concept that should be obvious to most of us.
However, I have noticed that many of us are too inhibited to "Blow our own horn" and publicize our
USP. Yet, in my line of work, as well as most others, if we do not "Blow our own horns" no one
will hear our music. They cannot know how successful we can be for them if we do not tell them.
Being able to relate our "Unique Selling Proposition" is a way of accomplishing this goal.
Thanks for making me aware of this concept and best wishes in your future endeavors. I
appreciate this project because it was one of the few I could afford. Since then, I have "rationed" me
out of your later projects, since my small busness cannot justify the fees you are now getting. Yet I am
grateful for the opportunity to have been exposed to your work. Thanks again.
I hope you like this story and I hope it gives you as much gratification for how much good
your ideas can achieve. This story is one of my favorite in my twelve years in the auction profession.
Many time we are commissioned to sell what some people refer to as "Junk." Yet what they call
"Junk" represents a lifetime of work for someone. This story tells how we were able to turn part of
this lifetime's work into more cash than ever imagined!
This fanner grew "Test Plots" for a seed corn company. Every year the company would
sponsor a "Field Day" at this farmer's test plots so other area farmers could see how new varieties of
seed corn performed in the field. After the tour of the test plot, the company would sponsor a meal
for those in attendance. This meal was served in my clients shop. This procedure had been going on
for about twenty years before my client was ready to retire and during this time his reputation for
well-maintained machinery was building. This reputation was to become my client's "Unique Selling
When I was developing the auction brochure for my client's auction. I was having trouble
filling all the space we usually fill on a brochure. This fanner lived in a remote area and I could not
give the impression that this auction was so small that it wasn't worth someone's time driving as much
as 150 mile to attend. I simply had to fill what we refer to as a 4-page brochure (11 x 17) printed on
both sides to be used as a direct mail piece. Most auction brochures are listings of the items to be
sold, with headlines and other copy telling the who, what, when, where and why of the upcoming
auction. Some progressive thinking auctioneers, like myself, use photos of some of the best items.
When the auction is large enough, this brochure is even printed with four color process with color
photographs. This particular auction was not the case, we were limited to black and white photos and
we did not have enough large items to fill the space we usually fill.
Usually I would have a photo of the nicest item in the auction as a front page feature on the
brochure. Sometimes I would use two photographs on the front page. I was looking for something
unique to go on the front page of this brochure. I felt that I needed to do something unusual to attract
attention to this auction, but not so unusual as to create a credibility problem. At last it hit me! Why
not use this client's "Unique Selling Proposition" as the focus of this auction. There were lots of
tractors and equipment the same make and model of his. But very little of it was as clean or well
kept. So I took a photograph of the client, made up a quote of his general feelings about his
machinery, had him sign it and put the photograph and the signed quote on the front page of the
I know of no other auctioneer in the nation, who has used a photograph of his client on an
auction brochure. They will probably say they don't want to make the client feel self-conscious. Who
cares? Isn't that what I am hired to do the things the client cannot or will not do for himself? It is as
far as I am concerned! If an auctioneer is too inhibited to perform as necessary to get me top dollar
for my goods, I don't want him working for me, because he's not as good as I am.
Jay Abraham
5908 Lemon Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90805
March 7, 1994
Dear Jay,
I utilized your marketing techniques to launch Hulwell & Associates. We are a distributor for
an Information-on-Hold service. Information-on-Hold allows businesses to promote information
about themselves through a series of brief messages, mixed with music, while their customers are on
I worked out a joint venture between my company and a local Business Newspaper. The
Newspaper received our service in exchange for advertising and an indorsement of our service.
Our advertisement was laid out like a news story. The Newspaper endorsement was included
and at the bottom of the advertisement was a phone number that prospects could call and hear a
sample of our service.
I then worked out a licensing agreement with our parent company to use this technique.
Keeping in mind we were a start-up operation. We grossed over $52,500 in sales, in our first
year, as a direct result of the joint venture of which $35,000 was net profit The licensing
agreement with the parent company resulted in an annual income of $28,000.
I now use your principals as the foundation for my own Marketing Consulting Practice. If
applied correctly, your techniques will work miracles for ANY BUSINESS without fail
And I have changed as person too. Jay told me that a money back guarantee was the way to
go. I was very skeptical and very nervous. Wouldn't I lose more money this way? But he
conviced me that if I was confident in this system -- which I was -- that I had nothing to fear.
So I took a deep breath, and took his advice.
And it worked.
I was amazed. Once people were secure in the knowledge that their investment was protected,
they had no reason to hesitate signing up. I was making more money than ever.
I had learned not to sell. I learned only to be interested in the person. When I first tried the
money back guarantee, I just wanted to protect my own investments. But then after about a
month, I was only interested in helping my clients. Forget about the money. They needed an
immediate solution to their problems, and I could give it to them! I knew that money was
important, a business necessity, but somehow, it didn't seem as important anymore. I knew that my
system worked and I was just glad to be helping people. As a result, I didn't concentrate on
price anymore. Each client was different - personality, emotionally, financially. It made no
sense to try and have the same pricing structure for everyone with all these differences. I
learned to work within their means. Can't pay now? Will pay later, with a down payment now? OK.
And I didn't worry about it. I did my job, I helped them. And because I was faithful to them,
they were faithful to me with their promises on payment.
So maybe Jay had something up his sleeve. He pretended this was for business purposes, that I
would get more clients, but I think it is something more. I think that he wanted us to see that if
we do something we love, the money will come. All it takes is an idea. The rest will grow.
Jay helped me actualize one of the most important things in business. And that is to feel out
what your customer needs, don't tell them what they need. I love what I am doing. And
amazingly enough, I'm making money too.
That's what Jay has done for me.
When I first heard about the Jay Abrahms seminar, I was intrigued. But I wondered if he
could really help my business like the piece of paper promised. After all, it's easy to say things, but
not always so easy to deliver them.
I decided to give it a shot. He was offering a money back guarantee if I wasn't satisfied, so
what did I have to lose? If I learned something that would help my business, then it was worth it;
if I didn't, then I didn't lose any thing.
I went to the seminar and I was amazed. The knowledge he possessed about marketing was
incredible. Needless to say, I learned a tremendous amount. Now I am not in your typical
everyday business. I own and operate 8 martial arts academies all across the state of Illinois.
Marketing for them had been difficult, to say the least. Usually martial arts schools are
competition oriented, very much physically demanding. Most of the traditional philosophy and
true meaning of martial arts had faded over the past 20 years and turned into a business of
making better fighters, not better people. I too, had been in that circuit. But it wasn't before
long when I realized that the tournament life was not what I wanted for me or for my students. I
began my long journey of research, interviewing, questioning and change. I was very
interested in how self-esteem developed and changed. Or could it be changed? Where did it
come from and why? I sought the answers to these and many other questions. Finally, after
over 10 years of research and study, I had a system.
This system is unlike any other system in the world, especially in the martial arts industry. I use
psychology, the old philosophy of martial arts, counseling, physical and mental training to develop
not only good martial arts skills, but more life satisfaction. I at first concentrated mainly on
children, with behavior modification techniques. Later I found that I could modify this system
slightly and use it for achievement motivation, especially for athletes. By modifying the system for
each individual case, it worked for all sorts of people, all sorts of problems.
The 10 years had not been easy. Financially speaking, I had faced bankruptcy 2 times. I had
incurred many debts along the way. But now I had this marvelous system and I knew things
would be alright.
But how do I let people know about this? This system had never before been done!
That's where Jay's seminar came in. We had tried many different headlines for our ads, but we
didn't know if we were going anywhere or not. For my business, we found out that a full page
advertorial was the way to go. In the past year, we have educated many, many peopleprospective and current clients-in the P. S. Academy and the P. S. System. People know that
it's much more than martial arts at the P. S. Academy.
I have never made more than $230,000 per fiscal year in this business. But thanks to Jay, I am
projecting a 2 million dollar gross income this year.
That's a change.
J. Thomas Bench
2574 N. University Drive, Suite 201 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33322 (305) 742-0450 / (305) 742-9519
March 9, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. 950 Indian
Peak Road, Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates,
California 90274
Dear Jay:
My name is Dan Polzin. I am the sole proprietor of a small business called Ad Pro Windshield
Repair. I thoroughly enjoyed reading every issue of Your Marketing Genius at Work. Every month
I waited anxiously for the new issue to arrive. I read, studied, and highlighted, brainstorming the
different possibilities as they could apply to my business and other businesses. One of the first
marketing techniques that I used generated over $10,000.00 (setting up drawing boxes in
neighboring businesses or at fairs). I have been very impressed with the principles that Jay has
developed and teaches. I was able to get a news story on my business printed in an area shopper
by following Jay's guidelines. The exposure has got to be worth thousands of dollars to me.
Recently the same local shopper asked me to write another news story on my business. I probably
would not have even tried to get a news story on my business without Jay putting the idea in my
head and showing me step by step how to do it.
I have recently targeted insurance agencies and claims offices using your Unique Selling
Proposition concept and I am getting excellent results from that program. Jay Abraham has been
able to help me look at things from perspectives that I've never seen before. I'm in the process of
putting together a mail order program to sell a windshield repair marketing package. It's too early
to tell, but I'm confident that my mail order business is going to work out very well.
By the way, I lost one issue of the course Your Marketing Genius at Work, and when I notified
your company about it, they mailed me another copy at no charge. 1 get the distinct impression
that Jay Abraham and company always do what ever they can to go way beyond what they say
they will do. I'm very impressed!
One of Jay's concepts that has worked very well for me has been joint venturing. This concept
has earned me in excess of $1,200.00 by referring some jobs to other businesses and in some
cases by actually hiring competitors to work for me at peak times to handle the overflow which I
can't get to by myself (and would otherwise be lost business). Another idea that I came up with
while reading Jay's Your Marketing Genius at Work was directly responsible for helping me to
generate another $5,250.00 in sales, and started a whole new division of my company. Another
idea I got from your course, which I call my thank you follow-up system, has accelerated my
business growth substantially, and there are many many things that when all added up have made
a huge difference in my life because of Jay. You could only improve your business and life with
Jay Abraham and his staff's services. I would highly recommend him to anyone.
When we mine for gold and instead strike lead you whisper that there is
a vast market of fishermen who need sinkers. You invite, cajole, humor,
honor, and entice other great minds to share the wealth of their years'
expertise so that we can hybridize that wisdom to our own entrepreneurial
It has really been profitable and entertaining learning from you and your guests and I
look forward to many more years of your thoughts and innovations.
SRK: ajl
In reviewing my first letter to my clients now, I can see that the headline is dry, maybe
even dull. However, my list selection was so strong that it overpowered this
shortcoming. I know you stress that even a moderately compromised letter sent to the
right list can still succeed - and mine did. I then applied a second one of your principles
- I called every recipient and asked if they got the letter. If they said yes, I asked for
work. If they had no work, I asked them if they wanted a sample of my work. After
sending the sample, I called to see if they got it. After that I waited a week and then
called to see what they thought of the work sample. I also asked how often they wanted
me to call back to see if they had any jobs to bid on. This I believe is your "moving
parade technique." People eventually got to know me and as I did each job I asked if
that person would be willing to recommend me to other clients. Later, I started a
quarterly newsletter that I am sorry to say only lasted for three issues. At that point, I
had to quit as client demand exceeded my capacity to supply. That was two years ago and I
have not dared to write another newsletter.
Let me give you some specific numbers. My former employer predicted it would take
five years to reach high profits - I did it within three months of start-up! My
response rate to my letters was ultimately about 20% and that 20% continues to order
each year. They also recommend me, usually without my knowledge, so that I have new
clients calling me that I have never talked to before.
Want some more specifics? Within the first year of carrying out this marketing program
my revenues increased 72%! By the second year, I had to stop actively marketing. I
found that I was running out of capacity and that the marketing momentum from the
first year added an additional 22% to my revenues. Now I am absolutely maxed-out
Seeing my success, several people have entered negotiation with me to joint venture
with other non-appraisal companies.
I definitely think in terms of the lifetime value of a client whenever I offer to send a
report by Federal Express (at my expense), give a client a couple hours of free counsel, or
send out a huge box of fruit at Christmas. In contrast, I cringe when I see other
businesses fail to "make it easy to do business with them." I wince when I see other
businesses quibble over a couple of bucks in the front end and jeopardize thousands of
dollars in the lucrative back-end.
Jay, I see you as doing four things:
You tweak people to remember marketing basics that are critical to
You propel those marketing basics from dim, inanimate, sepia
stillframes to moving Technicolor sagas of magnificent marketing
metaphors of monetary munificence.
March 9,1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Road Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I just thought I would drop you a line to let you know how I have proven many of your
principles in the start-up of my business. I must confess that I had to stop practicing
several techniques as the demand for my services quickly began to outstrip my capacity to
I now charge one of the highest hourly rates that appraisers charge in my state. To my
knowledge, only one appraiser who is in semi-retirement has an hourly rate that exceeds
my own. I have more work than I can handle and I turn down about four out of five jobs
because I simply do not have the time to deliver. As you had warned in one of your
seminars, by applying the principles correctly, the response can overwhelm capacity. It
When I first started, my former employer told me that it would take five years to build up
enough clients to make the big bucks. After some careful planning, I decided to develop a
mail list of 200 potential clients - one of your techniques. A few of these had seen my
work but the vast majority had no idea who I was. In my first letter I introduced myself
and then went on to clearly outline my USP - playing ethically on the weaknesses of the
other appraisal firms in the area.
a pretty good marketer and only wanted to make back the initial investment of your training and a little
Jay the amazing thing about your training is I'm only talking about the impact of three of your ideas
here. You know as well as I, I got a lot more than three ideas from your training. I just wanted highlight
a few of the major ones that produced dramatic results for your own edification. You have set me on an
exponential path of growth that is making business more enjoyable for me.
It's funny, when I'm in the office conducting a sales meetings, I keep referring to you by name to answer
specific marketing questions. One day one of my salespeople said, "who is this Jay guy your always
talking about." I paused and said "he's a marketing consultant...no he's more than that...a business
consultant...a warehouse of ideas."
Finally, I said "he's a guy who has learned, by experience, the universal principles for operating a
successful business. He teaches other people to apply these irrefutable principles to their own businesses.
We can either learn these principles now and benefit from them, or we can take 20 years and countless
millions to discover on our own the very principles he's handing us now."
I really believe this Jay. I told my staff that once we understand and know these principles, it's just a
matter a applying them and adjusting them to our particular needs.
I think there are a lot of training or consultant people out there who merely throw people fish to eat.
With you, it's different. I feel like you taught me how to fish. It's up to me whether I go to the pond. But
let me just say in closing that, so far, the catch has been good.
Jerry Donoghue
What was the USP? That this beautiful house could easily be purchased and paid for for less than the cost
of renting.
After getting all the pricing and payment information, I wrote on a very professional, beautiful sign in
front of my yard that this house was for sale by owner and followed with my USP.
Then, I created a flyers which said essentially the same thing, included a map and had someone pass them
out to 200 nearest neighbors because I felt perhaps those who lived in the community and were renting
might be easier to sell to and more likely to want to own a home in the neighborhood than someone who
had never lived there. Or perhaps a homeowner would recommend it to a friend or relative and presell the
house. Or perhaps a homeowner would want to invest in the neighborhood and buy a house to rent out.
The flyers were passed out on Sunday at 10:00 A.M. I used the best printing paper (Classic Linen
Solar/White) for the flyers and had them taped to the windows open and facing outward by the front
doors of all the neighbor's houses for best presentation. This way I would get maximum readership and
By 1:00 P.M. that day I was visited by a neighbor down the street who received the flyer, he viewed the
house, went home and by 6:00 P.M. that evening he called me with a full price offer, no questions asked.
(By the way, I priced the house at what I thought would be about $4000 above appraisal value.)
Also during that same Sunday I showed the house three more times and the next day showed the
house to four additional buyers!
Before anyone says that this was just a good time to sell houses or that this neighborhood was easy to sell
houses in, they should know that there are many other houses for sell in this neighborhood, some
Page 2
of which have been on the market there for a full year and longer. The house across the street, for
instance sold 3 months ago but had been on the market for an entire year. (And it sold a huge $3000 below
appraisal value.)
The success I enjoyed was because of Jay Abraham's principles of marketing, period.
Sincerely yours,
Joe R.McCalister
P.S. Jay, 1 think your role in business is being played out very well already as a teacher, mentor, and
consultant towards helping other people market their businesses through your tapes and seminars and
using the advice that you give. I see you as one of my most important mentors. Because of you, I see a
very bright future for me financially even though the most I have earned in one year has been only
$100,000.00 in my last career. Still, I'm proud of it and am looking forward to much greater financial
success because of you and your marketing genius.
I wonder if you could answer me this one question because it could help give me some direction on where
to focus and concentrate my marketing energies for maximum return over the next 9 months.
If you lived in Tempe, Arizona because you wanted to and your family was here, and you were
reduced to no contacts or friends that you now have, no job to burden you, and no history of past
successes in marketing that you could use as references in a seminar or otherwise, and you had
only $20,000 saved to live on and invest with, what would you do?
I think with your abilities and knowledge you could get on the phone and create at least
$120,000 over the next 9 months. If so, what would be your strategy?
P.P.S You have the right to use everything I've said in this letter. Thank you for writing me and asking for
my success story. If you choose to answer my question, I commit to you that I will give my all towards
applying everything you've taught me and promise to write you again on December 15, 1994 with another
success story of how I went from practically nothing to over $120,000 in one year following Jay Abraham's
I look forward to receiving your exciting and revealing interview with Tony Robbins. I'm on the staff at
Tony Robbins Unleash the Power Within Seminar, April 8, in Universal City, CA. I've attended everyone
of Tony's seminars and have the highest respect for him.
Page 3
March 5, 1994
Saturday, 11:06 A.M.
Dear Jay,
! have been wanting to write you for a long time but have just not gotten
around to it until now. I have had tremendous success using your
marketing techniques. I have an interesting story to tell if you'll bare
with me.
I became partners with a fellow named Lou in 1979. Back then our
business of Steam Master carpet and upholstery cleaning did around
$50,000 in business per year. Each year we would increase in business by a
small amount. Sometimes an increase of $5,000 and sometimes as much as
$10,000 per year. Eventually we had an increase of $20,000 a few
years in a row. By 1988 we were doing $217,362. In 1989 we did
$213,345. And in 1990 we did $228,581. Basically no increase in
business in three years. At that time my partner and I were a!ways
fighting about marketing. My partner Lou looked at advertising as an
expense that needed to be trimmed, I looked at advertising as an
investment. He could never see the light when it came to new ideas and
would never let me try anything new unless it didn't cost him anything. He
could never latterally transfer someone elses great marketing strategy
from another feild into our own use. It was very frustrating to me to
work with.
! purchased Your Marketing Genius At Work with my own money because my
partner couldn't see how we could market our business any better than we
had in the past. After reading YMGAW I could see how we had succeeded in
spite of ourselves. I used some of the ideas in our ads, as long as it didn't
cost us anything extra. I could see a little increase in business by the use of
more verbage to explain our service more. But I could only put in so much
verbage because my partner Lou was set on "A picture is worth a
thousand words".
To make a long and complicated story short, I was able to buy my partner out and
1 took full control of the business in April of 1991. By the way, I had also
purchased from you For Your Marketing Eyes Only and I have to tell you that I have
not yet completed this great work. There are so many great ideas in the first 4 or
5 sections along with what I already read in YMGAW that I could not have time to
do it all. So I concentrated on just a few principles.
I wrote a totaly new ad by tossing out the pictures and explained more about
what our service provided for the customer. I used the method of tape recording
every conversation I had with every customer for a period of two weeks. I then
listened to those tapes and came up with what my customers were asking most
about our service and how other services compared with ours. Then I took the
best of my answers and created an article type ad with coupons included. People
love coupons you know. I tested various headlines and sub headlines as well. If
there is one thing you have taught me well, it's to test test test. And not to test
too many things at once, just one thing at a time. Your customers will tell you
whether you have a winning ad or not. One of the most important things of coarse
in writing an ad, is that you follow through in what you say. Also that you, as in
my case, have a quality service to offer. You may write a terrific ad but if your
workmanship is shotty, you won't get the repeat business or refferaIswhich is
the most important thing.
As for results, all I can say is, "unbeleivable". I published the first ad in May of
1991. The first part of this year had gone just like the last three years. But, after
this ad came out, we had more work than we could handle. I'm sure I turned down
a good $1,000. per week for about 5 months because I was unprepared for the
amount of work that this ad generated. When the work load is that heavy there is
no time for training new people. Another thing I liked about this ad, is that it
lightened the workload in the office. We didn't have to spend very much time on
the phone answering questions or explaining our service. They already read all
about it in our ad. It was great! People would just call up and say "I'd like to make an
appointment", and we would just set them up. When the year was over, we had
done $307,689. in work. A 35% increase over the previous year. Almost an
additional $80,000 in business.
At the beginning of the year is my slow time, from the middle of January
until the first of April. We do about half the volume during this time of year. I
bought another new van and machine and trained one more guy to man it. I was all
ready for the coming year--or so I thought. I added just two more publications with
my ad running monthly and I raised my price to what it is now.
Again, in 1992 I had more work than I could handle and was turning away work. My
customers had learned though from last year to book their work a week or two in
advance instead of waiting 'till the last minute. By year end we had done
$431,763. in work. That's a 40% increase over the previous fantastic year for an
increase of over $124,000.
In 1993, the same old story. One more van and machine added for a total of five
units. Two of those are dual vans (two guys can clean at the same time from the
same machine), which gives us the equivalent of 7 units. We did a volume of
$550,799. A 28% increase over the previous year with an increase of over
To sum it all up, in three years with the marketing knowlege I have gained from you
Jay, I have been albe to increase business from $228,581. to $550,799. That's
almost 2 and 1/2 times the volume in just three short years. Considering it took
30 years to reach the volume of $228,581. I'd say that your marketing strategies
work Jay! And I have not even scratched the surface. There are so many things
I have yet to do. I fully expect to reach that magical number of one million dollars
by the end of 1996.
Jay, I see you as a Marketing Genious. One who finds all the angles to market any
business succesfully. One who doesn't leave any stone unturned. What is truly
amazing is that it seems that you go against the grain of traditional advertising
(the standard by which everyone else goes by), and yet you have great success. I
have proved it in my own feeble attempts to emulate your marketing ideas.
I can't tell you how many advertising agents have told me that I have way too
much verbage in my ad. "Nobody will read all this", or "You need more white
space", or "Your ad is too cluttered". I just tell them that my buddy Jay told me
to do this, so I do it and it works. I don't know why everyone has not caught on.
Thank goodness my competition has not caught on. Speaking of that, in every
publication where I run my ad in a non exclusive
Kevan Austin
Sorry about the computer generated letterhead. I write maybe 1 or 2
letters per year. Hardly worth printing a letterhead. Also, enclosed are
some of my before and after ads to show you what I have done.
David Holt
March 10, 1994
Dear Jay,
As a small independent film producer based in Hawaii, well
out of the Hollywood mainstream, our primary challenge,
predictably, has been fund raising. The fact that this is our
first major feature film project has also been an obstacle.
We were not able to attend your recent seminar in Los
Angeles, so we instead invested in your home study course. The
results have been nothing less than remarkable.
Utilizing a number of your strategies, but primarily
endorsements, mail order tactics, networking and generating free
publicity, we've nearly quadrupled the response we were getting
initially. Moreover, we're getting responses from much better
qualified investors. Most significantly perhaps, it has given us
the techniques and mindset to try various approaches, and closely
monitor our results.
We are very grateful for the enormous amount of information in
your package Jay, but most grateful for your opening our eyes to the
advantages of a total marketing mindset. Your open minded, high
integrity approach to marketing, business and life in general, puts
you in a class by yourself. Your fractal and intuitive teaching
approach helps your clients not only learn your techniques, but also
to emulate your unique and profound way of thinking.
Thanks again for an enlighening and profitable experience. We
hope to attend a seminar soon.
\. P.S.
You know...you
should be in pictures. We have a perfect
part for you. Please call if you would like to become the
"Jewish Al Pacino-"
P.P.S. Also...if you're dying to invest in a movie, a cinematic
masterpiece no less, we can probably still squeeze you in.
Take care.
Nick Mandich
P.S. Thank you for the gift.
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Road
Suite 100
Rolling Hill Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
My original motivation for purchasing your marketing materials was to
assist a family-owned, fledgling convenience food storeMedia Mini Mart, Inc.
Prior to my exposure to your concepts, we had been averaging $125 a week on image
type ads in a local weekly newspaper. We violated many of your principles: We
didn't offer coupons, we didn't spell out our USP, and we didn't test results. We
just asked our prospective customers to spend their money without telling them why.
After being in business 2 years and running "image" type ads, gross sales were
averaging a predictable $5250 to $7700 a week.
After completing half of "Your Marketing Genius at Work," I decided to
change our ads in the weekly paper by offering coupons for one-half off steak
sandwiches and hoagies and free sodas. Immediately, we saw an influx of new
customers and an increase in gross sales to a fairly consistent $6500 $8800 a week. This was sustained even when we began running the ads
Next, we painstakingly compiled a mailing list from a street directory
borrowed from the Chamber of Commerce. We computerized 1120 residents and
sent personally-addressed letters with regular first class stamps affixed.
The letters were computer printed and addressed the residents by name. We
described what we had to offer that was so special (USP) and offered coupons
for free food items such as hot dogs, beverages and other food items. All
the customer had to do was fill in his name and address. This allowed
compilation of a customer list.
Well, Jay, the response was terrific! We redeemed 273 coupons out of the
1120 letters sent for a response rate of 24.3%. The cost of this initial
mailing was about $650 out of pocket.
Our sales increased dramatically to a consistent range of $9400 to $11,150 a week
over a sustained period of 3 months. We brought in and kept many new customers by
following the practice of asking how they liked our offerings and to give
suggestions for new items they wanted to purchase.
We were ready to do another mailing to the new customer list we had just
compiled, when tragedy struck. A fire truck rammed into our store and
demolished it. We never reopened.
How do I see you? To me, you are a top-notch educator who is able to tie in
your years of marketing experiences into a kind of holy grail and convey it
with great conviction which inspires the listener. Because you deal only
with examples of what has worked and tie them into your principles, the
student is easily able to grasp and apply them to his unique situation. You
imbue your students with a feeling of confidence that if they apply your
concepts to their situation, they will be super successful. That feeling
creates a dynamic kind of momentum.
160 Kirk Lane - Media. Pennsylvania 19O63 * (215)
565 1772
March 5, 1994
Jay Abraham 5908
Lemon Ave Long Beach,
Ca 90805
Dear Jay,
The possibilities for mailing to my list are also great. I have about 8,000 names of people who responded to my
ads since 1991 but never bought.
Per your instructions I will advise them of new schedule dates, offer them a new and liberal payment plan, or
refer them to the modeling school and receive a percentage.
March 7, 1994
Sam Renauro
Michael J. Montore
March 8, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group
950 Indian Peak Road
Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Dear Jay,
I wanted to drop you a short note in response to your letter I
received, Success Stories Wanted.
Mine is pretty simple - after listening to some of your cassettes I
realized that my profession, financial services, is made up of not
only commissions and management fees but also retainers. I decided
start charging retainers as a percentage of my clients income for
financial, tax, investment, estate and other financial related
Upon charging for these fees I enacted a "money back guarantee" to
clients. I truly feel that my retaining of additional people was
made possible because of that guarantee. Many of the people said
"well, we have nothing to lose my using your services".
My income went up considerably, probably by at least 25% with
this technique that I learned with your cassettes.
Jay, I appreciate all that you and your organization offers and
have listened to a number of your tapes. I look forward to the
free Success Set that you will be sending to me.
I hope the above is helpful and I look forward to seeing your
material in the future.
Sincerely yours,
Jeffrey P. Morand
march 8. 1994
Abraham Publishing Group - Jay Abraham Personal
$50 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA. $0274
The exercise of putting in writing, the effects of Jay Abraham on my
carpet cleaning business, really makes me appreciate him a great deal! As a
matter of fact it is quite enlightening.
Jay's overall, most pervasive effect is the attitude that he wants you to
reak upon every aspect of business and marketing. I know that's a vague
generality, but I'll get into the specifics later. Jay's attitude is customer
oriented - to say the least: The onus is on the service/product provider -not the
customer. Give the customer more than he expects and the rewards will be
forthcoming like a flood. Jay's overall concern with great service to the customer
has been my USP. I have stressed extraordinary service in all my literature and
advertising. For example, if a customer has an accidental spill I will go to
his/her home/business to remove the stain - free! And -above all I let customers
and prospects know that in no uncertain terms. It builds goodwill - not to mention
the referrals and repeat business. I let my prospects know that I will be on time
for each and every appointment. I communicate my service oriented USP and perhaps
that is why 66% of my sales are from repeats and referrals.
Jay stresses the lifetime value of each customer(marginal net worth). I know
that a $50 job is not just a $50 value to me. It's really equal to over $300 in the
long run because of the repeat work. Using this principle, I mail postcards to
prospects offering to clean 1 room of carpet for just $10. Crazy -most people say.
He goes all the way to Osh Kosh, spends 45 minutes, uses his materials and
equipment for a measley $10. Little do they know that my best customers who have
spent thousands of dollars for my services, started with a $10 giveaway.
Per Jay, I have tested several headlines until finding optimal results. Per
Jay, I keep records of effectiveness of all marketing endeavors. If it can not be
measured I don't do it!
insistence on
measuring marketing results has saved me a fortune. For example, I would still be
spending tons of money on newspaper and Yellow Pages ads if 1 didn't keep records
and realize that they were not cost effective. Of course he also stresses the
measurement of backend sales in order to know marginal net worth of customers.
Jay believes that marketing is so much more than just putting and ad in the
newspaper and Yellow Pages. He mentions that if he has only "x" dollars he would
not rely on newspaper ads. I've followed that philosophy and use advertising in
newsprint sparingly. After thorough testing last year I still only received $2 in
sales for each advertising dollar spent. Quite disappointing! However, marginal net
worth still makes it worthwhile.
Jay stresses followup communication to your most valuable asset - your
customer list. Last month (a poor one for carpet cleaning in this part of the
country) I mailed postcards to customers and received $15 in sales for each
dollar spent. Compare that to my newspaper expense ratio and you see why Jay
would say, "hey, you've got to do more than just throw an ad in the paper".
Jay is big on using other people's customers. I've used this concept in what I
call my "branch offices". I've made arrangements with carpet stores and dry cleaners
to recommend me to their customers. I give them 10% of the sales generated. The stores
have no way of knowing what sales they've generated but believe me - I don't
shortchange them because I realize that the more commissions they receive the harder
they push my services. They love to get checks in the mail for just giving my name
to somebody who calls in. I try to adhere to Jay's philosophy of giving people more
than they expect. Last year 15% of my sales were from "branches". My marketing cast
using branches obviously is $1 for each $10 in sales and counting- marginal net worth I
receive more like $30 in sales for each dollar spent in commissions. Again - compare
that to my newspaper ad results. No contest - thank you Jay!
Jay's techniques are not just for multimillion dollar operations. Sure -it
isn't economically worthwhile for him to personally work with a small timer but his
low cost methods fit perfectly with small businesses. I'm just a one person operation
with maximum sales of $130,000 annually but I can attest that Jay's techniques are just
what the doctor ordered.
I hereby give permission to use the contents of this letter to Jay Abrahan in
any manner he sees fit.
March 8, 1994
Dear Jay,
I received your letter today and jumped right on it The enclosed ads were placed in subdivisions in central Florida. With each set we changed the sub-division's name to match the
I opened my first maid service in 1979 in a efficiency apartment with $13.68. It grew to 35
employees and $500,000 a year in business by 1988. I was a finalist for "Entrepreneur of the
Year". I sold the business that year and tried a new business concept and it failed badly. We
managed to hold on to the home I designed and decided we had to get to work or lose that as
In November of 1990 we opened ServiceMaid International Inc. The thrust of marketing
came right from your course that I had been receiving in installments over several months.
First I had a custom logo designed. Then I ran an ad for legal, accounting and printing in
exchange for professional maid service. I achieved all three. Since I was flat broke this was my way
of getting started. My wife, stepdaughter and myself dropped these flyers the first week in
November. We did $4,000 before the month was out. The next month $6,000. There are
two factors to consider here that make these figures outstanding:
(1.) I have never heard of any maid service opening with $4,000 their first month without a
direct ratio of advertising dollars of at least 15% of volume. This information comes from
consulting for 15 different maid services in Orlando. This includes 3 national franchises. We
spend about $5.00 total.
(2.) There are a minimum of 150 maid services in Orlando metro, at any given moment. The
population in metro Orlando is 600,000. As an example Boise, ID has 3 maid services and
300,000 residents. The waiting list for service is 3 months. In short we have to market
intelligently and provide a top notch service.
I have recently written an ad for the addition of dry cleaning services that will really knock
your socks off. My phone number is (407) 331-6243 voice or fax 331-9194.
All The Best!
Timothy M. Ricke
CEO, ServiceMaid
Intn'l Inc.
March 9, 1994
These are just sane of the facets of an overall marketing program that was
developed using the Jay Abraham principles. This program has thus far increased
monthly leads from 200 to 500 and increased average monthly sales from $8MM to
$14MM in a little over a year.
In describing precisely how I see Jay Abraham, I would agree that I do consider
him to be a great salesman, a master strategist, a philosopher and a thinker.
All of the above. But I have to take this one step further and say that I also,
and more importantly, consider him to be a mentor. Someone I can turn to, either
personally or in reference material, to learn new ways of addressing new
marketing problems in this ever changing market-place.
I hope this information is helpful to you and I look forward to hearing from you
in the near future.
March 9, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham
Marketing Group 944 Indian Peak
Road, Suite 210 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
This is a belated "thank-you letter". In 1989,1 attended one of your
early Boot Camps. My company was at the $700,000 sales level at that
time. I have applied a few of your ideas and we have continued to grow.
Today, we are over the $2,000,000 level.
One idea alone has dropped $500,000 to our bottom line.
I have since attended two more of your seminars. They are always
stimulating and generate many good ideas. The networking alone is very
As you know, I have developed a new practical QPI Process Focused
Management System to help my companies develop strong independent
management teams. QPI has been so successful thai I am now sharing it
with others much as you have shared your marketing wisdom. If I can be
10% as successful as you have been, that will be a great accomplishment and
it will help many others.
Keep up the good work. And, thanks again. Best
wishes. Sincerely,
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estate, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
As usual you put together an offer I could not pass up.
Here it is, my success story -- How a Martial Arts school produced $8,000 in just 3 weeks.
San Jose,
March 5, 1994
Jay Abraham
That same day, I bought some NY State Lottery tickets, attached those to my "Lottery -Thank
You" letter -- sent that Priority Mail (I paid for it this time!) to those same accounts.
Now, what's the purpose of all of this? Well, I'll tell you. You see, I delivered the Fed. Ex.
Fossel letters on Monday. You know as well as I that any Fed. Ex. letter will be opened. Now
when the recipient sees a "genuine fossel" and a letter that relates it to "prehistoric
marketing methods" & then sees my "telephone ringing card" which relates to more "modem
technology", you know I'll get my first and most desired reaction out of them which is a big
fat smile!
Please Go To Page 2
-2Secondly, the Priority Mail letters will probably be delivered either on Tues. or Wed. latest.
Since NY State hold its lottery ticket drawing's every Wed. and Sat., I opted to get the
Saturday tickets which FORCED my potential account to think of me until the end of the
I then followed up with phone calls either late on Wednesday or early on Thursday and you
know what happened? Each and every time I called, I never had to say any more than "Hi,
this is Neil Brown calling, I'm the one who sent you the fossel and lottery ticket letter" -I ALWAYS GOT A HAPPY PERSON ON THE OTHER END OF THE PHONE WHO
I've been able to see over 93% of the people I've done this with. The other 7% just
didn't do any type or promotions or were locked up with another agency (in contract), and
would contact me when they could.
I've been able to close over 50% of these people in doing business with me but if I didn't
have the proper education to start off with to help me think of creative ideas like this, I'd
still be earning $40,000 per year.
I want to thank you wholeheartedly for everything. It's worth it to me to share this with you
even if I don't receive your free gifts. You may use any part of this letter for any promotions
you might have in the future.
The only concern I have is that I don't want it known that I didn't pay for Fed. Ex., that I
hand delivered these letters. I don't need any trouble from a company like this.
Anyway, thanks for the opportunity.
All My Best,
March 10,1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
It's been three years since I attended your Protege Seminar in California. It was an
"Eureka" kind of experience that continues to help drive my business every day.
When I returned home, my agency was billing around $500,000 in sales. I sat down and
listed 20 new companies that I wanted as clients. I then began a one year mailing
program where I utilized your marketing concepts, including providing information to
prospects on "The Ten Biggest Marketing Mistakes ...".
Our list of client started to grow. In every case, they liked the multiplicity of marketing
approaches and options we brought to their business. Our ideas were sound, cost
effective and measurable. Most importantly, they produced results.
We have many case history examples now, but one in particular comes to mind. A few
months after the seminar, we acquired a hotel resort that had been taken over by their
bank. They were at a low 43% occupancy, and losing money month after month. We
started testing ad copy (specific offers instead of institutional ads), testing price,
testing media, testing direct mail. In our copy, we admitted some past mistakes and told
guests the steps we had taken to correct the problems. Everything we did focused on
giving the guest more than was promised. Very soon, the reservation lines started
ringing and every day that I passed by, more and more cars were in the parking lot.
Within six months, occupancy had climbed to 72% and the hotel was making a small
profit. Six months later, occupancy climbed to 80% (a couple of months were actually
100% sold out), and profits were steadily climbing. Best of all, my client was able to buy
the property back from the bank. Today, they tell everyone that it was our programs that
turned their business around.
That's really gratifying.
March 10,1994
Jay Abraham
Page 2
The more I use your principals, the more I am able to help companies solve their
problems. In turn, the more we grow. Today, I can always turn to your tapes or
writings for ideas or clarification, and that makes you a workout partner in my
business. And when I go into a presentation or meet with a client, I can clearly hear
your voice nudging me to use the principals and work the process. It's now become
second nature.
In my business career, I've had a few strong mentors: John Crawford, a founder of Leo
Burnett Advertising; Sam Fink, Creative Director at Y&R; and Remus Harris, one of
the early pioneers of marketing at Colgate Palmolive. I place you in the company of
these marketing giants, and look upon you as a mentor.
Kindest regards,
P.S. We have secured 12 of the 20 target clients on our list since your seminar and our
billings this year will approach $2,000,000 a 400% increase in three years attributed
to using your principals and programs!
7699 S.W. Bayberry Drive
Beaverton, Oregon 97007-5504
Phone/Fax 503-642-3969
March 8,1994 Jay
Abraham (personal) Abraham Publishing Group 950
Indian Peak Road Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
A $42 a month news letter that changed my life!
Four years ago I signed up for "Your Marketing Genius at Work". I was in the
lighting business, but you turn on the lights. At the time, I had no idea how a
marketing news letter could impact my business much less my life. But the ad
copy for it was so good how could I turn it down," better than risk free".
Let me take you back in time. It was 1990,1 was in the commercial /industrial
lighting business. I had been in the business for twelve years and I was on the
verge of bum out. A business I didn't like, with a partner I didn't like and
feeling trapped.
In September of 1991 I sold my share of the business to my partner for $61,000.
The best part was that he thought it was his idea and he was stealing the
business. You see sales had gone through the roof, from 1.7 million/year to 3.2
million/year in little more than a year. When I left it was on a five million a year
annualized rate. All I did was implement a few marketing pillars I learned
about in "YMGAW". By the way, he didn't have a clue, still doesn't.
I decided to take a year off to read and study some of the esoteric marketing and
advertising books you had turned me on to. Told my fiends I was on
"sabbatical", what a giggle. Then in February of 1993 I went to your
"Mastermind Marketing Seminar", three days of WHITE HOT INTENSITY,
with a room full of 450+ fractal thinkers lead by you with consummate skill. It
was an incredible adventure, "The Abraham Experience".
I am currently involved in an export joint venture. My main interest however is
in the publishing and marketing of information products. I have several projects
in the hopper and I will keep you current if you are interested.
Thank you for sharing so freely your marketing genius. You are one of a kind.
Duane A. Smith
264 Westwood Drive
San Angelo, Texas 76901
March 6, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham Publishing
Group, Inc. 950 Indian Peak Road,
Suite 100 Rolling Rills Estates,
CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I received your letter in yesterday's (Saturday's) late afternoon
mail, and I'll be glad to take time from my income tax preparation
stuff to write to you.
You will not recall it but, when I first became aware of you and
Your Marketing Genius At Work, I was busy being a writer of fiction
novels and thought that, just maybe, your genius might, in some way,
be able to help me get published. Well...I couldn't seem to find
what I was looking for in YMGAW and a telephone conversation with
you corroborated my sinking-heart feeling.
I went ahead and continued to write. And tried every way I could
think of to get published. And nothing worked. Yet, everyone I let
read my manuscripts (in an effort to find out what I was doing wrong
and why agents and publishers couldn't seem to fall in love with my
writing) said they all liked my writing...very much ...and they
couldn't understand why I was unable to get them published.
Well, you say to never give up....
...And there is. I took one particular one of my novels, one that
an awful lot of people seemed to like, and I self-published it. Not
vanity-press published. Self-published. There is a difference.
Then I began selling it. I took it into B. Dalton Book Sellers and
they stocked it locally...and also advertised and held an authorsigning get-together for me and my book. I took it into Hastings
Book Store (another book seller here in San Angelo) and they stocked
it, as also did ASU Book Store at Angelo State University.
Now I realize that any sales made from a starting base of zero is an
increase of 100%...but that's cheating (in my case). What I did,
however, is absorb from your teachings the fact that businesses are
making the worst mistake of their business lives when they don't get
names and addresses of their customers. I secured the name,
address, and telephone number of every purchaser of a copy of my
book when I sold it and I, hopefully, got the same information from
the books stores. Then I contacted the purchasers of my book to ask
them what they thought of it.
Duane A. Smith
Superior. Nebraska
Age groups:
started asking me about the book. Now I want two more copies:
one for the nurses up there on that floor in the hospital, and
the other for my friend who was in the hospital."
Ken Eckert [56], San Angelo, TX:
(He is one of the people I let read my manuscript in my effort
to try to find out what I was doing wrong and why it was not
being kindly received by writers' agents and editors of various
publishing houses. In a letter he wrote to me (which I
included as one of the last pages in my book), he said he
thought I must be some kind of a genius, to be able to take a
simple idea like this and turn it into such a captivating tale.
"Sure I'm going to read it again," he told me when I asked him
about it. "It's a darned good story. And I never pass up an
opportunity to read a darned good story. But especially this
one! I really like the way you put this story together."
K. Fuson [B], Texas:
One day in a parking lot, as I was getting out of my car to go
into the place of business, I heard something being called:
"Mimmmer Mimhh! Mimmmer Mimhh!", but I, being slightly hard-ofhearing, did not realize it was my name (for I was hearing it
muffledly) until I heard, "DUANE!" I looked around and found I
was being hailed by a young woman who had been in the process of
just leaving. I walked over to her car and the young lady said,
"I want you to know I think your story is terrible." I said,
"What! I beg your pardon! What are you talking about?" And
she said, "I think your story is just terrible, Mr. Smith! You
remember that day in my office when I told you I didn't think I
would ever find time to read your book because I have my
business [It's a secretarial business. DASmith] to take care of
and that keeps me busy, and I've got my ten-year-old son to
take care of. And on top of that, I'm going to college." (And
then I remembered who she was and where we had met. She was one
of the first people to buy a copy of CHARLEY. DASmith) "Well,"
she said, "after you left that day, I made the mistake of
opening the book and starting to read a bit. Then a client came
in and I had to stop reading. When the client left, I went back
to the book and read some more. Then another client came in.
And it went like that for the rest of the day. Read in your
book and take care of a client, then read a bit more in your
book and take care of another client. The rest of the day like
that, Mr. Smith! It was just terrible!" ... "But! What part
of it didn't you like," I asked her and she said, "Oh, I didn't
say I didn't like it. I love it. I love the story. But I just
March 8, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.-Jay Abraham Personal
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates,
Ca. 90274
Dear Jay,
I spent several years obtaining my Juris Doctorate Degree, Charter
Life Underwriters designation and Certified Financial Planning
designation and was enjoying a balance financial planning career,
thinking that I was doing very well.
My sales were $1,000,000 per year in product and $300,000 in
insurance sales. Then I was introduced to Jay Abraham and "Your
Marketing Genius At Work". I learned to identify my unique selling
proposition and, through seminars and group meetings, pick clients
that identified themselves as needing my product and services on a
continuing basis.
My sales went from $1,000,000 per year to $30,000,000 per year
eighteen months later- a gigantic 3000% increase. My insurance
sales went from $350,000 to $2,000,000- a tremendous 571% increase. We
also created a bookkeeping-audit service that grew to $2,000,000 in
that same period.
That introduction to Jay Abraham was the most significant training
event and successful business experience in my life and Jay has
been one of the top five influences in my life. That's pretty
impressive for one who is only helping quote "sales". Jay
continues to produce outstanding ideas and materials that open new
opportunities and provides a guide through the mine-fields of
modern day business.
I have learned that keeping a positive, success mindset is truly ninety-five percent (95%) of
the struggle for success and ! am forever indebted to you for this attitude.
So how do I see you? I see you as my teacher, my mentor, my valued friend. My life has
been transformed since becoming your protege. Thank you!.
Andrew B. Spiegel
March 7, 1994
Steve Salem
March 7, 1994
Stewart Cruse
Joel Murphy. DVM Katherine Murphy. DVM 265! Sunset Point
Road. Clearwater. Florida 34619
Woodside, CA 94O62
March 9, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Road, Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
Just wanted to bring you up-to-date on the most dramatic result we
experienced from your marketing seminar.
On December 27 we sent out a 500 piece mailing to those people who had
requested information on our products, but who had never purchased from us. We
used your techniques of telling them the whole story, instructing them very clearly
what to do, offering them a special deal, and putting the whole thing into a
specific time frame. The result was fantastic! We had a 4% response rate that
tripled our gross income for the month. We believed what you told us at the
seminar, but nothing could be better than reproducing the results in our own
You are so talented in helping people to see their own potential and to
believe in themselves. By example, you show how manifesting high levels of
consistent energy can improve not only your business but the quality of you entire
Me. Thanks for the inspiration!
March 7, 1994
March 7, 1994
R bi
March 7, 1994
Dear Jay:
As a stockbroker my business expands when ray clients refer
their friends to me. Those clients must have a high level of
trust before they go out on a limb and make that referral.
When I do get those calls the prospect is already warm and
looking for someone to solve a problem.
I contacted my C.P.A. and attorney and asked if I could
refer my clients to them. --What do you think they said?
I crafted a letter to my clients telling them of my
experience with these two professionals. Because of my
satisfaction with their services I highly recommended that
my clients call them.
This was done about Three months ago. To date twenty-six
clients have called the C.P.A. and nine have called the
attorney.. Both are very pleased and agreed to do a
similar letter for me.
That letter went out about thirty days ago and I've already
received three calls.
The assets involved are just over $500,000. That is about
double what I normally bring in each month. The cost was
only the mailing. Not a bad return.
Member: New York. American & Other Principal Stock Exchanges. Member: Securities Investor Protection Corporation.
Donald E. Morris
P.S.S. JayYou may use this letter as you see fit in any
written or taped form you need.
Dear Jay,
You have used my testimonials before and you are welcome to continue the use of
them and this one, of course!
Before 1 yet into the specifics, I'd like to say a few words about what your
marketing mind-set and philosopny have meant to me.
Jay, I have always been successful at whatever, I put my mind to achieving. At the
same time, I am always fearful of "going for i t " . I can't explain it. With my
successes you would think it would be easy for me to expand into new ventures.
Well, I am hear to tell you that as I study more and more of your mindset, it gets
easier. As I currently try new things, I try to visualize myself as Indiana Jones. I
know that sounds corny, but when I read once about how you described the scene in one
of the movies, the scene where Indiana Jones decided that he wasn't going to play the
game of n i s pursuers, it makes me understand more about being a renegade.
One of personal development goals is to become more of a marketing renegade!
Now down to the specifics.
As you may know, I am a computer programmer. 1 enjoy what 1 do. But every once in a
while I notice a company that is not fully u t i l i z i n g all their corporate assets (much
like I don't use all of mine). Many times it so blatant, 1 know I can make a few
dollars in perpetual income, that I just have to "go for it".
Well the other day I was in the office of one of the clients for which I do contract
programming. This company is a pension and profit-sharing consulting firm. I noticed
that they had an extensive mailing room. This room had a lot of equipment that I
noticed wasn't being used. I asked my liason in the office about it and he told me that
the equipment was used all the time, but that there was only two months out of the year
when it was really used ( this is when they were mailing out year-end participant
account statements).
I told him that that was a lot of expensive equipment just sitting idle. He
agreed. (Note: This mail room had a folder, sorter, and a stuffer)
Then I used your famous line (paraphrased, of course).
"Wayne", I said, "If I can bring you an extra $l,000 a month for f u l l
utilization of your mailing room, would you give me $400 a month of it?"
Well, of course he wanted more information. But I already had a good
relationship with him so he agreed.
This is al l 1 did. I placed an ad in our local newspaper (believe it or not, in the
classified section, under the Business Service section). All the ad said was "FREE
Mailing Room. Call 837-2417." I ran it over the weekend. On Monday I got twenty phone
Austin, TX 78758-3539
(512) 837-2417
I made an arrangement with Wayne to let anybody who was interested use the
equipment free for one month. If they wanted to continue after this period of
time, we would charge $50 an hour (They supply their own stationary).
1 pay the mailroom guy fifty dollars to train new people and he even makes a few
more dollars from mailers who don't want to do all the work themselves.
Wayne is currently billing $1200 a month and I am making $480 a month for doing
I know that this isn't one of your million dollar stories. But just the same, my
hope is that it gets you just as excited! It does me!
Once again thanks!
Yours in marketing,
March 9, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group. Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
that we implemented
exclusively with
reactivated. This
was a suggestion that I did not think we could afford to do. There
was no way that I could afford to hire another staff member. Thank
goodness I had enough faith to try. This staff member works 10-15
hours a week and pays for herself the first half-hour.
My biggest obstacle is not deciding which of your suggestions
works, but simply deciding to leave my comfort zone and "just do
it." Since implementing your profit producing plan in 1991 we have
gone from a monthly production of $15,000 to over $50.000 with a 56%
overhead. There is still much more that we can do, but the
excitement is here and we are moving forward. You are my great
motivator, o o Thanks,
Bradford J. Lockhart, D.D.S.
March 7, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
Jay Abraham Personal 950 Indian
Peak Road, Suite 100 Rolling
Hills Estates, CA 90274
To Whom It May Concern:
Jay Abraham's Marketing Genius program is directly responsible for an anticipated 100% increase in
our sales revenue and the necessary creation of an additional, entirely separate company to handle all
the new business.
We immediately increased our sales production by 30% just by implementing two marketing ideas
from the Abraham's Marketing Genius pre-course texts.
We also inadvertently created a new and much-improved standard of customer awareness
throughout our industry due to the noticeable increase in our sales success.
Our only complaint, but it is a substantial one, is that in spite of massive investments of time, energy
and resources we have so far been able to utilize only a few dozen of the literally thousands of
impactful marketing strategies contained in the volumes and hours of Jay Abraham's rambling, but
always entertaining and encouraging, articulations of his marketing genius theories.
We are buried in work and we're struggling to implement TQM and time management strategies to
keep up with the mass volume of business generated by the Abraham's Marketing Genius ideas,
fax 615-361-4789
March 7, 1994
I close real estate transactions. I sell title insurance. I prepare and get executed mortgage
documents. You would think that buyers, sellers and mortgage companies would be my customers.
Actually, they account for only about 50% of my business. Real Estate agents control most of the market.
Control is the key word because they tell buyers, sellers and mortgage lenders who is going to close their
Anyway, I have answered all four requirements of marketing in the following manner.
I have used direct mail, space ads, fliers, give-away gimmicks and seminars as a way to
ask for business. For the purpose of asking, each of these methods had some effectiveness, but
only seminars could be called very effective.
My direct mail campaign offered newer and better service than anyone in the closing
business ever offered before. (They haven't caught up yet) I fax to the customer's office a
preliminary HUD-1 (federal form accounting for all monies in the transaction). I offer to go any
where, any time for the customer's convenience. I redoubled in-house training to make sure our
product was error free. I cut my price to a position of upper-middle, from highest, as compared
to my competition.
I have the only money-back guarantee in the title insurance-closing business. Since I
started offering a 100% money-back guarantee, if the customer thinks we gave anything less than
professional service, I have had to payoff three times on approximately three thousand
transactions. This guarantee works for buyers and sellers (when no agent is involved).
My U.S.P. is: We do closings right, the first time, on time, every time. We go
anywhere, anytime. We offer a 100% refund of our closing fees, if the customer is unhappy with
our service, for any reason.
I think a key factor inside my office is the $20.00 cash on-the-spot payment to any employee who
is "complimented" by a customer. I make a big deal about this.
The result of my marketing has produced the most profitable year in 1993 of all my 22 years in
Thank you Jay Abraham, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Friend for Life
Dear Jay:
I just wanted to write you a brief note to say thanks for opening my eyes and
providing the guidance on how to get patients to return on a regular basis for routine
checkups. The return business is now the backbone of my practice.
Like it said in the materials, I created a letter that very specifically stated what would
happen to patients if they didn't come in for their regular checkups and cleanings in a very
personal manner. I even attached a pretty nasty looking photograph to the letter.
Then like the materials said we followed up with a phone call to those people who had
not made appointments and we are getting an 80% response rate! I know because we are also
tracking the results of everything we do- we never used to before. Out of every 10 letters we
mail 8 patients come in after the phone call.
Now I'm even thinking of "re-deploying" this asset (the letter) by selling the
rights to other dentists to use because it works so well.
I know many people call you a marketing genius and maybe that's true. I, however,
think you are the "common sense idea man" for the little guy. Nothing fancy, just stuff that
works. Sincerely,
Combat Marketing
March 7, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
Jay Abraham Personal 950 Indian
Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I originally bought "Your Marketing Genius At Work" as reference material for a paper I was
writing in a masters degree program and to help a friend who recently opened a Dry Cleaning business
with his advertising. After reading the material I was mesmerized with the content. Nothing I had read
compared with the ideas you presented and I started to realize that the information I was learning in
school was outdated, traditional book theories not real world, innovative marketing ideas.
Our first attempt was a marketing letter to all new homeowners in the local area simply telling them
about our business and asking them for their business. We followed your techniques to the letter. We
also used the tracking methods you taught to determine what worked and what didn't work. We fully
expected to get the normal 1-2% response rate, and were absolutely astounded at the results. We
received a 15% response rate. Thinking this had to be a mistake we tried it again the following month
with 100 additional letters. Again, an impressive 14.5% response rate.
When we sat down and figured out the marginal net worth and the number of converted customers
we found out that from this one marketing idea, we converted 120 new long term customers at an
average of $ 400.00 per customer per year. That's an additional $ 48,000.00 per year. Not bad
considering the total cost of the mailing was $ 620.00.
Since then, the ideas have not stopped. We have several projects in work, using your techniques
and are unable to even estimate potential profits for 1994, as our only limitation is the time we are
able to spend on marketing.
I see you as someone who has brought me out of the shadows of the old school advertising and
marketing. You are a jump starter for ideas. You have taught me to look at marketing problems and
ideas in a completely different light. Not only do you give someone the basics and advanced schools of
thought, ideas and techniques but you also give the ability to adapt these ideas to changing situations.
Since my first successful marketing letter I have recently started my own business and have had
100% success with your marketing ideas. Thanks for all the help, advice and fantastic money making
One of our major competitors required the customer to mail in their payment, wait for the
check to clear and then be notified as to when the delivery was to be made.
Strangely enough
they did a lot of business that way. Our delivering when it was best for them and COD. terms were
found to be much more attractive by the customers as well. That competitor was gradually-edged out
of this area almost entirely. Our risk turned out to be very small because in seven years of operation
we only received one bad check from a homeowner who made it good immediately. The regular
landscapers turned out to be a different story though.
The response we received was amazing to say the least. By this method we could count on selling
at least one load of dirt for every ten flyers we passed out! So for an expense of about $5 to copy a
hundred flyers plus a little healthy exercise walking we could count on generating at least S750 to
$1,000 gross income!! Needless to say one of the first things we did was purchase a copy machine to
cut down the cost of making the flyers! Ha ha! Seriously though, we were able to take a little part time
for one beginner operation and expanded it within less than two years to support four families with a
total gross income of more than $150,000 per year! On many occasions the place where we purchased
our material would report that our account would equal or better ALL other accounts combined for
that day or week. It's funny, no one ever asked us how we did it. I suspect that our competition was
getting a little more business than usual because often we would stimulate more orders than we could
handle immediately. Our loss was their gain.
There have been times mat I was able to apply some of your advice to other businesses. A
longtime friend asked me to help him start his energy conservation business. He was running a small
classified advertisement in a nationwide paper to attract partners to his Joint Venture Advertising
campaign. His ad about "Save Mother Earth" was pulling about five to seven responses per day. I
convinced him to run an ad that told the story of his own personal success with his company. He had
already purchased a certain amount of space and could not change the size of the ad. When my ad was
squeezed into the same space there was no room left for a bold letter headline. We ran it anyway. This
had the effect of making the new ad blend in with the one above to the point that when I looked for the
ad I couldn't find it! But someone else had found it because my friend was now getting 20 to 30
responses per day!! And these were found to be far more likely to take part in the venture. The new
level of response was greater than he could effectively handle so he had to stop running the ad after
less than one week! This one small nearly invisible advertisement generated well over half a million
dollars working capital for his project! It's almost scary to think what might have happened if there
was room for a headline!
What you have done for me personally is to open my eyes to the fact mat the vast majority of
businesses are basically alike in many ways. It is only the specific product that varies between one
average business and the next. The dozen or so simple concepts that you use are basic and
rudimentary to any successful business yet they are grossly ignored. Your experience in a wide range
of businesses gives you a level of horizontal thinking which is very uncommon as most business
people tend to ignore what goes on around them outside of their specific industry and often even
within their own industry.
Bless You,
Please feel free to use this success letter in any manner that you desire. I hereby give you
full rights to use any part or all of it as you need.
While I am thinking of it, Please send me a new issue #12 of Your Marketing Genius At
Work. The original one you sent was missing me center four pages.
Also please send a replacement for the last tape (#30) in your August 1992 Five Day Mastermind
Training program. (I've misplaced mine.)
The set of Advertising Classics on tape sounds interesting, what are the titles of the books? What
subjects do they cover?
Randall K. Hlavin
14 Queach Road
Branford, CT 06405
(203) 481-7644
March 8,1994
950 Indian Peak Road, Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 Fax:
Dear Jay:
You don't know me but you made me more than $1000 last summer. I had gotten a letter from
Tony Robbins telling me about this Marketing Expert - Jay Abraham.
When I called for more information, your staffers were in the process of moving. They asked
one of your friends to call me and answer any questions I might have.
Glenn Osborn left a message. I called him back and we talked about Marketing. During our
conversation he mentioned how he had used the concept of endorsement to make $15,000 from a
small lawn-care company owner who couldn't sell his company or his customer list.
Well, I perked up my ears at that I pay a one man lawn care guy $900 a year to take care of my
lawn and shrubbery.
It sounded easy. I made a handshake deal with the guy. If I could bring him "x" amount of new
business he would do my lawn for free last summer.
I had a friend who was closing his landscaping business. When I asked him about his customer list
he said, "Take it!" All I did was write a letter that my landscaping friend signed telling them about
my one man lawn-care expert. I sent it to his 50 customers.
I remembered what Glenn had said about customer response, so I mailed almost the same letter to
the same 50 people again only a week or so after the first letter recommending my lawn-care guy.
The combination of letters pulled 30% worth of sales.
Even though Glenn beat me over the head verbally for picking a one man lawn-care company that
can't even handle all of the extra business I brought him with one simple letter, I'm happy to have
saved myself my $900 lawn-care bill with almost no effort.
Anyway, Glenn asked me to write you a note of thanks and explanation. He thought you would be
surprised and pleased. After all, with no more training than a summary of concepts in your initial
letter to me and one phone conversation with Glenn, I implemented one of your ideas successfully
on the very first try!
Jay Abraham
March 8,1994
So, I'm saving my pennies. I want to attend one of your next seminars and buy a giant pile of
marketing materials so that on my next attempt I make some REAL money. Thanks again for
becoming my newly found marketing expert!
Warmest regards,
Randall K Hlavin
P.S. - Consider this permission to you and/or your publisher to use the above testimonial for any
purposes you deem appropriate.
Now, to make a very long story short... Jay, let me say, I feel I fully owe my current success and new, expanded
(and exponentially expanding) knowledge to you and my brief contact with your brilliant mind-set!
And, honestly, even though, I am earning an excellent income with my "Abraham Style" projects, I do have
some humongous debts from some past business screw-ups, which I am slowly reducing step-by-step, month by
month. At the end of this self-imposed amortization schedule (finishing in late June of 1994), I am planning to
invest in more and more training from you. I hope you will still have all of your boot-camps, seminars and info
products available at that time...'cause I want it all!
But moving onward.
How do I see you, fitting philosopically, into my overall business life?
To answer that, let me say that, even though, I think I have progressed wonderfully in pulling my diverse
background into a clearer focus because of the influence of YOUR thought processes...I still need more of that
same sort of stimulation and guidance from you. I think there is a point of human creative power and satisfaction that
conies from making logical, progressive connections with business and philosophy. To me, the complete
actualization of the creative process, which all humans are capable of, demands not only creating useful values but
to be able to market those values to others. I see you as a person whose awareness and full understanding of those
logical connections, is probably more focused, than anyone else who I have ever observed. As other people have called
you the entreprenuer's entreprenuer, great salesman, philosopher and thinker, marketing expert and master
strategist...I have to say you're all of those and more...You're a...
P.S. Feel free to use the comments in this note, in any way you see fit. And, If there's ever anything else I can do
for you, just let me know.
P.P.S. I just tried to FAX this to you and your FAX is not answering. Oh well, I'll send it, today!
Jay, these are just a few of the tangible results your teachings have helped bring about. I
wanted to share them with you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with me. I value our
relationship and look forward to our continued friendship in the years ahead.
Jay Abraham
950 Indian Peak Rd. #100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA
From: Paul Gallagher
Re: "Special Success Reports"
Dear Jay:
A small, but illustrative marketing success:
I sent out 35 letters for an experimental Yearlong Training in T'ai Chi. The total
cost of this minuscule mailing was around $50., all to people from my own list.
Most T'ai Chi teachers teach on a monthly or 10-12 week series; a yearlong
training program is virtually unheard-of. This training, as an experimental pilot, was
priced at a ridiculously low $595., for one class a week for 50 weeks. My plan was to at
least double the price the for next group, after I had refined this pilot program.
From the 35 letters sent out, I received about 20 inquiries, and nine conversions.
Those nine trainees paid $595. each for the Yearlong Training, for a total revenue of
$5355, from an initial $50. investment. There were no other costs to me, so the profit
was $5305. from a $50. mailing, a profit of some 10,610%!
Though the project was so small, it did validate Jay's principles. The letter was
focussed on a specific group of "high achievers" in the body/mind development area,
and embodied much education on T'ai Chi in general and my training in particular.
("People can't appreciate something until or unless they have been EDUCATED TO
Paul Gallagher
P.S. Hard copy of this letter is in the mail, together with copy of direct mail letter I sent out
for the training program.
March 2, 1994
Mr. Jay Abraham Abraham
Publishing Group, Inc. 950 Indian
Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills
Estates, CA 90274
RE: Testimonial Letter
Dear Jay,
I just received your letter, and thought you might be interested in
hearing how just one of your principles worked for me recently.
We are in the roofing/remodeling business. Due to the holidays, December
is typically a slow month for us (depending of course on the weather, which
lately is as close to summer as it can get!). We didn't have much work on the
books to start the year off, so I decided to implemen your technique of going
back to existing customers (i.e., "mining" my customer list). In so doing, I
was able to land several jobs in the $3,000-$5,000 range, and one that will
bring me in excess of $30,000 clear profit for less than a months work. The
best part is the fact that I will not be involved in any of the hands-on work,
and can devote my energies to getting more business. (By the way, the $30,000
profit job came from a lead I thought was "dead". One letter and two phone
calls later, we got the job). I am now in the process of designing a letter
that will be sent to all of my previous customers in the hopes of pulling out
more business. So my advice to your students is to take your advice, and WORK
their present customer base.
With respect to how I see YOU, personally, I would have to say that you are
a "thought-provoker". You delve into so many areas, and bring together such a
diverse group of disciplines (marketing, sales, management, motivation, etc.), it
is hard to read or listen to your material without your mind going off on all
sorts of related tangents. I find myself asking a lot of "WHAT IF??"
questions....."What if I tried this in my business?".. "What if I re-did my
marketing strategy to encompass this technique?". You not only offer techniques
and strategies, but you also provide the impetus and motivation necessary to get
your students to APPLY them.
Thanks very much for your instruction and inspiration. If this
letter is of any value to you in your current project, of course you have
my permission to use any or all of it.
Dear Jay,
I want to thank you for saving me thousands of dollars, as well as hundreds (if not
thousands) of hours of frustration.
Prior to your materials and seminar, I refused to do direct mail or advertise in the newspaper.
Since I received a least a hundred solicitations to refinance my home by mail, I knew they
were garbage and would receive a very low response. Yet I did not know how to do it right,
which would maximize my time and monetary investment as well as results.
Through your materials and seminar, I am now very specifically targeting my mailing list. In
contrast perhaps to others who mail thousands of pieces, I mail 50, 100 or 200 pieces at a time
and each letter is very spcifically directed at that group. My letter is 3, 4, or 5 pages long to
fully explain what I am offering.
My results have been as high as 10%, while others get 1% or less! On lower loan amounts,
mis can mean an extra $10,000. People have told me how much they appreciate receiving all
the information I offer in my letters. I have INSTANT CREDIBILITY and RAPPORT. I also
change headlines depending on the type of loan and loan amount on the property.
I have also started a relationship with another lender to work on refinances through his
business also. (Don't let my boss know this.)
What is important to me is that I feel I am working very efficiently. I'm not spinning my
wheels and trying things that don't get a good response. If response is poor, I know it is
because of the headline, etc. It can be analyzed. I can go back to letters and offers mat
produced better responses.
My perspective has changed. I look at all letters and ads differently. I am constantly analyzing
(and learning). I have been having fun with direct mail and have not moved on to advertising
in general newspapers. I am changing the way I communicate with realtors from whom I solicit
business and I am developing a program to reactivate leads which the realtors have.
I always considered myself a creative person and have found that my creativity has
increased by leaps and bounds. I may become a consultant!
My level of job satisfaction is much higher than others in the office. I have a better perspective
and outlook, which I feel translates into more business because people want to do business with
happy, positive people.
17100 Norwalk Blvd., Suite 107 Cerritos, CA 90701
(310) 924-5626 (714) 994-5626 Fax (310) 924-2072
Jay, I see you as a personal trainer and brainstormer. By exposing people to other thought
processes and success stories, we are able to expand the way we think. It is a muscle that
must be used in order to strengthen, grow and expand. As I listen to success stories or
consultations, I think "How can I use this, with a little twist or turn?"
Whenever I receive your mailings, I analyze them and save them for future ideas. Receiving
something from you gets the juices going, I start another campaign for another group.
Yes. you are an idea generator and a great strategist, and also a motivator.
Thank you for providing techniques, road maps, ideas, processes and most of all,
confidence to do it differently than most of the others.
Kathleen Laughlin
Loan Officer
Home address 1523
Dalmatia Dr. San
Pedro, Ca. 90732
March 7, 1994
Paul A. Rider
You are not only a great marketing genius and a creator of ideas that can
be put into action instantaneously, but you are also a designer of an
improved quality of life, for any and all entrepreuners that are willing to
accept change, and embrace your philosophies, strategies, and mindsets.
The most important benefit to me personally from my contact with you has been that I
am a much happier person, which transcends into a daily life of loving my business,
loving my employees, truly caring more about the clients and customers that 1 am
blessed with having the opportunity to serve, but most importantly, LOVING AND
Jay, I am really looking forward to meeting you in person, and thanks
again for dramatically changing my life!
Sincerely yours,
Jay Abraham
Jim Senior
March 5, 1994
Six months ago, I purchased the audio tapes for your "Mastermind" Home Study program. Faithfully, I went through the
entire program, making notes, defining and trying out certain concepts along the way. I'm now in a second pass of both the
written and audio material, feeling like there is unlimited potential in growing and expanding what is still a very humble
business enterprise.
Six years ago, my wife (Joan) and I took advantage of early retirement options from our "career employer". While one major
consideration was the opportunity to remain in Florida, an essential family situation concerning our youngest daughter was the
primary rationale. Needing a continuing source of income, we one day found ourselves the owner of an established Hallmark
card and gift shop. Hallmark defined the business as "mature", namely a store they expected to endure, but with limited
potential for growth and expansion. At the time, the terms met our criteria for a "mom and pop" type business that would
adequately supplement our income needs. Note: At the same time, I became involved as a Director and officer of a local nonprofit, something that allowed me to utilize my corporate management experience, eventually with our business being
significantly compromised.
As further background, while Hallmark stores are independently owned under a license agreement, there are many
components where they are little different than a franchise. As a result, our store's product mix consisted of about ninety
percent Hallmark products. The store's business seemed self-sustaining, with annual sales growth being about five to eight
In 1992, things changed overnight. It took several months for us to recognize the magnitude of the change. Our store had
been positioned next to a major super market. The strip center was expanded with the super market being moved about 100
yards to our east and we found ourselves positioned between a martial arts studio and a laundromat. While having assured we
would not have to ever go "head-to-head" with Hallmark product in the same Center, Hallmark placed their product in a major
drug store chain, just two doors away. The Center's expansion was such that, even to this day, we have virtually no "walk-by"
That was just the beginning. Almost overnight, a Walmart anchored shopping center appeared across the street, the Center
being about twice as large as the one where our store sits. For two years, we were subject to a Center that had almost 40,000
sq.ft. of unoccupied space which the owners held until a single tenant store would lease the entire space. Then, on a diagonal
corner of what has become a major intersection, a standalone 70K+ sq.ft. K-Mart was built and opened in just three months.
Initially, we thought this increased concentration of other retail stores would help draw traffic into the area and that we
would actually benefit In hindsight, we were rationalizing how our steadily declining business would turn itself around.
This obviously was not the case. There was a major increase in the number of people who now shop in these three
Centers. They are primarily taking care of essential business (food, clothing, apparel, household, etc) and not at all
focused on a 2,500 sq.ft. Hallmark Shop.
Jay Abraham
Jim Senior
March 5, 1994
While some of what follows began prior to my taking your course, the decision to purchase the course was based on our
awareness that we needed fresh ideas and approaches to keeping our business just surviving.
Our first significant action addressed just who we were in this changing marketplace. For years, I would probably argue that
our Unique Selling Proposition was the Hallmark name and logo. Perhaps, there was a time in the past where this was
partially true. But, no more. We had to establish and implement an identity that made us unique, both within our immediate
area and even a means of separating our store from other Hallmark stores in the greater Tampa area.
The first major action was to change our products, quickly making a transition to "fine gifts and collectibles". From a 90%
Hallmark space allocation, we have migrated our store to one that has just over fifty percent in Hallmark products. We
continuously advertise our uniqueness from the self-service discount stores, focusing and emphasizing a comfortable
atmosphere, quality in every item we carry, a promise to locate products (i.e., any collectible), to guarantee customer
satisfaction and a "buy-back" of any gift or collectible.....for the life of the product We have now taken a few more steps to
provide customer's with turnkey service. We'll gift wrap, package and ship anything to anywhere. We serve as a locator for
retired ornaments and other major collectibles. We also serve as a redemption center for over fifteen collector's clubs. This
component of our business alone has increased five-fold in less than one year.
We began pulling products out of our store that did not sell, using every valuable linear foot of display space with gifts that are
not available in other area stores. We have remained "up-scale" in our offerings, providing a significant contrast to the
discount, mass-merchandising facilities. In fact, we no longer consider them a competitor. Our identity is vastly different
and we're enhancing this character change each and every day.
Direct mail has been of considerable importance in beginning this change. I believe direct mail will of increasing benefit as
we move forward. From your course, I learned that simply sending bulk mail with a set of "clips" of Hallmark advertising
was of little value. We've also learned that our primary product remains the greeting card. While I still find it hard to believe
a "free" greeting card is a compelling reason to shop at our store, a simple promotion of 3,000 pieces of mail to "known"
customers produced about a 40% return in terms of redemptions.
We've also learned to tell the customer "what to do" in our direct mail campaigns. For example, during our 1993 Christmas
season, we had three consecutive weeks of promotional events. The mailing and bag-stuffers, instead of just announcing these
special occasions, actually told customers to "mark the dates on your calendar and be present to enjoy the special occasion with
us". Traffic increased about thirty percent and sales over 50% for these specific days when contrasted to 1992.
The "back end" and "lifetime customer" concepts, while initially seeming not applicable in a retail setting, suddenly came to
light in our rapidly growing collectibles business. Most collector's clubs work in the same manner. Membership is a nominal
annual fee ($15-$20). This delivers product of equivalent worth, newsletters about the club, and the opportunity to purchase
"members only" collectible pieces. To significantly increase customer participation, we had promotions where, a customer
purchasing S25 or more in a collectible product received a "free" one-year membership. Our cost was covered by their
purchase. Then all "members only" purchases resulted in our receiving normal markup margins.
Member: NALED
National Association of
Tampa, FL 33634
Jay Abraham
Jim Senior
March 5, 1994
To demonstrate credibility in our emphasis on collectibles, we first joined the non-profit cooperative National Association of
Limited Edition Dealers. We increased the number of collectible product lines by over 100% (and will continue this trend as
budget, demand and availability warrant expansion)
We have become product specialists, just to offer specialty products without in-house expertise will result in short-lived
success. And, its not just having product knowledge. We are developing a detail data base about our collectors. This allows
pin-pointed advertising, even a personal telephone call to let a subset know about news that is of particular interest to them.
Feedback indicate customers are grateful for this consideration. [They want to be recognized and helped! It is also rewarding
for us in a personal sense.]
We have also gone out into the community and have become active members of local collector's clubs. As a participant, we get
a sense of what they really expect from their providers of sendee. And, since most clubs have a community service focus, it
enables our customers to see us working along side them in serving a meaningful cause.
We have learned to manage our suppliers, some who are now providing us assistance in locating scarce collectibles, while at
the same time taking back non-selling products for full credit. We have learned they treat their "preferred" retail locations with
consideration, including paying for us to travel to their primary buying showrooms e.g., ENESCO Corporation in Chicago.
Until we truly became committed to a pattern of expansive thinking, we had been saddled into some very minor league
It would probably be nice for me to tell you we are now receiving revenues of a million dollars or more each year, in 1991, the
store had total revenues of just 260K. Business was declining and we were actually examining bankruptcy as a means of
damage control. In 1993, the store generated almost 340K in sales. In 1994, we'll get close to the 400K mark. Space
constraints of the store limit both product display and certain services. Accordingly, we have formally asked our landlord for at
least a sixty percent in space. This will probably not happen for another 18-24 months. However, we have renewed our lease
out through the year 2001.
As I write this letter, we are examining mail order sales; also, the use of on-line computer networks for another marketing
channel (Prodigy in specific since there is an already established network of collectors). We are approaching these alternative
channels with caution, so we'll not find us in a position where we have inadequate inventories to accommodate our local
customer base. We'll begin testing these channels within the next few months.
Another priority is "increasing traffic". We are doing several creative communications with known customers, some of which
is related to providing adequate incentive to have them become reacquainted with us. We will soon initiate direct mail testing
to newly developing residential sub-divisions and perhaps try the general area by renting mailing lists. Our current test is being
financed primarily through a trial program developed by Hallmark. Results will be known by the end of May. In a way, we are
pleased that Hallmark does not understand the potential we see in this program.
We have come to recognize that what we are doing is a process that truly has no limits. Gating factors are primarily related to
our energy level and expectations. Realizing that we must continually improve to be the "best" gift and collectibles store in
Tampa, FL is sufficient challenge. The concepts from your course provide a tremendous starting point and have generated
more ideas than we can handle at one time. We'll most likely not expand into multiple stores, since we are not planning to
remain in the retail business much beyond another five years. Yet, at the point where we decide its time to get out, we want
our store to be a marketable commodity (a neighborhood institution!).
