Clinchers: Rheumatology
Clinchers: Rheumatology
Clinchers: Rheumatology
Hot, painful, swollen joint +/- fever= septic arthritis= Ix: aspirtion = Rx: FLUCLOXACILIN
Young man, lower back pain = ankylosing apondylitis = Ix: x-ray sacroiliac joint
Polyarteritis nodusa necrotising vasculitis cause aneurysm / thrombitis of medium sized
arteries leads to infarct, Rx: Systemic Steroids, M>f, ass. With Hep-B
Arterial occlusion + HTN, Female = Takayasu arteritis (big vessel vasculitis),
Child = Kawasaki
A joint pain with ear pinna plaque = gout (raised uric acid level)
Pt. with progressive relapsing remitting arthritis = RA
Intermittent severe arthritis with symptoms free interval = Gout
Arthritis with pitted finger nail = psoriatic arthritis
Young man with lower back pain = ankylosing spondylitis
Lower back pain with paravertebral shadow = TB of vertebra
Elderly mand with lumbar back pain + enlarged vertebra = pagets
Septic arthritis Ix : joint aspiration ???
RA Ix : Rh factor
Reiters syndrome Ix : chlamydial IgA
Thiazide diuretics raises uric acid level = Gout
Arthritis following travelling history(india, spain, Thailand) usually Reiters synd
Schirmer test +ve in sjogren synd
Best Ix to Dx nerve compression = MRI
AS does not need any Ix as its Dx is clinical
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ITP initial Mx = Steroids
Very low ph with purura = ITP, Mx with predinsone, Ix: anti PLT antibody
Anemia with blood film showing target cells = thalassemia
Celiac disease will cause decreased folate anemia due to malabsorption
Rx with cyclophosphamide will cause aplastic anemia
Blood film showing immature cells = leukemia = confirm Dx by Bone Marrow Biopsy
Inherited anemia = pernicious (decreased vit-B12) + Haemophilia (coagulation defects)
HSP (Henoch Schonlein purpura) : abd pain, purpura on buttocks/thigh is allergic inflammation
of blood vessel wall.
DIC due to sepsis
Phenytoin / Methotrexate reduces Serum folate level
Thalassemia/sickle cell Ix = electrophoresis
Anemai with sore tongue = decreased Vit-B12
Anemia + bruising + infection = aplastic anemia (leukemias well)
Easy bleeds, all tests are normal with family history = osler weber rendu synd
Easy bleeds, prolonged clotting time with family history = von willi brands
Male, pale, anemic with paresthesia = pernicious anemia = Ix: Ab against intrinsic factor
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Children usually have viral meningitis, Ix: CSF MCS => PCR
TB = wt. loss, african, night sweat
Brucellosis = Hx of Farm work, visit to MECCA
Lyme = Hx of forest walk, insect/tic bite
Malaria by plasmodium falciparum severe intermittent fever, can cause cerebral malaria, Dx:
I/V Acyclovir for varicella zoster = elderly, decreased immune, opthalmic
Orla acyclovir for varicella zoster = mild surgery + in pregnancy
For typical chicken pox = no management
Varicella Ig for high risk exosure on moderate compromise e.g pregnancy
Cellulitis caused by strep.pyogenes
Mucoid urethral discharge = chlamydia
Purulent urethral discharge = GC
Thick blood film confirms malaria
Hep-B Ag confirms active disease
Dye industry workers have increased risk of renal cell Ca.
MRSA found in ward = test all medical staff
MRSA +ve staff should be Rx with Mupurocin nasal spray
Staphylococcus is coagulase +ve cocci
Pneumococcus is gram +ve diplococcic
TB meningitis Ix = ????????
Meningitis after URTI = Strep
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Pneumonia = Ix: CXR
Pulmonary embolism = Ix: (A )V/Q , Spiral CT, (B) plain angiogram
Pneumonia = erythmatous rash = target lesion = mycoplasma
CXR = pneumonia, pneumothorax (tension pneumothorax), Dx: clinical, Dont waste time on Ix go for
V/Q = PE = spiral CT or best pumonary angiogram.
Spiral CT = PE = safe in preg.
PE = Raised PR, raised JVP, ECG: T decreased V1-3
Absent vascular markings on CXR = pneumothorax
Tall thin man with SOB = spontaneous pneumothorax
Travelers pneumonia is caused by legionella
Childhood asthmatic with family history will persist in adulthood
Childhood asthmatic without family history prognosis unknown
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Infant SOB with failure to thrive = wt. below desired centile for height
FRS left in bronchus / lungs will develop into abscess
Pneumonia in COPD / CF = pseudomonas or H.influenza
Pneumonia in <1yr is bronchiolitis cause is viral
Mycoplasma Rx = erythromycin
Legionella Rx = erythromycin
Farmers + SOB = Extrinsic allergic alveolitis
ECG = chest pain, tacchyarrythmia = STEMI => SK , NSTEMI => B-Blocker
Echo = valve / septal . / murmur
Exercise ECG = Angina
Troponin I/ T = cardiac enzyme = MI
Heart failure= >55 yrs = give ACEI (also good in DM, C/I in RAS) = enalapril, verapamil.
