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Configuracion Oscam - Conf

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File Formats Manual

oscam.conf - main configuration file for OSCam
The main configuration file for OSCam contains global parameters such as
debugging, logging, monitor, protocols and anticascading. sections in oscam.conf are nonrecurring. The [global] section
is required. All other sections are optional.
The [global] section
nice = -20..+20
system priority, default:99
pidfile = filename
set PID file, default:none
logfile = [filename][;syslog][;stdout]
logging targets, default:/var/log/oscam.log. You can define a maximum
of one filename and additionally to log to stdout
or syslog (you can also only log to stdout or syslog and omit the file
ecmfmt = format
define ECM log format, default:c&p/i/s/l:h
possible variables:


CSP hash
ID of origin gbox peer
Channel ID
distance of gbox hops
provider ID
service ID

use a value as prefix to hide variable with this value, control charac
ters will be escaped by "\"
example: ecmfmt = c&0p/i/d/s/l:h.e_w
(hide provider ID if 0)
loghistorysize = bytes
size of log message history in web interface or monitor, 0 = disabled,
maxlogsize = kbytes
maximum log file size, 0 = unlimited, default:10
logduplicatelines = 0|1

1 = enable logging of duplicate lines in the log, default:0

disablelog = 0|1
1 = disable log file, default:0
cwlogdir = path
directory for CW logging, default:config dir
emmlogdir = path
directory for EMM logging, default:config dir
usrfile = filename
log file for user logging, default:none
log file format:
CWs per second
IP address of client
TCP/IP port
CWs found
CWs from cache
CWs not found
CWs ignored
CWs timed out
CWs tunneled
login time in unix/POSIX format
logout time in unix/POSIX format
disableuserfile = 0|1
1 = avoid logging although userfile is set, default:1 (also set automa
tically if userfile is empty)
usrfileflag = 0|1
usrfile logging mode:
0 = only client logon/logoff will be logged in usrfile (default)
1 = each zapping of a client will be logged in usrfile
disablemail = 0|1
1 = disable saving NDS Videoguard mail messages from provider, default
mailfile = file
define file saving NDS Videoguard mail messages from provider, default
enableled =
0 = LED
1 = LED
2 = LED

support disabled (default)
support enabled for routers
support enabled for Qbox HD

waitforcards = 0|1
1 = wait for local SCs on startup before opening network ports, defaul
waitforcards_extra_delay = delay

additional delay in milli-seconds after waiting for local SCs on start

up before opening network ports, default:500
preferlocalcards = 0|1
SC decoding behavior:
0 = local SCs used like a remote reader
1 = prefer cache exchange based SCs (default)
2 = prefer local SCs
readerrestartseconds = seconds
seconds beetween restarts, 0 = disable reader restart, default:5
block_same_ip = 0|1
1 = reject looping ECMs from clients to readers with the same IP addre
ss, default:1
block_same_name = 0|1
1 = reject looping ECMs from clients to readers with the same name, de
clienttimeout = milli-seconds|seconds
value (clienttimeout in seconds < 100, else milli-seconds) for client
process to wait for key, default:5
clientmaxidle = seconds
value for client process being idle before disconnect, 0 = idle discon
nect disabled, default:120
suppresscmd08 = 0|1
0 = tell camd 3.5x, 3.57x and 3.78x clients not to request again for r
ejected CAID, service ID and provider ID combina
tion, 1 = disable, can be overwritten per user in oscam.user, default:
fallbacktimeout = milli-seconds
time falling back to fallback reader, default:2500
fallbacktimeout_percaid = milli-seconds
time falling back to CAID restricted fallback reader, default:2500
sleep = minutes
time waiting for inactive users, default:none, can be overwritten per
user in oscam.user
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:none
bindwait = seconds
value to wait for bind request to complete, default:120
netprio = priority
network priority, default:system given
resolvegethostbyname = 0|1
set mode for DNS resolving:
0 = getadressinfo (default)
1 = gethostbyname