Member: NALED
National Association of
Tampa, FL 33634
Jay Abraham
Jim Senior
March 6, 1994
We now recognize the extent to which we keep ourselves bridled within the "box". And, at the same time, we have
established new horizons that have no defined limits. We have initiated certain types of expansion with confidence, learning
how to test as a natural process of moving into these uncharted areas. We have learned that there are many helpful resources,
primarily people who possess more experience and have realized far greater success than we have accomplished. They
represent "models" from which we can observe and learn. In mid-April, we will be joining a few dozen of these members of
the NALED organization for a vacation in the orient (with explicit business related considerations)
When considering our anxiety and despair just a few years ago, we view our situation as unbridled opportunity, something to
truly enjoy. Your concepts have taught us the extent to which unlimited potential exists and that we can progress as far as we
want in a fashion that enables us to take positive action being in control over much of the involved risk. While we both have
corporate management backgrounds, there is no way we could ever return to the institutional world. At the same time, we
have no regrets about our past and have learned to enjoy our life's experiences through being the best service providers within
our own creation.
I hope this brief summary clearly outlines some of the benefits we've already received from your Mastermind Program will be
helpful to others. We will continue to make progress, while at the same time remaining at the beginning of the journey. We
can live comfortably without our retail business, so wealth is measured in terms of personal fulfillment Presently, we are
expecting to stay with this retail business for an extended period There is however a great freedom knowing we can decide
exactly when to move onward to another venture, even sun worshipping in the south Pacific.
This paragraph serves as a complete release of this letter for your use in any purpose yon want. This includes reference
to our corporate and store names., If you wish to use our full names, address and telephone number, you may do so, but
please advise of the context
get paid after they sold it. It was starting to sound like they all
had a "standard" contract. At first glance our needs seemed at odds
and the challenge was to find the common ground of our mutual
My solution was to offer each gallery the option of putting my
work on display for 30 days at no charge, (I wouldn't call it
consignment, though), at which time I would come back and they
could either purchase or return the work to me at their option.
Without exception, each gallery was happy to be on a cash basis
after experiencing their customer's enthusiastic reception of the
It's hard to describe exactly what this quality is, that you
posess. I believe you are definitely a genius who happened to
focus on marketing. I think that you are the Consumate Marketing
Artist, or to put it another way:
If someone saw a column of figures on a piece of paper, they
would probably add them.....Jay would multiply them!
Having been exposed to your marketing philosophies I have
learned to never take anything for granted: everything is
negotiable; anything is possible.
I'm happy to have had the opportunity to express my thanks.
Kevin Parks
Abarham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham Personal 950
Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I received your letter and am responding immediately! What a great offer and what a
perfect time for you to ask me for an endorsement...I have just experienced the two BEST
months of my business career: Dec. 1993 and Jan. 1994.
Both months grossed in excess of $45,000 each! This is up from $30,000 Dec. 1992
and only $16,000 in Jan. 1993!!! I can directly attribute my success to: Hard work and many
of the marketing "secrets" of Jay Abraham. You must understand something. I am in a small
market, extremely competitive business. Hard work is just not enough. You MUST work SMART
also. Using many of your most simple and basic strategies I have been able to
formulate a growing Mail Order business. I have also begun marketing my own original
Instructional Video Tapes which have become one of the cornerstones of my success.
Your techniques WORK They are in many ways so common sense (not what I was
told of Jay Abraham!) that to not use them would be crazy.
How do "I" see you? Since I have always considered myself a creative person...I
react to your teachings, well, creatively! I use them in a personal and interactive mentoring way
that allows me to intergrate what I have learned into my own business situation. I guess
that is the best description: Jay Abraham is one of the 'IMPORTANT' business mentors for
Brad Burt, owner of Brad Burt's Magic Enterprises.
Thank you for this opportunity to respond to one of this countries true "marketing
gurus", it is a destinct pleasure!
With Sincerest Regards,
Dear Jay.
Even though 1've never met you or even attended a single
class or seminar of yours, I've greatly benefited from your
3. Telemarketing potentials 5.
Independent profit Center Agreements
I knew that none of these ideas would work effectively until
the two older owners were retired and my brother-in-law and I
owned all the stock.
Dennis Klopfenstein
March 3, 1994
Dear Jay,
I am a medical marketing consultant in the north central Florida
area. Before being exposed to your philosophies I was an average
performer. After internalizing and implementing your strategies,
ideas, and tactics I now lead my division in bottom line profit
producing sales. In 20 short months I more than doubled my revenue
to well over 2 million dollars per year. This might not seem like a
tremendous gain to some - but to put things in perspective others in the same industry, with the same market potential, or
better, are bringing in around $300,000 per year.
Why am I 7 times (700%) more productive than the average? Because I
learned and implemented just a few of your strategies and
tactics. One was your USP concept; we never actually had one
before- difficult to believe I know! Another one of your favorite
marketing tools, the host-parasite (referral) relationship has
netted me and my company hundreds of thousands of dollars. Your
strategies and tactics on writing sales letters - the correct use
of headlines and body copy - has revolutionized the way we direct
market. Finally sizeable financial gains instead of one
disappointment after another!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and check book.
Best Regards,
R. L. Frazier PROFIT
The "What I See Jay Abraham As" section is included on the
following page.
3659 Barbizon Circle North * Jacksonville, FL 32257 *Tel 904-292-2889 Fax 904-260-4779
You asked the question: "How do you see roe?" This is very hard
to explain in a word or a phrase. I have racked my brains to
come up with a short description but I can't; so I will have to
explain it in several paragraphs.
I would like to begin by giving you my old philosophy on doing
business. It is something I grew up believing but not
embracing. Let me illustrate.
One time, my grandmother asked me if I short-count my customers
pills when filling prescriptions. Of course, I said no because
I never have intentionally done this. What she said to me was,
what I believe, a philosophy that many people believe. She
said: "Every businessman cheats the public. If you don't cheat
the public, you are no businessman." This reinforced in me the
idea that "nice guys finish last". I truly believed that I
would never be a success because I was an honest businessman.
How could my grandmother, who was the wisest person I know, be
Then I met you and experienced your philosophies. You have
changed my belief system. I now believe that honesty pays off.
If you don't give people a fair shake they will never come
back. I now realize that my basic strength is in my honesty and
integrity. I now know what I have done right all these years
in business. I can now concentrate on my strengths and leverage
I had to
negative in my letter.
that is almost to busy
but I don't want to lose
personal one-on-one
greatest asset.
March 9, 1994
Dear Jay;
I am answering your request for success stories. I
purchased your program Your Marketing Genius At Work last
year. I must confess I was rather skeptical of the kind of
success I would see in my insurance sales.
I have been running a one man insurance agency for 12
years. The agency has been very successful at marketing
health insurance to the senior age market. That was until the
government reduced my commissions from 60% on a sale to 32%
overnight in 1990.
I needed to find a new product to sell to replace the
sudden decrease in my income. I turned to selling Long Term
Care policies but sales were very slow in coming. So I felt a
need to find a better product to sell my customers.
The answer came when I started looking into selling
annuities. I started selling annuities in May of 1993. I
didn't set the world on fire but here is what I did in 8 months
in 1993.
May - Dec. 1993 - $296,136 Total Annuity Sales
13 sales - $22,779
"Where Service
Makes A
Paul Abbott
Enclosed you will find a postcard which I put together on a whim after reading
your two textbooks. Usually, the standard for a direct mail piece seems to be
around 1 - 2 per cent. If this is true, I feel this postcard has really done its job.
Testing has shown a 15 - 20 per cent return each time I send a new postcard out,
and I send out a different card about every month. This, calculated into money,
equals about an $8,000 to $10,000 dollar increase in services rendered per
month, or at the minimum a $120,000 dollar increase in services rendered per
year. Not bad for a chiropractor in a small town of 4,000 people.
Does A Handout That Is 10 Pages Long Really Generate Business?
The answer is a definite YES. A good friend of mine told me that his wife was
thinking about opening up cleaning business, but was scared to do so. Being an
Abraham graduate, confident to the max and an avid reader of your literature, I
suggested that they let me write them a short mail piece. I promised them that
they would have more than enough business, in two to three weeks if they
allowed me to write this copy. They agreed and spent New Years Day with me,
writing this enclosed article on cleaning. Within 1 month, they had all the
business they wanted and are talking about expansion.
She is her own boss and making money. Happy and self-fulfilled. What can I
say? Chalk another success story up for Ivan and Jay. Success breeds success. It
does rub off Jay, just in smaller dosages.
Whoa! What About Jay?
Now you did ask the question, as to what I thought of you philosophically. This
was very hard to do, but like most people, never really being able to talk to you
one on one makes it hard to give you some type of definitive answer. You are a
variety of things. An outstanding, one-of-a-kind marketing and negotiating giant. A
fantastic salesman which has no boundaries. A master strategist who can turn
water into wine and dirt into gold among other things. Yes, you are the
"compleat" marketing man. A genius does hot do you justice. Superman, maybe.
Go With A Sure Fire Winner.
When I attended your seminar, I knew nothing about you except you were able to
convince me to spend $5,000 for a seminar which had nothing to do with
Chiropractic. I wanted to break away from the pack. Make new connections and be
the leader of my profession in the marketing and direct response arena. This hasn't
happened yet, but I'm constantly writing and testing copy for other people. Honing
my skills for my future in direct response advertising as well as informational
Marketing Means Always Going With A Winner.
My philosophy has always been to go with a sure fire winner. If you try to take
short cuts, save money and time, it seems that it never works out. You get what
you pay for in the end.
How Much Does It Cost For Knowledge?
When I returned from the seminar, someone asked me how much they could
purchase the two large volumes of information for? I stated that in order for
them to purchase the volumes, they would have to pay and go to your seminar.
Can you imagine someone trying to buy these from me. No way was I going to let
someone who hasn't spent any money with you, have my knowledge and these
volumes for free. I paid my hard earned money and spent my valuable time in
the seminar, and I wasn't giving this to anyone for any price. They were told
that the volumes were worth $5,000 together or $2,500 per volume. This is what
they have been worth to me. What does knowledge really cost? Is my future
worth $5,000. I think so.
Thanks for the gifts. Everything you mentioned, the Michael Basch tapes, the
Paddy Lund tapes, Tony Robbins interview and the 10 page report are exciting to
me. You know how to back-end so well. I am constantly amazed at how you do
this. Nothing is new, but everything is knowledge to me. These techniques are
major breakthroughs for me.
There Is No Substitute For Jay Abraham !!!
Success starts with a Jay Abraham experience. It is an investment in your future.
As my pastor might say, "The answer to your prayers." I just love marketing
and learning more about it. Your seminars are in a class by themselves.
Imagine Jay if you could write copy for my clinic. Business would skyrocket.
Currently I am working on a yellow page ad. Trying to combine everything I
know in a small space is hard to do, but with your books at my side, I can only
see success and a 4 to 1 return.
Thanks for everything Jay. I appreciate you as a mentor and a friend. Not an
aquaintance, but a friend. Your one of the great marketing wizards of all time in
my opinion. God Bless You.
With warmest regards,
Hilltop, NJ 08012
(609) 228-5863
Dear Jay,
This letter is to let you know how much I have appreciated my exposure to your principles,
teaching and even yourself. When my sister and I first talked with you we used some of your ideas
to help us get a very unusual and difficult business of the ground. Within a few months of talking
with you we had increased our sales dramatically. At the end of the first year our sales had
increased 88 times over. You are well aware of all the dramatic advances we made in Western Tech
using your teachings. However, I wanted to let you know that you are continually making an impact
in my life.
My husband and I recently started a retail store. We sell socks. Everyone told us it was a
ridiculous idea and couldn't be done. We knew we had a great idea and I felt confident that with the
things I had learned through you that we could make it work.
We sat down and started reading the books of your's, I have,and we also listened to the tapes.
I can not say that they gave us concrete ideas, but we did experience a creative flow. It became an
exciting process to start throwing out ideas and developing a solid business plan. Our first step of
course was to develop our USP. The impact of this on our business can not directly be measured. I
believe that the success of our new venture is due in great part to having the USP. This also
includes giving the customer extra value and as always going 'the extra mile'.
We have been in business for almost eight months. While most new business' flounder their
first year, ours has flourished. We have actually grown to include a total of four locations. There
are plans this year to expand into national malls, with two mall stores scheduled for 1994.
in introducing our business to new customers we did use one great idea. Rather than wasting
$5,000.00 in advertising to a huge population in the local newspapers, we printed up coupons giving
away a free pair of socks. The coupons were handed out to all the people that were passing by our
store, In this way we targeted our customer as people that generally came to the location of our
The total value of this give away was $1000.00. (We gave away 1000 free pairs.) However,
the actual cost to us was only $750.00. You can see that the savings over the newspaper
advertising was almost $4,250.00 and I believe the results we achieved were more
Page 1
substantial than any from a random newspaper ad. Every person that came into our store
whether or not they purchased anything else now knows about Sock City.
On the days that we did the coupon handout we saw sales jump as much as 200%. We always
did the handout on slow days so this would increase our slow day sales. This had the added benefit of
making our sales people's time more productive on the slow days. On average we found that of the
people that came in for their free pair almost 75% made an additional purchase.
The real value of this give away can not be graphed or charted. We were able to create a
rapport with these individuals. Even if they only took their free pair of socks, when it comes time
to get new socks they will think of us first. I am certain that many of these people also told their
friends about the store that was giving away free socks with a real value, no strings attached.
As you can see I have profited greatly from my exposure to you and your teachings. The
people around me have profited as well. However, I do not believe that the ultimate value is in the
actual ideas that I learned. The ideas are simple. I believe they were always within my grasp. The
true and very real impact of having Jay touch my life and business has been the empowerment that it
gave me.
The time that I have spent interacting with Jay and his ideas has served to fuel the creative
processes within me. It has given me the confidence to try things - the permission to experiment with
new ideas - the right to believe in my own ability and brilliance.
It is my belief that the value of Jay and his organization goes beyond the products and ideas
that are sold. The true value comes from being a part of a vast and powerful pool of energy. The mind
expanding experience that comes from interacting with intellects of the magnitude found within this
organization is unequaled.
I can never express adequately the gratitude that I feel for being allowed to be a part of the
whole experience, I can not begin to measure the absolute impact on my life that this experience and
the things I have learned has made. I do know that I am now more confident in my own abilities as
well as comfortable with the business world as a whole. This is due in great part to my exposure to
Jay Abraham and his organization. Thank you, Jay!
Linda Fritz-Chando
Page 2
Dear Jay,
Thank you very much for the chance to share my success story.
Using your techniques and strategies, I was able to initiate a marketing
business. Your stratgies enabled me to fulfill a dream that had been smouldering in
my heart for years. I knew that I had innate marketing proclivities, but it took
your ideas to bring them out and to focus them properly.
Moving on to specifics, my client base has increased by about an average of 33%,
and I even have 3lans to eventually start a mail-order component to the business.
Thank you again for fanning and fueling my smouldering dream!
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Roiling Hills Estates, CA 90274
March 6, 1994
Dear Jay:
i wanted to send you a letter to thank you for the phenomenal training you are providing.
Your training has given me the tools I need, and the confidence i needed to achieve my
dream of having a successful business and sports marketing company.
i was a successful advertising executive for over 17 years when I first was exposed to your
techniques. During those years I was considered to be excellent in my field, but i was
searching for the definitive methods of creating campaigns and programs that would work so
much better than the norm, that I could truly help businesses and sports entities meet and
exceed their goals.
When i first heard of you, i was impressed with your track record, but was skeptical that your
techniques and information was "that much better than anything eise that I had used.
After studying your work, that healthy skepticism has made me appreciate even more how
good your materials are.
What you offer is more than materials, it includes VISION. You see and approach the market
from a different angle than conventional marketers, and it is that angle that makes your
philosophy so effective.
You also have been blessed with the gift of being able to communicate the vision in a way
that others can see it too.
Once I got the mindset, as you call it, I knew I could beat the pants off of any compe-tion.
i began studying your work in January of 1993, and by the middle of July of '93, I had quit the
funky job and got off to a fast start with my own company.
in just 9 months i have attracted one, super, full-time associate and five part-time
workers. All of them have been impressed with your techniques.
We have over 20 working accounts, and have not iost one since we began.
Our clients are getting as great results as they are williing to use your ideas. Business is
exploding for those who understand your philosophy and work it.
I've had so much success thanks to you, and the exciting part is that I feel like a "freshman"
in the Abraham School of Technology. There is so much more to master.
The business is still in it's infancy, but i believe that we will be a million dollar company in
Basically, I see you as a "Thomas Edison" of marketing. You have taken existing science
and greatly extended it's potential for the future. That's another beautiful thing, your
techniques are going to be effective in the future and can be applied, no matter where the
new technologies take us.
Jay, I am very happy for you and the success you are achieving. God bless you.
Joseph A. Leonard
March 8, 1994
Jay Abraham
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. 950
Indian Peak Rd., suite 100 Rolling
Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I thought it would be appropriate to delineate what has happened to my career since
attending your Mastermind seminar in February 1993. In the first three months right after
attending, I was able to directly attribute just over $105,000 in extra income by applying
your techniques to my speaking and consulting career. The concepts that I applied primarily
to achieve these results were to make an irresistible offer with a money back guarantee and
provide "value-added" services that distinguished me from my competitors.
I have continued to use your techniques throughout the year with even greater
success. The joint venture concept has been particularly useful in giving me a strategic
advantage over my competition and assisting in getting increased product sales at the "back of
the room" during my seminars..I have set up three separate joint ventures. The total results are
not in yet. However, I expect one of them to yield a minimum of $250,000 in extra income
from product sales alone.
Using your techniques, I have had an incredible year and expect this year to be even
better. I have over 140 programs scheduled for the upcoming year so this year should be
fantastic. Additionally, my consulting opportunities have increased six-fold over the last
year. If anyone has any doubts about you, just have them call me and I'll set the record
straight for them.
I see your role as a "Fractal Thinker" whose role should be as a consultant to
entrepreneurs. You should not limit yourself to marketing. You are the catalyst to help others
succeed. It is that simple and yet that complex.
Successfully yours,
Nate Brooks
been put in acid-free, 3-mil plastic bags and stored in a double-walled cool, dry storage
environment to ensure that they continue to look in mint condition. And maybe even better
than mint! During my last several years as a retailer, I have focused on the area of grading and
comic condition and have refined my ability to grade comics. Based on my own strict
standards, which are higher than any comic book price guide's, you will receive books that
are in the best possible condition."
(3) I put a limited time to the offer and gave them a free bonus.
I mentioned to them that I had a only limited number of copies and have to respond
within 10 days and order at least 20 comics to get a special bonus. The special bonus I sent
them was a 2-page special report called "Picking Winners: How To Invest In Marvel Comics
That Will Increase In Value." I put a value of $7 on this report, because this information was
not available anywhere else. This free bonus cost me $.08 apiece to print.
In summary, I was offering them a $12 value for only $2.50.
(e.g. the comic $5 value + $7 report).
How Well It Did:
I sold all 5000 "dead" comics in 5 weeks. I made a $4500 net profit in my pocket on this
deal. This included $3500 net (after all expenses) from selling the "dead comics" plus a an
additional $1000 in second orders from a "bounceback" offer I included in their package
when I sent them their "dead" merchandise. Most importantly, I got rid of some comics that
were not going to sell and increased the available space in my warehouse by 35% that I can
use for faster-moving, higher margin merchandise.
I was only able to get this kind of monetary success as a result of having read Your
Marketing Genius At Work, and applying the techniques you describe very vividly in the
collection of manuals. They work!
Jay's Contribution Philosophically:
I see your role as a Net Income Generator. The contribution your materials have
made for my business has been to help me look at additional ways to generate net income &
sales and how to best leverage the assets I already have but have overlooked (e.g. my past
customers--as per the example above, my dead comics--ditto, etc.).
Jay, hope this helps. You have my permission to use this letter in any way you choose.
Don Wengelewski
8060 S. KENTON, CHICAGO, ILL 60652 U.S.A.
PHONE (312) 581-8207
930 Indian Peak Rd. Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates CA 90274
March 9, 1994
L. E. Russell
To let you know how well Jay's methods really do work, when I came back
from his L.A seminar, I sat down and wrote a direct mail letter for our National
Glass Network, I mailed that letter ("The assumption letter") to 1,500 glass shops
across the United States, asking them to send for a free report on how to increase
their sales. We were knocked out by the response. A full 42% replied back and
requested the report. Unbelievable response. It astounds us how great these
methods are. And it astounds the other glass shops I am working with now.
Jay is truly a genius--and not just at writing great selling ads and letters.
More importantly, he sees the whole crystal ball, and shows it to his client. Since
marketing entails the full selling process, it must encompass more than "here's a
great ad."
Jay is the answer to small business in America. He is their prayers
answered. I see so many businesses fail, when with Jay's help, they would not
only succeed, but would prosper beyond their wildest dreams.
I know. I am one of those small businesses. Jay has given me more than I
ever dreamed. And a lot more than I could ever return--even if I gave him 100
times the money I already have.
I owe Jay a lifetime of gratitude and appreciation.
Thanks Jay.
Sincerely yours in great marketing,
Dear Jay,
I'm writing to express a profound sense of appreciation and
gratitude that goes well beyond my ability to communicate.
Within weeks after attending your Protege training I had recovered
my $15,000.00 investment. I had predicted that would happen on our first
day. Within months I had reduced my number of hearing aid offices from
eight to four and my staff from fifty-two to seventeen. My profits and my
free time more than doubled.
Ironically, that's not why I'm writing. Like the story about teaching
a hungry man how to fish, you taught me how to think and in a far more
unique and self gratifying way. In fact, I've now scaled down to one
dynamic marketing driven family oriented office with six great employees.
Before Abraham, I was on a fast track to nowhere without a roadmap. Now I
have a far more practical handle on my business, my family and my life.
You permanently imbedded in my brain a very different sense of priorities
and self worth.
The financial security alone would have me singing your praises to
the four winds. The things I did were embarrassingly simple and so obvious
once put into place. Things like developing a USP (free hearing aid
batteries for life, 60 day trial), things like developing a computerized
data base, testing headlines etc. Everything I did simply worked like
For me, the freedom to truely enjoy my family is an even more
important priority. The wealth of information that you have so generously
shared has become a very important part of my life. In fact, and I've
often said this to family and friends ... If my home were burning the
"Abraham" filled shelves in my library would be saved before any material
possession that I can think of.
With the power of your wisdom there is a confidence that any
material thing is obtainable. Again, thank you.
March 9, 1994
Dear Jay:
In response to your recent request, here is our story.
After receipt of your program and digesting it all
(which took some time), we implemented your suggestions and
ideas in a mailing to cur customers, presently active and
inactive ones.
We had made mailings before on a regular basis,
primarily to our active customer base, so we knew what to
expect--we thought. It was utterly amazing to us about the
amount of bona fide orders we received (we asked for them)
and about how many of our inactive customers we reactivated.
This mailing produced three times the result of previous
We are very pleased and are implementing other ideas of
yours in our marketing efforts.
Jay, besides being a super marketing expert and
salesman, you seem to have a knack of being able to cut
through the confusion and target on the core of a problem and
solve it. Your questions are to the point. I would call you a
problem solver.
Cordially yours,
March 8, 1994
her agreement to sent her clients into my store to purchase their supplies. The number of artists
coming into my store is increasing weekly.
Though on a smaller scale than most you mention in your works, I continue to find
profitable applications of your ideas, and plan to continue for some time to come. Having access to
your material is like being able to take a week off from my life and crowd in a whole lifetime of hardwon marketing knowledge, then return to the rest of my life to apply this knowledge. Listening to your
stories and lectures, watching your videos, trying to "get into your head" so that I might view any
marketing or business project with a touch of your mental "seasoning" is about the best business move
that I can think of.
March 5,1994
Dear Jay
I put together a letter to send out to past customers It had
many of your ideas in it. The response was thirty-four
percent compared to four percent on earlier mailings.The
class was full.
5500 SW 31st Terr.. Topeka. Kansas 66614 - ( 9 ! 3 ) 271-5370 Fax ( 9 1 3 ) 271-6704 1350
Ghent H i l l s Rd.. Akron. Ohio 44333 ( 2 1 6 ) 666-0298
March 4, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham Personal
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Dear Mr. Abraham:
In response to your request for Success Stories, I have enclosed a
one page article published in a local advertising pub which
describes a promotion I managed as National Sales Promotion
Director at Pizza Hut.
In the San Diego market test, we achieved sales increases per
restaurant that ranged from 300% to 900%! We were never permitted
to disclose these figures as we did not want competition to
realize what was happening and we knew our own franchisees would
not believe it. So we simply announced sales increased 50%.
I have a 30 page report on this promotion which I will send to you
if you are interested...just let me know.
As to what you do for me.... let me say that I really enjoy your
sales letters... and that they are very motivational... always a
source of new ideas!
I perceive you as the "drum major" leading a parade of new and
better ideas to increase the productivity of enterprises resulting
in benefits to consumers as well as rewards to the leaders.
I thank you for communicating to me and "keep up the good
MARCH 09,1994
Dear Jay,
I recently found out that a large regional bank was converting some of
it's computer systems, to the kind of technology that I provide expertise
in. However they were outsourcing the development and running of these
systems to outside companies.
Although it was too late for me to get in on the initial development
effort, I decided that I would sell the back end of someone else's work. I
got the idea from "Your Marketing Genius at Work" literature. I wrote to the
department manager, and explained to him how he needed someone to monitor
the work being done by these outside companies. How he needed an expert in
the field, working directly for him who could audit what was being done, and
recommend ways to cut the cost of his operating budget.
Well after some consultation over a period of a few weeks, I was hired at a
billing rate of 30% over what I had been getting previously.
In answer to your philosophical question, I would say that I see you as my
"Guidance Counsellor for Innovation". If I am in a rut and not coming up
with any new ideas, I go back to those books and see what it is that I am
forgetting to do or say. How can I make my clients or potential clients feel
that they need me and would be missing something if I was not available to
them. It normally works just fine.
Thank you for all your help over the years, and you may use any material
contained in this letter, as you see fit.
Clifford Weyman.
March 6, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Jay
Abraham Personal 950 Indian Peak
Road, Suite 100 Rolling Hills,
Estates CA 90274
Dear Jay:
Thanks for the opportunity to share my success story in exchange for yet another
fantastic compilation of your marketing efforts. Please accept this letter as
permission for you and your publisher to use my following comments in your
marketing efforts.
I first became aware of you through one of your clients, Dr. Gary North. I have
never had the opportunity to meet you personally, but did purchase the most
expensive book in my life from you. It was How to Recession Proof Your
Business for $1000.
However, I really learned most of your strategies through the two sets of bonus
Australian Marketing Boot Camps that accompanied the book. The second set
came because their was a delay in the printing of the book. I cannot remember if
I called or wrote with my distress at having paid $1,000 for a book and not
receiving it as promised. I was quite surprised when you actually called my
office to provide me with a reassurance and extra bonus. It was quite a dramatic
example of your personal commitment to excellence.
I tried a few of the ideas I received from listening to your tapes. Many of them
did not work in my setting. I am sure it was because of lack of proper guidance
and implementation. However, there were a few that worked exceptionally well.
The following are some examples of my successful application of your
principles .
Several years ago OSHA mandated health care employers to provide their
employees with hepatitis B immunizations. Unfortunately this government
regulation would cost employers $150 per employee, almost the entire cost being
March 6, 1994
However there were some studies which clearly showed that the vaccine given at
a 90% dose into the skin not under the skin would provide similar protection.
Unfortunately, many health care providers did not know about this cost saving
alternative. Those who did were concerned that those given the lower dose
would need additional shots or would not be fully immunized.
Your tapes prompted me to write a letter to several dentists in the community
offering them a service where I would immunize their employees in my office for
$100, or 1/3 less then the normal cost. This would include any additional shots
they might need and a blood test to confirm that they were indeed protected from
hepatitis B. We could do this because our main cost of the service, the vaccine,
was reduced from $150 to $15. One of the local nursing homes heard about our
service and contracted us to perform the service for several hundred of their
employees. The entire project generated nearly $15,000 in profit for less then ten
hours of my time. This is nearly getting into the range of your consultation fees.
However most of the benefit I received from your materials was more of a
philosophical orientation. You encouraged the reading of a variety of books. The
most helpful was Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich. The tittle is one I
would typically avoid as income is clearly not one of my main goals in life. Mr.
Hill's book was an excellent review of the power of goals and visualization. It
really is almost magical.
His examples and many of yours really made it obvious to me that many of my
limitations were self-imposed. For the most part the sky is the limit in achieving
what one wants to in their chosen field. This shift in attitude has been largely
responsible for my aggressive implementation of environmental allergy into my
general practice of medicine.
Compared to many of your clients my story is quite average, but it surely made a
difference for me. Before interacting with your materials I was a self-employed
family physician for six years. A simple parameter in our society to measure
improvement is income. My take home after tax income probably most accurately
reflects the impact of your information.
In 1991, before reading your materials and listening to your tapes, it was very
close to that of the average family physician $74,000. It rose in 1992 to $95,000.
However, last year it rose to $169,000. This is a 228% after tax income
improvement, not merely an increase in sales. I fully expect the increase to
continue at a similar rate for the next several years.
their customers.
If I meet those
needs, we will reach our projected 30-50% growth this year. Best
of all, we'll be having fun doing it.
March 5, 1994
Jay L. Abraham 5908
Lemon Avenue Long Beach,
CA 90805
Dear Jay.
I just had to write and tell you about how I was able to apply the principals I learned from you at
your November seminar, capture a new commission from a client who lives in Springfield
Illinois, to design a home in Telluride, Colorado from my office in Scottsdale. Arizona.
This example shows that applying, in combination, several of the principals I learned from you was
powerful enough to overcome seemingly insurmountable sales objections. I combined the
following techniques to make this otherwise impossible sale:
1) Direct response advertising.
2) Unique Selling Proposition.
3) Determining and addressing the customer's needs.
4) Making it easy to do business with my company
5) Telling the customer the "Reasons Why".
6) Focusing advertising on the customer's needs and nothing else.
7) Telling the customer specifically what action to take.
8) Educating the customer to appreciate what you will do for them.
9) Risk reversal.
10) Using the power of endorsement.
Here's my story.
A few months ago, I received a request from a Realtor and a Builder who I had been working
with on some projects in Telluride Colorado. They wanted me to write a letter to a doctor and his
wife in Springfield, Illinois (we'll call them Dr. and Mrs. Cutter, not their real names) who the realtor
had sold a lot to. They asked me to introduce myself and explain how the three of us, working
together would help them fulfill their dreams for a Telluride vacation/retirement home.
Since I was in the midst of preparing a general direct response mailing to potential clients owning
property in Telluride, I decided to adapt that letter specifically for this client.
p. 2
The letter's headline is simple: "Ten reasons why you should select (our team) for your Telluride
Dream Home." I began by telling Dr. and Mrs. Cutter a little about who I am and why I was
writing. I immediately acknowledged the largest probable objection: Geographic separation, and
launched into the ten "Reasons why". I illustrated the benefits our team had to offer and showed
how my location in Scottsdale actually offered at least two important benefits over working with a
Telluride firm, during the design phase of his project.
I described, in detail, how we would overcome the disadvantages of distance during the
construction phase. I told them what we would do for them and how we would do it. I detailed
how I would assume the risk of them trying out my services, and guarantee their satisfaction. I
explained that I had never lost a client because of dissatisfaction, so my risk free offer was
actually risk free for me, too. provided I kept doing what I had always done.
I told them exactly what would happen next if they decided to accept my offer. I told them my
"ulterior motive": how designing their project fit into my business plan and why I was divulging this
information: to be completely open and honest. I closed by asking for their business and asking
them to call me at my office or home, and reverse the charges if they liked.
The letter was forwarded, with an endorsement, by the realtor they had just bought their lot from.
About two weeks later I received a call from Dr. Cutter. During a very pleasant conversation I
answered some additional questions he had. When we finished, he asked me to send him a
proposal and a programming questionnaire , which was the next step I had described in my letter.
As I was preparing the program cessionaire (an architectural program is a list of parts in a
building and their relationships) I realized that this was another chance to distinguish myself from the
competition and sell my offer. I decided to turn my introductory comments and directions into a
sales piece.
I re-titled the program questionnaire. I told Dr. Cutter that my job as his Architect is to focus his
dreams into reality (my Unique Selling Proposition), and that he should view the program
questionnaire as "A Lens For Your Dreams", in written form.
I divided the questionnaire into two parts; quantitative (how much, how big, how many, etc.) and
qualitative. I told Dr Cutter that completion of the first part would provide adequate information for
a good design, but that if he would make the extra effort to tell me how he wanted his house to
make him feel, room by room, I could turn a good design into an exceptional design.
p. 3
I illustrated why this was important with an analogy. I described myself as his sharpshooter,
aiming for his dreams. I pointed out how, the more precise the information he could give me the
closer I could come to hitting the bullseye. I used the directions to the questionnaire to suggest
how Dr. and Mrs. Cutter could identify the emotional components of their Dream Home through
visualization and values ranking.
I reassured my client that. I understood how foreboding a task this could be, and if he and his wife
couldn't get through it all, I would understand completely. I re-iterated that if they could complete
all parts of the program I would go the extra mile for them. I closed by wishing Dr. and Mrs. Cutter
both challenge and rewards in the task facing them.
A few days ago, I received the (mostly) completed questionnaire and a signed contract. Also
enclosed was a retainer check for S2500, which I will hold until I complete the first draft of their
floor plan, meet with Dr. and Mrs. Cutter and receive their confirmation that I am their Architect.
(The part of the program questionnaire they didn't complete was the emotional portion, surprise,
This commission will be worth about S25,000 to my business, on the front end, not counting any
referrals or future projects for Dr. Cutter. Without the training I received from Jay Abraham, my
chances of receiving this commission would have been slim to none.
Thank you again for the help you've provided to build my business and my profits.
B.J. Peters
I've enclosed copies of the letter and the introductory comments/directions to the
program questionnaire, in case you want to see them. Names have been changed
to preserve the privacy of others.
7585 E. Redfield Road Suite 105 Scottsdale. Arizona 85260 (602) 991-0097
Dear Reader,
I have been implementing Jay Abraham's marketing principles, ideas,
and concepts to the best of my abilities and with a limited amount
of my time over the last two and a half years. I have had no
personal consultations with Jay. I have never attended one of his
seminar trainings or boot camps (not that I haven't wanted to). I
feel that just using his written materials, without personal
coaching, I have done fairly well.
I haven't hit any financial grand slams but we've hit a lot of
singles, doubles, triples, and an occasional home run in
comparison to what was happening to our marketing/advertising
efforts before coming in contact with Jay's materials.
I would like to say that I have made millions of dollars with Jay's
ideas but I can't YET! However, I feel confident that I have the
tools and that it will definitely happen as I gain more experience
using his ideas and concepts and TESTING them to see what the
market really responds to. Jay taught me the principle that no
matter how good an idea is on paper that I should never roll out a
full campaign until we "test" to see what actual response is
generated by our audience. Before, I would have said, "Oh, this
sounds terrific....Let's spend as much as we can and send out as
many as we can afford." And when it failed or produced a minimal,
unsatisfactory response, I wouldn't have any money left to do any
more marketing. Now, we test everything on a small scale so that
we can gauge the response we get and then decide whether or not to
do something on a larger scale. So, even though I haven't made
millions with Jay's ideas, I have stopped spending valuable
dollars without thouough testing and careful evaluation. Simply
stopping ads in ineffective media has saved us $2,500 in the last
I certainly don't have all the answers and I have a lot to learn
but at least I have a direction to go in. Jay's principles have
given me a direction to go in and the tools to evaluate whether or
not we're getting there. Prior to receiving Jay's materials I
would give my advertising dollars to the person with the best
sounding idea whether it was the newspaper, yellow pages, or a
professional ad consultant. In hindsight, I would have been better
of by donating that money to charity.
Prior to Jay's concepts our ads would generate only one new patient
after running an ad twice. So, you see we have increased our
response 200-400%!
For anyone who wants to improve their life, let alone their business, I most
heartily recommend a good dose of Jay Abraham.
Your Servant
Steve Wood
Windermere Real Estate/North, Inc. 4211 200th Southwest, Suite 110, Lynnwood, Washington 98036 Telephone 776-1119
April 4, 1994
Jay Abraham.
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
950 Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
I hope this letter is not too late. Unfortunately, I have been out of town for
quite some time, and took too long to sift through the stacks of mail when I
returned. Even if I do not qualify for the "free $250 success set" you offered,
I thought I owed it to you to thank you for the successes your material has
brought our company.
Just for background information, our company started out as nothing more than a
partnership between two long time friends who were dissatisfied with the banking
industry (in fact, T.F. Banking Consultants really stands for Two Frustrated
Banking Consultants). My partner and I developed some software for a former
employer designed to aid commercial loan officers. After leaving that employer,
we enhanced the program, created a few other programs, and decided to market the
products to other banks throughout the country.
My partner and I felt that we could sell the product for $49 and make a few extra
bucks, and we were certain that we probably could not ask more than $69 for the
program We also decided that the best way to market the program, was through
direct mail, but we had no experience in direct mail. Enter: Your Marketing
Genius at Work.
I was very hesitant to write a check for $500 (I think) to your company for some
marketing material that I had never heard of or seen, but I went ahead and
ordered the material after listening to your promotional tapes. The majority of
the books arrived on a Friday, and I dedicated the entire weekend to reading
them...and re-reading them.
We gathered several great ideas from your material. First and foremost was TEST,
TEST, TEST. Because of this idea alone, we were able to increase our sales
price from $49 to $345, an increase in sales price alone of almost 700%!
That's sounds great, but get this...our responses for the $345 sales price out
pulled every other price we tested (we tested 6) by a consistent margin of 4 to
1! That's right! FOUR TO ONE! By changing the headline and offer, we were able
to increase our gross sales another 75%.
Of course we also saved thousands of dollars on printing and design costs because
we listened to what you said about just using black and blue ink, and letting
your sales piece be your salesman. We were prepared to print a four color
That's the good news, the bad news is my partner and I did this kind of as a lark
when we left the banking industry. I am in the life insurance business with
Northwestern Mutual, and my partner has moved to Austin, Texas. Filling the
orders actually became too much of a headache to continue the project. The
company could potentially make a good deal of money, but it is not enough to
warrant the kind of time it was demanding from our own businesses. We did our
last mail out in June 1993 and we are still getting orders. I just wish you
could give me some ideas on how to prospect for life insurance through direct
Jay, I cannot thank you enough for the
from Your Marketing Genius at Work. I
piece we modeled after your teachings.
the way, we have heard through several
recommending our program.
What do I see as your role in business? I see you as a marketing strategist and
perhaps the World's best professional copywriter. Of course that oversimplifies
the situation, but I certainly don't see you as an advertising specialist with a
penchant for graphic design. You are more of a one man brain-storming session.
Because of your insights, I find myself being highly critical of other
advertising pieces. Northwestern Mutual provides us with direct mail prospecting
letters, none of which I find follow your theories. (If you land NML as a
client, I want some kind of finders fee!)
Best of luck to you in the future!
March 3, 1994
Dear Jay,
The following is probably the most overdue testimonial you've ever had. As agreed, you have my
permission to use it in your marketing.
During the mid 1980's, I was president at two different Direct Marketing Advertising Agencies in the Boston
area. I personally designed campaigns, strategies and direct mail packages that generated millions of dollars
and got response rates of 8% to 10%. In a one year campaign for John Hancock Insurance Company, I
generated a record 1.43 billion dollars of insurance. I won the 1985 First Place Award for Order Generation
from the New England Direct Marketing Association and I have a stack of Marketing and Sales awards in
my closet that I earned by being tops in various national sales forces.
So what if anything, could Jay Abraham's marketing materials have done for me?
Just this ... by applying your materials, and modeling what you were doing in your own business life, I
turned my business and lifestyle around to something others can only fantasize about
What really bothered me prior to buying your materials, is that the campaigns that I did for clients were
generating profits far beyond what others were capable of producing. And my reward for making others
rich? ... The same standard fee that other Agencies got for mediocre results!
It was really apparent that you applied your principles to your own business. The materials I received from
you documented various joint ventures that you had done and even included sample contracts. I spent time
analyzing my business direction in light of your suggestions and then all the lights turned on!
I wasn't using the leverage I had. I decided to give away my direct marketing campaigns and instead, I
would charge clients a percentage of sales. This strategy would generate revenues that were MULTIPLES of
what I was previously making.
With that insight, I left the Agency business and copied what you were doing. In 1987 I started a Joint
Venture Marketing Company. As suggested, I took on clients and charged as much as 25% on all the sales
[hat were generated because of my efforts. I signed up 3 joint ventures in 6 months and they were delighted
with the deal. I could hardly believe what had happened. There is something magic about income streams
that are directly related to the results you generate and not the amount of hours you work.
I now have the lifestyle I want. I live on a lake, face the mountains, enjoy my time with my family, start
work after 9 AM and take all the 'fishing days' that I want. I now make more money, in less time, and do it
with only 2 employees ... no headaches ... no managing ... no hiring... no firing ... and no company politics.
There is only one person that gave me the concept, the confidence, and the model to copy for going into
joint venture marketing. My personal thanks for providing leading edge advice and direction.
Jay Abraham
Fax (310) 541-
Dear Jay:
I really enjoyed
indicated to me.
you to say. "I am
I would like to
reiterate what I first said to you
Wednesday, I thank you Jay Abraham, for being you! I really
appreciate Jay Abraham's unique comparative advantages. There are
a number of similarities between you and myself and as such, I
have a great deal of empathy for the challenges of being Jay
Who coaches the coach on his journey to your? I have learned the
hard way that before I can really sit down and thoroughly discuss
logic, and I am an ardently logical person. I choose to test a
person's character fit with me and also test if I can build a
relationship with them. You have given me the opportunity to test
your character and based on the phone call, I have a sense that we
could build a first rate on going relationship.
I indicated to you in the call that I see you as an individual who
can have a catalytic impact on people striving for success in a
much broader arena then just marketing. There are a number of
additional "back ends" that you can capitalize on, in respect to
your caring, warmth and expertise and success in the marketing
For example, we could jointly develop a Master Mind Coaching
Seminar that would pattern itself after the Master Mind Marketing
I have been intrigued with the process of coaching, getting and
giving coaching in the non-sporting world. As such, I have
developed a great deal of material on the process of coaching in
the football and non-sporting arenas with my friend Monty Clark.
He, as you know, was an 8 year head coach of two NFL football
teams, the San Francisco 49's and the Detroit Lions.
I really enjoy examining the coaching process and its many nuances. I
have gained over many years expertise on how this process can be much
better applied in the non-sporting world.
If you are sufficiently intrigued, lets jointly explore the
development of a Coaching Seminar, which would focus on the
Allan L. Vandall
Chairman & CEO
Dear Jay
I can't thank you enough for taking me out of my own personal box not only was I in a box but in a deep
hole as well. I have attended all the self help, sales, and motivational stuff around your program was
indeed unique.
First of all let me explain myself and my background. I am self educated and self motivated. I am also a
cynic and a sceptic. However I did come to your session with an open mind.
I am 54 years old and the father of a young son 2 years old. I am in the process of changing my whole
life. Moving back east and starting all over again. Thanks to you I look at that as exciting not scary. I was
planning on building the same type of "Trap" for myself back east (1) Because it was safe, (2) also
lucrative. Thanks to you and Mac and your program I have "rethunk" my entire business career and have
taking a new path. It is hard for me to understand the people who did not get your program it is so
simple! The Dynamics of the people is that room was so strong and your message so on target that I
understood what direction you were taking me in the first hour of the program. I have never been so
moved or open minded in all of my 54 years.
When I stood up in front of all those people and said this should increase my income of $260,000 I
Oh yes on my way out the door on the floor of the hallway was a crisp new $5.00 bill. I reached
down picked it up and put it in my pocket. Jay already I'm on my way to my goal.
Thank you and God bless,
Irv Dickstein
6433 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Suite #267 Woodland Hills. California 91303
March 8, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc.
Jay Abraham Personal
950 Indian Peak Road
Suite 100
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay,
I just wanted to stop and take a minute to share with you just how happy I am that I had the intelligence to participate in your program. It was the most mind expanding experience I have
ever had. It was almost as if you were a faucet and nothing but money making ideas poured out
you....on a non-stop basis.
I would like to share just one example of how we benefited from your program. We have always
treated our customers well, communicated with them on a very regular basis, offered a wide
variety of products and services, and showed better than average profits. But after completing
your program we were transformed. Initially we took just one of your ideas... there are over 150
on my primary list...and applied it to our sales department. This one technique turned
almost every order into a higher sale. Not just higher, but much more profitable. We then took
another idea into our shipping department and it now produces sales that are strictly from their
efforts. In the last four months since participating in your program we can directly attribute a
minimum 50% increase in sales and profits to these procedures. I can safely say that I have had a
return of at least 20:1 over what your program costs...and that is in only 4 months. Whats
even better is that we have not even had time yet to tap into the BIG ideas you presented. I am
hiring two new people next month whose sole job will be to help us skyrocket our company using
the other 150 profit ideas I gained from the program.
One last thing while no one could ever dispute your genius as a marketing expert, great salesman,
master strategist or "compleat" marketing man, what I see you most is someone who sees some
"fourth dimension" in the business world...the profit dimension. As I contemplate all of the
various types of businesses there are in this world, I can not imagine a single one that you
couldn't open up their "fourth dimension" with greater bottom line profits.
Thanks again.
Michael Anderson
P.S. Keep me abreast of any future Jay Abraham happenings or products.
One lesson I've learned in life is: instant success might happen, b u t as long as I'm in
the game and keep the ball in play I'm sure to score a touchdown. I will make
mistakes, I won't always execute correctly. I might even f u mb l e now and then b u t
you, sir, have taught me the power of my mind, I can stay in the game and win.
I think and act on an entirely different level today. ! see nearly infinite possibilities to
achieve success in Real Estate. I ' m not afraid to try. I'm not alone in my effort to find
better ways, to try new ideas. Thanks to Joe Stumpf I know lots of people to look
up to and to learn from. I'm not afraid to fail at an idea tried. It doesn't mean I
failed, just that my a t t e m p t at executing that particular idea failed.
You have given me the courage to offer my listing clients a guarantee. If I don't sell
it in 90 days. I'll do it for free! I listed 3 expireds in one weekend with that Offer.
We'll sell them. But the important thing is the "mind-set" that you gave me to be
able to do this because it carries over to everything I do
Fear of failure brought us to you, a desperate need to find a way to not fail. You
gave us the certainty of success, the knowledge, the mind-set, to know we will
achieve that which our minds can envision. This is your gift to Lou Gray and Linda
Lossmann, Team Brokers-Commonwealth Realty.
If these thoughts can, in anyway help someone else, accept your help ! wouid be
pleased, it is my gift to them. Please use it as you see fit.
The results of your mentoring in my life are difficult to quantify as you will see, but at last count I
would say your marketing principles and entrepreneurial insights have saved or made me over
$250,000. However, the real value far exceeds any dollar amount.
Your training opened the door to my current position as Marketing Manager of one of the nation's leading
staff leasing companies. My work is not only rewarding, challenging and enjoyable, but gives me the
opportunity to impact a client base of over 750 small businesses and 15,000 leased employees. I have a
steady income, great benefits and a tremendous future. But Jay, this job also saved my life. Being
diabetic, my position provided health insurance I could not get while self-employed. A heart attack and
ensuing surgery in December 1993 brought me to death's door, but my great medical benefits provided the
best of care and has given me back my health and precious additional time with my family. I feel better
than ever and savor every moment of life. How do you put a price tag on that? I have no hesitancy in
saving that without learning your principles I would not have had the knowledge, experience or confidence
to be considered for this position. Thank you.
My duties include the selection and implementation of a Unix-based contact management system for our 50
person sales group, oversight of all corporate communications including sales letters, newsletters and
brochures, development of a Client Liaison position to make sure our clients know about and properly use
all of our services, working with our ad agency and PR firm (what a riot that's been, especially my
disagreement with them over the proper balance of image vs. response), participation in focus group studies,
client surveys and demographic/psychographic analyses, development of new marketing tools and strategies,
oversight of our community relations work and more.
Brian Martin
P.S. You should probably change my mailing address to:
Brian Martin Marketing Manager
Administaff, Inc. 19001 Crescent Springs Dr.
Kingwood,TX 77339
My phone numbers are:
Voice - (713) 359-9726
Fax - (713) 359-9724 or 358-3354
P.P.S. If you would like to use this letter but need some adjustments, just let me know.
March 8, 1994
Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. - Jay Abraham 950
Indian Peak Rd., Suite 100 Rolling Hills Estates, CA
Dear Jay:
I only bought one or two or your courses, some years ago. I think they were titled
FMEYO or something like that. I did study those and developed a USP for my business which
I utilized in the form of a newsletter, advertising flyer. This was mailed out to my customer base
and did increase response by 20% over other forms of advertising I was using. I still use this
format today. It has been refined somewhat and we still use personal articles to explain things
and we have expanded our advertising by this method from apartments to locksmith supplies to
swimming pool chemicals, to our service business. In the last year, we have expanded into
surrounding states, with good results. We have seen our competition come and go, although
times are changing and more sophisticated competition is emerging, we have been able to hold our
own by giving the service we advertise and our good name.
At the time of my exposure to you, I was a very small company and never felt I could
afford the money nor the time away from business for your services. I do think that your
services are fair and reasonable and that you give good value for your service. One of the
things I especially appreciated was the Robert Collier Book of Letters., which was an extra bonus
on one package.
I see you as a master strategist-thinker. By that, I mean that I believe that you are able
to look over someone's shoulder from a distance and see a solution or solutions to problems
facing them that they never can see because they are too close to the problem and are caught in
a endless loop, so keep doing the same thing over and over. Forcing them out of the loop is
necessary for progress.
Claude E. Brooks
Fax 405/672-7575
A typical letter reminded the inquirer that he had contacted IRI seeking
more information on the investment case for gold, silver and/or rare
coins. It then presented a very easy-to-comprehend and remarkably
compelling primer on the appropriate subjects, and went on to caution
prudence and conservatism in any initial investment the prospect might
decide to make. Finally, the letter advised the prospect to first talk
through his desires, fears, and motivations with a knowledgeable precious
metals specialist (I never, ever referred to them as brokers) before
This approach won people over in droves.
I followed that up by formulating a long-term strategy for profoundly
increasing the marginal net worth of a customer to IRI.
I based this strategy on the knowledge that all other precious metals
investment companies we were competing with were trying to load people up
with all they could sell them, then burning them off, never to deal with
them again.
I decided to posture IRI as a nurturing, long-term, committed, concerned
brokerage house interested first and foremost in seeing the customer profit
ahead of itself.
To bring this "USP" goal within range I established a new marketing
philosophy for the sales staff: NEVER load anyone up. Rather, if
anything, undersell, first putting the new customer into gold BEFORE
The commission on gold was smaller, granted, but by only allowing the
customer to get started on gold we did them a safer, better service and
predisposed them toward buying silver next, rare coins next, then adding
back to gold holding, etc.
This long-term, patient, ultra-professional approach won over so many
new customers that IRI quickly shot to over one-half billion dollars in
sales, and enjoyed the highest reorder factor in the industry.
Of course, not all this was attributable to the basic marketing
strategy I just explained. A few other "twists" helped make it
For one, once we got a prospect in we sent out a series of follow-up,
educational (never hard-sell), informational mailings that appeared to be
personally sent from IRI's president.
We did this by using laser printers and all sorts of high-grade word
processing equipment.
Sometimes we'd send out over 200,000 quasi-personalized letters a
month to customers and prospects.
350,000 came back at least six times a year at an average order each
time of $10. So -- for a one time loss of about $930,000 he added
$21,000,000 a year to his business, OF WHICH OVER HALF WAS REAL PROFIT.
A $930,000 loss -- not all incurred at once -- produced a $10,500,000
annual profit.
That alone is remarkable, but let me tell you how we persuaded people to
take all the marketing, advertising, and promotional risk for us. It's
quite fascinating.
I approached magazines, mail order advertising agencies, and radio and
television stations all with the somewhat novel proposition of running ads
for Icy-Hot whenever they had unsold time or space, or the opportunity to
insert something in a package they were sending out. I'd allow them to
keep all the money people sent them and I'd send them $.45 on top
(remember, it sold for $3 and I was offering to pay 115%) .
Until I did this, no one had ever paid or offered to pay someone more
than the full selling price in exchange for assuming all the selling risk.
This offer took the advertising marketplace by storm, and in just under
a year I had set up solely on a variable/contingency basis --over 1,000
separate arrangements with magazines, newspapers, television stations,
radio stations, catalog companies . . . you name it!
And each and every day we'd get 5,000 - 10,000 new orders for first-time
customers. One out of every three of those would reorder over and over
again forever. Plus the advertising we secured -- at absolutely no charge
-- generated unbelievable demand at the retail level for our product, which
we'd originally decided not to sell in stores.
We conservatively figured that, in year one of our P.I. (per inquiry)
advertising for Icy-Hot, we generated OVER TEN MILLION DOLLARS' WORTH OF
In fact, retail demand for Icy-Hot became so acute, due to all the free
advertising, that we "accidentally" forced retail distribution and built
up a $4,000,000 retail business on top of our mail order sales, all without
EVER sending one salesman into the field. All we had to install were
telephone order coordinators to maintain and manage the retail business.
EPILOGUE -- the product became so successful that the people at G. D.
Searle, the big pharmaceutical house in Chicago, bought the company for
many millions of dollars.
All this from the single idea of not spending money on advertising, but
only spending money for customers generated. Can this concept apply to
anything you're doing?
Case Study Number Four:
No one can possible believe you can successfully sell aircraft parts to
major aircraft and aerospace companies by mail, yet that is precisely what
I did in 1982.
I picked up a most challenging client, a 30-year supplier of fittings
for hydraulic workings in the control apparatus of airplanes and rockets.
Until then the company had built business solely by word of mouth.
They were profitable, but so spoiled and conservative and
understaffed that they wouldn't fund my initial request for four
So I improvised by using sales letters in lieu of people to circle
the globe.
First, I assembled a list of all the prospective companies my client
could sell to in the free world.
It numbered approximately 1,000. Then I crafted five separate, very
specialized letters, each with a different sales focus.
One offered last-minute supply if production ran out of fittings. One
offered to buy surplus parts.
Another offered to save them at least 40% and 30 days on any fitting
they ever again bought.
Another offered 48-hour order fulfillment worldwide.
I cannot precisely remember which ones worked and which were
1) He'd acquired a ton of jewelry items he couldn't sell back when gold
soaring at $800 an ounce or higher.
2) He had no money left to promote.
merely $.50 for a direct mail letter, or $1.00 for a phone call). So a
customer's real value to you becomes far greater after you've originally
sold him.
This profit dynamic is rarely comprehended by most people I deal
with. I hope you perceive the lucrative implications.
Case Study Number Seven:
This one gave me the most informative insight into major corporate
thinking (or myopia) imaginable.
A while back, in 1982 I think, a friend who was vice-president in charge
of West Coast operations for the tax-advantaged investment department of a
very, very well-known, prestigious New York Stock Exchange firm came to me
literally imploring me to create a "powerful" (as he referred to it) display
ad for a major tax-saving investment seminar he was preparing to hold on the
West Coast.
I really wasn't eager to work on the project. First, because no direct
compensation was being offered other than the obvious prestige that might
accrue to me for creating winning ads for this major stock brokerage firm.
Also, every word of copy I penned had to pass muster with the New
York legal department.
The profit potential for your company from building bonuses into your
offers can be immense.
Correspondingly, there may be very lucrative opportunities for you to
"package" your firm's products or services and offer them to other
companies to use as bonuses or premium purchase inducements.
Many times, just by putting one firm together with another, you can make
enormous profits, once you start experimenting with packaging.
Which brings me to . . .ME AND THE BANK.
Actually, I'm going to give you a double case study here. It has to do
with two separate banks.
First, bank one. This was a large, national, hard-asset
concentrating financial institution that specialized in making loans for
precious metals purchases.
Their ads were horrible and were only marginally effective. I
approached them with an irresistible proposition.
If I could devise a way to increase the size, frequency, and results of
their advertising, would they give me the overage above and beyond what they
were already spending if it cost them nothing?
They didn't fully understand my proposal, so I restated it this way.
After my two-month deal ran out, the bank went back to their old, dumb,
non-benefit-oriented ad formats and their response rates (number of leads
generated per ad run) dropped nearly 90 percent.
MORAL: You must decide whether you want your ads to be effective or
aesthetic. The price you pay for a false "aesthetic" is a diminishment of
effectiveness that's usually profound.
Actually, to me, there's an aggravating second epilogue to this
After I lost the client -- because, you'll remember, it's
unconscionable for anyone to make that much money in such short time the
bank tried out another idea I'd given them.
Since 80% of their business before I'd come to them had emanated from
gold dealers selling their customers leveraged purchase plans financed by
the bank, why not let the dealers participate in the deal by selling them
leads resulting from the ad, for 1-1/2 times real cost of acquisition?
Leads cost about $10 to produce with my ads. The bank offered to sell
dealers great leads for $15. Remember that the bank was getting almost all
their ad costs defrayed by the money the refiners gave them. With the co-op
deal I set up (and which the bank sustained after our deal was over), plus
the selling of leads to dealers at a profit (that I'd originally proposed),
the bank was actually making approximately $10,000 on every $5,000 in
display ads they ran, a 100% profit!
How can you engineer co-op or lead sharing advertising deals to defray
your expense or turn an expense area into a profit center? Think about the
possibilities, then approach synergistic businesses and see what kinds of
inventive deals you can set up.
Now, bank story number 2...
There is in my state a large, well known bank that developed a gold and
silver division, selling solely to their 1,000,000 existing banking
The business they were doing with 1,000,000 customers was, frankly, less
than l/50th the volume I was doing with 120,000 customers for another
client of mine.
I hatched an interesting plan.
I approached the large bank on a no-risk proposition. They could
keep 100% of the sales and profits they were currently earning.
I'd take over the entire marketing function solely on spec or
contingency, wanting to be paid 25% of the increased profit I generated
with the bank maintaining 100% control and approval of all copy, concepts,
approaches, etc.
This case study concerns itself with posture -- or how you and your
position or proposition is perceived.
As a preface, I'd suggest that you read either (or both) of Robert
When I started consulting I learned an interesting lesson posture.
People hated to be more at risk on me than I was on them.
Keep in mind, I'm going back quite a ways, but always I would find high
resistance, at whatever level I tried to price my various consulting
services, unless I deferred the bulk of my anticipated compensation.
For example, when I first started out, I'd get $5,000 for writing an ad.
Back then, people thought this was a high amount and I experienced
considerable resistance.
for a week.' But he added, 'Come and pay me then.' I naturally bought
the second man's horse."
When I was in the lead generating business, I used a simple, but
extraordinarily effective proposition. It was:
"Don't pay for advertising. Pay only for results."
My percentage-of-the-increased-profit solicitation was based on the
(almost) irresistible offer, "If I give you a dollar you would have never
had before, would you give me back a quarter?"
Think of more risk-free propositions and ways of making the offer to
your customers. Then try them out and analyze the results.
And, when you set up your compensation program consider some of the
possibilities barter provides you.
Here are a few examples from my files.
In my garage is a 1986, fully loaded Chevrolet Corvette roadster.
It's worth $40,000, but I didn't pay a cent for it.
Two years ago I owned a mailing list I'd accumulated over a three-year
period. The list numbered about 120,000 names, and I rented it out about
15 times a year. So it made me about $200,000 in rental income.
I had a friend who really wanted to get a discount on a usage.
I liked him, but I don't like to prostitute my prices. I prefer giving
value in other ways. So I told him I'd give him unlimited personal use of
all 120,000 names to mail as often as he wanted for a new Corvette.
Then I tantalized him a bit.
I pointed out that if he mailed my list at least five times a year for
two years, he was getting a $120,000 value, plus, if he could negotiate a
better-than-sticker deal on the Corvette he was, in effect, getting the
list for less than 1/3 of its real market value.
He got excited and spent two solid days negotiating prices on new
Corvettes, until he bought one for just $32,000 that stickered for
$40,000. I would never have spent that much time negotiating price.
Next, he made me agree to furnish him, at my expense, a computer tape of
my list (which cost me all of $400 to produce).
For that, I got receipt and conveyance of one very fun, brand new,
fully loaded Corvette.
This is not the only automobile I've traded list usage for.
About a year earlier, I traded the unlimited usage of the same list
for a Rolls Royce sedan.
Also, one time I traded the use of that same list to another person
for an insert in a newsletter that I, in turn, sold to another company
for $25,000.
Trades offer inordinate opportunity to use leverage to transform
nothing into a lot.
It has as much to do with your ability to create perceived value and
stimulate desire as it does your ability to approach, solicit, and
Chronicling a few other interesting trades might be idea-stimulating to
In the past, I've traded consultations for: Inserts in newsletters,
magazine and radio ads, automobiles, electronic equipment, musical
instruments, gem stones, jewelry, guns, trips, furniture, copyrighting,
artwork, clothing, interior decorating, products I resold, and even
insurance policies. In fact, I still trade consultation services for all
sorts of products and services.
Barter is such a wonderfully "leveragible" transactional tool for ANY
company to utilize, that I strongly urge everyone to seriously consider it.
Case Study Number Twelve:
About four years ago, I had a client who desperately needed a premium
bonus to offer customers for repurchasing.
He told me he was willing to spend $4 - $6 for the bonus, but he
lamented his terrible difficulty in finding a high-perceived-value,
relatively exclusive product or service he could "tack on" to a purchase
a bonus that would compel an old, inactive customer to want to purchase
He was quite desperate.
I offered to put together a suitable premium/bonus for him, provided it
was clearly understood and acknowledged by all concerned that as long as I
met or exceeded their $4 - $6 criteria, I could make a fair profit in
exchange for involving myself conceptually. I point this out because they
were a percentage-of-profit client of mine as well.
Once they agreed, I found a magazine/newsletter subscription agency that
had a fabulous sampling/trial arrangement with 100 different, very
desirable publications wherein they (the agency) could allow people to "try
out" up to 20 selected publications for nothing.
The agency received a percentage of all renewals.
I asked Glenn to update me about some of the past attendees and participants of various training programs I
have conducted over the past five years. My instruction and request of Glenn was to share with me his best
researched, first-hand assessment and reconstruction of how certain past attendees were currently doing.
Specifically, I asked Glenn to focus his report on people I knew less about. What follows is a summary of
his findings. I have not completely verified each success story for absolute accuracy; however, I feel confident
that Glenn's general assessment is probably very indicative of how the individual did or is doing by applying
the concepts and philosophies I taught them.
These are only a few dozen, but their varied and consistent success stories do parallel the first-hand reports
embodied in the case study letter that appears in the front of this manuscript. Here then is Glenn Osborn's
report of how other people have fared.
Bob Hansen and Shirley Hansen have been able to take the endorsement of 2 newspaper editors that
they know locally in Philadelphia and get several hundred people to show up at seminars where they teach the
people who are running ads in those papers (the business owners) marketing. They would never have thought
of doing that before, and they're building a big promotion that way. They have all that documented. It's quite
a success story.
Mark Beeten sent me some of his material from California. He had an ad he was running. I rewrote it,
changed the headline and offer, and he was able to sign a $30,000 client by using a tactic I gave him (that I
learned from you), and this ad that he ran for $500, brought in a $75,000 job. I didn't even meet him before I
was able to write that. That's a success story there for copy writing.
Rick Solano of Boston was able to test his prices for the first time. He has 900 names on this mailing list.
He doubled the price and tripled his profits. He made $200,000 more with his offer than he usually
makes. That was impressive.
Linda Holiday has an accounting practice. She has moved from the Chicago area in Illinois to Colorado and
all 15 of her former accounting clients have stayed with her. Apparently, she has tripled their-business.
Judy Kendall and I wrote an ad. The headline is "husband falls in love, buys second yacht, wife steamed,
must sell." She sold her yacht in one day by putting an ad in the yacht trader, RV magazine. She got hundreds
and hundreds of phone calls. She also was price testing her house and accidentally ran this ad, the same type
headline and the body copy similar to the yacht, except explaining about the house. Sold the house in 2 days
for $137,500 and she just moved. So she's in a grumpy mood right now. She has copies of both of those if
you need that.
Richard Regan cut 60% off the cost of print, TV and cable and ads for ad agencies. He has been using
marketing to walk into small companies and use video in what he does to make extra money and get a
percentage. So he boosted his profits that way. Also, he discovered that he gets more for his business by
paying for referrals. He has friends in all kinds of upper management positions and Fortune 500 companies
and they refer him all of his best and most profitable work. He got that idea from Jay.
Big success story, Jay, Richard Warner, South Carolina (803) 944-9023. He has used a system that he set
up for optometrists. He has 40 optometrists buying into his commercial marketing package. What he does is
link optometrists to commercial business and industry. He said they get referrals in huge numbers to new
clients. He markets it to groups.
Ann Platell is the General Manager and marketer in a dental office for her former husband. She has a raft of
ads that she's tracked getting 20, 30, 40% response. What they do when the phone calls come in, they just
mark it off and she knows how much money that ad made or that sales letter. She has almost doubled his
dental practice because of the things she's done.
Bad-Ack Sabramian also has built up a large referral network sending clients to chiropractors in
Another would be Simon Walt. He has a tested optician marketing package that makes like 30 or 40% profit.
He has done a deal with a boat that is made in New Zealand. Specifically, he has created a network of boat
dealers that sell this workboat using the endorsement concept. He has all these guys referring him customers,
and if they have a certain kind of business, he puts the workboat in there and the company gets a percentage.
So he set up his network and he would not have thought of that had he not attended your seminar, Jay. Also
the dynamics of this is incredible. Simon did marketing for a San Francisco boat show for the New Zealand
boat with a tent being exhibited. He said their normal number of orders that they take from such a show is 5 or
6. That's considered very good. Well, they got mad at him because Simon sold 42 boats at one boat show.
They had to cancel every one of the rest of the boat shows on the West Coast because they couldn't make them
fast enough. We are talking a lot of money here. Say $10,000 a boat, that's $420,000 in one boat show.
Also, Simon Walt did a little promotion for a deli. One ad produced 140% increase in profit in
10 days. The 2 sisters who own the deli were running at a break even at the time he did the ad for them. So
he did 2 ads, I have both. They sold the deli for big profits and left.
As far as I can tell, protege Steve Mahaney was teaching scuba diving when he first attended Jay's seminar
and was making a salary. He found a contact in California that refers him millionaires. So now I think he only
works 3 months a year teaching scuba diving and grosses about $400,000 or $500,000. He rents a yacht,
brings a bunch of these multimillionaires out and their families, teaches them to scuba dive and then they want
to buy equipment. Well, he just happens to own a scuba diving shop. He sells them all the equipment. Then
they want to go somewhere fun to scuba dive so he also plans vacations all over the world and adds on a big
profit. So that's very profitable.
Joe Chode is a psychologist. He has written a Yellow Page ad that has more than doubled his business.
Also, Gloria Lowe has written independently an ad that I have a copy of for her psychology practice in the
Yellow Pages that has doubled the number of her clients. She's only working weekends now.
Of course, Jay, you already know about Jordan Young and the letter that he sent out to get people to come
back to his chiropractic practice. It produced a six figures response. You can document that, I'm sure. He also
has that pine bark thing where he was bailing up pine needles, selling them as fertilizer to redeploy their asset
value as you taught him and probably made half a million dollars on the side.
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Brian Edfield, "Bartenders Guide for Women How to Meet Men," "Bartender's Guide on How to Pick Up
Women." He set up a host parasite deal with a company that has a dating service so they spend hundreds of
thousands of dollars for marketing. When somebody asks for information, they stick one of Brian's flyers in
there. When the person calls the 800 number to order one of his books or audio tapes, the 800 service
documents it, takes the credit card number and then Brian pays a percentage to the dating service. It's working
very well.
Your former assistant, Michael Roth, has created a company and a newsletter to companies that fill laser
cartridge, a laser cartridge re-charging business. He's running that very successfully and has created little
packages that he's selling for $6.95 which gives successful marketing ideas and things that have a track record.
Mike also writes letters for people like Ted Nicholas. He learned that from you. He gets $5,000 for a letter
that he writes. So he's making money that way.
Lester Nathan was on a super conference call with you, Jay. I think it ran for 12 weeks or 14 or something
for a few hours at a time. From these calls, he learned to use your USP concept. He writes ads, puts them in
the paper, or puts a letter together for a client which sets up a situation where there is nobody in that area who
has the assets and the uniqueness, whether it's the offer or something. He usually gets 8 to 10 times the cost of
the ad by using that concept. He has made people quite a bit of money. He has one success story for an auto
body shop. Every time they put a $200 ad in the paper, they make $10,000. He's got another success story for
a landscaper. He put a $173 ad in the paper and the guy made like $23,000 or $17,000 or something. I have
the exact numbers.
I don't know whether you know this, Jay, but Bob Bachtold had doubled his head hunting practice. What he
did was bought a copy of "Your Marketing Genius at Work" for $575. He said at the time it came with a 3month money back guarantee if you didn't make more money than it cost, send it back and you would refund
everything. He discovered in the head hunting business people get burnt a lot so you have to have
relationships. Bob was able to compile a master list or a database of experts in the areas he wanted to work in.
He set up a system which allowed him to call a prospect. He didn't know what help he needed so he identified
in advance 3 or 4 of the prospect's network confidence, people that they trusted. He calls it multiple
interlocking endorsements. He gets these people to trust him and he can get into their company or supply them
with people and get paid. Very powerful technique.
Another concept that Bob Bachtold used to more than double his income was that he would go into a company
and start giving them advice and help in a lot of other phases. He would find out so much about what they
were doing that he would often be in on the job of writing the job requirements for the client and would find a
prospective applicant for the job. He would already have somebody in mind to meet the parameters.
I have a copy of Al Fitzinger's letter. He has a gun club and a bunch of other businesses, but I'll go
through them one at a time. For the gun club, what he did was send a Christmas thank you to a thousand
members of his gun club and with that he gives them 6 coupons they could give to friends good for free gun
rental, free membership and something else for 3 months. They get addicted to coming in and shooting off
shotguns, machine guns and stuff so he has more than doubled his regular customer base and his profits by
getting these guys hooked, which is an Abraham tactic that he learned at the seminar. He is also raising more
than $1 million for telemarketing for the Pennsylvania Law Enforcement Association, and he puts together a
newsletter that gives away all kinds of travel packages and other things. When people buy that, he gets a
percentage on the back end. It started to interfere with the up front fund raising where they donate money, but
he's making money on the back end.
This is a crazy story. Scott Baumgart in Detroit, Michigan, got back from one of your seminars. He is
working for a company that rents or leases cars, very expensive automobiles. He came up with some idea he
was talking to a buddy about he was very excited at the seminar. The buddy went to his boss, the boss went
to the President, the President called the lawyer for the division of the company. They called him in and
prominently laid Scott off. Scott was never told why, but he thinks that he must have come up
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with an idea that they considered threatening or they were about to implement and they were appalled that
somebody else knew about it. He took that firing and turned it around and bought a tanning salon that was
about to go out of business and started a newsletter to current members and boosted profits 40% immediately.
Probably way above that by now. In the same mall, he found a video store that was about to go under and he
bought that for probably the cost of the tapes. Then to save rent, he put them both under the same roof in the
same store. So he's paying one rent for two stores and has drawn off so much money that he's got people
constantly calling him up trying to buy it for cash for a lot more than it's worth. Of course, he's not giving up
his cash cow right now, but it's pretty amazing what he's done.
Sok Ung and Kim, his wife, (Vietnamese refugees) used a consignment idea Jay gave them for when to sell
their jewelry as a test. I think in 3 months they made an extra $40,000, which for them was massive! That's
quite a success story. What they did was find a mailing list of jewelry store owners who were selling to
wealthy people homemade type jewelry. They sent them an offer in very broken English Sok can't write
worth a damn. He showed me the letter and it was awful, but he got 6, 8 or 10 people to send away for certain
samples that he said he would send them. Actually, he charged them postage and his cost for the material so he
wasn't risking anything. Then he would call them once a month and they said oh, yeah, we sold everything.
So he said well, send me the money and I'll send you more. They would say, okay. It got to be a pain in the
neck. He didn't like calling them and reminding them. He would forget to call and renew, but that's all he was
doing and he made $40,000 extra using consignments.
Here's an interesting success story, Jay. My friend, Mark Boonich, attended one of your seminars. He's
looking for leverage. He set this up and it's working. He went to the USSR where he was bom and raised
and where he has some relatives. The concept was to harness cheap architectural drawings. People out there
can do things very cheaply. They will fax the drawings to the U.S. at a very reduced rate and it will give the
company an edge in their bids. So he went out to USSR, found 6 or 8 companies that were begging for work
so they were all competing for Mark's business. He selected the best one and came back and they are
starting to set this thing up. It will give the U.S. company a huge edge in profits because their cost of doing the
drawings is much less. So we are talking about probably several million dollars a year at least in extra profits
because they'll get jobs that they ordinarily wouldn't.
Jay, you already know about Mark Holich. I don't know whether you have copies of all his stuff. I do. He's
working with 19 or 20 car dealerships all over the U.S. He has discovered several things. First, a letter that I
sent him that made $1.5 million in a day in Australia, he's converted for a client and he's sold 20 cars in a day.
That's not too shabby. The rationale was that they switched banks that were covering the loans and there was
some reason why it was possible to sell a car advantageously. Second, he has a radio promotion that he sells
for $5,000 a pop up front again and again to car dealers, which means it must be working. What rhymes with
orange, what rhymes with purple, people hear the radio ad and come in to win the $500. At the dealership,
they fill out a questionnaire entry form which gives the name, address, phone number, type of car. Also they
must be sort of interested in a car or they wouldn't show up anyway. So they get thousands of people through
the car dealership and only one person ever finds out what the winning rhyme to the word is. After that they
have letters that they mail out that are in his package to rotate tires, do oil changes, all kinds of stuff. It boosts
the repair side and gets them in and maybe they sell a car to boot. That's working well for him out in
I have a copy of Mickie Michael's ad. She found a doctor who was spending $40,000 to $50,000 a year in
Yellow Page ads. She got him to pay her $10,000 to research it and rewrite it. She learned that from you. She
also put together a policy manual for a company that she sold 100 of at $500 apiece. She sends out a postcard
and people call her and then she closes them or goes out to the office. She says that of the people who call, she
closes about 70%. So that's working. Very powerful.
Jeff Bell of Pennsylvania. I can update you, Jay, on a couple of things you may not know he's doing. He
wrote that wonderful endorsement letter for you. But he made a quick $10,000 profit by finding a guy who
was trying to sell his lawn care business. Jeff called him up and said suppose you let me send a letter
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to your customers offering them some landscaping deals or work. He said okay, you know, for a percentage
because I can't even sell my company, what the heck. So then Jeff ran around and found a landscaper and
wrote the letter and made $12,000 as his cut of the profits. What Jeff is doing right now is that he has a deal
with a $9 billion bank in Pennsylvania. He gets a cash fee every time he gets one of 1,000 mortgage brokers
to send them their mortgage and sell it to his bank. What he's doing is that he has doubled one of the
mortgage broker's businesses and he's sending letters out to all the rest of them. They only have 10%
of the business, but he said he got 90% possible from 1,000 different brokers and they know exactly how
many of these guys are referring every month so anything above that, Jeff gets a percentage of. So he's in the
middle of that and I think he will make a lot of money because his letter is a killer. He explains how to make
money and offers a free report that they can send and then offers the report already written if they'll call him
Of course, I have the postcard that Michael Lillig spent $500 for. He keeps mailing it. He has had to quit.
He's made an extra $900,000 for his partners in the medical testing business, you know, blood, urine,
whatever. Doctors might spend $50,000 to $100,000 to figure out what's wrong with their patients by doing
medical lab work-ups. So he's added almost $1 million with just the cost of a postcard by giving away
software that he didn't know how to sell. It helps them leverage their business.
By the way, Jay, if you have Bill McCormick's permission, you could use some of his letters and things
that he's been testing headlines for newspaper ads that are 100% more successful than the others. I'm sure he
learned that from you.
Edie McHenry got a billion dollar marketing client. She worked with her printer free and doubled his profits
mostly by setting up host parasite deals and then in return he endorsed her to his customers. They all came to
a seminar where she spoke and she found some clients from that. One of the new clients was a salesman in a
store which was one in a 400 co-op buying group that bought a billion dollars worth of carpet a year. So she
worked on a QT because this little store owner didn't want to spend any money on marketing. So she did it for
free and doubled their profits, then she Fed Exed the company president and worked with the Chairman of the
Board. She said her first payday for a small percentage of the total was $400,000 and that's it black and white.
So that's a great success story.
Rob McHenry wrote a 4 or 5-page Los Angeles Tunes-type tax accounting guide that bombed, but some of
his clients called and wanted to send copies to their customers because they thought it was really simple and
easy to understand. So he quickly ran off a bunch of copies and sent them to all of his current customers with
a letter saying we can supply this to any of their clients free if you tell us how many you want. In 90 days, I
think it was, he had increased his practice by 52.7 percent, which equals one million dollars. That's a lot of
Bob Craig. I listened to you help him draft an endorsed letter that he put in a trade magazine for catalog
people. He had been working for InMac catalog, had made them like $500 million, $485 million, I think, over
10 years. He was only making $80,000 a year. He quit and you helped him get 40 catalog presidents call him,
he picked the ones that he thought were the most acceptable and they flew him all around to look at their
companies for free, paid for everything. I've been getting a copy of the catalog called Balducci. If anybody
wants to call 1-800-BALDUCCI and see what Bob has wrought. He's not working with them anymore, but
they're still using his ideas. It's one heck of a beautiful food catalog.
