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Gretna City Officials

Belinda Cambre Constant
Dist. at Large: Wayne A. Rau
Dist. 1: Milton L. Crosby
Dist. 2: Joseph A. Marino III
Dist. 3: Mark K. Miller
Dist. 4: Jackie J. Berthelot
Chief of Police
Arthur S. Lawson, Jr.
Justice of the Peace
District 1: Vernon J. Wilty III
City of Gretna
Gretna City Hall
Second Street & Huey P. Long Avenue
P.O. Box 404
Gretna, LA 70054-0404
Telephone (504) 363-1500
Gretna Police Department
200 Fifth St.
Gretna, LA 70053
Telephone (504) 366- 4374
Sealed bids will be received by the Mayors Office of the City of Gretna,
Louisiana for One (1) NEW Hometown Trolley Villager 190 with Rear Porch,
ADA Accessible or Equal.
Bids will be received in Gretna City Hall, 740 2nd Street, Gretna, Louisiana,
70053 or electronically through website until 10:00
A.M. on Wednesday, May 6, 2015, at which time bids will be publicly opened
and read aloud. Any bid received after closing time will be returned unopened.
Copies of specifications and other contract documents are on file at the City Hall
in Gretna, Louisiana, and are open for public inspection.
No bid may be withdrawn for at least thirty (30) days after the scheduled closing
time for receipt of bids.
For questions concerning the electronic bidding process please contact Public
Purchase at and click on the live chat button (top left
of home page). For all other questions or requests contact Matthew Martinec at
[email protected] or (504) 363-1568.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive informalities.
(S) Belinda C. Constant
ADVERTISE: The New Orleans Advocate
April 22, 2015
April 29, 2015

A public meeting will be held as follows:
TIME: 5:30 P.M.
The Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna will meet in Regular session
on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m., on the second floor Council Chambers
of Gretna City Hall, 740 Second Street, Gretna, Louisiana.

The Mayor and Council of the City of Gretna met this day on Wednesday, April
8, 2015 at 5:30 p.m., in Regular Session with the following members present:
Mayor Belinda C. Constant; Council Members: Wayne A. Rau, Milton L.
Crosby, Joseph A. Marino III, Mark K. Miller, Jackie J. Berthelot.
Absent: None.
Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Rau offered a prayer upon the opening of the meeting followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America.
Notice of the Meeting
Notice of the Meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna
scheduled for Wednesday April 8, 2015; published in the Wednesday edition of
the New Orleans Advocate on April 1, 2015, and posted on the Gretna City Hall
Bulletin Board on Friday, April 3, 2014.
Opening Remarks by the Mayor. None
Bids received:
Bid - Dick White Center Demolition (Bids opened April 7, 2015)
Bidder Amount
Hamps Construction $26,500.00
Durr Heavy Construction $75,500.00
Northshore General $14,790.00
Anthony Savarino Crane & Rigging $47,500.00
Construction Management Ent. $51,318.00
Gulf Coast Scrap and Salvage $62,992.00
Concrete Busters of LA $75,867.00
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Berthelot, and
on the recommendation of Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc., City Engineer, IT WAS
RESOLVED to accept the low responsive bid of Northshore General for bid
amount of $14,790.00 for the Dick White Center demolition, and the same was
unanimously approved.
Purchase of chemicals: - Bids opened April 1, 2015
1. Liquid Aluminum Sulfate (Price per Pound)
Bidder Amount
Affinity Chemical LLC $.089/lb.
Brenntag Southwest $.0993/lb.
Kemira Water Solutions, Inc. No bid
Thornton, Musso & Bellemin $.0848/lb.
Chemtrade Chemicals $ .097/lb.
Univar USA Inc. No bid
GEO Specialty Chemicals $.0744811/lb.
Awarded to: Geo Specialty Chemicals $.074811/lb
2. Liquid Ammonium Sulfate (Price per Pound)
Bidder Amount
Brenntag Southwest $.2852/lb.
Chemtrade Chemicals $.315/lb.
Thornton, Musso & Bellemin $.35/lb.
Awarded to: Brenntag Southwest $.2852/lb.
3. Water & Wastewater Liquid Chlorine (One-ton Cylinder)
Bidder Amount
DPC Enterprises $.307/lb.
Brenntag Southwest $.2852/lb.
Univar USA Inc. No bid
Awarded to: DPC Enterprises $.307/lb.
4. Potable Water Treatment Corrosion Inhibitor (Price per Pound)
Bidder Amount
Shannon Chemical Corporation $1.54/lb.
Univar USA Inc. No bid
Thornton, Musso & Bellemin $.0848/lb.
Awarded to: Shannon Chemical Corporation $1.54/lb.
5. Potable Water Treatment Polymer (Price per Pound)
Bidder Amount
Thornton, Musso & Bellemin $ .39/lb.
Southwest Engineers $ .50/lb.
NAPCO Company $ .57lb.
Awarded to: Thornton, Musso & Bellemin, Inc. $ .39/lb.
