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United States Patent: Stoltz (10) Patent N0.: (45) Date of Patent

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(12) United States Patent

(10) Patent N0.:

(45) Date of Patent:




(75) Inventor: Michael J. Stoltz, Duncansville, PA

(73) Assignee: Steen Research LLC, West Linn, OR



Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this

patent is extended or adjusted under 35

U.S.C. 154(b) by 165 days.

US 6,827,948 B2
Dec. 7, 2004

4,169,706 A

10/1979 Kruchen

4,869,829 A

9/1989 Casey




Moeller et al.
Gassner, III et al.
Dunham et al.





* cited by examiner

(21) Appl. No.: 10/278,477

Primary ExaminerChristopher R. Tate

(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmMorgan, LeWis & Bockius

(22) Filed:

Oct. 22, 2002



Prior Publication Data


The present invention provides a method and compositions

for processing poultry feathers. In one embodiment, the

US 2003/0075289 A1 Apr. 24, 2003

Related US. Application Data


Provisional application No. 60/346,046, ?led on Oct. 23,




Int. Cl.7 ........................ .. A61K 35/24; C14M 1/00;

D06M 17/00; C07K 1/00; C07K 17/00

method for processing poultry feathers comprises contacting

a plurality of poultry feathers having an average particle siZe
With a detergent capable of imparting a static charge to the

plurality of poultry feathers; reducing the average particle

siZe of the plurality of poultry feathers; increasing entangle
ment of the plurality of poultry feathers; adding an anionic


US. Cl. ........................ .. 424/543; 8/94.1; 530/355;

530/357; 530/412

polymeric adduct to the plurality of poultry feathers; adding


Field of Search .......................... .. 424/543; 8/94.1;

deWatering the plurality of poultry feathers. In another

embodiment, a composition for processing poultry feathers,

530/355, 357, 412


References Cited
2,857,237 A
3,475,112 A

4,151,306 A

* 10/1958 Frederick et al. ........ .. 8/94.1 R

* 10/1969 Mahall .................... .. 8/94.1 R

4/1979 Williams et al.

a cationic species to the plurality of poultry feathers; and

comprises a detergent capable removing at least a portion of

fats and oils from a poultry feather and imparting a static
charge to the poultry feather; an antimicrobial compound; an

anionic polymeric adduct; and a cationic species.

27 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

U.S. Patent

Dec. 7, 2004

US 6,827,948 B2


Contact Feathers With Detergent

Rinse Feathers


Slurry Feathers

Add Antimicrobial Agent


Reduce Feather Particle Size


Increase Entanglement 0f Feather


Add Anionic Polymeric Adduct


Add Cationic Species N115


Add Structural Additive

Dewater Feathers



Dry Feathers N121


Reduce Sloughing

FIG. 1


US 6,827,948 B2

In another embodiment, the present invention provides a



composition for processing poultry feathers, comprising a

detergent capable of imparting a static charge to the poultry
feather; an anionic polymeric adduct; and a cationic species.

This application claims the bene?t of US. Provisional

Application No. 60/346,046 ?led on Oct. 23, 2001, Which is

Such compositions may generally comprise surfactant-based

cleaners, static additives, and polymeric substrates.

incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.

The present invention provides a method and composi

tions for processing poultry feathers in a loW capital


1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates generally to a method and compo

intensive manner since the method can be practiced using

relatively simple processing equipment. Further, the method

utiliZes chemicals and chemical compositions that are envi
ronmentally safe and, therefore, relatively safe to use com

sitions for processing poultry feathers. More speci?cally, the

invention is directed to a method and chemical compositions

for cleaning and preparing poultry feathers for further pro

cessing into usable items.
2. Description of Related Art
Poultry slaughtering creates a signi?cant amount of
by-products including, for example, offal and feathers. Such
byproducts made be disposed of through burning or burial.
Alternatively, the feathers may be hydrolyZed and dried into

pared to the chemicals used in other poultry cleaning pro


cesses. The method and compositions of the present

invention also impart desirable properties to the feathers or
feather mass, such as improved deWatering properties and
structural integrity, to enhance the usability of the feathers
for other purposes, such as in the construction of other

usable products.
These and other features and bene?ts of the present

meal and reintroduced into the food chain due to the high
usable protein content of the feathers. The feathers may also

invention Will appear from the folloWing description from

be further processed into predetermined shapes or for sub

Which the preferred embodiments are set forth in detail in

sequent use in the construction of other usable products. For

eXample, the feathers may be processed into ?bers that are
incorporated into the structure of other products such as
paper, ?lters, Wovens and non-Wovens, extrusions, laminates

conjunction With the accompanying draWing.



FIG. 1 is a How schematic of a method for processing

and composites, ?llers, insulation, packing, adsorbents, bio

poultry feathers according to one embodiment of the present


degradable horticultural pots, mats, and other matrix-like

products. In these cases, the feathers are typically Washed to
remove fats and oils and subsequently dried.



