Epm System Security Configuration Guide

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Oracle Enterprise Performance Management

Security Configuration Guide
Updated: July 2014

EPM System Security Configuration Guide,

Copyright 2005, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Authors: EPM Information Development Team
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Documentation Accessibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Documentation Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Chapter 1. About EPM System Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
About EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Assumed Knowledge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Security Infrastructure Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
User Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Authentication Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Default EPM System Single Sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Single Sign-on from Access Management Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Users . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Launching Shared Services Console . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chapter 2. SSL-Enabling EPM System Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Information Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Location References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
About SSL-Enabling EPM System Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Supported SSL Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Required Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Terminating SSL at the SSL Offloader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Deployment Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Configuring EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Testing the Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Full SSL Deployment of EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Deployment Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Configuring EPM System for Full SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Terminating SSL at the Web Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Deployment Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Configuring EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Testing the Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Enabling Encryption for Financial Reporting Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
SSL for Essbase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Default Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Required Certificates and Their Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Essbase and SSL-Enabled EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Installing and Deploying Essbase Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Using Trusted Third-Party CA Certificates for Essbase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Establishing a Per-Session SSL Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Chapter 3. Enabling SSO with Security Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Supported SSO Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
HTTP Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Custom Login Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
HTTP Authorization Header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Get Remote User from HTTP Request . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Single Sign-on from Oracle Access Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
OracleAS Single Sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Process Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Enabling OSSO for EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Protecting EPM System Products for SSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Resources to Protect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Resources to Unprotect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
SiteMinder SSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Process Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Special Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Enabling SiteMinder Web Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Configuring the SiteMinder Policy Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Configuring SiteMinder Web Server to Forward Requests to the EPM System Web
Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Enabling SiteMinder in EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Kerberos Single Sign-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66


Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Support Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Kerberos SSO with WebLogic Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
WebLogic Server Procedures to Support Kerberos Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Configuring the EPM System for SSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Single Sign-on Options for Smart View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Chapter 4. Configuring User Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
User Directories in EPM System Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Operations Related to User Directory Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Oracle Identity Manager and EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Active Directory Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
DNS Lookup and Host Name Lookup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Global Catalog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories . . . . . . . . . . 85
Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Testing User Directory Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Editing User Directory Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Deleting User Directory Configurations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Managing the User Directory Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Adding a User Directory to the Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Removing a Search Order Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Changing the Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Setting Security Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Regenerating Encryption Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Using Special Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Chapter 5. Using a Custom Authentication Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Use-Case Examples and Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Design and Coding Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Search Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
User Directories and Custom Authentication Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
CSSCustomAuthenticationIF Java Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Deploying the Custom Authentication Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Overview of Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Updating Settings in Shared Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Testing Your Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118


Chapter 6. Guidelines for Securing EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

Implementing SSL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Changing the Admin Password . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Regenerating Encryption Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Changing Database Passwords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Securing Cookies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Reducing SSO Token Timeout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Reviewing Security Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Customizing Authentication System for Strong Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Turning off Detailed Financial Management Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Encrypting UDL File (Financial Management) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Disabling EPM Workspace Debugging Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Changing Default Web Server Error Pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Support for Third-Party Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Appendix A. Custom Authentication Sample Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Sample Code 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Sample Code 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Data File for Sample Code 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Appendix B. Implementing a Custom Login Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Custom Login Class Sample Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Deploying a Custom Login Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Appendix C. Migrating Users and Groups Across User Directories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Migration Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Export Native Directory Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Prepare EPM System for Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Restart EPM System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Edit Import Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Import Updated Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Product-Specific Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Financial Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Reporting and Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141



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About EPM System Security

In This Chapter

About EPM System.........................................................................................11

Assumed Knowledge.......................................................................................11
Security Infrastructure Components......................................................................12
User Authentication........................................................................................12
Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization).................................................................16
Launching Shared Services Console .....................................................................20

About EPM System

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System products form a comprehensive
enterprisewide system that integrates modular suites of financial management and planning
applications with the most comprehensive business intelligence capabilities for reporting and
analysis. Major components of EPM System products:

Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services

Oracle Essbase

Oracle Hyperion Financial Management

Oracle Hyperion Planning

Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis

For information about the products and components in each of these product families, see Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here.

Assumed Knowledge
This guide is for system administrators who configure, secure, and manage EPM System
components. It assumes the following knowledge:

A strong understanding of your organization's security infrastructure, including the


Directory servers; for example, Oracle Internet Directory, Sun Java System Directory
Server, and Microsoft Active Directory
Use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to secure communication channels
About EPM System


Access Management Systems, for example, Oracle Access Manager, and SiteMinder

Single sign-on (SSO) infrastructure; for example, Kerberos

Knowledge of EPM System security concepts that are relevant to your organization

Security Infrastructure Components

EPM System integrates several security components to ensure robust application security. When
integrated into a secure infrastructure, EPM System delivers a highly secure suite of applications
that ensures data and access security. The infrastructure components that you can use to secure
EPM System include:

An optional access management system; for example, Oracle Access Manager to provide
SSO access to EPM System components
Use of an integrated SSO infrastructure; for example, Kerberos.
You can use Kerberos authentication with the access management system (SiteMinder) to
ensure that Windows users can transparently log in to SiteMinder and EPM System

Use of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) to secure communication channels among EPM System
components and clients

User Authentication
User authentication enables single sign-on (SSO) functionality across EPM System components
by validating the login information of each user to determine authenticated users. User
authentication, along with component-specific authorization, grants the user access to EPM
System components. The process of granting authorization is called provisioning.

Authentication Components
The following sections describe the components that support SSO:

Native Directory on page 12

External User Directories on page 13

Native Directory
Native Directory refers to the relational database that Oracle Hyperion Shared Services uses to
support provisioning and to store seed data such as default user accounts.
Native Directory functions:


Maintain and manage the default EPM System user accounts

Store all EPM System provisioning information (relationships among users, groups, and

About EPM System Security

Native Directory is accessed and managed using Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console. See
Managing Native Directory in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User
Security Administration Guide.

External User Directories

User directories refer to corporate user and identity management systems that are compatible
with EPM System components.
EPM System components are supported on several user directories, including LDAP-based user
directories; for example, Oracle Internet Directory, Sun Java System Directory Server (formerly
SunONE Directory Server), and Microsoft Active Directory. Relational databases also are
supported as user directories. User directories other than Native Directory are referred to as
external user directories throughout this document. See Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management ProductsSupported Platforms Matrices for a list of supported user directories.
From Shared Services Console, you can configure many external user directories as the source
for EPM System users and groups. Each EPM System user must have a unique account in a
configured user directory. Generally, EPM System users are assigned to groups to facilitate

Default EPM System Single Sign-on

EPM System supports SSO across EPM System web applications by allowing authenticated users
from an application to seamlessly navigate to other applications without reentering credentials.
SSO is implemented by integrating a common security environment that handles user
authentication and provisioning (role-based authorization) across EPM System components.
The default SSO process is depicted in the following illustration.

User Authentication


1. Through a browser, users access an EPM System component login screen and enter a user
name and password.
The EPM System component queries the configured user directories (including Native
Directory) to verify user credentials. Upon finding the matching user account in a user
directory, the search is terminated, and the user's information is returned to the EPM System
Access is denied if no user account is found in any configured user directory.
2. Using the retrieved user information, the EPM System component queries Native Directory
to obtain provisioning details for the user.
3. EPM System component checks the Access Control List (ACL) in the component to
determine the application artifacts that the user can access.
Upon receiving provisioning information from Native Directory, the EPM System component
is made available to the user. At this point, SSO is enabled for all EPM System components for
which the user is provisioned.

Single Sign-on from Access Management Systems

To further secure EPM System components, you can implement a supported access management
system such as Oracle Access Manager or SiteMinder, which can provide authenticated user
credentials to EPM System components and control access based on predefined access privileges.
SSO from security agents is available for EPM System web applications only. In this scenario,
EPM System components use the user information provided by the security agent to determine
access permissions of users. To enhance security, Oracle recommends that direct access to servers
be blocked by firewalls so all requests are routed through an SSO portal.


About EPM System Security

SSO from access management systems is supported by accepting authenticated user credentials
through an acceptable SSO mechanism. See Supported SSO Methods on page 49. The access
management system authenticates users and passes the login name to EPM System. EPM System
verifies the login name against configured user directories.
See these topics.

Single Sign-on from Oracle Access Manager on page 51

OracleAS Single Sign-on on page 53

SiteMinder SSO on page 63

Kerberos Single Sign-on on page 66

The illustrated concept:

1. Using a browser, users request access to a resource protected by an access management

system, for example; Oracle Access Manager, or SiteMinder.
Note: EPM System components are defined as resources protected by the access

management system.
The access management system intercepts the request and presents a login screen. Users
enter a user name and password, which are validated against configured user directories in
the access management system to verify user authenticity. EPM System components are also
configured to work with these user directories.
Information about the authenticated user is passed to the EPM System component, which
accepts the information as valid.

User Authentication


The access management system passes the user's login name (value of Login Attribute)
to the EPM System component using an acceptable SSO mechanism. See Supported SSO
Methods on page 49.
2. To verify user credentials, the EPM System component tries to locate the user in a user
directory. If a matching user account is found, then user information is returned to the EPM
System component. EPM System security sets the SSO token that enables SSO across EPM
System components.
3. Using the retrieved user information, the EPM System component queries Native Directory
to obtain provisioning details for the user.
Upon receiving user provisioning information, the EPM System component is made
available to the user. SSO is enabled for all EPM System components for which the user is

Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)

EPM System security determines user access to applications using the concept of roles. Roles are
permissions that determine user access to application functions. Some EPM System components
enforce object-level ACLs to further refine user access to their artifacts, such as reports and
Each EPM System component provides several default roles tailored to various business needs.
Each application belonging to an EPM System component inherits these roles. Predefined roles
from the applications registered with Shared Services are available from Shared Services Console.
You may also create additional roles that aggregate the default roles to suit specific requirements.
These roles are used for provisioning. The process of granting users and groups specific roles
belonging to EPM System applications and their resources is called provisioning.
Native Directory and configured user directories are sources for user and group information for
the provisioning process. You can browse and provision users and groups from all configured
user directories from Shared Services Console. You can also use application-specific aggregated
roles created in Native Directory in the provisioning process.
An illustrated overview of the authorization process:


About EPM System Security

1. After a user is authenticated, EPM System component queries user directories to determine
the user's groups.
2. The EPM System component uses group and user information to retrieve the user's
provisioning data from Shared Services. The component uses this data to determine which
resources a user can access.
Product-specific provisioning tasks, such as setting product-specific access control, are
completed for each product. This data is combined with provisioning data to determine the
product access for users.
Role-based provisioning of EPM System products uses these concepts.

A role is a construct (similar to an access control list) that defines the access permissions granted
to users and groups to perform functions on EPM System resources. A role is a combination of
resource or resource types (what users can access, for example, a report) and actions that users
can perform on the resource (for example, view and edit).
Access to EPM System application resources is restricted. Users can access them only after a role
that provides access is assigned to the user or to the group to which the user belongs. Access
restrictions based on roles enable administrators to control and manage application access.

Global Roles
Global roles, which are Shared Services roles that span multiple products, enable users to perform
certain tasks across EPM System products. For example, the Shared Services Administrator can
provision users for all EPM System applications.

Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)


Predefined Roles
Predefined roles are built-in roles in EPM System products. You cannot delete them. Each
application instance belonging to an EPM System product inherits the predefined roles of the
product. These roles, for each application, are registered with Shared Services when you create
the application.

Aggregated Roles
Aggregated roles, also known as custom roles, aggregate multiple predefined roles belonging to
an application. An aggregated role can contain other aggregated roles. For example, a Shared
Services Administrator or Provisioning Manager can create an aggregated role that combines
the Planner and View User roles of a Planning application. Aggregating roles can simplify the
administration of applications that has several granular roles. Global Shared Services roles can
be included in aggregated roles. You cannot create an aggregated role that spans applications or

User directories store information about the users who can access EPM System products. Both
the authentication and the authorization processes use user information. You can create and
manage Native Directory users only from Shared Services Console.
Users from all configured user directories are visible from Shared Services Console. These users
can be individually provisioned to grant access rights on the EPM System applications registered
with Shared Services. Oracle does not recommend provisioning individual users.

Default EPM System Administrator

An administrator account, with default name admin, is created in Native Directory during the
deployment process. This is the most powerful EPM System account and should be used only
to set up a System Administrator, who is the Information Technology expert tasked with
managing EPM System security and environment.
The user name and password of EPM System Administrator is set during Foundation Services
deployment. Because this account cannot be subjected to corporate account password policies,
Oracle recommends that it be deactivated after creating a System Administrator account.
Generally, the default EPM System Administrator account is used to perform these tasks:


Configure the corporate directory as an external user directory. See Chapter 4, Configuring
User Directories.
Create a System Administrator account by provisioning a corporate Information
Technology expert with the Shared Services Administrator role. See Provisioning Users
and Groups in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security
Administration Guide.

About EPM System Security

System Administrator
The System Administrator is typically a corporate Information Technology expert who has read,
write, and execute access rights to all servers involved in an EPM System deployment.
Generally, the System Administrator performs these tasks:

Disable the default EPM System Administrator account.

Create at least one Functional Administrator.

Set the security configuration for EPM System using the Shared Services Console.

Optionally configure user directories as an external user directory.

Monitor EPM System by periodically running the Log Analysis tool.

The tasks that Functional Administrators perform are described in this guide.

Procedures to create a Functional Administrator:


Configure the corporate directory as an external user directory. See Chapter 4, Configuring
User Directories.
Provision a user or group with the required roles to create a Functional Administrator. See
Provisioning Users and Groups in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
User Security Administration Guide.
The Functional Administrator must be provisioned with these roles:

LCM Administrator role of Shared Services

Administrator and Provisioning Manager role of each deployed EPM System

Functional Administrators
The Functional Administrator is a corporate user who is an EPM System expert. Typically, this
user is defined in the corporate directory that is configured in Shared Services as an external user
Functional Administrator performs EPM System administration tasks such as creating other
Functional Administrators, setting up delegated administration, creating and provisioning
applications and artifacts, and setting up EPM System auditing. The tasks that Functional
Administrators perform are described in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
User Security Administration Guide.

Groups are containers for users or other groups. You can create and manage Native Directory
groups from Shared Services Console. Groups from all configured user directories are displayed
in Shared Services Console. You can provision these groups to grant permissions for EPM System
products registered with Shared Services.

Provisioning (Role-Based Authorization)


Launching Shared Services Console

You use a menu option in Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace
to access Shared Services Console.

To launch Shared Services Console:


Go to:

In the URL, web_server_name indicates the name of the computer where the web server
used by Foundation Services is running, and port_number indicates the web server port;
for example, http://myWebserver:19000/workspace.
Note: If you are accessing EPM Workspace in secure environments, use https (not http)

as the protocol and the secure web server port number. For example, use a URL such
as: https://myWebserver:19043/workspace.

Click Launch Application.

Note: Pop-up blockers may prevent EPM Workspace from opening.

In Logon, enter your user name and password.

Initially, the only user who can access Shared Services Console is the EPM System
Administrator whose user name and password were specified during the deployment

Click Log On.

Select Navigate, then Administer, and then Shared Services Console.


About EPM System Security

SSL-Enabling EPM System


In This Chapter

Information Sources .......................................................................................21
Location References .......................................................................................22
About SSL-Enabling EPM System Products .............................................................22
Supported SSL Scenarios .................................................................................23
Required Certificates ......................................................................................23
Terminating SSL at the SSL Offloader....................................................................24
Full SSL Deployment of EPM System ....................................................................26
Terminating SSL at the Web Server ......................................................................37
Enabling Encryption for Financial Reporting Studio.....................................................39
SSL for Essbase ............................................................................................39


You have determined the deployment topology and identified the communication links that
are to be secured using SSL.
You have obtained the required certificates from a Certificate Authority (CA), either a wellknown CA or your own, or created self-signed certificates. See Required Certificates on
page 23.
You are familiar with SSL concepts and procedures such as importing certificates.
See Information Sources on page 21 for a list of reference documents.

Information Sources
SSL-enabling EPM System requires that you prepare components such as the application server,
web server, databases, and user directories to communicate using SSL. This document assumes
that you are familiar with the tasks involved in SSL-enabling these components.

Oracle WebLogic Server: See Configuring SSL in the Securing WebLogic Server Guide.
Oracle HTTP Server: See the following topics in the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's

Managing Security



Enabling SSL for Oracle HTTP Server

User Directories: See the documentation from the user directory vendor. Useful links:

Oracle Internet Directory: See Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide

Sun Java System Directory Server: See Directory Server Security in the Sun Java System
Directory Server Administration Guide
Active Directory: See these documents:

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Active Directory documentation

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory documentation

Novell eDirectory: Novell eDirectory documentation

Databases: See the documentation from the database vendor.

Internet Information Services: See How to Implement SSL in IIS.

Location References
This document refers to the following installation and deployment locations:

MIDDLEWARE_HOME refers to the location of middleware components such as WebLogic

Server, and, optionally, one or more EPM_ORACLE_HOME. The MIDDLEWARE_HOME is defined
during EPM System product installation. The default MIDDLEWARE_HOME directory is
EPM_ORACLE_HOME refers to the installation directory containing the files required to
support EPM System products. EPM_ORACLE_HOME resides within MIDDLEWARE_HOME. The
default EPM_ORACLE_HOME is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/EPMSystem11R1; for example,

EPM System products are installed in the EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products directory; for

example, Oracle/Middleware/EPMSystem11R1/products.
Additionally, during EPM System product configuration, some products deploy
components to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1; for example,

EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE denotes a location that is defined during the configuration process

where some products deploy components. The default location of

EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/epmsystem1; for
example, Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1.

About SSL-Enabling EPM System Products

The EPM System deployment process automatically deploys Oracle's EPM System products to
work in both SSL and non-SSL modes.
While specifying the common setting for EPM System, you specify whether to SSL-enable all
server-to-server communication in your deployment.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Selecting SSL settings during the deployment process does not automatically configure your
environment for SSL. It only sets a flag in the Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry to
indicate that all EPM System components that use the Shared Services Registry must use the
secure protocol (HTTPS) for server-to-server communication. You must complete additional
procedures to SSL-enable your environment. These procedures are discussed in this document.

Supported SSL Scenarios

The following SSL scenarios are supported:

SSL termination at the SSL offloader. See Terminating SSL at the SSL Offloader on page
Full SSL deployment. See Full SSL Deployment of EPM System on page 26.

Note: This document assumes that you are using WebLogic Server to host Java web applications.

If you are using WebSphere, refer to WebSphere documentation for information on SSLenabling WebSphere application server and IBM HTTP Server plug-in.

Required Certificates
SSL communication uses certificates to establish trust between components. Oracle
recommends that you use certificates from well-known third-party CAs to SSL-enable EPM
System in a production environment.
Note: EPM System supports the use of wildcard certificates, which can secure multiple

subdomains with one SSL certificate. Using a wildcard certificate can reduce management
time and cost.
If you are using wildcard certificates to encrypt communication, you must disable hostname verification in WebLogic Server.
You require the following certificates for each server that hosts EPM System components:

A root CA certificate
Note: You need not install a root CA certificate in the Java keystore if you are using

certificates from a well-known third-party CA whose root certificate is already

installed in the Java keystore.
Firefox and Internet Explorer are preloaded with certificates of well-known thirdparty CAs. If you are acting as your own CA, you must import your CA root certificate
into the keystore used by the clients accessed from such browsers. For example; if you
are acting as your own CA, Oracle Hyperion Web Analysis clients cannot establish
an SSL handshake with the server if your CA root certificate is not available to the
browser from which Web Analysis is accessed.

Supported SSL Scenarios


Signed certificates for each Oracle HTTP Server in your deployment

A signed certificate for WebLogic Server host machine. Managed servers on this machine
can also use this certificate
Two certificates for the SSL offloader/load balancer. One of these certificates is for external
communication and the other is for internal communication

Terminating SSL at the SSL Offloader


Deployment Architecture
Configuring EPM System
Testing the Deployment

Deployment Architecture
In this scenario, SSL is used to secure the communication link between EPM System clients (for
example, a browser) and an SSL Offloader. The illustrated concept:


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components


SSL Offloader and Load Balancer

Virtual Hosts

SSL Offloader and Load Balancer

A fully configured SSL offloader with a load balancer must be present in the deployment
The load balancer must be configured to forward all requests received by the virtual hosts to
Oracle HTTP Servers.

Virtual Hosts
SSL terminated at SSL offloader configuration uses two server aliases; for example,
epm.myCompany.com and empinternal.myCompany.com, on the SSL offloader/load
balancer, one for external communication between the offloader and browsers, and the other
for internal communication among EPM System servers. Ensure that the server aliases point to
the IP address of the machine, and that they are resolvable through DNS.
A signed certificate to support external communication between the offloader and browsers
(through epm.myCompany.com) must be installed on the offloader/load balancer.

Configuring EPM System

The default deployment of EPM System components supports SSL termination at the SSL
offloader. No additional action is required.
While configuring EPM System, ensure that the logical address for web applications point to the
alias (for example, empinternal.myCompany.com) that was created for internal
communication. See the following information sources to install and configure EPM System:

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration

Troubleshooting Guide

Testing the Deployment

After completing the deployment process, verify that everything works by connecting to the
secure EPM Workspace URL:

Terminating SSL at the SSL Offloader


For example, https://epm.myCompany.com:443/workspace/index.jsp where 443 is the

SSL port.