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Crosby, and
on the recommendation of Mike Baudoin, Public Utilities Director, IT WAS
RESOLVED to accept the low responsive bids of the following: Geo Specialty
Chemicals for Bulk Liquid Aluminum Sulfate at $.074811/lb.; Brenntag

Southwest for Liquid Ammonium Sulfate at $.2852/lb.; DPC Enterprises for

Liquid Chlorine for $ .307/lb.; Shannon Chemical Corporation at $1.54/lb.; and
Thornton, Musso & Bellemin, Inc. for Potable Water Treatment Polymer at $
.39/lb. and the same were unanimously approved.
Employee of the Month (Quarterly)
Mr. Daniel Danny Lasyone, Public Works Director to whom Mayor Constant
expressed gratitude for his work ethics, leadership, dedication and loyalty
throughout his years of service to the City of Gretna.
Mr. Lasyone accepted the recognition on behalf of the employees of the Public
Works Department.
New Business recognition.
Shaylee Cares, LLC (405 Gretna Boulevard Suite 200) - Laverne Riley, CEO
Councilman Berthelot read and presented the Certificate of Appreciation to
acknowledge and welcome Shaylee Cares, LLC as a new business to the City
of Gretna. Miss Riley briefed on the activities of the business, and thanked the
City of Gretna for recognizing and welcoming her business into the community.
Variance Request: None
Site Plan Review Request(s):
615 Kepler Street - Caf 615 - For renovation and addition. - Kerry OConnor,
Mr. Will Bane, Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc., City Engineer reported on the following:
Existing Conditions
The existing property is a currently operating restaurant with a parking lot on
each side of the building. A site plan was previously approved which expanded
the front of the restaurant and hard surfaced the parking area. The lot in the rear
is undeveloped with no building or hard surfacing. The connection to Solon
Street has not been established.
Proposed Site Plan
The submitted site plan proposes to add an additional parking area for employees
in the rear of the building. This parking lot is shown to have asphalt paving,
wheel stops, and painted pavement markings. The parking spaces are to have the
standard dimensions for head in parking of 9 by 18 with a 25 travel aisle. The
parking lot will have access off of Kepler Street through the existing parking
area on the west side of the building. There are no other proposed improvements
included with the site plan.
According to the City of Gretnas zoning map, the lot is zoned C-1. There is no
minimum size requirement for a C-1 zoning.
The required front yard for this zoning is 20 feet. There is no required side yard
or rear yard. The front yard requirement has been met as no structures have
been proposed with this site plan. The site plan has proposed landscaping in
accordance with the minimum landscaping requirements for the zoning district.
The site plan increases the number of parking spaces provided to 52 spots
including 3 ADA spots. This more than meets the requirement of 37 spots based
on the square footage of the restaurant. The proposed development is under
10,000 sf, so no drainage requirements are required.
This site plan revision meets the requirements of the Code of Ordinance and is
recommended for approval.
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Crosby, IT
WAS RESOLVED to accept the Site Plan Review Committee favorable
recommendation and to approve the site plan review request of 615 Kepler Street
- Caf 615, and the same was unanimously approved.
The City Clerk read aloud in its entirety all items listed on the CONSENT
AGENDA as follows:
Approval of Meeting Minutes:
March 11, 2015 Council Regular meeting and March 25, 2015 Special Meeting
(Capital Projects review.)
Event Application(s):
(1) St. Cletus Pre-Festival Crawfish Cook-Off - St. Cletus Church, Applicant
3600 Claire Avenue for Sunday, April 26, 2015 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
(2) El Mesquite Grill Cinco de Mayo celebration - 516 Gretna Blvd. for May
Leo Vazquez, Manager/Applicant
Councilman Berthelot clarified that the event approval for El Mesquite Grill
Cinco de Mayo celebration is for Saturday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 5, 2015.
(3) Gospel White Night - Friday, June 5, 2015, 7PM to 10PM - Regular Baptist
Church Educational
Support Ministry, Applicant
Adoption of Ordinance(s) by Consent:
An ordinance amending Chapter 18 Article I-In General Section 18-7 Maximum
height of fences on residential property, paragraph (4).
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has interest in the health, safety and welfare of
its citizen; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has an obligation to provide its citizens with
ordinances that clearly describe permitted activities in the City.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council, acting as
legislative authority for the City of Gretna, that:
The City of Gretna hereby adopts an ordinance amending Chapter 18. Article
I-In General Section 18-7 Maximum height of fences on residential property,
more particularly amending paragraph (4) to read as follows:
Sec. 18-7. - Maximum height of fences on residential property.
(4) Columns spaced not less than five feet apart shall not exceed seven feet when
measure in the same manner described in paragraph (3) above; gateway arbors,
trellises or any other structure erected as part of or over a permitted gate on a
fence shall not exceed eight feet when measure in the same manner described in
paragraph (3) above.
Provided that a majority of the City of Gretna Council have voted in favor of this
ordinance, this ordinance shall have the full force and effect of law at midnight
on the tenth day following the Clerks presentment of the same to the Mayor,
in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:406(c)(2) unless the Mayor
returns the same, unsigned, to the Clerk during that ten-day period.
Councilman Marino commented that the in article today of the Times-Picayune
it was characterized as an ordinance that would amend the fence height; it was
incorrectly paraphrased. This is ordinance is to allow for arbors or trellises and
it only addresses the gate height NOT the fence height. This statement was a
An ordinance supplementing and amending the Gretna Code of Ordinances,
Chapter 3- Administrative Adjudication of Public Health, Housing, Fire
Code, Environmental and Historic District Violations; Section 3-7.-Hearing
procedures, paragraphs (h), (k) and (n).
