The Portrait of A Hedonist

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Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

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The portrait of a hedonist: The personality and ethics behind the value
and maladaptive pursuit of pleasure
Masha Ksendzova a,, Ravi Iyer b, Graham Hill a, Sean P. Wojcik c, Ryan T. Howell a

San Francisco State University, United States

CivilPolitics.Org, United States
University of California, Irvine, United States

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 30 November 2014
Received in revised form 25 January 2015
Accepted 27 January 2015
Available online 16 February 2015
Moral foundations

a b s t r a c t
Hedonism is the prioritizing of pleasure over other life values and is theorized to be independent of wellbeing. However, popular culture depicts hedonists as unhappy, as well as selshly unconcerned with others well-being. Because the current literature has not differentiated between peoples value of pleasure
and their maladaptive pursuit of it, we examined if these related, but not equivalent, dispositions had different personality and morality proles. We found that value-based hedonists have a distinct moral prole (i.e., they are less likely to endorse moral foundations associated with social conservatism) and, yet,
they differ little from others in regard to personality traits. We also found that peoples maladaptive
hedonism (i.e., excessive pleasure-seeking) was best predicted by their personality traits (i.e., being less
agreeable, less conscientious, and more neurotic) rather than by their conceptions of right and wrong. We
discuss how these results contribute to our understanding of hedonism and why some people pursue
their value of pleasure into over-indulgence.
2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

When everybody else refrained, my uncle Jonny did cocaine.

[Lyrics from Uncle Jonny by Brandon Flowers]

1. Introduction
One famous ctional hedonist is Oscar Wildes character Dorian
Gray, an impulsive and selsh man whose pleasure-seeking is so
excessive that it leaves him deeply unhappy (Wilde, 1931). Hedonism, according to Schwartz (1992), is a persons prioritizing of
pleasure as a goal relative to other potentially important goals.
That is, a person who scores high on Schwartzs (1992) measure
of hedonism values the pursuit of pleasure more than universalism, benevolence, conformity, tradition, security, power, achievement, stimulation, and self-direction. However, a point of
divergence between popular culture and personality research is
that popular culture depicts hedonists as unhappy while there is
no empirical evidence of ill-adjustment among people who value
the pursuit of pleasure. In fact, Sagiv and Schwartz (2000) theorized that people can achieve happiness through attaining the out Corresponding author at: San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway
Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132, United States. Tel.: +1 925 819 1259.
E-mail address: (M. Ksendzova).
0191-8869/ 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

comes they value, and it is relatively common for positive

psychologists to specically prescribe the intentional pursuit of
frequent positive affect, given its many benets (Lyubomirsky,
King, & Diener, 2005). Therefore, in theory, a person who values
pleasure should feel as happy upon experiencing pleasure, as the
person who values power should feel upon gaining power.
Instead, prior ndings suggest a negative relationship between
well-being and proxies of pleasure-seeking that t the lay conception of excessive hedonism (i.e., seeking pleasure in activities without caring for the meaning and self-development they may
provide; Huta & Ryan, 2010; focusing on present pleasure with little regard for past events or future consequences; Zhang & Howell,
2011). It would seem then that the Dorian Grays of the world, or
people whose pursue pleasure to their detriment (i.e., maladaptive
hedonists), are different from people who, in principle, believe that
the pursuit of pleasure is important. Of course, a positive relationship may still exist between maladaptive pleasure-seeking and valuing hedonism; however, these two dispositions may not overlap
enough to correspond to the same personality and ethical prole
of an individualthat is, there may be important differences
between people who value pleasure and people who overdo it.
Therefore, this investigation will differentiate between valuing
pleasure and excessive pleasure-seeking in order to understand
the inconsistencies previously observed between Schwartzs
(1992) value of pleasure and personality traits, as well as ethics.