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


Deployment Architecture
Configuring EPM System for Full SSL

Deployment Architecture
In full SSL mode, communication across all securable channels is secured using SSL. This EPM
System deployment scenario is the most secure.
The illustrated concept:

Note: Not all EPM System components can be SSL-enabled. Typically, back-end serversfor

example, Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance Server, and Financial Management Server
cannot be SSL-enabled.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components


EPM System
SSL Offloader and Load Balancer

The database servers and clients are SSL-enabled. See your database documentation for
information on SSL-enabling the database server and client.

EPM System
EPM System components, including WebLogic Server and Oracle HTTP Server, are installed
and deployed. Further, your EPM System environment has been tested to ensure that everything
is working in non-SSL mode. See the following information sources:

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration

Troubleshooting Guide

If you plan to SSL-enable the database connections, during the configuration process, you must
select the Advanced Options link on each database configuration screen, and then specify the
required settings, which include the following:

Select Use secure connection to the database (SSL) and enter a secure database URL; for
example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCPS)

Trusted Keystore

Trusted Keystore Password

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration
Guide for details.

SSL Offloader and Load Balancer

A fully configured SSL offloader with a load balancer must be present in the deployment
Full SSL configuration uses two server aliases, for example, epm.myCompany.com and
empinternal.myCompany.com, on the SSL offloader. One is for for external communication
between the offloader and browsers, and the other is for internal communication among EPM
System servers. Ensure that the server aliases point to the IP address of the machine and that
they are resolvable through DNS.
The load balancer must be configured to forward all requests received by the virtual hosts to
Oracle HTTP Servers.
The two signed certificatesone to support external communication between the offloader and
browsers (through epm.myCompany.com), and the other to support internal communication
(through empinternal.myCompany.com) among applicationsmust be installed on the
offloader/load balancer. Oracle recommends that these certificates be tied to server aliases to
prevent the exposure of server names and to enhance security.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Configuring EPM System for Full SSL


Reconfiguring EPM System Common Settings

Optional: Installing Root CA Certificate for WebLogic Server
Installing Certificate on the WebLogic Server
Configuring WebLogic Server
Oracle HTTP Server Procedures
Restarting Servers and EPM System
Testing the Deployment
Configuring SSL-Enabled External User Directories

Reconfiguring EPM System Common Settings

During this process, you select the settings that force EPM System components to use SSL

To reconfigure EPM System for SSL:


Launch Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Configurator.

On Select the EPM Oracle Instance to which the configuration will be applied, complete these steps:

a. In EPM Oracle instance name, enter the instance name that you used while originally
configuring EPM System components.
b. Click Next.

On the Configuration screen, complete these steps:

a. Clear Uncheck All.

b. Expand Hyperion Foundation configuration task, and then select Configure Common
c. Click Next.

In Configure Common Settings, complete these steps:


Before selecting the settings to use SSL to communicate with the email server,
ensure that the email server is configured for SSL.

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


a. Select Use SSL for Java web application server communication (requires manual
configuration) to specify that EPM System should use SSL for communication.
b. Optional: Enter information in Mail Server Host and Port. To support SSL
communication, you must specify the secure port used by the SMTP mail server.
c. Optional: To support SSL communication with the SMTP mail server, select Use SSL
to communicate with mail server.
d. Select or enter settings in the remaining fields.
e. Click Next.

Click Next on subsequent EPM System Configurator screens.

When the deployment process is complete, the Summary screen is displayed. Click Finish.

Optional: Installing Root CA Certificate for WebLogic Server

The root certificates of most well-known third-party CAs are already installed in the Sun and
JRockit JVM keystores. Complete the procedures in this section if you are not using certificates
from a well-known third-party CA (not recommended). Default JVM keystore locations:

Sun JVM keystore: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jdk160_35/jre/lib/security/cacerts

JRockit JVM keystore: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jrockit_160_37/jre/lib/security/

To install the root CA certificate:


Copy the root CA certificate into a local directory on the machine where WebLogic Server is installed.

From a console, change directory to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jdk160_35/jre/bin.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Execute a keytool command such as the following to install the signed certificate into the Sun JVM
keytool -import -alias ALIAS -file CA_CERT_FILE -keystore KEYSTORE -storepass

For example, you can use the following command to add a certificate CAcert.crt stored
in the current directory into the Sun JVM keystore with Blister as the certificate alias in
the keystore. A default storepass (changeit) is assumed.
keytool -import -alias Blister -file CAcert.crt -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts
-storepass changeit -trustcacerts

Note: The preceding command and example use some of the syntax for importing

certificates using keytool. See keytool documentation for a complete list of import

Execute a command such as the following to install the root CA certificate into the JRockit JVM keystore:
keytool -import -alias ALIAS -file CERT_FILE -keystore KEYSTORE -storepass

For example, you can use the following command to add a certificate CAcert.crt stored
in the current directory into the JRockit JVM keystore with Blister as the certificate alias.
A default storepass (changeit) is assumed.
keytool -import -alias Blister -file CAcert.crt -keystore MIDDLEWARE_HOME/
jrockit_160_37/jre/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit -trustcacerts

Note: Ensure that you replace MIDDLEWARE_HOME with the directory path.

Installing Certificate on the WebLogic Server

The default WebLogic Server installation uses a demo certificate to support SSL. Oracle
recommends that you install a certificate from a well-known third-party to strengthen the
security of your environment.
On each machine that hosts WebLogic Server, use a tool (for example, keytool) to create a custom
keystore to store the signed certificate for WebLogic Server and EPM System web components.

To create a custom keystore and import certificate:


From a console, change directory to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jdk160_35/jre/bin.

Execute a keytool command such as the following to create the custom keystore (identified by the keystore directive in the command) in an existing directory:
keytool -genkey -dname "cn=myserver, ou=EPM, o=myCompany, c=US" -alias
epm_ssl -keypass password -keystore C:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\ssl
\keystore -storepass password -validity 365 -keyalg RSA

Note: The common name (cn) that you set must match the server name. If you use fully

qualified domain name (FQDN) as the cn, you must use the FQDN while deploying
web components.

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


Generate a certificate request.

keytool -certreq -alias epm_ssl -file C:/certs/epmssl_csr -keypass
password -storetype jks -keystore C:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\ssl
\keystore -storepass password

Obtain a signed certificate for the WebLogic Server machine.

Import the signed certificate into the keystore:

keytool -import -alias epm_ssl -file C:/certs/epmssl_crt -keypass password -keystore
C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\ssl\keystore -storepass password

Configuring WebLogic Server

After deploying EPM System web components, you must configure them for SSL

To configure the web components for SSL:


Start the WebLogic Server by executing a file stored in MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/


startWebLogic.cmd (Windows)

startWebLogic.sh (UNIX)

Launch the WebLogic Server Administration Console by accessing the following URL:

For example, to access the WebLogic Server console deployed to the default port on
myServer, you should use http://myServer:7001/console.

On the Welcome screen, enter the WebLogic Server administrator user name and password that you
specified in EPM System Configurator.

In Change Center, click Lock & Edit.

In the left pane of the console, expand Environment, and then select Servers.

In the Summary of Servers screen, click the name of the server that you want to SSL-enable.

For example, to SSL-enable Foundation Services components, you work with the
EPMServer0 server.

Clear Listen Port Enabled to disable the HTTP listen port.

Ensure that SSL Listen Port Enabled is selected.

In SSL Listen Port, enter the SSL listen port where this server should listen for requests.

10 To specify the identity and trust keystores to use, select Keystores to open the Keystores tab.
11 Click Change.
12 Select an option:


Custom Identity and Custom Trust if you are not using a server certificate from a wellknown third-party CA

SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Custom Identity and Java Standard Trust if you are using a server certificate from a wellknown third-party CA

13 Click Save.
14 In Custom Identity Keystore, enter the path of the keystore where the signed WebLogic Server certificate
is installed.

15 In Custom Identity Keystore Type, enter jks.

16 In Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Custom Identity Keystore Passphrase, enter
the keystore password.

17 If you selected Custom Identity and Custom Trust in Keystores:

a. In Custom Trust Keystore, enter the path of the custom keystore where the root certificate
of the CA that signed your server certificate is available.
b. In Custom Trust Keystore Type, enter jks.
c. In Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase and Confirm Custom Trust Keystore Passphrase, enter
the keystore password.

18 Click Save.
19 Specify SSL settings.
a. Select SSL.
b. In Private Key Alias, enter the alias that you specified while importing the signed
WebLogic Server certificate.
c. In Private Key Passphrase and Confirm Private Key Passphrase, enter the password to be
used to retrieve the private key.
d. Click Save.

20 Complete step 6 through step 19 for each managed server belonging to this host.
21 In Change Center, click Activate Changes.

Oracle HTTP Server Procedures


Creating a Wallet and Installing Certificate for Oracle HTTP Server

SSL-Enabling Oracle HTTP Server

Creating a Wallet and Installing Certificate for Oracle HTTP Server

A default wallet is automatically installed with Oracle HTTP Server. You must configure a real
wallet for each Oracle HTTP Server in your deployment.

To create and install Oracle HTTP Server certificate :


On each machine that hosts Oracle HTTP Server, launch the Wallet Manager.

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


Windows: Select Start, then All Programs, Oracle-OHxxxxxx, then Integrated Management
Tools, and then Wallet Manager.
xxxxxx is the Oracle HTTP Server instance number.

UNIX: Execute MIDDLEWARE_HOME/ohs/bin/owm to launch the Wallet Manager from

the command line.
Note: The Wallet Manager requires a graphical environment.

Create a new, empty Wallet.

a. In Oracle Wallet Manager, select Wallet, and then New.

b. Click Yes to create a default wallet directory, or No to create the Wallet file in a location
of your choice.
c. In Wallet Password and Confirm Password on the New Wallet screen, enter the password
that you want to use.
d. Click OK.
e. In the confirmation dialog box, click No.

Optional: If you are not using a CA that is known to Oracle HTTP Server, import the root CA certificate
into the Wallet.

a. In Oracle Wallet Manager, right-click Trusted Certificates and select Import Trusted
b. Browse and select the root CA certificate.
c. Select Open.

Create a certificate request.

a. In Oracle Wallet Manager, right-click Certificate: [Empty] and select Add Certificate
b. In Create Certificate Request, enter the required information.
For the common name, enter the fully qualified server alias; for example,
epm.myCompany.com or epminternal.myCompany.com, available in the hosts file
on your system.
c. Click OK.
d. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.
e. Right-click the certificate request that you created, and then select Export Certificate

Specify a name for the certificate request file.

Using the certificate request files, obtain signed certificates from the CA.

Import signed certificates.

a. In Oracle Wallet Manager, right-click the certificate request that was used to obtain the
signed certificate, and then select Import User Certificate.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

b. In Import Certificate, click OK to import the certificate from a file.

c. In Import Certificate, select the Certificate file, and then click Open.

Save the Wallet to a convenient location; for example, EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/


Select Wallet, and then Auto Login to activate auto login.

SSL-Enabling Oracle HTTP Server

After reconfiguring the web server on each machine that hosts Oracle HTTP Server, update
Oracle HTTP Server configuration file by replacing the location of the default Wallet with the
location of the wallet that you created.

To configure Oracle HTTP Server for SSL:


Reconfigure the web server on each Oracle HTTP Server host machine in your deployment.

a. Start EPM System Configurator for the instance.

b. In the configuration task selection screen, complete these steps, and then click Next.

Clear the selection from Uncheck All.


Expand Hyperion Foundation task group, and then select Configure Web Server.

c. In Configure Web Server, click Next.

d. In Confirmation, click Next.
e. In Summary, click Finish.

Update the configuration settings of each Oracle HTTP Server in your deployment.

a. Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/

b. Locate the SSLWallet directive and change its value so that it points to the wallet where
you installed the certificate. If you created the wallet in
keystores/epmsystem, your SSLWallet directive may be as follows:

c. Save and close ssl.conf.

Update mod_wl_ohs.conf on each Oracle HTTP Server in your deployment.

a. Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/

b. Ensure that the WLSSLWallet directive points to the Oracle Wallet where the SSL
certificate is stored.
WLSSLWallet MIDDLEWARE_HOME/ohs/bin/wallets/myWallet

For example, C:/Oracle/Middleware/ohs/bin/wallets/myWallet

c. Save and close mod_wl_ohs.conf.

Full SSL Deployment of EPM System


Restarting Servers and EPM System

Restart all servers in the deployment, and then start EPM System on each server.

Testing the Deployment

After completing the SSL deployment, verify that everything works.

To test your deployment:


Using a browser, access the secure EPM Workspace URL:

If you used epm.myCompany.com as the server alias for external communication and
4443 as the SSL port, the EPM Workspace URL is

On the Logon screen, enter a user name and password.

Click Log On.

Verify that you can securely access the deployed EPM System components.

Configuring SSL-Enabled External User Directories


Import the Root CA Certificate
Configure External User Directories


The external user directories that you plan to configure in Shared Services Console are SSLenabled.
If you did not use a certificate from a well-known third-party CA to SSL-enable the user
directory, you have a copy of the root certificate of the CA that signed the server certificate.

Import the Root CA Certificate

If you did not use a certificate from a well-known third-party CA to SSL-enable the user directory,
then you must import the root certificate of the CA that signed the server certificate into the
following keystores:
Use a tool, such as keytool, to import the root CA certificate.

All EPM System servers:


Sun JVM keystore: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jdk160_35/jre/lib/security/cacerts

JRockit JVM keystore: MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jrockit_160_37/jre/lib/security/



SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

The keystore used by the JVM on each EPM System component host machine. By default,
EPM System components use the following keystore:

Configure External User Directories

You configure user directories using the Shared Services Console. While configuring user
directories, you must select the SSL Enabled option that instructs EPM System security to use
the secure protocol to communicate with the user directory. You can SSL-enable a connection
between EPM System security and LDAP-enabled user directories; for example, Oracle Internet
Directory and Microsoft Active Directory.
See Configuring User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
User Security Administration Guide.

Terminating SSL at the Web Server


Deployment Architecture
Configuring EPM System
Testing the Deployment

Deployment Architecture
In this scenario, SSL is used to secure the communication link between EPM System clients (for
example, a browser) and Oracle HTTP Server. The illustrated concept:

Terminating SSL at the Web Server


This configuration uses two server aliases; for example, epm.myCompany.com and
empinternal.myCompany.com, on the web server, one for external communication between
the web server and browsers, and the other for internal communication among EPM System
servers. Ensure that the server aliases point to the IP address of the machine, and that they are
resolvable through DNS.
A signed certificate to support external communication with browsers (for example, through
epm.myCompany.com) must be installed on the web server (where the virtual host that supports
secure external communication is defined). This virtual host should terminate SSL and forward
HTTP requests to the Oracle HTTP Server.

Configuring EPM System

The default deployment of EPM System components supports SSL termination at the web server.
No additional action is required.
While configuring EPM System, ensure that the logical web applications point to the virtual host
(for example, empinternal.myCompany.com) that was created for internal communication.
See the following information sources to install and configure EPM System:


Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide

SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation Start Here

Testing the Deployment

After completing the deployment process, verify that everything works by connecting to the
secure EPM Workspace URL:

For example, https://epm.myCompany.com:443/workspace/index.jsp where 443 is the

SSL port.

Enabling Encryption for Financial Reporting Studio

To configure Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting Studio for encrypted RMI communication,
add the following to the JVM startup parameters (shell script files in UNIX servers) or
JVMOption Windows registry entries (Windows servers).

Replace TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION with the absolute location of the keystore where you installed
the CA root certificate.
The registry location for adding this parameter for Financial Reporting Studio on a Windows
server is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion Reports
The location for adding JVM parameters for Financial Reporting is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\FinancialReporting0\HyS9FRReports.

SSL for Essbase


Default Deployment
Required Certificates and Their Location
Essbase and SSL-Enabled EPM System
Installing and Deploying Essbase Components
Using Trusted Third-Party CA Certificates for Essbase
Establishing a Per-Session SSL Connection

Essbase supports one-way SSL only, in which the Essbase instance (server and agent) is secured
using certificates.

Enabling Encryption for Financial Reporting Studio


This section explains the procedures for replacing the default certificates that are used to secure
communication between an Essbase instance and components such as MaxL, Oracle Essbase
Administration Services Server, Oracle Essbase Studio Server, Oracle Hyperion Provider
Services, Foundation Services, Planning, Financial Management, and Shared Services Registry.

Default Deployment
Essbase can be deployed to work in SSL and non-SSL modes. Essbase Agent listens on a nonsecure port; it also can be configured to listen on a secure port. All connections accessing the
secure port are treated as SSL connections. If a client connects to the Essbase Agent on the nonSSL port, the connection is treated as a non-SSL connection. Components can establish
concurrent non-SSL and SSL connections to an Essbase Agent.
You can control SSL on a per-session basis by specifying the secure protocol and port when you
log in. See Establishing a Per-Session SSL Connection on page 47.
If SSL is enabled, all communication within an Essbase instance is encrypted to ensure data
Default deployments of Essbase components in secure mode uses self-signed certificates to
enable SSL communication, mainly for testing purposes. Oracle recommends that you use
certificates from well-known third-party CAs to SSL-enable Essbase in production


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Typically, an Oracle Wallet stores the certificate that enables SSL communication with clients
that use Essbase RTC (C APIs) and a Java keystore stores the certificate that enables SSL
communication with components that utilize JAPI for communication. To establish SSL
communication, Essbase clients and tools store the root certificate of the CA that signed the
Essbase Server and Agent certificates. See Required Certificates and Their Location on page

Required Certificates and Their Location

Oracle recommends the use of certificates from well-known third-party CAs to SSL-enable
Essbase in a production environment. You may use the default self-signed certificates for test
Note: Essbase supports the use of wildcard certificates, which can secure multiple subdomains

with one SSL certificate. Using a wildcard certificate can reduce management time and
Wildcard certificates cannot be used if host-name check is enabled.
You require the following certificates:

A root CA certificate.
Components that use Essbase RTC (C APIs) to establish a connection to Essbase require
that the root CA certificate be stored in Oracle Wallet. Components that use JAPI to establish
a connection require that the root CA certificate be stored in a Java keystore. The required
certificates and their locations are indicated in the following table.
Note: You may not need to install root CA certificate if you are using certificates from a

well-known third-party CA whose root certificate is already installed in Oracle Wallet.


Signed certificate for Essbase Server and Essbase Agent.

Table 1

Required Certificates and Their Locations





Oracle Wallet

Root CA certificate

Administration Services Server

Oracle Wallet

Root CA certificate

Provider Services

Oracle Wallet

Root CA certificate

EPM System Database

Oracle Wallet

Root CA certificate

Essbase Studio Server

Java Keystore

Root CA certificate


Oracle Wallet

Java Keystore

Financial Management

Java Keystore

Root CA certificate

Root CA certificate

SSL for Essbase





Essbase (Server and Agent)3

Oracle Wallet

Root CA certificate

Java Keystore

Signed certificate for Essbase Server and Agent

Shared Services Repository


need only one instance of the keystore to support multiple components that use similar keystore.
components can use a root certificate installed in a keystore.
3Certificates must be installed in the default Oracle Wallet and in the Java keystore.

Essbase and SSL-Enabled EPM System

Securing EPM System using SSL does not SSL-enable Essbase.
The only setting that affects an Essbase instance that is deployed with SSL-enabled EPM System
is the JDBC connection setting stored in the Shared Services Registry. If EPM System web
components are configured to use a secure JDBC connection to communicate with the
Foundation Services database, the Shared Services Registry contains a secure JDBC connection
string. In this scenario, manually install the root CA certificate used by Essbase on the database
See your database documentation for information on SSL-enabling the database server and

Installing and Deploying Essbase Components

The configuration process enables you to select a secure agent port (default is 6423), which you
can change when configuring Essbase. By default, the deployment process installs the required
self-signed certificates to create a functional secure deployment for testing.
The Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Installer installs an Oracle
Wallet and self-signed certificate within ARBOR_PATH on the machine that hosts the Essbase
instance if Oracle HTTP Server is installed. In single host deployments, all Essbase components
share this certificate.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Using Trusted Third-Party CA Certificates for Essbase


Creating Certificate Requests and Obtaining Certificates

Obtaining and Installing Root CA Certificate
Installing Signed Certificates
Updating Default Settings

Creating Certificate Requests and Obtaining Certificates

Generate a certificate request to obtain a certificate for the server that hosts Essbase Server and
Essbase Agent. A certificate request contains encrypted information specific to your
Distinguished Name (DN). You submit the certificate request to a signing authority to obtain
an SSL certificate.
You use a tool such as keytool or Oracle Wallet Manager to create a certificate request. For
detailed information on creating a certificate request, see the documentation for the tool that
you are using.
If you are using keytool, use a command such as the following to create a certificate request:
keytool -certreq -alias essbase_ssl -file C:/certs/essabse_server_csr -keypass password
-storetype jks -keystore C:\oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\Essbase_ssl\keystore
-storepass password

Obtaining and Installing Root CA Certificate

The root CA certificate verifies the validity of the certificate that is used to support SSL. It contains
the public key against which the private key that was used to sign the certificate is matched to
verify the certificate. You can obtain the root CA certificate from the certificate authority that
signed your SSL certificates.
Install the root certificate of the CA that signed the Essbase Server certificate on clients that
connect to the Essbase Server or Agent. Ensure that the root certificate is installed in the keystore
appropriate for the client. See Required Certificates and Their Location on page 41.
Note: Multiple components can use a root CA certificate installed on a server machine.

Oracle Wallet
Refer to Table 1, Required Certificates and Their Locations for a list of components that require
the CA root certificate in an Oracle Wallet. You can create a wallet or install the certificate in
the demo wallet where the default self-signed certificate is installed.
See Oracle Wallet Manager documentation for detailed procedures to create wallets and to
import the root CA certificate.