I have the ad that Bob Craig ran and I spoke to him a month or two ago and he tells me that he signed the
U.S. branch of the Body Shop, which as you know is like a $600 or $800 million company. They have
franchises all over the world. He's really doing well.
What just went into this part above was documented for the most part in my first newsletter. I had about 40
pages of massive things with a lot of examples. So if you need samples, I have most of that or I can produce it.
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his survey, so like 25% response (which was many times what he'd ever done) and he actually made
money up front. People called up and wanted to buy the survey from his firm.
Jim Clark promised to send you a testimonial, Jay. He's the one with the head hunting business in
Clearwater, Florida. As I remember, he charges $5,000 to a client and guarantees that he will get them a job at
a certain rate of pay. I'm sure he pre-screens them very well. In order to guarantee that, he says he has
created a 25-page booklet that educates people about what his business is about and he is now recognized as
creating the best product in business. So they have gotten a lot of free press and testimonies and doing great
Of course, a big success is John Dvorak. He's in Washington, D.C., with a passport/visa travel guide.
Apparently, you can get a passport or visa from his firm in 24 hours. He says he's doing so well he's afraid
to over-extend himself. He's opening license offices in Chicago, New York, Detroit where people are paying
everything themselves so it doesn't come out of his pocket. He says he has so much business he's afraid
whether he can keep up with it or not. That's a big success story. He's done all that after your seminar.
Linda Reed Valog said that you helped her a lot with her ability to listen and empathize. She's an
investment broker. She now asks customers what is your vision. What do you wish to accomplish. She
listens and draws them out and finds out some of the emotional needs. She says due to that she didn't sell just
a small amount in her last think just last week she made a $250,000 sale to somebody because she has
learned to listen better.
Jay, I don't know if you remember Brad Lyons, the young man that started with you 3 years ago, part-time.
He quit and started a Jiffy Print store. He developed some marketing approaches patterned on what he learned
from you one of which is very successful. What he did for his Jiffy Print was make a deal with a pizza
company around the comer who was going through all the offices delivering pizza. Whenever they delivered a
pizza, they put one of has flyers on top for printing. In return, instead of having to pay the guy, he did all the
pizza printing guy's work for free. That made Brad 30% more profit just by doing that joint venture.
Before I forget, Mel Weissberg has more than doubled his dental practice he's a dental surgeon. What he
did was segment all the dentists in his area. He just can't advertise. He can't just say come in, and I'll give
you a root canal. He has to get all this business by referral.
He segmented all of the dentists in his area of Silver Springs, Maryland, into A, B and C. The A list were
people who were sending him the most referrals. Segment B is next; C is not too good. He started sending
these guys information, taking them to lunch. He actually made these dentists more money by sharing
marketing information he'd learned from you, and the more money he made them, the more referrals he got
from them. Not a coincidence. He has had to build on to his office and then he had to move to a different area
and expand. He's even hired another surgeon. And he does not do any advertising per se! He just tries to
build his referring dentists' businesses.
I don't think you've kept up with Mark Fisher. When you knew him, he was the radio station advertising
manager. He has since quit that job. He is working for a large vacation place with thousands of rooms and
he's filling that place somewhere up in Pennsylvania, very successfully, and making more money than he was
at the radio station with a lot less problems.
Bill Haas has a couple of things that are very interesting. He has been doing speeches to the Chamber of
Commerce and getting clients that way. He started a snack food route from scratch. He's got more than 300
locations already using pure Jay Abraham techniques. I'm sure he would not have gotten most of those
relationships without your training. He's never done anything like that before. His background is as a
stockbroker, investment adviser. So he's doing very well financially.
Page 7
Of course, you remember Francis Randall in Hawaii. He had that printing company and has more than
doubled the profits of his printing company using your sales letters . I just spoke to the man who bought his
company. He doesn't know where Francis went, but Francis sold the business for a pile of money.
I was talking to Guy Rencher, the attorney, not too many months back. Since the first protege training 3
years ago, Guy has grossed more than $4 million doing seminars. What he does is sell revocable living trusts
out in Oregon, I believe, and Colorado. You taught him to license from a successful lawyer specific ads and
promotional approaches, and Guy has created some of his own programming and does free seminars all over
the place using again the concepts you've taught him. From that, he "back ends" them into revocable living
trusts. He's doing very well.
I lost track of Alan Goodhew lately, but the last I heard of him, he started his own company, moved out
West somewhere and he's selling hundreds of thousands of vitamins and health products through the mail -doing great guns.
Of course, Jim Keppel. He started a store in Moscow and was making some money for a while. I think he
sold that. He's got an electroplating company up in New York that he has more than doubled profits there.
He started the marketing consulting business and that's moving right along. It seems that everything he
touches turns to money and he attributes much of that, maybe most of it to Jay Abraham.
Jessica Hanes was doing great guns doubling or tripling art gallery sales and has the reputation for going in
and making a mint. She was making a lot of money. She has since moved and I've lost track of her, but that's
another success story.
Audri and Jim Lanford used to live in Silver Springs, Maryland. They had an imaging software business
for computers. It could find a word or phrase in 3 seconds and they had countless success stories. They took a
headline from one of their law clients, scanned everything from a big trial transcript and managed to find an
overlooked page of a final summation that landed their law firm client a $23 million judgment. Audri put that
headline in a trade show and managed to get more than 1,500 people to leave their names who wanted some
more information and turned it into a million dollar system sales right there at the trade show. They sold the
company and moved to California. They were using your simple marketing systems like coming in and going
the extra mile in helping people to scan things into their system, and customers were so happy that they'd
bought another one from them. There were simple things that they did continuously that worked great.
The last time I talked to Bonnie Hartley, she had signed a dentist, an accountant and an investment
broker and was working with a magazine in the fishing and hunting news area. So she's going great
I've lost track of Danny Brockner. He is one of your clients, Jay, from maybe 5 years ago, who added
nearly one million dollars to his bottom line in eighteen months by following your advice. Apparently, he has a
successful investment company that lent money to people who didn't quite qualify for conventional loans.
What Danny did was send a letter to all the area banks in Louisiana saying send me your clients that don't
quite meet your specifications and I'll give you a fee for the reference. He has more than doubled or tripled his
profits in his loan brokerage. He sold the business a couple of years back for eight figures.
More success stories. I just talked to Joe Csotty. He's still working in his psychology practice. His Yellow
Page ad has more than doubled his clients and sales.
I just got off the phone with Terry Finder. She wrote a full page car dealership ad all copy except for
one picture of a car and got the dealership to pay $30,000 for 30 second TV spots. This is down in Virginia. I
think they were selling 50 new cars a month and 20 some used cars. She said that for the month they did this,
they spent $30,000 in TV spots, but sold 90 new cars and 50 used cards. So almost double.
Page 8
I also just talked to Phil Maddox again down in Kentucky. He tells me that his over-the-counter sales on
prescriptions went up 70% in December when he did his promotion. That's a lot of money to him.
Roger Fight, Quality Tree Service up in Long Beach, New York, has about 3/4 of a million dollar a year
business. He never asked for the endorsement of one of the top 10 largest nurseries in the U.S. that is located
near him. He did so after attending Jay's program. He has recently completed a letter that he is sending out to
all of this man's customers endorsing Roger. Roger figures that conservatively it will make him another
quarter of a million dollars. Also, Roger is putting little tags on this nursery's most expensive plants and
shrubs. Now if a customer spends $500 on shrubs which had little tags offering free spraying and advice on
how to care for your tree, the customer will probably call up. He'll get a "start" with some very wealthy home
owners who can afford expensive tree trimming, and that's directly from all your advice at the session, Jay.
Max Day tells me he has doubled a friend's business who is an international karate champion by just
getting referrals.
Alien Bunn. Jay you just did a marketing makeover for Alien. He said his overall pharmacy business is up
30%, and he's sending me a series of articles that ran in the local newspaper that you advised him to do. He
says he's already made a lot more money than he's invested in your marketing seminar and marketing
makeover --he's a happy camper.
Victor Sandonato has a big jewelry store down in New Mexico. His business is up 40% selling handmade
Indian jewelry. He hasn't yet gotten around to putting his mailing list on computer. He's making so much
money, he hasn't felt the need just by applying one or two of your ideas. I call him once in a while and kick
him to do it.
Dr. Wilson, the eye doctor. He sent out a postcard that offered about $200 or $300 worth of free services in
eye check-ups. He mailed it to 2,000 of his existing list and generated $10,000 in sales in a 2-day weekend
and God knows how much more in the following weeks. The phone was ringing off the hook.
Sharon Hyatt is a manager for the massive software company, Oracle Computers. I met her in April at your
seminar. She had written a couple of letters you suggested. There is nothing to them. All it does is say, "Dear
Sir, we're giving a learning training seminar in your state or your city on X date at this price and please call me
and sign up." That's it. The first letter made $100,000! She followed up with another letter saying, "We have
a Christmas special. You can bring one person with you for half price and you pay full price." That made an
extra $300,000 so she made her company $400,000 last year before even attending Jay's seminar just from
merely reading your advance material. You might remember, Jay, she said, "If I'm any more successful, I'm
going to die."
Mark Anderson and Jim Spencer own a janitorial supply company. By looking at their current customers,
they were able to identify 3 separate markets. Food manufacturing was one, the other was airport offices, and
another was software companies. They are making 50% more profit by running them past an SIC code to
identify 350 prospects so they have called and identify the decision maker in the janitorial contract cleaning area.
Judith Mowers Dent tells me that she just closed a corporation in doing a stress reduction seminar for
$20,000. That's quite a sale.
Phil Harlan was the regional director of the Colonial Life and Accident Insurance Company. I met him at
your seminar, Jay. He was regional director for Pennsylvania, New Jersey and West Virginia and I think they
have given him 3 or 4 more states. Using your techniques, he has multiplied their sales by 10 times, and it's
going so well it's hard to get him on the phone anymore.
Page 9
Of course, Craig Hane since the seminar has found that using endorsement was the most successful
marketing campaign he's done in his life.
I talked to Ron Bingham in Las Vegas on the phone. What he does is organize free preview marketing
seminars. He says usually 800-1,000 people show up and he gets free press by sending out press releases
asking people to bring in blankets or cans of food or something for the local homeless shelter. So they don't
spend any money on marketing, and from there, they do a preview of what a seminar will be about. A certain
number (two hundred or more) sign up at $200 a head, and the third day, many want some "one on one"
consultation. He says from there they weed them out into the clients they want to take, which is very effective.
Robert Sprague and his partner, David Briggs, are doing very well with their management psychology
practice and have implemented some of your marketing.
Steve Brooks, out in California, is working on marketing consulting full-time. He has some major clients.
He gets a fee and a percentage of the stock and he's doing very, very well. In fact, he had to hire salesmen
and support people to help.
Harriett Diamond attended one of your seminars. She set up a company to work on the back end by
working with seminar givers who need to enhance their back end profits. She says she has made her clients a
few hundred thousand dollars by doing some things with their sales people, doing some tests with marketing
Steve Von Loren is doing something interesting with his hot dog carts. What he has done is gotten one of
his contractor's stores that sells plumbing equipment, wood and all kinds of other supplies to other contractors
to agree to stuff a flyer good for a free drink or something for each purchase at the hot dog stand. In other
words, if somebody buys something, they get clipped on or stapled on a little information which adds value.
Then, when they go out they get a free drink, Steve is also selling a hot dog or something.
Joel Gefifin has had quite a few successes. Apparently, he landed a client who had an alternator company
that was selling to fleets. He walked him across the street to the owner of the battery company or vice versa
and explained how they could make each other a lot of money by sharing customers. They are happy as clams.
They each made an extra $100,000 or more each time a new big or current customer comes in and walks them
across the street and introduces them to the president of the battery or the alternator company. They never
thought of that, and Joel gets a piece.
Jenny Christopher and her husband down in Myrtle Beach. She mailed a simple postcard to their
customers. (They have a condo rental company.) She tested the postcard in the middle of a blizzard but was
able to tell which headline worked best. Her husband told me the last time I spoke to him that they had
generated a hundred thousand dollars of sales and they were starting to do back end mailings with that. The two
headlines they tested were "what you can do on your spring vacation at ocean front condos in Myrtle Beach,"
and the winning headline was "the reason why you can save money on your spring vacation." It pulled 20-40%
better depending on what time she sent it.
Barry Shaw, who is out in Colorado, is working with several lawyers. He has rewritten letters for them that
are bringing in quite a few new accounts. He was laughing as he just wrote a letter for a lawyer. He said after
the committee finished chopping it up, they sent it out and it still brought in 65 people to a free seminar. His
headline was something like "an invitation to attend for accountants, etc." that was a pre-headline sentence.
"Your clients' competitors are hoping you never read this letter." that's his headline. The lawyers changed it
to "RE: An Invitation." He said they mailed it to 6,000 accountants, and 75 showed up. Amazing. So it worked
in spite of them changing it around.
Page 10
Chuck Beck is working in other areas in his business which is helping people get elected. He's found that
most restaurants who do contests where somebody leaves their card and each week a winner gets a free lunch,
don't do anything with the list. So he's doing some things marketing-wise for those restaurants.
Larry Anderson has written at least one letter that has made $1 million selling bookkeeping software to
bookkeepers who work for high schools. I think he has several other software products that he is selling.
Ron Lyell. Jay, you should remember Ron. Remember that interview you did with him when he was
selling time clocks for blue collar companies where people punch in and out and. You made it clear that the 5
or 7 or 10 different Yellow Pages that he was running ads in had like 50,000 or 100,000 customers that he
never went back to them to sell back end products or to upgrade their machines. I was on the phone with him a
month back and he said he's made $1 million extra.
Sy Auer, the last time I spoke with him, in fact, his staff was telling me that when he got back from the
seminar, he furiously started to rewrite and redo a lot of what they were doing. He's changing back ends and
marketing and everything simultaneously working at a furious pace, trying to take advantage of what he
learned. Jay, if you could get him on the phone, that would be one hell of an endorsement because I've called
and gotten copies of some of what he does in his various companies and, man, is it leveraged to the hilt. He's
got telephone systems that let you order things, get free samples, catalogs, and you never even have to talk to
a person. His executive assistant was shaking her head about all the work that they were doing. I bet he's really
mined Jay Abraham marketing concepts for big bucks.
Jay, you may not know it, but Frankie Cangas has started a newsletter to beginning entrepreneurs and very
small business people. She has at least several thousand subscribers. She has interviewed people like the guy
who wrote the book Swim with the Sharks. I saw an interview with Ted Nicklaus in there. She's doing very
well, she and her husband, Owen.
Jay, I'm not sure whether you're aware of this, but Lonnie Kocina, the former marketing director for Jim
Cook's company, the Investment Rarities, has started his own company. What he's done is use the hidden
value in their radio and TV network. Remember they were featuring sales people on radio selling gold. He
used those contacts to start his own company. He charges $500 for an interview with the radio DJ on the local
market. I think the first year, they made a $700,000 gross; the second year, it was $1 million; and this year,
they must be up in the $3 million mark by now, very successful. He learned his methods under your watchful
eye, Jay. What they do is guarantee to get you on the radio with a targeted DJ, which means if you are talking
about cooking or food, they will find somebody who has a local or national cooking show. You would then be
interviewed on radio or TV by that person. So that's Lonnie Kocina.
I forgot to mention Miro Krztic. Miro is the guy in Canada who sold all those millions of dollars worth of
telephone poles. He called his lawyer and said if I make you a dollar would you give me 25 cents and the guy
said, "Yes." So he referred him to some of his overseas clients big ones and Miro was able to set up a
deal between some people in Bangladesh. He got a contractor who needed telephone poles and he has found
somebody in Canada who had wood trees and got a percentage of the deal.
Of course, Jay, you know that Moe Anderson has developed a system for training real estate brokers. She's
still out there as a speaker and a trainer, and she's making a lot more money than she did before Jay Abraham
because she knows how to get endorsements and maximize her profits. She made $30,000 more the first month
she tried your ideas.
Randall Angst has sold his travel agency for a huge fee and is traveling around vacationing. He tells me he
is working with the Turkey Association. Apparently, there has been no real marketing applied to selling
turkeys so he has a big client there.
Page 11
Jay, your former associate, Janet Switzer, has written a full-page ad for her sister and brother-in-law
advertising their Suffolk pedigree sheep and explaining why their blood lines are better and why they're worth
a lot of money. They're about a couple of hundred dollars apiece. She said the ad has gotten incredible
response and they've got their little sheep pre-sold even before they're born for months and months.
Jim Blumen tells me that he has been able to target his customers better in his architectural company. What
he does is use the guys who work on his jobs as blood hounds or gophers to go out and get business. When
they bring him a job, he hires them.
As I remember the last time I spoke with Mike Byrd, he and Cheryl had made enough money selling their
software. I think they took their whole company or team to Hawaii on vacation.
Of course, Noel Cabell, Timberline Software, you know that story better than I do. But she added
something like $800,000 in profit to a department that was losing money before using your back end
Jay, you probably haven't kept up with Bob and Art Cigarelli. They keep growing. Their carpet cleaning
business is probably more than they can handle right now. I've tried to call them the last few months and
they're never in. They're the carpet cleaning guys who started out in the state fair, giving a couple rooms of
carpet cleaning and then threw the names away when they didn't sell anybody right away. They've got some
neat techniques. They are well over half a million dollars a year in carpet cleaning now. They were about
$50,000 when they first came to you.
Of course, Jay, you remember Chappel Dew of Dew's hardware store. He's in Myrtle Beach, South
Carolina. He's growing 25 percent in an industry that is probably flat or losing ground. Some of the things
he's done are selling these gas fired outdoor cooking devices for quite a bit of money. He actually had people
coming from out of state to buy them, because of the unique and interesting way he wrote articles and ads in
the paper. Also, he's selling tons of birdseed. He puts little flyers on what kind of bird seed different birds
like to eat and educates people about the kinds of birds that are natural in an area, how you can attract them and
what they like. So he sells flowers and bird feeders and all kinds of stuff and tons of birdseed. Incredible.
He's quite a success story. He's trying to ease out of the operational side to give him more time for
Steve Diglass of State College, Pennsylvania, was a paint contractor when he got your home study course.
On the force of that, he was talking to a few people taking in a few clients and became the marketing director
for something called Pigalog. You put them in sump humps and they suck up oil and other chemicals so they
don't get in the ground water. He had some good ideas and they hired him.
Lyn Ehrhardt is in Madison, Wisconsin. She tells me that she was working with several Quick Printers and
was so exasperated after your training that she took over one of them herself and has turned it around and
made it a very profitable business. She owns the thing, lock, stock and barrel and it's very profitable. She has
focused on quick turnaround jobs that are more profitable.
John Gorman is a surgeon Specialty Surgical Services, plastic reconstruction. He has increased the size of
his business dramatically even though he is in Gillette, Wyoming.
W. David Jenkins down in Texas. He's still working as a dentist in 2 different places. He has two offices,
and he's making, I believe, $100,000 a month (I don't know if that's gross or net) as a partner or owner of
some insurance for dentists. Apparently, it's very, very successful and he's coining money, making it hand
over fist. He could retire and put his feet up if he wanted to. He is also testing, he's out doing video products
to the dentistry market. He has developed so many money-making things software, PPOs, DMOs,
insurance companies, you name it.
Page 12
Wally Kemp is the owner of a franchise called the Picture Man, Inc. He's generating many hundreds of
thousands of dollars by using your marketing techniques, including free inserts, reader ads in the paper,
advertising articles and letters that he writes in the format you taught him. The ads get young women and
professionals to come in and have make-overs done and have their pictures taken whether it's for a boyfriend
or for a job interview or for parents or somebody. His mark-up is like 300-400%.
Sumner Lampson is a 60-year-old gentleman who is a go-getter in the real estate business. He explained to
me when I was talking to him that he really didn't like Jay at first or believe that anything Jay was talking
about would work, but he brought one of his assistants in and she went out on her own and became more
successful than he was. So he came back to another training, and last I heard he was closing multi-million
dollar real estate deals using some Abraham concepts.
Matt Layman has moved into a new business. Formerly, Matt was selling playground equipment made out
of wood and doing decks for houses. He would educate people (the way you taught him using preemptive
USP) and run press releases and run reader ads and said he was selling 40% more decks at full price
than he had previously.
Ted Lewis and his wife, Cathy Lewis, sold their sign company. It's a place where they make
specialty-type signs for people in various sizes and shapes, colors, different materials, plastic, metal, paper.
They've kept a part interest in it and the last time I talked to him, they had been traveling to Europe. He is
writing a book on his experiences in the entrepreneurial sign making business that he intends to market to get
clients for marketing and vertically to sell to other people in the sign business because he used the marketing to
generate many, many hundreds of percents more business than he had before. By the way, his company
sold more for much more than it would have been worth because he instituted predictable
marketing systems.
Of course, Jay, we don't want to forget Mal Needham. He's out in Oklahoma. Apparently, his home health
care division of the hospital he's working for is so profitable, using what you taught him, and he's getting so
much publicity for it (nationally) that it's sort of overshadowing the rest of the hospital management. Politics at
the hospital is getting a little tricky. He says actual marketing and educating is very rare in a bureaucratic
environment like hospitals.
Dr. Gerald Parker has 2 medical offices, thanks to your techniques. He flies between them. One's in
Amarillo, Texas, and the other one is in Oklahoma. He does all kinds of complicated chelation treatments
where you strain the blood to get rid of bad chemicals and stuff. He also has a weight loss technique that is
so successful that he guarantees it. He's got as much work as he can possibly do with one man. He's
looking for a joint venture of professional people.
Harry Pickins, of course, Jay, you can tell that story better than I, but he was making a couple of hundred
thousand dollars a year just using your marketing concepts. I use his little synthesis of questions sometimes
on the phone with people. It helps gel and bring ideas to the surface. He's a success story if there ever was
Ann Platel has written some really powerful sales letters that have literally doubled her husband's dental
practice. She even wrote one that was sent out to businesses who have lots of employees where the owner
could suddenly have a health plan that is cheaper than other dentists could do, but there was still adequate
money built in very carefully for profit. Suddenly the employer could engender good feelings. Pretty astute
marketing technique. Ann has also become one of the foremost authorities on fillings lead fillings or silver
fillings. Some people have a terrible reaction to them, and there's a unique technique for getting them out. Most
doctors won't touch it because it's controversial and tricky, but Ann's gotten a lot of dentists to show up at her
husband's seminar to learn how to master this art form by using her powerful marketing letter that she wrote
using your techniques.
Page 13
I spoke to Christian Kar. He's from the April 1993 seminar. He has a bunch of espresso carts in retail and
grocery stores. He tells me he has been testing and testing his ads and has gotten many times increased
response. It's working very well. He came back to your program 2 or 3 times to see what else he could pick
Emmett Peters, the fisherman from Canada, is using marketing to sell his eels hat he digs up there in the
streams to Japanese restaurants and markets in California for much more money than he had before. He also is
applying some marketing to sell Indian jewelry. Even in the outback, the outreaches of the wilderness,
marketing prevails.
Casey Stevenson owns Casey's Jewelers. He has, since the seminar, opened a second jewelry store
because they were doing so much business.
Okay, this is about the end of my immediate success stories I know about from personal conversation with the
actual individuals, Jay. I don't know how many more there are out there, but there's plenty. Hope this helps
you some.
Page 14
Jay Abrahams
Case Studies!
502 Abraham Inspired Case Studies, Success
Stories and Testimonials Guaranteed to Stimulate
Your Creativity, Transform Your Marketing Strategy
and Grow Your Business or Professional Practice
Massively Over The Next 3 to 18 Months!
Jay L. Abraham
Subject: 502 Incredible Case Studies Designed To Exponentially Grow
My Heartfelt Suggestion
If I were you, heres how I would begin to systemactically take action with this treasure
trove of unparalleled confidential case study information:
First, take an initial first pass cursory review of this volume. Print them all out
and put them in a binder marked CONFIDENTIAL. Keep it on you desk or
with you at all times. Mark with a post-it note, the case studies which which most
immediately apply to you, your circumstances or business situation.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 2
I would be looking for strategies which I could import, adapt and adopt to my
specific situation. I would look for ones based upon the time, the available
marketing funds I had available, the ease of effort, the most creative OR I would
look at the case studies in my same industry that I could model.
Then I would review those case studies in detail, and highlight, with a pen or
highlighter, the specific fundamentals of what made them work. I would attempt
to learn from each one. I would ask questions like Whats the insight here?
What strategy, tactic or driver makes it work? And most importantly
What is the implication and application on, to or in my specific
business that I can learn here?
Next, with pen and paper, I would prioritize the case studies which I would want
to creatively emulate. I would prioritize them based upon ease and quickness of
implementation. (PS: Ill give you a hint By far the most successful strategy
which people reported was using RISK REVERSAL amongst all 502. Its easy,
its fundamentally free, and it has the capability of doubling or tripling your sales
Further, I would create a detailed plan for each strategy I wanted to deploy and
create a marketing calendar to lock in when I would deploy it. I would work
backwards to make sure I had a great implementation plan formulated.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 3
So with that said, you have your work cut out for you. I am sure it will be the profit
adventure of a lifetime, one very few people get to experience.
Thank you again for submitting your case study, testimonial, or success story.
Best of Success With All Your Business Building Endeavors,
Jay L. Abraham
Please dont be bashful about sending me your next success stories when you achieve
them. I am always interesting in new, innovative and creative ways of using my
methodology and mindset. Just email your success story to [email protected].
(As you know, I can come up with many inventive ways ethically use your success to
my own marketing benefit. Theres a case study lesson here too: You should take a
marketing page from me and apply the same kind of dynamics to your own situation
Important Note: To prepare these case studies required enormous effort, time ,
expense, and commitment on our part. The people that shared them with me, shared
them with ME. For MY purposes. Which may be a commercial application of some
I am delighted to share this complete set of these case studies with YOU ONLY--ABSOLUTE FREE OF CHARGE, per my original agreement and offer I made with
you. However, it is vitally, critically important and ABSOLUTELY mandatory that
you totally respect the confidentiality and the exclusivity of this massive collection.
It is absolutely NOT being sent to you for redistribution in any way form or
kind--- without my express written authorization or approval.
It is only being shared with you and your enterprise here to help you flourish, prosper,
and to substantially grow your business as my free gift. Consder this document is
PRICELESS. It contains hundreds of totally specific strategies and the supporting
tactics that will allow anyone reading this to reap enormous financial, competitive
and business advantage over anyone else they compete against.
As such, I consider it totally proprietary and the intellectual proprerty of Abraham
Publishing Group. Thus it IS NOT intended, designed or offered to you for
redistribution, conveyance or sharing in anyway outside of your direct reports. And
we respectfully expect you to hold them to the same ethical standard of
confidentiality, trust and conduct we are know you will honor.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 4
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 5
1. Abdul Mozid
----- Original Message ----From: Abdul Mozid
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 10:09 AM
How I increased our business turnover from 1200/week to just over
2500 in 6 months.
What did I do? I increased the turnover of our takeaway from 1200/week
to just over 2500 in 6 months. I work for my uncle and for a period
of 7 months I was in charge of running the business whilst he went
The only bit of marketing we did was a postcard size advert in the
newspaper during Christmas. We did not advertise the whole year round
because we never got good results from it.
On reflection, what I am about to say now defies logic we also use to
do leaflet drop of our menus which always brought in new customers,
however, we NEVER CONTINUED IT. This was done whenever the business
slowed. These two methods were our only bit of marketing.
After studying Jays Money making secrets of Jay Abraham and other
marketing wizards I realized that we were making so many mistakes in
running our business.
The biggest mistake we made was that we never captured the names of our
customers for the regulars we knew nothing more than their names.
What this meant is that we could never do anything with our customers
because we did not know exactly who we were serving and how many
customers we had. We also never calculated the marginal net worth of
each customer.
The first thing I implemented was capturing the names of our customers
and recording it into a card index system. Having analyzed the
business I realized that we could easily capture approximately 50% of
customers name. These were the customers who left their name, address
and phone numbers to have the meals delivered to them. The other half
needed some creativity to
capture so..
I borrowed an idea from a friend who has a guest book for his hotel
customers and adapted it to my takeaway. I had a guest book at the
front of the counter that had columns for name, address, phone and a
comment on what they thought about the food at the takeaway. The
incentive given to the customers were that all people in the book would
be invited to special events in the
After getting the names it was so simple to increase the business.
Firstly I sent out a thank you letter to each of the customers on my
list. Next I sent a small note with the weekly specials and the menu
every week for the 5 months that followed it (initially to only 50
people so we dont waste money on testing).
The results speak for it self we doubled our business.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 6
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 7
2. Adam J. Betcher
----- Original Message ----From: Adam J. Betcher
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, July, 2002 11:51 PM
I am probably one of the least qualified to give a case study because I
am still working my full time day job and am still in the guts of
helping my first client.
In order to explain why this is a success, I have to tell you the whole
I am a project manager/process developer/Systems engineer within a
fortune 100 company. -- I only have an associates degree and my peers
are mostly engineers with doctorate's so you can see that I didn't get
where I am by being average.
Within this company I noticed that there were people that could create
excellent technical solutions, but the company would ignore them, and
then the company would turn around and hire consultants that didn't
have a clue, but were pretty good sales people.
This always irked me and my associates, so I decided to do something
about it. I started studying marketing and sales because these are
where my associates were ineffective. I came across a person who was a
Jay Abraham Protege' and was willing to loan my his materials. I spent
a year studying, quantifying and rendering out the core principles from
the audio tapes, books and newsletters. At last I was prepared. I
invited a group of the best of the best to lunch and presented my
business plan to create a consulting company that gained payment as a
percentage of the improvements made.
*** This is my first success... I would never have had the forethought
to reverse the risk or the ability to convince anyone to join me if I
hadn't studied Jay's materials.
Three process improvement war-horses joined my company. A Demming
scholar, A training guru and a Theory of Constraints Jonah. All of
these people have indepth understanding of the theories of management
of people and systems, but no marketing skills.
Once I started the company, I immediately had enough clients to fill
our free time (we all have day jobs and families). Our capacity is 2
clients, the average length of time meeting with a client is 1.5 years
and we have been in business for about 2 years. When we work with
clients, they come to us with seemingly insurrmountable obstacles, and
we begin to share principles and ideas about forming strategic
partnerships, reversing risks, getting referrals and help them think
through the problems they are having by using the tools from the
systems management tool suite's. They always leave with a renewed
sense of hope.
I too have a renewed sense of hope. Recently, I started recieving the
materials that Jay had teamed up with someone named Chet Holmes. At
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3. Ahron Katz
----- Original Message ----From: Ahron Katz
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2002 12:54 PM
Im Ahron Katz, founder of A-abc Appliance and Air Conditioning, the company
with the little red trucks in Dallas, Texas. A-abc Appliance and Air Conditioning
does approximately ten million dollars in sales annually.
Im going to share examples using three of Jays strategies.
The three strategies are:
1. Risk reversal. That way the client has nothing to lose.
2. Become spokesman for your company because people relate to a human
being better than to an entity. That increases recognizability and
responsiveness to your advertising by as much as 30% or more.
3. When you have confidence in your product or service, its very effective to
offer free or reduced-price samples. Assuming that long-term relationships
are very profitable, it will translate into exponential growth.
Here are three successful results from using the strategies.
1. I became the spokesman for the company by learning to do radio
commercials myself. I promised clients my personal guarantee using Jays
strategy of risk reversal. Youll love our service or you wont owe us a
I ended up hosting an hour-long radio show on Saturday afternoons.
Within several years, the recognition factor for A-abc, the company with
the little red trucks had surged from 3% to more than 40%.
2. I offered free carbon monoxide detectors along with free safety
inspections as an introduction to our service. We gave away 1500 of the
carbon monoxide detectors and did 200 safety inspections. The total cost
was $13,000.00. The clients generated from this program translated into
$112,000 in sales with a 43% gross profit margin within twelve months.
Within twenty-four months, that had expanded into $250,000 dollars in
3. I offered a $19.95 energy audit for anyone that owned a house over five
years old. Normal price was $150.00. This program generated over two
thousand clients, with sales of $1,100,000 within twelve months.
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4. Alan Cooper
----- Original Message ----From: Alan Cooper
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2002 4:27 PM
Most of the testimonials youll read about Jay Abraham are about the incredible amounts of money his
clients have made through following his teachings.
But the biggest gift Jay has given me is the insight that we truly live in a world of infinite opportunities.
Each and every one of us has the ability to tap that limitless well.
Im presently making the transition from a salaried job to independent entrepreneur. Those of you have
walked that path know it is sometimes a scary place to be. Jays philosophy has been me guiding light on
that journey.
As an individual without any of the resources of bigger players, Jays interpretation of the principle of
leverage has been my biggest ally.
The ancient Greek philosopher Archimedes said, Give me a long enough lever and Ill move the world.
Jay gave me that lever.
Until I stumbled on his website, www.abraham.com, I would have been content with a business that paid
the bills and supported my family. Jay taught me to think so much bigger.
Using the techniques Jay gives away FREE at his website, Ive negotiated a joint venture deal with a major
cellular phone provider whereby I have access to thousands of dollars a month in free advertising.
I live in South Africa, a beautiful, vibrant land. But many of my friends and colleagues are constantly
complaining. They complain about crime. About the shrinking job market. About our currencys
weakness against the dollar and other world currencies (one of our Rands is worth less than ten US cents).
I used to be the same until I encountered Jay Abraham. Now I realize that behind every perceived problem
lies a huge opportunity.
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While my friends fret about how theyll never be able to afford that overseas vacation thanks to our
currency depreciation, Im busy putting Jays principles to work earning dollars!
Im already earning more part time than in my day job, and Im on track to be bringing in over $100 000 a
year within two years. Now that may sound like small potatoes to some of you reading this, but that will
make me a millionaire in my currency! And thats residual income, money I earn whether I work or not.
The beauty of it is that thanks to the magic of leverage, I know this only the tip of the iceberg of my
potential earnings.
In ten years time Jay may compile another of these collections of stories. I hope Ill have the privilege of
contributing again. Im pretty sure Ill be able to quote you some impressive earnings.
But, I also know that the Jays biggest gift to me will still be opening the door to a world of boundless
possibility and excitement.
Alan Cooper
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U.K we
This has given our salon and increase from around 160,000 to nearly
300,000. Has it worked for me? What, you bet. I have even built in
a management system now that only takes me around one day a week to
look after. I have come off the salon floor and I am pursuing other
things. My main goal at this point in time is to continue self
educating towards becoming a well known/paid copywriter. I am well
along that path now. That over at http://www.orangebeetle.co.uk
So would I listen to you again? To be honest I don't read every email
you send I really don't get time but I do try to read your and a select
few others. I left school with nothing, no education, nothing. I now
live in a half million pound home. Have great holidays, four great
kids, nice cars all the usual stuff. My faith in God has never been
stronger and life is great.
All that doesn't happen
work and its not rocket
power it never has been
power that's what I and
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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6. Alan Turin
----- Original Message ----From: Alan Turin
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 3:55 PM
Here goes:
1. While awaiting the pleasure of the Florida Bar in swearing me in 1992 I was working
odd jobs. I remembered an interview you had with a mortgage broker. I chanced to meet
a mortgage broker & offered to help him increase his business. He was dubious, but I
pressed him and he agreed based on percentage of new business.
He was sending out a letter to about 2,000 people who were holding mortgages on
properties they had sold in Miami, Florida. His letter offered to pay cash for the
mortgage. He would by hand collect the names from the county records. So I asked him
a handful of questions:
What was his response rate on the letters out? He said 2%. Ok, of those responding, I
am assuming that most have an unrealistic idea of what their mortgage, discounted for
cash is worth, so you are only closing 1/5 of those. He was surprised that I got it right.
[All I did was apply the 80/20 rule].
I asked to see the letter. It was ok. But it came from his business Revenue Management
Services. I said that sounded like a collection agency. He said it was: he used to run a
collection agency. I said he would be better served if he used just his name. Moving on I
asked what the frequency of the mailings were. He had no idea of what I was talking.
Here is what I proposed. Keep sending the first letter as it works. That is your control.
Next, send a different headlined letter [w/2,000 items mailed there is hardly a lot of
testing that would be measurable to do].. See which letter responds, which headline to be
precise pulls better.
Then I suggested that he mail it twice. I asked of those calling him up, when would they
call, 5 days of mailing, 3, 10: what. He wasn't sure but felt that everybody who was
going to call, would call within a week. So I assigned that as 7 days. I suggested that he
should mail the EXACT SAME LETTER on the eighth day, that should pick up an
additional 1% or 1/2 the original response.
On 2,000 originally mailed yielding 40 calls out of which he would close 8 the second go
around would be 20 calls closing 4. Four mortgages bought was still worth the second
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Then I suggested another approach. Keep doing the mailings as they are working. But
set up to get calls from people who are already interested in selling their mortgages. I
suggested a display adv. in the classified real estate, the business section on Mondays
[which was a separate insert] the local business newspapers [there were two, one a daily,
the other a weekly].
I told him to use the headlines from the direct mail [already tested].
He disappeared. Couldn't reach him. Never saw a dime for my suggestions.
Almost a year later I ran into him: he was happy to see me!
I asked how had things gone? Excellent he had made $250,000 in fees doing mortgage
buyouts. Nothing for me of course. So what had he done I asked?
Nothing of what I suggested, in fact, everything contrary to what I suggested.
He didn't maintain his direct mail or test headlines. He dropped it.
The only thing he did was put a small adv. in the TV section [I had not thought of that].
He had gotten a discount from the rate card [a technique I explained to him], but had
done so by insulting the newspaper salesman.
He estimated he had quintupled his gross over the intervening time. As he had not signed
my letter of agreement, he felt he owed me nothing. He did agree to sign a letter
endorsing me. He did give me a C-note. A tip?
As I was a bit peeved, I decided to return it in kind, after I had the bill in my pocket.
I pointed out to him that he had left on the table $50,000 from not following up his direct
mail. Also, I pointed out that he never marketed to the other media outlets. If the local
TV section brought in $250,000 with one adv. I pointed out to him that the other four
outlets, assuming one third the revenue of the TV section, was another $320,000 left on
the table. "If the others merely matched the TV section, he could have gotten a million
dollars." He seemed put out, but was happy with his quarter million. I behaved shabbily
by pricking his balloon, but felt cheated out of my tiny 10% or $20k.
2. After admitted to the Bar in 1992 Hurricane Andrew smashed south Dade county. I
lived in the north end and suddenly found myself doing lots of evictions for landlords.
After about twenty I thought I should standardize my price. I realized the lifetime value
of a landlord for both evictions and other related activities was monumental.
The problem was I was low on funds [the mortgage broker story again...] and did not
want to pay for adv. which would have to be pre-approved by the Bar.
What I needed was a group of realtors. So I started calling "office space for rent" adv.
where it was listed by a realtor. Told the realtor my name and office space need.
Realtors inevitably asked what sort of law did I do. I told them: I specialize in real estate
evictions. I made three calls: one was to an answering machine, no call back. The
second was to a bored realtor who grunted on my specialty. The third was a lady who
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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was fascinated. I went to see the office: it was way too large. But she asked me more
about evictions. I said I had a checklist I had made so as to not embarrass myself in court
that I could give her. She said, "Why not speak at my realtors luncheon group & tell
them?" Bingo.
So there I was with my 100 copies of a "landlords checklist for residential tenant
evictions in Dade county" and 50 realtors. As their guest speaker they bought me lunch.
I still have never figured out the leverage on this deal.
For about 45 minutes after lunch I walked them through how to do an eviction & not
need an attorney. This coming from an attorney [adv. against type] they thought of me as
a friend. That was May 1994. Half the business I would work on for the next year and
half came from ONE LUNCHEON where they had bought me my lunch. Rather nice
fish meal at a seafood restaurant as I recall. That lunch paid me $25,000 all told.
3. After practicing law by evicting deadbeats it got tiresome for me. I decided to work in
an area closer to my academic background: tax law. I had taken all the tax courses
offered by my law school. While practicing I found out that to practice tax planning one
needed to have additionally a C.P.A. or LLM. in Taxation. The idea of going back to
school, except for a visit or lecture, maybe, revolted me.
Then while looking about I chanced to meet a CPA who did a lively practice of
representing people with tax problems. Folks who "forgot to file for five, ten, 21 years"
was the longest I saw.
He offered to walk me through one or two to get my feet wet. He said there was a huge
I asked him, what profession or business, has the most of these guys. He said, it varied a
lot, but the big ONE-TWO punch was contractors and [this amused me] personal injury
attorneys in roughly that order.
Contractors? So as I had recently purchased a fixer-upper house I had a reasonable
excuse. Went to the Yellow Pages and started calling contractors for them to visit me at
home for estimates. Room extensions, electrical, second bathrooms, kitchen remodeling,
Inevitably the contractor asked, "What do you do for a living." I would say, "I'm an
attorney who specializes in representing folks who haven't filed their taxes for awhile. I
negotiate for them to cut the taxes, interest & penalties."
All but one of the contractors [he said he could have used me two years ago, but got
squared up since] became clients. At $2,000 approx. per case, it kept me flush for a long
time. My Yellow Page adv. did pull three clients in, but nothing like calling the YP and
having them come to my home to be sold.
If I think of some others, I shall pass them along.
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Alan Turin
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7. Alfred Johnson
----- Original Message ----From: Alfred Johnson
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Friday, July 26, 2002 4:54 AM
Hello Jay,
I'm Al Johnson from Garland.
Your marketing strategies and Jay mindset have revolutionized my life.
I have no college education and was raised in a poor economic
environment most of my life.
After finishing high school and joining the military, I moved to Texas,
where I stumbled upon the idea of mail order and direct marketing.
I fumbled around for years, trying to get involved with mail order and
creating some kind of direct response business.
I thought I had seen everything there was about the subject.
But then one day I stumbled upon some information from you, Jay
I had never heard of you before, because your name was not in the
general mail order magazines and trade papers I read normally.
The information I got from you was an audio cassette interview of you
and Tony Robbins.
That tape changed my whole life.
I could not afford to buy any of your programs, so I decided to listen
to your interview with Tony Robbins to "extract" as many clues and
ideas from you as possible without buying anything, because I couldn't
afford your quite expensive programs at the time.
Now, I had listened to many mail order buys, and how to get rich in
mail order experts, and how to write advertising material....but yours
was different!
You were not teaching the average stuff....you were teaching a way of
You taught on the simple audio cassette....and free audio cassette at
that....more information...more useable information compared to all the
other books, articles, magazines, and experts I had ever heard in my
I couldn't even categorize your stuff...
Was it mail order?
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It has helped our agents generate millions of dollars each year for the
It was a free consumer guide concept which educated consumers about
buying health insurance.
I created all kinds of Jay Abraham type advertising for the consumer,
using direct response methods, recorded messages, seminars, follow up
letters and mechanisms to exploit the consumer guide by direct response
I taught your methods to some of our national marketing directors, who
double the response of their recruiting and selling efforts.
Some of our sales people increase their sales closing ratios up to
90%...can you believe that?
And the funny thing is that they all believe it was me.
But I always tell them in every seminar that the world's greatest
marketing guru I learn all this stuff from is Jay Abraham.
I found Your Secret Wealth program in a used book store one day, and
said, who would be stupid enough to trade in a Jay Abraham product in a
used book store.
But I bought for just a few dollars and have since employed your
multiple pillars concept to developing over 30 joint-ventures and
affiliates to receive income by referring customers to them, who don't
necessarily do business with me!
Another Jay Abraham concept.
It never ends.
I created a company that I run part time called Johnson Information
Research, to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales
professionals with marketing and advertising and sales methods, based
on your way of thinking.
I have been able to accomplish this without actually buying your
program, because remember, I couldn't afford them in the beginning.
I just took advantage of any free tapes, free reports, or anything free
that you offered, and studied your free stuff as if I had paid for it.
I would actually type out the interview with you and Tony Robbins, just
so I could let your mindset immerse my mindset.
I have a full box of any letters, sales letters, post cards, anything
that you send out. I have learned to watch you, observe you and ponder,
ponder, test and use what I see you doing, knowing that a sales letter
from you is so valuable and worth tons of money.
Rather than buying the programs, because I couldn't afford to, a long
time ago I decided that you were employing your best advertising
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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copywriting into your own sales letters, so I figured that rather than
by the course, just study critically what you were sending out.
I knew that I'm getting a free advertising copywriting lesson by
getting and reading what you send out to prospects and customers.
Eventually I bought your book that was available in the book store, How
To Get Everything You Can Out of All You've Got.
Now, I have developed your mindset.
Thank God for your Jay.
Alfred Johnson
5117 Waltham Court
Garland TX 75043
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8. Allan Ferguson
----- Original Message ----From: Allan Ferguson
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 3:18 AM
Hello Jay.
I am glad to help you in any way I can.
help you can offer me in return.
I will be honest with you , I have only so far read your book "getting
everything you can out of all youve got". This is by far the best
business development marketing book I have ever read. My only problem
is finding the time to implement all your great ideas.
The biggest change in improvement to my business was to test & measure.
We now monitor every single incoming call to our business. We now know
exactly how many jobs, conversion rates & average $ sales derive from
existing clients & all our various types of marketing. We have
realized by doing this that our acquisition cost per client for yellow
pages was extraordinary high. We have now started experimenting with
various ads in the local paper and have reduced our acquisition cost to
one third, which has increased company profitability. We are
continually experimenting with our advertising to try & improve results
in this area. Because we are now aware of our conversion rates, we are
using different strategies and sales tactics such as special offers
We have implemented as part of our service a call to our client after
the work has been done asking them if they were happy with our service
and if there was anything else we could do to improve our service. We
have found people to respond to this with great appreciation and have
received great feedback.
Currently we are implementing a more professional data base [file maker
pronto keep up with our client growth which we monitor closely. Since
we decided to take our marketing seriously we have improved the amount
of new enquiries from 24 in Jan 02 to 98 in July 02 with a conversion
rate of approx. 65%. We are about to prepare our 2nd newsletter & also
target our marketing to our clients specific needs as the new data base
is being custom designed to monitor everything I have mentioned above
and more. Unfortunately this is all I have time for I hope I have been
helpful to you.
Allan Ferguson.
Managing director Omega Plumbing.
Sydney Australia.
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9. Allan Pollock
----- Original Message ----From: Allan Pollock
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 5:46 AM
Systematizing my business the Jay Abraham way
Our business is life, disability, critical illness, long term care insurance and group benefits for companies.
The most important thing we have learned and implemented from Jay is systematizing everything. We are
currently in the process of writing out detailed job descriptions for every thing we do. No matter how
simple and mundane, so that if any one is sick we could literally have a monkey follow the instructions.
What this has done is forced everyone to really think about the way they are doing things, they write a job
description than we all review it at our weekly staff meeting and fine tune it getting input from all of the
We have also implemented a bonus of $50 when a staff member makes a recommendation for a major
change that we implement, an instituted a bonus system linked to production to really make all staff
members part of the team focused on the goal of helping our clients and having a fantastic bottom line.
Another major change is having a monthly newsletter which goes out to all of our clients and prospect and
centers of influence. It is not your standard financial planner letter. It has an interesting non-financial
article, pictures of the staff, and winners of promotions for sending referrals.
Allan Pollock, Mitzy Harnick-Pollock
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The Result:
I was able to sell the equivalent of a 10 Book for around 8 and after taken out the costs of the
commission to Amazon.co.uk and the postage and packing expenses, I was netting around 6 in
return. That's an upside leverage return of between +100% and +600% over what I would have
received had I gone down the route of selling my books at a Car Boot Sale or at a 2nd Hand Book
I am happy because I have realized much more value out of my used books; the customers who
bought the books are happy because they get high quality 2nd Hand Books delivered to their
door at Low Prices and Amazon.co.uk are happy because they have made additional commission
fees off their Website. A perfect WIN-WIN-WIN Situation!
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors."
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Dear Jay,
Thank you for your email.
Im a big fan of yours, ever since that fateful day when I received a free(!!) interview with you by
Tony Robbins as part of his Power-Talk series. It revolutionized my thinking, and hopefully you
will see below that weve made good use of it!
Arran Aromatics Ltd, How ideas from Jay turned our poor trade show performance into
hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of orders!
A bit about our company and myself:
Family business founded in 1989 by my parents to manufacture and sell quality toiletry gifts.
Based on the picturesque Isle of Arran off the West Coast of Scotland, we now employ nearly
100 people and have annual sales of 7million pounds sterling Growing at about 25% every year.
I joined the business in 1996 after leaving a 5-year career in selling capital goods and packaging.
The testimonial bit When I joined the business sales were 1.4 million and making healthy profits, but we were
continually frustrated with slow sales growth. We were employing mainly sales agents, and using
Trade shows to the Retail buyers as a means of selling our products. Our key show was in
February of every year and typically cost us 15,000 to do. Sales from this were about 30,000.
Not a bad return at first glance, but we were desperate for more.
Our challenges were as follows:
Many buyers visiting our stand wanted a rep to come and see them, rather than order
on the stand.
Our products sell all year round, but have seasonal peaks at key gift buying times.
Retailers were always reluctant to stock the product outside of these times and sales
Retailers cherry picked our product lines and we couldnt get complete ranges
My first step was to use some of the techniques in your Money Making Secrets book. We revised
our pre show mail-shot with the headline Yes, you can get sales before Easter, heres how
We built on the fact that retailers do not want to commit to stock in quiets periods due to its effect
on cash flow, but they could always sell something. We had a warehouse full of stock that would
be sitting ready for 2-4 months prior to being required, such was the peak in buying before Easter.
Our offer was that if they bought a complete range of our products on the stand (met first
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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objective which was to stop cherry picking and minimize un-necessary follow up calls), then we
would deliver them stock from January (product out there on sale sooner), and we would not ask
them for payment until June 1st. (Note typically our invoices were paid by retailers at anything
between 60 and 100 days anyway so our own cash flow was largely unaffected.) Five months
credit! Take advantage of this and visit our exhibition stand etc.
The response was over whelming, our next trade show rocketed to 125,000 worth of orders, and
our most recent one exceeded 500,000 (our costs are higher now though as we needed a bigger
stand and more people to cope with the orders). At the same time all these customers were
buying repeat back-end orders throughout the year, it was incredible. Note all orders are
closed during the exhibition, the figures does not include repeats or new customers opened
following leads.
The first key was the headline change on our mail-shot, the second was how we could add
exceptional value to the customer which was the extended credit topped with additional retail
sales, and the third was the up-sell to buying a complete range from us, and not just one,
sometimes several ranges. We were giving a major incentive to retailers to dedicate space in their
shops to us and not our competitors. We got loads of new customers this way also. The
additional benefit to us over the two years that we ran the offer has meant that we now dont need
to offer the extended credit as customers found they could sell the products earlier in the year and
basically asked for other things like gifts with purchase instead to help them grow further!
We tested the offer as a basic five months extended credit promotion on a selection of our
customer base, but the response was poor. We used your technique of the longer marketing
letter, (which went against everything I had been taught previously), and told the story
surrounding the offer, this made us look thoughtful and not like a company desperately trying to
get sales at any cost.
I know for a fact that using these honed techniques we are taking between 10 and 25 times as
much in order value as our competitors at the same trade show!
The impact on our business and our mindset towards trade shows has been dramatic. Our sales
team are constantly looking for ways to up-sell, add incredible value, and close the sale. Our
customers now come to our stand looking for the value they know we will give them, and ready
to sign orders, you could call it the education of the customer. We helped them to find growth in
their businesses and in return grew our own.
"My statement is true and provable and You have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavours." Andrew S
Russell, Sales Director.
Arran Aromatics Ltd
The Home Farm
Isle of Arran
KA27 8DD
Tel 00 44 1770 302595 0044 1770 303006 (direct)
Fax 00 44 1770 302599
Email [email protected]
Web - www.arranaromatics.com
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 32
Andy McNabb
& Company
14 Westdale Dr., St. Catharines, Ont., Canada L2S 2R8 (o) 905-704-0239 (f) 905-704-1768
Pages: One
Re: $102,000 Gate A Result Of 2,200 People Strengthening Their Marriages, In A One
Night, One Day Marriage Seminar
Dear Jay:
One in seven marriages are deemed hand in glove. Having been blessed with a most
passionate marriage, I wanted to help other couples find ways to strengthen their
marriages no matter what the state of their matrimony.
We enlisted a prolific marriage and family author to do a marriage seminar. He was well
known in the U.S.A., but here in southern Ontario (Canada), he was barely known at the
time of this project.
We put out a letter to churches to solicit support in marketing tickets, using your
principles for direct mail. The letter featured direct, specific, benefit driven headlines;
short two, three, four line paragraphs; use of sub-headlines to draw the reader through the
letter to increase comprehension and response; specific calls to action; different sized
pieces in the same envelope; the fact that two page letters outdraw one page letters and
that four pagers outdraw two pagers; the use of the P.S. as the second most read part of a
letter next to a headline, to drive home a most important proposition and action step, etc..
We added credibility by using testimonials from other internationally known pastors who
ran the seminar and experienced great results. Our result? A record 125 churches
participated in marketing tickets to the seminar more than in larger cities such as Los
Angeles. Twenty-two hundred attended, with 1,700 tickets being sold for a $102,000
gate, with 500 free tickets given away to bless families who needed a financial break.
The result? Just this past week, my wife did a gospel singing engagement at one of the
Toronto churches who helped promote the seminar, and in their materials, they are still
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Dear Jay,
Since I stumbled upon a tape that Nightingale Conant produced of you being interviewed
by Tony Robbins at San Diego airport about seven years ago which led me to buy my
first NC program Your Secret Wealth, I have been an ardent fan and follower of both
you and your many wonderful principles.
I had the pleasure of meeting you at the Ex-factor seminar in London in 1996 and whilst I
found the four day event somewhat overwhelming it was, nonetheless a mind-blowing
experience. I came home on a high, which lasted for quite some time recounting the
details to my very patient wife! But to my disappointment I couldnt bring myself to
truly apply and execute the incredible wealth of knowledge gained in those four days and
on earlier tapes.
You see my business at the time was an Independent Financial Advisor and I was having
great difficulty maintaining motivation due to the over burdensome compliance and
regulatory regime that it had become subjected to. At that time in the UK this industry
was undergoing nothing short of a witch-hunt. As you can imagine it proved very
difficult to feel enthusiastic about a business that became the butt of so many derogatory
newspaper and T.V articles. As a sales orientated person I found the whole environment
suffocating and debilitating to my natural creativity.
Having attended the seminar I was inspired by the many successful delegates many of
whom were retreads as I think I recall you referred to them. Meeting so many people
who appeared to be doing what they loved and loved what they were doing was enough
of an inspiration to help me make my mind up to get out of the quagmire!
Six years on, a load of history and water under the bridge - far too much for the purpose
of this exercise I am about to undertake a new challenge, which I will be able to (at
long last!) apply the root and essence of the Abraham Technique (remember my earlier
email?) with passion, enthusiasm and great respect to the modern master of seminal
thinking thats you Jay you are a cool dude! Watch this space the best is yet to
Probably your greatest fan in the UK (the family has been brought up on your tapes!)
Anthony Milston
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The growth in enrollment was one of the deciding factors for the school
to earn a statewide quality yearly award for 2001.
A few months ago, a new catalog company, fell flat on its face with a
very graphic and beautiful big shoe catalog. They invested a lot of
money in radio advertising being able to attract only 400
representatives (only 10 of the dealers resulted from radio advertising
and 390 were sold by employees in their four retail stores, after a
regular shoe buy). But they got only 20 active dealers with really
dismal sales.
I met the owner after I gave a surefire 5 minute speech at a merchants
meeting. He said: "I need a strategist and marketer". We signed a
$1,000 dollar monthly retainer and a 10% stock transfer. Then I
designed a very simple, low-cost strategy which consisted of (1)
Recovering and activating old dealers, getting 50 renewed dealers in
the last 30 days which are buying again, or for the first time, with a
simple phone call asking what happened to them, why they stopped buying
and inviting them to try again; (2) starting a barter of list-for-list
with 8 local companies that also work selling thru catalogs -jewelry,
cosmetics, lingerie, etc., exchanging our inactive for their inactive
representatives-we have found gold in them tar hills, converting 3 to 4
from every 10 that we contact, and (3) bartering names with national
catalog companies, mainly from Monterrey Mexico, which is opening for
us the national market, giving us a glimpse into what could be the
spreading of franchises when we reach a critical mass of dealers in an
specific area. My partner is happy and we are starting distribution of
the new catalog.
Without Jay Abraham's insights that would have been impossible for me.
I have been most influenced by Jay's YOUR MARKETING GENIUS AT WORK,
Armando Ortega
Speak International, S.A. de C.V.
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Result: Within five months we established strategic alliances with seven high-end tool vendors and four
IT consulting firms.
So what about the end users? The clients we really want to sell to? Well, Im convinced that we havent
made any immediate sales because our strategy is causing our hottest leads to think more strategically as
well. Let me explain.
Success principle at work: Strategy drives tactics
In one instance, a very high-level government official said he would buy our software immediately and put
it to use (he had a particular application in mind). But he also said our presentation caused him to think
about how many software installations failed for just that reason because they were applied piecemeal, on
a whim. So we are working with him on building a strategic plan for streamlining the entire way his
agency does business. And guess whos software they will ultimately use? We gave up a one-shot sale for
a high-probability chance at a much larger sale and a very long-term relationship down the road.
Success principles at work: Falling in love with your client, not your product; qualifying the buyer;
stadium pitch; targeting the Dream 100
People hate being sold, especially in the government. Here in the DC area, the creation of the Department
of Homeland Security has resulted in a mad gold rush of crazed, hungry vendors trying to give their sales
pitches to government bureaucrats who have barricaded themselves inside their offices. But we have been
getting in. Because we are educating and mentoring, not selling. We have been working with one
particular agency in the area of security. Discussing their problems, their needs, their wants, their
expectations. And its been all client-centered.
Result: We are being given the opportunity to give our stadium pitch to a group of directors from over two
dozen federal agencies. We are allotted one half hour, and we will be the only vendor presenting. In this
case, our Dream 100 fell right into our lap. One contact and a lot of nurturing led to our being introduced,
endorsed, and recommended to a roomful of high-level decision makers.
OK, youre probably thinking, so what? When are you going to get sales in the door?
Good question. I mentioned how we are partnering with several high-end tool vendors. These guys are
starving. Its been a very bad year to say the least. They are in panic mode. When they see us educating
prospects, rather than twisting their arms out of their sockets trying to make a sale, they could just scream.
They are programmed to keep giving sales pitches, digging in their heels, and deflecting objections like a
rapid-fire ping-pong match.
Success principles at work: How the brain works; setting goals; strategic marketing plan
I admit that at first, I felt the same way they did. Every cell in my body was telling me to stop this client
education/mentoring nonsense and start selling! I knew I had to do something or I would go insane. So I
started doing success affirmations, resetting my RAS (reticular activating system) to think strategic, think
strategic, think strategic I wrote down the strategic goals for the company, and plastered them
everywhere. I built a roadmap for reaching those goals, using the PEQ workbook.
Result: I know that by giving in to panic I will put myself in serious danger. Danger of falling into that
trap I talked about earlier. I am bound and determined to stay on course. If youre just starting out, I hope
that you will be able to do the same. Im convinced its the only way to go and still keep your sanity.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors."
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Telart Technologies, Inc.,
Business productivity software consultants
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Simple Lifestyle
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At the beginning the consumer is a little daunted by all the information they have to contend with. As they
progress further from asking different questions and speaking to a number of people they start to get a
feeling for what they want and the type of service they are looking for. Usually it will get to a point of
extreme research where they know more than all the various sales reps (usually after several weeks!).
Your concept of fast tracking their learning experience has been invaluable. I have been able to write
effective copy (copy that isnt boring!!!) that explains the ins and outs of what they are buying. Through
my informative service I am able to get them to a clear buying decision much earlier than I have been able
to previously. In almost all of the cases the consumer doesnt need to see the competitors as they feel at
home with our professionalism.
This enables me to close more effectively. And when I say close I mean the customer is simply in a
position to buy much earlier than before. In effect I am not closing but I am simply facilitating their
individual needs. This massively takes away the selling pressure that most people in this industry have to
contend with.
There have simply been a huge number of ways that our business has been able to benefit from your
teachings Jay and to say the least one would be lost without it. I would definitely have to say that you just
have to get your hands on Jays work.
The increase in the bank balance isnt as important as the increase in confidence, the knowing as to how
many leads are going to be coming in the door next month. The knowing of how many leads you are going
to convert. Knowing that all follow ups are systemized and creative enough to continue to get results long
in to the life cycle of the client. Knowing that the database is set up to be profitable and how to effectively
work the database to its maximum efficiency.
Basically the biggest benefits are the decrease of stress from running a business, the increase in self
confidence, the ability to assist more people to make an earlier buying decision taking the pressure of all
involved. There are just too many benefits to name.
Thanks Jay, it is a great relief to know of someone who has achieved massive results and is willing to share
the ideas and strategies of how to achieve incredible personal and business success.
Thanks and best wishes.
Ashley Jessen.
Director of Marketing and Sales
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My goal was to attain the status of a recognized leader in my field. I started this goal 4 years ago.
My strategy was to speak at regional and national conferences to build credibility. An outcome of
becoming a presenter was the opportunity to write articles for trade journals. This further built my
I have attained this recognition with no advertising costs, or tremendous length of service in either
field (average length of service is 15-20 years). I'm not accredited or a peer in either field. I
started the company 9 years ago.
I now only speak at conferences where I can negotiate exhibit space. I only perform 3-4 trainings
a year for a fee, because I choose not to travel more.
The reporting service fee tripled in two years because of my status. I've been asked to contribute
several articles next year in a publication.
My product sales went from $70,000 year to over $250,000 in the past four years. My dealer
program started two years ago, and has gone from 8 dealers to 50. I've spent $3000 in 4 years
for advertising (all in the last year) to take advantage of advertising my presenter/exhibitor status
in conference issues.
My resume now reads, 'a recognized leader in the field, an international speaker and noted
technical trainer and published author in the field of assistive devices'. It includes 2 pages of
workshop presentations in the past 4 years. My company ranks 5th in the nation for our small
The success I have achieved started with my goal to set myself apart, develop a USP, become
an expert in my field to quickly build my credibility and become recognized. This was just one
strategy I've used to position my company.
Company Names: Effective Communication Solutions, Inc. and BeyondHearingAids.com
Distributor of assistive technology for people with hearing loss. Primary customer is the
professional who provides direct services to these individuals. Products include amplified
telephones, TV listeners and other products that can be used with or without hearing aids. (I am
not a licensed hearing aid dispenser and do NOT sell hearing aids).
Assistive devices have only a 30-40% mark-up from wholesale to retail. Average product retail
cost is $180-$800.
I have one assistant and one part-time contractor.
Becky Morris
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to the clinic to pick up these items. These items were paid for in advance so my clinic had no
financial risk. In some cases I could buy items in bulk at a discount, thus increasing my profits
and making it easy to offer reduced cost to those patients who were in financial dire straits. This
way they could continue their supplements as needed and it didn't cause my clinic any financial
difficulty to make this possible.
5. As a naturopathic physician (ND), I loved how the practice evolved. As the clinic got busier, it
got more efficient and treatments remained effective. I found I really enjoyed working on the
business instead of just in the business. When I did a patient survey and people shared great
feedback that they loved the convenience of services and knowing that they were receiving true
health care and not just disease management. They enjoyed referring the people they care about to
my clinic. It made them feel like they had done something good for someone else.
6. In the midst of all this growth, I cut back my office hours to accommodate time for writing my
first book and a weekly live call-in radio show, "Natural Health Talk". Patient care, revenue,
profits, and my personal satisfaction remained the same.
7. I used no advertising of any kind, not even so much as a flyer to promote my practice.
8. Before using Abraham techniques, I had 1 or 2 new patients a week. While using Abraham
techniques, I had 2 or 3 new patients a day on average, sometimes more.
9. It became easy to provide group educational classes to reinforce taking care of one's health.
10. Patient base was quite diverse, from CEOs to college students to electricians to homemakers to
11. Staff: There was 1 part-time employee, 1 independent contractor and an office manager.
12. It was fun to run my clinic this way! What a joy to be of service to others and get what I want
from my business.
OK, that's it in a nutshell. I hope someone can make good use of what worked so very well for me.
Best regards,
Dr. Beverly Yates, ND
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Billy Stewart
Premier Consultants
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I sent out a mailer to most of my existing customers telling them it was time to have their
driveways sealed again. The results were pretty great, 20% had me come out to check
out their project (and most of them bought).
I begun to treat my clients as friends instead of just a source of money. Friends will refer
you more clients and are much better references than people who you just do work for.
I raised the level of quality of my work, making sure that every client was very happy with
their work
During my sales calls, I TEACH my prospects all I can about my line of work, and how
method (which is quite a bit more expensive than most of my competitors) actually saves
them money in the long run.
And the best part is that I do not look at my business as a just another commodity, but as
a one of a kind proprietary and this mind set has brought me tens of thousands of dollars
that I other wise would not have gotten.
All in all, Jay's material has made me a better business person and I recommend his products
with out any reservations.
Thanks Jay,
Bob Battaglini
221 Robble Ave
Endicott, N.Y. 13760
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Here's my testimonial...
A while back, I received several letters from Jay Abraham about his
marketing training sessions. The letters themselves were excellent
training. I used the techniques Jay touched on in his letters in my
sales ads for telecommunications products. My sales manager bought ads
that were 3 times larger than mine, and got 1/3 the response. So my
smaller ads, written using Jay's techniques, saved me 66% in costs, and
got 3 orders for every 1 that my manager got.
That convinced me to go to Jay's personal training class, and like Jay
said, got a Eureka moment sometime around 2:00 a.m. Thursday morning
that revolutionized my life. The lesson: write ads from the customer's
viewpoint, load them with benefits, and above all, make it interesting.
I started in the advertising end of the business, writing direct mail
promotions. At first, it was tough going as my bosses poo-pooed Jay's
ideas, and made me write promotions their way. But the results were
lackluster - I averaged only $36,000.00 per year in royalties using
their methods. Response rates averaged 2% plus a fraction, profit per
piece mailed was in the 30-cent range.
But then I wised up. Without their knowledge I ran a test of Jay's
way, and paid for it out of my own pocket. I had to know the truth.
Jay's way won. Big.
So big that I said goodbye to that job, opened my own business, and
make more money than I thought possible.
I've been using Jay's techniques for several years now in the direct
mail business. I remember Jay saying that his techniques were so
powerful, you could get better results in less time.
That's true.
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work as hard or as long to make the same money. Jay's ideas literally
bought me another lifetime of extra time. I can play, volunteer or
goof off with all that extra time and not lose a penny while doing it.
The direct mail industry talks about response rates in the 1% range.
never get below 3.4%, and the last mailing got a 4.8% response rate.
Sounds to me like the direct mail pros ought to listen to Jay a bit
more. They'd be better off for it.
So now I work easy weeks, take several vacations, make much more money
than I did working for someone else, and I never miss my kids recitals,
games or horse shows.
And I couldn't have done it without Jay's ideas and motivation.
Robert Concoby
Newman Corporation
A Direct Mail sales company
18,000 customers and growing
Note: All the above statements are true and verifiable. You have my
permission to use this testimonial in your promotional and marketing
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doubled in the time working at Caf Flater (prices and turnaround went up, costs, losses etc. went down)
and a lot of tears were shared, not only by the owner and the personnel, but also by a lot of customers, at
my goodbye party.
I hope this writing can and will be helpful for shared mindset members. At this time I am setting up my
own business in the Internet branch.
Good luck to all of you.
Name of the company:
Postal number:
Telephone number:
Caf Flater
Oudegracht 140
3511 AZ, Utrecht
The Netherlands
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4) Results: Too early to report actual but as of cut off date for
report (August 2):
a) Today was promised orders "next week" for two machines (exceeding
b) Was advised that their Management meeting (one week ago) charged
the Point Man to get machines "more & sooner". Authorized five
plants to be included in plan.
c) Conservatively expect five machines in next six months to exceed
R. W. Wolfe
Action Industries Inc.
P.O. Box 148, Vernon, Ct. 06066
Tel. 1(860)872-4660 Fax. 1(860)872-7574
Serving the Plastics Industry with Candor,
Integrity and Equipment that adds Profitability
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Maximizing Ministry Momentum by Eliminating Growth
Page 65
Harvestime exists to help our church clients maximize their ministry momentum
by eliminating barriers standing between their current reality and the fulfillment of
their God given potential for reaching the lost, and impacting their communities.
Barriers often include a lack of resources such as facilities, land, money and staff.
In addition, ministries can suffer from a lack of community awareness, focus,
prayer support, unity and vision.
At Harvestime we work with church clients across the United States to develop
pro-active plans for ministry growth and expansion. These plans are based on 22
years of our own experience, along with the combined experience of more than one
hundred past clients. By eliminating growth barriers and planning in advance for
future challenges, church growth can accelerate freely, without the normal
limitations that often hinder ministry growth.
The services offered by Harvestime are in high demand among growing Christian churches in America.
There exist today, more than 400,000 churches in the United States. Between 4,000 and 5,000 build new
facilities each year. It is estimated that in addition to these, an additional 10,000 to 12,000 churches that
need to do something, but dont know where to start. Many churches are taken advantage of by real
estate brokers, architects, builders, lenders and others due to their lack of experience in the field of
property development. Church development (facilities or strategic planning) is not taught in seminaries.
The F. W. Dodge company that tracks construction issues across the county reports that 60% of all church
projects built this year are 30% over budget at the time of bidding! Churches across America have been
crying out for professional guidance and direction in this area for decades and now. God has
commissioned Harvestime to answer that call and Harvestime has been doing that for more than twenty
I identified my primary target churches in the USA with 1000 or more attending each week
I developed Focus on Facilities, the Harvestime newsletter that goes out four times a year to
our target market
The newsletter details my projects, the success of my clients and it gets my name out to 8000
churches on a regular basis
Focus on Facilities has made Harvestime the most sought after church developer in the country
The response is overwhelming. Since the publication of the first issue of Focus on Facilities, my
consulting rate per project has gone from $18,000 up to $60,000 and I now have to turn down work!
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Especially their
After reading your book, I had all kinds of ideas. I focused on how we
could apply your "Three Ways to Grow a Business" model.
How we increased the number of distributors nationally:
We suggested a new referral program that ultimately that helped
increase the number of distributors 80%, from 51 in 1999 to 92 in 2000.
The program helped increase sales to distributors over 100% within six
months of introduction, from a little over $1.2 million, to just over
$2.5 million.
At the time, the manufacturer provided a $500 bonus to distributors who
referred new distributors to them. They did not emphasize the program.
It was communicated almost as an afterthought. Very few distributors
referred anyone.
At the time, distributors were given first-right-of-refusal to open
locations in other malls in their metro area. Distributors often did
not want to "invite" competition into their market. They felt they
might "lose" the chance to open and profit from other malls in their
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The main method the company had for acquiring new distributors was to
place business opportunity ads in Entrepreneur Magazine. Analysis of
past efforts showed that it cost them on average, $2000 per each new
distributor. Dealers stayed 1.2 years on average.
We convinced the manufacturer to increase (reluctantly) the referral
bonus they paid to dealers. We suggested instead of a static, one-time
bonus, they change to an ongoing, perpetual referral bonus. A dealer
who referred a new distributor would receive 10% of whatever amount the
new distributor purchased for as long as both they, and the new dealer
remained active.
Furthermore, we suggested that instead of providing a cash bonus, they
pay the 10% bonus in the form of merchandise credit. For the dealer
selling the products, the credits were as good as cash. They were
going to order the product anyway.
Under the new bonus system, a dealer would receive four times the
previous bonus, in the first year alone. And they would then continue
to receive an ongoing bonus for the life of the new dealer.
We reasoned that an active dealer would be much more likely to refer
someone else that might infringe on their territory, if they received
an ongoing benefit in return. Furthermore, it would be in their best
interest to help train, advise and guide the new dealer to help
preserve the ongoing referral bonus.
We also reasoned that an existing dealer would become much more
committed once they started receiving the credits. They would not want
to lose the advantage they gained.
The manufacturer could provide the credits at what they perceived was
their production cost. Their production cost was about 40% of dealer
cost. The average dealer purchased $23,144 in 1999. So their "hard",
they reasoned, would be only 4% of the referral orders or $925.66 if
the order amounts remained the same. (4% x $23,144 = $925.66.)
The "hard" cost of acquiring new dealers was much less than the cost of
dealers acquired from the Entrepreneur Magazine ads. And, they only
paid the referral bonus as long as both distributors were active.
The manufacturer agreed to the ongoing bonus of 10%, paid in
merchandise credit. The only exception was that in the first year,
they agreed to provide flat $2000 credit per new distributor referred
during the 2000 season and offer 10% on purchases after Jan. 1.
They wanted time to design a system for keeping track of the ongoing
credits. The ongoing credits would begin with January 2001 purchases.
Once the manufacturer agreed to the new referral system, called the
Affiliate Program, we wrote a 25-page manual that outlined a step-bystep method for finding new distributors that was based upon the
methods I had used in the past to find partners in Minneapolis. We
outlined an entire process for finding prospects, and turning those
prospects into distributors.
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Included in the manual were the exact classified ads I ran in the
business opportunity section of the Sunday paper to find
partner/distributors. Also included were voice-mail scripts, telephone
scripts, follow-up schedules I used when speaking with prospects.
Provided were a series of forms we made up, that dealers could use to
organize their efforts, including prospect information sheets, followup sheets, newspaper contact information sheets.
We sent each dealer a kit with all the instructions and then offered to
walk them through the process by letting them listen to us speak with
their prospects the first few times via three way phone calls. Dealers
were offered "advertising territories" in their home area and areas
where no dealers existed. They retained a territory as long as they
were actively advertising in the business opportunity section of the
local Sunday paper.
The company added 41 new dealers in less than three months. The
program was responsible for an 80% increase in dealers, as compared
with 1999.
Almost all the gain could be attributed to the new referral program.
Total sales increased over 100% from just over $1.2 million to over
$2.5 million in less than six months.
The "hidden" benefit came in 2001. The retention rate was almost 400%
higher than the previous year. As a whole, existing dealers seemed
much more committed to the business. And returning dealers purchased
34% more, and sold 66% more than a first year distributor.
By adding the new referral program, we enlisted the existing dealer
bases help in finding new dealers. The result was a cheaper and more
effective method for acquiring new dealers.
The program excited the existing dealer base. They are now offered an
opportunity reduce their biggest expense, product, to zero - and double their profits in the process. The result has been a dealer base
that is more satisfied with, and more committed to the whole program.
How we Increased Frequency of Purchases:
Although the Christmas selling season was the primary method dealers
sold the company's products, my partner and I had made a lot of money
selling the products during the "off-season"(Jan-Oct.), at shows and
fairs. However, very few distributors sold in this manner as well.
We wrote another manual explaining the benefits of selling at shows and
fairs. In the manual, we presented a step by step approach for setting
up and selling at shows and fairs. We taught a session at the annual
training conference for new dealers on how and why to sell at shows and
At our suggestion, the national office had someone call convention
centers, fairgrounds and other show venues to identify potential shows.
Emails were then sent to dealers with the basic show information
including dates, cost and location.
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Minneapolis, MN 55458
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From a situation where over 80% of business came from one, diminishing source, the business is now much
more diverse with 25% coming from the old customer base, 30% from partner OEMs (it was zero) 20%
coming from overseas (up from about 10%), 15% from stockist wholesalers (up from zero) and 10% from
end-users. The commission-only sales agents generate business through the other channels, which is why it
doesnt show up as a separate figure.
The next stage in the development of the company could be for specialist sales people to have specific
responsibility for smaller segments of the companys markets.
As an important aside. One of the difficulties in creating a clear picture of what was going on and, indeed,
what is going on now, is a lack of clear, easy-to-use management data. The company accounts were run on
a rudimentary system, incapable of any real analysis. Management used to simply receive the total sales
broken down, manually, into sales by sales man. There was no break down by product or market sector
and because we couldnt measure it, we couldnt manage it. The looming crisis and the breakthroughs
would have been much easier to see with better quality management data a situation that has now been
rectified and better quality data will be available in the future.
However, when all said and done, the biggest breakthrough has been undoubtedly between my ears. I now
have the absolute certainty that nothing is as complicated as it seems, there is always a better way, if not
several better ways, and that it is a waste of a life not to demand the highest return from the investment in
your business. I look forward to many years of thinking non-linear thinking.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors.
Bruce Caswell
Marketing Director (former)
Ex-Or Limited
Ex-Or limited is a company turning over 3million and employing 20 people. Based in Merseyside, UK, it
designs, manufactures & markets lighting management systems.