M. Ksendzova et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

1.1. Hedonists personality

Overall, the reported associations between personality traits
and the value of pleasure have been inconsistent. For example,
while Schwartz (2006) theorized that peoples value of pleasure
does not necessarily dampen the quality of their social interaction,
previous research on valuing pleasure and agreeableness (i.e.,
kindness, sympathy, and consideration of others; see Rammstedt
& John, 2007) has reported both no relationship between valuing
pleasure and agreeableness (Olver & Mooradian, 2003) as well as
a negative relationship (Luk & Bond, 1993; among Chinese university students). There also exists an inconsistency in the observed
relationships between conscientiousness (i.e., extent to which
people are dependable, thorough, and vigilant; see Rammstedt &
John, 2007) and the value of pleasure. Particularly, some studies
have found no relationship (Olver & Mooradian, 2003) and others
a negative one (Luk & Bond, 1993). Additionally, although the value
of pleasure is theoretically related to the value of stimulation
(Schwartz, 1992), previous research (Luk & Bond, 1993; Olver &
Mooradian, 2003) has found no relationship between the value of
pleasure and liking of social stimulation specically (i.e., extraversion; Rammstedt & John, 2007).
Further, Schwartz (1992) theorized that people who value pleasure are more open to change than those who do not. However,
research on personality traits and values has found no relationship
between peoples value of pleasure and openness (Luk & Bond,
1993; Olver & Mooradian, 2003), a personality trait manifested in
appreciation of adventure and variety (Rammstedt & John, 2007).
Yet, another investigation suggested that people who value pleasure are more motivated to approach new experiences (rather than
avoid them) and to seek novelty, as opposed to those who do not
value pleasure (Athota & OConnor, 2014). Finally, Athota and
OConnor (2014) reported that people who score high on valuebased hedonism also experience more difculty in managing their
emotions than people who score low. Conversely, Huta and Ryan
(2010) found that peoples tendency to seek pleasure in their activities correlated positively with how carefree they felt on a daily
basis, implying that pleasure-seekers should score low on neuroticism (characterized by anxiety and emotional instability;
Rammstedt & John, 2007).
Importantly, all this prior research has not examined the relationship between personality traits and maladaptive pleasureseeking. However, in line with the popular conception of hedonists
as selsh and manipulative, we expect people who maladaptively
pursue pleasure, compared to those who merely value it, to score
lower on agreeableness. Additionally, the lay conception of hedonists suggests that they often give into the impulses (low conscientiousness) and are driven by their unstable emotions and perpetual
dissatisfaction (high neuroticism). Finally, an open question
remains as to whether peoples excessive indulgence in pleasure,
not simply their value of it, corresponds to their open-mindedness
versus xation on familiar experiences. Consequently, the present
research examines whether a value of pleasure and the tendency to
maladaptively pursue it are differentially related to openness.
1.2. Hedonists moral foundations
Yet another important distinction between people who value
pleasure over other goals and those who pursue it to excess may
be their moral proles. If maladaptive hedonists are willing to
make more sacrices (e.g., in social relationships or responsibilities) for pleasure than value-based hedonists, they may assign less
moral relevance to protecting others well-being, self-control, and
the general following of societal rules. This lay conception of hedonism suggests that maladaptive pleasure-seekers have a different
moral compass. However, the potential self-indulgence or careless-


