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4.0 20 Fic SOILING CONDENSATION INTRODUCTION 2 Jong history and its The Use of steam both for power production to convey heat use in these fields is likely to continue into the foreseeable future, In all applications, the steam must be condensed as it transfers heat to a cooling medium which cold water in 2 condenser of generating station, hot water in a heating caloifier, sugar solution in 2 sugar refinery and etc. ‘During condensation very high heat fluxes are possible and provided that the heat can be quickly transferred from the condensing surface into the cooling medium, the heat exchangers can be ‘compact and effective, Steam may condense onto a surface in two distinct modes, known’as the Filmwise and the Dropwise condensation. For the same temperature diference between the staan and the surface, dropwise condensation is several times more effective than fimwise, and for this reason the former is desirable although in practical plants, it seldom accurs for prolonged periods. The SOLTEQ® Fim & Dropwisé Condensation Unit (Model: HE163) is designed to help student to understand several Key aspects in condensation topio, in particular the process of flmwise and dropwise condensation, It allows students to visualize both phenomena and perform a few experiments to demonstrate both concepts GENERAL DESCRIPTION 24— 4. Pressure Relief Valve 8. Separator 2. Indicators 7,_Dropwise Condenser 3,_ Flowmeter 8, Filmwise Condenser %,_Discharge Valve 9, Coiled Heater , Pressure Trensmitier 10. Vacuum Ejector 3.0 SUMMARY OF THEORY 3.1 Mechanism of Condensation Condensation of a vapor toa quid and vaporization of a liquid to @ vapor both involve a change of phase of a fluid with large heattransfer coetiients Condensation occurs when a saturated vapor such as steam comes in contact with a solid whose surface temperature is below the saturation temperature, 0 form a liquid such as water. Normally, when @ vapor condenses on @ surface such as a vertical or horizontal tube or other surface, a fim of condensate Is formed on the surface and flows over the surface by the action of gravity. It is this fm of liquid between the surface and the vapor that forms the main resistance to heal- transfer. This is called fimwise condensation. [Another type of condensation, dropwise condensation, can occur, whare small drops are formed on the surface. These drops grow and coalesce, and the Tiquid flows from the surface. During fis condensation lage areas of tube are devold of any liquid and are exposed directly to the vapor. Very high rates of hoat-iransfer ooour on these bare areas. The average heat transfer coeficient for dropwise condensation Is ve to 10 times larger than the fimwise coefficints. Dropwise condensation can be promoted by making te surface non-weting (via coating). However, dropwise condensation is dificult to maintain ip industrial applcations due to oxidation, fouling and degradation of coating, ané avertually fim condensation occurs. Therefore, condenser designs are often based on the assumption of fimwise condensation,SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) G4 Experiment 2: THE FILMWISE HEAT FLUX AND SURFACE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION AT CONSTANT PRESSURE Objective: To determine the fimwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure Procedures: 4. Circulate cooling water through the filmwise condenser starting with @ minimum value of 0.1 LPM. —3smP 0 2, Adjust the heater power to obtain the desired pressure at 1.04 bar. 3. When the condiion is stablized,. record the steam (Tsai) & surface temperature (Tau), Tin (T1) & Tout (T2), and flowrate, Assignment: 4. Plot Heat Flux vs. Température Difference (Taxt- Tas). 2. Plot a Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Temperature Difference (Tox~ Tat): Note: Power is calculated using the heat removed from the cooling water (g- = TC (Tout — Tin)). ASat Thug Ol ae aay a a‘S01-TEQ® FILM &.DROPIMSE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE'169) 65 ‘Experiment 3: THE DROPWISE HEAT FLUX AND SURFACE HEAT “TRANSFER COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION AT CONSTANT PRESSURE Objective: To determine the dropwise heat flux and surface heat transfer coefficient at constant pressure Procedures: 4. Circulate cooling water through the dropwise condenser startng with @ minimum value of 0.4 LPM, 2. Adjust the heater power fo obtain the desired pressure at 1.01 bar. 3. When the condition is stabiized, record the steam (Tai) & surface temperature (Taxi), Tin (13) & Tout (T4), and flowrats, Assignment: 1. Plot Heat Flux vs. Temperature Difference (Tsat~ Tr). 