In processing poultry feathers, it is desirable to process

the feathers in a manner that provides the feathers or feather

Generally, the present invention is directed to a method of

mass With good deWatering properties so that, for eXample,

any Washing solutions may be easily drained. Further it is

processing poultry feathers. More speci?cally, in one


embodiment, the present invention is directed to a method

desirable to process the feathers so that they have suf?cient

for processing poultry feathers, such as chicken feathers,

structural integrity for subsequent use, particularly When the

using certain chemicals and chemical compositions that are

capable of cleaning the feathers and imparting to the feathers

feathers are intended for further processing into predeter

mined shapes or for use in the construction of certain



erties need to be suf?cient to alloW the feathers or feather

Current feather Washing processes are equipment

mass being processed to pass liquid in an acceptable manner

and Within an acceptable time. As Will be discussed beloW,

intensive and, therefore, capital-intensive. For eXample,

some feather Washing processes use solvents, such as chlo

rinated hydrocarbons, that require solvent Washers and dis

tillation and recycling equipment. Other processes use
ethanol, ketones, or esters as cleaners, Which also require
distillation and recycling equipment. Further, some of these

certain desirable properties, including, for eXample, deWa

tering properties and structural integrity. DeWatering prop

suf?cient deWatering properties alloW any cleaning


solutions, rinses, or other chemicals to be drained from the

feathers or feather mass in an acceptable manner and time.

Structural integrity of the feathers or feather mass is

important, particularly in the case Where the feathers Will be

further processed for use in the construction of other usable

solvents are ?ammable and introduce a signi?cant health

and safety risk to personnel utiliZing them.

products, referred to as secondary processing. For eXample,

Based on the foregoing, there is a need for a method for

processing poultry feathers With minimal capital investment

such secondary processing may require transportation of the

as Well as simplicity in use. Further, there is a need for a

feathers or feather mass to another location. In this case,

having a feather mass With suf?cient structural integrity or

method for processing poultry feathers that imparts desirable

cohesiveness makes handling and transportation easier.

properties to the feather material, such as improved deWa

tering properties and structural integrity, to enhance the


usability of the feather material for other purposes.


Further, the structural integrity of the feathers or feather

mass in the construction of other usable products is obvi
ously important since the feathers or feather mass Will be
integral to the structure and rigidity of the form or shape of

such products.
Imparting desirable deWatering properties and structural

Accordingly, the present invention provides a method and

compositions for processing poultry feathers. In one
embodiment, the present invention provides a method for

integrity to the feathers or feather mass can be accomplished

in several Ways. One method is by utiliZing a chemical or

processing poultry feathers, comprising contacting a plural

ity of poultry feathers With a detergent capable of imparting

chemical composition that imparts a static charge to the

a static charge to the plurality of poultry feathers; adding an

feathers. Such a static charge provides a chemical static

bond or intermolecular bond betWeen the feathers that
alloWs them to become or remain cohesive. Cohesiveness of
the feathers alloWs them to be more easily deWatered and

anionic polymeric adduct to the plurality of poultry feathers;

adding a cationic species to the plurality of poultry feathers;
and deWatering the plurality of poultry feathers.


US 6,827,948 B2

provides structural integrity to the feathers or feather mass.

sulfate, alkoyxlated alkylphenol, fatty or fatty amino

A static charge may be imparted to the feathers through the

betaine, ethoxylated/propoxylated fatty acid, gylcosides,

use of certain chemicals or chemical compositions according

to the present invention. Another method for imparting
structural integrity to the feathers or feather mass is by

alkyl benZene sulfonic acid, alkyl benZene sulfonate, ole?n

sulfonate, neutraliZed fatty acid amide, alcohol sulfate,
sodium or ammonium salt of alcohol sulfate, fatty acid

utiliZing a polymer additive according to the present inven

alkanolamide, alkanolamine, sodium metasilicate, sodium

tion. Both of these are described in more detail beloW. It

silicate, and tridsodium phosphate. It should also be appre

ciated that the detergent may be any combination of the
foregoing chemical compounds as Well.
Most preferable combinations include those that provide

should be appreciated that increasing the cohesiveness of the

feathers also reduces sloughing of feather dust or particulate
matter from a product made using the processed feathers.


FIG. 1 is a How schematic of a method for processing

suf?cient Wetting of the feathers, high solvency for the fats

poultry feathers according to one embodiment of the present

invention. In the step 101, a plurality of feathers, Which may

static charge after rinsing. Some preferred combinations

and oils on the feathers, and the ability to impart an anionic

be referred to as a feather mass, from a poultry plucking

operation or similar operation are contacted With a detergent.


include the combination of glycol ether With any of the

aforementioned chemicals useful as the detergent. More

It should be appreciated that While the present invention is

described in terms of poultry feathers, for example, chicken
feathers, it is applicable to feathers from any particular

preferably, the detergent may comprise the combination of

glycol ether With any of the folloWing ethoxylated/
propoxylated alcohol With a hydrophobic lipophilic balance

species. The contacting may be accomplished by any

of 8.530, phosphoric acid ester, ethylene oxide/propylene

method knoWn in the art. Preferably, the contacting is a

Washing step in Which the detergent is combined With Water
and mixed With the feather mass, Wherein such solution is
referred to as a Washing solution. The contacting may be

oxide block copolymer With a hydrophobic lipophilic bal

performed in any mixing device, such as an agitated tank,

capable of holding the feather mass and the detergent and
capable of providing suf?cient contact betWeen the feather

