Siebel Fundamentals For Siebel Open UI-Innovation Pack 2013 v8.1 - 8.2

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Siebel Fundamentals for

Siebel Open UI
Siebel Innovation Pack 2013
Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A
December 2013

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Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI 1

Chapter 1:

Whats New in This Release

Chapter 2:

Getting Started with the Siebel Application

Logging In to the Siebel Application


About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel Application

Using Browser Features


Logging Out of the Siebel Application

Chapter 3:


About the User Interface

About Elements of Siebel Application Window

About Keyboard Navigation
About the Branding Area


About the Application Toolbar

About the Site Map
About the Thread Bar
About Screens





About Home Pages for Screens

About Link Bars for Screens
About Explorer Views



About the Resource Scheduler




About Views and Subviews


About Using the Visibility Filter in Lists

About View Tabs 31
About Subviews 32

About Lists



About the Application-Level Menu

About Charts




About Vertical Scrolling in Lists 33

About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists 34

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Expanding and Collapsing Lists

About Forms



About Common Buttons in Lists and Forms

About Notifications



About the Notification Icon and Notification Panes

About Colors for Notifications 38

About the Saved Queries Field

About the Contact Us Link




Chapter 4:

About Records, Fields, and Field Controls

About Records


About Fields


About Text Fields


About Field Controls

About Check Boxes


About Option Buttons

About Drop-Down Lists


About Field Control Buttons


About the Currency Calculator

About the Calendar Control

Chapter 5:



Using Selection Dialog Boxes

Launching Selection Dialog Boxes


Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box

Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box
Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box
Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box

Chapter 6:
Creating Records

Editing Records




Completing Common Record Tasks


Using Quick Fill to Create Records

Copying Records




Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Changing Multiple Records

Saving Records



Canceling Changes to Records

Deleting Records



Associating Records with Other Records

Printing Records


Using Field Hyperlinks in Records

Displaying Record Count



Finding Information About Records

Identifying New Records
Flagging Records


Merging Duplicate Records


Spell Checking Fields in Records

Attaching Files to Records


Attaching URLs to Records


Organizing List Columns

Sorting List Columns




Resizing List Columns

About Queries



Adding Notes to Records

Chapter 7:



Using Query to Locate Information


Predefined Queries 79
Case Insensitive and Accent Insensitive Queries

Creating Queries for Records

Finding Records in Lists
Refining Queries


Deleting Queries





Canceling Long-Running Queries

Using the Query Assistant
About Using Default Queries



About Querying a Telephone Number


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Simple Query Operators


Compound Query Operators

Tips for Queries


Chapter 8:

Using Task UI

About Task User Interface

Using Task UI




Navigational Buttons for Task UI

Chapter 9:


Synchronizing Data

About Database Synchronization

Synchronization Process



About Synchronizing with a Personal Information Manager Server


Chapter 10: Sharing Information

Using the Inbox
Running Reports


Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless Messaging

Creating Siebel Bookmarks



Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records


Importing Data into the Siebel Application

Exporting Data to an External File



Chapter 11: Using the Calendar

About the Calendar


About Calendar Formats

About Calendar Views


About Viewing Activities

About Activity Defaults


About Recurring Activity Defaults

About Activity Fields


About Using Group Calendars

Viewing Calendar Activities



Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Adding Activities to the Calendar

Deleting Calendar Activities



Creating Recurring Calendar Activities


Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities


Adding To Do Activities to the To Do List

Marking To Do Activities Complete
Changing Activities




Rescheduling Activities


Adding Participants to Activities


Removing Participants from Activities

Reassigning Activities



Changing the Time Zone in the Calendar

Granting Access to Your Calendar


Viewing Calendars of Other Users



Chapter 12: Customizing Home Pages

About Home Page Controls


Editing the Layout of Home Pages


Chapter 13: Setting User Preferences

About User Preferences


Setting a Default Time Zone

Setting a Startup View



Setting Left-Hand Navigation

Setting Transition Effects
Setting Scroll Speeds




Setting the Color for User Interface Elements

Setting Quick Print Options



Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email

Setting Up Default Queries
Viewing Saved Queries




Changing Default Spell Check Options


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Customizing Aspects of Notifications


Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages


Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

Customizing Aspects of the Calendar



Changing the Length of the Calendar Day 140

Setting Up Default Calendar Activity Duration 140
Setting Up Email Prompts for Meetings 141
Setting Up Default Calendar Formats 141
Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your Default Calendar

Maintaining Quick Fill Templates



Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI


About Setting Up Synchronization Preferences

About Availability Fields in the Profile View



Chapter 14: Using Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts


Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts


Appendix A: Accessibility for Siebel Business Applications

About Section 508 Accessibility


About Web Content Accessibility Guidelines


About the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template

About Screen Readers



About Utilities for Visually Impaired Users

About Utilities for Physically Disabled Users


About Keyboard Navigation in Accessible Rich Internet Applications



Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Whats New in This Release

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.1/
8.2, Rev. A
Table 1 describes the new features that are available in Siebel CRM version, Siebel CRM
version, and later.

Table 1.

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A



Printing Records on page 65

Modified topic. It includes information about the Quick Print


Spell Checking Fields in Records

on page 71

New topic. It includes information about performing a spell

check in records.

Creating Shortcuts to Siebel

Records on page 100

New topic. It includes information about creating shortcuts to

Siebel records.

Adding Participants to Activities

on page 117

New topic. It includes information about adding participants to


Removing Participants from

Activities on page 118

New topic. It includes information about removing participants

from activities.

Setting Quick Print Options on

page 129

New topic. It includes information about setting the quick print


Changing Default Spell Check

Options on page 134

New topic. It includes information about changing the default

options for spell checks.

Setting Up Email Prompts for

Meetings on page 141

New topic. It includes information about setting up email

prompts for meetings.

Calendar Control Keyboard

Shortcuts on page 152

New topic. It includes information about the keyboard shortcuts

for the calendar control.

Calculator Control Keyboard

Shortcuts on page 153

New topic. It includes information about the keyboard shortcuts

for the calculator control.

About Screen Readers on

page 156

Modified topic. It includes information about the levels of the

view bar region.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Whats New in This Release

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.1/
Table 2 describes the new features that are available in Siebel CRM version, Siebel CRM
version, and later.

Table 2.

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.1/8.2



About the Resource Scheduler

on page 25

New topic. It includes information about the Resource


Setting Transition Effects on

page 127

New topic. It includes information about configuring transition


Setting Scroll Speeds on

page 128

New topic. It includes information about configuring scroll

speeds for tile applets.

About Section 508 Accessibility

on page 155

Modified topic. It includes updated information about Section

508 Accessibility.

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.2
Some of the content in this guide was previously published in Siebel Fundamentals. If you do not use
the Siebel Open UI client, then consult Siebel Fundamentals. If you use Oracles Siebel Open UI
client, then consult this guide. For more information about the Siebel Open UI client, see 1499842.1
(Article ID) and Siebel Release Notes on My Oracle Support.
Table 3 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support this release of the

Table 3.

Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.2



Using Browser Features on

page 17

Modified topic. It includes information about using the history

feature, the zoom feature, and the print feature of the browser.

About Keyboard Navigation on

page 20

New topic. It includes information about keyboard navigation.

About the Branding Area on

page 21

Modified topic. It includes information about the location of the

branding area.

About the Application Toolbar

on page 21

Modified topic. It includes information about all controls in the

application toolbar.

About the Site Map on page 22

Modified topic. It includes information about the field for

searching in the Site Map.

About Screens on page 23

Modified topic. It includes information about active screens.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Whats New in This Release

Table 3.

(Continued)Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.2



About Link Bars for Screens on

page 25

Modified topic. It includes information about active links in the

link bar.

About Explorer Views on

page 27

Modified topic. It includes information about the graphics in the

left pane of the explorer view.

About Lists on page 32

Modified topic. It includes information about highlighting for

record selection.

About Vertical Scrolling in Lists

on page 33

Modified topic. It includes information about vertical navigation


About Forms on page 34

Modified topic. It includes information about the star icon,

which indicates required fields.

About Notifications on page 36

New topic. It includes information about notifications.

About the Saved Queries Field

on page 38

New topic. It includes information about the drop-down list for

the Saved Queries field.

About the Contact Us Link on

page 39

New topic. It includes information about the Contact Us link.

About Fields on page 42

Modified topic. It includes information about the star icon,

which indicates required fields.

About Text Fields on page 42

Modified topic. It includes information about the resizing

indicator in text fields.

About Drop-Down Lists on

page 44

Modified topic. It includes information about typing values in

fields for drop-down lists.

About the Calendar Control on

page 47

Modified topic. It includes information about the time fields,

Now button, and Done button.

Associating Records Using a

Multiple Selection Dialog Box on
page 52

Modified topic. It includes information about using the Show

Selected button and the Show Available button to navigate
between the Available list and the Selected list in a multiple
selection dialog box.

Finding Records in a Selection

Dialog Box on page 54

Modified topic. It includes information about using the Show

Available button to see the Find field in a multiple selection
dialog box.

Printing Records on page 65

Modified topic. It includes information about color printing.

Identifying New Records on

page 68

Modified topic. It includes information about the star icon,

which indicates new records.

Merging Duplicate Records on

page 69

Modified topic. It includes information about the field value for

the surviving record in the Merge Records dialog box.

Attaching Files to Records on

page 71

Modified topic. It includes information about selecting multiple

files to attach to a record.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Whats New in This Release

Table 3.

(Continued)Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.2



Sorting List Columns on

page 76

Modified topic. It includes information about the arrows in list

headers that designate the sort order.

Finding Records in Lists on

page 81

New topic. It includes a procedure for finding records in lists.

Running Reports on page 95

Modified topic. It includes information about the Run Report


Creating Siebel Bookmarks on

page 99

Modified topic. It includes information about how to create

Siebel bookmarks by copying and pasting URLs from the

Exporting Data to an External

File on page 102

Modified topic. It includes information about the Show all

downloads link and the field containing the external file.

About the Calendar on

page 106

Modified topic. It includes information about colors in


About Calendar Formats on

page 107

Modified topic. It includes information about the buttons for

calendar formats and about navigating to a date in calendar

About Calendar Views on

page 108

Modified topic. It includes information about navigating to a

date in calendar views.

Adding Activities to the

Calendar on page 111

Modified topic. It includes information about the + (plus sign)

button and about the New Event dialog box.

Creating Recurring Calendar

Activities on page 112

Modified topic. It includes information about the + (plus sign)


Reassigning Activities on
page 119

Modified topic. It includes information about using the Show

Selected button and the Show Available button to navigate
between the Available list and the Selected list in a multiple
selection dialog box.

Changing the Time Zone in the

Calendar on page 120

New topic. It includes information about how to change the time

zone in the calendar.

Viewing Calendars of Other

Users on page 121

Modified topic. It includes information about the Advanced

Calendar Settings button.

Setting Left-Hand Navigation

on page 127

New topic. It includes information about how to set left-hand


Setting the Color for User

Interface Elements on page 128

New topic. It includes information about how to set the color for
user interface elements.

Setting Outbound
Communications Preferences for
Send Email on page 131

Modified topic. It includes the External Email Client value for the
Email Client field.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Whats New in This Release

Table 3.

(Continued)Whats New in Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI, Version 8.2



Customizing Aspects of
Notifications on page 135

Modified topic. It includes information about the fields that

affect the Notification icon and notification panes.

Setting Up Default Calendar

Formats on page 141

Modified topic. It includes information about the Time Interval

(Minutes) field, the First day of week field, and the check boxes
for each day of the week.

Accessibility for Siebel Business

Applications on page 155

New appendix. It includes information about accessibility for

Siebel Business Applications.

Additional Changes
Throughout the guide, graphics show the Siebel Open UI client.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Whats New in This Release


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Getting Started with the Siebel


This chapter describes how to get started with the Siebel application from Oracle. It includes the
following topics:

Logging In to the Siebel Application on page 15

About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel Application on page 17

Using Browser Features on page 17

Logging Out of the Siebel Application on page 18

Logging In to the Siebel Application

You access the Siebel Web Client application using a URL provided by your organization. Figure 1
shows an example of the login screen.

Figure 1.

Example of the Login Screen

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Getting Started with the Siebel Application Logging In to the Siebel Application

To log in to the Siebel application


Use your browser to navigate to the URL provided by your organization.

A login screen appears.
NOTE: The language of the application screens is controlled by language codes. Language codes
used by Siebel Business Applications use a three-letter code, such as ENU for U.S. English, FRA
for French, THA for Thai, and so on. Your Siebel administrator provides the URL for the language
you want. For more information about global deployments of Siebel Business Applications, see
Siebel Global Deployment Guide.

Enter your user ID and password.

Contact your Siebel administrator if you are not sure of your user ID or password.

(Optional) To save your user ID, select the Remember my User ID check box.
For more information about the Remember my User ID option, see Siebel Security Guide.

Click the arrow button.

If the Siebel Browser Check dialog box appears, then follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: If the setting zone in your browser is set to medium or higher, then you might see a
security warning window when you launch the Siebel application. To remove this window and
make sure it does not appear again, check the Always trust content from Oracle check box.