SSL for Essbase


Java Keystore
Refer to Table 1, Required Certificates and Their Locations for a list of components that require
the root CA certificate in an Java keystore. You can add the certificate into the keystore where
the default self-signed certificate is installed or create a keystore for storing the certificate.
Note: The root CA certificates of many well-known third-party CAs are already installed in the

Java keystore.
Refer to the documentation of the tool that you are using for detailed instructions. If you are
using keytool, use a command, such as the following, to import the root certificate:
keytool -import -alias blister_CA -file c:/certs/CA.crt -keypass
password -trustcacerts -keystore C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\Essbase_ssl
\keystore -storepass password

Installing Signed Certificates

You install the signed SSL certificates on the server that hosts Essbase Server and Essbase Agent.
Components that use Essbase RTC (C APIs) to establish a connection to Essbase Server or Agent
require that the certificate be stored in an Oracle Wallet with the root CA certificate. Components
that use JAPI to establish a connection to Essbase Server or Agent require that the root CA
certificate and signed SSL certificate be stored in a Java keystore. For detailed procedures, see
these information sources:

Oracle Wallet Manager documentation

Documentation or online help for the tool; for example, keytool, that you use to import the

If you are using keytool, use a command, such as the following, to import the certificate:
keytool -import -alias essbase_ssl -file C:/certs/essbase_ssl_crt -keypass password
C:\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\Essbase_ssl\keystore -storepass password

Updating Default Settings


Updating Essbase SSL Settings

Customizing SSL Properties of JAPI Clients
Available Cipher Suites for Components that Use Essbase C APIs

You customize the SSL settings for components that use C APIs (Essbase Server and clients) by
specifying their value in essbase.cfg.
You customize Essbase Server SSL settings by specifying their value in essbase.cfg.


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Updating Essbase SSL Settings

Edit essbase.cfg to customize Essbase SSL settings, such as:

Setting to enable secure mode

Setting to enable clear mode

Preferred mode to communicate with clients (used by clients only)

Secure port

Cipher suites

Oracle Wallet path

To update essbase.cfg:

Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/EssbaseServer/essbaseserver1/


Enter settings as needed. Default Essbase settings are implied. If you need to change the default
behavior, add the settings for the custom behavior in essbase.cfg. For example,
EnableClearMode is enforced by default, by which Essbase Server is enabled to communicate over
nonencrypted channel. To turn off Essbase Server's ability to communicate over unencrypted channel,
you should specify EnableClearMode FALSE in essbase.cfg. See Table 2.
Table 2

Essbase SSL Settings




Enables unencrypted communication between Essbase applications and Essbase Agent. If this
property is set to FALSE, Essbase does not handle non-SSL requests.
Default: EnableClearMode TRUE
Example: EnableClearMode FALSE


Enables SSL encrypted communication between Essbase clients and Essbase Agent. This property
must be set to TRUE to support SSL.
Default: FALSE
Example: EnableSecureMode TRUE


A list of cipher suites, in order of preference, to use for SSL communication. See Available Cipher
Suites for Components that Use Essbase C APIs on page 47. Essbase Agent uses one of these
cipher suites for SSL communication. The first cipher suite in the list is accorded the highest priority
when the agent chooses a cipher suit.
Default: SSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5


The secure port at which the agent listens.

Default: 6423
Example: AgentSecurePort 16001

SSL for Essbase





Location of the Oracle Wallet (fewer than 1,024 characters) that stores the root CA certificate and
signed certificate.
Default: ARBORPATH/bin/wallet
Example: WalletPath/usr/local/wallet


The mode (Secure or Clear) for the client session. If this property is set to Secure, SSL mode is used
for all sessions.
If this property is set to Clear, transport is chosen based on whether the client login request contains
the secure transport keyword. See Establishing a Per-Session SSL Connection on page 47.
Default: CLEAR
Example: ClientPreferredMode SECURE


default value is enforced if the property is missing from essbase.cfg.


becomes nonoperational if EnableClearMode and EnableSecureMode are set to FALSE.

use this setting to determine whether they should establish a secure or nonsecure connection with Essbase.

Save and close essbase.cfg.

Customizing SSL Properties of JAPI Clients

Several default properties are predefined for the Essbase components that rely on JAPI. The
default properties can be overridden by including properties in essbase.properties.
Note: Only a few of the SSL properties identified in Table 3 are externalized in
essbase.properties. You should add the properties that are not externalized.

To update SSL properties of JAPI clients:


Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/EssbaseJavaAPI/


Update properties as needed. See Table 3 for description of customizable JAPI client properties.

If a desired property is not included in essbase.properties, add it.

Table 3

Default SSL properties for JAPI Clients




Sets the mode that clients should use against all Essbase instances. Change this property value
to true to enforce SSL mode.
Default: false


Package name for handling the protocol. You can change this value to indicate another handler.


Oracle uses the Sun SSL protocol implementation. You can change this value to indicate another

Default: java.protocol.handler.pkgs

Default: com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol


SSL-Enabling EPM System Components




A comma-separated list of additional ciphers to be enabled for secure communication. You must
specify only ciphers that Essbase supports. See Available Cipher Suites for Components that
Use Essbase C APIs on page 47.


The TrustManager class to use to validate the SSL certificate by verifying the signature and
checking the certificate expiration date.
By default, this property is not set to enforce all verification checks.
To not enforce verification checks, set the value of this parameter to com.essbase.
services.olap.security.EssDefaultTrustManager, which is the default
TrustManager class that allows all validation checks to succeed.
To implement a custom TrustManager, specify a fully qualified class name of the TrustManager
class that implements javax.net.ssl.X509TrustManager interface.

Save and close essbase.properties.

Restart all Essbase components.

Available Cipher Suites for Components that Use Essbase C APIs

These cipher suites are supported by the SSL implementation on Essbase Server:







Establishing a Per-Session SSL Connection

Essbase components; for example, MaxL, can control SSL at session level by connecting to
Essbase Agent using secure as the transport keyword. For example, you can establish a secure
connection between MaxL and Essbase Agent by executing one of the following commands from
a MaxL Console:
login admin welcome1 on hostA:PORT:secure
login admin welcome1 on hostA:secure

Per-session control takes priority over configuration settings specified in essbase.cfg. If no

transport keyword is specified, Essbase clients use the value set for ClientPreferredMode to
determine whether to initiate a secure connection with Essbase. If the
ClientPreferredMode setting is not set to secure, the communication occurs over a nonsecure

SSL for Essbase



SSL-Enabling EPM System Components

Enabling SSO with Security


In This Chapter

Supported SSO Methods..................................................................................49

Single Sign-on from Oracle Access Manager............................................................51
OracleAS Single Sign-on ..................................................................................53
Protecting EPM System Products for SSO ...............................................................59
SiteMinder SSO ............................................................................................63
Kerberos Single Sign-on...................................................................................66
Configuring the EPM System for SSO ....................................................................80
Single Sign-on Options for Smart View ..................................................................81

Supported SSO Methods


HTTP Header
Custom Login Class
HTTP Authorization Header
Get Remote User from HTTP Request

SSO requires that the web identity management solution pass the login name of authenticated
users to EPM System products. You can use the following standard EPM System methods to
integrate EPM System with commercial and custom web-based SSO solutions.

HTTP Header on page 50

Custom Login Class on page 50

HTTP Authorization Header on page 51

Get Remote User from HTTP Request on page 51


As a security measure, Oracle recommends that you implement client certificate

authentication (two-way SSL) between the web server and the application server if
your organization uses methods that carry user identity in the header for identity

Supported SSO Methods


HTTP Header
If you are using Oracle Single Sign-on (OSSO), SiteMinder, or Oracle Access Manager as the
web identity management solution, EPM System security automatically selects Custom HTTP
header to pass the login name of authenticated users to EPM System components.
The login name of an EPM System product user is determined by the Login Attribute that
is specified while configuring user directories in Shared Services. See Configuring OID, Active
Directory, and Other LDAP-Based User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide for a brief description of the Login
The HTTP header must contain the value of the attribute that is set as the Login Attribute.
For example, if uid is the Login Attribute value, the HTTP header must carry the value of
the uid attribute.
See your web identity management solution documentation for detailed information on defining
and issuing custom HTTP headers.
EPM System security parses the HTTP header and validates the login name that it carries against
the user directories configured on Shared Services.

Custom Login Class

When a user logs in, the web identity management solution authenticates the user against a
directory server and encapsulates the credentials of the authenticated user in an SSO mechanism
to enable SSO with downstream systems. If the web identity management solution uses a
mechanism unsupported by EPM System products, or if the value of the Login Attribute is
not available in the SSO mechanism, you can use a custom login class to derive and pass the
value of the Login Attribute to EPM System products.
Using a custom login class enables EPM System to integrate with security agents that use X509
certificate-based authentication. Using this authentication mechanism requires the
implementation of standard Shared Services APIs to define the SSO interface between EPM
System components and the web identity management solution. The custom login class must
pass the value of the Login Attribute to EPM System products. See Configuring OID, Active
Directory, and Other LDAP-Based User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide for a brief description of Login
Attribute. For sample code and implementation steps, see Appendix B, Implementing a
Custom Login Class.
To use a custom login class (default name is
com.hyperion.css.sso.agent.X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl), an
implementation of com.hyperion.css.CSSSecurityAgentIF interface must be available in
the classpath. CSSSecurityAgentIF defines the getter method for retrieving the user name

and password (optional). If the interface returns a null password, security authentication treats
the provider as trusted and verifies the existence of the user in configured providers. If the
interface returns a non-null value for the password, EPM System attempts to authenticate the
request using the user name and password returned by this implementation.
CSSSecurityAgentIF comprises two methods: getUserName and getPassword.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

getUserName Method
This method returns the user name for authentication.
java.lang.String getUserName(
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)
throws java.lang.Exception

The req parameter identifies the HTTP request that carries the information that is used to
determine the user name. The res parameter is not used (preset for backward compatibility).

getPassword Method
This method returns clear-text password for authentication. Password retrieval is optional.
java.lang.String getPassword(
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,
javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)
throws java.lang.Exception

The req parameter identifies the HTTP request that carries the information that is used to
determine the password. The res parameter is not used (preset for backward compatibility).

HTTP Authorization Header

EPM System security supports the use of an HTTP authorization header to pass value the of
Login Attribute to EPM System products from web identity management solutions. EPM
System products parse the authorization header to retrieve the user's login name.

Get Remote User from HTTP Request

EPM System security supports the use of an HTTP request to pass the value of Login
Attribute to EPM System products from web identity management solutions. Use this SSO
method if the web identity management solution passes an HTTP request containing the value
of the Login Attribute, which is set using the setRemoteUser function.

Single Sign-on from Oracle Access Manager

EPM System integrates with Oracle Access Manager by accepting a custom HTTP header (default
name HYPLOGIN) that contains the login attribute value. The login attribute is set when you
configure an external user directory in Shared Services. See Configuring OID, Active Directory,
and Other LDAP-Based User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System User Security Administration Guide for a brief description of Login Attribute.
You can use any header name that provides the value of login attribute to EPM System. You use
the header name while configuring Shared Services for SSO from Oracle Access Manager.

Single Sign-on from Oracle Access Manager


EPM System uses the value of the login attribute to authenticate the user against a configured
user directory (in this case, the user directory against which Oracle Access Manager authenticates
users) and then generates an EPM SSO token that enables SSO across EPM System. Provisioning
information of the user is checked in Native Directory to authorize the user to EPM System
Note: Administration Services console, which is a thick client, does not support SSO from Oracle

Access Manager.
Information about configuring Oracle Access Manager and performing tasks such as setting up
the HTTP header and policy domains is available in the Oracle Access Manager documentation.
This guide assumes a working Oracle Access Manager deployment where you have completed
the following tasks:

Set up the required policy domains foEPM System components

Configured an HTTP header to pass login attribute value to EPM System

Protected the EPM System resources listed in Resources to Protect on page 59. Requests
to access protected resources are challenged by Oracle Access Manager.
Unprotected the EPM System resources listed in Resources to Unprotect on page 60.
Requests to access unprotected resources are not challenged by Oracle Access Manager.

To configure EPM System for SSO from Oracle Access Manager:


Add the user directory that Oracle Access Manager uses to authenticate users as an external user
directory in EPM System. See Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-Based User Directories
in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
Note: Ensure that the Trusted check box in the Connection Information screen is selected

to indicate that the user directory is a trusted SSO source.

Configure EPM System for SSO. See Configuring the EPM System for SSO on page 80.

Select Oracle Access Manager from the SSO Provider or Agent list. If the HTTP header from
Oracle Access Manager uses a name other than HYPLOGIN, enter the name of the custom
header in the text box next to the SSO Mechanism list.

Oracle Data Relationship Management only:

a. Configure Data Relationship Management for Shared Services authentication.

b. Enable SSO in Data Relationship Management Console.
See the Data Relationship Management documentation for detailed information.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

OracleAS Single Sign-on

The OracleAS Single Sign-on (OSSO) solution provides SSO access to web applications using
Oracle Internet Directory (OID) as the user directory. Users use a user name and password
defined in an OID to log in to EPM System products.

Process Flow

The OSSO process:

1. Using an EPM System URL, for example, http://
OSSO_OHS_Server_NAME:OSSO_OHS_Server_PORT/interop/index.jsp, users

access an EPM System component that is defined as an OSSO protected application.

2. Because the URL is under OSSO protection, mod_osso, deployed on Oracle HTTP Server,
intercepts the request. Using mod_osso, Oracle HTTP Server checks for a valid cookie. If a
valid cookie is not available in the request, Oracle HTTP Server redirects users to the OSSO
Server, which challenges users for credentials, which it authenticates against OID.
3. OSSO Server creates the obSSOCookie and returns control to the mod_osso module on the
Oracle HTTP Server, which sets the obSSOCookie in the browser. It also redirects the request
to the EPM System resource through mod_wl_ohs (WebLogic Server) or mod_proxy (IIS
Server). Before forwarding the request to an EPM System resource, Oracle HTTP Server sets
the Proxy-Remote-User header, which EPM System security uses to enable SSO.

OracleAS Single Sign-on


4. The EPM System component verifies that the user whose identity is retrieved from ProxyRemote-User is present in OID. For this process to work, the OID that is configured with
the OSSO Server should be configured as an external user directory in Shared Services.

1. A fully functional Oracle Application Server Infrastructure.
To establish an Oracle Application Server Infrastructure, install and configure Oracle
Identity Management Infrastructure 10.1.4. Ensure that OSSO is enabled. Oracle Identity
Management Infrastructure 10.1.4 installation includes the following components to
support OSSO.

Oracle 10g OSSO Server.

An OID, which the OSSO Server uses to validate credentials. See the following guides:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle Identity Management

Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet Directory

Oracle HTTP Server as a frontend to the OSSO Server. This installation includes
mod_osso, which allows you to define partner applications for OSSO.
Note: This Oracle HTTP Server instance is a part of the OSSO infrastructure; it is not

directly used for configuring OSSO for EPM System components.

During the installation process, ensure that mod_osso is registered with the OSSO
Server as a partner application.
2. A fully functional EPM System deployment.
When you configure the web server for EPM System components, EPM System Configurator
configures the following on the Oracle HTTP Server to proxy requests to the application


mod_wl_ohs.conf to proxy requests to WebLogic Server

mod_proxy to proxy requests to IIS Server

Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Enabling OSSO for EPM System


Registering EPM System Web Server as a Partner Application

Optional: Defining the Virtual Host
Creating mod_osso.conf
Relocating osso.conf
Adding Cache Management Configuration for Reporting and Analysis
Configuring EPM System for OSSO
Optional: Enabling Debugging Messages on the OSSO Server
Optional: Enabling Debugging Messages for Protected Resources

This section assumes that you have a fully configured OSSO infrastructure. See the Oracle
Application Server Administrator's Guide.

Registering EPM System Web Server as a Partner Application

You use the Oracle Identity Manager SSO registration tool (ssoreg.sh or ssoreg.bat) to
register EPM System web server as a partner application on the Oracle HTTP Server that frontends the OSSO Server.
Perform this procedure on the server that hosts the Oracle HTTP Server that front-ends the
OSSO Server. This process generates and stores an obfuscated osso.conf in the location of
your choice.

To register EPM System web server as a partner application:


Open a console on the server that hosts the Oracle HTTP Server that front-ends the OSSO Server and
navigate to ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin directory of Oracle HTTP Server, for example to C:/
OraHome_1/sso/bin (Windows).

Execute a command similar to the following with -remote_midtier option:

ssoreg.bat -site_name epm.myCompany.com
-mod_osso_url http://epm.myCompany.com:19400
-config_mod_osso TRUE
-update_mode CREATE
-config_file C:\OraHome_1\myFiles\osso.conf

The following explans the parameters used in this command. In this description, partner
application refers to the Oracle HTTP Server that is used as the EPM System web server.

-site_name identifies the web site of the partner application; for example,
-mod_osso_url indicates the partner application URL, in PROTOCOL://
HOST_NAME:PORT format. This is the URL at which the EPM System web server accepts
incoming client requests; for example, http://epm.myCompany.com:19000.
-config_mod_osso identifies that the partner application uses mod_osso. You must
include the config_mod_osso parameter to generate osso.conf.

OracleAS Single Sign-on


-update_mode indicates the update mode. Use CREATE, the default, to generate a new


-remote_midtier specifies that the mod_osso partner application is at a remote midtier. Use this option when the partner application is at a different ORACLE_HOME than

that of the OSSO Server.


-virtualhost indicates that the partner application URL is a virtual host. Do not use

this parameter if you are not using a virtual host.

If you are registering a partner application URL tied to a virtual host, you must define
the virtual host in httpd.conf. See Optional: Defining the Virtual Host on page

-config_file indicates the path where osso.conf file is to be generated.

Optional: Defining the Virtual Host

If you used a virtual host URL while registering the partner application, you must define the
virtual host by updating httpd.conf on the Oracle HTTP Server that is used as the EPM System
web server.

To define a virtual host:


Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/


Add a definition similar to the following. This definition assumes that the web server is running on the
virtual server epm.myCompany.com at port epm.myCompany.com:19400. Modify the settings
to suit your requirements.
NameVirtualHost epm.myCompany.com:19400
Listen 19400
<VirtualHost epm.myCompany.com:19400>
DocumentRoot "C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/httpConfig/ohs

Creating mod_osso.conf
Create mod_osso.conf on the Oracle HTTP Server that front-ends the EPM System web server.

To create mod_osso.conf:

Using a text editor, create a file.

Copy the following content into the file and modify it for your environment.
LoadModule osso_module C:/Oracle/Middleware/ohs/ohs/modules/mod_osso.so
<IfModule mod_osso.c>
OssoIpCheck off
OssoIdleTimeout off
OssoSecureCookies off


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

OssoConfigFile C:/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/epmsystem1/httpConfig/

Within the <IfModule mod_osso.c definition, include location definitions similar to the following
to identify each resource that you plan to protect using OSSO.
<Location /interop/>
require valid user
AuthType Osso

Save the file as mod_osso.conf.

Relocating osso.conf
The process of registering EPM System web server as a partner application (see Registering
EPM System Web Server as a Partner Application on page 55) creates an obfuscated
osso.conf file in the location identified by the -config_file directive.

To relocate osso.conf:

Locate the osso.conf that was created when you registered EPM System web server as a partner
application (see Registering EPM System Web Server as a Partner Application on page 55.

Copy osso.conf into the directory (on Oracle HTTP Server that front-ends the OSSO Server) identified
by the OssoConifgFile property defined in mod_osso.conf (see Creating
mod_osso.conf on page 56).

Adding Cache Management Configuration for Reporting and Analysis

Edit httpd.conf of Oracle HTTP Server and add cache management configuration settings for
Reporting and Analysis.

To add cache management configuration settings:


Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/


Append the following directives for Reporting and Analysis cache management:
<Location /WebAnalysis/>
OssoSendCacheHeaders off
<Location /workspace/>
OssoSendCacheHeaders off
<Location /hr/>
OssoSendCacheHeaders off
<Location /HReports/>
OssoSendCacheHeaders off

Save and close httpd.conf.

OracleAS Single Sign-on


Configuring EPM System for OSSO

Configure the OID that is integrated with the OSSO solution as an external user directory in
EPM System, and then enable SSO.

To configure EPM System for OSSO:


Configure the OID that the OSSO solution uses as an external user directory. See "Configuring OID,
Active Directory, and Other LDAP-Based User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Enable SSO in the EPM System. Configuring the EPM System for SSO on page 80
Note: To configure OSSO as the identity management solution, you must choose Other in
SSO Provider or Agent, Custom HTTP Header in SSO Mechanism, and enter ProxyRemote-User as the name of the custom HTTP header.

Provision at least one OID user as Shared Services administrator.

Restart EPM System products and custom applications that use the Shared Services security APIs.
Note: Ensure that the OID configured with Shared Services is running before starting EPM

System products.

Optional: Enabling Debugging Messages on the OSSO Server

To record debugging messages on OSSO server, modify policy.properties. Debugging
messages are written to ORACLE_HOME/sso/log/ssoServer.log.

To record debug messages:


Using a text editor, open ORACLE_HOME/sso/conf/policy.properties; for example, C:

\OraHome_1\sso\conf\policy.properties, on the OSSO server.

Set the value of debugLevel property to DEBUG.

debugLevel = DEBUG

Save and close policy.properties.