ance of 8.520, alkyl ether sulfate, alkoyxlated alkylphenol,

fatty or fatty amino betaine, ethoxylated/propoxylated fatty
acid, gylcosides, alkyl benZene sulfonic acid, alkyl benZene
sulfonate, ole?n sulfonate, neutraliZed fatty acid amide,

mass and the detergent. In this case, the feathers may be

simply added to the tank, Which is then ?lled With Water, or
visa versa. The detergent may be added before, during, or
after the addition of the feathers and Water to the tank.
The detergent may be a single chemical compound or a
mixture of chemical compounds, Which is referred to as a

combinations include a phophate ester of any of the fore

going chemicals as it is believed that the phosphate ester

provides an anionic static charge When placed in contact

With the feathers.
The detergent is added in an amount su?icient to reduce
the fats and oils contained on the feathers. Preferably, the
detergent is selected and used in a concentration suf?cient to

chemical composition. Preferably the detergent is any

chemical compound or mixture that is capable of at least
partially removing fats or oils from the feathers Without
signi?cantly degrading the feather structure. Such a deter


fat and oil content of the feathers. Preferably, the detergent

is added at a concentration of approximately 300500 mg/kg
of dry feather mass. The speci?c method of addition of the


that provides suf?cient speed in Wetting the feathers and in

The detergent may optionally be combined With a dis

persing aid to assist in mixing the detergent With the
feathers. Such a dispersing aid is any chemical compound
that enhances the dispersion of the selected detergent
throughout the Washing solution. Such a dispersing aid is
preferably a homopolymer, a copolymer, or a terpolymer of

solvency of the fats and oils on the feathers.

acrylic acid. The detergent may also optionally be combined

The detergent may include any of the folloWing chemi

cals: alkyl amine oxides, ethyleneoxide, propylene oxide

adducts of alcohols, phosphate esters, ethyeneoxide/
propylene oxide block copolymers, alkyl ethers, alkyl ether
sulfates, alkoxylated alkyphenols, fatty or fatty amine
betaines, ethylene oxide/propylene oxide adducts of fatty
acids, glycosides, alkyl benZene sulfonic acids, alkyl ben

detergent to the Wash solution may include a batch addition

or a metered addition. The addition may also be continuous.

cantly degrading the structure of the feathers and is capable

of leaving a slight deposition on the feathers, even after
rinsing, Which imparts a static charge on the feathers.
Preferably, the detergent is a chemical compound or mixture

reduce the content of fats and oils on the feathers to less than

1%, Which may be determined by analysis of the remaining

gent is similar to commercially available shampoos.

Preferably, the detergent is a chemical compound or mixture
that is capable of also imparting at least some static charge
to the feathers. Most preferably, the detergent is a chemical
compound or mixture that is capable of at least partially
removing fats and oils from the feathers Without signi?

alcohol sulfate, sodium or ammonium salt of alcohol sulfate,

fatty acid alkanolamide, alkanolamine, sodium metasilicate,

sodium silicate, and tridsodium phosphate. More preferred

With a solvent such as a butyl solvent; hoWever, it is

preferable to not use a solvent unless necessary to aid is the

solubility of the detergent in the Washing solution.

In the step 103, the feathers or feather mass are rinsed to

remove the bulk of the detergent, including any dispersing

aid or other solvent from the feather mass. It should be

appreciated, hoWever, that such rinsing should not be so

Zene sulfonates, ole?n sulfonates, neutraliZed fatty acid

amides, alcohol sulfates, neutraliZed salts of alcohol

imparts the static charge. Rinsing may be accomplished in

sulfates, fatty acid alkanolamides, polyethylene glycol esters

the same tank used for contacting the detergent With the

aggressive as to remove the deposition on the feathers that

of fatty carboxylic acids, glycol ethers, butyl solvents,

feathers, for example, by ?lling the tank With a rinsing

sodium silicate, metasilicate, phosphates and alkanolamines.

solution and agitating the solution and the feathers. The

rinsing solution may be Water or any other liquid provided

It should be appreciated that the detergent may be any

combination of the foregoing chemicals as Well.

such does not remove the deposition on the feathers that

Particularly preferred detergents include the folloWing

provides the static charge. The rinse Water or rinsing solution

chemicals: ethoxylated/propoxylated alcohol With a hydro

phobic lipophilic balance of 8.530, phosphoric acid ester,

ethylene oxide/propylene oxide block copolymer With a

hydrophobic lipophilic balance of 8.520, alkyl ether

is then drained from the feather mass. It should be appre


ciated that any method for rinsing and deWatering the rinse
solution may be used, such as ?ltering. It should be appre
ciated that While desirable, rinsing is not required, in Which

US 6,827,948 B2

case, the detergent or Washing solution may simply be

With the processing of the feathers to reduce their average

drained or the feather mass may be separated from the

particle siZe. In other Words, the same processing equipment

Washing solution using, for example, a ?lter.

used for reducing the particle siZe can be used to increase

entanglement and such processing may concurrently reduce

Depending upon the ?nal use of the feather mass, it may

the average particle siZe as Well as increase entanglement of

the feather mass. Therefore, it should be appreciated that

be possible to stop processing of the feathers at this point

and simply use the feather mass after rinsing. For example,

preferably, steps 109 and 111 are performed using the same
equipment and at the same time. It should also be appreci
ated that increasing the entanglement of the feathers can be
performed Without step 109, such that it is not necessary to

Where the feather mass is utiliZed on-site, it may not be

necessary to continue processing of the feathers, and the

static charge imparted from the detergent may be suf?cient.