About the Demo Application

If your organization sets up access to the Sample database, and you are running the Siebel Mobile
Web Client, then you can familiarize yourself with the Siebel application through the demo version.
The demo application automatically logs you in and connects you to the Sample database. You can
add and delete information in the Sample database while becoming familiar with the Siebel

About the Home Page

After you log in to the Siebel application, your home page appears. Your home page shows items
that are most useful to you while you use the Siebel application. For example, your home page can
show service requests if you are a call center agent, opportunities if you are a salesperson, or a list
of your daily activities. You might also want to see your daily calendar so you can manage your daily
The records that appear in the My lists on the home page are determined by default criteria that are
set by your Siebel administrator. For more information about how the records in these lists are
filtered, contact your Siebel administrator.
The information on your home page is determined by your organization. However, you can remove
and rearrange the home page elements to better manage the information and determine what you
see. For more information, see Customizing Home Pages on page 123.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Getting Started with the Siebel Application About Access and Responsibilities in the
Siebel Application

About Access and Responsibilities in the

Siebel Application
You are assigned an employee login on the server with a unique ID and password. The login assigned
to you defines your job responsibilities, and the data you can access to fulfill those responsibilities,
when you log in to the Siebel application.
Responsibilities are defined for you by your Siebel administrator. They determine the collection of
views you see. For example, if you are a sales manager, then you need views to manage your teams
accounts, contacts, and opportunities, but your sales representatives do not need these views.
A position is the basis for determining the data you can access. It allows you to see certain records
but not other records. The position represents an assigned job title within an organization. By
assigning you a position (job title), the Siebel administrator can determine the set of data you see.
For example, a South American vice president of sales does not see the same data as a North
American sales representative.
The following factors can determine the records you see:

A record can be assigned an owner, meaning that it can be assigned to only one person. Only the
owner of the record can see it. This type of record is called a personally owned record because
only one user can own the record.

A record can be assigned to a team. Only the people who are team members in the team for the
record can see the record.

Companies can distribute records by organization. For example, users in the South American
region of an organization see only records for South America. Companies with channel partners
can also use organizations to partition data, allowing their partners to access only the data that
they need.

Using Browser Features

To view the screens and views that you previously accessed in your current session, you can click
the back and forward buttons in your browser. To find browser screens that you recently accessed in
the Siebel application, use the history feature for your browser, and click the link you want from the
You can use the zoom feature in your browser to control how you see screen content, and you can
use the print feature in your browser to print records. For more information, see Printing Records
on page 65.
To refresh data in the Siebel application, press F5. Using the Refresh button in your browser
resubmits the current URL, and new data can appear in the application window.
The Siebel application also rebuilds the memory cache (view layouts). These view layouts are your
most frequently used views. For more information about view layouts and the memory cache, see
Siebel Performance Tuning Guide on Oracle Technology Network (

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Getting Started with the Siebel Application Logging Out of the Siebel Application

Logging Out of the Siebel Application

After you use the Siebel application, you exit it.

To log out of the Siebel application

From the application-level menu, choose File, then Log Out.

NOTE: Do not close the browser window to exit the Siebel application.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface

This chapter describes how to use the user interface. It includes the following topics:

About Elements of Siebel Application Window on page 20

About Keyboard Navigation on page 20

About the Branding Area on page 21

About the Application-Level Menu on page 21

About the Application Toolbar on page 21

About the Site Map on page 22

About the Thread Bar on page 23

About Screens on page 23

About Home Pages for Screens on page 24

About Link Bars for Screens on page 25

About the Resource Scheduler on page 25

About Explorer Views on page 27

About Charts on page 28

About Views and Subviews on page 30

About Lists on page 32

About Forms on page 34

About Common Buttons in Lists and Forms on page 36

About Notifications on page 36

About the Saved Queries Field on page 38

About the Contact Us Link on page 39

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Elements of Siebel Application Window

About Elements of Siebel Application

Figure 2 shows the main elements of an example of the Siebel application window.
Branding area
Screen tabs

Application-level menu

Link bar

Application toolbar
Visibility filter

Notification icon

CTI toolbar



Figure 2.

Example of the Siebel Application Window

About Keyboard Navigation

The following keys facilitate keyboard navigation in Siebel Business Applications:

TAB and TAB+SHIFT. Press TAB to navigate forward and TAB+SHIFT to navigate backward
between widgets (interface elements, such as the application menu and the application toolbar).

Arrow keys. Press the arrow keys to navigate within a widget (such as within a list applet, within
a form applet, within a drop-down list, and so on).

ENTER. Press ENTER to navigate to the screen if the focus is on the screen tab or to navigate to
the view if the focus is on the view tab.

ESC. Press ESC to close an interface element, such as a calendar control, a calculator control,
and so on, without saving changes in the interface element. Also, press ESC to cancel an
operation, such as an operation to create a query or to create a new record.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About the Branding Area

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to navigate in the user interface, but you might find these keys
easier to remember and use than keyboard shortcuts. For more information about keyboard
shortcuts, see Using Keyboard Shortcuts on page 147.

About the Branding Area

In the preconfigured application, the branding area is located in the top left corner of the application
window and shows the Oracle logo. In your application, the branding area might not be located this
location and might show your company logo.

About the Application-Level Menu

The application-level menu is located in the top left corner of the application window. The
functionality provided by each menu in the application-level menu depends on the Siebel application
and the configuration you use. Each menu option lets you perform a task. Look for topics in this
document that explain the task you want to perform to find out how you can use a menu and its

About the Application Toolbar

The application toolbar appears below the application-level menu. Table 4 describes the tools
available on the application toolbar.

Table 4.

Application Toolbar Controls



Related Information

Apply Target List


Applies a target list to a view.

Siebel Applications
Administration Guide.

Save Target List


Creates a target list.

Siebel Applications
Administration Guide.

Site Map button

Displays the Site Map.

About the Site Map on

page 22

Open Customer
Dashboard button

Opens the customer dashboard.


Tasks button

Activates a Task UI wizard to guide

you through a series of steps to
complete a specific task.

Chapter 8, Using Task UI

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About the Site Map

Table 4.

(Continued)Application Toolbar Controls




Related Information

Quick Print button

Prints the data you are currently

viewing. Your user preferences can
disable this button.

Printing Records on
page 65 and Setting Quick
Print Options on page 129

Prepare for
Detailer button

Prepares for Interactive Detailer.


Reports button

Accesses reports for the screen you

are working in.

Running Reports on
page 95

Toggle CTI

Displays or hides the Computer

Telephony Integration toolbar. This
button is not available to all

Siebel CTI Administration


About the Site Map

Your organization determines the screen tabs that appear in the application window. These screen
tabs might be only a subset of the available screen tabs. You access a screen by clicking the related
screen tab, or by using the Site Map.
If the screen tab you require does not appear in the screen tabs, then you can show that screen tab
with the other screen tabs so that you can easily access it. For more information about how to show
screen tabs, see Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs on page 137.

Using the Site Map

To see a list of all the screens available to you, use the Site Map.

To navigate to a screen using the Site Map


Do one of the following:

From the application-level menu, choose Navigate, then Site Map.

Click the Site Map button on the application toolbar.

(Optional) To restrict the hyperlinks that appear in the Site Map, enter appropriate text in the
field for searching.