Optional: Enabling Debugging Messages for Protected Resources

To record OSSO debugging messages for resources protected using mod_osso.conf, modify
httpd.conf on the EPM System web server. Debugging messages are written to

To record debugging messages for protected resources:



Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Set the value of OraLogSeverity property to TRACE.

OraLogSeverity TRACE:32

Save and close httpd.conf.

Protecting EPM System Products for SSO


Resources to Protect
Resources to Unprotect

You must protect EPM System resources so that SSO requests from users are redirected to the
security agent (OAM, OSSO, or SiteMinder).
Oracle HTTP Server uses mod_osso to redirect users to the OSSO server. Users are redirected
only if the URLs that they request are configured in mod_osso to be protected. See Managing
Security in the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide.
For information on protecting resources for SiteMinder SSO, see SiteMinder documentation.

Resources to Protect
Table 4 lists the contexts that must be protected. The syntax for protecting a resource (using
interop as an example) for OSSO:
<Location /interop>
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from myServer.myCompany.com
satisfy any

The allow from parameter specifies servers from which the protection of the context can be
For EPM Workspace, Financial Reporting, and Web Analysis, you need to set only the parameters
indicated in the following example:
<Location /workspace>
Require valid-user
AuthType Basic
Table 4

EPM System Resources to Protect

EPM System Product

Context to Protect

Shared Services


Protecting EPM System Products for SSO


EPM System Product

Context to Protect

Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis Framework



EPM Workspace


Financial Reporting


Web Analysis


Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect




Oracle Hyperion Performance Scorecard



Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance


Oracle Integrated Operational Planning


Financial Management




Data Relationship Management


Administration Services


Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management


Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager


Oracle Hyperion Provider Services


Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management


Account Reconciliation Manager


Oracle Hyperion Financial Close Management


Oracle Hyperion Disclosure Management1


Oracle Hyperion Financial Data Quality Management, Enterprise Edition


1Full certificates chain (starting from root certificate) is required on the client machine to support the use of Disclosure Management client with

SSL protected web services.

Resources to Unprotect
Table 5 lists the contexts that must be unprotected. The syntax for unprotecting a resource
(using /interop/framework(.*) as an example) for OSSO:
<LocationMatch /interop/framework(.*)>
Require valid-user


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

AuthType Basic
allow from all
satisfy any
Table 5

EPM System Resources to Unprotect

EPM System Product

Contexts to Unprotect

Shared Services














/epmstatic* 6




/HyperionPlanning/servlet/HspAppManagerServlet (for Performance Management Architect)




/InsightInstaller* 7








Performance Management Architect 5

EPM Workspace


Oracle Hyperion Reporting and

Analysis Framework

Oracle Hyperion Web Analysis*

Oracle Hyperion Financial Reporting*

Oracle Data Relationship



Oracle Hyperion Calculation Manager

/calcmgr/common.performAction.do (for Performance Management Architect)

Protecting EPM System Products for SSO


EPM System Product

Contexts to Unprotect

Administration Services











Financial Management

Oracle Hyperion Performance


Performance Management Architect

Data Synchronization
Oracle Hyperion Strategic Finance

Oracle Integrated Operational


Profitability and Cost Management

Oracle Hyperion Financial Data

Quality Management, Enterprise
Oracle Hyperion Disclosure


















(.*) is a SiteMinder format that means everything including subdirectories.

Text appended with * (example, taskflow*) means anything that begins with the text (example, taskflow) within the current directory.
3 /* means anything that is within this directory, including subdirectories.
4 If no wildcard is used, only the specified context is unprotected.

/awb/integration.updateApplicationDeployStatus.do/** should be unprotected for Oracle Access Manager

integration only.
6Unprotect this resource if you are using Oracle Access Manager
7Unprotect this resource if you are using Oracle Access Manager


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

SiteMinder SSO

Process Flow
Special Considerations
Enabling SiteMinder Web Agent
Configuring the SiteMinder Policy Server
Configuring SiteMinder Web Server to Forward Requests to the EPM System Web Server
Enabling SiteMinder in EPM System

SiteMinder is a web-only solution. Desktop applications and their add-ins (for example,
Microsoft Excel and Report Designer) cannot use authentication through SiteMinder. However,
Oracle Smart View for Office can use SiteMinder authentication.

Process Flow
Illustrated overview of SiteMinder-enabled SSO:

The SiteMinder SSO process:

1. Users try to access a SiteMinder-protected EPM System resource. They use a URL that
connects them to the web server that front-ends the SiteMinder policy server; for example,

SiteMinder SSO



2. The web server redirects users to the policy server, which challenges users for credentials.
After verifying credentials against configured user directories, the policy server passes the
credentials to the web server that hosts the SiteMinder Web Agent.
3. The web server that hosts the SiteMinder Web Agent redirects the request to the Oracle
HTTP Server that front-ends EPM System. Oracle HTTP Server redirects users to the
requested application deployed on WebLogic Server or IIS Server.
4. The EPM System component checks provisioning information and serves up content. For
this process to work, the user directories that SiteMinder uses to authenticate users must be
configured as external user directories in the EPM System. These directories must be
configured as trusted.

Special Considerations
SiteMinder is a web-only solution. Desktop applications and their add-ins (for example,
Microsoft Excel and Report Designer) cannot use authentication through SiteMinder. However,
Smart View can use SiteMinder authentication.

1. A fully functional SiteMinder installation comprising the following components:

SiteMinder Policy Server on which policies and agent objects are defined
SiteMinder Web Agent installed on the web server that front-ends the SiteMinder Policy

2. A fully functional EPM System deployment.

When you configure the web server for EPM System components, EPM System Configurator
configures the following on the Oracle HTTP Server to proxy requests to the application

mod_wl_ohs.conf to proxy requests to WebLogic Server

mod_proxy to proxy requests to IIS

Enabling SiteMinder Web Agent

The web agent is installed on a web server that intercepts requests for EPM System resources.
Attempts by unauthenticated users to access a protected EPM System resources forces the web
agent to challenge users for SSO credentials. When a user is authenticated, the policy server adds
the login name of the authenticated user, which is carried by the header. Thereafter, the HTTP
request is passed to the EPM System web server, which redirects the requests. EPM System
components extracts the authenticated user credentials from headers.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

SiteMinder supports SSO across EPM System products running on heterogeneous web server
platforms. If EPM System products use different web servers, you must ensure that the
SiteMinder cookie can be passed among web servers within the same domain. You do so by
specifying the appropriate EPM System application domain as the value of the
Cookiedomain property in the WebAgent.conf file of each web server.
See the Configuring Web Agents in the Netegrity SiteMinder Agent Guide.
Note: Because Shared Services uses basic authentication to protect its content, the web server

that intercepts requests to Shared Services should enable basic authentication to support
SSO with SiteMinder.
You configure the web Agent by running the SiteMinder Web Agent Configuration wizard (by
executing WEBAGENT_HOME/install_config_info/nete-wa-config; for example, C:
\netegrity\webagent\install_config_info\nete-wa-config.exe on Windows).
The configuration process creates a WebAgent.conf for the SiteMinder web server.

To enable SiteMinder Web Agent:


Using a text editor, open WebAgent.conf. The location of this file depends on the web server that
you are using. If you are configuring the an IIS Server as the SiteMinder web server, the location of
WebAgent.conf is WEB_AGENT_HOME/bin/IIS; for example, C:\SiteMinder\webagent

Set the value of enableWebAgent property to Yes.


Save and close the web agent configuration file.

Configuring the SiteMinder Policy Server

A SiteMinder administrator must configure the policy server to enable SSO to EPM System
The configuration process involves:

Creating a SiteMinder Web Agent and adding configuration objects appropriate for the
SiteMinder web server
Creating a realm for each EPM System resource that should be protected and adding the
web agent to the realm. See Resources to Protect on page 59
Within the realm that was created for protected EPM System resources, create realms for
unprotected resources. See Resources to Unprotect on page 60
Creating HTTP header reference. The header should provide the value of Login
Attribute to EPM System applications. See Configuring OID, Active Directory, and
Other LDAP-Based User Directories in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System User Security Administration Guide for a brief description of Login Attribute.
Creating rules within the realms with Get, Post, and Put as web agent actions

SiteMinder SSO


Creating a response attribute with hyplogin=<%userattr="SM_USERLOGINNAME"%> as

the value
Creating a policy, assigning user directory access, and adding rules that you created for EPM
System to Current Members list
Setting responses for the rules you created for EPM System components

Configuring SiteMinder Web Server to Forward Requests to

the EPM System Web Server
Configure the web server that hosts the SiteMinder web agent to forward requests from
authenticated users (containing the header identifying the user) to the EPM System web server.
For Apache-based web servers, use directives similar to the following to forward authenticated
ProxyPass / http://EPM_WEB_SERVER:EPM_WEB_SERVER_PORT/
ProxyPassReverse / http://EPM_WEB_SERVER:EPM_WEB_SERVER_PORT/
ProxyPreserveHost On
#If SiteMinder Web Server is using HTTPS but EPM Web Server is using HTTP
RequestHeader set WL-Proxy-SSL true

In this directive, replace EPM_WEB_SERVER and EPM_WEB_SERVER_PORT with the actual values
for your environment.

Enabling SiteMinder in EPM System

Integration with SiteMinder requires that you enable SiteMinder authentication for EPM System
products. See Configuring the EPM System for SSO on page 80.

Kerberos Single Sign-on


Support Limitations
Kerberos SSO with WebLogic Server
WebLogic Server Procedures to Support Kerberos Authentication

EPM System products support Kerberos SSO if the application server that hosts EPM System
products is set up for Kerberos authentication.
Kerberos is a trusted authentication service in which each Kerberos client trusts the identities of
other Kerberos clients (users, network services, and so on) to be valid.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

The following happens when a user accesses an EPM System product:

1. From a Windows computer, the user logs in to a Windows domain, which is also a Kerberos
2. Using a browser that is configured to use Integrated Windows Authentication, the user tries
to log into EPM System products running on the application server.
3. The application server (Negotiate Identity Asserter) intercepts the request and gets the
Simple and Protected Generic Security Services API (GSSAPI) Negotiation Mechanism
(SPNEGO) token with the Kerberos ticket from the browser's authorization header.
4. The asserter validates the user's identity included in the token against its identity store to
pass information about the user to EPM System product. The EPM System product validates
the user name against an Active Directory. The EPM System product issues an SSO token
that supports SSO across all EPM System products.

Support Limitations
Kerberos SSO is supported for all EPM System products, with the following exceptions:

Kerberos SSO is not supported for thick clients other than Smart View.
Smart View supports Kerberos integration for Oracle Essbase, Planning, and Financial
Management providers only
Kerberos SSO support for IIS-embedded EPM System products (for example, Financial
Management) is available only through EPM Workspace. SSO access to Oracle Hyperion
Financial Data Quality Management is provided through Financial Management.

This document, which contains application-level Kerberos configuration steps, assumes
knowledge of Kerberos configuration at the system level. Before you start these procedures,
confirm that the prerequisites for these tasks arecompleted.
This document assumes that you are working in a fully functional Kerberos-enabled network
environment in which Windows client machines are configured for Kerberos authentication.

The corporate Active Directory is configured for Kerberos authentication. See Microsoft
Windows Server documentation.
Browsers used to access EPM System products are configured to negotiate using Kerberos

Firefox: https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/
Internet Explorer: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E12839_01/web.1111/e13707/

Time synchronization with no more than a five-minute skew between KDC and client
machines. See Authentication Errors are Caused by Unsynchronized Clocks at http://

Kerberos Single Sign-on


Integrated Windows Authentication is enabled in Internet Information System (IIS) if

Financial Management is deployed.
If IIS is used only as the web server for EPM System products, Integrated Windows
Authentication should be disabled in IIS.

Kerberos SSO with WebLogic Server

WebLogic Server Kerberos SSO uses the Negotiate Identity Asserter to negotiate and decode
SPNEGO tokens to enable SSO with Microsoft clients. WebLogic Server decodes SPNEGO
tokens to obtain Kerberos ticket and validates and maps the ticket to a WebLogic Server user.
You can use the Active Directory Authenticator of WebLogic Server with the Negotiate Identity
Asserter to configure Active Directory as the user directory for WebLogic Server users.
When the browser requests access to an EPM System product, KDC issues a Kerberos ticket to
the browser, which creates a SPNEGO token containing the supported GSS token types. The
Negotiate Identity Asserter decodes the SPNEGO token and uses GSSAPIs to accept the security
context. The identity of the user who initiated the request is mapped to a user name and passed
back to WebLogic Server. Additionally, the WebLogic Server determines the groups to which
the user belongs. At this stage, the requested EPM System product is made available to the user.
Note: Users must use a browser that supports the SPNEGO (for example, Internet Explorer or

Firefox) to access the EPM System products running on WebLogic Server. WebLogic
Server can run on a UNIX or Windows platform.
Using the user ID derived from the authentication process, the EPM System product
authorization process checks for provisioning data. Access to EPM System product is restricted
based on provisioning data.
See Configuring Single Sign-On with Microsoft Clients in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Securing Oracle WebLogic Server guide.

WebLogic Server Procedures to Support Kerberos

An administrator should complete these tasks to support Kerberos authentication:


Create the WebLogic domain for EPM System. See Creating the WebLogic Domain for
EPM System on page 69.
Create an authentication provider. See Creating an LDAP Authentication Provider in
WebLogic Server on page 69.
Create a Negotiate Identity Asserter. See Creating a Negotiate Identity Asserter on page
Create a Kerberos identification. See Creating Kerberos Identification for WebLogic
Server on page 70.

Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Update the JVM options for Kerberos. See Updating JVM Options for Kerberos on page
Configure authorization policies. See Configuring Authorization Policies on page 72.
Deploy and use SSODiag to verify that WebLogic Server is ready to support Kerberos SSO
for EPM System. See Using SSODiag to Test the Kerberos Environment on page 72.

Creating the WebLogic Domain for EPM System

Generally, EPM System components are deployed into EPMSystem WebLogic domain (the
default location is MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem).

To configure the EPM System WebLogic domain for Kerberos authentication:


Install EPM System components.

Deploy Foundation Services only.

Foundation Services deployment creates the default EPM System WebLogic domain.

Log in to the Shared Services Console to verify that Foundation Services deployment was successful.
See Launching Shared Services Console on page 20.

Creating an LDAP Authentication Provider in WebLogic Server

A WebLogic Server administrator creates the LDAP Authentication provider, which stores user
and group information in an external LDAP server. LDAP v2- or v3-compliant LDAP servers
work with WebLogic Server. See these references:

Configuring LDAP Authentication Providers in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle

WebLogic Server guide.
Configure Authentication and Identity Assertion Providers in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Creating a Negotiate Identity Asserter

The Negotiate Identity Assertion provider enables SSO with Microsoft clients. It decodes
SPNEGO tokens to obtain Kerberos tokens, validates the Kerberos tokens, and maps the tokens
to WebLogic users. The Negotiate Identity Assertion provider, an implementation of the Security
Service Provider Interface (SSPI) as defined by the WebLogic Security Framework, provides the
necessary logic to authenticate a client based on the client's SPNEGO token.

Configuring a Negotiate Identity Assertion Provider in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing

Oracle WebLogic Server guide.
Configure Authentication and Identity Assertion Providers in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Kerberos Single Sign-on


While creating the Negotiate Identity Assertion provider, set the JAAS Control Flag option to
OPTIONAL for all authenticators. See Set the JAAS control flag in Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Creating Kerberos Identification for WebLogic Server

On the Active Directory domain controller machine, create user objects that represent WebLogic
Server and EPM System web server, and map them to service principal names (SPN) that
represent your WebLogic Server and web server in the Kerberos realm. Clients cannot locate a
service that does not have an SPN. You store SPNs in keytab files that are copied to the WebLogic
Server domain to be used in the login process.
See Creating Kerberos identification for WebLogic Server in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Securing Oracle WebLogic Server guide for detailed procedures.

To create Kerberos identification for WebLogic Server:


On the Active Directory domain controller machine, create a user account; for example, epmHost, for
the computer that hosts the WebLogic Server domain and IIS used by EPM System components.
Note: Create the identification as a user object, not as a machine.

Use the simple name of the computer; for example, use epmHost if the host is named

Record the password you use while creating the user object. You will need it to create
Do not select any password options, especially the User must change password
at next logon option.

Modify the user object to comply with the Kerberos protocol. The account must require Kerberos preauthentication.

On the Account tab, select an encryption to use.

Ensure that no other account option (especially Do not require Kerberos preauthentication) is selected.
Because setting the encryption type may have corrupted the object's password, reset the
password to the password that you set while creating the object.

On the computer that hosts the Active Directory domain Controller, open a command prompt window
and navigate to the directory where Active Directory support tools are installed.

Create and configure the required SPNs.

a. Use a command similar to the following to verify that the SPNs are associated with the
user object (epmHost) that you created in step 1.
setspn -L epmHost

b. Using a command such as the following, configure the SPN for WebLogic Server in
Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and generate a keytab file that contains the
shared secret key.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

ktpass -princ HTTP/[email protected] -pass password -mapuser

epmHost -out c:\epmHost.keytab

Create a keytab file on the computer that hosts the WebLogic Server.

a. Open a command prompt.

b. Navigate to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/jdk160_29/bin.
c. Execute a command such as the following:
ktab -k keytab_filename -a [email protected]

d. When prompted for a password, enter the password that you set while creating the user
in step 1.

Copy the keytab file into the startup directory within the WebLogic domain; for example, into C:

Verify that Kerberos authentication is working correctly.

kinit -k -t keytab-file account-name

In this command, account-name indicates the Kerberos principal; for example, HTTP/
[email protected]. The output from this command should be similar
to the following:
New ticket is stored in cache file C:\Documents and Settings\Username\krb5cc_MachineB

Updating JVM Options for Kerberos

See Using Startup Arguments for Kerberos Authentication with WebLogic Server and Creating
a JAAS Login File in Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Release 1
If EPM System managed servers are run as Windows services, update the Windows registry to
set the JVM startup options.

To update JVM Startup options in Windows registry:


Open Windows Registry Editor.

Select My Computer, then HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then Software, then Hyperion Solutions, then
EPMServer0, and then HyS9EPMServer_epmsystem1.

Create the following string values:

Note: The names listed in Table 6 are examples.

Table 6

JVM Startup Options for Kerberos Authentication






-Djava.security.krb5.realm=Active Directory Realm Name



-Djava.security.krb5.kdc=Active Directory host name or IP address

Kerberos Single Sign-on







-Djava.security.auth.login.config=location of Kerberos login

configuration file




Update the value of JVMOptionCount DWord to reflect the added JVMOptions (add 4 to the current
decimal value).

Configuring Authorization Policies

See Options for Securing Web Application and EJB Resources in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Securing Resources Using Roles and Policies for Oracle WebLogic Server guide for information on
configuring authorization policies for Active Directory users who access the EPM System.
For sample policy configuration steps, see Creating Policies for SSODiag on page 75.

Using SSODiag to Test the Kerberos Environment


Deploying SSODiag
Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for SSODiag
Creating Policies for SSODiag
Using SSODiag to Test WebLogic Server Configuration for Kerberos Authentication

SSODiag is a diagnostic web application that tests whether the WebLogic Server in your Kerberos
environment is ready to support EPM System.

Deploying SSODiag
Use the WebLogic Server administrator credentials (default user name is epm_admin) that you
specified while deploying Foundation Services to deploy SSODiag.

To deploy and configure SSOdiag:


Log on to the WebLogic Server Administration Console for EPM System domain.

In Change Center, select Lock & Edit

From EPMSystem in Domain Structure, click Deployments.

In Summary of Deployments, click Install.

In Path, select EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/Foundation/AppServer/


Click Next.

In Choose targeting style, ensure that Install this deployment as an application is selected, and then
click Next.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

In Select Deployment Targets, select the following, and then click Next.


All servers in the cluster

In Optional Settings, select Custom Roles and Policies: Use only roles and Policies that are defined
in the Administration Console as the security model.

Kerberos Single Sign-on


10 Click Next.
11 On the review screen, select No, I will review the configuration later.
12 Click Finish.
13 In Change Center, select Activate Changes.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server for SSODiag

Update mod_wl_ohs.conf to configure Oracle HTTP Server to forward SSODiag URL requests
to the WebLogic Server.

To configure URL forwarding in Oracle HTTP Server:


Using a text editor, open EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/httpConfig/ohs/config/OHS/


Add a LocationMatch definition for SSODiag:

<LocationMatch /SSODiag/>
SetHandler weblogic-handler
WeblogicCluster myServer:28080

In the preceding sample, myServer denotes the Foundation Services host machine, and
28080 represents the port at which Shared Services listens for requests.

Save and close mod_wl_ohs.conf.

Restart Oracle HTTP Server.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Creating Policies for SSODiag

Create a policy in the WebLogic Server Administrative Console to protect the following SSODiag

In this sample, OHS_HOST_NAME indicates the name of the server that hosts Oracle HTTP Server
and PORT indicates the port where Oracle HTTP Server listens for requests.

To create policies to protect SSODiag:


In the Change Center in WebLogic Server Administration Console for EPM System domain, select Lock
& Edit.

Select Deployments, then SSODiag, then Roles, and then Policies.

Create the following URL patterns:


Modify each URL pattern that you created:

a. From the list of URL patterns in Stand-Alone Web Application URL Patterns, open the
pattern (/) that you created by clicking it.
b. Select Add Conditions.
c. In Predicate List, select User.
d. Select Next.
e. In User Argument Name, enter the Active Directory user whose account is used to access
a client desktop configured for Kerberos authentication; for example, krbuser1, and
select Add. krbuser1 is an Active Directory or Windows desktop user.