In this case, the feather mass could simply be dried by any

reduce the particle siZe of the feathers per se, as long as

method knoWn in the art, such as oven drying, and used as

is or in any secondary processing operation.

In the step 105, the feathers are slurried, preferably With
Water. Again, this may be accomplished using the same tank
by simply adding Water to the rinsed feather mass. The
concentration of the slurry may be up to 10% by Weight of
dry feathers, but more preferably is approximately 0.51%

entanglement of the feathers is accomplished.

In the step 113, an anionic polymer adduct is added to the
slurried feathers or feather mass. As noted above, it is
15 desirable to provide structural integrity or cohesiveness to
the feather mass for purposes of better handling and use as

a structural component in the construction of other products.

Since, for example, the feathers lack the ?brils and hydrogen
bonding capacity of cellulose, it is desirable to impart a
chemical static bonding property to the feathers. This static

by Weight of dry feathers.

In the step 107, an antimicrobial agent may be added to
the slurried feathers. It should be appreciated that it is not
mandatory for the present invention to add an antimicrobial
agent. HoWever, the feather mass must be used very quickly
before the onset of microbial or bacterial groWth, Which may
reduce the structural integrity of the feather mass. The

antimicrobial compound may be any compound capable of

bond is believed to be an intermolecular bond betWeen the

feathers that causes them to remain cohesive as they are

further processed and deWatered. While the detergent


reducing or prohibiting microbial or bacterial groWth.

Preferably, the antimicrobial compound should not act to
degrade the alpha helix keratin structure of the feathers.

Exemplary antimicrobial compounds include hydrogen

peroxide, gluteraldehyde, and methylene bis-thiocyanate.
One of skill in the art Will appreciate that the amount of
anitmicrobial compound added should be suf?cient to mini
miZe any bacterial or microbial groWth.
In the step 109, the feathers are processed to reduce their
average siZe. It should be appreciated that the feathers
comprising the feather mass each have a particular siZe. This


siZe is referred to as the particle siZe or feather siZe, and a

given feather mass has an average particle siZe. It is desir

able to reduce the average particle siZe of the feathers since

they are more easily processed if the average siZe is smaller.
For example, it is easier to agitate, pump, and handle an
aggregate mass of feathers having a smaller siZe. Preferably,
reducing the average particle siZe of the feather mass also


imparts a static charge to the feathers to provide this

cohesiveness, to impart an even greater Wet processing bond
strength, an anionic polymeric adduct added. Without being
limited to any particular theory, it is believed that the anionic
polymeric adduct is electrostatically attracted to the amino
moiety in the feather structure. The balance of anionic
polymeric adduct then entangles the feather mass.
This anionic polymeric adduct may be added by any
manner knoWn in the art to the slurried feathers and mixed.
In addition, the same tank used throughout may be continued
to be used. This anionic polymeric adduct may be any
anionic polymer knoWn in the art or any chemical compound
capable of imparting an anionic charge to the feathers, Which
results in entanglement of the feathers in the feather mass.
Preferably, the anionic polymeric adduct is of suf?cient
molecular Weight to alloW entanglement With the feather

particles. For example, anionic polymers having a molecular

Weight of approximately 40,000 to 300,000 may be used.
Preferably, the anionic polymeric adduct may be hydrolyZed

polyacrylamide, hydrolyZed polyacrylonitrile, homopoly

mers or copolymers of acrylic acid, copolymers of acrylic

results in a feather mass having a more uniform particle siZe. 45 acid and acrylamide, a combination of copolymers of acry
In other Words, the standard deviation associated With the
lamide and anionic monomers, silica sols, or any combina

average particle siZe may be reduced so that the particle siZe

tion of these or other anionic polymers knoWn in the art. It

distribution of the feather mass re?ects a more uniform

particle siZe or a more narroW particle siZe range.

should be appreciated that combinations of anionic poly

reduced by processing the aqueous feather slurry using any

meric adducts may also be used.

The anionic polymeric adduct is added in an amount
suf?cient to provide a uniform anionic charge distribution in

means knoWn in the art that reduces particle siZe and,

preferably, provides for a more uniform siZe. For example,

the feathers, Which may be determined by a colloid charge

titration. Preferably, the anionic polymeric adduct is added

The average particle siZe of the feather mass may be

the slurry may be processed using ball milling, colloid

milling, re?ning, or processes knoWn in cellulose derivative


to the slurry at a concentration of approximately 100300


mg/kg of dry feather mass. The speci?c method of addition

of the detergent to the Wash solution may include a batch

In the step 111, the entanglement of the feathers in the

addition or a metered addition. The addition may also be

feather mass is increased. Such entanglement refers to the

In the step 115, a cationic species is added to the slurry.

intertWining of the feather strands amongst themselves in the

feather mass. Increasing the entanglement of the feathers is
important in imparting structural integrity to the feather
mass, Which, in turn, also aids in ease of handling and
subsequent processing. One manner in Which the feathers
may be entangled is by ?brillation enhancement of the
keratin strand of the feathers.
It should be appreciated that although the entanglement is
shoWn as a separate step, it may be performed concurrently