In the Site Map, click the hyperlink for the screen you want to navigate to.
The Site Map displays the screen name and all the view names available in that screen.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About the Thread Bar

Click a hyperlink to navigate to the screen or view.

NOTE: If you select a screen or view from the Site Map that does not appear as a screen tab or
a view tab in the Siebel application, then a screen tab or view tab is created when you navigate
to that screen or view. This tab is visible only for the current session.

About the Thread Bar

The thread bar appears immediately below the application toolbar, and helps you keep track of your
navigational path when you use field hyperlinks to drill across to a view on another screen. Figure 3
shows an example of the thread bar.
When you drill across screens by using field hyperlinks, you remain in the same thread.
Consequently, you might navigate to a new screen and view, but you do not see all the records
available in that screen and view. For example, in the thread bar in Figure 3, you see only the
activities associated with the Gregory contact and the Johnson & Sloan account. If you want to see
every account that you can access, then you must click the current screen tab.
You can return to a previous point in the path by clicking the corresponding hyperlink on the thread
bar. However, if you navigate to another screen using a screen tab or the Site Map, then the thread
bar resets and begins tracking your new path.

Figure 3.

Example of the Thread Bar

About Screens
Information in the Siebel application is organized into screens. You access a screen by clicking the
appropriate screen tab, such as Opportunities, Calendar, or Accounts, and by using the Site Map.
Figure 4 shows an example of screen tabs.

Figure 4.

Example of Screen Tabs

The active screen tab frequently appears in a different color than the color for the other screen tabs.
In Figure 4, the active screen tab is Service. If the screen tab you want to use is not visible, then
click the down arrow at the right end of the screen tabs to display and select that screen tab. In
Figure 4, the drop-down arrow appears to the right of the Administration - Server Configuration
screen tab. When you select an additional screen, the last screen tab is replaced with the selected
screen tab.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Home Pages for Screens

You can also use the Site Map to navigate to a screen. If you select from the Site Map a screen that
does not appear as a screen tab in the Siebel application, then a screen tab appears when you
navigate to that screen. This tab is visible only for the current session. For more information, see
About the Site Map on page 22.
You can specify the screen tabs that appear in the Siebel application. For more information, see
Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs on page 137.
A Siebel administrator can change the screen tab icons in Siebel Tools. If you do not want to display
icons on the screen tabs, then contact your Siebel administrator.
You can also configure your Siebel application to show screen tab names in tree format on the left
side of your screen. For more information, see Setting Left-Hand Navigation on page 127.

About Home Pages for Screens

A screen home page is a gateway to the common functions for that screen. Table 5 describes the
main elements in screen home pages.

Table 5.

Main Elements for Screen Home Pages



Edit Layout

A button that you click to configure the areas that appear on the screen home
page. For more information, see Editing the Layout of Home Pages on page 123.

Viewed Screen

An area that contains a list of links to the lists of data with which you most
frequently work. This list can be a combination of predefined queries and visibility


Recent items area that contains a list of the last five records that you accessed
(by drilling down on the record), created, or modified. This area allows you to
return to a recent record with a single click. Recent records are stored in your
user preferences.


Task area that contains a list of links to the most important tasks for the screen.
When you drill down on a task, iHelp is launched to guide you through the
completion of the task.


Query area where you can enter query criteria directly into the fields, and click
Go to navigate directly to the list with your query results.


Add area that you use to add new records. You complete the fields, and click Add
& Go to add the record to the database and navigate directly to the form
containing the new record you add.

NOTE: Multi-Value Groups (MVGs) are not supported on Rapid Search or Rapid Add applets.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Link Bars for Screens

Related Topics
Chapter 12, Customizing Home Pages
Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages on page 137

About Link Bars for Screens

Screens contain sets of information in views. These views display data in different formats. For
example, you can sometimes view the same data in an explorer view, in a chart, or in a list. You
access these views by clicking a link on the link bar. The link bar appears immediately below the
screen tab. Figure 5 shows an example of the link bar.

Figure 5.

Example of the Link Bar

The active link shows an arrow pointing to the contents of the view for the link. In Figure 5, the active
link is Payer. If the link you want to use is not visible, then click the down arrow at the right end of
the link bar to display and select that link. In Figure 5, the down arrow appears to the right of the
Smart Calls link. When you select an additional link, the last link in the link bar is replaced with the
selected link.
You can configure your Siebel application to show link bar names in tree format on the left side of
your screen. For more information, see Setting Left-Hand Navigation on page 127.

About the Resource Scheduler

A Resource Scheduler is a type of bar chart that illustrates a schedule. You can access the Resource
Scheduler by navigating to the Function Space Diary screen.
Figure 6 displays a Resource Scheduler and uses the floor plan of a hotel as an example. The
Resource Scheduler sets values according to this example. You can use your own values to meet your
deployment requirements.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About the Resource Scheduler

Figure 6.

Example of a Scheduler

Explanation of Callouts
The Resource Scheduler includes the following items:

Date navigation bar. Enables the user to modify the date displayed in the schedule.

Timescale selector. Includes the following:


D/H. Days and hours

D/DP. Days and day parts

W/D. Weeks and days

W/DP. Weeks, days, and day parts

M/D. Months and days

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Explorer Views

M/DW. Months, days of the week, and day parts

A day part is a time period that occurs during the day. For example, morning, afternoon, evening,
and night are day parts. You can customize the time period that defines a day part. For example,
the morning day part comes predefined as 8:00 AM to Noon. You can modify it to another time
period, such as 9:00 AM to Noon.

Display options / Filter pane. Enables the user to modify display options and set filters.

Resource pane. Displays a list of resources. A resource is something that the Resource
Scheduler can use to support an event. A room is an example of a resource. An event is
something that occurs in the Resource Scheduler. A meeting is an example of an event.

Timescale pane. Displays a timescale pane that includes date and time information. It includes
the following items:

The major axis is a dimension that appears in the timescale pane. In Figure 6, the major axis
displays Thursday, August 15.

The minor axis is a dimension that appears in the timescale pane. In Figure 6, the minor axis
displays the time of day, such as 10AM.

The third axis is a dimension appears in the timescale pane. It displays this axis as a third
dimension in addition to the major axis and the minor axis. You can use the third axis to
display Siebel CRM information according to your deployment requirements. In Figure 6, the
third axis displays the total number of rooms that are available in the resource for the current
day. For example, 300/380 indicates that 300 rooms out of a total of 380 rooms are available
for the current day.

Schedule pane. Displays the schedule as a timeline. It includes events that are scheduled for
each resource.

Legend. Displays a legend that describes the meaning of each color that appears in the Schedule

An abbreviation is a shortened version of a value that you can specify in the Value property of an
object that the Resource Scheduler uses. ST is an example of an abbreviation. It indicates the start
time of the Resource Scheduler. Siebel Open UI uses these abbreviations to reduce the volume of
data transmission that occurs during communication from the Siebel Server to the client.

