Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
( zuellig; chloramphenicol suspension : palmitate, injection : succinate; rx only; cat c;
amphenicols tx of systemic infection)
Indication and Dosage : acute infections caused by salmonella typhi / H influenza,
rickettia, lymphogranuloma psittacosis group, various gm ve bacteria causing
bacteremia, meningitis and other serious infections, cystic fibrosis regiments
Adult & Children 50 100mg/kg in 4
divided doses ; high doses as soon as possible
Full term Indant
<2wk 25 50mg/kg in 4 divided doses
premature and new born 25mg/kg in 4 equally divided 4 doses
Administration : taken on an empty stomach; 1 before meals or 2 hr after meals
Contraindications : hx of hypersensivity or toxic reaction
Special precautions : renal or hepatic impairment, g6pd, porphyria, clostridium
difficile assctd dirarrehea; pregnancy & lactation; premature and full term infants
Drug Interactions: retards biotransformation tolbutamide , phenytoin and
dicoumarol, rifampicin therapy can reduce chloramphenicol conc. Increases
tacrolimus serum conc
Storage : CAPSULE <30c; tight container; protected from moisture and heat
SUSPENSION : <30C; protect from freezing
POWDER for INJ : <25C ; solution is stable
for 30 days @ 25C upon reconstitution
15.Dalacin C HCL/Dalacin C Palmitate HCL/Dalacin C Phosphate
(by zuellig; fluconazole; antifungal;rx only cat c in indication: cat D if not candidiasis)
Indication and Dosage: candidemia, candida infections
Administration: w/ or w/o food
Contraindication : hypersensivity; co admin w/ terfenadine, cisapride, astemizole,
pimozide, quinidine, erythromycin
Special Precautions: monitor liver fxn; d/c tx if clinical s & sy consistent w/ devt of
liver dse; pregnancy
Adverse Drug Reaction : n & v; abdl pain; dizziness; seizures; taste perversion, QT
prolongation; leucopenia; thrombocytopenia; angioedema; face edema;
hypertriglyceridemia and hypoK
Drug Interactions : warfarin, oral sulfonylureas, phenytoin, rifampicin, cyclosporine,
theophylline, terfenadine, zidovudine, OC, losartan, benzodiazepines, cisapride,
eryhthromycin; voriconazole
Storage : <30C
(by zuellig; phenytoin;anticonvulsant; rx only ; cat D)
Indication and Dosage : cap/susp control of grand mal & complex partial seizure,
tx of seizure after neuro surgery; migraine, trigeminal neuralgia; psychoses; cardiac
arrhythmias; digitalis intoxication, post event tx of MI
inj status
epilepticus of grand mal type; prevention & tx of seizures during post
neurosurgery/severe head injury
Administration : with food; when on NGT/parenteral feeding do not administer
feeds 2hr before or after a dose; be consistent @ feed times; swallow whole; do not
switch forms/brands
Contraindications : hx of hypersensitivity to phenytoin & hydantoins. Sinus
bradycardia, SA block , 2nd or 3rd degree AV block. Pts with adams stokes syndrome,
Special Preacautions : MI, hepatic impairment; porphyria; avoid abrupt withdrawal;
INJ hypotension; do not administer rapidly; monitor for suicidal ideation &
behavior; monitor ECG & BP; resp depression, hepatic impairment; purple glove
syndrome, impaired ability to drive
Adverse Drug Reactions : anaphylaxis; ataxia; slurred speech. Diplopia, nystagmus,
h/a, gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, hypertrichosis,
Drug Interactions : antibitotics & other anticonvulsants; alcohol, antifungals,
benzodiazepines, ca channel blockers; disulfiram, inh, ssris, phenylbutazone,
tolbutamide, chronic alcohol intake, digitoxin, quinidine, corticosteroids, coumarin,