Since the slurried feather mass possesses a signi?cant

anionic charge, to impart good deWatering properties and

provide structural integrity, a cationic species is added. The
cationic species may be any chemical compound having at
least one cationic portion. Without being limited to any

particular theory, it is believed that this cationic portion

electrostatically bonds With the anionic polymeric adduct,
Which is meshed With or entangled With the feathers. The

US 6,827,948 B2

combination of the cationic species With the anionic poly

meric adduct provides additional structural strength to the
feather mass, Which is useful in maintaining a cohesive
feather mass as it is further processed.

mass may be dried for subsequent use. For example, if the

end use of the feather mass does not require a predetermined
amount of structural integrity, then the feather mass may be
acceptable as is. If, hoWever, the end use of the feather mass

The cationic species may be an inorganic species such as

is for incorporation into other products such that the feather

aluminum sulfate, aluminum chloride, aluminum

mass Will be providing some structural integrity to such

chlorohydrate, aluminum silicate, phosphate, polyaluminum

chloride, polyaluminum sulfate, polyaluminum sulfate

products, then additional processing, as described beloW,

silicate, ferrous or ferric iron, or an organic species such as

cationic starch, homopolymers or copolymers of dimethyl

diallyl ammonium chloride, epichlorihydrin alkylamine


condensate polymers, and ethylene dichloride ammonia

polymers. Preferably, the cationic species is a cationic
polymer having a sufficient molecular Weight to provide
sufficient cohesiveness and structural integrity to the feather
mass. Preferably, the cationic species is a higher molecular
Weight copolymer of acrylamide With a cationic monomer in
excess of 1,000,000 molecular Weight. More preferably, the
cationic species is a polymer having a branched distribution,

Which may be obtained by polymeriZation With methylene

bis-acrylamides or glyoxal crosslinking of the amide func
tions. It should be appreciated that combinations of various
cationic species may also be used. For example, a copolymer

feather mass is not suf?cient for the desired end use, such as


anionic polymeric adduct and the cationic species. It should

be appreciated that the structural additive may be added
concurrently With either or both of the anionic polymeric
adduct and the cationic species. Alternatively, the structural
additive may be added after the addition of the anionic


polymeric adduct and the cationic species.

6,238,486 to Dunham et al., Which is incorporated herein by

reference in its entirety.

The structural additive is added in an amount sufficient to

provide the desired structural integrity. Preferably, the struc

The cationic species is added in an amount suf?cient to

tural additive is added to the slurry at a concentration of

provide acceptable deWatering properties for the feather

mass. As Will be discussed beloW, the feather mass is
ultimately deWatered for use, and it is necessary to have a

for incorporation into the structure of other products, then

the structural additive may be necessary. The addition of the
structural additive may be accomplished by any means
knoWn in the art and may simply be mixed into the same
tank and agitated in a manner similar to the addition of the

or terpolymer of acrylamide in combination With a quater

nary cationic monomer may be used. Additional cationic
species that may be used are described in US. Pat. No.

may be desirable.
In the step 117, a structural additive is added to the
slurried feathers. As noted, the feather mass may have
suf?cient structural integrity Without the addition of a struc
tural additive depending upon the desired end use of the
feather mass. If the structural integrity or rigidity of the


approximately 25% by Weight of dry feather mass and

more preferably approximately 23% by Weight of the dry
feather mass. The speci?c method of addition of the deter

feather mass that alloWs su?icient deWatering. Further, the

cationic species is added to provide structural integrity,
speci?cally Wet strength. After deWatering, the feather mass

gent to the Wash solution may include a batch addition or a

metered addition. The addition may also be continuous.

The structural additive may be any chemical compound

Will still contain moisture but it is desirable to have a 35

that imparts structural integrity or rigidity to the feather
deWatered feather mass that has suf?cient Wet strength so
mass. Speci?cally, the structural additive may be a chemical
that the feather mass remains intact as it is further processed.
compound that is Water soluble and that adheres to the
Therefore, the concentration of cationic species used may be
feathers in the feather mass during deWatering and that Will
determined based upon Whether the feather mass exhibits

acceptable deWatering properties and Wet strength.


Preferably, the cationic species is added to the slurry at a

concentration of approximately 300800 mg/kg of dry

thermoset and become Water insoluble upon subsequent

heating, such a drying of the feather mass. The structural
additive may be a thermosetting polymer such as amine

feather mass. The speci?c method of addition of the deter

resins, amide resins, linear polyethylene, phenolics, alkyds,

gent to the Wash solution may include a batch addition or a

polyesters, and silicones.

metered addition. The addition may also be continuous.