Select Finish.

Select Save.

Using SSODiag to Test WebLogic Server Configuration for Kerberos Authentication

If WebLogic Server configuration for Kerberos authentication works correctly, the Oracle
Hyperion Kerberos SSO diagnostic Utility V 1.0 page displays the following message:
Retrieving Kerberos User principal name... Success.
Kerberos principal name retrieved... SOME_USER_NAME


Do not configure EPM System components for Kerberos authentication if SSODiag

cannot retrieve the Kerberos principal name.

To test WebLogic Server configuration for Kerberos authentication:


Start Foundation Services and Oracle HTTP Server.

Kerberos Single Sign-on


Using WebLogic Server Administration Console, start the SSODiag web application to service all

Log on to a client machine configured for Kerberos authentication using valid Active Directory credentials.

Using a browser, connect to the following SSODiag URL:


In this sample, OHS_HOST_NAME indicates the name of the server that hosts Oracle HTTP
Server, and PORT indicates the port where Oracle HTTP Server listens for requests.
If Kerberos authentication works properly, SSODiag displays the following information:
Retrieving Kerberos User principal name... Success.
Kerberos principal name retrieved... SOME_USER_NAME

If Kerberos authentication does not work properly, SSODiag displays the following
Retrieving Kerberos User principal name... failed.

Configuring EPM System Components

Using EPM System Configurator, configure and deploy other EPM System components into the
WebLogic domain where Foundation Services is deployed.

Configuring EPM SystemManaged Servers for Kerberos Authentication

In Microsoft Windows environments, EPM System managed servers are run as Windows
services. You must modify the startup JVM options for each WebLogic managed server. A
comprehensive list of managed servers in noncompact deployment mode:
















Enabling SSO with Security Agents




If EPM System web applications are deployed in the compact deployment mode, you need to
update the startup JVM options of EPMSystem0 managed server only. If you have multiple
compact managed servers, you must update the startup JVM options for all managed servers.
See Using Startup Arguments for Kerberos Authentication with WebLogic Server in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Securing Oracle WebLogic Server guide.
Note: The following procedure describes how to set the startup JVM options for the

FoundationServices managed server. You must perform this task for each WebLogic
managed server in the deployment.
For detailed procedures to configure JVM options in WebLogic Server startup scripts, see
Updating JVM Options for Kerberos on page 71.

Configuring Authorization Policies

Configure authorization policies for Active Directory users who will access EPM System
components other than Foundation Services. See Configuring Authorization Policies on page
72 for information on configuring security policies from WebLogic Administration Console.

Changing Default Security Model of EPM System Components

You edit the EPM System configuration file to change the default security model. For noncompact EPM System deployments, you must change the default security model of each EPM
System web application recorded in config.xml. A list of EPM System web applications:













Kerberos Single Sign-on







To change the security model:


Using a text editor, open MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/


In the app-deployment definition of each EPM System component, set the value of <security-ddmodel> to CustomRolesAndPolicies as shown in the following example:

Save and close config.xml.

Restart the WebLogic Server.

Creating URL Protection Policies for EPM System Components

Create a URL protection policy in the WebLogic Server Administrative Console to protect each
EPM System component URL. See Options for Securing Web Applications and EJB Resources
in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Securing Resources Using Roles and Policies for Oracle WebLogic
Server guide for details.

To create URL protection policies:


In the Change Center in WebLogic Server Administration Console for EPM System domain, click Lock
& Edit.

Click Deployments.

Expand an EPM System enterprise application (for example PLANNING) in your deployment and then
click its web application (for example HyperionPlanning). See Changing Default Security Model
of EPM System Components on page 77 for a list of EPM System components.
Note: Some enterprise applications; for example Oracle Essbase Administration Services,

comprise multiple web applications for which URL patters must be defined.

Create a URL Pattern scoped policy for the web application.

a. Click Security, then Policies, and then New.


Enabling SSO with Security Agents

b. In URL Pattern, enter /*.

c. Click OK.
d. Click the URL pattern (/*) that you created.
e. Click Add Conditions.

In Predicate List, select a policy condition, and then click Next.

Oracle recommends that you use the Group condition, which grants this security policy
to all members of a specified group.

g. Specify the arguments that pertain to the predicate you chose. For example, if you chose
Group in the preceding step, you should complete the following steps:

In Group Argument Name, enter the name of the group that contains the users who
should be allowed to access the web application. The name that you enter must
exactly match an Active Directory group name.


Click Add.


Repeat the preceding steps to add more groups.

h. Click Finish.
WebLogic Server displays an error message if it cannot locate the group in Active
Directory. You must resolve this error before before proceeding.

Select Save.

Repeat step 3 and step 4 for the other EPM System components in your deployment.

In the Change Center, click Release Configuration.

Restart WebLogic Server.

Updating EPM System Security Configuration

Configure EPM System security to honor SSO. See Configuring the EPM System for SSO on
page 80.

Configuring IIS Servers for Kerberos

Complete this section if you are using EPM System components; for example, Financial
Management, that use IIS as the application server.

To configuring EPM System IIS Servers for Kerberos:


Launch IIS Manager.

Expand Web Sites, and then Default Web Site.

Right click an EPM System component's website; for example, hfm for Financial Management, and then
select Properties.

On Directory Security tab, click Edit in Authentication and access control.

In Authentication Methods, select Integrated Windows authentication.

Kerberos Single Sign-on


Expand Application Pools.

Right click the application pool of the EPM System component for which you changed authentication
and access control methods in the preceding steps, and then click Properties. For example, if you
modified the authentication and access control method of hfm website, right-click hfmAppPool, and
then select Properties.

On the Identity tab in Application pool ddentity, do the following:

a. In User name, enter the service principal you created (see Creating Kerberos
Identification for WebLogic Server on page 70).
b. In Password, enter the password of the service principal.
c. Click OK.

Repeat step 3 through step 8 to configure Kerberos authentication for remaining websites and
application pools.

10 Restart IIS.

Configuring the EPM System for SSO

EPM System products must be configured to support security agent for SSO. The configuration
specified in Shared Services determines the following for all EPM System products:

Whether to accept SSO from a security agent

The authentication mechanism to accept for SSO

In an SSO-enabled environment, the EPM System product that is first accessed by the user parses
the SSO mechanism to retrieve the authenticated user ID contained in it. The EPM System
product checks the user ID against the user directories configured in Shared Services to
determine that the user is a valid EPM System user. It also issues a token that enables SSO across
EPM System products.
The configuration specified in Shared Services enables SSO and determines the authentication
mechanism to accept for SSO for all EPM System products.

To enable SSO from a web identity management solution:


Launch the Shared Services Console as a Shared Services Administrator. See Launching Shared
Services Console on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Verify that the user directories used by the web identity management solution are configured as external
user directories in Shared Services.

For example, to enable Kerberos SSO, you must configure the Active Directory that is
configured for Kerberos authentication as an external user directory.
See Chapter 4, Configuring User Directories.


Select Security Options.

Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Select Show Advanced Options.

In Single Sign-on Configuration in the Defined User Directories screen, perform the following steps:

a. Select Enable SSO.

b. From SSO Provider or Agent, select a web identity management solution. Choose Other
if you are configuring SSO with Kerberos.
The recommended SSO mechanism is automatically selected. See Table 7. See
Supported SSO Methods on page 49.
Note: If you are not using the recommended SSO mechanism, you must choose
Other in SSO Provider or Agent. For example, to use a mechanism other than
HTTP Header for SiteMinder, choose Other in SSO Provider or Agent , and then

select the SSO Mechanism that you want to use in SSO Mechanism.
Table 7

Web Identity Management Solution

Recommended SSO Mechanism

Oracle Access Manager

Custom HTTP Header1


Custom HTTP Header


Custom HTTP Header


Get Remote User from HTTP Request


Preferred SSO Mechanisms for Web Identity Management Solutions

default HTTP Header name is HYPLOGIN. If you are using a custom HTTP Header, replace the name.

Click OK.

Single Sign-on Options for Smart View

Although Smart View is a thick client and not a browser, it connects to server components using
HTTP and behaves much like a browser from a system perspective. Smart View supports all
standard web-based integration methods that browser interfaces support. However, some
limitations exist:

SSO mechanisms are supported for shared connections only. SSO mechanisms are not
supported with private connections, which are used primarily for backward compatibility.
If Smart View is launched from an existing browser session that is connected to an EPM
System component, users must sign into Smart View again, because it does not share the
cookie from the existing session.
If you are using a custom html based login form instead of the default Oracle Access Manager
login form, ensure that the source of the custom form includes the string loginform. This
is required to allow Smart View integration with Oracle Access Manager to work.

Single Sign-on Options for Smart View



Enabling SSO with Security Agents

Configuring User Directories

In This Chapter
User Directories in EPM System Security ................................................................83
Operations Related to User Directory Configuration ....................................................84
Oracle Identity Manager and EPM System...............................................................84
Active Directory Information...............................................................................85
Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories ..........................85
Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories .................................................96
Testing User Directory Connections ......................................................................99
Editing User Directory Settings............................................................................99
Deleting User Directory Configurations................................................................. 100
Managing the User Directory Search Order ............................................................ 100
Setting Security Options................................................................................. 102
Regenerating Encryption Keys .......................................................................... 104
Using Special Characters................................................................................ 106

User Directories in EPM System Security

EPM System products are supported on a number of user and identity management systems,
which are collectively referred to as user directories. These include Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) enabled user directories such as Sun Java System Directory Server (formerly
SunONE Directory Server) and Active Directory. EPM System also supports relational databases
as external user directories.
Generally, EPM System products use Native Directory and external user directories in
provisioning. See Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Certification Matrix for
a list of supported user directories.
EPM System products require a user directory account for each user who accesses the products.
These users may be assigned to groups to facilitate provisioning. Users and groups can be
provisioned with EPM System roles and object ACLs. Because of the administrative overhead,
Oracle does not recommend the provisioning of individual users. Users and groups from all
configured user directories are visible from Shared Services Console.
By default, EPM System Configurator configures the Shared Services repository as the Native
Directory to support EPM System products. Directory Managers access and manage Native
Directory using the Shared Services Console.

User Directories in EPM System Security


Operations Related to User Directory Configuration

To support SSO and authorization, System Administrators must configure external user
directories. From Shared Services Console, System Administrators can perform several tasks
related to configuring and managing user directories. These topics provide instructions:

Configuring user directories:


Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories on page
Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories on page 96

Testing User Directory Connections on page 99

Editing User Directory Settings on page 99

Deleting User Directory Configurations on page 100

Managing the User Directory Search Order on page 100

Setting Security Options on page 102

Oracle Identity Manager and EPM System

Oracle Identity Manager is a role and user administration solution that automates the process
of adding, updating, and deleting both user accounts and attribute-level entitlements across
enterprise resources. Oracle Identity Manager is available as a stand-alone product or as part of
Oracle Identity and Access Management Suite Plus.
EPM System integrates with Oracle Identity Manager by using enterprise roles which are LDAP
groups. Roles of EPM System components can be assigned to enterprise roles. Users or groups
added to Oracle Identity Manager enterprise roles automatically inherit assigned EPM System
For example, assume that you have a Planning application named Budget Planning. To support
this application, you can create three enterprise rolesBudget Planning Interactive User, Budget
Planning End User, and Budget Planning Adminin Oracle Identity Manager. While
provisioning EPM System roles, ensure that Provisioning Managers provision the enterprise
roles from Oracle Identity Manager with the required roles from Budget Planning and other EPM
System components including Shared Services. All users and groups assigned to the enterprise
roles in Oracle Identity Manager inherits the EPM System roles. See Oracle Identity Manager
documentation for information on deploying and managing Oracle Identity Manager.
To integrate Oracle Identity Manager with EPM System, Administrators must perform these


Ensure that members (users and groups) of Oracle Identity Manager enterprise roles that
are to be used for EPM System provisioning are defined in an LDAP-enabled user directory;
for example OID or Active Directory.
Configure the LDAP-enabled user directory where members of the enterprise roles are
defined as an external user directory in EPM System. See Configuring OID, Active
Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories on page 85.

Configuring User Directories

Active Directory Information

This section explains Microsoft Active Directory concepts used in this document.

DNS Lookup and Host Name Lookup

System Administrators can configure Active Directory so Shared Services can perform a static
host name lookup or a DNS lookup to identify Active Directory. Static host name lookup does
not support Active Directory failover.
Using the DNS lookup ensures high availability of Active Directory in scenarios in which Active
Directory is configured on multiple domain controllers to ensure high availability. When
configured to perform a DNS lookup, Shared Services queries the DNS server to identify
registered domain controllers and connects to the domain controller with the greatest weight.
If the domain controller to which Shared Services is connected fails, Shared Services dynamically
switches to the next available domain controller with the greatest weight.
Note: DNS lookup can be configured only if a redundant Active Directory setup that supports

failover is available. See Microsoft documentation for information.

Global Catalog
A global catalog is a domain controller that stores a copy of all Active Directory objects in a
forest. It stores a complete copy of all objects in the directory for its host domain and a partial
copy of all objects for all other domains in the forest, which are used in typical user search
operations. See Microsoft documentation for information on setting up a global catalog.
If your organization is using a global catalog, use one of these methods to configure Active

Configure the global catalog server as the external user directory (recommended).

Configure each Active Directory domain as a separate external user directory.

Configuring the global catalog instead of individual Active Directory domains allows EPM
System products to access local and universal groups within the forest.

Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAPbased User Directories

System Administrators use the procedures in this section to configure LDAP-based corporate
user directories, such as OID, Sun Java System Directory Server, Oracle Virtual Directory, Active
Directory, IBM Tivoli Directory Server, or an LDAP-based user directory that is not listed on
the configuration screen.

Active Directory Information


To configure OID, Active Directory, and other LDAP-based user directories:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

The Provider Configuration tab opens. This screen lists all configured user directories,
including Native Directory.

Click New.

Under Directory Type, select an option:


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to configure an LDAP-based user

directory other than Active Directory. Select this option to configure Oracle Virtual
Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD) to configure Active Directory.
Active Directory and Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) only: If you want
to use a custom ID attribute (an attribute other than ObjectGUID; for example
sAMAccountName with Active Directory or ADAM, select Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP), and configure it as Directory Type Other.


Click Next.

Configuring User Directories

Enter the required parameters.

Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories


Table 8

Connection Information Screen



Directory Server

Select a user directory. The ID Attribute value changes to the recommended constant unique identity attribute
for the selected product.
This property is automatically selected if you chose Active Directory in step 4.
Select Other in the following scenarios:

You are configuring an unlisted user directory type; for example, Oracle Virtual Directory

You are configuring a listed LDAP-enabled user directory (for example, OID), but want to use a custom ID

You are configuring Active Directory or ADAM to use a custom ID Attribute.

Note: Because Oracle Virtual Directory provides a virtualized abstraction of LDAP directories and RDMBS data
repositories in one directory view, EPM System considers it a single external user directory regardless of the number
and type of user directories Oracle Virtual Directory supports.
Example: Oracle Internet Directory

A descriptive name for the user directory. Used to identify a specific user directory if multiple user directories are
Example: Corporate_OID

DNS Lookup

Active Directory only: Select this option to enable DNS lookup. See DNS Lookup and Host Name Lookup on
page 85. Oracle recommends that you configure DNS lookup as the method to connect to Active Directory in
production environments to avoid connection failures.
Note: Do not select this option if you are configuring a global catalog.
When you select this option, the following fields are displayed:

Domain: The domain name of an Active Directory forest.

Examples: example.com or us.example.com

AD Site: Active Directory site name, generally the relative distinguished name of the site object that is stored
in Active Directory configuration container. Typically, AD Site identifies a geographic location such as a city,
state, region, or country.
Examples: Santa Clara or US_West_region

Host Name

DNS Server: DNS name of the server that supports DNS server lookup for domain controllers.

Active Directory only: Select this option to enable static host name lookup. See DNS Lookup and Host Name
Lookup on page 85.
Note: Select this option if you are configuring an Active Directory global catalog.

Host Name

DNS name of the user directory server. Use the fully qualified domain name if the user directory is to be used to
support SSO from SiteMinder. Oracle recommends using the host name to establish an Active Directory connection
for testing purposes only.
Note: If you are configuring an Active Directory global catalog, specify the global catalog server host name. See
Global Catalog on page 85.
Example: MyServer


The port number where the user directory is running.

Note: If you are configuring an Active Directory global catalog, specify the port used by the global catalog server
(default is 3268). See Global Catalog on page 85.
Example: 389


Configuring User Directories



SSL Enabled

The check box that enables secure communication with this user directory. The user directory must be configured
for secure communication.

Base DN

The distinguished name (DN) of the node where the search for users and groups should begin. You can also use
the Fetch DNs button to list available base DNs and then select the appropriate base DN from the list.
Note: If you are configuring a global catalog, specify the base DN of the forest.
See Using Special Characters on page 106 for restrictions on the use of special characters.
Oracle recommends that you select the lowest DN that contains all EPM System product users and groups.
Example: dc=example,dc=com

ID Attribute

This attribute value can be modified only if Other is selected in Directory Type. This attribute must be a common
attribute that exists in user and group objects on the directory server.
The recommended value of this attribute is automatically set for OID orclguid, SunONE (nsuniqueid), IBM
Directory Server (Ibm-entryUuid), Novell eDirectory (GUID), and Active Directory (ObjectGUID).
Example: orclguid
The ID attribute value, if you set it manually after choosing Other in Directory Server; for example to configure
an Oracle Virtual Directory, should:

Maximum Size

Point to a unique attribute

Not be location specific

Not change over time

The maximum number of results that a search can return. If this value is greater than that supported by the user
directory settings, the user directory value overrides this value.
For user directories other than Active Directory, leave this field blank to retrieve all users and groups that meet
the search criteria.
For Active Directory, set this value to 0 to retrieve all users and groups that meet the search criteria.
If you are configuring Shared Services in Delegated Administration mode, set this value to 0.


The check box to indicate that this provider is a trusted SSO source. SSO tokens from trusted sources do not
contain the user's password.


The check box to indicate that Shared Services can bind anonymously to the user directory to search for users
and groups. Can be used only if the user directory allows anonymous binds. If this option is not selected, you
must specify in the User DN an account with sufficient access permissions to search the directory where user
information is stored.
Oracle recommends that you not use anonymous bind.
Note: Anonymous bind is not supported for OID.

User DN

This option is disabled if Anonymous Bind is selected.

The distinguished name of the user that Shared Services should use to bind with the user directory. This user must
have search privileges on the RDN attribute within the DN. For example, in the dn: cn=John Doe,
ou=people, dc=myCompany, dc=com, the bind user should have search access to the cn attribute.
Special characters in User DN must be specified using escape characters. See Using Special Characters on
page 106 for restrictions.
Example: cn=admin,dc=myCompany,dc=com

Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories




Append Base

The check box for appending the base DN to the User DN. If you are using Directory Manager account as the User
DN, do not append Base DN.
This check box is disabled if the Anonymous Bind option is selected.


User DN password
This box is disabled if the Anonymous Bind option is selected.
Example: UserDNpassword

Show Advanced

The check box to display advanced options.


Active Directory only:

If Active Directory is configured to follow referrals, select follow to automatically follow LDAP referrals. Select
ignore to not use referrals.


Select the method that Shared Services searches should use to dereference aliases in the user directory so
searches retrieve the object to which the DN of the alias points. Select:

Always: Always dereference aliases.

Never: Never dereference aliases.

Finding: Dereference aliases only during name resolution.

Searching: Dereference aliases only after name resolution.

Read Timeout

Interval (seconds) after which the LDAP provider aborts the LDAP read attempt if it does not get a response.


Maximum connections in the connection pool. Default is 100 for LDAP-based directories, including Active Directory.


Timeout to get a connection from the pool. An exception is thrown after this period.

Default: 60 seconds

Default: 100

Default: 300000 milliseconds (5 minutes)

Evict Interval

Optional: The interval for running the eviction process to clean the pool. The eviction process removes idle
connections that have exceeded the Allowed Idle Connection Time.
Default: 120 minutes

Allowed Idle
Connection Time

Optional: The time after which the eviction process removes the idle connections in the pool.


This option indicates whether the connection pool can grow beyond Max Connections. Selected by default. If
you do not allow the connection pool to grow, the system returns an error if a connection is not available within
the time set for Time Out.

Enable Custom

The check box to enable the use of a custom authentication module to authenticate users defined in this user
directory. You must also enter the fully qualified Java class name of the authentication module in the Security
Options screen. See Setting Security Options on page 102.

Default: 120 minutes

The custom authentication module authentication is transparent to thin and thick clients and does not require
client deployment changes. See Using a Custom Authentication Module in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Security Configuration Guide.


Click Next.

Configuring User Directories

Shared Services uses the properties set on the User Configuration screen to create a user
URL that is used to determine the node where search for users begins. Using this URL speeds
the search.

The user URL should not point to an alias. EPM System security requires that
the user URL point to an actual user.

Oracle recommends that you use the Auto Configure area of the screen to retrieve the
required information.

Note: See Using Special Characters on page 106 for a list of special characters that can be

used in the user configuration.

In Auto Configure, enter a unique user identifier using the format attribute=identifier; for
example, uid=jdoe.

Attributes of the user are displayed in the User Configuration area.