antidepressants, folic acid, fluorouracil
Storag: <30C protect from light and moisture; freezing and light; light
(by zuellig; diltiazem HCL; Calcium antagonists; cat c; )
Indication and Dosage : angina pectoris inc prinzmetals angina; mild to moderate
Administration: taken on an empty stomach; preferably before meals, SA & SR tab;
swallow whole
(by zuellig; Parecoxib Na; NSAIDs; rx only; )
Indication and Dosage : short term tx of acute & post op pain, pre op to prevent
post op pain; can reduce opioid reqt when use concomitantly
Contraindications : hypersensitivity; post op pain ff CABG sx, hx of CVA, MI, CHF,
HTN, ischemic heart dse, CVD, pregnancy 3rd time
Special Precautions : CV & thrombotic events, hx of GI dse, aspirin and
anticoagulant therapy, hypotension, volume depletion
Drug Interactions : CYP3a4 inhibitors, ACE, thiazides & furosemides, NSAIDs, lithium
and warfarin, COX2
Storage: <30C, do not refrigerate or freeze reconstituted dynastat
(by zuellig; apixaban;anticoagulant; antiplatelet;fibrinolytics;direct factor Xa inhibitor;rx
only; cat b)
Indication and Dosage : prevention of venous thromboembolic (VTE) in adult pts
who have undergone elective hip/knee replacement sx; stroke & systemic
embolism; nonvalvular atrial fibrillation(NVAF)
Administration: w/ or w/o food
Contraindication : hypersensitivity; active bleeding
Special Precautions: risk of hemorrhage in pts w/ congenital or acquired bleeding
d/o; bacterial endocarditis; uncontrolled HTN; recent spinal or opthalmological sx;
d/c if pts w/ CrCL <15ml/min & those undergoing dialysis;spinal anesth, children
Adverse Drug Reactions: confusion; anemia, hemorrhage; nausea; gingival bleeding;
epistaxis; hematuria
Drug Interactions: inc bleeding with NSAIDs; inc plasma conc w CYP3A4 inhibitors
Storage : <25c
( by Pfizer ; etanercept; disease modifying rheumatic drug(DMARDs) , used as
immunosuppressant ; rx only; cat B, )
Indication and Dosage : Disease modification of early RA, psoriasis, ankylosing
spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis ; juvenile RA & pediatric pts w/ plaque psoriasis
(by zuellig; pegatanib Na; tx of neovascular macular degen; eye prep;
antineovasculatisation; rx only; cat B )
(by zuellig; methylprednisolone; endocrine & hema d/o; corticosteroid; cat c; rx only)
38.Minidiab/Minidiab OD
(by zuellig; glipizide; adjunctive therapy diet & exercise to improve glycemic control in
type 2 DM; cat c; antidiabetic; belongs to the class of sulfonamides & urea derivatives)
(by Pfizer; Minocycline HCL; tetracyclines; rx only; cat D)
Indication and Dosage: Adult initial 200mg followed by 100mg 12hrly max
Acne 100mg bid
Uncomplicated Gonococcal MEN other then
urethritis anorectal infection initial 200mg followed by 100mg 12hrly for at least 4
Un complicated
Gonococcal urethritis MEN 100mg 12hrly for 5 days
Syphilis 200mg for 10 15 days
Meningococcal carrier state 100mg 12 hrly for 5 days
Mycobacterium marinum infctions : 100mg
12hrly for 6 8 wks
Urethal, endocervical,
rectal infctn caused by Chlamydia trachomatis or ureaplasma urealyticum ADULT
100mg 12 hrly for 7 days CHILDRN >8yr initial 4mg/kg followed by 2mg/kg 12hrly
Patients w/ renal impairment : MAX DOSE 200mg/day
Administration : may be taken with / without food, with food to reduce GI upset with
a full glass of watr
Contraindication: hypersensivity to tetracyclines
Special Precautions : may cause permanent discoloration of teeth during tooth devt;
enamel hypoplasia
