Ms. Typed by Michelle R. Callahan, PH.D - Excerpt
Ms. Typed by Michelle R. Callahan, PH.D - Excerpt
Ms. Typed by Michelle R. Callahan, PH.D - Excerpt
Stop Sabotaging Your Relationships
and Find Dating Success
ISBN 978-0-307-40801-3
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Ms. Typed
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Introduction ... 1
1. What’s Your Type? ... 13
2. Ms. Second Place ... 31
3. Ms. Sex Machine ... 51
4. Ms. Soul Mate ... 69
5. Ms. Drama Queen ... 87
6. Ms. Bag Lady ... 105
7. Ms. Mom ... 127
8. Ms. Anaconda ... 149
9. Ms. Independent ... 167
10. Ms. Rose-Colored Glasses ... 185
11. Ms. Perfect ... 201
The Ms. Typed Makeover Kit ... 217
Acknowledgments ... 243
Index ... 245
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you started feeling insecure, and now you need more reassur-
ance that everything is going to be okay. Perhaps you used to
date more often, but now you feel you have to dress sexier or
have sex sooner than you’d like in order to hold a man’s atten-
tion. Was dating and being single fun, until one day you
couldn’t stop worrying about when you are going to meet Mr.
Right, get married, and have some kids? Were you once com-
fortable with your boyfriend hanging out without you, but
now you worry about where he is, who he’s with, and if he’s
cheating? In the past were you able to find men who you felt
were worthy of your time, but now you feel like you’re set-
tling? There are so many ways in which we find ourselves
moving away from feeling self-assured and smart in relation-
ships to feeling vulnerable and desperate. Where did this ver-
sion of you come from? Where is the real you, and how do we
get her out on a date?
We all have a dating type or personality that explains how
we typically behave in dating relationships. But what if you
had so many bad dates and disappointing relationships that it
started to have a lasting effect on you? And instead of being
the vibrant person you are meant to be, you’ve become jaded,
cynical, jealous, fearful, desperate, resentful, or distrustful.
When those changes start to affect your personality, you be-
come Ms. Typed.
Ms. Typed is a woman who has taken on behaviors and
personality traits that don’t reflect who she wants or is des-
tined to be. When it comes to dating, she is believed to have
a less-than-desirable dating personality, but that personality
isn’t the real her. It’s just who she has allowed herself to be-
come as a result of her negative experiences and circum-
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Knowing your dating type will help explain what you do to at-
tract different types of men, and what you do that keeps you
from being a man’s preferred type. Some men don’t even
know what type of woman they want to date, but they can def-
initely tell you what type they don’t want, and sometimes—
even though you don’t mean to, but because you’ve been
mistyped—you act more like the type of woman he’s trying to
avoid. If you or the men you date have mistyped you, then this
is your opportunity to find your way back to the woman you
are destined to be. Discovering your real dating personality
will help you figure out who you are, what you want, and what
you need to do to get it. Once you know that, you can choose
to become whatever type of woman you want to be.
If you know in your heart that you are one type of woman,
but you somehow feel stuck acting like the wrong type of
woman, I am here to help you find your way back to your true
dating personality. Ms. Typed gives you the opportunity to dis-
cover your current dating type and understand how different
the real you may be from the way you have been behaving. I
will explain how your experiences may have driven you toward
some of your unhealthy behaviors and created a counterpro-
ductive dating personality that has prevented your success in
dating. This book provides the tools you need to transform
yourself into the type of woman you want to be, and therefore
discover your true dating personality. When you think about
the dating mistakes you’ve made in the past, you might be-
lieve that those mistakes represent who you really are, but I’m
here to tell you that you are probably just Ms. Typed. I wrote
Ms. Typed to help you get that load of negative experiences
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and memories off your back, and out of your head and heart,
so that you can finally be free of your difficult past to pursue
an exciting romantic future.
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but it will also help you create a strong foundation to get your
romantic future back on track. If you don’t start acting as if
you expect to meet Mr. Right right now, then how do you ex-
pect to be ready for him when he finally shows up? So many
women go to bed at night and pray for their “soul mate” or a
“good” man to show up in their lives. But what if he showed
up and you were so caught up in your past and acting like
Ms. Typed that you didn’t even recognize that he was “the
one”? Under those circumstances, would you really be pre-
pared to put your best foot forward and be in a good mental
space to start a relationship? Of course not! Being Ms. Typed
makes you vulnerable to dating drama that the real, healthy
you would resist. And worst of all, when you are being Ms.