ness of maladaptive hedonists may instead reect only their personality traits, as opposed to their beliefs of what is right and
wrong. If maladaptive hedonistic behavior is merely an extreme
manifestation of valuing pleasure, then only value-based hedonism
should reect a distinct moral prole and maladaptive hedonism
by itself could be morally neutral.
Previous research has found inconsistent patterns in regard to
the moral prole of pleasure seekers, and this investigation into
the moral principles of value-based versus maladaptive hedonists
may also speak to these inconsistencies. For instance, Blickle,
Schlegel, Fassbender, and Klein (2006) found that people who
valued pleasure were more likely to commit white-collar crime
than those who prioritized other life values. However, Schwartz
found that peoples value of pleasure had no relationship with their
cooperative behavior (1996) and surprisingly a positive relationship with political activism often oriented toward social justice
(e.g., contacting politicians or boycotting products; 2006). These
inconsistencies elucidate the need to investigate the moral proles
of value-based hedonists (i.e., the principles through which they
conceptualize morality). Also, more research is needed to understand whether peoples value of pleasure in itself predicts their
concern for others well-being: are value-based hedonists really
selsh or do they simply believe pleasure is important?
1.3. Current study
To examine the personality and ethical differences between
people who simply prioritize pleasure over other values and those
who pursue it maladaptively, the present research aims to assess
the latter with a different measure of hedonismone that correlates negatively with well-being. Such a measure of maladaptive
pleasure-seeking should have a moderately strong relationship
with the value of pleasure (i.e., Schwartzs hedonism), which itself
is predicted to be independent of well-being (Sagiv & Schwartz,
2000). Moreover, we intend to assess maladaptive hedonism specically, as opposed to peoples general tendency to act impulsively or their unreliability (i.e., characteristics reected when
self-control is lacking). That is, we aim to demonstrate that maladaptive hedonism, though likely negatively correlated with selfcontrol, is divergent from self-control. After demonstrating that
value-based hedonism and maladaptive hedonism are distinct
from each other as well as from self-control, we will compare the
relationships of valued-based versus maladaptive hedonism with
personality traits and moral proles.
2. Study 1
2.1. Method
2.1.1. Participants and procedure
Sample 1 consisted of volunteer participants who completed
one or more surveys on the educational website BeyondThePurchase.Org (previously used as source of data for published
research; see Zhang, Howell, Caprariello, & Guevarra, 2014).
Among all eligible participants, we focused on the subsets who
completed either (a) the Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire
and the Schwartz Value Inventory (N = 149), (b) the Maladaptive
Hedonism Questionnaire and the Satisfaction with Life Scale
(N = 1,038), (c) the Schwartz Value Inventory and the Satisfaction
with Life Scale (N = 397), (d) the Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire and the Big Five Inventory-10 (N = 921), or the (e) the Schwartz Value Inventory and the Big Five Inventory (N = 149). The
participants who were included (N = 1,580; Mage = 31.52,
SD = 14.36; 71.0% female; 67.9% Caucasian) were similar in age,
gender composition, and ethnic background to the rest of the


M. Ksendzova et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

website. Sample 2 consisted of paid participants recruited via Amazons Mechanical Turk, an online system of paid survey-takers (see
Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011; Paolacci, Chandler, &
Ipeirotis, 2010; for justication of using Mechanical Turk participants in research). These participants (N = 97; Mage = 36.64,
SD = 13.21; 65.1% female; 63% Caucasian) completed the
Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire, Schwartz Value Inventory,
Self-Control Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Flourishing
2.1.2. Measures Value of pleasure. Peoples value of pleasure was measured
using the hedonism subscale from the 58-item Schwartz Value
Inventory (SVI; Schwartz, 1992). Participants rated the degree to
which each value served as a guiding principal in their lives on a
9-point Likert scale ranging from-1 (opposed to my values) to 7
(of supreme importance). Specically, the value of pleasure was
assessed by participants endorsement of pleasure: gratication
of desires, being self-indulgent: doing pleasant things, and enjoying life: enjoying food, sex, leisure, etc. (Sample 1: M = 3.94,
SD = 1.43, a = .77; Sample 2: M = 3.84, SD = 1.52, a = .73). Higher
scores on a subscale, such as hedonism, represented a greater
endorsement of that value. It is important to note is that participants were instructed to rate each values importance relative to
the importance of other values (i.e., choose the [value] that is
most important to you and rate its importance. . . next, choose
the value that is most opposed to your values and rate it). This
measurement of value-based hedonism intended to assess peoples
prioritizing of pleasure over other goals, as a relative value instead
of an absolute one. Maladaptive hedonism. The measure of maladaptive hedonism, or excessive pleasure-seeking, was developed for this study.
First, we prompted participants to name an activity that brought
them the most pleasure and to write a brief description of it. Then,
participants answered eight questions that prompted them to
reect on the sacrices they tend to make in order to do the highly
pleasurable activity they named (e.g., To what extent do you avoid
your responsibilities? or To what extent do you overspend your
money?; see Appendix A). These sacrices included nancial
standing, social relationships, responsibilities or general obligations, health, a persons own well-being, life values (e.g., that of
ones family or religion), and long-term satisfaction with ones
choice to pursue the pleasurable activity. These items were
answered using a Likert sale, ranging from 1 (not at all) to 7 (very
much). As expected, the average score fell below the midpoint,
indicating that the typical respondent was not a maladaptive pleasure-seeker (Sample 1: M = 2.75, SD = 1.10, a = .78; Sample 2:
M = 2.74, SD = 1.23, a = .81). Satisfaction with Life. Subjective well-being was measured
with the Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen, &
Grifn, 1985; Sample 1: M = 4.62, SD = 1.34, a = .88; Sample 2:
M = 4.21, SD = 1.63, a = .92), which assesses peoples judgments of
how well their lives are going. Flourishing. In Sample 2, we also included the Flourishing
Scale as another indicator of subjective well-being. The Flourish
scales measures the psychological resources and strengths that
contribute to the quality of a persons daily life (Diener et al.,
2010: M = 5.23, SD = 1.28, a = .93). Self-control. In Sample 2, trait self-control was measured
with the 13-item Self-Control Scale (Tangney, Baumeister, &
Boone, 2004; M = 3.30, SD = 0.81, a = .88). This scale assesses peoples general capacity for self-discipline, inclination toward deliberate or non-impulsive actions, and reliability. Big ve personality traits. In Sample 1, we used Rammstedt