About Explorer Views

An explorer view displays data in a compact hierarchical format. Typically, you can access an explorer
view by clicking an explorer hyperlink on the link bar below the screen tab. Figure 7 shows an
example of an explorer view.
An explorer view is an expandable tree view. The tree control appears in the left pane of the content
area. You select the control for the tree branch that you want to view, and the detail information for
that tree branch appears in the right pane.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Charts

A folder in the tree preceded by an arrow contains other folders. Click the arrow to expand the folder
and show its contents. The list in the right pane always shows the contents of the selected folder in
the tree control. Click to the left of a folder to collapse the folder.
NOTE: If you cannot access a parent record, then you cannot access any of that records child or
grandchild records in an explorer view, even if you can access the child or grandchild records in other

Figure 7.

Example of an Explorer View

About Charts
Data can appear in chart format. Charts are graphical representations of data and are available as
views in some screens. Use charts to compare data sets. Typically, you can access a chart by clicking
the charts hyperlink on the link bar below the screen tab. Figure 8 shows an example of a chart.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Charts

Use the drop-down list at the top of the chart to determine the data to include in the chart. Most
charts also include a drop-down list of chart types from which you can select the format of the chart,
for example, a bar chart or a pie chart.

Figure 8.

Example of a Chart

Saving Charts
You can save charts in the Siebel application for use in other applications, for example, in Microsoft
PowerPoint. When you save a chart, you have a copy of the chart that you can include in
presentations, documents, or other places where you might want to display it.

To save a chart

Navigate to the chart you want to save.

CTRL + ALT + Right-click on the chart, and select Save Image As.

In the dialog box that appears, do the following:

Navigate to the location where you want to save the chart.

Do not change the default file name, or enter a new name in the File name field.

Select an image type from the drop-down list for the Save as type field.

Click Save.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Views and Subviews

About Views and Subviews

Views exist within screens and can contain lists, forms, charts, explorer views, subviews and so on.
After selecting the screen tab, you must determine the set of records you want to view in the selected
screen. In some cases, a screen home page appears. In other cases, a default set of records appears
in a list below the screen tab. In these other cases, you can use the visibility filter to access a
different set of records.
You use view tabs after you drill down on a field in the record you want to view or change. The view
tabs show detailed presentations of data related to the selected record. In some cases, subviews
provide access to additional information about a record.
This topic contains the following information:

About Using the Visibility Filter in Lists on page 30

About View Tabs on page 31

About Subviews on page 32

Related Topics
About Lists on page 32
About Forms on page 34
About Charts on page 28
About Explorer Views on page 27

About Using the Visibility Filter in Lists

The visibility filter, which appears in list headers, lets you access a set of records by filter values,
such as My Accounts, My Teams Accounts, and so on.
For example, you want to query for information about an account. However, you do not own the
account. The default filter value for the Accounts screen is My Accounts, which displays only your
account records. To see every account record that you can access, use the visibility filter to choose
the All Accounts filter value. You can then see the account records that you can access.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Views and Subviews

Table 6 describes each filter value in the visibility filter. In this table, the Accounts screen is used as
an example, but these filters can appear in any screen. Because of your responsibilities, you might
not see some filters in this table.
NOTE: My views show your login name in the Team field if the field appears in the view. All views
show the login name of the primary team member in the Team field if the field appears in the view.

Table 6.

Visibility Filter Values



My Accounts

Shows items that are specific to you. You are the only user who can see these
items, unless you are a member of a team that can access them.

My Teams

Allows a manager to look at the items belonging to that managers team. For
example, a manager can select the My Teams Accounts visibility filter and
view the accounts that each team member is currently working on. You cannot
add a new record to My Teams Account view unless users report to you.

All Accounts

Allows you to view all accounts that you are permitted to access.

All Accounts

Allows a user with the appropriate responsibilities to view all of the accounts
in all of the companies. This view is for companies that have partnerships with
other companies.

About View Tabs

View tabs appear in the bottom part of the application window after you drill down on a field in a
record. The list of available views depends on the screen tab that you select. Click a view tab to
display the data for the drilldown record. For example, if you are viewing a contact in the Contacts
screen, then clicking the Activities view tab displays the activities associated with the contact.
Figure 9 shows an example of view tabs.

Figure 9.

Example of View Tabs

An active view tab appears in a different color than the color for the other view tabs. In Figure 9, the
active view is Agreements. If the view tab you want to use is not visible, then click the drop-down
arrow at the right end of the view tabs to display and select that view tab. In Figure 9, the drop-down
arrow appears to the right of the Applications view tab. When you select an additional view, the last
view tab is replaced with the selected view tab.
You can also use the Site Map to navigate to a view. If you select from the Site Map a view that does
not appear as a view tab in the Siebel application, then a view tab appears when you navigate to
that view. This tab is visible only for the current session. For more information, see About the Site
Map on page 22.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Lists

You can specify the view tabs that appear in the Siebel application. For more information, see
Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs on page 137.

Link Bars for Views

In some instances, a link bar might appear below the view tabs. This link bar provides access to
additional views related to the selected record in the view. For more information, see About Link Bars
for Screens on page 25.

About Subviews
Subviews appear directly below the displayed information for a selected view tab. A subview provides
more details about the selected record in the view. Not all views have subviews. If a view has a
subview, then the subview appears automatically. Figure 10 shows an example of a subview, the
Payment Detail subview for the Payment Profile list.

Figure 10. Example of a Subview

About Lists
A list consists of multiple records, presented as rows. For information about determining the number
of records in a list, see Displaying Record Count on page 66.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Lists

Each record consists of multiple fields. The first record in a list is selected and highlighted a color
(for example, yellow) when you access the list. You can select a record in a list by clicking any field
in the record. Your selection highlights the selected record in another color (for example, blue). If
you select other records, then the last record you select is highlighted in blue, and the other records
you select are highlighted in yellow. If the field you click is editable, then the field converts to edit
mode, and you can enter a value in the field. Figure 11 shows an example of a list.

Figure 11. Example of a List

In a list, you scroll vertically and horizontally to view data.
This topic contains the following information:

About Vertical Scrolling in Lists on page 33

About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists on page 34

About Expanding and Collapsing Lists on page 34

About Vertical Scrolling in Lists

Use the vertical navigation buttons that appear at the bottom of a list to navigate between the
records in the list. Table 7 describes the vertical navigation buttons.

Table 7.

Description of Vertical Navigation Buttons

Navigates to the previous record set.
Navigates to the previous record.
Navigates to the next record.
Navigates to the next record set.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Forms

The record number range for a list appears in the top right corner of the list, and shows the number
range for the records that appear in the list. The record number range changes as you scroll vertically
between the record sets in the list. An estimate of the total number of list records appears to the
right of the record number range. You must scroll to the end of the list to see the exact total number
of list records to the right of the record number range. Figure 12 shows an example of the record
number range and the total number records for a list.