If you are configuring OID, you cannot automatically configure the user filter, because the
root DSE of OID does not contain entries in the Naming Contexts attribute. See Managing
Naming Contexts in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Internet

Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories


Note: You can manually enter required user attributes into text boxes in the User

Configuration area.
Table 9

User Configuration Screen



User RDN

The Relative DN of the user. Each component of a DN is called an RDN and represents a branch in the directory tree.
The RDN of a user is generally the equivalent of the uid or cn.
See Using Special Characters on page 106 for restrictions.
Example: ou=People


A unique attribute (can be a custom attribute) that stores the login name of the user. Users use the value of this attribute
as the user name while logging into EPM System products.
User IDs (value of Login Attribute) must be unique across all user directories. For example, you may use uid and
sAMAccountName respectively as the Login Attribute for your SunONE and Active Directory configurations. The values
of these attributes must be unique across all user directories, including Native Directory.
Note: User IDs are not case sensitive.
Note: If you are configuring OID as an external user directory for EPM System products deployed on Oracle Application
Server in a Kerberos environment, you must set this property to userPrincipalName.

Active Directory: cn

LDAP directories other than Active Directory: uid

First Name

The attribute that stores the user's first name

Last Name

The attribute that stores the user's last name


Optional: The attribute that stores the user's email address


Object classes of the user (the mandatory and optional attributes that can be associated with the user). Shared Services
uses the object classes listed in this screen in the search filter. Using these object classes, Shared Services should find
all users who should be provisioned.

Default: givenName

Default: sn

Default: mail

Note: If you are configuring Active Directory or ADAM as user directory type Other to use a custom ID attribute, you
must set this value to user.
You can manually add object classes if needed. To add an object class, enter the object class name into the Object
Class box, and then click Add.
To delete object classes, select the object class and click Remove.


Active Directory: user

LDAP directories other than Active Directory: person, organizationalPerson, inetorgperson

Configuring User Directories



Filter to
Limit Users

An LDAP query that retrieves only the users that are to be provisioned with EPM System product roles. For example,
the LDAP query (uid=Hyp*) retrieves only users whose names start with Hyp.
The User Configuration screen validates the User RDN and recommends the use of a user filter, if required.
The user filter limits the number of users returned during a query. It is especially important if the node identified by the
user RDN contains many users that need not be provisioned. User filters can be designed to exclude the users that are
not to be provisioned, thereby improving performance.

for MultiAttribute

LDAP-enabled user directories other than Active Directory only: Set this value only if your directory server is configured
to use a multi-attribute RDN. The value you set must be one of the RDN attributes. The value of the attribute you specify
should be unique and the attribute should be searchable.
For example, assume that a SunONE directory server is configured to combine the cn (cn=John Doe) and uid
(uid=jDoe12345) attributes to create a multi-attribute RDN similar to the following:
cn=John Doe+uid=jDoe12345, ou=people,
dc=myCompany, dc=com
In this case, you can use either cn or uid if these attributes meet the following conditions:

The attribute is searchable by the user identified in User DN filed on Connection Information tab

The attribute requires you to set a unique value across the user directory


Active Directory only: The check box that indicates whether to identify primary groups of users to determine effective
roles. This check box is selected by default. Oracle recommends that you not change this setting.

warning if
expires in:

Active Directory only: The check box that indicates whether to display a warning message if the Active Directory user
password expires within the specified number of days.


System security may use default values for some fields for which configuration value is optional. If you do not enter values in such
fields, default values are used during runtime.

Click Next.

The Group Configuration screen opens. Shared Services uses the properties set in this screen
to create the group URL that determines the node where the search for groups starts. Using
this URL speeds the search.

The Group URL should not point to an alias. EPM System security requires that
the group URL point to an actual group. If you are configuring a Novell
eDirectory that uses group aliases, the group aliases and group accounts must
be available within the group URL.

Note: Data entry in the Group Configuration screen is optional. If you do not enter the

group URL settings, Shared Services searches within the Base DN to locate groups,
which can negatively affect performance, especially if the user directory contains
many groups.

Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories


10 Clear Support Groups if your organization does not plan to provision groups, or if users are not
categorized into groups on the user directory. Clearing this option disables the fields on this screen.

If you are supporting groups, Oracle recommends that you use the autoconfigure feature to
retrieve the required information.
If you are configuring OID as a user directory, you cannot use the autoconfigure feature,
because the root DSE of OID does not contain entries in the Naming Contexts attribute. See
Managing Naming Contexts in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for
Oracle Internet Directory.

11 In the Auto Configure text box, enter a unique group identifier, and then click Go.
The group identifier must be expressed in attribute=identifier format; for example,
Attributes of the group are displayed in the Group Configuration area.
Note: You can enter required group attributes in the Group Configuration text boxes.



If the group URL is not set for user directories that contain / (slash) or \
(backslash) in its node names, the search for users and groups fails. For example,
any operation to list the user or group fails if the group URL is not specified for
a user directory in which users and groups exist in a node, such as OU=child
\ou,OU=parent/ou or OU=child/ou,OU=parent \ ou.

Configuring User Directories

Table 10

Group Configuration Screen




The Relative DN of the group. This value, which is path relative to the Base DN, is used as the group URL.
Specify a Group RDN that identifies the lowest user directory node in which all the groups that you plan to provision are
If you use an Active Directory primary group for provisioning, ensure that the primary group falls under the Group RDN.
Shared Services does not retrieve the primary group if it is outside the scope of the group URL.
The Group RDN has a significant impact on login and search performance. Because it is the starting point for all group
searches, you must identify the lowest possible node in which all groups for EPM System products are available. To
ensure optimum performance, the number of groups present within the Group RDN should not exceed 10,000. If more
groups are present, use a group filter to retrieve only the groups that you want to provision.
Note: Shared Services displays a warning if the number of available groups within the Group URL exceeds 10,000.
See Using Special Characters on page 106 for restrictions.
Example: ou=Groups



The attribute that stores the name of the group


LDAP directories including Active Directory: cn

Native Directory: cssDisplayNameDefault

Object classes of the group. Shared Services uses the object classes listed in this screen in the search filter. Using these
object classes, Shared Services should find all groups associated with the user.
Note: If you are configuring Active Directory or ADAM as user directory type Other to use a custom ID attribute, you
must set this value to group?member.
You can manually add object classes if needed. To add an object class, enter the object class name into the Object class
text box, and then click Add.
To delete object classes, select the object class, and then click Remove.

Active Directory: group?member

LDAP directories other than Active Directory: groupofuniquenames?uniquemember, groupOfNames?

Filter to

Native Directory: groupofuniquenames?uniquemember, cssGroupExtend?cssIsActive

An LDAP query that retrieves the groups that are to be provisioned with EPM System product roles only. For example, the
LDAP query (|(cn=Hyp*)(cn=Admin*)) retrieves only groups whose names start with Hyp or Admin.
The group filter, used to limit the number of groups returned during a query, is especially important if the node identified
by the Group RDN contains a large number of groups that need not be provisioned. Filters can be designed to exclude
the groups that are not to be provisioned, improving performance.
If you use Active Directory primary group for provisioning, ensure that any group filter that you set can retrieve the primary
group contained within the scope of the group URL. For example, the filter (|(cn=Hyp*)(cn=Domain Users))
retrieves groups that have names that start with Hyp and the primary group named Domain Users.


System security may use default values for some fields for which configuration value is optional. If you do not enter values in such
fields, default values are used during runtime.

12 Click Finish.
Shared Services saves the configuration and returns to the Defined User Directories screen,
which now lists the user directory that you configured.
Configuring OID, Active Directory, and Other LDAP-based User Directories


13 Test the configuration. See Testing User Directory Connections on page 99.
14 If needed, change the search order assignment. See Managing the User Directory Search Order on
page 100 for details.

15 If needed, specify security options. See Setting Security Options on page 102 for details.
16 Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories

User and group information from the system tables of Oracle, SQL Server, and IBM DB2
relational databases can be used to support provisioning. If group information cannot be derived
from the database's system schema, Shared Services does not support the provisioning of groups
from that database provider. For example, Shared Services cannot extract group information
from older versions of IBM DB2, because the database uses groups defined on the operating
system. Provisioning Managers can, however, add these users to groups in Native Directory and
provision those groups. See Oracle Enterprise Performance Management ProductsSupported
Platforms Matrices for supported platform information.
Note: If you are using a DB2 database, the user name must contain at least eight characters. User

names should not exceed 256 characters (Oracle and SQL Server databases), and 1000
characters (DB2).
Configure Shared Services to connect to the database as the database administrator; for example,
Oracle SYSTEM user, to retrieve the list of users and groups.
Note: Shared Services retrieves only active database users for provisioning. Inactive and locked

database user accounts are ignored.

To configure database providers:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Click Add.

In the Directory Type screen, select Relational Database (Oracle, DB2, SQL Server).

Click Next.


Configuring User Directories

On the Database Configuration tab, enter configuration parameters.

Table 11

Database Configuration Tab



Database Type

The relational database provider. Shared Services supports only Oracle, IBM DB2, and SQL Server databases as
database providers.
Example: Oracle


A unique configuration name for the database provider.

Example: Oracle_DB_FINANCE


The DNS name of the computer on which the database server is running.
Example: myserver


The database server port number

Example: 1521

(Oracle only)

The system identifier (default is orcl)

Database (SQL
Server and DB2

The database to which Shared Services should connect

User Name

The user name that Shared Services should use to access the database. This database user must have access
privileges to database system tables. Oracle recommends that you use the system account for Oracle databases
and the database administrator's user name for SQL Server and IBM DB2 databases.

Example: orcl

Example: master

Example: SYSTEM

The password of the user identified in the User Name.

Example: system_password


The check box that specifies that this provider is a trusted SSO source. SSO tokens from trusted sources do not
contain the user's password.

Optional: Click Next to configure the connection pool.

Configuring Relational Databases as User Directories


The Advanced Database Configuration tab opens.

On Advanced Database Configuration, enter connection pool parameters.

Table 12

Advanced Database Configuration Tab



Max Connections

Maximum connections in the pool. Default is 50.

Initial Size

Available connections when the pool is initialized. Default is 20.

Allowed Idle
Connection Time

Optional: The time after which the eviction process removes the idle connections in the pool. Default is 10

Evict Interval

Optional: The interval for running the eviction process to clean up the pool. Eviction removes idle connections
that have exceeded the Allowed Idle Connection Time. Default is five minutes.

Grow Connections

Indicates whether the connection pool can grow beyond Max Connections. By default, this option is cleared,
indicating that the pool cannot grow. If you do not allow the connection pool to grow, the system returns an
error if a connection is not available within the time set for Time Out.

Enable Custom

The check box to enable the use of a custom authentication module to authenticate users defined in this user
directory. You must also enter the fully qualified Java class name of the authentication module in the Security
Options screen. See Setting Security Options on page 102.
The custom authentication module authentication is transparent to thin and thick clients. See Using a Custom
Authentication Module in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration

Click Finish.

10 Click OK to return to the Defined User Directories screen.

11 Test the database provider configuration. See Testing User Directory Connections on page 99.
12 Change the search order assignment, if needed. See Managing the User Directory Search Order on
page 100 for details.

13 Specify security settings, if needed. See Setting Security Options on page 102.
14 Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.


Configuring User Directories

Testing User Directory Connections

After configuring a user directory, test the connection to ensure that Shared Services can connect
to the user directory using the current settings.

To test a user directory connection:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

From the list of user directories, select an external user directory configuration to test.

Click Test, and then OK.

Editing User Directory Settings

Administrators can modify any parameter, other than the name, of a user directory
configuration. Oracle recommends that you not edit the configuration data of user directories
that were used for provisioning.

Editing some settings, for example, the ID Attribute, in the user directory
configuration invalidates provisioning data. Exercise extreme care when modifying
the settings of a user directory that has been provisioned.

To edit a user directory configuration:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select a user directory to edit.

Click Edit.

Modify the configuration settings.

Note: You cannot modify the configuration name. If you are modifying an LDAP user
directory configuration, you can choose a different directory server or Other (for

custom LDAP directories) from the Directory Server list. You cannot edit Native
Directory parameters.
For an explanation of the parameters that you can edit, see the following tables:

Active Directory and other LDAP-based user directories:


Table 8, Connection Information Screen, on page 88

Table 9, User Configuration Screen, on page 92

Testing User Directory Connections


Table 10, Group Configuration Screen, on page 95

Databases: See Table 11, Database Configuration Tab, on page 97

Click OK to save the changes.

Deleting User Directory Configurations

System Administrators can delete an external user directory configuration anytime. Deleting a
configuration invalidates all the provisioning information for the users and groups derived from
the user directory and removes the directory from the search order.
Tip: If you do not want to use a configured user directory that was used for provisioning, remove

it from the search order so that it is not searched for users and groups. This action maintains
the integrity of provisioning information and enables you to use the user directory later.

To delete a user directory configuration:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select a directory.

Click Delete.

Click OK.

Click OK again.

Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Managing the User Directory Search Order

When a System Administrator configures an external user directory, Shared Services
automatically adds the user directory to the search order and assigns it the next available search
sequence preceding that of Native Directory. The search order is used to cycle through
configured user directories when EPM System searches for users and groups.
System Administrators can remove a user directory from the search order, in which case Shared
Services automatically reassigns the search order of the remaining directories. User directories
not included in the search order are not used to support authentication and provisioning.
Note: Shared Services terminates the search for the user or group when it encounters the

specified account. Oracle recommends that the corporate directory that contains most of
the EPM System users be placed at the top of the search order.

100 Configuring User Directories

By default, Native Directory is set as the last directory in the search order. Administrators can
perform these tasks to manage the search order:

Adding a User Directory to the Search Order on page 101

Changing the Search Order on page 102

Removing a Search Order Assignment on page 101

Adding a User Directory to the Search Order

A newly configured user directory is automatically added to the search order. If you removed a
directory from the search order, you can add it to the end of the search order.

To add a user directory to the search order:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select a deactivated user directory to add to the search order.

Click Include.

This button is available only if you have selected a user directory that is not in the search

Click OK to return to the Defined User Directories screen.

Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Removing a Search Order Assignment

Removing a user directory from the search order does not invalidate the directory configuration;
it removes the user directory from the list of directories that are searched for authenticating
users. A directory that is not included in the search order is set to Deactivated status. When
an Administrator removes a user directory from the search order, the search sequence assigned
to the other user directories is automatically updated.
Note: Native Directory cannot be removed from the search order.

To remove a user directory from the search order:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select a directory to remove from the search order.

Click Exclude.

Click OK.

Managing the User Directory Search Order 101

Click OK on the Directory Configuration Result screen.

Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Changing the Search Order

The default search order assigned to each user directory is based on the sequence in which the
directory was configured. By default, Native Directory is set as the last directory in the search

To change the search order:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select a directory whose search order you want to change.

Click Move Up or Move Down.

Click OK.

Restart Foundation Services, other EPM System components, and custom applications that use the
Shared Services security APIs.

Setting Security Options

Security options comprise the global parameters applicable to all user directories included in
the search order.

To set security options:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select Security Options.

In Security Options, set global parameters.

102 Configuring User Directories

Table 13

Security Options for User Directories



Token Timeout

Time (in minutes) after which the SSO token issued by EPM System products or the web identity management
solution expires. Users must log in again after this period. Token timeout is set based on the server's system clock.
Default is 480 minutes.
Note: Token timeout is not the same as session timeout.

Cache Refresh

Interval (in minutes) for refreshing the Shared Services cache of groups to users relationship data. Default is 60
Shared Services caches information about new external user directory groups and new users added to existing
groups only after the next cache refresh. Users provisioned through a newly created external user directory group
do not get their provisioned roles until the cache is refreshed.

Refresh Now

Click this button to manually initiate the refreshing of Shared Services cache that contains groups to users
relationship data. You may want to initiate a cache refresh after creating new groups in external user directories
and provisioning them or after adding new users to existing groups. The cache is refreshed only after Shared
Services makes a call that uses the data in the cache.

Enable SSO

Select this option if your deployment is integrated with Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Release 11.
1.1.5 or earlier.

Delegated User

Option enabling delegated user management of EPM System products to support the distributed management of
provisioning activities. See Delegated User Managemen in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System User Security Administration Guide.

Enable SSO

Option enabling support for SSO from security agents such as Oracle Access Manager

Setting Security Options 103



SSO Provider or

Select the web identity management solution from which EPM System products should accept SSO. Select
Other if your web identity management solution; for example, Kerberos, is not listed.
The preferred SSO mechanism and name are automatically selected when you select the SSO provider. You can
change the name of the SSO mechanism (HTTP header or custom login class), if required.
If you select Other as the SSO provider or agent, you must censure that it supports an EPM System supported
SSO mechanism. See Supported SSO Methods in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System
Security Configuration Guide.


The method that the selected web identity management solution uses to provide user's login name to EPM System
products. For a description of acceptable SSO methods, see Supported SSO Methods in the Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management System Security Configuration Guide.

Custom HTTP Header: Set the name of the header that the security agent passes to EPM System.
Custom Login Class: Specify the custom Java class that handles HTTP requests for authentication. See
Custom Login Class in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Security Configuration

Note: Custom Login Class is not the same as custom authentication.


HTTP Authorization Header: The standard HTTP mechanism.

Get Remote User from HTTP Request: Select this option if the security agent populates the remote

user in the HTTP request.


The fully qualified Java class name of the custom authentication module (for example, com.mycompany.epm.
CustomAuthenticationImpl) that should be used to authenticate users on all user directories for which the
custom authentication module is selected.
The authentication module is used for a user directory only if the directory configuration has enabled (default) its
Foundation Services requires that the custom authentication JAR file be named CustomAuth.jar.
CustomAuth.jar must be available in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/WEBLOGIC_
DOMAIN/lib, typically, Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/EPMSystem/lib. You can use
any package structure and class name within the JAR file.
For more information, see Using a Custom Authentication Module in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System Security Configuration Guide.

Click OK.

Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Regenerating Encryption Keys

EPM System uses the following keys to ensure security:

Single Sign On Token encryption key, used to encrypt and decrypt EPM System SSO tokens.
This key is stored in Shared Services Registry
Trusted Services key, used by EPM System components to verify the authenticity of the
service that is requesting an SSO token
Provider Configuration encryption key, used to encrypt the password (user DN password
for LDAP-enabled user directories) that EPM System security uses to bind with a configured
external user directory. This password is set while configuring an external user directory.

104 Configuring User Directories

Change these keys periodically to strengthen EPM System security.


Taskflows used by Financial Management, Performance Management Architect, and

Profitability and Cost Management are invalidated when you regenerate the Single
Sign On Encryption key. After regenerating the key, open and save the taskflows to
revalidate them.

To regenerate the Single Sign On Encryption key, Provider Configuration key, or Trusted
Services key:

Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator. See Launching Shared Services Console
on page 20.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select Encryption Options.

In Encryption Options, select the key that you want to regenerate.

Table 14

EPM System Encryption Options



Single Sign On

Select to regenerate the encryption key that is used to encrypt and decrypt EPM System SSO tokens.
Select one of the following buttons if Enable SSO Compatibility is selected on Security Options:

Generate new key to create a new SSO token encryption key

Reset to default to restore the default SSO token encryption key

Note: If you revert to the default encryption key, you must delete the existing keystore file (EPM_ORACLE_
HOME/common/CSS/ssHandlerTK) from all EPM System host machines.

Trusted Services

Select this option to regenerate the trusted authentication key, used by EPM System components to verify the
authenticity of the service that is requesting an SSO token.

Configuration Key

Select this option to regenerate the key that is used to encrypt the password (user DN password for LDAP-enabled
user directories) that EPM System security uses to bind with a configured external user directory. This password
is set while configuring an external user directory.

Click OK.

If you chose to generate a new SSO encryption key, complete this step.

a. Click Download.
b. Click OK to save ssHandlerTK, the keystore file that supports the new SSO encryption
key, into a folder on the server that hosts Foundation Services.
c. Copy ssHandlerTK into EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/CSS on all EPM System host

Restart Foundation Services and other EPM System components.

Regenerating Encryption Keys 105

Using Special Characters

Active Directory and other LDAP-based user directories allow special characters in entities such
as DNs, user names, roles, and group names. Special handling may be required for Shared
Services to understand such characters.
Generally, you must use escape characters while specifying special characters in user directory
settings; for example, Base DN and user and group URLs. Table 15 lists the special characters
that can be used in user names, group names, user URLs, group URLs, and in the value of OU
in user DN.
Table 15

Supported special characters


Name or Meaning


Name or Meaning

open parenthesis


close parenthesis


quotation mark




single quotation mark




equal to



less than



greater than



not use / (slash) in organization unit names that come within the Base DN

Special characters are not permitted in the value of the Login User attribute.

The asterisk (*) is not supported in user names, group names, user and group URLs, or in
the name of the OU in User DN.

Attribute values containing a combination of special characters are not supported.

The ampersand (&) can be used without an escape character. For Active Directory settings,
& must be specified as &amp;.

User and group names cannot contain both a backslash (\) and slash (/). For example, names
such as test/\user and new\test/user are not supported.

Table 16

Characters that need not be escaped


Name or Meaning


Name or Meaning

open parenthesis


single quote

close parenthesis







be stated as &amp;.

106 Configuring User Directories

These characters must be escaped if you use them in user directory settings (user names, group
names, user URLs, group URLs and User DN).
Table 17

Escape for Special Characters in User Directory Configuration Settings

Special Character


Sample Setting

Escaped Example

comma (,)

backslash (\)



plus sign (+)

backslash (\)



equal to (=)

backslash (\)



pound (#)

backslash (\)



semicolon (;)

backslash (\)



less than (<)




greater than (>)




(quotation mark)1

\\ (two backslashes)



\ (backslash)2

\\\ (three backslashes)




User DNs, quotation mark () must be escaped with one backslash. For example, ou=testou must be specified as ou=test

\ou in User DN.