<55yrs = B-Blocker
Black with any age = Ca+ channel blockers are best to use.
CCF with AF Mx is digoxin, without AF = amaiodarone
Post MI Mx = ACEI + B-Blocker + Statin + Asp?
IHD with CCF = Amiodarone
LVF following MI Rx with ACEI
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CT of brain = SOL (space occupying lesion) / Embolus / Haemorrhage
Petechial hemorrhage in tempo-inferio frontal lobe = herpes simplex encephalitis
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Parkinsons Mx = benhexol?
Symptoms of raise ICP = HTN = no SOL = benign intracranial HTN
Mx of benign intracranial HTN is acetazolamide (diuretic)
Pancoast tumor will cause horner synd
Caf au lait lesion at birth with multiple nodule = NF
Motor neuron disease = multiple motor dysfunction
Undue fatigue end of day with afternoon blindness = Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis : autoimmune Ab against acetylcholine receptor
Myasthenia gravis Ix : Auto-Ab + Tnsilon test
Myasthenia gravis Mx: Anticholinestrase / steroids
RUQ pain, fever, H/o = cholecystitis
Rigors/fever = pyelonephritis / pneumonia / malaria / sclerosing cholangitis
Rectal bleed = diverticulitis(painless) / colorectal Ca.(fresh blood) / piles / crohns / UC
PAS (periodic acid schiff on jejunal biopsy) positve granules = whipples disease
Whipples disease = GI mal absorption, middle age male, arthalgia (colonic migratory), wt loss,
diarrhoea, colicky. Ix: jejunal biopsy = PAS granules/ st villi, Rx: Ceftriaxone
Travellers diarrhoea = E.coli / compylobacter
HbsAg = first to appear post exposure
HbeAg = signify acute phase
Abdominal pain (african), bladder calcification = schistosoma haematobium
Infective bowel disease with juandice, RUQ pain = PSC
Juandice getting worse after infection = Gilbert synd
Fever, juandice with epigastric pain = charcots triad(ascending cholangitis)
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GI perforation = Ix: erect CXR => gass under diagphram (abd X-ray?)
Excess alcohol damages liver which affects Vit-k = Bruising
Obese, weight gain, tired + constiated = aqquired hypothyroidism
Female sex harmone => hypothalamus => pituitary => ovary
PPH = sheehans synd = (a) ant. Pituitary ischemia (most harmone RF )
(b) post pituuitary = ADH
No menses, hirsutism, acne, balding = ovarian reason
17,B-Estradiol = ovaries produce this.
Estrone = adipose tissue produce this + androstenedione
Gulucose inhibits GH is acromegaly GTT + GH confirms Dx
Oral pigmentation / hypotension = addision, Ix: short synechtin test
Confirm addisons disease = short synechtin test
pt. with Ca++ renal stones =check PTH
Type-1 DM = absolute deficiency of insulin => DKA
Typ-2 DM relative deficiency of insulin => HONK
Cushing = raised glucocorticoids = raised cortisol
Drug induced thyrotoxicosis by amiodarone / lithium / digoxin
Heat intolerance = hyperthyroidism ,
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IgA nephropathy = glomerulonephritis sec. to URTI infection in children (1-3/7 post URTI)
Henoch schonlein purpura = buttocks rash in children + abd pain
Minimal changed nehropathy = fusion of podocytes on electron microscope
Access of RF = renal U/S = see size of kidney
ca+ renal stones ass.with thiazide diuretics, also urate = Gout
Renal stone or abdominal mass = U/S
Mx of BPH = a-Blocker (terazosin)
Mx of anemia in RF pt. = Erythropoietin inj
Acute renal failure with PE = Mx by Dialysis
Causes of Haematuria
Drug induced = recent drug Rx
Long distance runner = Rhabdomyolysis (Would be RBC in blodd by myolocyter???)
Porphyria caused by ocp, barbiturates, and oral hypoglycemic drugs
Important Ix:
Asthma = peak expiratory flow
Pneumothorx = Cxr
Pneumonia = Cxr
PE = V/Q , spiral CT
DKA = glucose, ABGs
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RF = U/S
Ureteric stone = cystoscopy
MI = Cardiac enzyme
GERD = oesophagela-gastro-duodeno scopy
Acromegaly = (a) GTT with GH (b) S I GF screens???
Addisions = short synechtin test
Cushings = Dexa suppression test
Any mass initial Ix = US
DM screening test = FBS
Synmptomatic with 1 high FBS or 1 high RBS = Dx of DM
Asymptomatic with 2 high FBS or 2 high RBS or GTT
Gstric reflux Ix by gastroscopy
Cholecystits Ix by U/S
Stomach Ca. Ix by gastroscopy
Ca. Colon / Rectum Ix by sigmoidoscopy
Aortic aneurysm Ix by U/S, Best is CT scan
SLE = autoantibody screen
Polycystic kidney = pelvic U/S
Multiple Myeloma = bence jones protein
Neck midline mass = thyroglossal cyst, Ix: FNA
Neck fluctuating mass beneath SCM = brachial cyst, Ix: FNA
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Neck pulsatile mass beneath SCM = crotid body tumor, Ix: doppler u/s
Pharyngeal pouch = Ix: barium meal or contrast X-ray.