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has an interest in the health, welfare and safety
of the citizens of Gretna; and
WHEREAS, the enactment of the administrative adjudicated process has
provided the City an additional tool to address regulatory and public health
issues; and
WHEREAS, certain amendments to the procedures of the administrative
adjudicated process need to be enacted.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of
Gretna, acting as legislative authority for said City, that:
The Gretna Code of Ordinances, Chapter 3- Administrative Adjudication
of Public Health, Housing, Fire Code, Environmental and Historic District
Violations; Section 3-7.-Hearing procedures, more particularly paragraphs (h),
(k) and (n) are hereby amended as follows:
Section 3-7. -Hearing procedures.
(a) Prior to holding an administrative hearing for public health, housing, fire
code, environmental, or historic district ordinance violations, or any matters
involving licensing and permits and any other ordinance violations that may be
determined by the Gretna City Council, the city agency or department having
enforcement responsibility shall notify the property owner of the alleged violation
and may notify any known tenant or lessee of any violation alleged. A minimum
of twenty (20) days after notification by the city agency or department must pass
prior to any hearing date for the alleged violation. Notice of the alleged violation
shall be posted on the property and mailed via US First Class mail, postage
pre-paid, to the owner. Should a hearing be required, the municipal court clerk
shall cause notice of a scheduled hearing to be sent at least fifteen (15) days in
advance of the hearing date. Ownership and lessee information shall be obtained
via the records located in Jefferson Parish Mortgage and Conveyance Office, the
Sheriffs Office or the Gretna Water Department. The hearing notification shall
state the time, date and location of the hearing, and state the alleged violations;
and it shall be sent by certified or registered U.S. mail to the owner, and the
violator if he/she is not the owner, or personally served on the owner and/or
violator at the address(es) as listed in the assessors office of the parish or address
obtained from other reliable source upon verifying ownership and/or tenancy
information with the mortgage and conveyance office and/or sheriffs office or
other reliable source and at any additional address if the enforcement agency
desires to have service made at multiple addresses. The date of the postmark
shall be deemed to be the date of delivery which will be a minimum of fifteen
(15) days prior to the scheduled hearing. Any notification so sent and returned
by the U.S. Post Office shall be considered as having fulfilled the notification

requirement. Proof of notification via mail, posting of notices and attempts at

service shall be entered in the record of each case prior to the hearing.
(b) In addition to the personal or mail service required by paragraph (a) of this
section, if a violation relates to property, a copy of the hearing notice shall be
affixed in a prominent location on the property on which a violation is alleged,
or if safe access to the property is not reasonably practicable, on some prominent
fixture on the adjacent public right-of-way as near as possible to the property, at
least five (5) days in advance of the date of the hearing. It shall be unlawful for
any person other than an agent of the city to remove such notice posted on the
public right-of-way prior to the commencement of the hearing.
(c) The notice of violation shall be, as much as possible, in laymens language
susceptible of understanding by a person of normal capacity, and shall, in large
print, inform the person noticed of the need to comply and the risk of penalties
and liens being imposed.
(d) When any person charged with violation and noticed to appear at a hearing
fails to appear, said failure to appear shall be considered an admission of liability
for the charged violation; provided that the notice requirements established
in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this section have been satisfied, and provided
further that the city magistrate, in his sound discretion and for good cause
shown, may vacate an order issued on the basis of such an admission and re-open
the proceedings, and shall do so when requested by the appropriate director.
(e) Any order compelling the attendance of witnesses or the production of
documents shall be enforced by the magistrate court or by any other court of
competent jurisdiction, in the same manner as any subpoena in a civil manner.
(f) Complaints may be initiated by the public and violation notices will be issued
upon the submission of affidavits and/or documentary evidence sufficient to
prove the existence of health, housing, fire code, environmental, or historic
district ordinance violations, or any matters involving licensing and permits
and any other ordinance violations that may be determined by the Gretna City
Council, as determined by the enforcement agency or department director.
(g) Any administrative adjudication hearing held under the provisions of this
chapter shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of evidence as adopted
by the magistrate court. Testimony of any person shall be taken under oath. The
person charged with the ordinance violation may present any relevant evidence
and testimony at such hearing and may be represented by an attorney at law.
However, his/her physical presence shall not be required at the hearing, and a
failure to appear shall not be deemed an admission under paragraph (d) of this
section, if documentary evidence, duly verified by such person, is submitted to
the city magistrate prior to the date of the hearing.
(h) In determining the amount of any fine or penalty, the city magistrate shall
consider the age, financial circumstances and physical and mental capacity of
the violator and the degree of hardship which the fine or penalty will impose,
and shall weigh those factors against the degree of culpability of the violator
and the gravity of the offense, and the damage to the public health, safety,
welfare, and convenience and the cost to the parish or to others occasioned by
the offense. The fine imposed shall not be less than $100 or greater than $250 for
any single violation that is considered a first offense. The maximum fine for a
repeat offender shall be $500.