pseudotumor cerebri(benign intracranial HTN; bulging
fontanels in infants; avoid direct sunlight; monitor labs. False elevations of urinary
catecholamine: may impair ability to drive
Adverse Drug Rxns : Dizziness lightheadedness
Drug Interactions : antacids containing Al, Ca, and Mg; Fe containing prep; food milk
and dairy products; anticoagulants; penicillin, OCs , isotrtinoin or other systemic
retinoids , retinol, ergot alkaloids
Storage: <30c; protect from light, moisture and excessive heat
40.Myrin / Myrin Forte(ref to MIMS)
(by Pfizer; rifampicin 150mg, ethambutol hcl 300mg, inh 75mg;anti TB agents; rx only;)
Indication and Dosage : initial & continuation phase of pulmonary & extrapulmonary
1tab/15hg body wt/day ALTERNATIVE >50kg 4tab/day, 40
19kg 3 tab/day
Administration : taken on empty stomach; 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals; maybe
taken with food and antacid( except Al containing )
Contraindication : alcoholism, optic neuritis, hepatic fxn, renal insufficiency, gouty
arthritis; REPORT visual side effects; mental illness
Special Precaution : Perfrom full opthal exam before and after tx; red orange
discoloration of secretions: contact lenses may be stained, assess organ fxns;
monitor pyridoxine def. ; patients w/ epilepsy, Dm, psychtic states; risk for
peripheral neuropathy; false + copper sulfate urine glucose test; children <13yrs
old; impaired driving
Adverse Drug Rxns : refer to MIMS
Drug Interactions :Neurotoxics; Al containing drugs, phyllines, antidiabetic drugs,
phencols cheese, tuna or sardines
Storage : <30C ; forte <25C, protect from light, heat and moisture, pink tab
Indication and Dosage : active immunization of invasive dse; PNEUMONIA and otitis
media caused by streptococcus pneumonia in infant & children 6wk 5yr or adults
Administration : IM
Contraindications : hypersensitivity
Special Precautions :Delay vaccination in febrile illness; do not IV w/ children w/
thrombocytopenia or any coagulation d/o
Adverse Drug Rxn : Dec. appetite, pyrexia. Erythema, sweeling pain, poor sleep
Drug Interactions : Diff vaccination sites
Storage : 2 8C, do not freeze, discard if frozen
52.Pristiq SR
(by Pfizer; desvenlafaxine succinate; antidepressant; rx only; cat C)
Indication and Dosage: tx of major depressive d/o & vasomotor symptoms assct
with menopause
Contraindications : Hypersensitivity to desvenlafaxine succinate; concominant use
w/ MAOI or w/in atleast 14 days of discontinuing MAOI
Administration : may be taken with/w/p food; take at the same time each day;
swallow whole
Special Precautions : monitor for clinical worsening and suicide; hx of mania;
seizures; increase IOP; metabolism d/o ; coagulation d/o; concominant use w/
antipsychotics; may impair ability to drive
Adverse Drug Reactions : Palpitations , tinnitus, mydriasis, n & v;, fatigue, irritability,
wt changes, inc BP, decrease appetite,, dec libido, erectile dysfunction, yawning etc
Drug Interactions : MAOIs,seretonergic agents
Storage : <30C
(by zuellig; medroxypregesterone acetate; oestrogen, progesterone synthetic drug; cat x;
rx only)
(by Pfizer, sirolimus; immunosuppressants; cat c; rx only )
Indication and Dosage : acute cyclosporine & corticosteroid for prophylaxis of organ
rejection in renal transplant inc. pts w/ high immunologic risk
Administration : w/ or w/o food, take consistently with or always w/o food; avoid
Contraindications : hypersensitivity
Special Precautions : susceptibility to infection and devt of lymphoma; monitor
WBC; whole blood w/ pts w/ hepatic impairment; <13yrold