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I use it again and re-test it with a slight change in phrasing. Everything has become an
experiment where we test and test again.
The best thing though is that I am having fun again. The ideas are starting to flow quickly again
where once they had all dried up.
Please keep the emails coming. I do read them and am inspired by them and love hearing how
others make improvements in their businesses.
Thanks and best wishes,
Bruce Wilson
Strand Arcade Pharmacy
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Warm regards,
Cathal Spelman.
Staff: One sales (me), one secretary, one framer.
USP: You've probably despaired to find a really nice Picture for your
new home. Especially if you are on a tight budget. Well, it doesn't
have to be that way anymore, because we've got real Oil Paintings to
show you. And they won't cost you any more than you are going to spend
on prints.
We have paintings from 115 different artists. These are highly talented
Oil Painters. You can get examples of every style from classical to
impressionist to modern abstract. You can see over 150 paintings at
any time. Plus, we have access to hundreds of other paintings at short
You can also choose from twenty different styles of frame to perfectly
complement your Oil Painting and your Home or office. We have 15 years
experience supplying quality affordable Oil Paintings to delighted
How to Transform your Living Room into a Gallery! The Oil Paintings
you will see are work of highly skilled fine art painters with decades
of dedication to their craft. Because we deal directly with art
studios and because the artists practice their craft for 40 hours a
week in the studio, we are able to pass considerable savings to you.
What that means to you is that you can get a genuine hand painted Oil
Painting for about the same as you could spend on a print in a
department store or gallery. What that really means to you is that you
can afford a striking Oil Painting for your home rather than a print.
Product: Decorative art. Copies of famous paintings. Portraits and
Jay, you should find out about our family portraits.
They are
Location: Ireland.
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43. Charri E
----- Original Message ----From: Charri E.
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 1:08 PM
I was a supplier of coffee to restaurants, when the competition started taking away my accounts.
What I did, I told the restaurants that they could pay me with their services ( food bartering ).
Then I went to one of the local TV stations and exchanged the "barter food credits" for advertising
air time.
Charri E.
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About three years ago I quit my job working for a high-end international clothing retailer.
I was frustrated and tired that after working long hours for many years and producing
some amazing results I was still earning peanuts but I didn't know what to do about it.
I bounced around from jobs for a while until I found a tape collection from you. I was
hesitant at first to make the purchase - it was at a garage sale and it was not priced cheap.
But it talked about wealth and how to achieve it - unfortunately I am on holidays and I
don't have it with me... though I should have brought it!
In it the sessions gave suggestions on how to negotiate ideas within companies for greater
success. I thought about all the ideas I had created and how many of them profited
organizations I worked for yet netted me gift certificates.
I resolved to put into practice the ideas immediately. I called a competitor to the former
company I worked for - by this time I was no longer under any non-compete agreements
and expressed to them that I wanted to work for them for three months for a very low
salary, if they agreed I would put into place a program that would help them save near 1
million dollars in non-selling hours - I had done the math and already done some research
on the amount of hours a typical store would spend processing stock or merchandising. I
had already developed a program that creates a process for educing non-sell activities at
retail stores and then use these hours and redeploy them on the sales floor where they
have much more value.
They jumped at the idea, however I made one caveat, that if I pulled it off during this
period of time I would get a percentage of the savings over the next year. They hesitated
at first but I explained that I was in reality giving them 1 dollar back from money they
where throwing out the door and in exchange I wanted 15 cents. We agreed on 12 cents
and I got to work.
Three months later I resigned from the company despite their petitions for me to stay and
by the end of the year I made almost three times what I had made at my previous
employer without lifting another finger.
This happened two years ago and this year I am working at doing the same concept with
a computer retailer in a slightly different fashion. I have negotiated that if I begin a new
line of business with a recurring revenue model then on a monthly basis for the period of
5 years I will earn a small percentage of the net margin revenue personally whether or not
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I continue with the business. I am focusing on HotSpot technology (public wireless highspeed internet access - i.e. in Airport's, Hotels etc.) with a monthly subscription model. I
will certainly keep you posted on how it goes. I have yet to grow truly wealthy but at 27
years old I have a new perspective on working not just for a wage but intelligently for my
personal wealth growth. I just can't imagine what I will be able to accomplish once I
attend one of your seminars if I have already had some success with a couple of tapes!
Christian Cares
CSM Canada
403-212-0008 ext 303
I really look forward to getting the case studies from your other readers. I admire your
work and when people ask me who my mentor is I, for the past two years, have stated it
is Jay Abraham.
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They contacted me back within 3 days and asked me to fly to their corporate office. After meeting with
them for two days, I signed an Independent Contractors Agreement with a 25% commission on anything I
sold. I would never have had the guts to do something like this if I had not been reading Jays material.
To make a long story short, in a very short period and with very little knowledge of their product, I was
able to sell $205,488.65 worth of software. This amounted to $51,372.16 dollars in commissions. Also,
this was all done while still running the other business for the parent security company.
Thank you Jay for sharing your ideas and helping me succeed in the businesses Ive been involved with.
Darrell Tyler
Darrell Tyler, President
Advanced Solutions Data, Inc.
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I changed the pay rate mechanism on which my staff are paid each employee is paid on and only on
actual practice collections. Based on years of service/employment, the employees multiplier, times
previous quarter practice collections, times hours worked for that pay period determines the pay no base,
no profit sharing plan just salary tied completely to the business income. They are making more than they
would have, they have a vested interest in seeing the practice grow and they chose to stay with it after the
first year. They like it.
In the first year after Walter died, our practice income by all logic should have been about half, since only 1
doctor (me) was producing dentistry. Instead, our business income was slightly higher than it was the last
year Walter was alive and we were both producing dental care income. And then the second year after his
death, we celebrated 33% growth in income over the previous year.
Currently I am developing a consulting/coaching arm to our seminars. This will expand our ability to teach
and coach other doctors in the Abraham mindset in success strategies. It will offer doctors help in
transforming their practices to achieve extraordinary results, to deal with the pressures of rapidly evolving
information technologies, aggressive competition, the need for continuous innovation and the stresses of
current events and economy. Many consulting services provide information. We offer doctors strategies,
specific actions and solutions by integrating business relationships with the various experts who have
supported and guided my businesses, with some employees in my business, and coaching by myself and
other experts. Training and expertise in various areas will be offered: graphics and marketing, information
technology, practice organization, staff training, office planning and design, and transitions to
nonpharmacologic practice, which allows children to be treated without sedation, drugs and general
anesthesia. This shares state-of-the-art concepts and strategies with the doctors who ask our advice, and
creates a new profit-center as we do what we do, and teach what we do.
Through an overwhelming personal and professional loss, I have incorporated Jay Abrahams strategies to
find surety, method and joy.
Loving what I do and doing what I love is reality for me, because I continually adopt and put these
technologies and techniques into action.
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52. Ed Laprade
----- Original Message ----From: "Ed Laprade"
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:44 PM
I just wanted to drop you a note to say thank you. Before I tell you
why I am thanking you, a little background is in order.
ADNET is a technology organization. We supply technical expertise to
small and medium sized businesses. Specifically, we are the ones who
install and support Local and Wide Area Networks (LANs and WANs) as
well as accounting/distribution/and manufacturing software. We are over
10 years in business and employ 21 people. We have always been a very
technical organization and are very good at what we do. Unfortunately,
sales has not been our forte. Therefore, seven months ago, I made a
commitment to turn our organization into awesome sales machine.
The plan was to first educate myself in the areas of sales and
marketing. At the very least I would understand what the current
methods were so that if I were to outsource some of this function, I
would know what I was getting into. I began attending marketing
seminars and reading everything from "Unleashing the Idea Virus" by
Seth Godin to Brian Tracy's "Success Mastery Academy". Also, along the
way I picked up a copy of your "Your Secret Wealth". This was the tape
set that introduced me to your work. Being the engineering type, I was
intrigued by your methods, how simple they seemed, yet so unobvious for
someone with my background. This quest for the "keys to the kingdom"
sales prowess) led me to purchase the PEQ program and then the PEQ II
program. It was with those programs that I realized that there was no
"silver bullet", but a process that I needed to follow if we were ever
going to grow geometrically. One other point, I started this "venture"
of sales improvement at a time when the industry that I am in was in a
recession of its own. So, we were not flush with resources.
Where are we now? Well, it has not been all that long since I have been
working on the PEQ programs, about three months at this point. From
what I have learned from the PEQ program, I have been able to reduce
expenses by eliminating marketing programs that do not work and have
begun to replace them with new programs (testing, testing, testing - we
are). While the overall process is slow, we have begun to see results
(we have a lot of work to do in a lot of different areas, but we have
begun regular management team training using the PEQ study program and
we are doing the workshops). It is too early in the process for me to
give you very specific and quantifiable sales figures, but I can tell
you that a direct mail campaign with telemarketing follow-up that we
recently began has been successful in the testing phase. We started the
campaign, tested, it wasn't working, tweaked, tested, we are now
getting some results, we will tweak and test some more. This is on a
small scale (3 appointments on about a 200 piece mailing). My point is,
in the past, we would have either not gotten any appointments, or> we
would have not been able to tell you how we got them. I can see this
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Gay Hendricks, Ph.D.
The Hendricks Institute
The Foundation for Conscious Living
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60. K R Bhutta
----- Original Message ----From: " K R Bhutta
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 1:21 PM
Dear Jay,
First of all, I am sorry for not sending you this e-mail last Friday, I
had been away in connection with my business and did not get a chance
to read the e-mail earlier.
humble input.
Over the last 7-8 years, I have definitely benefited immensely from
Jay's mind set and all the unique strategies he has taught me. INFACT,
It was in early 90s, when I moved to US, I knew nothing about the
marketing or any part of running a business. Therefore establishing a
successful small business was definitely an uphill battle. After
managing to survive for a few years -(when it was hard to pay the
bills) I believe it was 1993, I came across jay's newsletter- business
breakthroughs. In a matter of one short year I went from doing small
patios and back yard sprinklers to building major remodeling projects,
custom homes, commercial jobs that costs hundreds of thousands of
dollars and starting a number of my own businesses - from the scratch.
The amazing thing is not that I happened to get all this business but
that I got all this business despite not knowing anything about these
businesses. For example, I had a construction company but I could not
even make a straight cut on a stud. I started a number of beautiful
salons / retail shops, and a sign company in a matter of 18 months.
First of all, I did not know the first thing about salon, retail or
sign business. 2nd, I sold many of these businesses separately for
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good six figure amounts. 3rd, some of those businesses have either
closed or have changed because the new owners could not "keep up" because THEY DID NOT KNOW WHAT I HAD LEARNED FROM JAY. IT DOES MATTER
least, it costed me next to nothing to start these business.
I heavily relied on catchy headlines on all of my advertising banners
and other promotional literature, I laid great emphases on standing out
from other similar businesses. I always remembered what jay said
repeatedly an ad that costs you $1000, had the potential to bring you
ten clients or one hundred clients. Work on your headlines, copy and
the offer. I also made sure I and my staff provided a much higher
standard of customer services, every time we came across any individual
from our business demographics.
It is hard for me to pin point exactly what principles helped me
succeed. Besides sticking to the basics, it was a genuine desire to
give my clients the best I could. But overall I think it was "can do"
attitude and a good understanding of the principles that I had
developed after being introduced to jay's marketing strategies - which
in essence are commandments that can make or break any given business.
K R Bhutta
PS. I will feel privileged to do anything for a person that I hold in
such high respects. Please let me know if I can be of further
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62. L Stocks
----- Original Message ----From: LHS
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2002 4:49 AM
Dear Jay,
I have been using your courses and tapes now for over 10 years.
My success story could easily top any others. My practice of General
Surgery for 15 years had been good, but not spectacular. Advertising
in North Carolina is frowned upon by medical peers.
I started a fax service from my office computer, with a referral
list of over 900 possible referring physicians. Using that, I write a
one page educational fax, do not solicit, and send the faxes out
automatically over a weekend. The weekend delivery does not interfere
with their business hours, and it is on their desk Monday morning.
My practice volume has more than doubled, and I now have trouble
finding the time to see all the patients. I suppose my new problem of
increased volume, and how to handle it, can be bounced back to Jay, and
use his resources to help work through these more efficiently. I also
continue to use USP with every transaction.
One could not place a value on Jay's advice.
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These factors allowed us to move the deal out of a commodity deal, into supplying a service that
our competitors could not match.
Larry Blair
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I am responding to your request to one of my marketing stories. I would very much like to receive
the book of stories you are collecting.
My story: I am recruiting independent contractors as sales agents for our new business we call
eBanking Experts (www.ebankingexperts.com). We supply cash flow enhancement services to
merchants nationwide. Our foot-in-the-door product is Electronic Check Recovery (ECR) where
we collect NSF checks for merchants by electronically drafting the check writer's account. This is
a free service to the merchant.
So I originally advertised for people who wanted to make $100,000 per year selling a free service.
This was done by purchasing access to Monster.com's database of rsum's. I emailed
Monster's new people with a message that had a header of "Make $100,000 or more Residual
Income providing a FREE service!!
In conversations with prospective agents, it seemed that most of them ignored the message as to
good to be true. You know that people are inundated with email about unbelievable promises. I
was receiving 10 responses per day, and half of them were asking me to be "removed." We send
about 1000 emails per day to new rsum's registered with Monster.com who are looking for a
sales position. I expected the response percentage to be low since we are looking for
independent contractors who are paid on commission only.
I decided to change the original message to be more of a letter type email. I changed the heading
to "Response to Monster.com from eBanking Experts". The first thing I noticed was the ratio of
people asking to be removed dropped from around 50% to less than 10%. I assume that we are
not offending as many people this way. And the number of respondents also improved from
around 10 to around 15 per day. So we have more than doubled the number of respondents
asking for more information.
We have signed 26 agents to date in various states of the country, and are looking forward to a
very profitable future. Now our attention must be turned to helping and motivating these new
agents. I hope your stories will provide me with some new ideas in this area.
Thanks you for the opportunity to tell my story and I hope that someone else can benefit from it.
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Larry Steele
[email protected]
[email protected]
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There was no budget for mailings so I telemarketed to all 222 companies and built a
database of companies, contacts, budgets, number of machines, types of applications for
my products, etc.
After the initial telemarketing event I went back and made appointments with the most
critical prospects. My goal was to sell the most strategic accounts that would prove our
products in the local marketplace while gaining credibility and references for other
Later I re-sold deeper into existing accounts. I made a spreadsheet of all accounts and
listed our products along the top columns. When a customer had a certain product, I
would put a check in the appropriate box. Then, over time, I would review the customer
accounts and see which products haven't been purchased. An open box meant an
opportunity. My goal was to fill all appropriate boxes for each customer.
Another strategy was I used was sampling. I would allow the prospect to install our
software on their computer and try it out. This worked well. They enjoyed a 30 day trial
period to evaluate the product in their environment.
Over a period of years, as my strategies and systems evolved, I would have the prospect's
programming staff ask upper management for a report or application that was critical to
them and was not yet in the queue for being developed in the near future. There was
always a 6 to 18 month backlog of applications to be programmed.
The Information Technology staff saw how fast they could generate applications and
visualize how their backlog of work could be quickly reduced. Productivity in any
organization was key and this became my USP.
When upper management had their programming request done in a few days, instead of a
few months, my contacts became instant heroes.
Now, after 30 days my software would expire. Upper management expected their
monthly report or application again. However, they couldn't generate it because...the 30
day trial had expired.
My policy was not to renew an evaluation trial without a commitment to purchase. Upper
management saw the immediate value of my product for their own needs and, upon more
thought, for the entire organization. I quickly became upper management's best friend
and a they became a motivated partner toward getting purchase orders generated.
Purchase orders were now being generated in record time.
Of course, I offered that I would extend the trial period during the time it took to generate
a purchase order and get the product was shipped to them. This made me a hero as well,
and allowed me to maintain a strong customer referral base.
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I never had to cultivate a specific group of customers for use as referrals. Every customer
was a strong reference for me. When asked by a prospect for 2 or 3 customer referrals I'd
take out my 6 inch thick book of business cards. I'd go through the book and point out
major companies they would recognize and then I'd hand the book over to them and tell
the prospect to call anyone they wished. That was impressive.
When the sales quotas became very high I knew I had to find better strategies and tactics.
The average sale still took 90 days to close. I knew I couldn't survive without a major
overhaul of how I did my selling.
I took a blackboard and wrote down all the activities for selling my product. Then I
confronted every step, every part of the presentation and every step of a sale. I picked it
apart, discarded, restructured and repositioned activities. Every aspect was challenged. I
discarded over 40% of the activities and combined others it streamline the selling
I now fully understood that my job as a salesperson was to advance the sale. I was now
shifting into overdrive.
On one occasion my company got a bit strident in their policies and wanted the sales reps
to charge a hefty amount for a prospect to install the aforementioned software for a 30day trial.
This meant a major change in my sales approach. It also meant I had to go to purchasing
for a purchase order even before I even got started. This would stall the sales cycle
considerably. Strategic thinking was needed.
So I looked at the letter of the law that came down from the new corporate policy It stated
that I had to charge the prospect for a 30-day trial. (Remember, this 30 day trial period
was free before.) I know that "free" is a great marketing concept, and the way I read the
new policy was that I had to charge for a "30-day" trial.
But, the way I read it, it didn't state I had to charge the prospect anything for a 29 day or
21 day trial. Well, the free trials continued - but never for 30 days.
As part of the strategy to reduce the sales cycle I'd ask the prospect if they needed the
entire 30 days to evaluate the product. If so, I'd have to charge them for it. Most said they
only needed about a week. So I asked them if today or in a few days would be better to
put up their 10 day trial.
It worked great and rapidly reduced the selling time to close a prospect. I was revering
my time and my products productivity. Many times before I would install a 30 day trial
and the prospect would ask for an extension because they had been too busy to try it out.
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Now the prospect respected my product more. I was giving him/her something free that
others had to pay for. I was getting them to value my time, their time, my products, as
well as their own vital position in their company.
My strategies worked well. I made more heroes and got strong referrals because I was
looking out for my client's best interests. (However, many of my fellow sales rep friends
around the country were all hurting desperately from this change in policy.)
All of my lemonade came from the lemons that were handed to me by my company.
There were many more useful strategic and tactical methods.
I was always in front of a lot of prospects and customers. When I was asked if I knew of
a potential person to fill a position at a prospect site I would review my rolodex of
customers and find them a person who was skilled in programming and was also skilled
in my products.
When that person was hired, I later received an invitation from the prospect to come and
present my products. I had strategically inserted someone who was expert in my product
into the prospect's programming department. He/she became my best salesperson. They
reciprocated by getting me in front of their decision makers to review my product. They
always bought.
The result of all these strategic changes over time was to reduce the sales cycle from 90
days to 30 days or less. In doing so I was now doing 3 times the sales in the same amount
of time. However, a small problem arose when I had sold every account I possibly could.
I sold myself out of a job.
The strategies I employed were:
A referral system
Valuing yourself and your product - revering what I do
Going the extra mile
Backend selling
Tightly defined market niche
Octopus marketing
Direct selling
Cross selling
Controlled word of mouth advertising
Leveraging expertise:
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Thank you for the opportunity to share this case study with you.
Your friend,
Leo Restrich
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66. Letsgo
----- Original Message ----From: LetsGO
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 6:33 AM
This is quite simple but it worked.
The story is in the Computer industry. I have networking firm and we also sell hardware, but our
focus is on network setup installation and support. What we did was we had an enormous amount
of hardware left in stock and needed to get rid of it because in our industry it becomes junk very
fast when new equipment comes out. Therefore we needed a way to unload it.
So I decided to make my customers my sales people. I have been in business for over 9 years
and have a database of over 3000 clients. What I did was offer to give them a piece of the action
if they brought me new customers.
I would give them a $50 gift certificate if they brought or sent someone in whom purchased more
than $300 worth of upgrades or equipment.
To my surprise most customers sent 2 people and we sold out our inventory as needed. Then
each customer whom came in for their stuff we offered the same deal.
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This arrangement produced a very nice income stream over the years, unfortunately the
arrangement was ended by factors which were not in any of our control. But it was great while it
Jay, I took concepts and ideas gained from your material to develop the arrangement.
Thank you,
Lou Farris Jr.
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Dr. X book - I really didn't think that I had an extra $500 to buy one book. My wife said I must be crazy (as
well as other business friends). So after receiving it I was motivated to do something with it. I was doing an
upcoming martial arts camp that I usually get 20-25 people to attended with a lot of push. I used the
information in this book on Jay's Marketing to write a very compelling 12 page letter (for the first time) and
sent it out to the same selected list I always have but I limited this special retreat (not a camp) to the first 50
people who signed up and a free manual of techniques to the first 10 sign ups. In less than 10 days the
retreat was full!! This had never happened in 10 years. I made $5,000 from one letter off the $500 book. I
now have more information to put into practice than I have the time or capacity to do. I have created a 100
step plan step by step for evolving my business (the only thing missing from Jay's material is how to do
I have many years of outlined actions to take in growing my business. Marketing is one education study is
one where you can earn while you learn and there is no ceiling on the knowledge you can learn, money you
can make and service to the world you can make. I highly without reservation recommend anyone at any
level of involvement to study and apply Mr. Abrahams Marketing genius. If you don't think you can't
afford to means you really just need to do it.
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We are a retail fashion company, selling Indian ethnic garments. We decided to try a
technique from Jay Abraham, where we would acquire the customer at cost. So we
wanted to entice them with an offer that would be hard to resist and we would make our
money on repeat purchases. The headline had to be powerful and the one we selected
was, Spend 20 at Variety Silk House and get 10 refund. This was followed up with
copy explaining why we were doing this (another of Jays ideas). From our research we
knew that over 95% of our customers had visited us before, so that repeat purchase was
very likely and we were confident that what we were giving away initially would end up
making us more money in the future.
We created an A6 size colour postcard with the offer on the front and copy on the
reverse. It was inserted in a weekly newspaper that meets my target audience. We gave
8,000 postcards to be inserted in one issue. Our expectation was that we would get about
50 to 75 responses.
We had 484 postcards redeemed at our shop. It was quite an amazing response, we had
6.05% of the cards redeemed. It led to an increase in sales of 13,868 for those two
weeks (it was a time limited offer). These names were added to our database and
mailings were sent to them regularly. Normally we would add about 500 to 600 new
names to our database in a year, so 484 new names in two weeks was a great way to
acquire new clients rapidly.
Below is the front and reverse of the postcard.
Mayur Shah
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In building the business core story, we took a fairly anatomical view of most
peoples problems and came up with ideas such as:
There Are 31 Reasons For Why You Need A Massage
Scientific evidence both supports and explains the beneficial effects of massage which
has developed into a sophisticated and specialised tool in today's treatment of muscle,
tendon, ligament and joint injuries.
Massage therapy helps maintain healthy skin by:
2. Improving oxygenation and nutrition to the basal layer of skin.
3. Increasing skin flexibility and elasticity and loosening scar tissue to maintain skin
health and movement.
4. Improving sebaceous secretion to lubricate the skin, improving its condition and
5. Relaxing the fascia on the scalp, decreasing tension and some forms of
It also maintains muscular functioning and health by:
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6. Helping to maintain muscles in the best possible state of nutrition, flexibility and
vitality speeding up muscle recovery after activity or injury.
7. Relieving muscle restrictions, tightness, stiffness and spasm which may limit full
8. Delaying muscle wasting due to disuse, for example, after a stroke or during
lengthy bed rest.
9. Encouraging better muscle activity through increased movement of nutrients and
removal of waste products.
10. Relaxing muscles and other tight tissues. For example tight muscles can press
on nerves causing pain and nerves can also become trapped in connective
tissue. Massage relaxes muscles and other soft tissues decreasing pain due to
nerve entrapment.
It promotes cardiovascular health by:
11. Increasing local blood flow without putting additional strain on the heart.
12. Mechanically propeling blood towards the heart in sedentary people and those on
long term bed-rest.
13. Stimulating nerves that control blood vessels. Widening the blood vessels can
increase blood circulation and lower blood pressure in some cases.
14. Increasing delivery of oxygen to muscle and other tissue cells and removal of
waste products.
15. Decreasing accumulation of metabolic waste and by-products from tissue
damage and inflammation thereby assisting healing.
16. Decreasing heart rate through decreased stimulation of the sympathetic nervous
system ("relaxation response").
Massage therapy aids in respiration by:
17. Slowing down the rate of respiration via reduced stimulation of the sympathetic
nervous system.
18. Increasing lung capacity and pulmonary function if these are decreased by tight
primary and secondary muscles of respiration.
It supports the lymphatic system by:
19. Stimulating the lymphatics when the person is immobile due to pain or when
injury interferes with lymphatic drainage.
20. Reducing some forms of swelling (lymphoedema) by mechanically stimulating
21. Decreasing swelling after injury which encourages repair and faster return to
22. Increasing presence of natural killer cells and their activity, suggesting that
massage may strengthen the immune system.
It influences the nervous and endocrine systems by:
23. Providing a sedating and relaxing effect on the body by normalising nerve
24. Stimulating muscle activity through specific forms of massage.
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muscle spasms and metabolic build-up that occurs with vigorous exercise. Such
techniques enhance the bodys recovery process, improving the athletes return
to high-level training and competition, and reducing the risk of injury.
Rehabilitation massage techniques are effective in the management of both
acute and chronic injuries.
Swedish Massage uses a system of long strokes, kneading, and friction
percussive and vibration techniques on the more superficial layers of muscles,
combined with active and passive movements of the joints. It is used primarily for
full-body sessions and promotes general relaxation, improves blood circulation
and range of motion, and relieves muscle tension. Swedish is the most common
type of massage.
Trigger Point Therapy (also known as Myotherapy or Neuromuscular Therapy)
applies concentrated finger pressure to trigger points (painful irritated areas in
muscles) to break cycles of spasm and pain.
What will the trainer bring to you in terms of results that you cant produce on your own?
What level of education has the trainer attained: Is it the minimum level necessary to get
insurance and work in gyms and fitness centres (ie. approximately ten days of
education), or, is it a significant list of certificates and/or degrees (ie. hundreds of days, or
more, of education) reflecting a deep level of understanding of exercise physiology and
What experience do they have that compliments their education, and, does it match
what you require?
Can they demonstrate their ability to help you create the specific results you want through
testimonials / endorsements / case studies from other clients whove achieved what
youre looking for?
Will they put you in contact with other clients who have attained similar results to what
youre wanting to attain?
What is their approach to writing health and fitness programs, and how ill you know that it
is customised to your needs?
How often will your health and fitness program be reviewed and upgraded as you
progress towards your goals?
Will the trainer educate you so that you can train independently, or, will the trainer simply
oversee what you do without providing you with the training activities that you can do on
your own?
Can or will the trainer give you an estimate of how long it may take and how much it may
cost for clients to achieve their health and fitness goals (assuming your commitment to
the programs designed for you)?
Does the personal trainer have education and accreditation in nutrition and dietary
assessment and programming that truly works along with your health and fitness goal?
How interested and committed will the trainer be to your goals later in the relationship?
Will their commitment to you and belief in their abilities and experience come in the form of
a guarantee of results, where reasonable, with a money-back policy?
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Are they currently insured for public liability and professional indemnity?
Once the selection criteria was set, the next process in the business was to use the many Abraham-isms
to create unfair advantage
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I would like
Mike Westbury
New Zealand
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Hi Jay,
Let me tell you about a small, but very profitable way, that I adopted your marketing techniques
in my practice. I am a partner in a two lawyer firm in the greater Toronto area. As part of my
practice I act for clients in the purchase and sale of residential homes. Often when clients are
buying or selling a home we used to talk to them about also preparing their Wills and although
our clients expressed an interest they were not motivated enough to follow through to actually
have their Wills prepared.
After reading and listening to your materials specifically the chapter in your book entitled
Would you like the left shoe, too? I decided to create a service add on for every client that
bought or sold a house with us.
First I labeled the service, for this example Ill call it the Wills at Home program [I actually use
a different name in my firm] then at our first meeting with our client and after we discuss our
clients real estate transaction I explain our Wills at Home process and present the client with a
one page sheet that sets out that when a client buys, sells or mortgages a home with us and they
decide to have their Wills prepared and signed at the same meeting that they come into sign their
real estate transaction then we will have eliminated at least 1 to 2 hours of our time. This
additional time would have resulted in meeting with our clients on another separate occasion to
specifically discuss their Wills and an additional meeting to sign their Wills.
I further explain that signing their Wills on the same day as their real estate transaction results in
a reduced cost for a total package of Wills and 2 different types of Powers of Attorney (one for
financial and one for their health care) that I offer them.
I then set out on the same one page the cost of preparing their Wills and Powers of Attorney if
they came to see us on a separate occasion vs. the cost of preparing them at the time of their real
estate transaction. For example in my firm the cost of a husband and wife wills and powers of
attorney would amount to about $800.00 I then reduce the total cost by $250.00 [and I show and
circle this savings on the sheet of paper] the result is that the client pays $550.00 for standard
Wills and Powers of Attorney and the client is motivated to get them done.
I also have a space on the paper where the client signs to agree to these terms and to pay these
additional monies on the same date that their real estate transaction closes.
This process is win- win as our clients are motivated and thankful to us for finally signing these
important documents. For my firm it adds about $550.00 for every couple that agrees to add on
the service. Since we implemented the service a couple of years ago we have averaged an
additional income of about $7,000 annually with over $20,000 in additional income so far that we
would never have realized with very little further effort on our part. This Wills program is
ongoing and will continue to be profitable for many years to come.
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Thanks Jay. I hope this helps to show that your marketing techniques work in a very small and
profitable way.
Sincerely Nick Di Mondo
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We tested two headlines with the same body but there were no
significant differences.
This story is true and can be published.
Nicolas Courchesne
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information on the clients, I found out what industry they are in, what company they work for, as
well as their positions within that company.
But thats not all
I also engineered a referral campaign into the whole thing. When people enrolled on the
website, they had five fields where they could send the same email they originally received to
friends and invite them to attend, simply by supplying their email address and cellular telephone
number in the fields. This sent out an automatic endorsement email the referees, with a
personalized message from the referring client, and it also sent an SMS (text message) to the
cellular phones of the recipients alerting their friend as to the email waiting for them.
Well, the campaign was an overwhelming success from an enrollment perspective. Now
the next step was to get the conversion ratio as high as possible. After scratching my brain for a
while and looking at it from all angles, I decided that I would give people a 90-day money back
guarantee on the training. Not only would they have 90 days to test out my powerful strategies, if
they decided to get refunded, they would end up having receiving the entire program and
program content for free.
This went down very well with the audience, and they responded very well to the offer. In
fact, we went from signing up only 3.6% of previous delegates to 11% this time. So the event was
profitable, I filled up two seminars, built a large database and the whole thing cost me nothing!
But thats still not all
I ran a competition at the free event that went like this. Each entry form that contains the
names and cellular telephone numbers of 5 friends, colleagues or family members, would go into
a draw. This offer was made to the delegates just before the halfway break, and we ended up
with over 13 000 referrals! The details where captured that same night, and the SMSs where
sent out to all 13 000 referees, compelling them to visit the website and sign up for future
This was so successful, what we have another two events ready to go with more sign
ups than we can handle. Form here, I foresee us running similar campaigns once a quarter and
the marketing will continue to cost us virtually nothing, with the exception of the hosting fees as
well as some minor printing charges.
Give this strategy a go, you wont regret it!
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Test: First we tested several grabbers with the Human Relations departments of seven companies that
agreed to participate in this test. We wanted to find out if by changing only the visual format of the resume
(not the applicants qualifications) we could improve the applicants chances of getting called back for an
interview. The test consisted of giving the HR departments 35 resumes from which they were asked to
select 5 applicants that they were interested in interviewing. One of the resumes in the stack of 35 was
uniquely formatted in a way that would stand out visually. To make sure that the selection by the HR
departments was not based solely on an applicants qualifications, we included a resume with the identical
qualifications of the individual on our visually enhanced resume. All we did was change the name of the
applicant and make it look similar to all the other resumes.
The unique resume we created looked like a personal letter and presented the individuals positive
characteristics in bullet form under the headings; Value to the Organization; Strengths; Leadership, etc. It
also had one of the heading and the bullets under it circled in red ink. Finally, it had a red paper clip on the
right edge of the page.
Results: The resume we created made the short list of applicants to be called in all seven of the
companies that participated. We asked the HR managers why the resume we created was selected. All of
the participants said that it really stood out and caught their attention. They also said that it clearly
communicated the benefits this individual could bring to their company. (Remember, the employer is the
customer for individuals in the job search market. And customers always want to know Whats in it for
me?) Several of the HR managers said the red paper clip made the resume stick out in the pile and raised
their curiosity. A few of them even thought that their bosses had seen the resume first and had circled the
particular benefits of the individual in red ink -- this resulted in an implied endorsement of the applicant by
their bosses. By the way, the resume we included among the 35 others that had the same information on it
as the one that stood out visually, but used a traditional resume format, did not make it to the short list of
any company.
As a result of testing this strategy, we determined how to significantly improve an individuals chance of
breaking through the ton of resumes submitted for the same position and move his or her resume to the top
of the list. We have received several testimonials and success stories from individuals that have used this
technique to gain a competitive advantage in the job search market. Many of these individuals were getting
nowhere in their job search prior to using our job search marketing system. Their newfound success did not
require them to change their qualifications. All they needed was the knowledge of their strengths they could
offer an employer and the marketing skills to position themselves in a compelling way to potential
Comments: This is just one example of how the marketing principles, strategies and techniques I learned
from Jay Abraham are universally adaptable and applicable to selling anything. Every business owner or
professional can increase the effectiveness of their marketing by using grabbers and unique visual
positioning of their products and services. The key is to try some; test them with members of the target
market to determine which ones work best; take action by using them; and then begin to reap the benefits of
increased sales revenue produced by more effective marketing.
Submitted By:
Patrick Hawley
Hawley Marketing Group, Inc.
PMB 408
8912 E. Pinnacle Peak Rd., Suite F-8
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
(480) 838-8385 Office
(480) 491-4230 Fax
mailto:[email protected]
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"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors."
Patrick Hawley
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Hi Jay,
Approx 10 years ago I set up a DRTV company in New Zealand with my partner Suzanne Paul
we learned and used several of Jays methods and mindsets over a 7 year period and finally sold
the company to a NYSE listed company National Media for $ US 20 million
The following is a few of Jays methods and ideas that we used...
1) Our DRTV business used to receive phone orders and half were credit card and the other half
were cheques to be sent in the mail. Of the cheque orders only 30% ever used to arrive so we
tested getting our phone room operators to tell the customer that we would send what ever
product they were ordering by cheque tomorrow if they PROMISSED to send a cheque.If the
cheque had not arrived by 2 weeks we would send them a letter reminding that they
PROMISSED to send it in this was followed by a seris of 3 further letters progressively stronger
and if still no cheque we then would hand it over to a debt collection agency.
Results: We increased our cheque orders from 30% to 92% only 8% bad debt. We only used the
above program for goods that were $US 60 or less and we were very specific about making sure
we obligated them by getting them to promise to send us the cheque.
2) We used to run several lead generation programs for products like Hooked on Phonics ,Mega
Memory etc these products had no price in the infomercial and the customer had to phone in to
find the price we used to get any where from 15-30% of the people who called in to purchase
most products were around $ US 150. By calling all the people who did not purchase the
following day and offering them a 30% discount from the owner we actually doubled our profit on
these programs.
Result: Approx $ 1 million extra profit to the bottom line.
3) Increasing Price to revive sales. We had a face powder called Natural Glow which had been
on the market for 6 yrs and its sales were starting to slow. So we decided to increase our selling
price from $NZ29.95 to $39.95 this gave us an extra $6 margin which we used for adding
additional products into the Natural Glow kiteg;a pot of night cream cost us $5,a bottle of perfume
$4 etc, we planned to do this 4 times per year and run the promotion for 2months then give it a
1month break then start with a new additional product.
Result: Almost a 50% increase in sales
4) The Health Rider was the biggest fitness product that we had ever marketed we sold approx
$NZ4-$5million of them then along came a lot of copies. It was decided that we would sell other
Rider like machines also in all we sold 5 other machines from $1,200 -$100 and then finally gave
one away free with another fitness product
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Result: By adopting this strategy we sold an additional $10 million worth of riders at an average
of 10% profit.
5) Test, Test and Re-test: After Ambervision glasses had been done to death around the world I
decided to retest them(3yrs latter)I tried buy one get one free on TV for $NZ29.95 and it was a
disaster. then I tested buy one get 2 free at $39.95 this was a huge success and an increase of
300% on the first offer.
6) Let Your Customers Decide Weather a Product is Right or Wrong for a Market: When we first
started out on TV we were so successful that we ran out of stock and only had a Massage Pillow
in our warehouse that we had earlier decided we could not sell on TV since people had to feel it
to understand how it felt, as we had nothing else to sell we thought we would put it on to use up
some of our long term TV contracts that we had to pay for anyway, we gave it a $2,000 TV airing
and fell of our chairs when it sold over $40,000 of Massage Pillows.
The most valuable thing I received from Jay was the mindset to go about developing successful
marketing concepts and how to implement them, I am confident in stating that without Jays
Philosophies we would have probably only got $US10 million for the company when we sold out.
Yours Sincerely,
Paul Meier
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find out what kind of reaction I would get. People where just
responding well to that script.
So I knew what to do.
Not good.
I knew the leads themselves were not the best. The audience wasn't
profiled as well as it could have been. But the company was not
interested in doing that. They just wanted help setting appointments.
So that is what I continued with.
I went back to the drawing board and rewrote the script based on the
feedback and objections I was getting.
OK. Now there was more progress. I would get three appointments per 100
calls. Not good enough.
I kept hammering away on the script, writing and rewriting, and writing
some more.
It took three month to develop a script that pulled enough appointments
that this company could live well on.
Three appointments from 40 calls.
thousand dollars.
So the moral of the story is listen to Jay and use scripts, test and
revise for maximum effectiveness, and give it the time it needs. It
doesn't always happen over night, but it you keep working it, you can
get it where you want it.
Best Wishes,
Pete Grof
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Page 153
I learned of Jay's marketing genius after purchasing his book, Getting Everything You Can Out
Of All You've Got. Prior to starting my own marketing consultation business in March of 2002, I
worked as a Marketing Director for a dot-com.
My Business Model
Jay's book both inspired me and gave me the courage to start my own marketing consultation
business. The business and marketing advice provided in Jay's book helped me to develop my
business idea to provide marketing consultation services to small businesses. Jay says that one of
the leading reasons why small businesses fail is poor marketing. My business model is to help
small businesses become more successful through the implementation of Jay Abraham's business
and marketing strategies.
3 Simple Steps to Business Success
One of Jay's best marketing strategies is to become involved in business networking groups.
Taking Jay's advice, I joined a local chapter of Business Network International (BNI). Within my
first two months of joining BNI, I landed two large accounts. My marketing cost to join BNI was
$270. Revenue generated from implementing this marketing strategy was $12,000 within 5
Using Jay Abraham's marketing strategy of creating strategic business partnerships, I formed a
strategic partnership with a graphic artist in my BNI group. This relationship led me to landing
another large account within two weeks after forming our strategic partnership. Marketing cost
was $0. Revenue generated was $6,000.
Using a third strategy of Jay Abraham, selling your value to your employer, I went back to my
previous full-time employer and sold my employer on the value of hiring me as a marketing
consultant instead of as a full-time employee. Jay's advice worked and my previous employer
gladly hired me as a part-time marketing consultant at an hourly rate that was four times more
than what I was making as a full-time employee. Marketing cost was $0. Marketing value was
Revenue Generated
During my first five months in business, my business generated $28,000 in income and my
business was profitable within its first month in business. I owe my success to Jay Abraham.
Granted that $28,000 is not a gigantic sum of money, but I have only been working part-time
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while refining my business model and target market for maximum results. Now that I refined my
business model and my target market, I am confident that I will be able to easily earn $100,000+
a year working 40 hours a week or LESS. Thanks Jay!
Pete Geisheker
Pete Geisheker Consulting
[email protected]
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If I had this USP then I would have discovered the Holy Grail of
change. Because then I could then employ Jay's other powerful concept
-joint ventures. But I had to bring to the table something so massively
powerful that it would be totally irresistible. That would give me an
enormous advantage in who I select as a joint venture partner.
That's where the "But that's nothing yet!" statement comes in to play.
I have now located and have been fine tuning the Holy Grail of change.
It meets all the criteria mentioned above. Deep change can be made with
no more effort than brushing your teeth. Fast? it's as fast as the
speed of thought. Thorough? Basic causes of the problem are eliminated
in seconds. People are freed from the crippling hindrances that
choke off their economic and personal success.
The market for proven rapid change is enormous. Many people teach
wonderful and powerful "what to do and how to do it" strategies but the
emotional and psychological blocks are enormous which prevent even the
best knowledge from being fully utilized. It's an enormous waste of
knowledge and information. It's like teaching people all the best
techniques for rowing a boat and then giving them one oar.
Rapidly releasing these people from those limitations is more than a
dream- it is now a proven reality. I will next be utilizing Jay's other
strategies - especially the joint venture concept- again and again to
my future client's and my enormous economic satisfaction.
Peter Pearson, Ph.D
Co-founder The Couples Institute
Menlo Park, Ca. 94025
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The bottom line impact is that I generated clients worth $94,000 (over 1 year) in my 1st mail out to 1000
clients with a consistent stream of mail-outs to follow.
Very Nice.
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international expansion of global operations. A long term outcome of achieving the target of
working with 200,000 athletes in the first 5 years will be a significant spill over into the general
non-sporting Baby Boomer market segment of the general public with chronic health challenges
who may be looking for naturopathic alternative therapies.
Its turnover for the first 12 months from site launch is projected to be $30million with a growth
exceeding $200 million in 4 years, releasing a $10million+ revenue stream. 50% of this will be
donated directly to the Global Wellness Foundation. Half of the remaining net income will be
invested by Healthy-sports appointed holding company, TPZ Investments, and the remainder
used to run Healthy-sports global operations.
The breakthrough that the Abraham mindset provided was in providing the confidence and belief
that the vision of this new company could be achieved.
Tim was full time employed in another organization when he developed this vision and growth for
Healthy-Sport. With his sporting and nutritional contacts he developed the understanding of the
products that could benefit that people within the healthy sport field. He also identified the
potential world markets within this area and the potential growth of the business.
This was a huge venture to launch, and Tim had not had the experience of anything like this
before. Therefore there were queries and doubts about his own abilities in pulling this off, until
Tim came across the work that Philip was carrying out using the Abraham mindset on beliefs and
To change Tims mindset and to engender a real sense of belief that he could achieve his own
vision with this new company, then Philip analyzed Tims own internal and external beliefs and
values, both towards and away. There were a number of internal beliefs that were putting the
brakes on, and putting them on hard. One of these beliefs was the uncertainty of the business
process and the products that he was to sell.
To overcome these braking beliefs and values actions were taken which including
- producing a development model of the business
- personal development by going on a personal empowerment weekend course using the
Abraham mindset
- setting up a new mindset of winning beliefs and values
The benefits of changing Tim belief and values, to the Healthy-Sport business, by using the
Abraham mindset has been:-
removal of the fear of success, created the belief & certainty that the vision can & will be
achieved. A complete change in state that has given the confidence to launch this company
to be able to live the vision today. Becoming so positive and energetic. All that has to be
done now is to turn the handle to take the actions to deliver the growth.
an understanding of the key areas of personal development required in values and beliefs to
maximise business development along the designed roadmap
increased credibility and empowerment of peer group entrepreneurs looking to work with
Healthy-Sport due to the quality and completeness of the business development planning
unique training approach that brought together sales (including NLP), the wellness sector
boom and the internet into a training methodology for Healthy-sport Leaders designed for
accurateness of thinking in the priority, impact and timing of the myriad of activities required
at the launch of a dotcom
the growth of Healthy-Sport, to $30m after the first year, will be due to the change in the
beliefs and values as promoted by Abraham..
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My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavours.
Tim Patterson
Chief Executive Officer,
27 Cobham Close, Enfield, EN1 3SD
Philip Baylis,
Vice President Operations
18 Iberian Way Camberley, Surrey, GU15 1LU
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93. R Crandall
----- Original Message ----From: R Crandall
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:18 AM
All right, I'll finally bite. Following is an unusual case. You have
the rights to use it, but I receive all the other cases in payment:
I've done a number of businesses in publishing - from newsletters, to
books, to ghostwriting. I'm going to give a case from one of my
markets that is an unusual one - publishing of academic journals. The
lessons here apply elsewhere. The trick was to use my knowledge of the
major players in the market to create a new product that would have an
strong niche. I essentially sold the opposite way others did.
A Negative Marketplace
In brief, the leading journals in the social sciences reject 90% of all
papers received. And they are slow about it. They use volunteer
college professors as "peer reviewers." That is, each submission is
read by about two "peers." These reviewers often are competitors of
the people whose papers they are reviewing. They are often busy with
their own work and are slow doing reviews. This means that authors
seldom receive prompt, courteous feedback.
Reviewers also know that 90% of papers are turned down. Combined with
research that shows that critical reviewers look smarter, they have a
strong bias to reject papers. They make themselves look smart by
listing criticisms, rather than saying what it would take to get a
paper published. They also push authors to revise to suit reviewers'
biases rather than to clarify the points authors want to make.
Journal editors often do not take control of their reviewers. Sometimes
the reviewers are higher status than they are. Sometimes editors are
overworked (they all think they are). Sometimes editors are not
competent to make methodological judgments. This all results is very
slow reviews. Editors often look for reasons to reject papers, rather
than reasons to accept them. This decreases their workload. This tends
to weed out unusual or new ideas. They are not "safe" for reviewers
and editors to pass on.
Journals are funded for a certain number of pages a year. That means
that the more papers than are accepted, the slower they are published.
Most journals take a year of more to decide and publish a paper.
The above is a brief overview of why the publication process is painful
for many people. For instance, in psychology, the average new Ph.D.
never publishes anything. Many people are so discouraged by their
first submission to a journal that they quit trying to publish.
A New Look
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This divisions unit sales were not growing. The last two years unit sales levels had
actually decreased each year from prior years.
Their marketplaces primary distribution channel was a very fractured, unorganized
distribution system. However, parent organization required this division to not use
alternative distribution channels.
Because this division was restricted to only sell into this particular marketplace (a market
that only consisted of unique wholesale/distributor buyers) and whose entire market
universe of possible customers was less than 280 thousand total, they had only sold
4,600 customers out of this entire market universe, during their entire 5-year history.
This division only had production and marketing rights to out-dated video products.
The religious video market itself was in a mature market phase.
Division did not have an existing successful marketing and sales system.
Division never had a positive net income fiscal year.
Parent organization now required the division to generate positive net income each fiscal
year forward or it would be closed down.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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Began evaluating their market situation. Results from these studies provided key information
about: 1) their previous marketing and sales campaigns, 2) their distribution channels sales
operations and processes, 3) the overall competitive environment, 4) their average cost per sale
and 5) allowable sales investment to acquire new customers.
Next, tested several Jay Abraham-styled direct marketing and sales campaigns to determine
what this divisions realistic marketing cost per sale level was per product sold by each marketing
campaign. We tested three separate direct mail and two space ad lead-generation campaigns,
three structured-referral programs, plus three telephone follow-up sales closing campaigns.
From these tests, determined that the optimum lead-generation systems and sales closing
methods were: 1) a particular direct mail postcard sent four separate times (during a four month
period) to targeted prospects, 2) a structured referral program where we got satisfied clients on a
3-way conference call to verify the benefits and results of program, having them speak with
responders to our DM postcards, plus 3) a 6-step telephone follow-up campaign which together
resulted in a tremendous sales closing rate. More about these results explained below.
One of the key reasons for these above tests, was to evaluate the optimum marketing systems
given this clients limited financial resources. In order to achieve vast sales increases, when youre
restricted to only using your organizations existing cash flow to capitalize such growth, its very
important to create the proper balance between the "ease of finding" new customers, versus the
"cost of finding" these very same customers.
The easier it is to find new customers, while having as low of cost as possible in finding them,
then the better it will be for you to achieve your business growth objectives. Youll benefit
because youll then be able to create a stronger cash flow level, which you can then reinvest into
growing your companys sales.
From the results of the above analysis and marketing tests, developed the divisions short and
long term strategic marketing plans.
Review of Results Achieved:
We worked for this client during all of 1997 and 1998. During that time we created and
implemented several key marketing programs, which dramatically increased unit sales, revenues
and new customer acquisitions, plus established this divisions new on-going sales programs.
As a result, this division experienced a 667% cumulative revenue increase (more than $11.5
million), more than a 2,900% cumulative unit sales increase (over 3.25 million units) and more
than a 980% cumulative increase in new customer acquisitions (more than 17,000 new
wholesale/distributor customers!) within a 2 year period.
Exclusively using these Jay Abraham-styled marketing and sales systems, this division reached
their parent companys 10 million unit sales goal within 4 years.
To produce the vast increase in new customer acquisitions, in early 97, we created and
implemented a powerful direct mail lead-generation system, which realized an average response
rate of 9%, when the industry average was between 0.6% to 2% maximum.
During the same year, to solidify our new customer acquisition program, developed a special
outbound Tele-sales program and hired the divisions 23 outbound Tele-sales team to handle all
outbound sales and service calls. This group used the sales leads that were produced from our
direct-mail lead-generation system. Special training and sales scripts were used. This group
achieved a closing rate of 87% on these qualified leads, when the industry average was between
26% up to 40%.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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The following (used with permission) is a summary of the organizations performance since we
were brought in, at the beginning of 1997, and their results three years prior:
Unit Sales
(in 1,000's)
New Customer
Acquisition Qty.
Primary strategies and tactics used to create these dramatic results were:
Thats it!
Randall Evenson, President
Evenson & Associates, Inc.
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Richard Suchorzewski
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Rick Corby
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How can you increase your companys bottom line? Make it easy for your potential clients to
Companies that are evaluating our product::
Safeway: San Francisco Bay Area 225 tractors 650 TRUs
They would be satisfied with a 1% increase in fuel we can offer them a minimum of 6%
Evergreen School District: Vancouver WA 225 buses: 2 units testing
Beale Air Force Base: CA 600 vehicles 200 diesel generators: 20 units testing
State of California 500,000 vehicles
Philippine Islands 8 units evaluation Government Vehicles
Turkey 12 units being evaluated
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Rik Villegas
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technique; however, for some business owners it more than doubled their
sales. I charged a small fee for the service, and used it primarily to
gain new clients to work with. I went from about 12 clients to more
than 40 in less than six months.
Other Applications: There are a great number of possibilities you can
adapt from this basic concept. Look at your client base and ask what
other businesses does each target market also visit in the course of
their buying experience. Make a list of those types of businesses, and
then pick the ones you would like to work with that would give you the
greatest advantage. Prepare a prototype of the packet you plan to use
so they can see what it will look like. Make sure it is simple to
administer, and project the number of leads they could gain and what
the purchase value of converted leads would mean to them. You should
have a 90-100% closing ratio if you do it to share leads and charge
nothing or a small fee for the cost of materials. If you charge a
larger fee for the program to administer it, you should close 60-80% of
your presentations and make enough to hire someone part-time to take
care of the details. You will want to occasionally make the weekly
visits, though, to build relationships with the other strategic
alliance members and keep the referrals coming in.
Submitted by: Rik Villegas
Business, Hospitality, and Computer Technology Department Chair
Northern Marianas College
E-mail: [email protected]
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Robert Campbell
To make my coming real estate book (Timing the Real Estate Market) a likely best seller, I
created a USP for it that clearly distinguishes it from any real estate book ever written. By doing
this, it is likely I already have 250-500 pre-orders from book buyers ... and I have never written a
book before and nobody knows me from Adam.
I got this USP idea from Jay Abraham. By putting it on the cover of my book directly beneath the
title (Timing the Real Estate Market), this USP prominently distinguishes "The Campell Method"
from all other real estate books and gives me a competitive advantage in the market place.
I believe this USP idea will play a prominent role to make my book into a national best-seller.
Robert M. Campbell
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Robert Norris
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Robert Robinson
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Robert Rolih
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Rod Aries
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About 80+++% of my clients were agents or brokers. People always wondered why my clients who were
'people in the know' would use my services and become clients, instead of their own talents. I told them I
had a secret method . (Of course I use this same secret method for my Internet clients... I have a lot of
web designers, graphic specialists and web masters as clients.)
When desert storm hit Camp Pendelton here in San Diego, Linda and I experienced significant vacancy and
lost our financial interest in most of our investments. Hmm, I got rid of the labor, but the capital
investments were still there... and then they weren't :( No fun, and a bit of a hit in the wallet.
So, back to square one, "How could I create a business without labor or capital requirements?" Well, there
was this thing called the Internet, maybe...
When I started, I did e-mail and ads on AOL, Prodigy and Compuserve. After a year or so, I broke down
and finally bought my first web site. I had spent two years in grad school, and have now spent almost a
decade at "net school" learning the in's and out's. It constantly changes and I practiced on my own sites.
For quite some time, while I was learning the net, there were many days when I would drive my little girl
to school and she would have more money for lunch than I was going to earn that week (or month).
Now it ain't braggin' if it is the truth, I became very proficient in creating web pages, for myself and
clients, that are ranked and produce results. My first site, which I have since sold, achieved over 800,000
unique page views a year (totally from web page optimization).
Can somebody say no capital and no (well, a few independent contractors) labor? Hey, I can't do this all
by myself... I have found a cohesive core of talented internet professionals who now work with me. I have
23 computer stations, one partner and one full time staff member, plus several part time college kids. We
create highly specialized software to replace human activities. In example, we used to have a person work
4 days a week for us managing 100,000 pay per click words. We now have software which does this 24
hours a day, for about the cost of a month's salary.
I have also helped my now 12 year old get started with her own "lemonade stand" (What is that little sound
you hear? "Ice cold cola, ice cold cola here" Kenzie shouts as she hawks the cans to unsuspecting
moms with strollers, beach-goers, surfers and roller-bladers. "Ice cold cola here.") as we are next to a
public access to the beach. On hot afternoons in the summer, she makes a few dollars, but the real value is
that Kenzie now has far better interpersonal skills than I (wasn't hard), and she can make change for a buck,
without a calculator.
I always tell her if she learns HTML, she will never have a job where she has to say, "Would you like
fries with that?"
So, Kenzie is becoming Internet proficient and has her own computer and cable modem access in her room.
I put a web site up for her as well http://www.beaconsbeach.com with about 45,000 unique visitors a year
and about $300/month in earnings. And I will be adding another business for her (my wife nixed the
discount condom idea and I sold the domain), I just didn't know if Kenzie was ready for secured server
orders. I just hope she doesn't hack into Toys R Us...
Then we got into domains and own over 10,000 generic domains.
And our search engine optimization competency increased rapidly. We went the whole cycle, doing our
sites, doing clients sites, back to only doing mostly our own sites - plus a few larger corporations.
Now we have developed online training for several of the dominant functions on the net, whereby
customers pay us to learn the secrets, tips and tricks of various Internet related activities.
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Now we pretty much build 1-2 web sites a week and pounce on numerous internet opportunities, often
hours after hearing about them, we will a site up and running...
Gawd, I love the net....
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Page 187
Rod Wolford
trying to find
mile for our
a great number of
to two of these and
but also in the client
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PEQ and PEQ II is transforming our business in every way. We have the
tools now and it is up to us to keep growing in this success method.
Thank you
Rod Wolford
The Wolford Group
PS I told Carl that I will get to a live event. We are tracking our
results and will have a concise update for you later this year.
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Ron Sill
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Ronald L. Miller
Ronald L. Miller
497 Pine Haven Lane, N.E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30342
404 255-0110
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Page 191
words in the letter to express that point. I indicate that a DCF spreadsheet shows
projected sales for 3-5 years, expenses, fixed and working capital investments
during that period of time. The resulting cash flows are discounted to present worth
and result in a proposed selling price. I tell owners that buyers can argue with the
numbers, but not with the format.
Of course, the DCF spreadsheets are used in what-if discussions and
substituting various numbers quickly result in different totals. It is not unusual for
an owner to call me at night and ask to change numbers while on the phone. I either
tell him the results or immediately fax him the new DCF.
In conclusion, in the letter I now use headlines and always close with the
statement please expect my phone call in the next few days. Im still refining my
follow-up telephone call script.
Hope this is something similar to what you wanted.
Ron Miller
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Page 192
Ronald Sisto
Referral System
I am the Circulation Director of The Lebanon Daily News, a daily newspaper in Central
Pennsylvania. We started a referral system in order to acquire new home delivery customers to
the newspaper. With each renewal notice we mail, we include a letter allowing the current
subscriber to recommend a non-home delivery customer to become a subscriber with a half price
offer, when they send in their payment. We receive 72 referrals per month with a 60% conversion
rate to paid. This generates yearly revenue of $73,613, which we would not have without the
program. Our costs are producing the letter and stuffing which are minimal. One simple letter
included in our renewal statements has helped grow our home delivery base and increase our
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors"
Ron Sisto II
Circulation Director
Lebanon Daily News
717-272-5611 ext.171
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Russell Martino
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This "hard hitting special report" laid the facts at their feet. It
explained all the things insurance companies do to justify DENYING a
claim altogether OR to dramatically reduce the amount of the claim
ultimately paid.
Most accident victims don't realize that the "friendly voice at the
insurance company" is SPECIALLY TRAINED to ask questions and obtain
admissions on THE INITIAL CONTACT PHONE CALL that could dramatically
reduce the amount of a potential settlement offer.
The report was factual, well written, matter of fact, and lively. Even
though I wrote it, credit was given to the lead attorney in the firm,
(I am not an attorney, the owner of the firm is a friend), who is board
certified in personal injury law.
The report also explained why "Board Certification" was important and
what to look for in a law firm, any firm, that may be responsible for
putting money into your bank.
Readers were invited to phone the firm with questions and advised in
Another little twist we added was this; In addition to sending to
accident victims in Harris County (Houston is in Harris County), at
small expense, the firm hired someone to go to all the surrounding
counties to gather accident report information and mail to them also.
There was no service covering surrounding areas.
The results were superb.
Personal injury sign up went from 4-5 a month to 8-10 A WEEK and some
weeks even more. This increase in business was 100% the result of the
Tricks & Traps mailing, not a dime was spent on television, radio, bill
boards, or anything else.
Each case was usually worth anywhere from $5,000 to $12,500 to the
firm, however several of the larger cases that went to court or settled
on the court house steps just prior to trial netted the firm $40,000
plus, with one case yielding $230,000 net to the firm.
This rate of sign ups lasted for about 3 years; right up to the day
that the Texas legislature changed the law and took access to the
accident reports out of the public domain and made it a crime for
attorneys to directly contact known accident victims within 60 days of
an accident.
By thinking like the potential client (no one wants to get ripped off
by an insurance company or anyone else), managing their perceptions,
and quietly establishing the firm as the REAL expert, Tricks & Traps
was a tremendous success. And it would have NEVER happened with the
information, ideas and inspiration gained at a Jay Happening. Thanks
again Jay!
Russell J. Martino
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Page 195
Russell Sherry
If I used two or three of Jays' fifty questions that asks an owner about his or her business; most
would never have thought about their business this way, don't know the answer and would now
want to find the answer . This would "get me in the door" because it differentiated me from the
pack. At that point I would simply suggest some of Jays' strategies as possible answers.
If I then suggested that for the very same reason the prospect now is considering/considered me for
the business-what would be the bottom-line results to his/her business, if, as part of my sales
training to his staff, we incorporated a similar approach his sales people so that they could use
these concepts and strategies to gain a similar consideration advantage, and more business.
If I then over time (and at each new assignment), dripped more of the Abraham questions on him,
including a couple of more Abraham strategies, I would as a result have a constant mind share and
his continued business.
If I then shared with them Jays' strategy of preeminence this would be a kind of s cement that
would bond me with the client.
This has started to work extremely well. It is working on telemarketing calls, letters and even in "in
person" cold calls. Much more can and will be done just on this concept alone. But it gets better.
Some months ago I became acquainted with a prospect that was familiar with some of the Abraham
material. He had also gone to one of Jays' live trainings. We bonded, he became a client and late last year
when I heard about Jays' PEQ, I thought it would be ideal for him and his employees to become immersed
in and take the company to a new level. He ordered. Again being in the Jay loop and mindset provides so
many opportunities.
1. Knowing and understanding the Abraham strategies has gotten me three times as many clients in a
quarter of the time. It costs far less to get them than was previously the case.
2. I am gradually moving into a role of marketing advisor by sharing the "Abraham Philosophy" of
preeminence which further differentiates me from the crowd.
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3. I find that I now, because of constant exposure to Jays' mindset that I now look at a business
tangentially, inside out and every conceivable way in applying Jays' teachings and strategies. This
is providing me with quantum leaps in uncovering opportunities.
4. I have been asked to do some speaking again (something I have long wanted to rekindle) on
getting more results from a business.
5. I fully expect my income to not only continue to grow, but grow dramatically next year as a major
result of knowing about Jay Abraham.
6. I'm now enjoying what I'm able to do, not only do for myself, but what I'm able to now do for
other businesses.
Lessons learned:
The Abraham strategies can transform business of any size. By adopting the "Abraham mindset" great
things happen. Any salesman or sales manager can easily adopt and adapt any or all of Jays' techniques
and enjoy their own preeminence in their own prospect/customers mind. It can transform one from being
considered just a salesperson into a business strategist that also provides what their own product or service
is regardless of industry or niche. Who would choose something less? And by teaching them to suggest to
their client to teach their salespeople...and so on becomes self perpetuating. You are not "feeding them but
truly teaching them to learn how to fish". That's what Jay is doing for me.
Russell Sherry
Sherry Training Consultants
[email protected]
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Page 197
Sandra Broekema
6) I always use the "PS". Usually "Call for your FREE copy of "The
Business Transfer Report". The magic word "FREE" gets noticed.
7) I use enclosures to add substance and handling time. I enclose a
business reply card for the convenience of those who prefer to mail or
fax their reply rather than making a telephone call. They are used
infrequently, but the response rate is better with the card than
without it. I found people used their company envelopes, so I stopped
enclosing a Business Reply Envelope saving an unnecessary expense.
8) I enclose a business card - because even if someone isn't
immediately interested in our service, they will hang onto the card for
later use.
9) My company name, last name and industry all start with the same
letter ("B") to increase the odds that client's can find me when the
time comes.
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10) I
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Scott Gingrich
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Scott Mounce
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Scott Sheldon
If you need
Best to you.
Scott Sheldon
Windsor Communications Group
[email protected] <mailto:[email protected]
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Sean De Vore
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Next thing I knew I got another sale United Talent Agency only to find out after I set
up their account they had changed their minds. This time I knew that price and
service were not their concerns so I quickly moved on to the next sale. I was
determined not to give up and went after many large Media clients such as UPN,
Discovery Channel, Sony, William Morris Agency and many more.
Over the next 9 months I continued to sell and worked hard to improve Magmall
Corporate website. I took that level of service and made sure that we addressed our
customer's needs.
I have followed this pledge to service with clients like Nike and NBC. Not only did I
fly up to Nikes corporate office in Oregon but, I gave many of their buyers my
personal cell phone number. Over the year that I have been at Magmall we have
doubled our corporate sales.
I hope this story of personal persistence helps your clients.
Thank you,
Sean De Vore
Shachar Shlesinger
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Page 205
Dear Jay,
In response to your request for case studies/success stories, here is a referral system which has
worked very well for me and which was painstakingly developed over a period of about a year
until it now works superbly well.
My main business used to be one of direct marketing of insurance policies by phoning existing
policyholders and upgrading/cross-selling them or by cold calling to a list.
I often wondered how I could implement your principle of referrals in this market since people do
not seem willing to refer friends and family to an insurance company. We finally struck on the
following process to get referrals for a ladies cancer plan (which pays out a specified amount on
diagnosis of breast/cervical other female cancers):
We put together a nice educational pack on the product. The pack contained two very
informative booklets, an article we reprinted by permission from a well known magazine
and a free sample policy valid for a short period.
We telephoned existing policyholders and explained to them that we had produced this
really nice pack and that they could nominate up to four of their friends or family to
receive this free gift. As you can see, we have now switched our posture from begging
for referrals to giving out gifts to a privileged few.
We also included a competition in this procedure so that for every referral we receive
from a policyholder, that policyholder gets one entry into a draw where there is a monthly
prize of a two-day getaway to a health-hydro.
The ladies gathering the referrals get paid per referral of course.
The result is that we regularly receive an average of 3 or 4 names from each policyholder
to whom the offer is made.
The referral is then telephoned, asked for a postal address for the gift which they have
been nominated for and the gift is dispatched.
Two weeks later, we call the lead who is now both a referral and has received an
educational pack from us and we sell the policy.
Our success rate in the final sale is highly dependent on the telemarketer but is much
higher than for a cold call.
The point of this illustration is the method which can be used in any situation where
people are reluctant to give referrals.
Kind regards
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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Shachar Shlesinger
South Africa
Email: [email protected]
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Shawn Dreger
Hello Jay,
Sorry I am late in getting this to you, I hope you can still use it. My story proves what
testing can do for a business and to prove you can find ways to test anything.
We owned a convenience store which had bars on the windows for security purposes. I
never did like the bars but the threat of a break and enter and the cost of cigarettes we
knew we had to leave them on.
We had owned the store for about 5 months and were getting ready for our grand
opening. We wanted the windows extremely clean so I removed the bars and cleaned the
windows. I liked the look of bare windows so much I never put the bars on until we
closed for the evening. The next month I was looking at our daily income for the past
month and one day really stood out as being considerably higher than the others. I
investigated this and discovered the exceptional day was the day I took the bars off the
windows. Was it coincidence or was there something to it and how could I prove it. We
were increasing business each and every week and payday weeks were quite a bit better
than non pay day weeks so how could I prove or disprove that business increased without
bars on the windows.
Being a bit of a math nut I decided to test the next two Mondays. I took total income for
several weeks divided it by 7 to get an average and then compared it to the Mondays
income. I discovered that the Mondays income was always between 85% and 90% of the
average daily income for the week. Okay this way I would know if we took the bars off
the windows for a Monday and if the income for the Monday was more than 90% of the
daily average for that week we had to figure out a way to get the bars off the windows.
Calculating it this way took care of increased business and the fluctuation in income for
pay day and non pay day weeks.
The following Monday I took the bars off the window and then put them back on for the
rest of the week. At the end of the week I did the calculations and found out the Monday
with no bars did 106% of the daily average for the week. Coincidence or not? The
following week I did the same thing and discovered that Monday did 99% of the daily
average but also took note that it rained from 4:00pm till 6:00 pm which was our busiest
time, everyone stopping on their way home.
Bingo I knew if we took the bars off the windows business would increase 10% - 15 %
easily. How easy was that. I called a welder and made brackets so the bars could be put
on at night within 5 minutes and taken off in the morning. The bars really only needed to
be on at nights when we were closed.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 209
Shawn Dreger
BD's Convenience
This was a small convenience store with 3 employees two full time and one part time.
We tripled business within three years and then sold it three years ago. I hope this helps,
I thing it really shows how you can test almost every aspect of your business.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 210
Simon Healy
Whew I missed that deadline but really wanted to join that program of yours.
Best Regards and LOVE your stuff Jay. I'm a big fan and I've got you as a Highly recommended resource
our new SolvePoverty which was updated last week. See www.SolvePoverty.com
Briefly describe your Internet business and give the main web
site address
The business is called OrphanIT (which is part of SolvePoverty.com) and it provides a service for
companies to help them find new affiliates for their websites associate programs.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 211
We do this by creating an email introducing our clients business and Affiliate Program and then using Opt
in Ezines, Cause Related Marketing and individually contacting potential affiliates with an introduction
message. It's just good old fashion hard work and some smarts from some of the webs best marketers to
help us identify the prospective affiliates.
The difference about this business is that aside from management and strategy by myself and 2 teachers the
entire service is undertaken and carried out by young adults (including more than 50% orphans) in 2
Telecentres located in Manila PI and Chennai India.
"IT skills, practically prerequisites in today's job market, are often basic and straightforward to learn-but
are a world away from the chronically poor. GLOW Centers teach vocational and Internet skills free of
charge, delivering online education to poor young people who otherwise would remain unskilled and
without prospect of employment." http://www.digitaldividend.org/project_week/project_week_glow.htm
We plan on expanding expand these 'remote services' as we become proficient in more areas like:
How, why and when did you start that Internet business?
I started the service on May 15th 2002 as I was finding it very hard to find the time to continue sourcing
affiliates for my commercial site - Hyperstudy.com and needed a solution.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 212
We ve been running a Micro Enterprise development AID program for 2 years now as part of our business
and we thought the graduates would probably be ready to start on some commercial work
It coincided that we had two classes of young graduates just finishing their first year IT studies at 2 Micro
Development telecentres I helped build in Manila PI and Chennai in India.
Many of the young graduates were emailing me asking about work opportunities and the web and I decided
to start them on finding new affiliates for us.
After 1 month the students had found us something like 30 new affiliates including 1 that now brings us
more than 18,000 sessions a month and we all thought "lets take it to the next level and see if others are
having the same challenges and want to hire us to do the long hard yards of affiliate recruitment"
I put together exactly the tools we had used to get our program running and then contacted the owners of
our software and let them know what I was doing and to make sure they were all OK with it.
Then I made a simple one page site and launched online to test the market. Here it is http://www.orphanit.com
Idea and resources in place to make it happen - About three years overall but about 200 hours for this
Total cost = For this service about $1500 cash but to have everything in place ie Telecentres etc about
Apps required: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, My Affiliate Program, Opt In Pro list builder, ICQ, Web Position
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 213
I expected lots of queries about the service and requests for testimonials but really only a few sales in the
first month and building up from there.
WRONG! Cashflow began within one week of being online. When Neil Durrant mentioned us in his
newsletter at the end of the first week we had more than 8 new clients and made 5 affiliate sales totalling
more than AU$8,000 in income...Astounding.
To date we have 14 clients and 3 who want us to work on a ongoing part time basis.
There is now a 3 week waiting list for us to take on new clients and we are getting several requests for new
orders each week despite the delays which we are having to refuse.
We have an article about our service being written on "remote services" in the Harvard Business Review in
Needless to say our sales expectations have far exceeded our initial estimates
We run a good paying Affiliate Program offering 15% of high value sales. We submit Page to other
directories using Web Position Gold. We Request Links on Aid sites. We Issue News Releases. We
Capture Visitor E-mail Addresses and Request Permission to Send Updates. We have all Installed our web
"Signatures" in our E-Mail Programs. We are running a BIG Contest every year to help increase sign ups.
We buy Pay Per Click (PPC) ads on search engines. We've partnered with other good sites and like minded
people to help us promote the services. Tell me about your one, most productive marketing tactic what
you do, how much time it takes, expense, difficulties, tools to help you do it etc.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 214
Our absolute key tactic is affiliate marketing. Makes sense if we're offering an Affiliate recruitment
package ;)
we are pretty creative on our copy and highlight the fact that young people in developing nations are every
bit as capable of undertaking web marketing as the very expensive marketing firms in the big cities if they
have the right tools and knowledge.
Is there ONE THING that has made your Internet business work so well?
The one thing thats made our business work so well aside from the market testing is the fact that we're not
offering some new device or marketing tool but rather something that anyone who has an affiliate program
knows all about.........the long and hard hours you have to put in to find new affiliates.
Most importantly its being offered by young adults in developing nations with a little bit of a guiding hand
from us. Orphans and underprivelged kids aren't incapable or unmotivated...they just dont have the same
opportunities we have in the western world. Hopefully www.SolvePoverty.com can do its little bit to
change some perspectives in this area!
Like I always say Jay "If you're not giving, you're not living!"
Hope this reads OK. The actual story should you need any background is here
www.SolvePoverty.com. Here are some of the clients we have worked with since we launched
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Page 215
Thanks Jay
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Stephen Johnson
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Steve Curtis
The following is a set of questions top management of Ascolta Training Company used with their middle
managers to help formulate their Unique Selling Proposition (USP).
Why is Ascolta different? What do we stand for? What do we offer to our customers that is unique,
superior and is a distinctive benefit above and beyond our competitors? What sets Ascolta apart from
every other competitor?
By thinking and reflecting on these questions, management at Ascolta can develop the Unique Selling
Proposition(USP) which defines what Ascoltas core competence is and why we are in business.
When we can identify what we are really good at and have a distinct advantage, we can integrate our core
being into all promotional materials, sales effort, customer service, elevator pitch, and the internal cultural
at Ascolta.
I like to call this The Big Promise. You dont have to say it. You demonstrate it. You live it! Listed
below are several questions to assist you in developing Ascoltas market position and USP.
List all the unique reasons you have, or would like to have, as to why people should do business with
Ascolta and not anyone else?
What do think is the Primary advantage of doing business with Ascolta over our competitors? (From
our customers point of view what they will appreciate the most what the true benefit is to them
List your favorite 5 biggest successes you know or see in any field? What is their UPS?
Write just one clear and concise headline for an advertisement for Ascolta in a IT magazine
Create several tag line options which could be used under the logo of Ascolta
Sound Bite Exercise. .. Describe your business in terms of who you are, what you do, who do you cater
to, what problem you solve and how you benefit your customers, and how you are unique and
different. (Write a short and clear paragraph. Read it out loud to your self or friend)
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 219
Virtually Everywhere
Recognized Global leader for Network Engineering Education
Multi-language Offerings
Quality, technical, flexible, fun, leading edge, many locations
Learning culture, learning communities, blending learning, understanding
Learning styles and Learner Orientation
Expert champions of : Story telling, games, simulation, assessing and mentoring
Cisco Systems views Ascolta as premier provider of training for their product line
Personal and friendly touch to our customers
Ascolta has a strong passion for success and provide best possible training
Flexible, competitive price, professional organization, reliable and accountable
Consistent quality, high value and Name recognition
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 220
Geographic reach, baseline business $$$ and marketing engine
Size and breadth of offerings
Size and available resources
Global Knowledge offers larger selection and world-wide training sites
East Coast saturation and specialty courses such as Boot Camps
Online labs and evening classes
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Page 221
Steve Gamlin
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Steve Gibbs
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Steve Smailes
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Steven Feinberg
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Steven Kiges
604-945-7451 Tel
888-595-4424 Toll Free
775-256-6377 Fax
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Page 227
After the seminar my goal was to develop my own product, however with a thriving
company to run I could see that was going to take much more time than I had. So,
instead I decided to take a Jay Abraham Joint Venture approach; look for someone
with an existing product that had good market potential but was struggling and looking
for some help.
I wont give you the details on the struggles to find a good product but my search brought
me to a woman named Cathi Graham and her weight loss product The Fresh Start
Metabolism Program. Cathi was successful with her seminars and selling via radio but
her Internet site that she spent $6,000 on 4 years ago still had not made one dime. This
was perfect, a product that had been tested in the market successfully and a person with a
problem plus, I could solve this problem.
We negotiated a joint venture agreement with my company providing a new eCommerce
site http://www.CathiGraham.com plus a special members only website. You see Jay,
she had been selling her program for about 10 years and in addition to the basic kit she
was selling she had a library of 6 other videos, 12 audio cassettes and a willing audience
ready to buy just about anything she came out with. The back end of this business is
what is exciting; tapes, videos, supplements, scales, drinking mugs etc. this is why
I created the Private members club.
Anyway, we launched about 12 months ago, the first 6 months we spent working on the
offer and doing the regular Internet marketing stuff. Search engines, ezines advertising,
banners etc.. and having marginal success. So we developed an Affiliate program
and that eventually brought our numbers from 10 a week to 35 a week. Jay, selling a
product with hard costs of $8.00 and selling it for $79.95 that is very sweet!
Then two month ago we did a joint venture with a company that manages 3.5 million opt
in email address and various web properties. In total the last 3 months our site has
generated $32,000 in sales.
I am sure you aware how great it is to make money online. I have been doing it for years
and I am still excited every time my inbox goes ca ching. There is no other business
model like it.
As far as my future with Fresh Start the infomercial that I arrange on a joint venture
basis is doing very well in Great Britain and is testing well in the US Market. I think I
will save how I managed this special joint venture for another time.
Thank you for all your wisdom throughout the years.
Yours truly,
Steven H. Kiges
President / CEO eGlobal Markets Inc.
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Stuart Daniel
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Stuart Tenner
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Tan-Ting Tiam
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Page 232
Terry Hansen
Thanks for extending the time on this project. Here's is my submission.
Since recognizing your preeminence in the marketing arena, I have been influenced by
many of your concepts such as growing by mailing to your customers, educating your
customers on the value you provide, the lifetime value of a customer, and many others.
Here's an example that is underway currently. I have a product distribution business. One
of our suppliers changed the name and packaging on a product on we distribute. It was
done with little notice. It was very distressing in that I was holding thousands of dollars
of inventory of the "old" product. Of course, I did not want to get stuck with this and
take a loss.