(i) At the close of the hearing, the city magistrate shall issue a final order stating
whether or not the person charged is liable for the violation, the amount of
hearing costs, any fine or costs assessed against him or her and a date by which
the violation(s) shall be corrected. If a matter is taken under advisement by the
city magistrate, said order shall be issued not more than thirty (30) legal days of
the close of the hearing. The final order shall be served via certified or registered
mail to the parties the hearing notice was served. The final order shall notify the
violator of the right of appeal. The date of the postmark shall be deemed to be
the date of delivery and considered as having fulfilled the notification of order
(j) The city magistrate may, for each separate violation, order the payment of
fines and hearing costs, the total of which shall not exceed the maximum which
may be imposed on a misdemeanant by the parish courts; provided, however,
that no civil fines or hearing costs imposed may exceed those specified for the
criminal violation of the same ordinance. All such fines and costs shall be paid
into the general fund, unless it is otherwise provided by law. The director of
finance may authorize the hearing officer or the head of the enforcement agency
or department to accept payment on his behalf.
(k) The city magistrate, for good cause, may suspend all or a portion of his
final order and may make any suspension contingent on the fulfillment of some
reasonable condition. However, in no event shall the city magistrate suspend the
imposition of the minimum $100 fine as provided for in section (h) above.
(l) In cases where the city magistrate or director has reason to believe that an
order will cause dislocation or other hardship to a violator, or some other person,
the director shall furnish a copy of the order and a brief statement to the nature
of the hardship to the office of the mayor and to any other public or private officer
or agency he deems appropriate.
(m) Interlocutory orders shall be served in the manner provided by any specifically
applicable state law or, if no other law applies, by a duly commissioned peace
officer by personal or domiciliary service; provided that interlocutory orders
may be served by mail on a respondent who has actually been served with a
notice of violation or who has made an appearance.
(n) Any order assessing a fine or costs and/or ordering remediation or corrective
action on or prior to a certain date may be enforced by the Magistrate Court of the
City of Gretna. The city attorneys office may file contempt or other enforcement
proceedings by making an order executory in the Environmental Section of the
Twenty-Fourth Judicial District Court or the Parish Courts of Jefferson Parish.
Provided that a majority of the City of Gretna Council have voted in favor of this
ordinance, this ordinance shall have the full force and effect of law at midnight
on the tenth day following the Clerks presentment of the same to the Mayor,
in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statutes 33:406(c)(2) unless the Mayor
returns the same, unsigned, to the Clerk during that ten-day period.
An ordinance nullifying Ordinance No. 4636 which provided for the acquisition
of the adjudicated property located at 615-617 Solon Street by the City of Gretna
pursuant to La. R. S. 47:2236.
WHEREAS, there is a general concern for the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Gretna; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna is desirous of improving economic development
and subsequent quality of life for citizens of Gretna; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna seeks to control the number of abandoned
properties and to slow urban blight by placing abandoned properties back into
the stream of commerce; and
WHEREAS, La. R. S. 47:2236 provides for a procedure for the City to claim
ownership of properties that have been adjudicated to the city for more than five
years previously; and
WHEREAS, the below described property had been adjudicated to the City of
Gretna for more than five years, and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna desired to acquire the below described property
to be used for any valid public purpose, up to and including public auction, lot
next door sale, or donation; all as provided for by state law, and
WHEREAS, subsequent to the passing of Ordinance No. 4636 acquiring title to
said property, the City became aware of a defect in the original tax sale from the
1980s, thereby making the prior adjudication a legal nullity, necessitating the
nullification of Ordinance No. 4636.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council, acting as
legislative authority for the City of Gretna, that:
The City of Gretna hereby nullifies previously adopted Ordinance No.
4636 claiming ownership of the following described property that had been
erroneously adjudicated to the city for more than five years previously:
A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, etc. situated in the town of McDonoghville,
now forming part of the City of Gretna, Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana,
designated by the number 6 of Square No. 87, bounded by Madison, Monroe,
Cook, and Solon Streets. Said Lot measures sixty feet (60) front on Solon Street,
by one hundred and twenty feet (120) in depth between equal lines.
Save and excepting there from:
A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, being part of Lot No. 6 of Square No. 87,
measuring twenty-five feet (25) front on Hamilton (Solon) Street, by a depth
of sixty feet (60) between equal and parallel lines, and being the twenty-five
feet (25) nearer to Monroe Street, conveyed by Jules Nicholes, to Virginia W.
Miller, by Act passed before C.W. Rossner, then Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio
Notary Public, on November 15, 1909, registered in COB 28 Folio 774, Parish of
Jefferson, State of Louisiana.
Being the same property acquired by Annie S. Justice by Act before Anthony
Wambsgams, Notary Public, dated July 22, 1957, registered at COB 429, Folio
Being further acquired from the Succession of Annie S. Justice, docket no. 440969 on the docket of the 24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson,
by judgment rendered therein on October30, 1992, and recorded in the Parish of
Jefferson on the 9th day of November, 1992 at COB 2797, Folio 281.