It should be appreciated that the addition of the anionic


Preferred polymers include amine resins, as they posses a

degree of cationicity and are thus attracted into the feather

polymeric adduct and the cationic species may be performed

mass. These amine resins may be substituted for the cationic

sequentially, With either one being added before the other. In

other Words, the same bene?ts may be obtained by adding
the anionic polymeric adduct before the cationic species, or

polyacrylamides used as a cationic species; hoWever, it is

preferable to add the amine resins in addition to the cationic
species. Typically, these amine resins are condensations of


epichlorohydrin, alkylamine, and dicarboxylic acids, such as

adipic acid, or condensations of methyl bis (aminopropyl)

visa versa. It should also be appreciated that various com

binations of anionic polymer adducts and cationic species

may also be used. For example, a copolymer or terpolymer

amine, epichlorohydrin, oxalic acid and urea. These amines

of acrylamide With an anionic monomer may be used.

resins are sold under the trade names KYMENE 557H and

The addition of the cationic species also provides for the

separation of at least a fraction of the quill portion of the
feathers from the remainder of the feather mass. Speci?cally,
the quill portion of the feather mass ?oats to the top of the
slurried feathers after addition and mixing of the cationic
species, While the remaining portion of the feather mass


KYMENE 450 by the Hercules Corporation of Wilmington,

Del. The inclusion of these polyamides in the range of 0.1
to 3% by Weight of the dry feather mass provides desirable
structural rigidity to a feather-based container or sheet When


hot air dried.

In addition, crosslinking of polyacrylamides used as a

sinks. Therefore, this fraction of the quill portion may

cationic species, in particular, homopolymers and copoly

optionally be removed from the rest of the slurried feather

mass if desired. Such removal may be performed by skim

mers of polyacrylamides, With glyoxal has been found to

also provide additional structural integrity or rigidity to the
feather mass. As the glyoxal crosslinks the amide functions
during drying of the feather mass discussed further beloW,
the polymer crosslinks to a degree that Water solubility is

ming the surface of the slurry or by selectively removing the

upper portion of the slurry and ?ltering out the quill fraction.
At this point in the processing of the feathers, it should be
appreciated that the slurry may be deWatered and the feather


lost and signi?cant structural integrity is gained.

US 6,827,948 B2


In the step 119, the feather mass is deWatered. DeWatering

made by accomplished using any means known in the art,

sheet Was easily removed from the former screen and dried.

such as by simple drainage of the liquid portion of the slurry

The ?nished handsheet shoWed good uniformity and distri

bution of feather mass. The dry strength of the product,

or by ?ltering means, such as a vacuum ?lter belt, or

hoWever, Was poor.

centrifuge. It si preferable to deWater the feather mass to


approximately 2040% by Weight of solids or feathers. The

feather mass is then discharged from the deWatering equip

The procedure of Example 1 Was repeated except that the

folloWing step Was added: 50 mg/kg dry feathers of an

ment or the tank.

In the step 121, the feather mass from the deWatering

equipment is then dried. Drying may be accomplished by


any means knoWn in the art, including, for example, air

anionic emulsion polymer Was added to the slurry in dilute

form. The polymer Was a copolymer of acrylic acid and
acrylamide in the mole ratio of 65% acrylic acid and 35%

drying or through the use of heaters or ovens. It should be

acrylamide. This Was done in a vessel using a standard

appreciated that the feather mass may be used for any other

laboratory mixer. After 1.0 minute of mixing, a solution of

50 mg/kg of a cationic copolymer Was added. The polymer
Was a copolymer of methacryloyl ethyl trimethyl ammonium
chloride (METAC) and acrylamide in a ratio of 50 mole %
METAC to 50 mole % acrylamide With a branched distri

desired purpose before drying, including secondary process

ing. In this case, the Wet strength of the feather mass after


deWatering should be suf?cient to alloW further processing

and handling of the feather mass Without a signi?cant loss of

cohesiveness or integrity. After drying, hoWever, the feather

mass may be used in subsequent secondary processing for
additional purposes or it may be rolled up as roll stock for

A ?occulation effect Was immediately noticed as the


subsequent secondary processing.

In the step 123, an anti-sloughing agent may be added to
the dried feather mass. This agent is any chemical compound
capable of reducing sloughing of minute feather matter or
particulate matter from the feather mass. This agent may be
applied by any means knoWn in the art, such as spraying.

added to a standard handsheet former. Observed drainage

Was signi?cantly better than that of Example 1. The sheet

sheet Was cohesive and signi?cantly stronger than the sheet

alcohol, and, in particular, a 0.5% solution of polyvinyl


alcohol. Achemical composition comprising polyvinyl chlo


used. Other anti-sloughing agents include a polyvinyl

Was added. The slurry Was poured into a standard handsheet

former. Observed drainage Was again signi?cantly better

used on the feather mass after any secondary processing of


The invention having been described, the folloWing

examples are presented to illustrate, rather than to limit the
scope of the invention.


some sloughing of minute feather particles When dried. To

to drying the handsheet, a 0.5% solution of polyvinyl

alcohol Was sprayed using a standard hand trigger sprayer on

composition consisting of the folloWing, by Weight, Was

moles of ethylene oxide, 2.5% alkylaryl ether phosphate,


The feather slurry Was agitated for 10 minutes, and the

vessel Was drained. The vessel Was re?lled With clean Water


50 grams of the dried feathers Were then slurried in 1500

grams of hot tap Water. The slurry Was then added to a

Observed drainage, hoWever, Was poor. The resultant hand

tutions may be made therein Without departing from the

spirit and scope of the present invention as de?ned in the
accompanying claims. In particular, it Will be clear to those
skilled in the art that the present invention may be embodied

components, Without departing from the spirit or essential

characteristics thereof. The presently disclosed embodi
ments are therefore to be considered in all respects as

illustrative and not restrictive, the scope of the invention

standard laboratory blender, and the feathers Were pulped to

a uniform siZe. The contents of the blender Were then added
to a ball mill to achieve some ?brillation by crushing. The
slurry Was then poured into a standard handsheet former.