failbancount = count
number of incorrect logins after an ip address will be blocked, defaul
failbantime = minutes
time for IP based blocking for clients with an invalid login attempt,
0 = failban is disabled, default:0
dropdups = 0|1
mode for duplicate client connections (requirement: uniq > 0):
0 = mark client as duplicate, but don't disconnect them (default)
1 = drop duplicate connections instead of marking as duplicate
unlockparental = 0|1
1 = unlock parental mode option to disable Seca and Viaccess pin code
request for adult movie, default:0
double_check = 0|1
1 = ECM will be send to two or more readers with the same SC and th
e CWs will be verified against each other,
lb_nbest_readers must be set to 2 or higher, default:0
double_check_caid = [CAID1|first two digits of CAID1],[CAID2|first two di
gits of CAID2]...
ECM will be send to two or more readers with the same SC and the CW
s will be verified against each other for defined
CAID or first two bytes of CAID, lb_nbest_readers must be set to 2 or
higher, default:none
lb_mode = mode
load balancing mode:
0 = load balance disabled, ECMs go to all readers (default)
1 = fastest reader first, after 5 ECMs the reader with the fastest
response time will be selected
2 = oldest reader first, reader with the longest no answer
3 = lowest usage level, the usage level will be calculated by the
sum of 5 ECMS response times, the higher a reader is busy, the
higher is usage level
lb_save = 0|counts
save auto load balance statistics:
0 = saving of auto load balance statistics disabled (default)
counts = save auto load balance statistics every counts ECMs
(minimum 100)
To save CPU power a minimum counts of 100 is recommended.
lb_nbest_readers = counts
set count of best readers for load balancing, default:1
lb_nfb_readers = counts
set count of fallback readers for load balancing, default:1
lb_nbest_percaid = CAID1:count1[,CAID2:count2]...
set count of best readers per CAIDs for load balancing, wildcard CAIDs
with two-digit CAIDs possible, default:none

example: lb_nbest_percaid = 0100:4,0200:3,03:2,04:1

(wildcard CAIDs 03xx and 04xx)
lb_min_ecmcount = counts
minimal ECM count to evaluate load balancing values, default:5
lb_max_ecmcount = counts
maximum ECM count before resetting load balancing values, default:500
lb_reopen_seconds = seconds
time between retrying failed load balanced readers/CAIDs/providers/ser
vices, default:900
lb_reopen_invalid = 0|fB1
0 = E_INVALID will be blocked until statistics has been cleaned, defau
lb_force_reopen_always = 0|1
1 = force reopening immediately all failing readers if no matching rea
der was found, default:0
lb_retrylimit = milli-seconds
retry next load balanced reader only if response time is higher then l
b_retrylimit, default:0
lb_savepath = filename
filenanme for saving load balancing statistics, default:/tmp/.oscam/st
lb_stat_cleanup = hour
hours after the load balancing statistics will be deleted, default:336
lb_retrylimits = CAID1:time1[,CAID2:time2]...
load balancing retry limit time per CAID, wildcard CAIDs with two-digi
t CAIDs possible, default:none
example: lb_retrylimits = 12:0100,34:0200,5678:0300
(wildcard CAIDs 12xx and 34xx)
lb_noproviderforcaid = CAID1[,CAID2]...
ignore provider information for CAIDs to reduce load balancing statist
ic data, wildcard CAIDs with two-digit CAIDs pos
sible, default:none
example: lb_noproviderforcaid = 0100,02,0300,04
(wildcard CAIDs 02xx and 04xx)
lb_max_readers = limit
restrict the reader count to limit during load balancing learning:
0 = unlimited (default)
limit = restrict load balancer readers to limit
lb_auto_timeout = 0|1
1 = enable automatic timeout based on load balancing statistics, defau
lb_auto_timeout_p = percent
percent added to average time as timeout time, default:30

lb_auto_timeout_t = milli seconds

minimal time added to average time as timeout time, default:300
lb_auto_betatunnel = 0|1
1 = enable automatic Betacrypt tunneling detection for CAIDs 1801, 1
833, 1834, and 1835 for load balancing, Betacrypt
defintion in oscam.user with betatunnel will be prefered, default:1
lb_auto_betatunnel_mode = 0|1|2
set mode for automatic Betacrypt tunneling:
0 = CAID 18XX
1 = CAID 18XX
18XX (CAID 1833/1801)
2 = CAID 18XX
18XX (CAID 1833/1834)
3 = CAID 18XX
18XX (CAID 1833/1835)
4 = CAID 17X2
5 = CAID 17X2
6 = CAID 17X2

tunneling to CAID 17X2 only (default)

tunneling to CAID 17X2 and CAID 17X2 tunneling to CAID
tunneling to CAID 17X2 and CAID 17X2 tunneling to CAID
tunneling to CAID 17X2 and CAID 17X2 tunneling to CAID
tunneling to CAID 18XX (CAID 1833/1801 only)
tunneling to CAID 18XX (CAID 1833/1834 only)
tunneling to CAID 18XX (CAID 1833/1835 only)