Figure 12. Example of the Record Number Range and the Total Number of Records for a List

About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists

Use the horizontal scroll bar to navigate through all of the columns in a list. The horizontal scroll bar
appears above the vertical navigation buttons in lists that contain more columns than can fit on the
screen. For information about designating the columns that appear on the screen, see Organizing
List Columns on page 74.

About Expanding and Collapsing Lists

Every list has a show more button or a show less button in the top right corner. Clicking the show
more or show less button allows you to see more or fewer records in a list. Table 8 describes the
show more and show less buttons.

Table 8.

Description of Show More and Show Less Buttons


Displays more records to expand a collapsed list.

Displays fewer records to collapse an expanded list.

About Forms
A form that appears below a list contains the data for the record you select in the list. Also, when
you drill down on a field in a record in a list, you see a form at the top of the screen that contains
data for the record you drill down on. A form contains the data for one record. Figure 13 shows an
example of a form. If you are authorized to edit the information in a form, then you can change field
data directly in the form. Step off the form to save your changes. All required fields appear with a
star icon next to the field name in the form.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Forms

In some cases, you can click the show more button to access a long form, and then click the show
less button to access the short form. These buttons appear in the top right corner of the form. For
examples of the show more and show less buttons, see About Expanding and Collapsing Lists on
page 34.

Figure 13. Example of a Form

The record navigation buttons are located in the top right corner of each form. Use the left arrow
button to navigate to the previous form record and the right arrow button to navigate to the next
form record.
The record number for a form appears in the top right corner of the form between the record
navigation buttons. The record number changes as you navigate between forms. An estimate of the
total number of form records appears to the right of the record number. You must navigate to the
last form to see the exact number of form records to the right of the record number. Figure 14 shows
an example of the record number and the total number of records for a form.

Figure 14. Example of the Record Number and the Total Number of Records for a Form

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About Common Buttons in Lists and Forms

About Common Buttons in Lists and

Buttons appear at the top of lists and forms. Table 9 describes these buttons. Your Siebel application
might contain additional buttons or other elements on each list and form.

Table 9.

Common Buttons in Lists and Forms




Accesses a menu of options that apply to the active form, list, explorer view, or selected
record in a list. Using the options in the menu, you can perform actions such as copying,
deleting, and advanced sorting.


Creates a new record. In a list, clicking this button inserts a new, empty row at the top
of the list so you can create a new record. In a form, clicking this button displays a form
with empty fields that you can fill in to create a new record.


Deletes the selected record.


Starts a query in a form or list so that you can specify query criteria. For more
information about querying, see Chapter 7, Using Query to Locate Information.

About Notifications
Managers and the Siebel administrator can use notifications (or broadcast messages) to
communicate information to their direct reports and to others in the organization. If the Siebel
administrator provides you with the proper authority, then you can customize the behavior of
notifications in your user preferences. For more information, see Customizing Aspects of
Notifications on page 135.
This topic contains the following information:

About the Notification Icon and Notification Panes on page 36

About Colors for Notifications on page 38

About the Notification Icon and Notification Panes

You can access notifications by using the Notification icon. The Notification icon, which appears to
the left of the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field in the top right corner of the application
window, shows the number of notifications that you have not yet read. If this icon is blinking, then
you have at least one unread message with a level of importance (or severity) of Urgent with Alert.
Figure 15 shows an example of the Notification icon.

Figure 15. Example of the Notification Icon


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About Notifications

When you click the Notification icon, the Notification Summary pane appears listing the summary
text of each message. Figure 16 shows an example of the Notification Summary pane.

Figure 16. Example of the Notification Summary Pane

When you drill down on the summary text of a message in the Notification Summary pane, the
Notification Details pane appears showing the detail for that message. A blinking Notification icon
stops blinking when the Notification Details pane appears. Figure 17 shows an example of the
Notification Details pane. When the Notification Details pane appears for an unread message, the
message converts to a read message. Read messages are not included in the message number that
appears in the Notification icon.

Figure 17. Example of the Notification Details Pane

In the Notification Summary pane, unread messages appear in bold text at the top of the pane and
are sorted by message date with later messages listed before earlier messages. Read messages
appear in italic text below the unread messages and are also sorted by message date with later
messages listed before earlier messages.
You can delete unneeded messages in the Notification Summary pane so that you can more easily
work with needed messages. You can delete only those messages with a Dismiss icon. Figure 16
shows an example of the Dismiss icon for the first message. To delete an unneeded message in the
Notification Summary pane, click the Dismiss icon for that message. To close the Notification
Summary pane and the Notification Details pane, click the X in the top right corner of the pane or
click outside of the pane.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About the Saved Queries Field

About Colors for Notifications

Colors in notifications indicate the level of importance (or severity) of the message or of specific text
in the message. Table 10 describes the level of importance for each color in the preconfigured Siebel

Table 10.

Colors for Notifications


Level of Message Importance








Urgent with Alert

The color for the level of message importance applies to the vertical bar to the left of the message
text in the Notification Summary pane. After you read a message, this color changes to a lighter
shade. If specific message text in the Notification Details pane is tagged with a level of importance,
then that text appears in the color associated with the tag.
The Notification icon appears in different colors to indicate the most important unread message. For
example, if 3 unread messages exist, and if one message has a normal level of importance, one
message has a high level of importance, and one message has an urgent level of importance, then
the Notification icon appears in the color for the urgent message. If no unread messages exist, then
the Notification icon appears in a gray color.
Your Siebel administrator can configure different colors by changing the style sheet for the Siebel

About the Saved Queries Field

You can select saved queries from the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field in the top right
corner of the application window. In this list, you can access your saved queries and the predefined
queries established by your organization. Figure 18 shows an example of the drop-down list for the
Saved Queries field. For more information about saved queries, see Chapter 7, Using Query to Locate

Figure 18. Example of the Drop-Down List for the Saved Queries Field


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About the User Interface About the Contact Us Link

About the Contact Us Link

The Contact Us link provides information about how to contact Oracle. This link appears to the right
of the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field in the top right corner of the application window.
Figure 19 shows an example of the Contact Us link.

Figure 19. Example of Contact Us Link

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About the User Interface About the Contact Us Link


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About Records, Fields, and Field


This chapter describes records, fields, and field controls in the Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

About Records on page 41

About Fields on page 42

About Text Fields on page 42

About Field Controls on page 43

About Check Boxes on page 44

About Option Buttons on page 44

About Drop-Down Lists on page 44

About Field Control Buttons on page 45

About the Currency Calculator on page 45

About the Calendar Control on page 47

About Records
A record is a group of related data organized into fields. For example, information about a contact,
such as the last name, first name, address, and phone number, makes up a contact record. A record
can appear in a list of related records, such as a list of contact records, or it can appear individually
in a form. Figure 20 shows an example of a record in a list.