and Johns (2007) BFI-10 Inventory to assess the following personality traits: openness to experience (M = 3.79, SD = .89), conscientiousness (M = 3.67, SD = .87), extraversion (M = 3.23, SD = 1.00),
agreeableness (M = 3.49, SD = .86), and neuroticism (M = 2.93,
SD = 1.02). This short scale contains a total of 10 items, and items
are answered using a Likert scale from 1 (disagree strongly) to 5
(agree strongly). In validating this short measure, Rammstedt and
John (2007) have demonstrated that it is sufcient for research,
in terms of validity and reliability, in place of the longer 44-item
Big Five Inventory (John & Srivastava, 1999).
2.2. Results
2.2.1. Value-based hedonism, maladaptive hedonism, well-being, and
As expected, maladaptive hedonism (i.e., excessive pleasureseeking) had a positive correlation with value-based hedonism
(i.e., the value of pleasure; Sample 1: r = .34, p < .001; Sample 2:
r = .21, p < .05). These correlations suggest that these two types of
hedonism are related; however, they do not appear to represent
the same construct. Also, valued-based hedonism had no relationship with life satisfaction (Sample 1: r = .01, p = .83; Sample 2:
r = .12, p = .25) while maladaptive hedonism negatively predicted
life satisfaction (Sample 1: r = .22, p < .001; Sample 2: r = .37,
p < .001). Further, in Sample 2, peoples value of pleasure had no
relationship with their current degree of ourishing (r = .08,
p = .43) while the maladaptive pursuit of pleasure had a negative
relationship with ourishing (r = .39, p < .001). These divergent
correlations highlight the maladaptive nature of excessive pleasure-seeking: those who value pleasure are not more happy or
unhappy than those who do not, and yet, people who over-pursue
pleasurable activities are generally less satised with life and ourish less than people who do not overdo it.
Moreover, in Sample 2, maladaptive hedonism was negatively
associated with self-control (r = .51, p < .001). Unlike maladaptive
hedonism, self-control was not signicantly associated with the
value of pleasure (r = .15, p = .11). Further, replicating previous
research (e.g., Tangney et al., 2004), self-control was positively
related to both life satisfaction (r = .36, p < .001) and ourishing
(r = .35, p < .001), implying a similarity between low self-control
and maladaptive hedonism in their well-being proles. To further
investigate the possible overlap between self-control and maladaptive hedonism, we examined the unique predictions of selfcontrol and maladaptive pleasure-seeking for subjective wellbeing. Our regression analyses indicated that both self-control
and specically maladaptive hedonism predict life satisfaction
when entered together into two regression models. First, life satisfaction scores were higher for people with self-control (b = .23,
p < .05) and lower for people who tend to maladaptively pursue
pleasure (b = .24, p < .05). Second, ourishing was higher for people with good self-control (b = .19, p = .09) while maladaptive
hedonism predicted decreased ourishing (b = .28, p < .05). These
patterns suggest that peoples tendency to over-pursue pleasure is
related to inadequate self-regulation but remains its own distinguishable construct.
2.2.2. Relationships of value-based hedonism and maladaptive
hedonism with personality
Peoples value of pleasure was only signicantly (and positively) related to extraversion; however, peoples maladaptive
pleasure-seeking did reect a distinct personality prole (see
Table 1). Specically, as predicted, people more prone to excessively pursue pleasure scored higher on neuroticism and lower
on agreeableness and conscientiousness. They also scored lower
on openness to new experiences. Further, there was no signicant