The following party is the last known owner of record:
Virginia Williams a/k/a Virginia Miller and/or Estate & Heirs of Virginia
Williams a/k/a Virginia Miller




The following parties are interested parties, as defined by state law:

City of Gretna
Internal Revenue Service
State of Louisiana Department of Revenue and Taxation
Robert P. Meade
Provided that a majority of the City Council have voted in favor of this ordinance,
this ordinance shall have the full force and effect of law at midnight on the tenth
day following the Clerks presentment of the same to the Mayor, in accordance
with Louisiana R.S. 33:406(c)(2) unless the Mayor returns the same, unsigned to
the Clerk during that ten-day period.
Adoption of Resolution(s) by Consent:
A resolution recognizing May 2 through May 10, 2015 as National Travel &
Tourism Week; and to encourage residents and businesses within the City of
Gretna to observe and support the week with appropriate activities.
WHEREAS, in 1983 the United States Congress passed a joint resolution
designating the first full week of May to be recognized as National Travel and
Tourism Week; and
WHEREAS, National Travel & Tourism Week champions the power of travel
and is celebrated in numerous cities across the country; and
WHEREAS, National Travel & Tourism Week provides the opportunities to
learn more about how the travel and tourism industry contributes to the City
of Gretnas economy, business development, employment and overall quality
of life; and
WHEREAS, wearing red during National Travel & Tourism Week has been a
signature that signaled unity among travel and tourism workers and supporters
for at least two decades.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna,
Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:
The week of May 2 through 10, 2015 is hereby recognized and designated as
National Travel &Tourism Week within the City of Gretna, Louisiana.
All residents and businesses within the City of Gretna are encouraged to observe
and support the week with appropriate activities within the community.
A resolution authorizing and directing Mayor Belinda C. Constant to enter into
a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Gretna
with the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Facility Planning and
Control to implement initial State Capital Outlay Funding of $ 640,000 for the
Stumpf Boulevard Force Main Project (FP&C Project No.50-MB5-14-01).
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has an interest in the welfare and safety of its
citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna deems the improvements to the Stump Boulevard
Force Main is deemed to be an important element in ensuring the welfare and
safety of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, said Cooperative Endeavor Agreement is necessary in order to
implement the process to receive State Capital Outlay funding by the City of
Gretna; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna,
Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:
Mayor Belinda C. Constant is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Gretna
with the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Facility Planning and
Control to implement initial State Capital Outlay Funding of $ 640,000 for the
Stumpf Boulevard Force Main Project (FP&C Project No.50-MB5-14-01).
A resolution authorizing and directing Mayor Belinda C. Constant to enter into
a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Gretna
with the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Facility Planning
and Control to implement initial State Capital Outlay Funding of $ 115,000
for Jefferson Parish Waterline Connection, Planning and Construction (FP&C
Project No.50-MB5-14-03).
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has an interest in the welfare and safety of its
citizens; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna deems the improvements to the Jefferson Parish
Waterline Connection are deemed to be an important element in ensuring the
welfare and safety of its citizens; and
WHEREAS, said Cooperative Endeavor Agreement is necessary in order to
implement the process to receive State Capital Outlay funding by the City of
Gretna; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna,
Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:
Mayor Belinda C. Constant is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement for and on behalf of the City of Gretna with
the State of Louisiana, Division of Administration, Facility Planning and Control
to implement initial State Capital Outlay Funding of $ 115,000 for Jefferson
Parish Waterline Connection, Planning and Construction (FP&C Project No.
A resolution supporting the City of Gretnas Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) funding applications to the Jefferson Parish Department of
Community Development for roadway improvements to 15th Street, 16th Street,
25th Street and Van Trump Street.
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna has an interest in the health, welfare and safety
of the citizens of the City of Gretna; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna recognizes the need for serious roadway
improvements along these streets; and
WHEREAS, the City of Gretna recognizes that area wide improvements require
significant investment in public right-of-way
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Gretna,
Louisiana, acting as governing authority of said City that:
The City of Gretnas Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding
applications to the Jefferson Parish Department of Community Development for
improvements to 15th Street, 16th Street, 25th Street and Van Trump Street are
hereby supported.
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Crosby, IT WAS
RESOLVED to approve and adopt all the items read aloud from the Consent
Agenda for the April 8, 2015 Council Regular meeting, by the following vote:
Yeas: Councilmen Rau, Crosby, Marino, Miller and Berthelot
Nays: None
Absent: None
No comments by citizens.
Consideration and Adoption of Item(s) Pulled from the Consent Agenda: None
Consideration and Adoption of Ordinances(s): None
Consideration and Adoption of Resolution(s): None
Historic District Commission Appeals: None
Police Department None
City Engineer (Burk-Kleinpeter, Inc.). Mr. William Bane, P. E. provided a
monthly Project Status report dated April 8, 2015, said report uploaded to the
Novus agenda as part of the Agenda packet and on file in the office of the City
Departmental Reports distribution:
Monthly reports dated April 8, 2015 were distributed, to Mayor and Council
Members; said reports are on file in the City Clerks Office from the following
departments: Department of Public Works, Building Official Department,
Historic District Advisory Committee and Code Enforcement Department.
Council District Reports:
Councilman at Large Councilman Rau
Recognition of Gretna painter Mr. Glenn Huffine
Councilman Rau recognized Mr. Glenn Huffine who is a celebrity in our city.