Field Control

Figure 20. Example of a Record in a List

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About Fields

In some situations, you cannot see every field associated with a record. To view additional fields in
a record, you can drill down on a field in the record in a list. You can also show more columns for a
record and then use the horizontal scroll bar, if necessary, to see the rest of the fields.

Related Topics
About Horizontal Scrolling in Lists on page 34
Using Field Hyperlinks in Records on page 65
Organizing List Columns on page 74

About Fields
A field is a location in a record in which a particular type of data is stored. For example, a contact
record might contain the following fields: last name, first name, address, and phone number. A field
is characterized by its maximum length and the type of data (for example, numeric or alphabetic) it
can contain.

Required Fields
In the Siebel application, required fields have a star icon next to the field name. You cannot save a
record until you enter data in the required fields.

Read-Only Fields
If a field has a gray background, then the field is read-only, and you cannot change the field content.

Maximum Number of Characters

Many fields can hold only a specific number of characters. For alphabetic and alphanumeric fields,
the allowed number of characters varies in the Siebel application. Numeric fields can hold up to a
maximum of 22 characters.

About Text Fields

You can type text directly into a text field. You click in the field before typing this text. Figure 21
shows an example of a text field in a form.

Figure 21. Example of a Text Field in a Form


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About Field Controls

To more easily enter text in text fields that can contain a large amount of text, you can click a drag
the resizing indicator in the bottom right corner of the field to make the field larger. (You can also
use the resizing indicator to make the field smaller.) In some browsers, you must click in the text
field to see the resizing indicator. Figure 22 shows an example of the resizing indicator for a text field.

Figure 22. Example of the Resizing Indicator for a Text Field

Developers can customize the Siebel application to save or to not save the size of a field that you
resize. They can also customize the Siebel application to not use this resize feature for fields.

About Field Controls

You can enter data into the Siebel application by typing directly into fields or by using field controls.
A field control can be a check box, a drop-down list, a button, and so on.
Field controls allow you to do such things as choose from a list of predefined values, enter values in
a multi-value field, specify dates, and calculate values.
A field control can appear within a form or as part of a record in a list. In a list, the field control
appears when you click in a field that includes it. To use a field control to edit a record in a list, click
the control to activate it. In a form, you can see the field controls if they are available.

Related Topics
About Check Boxes on page 44
About Option Buttons on page 44
About Drop-Down Lists on page 44
About Field Control Buttons on page 45
About the Currency Calculator on page 45
About the Calendar Control on page 47

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About Check Boxes

About Check Boxes

Click the box next to (or below) an option to select or clear the check box. When you click an empty
box, a check mark or an X appears in the box. If you click a box that is selected, then the check mark
or X disappears. Figure 23 shows an example of check boxes.
You can press the space bar to select and deselect check boxes.

Figure 23. Example of Check Boxes

About Option Buttons

Option buttons, also called radio buttons, allow you to choose one of several options in a set. An
option button appears as a circle, with a smaller, filled circle inside it when you select the option. You
cannot select more than one option button in a set. Figure 24 shows an example of option buttons.
You can press the up or down arrows and the space bar to select the option.

Figure 24. Example of Option Buttons

About Drop-Down Lists

A drop-down list allows you to click a down arrow to the right of a field to select from a list of available
values. Figure 25 shows an example of a drop-down list. The word Select is displayed in the dropdown list prior to selecting a value. You can type the field value in a field for drop-down list. You can
also type part of the text string for a field value to automatically decrease the number of available
values that appears in the drop-down list for the field, and then you can select the appropriate value
for the field.

Figure 25. Example of a Drop-Down List


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About Field Control Buttons

About Field Control Buttons

The field control buttons appear in many fields. Table 11 describes these buttons. You use field
controls to work with records in the Siebel application.

Table 11.

Description of Field Control Buttons



Related Topic


Launches a currency calculator or a

calculator for entering amounts.

About the Currency Calculator

on page 45

select button

Launches a calendar control for

entering a date and optionally, time, in
a date or date and time field. You can
also type a date (or date and time)
directly into a field.

About the Calendar Control on

page 47

Single select

Launches a single selection dialog box.

Associating Records Using a

Single Selection Dialog Box on
page 51

Multiple select

Launches a multiple selection dialog


Associating Records Using a

Multiple Selection Dialog Box
on page 52

About the Currency Calculator

You access the currency calculator by clicking the calculator button that appears in a field for an
amount and a currency. Figure 26 shows an example of the currency calculator. You use the currency
calculator to specify financial transaction information in foreign currencies.

Figure 26. Example of the Currency Calculator

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About the Currency Calculator

Table 12 describes each field control in the currency calculator.

Table 12.

Description of Currency Calculator Fields


Field Control


Currency Code

Single select button

Launches a dialog box where you can select the country

and currency code.

Exchange Date

Calendar select

Launches the calendar control where you can select the

exchange date. The field does not appear in all currency
calculators. For more information about the calendar
control, see About the Calendar Control on page 47.


Calculator button

Launches the calculator where you can enter the

amount. You can also type the amount directly into the

You access the calculator by clicking the calculator button that appears in a field for an amount.
Figure 27 shows an example of the calculator.

Figure 27. Example of the Calculator


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About the Calendar Control

About the Calendar Control

You use the calendar control to select date and time information for a field. Figure 28 shows an
example of the calendar control. You access the calendar control by clicking the calendar select
button in a date field or a date and time field.

Figure 28. Example of the Calendar Control

Table 13 describes each element of the calendar control.

Table 13.

Description of Calendar Control Elements



Month and Year

Shows the month and year. Use the left and right arrows to navigate to the
previous and next month. Use the drop-down arrow next to the month to select
a different month, and use the drop-down arrow next to the year to select a
different year.


Shows the calendar for the month. Use the calendar to select a date by clicking
the date in the calendar.

Time field

Shows the time. This field appears only if you access the calendar control for a
field that requires a time.

Hour slide bar

Sets the hour in the Time field. This field appears only if you access the calendar
control for a field that requires a time.

Minute slide bar

Sets the minute in the Time field. This field appears only if you access the
calendar control for a field that requires a time.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Records, Fields, and Field Controls About the Calendar Control

Table 13.

(Continued)Description of Calendar Control Elements



Now button

Sets the value for a date field to the current date and the value for a date and
time field to the current date and time.

Done button

Saves your selections. If you do not want to save your selections, then click
outside of the control to cancel your selections.