lb_auto_betatunnel_prefer_beta = direction
set direction for automatic Betacrypt/Nagravision selection:


disabled (default)
always Betacrypt
represents the middle
always Nagravision

The [monitor] section

port = 0|port
UDP port for monitor, 0 = monitor disabled, default:0
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:all
nocrypt = IP address|IP address range[,IP address|IP address range]...
unsecured monitor connection, default:none
example: nocrypt =,
aulow = minutes
time no EMM occurs so that client is set to low, switch from status "a
ctive" to "on", default:30
monlevel = 0|1|2|3|4
monitor level:


no access to monitor
only server and own procs
all procs, but viewing only (default)
all procs, reload of oscam.user possible
complete access

monlevel can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.

hideclient_to = seconds
time to hide clients in the monitor if not sending requests, 0 = disab
led, default:25

The [webif] section

httpport = [+]port
port for web interface, 0 = disabled, praefix + = enable SSL, default:
none, required
httpcert = file
file for http SSL certificate, default:oscam.pem
httpforcesslv3 = 0|1
1 = force using SSLv3, default:0
httpuser = username
username for password protection, default:none
httppwd = password
password for password protection, default:none
httpcss = path
path for external CSS file, default:none
http_prepend_embedded_css = 0|1
1 = embedded CSS will be added before external CSS , default:0
httptpl = path
path for external templates and picons, multiple simultaneously templa
tes and picons are possible by creating sub fold
ers (maximum length of 32 alphanumeric characters), sub folder
s naming is corresponding to sub folder in URL,
example: httptpl = /this/is/my/path
folder with multiple templates:
valid URLs:
httpjscript = path
path for oscam.js javascript, default:none
httprefresh = seconds
status refresh in seconds, default:none
httphideidleclients = 0|1
1 = enables hiding clients after idle time set in parameter hideclient
_to, default:0
httphidetype = type[type]...
characters defining columns to hide in web interface status page (see
type column), default:none
'c': client
'h': http
'm': monitor


cache exchange

httpscript = path
path to an executable script which you wish to start from web interfac
e, default:none
httpallowed = IP address|IP address range[,IP address|IP address range]..
http web interface connections allowed, default:,,,::1
example: httpallowed =,
httpdyndns = hostname[,hostname][,hostname]
http web interface connections allowed, default:none
example: httpdyndns = host.example.com
httpdyndns = host1.example.com,host2.example.com
httpsavefullcfg = 0|1
write config:
0 = all not empty parameters, all not default parameters, all
parameters not containing the same value as the same
parameter in global configuration (default)
1 = all parameters
httpoverwritebakfile = 0|1
1 = overwrite backup configuration files, default:0
httpreadonly = 0|1
1 = read only modus for web interface, default:0
httpshowpicons = 0|1
1 = show picons in user list, default:0
httppiconpath = path
path to picons, default:none
httphelplang = en|de|fr|<available wiki languages>
set right language for wiki entry point, default:en
httplocale = environment
set the locale environment, default:none
The [lcd] section
httposcamlabel = text
set individual label in web interface header, default:OSCam
enablelcd = 0|1
1 =enable LCD output, default:0
lcd_outputpath = path
path for LCD output, default:/tmp
lcd_hideidle = 0|1
1 = hide reader in LCD output if reader idle > 20 seconds, default:0

lcd_writeintervall = seconds
LCD refresh interval (minimum 5), default:10
The [cache] section
delay = milli-seconds
value to delay cached requests, default:0
max_time = seconds
maximum time CWs resist in cache, the time must be 2 seconds highter t
han the parameter clienttimeout, default:15
max_hit_time = seconds
maximum time for cache exchange hits resist in cache for evaluating wa
it_time, default:15
wait_time = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid][:awtime][:]dwtime[,[caid][&ma
wait time in milli-seconds for cache exchange and Cardservproxy before
sending ECMs to reader or proxy, default:none
example: wait_time = 0:50:250,0200@00009X:50:150,15:950,0500@000001:1
cacheexenablestats = 0|1
1 = enable statistics for cache exchange mode, default:0
Please consider memory consumption.
cacheex_cw_check = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid]:mode:counter[,[caid][&
mode = specify behaviour for counter:
0 = when wait_time expires, serve highest counter's CW
got anyway, even if no counter reached (default)
1 = never serve CW from cache exchange stored in cache,
if it's counter not reaches counter. When wait_time
expires, requests will go to normal readers
counter = set minimum CW counter to allow CW is used, default:1
cacheex_mode1_delay = CAID1:time,[BCAID2:time]...
delay in milli-seconds for asking cache exchange mode 1 readers, defau
csp_port = port
UDP port of Cardservproxy for cache exchange, default:none
csp_serverip = IP
bind Cardservproxy for cache exchange to specified IP address, default
csp_ecm_filter = [caid][&mask][@provid][$servid][,[caid][&mask][@provid][
Cardservproxy incoming ECM filter setting, default:none
csp_allow_request = 0|1
allow incoming ECM request from Cardservproxy, default:1