There was a newspaper article on Mr. Huffine and his artistic contributions to
the city. His contributions and his art work is what truly make Gretna unique
and different. I love Gretna, he said. I do community service for Gretna all
the time. You dont have to be in trouble to do community service. Im trying
to make Gretna look beautiful one building at a time. Gretna painter Glenn
Huffine is working to bring a historic touch to city buildings and businesses.
District One Councilman Crosby
McDonoghville sign
Councilman Crosby stated there were more problems to address with the sign at
McDonoghville. It should be completed by next meeting.
District Two Councilman Marino
Park at triangle area (Wiedman Street)
Councilman Marino reported that Councilman Crosby and he are working
on the other sign in McDonoghville. He apologized to the Wilson family for
removing the sign and the surrounding plants without acknowledging that the
Wilson family had been caring for it and erected the sign location.
He informed today was his second daughters 18th birthday, and wished her a
Happy Birthday Ella.
District Three Councilman Miller
Cleaning wooded areas around City Park
Councilman Miller reported the clearing has been completed and did some




planting and in the process of removing all the trash and debris. The water
fountain problem has been solved in the Dog Park.
District Four Councilman Berthelot
Councilman Berthelot reported the Playground renovation at Mel Ott Park is
underway and will be completed in a month. He publicly thanked Mrs. Amie
Hebert, Superintendent of Parks & Recreations for a job well done. Reminded
everyone that registration for Baseball, T-Ball and Softball is underway and to
let everyone who wishes to participate to sign on.
Mayor Belinda C. Constant announced the following:
Friday, April 10, 2015 is Thomas Jefferson Day as annually done in front of the
Government Complex in recognition of Thomas Jefferson and Jefferson Parish.
Saturday, April 11, 2015 will be the Cleanup the Westbank Expressway Day with
the entire Parish Council at 8:00 a.m.; volunteers will meet at Lafayette and the
Westbank Expressway.
Friday, April 17, 2015 is Ride Gretna Gretna Local Loop. Is a routed commuter
bus and will be uploaded to the Website.
Sunday, April 19, 2015 Tour of Homes will be hosted by the Gretna Historical
Saturday, April 25, 2015, 10:00 a.m. will the 200th Year Bicentennial
Celebration for McDonoghville; information will be on the Website regarding
the activities. The Jefferson Historical Society and the Jefferson Historical
Commission are participating in the celebration of McDonoghville Bicentennial.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 is Arbor Day; the Tree Committee is planting a
permanent Christmas Tree for the city by the Memorial Arch. There will be a
symbolic planting on that day until the tree is received.
Introduction of Ordinances:
Per the Lawrason Act, the ordinances introduced tonight are placed on the
Agenda for informational purposes. They do not need to be read aloud, should
not be discussed and will be considered at the beginning of business for next
Mr. Mark Morgan, City Attorney explained that many times there are items
administrative in nature but are required to be adopted by ordinance, and as
a courtesy the administration places those items on the Agenda under the
respective councilmans district. In this Agenda, that was done but there is one
ordinance the councilman does not intend to introduce, which is Item D. Item D
has been removed from the Agenda.
The preambles/titles of Items A through C (Introduction of Ordinances) sheet;
draft ordinances in their entirety are available on or upon completion of next
months Agenda Packet.
A. An ordinance approving the resubdivision of Lots 6 and 7, Square 10, New
Gretna Subdivision, Gretna, Louisiana INTO Lot 6-A, Square 10, New Gretna
Subdivision, as per the plan of survey and resubdivision of Mandle-Edwards
Surveying, Inc., dated February 23, 2015. Municipal Address: 517-519 Amelia
B. An ordinance approving the resubdivision of 5A and 3A1, Square 7, Village
of Mechanickham Subdivision, Gretna, Louisiana INTO Lots 5A1 and 3A2,
Square 7, Village of Mechanickham Subdivision, as per the plan of survey and
resubdivision of Gilbert, Kelly and Couturie, Inc., dated March 6, 2015.
Address: 201 Huey P. Long Avenue
C. An ordinance approving the resubdivision of Lots A1, 4, 5, 6 and Parts of Lots
3, 7 and 8, Square 88, McDonoghville Subdivision, Gretna, Louisiana INTO
Lot A2, Square 88, McDonoghville Subdivision, as per the plan of survey and
resubdivision of Dufrene Surveying & Engineering, Inc., dated March 26, 2015.
Municipal Address: 615 Kepler Street
Citizen(s) Addressing the Mayor and City Council:
Mrs. Laurie Ledet a Gretna resident addressed the Mayor and City Council her
message to the new councilmen Marino, Miller and Berthelot. She referred to a
past article relative to the litigation, repast on the events leading to the litigation.
Expressed concerns on city spending taxpayer money on endless litigation or
should the city pay for restoration of said property. Reviewed comments made
by the litigant relative to personal property in the past. Encouraged the Council
to listen and make a conscientious decision and end this matter.
Mr. Mark Morgan, City Attorney advised the Mayor and Council not responding
due to pending litigation.
Mr. Mark Morgan, City Attorney advised Mrs. Ledet she was unaware of the
whole story and offered to share information with her. Again, he stated the city
offered to do what she exactly asked the city to do, end this matter. The news
media was given the letter but they chose not to quote or print it.
