E Book Jobinterview

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Hogyan szerepelj sikerrel

az angol nyelv llsinterjn

Present yourself successfully
in the job interview

Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva

Ny.sz.:01-0279-04 Akkreditcis szm: AL-1134

Az angol nyelv llsinterjhoz komoly felkszls szksges, hogy magabiztos vlaszokkal, grdlkeny mondatokkal meggyzd
az interjztatt arrl, te vagy a szmukra legmegfelelbb plyz. Ehhez nyjt most segtsget ez az e-book, amelyben megtallod
hogyan tudod angolul bemutatni szakmai tapasztalataidat, elnys tulajdonsgaidat az adott pozcihoz, valamint nhny tipikus llsinterj krdst s az azokra adhat vlasz mintkat.

I. Useful tips for a successful job interview

Before your job Interview

all you can about the company or organization. Employers expect you to arrive knowing background information
about the organization. If you don't, you look like you're not really interested in the job.Research helps you formulate
intelligent and appropriate questions to ask in your interview.


papers for your interview, including extra copies of your resume, job reference lists, reference letters, legal pad
for taking notes, and any other information that you may wish to have with you.

During your job interview:


10 to 15 minutes early.


a professional image. Don't address the interviewer by his or her first name unless you are invited to.


ever interrupt the interviewer, even if you are anxious and enthusiastic about answering the question.


be shy or self-effacing, be confident, reassuring and calm.


make negative comments about previous employers or professors (or others).


very carefully to each question you are asked and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers. Ask for
clarification if you don't understand a question.It is OK to take a few moments of silence to gather your thoughts before


sure you understand the employer's next step in the hiring process; know when and from whom you should expect
to hear next. Know what action you are expected to take next, if any. Always thank the interviewer for his or her time at
the close of the interview and establish a follow-up plan.

After the interview:


you are working with a search firm or recruiter, call that recruiter immediately while the facts of the interview are fresh
on your mind.


is nice to send a thank you letter to the interviewer. It is good to keep the letter short but to also reiterate your interest
in the position and your confidence in your qualifications.


call the employer back immediately. If the employer said they would have a decision in a week, it is OK to call them
in a week, again to thank them for the interview and reiterate your interest.

Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva

II. Traditional Job Interview

We recommend that you do take some time to think through your answers to some common interview
questions. Taking that time to formulate your answers and solidify your thoughts will give you more poise
and security during the actual interview.
Traditional Interview Questions with sample answers and advice

1. Tell me about yourself.

Tell me about yourself,' is not the queue to begin your life story. But summarize your main studies, degrees, certificates you have briefly
and then you can give a bit more detailed description of the jobs and positions you have worked in mentioning your responsibilities
and main projects and achievements.
I graduated from University majoring in (field). I have a degree in .
I started my career at .. company in a position of assistant and was responsible for and
I was involved in a . project where I could prove my ability to be able to work in a team as well as to organize a group of
people work effectively.
Then I was promoted and continued my work in a .. manager position with more responsibility. / or After a while
I felt I needed more challenge so I applied for a job at company as a manager where I worked for years.
Sample Answer for fresh graduates: I've just graduated from the University of London with a degree in Computers. During the
summers, I worked as a systems administrator for a small company to help pay for my education.
Advice: This question is meant as an introduction. Do not focus too specifically on any one area. The above question
will often be used to help the interviewer choose what he/she would like to ask next. While it is important to give an overall impression of who you are, make sure to concentrate on work related experience. Work related experience should
always be the central focus of any interview (work experience is more important than education in most English speaking

2. Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?

Sample Answer: I advised customers on financial matters. After I consulted the customer, I completed a customer inquiry form and
catalogued the information in our database. I then collaborated with colleagues to prepare the best possible package for the client. The
clients were then presented with a summarized report on their financial activities that I formulated on a quarterly basis.
Advice: Notice the amount of detail necessary when you are talking about your experience. One of the most common
mistakes made by foreigners when discussing their former employment is to speak too generally. The employer wants
to know exactly what you did and how you did it; the more detail you can give the more the interviewer knows that you
understand the type of work. Remember to vary your vocabulary when talking about your responsibilities. Also, do not begin
every sentence with "I". Use the passive voice, or an introductory clause to help you add variety to your presentation.

3. What is your greatest strength?

Sample answer 1: I work well under pressure. When there is a deadline (a time by which the work must be finished), I can focus on the
task at hand (current project) and structure my work schedule well. I remember one week when I had to get 6 new customer reports
out by Friday at 5. I finished all the reports ahead of time without having to work overtime.
Sample answer 2: I am an excellent communicator. People trust me and come to me for advice. One afternoon, my colleague was
involved with a difficult customer who felt he was not being served well. I made the customer a cup of coffee and invited both my
colleague and the client to my desk where we solved the problem together.
Sample answer 3: I am a trouble shooter. When there was a problem at my last job, the manager would always ask me to solve it.
Last summer, the LAN server at work crashed. The manager was desperate and called me in (requested my help) to get the LAN back
online. After taking a look at the daily backup, I detected the problem and the LAN was up and running (working) within the hour.
Advice: This is not the time to be modest! Be confident and always give examples. Examples show that you are not only
repeating words you have learned, but actually do possess that strength.

Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva

4. What is your greatest weakness?

Sample Answer 1: I am overzealous (work too hard) and become nervous when my co-workers are not pulling their weight (doing their
job). However, I am aware of this problem, and before I say anything to anyone, I ask myself why the colleague is having difficulties.
Sample Answer 2: I tend to spend too much time making sure the customer is satisfied. However, I began setting time-limits for
myself if I noticed this happening.
Advice: This is a difficult question. You need to mention a weakness that is actually a strength or a minor weakness that
can be fixed. Make sure that you always mention how you try to improve the weakness.

5. Why do you want to work for Smith and Sons?

Sample answer 1: After following your firm progress for the last 3 years, I am convinced that Smith and Sons are becoming one of
the market leaders and I would like to be part of the team.
Sample answer 2: I am impressed by the quality of your products. I am sure that I would be a convincing salesman because I truly
believe that the xxx is the best product on the market today.
Advice: Prepare yourself for this question by becoming informed about the company. The more detail you can give, the
better you show the interviewer that you understand the company.

6. Why should we hire you?

This is a challenging question for any applicant, but especially difficult for those entering the workforce.
This is your chance to deliver all your key messages. This is your chance to reinforce the interviewer's positive first impression about
you (or reverse a negative first impression.)
The three most important characteristics an employer look for in an employee:
 the ability to get things done

ability to solve problems

the ability to work with other people

You can begin to tell stories about yourself that will illustrate these characteristics. Give one example to illustrate each category. Your
ability to get things done is perhaps the best place to start. For example, maybe you worked your way through college, taking a full
course load each semester while holding two part time jobs. Or if you are more experienced you can mention some specific projects
you have been involved in emphasizing the importance of your role in the project.
You also have worked well with people. Perhaps your employer asked you to lead a team of employees to implement a new product
launch, show others how to use a new cash register or train new staff.
Many applicants tell rather than show. They'll say something like: "You should hire me because I am hard-working, honest and very
interested in your company." That's a swing and a miss. Nearly any candidate can say that. Its your chance to show that you have
what the company wants.

Some more traditional job interview questions:


type of people do you have the most trouble getting along with in the workplace, and, how do you handle it?


constructive criticism have you received from employers?


me about your greatest achievement and greatest disappointment?


do you expect to experience in this job that you did not experience in your past jobs?

do you feel about evening work? Weekend work? Carrying a pager? Being on call?


we make you an offer, what do you see as your future here?

Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva


you prefer working independently or as part of a team?


are your short- and long-range goals and how do you expect to achieve them?


does success mean to you? How do you measure it?


did you leave your last job and why?

III. Useful vocabulary

Some useful verbs

1. take action; do something 2. take effect; have a particular effect

cselekszik, intzkedik

achieve or complete successfully

teljest, vgrehajt


work jointly on an activity, esp. to produce or create something



bring the different elements (of a complex activity or organization) into

a relationship that will ensure efficiency or harmony



1. take measures concerning (someone or something), esp. with the

intention of putting something right
2. cope with (a difficult person or situation)

foglalkozik vmivel, bnik

vkivel, kereskedik


grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate

fejldik, fejleszt


supervise and control



set up (an organization, system, or set of rules) on a firm or permanent


alapt, ltrehoz, megllapt


inspect (someone or something) in detail to determine their nature or

condition; investigate thoroughly



become or make larger or more extensive

kibvt, kiterjeszt

make (an action or process) easy or easier


manage (a situation or problem)


put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

teljest, vgrehajt


become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree



examine (someone or something) to ensure that they reach an official


ellenriz, megvizsgl


1. place or fix (equipment or machinery) in position ready for use

2. place (someone) in a new position of authority, esp. with ceremony

elhelyez, beiktat


bring (something, esp. a product, measure, or concept) into use or

operation for the first time



1. be in charge of (a company, establishment, or undertaking); administer; run

2. succeed in doing, achieving, or producing (something, esp. something
igazgat, irnyt, sikerl


cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue


stimulate (someone's) interest in or enthusiasm for doing something

motivl, sztnz

try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others

trgyal, egyezkedik

carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function)

vghezvisz, vgrehajt

make (something) ready for use or consideration


show or offer (something) for others to scrutinize or consider

elad, bemutat

equip or supply someone with (something useful or necessary)

ellt, gondoskodik

acquire (something) by paying for it; buy








Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva


1. increase the amount, level, or strength of

2. cause to be heard, considered, or discussed

megnvel, felhoz


advise (someone) to do something



set down in writing or some other permanent form for later reference, esp.

set up

1. establish a business, institution, or other organization

2. make the arrangements necessary for something

ltest, elindt


find an answer to, explanation for, or means of effectively dealing with

(a problem or mystery)



make or become stronger


Some useful adjectives to describe yourself




correct and exact


adjust easily to new circumstances


willing to listen to opinions and accept behaviour different from ones own, tolerant szles ltkr

conscientious showing the one cares about doing thing well










may be relied on


full of with energy


showing interest


knowledgeable about sg.


introducing and using new ideas


reasonable, sensible

logikus gondolkods

be keen on sg


Not influenced by personal feelings


having a constructive attitude


concerned with reality and action



rzkeny, megrt

achieving of the desired aim




Manhattan Nyelvstdi 2009. minden jog fenntartva

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