User DNs, a backslash (\) must be escaped with one backslash. For example, ou=test\ou must be specified as ou=test\\ou in
User DN.


If the user URL is unspecified, users created within the RDN root must not contain /
(slash) or \ (backslash). Similarly, these characters should not be used in the names
of groups created within the RDN root if a group URL is not specified. For example,
group names such as OU=child\ou,OU=parent/ou or OU=child/
ou,OU=parent\ou are not supported. This issue does not apply if you are using a
unique attribute as the ID Attribute in the user directory configuration.

Using Special Characters 107

108 Configuring User Directories

Using a Custom Authentication


In This Chapter
Overview .................................................................................................. 109
Use-Case Examples and Limitations ................................................................... 111
Prerequisites.............................................................................................. 111
Design and Coding Considerations..................................................................... 112
Deploying the Custom Authentication Module ........................................................ 116

A custom authentication module is a Java module that customers develop and implement to
authenticate EPM System users. Generally, EPM System products use a logon screen to capture
the user name and password, which are used to authenticate users. Instead of using EPM System
authentication, you can use a custom authentication module to authenticate users and pass
authenticated user credentials to EPM System for further processing. Implementing a custom
authentication module does not involve modifying EPM System products.
You can use a custom authentication module with both the thick clients (for example, Oracle
Smart View for Office, and Oracle Essbase Studio) and thin clients (for example, EPM
The custom authentication module uses the information a user enters when logging in to an
EPM System product. If enabled for a user directory, it authenticates users through the custom
authentication module. On successfully authenticating the user, the custom authentication
module returns the user name to EPM System.
The following illustration presents a sample custom authentication scenario:

Overview 109

For example, you can use RSA SecurID infrastructure as the custom provider to ensure
transparent strong authentication to the EPM System. An overview:
1. The user enters credentials (generally, user name and password) to access an EPM System
product. These credentials should uniquely identify the user to the provider used by the
custom authentication module. For example, if you are using an RSA SecurID infrastructure
to authenticate users, the user enters an RSA user ID and PIN (not an EPM System user ID
and password).
2. Using the search order (see Search Order on page 112), EPM System cycles through
configured user directories to locate the user.

If the current user directory is not configured for custom authentication, EPM System
tries to locate and authenticate the user through EPM System authentication.
If the user directory is configured for custom authentication, EPM System delegates the
authentication process to the custom module.

3. If EPM System delegates authentication to the custom module, the custom authentication
module accepts the credentials and uses its own logic to direct user authentication against
a custom provider; for example, RSA SecurID infrastructure.
4. If the custom authentication module authenticates the user against its provider, it returns
the user name to the EPM System, or it returns a Java exception.
The user name returned by the custom authentication module must be identical to a user
name in a user directory that is enabled for custom authentication.

If the custom authentication module returns a user name, EPM System locates the user
in a user directory that is enabled for custom authentication. At this stage, EPM System
does not search the user directories that are not configured for custom authentication.

110 Using a Custom Authentication Module

If the custom authentication module throws an exception or returns a null user, EPM
System continues to search for the user in the remaining user directories in the search
order that are not enabled for custom authentication. If a user who matches the
credentials is not found, EPM System displays an error.

Use-Case Examples and Limitations

Custom authentication implementation scenarios include the following:

Adding onetime password Support

Performing authentication against a Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)

Adding a Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) bind to LDAP-enabled user
directories instead of simple LDAP binds

Authentication with challenge/response mechanism may not work well if you implement a
custom authentication module. Custom messages thrown by the custom authentication module
are not propagated to the clients. Because clients, for example, EPM Workspace, override the
error message to display a generic message, the following scenarios are not valid:

Two consecutive RSA SecurID PINs

Password variant with challenges, such as enter first, last, and third characters of password


A fully tested Java archive named CustomAuth.jar that contains custom authentication
module libraries. CustomAuth.jar must implement the public interface
CSSCustomAuthenticationIF, defined in com.hyperion.css package as a part of the
standard Shared Services APIs. See http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E12825_01/epm.
Access to Shared Services as Shared Services administrator

Use-Case Examples and Limitations 111

Design and Coding Considerations


Search Order
User Directories and Custom Authentication Module
CSSCustomAuthenticationIF Java Interface

Search Order
In addition to Native Directory, multiple user directories can be configured in Shared Services.
A default search order position is assigned to all configured user directories. You can modify the
search order from Shared Services Console. Excepting Native Directory, you can remove
configured user directories from the search order. EPM System does not use the user directories
that are not included in the search order. See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management
System User Security Administration Guide.
The search order determines the order in which EPM System cycles through the user directories
to authenticate users. If the user is authenticated in a user directory, EPM System stops the search
and returns the user. EPM System denies authentication and returns an error if the user cannot
be authenticated against user directories in the search order.

Impact of Custom Authentication on Search Order

Custom authentication affects how EPM System security interprets the search order.
If the custom authentication module returns a user name, EPM System locates the user only in
a user directory that is enabled for custom authentication. At this stage, EPM System ignores
user directories that are not configured for custom authentication.

Understanding the Custom Authentication Flow

The following use case scenarios are used to explore custom authentication flow:

Use-Case Scenario 1 on page 112

Use-Case Scenario 2 on page 114

Use-Case Scenario 3 on page 114

Use-Case Scenario 1
Table 18 details the EPM System user directory configuration and search order used in this
scenario. This scenario assumes that the custom authentication module uses an RSA
infrastructure to authenticate users.

112 Using a Custom Authentication Module

Table 18

Setup for Scenario 1

User Directory Type and


Search Order


Sample User Names


Native Directory















ldappassword on SunONE and

RSA PIN in custom module


simplicity, it is assumed that all users use the same user directory password.

To initiate the authentication process, a user enters a user name and password in the logon screen
of an EPM System product.
In this scenario, the custom authentication module performs the following actions:

Accepts a user name and RSA PIN as the user credentials

Returns a user name in username@providername format; for example,
test_ldap_2@SunONE_East, to EPM System security

Table 19

User interaction and results

User Name and Password

Authentication Result

Login User Directory



Native Directory



Native Directory



SunONE_West (search order 2)1

test_user_3/RSA PIN


SunONE_East (search order 3)2



SunONE_West (search order 2)

test_ldap_4/RSA PIN

EPM System displays an authentication error.3

1The custom authentication cannot authenticate this user because the user entered EPM System credentials. EPM System can identify this user

only in a user directory that is not enabled for custom authentication. The user is not in Native Directory (search order number 1) but is identified
in SunONE West (search order number 2).
2EPM System does not find this user in Native Directory (search order number 1) or SunONE West (search order number 2). The custom
authentication module validates the user against RSA Server and returns test_user_3@SunONE_EAST to EPM System. EPM System
locates the user in SunONE East (search order number 3), which is a custom authenticationenabled user directory.
3Oracle recommends that all users authenticated by the custom module be present in a custom authenticationenabled user directory included
in the search order. Login fails if the user name that is returned by the custom authentication module is not present in a custom authentication
enabled user directory included in the search order.

Design and Coding Considerations 113

Use-Case Scenario 2
Table 20 details the EPM System user directory configuration and search order used in this
scenario. This scenario assumes that the custom authentication module uses an RSA
infrastructure to authenticate users.
In this scenario, the custom authentication module performs the following actions:

Accepts a user name and RSA PIN as the user credentials

Returns a user name, for example, test_ldap_2, to EPM System security

Table 20

A sample search order

User Directory

Search Order

Custom Authentication

Sample User Names


Native Directory





LDAP-Enabled, for
example, SunONE



ldappassword on SunONE and RSA PIN in

custom module


simplicity, it is assumed that all users use the same user directory password.

To initiate the authentication process, a user enters a user name and password on the login screen
of an EPM System product.
Table 21

User interaction and results

User Name and Password

Login Result

Login User Directory



Native Directory



Native Directory




test_user_3/RSA PIN




of user against Native Directory fails because of password mismatch. Authentication of user using the custom authentication
module fails because the password used is not a valid RSA PIN. EPM System does not try to authenticate this user in SunONE (search order
2), because custom authentication settings override EPM System authentication in this directory.
2Authentication of user against Native Directory fails because of password mismatch. The custom authentication module authenticates the user
and returns the user name test_user_3 to EPM System.

Use-Case Scenario 3
Table 22 details the EPM System user directory configuration and search order used in this
scenario. This scenario assumes that the custom authentication module uses an RSA
infrastructure to authenticate users.
For clarity in such scenarios, Oracle recommends that your custom authentication module
return the user name in username@providername format; for example,
114 Using a Custom Authentication Module

Table 22

A sample search order

User Directory

Search Order

Custom Authentication

Sample User Names


Native Directory





LDAP-Enabled, for
example, MSAD





LDAP-Enabled, for
example, SunONE



ldappassword on SunONE and RSA PIN in

custom module


simplicity, it is assumed that all users use the same user directory password.

To initiate the authentication process, a user enters a user name and password in the logon screen
of an EPM System product.
Table 23

User interaction and results

User Name and Password

Authentication Result

Login User Directory



Native Directory



Native Directory



MSAD (search order 2)



MSAD (search order 2)

test_ldap_4/RSA PIN


SunONE (search order 3)

User Directories and Custom Authentication Module

To use the custom authentication module, user directories that contain EPM System user and
group information can be individually configured to delegate authentication to the custom
EPM System users who are authenticated using a custom module must be present in one of the
user directories included in the search order (see Search Order on page 112). Also, the user
directory must be configured to delegate authentication to the custom module.
The identity of the user in the custom provider (for example, 1357642 in RSA SecurID
infrastructure) may be different from the user name in the user directory (for example, jDoe in
an Oracle Internet Directory) configured in Shared Services. After authenticating the user, the
custom authentication module must return the user name jDoe to EPM System.

Design and Coding Considerations 115

Note: As a best practice, Oracle recommends that the user name in the user directories

configured in EPM System be identical to those available on the user directory used by
the custom authentication module.

CSSCustomAuthenticationIF Java Interface

The custom authentication module must use the CSSCustomAuthenticationIF Java interface
to integrate with EPM System security framework. It must return a user name string if custom
authentication is successful or an error message if authentication is unsuccessful. For the
authentication process to be completed, the user name returned by the custom authentication
module must be present in one of the user directories included in Shared Services search order.
EPM System security framework supports the username@providerName format.
Note: Ensure that the user name that the custom authentication module returns does not

contain an * (asterisk), because EPM System security framework interprets it as a wildcard

character while searching for users.
See Sample Code 1 on page 127 for CSSCustomAuthenticationIF interface signature.
Your custom authentication module can be a class file must be included in CustomAuth.jar.
The package structure is unimportant.
For detailed information about the CSSCustomAuthenticationIF interface, see Security API
The authenticate method of CSSCustomAuthenticationIF supports custom
authentication. The authenticate method accepts credentials (user name and password) that
the user entered while trying to access the EPM System as input parameters. This method returns
a string (user name) if custom authentication is successful. It throws a
java.lang.Exception if authentication is unsuccessful. The user name returned by the
method should uniquely identify a user in one of the user directories included in Shared Services
search order. EPM System security framework supports the username@providerName format.
Note: To initialize resources, for example, a JDBC connection pool uses the class constructor.

Doing so improves performance by not loading resources for every authentication.

Deploying the Custom Authentication Module


Overview of Steps
Updating Settings in Shared Services
Testing Your Deployment

Only one custom module is supported for an EPM System deployment. You can enable custom
authentication for one or more user directories in the search order.

116 Using a Custom Authentication Module

The custom authentication module must implement the public interface

CSSCustomAuthenticationIF, defined in the com.hyperion.css package. This document
assumes that you have a fully functional custom module that defines the logic for authenticating
users against the user provider of your choice. After you develop and test a custom authentication
module, you must implement it in EPM System environment.

Overview of Steps
Your custom authentication code should not use log4j for error logging. If the code that you
used in a previous release uses log4j, you must remove it from the code before using it with this
To implement the custom authentication module, complete the following steps:

Stop EPM System products including Shared Services and any systems that use Shared
Services APIs.
Copy the custom authentication module Java archive CustomAuth.jar into
If you are upgrading from Release or that had an implementation of custom
authentication module, move CustomAuth.jar from EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/
jlib/ into EPM_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/

Update user directory settings in Shared Services. See Updating Settings in Shared Services
on page 117.

Start Shared Services, followed by other EPM System products.

Test your implementation. See Testing Your Deployment on page 118.

Updating Settings in Shared Services


Updating User Directory Configurations

Updating Security Options

By default, custom authentication is disabled for all user directories. You can override the default
behavior to enable custom authentication for specific external user directories or for Native

Updating User Directory Configurations

You must update the configuration of the user directory for which custom authentication must
be enabled.

Deploying the Custom Authentication Module 117

To update user directory configuration:


Start Foundation Services.

Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

On the Defined User Directories screen, select the user directory for which you want to change the custom
authentication setting.
Note: EPM System uses only the user directories included in the search order.

Click Edit.

Select Show Advanced Options.

In Custom Module, select Authentication Module to enable custom module for the current user

Click Finish.

Repeat this procedure to update the configuration of other user directories in the search order.

Updating Security Options

Ensure that CustomAuth.jar is available in EPM_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/
WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN/lib before starting the following procedure.

To update security options:


Access Shared Services Console as System Administrator.

Select Administration, and then Configure User Directories.

Select Security Options.

Select Show Advanced Options.

In Authentication Module, enter the fully qualified class name of the custom authentication module
that should be used to authenticate users on all user directories for which the custom authentication
module is selected. For example, com.mycompany.epm.CustomAuthenticationImpl.

Click OK.

Testing Your Deployment

If Native Directory is not configured for custom authentication, do not use Native Directory
users to test custom authentication.
Note: It is your responsibility to identify and correct any issues with the custom authentication

module. Oracle assumes that your custom module works flawlessly to map a user from
the user directory used by the custom module to a user on a custom authenticationenabled user directory available in EPM System search order.

118 Using a Custom Authentication Module

To test your deployment, log in to EPM System using user credentials from the user directory;
for example, an RSA SecurID infrastructure, used by the custom module. These credentials may
be different from the EPM System credentials.
Your implementation is considered successful if EPM System products allow you to access their
resources. An error indicating that the user was not found is not always an indicator of an
unsuccessful implementation. In such cases, verify that the credentials that you entered are
present in the custom user store and that a matching user is present in one of the custom
authentication-enabled user directories in the EPM System search order.

To test custom authentication:


Ensure that EPM System products are running.

Access an EPM System component; for example, EPM Workspace.

Log in as a user defined on a user directory for which custom authentication is enabled.

a. In Username, enter your user identifier; for example, an RSA User ID.
b. In Password, enter a password; for example; an RSA PIN.
c. Click Login.

Verify that you can access EPM System product resources.

Deploying the Custom Authentication Module 119

120 Using a Custom Authentication Module

Guidelines for Securing EPM


In This Chapter

Implementing SSL ....................................................................................... 121

Changing the Admin Password ......................................................................... 121
Regenerating Encryption Keys .......................................................................... 122
Changing Database Passwords......................................................................... 122
Securing Cookies......................................................................................... 123
Reducing SSO Token Timeout........................................................................... 123
Reviewing Security Reports ............................................................................. 123
Customizing Authentication System for Strong Authentication ...................................... 124
Turning off Detailed Financial Management Error Messages ........................................ 124
Encrypting UDL File (Financial Management) ......................................................... 124
Disabling EPM Workspace Debugging Utilities ........................................................ 125
Changing Default Web Server Error Pages............................................................. 125
Support for Third-Party Software........................................................................ 126

Implementing SSL
SSL uses a cryptographic system that encrypts data. SSL creates a secure connection between a
client and a server, over which data can be sent securely.
To secure your EPM System environment, secure all communication channels used by your web
applications and user directory connections using SSL. See Chapter 2, SSL-Enabling EPM
System Components.

Changing the Admin Password

The default Native Directory admin user account provides access to all Shared Services functions.
This password is set when you deploy Foundation Services. You must periodically change the
password of this account.
Edit the admin user account to change the password. See Modifying User Accounts in the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Implementing SSL 121

Regenerating Encryption Keys

Use the Shared Services Console to periodically regenerate the following:

Single sign-on token


Taskflows used by Financial Management, Oracle Hyperion EPM Architect, and

Oracle Hyperion Profitability and Cost Management are invalidated when you
generate a new keystore. After regenerating the keystore, open and save the
taskflows to revalidate them.

Trusted Services key

Provider Configuration key

See Setting Encryption Options in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User
Security Administration Guide for detailed procedures.

Changing Database Passwords

Periodically change the password for all EPM System product databases. The procedure for
changing the database password in Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Registry is detailed in this
For detailed procedures to change an EPM System product database password, see the Oracle
Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

To change EPM System product database passwords in Shared Services Registry:


Using the database administration console, change the password of the user whose account was used
to configure EPM System product database.

Stop EPM System products (web applications, services, and processes).

Using the EPM System Configurator, reconfigure the database using one of the following procedures.

Shared Services Only:

Note: In distributed environments where EPM System products are on machines different

than Shared Services, you must perform this procedure on all servers.
a. From the Foundation tasks in EPM System Configurator, select Configure Database.
b. On the Shared Services and Registry Database Configuration page, select Connect to a
previously configured Shared Services database.
c. Specify the new password of the user whose account was used to configure the Shared
Services database. Do not change any other settings.
d. Continue the configuration and click Finish when you are done.
EPM System Products Other Than Shared Services:
122 Guidelines for Securing EPM System

Note: Follow these steps for the EPM System products deployed on the current server only.

a. From the configuration task list of the product in EPM System Configurator, select
Configure Database.
b. On the Database Configuration page, select Perform 1st-time configuration of database.
c. Specify the new password of the user whose account was used to configure EPM System
product database. Do not change any other settings.
d. Click Next.
e. Select Reuse the existing database.

Continue the configuration, and click Finish when you are done.

See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration
Guide for detailed instructions.

Start EPM System products and services.

Securing Cookies
EPM System web application set a cookie to track the session. While setting a cookie, especially
a session cookie, the server can set the secure flag, which forces the browser to send the cookie
over a secure channel. This behavior reduces the risk of session hijacking.
Note: Secure cookies only if EPM System products are deployed in an SSL-enabled environment.

Modify the WebLogic Server session descriptor to secure WebLogic Server cookies. Set the value
of cookieSecure attribute in the session-param element to true. See Securing Web
Applications in Oracle Fusion Middleware Programming Security for Oracle WebLogic Server

Reducing SSO Token Timeout

Default SSO token timeout is 480 minutes. You should reduce the SSO token timeout, for
example, to 60 minutes, to minimize token reuse if it is exposed. See Setting Security Options
in the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Reviewing Security Reports

The Security Report contains audit information related to the security tasks for which auditing
is configured. Generate and review this report from Shared Services Console on a regular basis,
especially to identify failed login attempts across EPM System products and provisioning
changes. Select Detailed View as a report generation option to group the report data based on

Securing Cookies 123

attributes that were modified and the new attribute values. See Generating Reports in the
Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Customizing Authentication System for Strong

You can use a custom authentication module to add strong authentication to EPM System. For
example, you can use RSA SecurID two-factor authentication in nonchallenge response mode.
The custom authentication module is transparent for thin and thick clients and does not require
client-side deployment changes. See Chapter 5, Using a Custom Authentication Module.

Turning off Detailed Financial Management Error

You can hide detailed Financial Management error messages containing technical information
from users by updating Windows registry entries.

To hide error messages containing detailed technical information:


On Windows server that hosts Financial Management, launch the Windows Registry Editor.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion

Financial Management.

Create a new DWORD value using these settings:

Value name: DisableTechnicalError

Value data: 1 (set this to 0 to display detailed messages)

On the Windows server that hosts the IIS Server that hosts Financial Management, launch the Windows
Registry Editor.

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hyperion Solutions\Hyperion

Financial Management\web.

Create a new DWORD value using these settings:

Value name: DisableAspTechnicalErrorMessage

Value data: 1 (Set this value to 0 to display detailed messages.)

Encrypting UDL File (Financial Management)

While configuring Financial Management, EPM System Configurator creates an unencrypted
UDL file by default. You can encrypt this file by selecting an option in the Advanced Database
Options page of the Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System
Configurator or by running the EncryptHFMUDL utility after configuration is complete.

124 Guidelines for Securing EPM System

See Encrypting UDL Files in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Installation
and Configuration Guide.

Disabling EPM Workspace Debugging Utilities


For troubleshooting purposes, EPM Workspace ships with uncrunched JavaScript files. For
security purposes, you should remove these uncrunched JavaScript files from your
production environment:

Create a backup copy of EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/epmstatic/wspace/js/

Except for the file DIRECTORY_NAME.js, delete the .js files from each subdirectory of
Each subdirectory contains a .js file that bears the name of the directory. For example,
common contains Common.js. Remove all .js files except the one that bears the name
of the directory, in this case; Common.js.

EPM Workspace provides some debug utilities and test applications, which become
accessible if EPM Workspace is deployed in debug mode. For security purposes,
administrators should turn off client side debugging in EPM Workspace.
To turn off debugging mode:
1. Log in to Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management Workspace as
2. Select Navigate, then Administer, and then Workspace Server Settings.
3. In ClientDebugEnabled in Workspace Server Settings, select No.
4. Click OK.