Example 1 being the Worst.

While the foregoing description and draWing represent the
preferred embodiments of the present invention, it Will be
understood that various additions, modi?cations and substi

in other speci?c forms, structures, arrangements,

proportions, and With other elements, materials, and

shoWed no traces of fats or oils on the feathers, yet resistance

to Water Was retained. Static charge testing shoWed signi?

cant anionic charge density on the feathers.

one side of each of the handsheets. This side Was marked

A. The untreated side Was marked B. The handsheets
Were then dried. All three handsheets When dried shoWed no

signs of sloughing or dusting on the A side. All three

handsheets shoWed signs of sloughing on the B side, With

and 71.5% Water.

and agitated for ?ve minutes. The vessel Was drained and the
100 grams of feathers recovered and air dried at 200E.
Testing performed on the feathers via hexane extraction

The sheets generated in Examples 1, 2, and 3 shoWed

eliminate this, Examples 1, 2, and 3 Were repeated, but prior

slaughtering operation Were hand chopped into manageable

added: 5 .0% sodium metasilicate, 1.0% sodium EDTA,

10.0% sodium xylene sulfonate, 5.0% sodium octane
sulfonate, 5.0% sodium laureth sulfate modi?ed With 3

than that of Example 1. The sheet Was easily removed from

the screen and dried. The sheet Was extremely rigid and
shoWed good utility as a potential formed product.

100 grams of chicken feathers obtained from a fresh

pieces and added to 10,000 grams of tap Water. A standard

laboratory mixer Was used to agitate the feathers in the
Water. With agitation, 400 parts per million of a chemical

The procedure of Example 2 Was repeated, except that

after the addition of the cationic polymer, 2% by Weight of

a cationic thermosetting polyamide (HERCULES 557H)

acetate emulsion and a butadiene copolymer emulsion. It

should be appreciated that the anti-sloughing agent may be

the feather mass as Well.

Was easily removed from the screen and dried. The dried

created in Example 1.

Preferably, the anti-sloughing agent comprises polyvinyl

ride and a Zirconium salt as a crosslinking agent may also be

cationic material bridged the feathers containing the anionic

polymer. Quill particles Were observed ?oating on the top of
the vessel, and they Were skimmed off. The slurry Was again

being indicated by the appended claims, and not limited to


the foregoing description.

For example, it is to be understood that although the
invention has been described using separate steps, many of

US 6,827,948 B2


the steps may be performed concurrently. Further, each of

the speci?c chemical additives, including the anionic poly
meric adduct, the cationic species, and the structural additive

selected from the group consisting of: alkyl amine oxides,

ethylene oxide adducts of alcohols, propylene oxide adducts

of alcohols, phosphate esters, ethylene oxide/propylene

oxide block copolymers, alkyl ethers, alkyl ether sulfates,

may be either a single chemical compound or a chemical

composition comprising a mixture of different chemical

compounds. Also, as noted above, many of these chemical
compounds or mixtures may be added together or separately.
What is claimed is:

alkoxylated alkyphenols, fatty betaines, fatty amine

betaines, ethylene oxide adducts of fatty acids, propylene
oxide adducts of fatty acids, glycosides, alkyl benZene
sulfonic acids, alkyl benZene sulfonates, ole?n sulfonates,

1. A method for processing poultry feathers, comprising:

contacting a plurality of poultry feathers having an aver

age particle siZe With a detergent capable of imparting

a static charge to said plurality of poultry feathers;
reducing said average particle siZe of said plurality of


ylene glycol esters of fatty carboxylic acids, butyl solvents,

sodium silicate, metasilicates, phosphates, alkanolamines,
and combinations thereof.

poultry feathers;
increasing entanglement of said plurality of poultry feath



poultry feathers;

deWatering said plurality of poultry feathers.

average particle siZe comprises passing said plurality of

detergent comprises a chemical compound capable of

feathers through a mill.


10. The method of claim 8, Wherein said reducing said

average particle siZe comprises reducing a standard devia
tion associated With said average particle siZe.
11. The method of claim 1, Wherein said increasing said


increasing ?brillation of a plurality of keratin strands asso

plurality of poultry feathers.

3. The method of claim 1, Wherein said detergent com
prises a chemical compound selected from the group con

sisting of: alkyl amine oxides, ethylene oxide adducts of

alcohols, propylene oxide adducts of alcohols, phosphate
esters, ethylene oxide/propylene oxide block copolymers,

entanglement of said plurality of poultry feathers comprises

ciated With said plurality of poultry feathers.
12. The method of claim 1, wherein said anionic poly
meric adduct comprises a chemical compound capable of

alkyl ethers, alkyl ether sulfates, alkoxylated alkyphenols,

fatty betaines, fatty amine betaines, ethylene oxide adducts
of fatty acids, propylene oxide adducts of fatty acids,
glycosides, alkyl benZene sulfonic acids, alkyl benZene
sulfonates, ole?n sulfonates, neutraliZed fatty acid amides,
alcohol sulfates, neutraliZed salts of alcohol sulfates, fatty

increasing entanglement of said plurality of poultry feathers.