2. Plot Surfate Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Temperature Difference (Teai~ Tsu). 3. Plot Heat Flux vs. Temperature Difference (Text - Tour) for fimwise and dropwise condensation in a single graph. Plot also Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs. Temperature Difference (Taxi -Taui) for fimwise and dropwise condensation in a single graph. Compare and discuss the heat transfer coefficients between fimwise and dropwise condensation.SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) 66 Experiment-4: THE EFFECT OF AIR INSIDE CHAMBER Objective: To demonstrate the effect of air on heat transfer coefficient of condensation. Procedures: 1. ‘Circulate cooling water through the filmwise condenser at the highest flowrate until the pressure is reduced to below t bar. CS(H | Peru 2. Open the discharge.valve and lat an amount of ar to enter the chamber. Note: Increase of 0.01 bar indicates 1% of airs injected. 4. Regulate the water flow rate to the condenser starting with @ minimum value of 0.4 LPM. 5, Adjust the heater power fo obtain the desired pressure at 1.01 bar. &. When the condition is stabilized, record the steam (Tau) & surface temperature (Tsun), Tin (13) & Tout (74), and flowrate: 7. Repeat step 1-6 for dropwise condensation. Assignment) Plot Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient vs, Temperature Difference (Test Tart) wih the presence of al, for fmwise and “sropwise condensation respectively. 2. Plot Surface Heat Transfer Coetficiént vs: Temperature Difference (That ~ Tas) with the presence of air and without presence of air in a single graph, for fimise and dropwise condensation respectively. Compare and discuss the effect of air on heat transfer coefficients, 3. Describe the phenomena theoretically. =SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Modal: HE 163) 7.0 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. TA 7.2 Heater Cool down the equipment before draining the water inside the glass vessel so that the heater will not be overheated when there Is no water inside the vessel Condenser Make sure tap water used is free fram any contamination to prevent blockage inside the condenser.SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) 8.0 SAFETY PRECAUTION 84 Warning High voltages exist and are accessible in the control panel, Return the unit to your supplier for any servicing. 82 Cautions 4, Never splash water to the control panel. This will cause body injury and damage to the equipment. 2. Never use your bare hand to fest the AC Power Supply, It may cause hazardous injury. 42-SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) APPENDIXA ‘EXPERIMENTAL DATA SHEET‘SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) EXPERIMENT 2: THE FILMWISE HEAT FLUX AND SURFACE HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION AT CONSTANT PRESSURE = Flow rate | Power Tin Tout Tsat Tourt | Tsat-Tsuf | ATm (LPM) (W) | (deg) | (deat) | (eee) | (degC) (@egc) | (dege) | (Wim?) | (Wim.K) oe Heater Power (W) Tot Saturation Temperature (K) Tat Surface Temperature (K) ® Heat Flux (Wir) U Heat Transfer Coefficient (Wim?.K)ieee. SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) ‘EXPERIMENT 3: THE DROPWISE HEAT FLUX AND SURFACE HEAT TRANSFER. ‘COEFFICIENT DETERMINATION AT CONSTANT PRESSURE Flowrate | Powsr | Tin | Tout | Tsat | Tsu | Tsat-Tsut | stm | u (LPM) (W) | (egc) | (degC) | (degC) | (deg) (degc) | (deg) | (wine | (wime.K) =. Heater Power (W) Tai =" © Scturation Temperature (K) =. Surface Temperature (K) Heat Flux (Wim?) Heat Transfer Coefficient (Wim?)SOLTEQ® FL & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNTT (Model: HE 163) EXPERIMENT 4: THE EFFECT OF AIR INSIDE CHAMBER FOR FILMWISE CONDENSES Fowmte | Power | Tin | Tou | Tast | Tsut | toat-Tout | atm | u eu) | OW) | (éeacy | (dent) | eet) | Wdeacr | f6egc) | (eae) | nA | (Wim) | | it a: = Heater Power (W) Tux = Saturation Temperature (K) Tes = Surface Temperature (K) = Heat Fiux (Win?) U = _ Heat Transfer Coefficient (Win?.K)SOLTEQ® FiLM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 183) — Ss APPENDIX 8 TYPICAL EXPERIMENTAL RESULT-SOLTEQ® FILM & DROPWISE CONDENSATION UNIT (Model: HE 163) ‘EXPERIMENT 4: THEEFFECT OF AIR INSIDE CHAMBER FOR DROPWISE CONDENSE! Flowrate | Power | Tin | Tout | Tsat | Tsu ) Tsat-Teut | Atm | o> u (em) (W) | (degc) | (Gegc) | (degc) | degC) | (degC} (Begc) | (Wim) | (Wms) | ch Heater Power (W) Tot Saturation Temperature (K) Tout Surface Temperature (K) ° Heat Flux (Wir) U Heat Transfer Coefficient (W/m?.K)
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