M. Ksendzova et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

Table 1
Pearson correlations between value-based hedonism, maladaptive hedonism, and big
ve personality traits in Study 1.
Big ve personality traits
Openness to experience

hedonism (N = 389)

hedonism (N = 921)

p < .001.
p < .05.

relationship between maladaptive hedonism and extraversion

thus, value-based and maladaptive hedonists had unique personality proles.


happiness with a happiness IAT (for example, see Walker &

Schimmack, 2008) we developed for this study. During this task,
participants categorized text stimuli based on their belonging to
four categories: happy (i.e., happy, cheerful, content, delighted,
elated, glad, joyful, satised), sad (i.e., sad, gloomy, somber, sorrowful, depressed, unhappy, upset, unsatised), me (i.e., me,
myself), and not me (i.e., they, them, others). The process followed the standard procedure that is common in IAT research
(Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998): in seven blocks of categorization trials participants determined whether the stimuli
belonged to categories displayed on the left or right side of the
screen by hitting buttons on the keyboard. Implicit happiness
was assessed using the standard d-score method outlined by
Greenwald, Nosek, and Banaji (2003) where higher scores indicated stronger implicit associations between the self and happy,
relative to the self and sad.

3. Study 2
Study 2 aimed to conceptually replicate the differential relationships that value-based and maladaptive hedonism have with
(a) well-being, using a happiness IAT (with methods similar to
Walker & Schimmack, 2008), and (b) personality traits, using a
longer measure of the Big Five Inventory (BFI-44; John &
Srivastava, 1999). Also, and more importantly, we compared the
moral foundations of people who value pleasure and those who
pursue it to excess.
3.1. Method
3.1.1. Participants and procedure
Study 2 consisted of volunteer participants who completed one
or more surveys hosted on the educational website YourMorals.
Org, which has served as a source of data for many recent articles
(e.g., Glenn, Koleva, Iyer, Graham, & Ditto, 2010; Graham et al.,
2011; Koleva, Graham, Haidt, Iyer, & Ditto, 2012). Participants of
interest were those who completed (a) the Maladaptive Hedonism
Questionnaire and the Schwartz Value Inventory (N = 1,036), (b)
the Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire and the Happiness IAT
(N = 517), (c) the Schwartz Value Inventory and the Happiness
IAT (N = 818), (d) the Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire and
Big Five Inventory (N = 1,283), (e) the Maladaptive Hedonism
Questionnaire, Schwartz Value Inventory, and the Big Five Inventory (N = 752), (f) the Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire and
the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (N = 3,886) as well as its supplemental questions (N = 164), or (g) the Schwartz Value Inventory
and the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (N = 1,283) as well as its
supplemental questions (N = 168). The participants who were
included (N = 4,079; Mage = 34.85, SD = 14.71; 40.9% female; 80.1%
Caucasian) were similar in age, gender composition, and ethnic
background to the rest of the website.
3.1.2. Measures Value of pleasure. Peoples value of pleasure relative to
other values was again measured with the 3-item hedonism subscale of the 58-item SVI (Schwartz, 1992; M = 3.69, SD = 1.61;
a = .84). Maladaptive hedonism. Maladaptive hedonism (i.e., excessive pleasure-seeking) was again measured with the Maladaptive
Hedonism Questionnaire employed in Study 1. Again, the mean
suggested that the average participants pleasure-seeking was
not maladaptive (M = 2.83; SD = .98; a = .72). Implicit well-being. One goal of Study 2 was to conceptually
replicate the differential relationships of value-based and
maladaptive hedonism with well-being. We assessed implicit Big ve personality traits. To replicate the relationships