csp_allow_reforward = 0|1
1 = reforward other cacheex updates to Cardservproxy peers, option cou
ld cause loops, default:0
cwcycle_check_enable = 0|1
1 = enable CW cycle check, default:0
cwcycle_check_caid = CAID[,CAID]...
CAID enabled for CW cycle check, default:none
cwcycle_maxlist = count
maximum CW cycle list entries, default:500, maximum:4000
cwcycle_keeptime = minutes
minimum time a learned cycle time resists in memory, default:15, maxim
cwcycle_onbad = 0|1
0 = log bad CW cycle only, 1 = drop bad CW cycle, default:1
cwcycle_dropold = 0|1
1= drop old CW cycle, default:1
cwcycle_sensitive = 0|2|3|4
drop CW mode:


2 (or more) same bytes and drop new CW
3 (or more) same bytes and drop new CW
4 (or more) same bytes and drop new CW (default)

cwcycle_allowbadfromffb = 0|1
1 = allow bad cycles from a fixed fallback reader, default:0
cwcycle_usecwcfromce = 0|1
1 = use CW info from cache exchange, default:0
wait_until_ctimeout = 0|1
answer when cache exchange timeout expires, if no normal readers are a
vailable for sending ECMs:
0 = immediately send 'not found' to client (default)
1 = wait for cache exchange answer until client timeout expires
The [camd33] section
port = 0|port
TCP port for camd 3.3x clients, 0 = disabled, default:0
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:all
nocrypt = IP address|IP address range[,IP address|IP address range]...
unsecured camd 3.3x client connection, default:none
example: nocrypt =,
passive = 0|1
1 = force passive camd 3.3x client, default:0
key = 128 bit key

key for camd 3.3x client encryption, default:none

example: key = 01020304050607080910111213141516
The [cs357x] section
port = 0|port
UDP port for camd 3.57x clients, 0 = disabled, default:0
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:all
suppresscmd08 = 0|1
0 = tell camd 3.5x / 3.57x clients not to request again for rejected C
AID, service ID and provider ID combination, 1 =
disable, can be overwritten per user in oscam.user, default:0
The [cs378x] section
port = 0|port[@CAID][:provid][,provid]...[;port@CAID[:provid][,provid]...
TCP port/CAID/provid definitions for camd 3.78x clients, 0 = disabled,
examples: port = 10000@0100:100000;20000@0200:200000,300000,400000
port = 30000
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:all
keepalive = 0|1
0 = disable camd 3.78x keepalive modus, default:0
suppresscmd08 = 0|1
0 = tell camd 3.78x clients not to request again for rejected CAID,
service ID and provider ID combination, 1 = dis
able, can be overwritten per user in oscam.user, default:0
The [newcamd] section
key = DES key
default key for newcamd client encryption, default:none
example: key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = port[{DES key}]@CAID[:provid][,provid]...[;port[{DES key}]@CAID[:p
TCP port/DES key/CAID/provid definitions, default:none
example: port = 10000@0100:100000;20000{0102030405060708091011121314}
Each CAID requires a separate port. If you don't specify a DES key for
a port, the default DES key will be used.
serverip = IP address
bind newcamd service to specified IP address, default:all
allowed = IP address|IP address range[,IP address|IP address range]...
newcamd client connections allowed from, default:none
example: allowed =,,::1