Racking my brain about what to do, I reviewed the concepts and principles I have learned
from you over the years. It came to me to write a sales letter telling our customers the
truth about how the changes were being made and we wanted to move out our remaining
inventory. I offered to let them buy at our cost with an even greater incentive for larger
purchases. I also included an educational piece about the product which they could pass
along to their customers with their sales of the product. I offered to reproduce this at our
cost as a bonus to their purchase.
We are in the final stages of finishing this up. At this point, the numbers, although
admittedly much smaller in comparison to other projects we have done, and much smaller
in comparison to the ones typically reported in your results reports, illustrate the
beneficial leverage in doing a letter of this type: postage and printing - $288; $7,480 in
"old" inventory moved out.
...seemingly a simple idea...yet powerful results!
Terry Hansen
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 233
Terry McVay
Please feel free to edit this letter as you see fit. First, I can't believe you are going to send me the collection
of case studies free! I already downloaded the "21 Power Principals to Maximize Your Business Success"
for free and at this point have not paid you for anything.
Let me give you a little background for the last 2 years to explain how important your report was to me.
About 2 years ago I moved my family to Tampa to work for a mortgage company called Greatstone
Mortgage, which was the #16 volume FHA lender in the USA. It was great. I immediately started making
$10,000 to $12,000 a month. Not getting rich but not bad money for a job. Well, I got 3 or 4 months into it
and things were going great. The company was doing $100 million in loans a month. Then the next month
HUD shows up and audits the company. Seems the company closed $130,000 million in loans but only
had a credit line to cover it of $100 million. Needless to say the owner fled the country and the company
was shut down.
It took me about 2 months to find another job. In the mortgage business it usually takes 30 to 60 days when
you change companies to start closing loans at your new company. By the time I started closing loans here
I was broke. But things picked up again and though I was not making $10K to $12K a month I did start to
make $6K to $8K a month. There were 7 loan officers working at this company and we were closing 50+
loans a month, which is pretty good. Most of my business came from what I called my 3.95% mailers.
This was a loan that I really liked and when I would do a mailing I would get a pretty good response. Well,
it didn't take long for the owner to figure that if he was doing 50 loans a month with 7 loan officers he
could probably do twice as much with 14 loan officers. So he hired 7 more loan officers, at least 3 of these
were friends of his when he had been in another line of work. Well, needless to say he didn't actually train
anyone so the office was still closing 50 loans a month. The owner is stpartners and that he would take
care of him. When confronted the thief denied it and the owner refused to do anything about it. Within 2
weeks of that occurrences 5 of the "real" loan officers quit. Unfortunately, I should have resigned several
months earlier because my income had taken a drastic turn for the worse.
At this point, a friend of mine from church introduced me to a company that encouraged me to go to work
for them and develop a "BC" division. I thought it was a great idea and made the switch. Of course, after I
made the switch the company never came through with the promised salary. They basically wanted me to
train everybody for free. Being ignorant as I am it took me 2 months to get fed up enough to make another
All this time I am not closing anything as it generally takes 30 to 60 days to close a loan once you move to
a new company. Well, this company didn't know anything about mortgages, come to find out they were
insurance people wanting to use mortgages to get to people's insurance needs.
Well, I have now made another move, at this time it seems to be a good company and I am basically an
independent contractor. I get paid after a loan closes. I have been doing mailings, (postcards and letters) to
people with high interest rate loans. The response has been less than expected, as these people get several
letters in the mail each week. This has proved to not be cost effective. Anyway I am out of money and
needed a way to market for NO MONEY spent. At this point, I get on the internet and start looking for
marketing ideas. I look under the name of most if not all the marketing guru's, Dan Kennedy, Gary
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 234
Halberg, Yourself and many others. The problem is everyone wants quite a bit of money to purchase a
"Tool Kit" or some other program. The only free downloadable information I discover is your "21 Power
Principles to Maximize Your Business Success." I download this report and thoroughly digest it during my
library time in the mornings.
You put me to thinking on a different level. I then go through the following steps: 1. I pick 1 product to
concentrate on. I feel that the 3.5% loan offers the best cashflow and in my opinion is the best loan in the
country period, if someone can qualify . 2. Then I try to discern the best niche to go after to generate
closings. The people I have closed on this loan in the past have been either professionals or small business
owners. These people understand cashflow. 3. I also want to deal with people that will do more than one
transaction with me and refer me other business. 4. Then once I figure out who I want I need to decide how
to go get them without spending ANY MONEY.
So it went down like this: 1. As I said I am now going to concentrate on the 3.5% loan. 2. Has to be
someone that understands cashflow as that is the USP of this loan. 3. I rule out real estate agents even
though they can refer business. I just don't like real estate agents. What other group can do and refer me
multiple loans, that also understands and needs better cashflow. Now, Jay I know being the genius you are
you figured this out several paragraphs ago, but it took me almost a week (during this time I was re-reading
your report every morning). The answer was real estate investors. 4. Now that I know who I want how do
I go get them for NO MONEY. Well, the only way I could think of was the telephone. But where would I
get my list to start calling them? I just looked in the Sunday paper under rentals and found a couple of
pages of FREE leads. I started calling the numbers and everyone to a person said, "Sounds great but give
me a week to get this place rented and call me back." I waited the week to star
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Page 235
Terry Roberts
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Page 236
Thomas Furnas
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Page 237
removed from both eyes, was hospitalized for severe anemia (they still
do not know why!), she had spinal surgery on 25 July 2001, fell on 21
November 2001 (no broken bones but) tore the hamstring muscles from her
left hip bone, and they say that overcompensation has caused the
development of a charcot joint in her right foot. She has had a cast
on her right foot and leg for 10 weeks now (with orders not to put any
weight on that right foot while ignoring the fact that her left leg is
seriously compromised by the injury to her hamstring and the trauma to
the incompletely healed spinal surgery.) They now say she will be
incompacitated for another six to twelve months.
We have spent a
major portion of this past year (and similar prospects for this next
year) going to, being at, and returning from the Cleveland Clinic. You
guessed it, I have been the sole caregiver, providing transportation,
laundry, shopping, cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, paying the bills,
etc. It is a tough road.
I have great hopes with respect to the P_DQ program but my
progress is distressingly slow as the time to devote to it has been
fragmented by circumstances that cannot be ignored. Fortunately, my
health is quite reasonable, I eat well, I go up stairs many times every
day and generally two at a time as it seems easier, I sleep reasonably
well but I may be up once or twice during the night. I do now and have
for eight years taken some astonishing nutritional supplements from
RELIV INTERNATIONAL in Chesterfield, Missouri, to which I have added
MSM and extra Vitamin C.
Thank you for your encouragement and patience with us.
Sincerely, THOMAS C. FURNAS, Ph.D. President,
Phone: 216-932-7636 = 216-WEB POEM
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 238
Thomas J. Bujnowski
I would give up my side of the commission (I am a licensed broker) to the other broker if I
got first crack at the property and bought it.
I would pay all cash and have no contingencies thus speeding up the deal for the agent.
The agent would not have to attend the closing - I would pick up his check and personally
deliver it along with the key lockbox to his office.
As one example of the success, in seven months a broker has given me first shot on three
properties and my net profit after sale on those three is $124,000.
Without the letter and mindset, that is business I would never have had.
Right now I am working with three additional realtors!!
Thank you Jay - you are the most giving person I know in the business world.
Thomas J. Bujnowski
The Hamlin Group, Inc.
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Thure Eneroth
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Tim Lysgaard
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Toby Marsden
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Toby Wilson
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Page 245
Todd Beeler
A few years ago, I was downsized from a job. I was given 3 months
severance to decide what I would do next.
The first thing I did was buy your Home Study Course, which you
were advertising in several pages in Entrepreneur Magazine.
I must have listened to those tapes in the next 2 months and
studied your manual for 200 or 300 hours. I really wanted to get this
Next, I decided to start a business. Now, keep in mind, I had zero
experience in the business world and had never even taken a business
course in college.
The business I chose was automotive service center promotions. I
had a great idea- go to auto centers, offer to get them 1000 new
customers in 90 days without them having to pay me a dime. I would make
money from selling the memberships for $39, he would make money from
upselling the ones who needed tires, brakes, engine work, etc.
My core idea was to get them to agree to let me package their
services into a membership card, so we came up with 4 oil changes, 2
brake adjustments, 2 tire rotations, and free pick up and delivery for
any of these services for 12 months.
I made up a sample card and started to visit the auto centers.
Most said "No", I can't give you 4000 oil changes. But I kept trying
until I found one that would say yes.
The breakthrough was when I went back and read your chapter about
risk reversal. I then went to the next auto center, gave him my
"Abrahamized" pitch.
I told him a few things. First, he would only being paying for
results with my promotion. True, it would cost him $4 for 5 quarts of
oil and a filter, IF they didn't need anything else, but he would not
risk that $4. He was getting a hot lead for $4.
And if 1 out of 10, just 10%, spent $40 or more, he was getting
1000 new customers for FREE.
I explained if he spent $4000 on a billboard, he needed 1000 new
customers for that to pay for itself and compare to my $4 lead cost.
And that wasn't realistic to expect 1000 people to get excited from
seeing a billboard. My offer would create a wave of excitement and he
would only pay out money for people that came in to his shop and asked
for service.
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I can verify all the information here by providing you with the
auto center, and the names of former employees.
Thanks Jay. My friends were stunned when, at the young age of 27,
without any business experience or training, I made $50,000 in my first
4 months as an auto promotions consultant. And most of my success was
due to you.
Todd Beeler
29 Deerwood Rd.
Savannah, Ga. 31410
(912) 898-4058
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Todd Gerstein
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Tom Boz
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Tony Arnold
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Page 251
4. We then said "If there was a way to half the initial installation costs of our service, would
you take it?" and they said "Yes!" We then asked them to approach company B and
endorse us to them - even before they had placed an order! We asked company A to
"urge them to look at our solution seriously and tell them that you want to go ahead with it
but the initial installation costs are too high to bear alone and suspect it would be too
much for them also." We suggested that they said "We respect that it is your decision to
do what is right for your company, and if you feel this solution is right for you, it would
make sense for us both to share the initial installation costs so we can both benefit." This
they did...they were quite happy to be led in this way because we did it with respect and it
meant they could potentially save a substantial amount of money by doing it!
5. Whilst this was no guarantee that company B was going to choose our solution, it made
our case much stronger as we were now being endorsed by a multinational organization
that was very well respected and had a real incentive to recommend our solution - they
would save 200,000 (about $310,000). We then focused our energies on company B
lavishing service and value upon them in the same way we did with company A - pointing
out the massive savings they would make on our solution if both organizations were to go
for it. That, coupled with our strong technical and service oriented USPs incentives them
to only put our solution to their board for sign off - they gave us that commitment.
6. But we were still not home and dry! Due to the different nature of the projects, company
A had to make a decision several months before company B were able to make their
recommendation to the board of directors. Although there was a desire, there was no
guarantee that company B's board would pass the business case as their project was
much more speculative than that of company A (company A had a set deadline for their
project and simply had to do it by then - company B's project was considered important
but did not have a compelling event driving the deadline).
7. To remove the risk of company A committing and then being stuck with full costs because
company B's board failed to sign-off, we engineered a retrospective discount
arrangement. Simply put, we promised them X% discount for Y amount of business they
placed with us in the future - up to the full amount that they would save if company B
came on board. Although this option would take a little longer for them to realize the
savings, it was an adequate back-up strategy as they could transfer costs they were
already incurring with other suppliers over to us...at a better price and at better service
levels! They just couldn't do it straight away as current contract terms had to honoured
with existing suppliers.
8. This removal of the final "barrier to buying" gave company A the confidence to place an
order with us worth in excess of 1,300,000 (or $2,000,000), which they did 3 months
ago. Also, company B have their board meeting next week, if they pass our proposal
(and we've every indication they will) that will be worth at least an additional 3,000,000
(or $4,600,000) - I'll let you know how it goes!
So, the lesson from this experience is: Always be looking for innovative ways to remove the
"barriers to buying" from you and continuously look for ways to incentivice customers (or
prospects in this case!) to give you an endorsement.
I hope this may be of value to at least someone somewhere.
Keep up the great work Jay!
Best regards,
Tony Arnold
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I have introduced this in my dental practices.
we are unique in Great Britain.
I believe, in so doing,
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 254
Vu Dinh
I'm a big fan of Jay Abraham when I was still in college. I could not afford his programs
that cost over $200 at that time. But I listened to his "Your Secret Wealth" tapes, read his
book and everything he has for free on the internet.
I graduated last year and started my business instead of finding a job. My girlfriend and I
rented a little cart in a mall. We sell this fashion Italian Charm Bracelet where people
start out with a bracelet with one or more charms and they would come back to buy more
charms to add on to their bracelet anytime they want.
We started out with about $10,000 which was the left-over from school subsidized loan.
Now we're making over $150,000 and preparing for a killing during Christmas.
I know my success come from the knowledge and experience I learned from Jay
Abraham. As an immigrant from Vietnam at the age of 19, what did I know about doing
business in America? I was hard for me to even understand the words Jay Abraham was
shouting in the car when I was driving, or in the bathroom when I was taking shower.
But I kept listening over and over again, trying to piece his words together and gradually
I got it. After that I found out he published his first book which costs $25. I went to the
bookstore, got it and read it many times.
Anyway, after we set up the cart in the mall, I began to apply the Strategy of
Preeminence that Jay Abraham taught. I really spent time to talk to people to make
friend with them. I don't care whether they buy or not. As long as they come to my
booth , they deserve to be treated nice. We explain to new customers (which are clients
in my hearts) what we're selling so they can spread the word out for us. For those who
already have the bracelet, we offered a shining-up service by just saying: "Oh, let me
shine up your bracelet while you're here." I just try to make them remember us next time
they want a charm or buy a bracelet for someone. The amazing thing I experienced is
that over 90% of them end up buying something, right there after I shine their bracelets
up. That simple gesture (just shine up the bracelet with a jewelry cloth) makes sales
almost every time.
In the beginning, I was really hesitating about offering a guarantee on the charms because
I was afraid that people would wear them out and then exchange them. But people were
hesitate to start a bracelet anyway when we told them it was guaranteed for only 14 days.
By listening to Mr. Abraham's tapes in the car everywhere I go, it reminded me to keep
testing. So I went ahead and tested by extending the guarantee to infinite. I told any
clients that if something happens to the charms, they just bring the charms back and we'll
replace another one for them. Our sales shoots up 150% in 2 months and stay that way
until now. The return rate is very small, less than 1%. But when people come back to
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 255
exchange, they end up buying 2 or more charms. Maybe were so nice and they feel
guilty, or because of the guarantee, Im not sure. The sales we make when they come
back covers the replacement and we also make some more profit. Nothing to lose, all to
gain. Maybe without the defective charm and without the guarantee, they dont even
think about charms and going back to us. Thats one of the beautiful things about
guarantee I discovered. I did not understand what magic a strong guarantee could deliver
until I learned from Mr. Abraham about guarantee and testing. The magic word is TEST.
If youre afraid, test it.
Having a strong guarantee put my business above my competitors like crazy. When we
first started our business, nobody in the area was selling our product. When they saw we
were doing good business, they started carrying the charms in their stores, in and around
the mall. We have at least 4 competitors in the mall and 6 competitors in the area. Yet
our sales keeps going up. The reason is that we guarantee the charms while others do
not. Customers came back to us and said other stores wont exchange it without the
receipt. They said something like: Well, it looks like you damaged the charm or worn
it out. We cant replace it. We make it clear to our clients that if something happens to
the charms, just bring them back, no receipt needed when we know you. This policy
makes them want to come back to us more frequently because they want us to know
them. Some of the customers even said it out loud to people at the store: Dont even go
anywhere. Just come to them because they are easiest on exchange. Man, am I glad to
hear that!
Another great experience I learned from Mr. Abraham is the idea of building business on
multiple pillars. I took it to heart and took actions on it that gave our business very
strong foundation and position in the market. Right at the beginning of the business, I put
a sign at the store telling people that we do home party. We give the host 10%
commission and 15% discount on whatever they buy. The purpose is not only to sell
more, but also to get to know customers, because of the philosophy that its easier for
people to deal with those they already know. At the party we get to meet people, become
friended with them, give them a stamp card where they buy 10 and get one free. One
party leads to another because other people also want to book parties at the current party.
We told the current host that when someone book a party at their party, the current host
will get a free charm. I even told them to ask their friends: Who else want another fun
party? based on one of the headline suggestions that I read free on Mr. Abrahams
website. From one party per night, we have to hire more people so that we can book two
parties a night. And the number of people who come back to the store after the party is
I also went out to fairs and festivals in the area to promote our store. Sometimes I dont
care if well make money at the fair or not. I just want to get to know people. I also want
to establish my relationship with the fair management( I did not grow up in America.) so
that later I can get in easier whether I sell charms or other merchandise in the future. Ive
got a lot of good relationships going on for me right now that I can mine in the future.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
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Through talking to my clients, I also found out some ladies are organizers of fun bus
trips, school or community events like Swimming Championships, Little Baseball
League, Soccer, etc. I offer donation of charm bracelets and raising fund for them at
these events. I did fantastic and made more friends. The lady running the fun bus trip
refers us many clients who gave us thousands of dollars in sales.
I clearly understand what Mr. Abraham meant by Back-end business, even though I have
not really analyzed mine. Since people come back to buy more charms for their bracelet,
we offer new clients to buy 2 charms and get a bracelet free( a charm is 3 times more
expensive than a bracelet.) And each charm after that they get stamps on the back of our
business card so that when they buy 10, they get one free. None of our competitors does
We started a customer list by making a Wishing and Birthday List file. Since people
buy charms as gifts for others, they have to remember what their loved ones have already
had on their bracelet so that they dont have to buy duplicate charms. We created a
Wishing and Birthday List so that clients can list what charms they want next. When
their loved ones come, they look at the list and buy. By doing this, we can get customers
name, phone numbers, and addresses for future used ( Direct mails, host-beneficiary, etc).
Also by doing this, we lock our clients with us because they want to come back to their
wish list, and their loved ones have to come to us to know what the client wants.
We did well enough that a company offered us sole distributorship in North Carolina,
Arizona, and Louisiana at a lower wholesale price than we previously paid for. That
means we can retail and wholesale that brand in these 3 states. Anyone who wants to sell
this brand has to go through us. Im very excited and anxious about this because I dont
know how to expand to other states without spreading too thin the resources we have.
Reading and listening to Mr. Abraham opens my mind up to endless possibilities to make
our business really strong and secure. There are so many other ways I can do to increase
my business and income that Mr. Abrahams book and tapes inspire me to do.
Now I have made enough money to arrange a wedding for my girlfriend and I, buy a
house, and afford a $5,000 PEQ Home Study Program from Jay Abraham. In the future I
will devote my time, effort, and money necessary to master what Jay Abraham teaches. I
will become a lifetime student of Mr. Abraham. I truly believe that by mastering Mr.
Abrahams materials, I can create massive values for people and earn a handsome profit
for my family and myself.
Thank you, Mr. Abraham.
Vu Dinh
A Thousand Charms
Santa Rosa, CA
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Ranking #1:
W. D.
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Warren Biscoe
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Wayne Powell
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Without Marketing dollars (number 1), we substituted sweat equity and I worked at getting all the
free editorial coverage I could in farm magazines. That exposure generated hundreds of leads
and we were able to convert about 5% of those to sales (using a Gary Halbert style, long letter
These axles sold for $500 to $750 and even with our nation-wide sales we still needed a larger
ticket item. Once again, we listened to our customers.
We often were asked if we had any used hydraulic loaders for sale. (These are used for
scooping gravel, manure and for lifting hay bales.) I started probing deeper into what was
motivating these questions. The answer came down to this: A new loader sells for about $5000.
Our customers couldnt justify adding a $5000 loader to a $2500 tractor. And most new loaders
didnt have installation kits for older tractors.
We did some research and determined that we could build and direct-retail a loader for about
$2500. And we sold some.
Then some of those customers complained about how difficult it was to steer their tractor when
the loader was carrying a load. So we developed power-steering retrofit kits.
Now we had a full package: A loader, a wide front axle which was more stable with the loader
and power steering.
The flaw was that our loader product needed a national strategy, we needed a network of
installing dealers. To get enough margin in the product for them, we needed a more efficient
manufacturing facility.
I was stuck in the middle of that quandary when two things happened: 1.) my father died and 2.) I
got a significant job offer with a manufacturing company.
The business property was sold and I became an employee.
So, is this a success story?
Not on a grand financial scale. But on a personal scale it certainly was.
A. I got to work with my father the last few years of his life. My father was always a
tinkerer and fabricator and we enjoyed collaborating on the new product
B. I was able to use at least a few of your principles in a small, hands-on environment
that imprinted them in a way just reading about them never could.
C. I learned enough about the manufacturing process to become a plant manager with
about 90 employees.
D. And I became even more of a perpetual student of Jay Abraham, looking forward to
the day when I can put more of your principles to work.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
Wayne Powell
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Wayne Springer
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Yeap Soon Ee
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Page 264
Warmest regards
Yeap Soon Ee
PS. I know this testimonial is late 3 days, but I'll be grateful if you
can accommodate us and hope to see the testimonials of other success
stories, which we can use to further our business.
2002 Abraham Publishing Group, Inc. Confidential For Your Eyes Only - All Rights Reserved.
Page 265
Allan Kirstein
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Bob Dwyer
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One day a regular customer came in who owned a sign business. He came
in very often and I had gotten to know him. I said to him, how much
would it cost to change my sign a little. I told him what I wanted to
try. The cost was about $150.
I guess what I wanted to do was to change my "Headline". Put the focus
on the Food and what we offered rather then the Name of our restaurant.
We changed the size of the words on our sign and the position they were
in and 2 days later in the afternoon he returned to install the new
The next day our sales went up about 25 percent. I thought it was just
a fluke of course. An unusually busy day. We'd had that before. But
the day after that was the same, and from that day forward our average
monthly sales were up 25-30 percent. I kept very good track of our
sales and we finished the next year up 27.6 percent over the previous
year. It all changed the day I changed our "HEADLINE".
We sold the restaurant 2 years later for a very large profit over what
we had paid and alot of that was because of the things I learned from
your writings.
This is a true account of my success with only one thing I learned from
Jay. This was a only small business but we had a profound change in
our net profit for an investment of about $150 in a new sign with the
correct focus.
I am now involved in a new business which you can check out at
www.softcap.net. This is a new venture for me and we are just at the
beginning. If you have any suggestions on how to increase our sales in
this business please feel free to share.
We have a great product, but this is our first venture in a non
location based business, and so our target market is much more spread
Maybe you'd like to take us under your wing and use www.softcap.net as
an example or project and see if you can help take us, (a start-up)
from 0 -2,000,000 + in sales in 1 year.
If not we'll be going through your teachings and try to get there on
our own.
Thank you for what you've taught me in the past and what you'll no
doubt teach me in the future.
Bob Dwyer
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Bret Mundt
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$1million in gross revenue in less than 1 year. I am unsure of the profit margin because I left the
company for ethical issues before the final numbers were compiled.
While I was employed at that company, I really wanted to use host-parasite and I started
brainstorming about what other businesses were serving my target market. I determined that
manufacturer's representatives were serving my target market and I started contacting them to
make an arrangement where my division could install the equipment the reps were selling.
This method was a little slower in its payoff than my COO was interested in waiting on. I had a
couple of nibbles from reps, but didn't have time to really develop the concept before I left the
company. When I left the company in November of 2000, the gross revenues were over $3.5
million. Again, I am unaware of the net profits as the COO was playing games with the overhead.
I went into business for myself in November 2000. I started developing my marketing campaign,
but had little success as the industrial construction business was slowing. I used direct response
mailings and host parasite relationships.
Things were bleak until around March 2001, when I received a call from a manufacturer's rep I
had contacted at my previous employer. He had searched me out because he liked the method I
used to approach him and our customers.
In short, the host parasite relationship resulted in a design build project at one of the most
respected manufacturers in the area.
The project value was $182,000 with a gross profit of $69,000. What was amazing to me was the
conversation I heard regarding my qualifications. I had only been in business for 6 months and I
actually overheard the customer telling his boss that "he must be good, since Air Systems
brought him in."
The host parasite/endorsed relationship had given me instant credibility and enough profit
to weather the post 9-11 storm.
I am continuing to use direct response mailings and am developing a superior access vehicle to
give me access to the highest decision makers in my target market.
Most recently, a mailing I sent has resulted in a lead from a major manufacturer in my area that is
planning a large project. My contact was at the perfect time and I actually had the prospect
begging me to come see him. This never happens in the industry construction industry.
Although the project has stalled due to operational issues, the prospect has continued asking me
"to be patient with him until they get back on track". According to the prospect's previous request,
I will be guiding this project from the concept phase, creating their budgets, designing the facility
and completing the construction! Companies that have been in business 20 years dream of a
project like this.
A large part of my success in securing this lead and subsequent project is as a result of my USP We provide customer-focused, intuitive, and practical design/build construction services in a cost
conscious manner with the achievement of your project goals as our main concern. You never
know how much money other contractors are costing you until you give us a call.
The estimated value of the project is $6-8 million dollars with an estimated profit margin of 1012%.
I am continuing to do direct response mailings and will most certainly grow my construction
business even more.
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To the best of my knowledge, my statement is true and provable and you have my permission to
use my testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
Thanks for the knowledge you have given me. Although it has taken a long time to reap the
rewards, I will, Lord willing, be seeing the benefits of my hard work in the coming months.
I hope these testimonials help you and I look forward to getting the other testimonials you receive.
Bret Mundt
Mundt Construction Services
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Brian Jones
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Brian Veth
I don't know
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Brian Veth #2
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Cesar Fernandez
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I keep sending them referrals and of course I always tell everyone calling me to tell them "Cesar
Fernandez told me to call you."
Cesar Fernandez
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Charles Hartman
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Charlie Ellis
Make sure all your online order forms lead to a thank-you page.
This instantly reassures the shopper that his order went through. You
should provide links to key areas on your site here.
This is a wonderful place to hawk your free email newsletter, by
the way. Very effective at capturing those who order, but have not
joined your list. (I used to automatically add those people, but a few
dozen unsubscribes later convinced me never to do this. A few of these
people swore they didn't know me from Adam! Some folks use the email
addresses of friends while traveling, or they are not online at all
- 281 -
themselves. Naturally, the friend wonders why they are getting magic
store flyers.)
The Thank-you page would seem to be a natural place to upsell or
offer clearance junk, but it is awkward for them to go back and hit the
form again. Too confusing for them and for you on the receiving end.
Rather, the place for upsell and more back-ending is in your
confirming email, which they can merely reply to, having already given
you their information.
Ta Da! In the last few months I have started a practice on my
order forms that has increased my multiple item orders dramatically!
Simply put, I have each recent magic item with a simple check box
next to it on the form.
I used to have a simple text box and let the customer type in
whatever they wanted. That text box is still there at the bottom.
People use it for special shipping instructions, inquiries, items not
on the list, or just to say hello.
But having the recent best-sellers enumerated along with the brandnew items has increased impulse buying and the purchases of items they
meant to buy a while back, but forgot about.
Design your forms from the get-go to have a whole range of
items...but don't overload them with too many.
I keep the newest items at the top and I sprinkle "Submit" buttons
liberally throughout. (Don't make your customer scroll to the bottom
of a long form to submit their order, please.)
This one simple change has boosted my average order size to over
$40! Life is good! Your mileage will vary...I have video sets that
cost over $100, for example.
I know it seems obvious now (didn't I say that before?) but I was
doing fine with the text box labeled "Items Wanted..."
I am constantly tweaking the items listed and the placement, etc.
I get a new crack at it every time there is a new newsletter as I must
add the new items. I just can't resist trying to streamline things
Did you know that up to 70% of online shoppers don't complete their
purchases? They stop at the order page.
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- 283 -
Charlie Ellis
Hear about the latest magic first with our free magic newsletter. Just
send an email to: [email protected]
- 284 -
Chet Holmes
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Chris Cady
Chris Dollis
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should be done turned into a godsend. Because Keith, my president, had been subscribed to your mailing
list and brought your materials, your strategies and your attitudes to my attention.
My life hasnt been the same since. (And this was all just the free stuff!)
To start with, in late April I began pouring over the free copywriting crash course that was sent to us by
Carl Turner. Thank you, Drew (Kaplan)! Thank you, Jay for collaborating with another marketing genius.
Brilliant! Lets just say I started spending my evenings and weekends at the office, tearing into the course
and playing, tinkering, editing and generally getting obsessive with learning how to write and apply a good
sales letter.
Then we started signing up clients. My largest has been 15 separate conference call lines for the Sierra
Club of British Columbia (essentially, Western Canada) that I opened in mid July, 2 weeks ago. Smallest
has of course been one at a time. Thats the norm. Some use it more than others. But, apparently, this is a
major improvement over whatever had been done here before. Thats why Im still here.
Understand, I was NOT busting my bottom making tons of sales calls. Perhaps I should have been. But I
was not. I was practicing, testing and implementing a much narrower approach primarily organized around
the written sales letter. In 4 months, I spent the equiv. of one and a half making calls and generally doing
my sales job. I spent TWO AND A HALF MONTHS improving my skills, my knowledge base and our
marketing edge. And I still outpulled our previous best with people making calls diligently, and aimlessly.
Now my sales letters are, quite frankly, tight, sharp and laser focused. Commodity? No damn way! Not if
I sell it. Not after having Jays marketing expertise grab a hold of your consciousness and begin to
permeate every business thing you say and do. No way. And suddenly new opportunities just seem real as
you tangibly see the results of more thinking and less plugging away.
And Ive even added a new website that I designed! I never even knew HOW to do that before. Now, Ive
got a pretty darn good one! (Which Im still testing and improving.)
Keith (Excalibur president) has promised me we would invest the $5000 USD to purchase the PEQ home
study course when I reached a certain goal. (I lobbied so hard to get this right away. We did try to order
the Orders of Magnitude Implementation Summit home study course from Carl but, unfortunately, that was
not available)
Im now half way there. And am now in a total position to ACCELERATE above my previous best, big
Jay, readers, fellow people that just want more out of life, thank you for listening to me. I look forward to
reading about you. I am curious. I have been an employee my whole life and I am now so ready to drop
that part of my shackles, take an entrepreneurial mindset to life and join your ranks.
I look up to you. I admire you. It has been a pleasure being here.
Thank you again. Youve truly given me a new outlook on life, benefited my finances and given me
Who can ask for more than that?
Sincerely your humble fan,
Chris Dollis
Excalibur Communications Canada Inc.
- 288 -
P.S. I personally am planning to use your free materials, downloads etc. to make money because, honestly,
I need more. I am looking for a private business opportunity to pursue, to test, to profit from. Then, I plan
on INVESTING AS MUCH MONEY AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE being the best marketer and
entrepreneur possible because I believe it is cheaper to do so that than not. And I will be contacting you,
Jay, for this. Because, youve given to me already and asked nothing in return. AND WHAT YOU SAY
P.P.S. Say hi to Carl for me.
P.P.P.S. I stayed up at the office until now, 10:47 p.m., at the start of my long weekend to get this to Jay. It
is that important to me.
I hereby pledge that the above is true. I HAVE benefited to the degree stated and AM happier in my life as
a result
Contact info:
Chris Dollis, Private Entrepreneur
316 258 Gorge Road East
Victoria, British Columbia
V9A 6W5 Canada
Telephone: (250) 884-0587
Chris Dollis, Business Development Consultant
Excalibur Communications Canada Inc.
101 755 Queens Avenue
Victoria, British Columbia
V8T 1M2 Canada
Telephone: 1 888 302-6593
- 289 -
Chris Jankulovski
So what l did was put my new product together with one of their new
products under their company logo and now this company is pushing my
product into the market.
At this point, we have 35% of the market wanting to distribute our
product for 2003. But by the end of 2002, we should have 75% of the
market to stock our product!
This project at one point looked like it was going to make me go
bankrupt! But now, we are looking to make a return on our investment
by the middle of 2003.
The deal only happened because l did my best to introduce this C.E.O.
to all different types of marketing concepts l had learnt from you
both, Jay & Chet!
All the best regards from
Chris Jankulovski
Think Innovations Pty Ltd
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Chris Payne
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Chris Watson
Dear Jay,
It's an absolute pleasure to submit our story for your project and I applaud what you're
As you suggested I'll do my best to keep this exact and brief, but I must warn you, it
takes a little time for the penny to drop.
I first saw you at a Seminar in Sydney Australia, at the time I was most interested in
what you had to say about Risk Reversals and Headlining. It wasn't until 3 years ago
that I was able to put both of these techniques to work in my own company.
I'm a Director of a company called Downloadit. We specialize in an area called
'Measurable Media'. This topic is getting quite a bit of attention now as most Magazines
and Newspapers are getting considerable pressure from their advertisers to be in a
position to show a return on investment. ROI is one of the hottest topics and now, the
internet has compounded it by posed an intriguing question to most publishers.
The question is "Can Old Media Make New Media Money". Or in other words when an
advertiser purchases a display ad in a newspaper or magazine, what relationship does
that ad have to the publication online and furthermore, how is the publisher tracking the
responses? I can assure you that most publishers have separated the two (Print Online) and as a result they seem to be flailing when it comes to a real answer to this
most imposing question.
From the research we conducted we found that the average spend in trade markets in
Australia for a Full Page Color Advertisement in a printed magazine was approximately
$4,500 ($Aus). What's most alarming is that there is virtually no research on what the
advertisers get back for this money. In our attempts to find this information we can
suggest it's in the vicinity of 7 to 12 enquiry's back to the advertisers.
I might also preface this with explaining what we mean by 'Trade Markets'. Most
Western Cultures have about 10 major trade markets. IT, Architecture, Hospitality,
Pharmaceutical, Electronics, Transportation, Manufacturing are the big ones. In every
trade market a defining characteristic is that they have a large group of professionals
who have a genuine need for the products that supply their business. Unlike consumer
markets, trade markets consider information to be part of their competitive advantage.
OK, so that being the landscape you also have a ton of magazines that jostle for pole
advertising platform positions within these markets.
And that's where trouble comes into paradise. It seems that most of the trade
magazines have been so busy convincing their markets that they are #1 that they forgot
about the possibility and necessity of reinventing. In essence most of them can't answer
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the question of "What is the display advertisement doing with your online
concept/portal/hub ?" Furthermore many have begun to suggest that technologies like
page impressions and click through rates are enough to answer the demand. We feel
that this is very wrong. Page impressions and click through rates are about as useful to
the true online marketer as branding is to the true direct marketer. The more you look at
this as a topic I would suggest that there is a very convenient ambiguity that many
publishing companies and certainly advertising agencies are hiding behind. After all, if
you can't measure it then you can't be held accountable. That old saying of" 50% of my
advertising works and 50% doesn't. I just don't know which is which", is nonsense, but
it's used as a mandate by so very many publishing and advertising companies. Last
week we had a meeting with another publisher who told us "Look, you need to
understand, it's not our responsibility to sell the products." That's a cop out. It is their
responsibility, all marketing and advertising is about selling a product and if its not, then
dont take their money. Wasn't it Jack Welch from GE who said "When the rate of
change outside exceeds the rate of change inside, the end is in sight". Well things are
certainly changing.
So, this is where Jay Abraham's techniques have come in. We began to reinvent the
process of publishing and place an emphasis on 3 significant things.
#1. Everything we do must be measurable.
#2. Everything we do should get to the point and give the readers what they want (A
version of headlining)
#3. If we're able to measure what we do then we can guarantee what we do.
So, we publish a magazine. The magazine is designed to give the IT professionals
information about what products are available on the market. If a reader wants to know
more about the 'Headlined' product articles then they go to our website at
www.downloadit.com.au and put in their reader number. They can view product
brochures, text files, pricing, where to buy, who to buy from etc. That reader number
activates our database, that database is hooked up to a measurement facility which then
allows us to give our advertisers a code and password so they can track, 24/7 anyone
who views their information. This has allowed us to be the only model of its kind that
can measure, analyze and guarantee responses in our market.
Since our inception we've been able to bring the average CPE (Cost Per Enquiry) down
to $5.50...again, compare that with the unmeasurable $4,500 spend for 7 enquiry's and
you start to see that this has explosive advantages.
I'm cautious not to suggest we've set the world on fire. We launched our first form of
media in the Australian IT market 2 months before the IT crash of 2000. So our timing
and choice of markets could have been considerably better. It's been dogged
determination that has seen us retrain this market and therefor survive, our offer was
brilliant but the market was disappearing. However we're now in discussions with
enormous publishing companies to work with them to bridge the illusive print - internet
gap. In fact we should be making a press announcement in 2 weeks that tells our IT
market that we've just joined up with a much larger publisher and our distribution in IT
will be expanding ten fold.
Jay, I want you to understand something. I believe the only reason no one has ever
done what we're doing is because there are very very few companies who specialize in
making their media and advertising measurable. The reason there are so few
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companies who do it, apart from the earlier mentioned 'convenience of it all', is that it
appears as though they haven't questioned the true value of their offering. One of the
reason they haven't done that is that they've probably never read any of your books or
attended any of your seminars. It's much easier to just keep towing the line and it takes
guts, content of character and unwavering belief to hold yourself accountable in the
advertising industry.
We think Headlining and Risk Reversals are at the heart of a publishing revolution. If
things go to plan we'll be doing worldwide deals with everyone from publishers to
catalogue companies to exhibition companies to product vendors.
My partners and I are enormously proud to be doing the work we're doing. It puts an
emphasis on ethics and accountability and allows us to be the eople we know we are. I
for one hope to never return to the dark side of advertising and I honestly believe it's a
question of integrity.
Might I finish by saying that every great truth is originally thought of as blasphemous, I'm
not sure who wrote that but we now have first hand experience of what it means.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in
your promotional and marketing endeavors.
Christopher Watson
Director - Downloadit Pty Ltd
579 Darling Street
Rozelle NSW 2039
Ph: 612 9555 7300
Fax: 612 9555-1901
Web site: www.downloadit.com.au
Measurable, Accountable, Interactive Media
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Craig Sallin
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- 298 -
The Panel
Five Gold Level Producers The Best of the Best
Four of the Biggest Producers in the Passaic County Board
A Special Guest from the Hudson County Board
The Moderators
Two moderators from the Passaic County Board of Realtors will ask all the
questions that will reveal the very things you must do to go from
Register Today!!!!
Last year this same event was so packed we had to bring in extra chairs. Register
today and make sure you get a seat!!!!
- 299 -
Daniel Leung
- 300 -
Daniel Leung,
Sole proprietor,
Daniel Leung Enterprises
P.S. I look forward to receiving the special gift.
- 301 -
Dave Riggle
Jay Abraham
August 5, 2002
Hi Jay,
I have hired consultants who helped my business. Friends have given me advice. Ive read hundreds of
books and thousands of magazines. Some employees have helped my business succeed. But when I think
about where my business is going now, it is clear that you have had 100 times more impact than any other
source of ideas Ive ever been exposed to. I owe you a great deal.
My association with you has been the best value imaginable. I thought it funny how you pitched the value
of your ideas in such long letters but I figured if it worked on me there was something there. My coworkers freaked out when I spent $5,000 to attend your seminar in Tampa but now your ideas help me
close sales that generate $100,000 in profit. As my business continues to grow, the ideas youve given me
will be worth millions of dollars.
Most of the things we spend our time on are little things; how to save on insurance, the best places to buy
software, how to save fifty bucks-- that sort of thing. Nobody else offers proven, simple and inexpensive
ways to double or triple business. Even though you and I have never met in person, Im a big fan and
greatly appreciate our association. I am more jazzed about improving our marketing than anything else
Ive done in business. Ninety percent of the changes my company will make in the coming year are a
direct result of your work. Positives include creation of new jobs, consistent profits instead of ups and
downs, and greater wealth and security for my employees and myself.
I first started listening to your tapes in 1994 after hearing your Power Talk interview tape with Tony
Robbins. I immediately contacted you for something I think you sold me or gave me a copy of Stealth
Marketing. Talk about an eye-opener. Id been a pretty good sales guy for 15 years, but until then I didnt
even know what marketing was.
After that, you continued to send me tons of stuff sometimes two letters a week, for probably a year even
though I didnt send you a dime. Every time Id get one of those obnoxious looking letters with the red or
blue sub-heads everywhere, Id read those damn things from start to finish. And some of them were 20
pages long. Needless to say, since 1995 most of our mass mailers look and read just like those. Thanks.
About EMS
I started Energy Management Systems (EMS) 15 years ago. We have offices in Indianapolis & Elkhart
Indiana and sell building automation systems to industrial clients all over the Midwest. Clients cut their
heat/cool expense by 35% to 50% - typically $100K to $300K per facility. EMS is unique because we
- 302 -
package a full range of services that makes it easy to buy and use a complex product. We calculate energy
savings for clients before they buy and verify savings every month after installation.
The critical thing in our business is long-term service and thats our strength. Most companies, if left on
their own will utilize an energy management system less and less over time. EMS clients dont have that
problem because we offer full management of their systems over a modem from our office. None of our
services individually is rocket science, but EMS is the only company in the Midwest that offers turnkey
packages that ensure results. EMS guarantees savings for clients and we make sure every one of them is
During our first 10 years it was tough to grow; we were ahead of our time. We built an impressive client
list, which was critical to our success, but overall, there was much apathy about energy conservation during
that time.
The energy market is much different now and were poised for tremendous growth. Energy prices have
jumped in the past two years and since electricity was deregulated in 1997, executives have to pay attention
to energy costs. Global competition is making cost cutting a necessity, and automation in the workplace is
accepted. Its hard to quantify, but our market is probably twice as good as five years ago. Having
hundreds of savings reports from well-known clients such as GE, Delta Faucet and Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co
(Wrigley Gum), make it easier to convince new prospects that our system will produce the savings they
We had a decent guarantee before but we made it even stronger. Its right out front.
How Could We Make Our Offer Irresistible to Prospects?
- 303 -
This is an integral theme that Jay reminds me of constantly. Simple, but probably the most profound
question someone heading sales and marketing should think about. We changed our sales proposals to deemphasize the cash price and emphasize the fact that clients can pay $4,000 per month and save $12,000
per month. Their annual savings and cash price used to be compared on page one along with the payback
period. We stated that financing is available but prospects never forgot that big sticker price of $300,000
or so. We still take cash payments but now the price is buried way in the back.
We also created a Below Prime lease rate with the company that finances systems for EMS clients. It
costs us some of our price -- we have to buy down the rate just like points on a mortgage, but it works well
and thats what counts. Without that, some shortsighted finance people get hung up on a few pennies of
interest instead of the many thousands of dollars we can save them.
These two strategies eliminate the biggest problem the money.
Mass Mailers
We now use 2 or 3 headlines per letter and changed our copy to be informal and direct. I also learned from
Jays letters not to attempt to write to a broad audience. Id rather have 10 prospects get excited and take
action than to have a 100 people think that were okay, then throw away my letter. It pays to talk
specifically to the people we can help the most.
Ive done a bad job with this one. Cant seem to come up with anything that fits, is memorable and is short.
Strategic Alliances
We pushed this hard a few years ago but cant seem to find good partners. Our product is
expensive, complex, and must be customized every time -- not an easy sale for anybody,
regardless of their relationship with our target prospects.
We partnered with some utility companies right after electricity deregulated in 1997 and had some success.
They gave us leads from their clients and we sold the systems. That gave us much credibility with
prospects and cheap leads, however, deregulation turned out to be a moving target and most utilities
abandoned sales of energy-saving products within a short time. I still believe strongly in alliances and
well revisit this in the future.
- 304 -
Chet really hit home. We updated our website and printed some great looking case studies for handouts.
Next is PowerPoint for our Core Story.
Core Story
Before I started this business, the products I sold had great core stories. I was in my early 20s
and made them up without realizing why, but it worked like a charm. Ive had this business 15
years and until PEQ, never thought about creating one for my own business. Stupid! Anyway,
ours is now 75% complete. Doing the research has given us interesting topics to discuss with
clients as consultants.
Dream 100
Targeting the best prospects allowed us to increase our average sales price by 250%.
PEQ is awesome. Ive barely scratched the surface of that program yet.
Jay thanks again for all of your efforts. Youre a great communicator with great
ideas. Keep them coming. As EMS grows, I intend to involve more of our people in
your programs. Anyone can contact me for a reference anytime.
Dave Riggle,
Energy Management Systems
800-541-5740 or 317-341-5968
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors.
- 305 -
David Botsford
- 306 -
- 307 -
Each CD kit will also contain a 12-page workbook filled with upto-date and useful information about solutions to the problem the
person wants to overcome.
Each CD kit will contain a laminated colour sheet of
affirmations which the person can stick on the wall and see every
single day.
A free gift will be offered to each person ordering a CD.
(Haven't figured out yet what that will be yet, but.)
Every CD kit includes a lifetime money-back guarantee (classic
risk-reversal), so that the client can return it at any time in the
future for a full refund.
Once the CD kits are actually produced, the next step is marketing and
distributing them both directly and to retailers. Reading the works of
Jay Abraham has already given me plenty of ideas about that - and
perhaps next year I'll e-mail you with details of how precisely those
ideas have been applied.
Many thanks for an excellent education.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
Yours sincerely
David Botsford
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Corporate Medical Services Ltd
10 Harley Street,
London W1G 9PF, UK
Size: 1 person
Type: Hypnotherapy and (soon) self-hypnsois CD kits
Phone: 00 44 (0)20 7467 8461
Fax: 00 44 (0)20 7467 8312
- 308 -
David T. Briner
Well, let's see...I was introduced to you and your "Discover
Your Secret Wealth" tape set in early 1994, after I was laid
off from AT&T. I was wondering what to do with my life. I
had just been let go from a big company that was taking severe
advantage of their employees. My top income for the year
there was $16,800.00. Embarrassing, I know. Anyway, I
listen over and over to Jay's "Discover Your Secret Wealth"
Tape set and found an amazing quality in myself. I had been
working in the Audio/Video/Computer production field all my life,
and finally realized, after listening to Jay's tapes, that I had
all the knowledge it took to form my own business in Not only
the Audio/Video field, but the computer and Web Design field
also. Now, the internet was just starting and I had no idea
how to do the things that was being done. But I took another
job in the Computer Graphics Design field...I was hired because
I was the 1st to apply for the job...that was lucky...because
the only graphic design knowledge I had was a computer
AutoCAD class that I took in 1991 just before I took the job
at AT&T. But for 3 hard years of barely making any money
again, (top dollar $20,850 for the last year) I learned programs
such as Photoshop, Animator Pro, Premiere and 3D Studio.
These were all Graphic Design and multimedia software to work
with the computer and the Web. But it was Jay Abraham's
tapes that inspired me to take this job and learn all I could to
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- 310 -
David Deutsch
David Deutsch
3111 Kenmore Road
Richmond, Virginia
- 311 -
David dOrton-Gibson
- 312 -
and it is much more profitable. With less staff I earn 50% more and
the business is still far more profitable. What good news.
As you can see we apply a range of ideas and practises, and we are
always studying to try and find ways of using further tools. We see no
end to the process of learning. For example, we are about to try some
of the referral ideas given on the tape. We recognise that one good
idea will easily cover the cost of the tape, many times you get more
than one good idea (though it gets harder the more you already use!).
Best wishes
David d'Orton-Gibson
- 313 -
David Harber
- 314 -
I've learned to keep my eyes open for new opportunities and to always try to put myself into the buyers
shoes. I have found that the Golden Rule applies to business, I treat my customers the way I want to be
treated when I am a customer. Each of us is continually a customer of one business or another. Make a
conscious effort to take note of how you are treated and what a business does (or does not do) for you to
remain a happy customer.
Breaking the rules is not only OK but also often you are richly rewarded for doing so. I stopped selling an
expected, low-margin line of products that I figured took about 35% of my time but only resulted in 18% of
my sales. My competitors thought my business would fail by dropping this "crucial" line. After an initial
(and expected) drop in sales our business has since quickly increased its sales and bottom line by
emphasizing the other lines that we are still carrying. I have found that there's definitely something to
developing your niche by streamlining and narrowing your focus rather than trying to be all things to (in
our case) all collectors.
Then there's the most important lesson that I learned from Jay, testing and analyzing buying habits. I'm
continually "crunching" the numbers. When a person visits my web site, I know the chance he will make a
purchase and the chance he will sign up for my newsletter. If he does make an order, I know how much he
will spend on average, what the chances are that he will make a second order and what the chances are that
he will make at least six orders in the upcoming twelve months (my definition of an "ideal customer"). By
knowing what a web site visitor means to my business I know how many advertising dollars I can spend to
get him to stop by in the first place. By incorporating Jay's backend principles I know that I can actually
break even or even lose a little money on the first sale and more than make it up with a customer's
subsequent purchases.
With testing I have learned that even a small and simple change to your advertising strategy can have a
profound impact on your business. For instance I changed the order of several words on a banner ad. It
went from a 0.3% click-through rate to 2.6%. I've had even better results with an e-mail that we sent to a
lead list. We changed the headline and went from a 40% open rate to an 82% open rate. Staggering
differences because of a simple change. Now I understand why Jay drills this in his listeners/ readers...
continual testing is paramount to a successful business.
Thanks to Jay's ideas, we have started a reciprocal joint venture with a similar non-competing business a
few months ago that holds quite a bit of promise and benefit to each of us. I've learned the power of
bartering and have used it at least a half dozen times to purchase items that I needed at a fraction of their
original price. In these cases the idea of a mutually beneficial relationship has become a reality and has
encouraged me to seek more.
Since 1995, I've built three successful, income producing web sites. In those seven years we have sold over
1.4 million dollars worth of merchandise through our home based web stores. We are not getting "rich" but
I was able to quit my job and my wife able to quit hers. We comfortably work from home and are able to
spend the time with our daughter to raise her the way that we see fit. There are no traffic jams getting to
work, no boss telling us what to do or how to do it, our time is our own. Shortly, I will be starting a fourth
website, a consulting service (VegasWebCoach.com) to teach other Internet based businesses how we
succeeded. My clients will definitely receive value. I will shorten their learning curve; I will expose them
to the principles that we have embodied and the Internet marketing techniques that have worked for us (and
those that have not). Most importantly, I will turn them on to the greatest marketer on the face of the
planet, Jay Abraham.
To a reader who is contemplating a new business, I have these suggestions, most if not all components of
the Abraham mind set. Develop your USP and know your numbers. Don't be afraid to break the rules and
to try new ideas. Fully & completely understand the lifetime value of a customer, the lifetime referral
value of a customer and always think long term. Offer an incredible and far reaching guarantee for without
repeat satisfied customers you have little if anything. Recognize new ideas, relate them to your business,
understand their implications and then take the giant leap and make the effort to actually put them into
place. Treat your customers as you would a family member. Develop a deep, caring relationship and have
empathy for them and they will remain totally loyal to your business despite ANYTHING that your
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competitors may do to try to lure them away from you. Keep a positive mental attitude and always believe
from the bottom of your heart that you will succeed & prosper. Most importantly, always keep reading &
learning and ALWAYS keep attuned to the ideas of Jay Abraham.
The bottom line: through ideas I've implemented and the mind set I have acquired I can directly correlate
approximately $1,200.00 a month that falls directly to our bottom line as a result of changes that I made
since I began listening to the Jay Abraham tapes. But remember listening is not enough; ideas must be
turned into action!
To Jay all I can say is "Thank You!". Both my business and I have been enriched by your ideas, theories
and mindset....
David Harber
Cheques in the Mail, Inc
(702) 877-0460
- 316 -
David Snowden
The new client needed the air flow meter in two days. I showed up at the plant 15 minutes ahead of time
and drove around the facility so that I could see the side of the facility. I met with the client and confirmed
the Purchase Order number and got the buyers name and telephone number. I asked the client if he knew
how to use the equipment, I noticed that he was a little hesitant so I offered to show him how to use the
equipment. So we went to the roof, and I showed him how the flow meter worked. We measured both the
stacks that he needed to measure.
As a follow up I faxed him a letter report showing the size of the stacks, the airflow rates for each stack,
and some other data that I was able to measure while I was there.
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One week late I did a follow up phone call to see if there was any need for my primary service. I was asked
to bid on an air permit for modifying a existing process. I was bidding against the firm they had been using
for more than three years and it is a large national firm.
Two days after the bid deadline, I followed up to see if there were any questions (and to see if the long
copy proposals was working) I was told that I was 20% or higher than the national firm.
I explained that I had been working with the local agency people for years and I knew that if I gave the
agency personnel information in the format they were used to seeing, Before that the permit had a much
better chance of going through faster there by allowing his plant to start sooner. There by allowing the
plant to start operations sooner, there by generating profits sooner.
The next week I got a call to come in and sit down and talk about the permitting project. I was awarded the
contract. The engineering manager told me that he was impressed by the letter report on the airflow
measurements. And that the proposal (long copy) for the air permit was the first time in three years that he
actually understood what was involved in putting an air permit together.
After finishing the permit project I also asked the engineering manager for referrals of his same quality. He
never did get back with me with any names. However, he did call me when he got promoted to a higherlevel position at another plant. I continued to do five other projects with the original plant engineer.
Additionally, the engineering manager asked me to help on a new air permit project, a sound reduction
project (I did another joint venture with another small firm), ISO 14000 project, hood design, and a new
production line permit.
In less than 24 months this approach has taken me from a $25 loss and a 5-hour marketing effort to more
than $28,850 from both plants and becoming one of two approved environmental vendors.
The concepts and mindset helps one think to look for opportunities to serve and grow ones business. The
bottom line secret is: ask for referrals and sell by telling (long copy).
My statement is true and provable and you may feel free to use this in your promotional and marketing
David Snowden
- 318 -
David Spaulding
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share with you some of the ways your
methods have helped my business.
I was first introduced to you via Tony Robbins. I recall distinctly the day I received your
packet, with Tony's endorsement on the cover. Had his endorsement not appeared, I most
likely wouldn't have gone any further -- it was a Saturday and I had lots to do and the
idea of sitting down reading all of your materials appeared a bit overwhelming. But, I
perservered. Your risk-free offer to attend an event in LA sold me, so I was willing to
"commit" to the $5,000 fee. Am I ever glad.
Since that time, I have attended a second LA event plus availed myself of many of your
other products over the years. And, I enjoy your letters -- even the ones I am unable to
respond to. Your letters alone are worth a lot of money, as they contain the seeds of your
methods of communication.
One of the major things you got me to do was to truly value my services. At the time of
our first encounter, I was billing $1,200 per day. Well, I decided that my time was worth
more, so I've steadily ratched up that fee to its present rate of $3,000. And, no one
challenges this fee (meaning that it may be time for another increase?). And when
someone asks me to come in for just a half day, I tell them that it's not worth my time, but
that I'll have to charge a premium, and they gladly accept it.
As for techniques, the one we use the most is the "risk reversal" method. For example,
four years ago we introduced a membership group, which has two "chapters" -- North
America and Europe. These are professionals in the investment performance industry
(one of the major areas our firm supports). Members meet twice a year in Europe, and
twice a year in North America (e.g., this year's spring meetings were in Oslo and Boston;
the Fall will be in Vienna and Chicago). The annual fee is $5,000. We offer the folks to
come, experience a meeting with us. If they decide after that meeting that the group isn't
for them, then we'll refund the money. We feel this makes their decision easier. So far,
no one has turned us down and we've made hundreds of thousands of dollars on this!
We also use the risk reversal approach with consulting. Just yesterday, I told a prospect
that after the first day of the assignment, if they decide I'm not for them, we won't charge
them. I think this has helped on multiple assignments.
Your ideas have encouraged me to branch out from the only business I was in years ago
(consulting) to publishing (we are in our sixth year of publishing The Journal of
Performance Measurement -- a quarterly publication with subscribers throughout the
- 319 -
world; we also published a guide book this year and will soon publish our first book),
training (we currently offer three classes - again, with the "risk reversal" approach),
research (via industry surveys), and, of course, the forum.
Our marketing materials generally match up (we believe) quite well with your approach.
We have liberally borrowed from your concepts as they are often perfect fits for our
materials. We try to tell the whole story, so people fully understand what we're offering.
While I can't offer a specific number that can be attributed directly to the application of
your methods, it's clearly well into the six figures -- possibly into the seven figures.
Thanks, Jay!
Best wishes,
David Spaulding
The Spaulding Group, Inc.
(732) 873-5700
33 Clyde Road, Suite 103
Somerset, NJ 08873
P.S. My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
- 320 -
David White
Dear Jay
Over the last few years of following your practices I have had many
revelations based on what I learnt from your X Factor seminar in
Heathrow, London.
The power of pre eminence has been one of the greatest lessons.
This is not to be confused with the concept of fake it till you make it.
The key to pre-eminence as always is to believe in the qualities of
your business, for it to become real. To implement the power of pre
eminence means that you will need to position your business at the
top of your market, you will find that you have to produce materials
that support the positioning, whether it is your web site, your direct
mail or advertising.
It is more than just writing words on paper. The concept needs to
transfer into actions and deliverables. If you believe that your
business is the best, imagine your business as the market leader, you
will tend to find ways that focus on delivering excellence and value to
prove you are the best. The power of pre-eminence becomes a self
fulfilling prophecy.
A great spin off from the power of pre-eminence is that in focusing,
and in writing out your materials you can find smaller and larger
services to offer and you can charge premium rates. These
'discoveries' can be used to package or add value to your core
delivery so that the consumer gets added value, better value for
money and a better perception of you as a supplier.
Pre-eminence also allows you to charge premium rates and to be
seen as the preferred supplier during tougher times, as you also
appear to be the supplier who cares most, who has solutions for more
angles, and as a result concomitant sales.
- 321 -
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Del Ball
- 323 -
Denis Backhouse
- 324 -
But ... By asking questions, I discovered the role of Financial Planners was to save tax dollars. So I test
mailed some of them. Phone, Mail, Phone again.
(I explain Phone, Mail, Phone in a minute.)
Still LOTS of resistance, but I discovered that most financial planners were "under the umbrella" of one of
about 20 larger Australian financial planning companies.
More Phone, Mail, Phone, to discover who the decision makers were in these 20 "houses", or companies.
I was getting excited now, as the potential for leverage was increasing exponentially as I rose up the
hierarchical tree!
To shorten the story, four of the "houses' came on board, and we wound up getting about $2.4 million in
sales from people who otherwise wouldn't have responded to Tim's advertising ... But they trusted their
Financial Planner!
I wound up pocketing about $38 000 for my efforts. Not a lot in Abraham terms, but more than I had ever
earned in so little time.
In a nutshell ... Basic Business Analysis first and foremost. Look for leverage. Mutually Beneficial
Relationships. Who can I help to make money by endorsing my product to the clients they have spent a
fortune on gaining and nurturing?
Secondly ... Strategy. Test, test, test. I saved a lot by not rolling out a full-scale campaign to accountants.
That test showed me that was a barren market. Same with the financial planners. Better response, but I
learned about THEIR head office controls. Basically most of them wouldn't move without the OK from
Head Office guys. I needed that OK.
So I went to the Head Office honchos who could make decisions on what products got endorsed.
I'd love to say that I was blindingly successful. I wasn't!
I discovered yet another "layer of skin" on this "onion" I was peeling.
One, Just one (!) Company that specialised in the analysis of just about every sort of investment product
that was marketed in Australia (Population only just over 16 Million, remember! Tiny!) And they had
NEVER endorsed a single agricultural investment as long as they had been in existence. And basically the
other 16 Head Offices took their guidance from this ONE analyst company.
We tried, but they never so much as considered it worth coming to inspect the plantation ... Which just
happened to be the biggest, most technologically advanced, and managed in Australia!
But I was persistent. I had built relationships with most of the 16 compliance Managers in those
companies, and I positioned myself as their source of information about Olive plantations. And
approaching Christmas 1999, One of them cracked ... one of the biggies, and agreed to come and inspect
the plantation in the New Year.
I knew when they actually saw the results "on the ground" they could not help but be impressed ... You
HAD to see it. It was amazing!
After Christmas, I phoned him, in high expectation.
"Sorry Denis," he told me "Timbercorp (Australia's biggest and best-regarded eucalyptus plantation
manager) has just announced that they are opening a big olive plantation. Because we have over seven
years experience with them and their products, we are going with Timbercorp Olives!"
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A series of calls to my other contacts brought the same story, or that there was no change, they wouldn't
endorse olives at all.
I had run my race. Nowhere else to go! Time to say "Thank You" to Tim, and move on. Not a bad result.
We all made money, but it could have been fantastic!
But at least now I had some serious runs on the board! I went after my Number 2 "To Die For" client.
Now here is where sheer luck plays a part. As it turns out, if I had have approached him any time up until
when I did, he would have told me he was perfectly happy with his General Manager, who was also his
Marketing Manager.
But right at the time I approached him, Henry was very dissatisfied with his present manager. Sales were
down and trending further down, and no plans were in place to rectify the situation. He had JUST decided
a change was due ... and here I was!
I had also done some research into Henry's company with one of his distributors, whom I knew well. I
knew that the company marketing was basically hopeless, with just about zero close and personal contact
with the end users, because the products were sold through distributors in each State in Australia.
They had no idea of who were their end users, by name and address. Only the bulk figures, State-by-State.
The products were (and still are) prescription-grade natural medicines, to be prescribed only by MDs, or
registered practitioners of Natural Therapies ... Naturopaths, Chiropractors and the like.
I knew them to be efficacious, and I knew Henry to be the "Old Man" of Australian Naturopathy. Although
only in his mid-50's, He had an awesome reputation as a Naturopath stretching back some 30+ years, and
was still well-recognised as one of Australia's top formulators of therapeutic products.
I used the Jay Abraham question ... "What did you do when you were starting out?"
Turns out Henry was everywhere. He did seminars. Radio Shows. He was the hotline for his products
even before we had hotlines. And he visited his distributors as they grew, and took a personal interest in
their businesses. High Touch.
I asked him what happened. "We grew" he replied. "And I grew tired of being everything and
I looked at ways we could rebuild that "High Touch" using "High Tech".
The company was toying with another seminar series around the country, but Henry wasn't enthusiastic.
But an analysis of his monthly turnovers revealed a clear jump whenever he did a seminar in a particular
state capital.
(Please remember that Australia is really a series of cities of 1.5M to 3.5M people, surrounded by not very
much! ... So the populations are concentrated in the cities)
This "jump" would drift back to the annual mean over about 3 to 5 months, and then slowly decline a little
more until he did his annual "round" again.
I figured that if we could increase the contact to about every 3 months maximum, we could keep the
income curve nudged up closer to the seminar peaks. That should give around a 33% increase in turnover,
for some quick credibility, and give me some time to get in place some other longer-term measures to build
more pillars to this marketing "Parthenon" ... another Abraham analogy!
- 326 -
Telephone conferencing was the answer. Some people in the company had wanted to try this, but the
previous manager was apparently very half-hearted about it, and set unrealistic prices for practitioners to
link up, and wanted to limit the numbers of listeners per telephone conference! Crazy!
We calculated an average hard cost to run the calls ... around $22 Australian per participant. We found out
that Telstra, our major Telco, had all the systems to work with us. They would put Henry and I on "Speak",
and all the participants on "Listen Only".
That overcame the problems of 100 listeners coughing, wriggling, answering mobile phones etc.
throughout the conference.
Humourous aside ... We had forgotten Henry's beautiful genuine Bavarian Cuckoo Clock in his study!
Promptly on the hour, it stuck its head out and informed all listening that it was Eight - O - Cuckoo! We
didn't make THAT mistake again!
And ... Telstra has a beautiful system for question "Queueing". Participants registered to ask a question by
pressing "hash" on their phone. Telstra registered them in order, and come question time, there they were
... One after the other, in the same order as the questions occured to them. No cross talk. No interruptions.
To ask their question, Telstra would announce the callers name, and switch their line to "Talk" and away
they would go. When the question was dealt with, they would revert to "Listen Only", and the next
questioner would come on lone. Beautiful system. Worked like a charm!
As an added bonus, Telstra would audiotape the whole conference for us for a trivial sum, and send us the
master tape. Terrific!
We now had tapes to send out as a bonus to all participants ... a lovely and unexpected bonus that came a
couple of weeks after the teleconference, along with a bundle of up-to-date informative material on the
latest research and products available.
Sales-wise it also worked beautifully. Sales figures got the nudge we planned for and turnover lifted for the
first time in three or four years.
The round of seminars was also a big success. Henry's team at the office did a magic job of putting
together a PowerPoint presentation of his talk for him, and all he had to do was "Click" and talk to the
slide. No more notes needed for him. And he is a brilliant and well-respected speaker in his highly
specialised biochemical and nutritional fields.
But for me, the seminars and telephone conferences were a means to an end. You see, the company had
been mailing out expensive packages to over 4000 practitioners 4 or 5 times a year. Around $3 hard cost
per package ... $12 000 per mailout, four times a year! Big Bucks!
From some basic research into the average turnover of a Natural Therapies Practitioner in Australia, I
concluded that at max. about 1000 to 1500 were buying Henry's products ... Not 4000-plus! But who were
they? Which 1000 to 1500?
The seminars and telephone conferences gave us the names, addresses, and most importantly the E-Mail
addresses of the 1200 or so practitioners who had attended or listened in. Gotcha! I was betting these were
Henry's "hard core" purchasers.
Now to test it.
We set up a decent database, using a brilliant client management system written by a Naturopath here in
Brisbane, and trained a dedicated database manager ... a talented but unabitious IT graduate, who was
happy to sit in front of a monitor all day, and not have to interact with live humans!
- 327 -
In fact, we set up 2 databases. "Our Faithful" as we termed them, and "The Cold Group" as we termed all
those who had not attended or listened in.
In the next regular quarterly newsletter mailout to the "Cold Group" we announced that we were updating
our mailing database, and could they please confirm by email that their current postal address was correct.
We told them that failure to so confirm would mean that we would assume that their mail was no longer
reaching them, and that they would be dropped from the mailing list.
In fact, we repeated this exercise twice, but once would have been enough, I now believe. The response to
the second reminder was so small as to be insignificant. They would probably have remembered when the
mailing DIDN'T arrive and would have contacted us anyway, saving some $9 000!
For "Our Faithful", of course, we loved them to death! We improved the Hotline facility. We swapped
some staff around to jobs they felt better suited to, but could never have asked the previous manager, whose
word was law!
We improved the quality and frequency of up-to-date research findings that we disseminated. We could do
a LOT with the $30 - plus thousand we had saved on the wasted mailouts! It paid for our IT man, and left
some over!
The bottom line was that in about 8 months, income was up by a steady $60 000 a month ... Almost exactly
the 33% I believed we could achieve!
I took about $40 000 fees out of that 8 months. I was ready to do more, but the company accountant
thought it unconscionable that anyone in the company should earn more than him, and vetoed any more
"marketing" expenditure. I discovered that I had underestimated his influence with the boss ...To be frank
... had never even given it a thought! I naively thought that as long as I was pushing up sales, they would
love me! Not so. The accountant looked at my potentially earning over $120 000 a year PART - TIME, 3
times his salary, and got out the samuri sword!
So we learn and move on. I'm now working with Geoff and Paul, a couple of property investment
geniuses, organising and marketing their seminars.
Total Risk Reversal ... I pay all the marketing and venue costs, they pay for the seminar manuals. get 27%
of the take.
I've taken my personal income from $8000 net from the first seminar, to $19 000 net by seminar 2, and
heading on up as I learn to trim my costs ... what works, what doesn't.
No "Rocket Science". Just good old Abraham "Give in order to Receive" (Actually I believe the basic
concept was given a couple of thousand years ago, but Jay applied it to marketing, rather than spiritual
They were "sorta" doing all the right things, but there was just not enough time in their busy days of
buying, renovating, building and managing properties to manage seminars. And seminars represented a
tiny fraction of their income (back then). I've about doubled that figure for them.
More good free stuff on the website.
Track where bookings are coming from and concentrate on those sources.
Free air and paper exposure. That was easy because the guys are newsworthy.
Geoff (one partner) writes a great column in the Australian Property Investor, Australia's most respected
property magazine. This alone has built him huge credibility. I just have to ride on that cred. with a simple
ad. that follows his article.
- 328 -
We get people to email us for EVERYTHING. And I capture every email address for our database. Very,
very few ask to be removed, because we keep our contact emails short, and valuable ... Usually pointing
folk at a web address for the full story.
Love email.. Costs next to zip, and our clients are almost all onto it. I've cut our postal budget almost to
nothing ... about $100 a month. But we keep in touch with over 2000 clients around Australia on a regular
And me! I love what Geoff and Paul do. I've personally profited by over $70 000 in a year, doing their
cookie-cutter property renovations in my spare time, so I can talk enthusiastically about what they teach.
And I listen when callers ring in. I ask them where THEY are at, then tell them how the seminar will
benefit them.
High tech - High Touch. That's the marriage made in Heaven! I'm not there yet, but with some more of
Jay's simple tools ... I'm on my way.
Hope that's useful, Jay.
Love ya lots for what you've given me! ... Freedom, confidence, tools nobody can take away as long as my
brain functions (please God!)
If you need more info, or clarification, email me, or call me if you want ... + 61 7 3269 0408 ... Just
remember the time difference please! One of Corey Rudl's support guys once called me from Canada at
1.55am Brisbane time to chat about a Mailloop challenge I was having! At 1.55am I have a challenge
finding the bathroom!
With my very best regards, and everlasting respect and gratitude,
Denis Backhouse.
Brisbane Australia.
- 329 -
Doc Clinic
- 330 -
Dr. Mercola
- 331 -
Dr. Atkins
Dr. Mercola
Cure Zone
Dr. Weil
Dr. Stoll
Prevention Magazine
10 Dr. Whitaker
11 Chiro Web
12 Chet Day
13 RedFlagsWeekly
14 La Leche League
15 Dr. Mirkin
16 Dr. D'Adamo
18 Alternative Medicine
www.alternativemedicine.com 57,128
19 Dr. Grisanti
21 Dr. Chopra
22 Mothering
- 332 -
Health Scout
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Atkins
10 Dr. Mercola
12 Doctor's Guide
14 Dr. Koop
- 333 -
- 334 -
emphasize to them that while skills and knowledge can be acquired, it is attitude that is the
determining factor for success. Your work has affected me and, thus, you are influencing the
next generation second and third hand. This is really YOUR success.
Once more, thank you for the influence you have had on me.
I wish for your continued good health and success.
Sincerely yours,
Silvia T. Zsoldos, Ph.D., CQM
President Success Programs, Inc.
Initiative without "finitiative" is useless.
P.S. - I cannot see that you would want to use my non-remarkable success story anywhere.
Nevertheless, it is true and provable, and you have my permission to use my letter in your
promotional and marketing endeavors.
- 335 -
Don Roach
- 336 -
that we sell very few trailers. My income went from $48,000 to $96 000. The
following year $129,000, and $127,000 the following year. Does Jay's stuff work?
You decide. I am working toward my own business so I can learn and earn more.
Thank You Jay Abraham.
This strategy can be used in any group related niche or in a field such as
Automotive. Find out what the customer wants and get it for them, either directly
or by exposing them to it through by getting them there for something else.
Don Roach
3315 Old State Rd 37 N
Martinsville, In 46151
home 765 342 1962
cell 317 507 4455
- 337 -
Doug Crowe
- 338 -
Wheaton, IL 60187
- 339 -
Doug Kent
Thank you
Deep Regards
Douglas Kent
- 340 -
Douglas Lietz
- 341 -
share with you any renewal stats. However, I can tell you that Jays
philosophies were instrumental in showing me that it is possible to
convert $10,000 one-off clients that only buy once every 12-24 months,
into $100,000 clients that have the opportunity to renew annually.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors."
Douglas Lietz
Vancouver, BC Canada
Tel: 604-722-5400
- 342 -
Dwight Schneider
- 343 -
I would have to say this isn't bad money for a home cleaner working part-time. There are
professionals that don't charge this much per hour. And, it is all made possible through you
sharing your knowledge and ability.
Thanks for so much.
Live with passion,
Dwight and Glenda Schneider
- 344 -
Eddie Zubia
- 345 -
And am currently working with 5 other buyers, who are very nice and are working with me around
my schedule. I am very busy and getting referrals from the clients that I have worked with and
still getting calls from the jackets/folders. Jay I started charging a $1,500.00 administration fee in
addition to the brokerage fee and people say no problem, and I am only working with the cream
of the crop.
Jay, I hope this can help you for you have help me.
Your very grateful student
Eddie Zubia
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors.
Columbia Real Estate
3540 Wilshire Blvd
Penthouse Floor - Suite 2
Los Angeles, CA 90010
(213) 383-2097
Small company 5 employees total.
- 346 -
Edmund Chew
A one-stop
-------------Maintaining excellent rapport with our customers. To be honest and
sincere in providing excellent services so as to win their confidence.
---------------Managing our customers' products as if they are managing it themselves.
We know best what need to be done.
-----------------Responding to our customers' logistics needs at the shortest and
quickest time. We help them to meet their business needs urgently.
My secret of the little success consist of 3 Ps.
- 347 -
-----------------------This attitude that I always carried with me after my military days have
help me into the working environment. Success was not an over night
thing for me. I have worked in positions that vary from a clerk to
store, supervisor, sales man, marketing man and executive level. I knew
education was a key area to guide me in my career building and I never
give up night classes while working in the day.
With today internet, easy access of information and e-learning is easy
available, one can get information at a press of a button. I continued
to pursue my studies, though I never complete my high school or preuniversity education. A positive attitude was what kept me going till
-------------------A Chinese proverb, "Defeat is the mother of Success " holds true for
me. I feel that success that is hard fought gives the survivor a
stronger fighting spirit. A ' NEVER SAY DIE ATTITUDE ' is always in my
mind, no matter what happen, keep on trying, try again and again. A
masters made the most mistake, that is the way to perfection eg. Thomas
Edison on the electric light bulb. If you give up, you are a failure,
however, if you fight, you get stronger and better with each battle.
I started my niche in the shipping industries. I felt that the
potential in the market is huge and I took on jobs that were related to
it. I also took up many courses and attend many seminars that would
help me to enhance my knowledge in this logistics field. Along the
line, I also took up related motivational courses and management
courses to guide me and as the years went by, I developed an in-depth
knowledge of the industry. I already worked and spent 18 years in
logistics industry and total working years 23 years.
------------I must admit that my FIRM, PHILOSOPHY gained the trust of many
customers and suppliers for so many years and they are the background
of my success in building up this little enterprise. I was patience,
for the first 3 months, I am solo on my own, I saw to all parts of the
business. My patience and endurance pays off as the company grew from
strength to strength. My little success formula employed in this
company is to provide personalized services and to maintain our niche
market. Niche marketing is a specialty. This simplistic formula used
by me has help me throughout the different phases of my career path
even till today. Since 9/11 and 1997 financial crisis, we still
survived and may it also be your guide to a bright future.
Best regards
Edmund Chew
tel : 065 6262 2577
fax: 065 6262 1200
hp : 065 9631 7749
- 348 -
Eric Ng
This simple yet profound plan helped me to start from zero to $ 250,000 in my first year of
business! I am confident, next year will be a better year. The best is yet to come!
Eric Ng
E-SSN Training & Consultancy
Tel: (65) 9630-4578
Fax: (65) 64510-981
- 349 -
Eric Ruth
- 350 -
This is small scale, I know. But now the only question is, how many of
these alliances can I establish? Ten of them could result in $200,000
in product sales. 25 could bring in half a million in sales. And
that's the goal. Actually, that's just stage one of the goal.
When you understand LEVERAGE, the way Jay Abraham teaches it, there is
no upside ceiling. The sky's the limit.
Thank you, Jay, for articulating and teaching this mega-powerful
I give you the right to use this testimonial however you see fit to
promote your business.
Faithfully yours,
Eric Ruth, President
Fitness Marketing Systems
1474 North Point Village Center #500
Reston, VA 20194
- 351 -
It is great!
Sven Hosford
ANY Street
Pittsburgh, PA zip
Dear Sven:
We revised our budget production estimate of February 5 to reflect the changes we discussed in
our meeting. I also had blank prototypes constructed. These will help you decide which weight
of gloss paper you would like to use for the front pages. They will also give you an idea of the
spine thickness. I will forward these to you along with this document. As we discussed, the
prototypes do not have a hinged cover. The actual books we produce will.
The changes reflect:
80 pages of gloss enamel in the beginning instead of 96. Either 60 lb. enamel or
70 lb. enamel. We had prototypes constructed with each of these papers. (The
back of the prototypes will tell you the actual papers contained in them.) There is
not a large reduction in production involvement with the reduction in page count
because we still will have the same amount of press signatures to print and bind.
As we discussed, we have added a sheet at the end of the book. It will contain
two perforated Reply Cards. This sheet meets U.S. Postal thickness requirements
for Reply Cards. I suggest that one card be aimed at future advertisers and one at
future book owners. The latter card will enable you to create a database of
people who bought the book and are likely to purchase later updates. I will give
you some ideas for copy on these cards if you want. While this last sheet is the
reason for the increase in the budgets we originally gave to you, you can decide
for yourself if you think the value of these Reply Cards is worth the investment.