Adverse Drug Reactions : lymphocele, edema, fever, h/a, HTN, GI upset, increase
cholesterol, epistaxis, pneumonia, acne, UTI
Drug Interaction: strong CYP3A4 inhibitors ( ketoconazoles etc), rhabdomyolysis;
grapejuice reduces CYP3a4 metabolism
Storage : <30C; sugar coated
(by zuellig; carbocisteine; reduction of sputum viscosity; mucolytic; non rx)
56.Robitussin Expectorant
(metrodrug; guaifenesin; expectorant; non rx for wet cough)
57.Robitussin DM
(metro drug; dextromethorphan hbr & guafenesin; cough suppressant + expectorant)
(zuellig; haloperidol; schizophrenia and other psychotic d/o; antipsychotics; cat c)
59.Solu cortef
(zuellig; hydrocortisone Na succinate; corticosteroid; cat c then cat d @ 3 rd trimester)
60.Solu medrol
(zuellig; methylprednisolone Na succinate; corticosteroid; for CA; cat c, rx only)
(metrodrug; folic acid, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, b complex and e; multivitamins)
(zuellig; cefoperazone & sulbactam; cephalosporins; antibiotic; rx only)
(zuellig; sunitinib malate; targeted cancer therapy; rx only; cat d; anti CA)
( by Pfizer ; Piperacillin Na Tazobactam Na ; Penicillins ; cat b; rx only)
Indication and Dosage : bacterial septicemia, UTI, LRTI, intraabdominal, skin,
polymicrobic, bone & joint, gyne, neutropenice infections
Contraindications : hypersensitivity to penicillin or cephalosporins
Special Precautions : pseudomembranous colitis; conduct periodic electrolyte
determination & assessment of organ system functions including renal, hepatic &
hematopoietic during prolonged therapy, d/c if bleeding; possibility of super
infection; steven johnsons syndrome, toxic epidermal necrosis
Adverse Drug Reactons: GI upset, rash
Drug Interactions : probenecid, vecuronium, aminoglycosides, heparin,
Storage: <25C, INJ
65.Terramycin Eye
(zuellig; oxytetracycline polymyxin; prophylaxis and tx of ocular infection; rx only; eye
66.Terramycin Plus
(zuellig; polymicin B, bacitracin Zn, neomycin; 1 st aid of prevention of pimples & pustules,
minor, cuts, scrapes & burns)
(by Pfizer; temsirolimus; protein kinase inhibitor; CA drug; targeted cancer therapy; cat d)
Indication and Dosage : tx of advanced(metastatic) or locally advanced renal cell
carcinoma(RCC) & mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)
PREMED: Diphenhydramine 25-50mg 30 min
before infusion
Contraindication : patients w/ bilirubin >1.5 x upper limit of normal
Special Precaution : hypersensitivity to sirolimus & antihistamines; hyperglycemia;
infections; lung dse; peri op; CNS Tumors; receiving anticoagulants; use of ACE
inhibitors; avoid use of live vaccines; pregnancy; children and elderly
Adverse Drug Reactions : refer to MIMS
Drug Interaction : CYP3A4 inducers & inhibitors, P-gp substrate eg digoxin
Storage : inj 2 8 C , avoid light , stable for 24 mts
(by Pfizer ; fesoterodine fumarate; drug for bladder and prostate d/o; urinary
antispasmodic; cat C; )
Indication and Dosage : tx of overactive bladder; adult & elderly ; initial 4mg once
daile, may be increased to 8 mg once daily
Administration: may be taken w/ or w/o food, swallow whole.
Contraindication: Urinary retention & uncontrolled narrow angle glaucoma
Special Precaution: risk of urinary retention & dec. GI motility; glaucoma; MG; renal
and hepatic impairment ,use of CYP3a4 inhibitors like ketoconazole; angioedema;
impaired ability to drive
Adverse Drug Reaction: Dry eyes; mouth & throat, constipation, dyspepsia, dysuria,
urticarioa, pruritus, palpitations, blurred vision