between value-based, versus maladaptive hedonism, with personality traits, we employed the 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI-44;
John & Srivastava, 1999). Just like the BFI-10 of Study 1, the BFI44 measured openness to experience (M = 3.88, SD = .55; a = .80),
conscientiousness (M = 3.40, SD = .77; a = .86), extraversion
(M = 2.87, SD = .92; a = .89), agreeableness (M = 3.59, SD = .70;
a = .80), and neuroticism (M = 2.92, SD = .89; a = .88). Moral foundations. We examined the relationships between
two types of hedonism and peoples moral principles using the
Moral Foundations Questionnaire (MFQ; Graham et al., 2011). This
scale measures the extent to which different principles shape peoples view of what is morally relevant (i.e., helps in determine what
is morally right or wrong). Specically, the main ve moral foundations assessed by this scale were avoiding harm (i.e., preventing
other peoples pain and acting with kindness and nurturance;
a = .73; M = 3.42, SD = .89), fairness (i.e., maintaining justice, individual rights, and autonomy; a = .66; M = 3.52, SD = .77), authority
(i.e., obeying authority and tradition; a = .75; M = 2.18, SD = .94),
loyalty (i.e., patriotism and self-sacrice for the benet of ones
group; a = .72; M = 2.23, SD = .91), and purity (i.e., importance of
avoiding experiences that symbolically contaminate the human
body; a = .85; M = 1.58, SD = 1.14). The rst two principles are
related to a socially liberal political orientation and the following
three to a conservative one (see Graham, Haidt, & Nosek, 2009).
Further, we examined universalism (i.e., a concern for well-being
in the human society as a whole; a = .78; M = 3.29, SD = 1.17), liberal purity (i.e., a more socially liberal parallel to the original purity
subscale; a = .79; M = 2.16, SD = 1.13), authenticity (i.e., staying
true to ones self; a = .65; M = 3.34, SD = 1.06), preventing waste
(i.e., conserving resources; a = .85; M = 2.83, SD = 1.12), and selfcontrol (i.e., restraining ones impulses; a = .60; M = 2.55
SD = 1.06). The rst four foundations speak to a politically liberal
moral prole, and the last foundation (i.e., self-control) is tied to
social conservatism.
3.2. Results
3.2.1. Predicting implicit happiness from value-based and maladaptive
We conducted a linear regression predicting implicit happiness
from value-based and maladaptive hedonism. The overall model
was signicant, F (2, 338) = 4.04, p < .05, R2 = .02. Specically, as
we hypothesized, while value-based hedonism did not predict
implicit happiness (b = .05, p = .41), maladaptive hedonism negatively predicted it (b = .14, p < .05). Again, this conrms a distinction between our two measurements of hedonism: the former is


M. Ksendzova et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

independent of well-being, and the latter is negatively associated

with it.
3.2.2. Correlates of value-based hedonism and maladaptive hedonism
with personality
Again we found that maladaptive hedonism was positively correlated with neuroticism and negatively correlated with agreeableness while value-based hedonism had no relationship with these
personality traits (see Table 2). Also, again, we saw that valuebased hedonism was positively correlated with extraversion while
maladaptive hedonism showed no relationship with it. However, in
Study 2, both value-based and maladaptive hedonism were negatively correlated with conscientiousness. Another difference in
the personality proles of Study 1 and Study 2 was that, in Study
2, maladaptive hedonism did not positively correlate with openness as it did in Study 1thus, the consistent differentiating personality characteristics were that value-based hedonists were
extraverted while maladaptive hedonists were less agreeable and
more neurotic.
3.2.3. Relationships of value-based hedonism and maladaptive
hedonism with moral foundations
Our results indicated that people who value pleasure have different moral principles from people who value other goals (see
Table 3). Specically, we found that value-based hedonists were
less likely to ascribe moral relevance to obeying authority, ingroup
loyalty, maintaining purity, and self-control. Additionally, valuedbased hedonists were more likely to endorse fairness as a moral
On the other hand, the continuum of maladaptive hedonism
(i.e., excessive pleasure-seeking) had no relationship with any of
the ten moral foundations included in the study (See Table 3).
These results suggest that people who tend to pursue pleasure
maladaptively do not differ in moral principles from individuals
without this tendency. Consequently, the moral distinctions of
value-based hedonists may depend on the mere value of pleasure,
as opposed to the possibility of them engaging in maladaptive