Here is the new information. All other details in our February 5 will remain the
Estimate Number: 20000
Estimated By:
A check of your art file and comparison to your hard copy. Color fits (traps) and
small fixes are normally free. More complicated file adjustments will be
Delivery is per our normal scheduling. We can give you a preliminary schedule
after knowing when we would be able to receive your art.
Free pick-up and delivery of disks and proofs and one delivery to within 20 miles
of our plant.
Special Terms: 1% 10 days, Net 30. There will be a 1-1/4% service charge per
month after 31 days.
We can check and fine tune if necessary any scanned images in your files for
maximum print quality. (Additional cost.)
- 354 -
Frank M. Turner
- 355 -
- 356 -
Fred Golik
- 357 -
Gary Lafferty
- 358 -
Gbenga Olowoye
- 359 -
You see, I actually attended an Entrepreneurial Competency training one year before
coming in contact with your instruments. Though I applaud those truths as taught by the
UNDP experts, but I think what I gained from you has real-world approach and has
transformed my business and has set it not only on the part of recovery but also in
making good returns on investment.
I have not been back to Abuja to look for contracts yet but Ibadan has already been
turned into the golden egg that lays golden eggs. In no time, I might be able to venture
into Abuja and capture massive gains over there using your proven strategies.
Honestly, if you want me to channel this crusade of yours in this part of the world by
having exclusive rights to make available your materials to so many others in trouble, I
will gladly take it on myself with vigor and enthusiasm.
I count myself very fortunate to have met you at the right time. You are doing an
incredible job.
God bless you.
G. Adeola Olowoye
Magna Resources Ltd
Ibadan, Nigeria.
P.O.Box 29390, Secretariat,Ibadan.
- 360 -
George Foster
I have been acquainted with you and your work, ideas, principles,
concepts, etc. for five or six years. Quite often I have had great
difficulty in connecting your concepts to usage in my business
(hardrock mining). Mineral markets are well established and prices are
set mainly on an industry level. Stated directly, a small independent
operator is not going to move the market. Where do I get an edge in my
industry? If I can't change the market, I must change my operations to
bring it to an efficiency level that justifies our existence and make
more economic sense than buying long bonds. My marketing thrust has to
be within where my primary function is to maximize internal operations
and use everything I can find to streamline and upgrade all facets
(even the painful ones!)
How did daylight come to the swamp? Several years ago we started
operations on a shoestring and began developing smaller properties and
selling them as they became economically viable. We built up
a small
capital base and then went after financing to put our main property
into production. My partner and I developed a very sound and viable
business plan with letters of intent for product sales and everything
seemingly was in place. It seemed the "Holy Grail" was in our grasp,
but all of this changed when my partner died interstate and everything
turned from green to brown.
To the point! What did I learn from Jay that got us past this
seemingly impossible situation? One night I was filing some routine
papers when I found a letter from you that included some "free" ideas
for improving life in the great world of business. As I read I stopped
to consider that if Jay Abraham were on my team, I'd solve all this
mess and move on to greater things. I didn't reinvent the wheel or
anything exotic. I determined that my time had to be spent on things
that moved me forward instead of allowing me to tread water. I started
to inventory my assets which seemed like liabilities (payroll) at the
moment. I consciously put on Jay's mind to get a solution and 36 hours
later I had a meeting with my assets (people) and explained in detail
the situation as it was. Miners are a tough bunch and it is not often
you will see men break down and cry like little boys. I had made the
second major move forward (the first was in my own head). I dug out my
files with all your material, read it, re-read it and then meditated on
what all this means "today".
- 361 -
- 362 -
George Gonao
- 363 -
4) Fear. What are your client's really fearful of? How can you alleviate some of that fear? How
many ways do you have to minimize those fears?
5) Pain. What are the most painful things that your client can be faced with? What can you do
about it? How qualified are you to write the "prescription" to make the pain go away?
Can you turn "pain" into a "positive"?
6) Perception of Value. Value is a double sided coin. One side is "tangible" value. That may be
as mundane as providing an additional discount or a significant as a "lifetime guarantee."
The other is "emotional" value. This is always far more powerful than any tangible value and in
most instances, costs far less or virtually nothing to provide.
However, for most people, "emotional value" is "priceless." How many ways do you have to
consistently provide "emotional value"?
7) Optimization. Jay's definitions of this important principle remain timeless. Whether looking at
the first 6 steps of the process as outlined above, or any other aspect of someone's life or
business, how many ways are there to do it better, quicker, more effectively, more productively
and provide more meaning and satisfaction in the endeavor.
As Jay once said, "there's always one more way."
This seven step process may appear to be simple, and hopefully it is. However, when you really
examine each one and go as "deep" as you possibly can for that client or circumstance, you and
your client may enjoy even greater success.
George Gonzo
Director of New Business Development
Canwest Global Calgary, Alberta
(403) 804-2064
- 364 -
George Inskeep
- 365 -
Gerard Lagasse
- 366 -
Glen R. Kohlenberg
- 367 -
Again, thank you Jay and Chet. Im looking forward to August 12.
Glen R. Kohlenberg
Reynolds Contractors, LLC
106-A Corporation Way
Venice, FL 34292
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors.
- 368 -
Glen Shamblen
Advertise to obtain new leads and accounts had much data, but knew we could not afford.
New products to base an accountant looking for new products youve got to be kidding.
Communicate with base strengthen relationship, increase service and support.
The two remaining salesmen were required to spend 15 minutes on the phone with each of their 40
customers every two weeks. First, to get additional info such as name of spouse and children, anniversary
dates, birthdays, e-mail, etc. great reasons to call and remind a contractor that his wifes birthday is only
three days away. Or to send out an anniversary card a few days early to remind the family about the big
day ahead. Loyalty began to grow.
We then created a referral program to assist the contractors in obtaining jobs. First tried with our crew and
saw incredible results . Previously less than 5% of our work (200,000) was a result of referral. Currently,
over 90% of our leads and 95% of the (800,000) install revenue comes from the referral program. When
the job is complete and we are accepting final payment we give the customer four or five $20 Crete
Coupons with their names on the coupon. After the customer gives the $20 coupon to a friend, this
friend calls for an estimate and upon completion of the friends job they can redeem the coupon as a
reduction in their job cost. We say thank you for using the referral program and give this new satisfied
customer four or five coupons. Upon returning to the office with the redeemed coupon we send a thank
you note to the original customer that gave the gift coupon including several additional coupons and a
$30 gift certificate to OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE. Average job was about $1,800, average lead cost $85
with an 18% closing ratio. Currently, average job $2,600, referral close ratio 82%, average lead cost is
$3.83 (not a typo). Referrals account for 95% of the install revenue (292 jobs) however only 39 customers
actually redeemed the coupon. Not only has install sales increased from 200 to 800 thousand but
advertising went from over $52,000 to less than $24,000 thousand. Thank you for the found cash!!
Jay, just as you have explained and challenged us to many new thoughts and processes we have given the
same above facts to our current contractor network of over 400 contractors. Yet, very few have tried and
only one has been halfway consistent enough to be able to claim good results. People many times make
good decisions, and make good plans but very few seem to work the plan and therefore never move to the
next level.
- 369 -
Todays facts:
NO partners, three businesses, nearly 4 million in sales, thus far this year (6 months) we have created
$300,000 of cash profits with a staff of 20. Again thank you for the concepts that sent us cash.
Glen Shamblen, President
Spray-Crete Industries, Inc.
- 370 -
Grady Chandler
- 371 -
Greg Johnson
- 372 -
we are experiencing from our web site, we project we will recover our
out-of-pocket costs by the end of October, 2002.
There are plenty more quantifiable successes that we've experienced,
both large and small, but my greatest success is intangible and truly
priceless.. it's the confidence I developed from adopting a mindset
that allowed me to creatively take on and solve the most challenging
business problems and turn them into opportunities.
I'm not sure if you'll receive this in time to include with the many
other testimonials I'm sure you'll receive, but I did want to add my
two cents worth. If you want or need further information, please
contact me.
Best regards,
Greg Johnson
Greenfield Flower Shop, Inc.
2628 W. Greenfield Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53204-1956 USA
- 373 -
Greg Stromberg
- 374 -
- 375 -
Guillermo Mendoza
Following the economius of the repeating sale we had some shoe stores here in
Guadalajara. Those were oriented to the popular segments of the market and in order to
give a plus to the nice fashionable merchandise, we gave a gift of a low cost high fashion
fantasy jewelry along with every pair of shoes purchase. We increased the price of the
shoes and collected the small cost of the fantasy jewel and the traffic and the word of
mouth created towards our stores was great. Many girls came back to buy her shoes
knowing that a nice fashionable gift will be received. High perceived value.
I would like to mention that the sales boosted by more than 50% we extended the product
line in women shoes and the girls had a new way to see our 4 stores. It was a fantastic
way we differentiated ourselves from the big competitors. When we talked with "expert"
people to discuss the idea they laugh saying this was never done before but we did it
anyway and we succeeded.
In a market like this one in Guadalajara, Mexico which is so different from the ones in
the USA many ideas could be applied successfully for promoting sales.
At least that is what experience has told us.
Good Luck !!!
Guillermo Mendoza
Agmenta Comercio Internacional
Pedro Moreno # 1410
44140 Guadalajara, Jalisco Mxico
Phone. US dial 011 52 333 171 1306
- 376 -
Guoen Wang
- 377 -
Guy Brown
How that
- 378 -
Here in New York City I would say at least 95% of the businesses that
advertise for telemarketers are companies that earn less than $6
million in sales and are barely surviving. Commensurately, the pay
scale for telemarketers generally runs from $6/hour to $10/hour - which
is even less than what they pay their functionally illiterate and
computer illiterate secretaries!
I knew I was worth more than the normal telemarketer and decided not to
be perceived as the normal "commodity" anymore. Here's how I
eventually tripled my salary from $5 to over $17/hour in 6 years. I
put together a large 3-ring binder/portfolio of my accomplishments
achieved while working for several companies within various industries.
When the normal telemarketer shows up for a job interview he just
brings along his resume and his best Sunday suit. When I appear at an
interview, however, I'm ready to present to the prospective boss:
A. 8 well-written letters of recommendation attesting to my skills credibility.
B. 5 audio tapes containing 60 recorded appointments depicting how I
handle tough prospects and change "no's" into "yes's." credibility. Also, I tell my prospective employer that this is
my selling style and I won't allow anyone to change it. If you
like me, you better like my dog (i.e., my consultative selling
approach)! You don't like my dog - the interview is over, "Have
a good day, sir." (You'd be surprised how many managers want
their telemarketers to actually sound like a carnival barker.
They think speeding up one's voice to sound as though you're
rushing to catch a bus engenders enthusiasm within a prospect!)
C. 2 computer printouts of the numbers of dials, contacts and sales
or appointments I've made for my companies over the years.
D. 6 covers of various sales magazines I've subscribed to to show
them I've taken the time to train myself to become a professional
in the art and science of salesmanship.
E. 10 pages of Excel spreadsheets which mathematically,
scientifically, irrefutably prove, under any and all rational
circumstances, that the "numbers game" philosophy of "the more
dials you make per day, the more sales you will make," is a
grossly exaggerated myth that crumbles under objective scrutiny a by product of W. Edwards Deming. More than any other reason,
it is the perpetuation of this myth, the aspiration to attain
false, illusory, physically unattainable quotas that causes
telemarketing departments to fail miserably and for companies
(which are overly dependent on telemarketing) to go bankrupt.
Because I've taken the time to step out of the box, I "merchandise"
myself and prove that I am not the ordinary Is-it-Friday-yet?
telemarketer. Consequently, at one job interview for a global freight
& courier company, the manager offered me $12/hour, but after
negotiations we agreed upon a base salary of over $17 per hour. At
another interview the owner of a custom-made software outsourcing firm
offered me $30,000 as a base salary. I declined. Two years later I
negotiated with this entrepreneur for a higher base salary - and won
the position of Marketing Director to boot.
Also, during times of unemployment I've become creative and searched
for companies that had no telemarketing department to see if I could
- 379 -
build one for them from scratch. Accordingly, because I didn't think
of myself as a mere "smile n' dialer," I opened up two (extremely
small) telemarketing divisions for two different Internet companies to
become their Telemarketing Directors.
Mr. Jay Abraham, my statement is true and provable and you have my
permission to use my testimonial in your promotional and marketing
Yours truly,
Guy K. Brown
- 380 -
Harley Kaufman
- 381 -
Harold Edwards
- 382 -
Harvey Korbelik
- 383 -
Haydn Welch
- 384 -
- 385 -
J. Semo
- 386 -
Jack Feka
- 387 -
exterior signs to our business and still had almost all the business we
could handle. Now after 4 years we have to abandon this site and move
elsewhere and many of our customers who we've been programming about
the move for a couple of months, told us that they would follow us to
the end of the earth (almost) because they're so pleased with us.
Taking the risk out of purchasing: I offer all clients free repairs on
tires they buy from me during the first 60 days. I also offer them
free rotation which extends their tire life every 6000 km. This
freebie give me a chance to inspect their shock absorbers and batteries
(which we also sell) and to offer them wheel alignment.
Experts in out field: We are recognized as experts in tires in our
community and are the standard by which other tire businesses are
judged but this was not the case when we started. To reinforce this
difference ALL our staff, once they pass their probationary period, are
sent on a training course to the GoodYear factory. In contrast to
other local shops, some of their employees have never traveled more
than a few miles from here, let alone having visited a tire factory.
We hold weekly staff meetings where I attempt to pass on new knowledge
and customer relations techniques to the staff.
Related products: We discovered that all vehicles in Chile are
required to have a fire extinguisher which is re-certified at least
once a year. We have become qualified to offer this service and
automatically inspect the extinguisher whenever we inspect tires,
batteries, shocks or other items. We've held back on offering oil
changes because of our relationship with the service station that we
rent space from, but when we move we will explore this avenue. The
idea is that every service which we offer, gives us another opportunity
to inspect the customers vehicle to see if they are in need of other
services or products which we offer. Since it is rare that the need
for one coincides with another one, we can often detect that a new
service is "at the point" of requiring attention and save the customer
the need to return or avoid the possibility of a break-down because of
a neglected repair.
Honesty: We have strict policy of telling people when they don't need
a service which they might have suspected they need, expecting that my
gaining their confidence they will later be more inclined to purchase
from us what we recommend when we do think it is necessary.
Results, we are in a region where sales is highly seasonal but our
sales have generally follow the same cycle since the start. After one
year, we were able to establish that with the exception of only one
month in nearly five years, we have always grown between 15 and 30%
when compared to the same month the year previous.
There are still many many of Jay Abraham's techniques that we haven't
even started to try but will be adding to our arsenal as time goes
I am impressed at how well these techniques work in a developing
country where people are very traditional and often afraid to attempt
something out of the ordinary. Once they see the results, however,
many of them are stumbling over themselves trying to copy what we've
- 388 -
Jack Feka
Gerente General
Neumatico Centro (Comercial Amar y Feka Limitada)
Aviador Acevedo 720, Villarrica, Chile
RUT 77.245.880-0
Giro: Importacion, Distribucion, Ventas
fono/fax +56 (45) 41-0028
- 389 -
- 390 -
It is possible here and everywhere, the only thing you need is ideas
and principles so simple that nobody sees them. But with a little help
from Jay, a blind can see.
Thank you and good luck.
- 391 -
Jared Silver
In the process (these last 7 years) I've become a pretty good copywriter (so I'm told). I recently
received several high compliments from Mr. Robert Allen's associate & publicist, Denise
After reviewing 2 different sales letters I was working on, Denise wrote:
"What an excellent letter, Jared. You gave me goose bumps" - AND - "You really are a writer
now. I think you could write just about anything." (copied & pasted from her
Jay, in the mid - 1990's you pointed me down a whole new career path. Easier
said than done. There were plenty of bumps in that road - but I got all the "tools" I needed from
you and just kept hammering and wrenching away.
Today I've replaced my income as a commercial shooter with equally good income from providing
direct response marketing to my clients. Low six figures, but that's improving too. (Is that specific
Here's a client story:
- 392 -
One of my SS&A clients is physical therapist named Joy. She and her husband share an office /
store front. He's a doctor of Chiropractic. Their company is called "Back To Health".
Joy wanted to increase the size of her practice. I was recommended to her buy another one of
my clients.
After our initial consultation it was determined that several host beneficiary relationships would be
a great way to go. Specifically, contacting medical offices of surgeons and nero-surgeons.
Concept: send us your patients for P.T. after surgery and we'll send you our P.T. patients when
surgery is indicated.
In theory sounds great. I created a lead generator mailer... phone scripts for Joy & her #1
assistant Darlene.
Big stumbling block ahead! We knew about this... but still were amazed when confronted with it.
Jay... many doctors, especially surgeons have rather large EGOs. I'm being polite.
Not only would they not talk with a "lowly" Physical Therapist or respond to our mailings and
faxes... it was also 'beneath' the doc's office manager to validate our contact. YIKES!
The response rate to our initial marketing was a solid zero!
I refocused. I analyzed the situation and put myself behind the eyeballs of the surgeon. "What's
in it for me?" is what I kept asking myself.
Joy was very good about progress reports. She'd call me and explain the latest rejection in
detail. I took notes, and started writing faxable memos for her to send to the doc's office
managers. Long story short... we had the doctors calling HER BACK !
I have some of Joy's 'very excited' phone messages (to me) saved on audio tape if that would be
of benefit to you Jay.
Following is section from a written testimonial from Joy to me. Copied and pasted below:
"In our very first meeting with Jared, we identified my best target market as other health care
professionals with the ability to supply me with the types of patients I can help most.
With Jareds on going assistance and direction, Ive been able to get in, get cooperation, and...
get new patients (the right kind of patients) from the doctor and surgeon practices weve
They're doing well, business is steadily expanding.
I'll give you one more quick story
This occurred just months after returning from the Ex!factor program. I was still in commercial
photographer mode (and trying to figure out how to become a full time Direct Response
Bill Kelley, a long time client and President of the Goelitz Confectionery (makers of Jelly Belly
Gourmet Jelly Beans) contacted me about restoring a few old photographs for the company's
100th anniversary.
A nice little job... about $4000.00 worth of restoration work on the computer.
- 393 -
I used some of the upsell and cross techniques you taught me. Made the client extremely happy
with the results I delivered and grew the project to about $40,000.00! Ten times the revenue for
my little photo business.
Jay I've wanted to share that story with you since it happened over 6 years ago. Though it would
be lost in the shuffle. Now you're asking for it. Cool!
Jay, I hope some of my ramblings are helpful. If I can be of further assistance just let me know.
Very Appreciatively Yours,
Jared Silver S. S.
Straight Shooter & Associates
Developing Your Good Image For More Business
- 394 -
Jarvis Wong
- 395 -
Jason Jackman
Referral strategies - we have implemented and consistently use 3 strategies for referrals,
at initial presentation, follow-up on completed business and reciprocation based
offer/incentive once per year for existing clients that has currently resulted in our ratio of
referral business being 50%+ today.
Using the PEQ, I rewrote our presentation to be more pre-emptive /educational and core
story based. Our conversion rate previously had been 1:4 of people seen would sign up.
At the same time that I rewrote the new presentation I took on two new sales consultants
and trained them to present exactly the way I wanted them to. Their conversion rates are
1:1 and 1:2 respectively!!
I estimate that this change alone will make a difference of 600,000.00 this year, even without
increasing the amount of new clients we see!! A phenomenal result.
Kind regards
Jason Jackman
M.D. Gold Flexible Mortgages
P.S. I appreciate every single thing you do and know that even with the above success stories I
am only scratching the surface of what can be done.
- 396 -
Jason Griffith
- 397 -
Jeff Miller
- 398 -
Jeffery Peoples
- 399 -
Jeffrey Edwards
Risk Reversal
Alchemists Intl makes use of Risk Reversal in all of our client activity
We know that the average manufacturing company wastes 25% of sales on an annual
basis and that we can help them recover approximately 30% of this figure in their first
We promise to generate at least a 1:1 ROI on our fees during the period of our
engagement and average at least a 3:1 ROI on total costs within the clients first year
after using our services.
The math we market to clients with over $50MM in sales.
Waste is approximately $12.5MM. Anticipated first year recovery is $3MM
Average first year ROI is 3:1 we look for a $1MM fee
- 400 -
- 401 -
Jim Brewer
I have listened to each of these several times. Since I put over $25,000 miles on my car every
year just in the city in which I live traveling between client appointments, I have a lot of time to
listen to educational tapes. I do not get in my car that I do not listen to a tape.
The key impacts that the home study course had on my mindset are:
In order to become a $10,000,000 company, I knew it would not come from pure consulting
services. The increase has to come from the backend. So I set out to identify other products or
services that I could sell to my client base and to a targeted prospect list. I identified one Human
Resource Product that had great promise. It was an internet product that provided an ongoing
revenue stream after the sell for as long as the client owned the service. It was a great idea but I
could not get a satisfactory contract. I spend several months trying to get things to work.
- 402 -
After numerous emails, letters, audio taps and finally a call from Carl, I purchased the original
PEQ. I began listening to the tapes. I went through the series several times at least once
monthly. I watched the videos and read the transcript.
During all of this time I had been sharing my new vision with my employees, clients, and friends.
They became very excited. Through sharing of my vision with my lawyer he became excited. We
set up a limited partnership to provide flexibility in setting up deals.
Then PEQ advanced was introduced. I purchased it and began listening to the tapes, watching
the videos, reading the transcripts and working through the growth plan. I continue to go through
the audio tapes at least once a month.
MasterThink, LTD
Solving the Challenges of High Growth Companies
- 403 -
Jim Callard
- 404 -
Jim Nilzon
- 405 -
Finally, the reason people call in is the 16 page report about reading
faster, that Ive created. Conversion rate is 25% of the people who
call in for that report. Of course thats because we have skilled
telemarketers standing by to answer questions in a friendly, nonthreatening way.
I have no formal training as a copywriter. Jays marketing techniques
work like magic. All you have to do is follow them.
Thank you Mr. Genius.
Jim Nilzon
Wahlbergsgatan 17
SE-12138 Johanneshov
- 406 -
Joe Accurso
- 407 -
Joe Kennedy
Any child could have another lesson - at our cost, if he/she still felt unsure before an upcoming
- 408 -
A free1 on 1 tutorial for any child that failed badly in a test - this happens occasionally
Supplementary, cost free counseling for parents whose offspring had difficult behavior problems,
we excel in this area
A monthly newsletter for all our clients, which is also sent to former clients
We also offer high quality, free supplementary courses for dyslexia and dyscalcula as a booster to
the main dysl/dysc courses
I'm developing the USP: Your Child at the Epicenter of Our Highly Specialized Efforts!
I put all of these advantages for the customer in a big, well placed ad in the local newspaper that this
specific group reads - on three Saturdays - a month apart.
I also put my prices up 6 per cent.
The results:
During the months March - August 2002 I went from minus 15 per cent turnover, in comparison to the
same period in 2001, to an average of plus 16 per cent.
This August I have 93 registrations, a year ago I had 72.
Using Barter
August is a poor month for us. Nobody thinks of school, nobody wants to think about school. I offered
parents a big discount and for the rest of the month, a tutorial coupon that is transferable and valid until
31st of January the following year. Result: far more parents have left their children registered. Several
have said they will use the coupon to send the brother or sister.
I have also been trying to introduce a referral system and am propagating this in our newsletter and
communications to the parents. My part-time staff will be offered a juicy bonus in the near future.
My cost ratio for personnel is exactly the same as it was a year ago.
As of writing this I have increased my turnover for August, in comparison to 2001, a whooping 28%.
I am making a lot more money and am investing in further improvements.
I think it's a very fair deal - your book for all this.
All the best,
Joe Kennedy
Kreatives Lernen, Obere Hauptstr. 10
78532 Tuttlingen
Tel.: 07461 162650
Fax: 07461 162960
Effektive Hilfe fuer lernschwache Schueler im Lesen, Schreiben und Rechnen
- 409 -
- 410 -
Joe Meyer
- 411 -
Joe Nicassio
- 412 -
- 413 -
Joe Trevis
- 414 -
Joel Rasmussen
- 415 -
John Bingham
- 416 -
P.S. Sorry if I have used a few local expressions but I think you
should be able to get the drift of what I have said. Also, if there is
anything of interest in the above but you would like more details of
any of it, please feel free to ask and I'll do what I can.
- 417 -
John Corban
- 418 -
- 419 -
John Gilvary
(510) 796-7828
[email protected]
August 2, 2002
Dear Jay,
Ive learned a lot from you over the years and implement the strategies and tactics that you teach for my
marketing consulting clients. I often ask the question: How would Jay approach this situation?
A case in point that will illustrate this follows.
The CEO of a merchant account company (one that enables merchants to accept credit cards) approached
me to generate leads for his sales people. His exact order was to make the phone ring.
This was a good company and at the same time, they had a history of breaking some of Jays rules. For
example, they never ran a legitimate test of marketing pieces; they did a lot of me too marketing; and
when they had a piece that worked, they dropped it because they tired of it, before the market did.
Another factor that I considered was that the competition all claimed to have the lowest rates and/or the
best service. The ones who said it the loudest, or at the right time, probably won the account.
How I Differentiated Them From The Crowd And Made The Phone Ring
I decided (and convinced the CEO) that they needed a two-step marketing plan. The CEO had considerable
experience in the industry and knew where all the bodies were buried. He knew what the merchant clients
should know in order to get the most out of their merchant account.
For example, there are a lot of practices that leave merchants vulnerable to fraudulent credit card usage.
Many times this leaves innocent, (but uneducated) merchants holding the bag and losing thousands of
dollars. In some cases, it can even force them out of business.
I had the CEO write a Free Report that explains these things and educates the merchants to the 10 Facts
Every Business Owner Must Know Before Getting a Merchant Account. I edited this raw report, wrote the
cover letter, the phone script and the card deck copy. We went with a card deck as an ad medium, because
it fit within their budget and they had a history with this medium so we could compare the results to
previous card deck campaigns.
The card deck was to pull prospects to raise their hands and say Im a merchant and I want to get an
account. There was a toll-free number to call for a recorded messagewhere they will leave their contact
information. I had a female employee with a good telephone voice leave the outgoing message (that I
The Results
Over the first 60 days from when the card deck hit the street, they received over 600 B2B leads. The best
card decks from the past only generated a fraction of this response.
- 420 -
The same client has since had me write a number of other pieces for them.
Thanks, Jay, for the education.
John Gilvary
Marketing Consultant
- 421 -
John Gommes
- 422 -
John Hicks
- 423 -
soon have his endorsement, included with his invoice, to these clients for the sign work. I have
started endorsing him to every sign client of mine already, and he is just all smiles.
I have actually been informed for years, on hundreds of other brand new, expanding, or relocating
businesses. I had never really utilized any of it until just the past few years since I became aware
of Jay's study materials. It is a little disheartening to ponder the fortune I have likely turned my
head to over these years but it is very exciting to execute just a few learned principles and really
see an explosion.
Jay's stuff has been great for me. I am the type that just won't buy into anything. I have never
been interested in any of the get rich quick, no money needed, multi-level repo auction hype. I
am no gambler either. If I cannot see it working at the early planning level, I do not go forward.
Jays principles have always been right on the mark. I have only implemented a few but have
seen remarkable results.
All the best,
John Hicks
8941 Oellig Rd.
Mercersburg, Pa. 17236-9550
- 424 -
John Holzmann
- 425 -
families are living close to the edge financially, and we didn't want
to become their "bank" if the economy turned sour (or their personal
fortunes declined): "We've decided to quit homeschooling. Here are all
your books back. Please refund us our money."
We decided to make our offer serious enough to permit a true customer
to get an honest, risk-free trial, yet, to the extent possible, to
escape abuse. We offered 8 weeks risk-free: "Buy a Basic Curriculum
package and use it for eight weeks. If, within that time, you are not
convinced it is great for your kids and you, return the entire package,
used books and all, via an insured carrier. We will refund everything
you paid us. We request that you answer two questions: 1) In what way
did our program fail to meet your definition of great? And, 2) How
could we improve our program so you would be convinced it really is
Before I talk about results, let me note something that this guarantee
in itself altered in how we market our programs.
We realized that different people have very different ideas about what
a great educational program should look like. Their opinions are based
you name it, they have opinions. And because we're talking about their
own precious children's education, they care PASSIONATELY about what
they purchase. There are few silent neutrals. Everyone has a strong
opinion, and they are vocal.
We decided that the only way we could possibly protect ourselves from
more people than necessary returning their goods is if we thought long
and hard not only about why they OUGHT to purchase from us, but why
some people ought NOT to purchase. (It's part of that "loving your
customer" idea: we don't want to waste their time, emotional energy and
money any more than we want them to have us waste the same things with
So we wrote two articles in our catalog. The specific numbers have
changed over the year, but in this year's catalog we include "30
Reasons Why Parents Say Sonlight Curriculum is GREAT for Their Kids AND
Them!" and "32 Reasons NOT to Buy Sonlight Curriculum." These two
articles help "dimensionalize" the benefits our prospects may expect to
receive in ways we couldn't have expressed them otherwise.
The latter article--the "negative" one--has sparked more comments, both
positive and negative, than anything else in our catalog. We have a
lot of very happy customers tell us that they KNEW they wanted to buy
from us the moment they read "Good Reason #___ Why NOT to Buy." We
have also had a number of angry prospects write to say: "How DARE you
tell us not to purchase!"
In some ways this latter response is rather humorous. In others, it
has protected us, I'm sure, from some disgruntled types. Having all
those good reasons NOT to buy stated clearly for all to see has also
protected my wife's and my emotional balance. We can say with perfect
calmness: "We're sorry your unhappy with your purchase, but as we told
you in Good Reason #___, . . ."
- 426 -
What is the result of "loving our customers" (or clients) and providing
a risk-reversing guarantee?
We have had a number of people say, enthusiastically: "I know I can
recommend your program to all my friends, without reservation, because
if they don't like it, they can always return it." We have had a
number of people say these things about themselves.
As I said above, we have experienced no measurable increase in sales as
a result. We simply have the anecdotal evidence that some people are
buying who otherwise might not.
Beyond that, I am happy to report that our return rates are
exceptionally low: barely one percent of all sales.
I've been tempted to increase the risk-free trial period, but then I
realize there's little reason; today, six years after we first offered
it, none of our competitors has stepped up to the plate to try to match
it. They continue to offer their standard 30-day return policies.
I hope my "testimony" here might be of help to someone else who worries
about offering a risk-reversing guarantee.
John Holzmann, Co-Owner
Sonlight Curriculum, Ltd. -- The International Home School Supply
Discover a new world of education at www.sonlight.com.
8042 South Grant Way * Littleton, CO 80122-2705 * USA
Phone: 303-730-8193
24-Hour Fax: 303-795-8668
- 427 -
John Orr
The Writing Consultancy
At The Writing Consultancy, we write all sorts of things for business people. That includes advertising,
direct mail, ghosting articles, videos and speeches for conferences, car launches, and so on.
Weve been involved with Jay Abraham for some time now and that sort of surprises a lot of people.
Because they think of us as experts in getting response - which we are - and which we were before we
discovered Jay.
But the fact is we get more growth and faster growth with him than we would without him. Hes sort of
become our own Marketing Department, leaving us free to get on with working with our clients.
No one that we know of has his breadth of vision. We have used Jays tapes and taken part in his phone in
seminars. For us the results have been astounding. Its difficult for me to put my finger on one particular
aspect of his work that been most effective simply because right from the start we followed practically all
of his suggestions. Here are a few highlights:
The very first time we followed his suggestion about Lapsed Clients we picked a project worth
$3,500. The call took all of two minutes.
By forming Strategic Alliances, we have added a conservative $60,000 a year to our income. Initially
we had to go out and look for people to join with. Now people come to us.
Educating Customers sounds simple, but we reckon it is the most effective marketing tool we have.
Its now the backbone of how we market ourselves. Indeed we rarely use the word sell when we talk
about our clients. We dont talk about what we can do for them, either. Instead we talk about what
they can achieve, if they do certain things.
This education process demands a Frequency of Contact which is another of Jays recommendations.
This keeps our clients interested, up to date and aware of what extra success is out there waiting for
In turn, the frequency of contact makes it easier for us to Cross Sell and Up Sell except we dont use
those phrases. Rather we talk about the additional opportunities that are open to them.
Weve formalised how we get Referrals. Weve also turned Jays Risk Reversal concept into
something which we dont just use to get new clients, we make it a part of every project we do.
- 428 -
The result is that we have quadrupled the size of the company in just three years. It could have been a lot
more than that. But we will only hire the best people and we then spend a lot of time training them - weve
decide to move at a pace we are comfortable with.
However, we do anticipate further significant growth continuing for a long time to come yet regardless of
what the Western economies do.
So which of Jays marketing strategies works best for us? Quite honestly, we dont think like that. We use
them all. Sometimes we use two together. Sometimes the way we actually implement a particular strategy
affects its effectiveness.
The important thing is that they all work all of the time to some extent or other. And, when you use all of
them together, you get a far more powerful result than if you simply use one on its own.
One more thing that we have got from Jay is something that he may not even know he offers. Lets call it
Commercial Generosity. Jay trusts you. He gives a lot away up front. Sure he charges for the rest but
even that turns out to be a bargain. We reckon that every $1 weve spent with Jay has resulted in a
minimum of $1,000 worth of income and that figure is still going up.
- 429 -
John Rydell
Our statement is true and provable and you have our permission to use
the testimonial in your promotional and marketing efforts.
The Rydells
A small (but growing) internet company that makes real profits.
- 430 -
Jon Boyd
- 431 -
Jonathan Kelly
- 432 -
- 433 -
Jonathan Zilberman
- 434 -
Jose Dominquez
- 435 -
we were
or expressed
committed to
helping them find qualified help for their current or future employment
needs and that we were available as a technical resource whenever they
had questions about hiring college students.
The letters I sent reinforced the positive relationship we had with
them in the past and reminded them that they could post their "want
ads" with us for free (they benefit from not paying classified
advertising costs and a large highly qualified applicant pool). I
changed the content of the mail from very impersonal bureaucratic fluff
to a more personal conversational style. In a matter of 8 months the
active employer list grew from 34 to 104 off-campus employers who
provide job opportunities for students.
I consider myself very fortunate to be able to use Jay's strategies in
a more restrictive environment that is less entrepreneurial than the
private sector. The results have added tremendous value to my
employment and operation. Using Jay's strategies in this way has given
me a priceless education in implementing innovation to the public
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
- 436 -
Joseph Schufle
- 437 -
investment incentive, he was able to raise his prices over 150% (that's all profit-no increase in cost
of materials, etc.). His sales increased over 200% in a year and a half. He figured his ROI from
hiring a business coach was 1,340%. For every dollar he spent he got over $1,000 back. What
other investment can match that? Working ON your business is your best investment. Think of
your business as a marketing business and everyone you deal with, including vendors and
employees, as clients, either internal or external, for life.
Jay, the biggest benefit I've gotten personally has been a way of looking at business both from the
macro view to the micro view, much like a camera with a zoom lens. I'm now able to analyze a
business from so many different dimensions, and to zoom in and out that I sometimes scare myself.
Even on vacations when I've sworn "NO CONSULTING" I find myself suddenly taking notes on
customer service or strategy. For better or worse, I am Abraham-ized. My life is forever altered.
My company is VSA Consulting Group, Inc.
I can't share revenue figures other than to say in the 7 figures.
You can reach me @ 212-316-0819.
Our web site is www.vsacoach.com
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JP Maroney
- 439 -
- 440 -
Judith Kaye
- 441 -
- 442 -
Just Communicate
Thank you for fantastic emails, books, enthusiasm and presence. Here's my story...
I have collected a number of your works over the past few years, but until relatively recently I
hadn't used the principles or the power of your approach or message - why?
Well. I spent fourteen years of my life in a marriage that wasn't right for me or the lady I
married, but I had been raised with the belief that 'When you've made your bed, you lie in it',
and I did. All this did (as well as make me unhappy) was deplete my energy and my power to
influence my own or anybody else's life in a positive way.
Just over four years ago I made the transition from self imposed victim to self energized victor,
and I set about fulfilling my potential in a whole new way. It was like someone had switched
on a light and stuck my ears back on because I could see and hear things that had been passing
me by. Logically I knew they were right, but I really hadn't heard them in my heart, and so
that hadn't resonated in my energy levels and my existence.
Now here we are just a few years (and quite a few challenges) later, and my life is incredible,
and getting better everyday, and the greatest joy is, that I get to share my understanding with
others through the training and seminars I do. So how have I benefited from your particular
I would like to give two fairly simple but powerful examples.
1. My own consultancy & training business had its 'feast and famine' periods, and I needed
to set myself apart from the crowd and increase the take-up rate of my prospects.
Being a great believer & promoter in doing the ordinary things extremely well, I
utilised your guarantee principle in my negotiations in a variety of ways.
a. I offer a money back guarantee of my proposals do not achieve the benefits
b. I negotiate various methods of payment with my clients, based on results.
c. I barter with the currency of time, effort and skill rather than just money.
The effect has been fantastic, not only do I secure much more business, but I never
reduce my chosen rate of pay - in fact it has gone up without complaint, because I not
only add value, but I am prepared to be judged by results - walking the walk.
This simple process not only affords me the opportunity to honestly and sincerely
operate with total integrity, but it definitely keeps you on top of your game - where
you should be.
2. A good friend of mine who I hadn't seen for a few years arrived unexpectedly at my
home last year to my great surprise and pleasure. During our reminiscing and catching
up on the lost years, he informed me that he was currently preparing a new venture.
He was opening a small restaurant in the centre of our local town, but he had a
- 443 -
problem. The cost of getting the building sorted and furnished etc. had gone way over
budget, reducing his potential advertising budget to zero. I suggested to him that he
go to the local radio stations and offer them free meals at his restaurant to the value
of 2,000 +, to be taken at anytime they wanted in return for 2,000 + worth of radio
advertising. At first he didn't realise the simplicity, benefit or potential of this, and
responded that he couldn't afford to give away 2,000 worth of food away. When I
calmed him down and we calculated the actual cost of 2,000 worth of food over
goodness know how long, he was staggered at the potential. He left with more
enthusiasm than he had arrived, and he is currently in negotiation with a number of
local Radio stations and relevant local businesses with this plan.
When I spoke to him last (which was in fact yesterday believe it or not) he was up to
4,600 worth of advertising and marketing and was seriously energised, just like his
restaurant will be. I asked for nothing when I offered this suggestion, because he is my
friend, but he has requested that I visit the restaurant whenever I wish at absolutely no
cost. So will I entertain my clients there or not - what do you think?
These are just two examples of the simplicity and power of the principles and approach that
you promote, which I hope are satisfactory for your collection. May I just take this opportunity
to thank you for your continued proof and living your truth, as I recognise and respect in full
measure the true integrity of those actions. I'm sure that this opportunity will be taken up by
great numbers of people, and that the final result will be simply dynamic, and I sincerely hope
that I am fortunate enough to receive the finished collection.
My wish for everyone is to achieve excellence in all that they do, sincerity in all that they
experience and peace in the integrity of their actions.
Just Communicate
37 Ribble Drive
LE12 8LJ
+ 44 (0)1509 415900
+ 44 (0)1509 415328
+ 44 (0)7740 717429
- 444 -
Ken Forman
- 445 -
customer (noun): A person who purchases a service or commodity
client (noun): A person who is under the protection of another
Source : Websters Dictionary
- 446 -
Welcome to Kenneth Alan Forman P.A. You are our client and we agree with the definitions listed on the
previous page. We are not here to sell you a product. We are here to protect you. And in order for us to
effectively do just that, we must work as partners.
You must tell us the results that you are seeking, and in return we will guide you through the quickest and
best methods for legally achieving those goals.
Here are a few guidelines for making the most of our partnership.
Its very common for those who are new to the legal process to believe that they have to document every
statement they make. Please be assured that if a particular document is needed for your case we will advise
you of that necessity.
If we do need such documentation please send it to us as soon as possible, and please make sure that it is as
complete as possible. If you have documents or information that we have not asked for, but which you
believe would be helpful or relevant to your case, please call us and advise us of that document or
information, and how you think it applies to your case. Again, partnership is the key to a successful and
happy attorney/client relationship.
If we do not request specific documentation please do not send it to us. Sending us documents that are not
requested or needed by this office will only slow down the processing of your case.
- 447 -
A Quick Story:
When Mr. Forman first started practicing law many years ago he worked for an excellent attorney with a
very busy practice. This attorney was almost always available to immediately take phone calls during office
He managed this highly unusual feat through two methods:
He almost never went to Court or directly handled the cases himself. The actual handling of
the case was done by Mr. Forman, leaving the other attorney free to handle those phone calls
that Mr. Forman was not available to take.
If the attorney was in conference with a client, he would take phone calls anyway, allowing
himself and the client to be constantly interrupted. It was not unusual for this attorney to
allow as many as 10 or 12 interruptions during a half hour consultation.
This is not meant as a criticism. Mr. Forman learned a lot from that attorney. However, some of the things
that he learned involved how not to do things.
Please be assured that if you are having a consultation with Mr. Forman you have his full and undivided
attention. He will not take phone calls during the time that you are meeting with him except in 3 rare
Please be assured that even in those unusual situations Mr. Forman will complete the call as quickly as
possible in order to return his focus to your questions and concerns.
Since the vast majority of the hearings and trials in our practice are handled personally by Mr. Forman, you
also wont see him constantly stepping into the hall to take cell phone calls. All his focus will be on you
and your case.
We consider this a basic and obvious courtesy that we owe to all our clients.
Now obviously, this method works both ways. Many times you will call, and Mr. Forman will not be able
to take your call immediately because he is extending the same courtesies to our other clients.
We have found that the best way to serve you is as follows:
If Mr. Forman is not available because he is in Court or assisting another client, please leave as detailed a
message as possible. We have found that when our clients leave detailed messages with the receptionist,
one of two things usually happens:
The receptionist is usually able to transfer the client to one of our highly trained and
experienced legal assistants who can in most cases answer those questions right away.
On those occasions where the appropriate legal assistant can not answer your question,
a detailed message allows him or her to be able to catch Mr. Forman during the few quiet
moments he might have that particular day, in order to get a quick specific answer for either
Mr. Forman or the legal assistant to convey back to you right away.
- 448 -
Please remember that we work on a team basis at this firm. Not only do you have Mr. Forman
working for you, but also his staff of legal assistants. All of us have a great deal of expertise in the
handling of cases such as yours. Please make use of our many years of training and experience.
Please do not fax documents or letters to our office unless we specifically request that you do so..
If you believe that you must fax something right away because you feel it is an emergency please
first contact the legal assistant working with Mr. Forman on your particular case. They will be
able to advise you whether to fax it, mail it, or bring it in to the office.
If you do fax something to us, please be sure to include a cover sheet designating the date, your
name, phone number, fax number and the name of your intended recipient.
Once you have completed the fax please follow up with a phone call to the intended recipient in
order to make sure that he or she received it.
We have found that the most effective way to handle the enormous flood of paperwork and
information that flows through this office daily, is through the U.S. Mail.
Please be sure to send all mail to our main office in North Miami, even if you are one of our
clients who resides in a different county, state or country. If you are mailing to a specific
individual in the office please clearly mark the envelope to their attention. In this way we can
quickly and accurately route your letter to the appropriate individual.
Please also keep a copy of whatever you mail for your own records. Please feel free to call our
office a few days later to confirm receipt of the mailing.
Its our policy that any client who requests an in office consultation with Mr. Forman, is
scheduled for the next available appointment.
If you need such an appointment you merely have to ask the receptionist to schedule you. It is not
necessary to make the appointment directly through Mr. Forman.
At the time that you schedule the appointment, please identify yourself as an existing client and
please give us the name that is on the file. For instance, if you are a woman who retained us when
you were single, but are now married, please give us both your married and maiden names. Or, if
you represent a business client please provide us with both your name and the businesss name.
Youll notice that when we schedule you for an appointment we request a telephone number
where you can be reached. Please provide us with any phone numbers where we can reach you,
even if we already have those numbers in your file. In this way we can avoid putting you on hold
while the receptionist looks up the number in your records.
If you are going to be late for your appointment please call and advise us as soon as possible. We
will try whenever possible, to juggle Mr. Formans schedule if you can reach the office
- 449 -
reasonably close to your scheduled appointment. But, we can arrange this only if you call and
advise us that you are running late. If we do not get advance warning that you will be late, in most
cases we have to reschedule the appointment to another date and time.
If you need to reschedule your appointment please contact the receptionist as soon as possible. We
will be happy to reschedule you for the next available date that is convenient to you.
Obviously, due to the nature of the work that we do here occasionally we have to reschedule your
appointment or ask you to wait, because something comes up suddenly on Mr. Formans schedule.
Please be aware that we take these appointments very seriously, and as a general rule we will ask
you to reschedule only because:
- 450 -
Ken Johnson
- 451 -
If you would like to learn more about our company that what I told you, you may check our web site
www.cmscms.co - the marketshare report through June 2002 that I have referred to is attached.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial (with the exception
of references to our planned patent) in your promotional and marketing endeavors."
Ken Johnson, CEO
- 452 -
Au 9
D 9
Fe 9
Au 0
D 0
Fe 0
Au 1
D 1
Fe 1
Au 9
D 9
Au 0
D 0
Au 1
D 1
DMT Marketshare
- 453 -
Ken Lawrence
Jay Abraham
The Abraham Group
27520 Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 263
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
Dear Jay:
About three years ago I purchased How To Get From Where You Are to Where You
Want To Be and have been a Jay Abraham marketing student ever since. Your program
has transformed an electrical engineer into a sales and marketing manager for a systems
integration company with 70 employees. We sell system solutions and engineering
services to help our industrial customer base automate their manufacturing processes.
Besides our direct sales engineers, the biggest lead generation for our company has been
from a pharmaceutical trade show that runs in New York. The show registration, travel
and expenses for sales and support engineers can easily add up to over $10,000 dollars
for the three days. Since this takes a large chunk of our marketing budget, we need to
optimize every opportunity to bring potential customers into our booth.
Our trade show booth display is old, but still in good shape. Our booth shows all the
vendor logos of hardware and software companies we integrate into our projects, but
never tells the prospect what we can do for them. Our management was very content
with our booth and was extremely hesitant about changing the display. I used your
message its all about the customer and not about us; our customers need to hear
whats in it for them if they use our services.
They gave me permission to add some graphics panels and a whopping $2,400.00
budget to work with. My approach would have been to go out and get a professional
marketing company involved, which of course couldnt happen on the allotted budget.
Instead of getting discourage, I used your think like a marketing genius techniques
- 454 -
and put together an internal think tank to develop a message to our customers that would
clearly and concisely get across our message. The team included an owner, sales, project
engineering and myself. We met a couple of times over a two week period to iron out
the message and format, thus saving thousands of dollars in consulting fees the owners
were not willing to spend. We spent the allotted funds to have two color graphics panels
manufactured to our booth specifications.
Now we had a trade booth with an attractive display and message, but I wanted more. I
used your strategy for identifying hidden assets and contacted some of the vendors
whose names we so prominently displayed and asked them to supply some of their
hardware in our booth. Of course they were eager to comply and offered more than I
could possibly use. I selected one vendor who offered a display with blinking lights and
animated color graphic displays nicely packaged in a box to help draw prospective
clients into our booth. We had people coming from five and six aisles away to see what
the lights were doing and thereby asking questions about what we did and letting us
respond with how we could serve them.
Im always thinking about your Parthenon philosophy and applied it to our trade show
experience. I have a relationship with the owner of another company that provides
solutions similar to us but in a different area of the business. We provide solutions and
services for the manufacturing process, while they provide solutions and services in the
packaging and warehousing side. The trade show PR group publishes press releases on
their website and posts these releases in the news room. I approached my friend and told
him about the show and that an alliance would be beneficial to booth our companies. He
wanted to target business in the pharmaceutical industry and this gave our company an
opportunity to offer more value to our customer base, while supplying his company with
our services. I had no budget left at this point, so he had his marketing department write
and publish the joint press release.
The show was back in April and in this business you generally see results three to six
months down the road. We expected fewer leads due to the situation with the economy,
but that wasnt the case. We had about the same amount of leads as last year with a
smaller show attendance. The leads were higher quality and have resulted in substantial
new business for us.
One client that was drawn by our message on the graphic panel displays has contracted
our company for $100,000.00 just for design support on a new production line. The
implementation and support contracts starting next year are easily worth a million
dollars. The press release about our alliance caught the attention of a major
pharmaceutical contract manufacturer who has since qualified our two companies for
some major project work later this year. These types of projects could easily be worth
over $200,000.00 per project. We have provided two proposals for projects to the
alliance company worth $250,000.00 that they are expecting to get. The potential for
this relationship for us alone is worth about one million dollars in engineering services a
year. I know of at least two new opportunities with pharmaceutical companies that have
started a dialogue for project work with us. We are also increasing our average
- 455 -
transaction value with a number of our existing customers, because they learned about
additional services and capabilities that we displayed so well on our new graphic panels.
In the manufacturing sector of this country there is definitely a movement to send our
manufacturing infrastructure oversees. For a local service company like ours, this means
a shrinking customer base and tighter competition in our region. Im counting on the
marketing methods and tools Ive learned from your programs to keep us growing and
will continue to use your marketing materials and philosophy throughout my career.
Since your email, I have started How To Get From Where You Are To Where You
Want To Be over again as a refresher course.
The information I have provided is true and provable and you have my permission to
use my testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
Best regards,
Ken Lawrence
Sales & Marketing Manager
Applied Control Engineering
- 456 -
Kendall F. Smith
- 457 -
Kip Lytle
- 458 -
feature. We've also added a "better than risk free" component to this offer by
including a report we have written featuring 7 no/low cost ways these business
owners can profitably impact their business. There hasn't been any negative effect to
asking for prepayment, and we've opened 14 new accounts in the first two weeks!
2. Strategic Alignments. During the past year, we have successfully offered our
customers products from two different and unrelated companies. With very little
effort, we have added nearly $10,000 in gross sales to our business.
3. Post-Sale Follow-up. We are beginning a campaign of sending sample post-sale
follow-up postcards to all new accounts, as well as to any old account who hasn't
ordered from us in a while. No results are in yet, but I can't help but believe that
people will better remember us for this simple act.
4. These and other activities and techniques you have suggested are helping our
business post sales growth over 100% this year! In fact, our business has already
outgrown our one year old manufacturing equipment, requiring a doubling of our
production capacities!
The rest of the letter goes on outlining some problems - in fact, you used our company as a "miniconsultation" for the October 1996 Supplement to Business Breakthroughs.
Just a note - I was really sorry to see you end Business Breakthroughs in 1998/99. It was my
most eagerly awaited monthly publication, and I have kept and still re-read every issue I ever
received - dating back to the premier issue in 1995!
I'm glad to have this opportunity to tell you, as Paul Harvey says, "the rest of the story"!
We continued utilizing your sales and marketing techniques almost exclusively during 1996, 1997
and 1998, growing our business to a point where we were serving over 700 retail dance shops in
15 countries, and generating nearly 1/2 million dollars in annual sales.
In May of 1998, we were approached by the 2nd largest dance shoe manufacturer in the world.
They were interested in expanding their product line, had researched all knit wear manufacturers
in the US (based on feedback from their current customer base), and decided that they wanted to
buy our company.
We danced back and forth, and after being assured by their owner that Beth and I would have an
important role and say in the decisions necessary in running the knit wear division of their
company. We agreed to sell our business (LytleWare) in October of 1998 for a high 6-figures
price (1.5 times gross sales).
The company then hired us back (in the same location) to run the knitwear manufacturing
And paid us a generous rent on the building we had just purchased the previous year!
Three income streams from the same transaction! I'm not sure exactly which "Abraham Pillar of
Marketing Success" that relates to, but I know it is one of them!
But the story isn't complete yet.
We believe that LytleWare was successful for 3 or 4 duplicable reasons:
1. We offered a high quality product
- 459 -
- 460 -
We fully expect this company to surpass $1 million in annual sales during 2002!
Jay, much of my business success can be directly attributed to the sales/marketing/customer
service techniques I have learned from you since 1995. Most of the books, reports and tapes I
have purchased from you over the years are "dog-eared" from constant use. My only regret is
that circumstances have not allowed me to attend your recent PEQ and Elite 100 courses.
However, I know of a guy who is pretty good with audio recording that has some time available,
and would be willing to pay his own way.....!!!
Thanks again!
Kip Lytle
Business Wizards, Inc.
Former Owner of LytleWare Enterprises
- 461 -
K.S. Lim
- 462 -
Linda Shorb
- 463 -
Lisa Monette
- 464 -
the clients to look beautiful for the summer. I generated close to $1,000. Thats because most of
my profits goes right back in and pays my bills.
After 3 years though, I have gone from $12,000 in sales to $26,000, to this year on target for
$70,000. I know I can create a million company that makes a hugh difference to women. We
save them time and we educate them...
Thank you for allowing me to share my small story that is turning into a powerful fortune for my
people, for me and for all our families!
Create the most beautiful day with O.L.A.!!!
Lisa Monette- Creator of ON LOCATION ARTISTS
"We bring out the celebrity in you"!
Direct sale makeup & skin care business. Independent contractors who purchase our startup kits,
come to our training's & workshops and have the opportunity to earn unlimited income, grow as
an artist and be on the ground floor of one of the most upscale motivational makeup businesses!
We are at 20 (i was very picky the first 2 years about only recruiting experienced artists, now I
realize I only want committed people who are trainable, giving and team oriented, so I now have
opened it up for all types).
You have made me realize that million dollar businesses or thousand dollar types, it does not
matter, we all have to implement what can benefit the clients. My new challenge now is to handle
the growth I've created so that we can expand even more!
Thanks again, I hope to meet you someday soon!!
Lisa Monette
- 465 -
We directed a very good portion of the business that was able to be directed by us to one
selected vendor in that industry.
Because of volume the vendor gave very attractive pricing and a quick turnaround time
for the service, which all was passed on directly to the consumer by us.
The vendor outsourced the portion of their work which could legally be performed by us
and it was work that they rather not perform anyway.
We had an existing employee perform the work that was out sourced to us when she was
not doing other higher priority work.
This arrangement worked out to be a win, win, situation for everyone and it was all, clean,
uncomplicated and legal:
This arrangement produced a very nice income stream over the years, unfortunately the
arrangement was ended by factors which were not in any of our control. But it was great while it
Jay, I took concepts and ideas gained from your material to develop the arrangement.
Thank you,
Lou Farris Jr.
- 466 -
Luis Arauz
- 467 -
- 468 -
Mangla Sachdev
- 469 -
generating clients will be revealed and the same ideas used for my
clients will also generate an increased profit for themselves.
I haven't made it big as yet, but am on my way because I now have the
time to concentrate all my time and resources to my business and follow
in-depth every single concept you teach.
This may not be what you were looking for in terms of a successful
case-study. I can't show you how I made a million in the first year of
business, only because I didn't allow myself to. If from today I
follow and read your books again I know that in a year or in 18 months
time I will have a much more successful case study to provide to you.
Thank you so much. You gave a girl with limited education in today's
world a chance to dream of running a successful business.
Mangla Sachdev
Publicity Workshop
16 Curlew Gardens
Scotland, UK
KY11 8GF
- 470 -
Marc VanUnen
- 471 -
Marcus Santamaria
- 472 -
had enough sales to meet the minimum order and the profit margin meant
we could afford to look for distributors and expand the market.
We then started to make modifications to the designs to meet the
specific needs of the hair stylist equipment. We then had a unique
product and not just a camera case straight of the factory floor.
We gambled on the success of the original designs and took them to a
trade show in the USA. Since then we have created a small but
consistent business niche market and have distributors in Australia,
New Zealand, Canada, the USA and Norway. Not bad for an initial market
test that cost $100.00
Incidentally the hair towel completely failed to make an impression
with the stylists and flopped as a retail product in hair salons.
company, Pandora Luggage Solutions
size 3 people
type Design and marketing
contact Marcus Santamaria [email protected]
I look forward to seeing the other cases studies.
Best Regards
Marcus Santamaria
- 473 -
Maria Paz
- 474 -
Well Jay, I only listened to your tapes six weeks ago, and I only
officially started my marketing business on July 9, 2002. Yes, this
all took place less than a month ago! Listening to those tapes
provided enough information that I posted a FREE ad on the Web, got
twelve leads, converted three of them and sent out my first report last
night. Isn't that almost unbelievable? I followed your steps-offering to barter my marketing with local businesses and I converted a
whopping 25% of my leads. I sent them an educational e-mail to
determine their interest level. When a lead was very interested, I
offered to speak to them over the phone and interview them. I asked
many, many non-threatening questions and coaxed them to tell me about
the nuts and bolts of their business.
This must process must be very familiar to you by now. I sent my first
marketing plan to a client last night. While I'm nervous about his
reaction to it, I know that I outlined the main premises of marketing
in the report, and that these principles have been tested by yourself
and all your strong proteges.
Thank you, Jay. I never thought I would become a marketer, but here I
am, one month after listening to your materials. This trek has only
Maria Paz
Kintegrity Marketing
P.S. My statement is TRUE and you have permission to use this
testimonial for your own marketing endeavors.
- 475 -
Mark May
I took this one idea from the 'Nine Drivers of Upside Leverage &
Exponential Business Growth' - #5 Relationships, and I was then able to
focus on that problem so that I could address specifics.
This is what I did.
Each Friday morning I meet with a group of members of the BNI Windsor
Chapter for breakfast, there is usually 25 to 30 members and visitors
there and I had a10 minute presentation slot to fill.
My problem was - an estate agent colleague situated about three hours
driving time from me in Kent had opened an office in Spain and had
started selling Spanish properties in the UK as second homes. He wanted
me to take on 30 or so properties in my area and split the commission.
Now I have no experience of property in Spain but I do know about the
time-share scams out there and so do a lot of people. With a few
starter questions I got my BNI colleagues to express their views and
concerns. I was astounded at the contacts and experience that they had
to pass on. My 10 minute presentation lasted 20 minutes.
I am now in a position to fully evaluate the time, costs and effort for
me to start up this operation in my area alongside my existing
This happened today, is true and witnessed by all the participants, you
have my approval to use this in any promotional material you may think
Kind regards
Mark May
- 476 -
Mark Steffenson
- 477 -
the only time they hear from our company is when the subscription is up
for renewal and we want their money. Many of them where sold the
initial product and the rep never contacted them again. We make some
attempt to upsell and crossell at that time but we have really not
established enough of a relationship with them to be effective. Also
most of the contacts we have at these customers are lower level
Technical people or people in the Purchasing department who have no
decision making powers. I have mentioned to several of my managers and
their managers that we should do things to enhance the value of the
subscription and would get comments on how "that is not practical",
"not likely to happen", etc.
Well very recently we had a new Director come into our Division and had
one-on-one meetings with everyone. Armed with my new-found confidence
in my marketing genius I told her point blank that the company was
missing a real opportunity to really maximize on the current customer
base. I suggested how we should use the subscription program to offer
additional "services" to build relationships with these accounts. We
could offer as part of the subscription a "free" site assessment where
we asses their infrastructure for possible inefficiencies or problems.
Or we have a tool we use in our sales process that uses structured
interviews with key decision makers and influencers regarding their
technology strategy that highlights areas where the actual goals and
measurements of various departments are in conflict with each other.
This is why so many technology projects fail. I suggested we package
this as a "free service" and this would give us access to decision
makers while providing a lot of value to our customers. While I am not
holding my breath that these ideas will go any further up the food
chain, I was able to gain the attention of this new Director by
pointing out an area where we could possibly make better use of our
assets. I am working on a proposal for this just in case and it has
renewed my interest in what had become a pretty routine job.
Jay, I look forward to implementing more of the ideas I get from your
materials in the future and am eager to make more money so I can
purchase even more of them. As I read your book I am constantly making
notes because the ideas are coming so fast. It makes it hard to
concentrate on what you have written.
Take care and Thank you,
Mark Steffenson
Andover Creative Advertising (name picked but no business plan yet).
1 Henderson Avenue
Andover, MA 01810
- 478 -
Marty Sacks
- 479 -
Marvin Downs
- 480 -
- 481 -
Michael Feldstein
- 482 -
Michael Morales
414/ 941-6288
414/ 645-0504 fax
Dear Jay,
I am very happy to write this testimonial for you, describing how your work has influenced me and
contributed greatly to my income as a Strategic Planner and Business Consultant.
In this letter I am going to describe a principle I learned from you and I will give specific examples on how
I coached two of my clients to increase their sales and get more customer satisfaction, even while raising
prices! The principle has to do with the balancing of: 1) quality of service, 2) speed/ timing of service, and
3) cost of service.
- 483 -
charging THEM extra for speedy service. He used to feel nervous and anxious when he personally had to
tell them the pricing (before I made his pricing sign).
Client # 2 (CPA)
A client of mine who ran a 1-person CPA/accounting firm used to complain to me every "tax season"
because she'd be worn out, working till 11 p.m. or midnight during March and April of each year. She'd
complain to me "Why do they all wait till the last minute to bring in their tax information?" She'd finally
had enough and decided she wanted to give up complaining about this. I asked if she would mind working
hard and late, if they paid her more money. She lit up and said, "No", she'd really like that, but they
wouldn't pay her more. I said I had an idea.
It was interesting because we successfully completed at least one marketing campaign a year, but she never
took my suggestions about eliminating the complaining about the "procrastinators."
Here is the suggestions I made and which she took action on: I said that people like incentives, they like to
be lead and given direction. They also like a good deal. I wrote a letter for her to go out to all of her
clients and the basic information was this:
Hello ________
As you know, the tax law has changed again. There are some new benefits for you and some
benefits you had in the past have been eliminated of reduced. To help fight inflation, I have
decided to keep my basic fees for my services the same as last year. I always want the best for my
What I need to do is to balance my tax season so that I can give everyone the absolute best
service. Instead of slow periods between January and March 15 and then a heavy period between
March 16 and April 15, I want to spread my work out so I can be sharp and effective. This way I
can determine the best tax solutions for you.
I am actually going to lower my fees by 10% for whoever brings their tax work in between Jan 2
and February 15. February 16 to March 15 will be my normal fees. And for those who come in
after March 15, there will be a 50% "emergency surcharge" (which is in addition to my regular
fees). Believe it or not, I'd rather have everyone come in during the 10% reduced fee period. That
way I can give more time to your tax returns and I can schedule them all over the several month
"tax season".
Looking forward to seeing all of you soon. I also have a $25 "thank you bonus" for each and
every referral client that comes in because you recommend me.
Jay, as you taught me, people generally have the same patterns and don't change them (unless we give them
"ethical bribes" to motivate them - but some will almost never change). We found that the people that
tended to bring their tax papers in early, kept coming in early and got the 10% discount. The ones that
tended to wait till the last minute, continued to wait to the last minute - and they paid the 50% extra,
without complaining because they were offered the opportunity to pay 10% less, rather then 50% more.
They could see and accept the consequence of their choices.
That's it Jay. Thank you for everything. You have my permission to use this testimonial and if you need
documented proof of the above stories I will be glad to provide them.
Michael Morales
"Discovery is seeing what others see and thinking what no one has thought."
- 484 -
We discover.
Michael Rath
- 485 -
- 486 -
Clients are much happier and more good quality referrals are coming
from satisfied clients. The software has recently been chosen to run
the Naturopathic Department of the Southern Cross University in Lismore
Australia. The university searched the world for 2 years before
choosing HealthQuest to run their Naturopathic department for clinic,
patient and student management.
Program sales are increasing, past clients are upgrading and I now have
many more happy clients. I am beginning to see my goal being achieved
to be able to provide practitioners with the business building,
practice and patient management skills that I could only have dreamed
of when I started back in 1979.
The important messages I have learnt with Jay's training were - Don't
make assumptions - ask - check test. See what the experts are doing,
duplicate them and do it even better. Test a marketing idea to see if
it really works before embarking on a major Campaign. Provide
information in a way that is relevant to the client and easy to
understand. Keep in regular contact with clients, providing
information that is valuable to them in order to maintain and improve
your relationship with them. Seek feedback about what concerns and
delights them about your service or products. Use feedback on concerns
and improvement suggestions from clients to improve products and
services. Keep up with marketing training and network with other likeminded persons in order to keep on track and focused on reaching goals
and maintaining gains made.
Quest For Health
Software Development and Sales
Health-Care Product Distribution
We are (at this time) a small business of 5 people
Michael Rath
55 Snow Wood Drive
Eatons Hill Qld 4037
Tel:61 7 3264 7945 Fax:61 7 3264 7946
- 487 -
Michael Roualdes
- 488 -
- 489 -
Michael Shierloh
- 490 -
Yea, Yea, Michael, I can hear you saying, that is all well and good, but tell us how
much money Jays concept of revering your service has made you in these past four
years?!! That all I really care about.
Well, that is the same question that I would ask.
The answer is six hundred and sixty eight thousand dollars ($668,000). One concept, one
- 491 -
Mike Fry
- 492 -
- 493 -
Mike Grigsby
- 494 -
Suddenly, the other managers gave me the lead for implementing Jays concepts. While the
company previously focused on getting revenue from new customers, it became my mission to
service the hell out of existing customers with new products, new levels of service, and more
A snowball effect occurred: we increased our feesinitially at the groans of our customers. That
allowed us to provide better pay to our customer support employees, who stayed longer, learned
more, and gave far better service to the customerwhich in turn allowed us to raise fees even
more, keeping skilled employees longer, and providing even better service, year after year.
We recognized that some customers couldnt afford huge support fees, so we stratified our
programs to provide levels of service at varying costs. This actually brought on many more
customers because they didnt have to choose between all-or-nothing. We even carried this
theory out with our maintenance plansa sacred cow in our industry, where clients all paid the
same fee schedule to get new product updates.
We took our fledgling training programs and formalized them, providing a standard professional
look and feel to each. We honed our teaching skills, researched adult learning issues (in fact it
became the thesis for the college degree I earned while working at the company).
With both training and support offerings, we would never have achieved profitability had we not
implemented testing throughout all of our marketing! Combining market research and testing of
programs and offerings, we were able to find out what people wanted. For instance, some
people had no computer skills, and needed a full week of training to learn a product. Others
understood the basics, but needed only a two or three day advanced class. Students were
always required to fill out an evaluation form that included a) specific feedback that continually
improved our course content and offerings and b) a feedback section that allowed us to use
testimonials in our marketing material! This was particularly powerful because clients often knew
each other, and if it was good enough for others, it was good enough for them.
Training revenue became so significant to the companys bottom line that we even built beautiful
new classrooms and training labs in unused office space. Soon, the problem was how to
schedule all of our training courses, and the classrooms were filled throughout the week.
With training and support becoming huge products for the company, and revenues quickly rising
into the millions of dollars, we needed a more formal marketing program. I was offered a brand
new position in the company: Director of Marketing, Customer Services. I was able to devote all
my energies to using Jays concepts in building our marketing materials and working with a small
group of telemarketers and class administrators.
We tested everything! My direct marketing schedule was filled with brochures and other
production items, but before any mass mailing went out, I always built in a test marketing time
of 3 to 4 weeks to perform an A/B/C/D split to find out exactly which marketing pieces worked
and which ones did not. The test usually went to 5-10% of our database, and there was almost
always a clear winner, and usually the piece that we didnt think would do well!
Our testing was usually between two very different looking marketing pieces, such as a fancy
brochure versus a more intense Abraham-style letter. The rest of the split was between the
headline or copy in the piece. It was always amazing how much difference a single headline or
even color of paper would affect the results.
In fact, I always useeven to this daythe infamous Abraham mistake of misspelling a word
early in the piece: usually in the first paragraph, but sometimes in the headline itself. That was
- 495 -
always good for at least two or three people who would call to tell us, and the telemarketing staff
always closed those friendly sales.
One time I thought I was going to lose my job over a piece I tested. After doing the marketing
long enough, I always wanted to see what we could do to top our response and conversion rates.
President Clinton had not been in office long when he initiated a payroll tax change. This meant
our old payroll software tax tables would be out of date and useless. My goal was to see if I
could raise over $1M from this change by getting non-subscribing customers to buy our
maintenance plan. People thought I was nuts. I did my usual test, one with a letter, and one
with a one-page neon orange paper and huge headline on one side, and white on the back with
the details of our offer. The orange paper out pulled the letter by 7 to 1! So I pressed into play
the orange letter.
Three weeks after the letter went out, the senior VP of the company called me into the
Presidents office to reprimand me for using scare tactics to force customers to subscribe.
While his point was valid, fortunately the President of the company already saw our sales
thermometer on the wall, showing we already exceeded our $1M revenue goal by quite a
The moral of the story is always to use a sales thermometerit shows staff how hard they have
to work, and others how hard you are working.
Not long afterwards, I achieved my goal of providing half the companys revenue from customer
servicesabout $9M. It was an important goal because, like so many other companies, our
original focus was on new customers and not new revenue. It was also the ultimate test for a
marketeerhow to sell the intangible. In a few years, we took a money-losing department with
high turnover and poor customer service, and turned it into a revenue generator while building
staff and customer loyalty.
Throughout my career, I have used Jays techniques to continually bring success to my projects
and companies!
I certify that the statements in this testimonial are true to the best of my knowledge and
recollection. Timberline Software is a publicly held software company and certain financial
information may be publicly available for verification.
Best regards,
Mike Grigsby
Managing Director
Technology and Business Strategies Group
at MikeGrigsby.com
- 496 -
Mike Leahy
- 497 -
Morton Guyot
Success story
This information can be used as a model / template for any business.
Client's Business : Colour for me (choosing the right colours to wear matching your
skin type)
Lady client lived in Melbourne,Australia. She had no idea of marketing or Leverage.
She was earning $100 per week. All she had was a business Card and a brochure.
Some ideas I gave her:
FILM /video
- 498 -
Self Training
Organization training
Set up cassette production company
Self improvement tapes
Radio stations (promote product to)
Set up own radio show /
Be guest speaker on radio show
Look in Yellow pages under index for business most suitable for colour
consultancy (also can do online /cd)
Corporate Business,Defence forces, essential services
Small business
Identify markets, age groups, colour of people, different languages
Identify cultures
- 499 -
Telephone book
Sububan newspaper
Letterbox drop
Free sample giveaways
Business cards
Fax send outs
Fax on demand
Inserts in credit card /department store monthly statement mail
- 500 -
Cheryl went from $100 a week to $5,000 a week within 12 months by applying the
information above.
Morton GUYOT
The Marketing Wizard
Self in business and sub contract various services ass required.
- 501 -
Muriel Hart
- 502 -
Muriel Hart
- 503 -
Murray Denby
- 504 -
"Thanks for taking the mystery out of the whole process for us"
The other aspect I've added to my proposals since reading your book is
Back End services. I've added Interior Design and Landscape
Architecture to my list of services, having done a deal with 2
colleagues. We can now handle the entire project from start to finish.
As I mentioned above in my headline, my success rate for getting
proposals accepted is now 80%. In fact it's probably higher - last
week I received a call to go ahead with a project that I wrote a
proposal for over a year ago - they were so impressed that they kept it
all that time.
The other great spin-off from doing this, is that it's really made me
examine my process. I've improved my overall service in so many small
ways just from having to describe what I do. For instance, I've
developed an outstanding system for finding out information about my
clients dreams, ideas and preferences for their intended home that
virtually guarantees that they get what they want when they use my
services. They can't believe that their architect cares so much about
what it is THEY are trying to achieve with their living environment.
And the result of all this? Well it's sure helped my bottom line.
more importantly it's changed my whole business from being "A
Consultant working for his Clients" to "A person bonding with and
helping other people achieve their dreams". Now THAT is something
worth working for!
So, thanks to you I've certainly learned the value of Educating My
Kind regards,
Murray Denby
Auckland, New Zealand.
ph (64) 9 378 1829
- 505 -
Neil Phillips
- 506 -
- 507 -
- 508 -
Niall Cronnolly
- 509 -
- 510 -
takes the incoming phone calls for the company. Two days after
we decided to implement a guarantee we landed a $1500 contract we
wouldn't ordinarily have landed, and every day I see more
appointments being scheduled.
We are still fine-tuning this guarantee, but I firmly believe
this will be what sets us apart from our competitors. Other
agencies have said we are fools - I know this because our clients
tell us. They only see the word guarantee, not the principle, and
so they will always see it as a foolish notion, which is great
for us!
4. The fourth principle is using direct mail. Last week I sent out
100 pieces of mail advertising to attorneys. I handwrote the
address in blue ink and stuck a real stamp on there. I got
Office Depot to make a self-inking stamp for the return address.
The offer I made was not a spectacular offer, however, it was a
good offer, and I wrote the letter based on some of your
copywriting tips. So far I have received 10 inquiries, and 4
clients. I consider this to be a great response.
I have made some good friends as a result of getting new clients using
your principles.
I also plan to implement your host-beneficiary principle and I am in
discussions with an attorney on how to present it so that it will be
accepted, and put into practice. I have also an idea on a simpler
variation of the principle that I think will work better given the
legal arena's disdain for selling or anything close to it.
We have implemented a referral system also. We pay $100 for every
referred client. We pay this to people who are not our clients. We
have had several referrals and have promptly paid the people who
referred the clients. Most people don't want the money, but are
pleasantly surprised when it arrives.
And so things are starting to improve from a slow, rocky start. We now
have a steadier cash flow but not predictable as yet, since the direct
mail portion is just starting.
You also saved me money - I dropped our newspaper advertising almost
completely, since I was not able to measure the effectiveness. I
didn't notice any drop in sales. I kept one ad in one newspaper
because it brings us consistent clients. I have no idea why this one
local paper is successful but I wish I did. I've thought about it, and
have not been able to see why this particular paper is a winner for us.
So I expect things will only get better and I am excited about it.
I'll be truly ecstatic when I get the direct mail portion up to speed
so that I can eliminate slow-periods.
I thank you for writing your book. It was uplifting to read and absorb
and know that everything you present can be implemented to achieve
I don't write very well, so feel free to edit as necessary, if in fact
you wish to include any of my ramblings.
- 511 -
- 512 -
Nik Tipler
Nik Tipler
Managing Partner
- 513 -
Nonto Mkhize
- 514 -
Taking our innovative edge seriously, we have introduced the web site
which attracts advertisers like nobody's business, yet it is. Our
website was voted the 38th best radio site by the Radio Ink magazine,
need no introduction, check it out on www.ecr.co.za.
Ad Revenue
Our advertisers love us, we have the Ad Index to show our popularity
and there is a bold expectation in the manner in which we provide
solutions to clients' needs. It is encouraging to know that we get
this kind of feedback albeit the limitations of the available LSM 7 10 of the different race groups available in KZN.
Product diversification
We are one of the few stations which pioneered Non Traditional Revenue
(Eventing) and have proved to be famous and successful in bringing our
brand and our jocks in touch with the public. We now have major
calendar events which we take part in by virtue of our location on the
coast, ie. the Dusi Marathon (canoeing), the Comrades Marathon (long
distance running), the Easter Fiesta, Vodacom Beach Africa (surfing
tournament), December Beach Festival as beach events. What more can I
say about this station which flies its flag high ........
Please request my permission if you intend to use the above details for
any publication.
Nonto Mkhize
Marketing Executive
East Coast Radio
Tel: (031) 570-9434
Cell: 082 55 9495 2
- 515 -
Ozer Tayiz
- 516 -
Man, did it make a difference? You bet. The first time I've set those
faxes to 30 random companies only, I've generated a response of 5
meeting requests, 3 of which resulted in job offers in one week.
Notice that I've been sending 40-50 cv's a month for the last four
months to employee-seeking IT companies, with one or two meeting
requests, and no job offers. If only I have not wasted that time,
using "usual" stuff...
So, whatever it is that you want to do, even if it is to find a simple
job, the marketing knowledge Jay gives simply makes a great difference.
It is marketing that powers the world and makes things happen. Be
bold, have your claims of high performance and guarantees (I had my
free trial month in my offer) is, and strive up to fulfill your
promises. Even the best products, people, ideas, skills, will mean
nothing if you cannot market them to other people effectively. Before
this experience, I thought marketing was only for "products", but now I
see marketing as the driving power of life.
Well, this is not much of a success maybe, I'm sure there are tons of
other people who's already made millions using Jay's marketing
knowledge, but it is such an enlightening and empowering experience to
be able to choose my job in this economic depression, that I had to
write it.
Hope it helps,
Ozer Tayiz
- 517 -
Padraic Deighan
- 518 -
856-751-5912 fax
- 519 -
Patrick Cheong
- 520 -
Paul Hartley
- 521 -
- 522 -
Paul Madsen
- 523 -
Paul Meggison
- 524 -
Paul Rodden
- 525 -
Paul Sowinski
- 526 -
Paul Stewart
- 527 -
Paul Stewart
- 528 -
Peter Perreca
- 529 -
- 530 -
- 531 -
Rick Anderson
- 532 -
desperate to stop the ad because schedule was full and her receptionist was constantly on the
phone answering replies to the ad.
I think that what has been most valuable for me from jay is the "marketing mindset" he instills.