National Day of Prayer (Friday, May 1, 2015)
Miss Linda Sanchez a Gretna resident reminded everybody that Friday, May 1,
2015 12:00 Noon to 1:00 p.m., is National Prayer Day and everyone is invited to
attend. During the event they are praying for the Council, America and praying
for everybody in leadership.
Salem Lutheran School building
Miss Sanchez expressed that Salem Lutheran School was not safe to lease as a
school for children.
It was stated that for a school to happen there, all the criteria have to be met and
accomplished. There were concerns for the children and that is all that matters.
Miss Sanchez thanked Mayor Constant because she believed she is a reformer.
Thanked her for all the work that is happening in Gretna.
Thanked the Gretna Police Department for being the best. Thanked everyone for
the good work being done.
Miss Sanchez echoed on Mrs. Ledet concerns expressed earlier; Mrs. Ledet has
a legitimate reason to speak up because it is taxpayers money being spent. She
expressed putting a stop to all of it; everyday prayers are elevated to all asking
for wisdom and to give discernment on what has to be done as leaders of this
Other matters:
Recognition of Entergy
Mayor Constant recognized Mr. Larry Matrana and Melissa Martin of Entergy.
She recognized and acknowledged the planting done by Entergy at the entrance
coming from Harvey into Gretna on the Westbank Expressway eastbound.
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Berthelot, IT WAS
RESOLVED to adjourn the Mayor and City Council Regular Meeting for April
8, 2015 at 6:13 p.m., and the same was unanimously approved.

Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of Gretna, State of
Louisiana, plans to:
Consider adopting a resolution levying ad valorem tax millages for Year 2015
at its meeting on Wednesday, May 13, 2015 at 5:30 p.m., on the second floor
Council Chambers of Gretna City Hall, 740 Second Street, Gretna, Louisiana.
Publish: April 29, 2015 New Orleans Advocate

The Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna met this day on Wednesday,
April 17, 2015 at 12:00 Noon, in Special Session with the following members
present: Mayor Belinda C. Constant; Council Members: Wayne A. Rau, Joseph
A. Marino III, Mark K. Miller, Jackie J. Berthelot.
Absent: Milton L. Crosby
Posting of Meeting Notice
Notice of the meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Gretna,
scheduled for Friday, April 17, 2015 was posted on the bulletin board in front of
Gretna City Hall on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 at 2:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer/Pledge of Allegiance
Councilman Rau offered a prayer upon the opening of the meeting followed by
the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States of America.
Emergency Demolition - 1222 Washington Street
Legal Description: Part of Lot 3, Square 20, McDonoghville Subdivision
Municipal Address: 1222 Washington Street (Parcel No. 0100000440
Building Official Report
Miss Danika Gorrondona, Building Official provided a report on the property
located at 1222 Washington Street and recommended that the structure be
demolished due to the following:
In conformity with the Standard Unsafe Building Abatement Code of the
Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc., as adopted by the City of
Gretna, the City of Gretnas Building Official hereby recommend the demolition
and removal of the building(s) and structure(s) on the property located at 1222
Washington Street for the reasons indicated below:




The building, structure or portion thereof has been damaged by fire, flood,
earthquake, wind or other cause to the extent that the structural integrity of
the building or structure is less than it was prior to the damage and is less than
the minimum requirement established by the Standard Building Code for new
The stress in any material, member or portion thereof, due to all imposed loads
including dead load exceeds the stresses allowed in the Standard Building Code
for new buildings.
Any exterior appendage or portion of the building or structure is not securely
fastened, attached or anchored such that it is capable of resisting wind, seismic
or similar loads as required by the Standard Building Code for new buildings.
In addition to the above described conditions, the following specific items
present and immediate risk of loss or damage to persons or property:
Structure visibly racked, sagging or shifted from foundation.
Obvious structural damage from fire.
Pre-existing structural issues compromised further by wind loads from storm.
Excessive exposure to the outside elements, specifically water intrusion.
Miss Gorrondona informed that the southern portion of the wall collapsed on
Monday, April 13, 2015 and the city administration was called to perform an
inspection of the property. The property is a New Orleans Bracketed home,
which is a barge board construction. The barge board is affixed to the top plate
and sill, which has deteriorated due to water intrusion; therefore, the wall fell on
the neighboring lot.
Curators Note of Evidence
NOW, comes David Greenberg, duly appointed curator ad hoc, appointed to
represent the procedural interests of the owner and/or parties in interest on the
above described property, who with respect, represents: That upon being served
with the Emergency Notice of Appointment on April 15, 2015, said curator ad
hoc did ascertain that the titled owners to said property according to the City of
Gretna, Department of Inspections, are Inez Patin, wife of/and Gerald T. Adams,
who acquired title to the property by Act of Cash Sale dated March 3, 2006 and
recorded at COB 3161, folio 171 of the Conveyance records of Jefferson Parish.
Undersigned curator was able to reach Inez Patin Adams, wife of/and Gerald
T. Adams. Undersigned curator spoke with Inez Patin Adams on April 15,
2015 and informed her of the pendency of the proceeding on April 17, 2015 at
5:00 at Gretna City Hall to consider this property for emergency demolition.