Lower oesohageal ring = sha. Ring = Rx: oesophageal diverticulotomy
Bence jones protein for multiple myeloma
Pt. = diarrhoea / abd. Pain = necrotic ulcers on body = pyoderma gangrenosum
Pulstile swelling at the base of SCM = subclavian artery aneurysm
Swelling at lower part of inferior constrictor = pharyngeal pouch
Swelling attached to 7th cervical vertebra = cervical rib
Sweeling in midline between thyroid cartilage and tongue = thyroglossal cyst
Medial malleous ulcer = venous
All neck masses = initial Ix = U/S
Cystic mass = aspirate, solid mass = fine needle asiration (FNAC)
Known prostate cancer = back pain Ix = technitium 99 bone scan
Known cancer patien = confusion, abnormal ECG = Ix: hypercalcemia
Prostate cancer follow-up Ix = PSA
Renal failure Ix = U/S
Heavy smocker = ischemic lower limb = thrombo angitis obliterans
Post operative chest pain = (a) Lt. side = MI => Ix by ECG, (b) Breathless = PE => Ix by V/Q or Spiral CT
Post operative fever = (a) wound sepsis => Ix by wound swab ? (b) peritonitis=> Ix by Abd. U/S
Cancer patient with leg weakness, poor bowel/urine habits = cord compression due to bone metastasis
Post chemo = raised urea level in blood = tumor lysis synd
Antibiotics pre/post operative
3gm stat amoxil before procedure dental on cardiac pt.
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Child with enuresis <5yrs => incontinent pents,
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Mild depression = CBT
Severe depression = SSRI, cant sleep-amitryptalin (khurram bhai I think Here ECT is required)
Atypical deression = MAOI-phenelzine
PA eating, not resopnding to Rx, post natal = ECT
Skin cancer long standing bleeds on touch = squamous cell Ca.
Treatment of acne = doxy, erythro, topical benzyl, topical retinoids, oral retinoids
White itchy plaque on vulva / . = lichen sclerosis
Pearly lesion with raised edges on labial folds = Basal cell Ca.
Subcutaneous non-tender slowly growing nodule = lipoma
Raidly growing raised lesion with rolled out edges with horny plug = kerato-acanthoma
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Redish brown scaly plaque, sun exposed area, very slow groing = sq.cell Ca, in situ (Bowens
Colour / size changing lesion = melanoma
Weeping + crusting eczema = staph. Infected
Sebhorric eczema is cused by yeast
Diabetics with ear furuncle = staph
Any ear perforation = immediate refer
Mass in fron of ear drum = wax/ ???
Mass behind of ear drum = cholestema
Family history of hearing loss = otosclerosis
Hearing loss with facial numbness = acoustic neuroma
Old age degenerative hearing defect = presbycusis
Unilateral sensory hearing loss = acoustic neroma (will have facial pain)
Bilateral sensory hearing loss = noise induced ( heals spontaneously)
Bilateral progressive sensory hearing loss = presbycusis
Bilateral conductive hearing loss = otosclerosis, wax
Mx of otitis externa = Genta (topical), Cipro (oral)
Vertigo following URTI = vestibular neuritis (labyrinthitis)
Deafness + vertigo + tinnitus = Meniers
Basal skull fracture (temporal) = ear discharge (petrus)
Basal skull fracture (ethmoidal) = nasal discharge
Pink ear drum = viral OM, Mx: pc?
Red ear drum = bacterial OM, Mx: ABx
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Acute glaucoma Rx = topical pilocarpine + topical steroids
Hx of IHD = symp of decreased vision = central retinal artery occlusion
Tunnel vision = glaucoma,
Punch hard surface = metacarpal #
Shoulder dislocation after fit = posterior
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FeSo4 overdose will cause pyloric stricture
Panadol overdose will cause liver damage, Antidote = N-acetylcystine
TCA overdose causes tachyarrythmia, dry mouth, hallucination
Opiate overdose causes hypotension, hypoventilation, small pupil
Digoxin overdose will cause bradycardia, visual disturbance
Obese child, floppy body, wanting to eat and eat (hunger baby synd) = prader willi synd
Short, fat, prolonged steriod use = cushings
Blunt abdominal injury best Ix = CT abdomen
Blunt abd. Injury with epigastric pain = pancreatic rupture
Blunt abd. Injury with RUQ pain = liver rupture
Blunt abd. Injury with LUQ pain = spleen
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Occupational Health
Furniture maker has high risk of Maxillary antral Ca.
Rubber or tyre workers has high risk of Bladder Ca.
Dye workers has high risk of Renal cell Ca.
Ship worker has high risk of Mesothelioma
Sheep farmer with nasal bleed = ORF
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