Reading his materials and listening to his tapes has made it easy for me to see marketing
opportunities. Many of his programs cover the same ground but each time from a slightly
different perspective. The repetition of ideas helps them become a part of my subconscious. My
biggest failing is that I don't apply them nearly as much to myself as I do to my clients. Alas, the
cobbler's kids have no shoes. HoweverDeveloping this mindset has dramatically increased my
When I started my agency I figured to charge about thirty-five dollars per hour for my consulting
time. I was thrilled when I could get a client to hire me for $150 per month. Tuning into Jay's
"marketing mindset" has changed things a bit. Before Jay I couldn't even get a client to buy a
marketing plan for $500. I always had to tie everything to something tangible like a brochure or an
ad layout. Now I can go to a client and I immediately start to identify areas in their businesses
where the can get additional leverage.
Jay's concepts are so ingrained now that the ideas just bubble up when I'm talking to the clients.
Plus I can now make the concepts clear for the prospective clients. The concepts truly "wow"
them and they are much easier close. The net financial result is that my hourly rate has jumped
by a factor of ten within a few years and where I couldn't get anything for just consulting I now
have the confidence to ask for and routinely get $5000 for the basic marketing plan plus a $1000
monthly retainer for ongoing consulting. I addition to that I get additional revenue for specific
projects such as brochures and commercials. I realize I'm not in the league with Jay or the other
marketing giantsYet! Still... it's a big leap for me.
I think one of the biggest compliments I ever had was from a business manager who'd heard me
speak and wanted me to help a client of his that was struggling. We met to discuss his client and
how I might help. In the middle of our conversation he stops me and asks, " How long have you
been studying Jay Abraham?" It seems he'd attended a Jay Abraham seminar and really felt
knew my stuff, "Jay Abraham style." I was flatted by the comparison.
So there you have it. The above with the use of Jay's principles has really grown my business.
For the little guy who can't quite relate to the dollar figures mentioned by the big guys rest
assured these principles work well for us too. And now that I've grown from the tens of
thousands to the hundreds of thousands in income maybe I can start eyeing the millions.
Rick Anderson
Creative Image Advertising
4530 S. Pine
Tacoma, WA 98409
(253) 473-5456
- 533 -
Roger Herod
- 534 -
- 535 -
Sailesh Kumar
- 536 -
Scott Alliy
- 537 -
One last favor, you mentioned once I "get it" you will begin to see
opportunities everywhere, you were right now how do you turn it off?
On second thought never mind I'm having too much fun improving my own
life and truly making a difference in the lives of the people that I
touch in a positive way and on a daily basis.
Scott B. Alliy MCSE
Online Business Ethics Association
- 538 -
Scott Heidbrink
- 539 -
And I'm even more excited, as I have been modeling some of the techniques you and Chet
Holmes have been sharing in your recent L.A. meetings, and that is starting to help boost my
business, too.
Thank you for your motivation,
Scott Heidbrink
S & K Creative Services
P.O. Box 13536
Palm Desert, CA 92255-3536
760 772-1120
760 772-1509 - fax
- 540 -
Ted Bonel
- 541 -
Terry Eberhardt
- 542 -
Tyler Cobb
- 543 -
Well there you have it, we implemented upselling and packaging, direct
mail to our customer base, back ending and joint ventures. I'm sure we
could always do a better job at all of these by testing, but we do the
best we can.
I hope this was what you were looking for.
any other help to you.
Your friend,
Tyler Cob
- 544 -
Adrian Castro
- 545 -
Adrian Castro
Cellular Phone 949-278-3811
- 546 -
Alan Canavan
- 547 -
Alexi Neocleous
"Who Else Wants A 51% Discount On Succulent Meat And Fresh Seafood Platters,
DJs, Limousines, Wedding Cakes, Flowers, MCs... AND... Save $3500 (or more) On
Their Wedding, Christening, Engagement, 21st Birthday or Work Party?"
Don't Hire ANY Catering Company Until You Read This Important Message.
Learn About The "Inside" Secret Caterers Don't Want YOU To Know About.
Special Details Inside - Look NOW!
And here's what they saw when they opened up:
"When Other Caterers Charge $70 Per Head, We Charge $40, PLUS We Guarantee
To Prepare More Food Than Anybody Else. If There Isn't Loads Of Food Leftover
At The End Of The Night, We'll Cater Your Next Function... Absolutely FREE!"
Good evening and welcome! My name is George Pericleous, and along with my 3 brothers, we own
Pelopidas Catering - the most amazing and dazzling caterers in Sydney! Here's why:
You know how most caterers charge you an arm and a leg for food... and... if you need them to
organise other services like limousines, flowers, candelabras, marquis tents, DJs and so on... they'll
penalise you by charging an additional 30-60% on top of their cost so you pay at least $3500 more for
your function (this is because organising these services can be a real pain)
Well, what we do is provide you with ALL those services (and many more) at ABSOLUTELY NO
PROFIT TO US. When you choose us as your caterers, we'll take care of your limo, wedding cake,
birthday cake, flowers (and any other services you need) at NO HIDDEN EXTRA CHARGE. We're
the only caterer in Sydney that does this! This means you'll save up to 51% and $3500 on these
- 548 -
services (because you're paying wholesale) and dozens of hours of additional work, time, effort and
aggravation organising these services yourself. We'll do it all for you... for FREE... at no extra cost.
It's our gift to you. We'll make your function quick and easy to set up... you'll save thousands of
dollars and you'll love us for it.
In addition, we guarantee to prepare more food than you've ever seen. If there isn't loads of food
leftover at the end of the night, we'll cater your next function, absolutely FREE! To learn more about
our great offers, please call my office. I've prepared a special confidential report titled How To Save
Up To $3500 And 23 Hours Of Work On Your Next Catered Function! With this report you'll get the
real 'inside' scoop on how to make your special occasion the most memorable ever. It's only available
through us on 9845 3939 (24 hrs). Call now.
And there you have it. The result? They went from receiving 5 calls a
day to over 35 calls a day and they had to hire an extra 57 casual
staff members to cope with demand.
Suffice to say he was very, very happy. As you can see, I also wrote a
free report for them, which basically elaborated on the information you
see above. But you know what's funny? Alot of people didn't even want
the free report - they wanted to meet immediately!
In addition the free report and lead generating card above, I also
wrote him a referral letter, which, all in all was very easy to write.
I won't reproduce the letter here, but the offer was a $500 discount to
any friend or family members our clients refer. This letter goes out to
clients a month after the event.
Why doesn't it go out immediately
certificates and hand them out at
inundated as it is (and I think a
something that I've convinced him
- 549 -
Allan Angkham
Here it is.
- 550 -
Andrew Ryan
- 551 -
this time will get a sales letter and/or cold call arranging a meeting
to discuss customer concerns, and offering a variety of promotions or
buying options.
So far one of the most important parts of this process has been the
automation of our customer management reports. Before these reports
were cumbersome, provided limited information and were an end in
themselves. Now, these reports feed automatically to our direct sales
force providing information on attrition rates, new account rates,
sales frequency, transaction value, last invoice date, profitability by
customer and inactive customers by sector. These reports can now be
generated quickly by almost anyone in the organisation.
On top of this, we have also focused on our top accounts their
characteristics and their buying patterns. In doing this we also
developed a new list of high potential prospects that are to be
exclusively targeted.
The major reason we walked away from business before was analysed and
the main issue was price on certain products. Now, we are more
inclined to compete on these price sensitive products but on top of
this we also sell our other more premium priced products in addition.
This constitutes a very simple but significant change in marketing
strategy - allowing us to keep up revenues and use ancillary products
to generate profitability at the client level. The added advantage is
that we can compete against other companies by promoting our unique
selling proposition as being product range focused. Our whole
operating approach in the future is to be pursued along these lines.
More recently we have started to focus on adding more pillars to our
marketing strategy. This has focused on adding complimentary products
that we will make profit from and will increase our sales value per
client. We have also kicked off a host and beneficiary relationship.
On the beneficiary side of things, we have secured the rights to sell a
well know European product exclusively on the domestic market. This
re-enforces our strategy of being product range focused and it helps
differentiate us further from our competition.
We have also secured a deal with a nation-wide sales and merchandising
group to sell and merchandise our products in regions of the domestic
market where we do not have coverage with our direct sales force. Both
deals guarantee an increase in company profits.
In addition, this development will result in lowering our marketing
costs, increase profitability and more importantly will allow us
increase our spend on customer acquisition.
One last comment - I have learned more in less than six months from Jay
Abraham's work than I did during a two year MBA program that I
completed in 2001. The MBA was theoretical and too mainstream for my
liking. The marketing materials presented during the course were not
practical and to get a good grade it was more important to talk 'the
lingo' than anything else. Back then marketing did not turn me on, now,
however it is where my future lies.
- 552 -
I am very excited about the challenges that lie ahead. One of the
major challenges will be changing the mindsets of my co-workers and
other senior managers who have never used these techniques before to
grow businesses.
In a nutshell - the real benefit is how easy and quickly it is to apply
Jay's basic concepts to turn a company from recording stagnant or
declining sales to recording modest growth in a matter of about 3 6
months. The challenge that lies ahead (and I cannot wait) is to
optimize and blend these techniques with the other super leverage
activities and help record geometric growth.
'My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors'
Name: Andrew Ryan
Nashs Mineral Waters
The Square
Newcastle West
County Limerick
Type: Mineral Water / Soft drinks
EUR 7,000,000 sales per annum
- 553 -
Andy Curry
- 554 -
Anne Chen
Generate interest
Get them HOT and desireful
Show them a offer
CLOSE with a guarantee and testimonials
- 555 -
- 556 -
- 557 -
- 558 -
- 559 -
subscriptions (one year, two years, one module, all modules) so these
companies don't have to worry anymore whether their system is running
optimally or not and they have maximum accessibility for customers that
are trying to ring them up to inquire about something of want to buy
The method and subscription he is offering them consists of several
modules, - one is a test every three months of how reachable/accessible
their company is - one is an internal screening every six months of
factors such as opportunities for improvement as a result of
organizational or process changes, opportunities for training of
employees, reviewing procedures and checking service employees
One is a client perception survey done every twelve months where
clients are interviewed about how they value the communication with
this company. One is a yearly screening of the system and update of
latest developments in technology. We wrote a five page description of
these subscriptions and he and I would be surprised if he didn't sell
at least one of them and probably more.
Selling only one would increase his revenues for this year by 25%!!
The idea I found in the video store is the following:
In the Netherlands we - still - have a lot of video stores, even though
there was talk they would disappear because of broadband internet.
Before the system commonly used to play your videotapes was a VHS
player and this is now rapidly changing into DVD. I think many video
stores will have 60% DVD's in their store by the end of the year.
However there a still many people here that don't own a DVD player yet.
What this video store has done is they formed a partnership with a DVD
player manufacturer/reseller. The company they work with is a no-name
brand, but if has the most commonly used features, such as no regional
restrictions, MP-3/CD and Dolby.
If you are a member of this particular video store you can buy this DVD
player for Euro 249 and you get a credit of euro 150 to rent DVD's!!!
So they actually sell you a credit which you might otherwise not have
spend at this single video store and a cheap no-name video player for
an average price, while the client gets good value. The video store
probably makes good money on the DVD player, the DVD manufacturer sells
more players that they otherwise would have and both the client base
and the video store are helped because they can migrate to DVD!! I
actually know of video stores that are not as smart as this one and I
might approach them with the idea and ask a percentage...
Hope you liked these stories, I will be on the lookout for more here in
the Netherlands.
Best regards,
Arnoud van Veen
- 560 -
Art Adams
- 561 -
Arturo Gonzalez
- 562 -
Atul Thakrar
- 563 -
Audri Lanford
- 564 -
Best regards,
- 565 -
Barry Schuster
- 566 -
I understood that if we could create a program to change the environment of the school cafeteria, we would
change the standard student perception of the cafeteria and increase participation (thereby increasing
Remember that I stated previously that I could not quantify benefits of our furniture over lower priced
competitors? Well, in the Food Service Program, records are kept each day of number of meals sold and
total sales of all foods.
I knew we had a way to increase participation- which would increase revenue, and we would have a
verifiable benefit to changing the cafeteria environment because we would use the sales on the day before
we put the new furniture, artwork and dcor into the cafeteria as our benchmark sales figure.
Any increases in sales after we installed all the new furniture and art would be attributed to the new look of
the cafeteria.
So the design department of our furniture manufacturer took the same type of art, furniture and dcor that
they were placing into McDonalds restaurants, and adapted it to schools.
We started designing schools to be Hard Rock Caf looking dining rooms putting Jukeboxes to free-play
current music (within limits, of course!), putting the front of a 57 Chevy coming out of the wall, and
theming the dining room around school colors and mascots.
We created school cafs with 50s themes using booths with the old bright sparkle metal flake colors,
soda fountain stools, and standup grabn go tables so students would feel that they were in a mall.
These are definitely not like any cafeterias you ever saw in your school days- because they are such fun to
be in.
For a school in Miami, Florida near the ocean, we created a Pirate theme and put a beached Pirate Ship in
the middle of the room. There is a large crows nest in the middle of the ship holding two 27 TVs so
students can see the highlights of the previous weeks sports teams.
Theres even a talking Parrot that is part of the PA system.
For a Western theme school, our designers placed a wooden corral in the middle of the room, with a large
kiosk painted as an old hotel and General Store holding the two TVs.
We place exciting artwork around the rooms with academic aphorisms to promote learning- such as:
Imagination is the highest kite you can fly.
We will do anything to create an exciting atmosphere in the dining room.
And now a school can quantify the success of this cafeteria makeover in increased sales with their
accounting every day.
Does this work? Well, in one High School in Miami, with the old style furniture and bare white walls, only
250 out of 3,200 students a day were eating in the cafeteria.
When we provided a $250,000 cafeteria makeover into a Pirate themed dining room with 9 foot high
murals on the wall, and 30 foot long wall converted into a thatched roof cabana huts view of the ocean
participation has increased to over 700 students a day in the dining room.
The school will recoup their investment in less than 2 years, and then continue to make a profit with steady
I now knew that my USP would be to show how our services would change the Food Service operation.
- 567 -
From Jays instruction, we crafted a USP that would guarantee a quick return on investment, and an excited
student population.
In our multipage letter, our headline is McDonalds spends millions of dollars to attract your students.
Dont fight it copy it! and we give case histories of participation and revenue increases in schools we
have transformed.
We went one step further, and when we install a new dining room, we film the entire process:
from filming our installation crews removing the old furniture from the room
to the bare room with no old furniture
we show bringing in the new furniture in boxes,
we assemble the furniture
we place the artwork and dcor on the walls and ceilings,
And we film the room the way it looks with the new items.
We then speed up the film which generally takes about 15-30 hours of work into a movie that lasts about 3
to 4 minutes. Then we place an appropriate piece of music on the movie- such as the Lone Ranger
theme, and we then have a marvelous Before and After marketing piece.
Have you ever seen one of those fast construction movies on TV where everyone is running around like
ants? Did you smile? Well, this is what happens when a prospective client looks at our movies. (If you go
to universalseating.com you can see two of our installation movies)
We placed them on a CD with other information about our other products for school dining rooms, and this
becomes an effective presentation sales tool when we mail it with a cover letter and a brochure.
As of this date, we have 4 school movies on our CD, and by the end of the summer will produce 4 more.
Now that we can quantify the benefits of our program for Food Service Department, how effective is our
USP and our marketing material? I can give you one example which will illustrate the power of this
At a School Conference in November, 2001, two School Board members from Compton, California came
by our exhibit booth and saw our installation video. They were so impressed with the concept that they
brought it before the other Board members who thought it would be a benefit for a school system that had
not built a new school in 35 years.
We presented our program and they requested designs be prepared for 5 schools that if you saw the
existing cafeterias you would not be excited to eat in them every day for four years.
We just received an order for over $1,000,000 to renovate these 5 schools with three more to be designed
this fall.
After we install all of these schools, we will have a library of over 13 installation movies with positive case
histories for each one, and powerful Before and After pictures of each school.
As Jay taught me, I wanted to create a USP that is so compelling and so powerful that it sells by itself. We
have done that, and also raised the bar for any prospective competitor- as we will have 13 movies and case
histories versus their claims to be lower priced.
My two years in the ULMRL taught me to focus with a laser like intensity on my strengths, and highlight
our benefits to clients in a USP that was concise and compelling.
- 568 -
I attribute our success in this niche market (that has great potential as every school is a prospective client)
to Jays constant mantra of differentiation. I decided to differentiate myself from being a commodity into
being a partner with school food service programs to help them grow.
We are having fun, and making people smile. And creating profit.
Sincerely yours,
Barry M. Schuster
Size of business 7 employees
Website: universalseating.com
(800) 743-8755 cellphone
(800) 586-3291 fax
- 569 -
Bill Merrow
I could go on and on with concepts such as impact of long-copy, formalizing referral systems and
developing plans, policies and procedures - but "Abrahamites" already know all of that! Perhaps
the most compelling impact is the TOTAL CONFIDENCE I have in my ability to design my future
and the future of my clients businesses because of the Abraham mindset.
Thank you, Jay.
Warm regards,
Bill Merrow
Las Vegas, Nevada
P.S. "My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in
your promotional and marketing endeavors."
- 570 -
Bob Montgomery
I am an attorney with a small law practice emphasizing business and corporate work. With a few
exceptions, most of my clients are people just starting a new business or business owners who have reached
the stage where they need to incorporate or operate their business in some form or entity other than a sole
proprietorship. Over a period of time, I streamlined the incorporation process so I could do it quickly and
easily. My service was offered through the yellow pages at a very reasonable fee as compared to most
other attorneys. I thought the fee itself would be attractive enough to generate a substantial volume of
business. However, after more than a year of this approach, I was still not getting the volume of business I
needed or wanted.
I was somewhat familiar with the work of Jay Abraham and decided to purchase his tape course entitled
How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be. I listened to the tapes while traveling to
and from a clients office some distance from home. The tapes sparked my enthusiasm and helped me
generate numerous ideas about how to market my service. I implemented five of the ideas over a period of
several months and have witnessed the number of incorporations (and limited liability companies) almost
double from an average of 3 to 5 a month up to an average of 7 to 10 a month.
Implementation of Ideas
1. Make it easy for customers to contact you. Jay discussed in his tapes the need to make it easy for
customers (or in my case, clients) to contact you. It is often difficult to contact an attorney. They
are either in court, with a client, on the phone, etc.
In my yellow page ads I started listing a free recorded message with a toll free number. Some
people are hesitant to call and get a sales pitch but are anxious to get good information. My
recorded message was about 60 seconds long and briefly described my service, the fee, my
guarantee of satisfaction and then indicated I could provide additional information by email, fax,
phone or regular mail if they would leave the appropriate information. Although I have not done a
scientific study, I estimate about 80% of the callers leave a message requesting more information.
2. Follow up with phone calls. Previously, I rarely called people after I sent them information.
Jays tapes indicated that you could increase your sales substantially just by following up with a
phone call. I started doing this and usually just asked if the customer or client had received the
information and if they had any questions. I found this to be an excellent opportunity to develop a
friendly closer connection with the customer and show them that I really knew what I was talking
about. Again, I have not done a scientific study but believe that a phone call after sending
information about my service has had a significant impact on the volume of sales.
- 571 -
3. Offer a guarantee. Although my practice is located in Boise, Idaho, I set up corporations and
limited liability companies in many other states. This is often done by telephone, email, fax, etc.,
without ever meeting the client in person. This type of arrangement requires some element of
trust on the part of the customer or client. This is accomplished in several ways. I believe the
telephone calls mentioned above help develop an element of trust. Secondly, I offer a guarantee of
satisfaction in all of my literature. I promise to refund the entire fee they paid if they are not
completely satisfied.
4. Provide Testimonials. After listening to Jays tapes, I decided it was important to collect some
testimonials from previous clients. There were a lot of clients who told me they really liked my
service but I had neglected to write it down. I began asking people if they would provide me with
a statement about why they liked the service. Everyone said they would but most got busy and
didnt get around to it. I found the most effective way was to ask them what they liked about the
service and then write it out and ask their permission to use it. This seemed to be the most
productive method. I even obtained some testimonials from professional people such as
accountants. I believe this adds to the level of trust and credibility which customers need in order
to spend their money with you.
5. Ask for Referrals. In the past, I never thought much about referrals. After listening to Jays
tapes, I decided that, at the very least, I needed to let people know that I wanted and accepted
referrals. Some of my clients said they didnt know I accepted referrals. I include a sentence at
the bottom of the statements (bills) I send out indicating that most of our business comes from
referrals and we really appreciate any referrals they care to make. Most of my clients call once or
twice after Ive set up their corporation or LLC to ask questions. After discussing their questions,
I tell them I appreciate their business and would appreciate referrals from any of their friends or
business associates. Again, I have not done a scientific study but continue to receive an increased
number of phone calls from people who say you set up a corporation for so and so and they said to
give you a call. These are the best prospects because I dont need to sell them or create a level of
trust. They already have that from talking with their friend or associate.
There is no question in my mind but that these various techniques I learned from listening to Jays tapes
have substantially increased the volume of business in my legal practice. One additional method that I
forgot to mention above, involves the backend sales. I do other legal work such as contracts, agreements,
sale of businesses, mediation, etc. I started putting a separate page describing these services in all of the
literature I send out. This has helped to generate additional work.
- 572 -
P.S. I would like to expand my incorporation business further with some form of email campaign. Im
struggling a little with how to get a reliable and affordable email list for this purpose. Any suggestions will
be appreciated.
Submitted By:
Robert Montgomery
(208) 322-8865
- 573 -
Bob Nelson
- 574 -
- 575 -
Bob Redler
- 576 -
True this was a legal document, but there was absolutely nothing in the law to
prevent information beyond a strict disclosure from being included, provided it
was not deceptive in any manner. There was nothing which prohibited me
converting a potentially problematic document into an extension of the sales
process by offering a "warm" image of the house, and moving a couple to expand
their vision of the house from its existing decorating scheme to one which reflects
their ideas, personalities, and taste. And nothing restricted me from "walking"
through every room talking all about family, children, having lots of company,
and, of course, the disclosures.
Here is a brief excerpt:
"Now to the history of the house.
"The house was built (according to county records) in 1954. We cannot tell you
much of its history until 1981 when we found it. Deborah was pregnant and we
had been searching for six months or more. The house looked very different
than it does now, and very different from our taste, but almost everyone has the
same experience. It was easy to recognize that the rooms were large, the closet
and storage space plentiful, and the yard a wonderful size for our (soon to come)
little girl to play in, and for us to enjoy company.
"With a little imagination we knew what we could do with the house. [Ed. Note to help avoid the problem that potential buyers would not look beyond the current
decorating scheme, which was probably more sophisticated than common for the
target market, the idea that redecorating would be easy and enjoyable was
continually emphasized]
"We bought the house in April.
"One of the first projects was to turn a bedroom with deep blue walls into a child's
room. Once we found and hung the wallpaper still in that room, we planned the
valance and window treatment, and went to work. If you have young children,
you may discover that teaching the alphabet using the wallpaper is more fun for
everybody than the old flash card method. [Ed. Note - the wallpaper had a print
design of alphabet building blocks]
"Our daughter Dianne enjoyed this room until she was around nine years old
when we redecorated the adjoining corner bedroom for her, and added a ceiling
fan. As an aside, the fans in both these bedrooms have been changed within the
past year, so you will be starting with virtually new fans. [Ed. Note - note that
before each negative disclosure, benefits were mentioned.]
"When we moved into the house, the wallpaper in the living and dining rooms
was a country style. We preferred a slightly more formal style, and one with a
slight texture. After some time, we found the paper now on the walls. In addition
to the paper, we added the window valance in the living room and installed the
fan in the dining room. The window and wall treatment in the dining room took
some time to plan and create. To us, it has always been worth it.
- 577 -
"Here is our first "disclosure": Bob installed all the ceiling fans himself. We have
had fans in the rooms for a considerable time, and never had a problem with their
installation. The only "problem" has been that the two fans upstairs eventually
wore down and were replaced. If you are concerned about the handiwork, then
you may ask your home inspector to check their installation and wiring." [End of
After the house was sold to a couple who exactly fit my intended target market, I
had a conversation with the husband who brought up "the letter" (i.e. not legal
disclosure) he presumed my wife wrote. He commented that his wife was so
moved by the stories about the house in my "letter" that she placed herself, her
husband, and her planned family in the setting, and that it was key to persuading
her (and them) to buy. Not bad for reworking a formal and threatening legal
document, and not even having time to refine or polish the "advertisement" which
was then made a part of the contract.
Since my law practice is unique, and my work with clients extends beyond legal
work to business strategy and growth, I have reworked other "standard format"
approaches to marketing and sales tools, but this story remains my favorite.
Bob Redler
6115 Pleasant View
St. Marys, KS 66536
- 578 -
Bretton Stitfold
- 579 -
I can say just by using those three things it has created and
exponential growth and that we are now looking at expansion, however,
from the extra business we now have to look at creating better systems
ie Staffing, delivery, phone, ordering, production.
I can only thank you Jay for the education in marketing.
Kind Regards
Bretton Stitfold
- 580 -
Brian Banashak
- 581 -
When the light went on, I saw that I only needed to REACH THE PEOPLE
WHO WERE ALREADY REACHING THE PEOPLE I wanted to sell our books to.
Talk about exponential results! This idea was a fusion of realizing
the hidden value of my existing and potential relationships and
combining that with a referral system to open new doors.
I saw that I needed to win readers and booksellers TRUST so they would
be comfortable exposing themselves to the ideas in our books. (There
is much more suspicion in the Christian book trade, in which I work,
than in the secular book market.) The question was, how do I build
that trust?
When the light went on, I saw that I only needed to win the trust of a
few industry insiders who would in turn give credibility to our books.
I also discovered that it was much easier to win the acceptance of the
TO MY BOOKS. That vested interest is found in the commissions they
receive from us. (Not to say that they would promote anything we gave
them to sell--I'm saying it was an easier sell for us because they now
had a financial reason to read/review the books we wanted them to
represent to the trade).
How much has this idea benefited us? In 2000 we did $148,000 in total
sales. In 2001 we did $302,000 in sales! We are now projecting close
to $400,000 for 2003. But it's not just about the money. We now have
a much greater sense of satisfaction, knowing that we are reaching many
more people with our books. Our sense of self-worth has increased as
well--we really do have a viable publishing company! Thanks, Jay.
How can anyone else benefit from what I've learned? My years in the ad
business showed me that you have to have a customer's trust before they
will buy. A great ad helps to develop that trust. But an even better
way to build trust is to treat everyone you deal with as a valuable
person. We need to look beyond the lifetime value of a CUSTOMER and
see their worth as a PERSON. That's something the troubled CEO's
should have learned in business school (sorry, I got to preaching).
Jay, if I've not shared enough detail or missed the point, let me know
and I'll try to do a better job of communicating the importance of what
I've learned.
Brian Banashak, Publisher
Evergreen Press
- 582 -
Brian Maroevich
- 583 -
Brian Martin
- 584 -
Brian Ravenelle
- 585 -
Brian M. Ravenelle
- 586 -
Brian Tatla
- 587 -
Bruce Elliott
When we got started we didn't have much money, and certainly no money
for marketing expenses. We had a good product, better than the
competition but no money. How could we get a sales staff quick?
I decided to set up a network of strategic partnerships to spread the
1. First, we partnered with the largest software wholesaler in the
We would pay them a small commission for each "certified dealer"
they could present to us. But the commission came out of what the
dealers sold.
The wholesaler had a monthly newsletter that went out
computer shops around the country. They promoted our
dealer" idea through the newsletter and via their own
telemarketing group. This caught on. They organized
shops to hear our elevator pitch around the country.
to 2000
groups of
- 588 -
- 589 -
Caleb Jones
- 590 -
- 591 -
Charles McClendon
- 592 -
Chris Allen
- 593 -
customers of my company, but they were both talking about how incredible it was and how they
had a friend who has a friend who has the service and they absolutely love it. Just then another
person joins the conversation and asked what company it was and they all start sharing all the
stories they have heard about the technology-I didn't know any of these people, and at this time
I knew all of the customers personally-our partners had done a fantastic job of spreading the
news-much like a virus and soon everyone was spreading the news and they all wanted to be on
the service.
Needless to say as we started moving into the different areas with the service the buzz got larger
and larger and so did the revenues, so we started using a larger media mix-for the vast majority
of the people who became customers, the partnerships we established with complementary
businesses was the most powerful source of business.
The steps I followed to establish a partnership with the computer stares and the repair shops
was very simple:
1. I got the three phone books for the area in which I lived
2. I looked at all of the companies in each of the yellow pages in the computer section.
3. I created a compelling message that would get the employees (mostly tech geeks)
4. I personally went around to every company on the list and started chatting with the
employees who visit with the public-mostly the sales and tech guys-and "shared a secret
about what this new company was doing"
5. Two of my employees then did the same thing and so each company heard this "secret"
from three different people.
6. We then put an offer for the companies to sell the service for $19.95 per month as an
up-sell for their customers; they would get a small commission-$20 for every customer
they sign up.
7. When the companies learned first hand from my company that the rumors were true
they started getting really excited. We then started hearing the buzz expand all over the
place-I remember hearing about my company on the other side of the state, over 240
miles away.
8. When you get people starting to talk you can't shut them up very easily-so get them
saying good things about your company. And the message can spread like a virus.
9. We just kept fanning the fire and capitalized on all of the positive feelings that were felt
in the community.
I have since then used this principle of establishing complementary partnering relationships with
several projects with much of the same result.
Thanks Jay for all of your ideas,
Chris Allen
StreetMaker, Inc.
Tel. 800.561.8705
Fax. 800.561.4928
- 594 -
Christian Goertz
- 595 -
D-64319 Pfungstadt
Tel: 0049-6157-3233
Fax: 0049-6157-2830
Mobile: 0049-171-3560305
- 596 -
Chuck Hartman
Dear Jay,
Thanks for asking me to contribute.
As a marketer I know very well that the USP is the first and most
important task for entrepeneurs; actually for anyone starting or going
to the next level of their business.
In your book, "Getting Everything You Can Out of all You've Got" in
chapter 6, Vive Le Difference, you explain the Unique Selling
Proposition is what needs to be created, identified and integrated into
all the clients promotional, marketing, advertising and selling,
collateral materials, web sites, everything. You tell people to say it,
demonstrate it and live it!
What I realized after reading that chapter is that my special "gift" is
the ability to "see" people in ways they cannot see themselves. I get
"underneath, behind and beyond" their vision of themselves and do
that with and for my client so they can get an expanded, larger, more
exciting view of "what's in it for their readers" based on what is offered
as their specialty. I also work to come up with ideas they never
thought of ."How do you know the taste of ice cream if you never
tasted it before?"
My company, Smarketing, specializes in authors who want to self
publish their books. It's our niche, however we can "Smarket" anyone
and give them their USP and tag lines and sizzle. We do this in the
headlines, the tag lines, the author branding, the book branding and
the succinct paragraph description of the book and why it was written.
Steve Burt, of Burt Creations, author of many books, said he wanted
to be more than a small town pastor selling books at craft fairs. He
wanted distribution to the book trade and to become nationally and
internationally known and get his stories out to a wide audience.
First I had a "Smarketing" session with Steve on the phone and asked
many questions about what he'd done, what his life was like, what his
- 597 -
vision was for himself and his publishing company. It took about 11/2 hours. Then I went into "meditation" and that, combined with my
marketing background, was enough to "get" what was needed and to
tell my writer what I call "grist for the mill". Steves signature book
was originally called, A Christmas Dozen by the Christmas Story
Pastor. We changed that and created his own brand. Out of that
came, A Christmas Dozen, Christmas Stories to Warm the Heart by
Steve Burt, Storyteller of the Heart. His next book was Odd Lot,
Stories to Chill the Heart by Steve Burt, Storyteller of the Heart and
then Unk's Fiddle, Stories to Warm the Heart by Steve Burt, Storyteller
of the Heart. He is now distributed by Biblio, and was one of the few
self published authors signing books at BEA in New York this year
right. Was he proud! He has printed over 5000 copies of The
Christmas Dozen in soft cover and now in hard cover as well and
selling more than he ever thought possible.
I received the following testimonial from Rev. Burt:
I met Ellen Reid at a Dan Poynter seminar in April 2001. I was a
small-church pastor with a nice, little, self-published Christmas stories
book that nobody except family and friends knew about. Now, six
months later, I'm a full-time writer/publisher/speaker with three greatlooking books that everybody's hearing and talking about. I've been
written up by Writer's Digest in their magazine, Publishing Success, in
the 'Advice from the Pro's' section. Much of my transformation and
success came about because of Ellen, who helped me revision myself
and then stretch to make things happen. Ellen has been not only my
projects director, marketing manager, and utility infielder; she's also
been the coach, cheerleader, occasional pinch-hitter, and so many
other things.
Rev. Dr. Steve Burt, BurtCreations.com, author of the best-selling A
Christmas Dozen: Christmas Stories to Warm the Heart, Unk's Fiddle:
Stories to Touch the Heart, and Odd Lot: Stories to Chill the Heart
Notice he said "revision" himself. That is what everyone needs to do
or have someone do for and with them as you so succinctly put it in
your book. Another client, Dr. Mark Holmes
(www.drmarkholmes.com) author of Original Innocence, The Return of
the Soul said:
"Besides advising Cauldron Press on the best way to take Original
Innocence from manuscript to print, Ellen correctly saw who I am, and
thus was able to expertly advise me regarding web design, book
- 598 -
- 599 -
Clarence Underwood
- 600 -
Clark Curley
- 601 -
Claudio Menna
- 602 -
I found the ebay selling system works best when you stick to a few
items (at most), and are able to source them at a great price
(preferably in bulk). This way it takes you less time to answer
questions about the item, and postage and insurance prices are known on
the top of your head for each sale.
I used Jay's marketing philosophies and strategies, to create appealing
and catchy ebay adds. Ive found that many people on ebay dont
educate their customers with competitor and self past ebay auction
sale-prices, and how yours if better for them (value wise), as well as
RESULTS-wise, which is really what the customer wants in the long run.
I've also learned that customers do prefer higher priced items, if they
add far more value. In fact, most of my customers have been happier
buying 'higher priced' items, than lower priced ones (I received far
less emails to clarify regarding questions on higher priced items, than
lower priced ones).
I hoped this has helped by passing on some of the great business
distinctions I've received. God bless, and all the best with your
prosperous future business success!!
C. Menna
- 603 -
Craig Kestran
- 604 -
I am looking
Dale Green
- 605 -
Dave Elliott
- 606 -
Dave Elliott
Magic Touch Carpet Cleaners
Sales: under $100,000 yearly
- 607 -
David Adlard
- 608 -
- 609 -
- 610 -
David Ball
- 611 -
Our clients would call when they needed an appointment and we would schedule them in. They might
come in every six to eight to ten weeks or wait longer. The optimum schedule for haircuts is every four to
six weeks for most people.
We used the same method for increasing client visit frequency as we did for selling retail products. When
the stylist took the client to the front desk, she would tell the client, I need to see you back in six weeks to
maintain that style. The recommendation might have been for four, five, or six weeks depending on the
client. But the bottom line is that we just told the client when they needed to be back in order to maintain
their desired style.
Our appoint books went from being filled up only a couple of days in the future to being filled up five
weeks into the future.
Strategic Alliance
We have formed one Strategic Alliance with a women only fitness center. So far we have sent referral
letters to our clients on her behalf and she sent referral letters to her clients on our behalf. The truth is, I
wrote both letters and handled the mailings. She proofed the letters that were to be from her and agreed to
the content. The only way it was going to get done was for us to make it effortless on her part and do all
the work. It is a promotion that is only a few weeks old, but we have already had positive results.
Market Research
The biggest breakthrough has been in our learning to ask the clients for what they want. We have begun to
tailor the services to the clients needs, not to a standard menu. We have no data yet as to what the positive
impact will be on our numbers, as this is a new tactic for us.
- 612 -
David Cruz
- 613 -
profitability even further. The end result by June 2002, is a 226% improvement in our
monthly sales versus November 2001, and it appears that the only way to go is higher
4. What we learned is that we don't have to reinvent the wheel by developing new products
or developing new customers when there are easier ways to do this through partnerships,
alliances and building other "pillars", which can strengthen the business' foundation for a
long time. Also, we now know that one idea can be multiplied many times over to
generate returns in multiples instead of a straight linear growth.
Thank you Jay, and am looking forward to others' testimonies on how they used their techniques
to build their respective businesses.
David Cruz
General Manager
- 614 -
David Miskimin
- 615 -
David Moorlag
- 616 -
David Morgan
- 617 -
Our solution to date has been to make an offer of "The first 5 tables for the price of
3". Effectively a 40% discount.
Running this into our full database (we have 25,000 contacts 80% of whom have
responded to our advertising) we have achieved an immediate 1.5% order rate on
our first mailings. With testing and refinement, I am sure that this can be raised to
2-3%. If we want to narrow our market sector selection we can improve it to 510%. And I think that our response will hold up with regular mailings (although to
date this is just a gut feeling).
We make a 10% margin even with the offer. So we break even on the campaign,
even at just the 1.5% response. So, for every $100 spent we create an average of 2
new customers, each with a lifetime value of around $1,500.
That is without applying any of your other techniques to increase the lifetime value.
I am confident that this one technique will build us back to a $1,000,000 company
over the next 12 months. We will be adding new approaches to our advertising
techniques as well, which I am sure will improve our response rates and conversion
rates. So, like the Phoenix from the ashes, I am confident of a strong future for the
table business.
Personally I am passing this over to a Business Development Manager to take
forward and I am working on some other projects in parallel, using your principles.
Thank you for your outstanding insights and for having the generosity and energy to
share them widely. They have opened my eyes and I send people your way when I
have the chance.
Yours David
PS. Due to an internal discussion in the office, we tested the effect of dropping the
PS on the letter (which reads "This really is a good opportunity to get some strong
light tables, with a no risk 5 year total satisfaction return guarantee, for the price of
cheap rubbish"). Our response dropped by 300% to less than 0.5%. What more can
I say!
PPS I love the Mastermind concept that you suggested in a recent email. I do not
think that I am ready for that yet. But do you have enough customers in the UK to
run that here?
David Morgan
Mobilite International Ltd
PO Box 236, Oxford OX2 6XU
Tel 44 (0)870 241 0729
Fax 44 (0)870 241 0730
- 618 -
David Sobers
Dear Jay,
Here's my success story:
After receiving various tips from you I hit upon the idea of marketing bouquets of fresh
cut flowers to various retail establishments like convenience stores, hotels, independent
gas stations, etc. I offer the flowers to these retail outlets on a consignment basis. They
pay me only for the flowers they sell. Since they have no up front costs and no risk, they
are usually quite willing to try this. The flowers brighten up their stores and make them
additional profit.
Before trying this it is important to check out state laws concerning requirements for
agricultural licenses or permits to sell plants and/or flowers. In New Mexico one needs to
purchase a license for each location where the flowers will be sold. A license costs $50
and must be renewed every September. That means that timing is important. If you
started in July or August, you could waste a lot of money on permits that would have to
be renewed in September.
You need to find a flower importer who is willing to be flexible and help you get started.
It is also important not to put in more flowers than will sell in a day or two. This you can
learn only by trial and error. Start by putting in fewer than you think will sell. Otherwise
you will wind up throwing out much of your potential profit.
The advantage of providing flowers on consignment to many locations is that you avoid
the overhead of having to have your own retail store while increasing your potential
dramatically because you can continually open up new locations. You can service many
locations in just a few hours a day.
Hope this provides inspiration for some of your readers, Jay.
All the best -- David Sobers, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 619 -
Dennis Klopfenstein
- 620 -
Now, 18 months later, after quitting my service job and re-mortgaging our new home and lake property to
finance my wild dream, I am happily restructuring and Jabrahaming Shetlers Wholesale Co. from top
to bottom. With the help of my Jabe files, tapes, CDs, and superstars, we are maintaining a sustainable
25% plus annual sales growth rate and will reach over $2 million in sales by 2002 year end.
Our Prioritized Accomplishments and Goals Using Jabes Information
Created a testing and tracking system for mailers and catalog mailing
10. Creating a mapping and tracking retail and dealer sales system
11. Computerizing UPS labeling, catalog design, and invoice printing (all previously done by hand)
12. Identifying Top 100 dealers (of 700+) and Top 1000 buying retail customers (of 2,200)
13. Attempting to soon roll out a newsletter type package stuffer for better communicating, upselling,
and grouping
As all of you Jabrahams already comprehend, this business is an ideal environment to facilitate all types
of improvements by completely systematizing, modernizing, and delegating responsibilities through
My Amish help (who only believe in a maximum of an eighth grade education) are intelligent, industrious,
innovative, moral, and eager to learn. We have already seen major improvements on both the income/sales
side as well as the expense reduction side. As we grow in sales over the next few years, we expect
increased efficiencies and bottom-line multiples.
Thanks Jay (Chet and Carl) for lighting my fuse!
Dennis R. Klopfenstein
Shetlers Wholesale Co.
General Merchandise and Variety Mail Order Catalog Business and Fulfillment Center
~$2.0 million annual sales
Message and phone: 260-824-5391
Mobile phone: 260-341-6185
Pager: 1-888-752-5679
- 621 -
Fax: 1-260-824-0933
- 622 -
Don Monteith
- 623 -
Don Winfield
- 624 -
Doug Parsell
Doug Parsell
- 625 -
Dov Gordon
- 626 -
Dr. Bonebrake
- 627 -
- 628 -
Patient visits went from 15 per week to 250 per week, and income from
$5,000 per month to $50,000 per month.
Staff went from one doctor and one part-time assistant to 4 doctors and
3 full time assistants.
Personal income has 3-4x'd.
We're continually tweeking to go for more by varying the report, exam
fee, and getting rid of ads that aren't performing well. Staff
performance is also tweeked continually, as well as paperwork.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors."
- 629 -
- 630 -
- 631 -
- 632 -
Ed Voorhaar
- 633 -
Elizabeth Morris
I begged and pleaded with friends and family to speak to people they
knew so that we could find a company where I could do some of my
specialist work at an advantageous rate to give me a story to take to
the press. I found one company willing to be 'experimented' on and got
started (it was a PR agency! who recognised that they would benefit
from some publicity in business journals too). I got some interesting
results and a nice story from the work and wrote it up for the press as
a case study. They used it and I got into three national newspapers
and BA Highlife magazine.
I got two fabulous leads from these and
converted those into 10,000 worth of business. Each of these has
subsequently lead to more work and their lifetime values are already in
the tens of thousands and will be in the hundreds of thousands of
I then used the next activity that made sense from a low cost point of
view and went for Referrals. I asked that agency to refer me to any
one they thought might benefit from the particular type of specialist
consultancy/training I do. I also asked the companies who came through
the press coverage to recommend me. Both these strategies worked and I
am now negotiating a 200,000 deal with a referral given to me by the
senior manager in one of these companies.
I now put a small request for referrals in all my literature and
workbooks and ask for them when I am with key influencers.
Once I had some activity and case studies under my belt I wrote up the
case studies some more and sent them into business and management
journals offering them as features and articles. This was taken up by
four national journals over the course of the first 18 months. Each
piece of coverage netted more enquiries and a converted 30% of them.
(sorry Jay, I didn't think to sell on the remaining 70% to competitors
for a commission at the time!).
Next I looked at the second way to grow a business. Raise your prices.
So I did. I raised them by one third - that went OK, I doubled the new
price - that was OK too that, and then doubled it again. I can still
sell my work easily at those rates. I will be trying out a new rate
next year which is 5 times my original rate and it looks set to be fine
with the market too. I am now recognised as name in my field and that
has helped a lot with the pricing of my products and services.
If you can write a book I think that it is worth doing. I have done
this and the Positioning power I have got from this is very
I am now also looking at the third way to grow a business - sell more
frequently to the clients I have. I have polished my core story and
set up a system whereby I make contact with my clients at least every
couple of months. I let them know what our new products and services
are, I let them know about changes in the business and I have started
to give them an update on significant research in the field of human
performance and learning (- this last is to help them out and keep them
educated and is part of my pre-eminence strategy.) I am now selling
far more long running programmes (more days guaranteed work with add-on
consultancy) than I used to a year or more ago when I was still selling
workshops, assessments and short sharp interventions that took me all
over the country and weren't very satisfying to do. This gives me much
Eric Lofholm
4. Back end sales - I recently created a few audiotapes/CD programs. This is a new income
stream because I didn't have product before. This month alone we have sold over
$5,000 worth of product.
5. Free Offers - I have 2 tremendous ebooks that I have written. Instead of selling the
books as most do I offer them for free because I have learned the value of the back end
from you. My list has grown to over 4,000 emails in the last 18 months as a direct result
of people downloading the ebook or subscribing to my free newsletter. Here is how it
works. I have 2 web sites. www.freegoalsettingbook.com and www.ericlofholm.com. On
the www.ericlofholm.com web site you are greeted with a pop up window. The window
says to receive this free ebook now enter your email address. You will also receive a
free subscription to Eric's sales and success e-newsletter. I advertise the ebooks in other
people's e-newsletters. Sometimes I pay for the ads. Sometimes they do it for free.
Sometimes I do ad swaps. Using this simple strategy my email list will exceed 100,000 in
the near future.
These are just of few examples of what I have done. I could probably provide another 20
ways if you need them.
As I mentioned earlier I will become the next Tom Hopkins. You marketing ideas have
played a big role in my development. If you would ever like me to be a guest speaker at your
bootcamp I would be happy to. I am an excellent speaker. I have delivered over 1,500
presentations during the last 6 years.
Eric Lofholm
Fabian Harris
Jay has lifted marketing and business technology into new dimensions, which drive down operating costs to
fractions and bring spectacular new values and service opportunities to my enterprises. Jay always acts
with fully integrated honesty and is a master at integrating reality and I love him for that.
Jay has always instilled an eagerness in me to study the works of Michael Gerber, Napoleon Hill, and Tony
Robbins and others and I am so grateful for the insights and profits Ive captured by taken heed. I can go
on for hours telling you how Jay has changed my life, my mindset, and my income. But most of all it
seems Jay has become a close friend of mine who encourages, prods, and gives you all the information
necessary to propel your business into a quantum leap of mastery of commerce.
Thanks again Jay for the journey and discovery to be the best I can be!
Truly Sincerely Yours,
Fabian C. Harris
Investors National Funding Corp.
12 Person Real Estate Development Company
Mobile: 708-296-9092
Office: 630-684-0312
PS: Jay I want to be in that Number of the Elite! Presently, divorce and a daughter at Stanford Law,
another at Xavier U., another moving through prep school, then a son on the USS Enterprise in the gulf has
my finances in chaos. Yet to work more closely with you would be an honor!
Frances Summers
satisfied with the value of the seminar. I believe this helped increase the attendance at the
seminars, although no one asked for a refund.
The second Abraham method was the use of back-end sales. The minimal professional fee I
took for presenting the seminar wasnt the only profit. Just one back-end sale of product netted
$6,500. Not bad for part of a days work, especially considering that the Chamber also received
significant benefit!
Theres a post-script to this story. The Chamber Director has moved on, and his Executive
Assistant (one of the staffers whose job had previously been at risk) has been named as Director.
Yesterday her Assistant called me and requested that we schedule three more seminars. I didnt
need to do any marketing, persuasion or selling they called me!! We have one tentatively
scheduled for late October, the second in January, 2003 and the third in April, 2003. When
youre thinking about how you can benefit the customer, instead of thinking about what you need
and want, great things happen! Thanks, Jay, for your positive mindset, as well as highly effective
Frances Summers, MS, CRC
Certified Executive Coach
PO Box 4128
Francis Ansah
Thank you Jay. Your tapes on Wealth Creation from Nightingale Conant
have been the best investment on audio tape I have ever made.
You have my permission to print this testimony.
Best regards
Francis Ansah
Frank Balkovec
lifetime value of a client I went ahead and warranty the system for him. He was so delighted that he
referred three new clients.
Jay through your training and coaching I had come to the realization that a client really needs to be looked
out for, their is nothing more important in business than knowing that people I have as clients know that I
care for them.
Success really is a decision and being able to go the distance for people is what business is all about.
Service Driven.
Another concept that brought in a small windfall of $3500 was partnering in a strategic alliance. Expressing
the benefits and the advantages of the deal made everyone involved a winner.
PEQ I & II are so powerful, repetition of the data has really eliminate mental blocks, enhance personal
power and transformed how I conduct business. Even though being a small business I know if I continue to
utilize your methods, results can only occur.
Thank You Jay Abraham.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavors.
With respect & gratitude
Frank Balkovec
FNB Enterprises
Frederick Mann
Frederick Mann
In your head you may have a "program" about how fast your earnings,
business, and/or achievements can grow. "10% per year" is a typical
"growth program." Such a program may hold you back! Would you like to
achieve and/or earn TEN TIMES as much as you are now achieving and/or
earning? If your answer is "YES!" find out how at:
Geary Morales
Geary Morales
----- Original Message ----From: Geary Morales
To: Jay Abraham
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 5:31 PM
Hi Jay,
Thanks for the case study testimonial extension.
Although you might not be aware of this I've consistently "apostled" in
behalf of your brilliance for the last ten years.
We have indeed spoke on a couple of times on the phone (one regarding
the CPA Club in the early 90's and the other a few years back in
promoting your hard cover book's national sales rollout)
I've got at least a DOZEN case studies that I've gleaned from you.. but
today I'm only to give you one ... and it's good!
Case Study:
I was asked to assist this local chamber of commerce to get new members
as well as sell existing members an irresistible offer to:
1) Purchase a booth at their annual "Business Expo," which would
feature businesses within the community.
2) Renew their membership 2 months in advance if they weren't
interested in purchasing a booth.
3) For non-members sign up 2 months in advance irregardless of a
booth purchase
The Expo was in October of that year (and chamber memberships usually
renewed on the 1st of the following year)
Here's what I did...
1) Wrote a compelling direct response sales letter to all the
businesses in the Greenfield, WI business community.
This is the essence of what we offered...
a) For existing members, (who weren't interested in purchasing a
trade booth for the upcoming Expo) I offered them a BONUS "The
Unfair Advantage Letter Book" a 200 + page compendium of
direct response brilliance manual created by Bill Myers retail priced at $129.00 if they renewed their following years
membership dues 2 MONTHS in advance.
b) To motivate those existing members who were interested in
purchasing an Expo Booth I offered them the BONUS if they
Your Friend
Geary Morales
" Your Marketing, Media & Productivity Consultant at Work "
P.O.Box 070382
Milwaukee, WI 53207
by the way...I own the reprint rights to Bills "Unfair Advantage
Book" which at the time cost me only $10 to reproduce and basically
gave it away to the Chamber as a free will gesture - I only charged
them $20 for each manual - for the $129.00 perceived value to the
business community)
George Christenakis
George Platt
Im sure you are worrying about all the people that will take advantage of you when in reality only a few
people will ever call you on it. Only 20% of rebates are redeemed. Make it a no brainer for prospects to
work with you and they will.
Over the years I have home studied most of Jays programs and went live to The Ultimate Marketing
Research Laboratory (UMRL). I always get value from Jays work. The PEQ effort with Chet (John)
Holmes helped bridge the gap between Jays 40,000 feet ideas to Chets street wise implementation.
I have implemented just 2 of Jays concepts well and quadrupled my business. Another quadruple and Im
a $80 million dollar business. Im on my way.
The Harty Press, Inc
Commercial Printing
George R. Platt, President
Gilles Gauvin
James McKnight
Jeff Busch
John Bishop
John Davis
Dream Clients
The Dream Client concept has been highly successful for us. We had done some of this in the past, but
without a system and never measured. After PEQ-I we began to systemize this concept.
Each of our 4 salespeople picked out their top 10 revenue-producing clients. They were instructed to
contact each client a minimum of once a month. This could be by phone, personal visit, or mail. We began
to, each week, record the interaction and results of such contacts. The results were astounding.
First measured week: more than $8,000 in additional sales to these clients!
Second measured week: more than $5,000 in additional sales to these clients!
The beat goes on
The turnaround for us was:
As with the Dream Client concept, we are continuing to develop our upsell system.
We have each salesperson log all contacts and upsell attempts. For example, if we prune your trees, upsell
Deep Root fertilization. If we fertilize your trees, we upsell tree pruning or other listed tree health items.
Even though this is still in the development stage, we are seeing tremendous results.
First measured week: approximately 10% increase in sales by upsells alone; approximately $4,500.
Second measured week: Approximately 8% sales increase; approximately $3,000
This is dollars increase on high profit items as we are developing our system. The increase is expected to
be at least 30% when we get this system perfected.
Again the difference for us was:
1. Weekly workshops on this subject
2. Critique each salesperson interaction
3. Role playing
John Dunn
Windsor, CT.
John Gallagher
John Shea
John Skorczewski
before with only modest result. But this time I tested it using one of
Jay's tactics from Stealth Marketing. He says to tell the customers
WHY you are offering them the discount.
So I very frankly told them in my letter why I was offering them this
discount. Which was because it was Christmas and I wanted to go out
and blow a lot of money on gifts and the software is downloadable so it
doesn't really cost me anything to sell to them at such a discount.
I was amazed. The feedback I got was incredible. Not only did I get
more orders then from any other promotion I've ever run (82 orders
within 2 to 3 days out of 1,000 emails sent) but people kept emailing
me, telling me their stories, how they could relate as it does
sometimes "get tight around Christmas" etc.
82 orders out of 1,000 sent may not seem much, but that's front end.
I continue to sell to these people over and over via backend.
With their initial barrage of email I've been able to cultivate several
working relationships with some of these customers which to me is pure
gold. The more you get to know your customers the easier it is to sell
to them in the future.
I'm convinced it was the story more than the price discount that worked
so well. And that technique was straight from Jay.
Thanks Jay,
John Skorczewski
CEO Market-Tek Enterprises, Inc. http://www.Submission-Spider.com
John Williamson
[Photo of
Dear Customer,
To receive a box of FREE jam donuts you need only answer a couple
of simple questions ... and thankfully the question above isnt one
of them!
Announcing: A change from the boring lunchtime routine
With over 200 work day lunches to think about each year its
quite possible that, from time to time, you and your colleagues are
going to feel starved of lunchtime choice or maybe just hungry for
a change of routine.
Thats when everyone will be glad that YOU returned our little
Because as soon as we receive it back well not only deliver a
box of FREE jam donuts - just in time for your next tea break - but
well also send copies of our latest FREE Delivery Service menu and
enough special offer vouchers for everyone to get a great deal on
tomorrows lunch.
And thats not all - there are FREE cream cakes on Friday too!
Introducing - the Have Your Cake & Eat It Club
Join our special club
boring meetings to attend, NO
funny handshakes to learn ...
buy your lunch from us on any
Membership of the Have Your Cake & Eat It Club is FREE BUT you
must join this week. So, if you want FREE cream cakes on Fridays
fax back the questionnaire NOW!
Logo etc
Jon Davies
Jonathan Bradshaw
Strategic Analysis
After listening to the CDs, I began scouring our computer system for numbers and facts and figures about
out business cycles and customers and average lifetime span and lifetime worth assessment, etc, etc, etc.
When that was done, I put together a 50 page PowerPoint Slide Show and took it into the office. It showed
where our business had begun, January 1, 1987, and where we had grown it to earlier this year (January
ONE source of income, we went to work and began pulling in and utilizing resources that we had allowed
to sit idle for years. We now have in place three other ways to bring in income, spreading out our liability
and strengthening our financial stability base.
Old/New Recruiting
Previous to Jay, we had limited our recruiting efforts to several times a year, major pushes right before
colleges and universities re-opened in the Fall and Spring. With an agency like ours, the resources
(interpreters) are all a part of a pool of people who are available to the whole community. If you dont
snatch them up in time, they go to work for other agencies in the area, and are effectively out of the work
pool. Because we waited, we would sometimes find ourselves short when it came time to start the Fall and
Spring semesters.
After Jays CDs, we implemented a referral generating system utilizing printed materials, mailing lists,
targeted mailings, flyers, word-of-mouth, internet postings, newsgroups, message boards, and headhunting bonuses offered to our employees. We had an influx of interpreters that more than matched our
needs for this coming up semester.
Lessons Learned
Jay stressed the importance of looking internally and getting the highest and best use of all of the internal
resources, maximizing the use of all of the company assets, before ever going outside of the company and
looking to make improvements.
Jay stressed over and over again about Geometric Growth of your business. Taking this principle and
seeing how it has impacted our thought patterns has given us a renewed sense of purpose and vitality.
We have begun asking for and using endorsements from our long-term customers, and have had some very
positive feedback from those efforts. Additionally, we have begun to develop some strategic alliances with
other agencies in other parts of the Mid-West, as well as the East and West coast.
Near the end of one of his CDs, Jay posed a series of questions in order to spark the thought processes of
those listening. They sparked mine! One lesson I took away was that of on-going introspection, not just a
once-a-year process, but almost a daily questioning of self motivation, thought processing, quick-check
Another lesson learned was that of traveling outside of your own industry, and getting rid of tunnelvision and replacing it with funnel-vision. Tunnel-vision sees only what is around it and looks to others
in your particular field or business sector for examples of how they do their thing. Funnel-vision
broadens that scope and looks to see how other businesses, in un-related fields do their thing, and then
emulating their successes.
A few slides of the PowerPoint focused on the almost militaristic approach and view of businesses and
companies in comparison to ours. Jay used the term force multiplier effect to tie in to how businesses
could utilize not just one of the principles, but by implementing several of them at once, could hammer
the competition and bring about an engineered breakthrough.
In closing, these are just a few of the ideas and 27-some pages of material all condensed down into several
pages. Suffice to say that Jays materials and the ideas that it subsequently sparked have enabled us to take
control of a business that was feeling the pinches from both the economic slowdown and the after-effects of
September 11, 2001. We have seen our business resurge and there is a new vitality and sense of movement
that was not present before the implementation of these ideas and action plans.
We have recouped many times over the initial cost of the set of CDs from Nightingale Covenant in net
worth of ideas and strategies that will continue to impact our business for many years to come! Thank you
Jonathan Bradshaw
Business Manager Marketing Director
Jose Boesch
Kean Wong
The JV:
Peter and Jason quickly joined forces to create a 3 and half day seminar covering motivation, success
strategies, health and financial success through investment property. Leveraging off Peters database of
clients, what they discovered was that at the time, with the property market booming, people were more
interested in learning about investment property rather than health, or feel good strategies. So instead of
having 1 day on investment property, they rearranged the course to be half a day of success/motivational
strategies and 3 days of investment property education. They had discovered and tested the market to find
the right formulae.
Drawing from Peters previous client base, a select group were screened to become the investment
consultants. Jason and Peter needed to convert the leads and needed a lot of help to do it. The incentive
for these consultants who were only paid on performance was a cut of the seminar fees, insiders access to
prime investment property and the potential upside of listing the company. The selection process was of
course grueling and only the most committed were chosen. Intensive 4 day training seminars were
implemented and eventually a team was set up who would master the tactical close Results speak the
Truth do you have any results at the moment? If not, what have you got to lose by attending this risk free
The very first 4 day seminar had about 200 attendees (there was about a 25% conversion ratio for those
who went along to the 1 hour free consultations). Interestingly, only about 15 wanted their money back
that first 4 day seminar.
But the amazing thing was, just near the end of this seminar almost half the attendees signed up for a
$20,000 seminar a Property developers 7 day Bootcamp. Once again it was a similar formulae, small
upfront payment, and better than money back guarantee risk reversal offer. Jasons ability to sell was
simply incredible.
This occurred not just in one city, but was replicated in 2 other major cities in Australia, and around 3-4
times a year at each venue.
But the sales process didnt end therebeing overloaded with all that knowledge and specific strategies
(the course came with a folder 2 inches thick) it was clear that most people wouldnt be able to implement
what they had learnt. Even with all the contracts spelt out and the perfect scripts written out, very few
people had the time, confidence and experience to negotiate the discounts with developers or develop and
present professional business plan like valuations to get the 110% financing from bankers etc (this is
despite interest rates being at historic low, and an environment of easy money.)
They had already been sold the why and what and now the how was made simple for them - just
come along to another free personal consultation and well see whether we can save you the hassles and
provide you with the perfect investment property for your individual circumstances. After all, they had
spent 4 days telling you the truth in very specific detail about what it really takes to get the ideal property
deal and as we know if you educate, educate and educatehalf the job of selling is already done.
The thing was, even though attendees knew that there probably was a 5% margin on the properties sold to
them, they didnt care because they still felt they were given a good deal on boutique property that had
considerable perceived value added on to it. In the process, a $300,000 town house would yield another
$15,000 profit from each attendee who signed up for these off the plan boutique investment properties
the waiting list was growing each week (around 1 in 3 signed upin most cases just the 1 property).
Traditionally, agents would sell, or investment property marketers would run free seminars to sell their
properties. Here was a situation where people were not only willing to pay thousands of dollars to develop
the knowledge of what and how to buy but then in most cases would end up buying from the guru who
taught them in the first place. The fact is most people would prefer to pay other people to do things for
them. Its really no different from the IT consulting industry that charges thousands of dollars of
consulting fees before reaping more from selling other peoples solutions and charging implementation fees
on top of it(eg Accenture selling Siebel CRM software solutions)
But it didnt end thereit was clear there was only so much quality properties Jason could source from
developers and it wasnt long before prices had become too high. His next goal was to teach people the
sales/marketing and investment banking secrets (listing companies etc) he had accumulated over the years.
He was simply teaching people what he had implemented over the years. By now, these business
development bootcamps that were coupled with 12 month coaching programs were sold for $15,000 (About
$7,500 US).
It was more than just information though he was creating a networking forum that facilitated businesses
with similar mindsets to create effective joint venture partnershipsa real B 2 B forum. Through this
forum, Jason was able to tap into attendees database of clients so he could continue marketing his
information seminars to an almost unlimited market. To date, according to his own statistics, over 30,000
people have attended his seminars from the $59 intro nights, all the way up to the $20,000 7 day boot
camps. Adult education is truly the number one fastest growing industry by far. People are hungry for
knowledge and are willing to pay for it.
Please Note:
For the purposes of this case study, names have been modified and figures are personal estimates only
drawn from publicly available information as well as from inside sources.
Keith Green
Kelvin Parker
Ken Farley
do so. Also, the station had certain budget restraints but needed to
increase the hours of some of their part-time staff. So I structured
my agreement with them in such a way that I would be paid well for my
time on a part-time basis, yet leave them with additional financial
resources to share with other staff members. It would be a win-win
situation for all parties involved.
Needless to say a few weeks after the meeting I was notified that my
proposal looked good and they were ready to sign on board as a client.
That was a month ago, and I'm now on my way to fulfilling my dreams and
goals of doing something I love and believe in, and have the
opportunity to work for myself.
I totally believe that God has opened these doors for me to walk
through and that applying your principals will get me down that path
much more effectively and efficiently than I could do otherwise.
Ken Farley
Farley Communications
2052 Upland Drive
Franklin, TN 37067
(615) 791-9813
Ken Lochner
Kevin Berryman
Mark Lopez
competitive market I am
tool in closing sales and
a catering job we:
Fourth, we show up just before lunch time and surprise them with
enough food to feed 5% of the total number of guests the had
originally asked about.
Sixth, our catering sales person stays and has lunch with the 5%
group to help answer questions as well as pointing out the value
in what we offer.
Ninth, of the 90% about 20% of these clients make up 50% or more
of our yearly sales.
Matt Thomas
the 2001 MLB campaign for 37,554 ad impressions to generate 597 click-throughs (a 1.59%
Well, its not hard to see that roughly half the cost generated a significant increase in visits for us
from virtually nothing to a few hundred from spring 2000 to spring 2001. And if you do the
math, you also see that doubling the spending from spring 2001 to fall 2001 both trebled the
number of click-throughs and increased the CTR by roughly 50%. Of course, we did more than
simply double our spending from spring 2001 to fall 2001: In fall 2001, we took a close look at
what sort of ads were competing against ours on Google search engine results pages. Almost all
were for gambling sites or ticket-broker sites. They SCREAMED at readers with capital letters.
They were rife with !!!exclamation marks!!! Finally and most importantly their text never, ever
changed, from the beginning of the playoff run to the end. During the 2001 World Series, it
dawned on us that we could update our ad text from Historical victory probabilities in best-of-7
playoff series to How teams down 2-0 do in Game 3 at home (and recall that the 2001 New
York Yankees faced just that situation after two games of the 2001 World Series). Guess what?
Even though Google limits you to 25 characters in the headline and 35 characters/line in a twoline ad, you still have plenty of space to craft an updated message based on the evolving state of
your subject matter. With no limit on the number of updates, we updated our ad early and often.
Now, in 2001 World Series Game 6, in which Arizona blew out the Yankees in the early innings
en route to a double-digit victory, ad response was sluggish. But in Games 4 and 5, in which the
Yankees overcame two-run deficits with two out in the bottom of the ninth en route to dramatic
comeback victories, our ads proclaiming the Yankee comebacks drew CTRs nearing 10%.
Better yet was yet to come, and it came in spring 2002. Jay, youve talked about paying for
results instead of paying for advertising. Google must have been listening, because they
introduced an advertising program called Select. With Select, ads had to meet tighter content
standards, and had to maintain a CTR of 0.5% or greater. But, instead of $15 per thousand
impressions, we now paid a certain amount per click-through. That amount fell between $0.05
and whatever maximum we set (usually, $0.50). Since April 2002, we have used the Select
program to run a 2002 NBA campaign and a 2002 NHL campaign. Unlike spring 2001, weve
kept these campaigns going after the spring 2002 playoff runs ended simply because the
campaigns still do well enough to warrant their continuance. From mid-April 2002 through July
2002, weve spent a total of $450 on these campaigns (the actual amount is very close to that
which we spent two years ago on the six 1-minute radio ads). Results? For the 2002 NHL
campaign, we have through July spent $219.26 for 187,909 ad impressions to generate 1564
click-throughs (a 0.8% CTR) and for the 2002 NBA campaign, we have through July spent
$232.11 for 58,086 ad impressions to generate 1280 click-throughs (a 2.2% CTR). The NHL
numbers are lower because we did a lot of experimenting within the 2002 NHL campaign, using
generic keyword phrases such as best of that generated a ton of impressions but very few clickthroughs, given simply the too-broad nature of such a keyword phrase. The 2002 NBA
campaign, however, had a CTR that was 1/3 higher than that of the 2001 MLB campaign, and
double that of the corresponding 2001 NBA campaign. Jay, I know that youre a bigger fan of
direct-response ads than of branding ads, and that makes sense. Still: For double the money on
each campaign, paying for results instead of just for advertising netted us not double but 15 times
(15,603 245,995) the number of WhoWins.com impressions, and not double but 17 times (163
2844) the number of click-throughs. In a sense, those 245,995 2844 = 243,151 ad
impressions in 2002 that failed to produce a click-through are much greater than the 15,603 163
= 15,440 in 2001, but for only double the price Ill console myself with the orders-of-magnitudegreater branding advertising, thanks very much.
Let me end with how well we did during the last game of the 2002 NBA Finals. Basketball fans
may recall that the Los Angeles Lakers dominated the New Jersey Nets during this series,
sweeping the Nets 4-games-nil. Thus, in Game 4, one might have expected a general apathy
toward the game. On 12 June 2002 (the date of the game), our Google NBA ad had produced 22
click-throughs on 543 impressions (4.0% CTR) up to game time. Periodically during Game 4, we
updated our ad on Google to reflect the state (score, period, time left) of the game, while
checking within the Google Select system for updated ad performance results. From the
beginning through the end of 2002 NBA Finals Game 4, here is how the WhoWins.com ad
performed for the keyword phrases NBA playoffs and Lakers Nets:
(start game) 22
(end game) 50
Instant CTR
Now, admittedly, these leaps in Instant CTR took place only during the game itself, for at the end
of 12 June 2002, we had a one-day total of 61 click-throughs from 1435 impressions for a 4.2%
CTR. Nevertheless: Note that pp. 33-34 of the March 2002 Online Advertising Update: A Review
of Research Data Measuring the Growth and Effectiveness of Online Advertising in the US by
New York-based eMarketer (www.emarketer.com) says that Today, most industry experts agree
that less than 1% of all web ads get clicked on. eMarketer places the current click-through rate at
0.3% . Reference is made to a Nielsen//NetRatings June 2001 study citing top banner CTRs of
only 0.22% at home and 0.14% at work. It is later conceded that consumer and businessdirected online campaigns, particularly highly targeted ones, have garnered click-through rates in
the range of 1% - 3%, or even higher. Indeed: With that sorry news, how can we not be happy
with our wonderful results in general, and with the 12 June 2002 results in particular?
Jay, I believe that we brought your mindset to bear in enacting this advertising strategy. You say
that we make the rules we live by; you teach the importance of having a U.S.P.; you emphasize
the importance of testing ads and their headlines; you note how important it is to enrich and
ethically bribe the customer (which we have done through our free web site content). And yet, I
believe that we have much more room for implementing your strategies and methods. With the
information-rich Google Select data at our disposal, we still need to undertake a rigorous testing
procedure in the vein of that supported by W. Edwards Deming (and complemented by the
orthogonal arrays of Genichi Taguchi, so as to optimize the testing process itself). We still need
to formulate an ideal strategy for partnering with sports radio in North America. And we ultimately
need to extend these efforts to producing and selling an actual product. It is with hope and
optimism that we approach these tasks following your leads, we are (if youll forgive the pun)
Who Wins. The information contained herein is truthful and verifiable, and if it is of use to your
promotional and marketing endeavors, then you certainly have our permission to use it in support
of such endeavors.
Most sincerely,
Matt Thomas
Mike Brassil
boards, Chat rooms, News groups, Cookies, Search engines, Crawlers, Electronic data
interchange and much more.
Beta tests have been very encouraging.
If you are interested in seeing first hand how one of your disciples has put several of your
principles to good use, I would be happy to send you copies of The Ultimate Guide and
my E-marketing plan.
Best wishes,
Michael Brassil
1140 Chavaniac
St. Louis, MO 63011
(636) 391 1118
Mike Wilkie
after the P.S., and P.P.S. Of course, we used the same mailing list,
but only mailed to 1,000 locations. Total cost...about $500.
I was much younger then, and the President, C.E.O., and Vice President
of Sales were all typically skeptical. In fact, our C.E.O. at the
time, laughed at the letter and proclaimed it would be a flop.
Forty seven calls in the first two days! That's right, we sold nearly
200 units the first day the letter hit. Over the next 30 days, we
mailed the entire list, and within two months, we were sold out of our
commercial descramblers... anxiously awaiting another truckload for our
newfound business opportunity. We averaged an 11% response rate on the
letter, and an unheard of 32% close rate on those calls. Incredibly,
one in ten of the callers, said they just had to talk to Greg because
they had never receive such an honest and straightforward presentation.
As you might guess, no one was laughing then!
This is simply the most vibrant example I can give. But what I have
learned from the Jay Abraham lessons, books, reports, and
teleconferences, has affected me and the companies I have worked with
immeasurably. Why is it immeasurable? Because you can't put a dollar
figure on a mindset change. You can't measure the money you save by
averting major marketing mistakes before they happen. You can't attach
a value to the opportunities you earn via the respect success affords
you. Sure, I've had failures over the years, as has Jay, but the
successes have far outweighed them.
No matter how you slice it, Jay Abraham knows more about teaching
results than any single person I've ever met. Why? Because Jay
delivers results...time and time again!
Best of luck Jay...although I know from experience luck won't have much
to do with your results.
Mike Wilkie
Vice President of Marketing
RS&I, Inc.
P.S. Jay, my statements are true and provable and you have my
permission to use my testimonial in your promotional and marketing
Millard Grubb
Paul Grimm
(1) Each Thursday during the garden center season (May - October) we send out
Springvale Star Performers Members our weekly "Hotlist" of the 8 - 12 best items for
that week. This is done by fax or E-mail. The client reviews the list and faxes back an
order by Monday noon which is processed and delivered that week, stocking their stores
with great product before the weekend..
(2) Our Members are provided with retail pricing, point of sale materials, product display
modules and a telephone hotline for product and marketing support.
(3) All product is sold to our Members at landed pricing (giving our clients a competitive
(4) All product is provided on a guaranteed sale basis, if it doesn't sell we will take it
back at our cost (minimal risk to our clients).
This has allowed our clients to order with confidence, have the best possible stock
available throughout the season and to increase both sales and profits!
The program is marketed through a series of sales letters, phone follow-up and through a
number of other venues including trade shows and direct sales. After attending the PEQ
program this past winter we recently engaged a new 'Sales Superstar" and have been
marketing the program directly to our 'Dream 100' list with dramatic results. So far this
year we have increased our sales through the program by 55% and have increased total
Star Performers members by 78%! This is pretty exceptional considering that we were
almost into the season before hiring our Sales Superstar.
As of this date we are already selling the program for 2003 and have set our sights on
doubling our sales and numbers of clients on the program next year. Based on this
season's results we are pretty convinced that this is quite achievable. This has been our
most successful "Abraham Driven" initiative with continued potential for future growth.
As an added bonus we are giving away a Caribbean Vacation for two to our top achieving
Springvale Star Performers Member!
Prepared by Paul H. Grimm, President
Springvale Nurseries
Box 157 Berwick, N.S, Canada B0P 1E0
Phone 902-537-7542
Fax 902-538-3448
Phil LaHaye
Ray ODonnell
Yours truly,
Ray O'Donnell
BCG Interactive, Inc.
3017 Douglas Blvd., Suite 300
Roseville, CA 95661
(916) 788-7205
P.S. Please feel free to publish my story in any of your marketing and
client materials.
Raymond Imaican
The first method that we used was to tell the 5 points process that we
used to ensure the buyer get their quality product.
In one of our slightly used air purifier product, we decided to change
our advertising. The idea was borrowed from the scientific of
advertising, where the small beer company told how their beer was made.
We told our potential customers that they are buying a slightly used
air purifier. We removed most of the features of the products since
most of the buyer reading our advertisement probably had read three or
more of other similar ads, The products' pictures were retained.
Actually we were the only one who put up lots of pictures taken from
different angles, that showed the use of the products. Since we
reduced the picture resolution, we were able to have 4 to 6 pictures in
our pages without slowing down the speed.
To come out with the process, we took 100 of the purifier we received
and put them into our quality control test. First we told the buyer
that when we received our products, we will do a visual inspection on
them. We look for excessive wear and tear, damage parts, and the
overall cleanliness. We reject all that appears as excessive used and
returned them to the manufacturer. Our rejection rate is 8% during
this process.
Then we put all that had passed the visual inspection to our 72-hours
burn-in test. We showed the picture of our purifiers lined up and
under the 72 hour endurance test. We explained to them that usually if
the electronic parts were to fail, they usually fail within these 72
continuous burn-in time. At the end of our endurance test, we sent
back the failure units to the manufacturer. So out of the remaindering
92 units, 8 failed. So this process eliminated another 11.96%.
Then we told the buyer that we brushed clean the grills and housing of
the purifiers, thoroughly cleaned the cleaning rods, let dried before
put them in the original product box. Then we told them that
instruction manuals were checked at this time. Missing manual were
replaced at this stage, making sure customer will get manual with their
Then we told them that we put their product (with its color box) into
another shipping box with packing material before they are shipped to
the customer, so that the color box is clean when they received it,
with no shipping label, return address and the dirt that picked up
during shipping, which is excellent to present as gift.
On top of that, we also told them that although the products were
inspected to our highest standard, cleaned and burn-in for 72 hours, we
still allow them for an exchange if the product is not working due to
the shipping damage.
Then we ask them to make their decision.
Do they want to buy a unit that had not been visually inspected, passed
the 72-hour endurance test, thoroughly cleaned, replaced manual if
missing, shipped in an additional shipping box for extra protection,
and an exchange policy in case the product were damaged during
shipping? Do they want to buy from us which have a high quality
control process that rejected the 19.96% failure rate or do they want
to take their chance to buy from other and be the victim of the 19.96%?
As a result of pointing out the failure rate, (which is nearly 20%)
they might be buying from, and the 30 days exchange warranty we
offered, we took a two weeks period to calculate the finding. The
result is that our sales had increased for about 28%. We considered
this an achievement viewing that we don't sell the lowest price, and we
were number one seller of this product in term of product turnover for
that period of time. (At that time, there were one or two other seller
said they have a 24-hour and 48-hour burn-in period and one of them is
offering 30-days exchange policy)
Another strategy we used was "setting the buying criteria and educating
buyer": We have another brand new product under testing which we have
difficulty selling them because other people are selling used unit and
claimed as brand new, and sell at about 22.94% discount from ours.
Every auction that we do not sell cost us listing fees, and they added
up quickly.
So we decided to tell the buyer by educating them how to tell a real
brand new from a fake brand new. Since the unit is large and do not
have shrink wrap on it, it really can't tell much between the two.
Initially we used brand new in title and it was copied almost
immediately by competitor who offered not brand new item. Then we
carefully go through the product and try to find the different between
the used and New.