hedonism and maladaptive hedonism with personality traits and

moral foundations. In sum, our research suggests that the excessive nature maladaptive hedonism is not rooted in morality, but
only in personality; further, the portrait of a value-based hedonist
depicts a socially liberal extravert, rather than Oscar Wildes
(1931) apathetic Dorian Gray.
4.1. The personality traits of hedonists
Across two samples, we discovered that the only consistent personality distinction of people who prioritize pleasure over other
values is their high extraversion. They did not differ from others
in neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness to experience. Olver
and Mooradian (2003) provided evidence that people gravitate
toward values that complement their personalities (e.g., that people open to new experiences are more likely to endorse values
from the openness to change section of Schwartzs values circumplex). Perhaps, peoples conception of pleasure shares an overlap with the social stimulation enjoyed by extraverts, so
extraverted people are more likely to value it. However, the construct of pleasure is nevertheless versatile, so people with varying
personality traits may simply value different pleasurable activities
(e.g., neurotic individuals may nd pleasure in low-risk activities).
Similar to maladaptive hedonists, people who value pleasure
also scored lower on conscientiousness (see Section 3). Possibly,
both the value and the excessive pursuit of pleasure are more common among less conscientious people, but further research is
needed to clarify these relationships. However, it is the portrait
of only a maladaptive pleasure-seeker, not the value-based hedonist, which consistently depicts someone who is emotionally
unstable, uncooperative, and unreliable. People with such personality traits may be more impulsive in seeking positive affect and
experience less immediate concern over the personal and social
sacrices they make to engage in pleasurable activities. Possibly,
the value of pleasure by itself is not connected to unfavorable personality traits unless people make a habit of excessively translating
that value into behavior.
4.2. The moral foundations of hedonists

4. Discussion
The present study explored the differences between people who
value of pleasure above other goals (i.e., value-based hedonists)
and people whose pleasurable pursuits require sacrices and come
at a cost to their well-being (i.e., maladaptive hedonists). To conrm the proposed difference between these two hedonism constructs, we examined their relationships with both explicit and
implicit well-being, nding that only maladaptive hedonism was
negatively related to well-being. Moreover, we differentiated maladaptive pleasure-seeking from generally inadequate self-control,
discovering that the two constructs independently predict wellbeing. We then tested for differential relationships of value-based

Moreover, we found that value-based hedonism has deeper

roots in morality than personality. Specically, peoples value of
pleasure correlated negatively with their endorsement of all
included moral principles that have been positively associated
with social conservatism: obeying authority, ingroup loyalty,
maintaining purity, and the moral relevance of self-control
(Graham et al., 2009). Interestingly, value-based hedonism is not
related to actual self-control. Further, value-based hedonism
Table 3
Pearson correlations of value-based hedonism and maladaptive hedonism with moral
foundations in Study 2.

Table 2
Pearson correlations between value-based hedonism, maladaptive hedonism, and big
ve personality traits in Study 2.
Big ve personality
Openness to experience

p < .001.
p < .05.

Value-based hedonism
(N = 752)


Maladaptive hedonism
(N = 1283)

Liberal purity

p < .001.

Value-based hedonism
(N = 1082)

Maladaptive hedonism
(N = 3886)



(N = 168)

(N = 164)