keepalive = 0|1
0 = disable newcamd keepalive modus, default:0
mgclient = 0|1
1 = provide share information of all available CAIDs and provider IDs
to mgcamd clients, default:0
The [radegast] section
port = 0|port
TCP/IP port for radegast clients, 0 = disabled, default:0
serverip = IP address
bind service to specified IP address, default:all
allowed = IP address|IP address range[,IP address|IP address range]...
client connections allowed from, default:none
example: allowed =,
user = username
user name for radegast client
The [serial] section
device = <user>@<device>[:baud][?option1=value1[&option2=value2]...]
user = account
device = serial device name|hostname|IP,port
baud = serial port speed (for serial devices only)
option = timeout = milli-seconds, timeout for connection,
delay = milli-seconds, additional delay between two
characters, default:0
supported serial devices (autodection):
(humax sharing interface client)
(simple serial sharing protocol)
bomba (BOMBA firmware)
dsr9500 (DSR 9500)
example: user1@/dev/ttyS1:115200?delay=1&timeout=5000
[email protected],12345?delay=1&timeout=5000
The [cccam] section
port = 0|port[,0|port]...
TCP/IP ports for CCcam clients, 0 = disabled, default:0
version = <main version>.<version>.<sub version>
define CCcam version, minimum CCcam version 2.0.11, used with original
CCcam only, default:none
example: version = 1.2.34
reshare = level
reshare level for CCcam clients (default:10):
-1 = no resharing
0 = resharing for direct peer only

1 = resharing for direct peer and next level

x = resharing for direct peer and next x level
reshare_mode = mode
CCcam reshare mode:
0 = reader reshares only received SCs for CCcam readers,
defined filters/CAIDs/provids on other readers
1 = reader reshares received SCs (like=0) and defined services
2 = reader reshares only defined reader services as virtual SCs
3 = reader reshares only defined user services as virtual SCs
4 = reader reshares only received SCs (default)
Every server is shared as hop = 0 and with defined reshare values.
Service reshare only works if positive services defined: no service no reshare!
ignorereshare = 0|1
CCcam reshare setting:
0 = use reshare setting of server (default)
1 = use reshare setting of reader or user
stealth = 0|1
1 = behaviour like the original CCcam: no activate partner detection a
nd extended OSCam-CCcam protocol, prevent other
OSCam to detect the server as OSCam server, default:0
minimizecards = mode
mode how to provide CCcam servers to CCcam clients:
0 = no aggregation, remove duplicates only (default)
1 = based on minimum hop: two SCs with different hops are
summarized, new SCs get a smaller hop
2 = aggregation based on CAIDs: all SCs with the same CAIDs
will be merged, provider (maximum 32) will be merged, too
updateinterval = seconds
interval to provide share list update to CCcam clients, values <= 10 a
re invalid and will be set to 30, default:240
keepconnected = 0|1
set CCcam keepalive modus:
0 = disconnect client when maximum idle time is reached
1 = keep client connected (default)
recv_timeout = milli-seconds
set network timeout for receiving data, default:2000
forward_origin_card = 0|1
1 = forward ECM request to reader holding this card, load balancer, fa
llback and caching will be disabled, default:0
nodeid = ID
set CCcam node ID in hex, default:none
example: nodeid = 0a0b0c0d0e0f1011

The [gbox] section

hostname = hostname| IP address
set hostname or IP address for gbox protocol, default:none
port = port[,port]...
UDP port for gbox server, default:0
my_password = password
password for connection to local gbox peer, default:none
proxy_card = <CAID><provid>[,<CAID><provid>]...
proxy reader SCs to be reshared into gbox network, default:none
ccc_reshare = 0|1
1 = enable CCCam reshare, default:0
my_vers = version
set gbox version in hexadecimal low byte, default:25
my_cpu_api = byte
set gbox CPU and API byte in hexadecimal, default:40
gbox_reconnect = time
send message to peers in seconds, default:300
gsms_disable = 0|1
1 = disable gbox short message service (GSMS),default:0
sending a messeage: /tmp/gsms.txt: <box ID> <1=mormal message|2=OSD/
TV message> <message 6 to 127 characters>, status
will be stored in '/tmp/gsms.ack' respective 'gsms.nack', receiving
a message: The message will be stored in
tmp_dir = path
temporary directory for gbox, default:/tmp/.oscam
The [scam] section
port = port
UDP port for scam server, default:0
The [dvbapi] section
enabled = 0|1
1 = DVB API enabled, default:0
Create file /tmp/.pauseoscam to pause DVB API, e.g. if STB goes into s
tandby and OSCam remains as SC server only.
listen_port = 0|port
TCP/IP port for SAT IP clients, filtering has to be done on client sit
e, 0 = disabled, default:0
user = username
user name for DVB API client, default:anonymous
ignore = <CAID>[,<CAID>]... (detached by oscam.dvbapi, obsolete)
CAIDs to be ignored, default:none
services = <service ID>[,<service ID>]... (detached by oscam.dvbapi, obso