13. The method of claim 1, Wherein said anionic poly

meric adduct comprises an anionic polymer.
14. The method of claim 12, Wherein said anionic poly
meric adduct comprises a chemical compound selected from


lyZed polyacrylonitrile, homopolymers of acrylic acid,

acid alkanolamides, polyethylene glycol esters of fatty car

the group consisting of: hydrolyZed polyacrylamide, hydro

boxylic acids, glycol ethers, butyl solvents, sodium silicate,

metasilicates, phosphates, alkanolamines, and combinations

copolymers of acrylic acid and acrylamide, copolymers


4. The method of claim 1, Where said detergent comprises

acrylamide and anionic monomers, silica sols, and combi

nations thereof.

a mixture of a glycol ether and a chemical compound

selected from the group consisting of: alkyl amine oxides,

ethylene oxide adducts of alcohols, propylene oxide adducts

15. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species


of alcohols, phosphate esters, ethylene oxide/propylene

oxide block copolymers, alkyl ethers, alkyl ether sulfates,

alkoxylated alkyphenols, fatty betaines, fatty amine

betaines, ethylene oxide adducts of fatty acids, propylene
oxide adducts of fatty acids, glycosides, alkyl benZene
sulfonic acids, alkyl benZene sulfonates, ole?n sulfonates,


polyaluminum sulfate silicate, ferrous iron, ferric iron, and

combinations thereof.

ammonium salt of an acrylate homopolymer, an ammonium

salt of an acrylate copolymer, an ammonium salt of an

condensate polymers, ethylene dichloride ammonia

polymers, and combinations thereof.
18. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species
comprises copolymers of acrylamide and a cationic mono
mer having a molecular Weight greater than approximately



acrylamide homopolymer, a partially hydrolyZed acrylamide

6. The method of claim 1, Where said detergent comprises

a mixture of a dispersing aid and a chemical compound

17. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species

comprises an organic chemical compound selected from the
group consisting of: cationic starch, homopolymers of dim

ethyldiallyl ammonium chloride, copolymers of dimethyl

diallyl ammonium chloride, epichlorihydrin alkylamine

homopolymer, and combinations thereof.

5. The method of claim 4, further comprising a butyl

and binding to said anionic polymeric adduct.

16. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species
comprises an inorganic chemical compound selected from
the group consisting of: aluminum sulfate, aluminum

chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum silicate,

copolymers of acrylamide, terpolymers of acrylamide, an

acrylate terpolymer, an sodium salt of an acrylate
homopolymer, an sodium salt of an acrylate copolymer, an
sodium salt of an acrylate terpolymer, a fully hydrolyZed

comprises a chemical compound capable of increasing

deWatering properties of said plurality of poultry feathers

phosphate, polyaluminum chloride, polyaluminum sulfate,

neutraliZed fatty acid amides, alcohol sulfates, neutraliZed

salts of alcohol sulfates, fatty acid alkanolamides, polyeth

ylene glycol esters of fatty carboxylic acids, butyl solvents,

sodium silicate, metasilicates, phosphates, alkanolamines,

said increasing entanglement of said plurality of poultry

feathers are performed concurrently.
9. The method of claim 8, Wherein said reducing said

2. The method of claim 1, Wherein said plurality of

poultry feathers comprise fats and oils and Wherein said
removing at least a portion of said fats and oils from said

7. The method of claim 6, Wherein said dispersing aid

comprises a chemical compound selected from the group

consisting of: a homopolymer of acrylic acid, a copolymer

of acrylic acid, and a terpolymer of acrylic acid.
8. The method of claim 1, Wherein said reducing said
average particle siZe of said plurality of poultry feathers and

adding an anionic polymeric adduct to said plurality of

adding a cationic species to said plurality of poultry

feathers; and

neutraliZed fatty acid amides, alcohol sulfates, neutraliZed

salts of alcohol sulfates, fatty acid alkanolamides, polyeth

19. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species

comprises a chemical compound selected from the group

US 6,827,948 B2

consisting of: a branched polymer produced from polymer
iZation using methylene bis-acrylamides and a branched
polymer produced from glyoXal crosslinking of amide func

24. The method of claim 23, Wherein said structural

additive comprises a thermosetting polymer selected from

the group consisting of: amine resins, amide resins, linear

polyethylene, phenolics, alkyds, polyesters, silicones, and

tional groups.

20. The method of claim 1, further comprising rinsing said

plurality of feathers after said contacting With said detergent
and before said reducing of said average particle siZe.
21. The method of claim 1, further comprising adding an
antimicrobial compound to said plurality of poultry feathers.
22. The method of claim 1, further comprising separating
a plurality of quills from said plurality of poultry feathers
after said adding said cationic species to said plurality of

combinations thereof.
25. The method of claim 23, Wherein said amine resins are
selected from the group consisting of: condensations of

poultry feathers.

27. The method of claim 1, further comprising adding a

polyvinyl alcohol to said plurality of poultry feathers.

23. The method of claim 1, further comprising adding a

structural additive to said plurality of poultry feathers before

said deWatering of said plurality of poultry feathers.

epichlorohydrin, alkylamine, and dicarboXylic acids and

condensations of methyl bis (aminopropyl) amine,
epichlorohydrin, oXalic acid and urea.

26. The method of claim 1, Wherein said cationic species

comprises a cationic polyacrylamide copolymer and gly



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