M. Ksendzova et al. / Personality and Individual Differences 79 (2015) 6874

correlated positively with the endorsement of fairness as a moral

principle, which is more pronounced among self-identied liberals
(Graham et al., 2009). However, peoples value of pleasure
remained unrelated to other markers of social liberalism: prevention of harm and waste, universalism, liberal purity, and authenticity. Overall, the morals of value-based hedonists appear not to be
rooted in socially conservative or binding principles. Specically,
their moral prole is a generally a distaste of binding moral
foundations rather than the endorsement of individualizing ones.
These results complement previous research indicating that selfidentied conservatives assign less importance to pleasure than
do self-identied liberals and libertarians (Iyer, Koleva, Graham,
Ditto, & Haidt, 2012).
Conversely, maladaptive hedonists appear morally neutral, as
the excessive pursuit of pleasure is not signicantly correlated
with endorsement of any moral foundations. Perhaps, the excessive nature of their pursuits may be rooted not in morality, but
only in personality. For instance, maladaptive hedonists tend to
have poorer self-control without thinking of self-control as morally
irrelevant. Possibly, their inadequate self-regulation is instead
linked to their low conscientiousness, rather than moral principles.
Likewise, in sacricing the fulllment of responsibilities for pleasure, they may deviate from the norms of large societal groups or
institutions without distaste for moral principles that bind them
to those communities.
4.3. Limitations and future directions
We encourage future research to further clarify the construct of
maladaptive hedonism and differentiate it from poor self-control
by examining the similarities and differences between pleasureseeking that is maladaptive (i.e., involves sacrices detrimental
to ones well-being) and pleasure-seeking that is impulsive. Also,
given the relatively weak relationship between maladaptive hedonism and neuroticism, we posit that maladaptive hedonists do not
merely suffer from rumination over their past behavior. However,
future research should examine the role of guilt-proneness in the
assessment of excessive pleasure-seeking, to ensure that maladaptive hedonists do not simply believe that experiencing a lot of pleasure is guilt-worthy or inherently bad.
Additionally, although the value of pleasure is a reliable and
valid construct (see Sagiv & Schwartz, 2000; Schwartz, 1992,
1996, 2006, for review), using the Schwartz Value Inventory (SVI)
poses some limitations. In particular, the hedonism subscale of
the SVI does not differentiate between the ways in which people
may differently conceptualize pleasure (e.g., as hedonic, eudaimonic, or social). Possibly, people may value different types of
pleasure to different extents, and yet, the SVI does not specify
the kind of pleasure people value. Therefore, we urge future
research to expand the measurement of value-based hedonism to
include the types of pleasure people value, as well their value of
different pleasurable experiences.
Moreover, we recommend the continued examination of the
relationships between the value of pleasure, maladaptive hedonism, and personality. For example, in across our two studies,
value-based hedonism was inconsistently related to conscientiousness, indicating no relationship in Study 1 and a negative one in
Study 2. Consequently, it is possible that both the value of pleasure,
as well as the excessive pursuit of it, are the result of low conscientiousness. Further, the current research only used the BFI-10
(Rammstedt & John, 2007) and BFI-44 (John & Srivastava, 1999)
to assess personality; future investigations will benet from examining the relationships of maladaptive versus value-based hedonism with Big Five facets using the NEO-PI-R (see Costa &
McCrae, 2008), where specic aspects of personality can be


5. Conclusion
While psychological research has consistently conceptualized
hedonism as a value of pleasure, it is important to distinguish people who value pleasure from people who pursue pleasure so excessively that it results in reduced well-being. Our results indicate
that the value of pleasure is associated with a distinct moral prole
(i.e., a distaste for moral principles associated with social conservatism), whereas maladaptive pleasure-seeking is rooted in personality (i.e., low agreeableness, low conscientiousness, and high
neuroticism). Overall, our results differentiated the value pleasure
from its excessive pursuit, suggesting that the personality and
moral prole of a hedonist is more complicated than Oscar Wildes
unhappy, impulsive, and selsh Dorian Gray.
Ethical statement
The work described in our submission has not been published
previously and it is not under consideration for publication anywhere but the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences.
All ve authors agree to the order of authorship, to submit the
manuscript in its present form, and to all ethical requirements outlined by Elsvier Editorial.
Appendix A.
A.1. Maladaptive Hedonism Questionnaire developed for Studies 1 and
Please select a type of activity that provides you the most pleasure (intellectual engagement and reection, taste and touch,
social interaction, excitement and thrill seeking, and helping others) and keep it in mind.
What is the activity, specically? How would you classify it?
Please write your answer below:
In order to do this activity:
To what extent do you overspend your money?
How often do you risk your close relationships with family,
friends, or romantic partners?
To what extent do you avoid your responsibilities?
How much do you ignore your health?
Even if you enjoy the activity, how much do you think it hurts
your emotional well-being later?
To what extent does this pleasurable activity contradict your
life values (e.g., family values, religion)?
How much you do regret this activity after time passes?
How hard is it to wait for this activity?
The response scale for these items was from (1) Not at all (2) (3) (4)
(5) (6) to (7) Very much.

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