Typed, you aren’t being yourself. So until you get rid of her,
when Mr. Right shows up, that’s who he’s going to meet!
This book can help you start your personal evolution from
Ms. Typed to the true, happier, and healthier you. This way
when Mr. Right walks in the door, not only will you recognize
him, but with your newfound confidence, health, and inner
beauty, you’ll have him saying to himself, Now, that’s my type
of woman!
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held beliefs about yourself and the world around you. When it
comes to dating, I’m particularly interested in how certain as-
pects of our personalities, along with our life experiences,
shape our thoughts and feelings and cause us to consistently
behave a certain way in romantic situations.
Sometimes, even though we change dating partners, we
handle dating situations the same way over and over again
because of who we have become. We need to be aware of
how our habits, tendencies, and preferences are affecting our
lives and to learn how to adjust those behaviors or be flexible
enough to change them when necessary. What worked in one
relationship may not work in another, and because we are
such creatures of habit, sometimes we keep on doing the
same thing, even when it’s obvious that that thing isn’t work-
ing. Sometimes we don’t know what else to do or any other
way to handle things besides doing what we’ve always done.
I created these dating types to help you to recognize your dat-
ing patterns, to understand why you act the way you do in
dating relationships, and to show you how to change those
dating behaviors that are no longer working for you or that
don’t represent who you are.
This book is about the difficulties that women face in
dating, particularly when they’ve been mistyped, so the dating
types described here focus on women’s counterproductive
dating behaviors. There are additional dating types that de-
scribe women’s healthy personality traits and positive dating
behaviors. In this book I am trying to help women discover
their true dating personalities that are hidden beneath so
many counterproductive dating habits. So I have purposely
chosen to focus on the types that represent our relationship
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Even with all these influences, you get to decide who you
are going to be and how you are going to behave. That is true
in your life as well as in your relationships. Now a combina-
tion of your own natural tendencies, your parents, your dating
experiences, and our culture may have led you to become Ms.
Typed, but ultimately the kind of woman you want to be today
is now up to you. You don’t have to be like your mother, your
grandmother, your best friend, or the star on the cover of a
magazine. In the movie of your life you get to choose what
role you want to play and you write your own lines.
Your dating type certainly was made and came from
somewhere, but where she came from doesn’t dictate where
she is going. It is up to you to decide whether your dating type
is working for you. If it isn’t, because you’ve been mistyped,
you have the strength, wisdom, and power to change from
that type into a happier and healthier you. I am going to help
you think about your life so that you can remember when and
how you became your type or were mistyped. The idea here is
not to blame anyone but to show you where these behaviors
came from.
You can’t control what you experienced as a child, but you
can control what you experience now. You don’t have to allow
anyone to define who you are or what you can accomplish.
Your dating type isn’t like your blood type—it can change! But
until you recognize what you are doing that isn’t healthy, you
won’t change. Recognizing the origins of your dating type will
also help you resist becoming mistyped again in the future or
looking to those same unhealthy sources for information about
relationships. You may discover along the way that as much as
you love your best friends, they are terrible at relationships
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and give awful advice. That doesn’t mean you love them any
less as friends, but it does mean that you may need to stop
asking for and taking dating advice from them.
You may also discover that you have bought into many of
Hollywood’s relationship fantasies and you are walking through
life allowing a fairy tale to mistype you and determine what
you expect of yourself and your mate. When you think about
it objectively, you might say, “Of course, what we see on TV
and in the movies isn’t real.” But are you sure that you haven’t
internalized some of the messages and made them part of
what you subconsciously believe about relationships?
I want you to jump right in and kick off this process by
answering the following questions about your behavior in
your past relationships. There are no right or wrong answers,
so it doesn’t matter which type you are, if you are many types,
or if you are all of the types. Without overanalyzing the ques-
tions, just quickly read and answer each one. Don’t answer
based on what you want to be true or wish were true about
yourself, just be honest. Once you are finished with the ques-
tionnaire, you will score it and determine which dating type
or types best describe you.
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Ms. Typed
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