services to be prioritized, default:none

priority = <CAID>:<provider ID>[,CAID:<provider ID>]... (detached by osca
m.dvbapi, obsolete)
CAIDs and provider IDs to be prioritized, default:CAIDs and provider I
Ds of local SCs will be prioritized
au = 0|1|2
AU mode:
0 = disable AU (default)
1 = enable AU
pmt_mode = 0|1|2|3|4|5
PMT mode:


use camd.socket and PMT file, default

disable reading PMT file
disable camd.socket
read PMT file on startup only
do not use signal handler for monitoring /tmp
do not use signal handler for monitoring /tmp,
disable camd.socket

request_mode = 0|1
CAID request mode:
0 = try all possible CAIDs one by one (default)
1 = try all CAIDs simultaneously
boxtype = dbox2|dreambox|dm7000|duckbox|ufs910|ipbox|ipbox-pmt|qboxhd|coo
set boxtype, auto detection of DVB API will be aspired, default:dreamb
ipbox with camd.socket support, currently only with PGI image version
0.6 or above, verified on HD models only
ipbox-pmt can be used on any DGS based images (with or without camd.so
cket support), verified on HD models only
pc is for generic pc support (currently supported on VDR with vdr-plug
cw_delay = milli-seconds
delay of CW writing, default:none
delayer = milli-seconds
minimum time to write CW, default:0
reopenonzap = 0|1
1 = reopen demux devices on each channel switching, default:0
The [anticasc] section
enabled = 0|1
1 = enable anti-cascading, default:0
numusers = quantity
anti-cascading: user per account, 0 = anti-cascading disabled, default

sampletime = minutes
duration of sample, default:2
samples = quantity
quantity of samples over limit, default:10
penalty = 0|1|2|3
level of penalty:


only logging (default)

send fake CWs
temporary user ban
send delayed CWs

penalty can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.

aclogfile = filename
file for anti-cascading logging, default:none
fakedelay = milli-seconds
fake delay time, default:1000, minimum value is 100, maximum value is
denysamples = quantity
how many samples should be penalized, default:8
acosc_enabled = 0|1
1 = enable anti-cascading over SID count, default:0
acosc_max_active_sids = count
maximum active SIDs with anti-cascading over SID, 0 = unlimited, defau
Can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.
acosc_zap_limit = count
zap limit for anti-cascading over SID, 0 = unlimited, default:0
Can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.
acosc_penalty = 0|1|2|3
level of penalty with anti-cascading over SID count:


only logging (default)

send fake CWs
temporary user ban
send delayed CWs

Can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.

acosc_penalty_duration = seconds
penalty duration for anti-cascading over SID count, default:0
Can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.
acosc_delay = milli-seconds
delay for anti-cascading over SID count, default:0
Can be overwritten per user in oscam.user.

reader stages


cacheex (=1) reader (C)

local SCs (L)
other reader / proxies (P)
fallback reader (F)

logging format
monitor commands:
login <user> <password>
login (for unencrypted connections only)
getuser <user> <parameter>=<value>
get parameter for user
setuser <user> <parameter>=<value>
set parameter for user
setserver <parameter>=<value>
set parameter for server
exit monitor
log <on|onwohist|off>
enable|enable without hitory|disable logging for 2 minutes
list of current processes and clients
shutdown OSCam
restart OSCam

send keepalive
reinit user db, clients and anti-cascading, for newcamd connections: a
fter reloading the provid, please restart newcamd
details <PID>
details about selected PID
read again
debug <level>
set debug level (monlevel > 3 required)
debug level mask:
0 = no debugging (default)
1 = detailed error messages
2 = ATR parsing info, ECM dumps, CW dumps
4 = traffic from/to the reader
8 = traffic from/to the clients
16 = traffic to the reader-device on IFD layer
32 = traffic to the reader-device on I/O layer
64 = EMM logging
128 = DVB API logging
256 = load balacing logging
512 = cache exchange logging
1024 = client ECM logging
65535 = debug all
show OSCam version
show all valid monitor commands
template system
The web interface allows you to create your own template. For developi
ng your own template request the orignal template
with the non-linked page savetemplates.html. Store your own template i
n the directory specified by httptpl.

types of ECM caching:

ECM and CW in cache already.
ECM and checksum in cache already.
list_smargo(1), oscam(1), oscam.ac(5), oscam.cacheex(5), oscam.cert(5
), oscam.dvbapi(5), oscam.guess(5), oscam.ird(5),
oscam.provid(5), oscam.ratelimit(5), oscam.server(5), oscam.services(5),
oscam.srvid(5), oscam.tiers(5), oscam.user(5),


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