After careful study, we noticed 5 main differences. So we changed our
title and copy. We pointed out to them that whether they buy from us
or not, these are the 5 points they must ask the seller to be sure they
are buying a genuine brand new unit and not used unit claimed as brand
We took the 5 pictures that showed the product must have to qualify as
brand new. Within 2 days, one of the competitor took 75% of their
listing that sell as brand new down and stopped selling the brand new
products. Sales picked up immediately. We measured over a two weeks
period and find that we were number one in this product. We calculated
that we were losing money in term of listing fee to increased our sales
by about 35%.
Another funny thing happened. One or two seller changed their copy and
said something like these: "... our units have the same red seal on the
product and the red seal on the product bag, we also have complete
manual .....". We set the buying criterias and other seller started
using ours as a standard to compare with.
Not only that, we also received emails from both buyers and potential
buyers that thanks us for telling them how to buy brand new product and
not to be ripped off by used product claimed as brand new.
We at NoFearInternetMarketing.com hope that by sharing our little
experiences on how we use Jay's method to increase sale from ebay--a
place well-known for bargain hunters and fierce competition-- can help
some of our friends with applying or considering applying Jay's methods
in their business.
Raymond Linton
But I only
The result was amazing. Over 23% said they were in the market to buy,
gave us details of what they were looking for and how much they had
available to invest. And many said how much they enjoyed reading the
In my letter I also asked if they knew of anyone who might also be
interested in retiring earlier and richer. I got another stream of
names to add to my mailing list.
Then I started offering back-end products such as title insurance and
buildings and contents insurance. I set up a mortgage brokerage.
So where am I now?
It's four years since Jay made me realize that I wasn't in the real
estate business, but in the business of marketing. And that there is a
totally different type of marketing for a small business that isn't
trying to create an image, but trying to get direct response.
We have investors from all over the world. From 27 countries at the
last count. We have a mailing list of more than 18,300.
My staff of three has grown to 27 with 34 planned by next year. Our
office building of 4,600 square feet (which I now own free and clear)
is far too small and I'm looking for 8,000 square feet.
The cash thrown up by my business has enabled me to buy 26 investment
And profits have grown by 1,785%.
Thank you, Jay.
Thank you.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors."
Raymond Linton
Cavendish Property Investments
Equity House, 376 Meanwood Road, Leeds, England.
Tel: + 44 113 228 4488
Three days later I received their go ahead for my proposal and we finalised the legally valid solution just
within the required schedule. Since then I have worked for them to finally solve this and other problems
and was able to add to my reputation and my bottom line quite substantially.
Naturally my specialised know how was necessary to solve the problem, but without the marketing skills
internalized through your PEQ course I would never have gotten the opportunity to help my client. And I
would have missed out on the many back end sales to them since then, and instead of having a prosperous
and riskless export business they would have been trapped in criminal investigations and my fees would
have been collected by other lawyers and in fines by authorities.
You will understand that as a lawyer I am not entitled to disclose as much of the case internals as other
professionals might be able to disclose. But rest assured that your invaluable and immediately applicable
marketing know how gave me the inspiration and the mental strength to convert a cancelled contract into a
prosperous ongoing business relationship. And you can bet that I will be the lawyer of choice if any
problem should arise with their affiliated companies.
I herewith declare that my statement above is true and provable and you have my permission to
use my testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors, together with my name below.
Yours sincerely and gratefully,
Richard Cox
Richard Marks
Richard Petrie
Kind regards
Richard Petrie
Business Development
INTERGEN - Intelligent Business
Level 3, Advantage House, 44-52 The Terrace
PO Box 5428, Wellington, New Zealand
PHONE + 64 4 472 2021
FAX + 64 4 472 2027
MOBILE + 64 27 4 303030
WEB http://www.intergen.co.nz
Richard Swannell
Rick Wolslayer
Make sure your business is systemized so that as you can grow the
number of customers, you are in position to provide excellent
service at any size. (1 customer or 100,000 customers.)
(518) 439-7939
(518) 857-9272 Cell phone
Web sight: DelmarAikido.com
Robert Clay
Ten times the conversion rate ... at 3-5 times the price
A few years back I helped a consultancy to launch a coaching service aimed at small businesses in the UK.
Leads were generated mainly through host-beneficiary relationships with one of the UKs big four banks,
where the banks small business clients were invited to seminars which opened their eyes to their hidden
profit potential.
The company offered attendees a free telephone consultation, which was requested by about 15% of
attendees. Many leads were generated in this manner, and although there was considerable interest in the
companys coaching programme their conversion rate from lead to client was only around 5%, with a cost
of acquisition of some 500.
I was unimpressed by the companys conversion rate, and also by their arrogance. They thought they
already knew all the answers, and were not prepared to listen. I therefore persuaded them to let me set up
an independent consultancy, which I could operate in the manner I wanted, in return for a royalty on our
I started by redefining the companys business purpose in terms of a desirable outcome for the client. This
was done by discovering the clients fears and frustrations and determining their real needs.
A unique selling proposition was developed which had four objectives, to:
Attract attention
Set the business apart from its competitors
Fill a perceived industry gap
Motivate people to take action
As part of this we constructed a commitment statement, a behind the scenes journey to educate clients,
a risk reversal guarantee and a positioning statement to articulate the USP in a single sentence. These
became the building blocks for our marketing messages.
Awareness was created in the business community by writing articles every month in the business press.
The articles were designed to provide information of value and interest to the magazines readers, with the
specific objective of adding value to the publication. It wasnt long before they became the most avidly
read articles in the publication each month ... and in a very short time the business became one of the best
known in the area.
Leads were generated by these articles, and also from host-beneficiary arrangements with Chambers of
Commerce and other membership organisations who invited their members to educational seminars.
The seminar content was carefully constructed, based on client feedback, and again a free consultation was
offered to seminar attendees. Around 75-80% of such attendees requested this consultation, which we
decided to do face to face, rather than on the phone, in order to build a relationship, and as part of that, we
also decided to really pamper clients when they came in.
The consultation itself was also carefully constructed, with an emphasis on questioning the prospect and
gaining an understanding of their needs before offering any solutions as opposed to the original company
whose emphasis was on trying to close a deal as opposed to opening a relationship.
Since not every prospect was in a position to invest in a coaching programme immediately, or even for
some months, we also introduced a follow-up process which involved sending prospects an educational
newsletter each month and a follow up phone call every 84 days.
Within nine months using this strategy we were converting 50% of leads into clients ten times the
conversion rate of the original company meaning that we only needed 10% of the leads they required to
do the same amount of business. This in turn reduced our customer acquisition costs from 500 to 20!!
We went on to dramatically improve the standard of the on-going coaching programme, developing much
closer relationships with clients, always going the extra mile. As a result we helped clients to produce
significantly better results than the original company, which in turn helped us to develop a very good
reputation ... and that allowed us to charge 3-5 times what the original company was able to charge.
We also made it a condition of doing business that clients should refer other businesses to us ... which
resulted in some 80% of our business coming by referral.
This combination of strategies proved very fruitful. In contrast to the original consultancy which
swallowed up some 400,000 of capital and a 200,000 overdraft before it achieved a profit, the business
was established without any capital or overdraft, and was trading profitably from cash flow from its first
Within 3-4 months it had generated significant cash surpluses and within 6 months it was outselling the
original company ... with one tenth of the staff!
Best wishes
Robert Clay
DSP Solutions UK Ltd
Midsummer Court
314 Midsummer Boulevard
Central Milton Keynes
Tel: 01908 357657
Fax: 01908 357658
Robert Heessels
Robert Jahnke
Robert Pearce
In the 39 weeks prior to the publicity wed averaged 948 a week in turnover. Trade had ranged
from 700 to 1,000 a week. Wed managed 1100 just once, back in February.
After the publicity we did 1100 a week in 6 of the next 8 weeks.
But it got better.
Sky TV kept the film of me frying chips in their archives.
Every time there was a story about chips, potatoes or fish and chips, they showed the clip of me
cooking! I was always on TV.
This allowed me to position myself to my market as the expert on cooking fish and chips.
(something else Jay advocates).
In March of 2001 we unfortunately had a fire in the extractor system in the shop, forcing me to
This forced me to temporarily abandon further Jay fuelled ideas.
The week before the fire, turnover had reached 1600 a week.
Because the overheads were covered by what we were previously taking, this increase was
coming at gross profit.
This was enough to add 50% profit to my bottom line in the six months following the publicity and
would have doubled it if wed continued trading at 1600 a week.
Robert Pearce
The Robin Hood Fish Bar
542 Attercliffe Rd
Sheffield S9 3QP
South Yorkshire
0114 2810564
Fish and Chip shop. 3 part time staff only.
Robin Elliott
Robin Stammers
Rod Mackenzie
Previously, our focus had primarily been on the second component of the
program. It gave a higher per outcome return (at about $1700 per sign
up) compared to the research program at $150 per outcome. However, the
start up program had a long lead time (up to six months) whilst the
research program was much quicker (1 to 2 weeks turnaround). Also the
research program had minimal expenses and follow up requirements.
I used your basic leverage strategy to upsell the research program to
all of our potential clients. We were initially marketing both programs
but with a major emphasis on the start up one. We mentioned the
research program but that was about all. Your mindset to take advantage
of all situations and to look at more creative and leveraged strategies
with existing and new customers provided the catalyst for me to look
closely at how we could improve our bottom line.
So all I did was to include in our mail out information kits a lot more
detail about the research program. Nobody knew much about including the
various government and private referral agencies who advised their
clients to contact us about going into business. We included a
headlined cover letter outlining the benefits of the program, details
about eligibility and an application form. We sent this to everyone who
inquired about the start up program and encouraged them to apply for the
research program.
My aim was to produce more customers/clients and this happened.
We also wanted to see a sales increase and this happened.
The windfall was essentially the increased applications, clients and
sales we achieved without increasing staffing levels. Each assessment
and recommendation for participants for the program took about one and
Roddy Symcox
Roelof Kiers
Thank you
Roelof Kiers
Kiers Communications Group
Title: Using e-mail, a targeted market and referrals to generate an
additional $127,000+ in sales.
Strategy: Send out an e-mail
of 250 people, including both
separate web page showing the
delivered, ask the client for
Initial sales from the offer: Initial sales from the offer brought in
over $35,000 in new work that we would not have realized without the
email special.
Subsequent (backend) work for new clients brought in an additional
$38,000 within 60 days of the offer.
Referrals: As each project was delivered personally by the account
manager, the client was asked for a referral(s). Referrals generated
another $42,000 in sales (sales with no discounts) tracked specifically
as a result of requesting referrals from this promotion.
Time Frame: Accumulated and recorded sales generated from this onetime zero cost promo took place over a period of 6 months. Additional
sales have been made to several of the clients since that time, but
would be hard to attribute to this promo.
Overall results:
Time to develop the promo and email: approx. 4 hours
Cost: zero
Each sale was profitable
3 new clients plus additional sales from existing clients
Total new sales: $127,000+
Target your market to decision makers
Offer a valuable (exclusive if possible) and difficult to find
elsewhere special or discount
Put a time limit on your offer
Follow up immediately and professionally
Package your special with another profit centre
Request referrals
Name: Roelof Kiers
Company: Kiers Communications Group Inc.
Size: 8 employees
Type of business: Marketing and communication services
Phone: (514)334-6662
Cell: (514)707-6556
Roger E Howson
But my best example is the vast number of imitators who steal a single
idea of Jay's and try to turn it into a full-fledged marketing
consulting service. For example, Y2Marketing, a Marketing Consulting
company out of Dallas, Texas and Jack Chapman, a Career Marketing Guru,
are running successful businesses selling the Abraham methods.
Ron Dumas
potential customers. I pointed this out and tried a test case using
the old direct mail pieces.
Results: The company's return from the 'old' direct mail letters went
back to normal and profits/sales increased. I pointed out the major
mistake that was made was two fold: 1) They discarded a perfectly good
and successful program for a new program. 2) They failed to test a new
program on a small basis before spending a lot of money on an untried
Abraham technique used:
Customer Problem: Company was over 30 years old with a large customer
base that was very seldom contacted. Sales remained constant for
several years, but costs and expenses continued to rise and profits
continued to decrease.
Company had tried many new ideas to increase sales and it appeared that
their sales continued, primarily with new customers because the
machinery made had a longevity of over 50 years. And, most customers
did not need many of their machines.
Solution: Since the company had been in business for over 30 years it
was obvious their products were well made and liked by their customers.
I contacted many of their customers and found out that they did not
know all of the services and other products offered by this company.
Since the machines continued to work their was little contact between
the manufacturer and the customer. We initiated a new program that
Ron Hudson
How I Tripled A Company's Clientbase in Two And Half Months Using Jay
Abraham's Mindset.
Over the years I've learned numerous techniques to stimulate or motivate people to invest
in various products and services. Each and every one of the techniques is powerful--but
the one I used to triple the clientbase of AEG, Inc is simple. In fact it's so simple, I can
sum it up in one word...
Have you discovered the power of credibility to generate increased sales and profits?
Do you use testimonials, referrals, articles, reports, case studies, white papers, books, or
tapes to promote your products and services? If your answer is "yes" then you know the
power of credibility.
In the case of SAEG, I performed what I call "going backwards" to find the credibility
needed to achieve my outcome of getting more contracts from other IT staff training
You see, the President, Ben Greenwood had been conducting classes for Executrain in
Tulsa, Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. To Mr. Greenwood's benefit, he
received rave reviews from the General Manager and Territory Manager.
So, I requested that the Territory Manager put his comments in writing for the sole
purpose of promoting Mr. Greenwood to other companies. I didn't approach the General
Manager with the same request because it wasn't necessary. You see, the Territory
Manager typed up a powerful testimonial on Executrain letterhead and e-mailed it to me
as an attached file the same day of my request.
Read it yourself.
"On behalf of Executrain of Tulsa, I would like to express my greatest appreciation for
the hard work and effort put forth by Mr. Benjamin Greenwood. Mr. Greenwood's
company SAEG, Inc. has delivered some of the finest quality technical training our
customers have experienced in the Tulsa market.
Mr. Greenwood has provided consultative support to my sales staff and delivered training
to our largest enterprise clients. SAEG has the ability to deliver MOC Development,
MOC SQL, MOC XML and customized curriculum with the
highest quality reviews from our customers.
I strongly recommend using Mr. Greenwood and the training staff of SAEG, Inc. to
increase your technical training market share in your city." Scott Weisberg, Territory
Powerful, right?
Thanks to Scott, I didn't have to work nearly as hard to get the other companies to give
SAEG a shot.
Well, you already know what happened from reading the headline--but what I haven't
told you is that nearly ten minutes after sending out my own e-mail that included Scott's
testimonial, the phone rang and Mr. Greenwood got his first new client that day.
In fact, he signed on two clients that day that paid him thousands of dollars to deliver
their course material. Of course I wasn't satisfied yet so within a couple of days
following the e-mail, I called my contacts at two other companies that also became
clients of SAEG.
What? You are saying to yourself, Ron that's only four clients, so what. Well my friend,
in the IT training industry when you are a freelance IT technical trainer it means a lot.
As a result of the new clients Mr. Greenwood conducted training in companies such as
FedEx, Goldman Sachs, Lands End, Bank of Oklahoma, and that is a really short list.
What's more, he stayed booked weeks ahead so that he no longer experienced weeks
without having classes to conduct.
Stated differently, he had a continuous flow of revenues. Isn't that what you want during
these tough economic times?
Call me directly at 918.296.3943 for similar or better results for your company. I
couldn't resist inviting you to explore the possibilities of having me impact your success
(or someone who you know) on a risk free basis.
Let's move on.
Another word that is synonymous with credibility is believability. Here's an example.
Recently I read a report detailing the fact that Crest Toothpaste actually reduces cavities
by over 200%. But because some marketing guy intuitively felt that people wouldn't
believe 200% but would believe 31%, millions use Crest today.
Which do you find more believable 31% or 200%?
Did you notice that I actually caused more than a tripling of SAEG's clientbase? Be
honest. Regardless of your knowledge of me being a God fearing man, would you have
doubted or believed me, if I had included the actual amount of the increase?
I actually wondered if putting "tripled" in the headline would be believable. Anyway, I'm
really curious to know your answer.
In closing, if you want to increase your sales and profits, use testimonials. If you want
people to believe your claims, consider whether or not it sounds or looks believable.
How can you use what I've shared with you in this e-mail to grow your revenues? What
are you going to do right now to implement this information into your marketing process?
That's all for now, Jay. Get in touch if you or others you know want to grow your
revenues exponentially. I'd love to hear from you!
Ron Hudson
4530 S. Sheridan, Suite 214
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145
p: 918.296.3943
PS My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial
in your promotional and marketing endeavors. Additionally, you my permission to edit
out copy that you deem a hindrance for promoting you--because I want you to be the
greater beneficiary in this transaction. God bless you, Jay Abraham!
Ron Robinson
multiple streams of income now and in the years ahead. Our donors are delighted and we are
Jay Abraham's insights created amazing breakthroughs for Young America's Foundation, our
supporters and students.
Ron Robinson
Young America's Foundation
Ron Vaimberg
Dear Jay,
I am writing to you today to share some of my greatest successes that I have
achieved using the training that I have received from you over the years. I know
that the reason I am in business today is because of applying your teachings.
I am a sales trainer and personal growth consultant providing on-site training
programs to small and medium size companies throughout the U.S. My specialty
is the mortgage in which I am a seventeen year veteran.
When I started my consulting business I was not sure what the best way to build
my business would be. The first thing I did was utilize direct mail. I was on a
very limited budget and figured this would be the fastest most economical way to
get the word out. After studying your vast library of direct mail pieces, I
recognized that using a question as part of my headline would greatly enhance
my results. The headline read: Do You Want Your Loan Officers To Stop
Quoting Interest Rates and Start Increasing Your Profits?
The first benefit of using this headline is that it addressed one of the biggest
complaints stated by mortgage company managers and owners. I took your idea
of identifying what the biggest complaint is of my target audience, and created a
headline that specifically addressed their concern and identified the result that
they were seeking.
The second benefit of this marketing plan was that I also followed up with phone
calls within 1 to 2 weeks of the mailing. The headline allowed me to easily
remind them of what the mail piece contained. Because of the headline, many
people remembered receiving the mail piece therefore making it easier for me to
start a dialog with them.
Another tremendous tool I use in all of my marketing materials is Risk Reversal.
I got my first client because of using this strategy.
My client had been sent the marketing piece with the risk reversal on it. After
many tries, I finally got him on the phone. After doing a brief explanation of my
services on the phone I asked him if we could sit down and discuss it further, he
agreed and we scheduled a meeting. Just before we hung up, I reminded him
that I had a money back satisfaction guarantee.
When I met with him and his top managers, one of the first questions he asked
me was to tell him more about my satisfaction guarantee. My risk reversal
proposal was simple. I told him if he was not completely satisfied with my
training services upon completion of the program, simply return all of the
materials and he would owe nothing, period. He asked me if there was a catch, I
said what catch could there be, you are not going to pay me until after the
program was delivered. This program was a 6 day on-site training program for
$5,000. This was more than he ever spent on a trainer program before. I know
that the only reason I got the opportunity to sit in front of him was because I took
all of the risk away from him. I made it easy for him to say yes and by offering
the risk reversal, it also displayed confidence in my ability to deliver. The client
paid me in full half way through the program!
Today, as before, every brochure has the risk reversal. Every letter to past,
present and future clients contains the risk reversal as a PS or PPS at the
bottom of the letter. No other trainer in the mortgage field has this risk reversal
and I know I have gotten so many new clients because of this unique offer.
One more great success story for my business is how I used referral system
marketing to jump start my business and to continually grow it today. I
remembered your teachings that specifically directed me to look for people doing
business with my potential clients.
When I started my training business I did not know many mortgage company
owners that I could just walk into their office. What I did know were attorneys
that represented mortgage companies. I proceeded to meet with my attorney
friends and get them to not only give me the names and phone numbers of key
people at each of their mortgage company clients offices, I got them to pick up
the phone and call them. These phone calls gave me tremendous credibility and
opened doors for me faster than I ever could have imagined. Using someone
elses database and connections is a tremendous way to build credibility quickly
amongst your potential clients.
The second part of referral systems is the easiest one of all to implement.
Asking for referrals from your existing clients has been what moved me from
working just in my local market place, to developing clients throughout the United
Upon getting hired by a new client, I advise them that part of our agreement is
that once they are satisfied with my services, I expect them to give me at least 2
qualified referrals to other clients that they feel can benefit from my training
services. In addition to the names, my client is expected to call the referrals and
introduce me. This system works like a charm and consistently provides me a
constant stream of new clients.
I live in New York and I got my first client on the west coast 2 years ago. They
are located in Portland Oregon. Asking for referrals as I indicated above has
enabled me to go from 1 to 5 clients on the west coast in a matter of months.
Although 5 clients may not sound like a lot, my training encompasses many visits
not just one. Managing these on-going training programs along with my clients
on the east coast allows me to consistently have my calendar booked two to
three months in advance. Having a full calendar gives you not only piece of
mind, but time to continue your referral marketing to keep a constant flow of new
clients coming to you. Also, as your demand increases, so do the fees you can
charge for your services.
Direct Mail:
2. Make sure your headline gets your audience to identify how it relates to
3. Include Risk Reversal on every marketing piece
4. Follow-up with a phone call to your direct mail prospective clients, it will
greatly increase your return.
Risk Reversal:
1. Make sure that your clients are aware of it. Every piece of marketing
material must contain it. With every conversation you have with a
potential client, you must remind them of this guarantee.
2. You have to make sure that your service not only meet, but exceed your
clients expectations. Deliver more than expected and your clients will
never have reason to act on the risk reversal.
Referral Systems is my most enjoyable tool to use. It is so easy to implement
and it is the most inexpensive way to market your business. It is FREE!
To create your referral system you must let your prospects know what is
expected of them in the beginning of your relationship. You must also continually
remind them that referrals would be greatly appreciated. If your customers
understand the rules of engagement in the beginning, the likelihood of them
complying and giving you the referrals that you need to grow goes up
tremendously. Make sure you deliver more than is expected and the referrals will
never be a problem!
Make sure that you identify people that are doing business with your potential
clients. Ask for referrals and you will be surprised as how many people will help
you grow your business. Also, look for ways that you can help others build their
business. They will gladly reciprocate. Always look for the Win-Win scenario.
There are so many other tools of yours that I have used. These are just a few of
the ones that have had a profound impact on the start of my business and
continue the growth of my business daily.
Jay, because of your training, my business is growing. Anytime I am not sure of
what is the next step I need to take to grow my business, I simply pick one of
your tapes, books or seminar materials, and I know the next logical step.
Thank you for everything you have taught me.
Very truly yours,
Ron Vaimberg
Then three years ago, I reread your manual on sales letters that sell.
I incorporated many of your recommendations into a new letter. Since
that time I have averaged 1% - 1.5% response to my mailings.
This has led to me increasing my revenues generated from these clients
from approximately $3,500 per year to approximately $8,500 per year.
I realize that these numbers are small, but to me they have been
For approximately 4 years I was severely limited as to my ability to
work due to numerous physical maladies. For the past three years, I
have been relatively healthy and my practice has been sustaining a
total growth of approximately 30%. I feel that the number of clients
generated from my letter as well as promoting referral services, which
I learned from other materials that I received from you, has been
instrumental in this growth.
Thanks for all of your assistance and valuable insights over the years.
Scott Walters
doors when
"If you
your present
like the
hours call
I was in two days ago and took a survey. We have several "solutions" to
improve your present methods of shipping that will improve your bottom
line. When would be a good time to make an appointment tomorrow to
discuss these solutions, early morning or late afternoon?
This cold calling method has increased my "getting" the appointment by
Scott Walters
Sean Conley
Shannon Zillmer
Also I have been trying to embrace other industries methods. I intercepted a letter for a salesman that has
moved on and it was from one of his customers (clients), a real estate agent, and it had an interesting gift in
it. I called the sender and asked him about the gift, it was a corporate card for a local car wash that entitled
the recipient to a 20% discount on all carwashes for a year. I called the car wash company and wanted to
know how to sign up for it, and they said no problem how many do you need. So I have 3500 of these
credit card type cards coming with my information embossed on the card as follows
From Your Friend [email protected], and it is all for free. These will be going out with my next
newsletter along with the first issue of my Yellow pages.
This one may be a stretch because it happened as a bi-product of my other activities. I have a follow up
process in place for my sold customers which is the following, calls on the 1st day after sale, 7th day, and
then every 90 days and birthdays, also a post card with a positive statement every 45 days and the
newsletter every quarter (does not effect the 45 day cycle of the post card). Well on one of these calls to a
client I asked if he had received my latest newsletter and if he would be able to take advantage of the
Yellow pages part. He said that he did not catch that part and that led to a discussion of all the various
activities that I have going on, which led to him asking me to have another newsletter sent, he went on to
explain that he wanted to look at the possibility of doing all of my printing for me for free (with a line on
the bottom printed by). What a windfall for me if he does undertake this, because at this point I use the
computer at home to create all my mailings and the copier at work to print everything (quality is kind of
The next idea or step has been the creating a report of customers that have purchased here and service here,
but their initial salesperson is no longer here and mailing these customers a letter of introduction the day
after they visit the service department. This one is still in the great mind hopper of upper management
(normal turn around on an idea submitted is 1-2 months).
Here is a list of the ideas that have not made it out of the great upper management hopper yet. These are
from the 93 Referral System that we purchased from Jay. A coffee mug with a company thank you printed
on it with a balloon attached sent to the customers work within a week of the vehicle purchase. The risk
reversal is hard one for them to embrace (free of loss), but they are considering some form of it.
I am sure that I have over looked something, but I actually got to a point that I have had to stop reading and
listening to Jay and his information, due to the fact that I would keep getting ideas and I wanted to get the
first ones in place first. Everything that I have mentioned is all within the last 6 months, and the car
business is not an instant results business. I do plan to continue all of these ideas, and I feel that the longterm effect will be tremendous. Also as you may have noticed the things that I have done are at little or no
cost to myself or the dealership (postage for the dealership). So any monies generated will be pure profit.
Now I am just a small cog in a larger wheel, but if I can this information anyone can.
Shannon Zillmer
Mossy Nissan
713-256-0752 cell
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors."
Shinji Tahara
Before Risk Free, 1 out of every 164 visitors buy from me.
After Risk Free, 1 out of every 103 visitors buy from me.
That is big difference!
Sales Letter
I sent a Sales Letter to my 2,000 customers and "made an offer they
can't refuse". It worked. I got 12.3% of the responses by that letter,
I mean I sold 246.
I tried your two advice. ONLY two. This is just beginning, I hope. I
want to learn more from you and I want to improve my marketing skill.
Any way, thank you.
shinji tahara
Shlomo Savyon
Simon Patrick
improve the laptimes of the user (and this is everything to the online
racer) then that would be excuse enough to return it for a full refund.
The racing community loved it, we announced it through a
host/beneficiary relationship we set up with a key online racing
magazine. The guarantee got around past quality problems our client
had when they outsourced production a few years back, and it went so
much further than any of their competitors.
For the top-end F1 cockpit products we set up some arrangements with
the leading F1 racing magazines, and organised a competition to give
away an old cockpit that had been used for rental for a couple of
years. It's age was no problem as the magazine paid for it to be reliveried in their colours, along with the logos of the computer company
who provided free hardware in return for the exposure.
The magazine featured the competition on the front cover, and over a
hundred thousand readers discovered our client for the first time.
Coverage in other major publications has fallen out of this and sales
of cockpits are growing well. All for the price of a secondhand
cockpit that was sitting around unused.
All in all, our client is now being recognised and praised as the
world's leading manufacturer in this specialist field, their products
are now perceived as being at the cutting edge of developments and,
most importantly, they sold all of the stock they had of the new
pedals, and are now pushed to make more to meet demand. They are
I hope that is useful for you
Many thanks for your wisdom and openness
Simon Patrick
Marketing Consultant
ABF Marketing
t: 01494 868611
f: 01494 866313
Simon Zutshi
A student was worth approx 2 to me in terms of door admission each time they come back to
one of my club nights. Having been in for free the first time, they may not come back although
they could come back every week. On average, if a student came just once a month during
academic term time, they would be worth about 20 each to me every year. These are very
conservative estimates.
When giving something away I have learnt that you have to be careful not to devalue your
product. However, by giving these tickets away as part of a bonus risk reversal with a Club Pass
it has maintained the value whilst offering great value to the customer. For you information the
redemption rate on the free tickets averaged out at about 50%.
Over the last few years I have tried and tested several different promotional tactics and managed
to fight off several competitors. This year I am testing again. The price is still 10 as I fell this is
the ideal price point for students, but I am testing a few other tactics, continually testing and
developing the Abraham way!
Finally, and maybe needless to say, we collect all the personal details from everyone who joins
club pass and send then regular emails and SMS text messages direct to their mobile phones to
promote the nightclub events.
I hope this is as required
Kind regards,
Simon Zutshi
Abundance Promotions
Tel +44 121 472 4620
Sinda Dianzumba
Spar Street
Srikumar S. Rao
Stan Smith
Stephen Pace
How would you like a new and vastly improved website that will delight
your listeners at absolutely No Cost to Kick FM.
Within a week I was in front of the MD of the Radio Station, I offered the MD of the radio station a simple
but attractive website www.kickfm.com plus a very easy to use Content Management System which would
solve all his website worries, save him money and cost nothing. The MD of KickFM agreed and we
swopped 12 months radio advertising, the mention of SJS Solutions every time the new website was
mentioned on-air plus referrals to KickFM clients.
The advertising was worth 1000 per month and at this point we were very happy with the deal and more
evidence to suggest that we must use Jays techniques as much as we possible can. But this is not the end.
The MD of KickFM has become a friend of SJS Solutions and by reducing the price of our Website and
Content Management System package and using his referrals we have sold another 4 more websites
producing revenue of 12,000. Future referral deals are being discussed.
At this point we started to build a network of partnerships as described in Jays book under Host beneficial
partnerships we contacted a Computer support and Networking company and offered them referral fees
and told them about how SJS Solutions could add value to their clients, they agreed and when we
completed a demonstration of our now improved Website and CMS package they immediately asked us to
tailor it slightly and give them a website asap www.foundation-it.com. We had only just started to work
together and SJS Solutions was 5,000 better off. A few months after this KickFM asked If we knew
anyone who could help them sort our their e-mails and Internet connectivity, of course we presented our
new partner Foundation-IT and work soon started. Foundation-IT were delighted and our relationship is
flourishing, we recently sold a similar tailor-made website and CMS solution to one of Foundation-ITs
clients for 8,000.
Although none of these jobs will make myself and the other SJS Solutions directors millionaires this year,
they have helped give us momentum, cash flow, taught us how to market and improved our profile all of
which are priceless.
We continue to follow Jays advice, study his website www.abraham.com and will soon be purchasing more
products, basically the man has the ability to condense years of testing various techniques and give you the
best of the bunch in a quick and easy to implement format. Why learn by your mistakes when you can
learn from others, its much quicker that way and costs very little.
Stay focused, and use your resources as effectively and passionately as possible.
With Jays help and your commitment any company of any size can experience the type of growth that you
never dared to dream of. I wish you all success!
Stephen Pace
Managing Director and Majority Share\Holder
SJS Solutions Ltd
Steve Wieczorek
Four years ago the Australian tourism industry said the internet would
never be used to make sales only generate information. Ha
This is only one of the huge amount of marketing skills that I have
learnt from your programs.
Many pocket felt thanks Jay.
STEVE Wieczorek
Lets Trek Australia
Australian Adventure Tours
Stuart Dawson
Sunny Jamiel
P.S. I shall be asking a favour from you too. Please do refer to me anyone who
may want to import great textile items like fabrics, bed sheets, comforters, towels
etc from Pakistan at full risk reversal, excellent prices and quality. I shall be very
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors."
Tim Holley
printing a coupon for a FREE cartridge on every invoice I sent out and included a neon sticker in
the package with our toll free number and websites on it. The sticker had a simple statement that
said, "Put on bottom of Keyboard". At least 30% of my return customers have told me that they
remembered me because they put that sticker on the bottom of their keyboard and when it was
time to reorder they knew right where to go. It was surprising to see how many customers used
those coupons for a FREE cartridge when they ordered six or more on the next order.
I also added additional statements to my adds I ran on e-bay. I added testimonials from happy
customers along with a 100% money back guarantee and an 18 month product warranty.
These methods increased my sales to over $5000.00 a month and gave me a net profit of around
$2400.00 a month.
My second year in business I did $245,000.00 in sales because I followed several of Jay's
methods. This gave me an annual income of around $75,000. Not bad for a former garbage
man! I can't wait to see what we will do once we start implementing more of Jay's methods and
I am seriously studying Jay Abraham's methods and would love to get his Ultimate Protg
Mentor Program and learn as much as possible to help myself and other people become a
success in business.
My goals are to increase my business by diversifying into other areas and increasing sales results
from current customers and future customers. Learning all I can about getting the most out of
each customer I worked so hard to acquire.
Tim Holley
Leehol Enterprises
leehol.com or netrepenuers.com
PS Jay if you ever decide to train people to do seminars for you, keep me in mind.
"My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors."*
Tim Law
Tim OBrien
So what first began as a frustrating situation, quickly turned into access to hundreds of frame
shops, simply by asking a question and entering into a joint venture with another person with who
had access to those we wanted to sell to. We had a mutual, non competitive interest.
AlphaLam today, still serves many "Deck the Walls" franchises. There is no longer a partnership
with the MES Canadian group, and I own 5% now, but AlphaLam is still growing. Its major clients
are: Disney, Universal Studios, SeaWorld, Dali Museum, Deck the Walls franchises.
Thank you,
Tim O'Brien
Tim OKeefe
Tim Renfro
Timothy Bost
create in me the kind of insight and resilience that will make me even more
valuable in the years to come.
Thanks, Jay!
Tim Bost
Financial Cycles
2831 Ringling Boulevard
Suite B-108
Sarasota, Florida 34237
Timothy Ricke
However, we disclosed the #2 since we had the room within the ad.
That's it Jay.
Never Follow, Always Lead,
Timothy M. Ricke
P.S. Say hello to my old boss when you see him again. His name is Tony Robbins!
When I was first introduced to Jay Abraham's concepts, I was myself a struggling
marketing consultant. The thing that first hooked me to order a Jay product was a very
powerful guarantee. Basically, the sales letter (I don't remember exactly how it got into
my hands) said that if his material did not rock my world, I could have my money back
and even keep the bonuses.
So I bit. I ordered the information, devoured it and applied it. The most profound
breakthrough in that first year had to do with risk reversal. I "already knew" about
guarantees and always encouraged my clients to use them, but had not found a workable
application for myself.
My problem at that time was closing sales. I would be called in to meet new clients quite
regularly. They would like and instantly recognize that I cared, and that I knew a lot and
that I could help them. So they would ask for a proposal. I would go away and write a
great proposal and come back and "deliver it"whatever that means.
Sometimes I got a new client, but many times I did not. This frustrated me immensely.
I decided that I would try using risk reversal as a lever to eliminate free meetings and free
proposals. I created a simple incoming call script for myself and waited for the next call.
I didn't have to wait too long.
A couple of days after making my decision, a cleaning company called to ask me about
my services. Instead of offering to meet them for free, I asked them several questions
about their business. Then I recommended a Marketing Audit with a very powerful
guarantee. For only $500, I would meet with them, evaluate their marketing and make
several recommendations. If they did not feel that the strategies and distinctions I
presented did not create a huge multiple for them, I'd refund their fee.
The first person I offered it to immediately said yes. The exciting thing was that two
days later when I walked into their office, the receptionist handed me a check for $500 as
I walked in the door. Even before I met my new client, the first sale was already made.
To understand the profundity of that moment you must understand that for years I had
been content to do at least two free meetings and write a detailed proposal in the hopes of
getting hired. Now, all I had to do was read a script over the phone and well over half of
everyone who called me agreed to write me a check for $500just to visit them!!
This worked for me for yearsbig time. Over time, I changed the price point and
experimented with several variations. But the basic breakthrough was quite profound for
me. I used risk reversal to circumvent the problem of closing sales quickly, and perhaps
more importantly, I discovered that I could change the rules of how business is done.
Thanks, Jay
Tor Kjolberg
Most companies in Norway are small operations with small marketing budgets. Using my own
experience, and many good advices from you (e. g. on writing, direct mail and public relations), I
wanted to give my clients a system with different low cost communication means. My system
consists of 7 marketing channels, and I claim that if my clients consistently use 2 - 4 of these,
their sales (and profit) may increase from 25 to 250%.
A brave statement?
Certainly, but I am living proof. After implementing the method myself, writing articles, giving talks
and arranging workshops, incredible things have happened. One of the participants in one of my
workshops (an engineer) was so impressed that he called me afterwards and said he wanted to
introduce me to one of his clients, a division of the Norwegian Defence, which immediately led to
a new communication assignment worth thousands of dollars on an ongoing basis.
Since then my system (launched as late as November 2001), "Effective communication in an
overcommunicated world", has received attention in businesses I never have worked in before.
My sales statistics now show a monthly increase of 10 - 15%. But how can I handle all this?
Much of the new turnover is upselling to existing clients (I remember your ideas about the lifetime
value of a customer). Due to modern electronic communications means I am able to serve them
on an ongoing basis using minimum of time.
Summary: Your book and other communications on USP, focus, writing, public relations,
response marketing, upselling, the lifetime value of a customer and many other topics, have given
me the tools and inspiration for growing my little consultation business.
Thank you, Jay.
Yours sincerely
Tor Kjolberg, MBA
The Market Doctor
Nor-Consult - The Market Clinic
PO Box 11 - Holmenkollen, 0712 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +4722142565 Fax: +4722142523
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your promotional
and marketing endeavours.
Trevor Greenwood
Trevor King
Trevor Scott
Not having the relevant qualifications to certify the structures I approached suitably qualified
companies and entered into a joint venture deals whereby I market, and promote the services, I
organize the information, I complete the drawings for submission to Government Bodies, they
check the information, and if okay they certify the documents.
The normal procedure to have a structure certified is to have them do all the work, and we would
be able to add 10% for our involvement. With our system, I have negotiated a fee structure where
I pay the certifying companies 10% and I make 90% on the deal. They are happy, because they
are making double their hourly fee rate for the little work they are involved with and LTWSAS is
ecstatic as this part of the business is accounting for 50% of turnover.
Concepts Utilized - Joint Ventures, Utilizing the services and qualifications of professional
companies who are working at under capacity.
Through my dealings with shade manufacturers Australia wide I found that many companies had
well designed and positioned web sites which were generating enquiries, which they could not
service. Some of the un-serviced enquiries were from within Australia and some from oversees.
I have convinced these companies to send the leads they can not service to LTWSAS and we will
follow them up. This system is bringing to LTWSAS an enormous quantity of leads free of
charge. When a lead converts into a sale, we send 5% of the sale price back to the source.
They are ecstatic, as this commission is now covering their web marketing costs.
Concepts Utilized - The internet can generate leads outside of a companies operating area. By
joint venturing, and passing on leads to competitors the wasted leads are now generating enough
income to cover web marketing costs and allowing the web marketing budget to be spent in areas
which will generate more leads the company can service, hence increasing turnover. A wasted
resource turned into a profit center.
I have approached manufacturers reps who market and sell product to LTWSASS potential
clients. The reps have the confidence of the shade companies as they have been supplying
product to them for a number of years.
I offer the reps the entire invoice amount from the first transaction LTWSAS has with a new
client who they have recommended LTWSAS to. Most reps do not understand how LTWSAS
can pay them 100% commission, because they do not understand Life Time Value of a
Customer. We predict that when we gain a new customer, we should be able to retain them as a
customer for 3-5 years minimum.
We have just signed a deal with a company who is about to start manufacturing shade products in
the USA. We would not have made this contact if it were not for a rep promoting LTWSAS.
It would be a huge expense for LTWSAS to employ sales people to travel and visit the companies
who we are trying to gain as clients. The manufacturers reps are doing the job for us free of
Concepts Utilized - Endorsement, Life Time Value of a Customer, sphere of influence, etc
LTWSAS works with smaller shade manufacturers, who from time to time generate an enquiry
for a shade structure or shade sail, which is beyond their normal design and manufacturing
capabilities. We joint venture with these companies on projects and they are able to turn what
was once a wasted lead, into a completed project.
LTWSAS completes the design work and aids with the full presentation, for a percentage of the
completed project.
The smaller shade manufacturer could not afford the services of LTWSAS on the off chance of
winning the project.
By joint venturing and sharing the profits, they are able to utilize the full services of LTWSAS
with out any risk.
The above strategies are only a few LTWSAS has implemented.
The success and growth rate of LTWSAS has far surpassed all initial projections. This is all due
to the brilliant business concepts we have learnt from Jay Abraham.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors.
Along with these programs and speaking engagements at trade shows and
conferences during that same time frame, I introduced you and the
"three ways to grow your business" to at least 5000 people.
But it was in 1994, when I had the opportunity to assist in creating a
business in San Francisco with a former colleague who had been one of
the first 30 employees at Apple Computer in Silicon Valley in the early
80s that I was really able to put the principles and systems into
action with measurable results.
The business was market development in the area of hand-held, mobile
and wireless technology - at that time "bleeding edge". Today people
say Palm Pilot and almost everyone knows what you mean. In 1994, when
we met with Donna Dubinsky, co-founder of Palm who had been an early
Apple employee as well, the market was getting negative press
constantly. Apple's Newton couldn't do handwriting "immediately" the
way everyone assumed it should and other manufacturers were looking at
closing down. Donna and her colleagues were among a small group in the
industry who believed things would change - dramatically.
We saw this as a real opportunity. We had both been there at the
beginning with microcomputers and Apple - I had co-owned one of the
first Apple dealerships in Canada, in Toronto through the 80s - so we
were both "early adopters" and knew what COULD be done.
We undertook to build a business that would educate the vendors and
clients in two vertical markets - utilities and healthcare - on this
new technology.
We built events that brought the two groups face to face in intimate
(300 person) forums where the customers spoke about their problems and
vendors listened. Then they discussed how to build the technology
solutions that were needed - together.
Valeriu Popescu
It will be a pleasure and a privilege to do this for you!
Since your marketing material landed on my desk in the summer of 1997
incorporating risk reversal in the package it has RUINED my business!, what
do I mean?
I currently provide coaching and consultancy on a freelance basis to SME
and individuals in the areas of business growth/individual performance.
One of my contracts is an optical retailer in the UK working the individual
opticians throughout the north of England, there are 405 franchised
outlets the UK largest of it's kind in the UK, they have a full time ltd
company set up to cater for the needs of the stores in all areas of business
CASE study 1 birkenhead, liverpool t/o 1.5million 26 full-time staff,
successfully sold, organised and implemented a Risk Reversal programme
on their product lines e.g.: anti scratch coatings, higher priced frames and
associated products.
Before this was introduced growth in this area was expected, however
after a training matrix was taught explosive results were seen to improve
the take up of 500% increase in personal productivity using R/R!
Together with a new bonus incentive programne, the stores bottom line
increased by 26% in a 8 week programme... Fantastic!
The directors that i have worked with now DEMAND more from themselves
and their joint venture partners in all areas of their lives and business,
OPTIMIZING and SYSTEMATISATION have now increased their enjoyment of
their enterprise and when they spend the time investigating the Abraham
mind set they can understand what they have not been receiving from
there marketing department [ruffled a few feathers here jay!] over the
Vic Cherikoff
kept me in the business. I was again buried in details, their demands for weekly meetings took
me out of action for nearly a full day each week and their focus as non-executive directors was for
me to be sure to meet monthly overheads as the only raison d'etre. Cost cutting and falling sales
through the wrong strategies soon lead to my working for free for half a year, before I eventually
had to walk away.
And this brings me to one year ago. I looked back at 20 years of my life and realised I was
standing at a cross road, deciding whether to throw it all in and go to work for someone else or
realise the truth in the cliche that if you always do what you've always done, you'll end up back
where you are now. I chose to start my business all over again but to do things differently.
I kept the vision (in fact cemented it further with mental plans and written desired outcomes),
attracted my trustworthy, experienced staff, approached my loyal suppliers and distributors and
paid more attention to my end customers. I strategised that I was building an asset which needed
to be able to operate without me in the system day in, day out. I am still leveraging the systems
and will be for as long as I have the asset.
But one thing really hit home while listening to an Abrahams' tape in the car on the way home.
This was to take the widest possible view of my business.
Now I didn't want to expand my inventory to sell non-native ingredients to my existing market. I
didn't want to employ a host of salesmen to grow sales to only cover their wages, cars, expenses
and other on-costs. I knew that I did not have the cashflow to rapidly grow my business as I
wanted and I certainly did not want to sell any equity in the brand new entity I now owned 100%.
But how could I get into a position to begin to grow exponentially using other people's skills,
investments, ideas and effort and still hold on to or even become known for what I do best?
My widest possible view was to recognise that what I did best was promoting my passion in
native Australian foods. I had already written, photographed, designed, laid out and selfpublished two books on Australian foods which have promoted my cause well and returned over
US$250,000 in profit over 5 years. I was nearly at a stage where my new business could run with
little supervision, so I joint ventured the production of a television series on Australian food,
expanded the concept to cover the functional use of my ingredients to include their use in
beverages, cosmetic and pharmaceuticals and offered it around the world at the Cannes Flim
Festival via an agent. This has brought in offers totaling US$100,100 in value and more
broadcasters are still to respond.
This was a quarter of a million dollar exercise at a time when the economic effects of September
11 were still being felt. Perhaps it was a foolish move, considering the time but it promised to be
a vehicle to kick the whole industry up a notch or three and put the industry pioneer back out in
front after the aforementioned business problems shrank the enterprise to a fifth of its once
booming position. It seemed so much the right thing to do, I could taste it.
Setting up a new business is usually exciting. Setting up a business from scratch when you have
been running it for 15 years is a hard pill to swallow when it comes to new leases on building and
vehicles, painting walls, procuring furniture and fittings and setting up computer systems and
paper work of procedures, replacing specialised equipment and plant and also rebuilding a client
base. A whole new website had to be re-created but bigger and better as it is the main
educational and marketing vehicle of the business, working 24/7 at minimal cost. It all had to be
done again just to get back to where I started. However, growth was strong with 10 to 25% jumps
on monthly turnover from this small base. Fed from cashflow, relationships with distributors and
manufacturing customers had to be strengthened and payment terms tightened. Suppliers were
stretched on terms but communication maintained so that they also knew what the future
promised and shared the dream.
There were too many things to do to worry about perfecting every step using the benefit of
hindsight. An Abrahams' attitude of get the most out of every necessary step was the philosophy
while minor issues were prioritised to never-never land.
Meanwhile, the search for sponsors for the television series, for companies which offer Australian
products and services related to food, beverages, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals still goes on as
I write this. Over US$100,000 worth has been realised and more is being negotiated. But
grabbing the widest possible view and drilling down, Abrahams-style, to bring on associated
products at a positive cash contribution is delivering results. Sponsors offering goods in kind took
us into the barbeque business briefly raising US$40,000. Some cookware went to same way.
We have holiday packages to sell or give away as contra or as thanks for still other sponsors who
offer cash.
The means to differentiate product on the basis of "As seen on Dining Downunder" provides a
huge barrier to entry for competitors, defines the buying criteria for consumers and makes
associated products stand out on the shelves of retail outlets in the same way as a gold medal on
a wine bottle. Tapping into global markets means rolling out the same plans over and over with
adaptations for cultural differences but still with a lot of efficiencies of practice.
This whole project was pure business leveraging. Here was an opportunity to offer cost-effective,
branded promotions to new and existing clients, network with contacts for referrals in and outside
my core industry, add value to offerings of native Australian flavored products with related foods
and condiment, cookware and barbeques, wine and beer and other beverages, health foods and
supplements, natural medicines and cosmetics, conventional distribution and direct marketing,
the list goes on. I am still exploring the potential and will continue to do so for several years, no
doubt. All this, and the show will only air at the end of 2002 but watch out for Dining Downunder
on cable.
My challenge now is to build businesses around the opportunities uncovered by the show since I
envision a global distribution network with local partners servicing the markets for their needs in
merchandising, supply and attracting new sponsors. Markets will become micro-markets as local
businesses promote their wares regionally and we bundle products and services to value add the
offer. Trade shows, consumer shows, a book or two on the series and a CD on the music of the
show are all part of the plan and all a result of Abrahams thinking.
I could have pulled out of the industry I created and become another statistic of pioneers who
never made it themselves. I could have eecked out a small company turning a reasonable profit
and created a job for myself. But I have chosen to put it all on the line again and trust my vision.
You will undoubtedly discover my success or otherwise soon.
Vic Cherikoff
Managing Director
Innovative Australian ingredients for creative chefs, manufacturers and foodies from the pioneer
of the Australian native food industry.
Watch out for Dining Downunder - a new television series with Vic Cherikoff and screening in 10
countries, late 2002.
Vic Cherikoff Food Services Pty Ltd
rear 167 Kingsgrove Rd, Kingsgrove NSW 2208 Australia
phone: 61 2 9554 9477
fax: 61 2 9554 9633
Still only 4 staff. Turnover for 2001/2 <US$0.5m. Predicted turnover for 2002/3 ~US$1.5m
Vladimir Drkulec
the software from us but the IT person that had overruled the engineers
and forced us to break up our bundled quote set to work getting the
five laptops working. Fortunately we didn't give up on them as we were
well aware of the lifetime value of this customer which was well into
the millions of dollars.
Five days later the IT guy was still trying to get the laptops working
and had involved his boss the head of IT for the company (who I knew
personally through previous business dealings and business
relationships with some of my family members) who had spent two days
trying to get the software to work and the electrical engineers and the
service technicians (who were having a good time ribbing the IT people
about their $1000 "savings") and it was getting to the point where the
delays were putting the engineers and technicians behind in their work
involving shipping assembly lines worth millions of dollars. I got a
frantic call from one of the engineers at the end of their shift on a
Friday afternoon which led to my coming into their plant on a Saturday
(which I normally didn't work) and configuring one of their laptops
(which took me all of a few minutes) so that they could get their work
done and do the programming of the programmable logic controllers and
get the hardware shipped on time.
They asked me to return on the Monday and get the rest of the first
batch of laptops working. The head of IT for the company who had spent
several days trying to get the laptops working (after his subordinate
who had made the decision not to buy from us had failed to configure
them after working on them for about a week) watched as I quickly
worked my way through the steps necessary to configure the software and
hardware and had two more of the laptops working in about half an hour
and all four of the remainder in about an hour. He turned to the
person that had made the decision to go with the other supplier and
told him that he never wanted to see one of those laptops again unless
it came from our company and had been configured by me.
We sold that company about fifty similar laptops over the next three
years. We dealt directly with the manufacturer for the next order so
that our competitor no longer could undercut us on price and we began
to charge a premium for the no hassle total turnkey solution. When the
technicians messed up the computer configuration we would go to the
customer's location and fix the configuration very quickly (usually
offering almost instant turnaround). If the laptop went bad for some
reason, we would handle the warranty return and stay on top of it with
the manufacturer so that the customer never had to involve themselves
with it other than handing the laptop off to either myself or one of
our sales reps. We became the number one reseller of the ruggedized
notebooks in Canada for a period of time and the manufacturer changed
the whole focus of their marketing to imitate what we were doing to
sell their computers across the country. Our computer manufacturer
sales rep got a promotion in part due to our total solution approach.
Even the supplier of our software got into the act by offering the same
computers and configurations that we were doing in Canada direct to
customers in the U.S.
Interesting enough over the course of the relationship with the
original customer described in the story above I became a fixture
visiting their facilities on an average of twice a week to help them
(519) 735-8192.
Vladimir Drkulec
Perceptive InterNetWorking
William Eisenberg
That is
When I first learned of Jay Abraham I was within a few weeks of closing my business. I
had been having a horrible Spring and my business was off 65% from the previous year,
and frankly the previous year was nothing to brag about.
I ordered a book, the Money Making Secrets of Marketing Genius Jay Abraham and
other Marketing Wizards. It arrived during the last week of April and I took it with me
on a camping trip. I fully intended to return the book as I "must have been insane to pay
that much for some stupid book!"
I started reading the book Saturday morning while waiting for my kayaking buddies to
show up. Later about 5 P.M. I started reading it again waiting for people to start the
campfire and fully expecting to spend the evening at the campfire drinking beer and
feeling sorry for myself.
About 2 A.M. the batteries in my camper died and I had to quit reading and plug the
camper into the truck as it gets cold in April in Idaho and the heater would not work
without the battery either.
I did not get to leave the campground the next day until 6:00 P.M. which had me arriving
at home at 10 P.M. that night. By 3 A.M. Monday morning the first newsletter I ever
wrote was ready and it was taken to the printer and in the mail by Wednesday. By Friday
the phone was ringing and the business was saved. By the end of the year I had not only
recovered the 65% that I was down, but I had a net increase of 24% over the year before.
I recently reread the newsletter that I sent out. It was pathetic, but VERY effective and
only the first of several things that I employed from within that book.
I then took some of Jay's live seminars and this idea came to me during one of them that
has been instrumental in the growth of my business.
I am a small jeweler working out of an office in Boise, Idaho and I was never very good
at traditional advertising. Many of my clients would tell me that they had told Bob and
Jill about me or Dick and Suzy, but Bob and Jill and Dick and Suzy were not showing up
at my office.
At the first weekend of Jay's Ultimate Live Marketing Research Laboratory I heard
something that struck a spark. I was already giving client's a $50 gift certificate as a
thank you for sending in a referral, but so many of them were not showing up. Someone
said something that electrified me as I thought about how I could modify it to what my
problem was. I wish I remembered what it was they said, as it was actually about an
entirely different topic.
I decided to give all of my clients two $100 gift certificates to give to their friends that
would be good for their first purchase, with no minimum purchase! That was scary and
probably the reason that I made such a silly mistake to only give them two coupons. In
the five or six years that I have been doing this, only three people have come in and spent
only $100 or less with me. In fact my average sale went from around $2,000 to over
$3,000 a great unintended consequence of my marketing effort.
My business grew for several straight years, some years 20-30 % some years more than
40%. One year, finally, my business was $85,000 less than the year before. I was
disconsolate. I was using all of the same magic "tricks" that I knew worked, and trying
new ones all the time. Woe was me. I was still at well over 300% up from where I
started, but I was miserable with worry and a vague sense of loss.
Then I got the report from my accountant. Yes, business was down $85,000, but net
profits were up by over 5%. Let's see, margins and profits up in a down year. By the
way, my profits have continued to go up, as Jay taught me it was a good thing to ask a
fair price so that I could be here to assist my clients next year. I still deliver Heirloom
quality jewelry for a fraction of what you would pay a traditional retailer, but now I feed
my wife and children as well as producing a tremendous value for my clients.
Respectfully submitted
Wink Jones
102 S. 17th St. #302
Boise, Idaho 83702
P.S. Now each client is asked how many sheets of three of the enclosed certificates that
they would like to have so that they can give out as many of these gift certificates as they
would like. I still give them a $50 gift certificate for them to use for every client that
comes in, and it works very well!
P.P.S. Jay, my statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
P.P.P.S. Jay, I am happy to send you hard copy of the certificate if you like.
Bill OConnell
and every month, working about 5 hours a week. What a fantastic source of extra income-doing
something I love!
I have proven to myself that I can turn my ideas into money, and profit from my hobby. All of the
money that I haven invested in my hobby over the years has come back to me 1,000% plus. And
this is only the beginning. Most importantly, I now know that I can take any idea and turn it into a
product, test it, and see if there is a market for it.
You have been a very important inspiration to me, and a source of immeasurable knowledge
about marketing and entrepreneurship. You are a genius. I am so grateful for having come
across your brilliant work.
This story has just begun, and I will write again with details of my new successes as they unfold.
Bill O'Connell, President
Hypnosis Secrets, Inc.
P.O. Box 3544
St. Charles, IL 60174
Edward Dec
- 814 -
I'm not plugging any particular paper company, but I prefer Crane &
Co., Triple embossed Correspondence Cards, Ecru White Kid Finish,
#CC3196. The cost is about $8.00 per 10 cards. (This is one expense I
gladly suffer).
We have not kept records regarding customer retention, but we estimate
that 75-80% are still with us. We find that, well, remarkable.
Edward Dec
- 815 -
Gary Parker
Hi Jay,
This is my opportunity to say thanks for sharing your truly amazing marketing skills with
us ordinary people who struggle to make a go of it. Your ability to demonstrate how your
suggestions adapt to real world situations is the magic.
I ran an independant paralegal firm in the Toronto area. Competition was stiff. I used
your idea of playing around with the heading of my newspaper ad. By changing
"Guranteed results" which was the industry standard, to "No Win - No Pay" I became the
industry leader.
Keep up the good work.
Gary Parker
Canadian Court Consultants
Gaston Cartznes
Greg Sharpe
Greg Tucker
H Elliott
On my own using the Jay A Way, I have able to accomplish half this
state so far, with the goal of taking these programs throughout all of
California and then spreading them across the country. My continued
work with the industry to recognize these trainings will be for them to
have the perceived priceless value of these trainings and then realize
that they cannot do without them. This will give me the leverage I need
to make these highly ethical programs available to all seniors.
My statement is true and provable and you have my permission tousle my
testimonial in your promotional and marketing endeavors.
H Elliott Fives Training Center
448 21st Place
M.B. Calif. 90266
www. spt3.com
Hal Goldstein
OK, Jay.
This may not be exactly what you want, not really a case study, but I wanted to send you
something, since I have enjoyed your services for many years even though I haven't
directly participated with you as a client.
I became acquainted with you through Edward Goldfinger, who worked with you about
10 years ago before he suddenly passed away. I was a good friend as well as a client. To
help her widow out, I purchased a lot of Edward's office furniture as well as his library.
The library contained a ton of tapes, newsletters, and articles from your seminars.
way you draw the reader in, tell your story, use evocative compelling words. I feel like
you have been speaking to me, directly, all these years. I like your sincerity and how
much your writing communicates that you believe what you say. I like the personal
nature of your communication, and I have on and off been able to set up a similar
relationship with my readers and catalog buyers. When folks see me at trade shows, they
feel they know me. I also like your choice of fonts, bold, caps, headlines, etc to bring the
reader in. I try to emulate that -- but it is hit and miss.
3. Generosity
We always try to give more than promised, and give free unadvertised extras. This
certainly is the case with your work, or I wouldn't even know about you.
MS Reade
You may
prefer the
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Subscribe to the
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More info
More info
Plus 30+ Special Audio Articles you can play on your Pocket PC and desktop!
5. USP
This is one of the first concepts I got from your work. Identify and champion what makes
us unique.
6. Leverage
Find where a little effort will produce bigger results. (See my conclusion about what we
will be doing in the future).
7. High Margin
I've long realized that operations wasn't what I enjoyed (I have great people to clean up
my entrepreneurial messes). I look to market high margin, low cost, low volume, high
perceived value products rather than low margin, high volume products. I've done this
through knowledge products, huge software collections, used mobile equipment, repair,
and upgrades.
8. Testing
I get a grade F on this. I get how important it is. However, I've never had the volume in
mailing and the internal expertise or discipline to test properly. However, thanks to
email, testing has become cheaper and easier. We have launched some new email
subscription and renewal initiatives that we are now testing.
Now, I look forward to applying Abraham philosophy and techniques as we start buying
and selling used Pocket PCs, offering great software bundles, and providing proprietary
hardware upgrades working with a long term partner.
Harry Aldrich
Market Strategy
No one is going to pay $15.00 for three pieces of wood. That is what I heard all day long. I had to believe,
and I needed a strategy . I listened to Jay. I listened to Jay and Tony Robins speak on a phone interview
regarding branding yourself. You know what I did? I branded the boards. I made the product even more
unique. I branded myself.
As Jay said, I needed a unique selling proposal/proposition.
OK, so I thought through what I had, three pieces of wood. How could I turn the stupidity of three pieces
of wood around so as to be a unique selling proposition.. It clearly produced a delicious salmon dinner. My
packaging made it appear gourmet, as did the results. Results, I sold the results, not the three pieces of
wood. The results were fabulous. Cedar planks were turning outdoor burgers and brats into gourmet
dinner parties. People were creating dinner parties around the cedar plank results.
Next, I wanted a big local grocery chain, over 150 stores. I called, they laughed and turned me down. I
waited a couple months. I thought it through, what more can I do to make 3 pieces of wood more unique,
especially to the big grocery chain. Thinking like Jay, I came up with it. Seafood. I was approaching the
wrong guy, I thought grocery, I needed seafood. I made a call to the seafood guy, he laughed, but I begged
him for 12 minutes of his time. You know how.. I asked him what HIS job was?
I went into the meeting with the seafood manager and asked again what is his goal. To sell seafood.
Exactly. I had a product that was going to help HIM sell MORE seafood. He got it. I had a non-perishable
product, with little labor that would bring people back to buy more seafood. With my colorful package,
simple and delicious recipes, we were going to educate people on how to better prepare salmon, with great
results, and in turn they would have to return to buy more seafood. He sells more fish. He looks good.
I told him, this has nothing to do with me or my product it all has to do about you, Mr. Seafood Buyer,
how to do your job better, Sell More Seafood.
Market Strategy #2
Selling three pieces of wood was still a task. I had to listen again to Jay. I picked up on residual marketing.
Jay inspired me to trust that providing seafood buyers in smaller grocery stores with planks, individually
packaged, to give to their better salmon customers, the results would be positive, and people would again
buy more salmon.
Second, with individuals I proposed cooking for charity events, I give the product away to better chefs in
distant cities for cooking events. I mail press releases to food editors including a plank, all of these well
thought out strategies have had tremendous residual effect . I know if I cross merchandise with other
purveyors of like products, the residual effect is profitable. I am willing to loose, or break even to
introduce the 3 pieces of wood because I know the long term results are in my favor.
I am getting everything I can out of all Ive got! For those of you who do not own a book by that title, I
recommend you purchase it. I am always thinking measurable results. What more can I do for the other
person, that makes them look better, feel better and will think only of my product when comes time for
I do not sell the steak, I sell the sizzle. Its not the ball game, its the ball park.
I sell a theme dinner party to Mrs. Jones. I do cooking demos every weekend in specific locations. I
target my markets. I work that market until I have strong penetration. I sell results. This WILL work.
In conclusion: Keep Thinking. Jay keeps me thinking. Think upside down. Think of the other person.
Whats in it for the other person. How can I create a long sustainable relationship with the least amount of
pressure. What more can I do for you to maximize your results. You have to fall in love with the customer.
Over time you will earnestly stand head and shoulders above the competition.
Hayden Smith
Any way I am making progress so thanks for your inspiration and I hope
this brief testimonial helps your project.
Best Wishes, Tony
Henry Neff
Thanks Jay for your ideas. Once you really grasp the simplicity of the 3-ways to increase revenue and
apply a little creative thinking you truly can adapt them to any sales situation.
Henry Neff
3309 Chace Lake Fairway
Hoover, AL 35244
Phone 205-402-7366
Fax 205-982-0977
Ivone Kirkpatrick
James Buch
James Lunney
summary of how they would be advantaged from both a cost standpoint, a potential return standpoint and a
supply standpoint.
As it turns out, that one 15-page letter, with what I considered to be a very unique, headline, What does
financial responsibility look like? enabled me to transfer approximately 92% of my clients within a three
week period. The other 8% were not invited to join us. Consequently, I basically had a 100% response rate
from that letter. Through the course of the next few years by being able to offer these additional services
and fulfill the promises I made, my business quadrupled to well over $2,000,000 per year in revenue. I
consider this to be a very successful and rewarding experience. At this point, I have continued to use and
build on those basic Abraham principals to grow and expand my business.
Jay, thank you very much for all of the help you have given me over the years. If, in the future, I can be of
any assistance to you please dont hesitate to call. My direct line is #1-800-800-6364.
James O. Lunney
P.S. If anyone who reads this letter would like to obtain a copy of my 15 page What does financial
responsibility look like? letter, simply call or email me at the above referenced numbers.
James Malone
James Scott
Other people started noticing my ads and contacted me to write ads for
them. This started another stream of income. The last sales letter I
wrote for someone, I was paid $5000. From $10 an hour as a customer
service rep to earning $5000 for writing a simple ad. Amazing!
To make a long story short, that first week I went on to sell over
$4000 worth of items online. I quit my job 6 weeks after that and I've
been working from my home ever since. It's all because of the
techniques that you teach and finally putting them to action.
Here's a long overdue thanks and I hope this story inspires other
people to "Just Do It"!
Thanks again, Jay.
James Scott
P.S. - You have permission to use my testimonial anyway you want.
James Wilson
Special note: "My statement is true and provable and you have my permission to use my testimonial in your
promotional and marketing endeavors."
Jay La Rocca
My success story came in real estate, and really came from the 'technique' of
'from the heart'.
One of the biggest problems in Open House was to capture a name and phone
number for followup. Prospects wanted to run in and out, with no relationship
I placed a receptionist at the door to take name, address and phone number on a
sign in sheet. Admittance was by invitation (from past open houses) or by sign
in only. This provided not only a signal of serious intent, but additional
security for the seller's home. No one was allowed through the home without
an escort by a licensed agent.
Needless to say, many people refused to sign and left. Only those who never
would have become my clients self-selected out. I was able to be with those
people whose trust and approachability was high. This allowed me to ask for
an appointment and phone number (again). It was amazing how many told me:
"Use this number instead of the one I signed in...." which told me that winning
trust was the key.
I also found that by NOT struggling with people, and playing the games, I was
left with only those who wanted to do business, rather than a lot of insincere
prospects. The secret was letting them self-select out at the door. Better to
leave the problems outside the door, and only deal with the serious prospects!
The best side note is that listings SOARED because the neighbors who came to
the open house remembered the extra security, and professionalism, and wanted
that for themselves. Plus, I now had a list of fairly serious buyer prospects who
were looking in that neighborhood, so even if they were working with another
broker, I used that list as a listing tool (who else had such buyer control?).
Thanks JAY!
(another) Jay La Rocca
Unique Concepts in Real Estate
Jeff Kolego
By the way, Jay, your teachings have been incredibly valuable since Ive discovered them. Thanks for all
the resources youve put on your web site. They are truly a blessing!!!
Jeremy Radovcic
Meanwhile (two years later) we are in the short list to be selected as the national preferred
supplier for this company. A win/win on all counts.
More importantly, from this experience we now have a systematised probing exercise that each
account manager must conduct whenever they receive a customer complaint or order
cancellation. This has resulted in a 43% reduction in order cancellations and generally results in
a bigger order.
Jeremy Radovcic
Jesse June
Jim Fairbaim
Windows of opportunity - From our customer database we saw that we had around 700 customers,
but only dealt with, in any single year, around 250. We saw this as a fantastic opportunity to use
the 'Window's of Opportunity' concept where we looked at every customer on a one to one basis
and marked them off against the services we sold - this gave us opportunities. Additionally, we
then went through all our customers and looked at 'What extra services that we don't provide at
present, which we could if time and money was no object' The upshot of all of this was that we
sold around an additional 0.5M pounds worth of goods and services and came up with 2 new
ideas for services to offer to our client base.
Risk reversal - This is a new idea for our company where we go into a plant - e.g. a power plant
and offer to fix their sootblowers and only pay when they are satisfied with our service. We are in
the process of deciding our best way to proceed on this one (i.e. to maximise return), but the
overall concept is clear - we provide a service which will eventually exceed all of the customers
requirements and hence they pay for it. We find that you can make more money overall because
you have taken the risk and saved far more money for the end user than they will be spent on the
service - so it's a win-win situation. In addition, you build a special relationship with that
customer and he will turn to automatically from then on. This can be an advantage when perhaps
services are required which are beyond what you currently offer - the customer will turn to you for
advice - he becomes a partner and will proved an income stream for as long as you proved service
which is higher than he expects.
Testimonials - this really follows on from Point 2 where sister power plants have told each other
about the 'risk reversal' strategy adopted by us and have asked us to come and see them. I guess
the lesson here is that people talk to each other and pass good (and bad) information onto each
other. I know we have asked people for contacts in sister companies so that we can speak to them
and also for testimonials so that we can pass their good words onto prospective customers.
Quality of service - This is a very important point - give people more than they expect and they
will always come back.
Hopefully the above can show that some of the strategies I have learned over the years apply to any
business, not just for example, the direct marketing to consumers businesses. My company is an
engineering company, but it has customers - just the same as any other business. How you manage the
process of dealing with your customers is key to your business success.
Kind regards
Jim Fairbairn
Managing Director
Clyde Bergemann Limited
47 Broad Street
G40 2QR
Please visit our website http://www.clydebergemann.co.uk
Jim Penrose
Joan Jones
Joe Pickering
This has opened up a whole new set of advertisers to target both in our
magazine and our web-site. We are about to launch an on-line shop for
visitors to the Retreat Company web-site as a result of this concept
Thanks Jay and Chet. One day we will be a fine example of a UK success
story growing massively using your concepts.
Kind Regards
Jo Pickering
-The Retreat CompanyA complete service for taking "timeout" to enhance personal growth and
Visit our website at: www.retreat-co.co.uk
Joel Frandel
John Bogs
John Butler
John Kaminski
Your teachings are a constant reminder to move out beyond "my zone," to
pursue what I do not know, because that is where the FUN is.
John R. Kaminski
P.S. Remember the Mousetrap? It has a new teammate, BUSTER.
be amazed at what BUSTER can do.
You would
John Preston
Joseph Jones
Thanks, Jay, for your marketing wisdom and for sharing other people's
success with us.
H. Joseph Jones
Manager, Community Services
American Electric Power
P.O. Box 1986
Charleston, WV 25327-1986
Phone: (304)348-4741
Fax: (304)348-4750
K S Lim
Our company produce parts & component for a wide range of Rock Crushing Equipments. Our turnover is
US$10,000,000 per annum. We are reasonably busy but business is not fantastic.
When I first heard of the Risk Reversal Technique, I discussed it with my sales team. There were many
skeptics & some members fear that our clients will take advantage of our offer & rip us off. Our margin is
only 15% to 20% and our product quality is on par with the original parts or close to it. As we are only
selling to the secondary markets, our selling price is already very competitive. We feel we are giving good
value to our customers already & if we give 100% replacement to all customers, we may suffer losses due
to customers making unreasonable claims.
After much discussions, we decide to take the risk & we offer verbally to all existing 150 active customers
that if our product fail prematurely, we will give 100% replacement without any question asked. We kept
our fingers crossed. As it turned out, during a 3 month period, only 3 out of the 150 customers made a
claims against us. These were for mainly smaller items and they are mostly reasonably claims. The total
cost to us is less than US$ 15,000. This is against a turnover of US$2,500,000 or less than 1%. During this
period, our sales actually went up by 35%. Overall, we are mush better of with Risk Reversal.
More important, the has raised the image of our company. People now view our company as a good
progressive organization as we stand behind our product quality.
Kirk Jones
Leo Cuciz
Mani Padisetti
Mani's story:
I had several careers including Accountant and Lecturer in Marketing.
When I taught, published (my academic research) and got compliments about my marketing knowledge I
used to think I know (almost) enough about marketing. When I got introduced to Jay's material, I felt
embarrassed that I did not teach most of the simple yet powerful ideas Jay teaches.
One of the great things I liked is being honest with the customer. I never advocated otherwise but I learned
from Jay how being honest rewards.
I've written a couple of ebooks. In all the ventures (most of them are on the Internet), I seek testimonials
from a few before I start selling anything - be it the book or the consulting service.
I learned on how to write sales letters better, from people like Jay. I've never asked to be a "copywriter"
but I wrote the sales copy for my sites. Nowadays, I get requests from people who visit my sites if I can
write a sales copy for them. I was very pleased when few professional writers sent me emails on how much
they liked my sales copy on the site, when they happened to come to my site. I learned from Jay NOT to be
pushy, to share my reasons (eg. reasons for writing the book), explain in simple language (and where
relevant in $ terms), how my book or service will truly help them etc. This simplicity combined with
honesty, I was told, makes my copy interesting. I've now started to get paid for copywriting now.
I did not ask to be a Consultant either. When my subscribers and some friends on the Internet asked me for
my opinion on specific business development issues or a pricing issues, I advised them. Now, I get more
and more people asking me for advise. One of things I do in the analysis is to go to the very basic values
that I'd want to see a vendor exhibiting to me. Then make sure the solution reflects those values. I have
not made a lot of money yet but what I learned from Jay influenced my thinking and am going in the right
way to make better life for my customers and money - both financially and otherwise.
Maria's Story
My husband, Mani, and I started the IT services business this year. We specialize in computer networking
- Building and maintaing LANs, WANs etc. and we focus on SMEs.
Risk Reversal (100% money back guarantee) :
There are a lot of computer technicians in Sydney, Australia. Several of them have their own "computer
repair business" for the SME market. They also offer to look after the Network. I found that they don't
really look after their customers.
In the early stages, we applied one of the principles I learnt from Jay "adapt what you can from other
industries". Typically, larger IT service providers offer Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for the
Corporate customers. The SLAs usually, from my experience, was "we will respond [typically with a
phone call] to a fault in 4 hours and attend to it in 48 hours". We offered to attend to the fault in 3-hours
and (like Dominos) if we don't then we offered to fix the problem for free. We started using this guarantee
as one of our selling points.
But this was not right. One day, our Engineer was at a customer site. He found more than one problem
with one of their computers that broke down. He mentioned that to the Manager there, they asked the
Engineer if we could it take it, fix it and bring it back later. This was a computer a staff in the customer site
was using. Obviously not having a computer for a day or so was not such a handicap for that customer, as
we thought. We got that confirmed during our informal research with other customers.
Then we realised that the guarantee we were giving was unimportant to the customer in this market.
We needed something unusual and special. After doing a some research, we found out that typically the IT
service providers seek annual maintenance contracts. With the annual contracts, the customers are "locked
in" for one year. Based on "risk reversal" idea, we started offering annual contracts "that can be cancelled
any time". If the customer cancels the contract for any reason, we offered not only to pay the customer
back for the unused period but also an additional amount as a penalty for not keeping them happy. This
guarantee works very well. If nothing else, it brings such a high credibility to our offer and to us as a
company. Thank you Jay.
We realise there is a risk of customer canceling the contract any time. We give them more value than what
they pay for. For instance, we do free audits, we give them extra discounts, we put them in touch with
some of the suppliers that we use for office products etc. etc. As we start giving more and more value for
the money they pay, they have no reason to leave us. Of course, we started this business only in the
beginning of this year, so I don't have the story to tell for one full year contract.
However I can say that this is the reason why we are in the process of pursuing an account that is worth
around A$400,000 per annum. Since we are a new player in the market large companies (like this
particular prospective client) hesitate to give us business. This risk-reversal technique along with monthly
payments instead of an upfront payment for our annual IT support contract eliminates any risk and makes it
easier for the customer to buy from us.
Testimonial Marketing:
I have collected testimonials from almost all our clients to date. Some
I have asked for and others gave it to us without asking. I use them
in sales presentations and in all my proposals.
I also include phone numbers in the testimonials so that a prospective client can do a reference check if
they like.
This has worked like magic!! My conversion rate has been soo good!!
I guess this is also because we come highly recommended in the first
Back-end sales: One of the products that we have started selling to existing customers and new is a Contact
Management System by the name of GoldMine. This product aligns well with our vision to help
businesses manage their information efficiently and effectively. It has worked well so far. This has nice
margin. So, we use this for back end sales.
Test, test, and test: Even though we have not done any marketing other than word of mouth as yet, I test
and measure everything else that I do. Example, what works in a proposal, what testimonials are most
effective etc.
To sum things up, the revenue has gone from nothing to approx. $100,000 in 4 months.
Nicholas Paulus
Phill Coxon
Platinum Edge
- 872 -
Roger Fung
- 873 -
All these only cost me time and efforts to pull it off. What we did was leveraged off what other people had,
let them win, expanded the pie together instead of fighting for the same-sized pie. I was more than willing
to pay for the food cost, but in the end, I didn't have to pay for anything.
We didn't create a million dollar venture, but just a small win for a small business. Hope this helps.
- 874 -
Sean Conley
- 875 -
- 876 -
J. Moore
- 877 -
Then we did a review of what each director thought we had accomplished. We all felt it
had been very very successful. So, we started over, as recommended. We tried to
implement new ideas this go around. We inserted some other successful approaches,
such as having manufacturers reps at our meetings to demonstrate and describe new and
existing products. This has worked well and allowed us to expand into new areas of our
business, such as Access Control and CCTV.
One very useful procedure we added to our meetings was to have a current update in
writing (spreadsheet) on all installation jobs that were booked. This allowed us to see the
progress and planned schedule and to discuss same.
Success of our programs was such that we have had to add in the last nine month to our
original number of twelve technical people as follows:
During this time we have expanded our service and inspection business into two new
areas of operation and added area managers for those areas. In the meantime our
company has become U.L. Listed (one of only tow UL companies in the Austin, Texas
- 878 -
Frank Oppedisano
- 879 -
- 880 -