Undersigned curator also spoke with the daughter of the property owner on
April 15, 2015, informing her of the nature and pendency of the proceedings.
These individuals appeared at the City Council meeting and informed the city
council that they had no basis to set forth an objection to the recommendation of
demolition. Mr. Ted Munch appeared as a representative of an entity purchasing
the property from the property owners and assisted them before the council.
Undersigned curator further sets forth that the City Council voted to demolish
this property based upon the showing made by the Administration.
Further, that according the abstract ran on this property, that there are no
encumbrances on this property.
That according to the abstract and Hogan Certificate ran on this property, there
are no unredeemed tax sales recorded against this property.
Undersigned curator avers that this proceeding notice was presented to the
owners by the City of Gretna on September 15, 2015.
That in doing the foregoing and upon proof being be presented to the Council of
the condition of the property as dangerous to life and property, said curator ad
hoc has completed his duties in the matter and files this Note of Evidence herein.
It was assumed that Councilman Crosby was the council district representative.
Councilman Rau was called upon to render a motion on this matter.
Mr. Irving Lapoint, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Adams. He pointed out to the
council that his in-laws loved Gretna and they have lived in the city for 60 to
80 years. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have been unhappy for the last three years with
regards to getting some type of assistance to fix their house. He emphasized if
any type of funds become available to make sure that the distribution of funds is
done fairly. He agreed with the assessment on the property; the property needs
to be demolished and the owners are in complete agreement too.
Mr. Ted Munch spoke person for 272 Properties, LLC stated that an agreement
was reached with the property owners concerning the property and it is going
to Act of Sale today at Southern Title at 4:00 p.m.; it was agreed upon by all
parties involved. The most concerns to the family are the timetable is that all
contents will be removed in a safe and efficient manner this weekend and put in
storage. In addition, all cost related to this property, inspection and making it
safe for the neighborhood will be satisfied. The house will be demolished and all
debris removed from the property and put in satisfactory condition to the City of
Gretnas guidelines. The garage will also be torn down; the entire property will
be cleaned promptly weather permits.
Mr. Mark Morgan, City Attorney advised that procedurally the city is not a
party to any agreement that involves any transfer of the property or removal of
goods from the property; that is all between the property owners and whoever
the property is being transferred to and the contractor doing the demolition.
The city by the end of the day should issue a Demolition Permit based on the
recommendation of the administration. The city will delay the demolition and
give the property owners the opportunity to do it. There will be a demolition
order issued and an expectation on the city that the demolition be completed
within a reasonable period of time.
Councilman Marino expressed regrets and happy there were no injuries. The
city was in the process to find some type of funds from either the State or the
Mayor Constant stated that the City of Gretna as a municipality does not have
a housing authority within the city government. The city is a component of
Jefferson Parish Housing Authority. There were meetings with the property
owners about what the City of Gretna could do; unfortunately only to find out
there were no funding available at the time. It separated this case from other
cases that moved onto to Environmental Court and put other property owners
in a position of their house being torn down or directed under Court order to be
repaired. Unfortunately, as in many government agencies, there are always not
funded to the capacity that is needed by a community and it was clearly the case
with this property.
Councilman Marino stated the city was willing to give property owner an
opportunity to demolish the property themselves. Since this is an emergency
demolition, the property should be demolished within hours. It should not be
extended due to the dangers.
Mr. Munch stated the contents of the house will be removed this weekend;
once all the permits have been obtained the equipment will be moved onto the
property this weekend in an attempt to demolish the house before the weekend
is over, weather permit.
Mr. Morgan interjected with concerns on behalf of the city; the city is on notice
that this is an unsound structure. The engineers performed inspection stating it
needed to be demolished because it is unsafe; and now he is hearing conversations
about people retrieving items from the home. His concerns; which creates a
problem on him advising his client to allow that. In a preliminary meeting, it
was his understanding on this issue, was that the demolition contractor would
be responsible for the preservation of any materials in the home. If there is a
contract between the property owner and the contractor that states they will
preserve items, they can, after they stabilize the house and in the process of
demolishing it, that is fine. He does not feel comfortable for the city to delay the
demolition under the presumption to allow the homeowner time to go in into
an unsafe structure creates liability on parts. The city just needs to issue the
demolition order based on the advice of their engineers and the Building Official
and allow a brief period of time for the owners to work with their contractor prior
to the demolition of the house. He suggested granting immediate demolition
order, the city proceeds no later than 72-hours with the demolition. It gives
the owners a window to go out with their own contractor, secure the structure,
remove items and the owners contractor proceeds with the demolition, then, we
are all good.
On motion by Councilman Rau and seconded by Councilman Marino, IT
WAS RESOLVED to accept and approve the recommendation of Miss Danika
Gorrondona, Building Official and to approve the immediate demolition of
the structure located at municipal address 1222 Washington Street, Gretna,
Louisiana, demolition to be done by the property owner, by the following vote:
Yeas: Councilmen Rau, Marino, Miller and Berthelot
Nays: None.
Absent: Councilman Crosby
On motion by Councilwoman Rau and seconded by Councilman Berthelot, IT
WAS RESOLVED to adjourn the Mayor and City Council Special Meeting of
April 17, 2017 at 12:23 p.m., and the same was unanimously approved.

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