Changing Default Web Server Error Pages

When application servers are not available to accept requests, the web server plug-in for the
back-end application server (for example, Oracle HTTP Server plug-in for Oracle WebLogic
Server) returns a default error page that displays plug-in build information. Web servers display
their default error page on other occasions as well. Attackers can use this information to find
known vulnerabilities from public web sites.
Customize the error pages (of web application server plug-in and web server) so that they do
not contain information about production system components; for example, server version,
server type, plug-in build date, and plug-in type. Consult your application server and web server
vendor documentation for more information.

Disabling EPM Workspace Debugging Utilities 125

Support for Third-Party Software

Oracle acknowledges and supports the backward-compatibility assertions made by third-party
vendors. Therefore, where vendors assert backward-compatibility, subsequent maintenance
releases and service packs may be used. If an incompatibility is identified, Oracle will specify a
patch release on which the product should be deployed (and remove the incompatible version
from the supported matrix) or provide a maintenance release or service fix to the Oracle product.
Server-side Updates: Support for upgrades to third-party server-side components is governed
by the Subsequent Maintenance Release Policy. Typically, Oracle supports upgrading third-party
server-side components to the next maintenance release of service pack of the currently
supported release. Upgrades for the next major release are not supported.
Client-side updates: Oracle supports automatic updates to client components, including
updates to the next major release of third-party client components. For example, you can update
the browser JRE version from 1.5 to 1.6.

126 Guidelines for Securing EPM System

Custom Authentication Sample


In This Appendix

Sample Code 1 .......................................................................................... 127

Sample Code 2 .......................................................................................... 128
Data File for Sample Code 2............................................................................ 130

Sample Code 1
Note: Your custom authentication code should not use log4j for error logging. If the custom

authentication code that you used in a previous release used log4j, you must remove it
from the code before using it with this release.
The following code snippet is an empty implementation of the custom module:
package com.hyperion.css.custom;
import java.util.Map;
import com.hyperion.css.CSSCustomAuthenticationIF;
public class CustomAuthenticationImpl implements CSSCustomAuthenticationIF {
public String authenticate(Map context,String userName,
String password) throws Exception{
//Custom code to find and authenticate the user goes here.
//The code should do the following:
//if authentication succeeds:
//set authenticationSuccessFlag = true
//return authenticatedUserName
// if authentication fails:
//log an authentication failure
//throw authentication exception
catch (Exception e){
//Custom code to handle authentication exception goes here
//Create a new exception, set the root cause
//Set any custom error message
//Return the exception to the caller
return authenticatedUserName;

Sample Code 1 127


Input parameters:

Context: A map that contains key-value pair of locale information

User name: An identifier that uniquely identifies the user to the user directory where the
custom module authenticates the user. The user enters the value of this parameter while
logging into an EPM System component.
Password: The password set for the user in the user directory where the custom module
authenticates the user. The user enters the value of this parameter while logging into an EPM
System component.

Sample Code 2
The following sample code demonstrates the custom authentication of users using user name
and password contained in a flat file. You must initialize user and password lists in the class
constructor to make custom authentication work.
package com.hyperion.css.security;


public class CSSCustomAuthenticationImpl implements CSSCustomAuthenticationIF{

static final String DATA_FILE = "datafile.txt";

authenticate method includes the core implementation of the

Custom Authentication Mechanism. If custom authentication is
enabled for the provider, authentication operations
are delegated to this method. Upon successful authentication,
this method returns a valid user name, using which EPM System
retrieves the user from a custom authentication enabled provider.
User name can be returned in the format username@providerName,
where providerName indicates the name of the underlying provider
where the user is available. authenticate method can use other
private methods to access various core components of the
custom authentication module.
@param context
@param userName
@param password
@throws Exception

Map users = null;

public CSSCustomAuthenticationImpl(){
users = new HashMap();

128 Custom Authentication Sample Code

InputStream is = null;
BufferedReader br = null;
String line;
String[] userDetails = null;
String userKey = null;
is = CSSCustomAuthenticationImpl.class.getResourceAsStream(DATA_FILE);
br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
while(null != (line = br.readLine())){
userDetails = line.split(":");
if(userDetails != null && userDetails.length==3){
userKey = userDetails[0]+ ":" + userDetails[1];
users.put(userKey, userDetails[2]);
catch(Exception e){
// log a message
if(br != null) br.close();
if(is != null) is.close();
catch(IOException ioe){
/* Use this authenticate method snippet to return username from a flat file */
public String authenticate(Map context, String userName, String password) throws
//userName : user input for the userName
//password : user input for password
//context : Map, can be used to additional information required by
the custom authentication module.
String authenticatedUserKey = userName + ":" + password;
else throw new Exception("Invalid User Credentials");
/* Refer to this authenticate method snippet to return username in
username@providername format */
public String authenticate(Map context, String userName, String password) throws
//userName : user input
//password : user input
//context : Map can be
the custom

for userName
for password
used to additional information required by
authentication module.

Sample Code 2 129

//Your code should uniquely identify the user in a custom provider and in a
//user directory in Shared Services. EPM Security expects you to append the provider
//name to the user name. Provider name must be identical to the name of a custom
//authentication-enabled user directory specified in Shared Services.
//If invalid arguments, return null or throw exception with appropriate message
//set authenticationSuccessFlag = false
String authenticatedUserKey = userName + ":" + password;
String userNameStr = (new StringBuffer())
return userNameStr;
else throw new Exception("Invalid User Credentials");

Data File for Sample Code 2

Ensure that the data file is named datafile.txt, which is the name used in the sample code,
and that it is included in the Java archive that you create.
Use the following as the contents of the flat file that is used as the custom user directory to
support the custom authentication module implemented by Sample Code 2 (See Sample Code
2 on page 128.)

Use the following as the contents of the flat file that is used as the custom user directory if you
plan to return user name in username@providername format:

130 Custom Authentication Sample Code

Implementing a Custom Login


In This Appendix

Custom Login Class Sample Code ..................................................................... 131

Deploying a Custom Login Class ....................................................................... 133

EPM System provides

com.hyperion.css.sso.agent.X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl to extract the
user identity (DN) from x509 certificates.

If you must derive the user identity from an attribute in the certificate other than DN, you must
develop and implement a custom login class similar to
com.hyperion.css.sso.agent.X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl, as described in
this appendix.

Custom Login Class Sample Code

This sample code illustrates the implementation of the default
com.hyperion.css.sso.agent.X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl. Generally, you
should customize the parseCertificate(String sCertificate) method of this

implementation to derive the user name from a certificate attribute other than DN:
package com.hyperion.css.sso.agent;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* X509CertificateAuthImpl implements the CSSSecurityAgentIF interface It accepts
* the X509 certificate of the authenticated user from the Web Server via a
* header, parses the certificate, extracts the DN of the User and
* authenticates the user.

Custom Login Class Sample Code 131

public class X509CertificateSecurityAgentImpl implements CSSSecurityAgentIF

static final String IDENTITY_ATTR = "CN";
String g_userDN = null;
String g_userName = null;
String hostAdrress= null;
* Returns the User name (login name) of the authenticated user,
* for example demouser. See CSS API documentation for more information
public String getUserName(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws Exception
hostAdrress = req.getServerName();
String certStr = getCertificate(req);
String sCert = prepareCertificate(certStr);
/* Authenticate with a CN */
/* Authenticate if the Login Attribute is a DN */
if (g_userName == null)
throw new Exception("User name not found");
return g_userName;
* Passing null since this is a trusted Security agent authentication
* See Security API documentation for more information on CSSSecurityAgentIF
public String getPassword(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
throws Exception
return null;
* Get the Certificate sent by the Web Server in the HYPLOGIN header.
* If you pass a different header nane from the Web server, change the
* name in the method.
private String getCertificate(HttpServletRequest request)
String cStr = (String)request
return cStr;
* The certificate sent by the Web server is a String.
* Put a "\n" in place of whitespace so that the X509Certificate
* java API can parse the certificate.
private String prepareCertificate(String gString)

132 Implementing a Custom Login Class

String str1 = null;
String str2 = null;
str1 = gString.replace("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----", "");
str2 = str1.replace("-----END CERTIFICATE-----", "");
String certStrWithNL = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
+ str2.replace(" ", "\n") + "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
return certStrWithNL;
* Parse the certificate
* 1. Create X509Certificate using the certificateFactory
* 2. Get the Principal object from the certificate
* 3. Set the g_userDN to a certificate attribute value (DN in this sample)
* 4. Parse the attribute (DN in this sample) to get a unique username
private void parseCertificate(String sCertificate) throws Exception
X509Certificate cert = null;
String userID = null;
X509Certificate clientCert = (X509Certificate)CertificateFactory
new ByteArrayInputStream(sCertificate
if (clientCert != null)
Principal princDN = clientCert.getSubjectDN();
String dnStr = princDN.getName();
g_userDN = dnStr;
int idx = dnStr.indexOf(",");
userID = dnStr.substring(3, idx);
g_userName = userID;
catch (CertificateException ce)
throw ce;
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee)
throw uee;
} //end of getUserNameFromCert
}// end of class

Deploying a Custom Login Class

To implement the custom login class, complete the following steps:

Deploying a Custom Login Class 133

1. Create and test the custom login class. Ensure that you do not have any references to
log4j in your code. See Custom Login Class Sample Code on page 131.
You can use any name for your custom class.
2. Package the custom login class into CustomAuth.jar
3. Copy CustomAuth.jar into EPM_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/
WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN/lib, typically, Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/
Note: If you are upgrading from Release or that had an implementation of
custom login class, move CustomAuth.jar from EPM_ORACLE_HOME/common/
jlib/ into EPM_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/

Oracle recommends that you enable Client Certificate Authentication if you are using a custom
login class.

134 Implementing a Custom Login Class

Migrating Users and Groups

Across User Directories

In This Appendix

Overview .................................................................................................. 135

Prerequisites.............................................................................................. 135
Migration Procedure ..................................................................................... 136
Product-Specific Updates ............................................................................... 139

Many scenarios may cause the user and group identities of provisioned EPM System users to
become stale. EPM System components become inaccessible if the provisioning information
available to them is stale. Scenarios that may create stale provisioning data include:

Retiring a user directory: Organizations may retire a user directory after moving users to
Version upgrade: User directory version upgrade may involve changes in host machine name
or operating system environments requiring.
Vendor change: Organizations may discontinue the use of a user directory in favor of a user
directory from another vendor. For example, an organization may replace its Oracle Internet
Directory with a SunONE Directory Server.

Note: In this appendix, the user directory that you are phasing out is referred to as the source

user directory, and the user directory to which you moved the user accounts is referred
to as the target user directory.


EPM System users and groups whose provisioning data is being migrated across user
directories must be available in the target user directory.
Group relationships that exist in the source user directory must be maintained in the target
user directory.

User names of EPM System users must be identical across source and target user directories.

Overview 135

Migration Procedure

Export Native Directory Data

Prepare EPM System for Migration
Restart EPM System
Edit Import Files
Import Updated Data

Export Native Directory Data

Use Oracle Hyperion Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management to
export the following from Native Directory:

Native Directory Groups

Assigned roles

Delegated lists

Lifecycle Management creates multiple export files, generally in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/

import_export/USER_NAME/EXPORT_DIR/resource/Native Directory, where
USER_NAME is the identity of the user; for example, admin, who performed the export operation
and EXPORT_DIR is the name of the export directory. Typically, these files are created:



Delegated Lists.csv

Assigned Roles/PROD_NAME.csv for each deployed application, where PROD_NAME is

the name of an EPM System component; for example, Shared Services.

Note: See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management Guide

for detailed instructions on exporting data using Lifecycle Management.

After exporting the artifacts, verify that the Migration Status Report displays the status of the
last export operation as Completed.

To export provisioning data from Native Directory:


In the View pane of Shared Services Console, in the Foundation application group, select Shared
Services application.

Select the type of artifacts for which you want to export provisioning information.

Click Export.

Enter a name for the export archive. Default is admin DATE; for example admin 13-03-18.

Click Export.

136 Migrating Users and Groups Across User Directories

Prepare EPM System for Migration


Add the Target User Directory as an External User Directory

Change the Search Order of the Target User Directory

Add the Target User Directory as an External User Directory

Add the target user directory as an external user directory in EPM System if you moved the user
accounts from the source user directory to a different user directory. For example, if you moved
the user accounts from Oracle Internet Directory to SunONE Directory Server, add SunONE
Directory Server as an external user directory. See Chapter 3, Configuring User Directories in
the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
Note: Ensure that the target user directory contains user accounts and groups for all EPM System

users whose data is being migrated from the source user directory.
If you moved the users to a user directory that is already defined as an external user directory,
verify that the user accounts are visible to Shared Services. You can do this by searching for users
from Shared Services Console. See Searching for Users, Groups, Roles, and Delegated Lists in
the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System User Security Administration Guide.
While configuring the target user directory as an external user directory, verify that the Login
Attribute property points to the attribute whose value was originally used as the user name in
the source user directory. See Prerequisites on page 135.

Change the Search Order of the Target User Directory

Note: If the target user directory name is identical to the source directory name, you must delete

the source user directory from EPM System configuration.

Shared Services assigns a lower search order priority to a newly added user directory as compared
to the search order assigned to existing directories. Change the search order so that the target
user directory has a higher search order priority than the source user directory. This order enables
Oracle Hyperion Shared Services to discover users in the target user directory before searching
the source. See Managing the User Directory Search Order in the Oracle Enterprise Performance
Management System User Security Administration Guide.

Restart EPM System

Restart Oracle Hyperion Foundation Services and other EPM System components to enforce
the changes that you made.

Migration Procedure 137

Edit Import Files

Note: This step is not required if the target user directory name in EPM System configuration

is identical to the source user directory name.

You use the export files that Lifecycle Management created as the source for recreating the data
in Native Directory. The export files are generated in the directory that you specified while
exporting data from Native Directory. See Export Native Directory Data on page 136.
In each export file, replace all references to the source user directory with references to the target
user directory. Generally, you edit the assigned roles export files and, optionally, the following

Groups.csv if users from the source user directory are members of Native Directory


Delegated Lists.csv if users from the source user directory are assigned to delegated

The import files are in EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/import_export/USER_NAME/
EXPORT_DIR/resource/Native Directory, where USER_NAME is the identity of the user
who initiated the operation; for example, admin.

To edit an import file:


Extract the contents of the exported zip archive into a folder.

Using a text editor, open an import file.

Replace the name of the source user directory with the name of the target user directory as displayed
in the Directory Name column in the Defined User Directories screen.

Save and close the import file.

Create an archive of the updated import files.

Import Updated Data

Run Lifecycle Management with create/update option to import the data that you exported
earlier from Native Directory. See Export Native Directory Data on page 136.
Note: See the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Lifecycle Management Guide

for detailed instructions on importing data using Oracle Hyperion Enterprise

Performance Management System Lifecycle Management.
After importing data, verify that the Migration Status Report displays the status of the last import
operation as Completed.

138 Migrating Users and Groups Across User Directories

To import updated provisioning data into Native Directory:


In the View pane of Oracle Hyperion Shared Services Console, expand File System.

Select the file system location of the import files.

Select the type of artifacts for which you want to import provisioning information.

Click Import.

Click OK.

Product-Specific Updates

Oracle recommends that you back up the user and group data in the repository used
by the Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System component before
starting product-specific updates. After updating information in the local product
repository, you can revert to the old user and group data in the local product
repository from backups only.

Planning stores information about provisioned users and groups in the Planning repository. If
a user identity was changed in Native Directory as a result of migrating users and groups across
user directories, you must synchronize the information in the Planning repository with that in
Native Directory by selecting Migrate Users/Groups. This button is available in Oracle Hyperion
Planning when assigning access to data forms, members, and task lists.

Financial Management
Financial Management records information about users and groups provisioned to access
objects in a local Financial Management repository. If user and group information in Native
Directory has changed as a result of migrating users and groups across user directories, you must
synchronize the information in the Oracle Hyperion Financial Management repository with that
in Native Directory.

Reporting and Analysis

Reporting and Analysis uses the syncCSSId utility to synchronize user and group identities stored
in its relational database to reflect the identities available in Native Directory. You must run this
utility before users are allowed to access Oracle Hyperion Reporting and Analysis after migrating
provisioning data in Native Directory. The syncCSSId utility is installed in
EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/ReportingAnalysis/syncCSSId directory; for example,

Product-Specific Updates 139

See EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE/bin/ReportingAnalysis/syncCSSId/
ReadmeSyncCSSId_BI.txt for detailed instructions on running the syncCSSId utility.

140 Migrating Users and Groups Across User Directories


access permissions A set of operations that a user can

filter A constraint on data sets that restricts values to specific

perform on a resource.

criteria; for example, to exclude certain tables, metadata, or

values, or to control access.

aggregated role A custom role that aggregates multiple

predefined roles within a Hyperion product.

application 1) A software program designed to run a specific

task or group of tasks such as a spreadsheet program or

database management system; 2) A related set of dimensions
and dimension members that are used to meet a specific set
of analytical requirements, reporting requirements, or both.
Application Migration Utility A command-line utility for

migrating applications and artifacts.

artifact An individual application or repository item; for

example, scripts, forms, rules files, Interactive Reporting

documents, and financial reports. Also known as an object.
authentication Verification of identity as a security measure.

Authentication is typically based on a user name and

password. Passwords and digital signatures are forms of
automated stage A stage that does not require human

intervention; for example, a data load.

backup A duplicate copy of an application instance.
business process A set of activities that collectively

accomplish a business objective.

context variable A variable that is defined for a particular task

group A container for assigning similar access permissions

to multiple users.
identity A unique identification for a user or group in

external authentication.
integration A process that is run to move data between

Oracle's Hyperion applications using Shared Services. Data

integration definitions specify the data moving between a
source application and a destination application, and they
enable the data movements to be grouped, ordered, and
lifecycle management The process of migrating an

application, a repository, or individual artifacts across

product environments.
link 1) A reference to a repository object. Links can reference

folders, files, shortcuts, and other links; 2) In a taskflow, the

point where the activity in one stage ends and another
link condition A logical expression evaluated by the taskflow

engine to determine the sequence of launching taskflow

load balancing Distribution of requests across a group of

flow to identify the context of the taskflow instance.

servers, which helps to ensure optimal end user


external authentication Logging on to Oracle EPM System

managed server An application server process running in its

products with user information stored outside the

application. The user account is maintained by the EPM
System, but password administration and user
authentication are performed by an external service, using
a corporate directory such as Oracle Internet Directory
(OID) or Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD).

own Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

manual stage A stage that requires human intervention.
migration The process of copying applications, artifacts, or

users from one environment or computer to another; for

example, from a testing environment to a production

Glossary 141

migration audit report A report generated from the migration

single sign-on (SSO) The ability to log on once and then access

log that provides tracking information for an application


multiple applications without being prompted again for


migration definition file (.mdf) A file that contains migration

stage 1) A task description that forms one logical step

parameters for an application migration, enabling batch

script processing.

within a taskflow, usually performed by an individual. A

stage can be manual or automated; 2) For Profitability,
logical divisions within the model that represent the steps
in the allocation process within your organization.

migration log A log file that captures all application migration

actions and messages.

migration snapshot A snapshot of an application migration

that is captured in the migration log.

model 1) A file or content string containing an application-

specific representation of data. Models are the basic data

managed by Shared Services, of two major types:
dimensional and nondimensional application objects; 2) In
Business Modeling, a network of boxes connected to
represent and calculate the operational and financial flow
through the area being examined.
product In Shared Services, an application type, such as

Planning or Performance Scorecard.

project An instance of Oracle's Hyperion products grouped

together in an implementation. For example, a Planning

project may consist of a Planning application, an Essbase
cube, and a Financial Reporting Server instance.

stage action For automated stages, the invoked action that

executes the stage.

sync Synchronization of Shared Services and application

synchronized The condition that exists when the latest

version of a model resides in both the application and in

Shared Services. See also model.
task list A detailed status list of tasks for a particular user.
taskflow The automation of a business process in which

tasks are passed from one taskflow participant to another

according to procedural rules.
taskflow definition Business processes in the taskflow

specific access permissions to resources.

management system that consist of a network of stages and

their relationships; criteria indicating the start and end of
the taskflow; and information about individual stages, such
as participants, associated applications, associated activities,
and so on.

repository Storage location for metadata, formatting, and

taskflow instance A single instance of a taskflow including its

annotation information for views and queries.

state and associated data.

role The means by which access permissions are granted to

taskflow management system A system that defines, creates,

users and groups for resources.

and manages the execution of a taskflow, including

definitions, user or application interactions, and
application executables.

provisioning The process of granting users and groups

security agent A web access management provider (for

example, Oracle Access Manager, Oracle Single Sign-On, or

CA SiteMinder) that protects corporate web resources.
security platform A framework enabling Oracle EPM System

products to use external authentication and single sign-on.

Shared Services Registry The part of the Shared Services

repository that manages EPM System deployment

information for most EPM System products, including
installation directories, database settings, computer names,
ports, servers, URLs, and dependent service data.

142 Glossary

taskflow participant The resource that performs the task

associated with the taskflow stage instance for both manual

and automated stages.
token An encrypted identification of one valid user or group

on an external authentication system.

transformation A process that transforms artifacts so that

they function properly in the destination environment after

application migration.

upgrade The process of deploying a new software release and

moving applications, data, and provisioning information

from an earlier deployment to the new deployment.
user directory A centralized location for user and group

information, also known as a repository or provider.

Popular user directories include Oracle Internet Directory
(OID), Microsoft Active Directory (MSAD), and Sun Java
System Directory Server.

Glossary 143

144 Glossary

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