You cannot enter an incorrect value for a date. For example, if you enter a date of 221/45/1902, then
your entry is not populated in the field. When you enter only two digits to represent a year, an
assumption is made about whether the digits are preceded by 19 or 20 (19xx or 20xx). If the two
digits are greater than or equal to 50, then the year of 19xx is assumed. If the two digits are less
than 50, then the year of 20xx is assumed.
NOTE: You can set Strict Date Format in System Preferences. This preference enforces a
deployment-wide standard date format and overrides all display formats defined in Siebel Tools. It
applies only to date information. For example, if a control is set to MM/DD/YY hh:mm in Siebel Tools
when the strict date format is set to DD/MM/YYYY, then the date portion of that control is replaced
by the strict date format, and the resulting format is DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Selection Dialog Boxes

This chapter describes how to use selection dialog boxes in the Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

Launching Selection Dialog Boxes on page 49

Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box on page 51

Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box on page 52

Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box on page 54

Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box on page 54

Launching Selection Dialog Boxes

Buttons launch selection dialog boxes. Table 14 describes these buttons.

Table 14.

Description of Select Buttons



Single select button

Launches a single selection dialog box. This dialog box applies

to pick applets.

Multiple select button

Launches a multiple selection dialog box. This dialog box

applies to Multi-Value Group (MVG) applets.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Selection Dialog Boxes Launching Selection Dialog Boxes

Single selection dialog boxes allow you to add only one record to a field. In some cases, you can
create a new record from the single selection dialog box. Figure 29 shows an example of a single
selection dialog box.

Figure 29. Example of a Single Selection Dialog Box


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Selection Dialog Boxes Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box

Multiple selection dialog boxes allow you to select multiple records and add them to a field. In some
cases, you can create a new record from the multiple selection dialog box. Figure 30 shows an
example of a multiple selection dialog box.

Figure 30. Example of a Multiple Selection Dialog Box

Associating Records Using a Single

Selection Dialog Box
On different screens in the Siebel application, you can associate a record with an existing record in
a single selection dialog box and with a new record in a single selection dialog box.

Associating Records with Existing Records in a Single Selection Dialog

Complete the procedure in this topic to associate a record with an existing record in a single selection
dialog box.

To associate a record with an existing record in a single selection dialog box


Navigate to the appropriate screen.

Select the record you want to associate with another record.

Click the single select button in the appropriate field.

A single selection dialog box appears.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Selection Dialog Boxes Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box

In the dialog box, locate and select the record you want to associate with the existing record.

Click OK.

Associating Records with New Records in a Single Selection Dialog

Complete the procedure in this topic to associate a record with a new record in a single selection
dialog box.
NOTE: In some situations, you cannot add new records in single selection dialog boxes.

To associate a record with a new record in a single selection dialog box


Navigate to the appropriate screen.

Select the record you want to associate with a new record.

Click the single select button in the appropriate field.

A single selection dialog box appears.

Click New.
The form for the new record appears.

In the form, enter the information for the new record, and click Save.
The new record appears in the single selection dialog box.

Click OK.

Associating Records Using a Multiple

Selection Dialog Box
Multiple selection dialog boxes allow you to associate multiple records with one record. On different
screens in the Siebel application, you can associate a record with an existing record in a multiple
selection dialog box and with a new record in a multiple selection dialog box.

Associating Records with Existing Records in a Multiple Selection

Dialog Box
Complete the procedure in this topic to associate a record with an existing record in a multiple
selection dialog box.

To associate a record with an existing record in a multiple selection dialog box


Navigate to the appropriate screen.

Select the record you want to associate with other records.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Selection Dialog Boxes Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box

Click the multiple select button in the appropriate field.

A multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected records for the field.

Click Show Available to see the list of available records for the field.

Select the record you want to associate with the current record, and click Add.
NOTE: You can select multiple records by holding down the CTRL key and clicking each record.
The list of selected records for the field appears, and this list includes the record you select.

(Optional) If you want to remove records in the list of selected records, then do the following:

To remove one or more records, select the records, and click Remove.

To remove all records, click Remove All.

Click OK.

Associating Records with New Records in a Multiple Selection Dialog

Complete the procedure in this topic to associate a record with a new record in a multiple selection
dialog box.
NOTE: In some situations, you cannot add new records in multiple selection dialog boxes.
If you attempt to add data to the database from a dialog box and then decide to cancel the record,
then the data you add in the dialog box is not deleted from the database. However, if the data exists
in the Siebel application only in the record for which you open the dialog box, then the data is

To associate a record with a new record in a multiple selection dialog box


Navigate to the appropriate screen.

Select the record you want to associate with a new record.

Click the multiple select button in the appropriate field.

A multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected records for the field.

Click Show Available to see the list of available records for the field.

Click New.
The form for the new record appears.

In the form, enter the information for the new record, and click Save.
The list of selected records for the field appears, and the new record appears in this list.

Click OK.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Selection Dialog Boxes Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box

Querying for Records in a Selection

Dialog Box
You can query in a selection dialog box just as you query in a list or form. Consequently, you can
search for specific information from one field or from several fields at one time.

To query for records in a selection dialog box


In the selection dialog box, click Query.

A blank row appears in the selection dialog box.

Enter your query criteria in the appropriate fields.

For more information about entering query criteria, see Simple Query Operators on page 86.
A wildcard is automatically assumed at the end of text you enter in the query fields. If you search
for Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.

Click Go.
The records matching your query criteria appear.

Finding Records in a Selection Dialog

A selection dialog box can contain many records. You might find it necessary to search for the records
you want to see in the list. You can perform full- or partial-text searches on one field.
Finding records is similar to querying for records, but you do not save search results when you find
NOTE: Unlike performing a query, any spaces you enter in the Starting with field when finding
records are included in the search. For example, if you are looking for a contact with the last name
Smith, and enter Smith followed by a space in the Starting with field, then any contacts with the last
name Smith are not found because the Siebel application looks for each character (all the letters in
Smith and a space).

To find records in a selection dialog box


In the selection dialog box, select the field you want to search from the drop-down list for the
Find field.
In a multiple selection dialog box, the Find field appears in the list of available records, and not
in the list of selected records. Click Show Available to see the list of available records.

Type the text you want to search for in the Starting with field.
A wildcard is automatically assumed at the end of text you enter in the Starting with field. If you
search for Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Selection Dialog Boxes Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box

Click Go.
The records matching your criteria appear.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Selection Dialog Boxes Finding Records in a Selection Dialog Box


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record


This chapter describes how to perform common record tasks in the Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

Creating Records on page 58

Using Quick Fill to Create Records on page 59

Copying Records on page 61

Editing Records on page 61

Changing Multiple Records on page 61

Saving Records on page 62

Canceling Changes to Records on page 63

Deleting Records on page 63

Associating Records with Other Records on page 64

Printing Records on page 65

Using Field Hyperlinks in Records on page 65

Displaying Record Count on page 66

Finding Information About Records on page 67

Identifying New Records on page 68

Flagging Records on page 68

Adding Notes to Records on page 69

Merging Duplicate Records on page 69

Spell Checking Fields in Records on page 71

Attaching Files to Records on page 71

Attaching URLs to Records on page 73

Organizing List Columns on page 74

Sorting List Columns on page 76

Resizing List Columns on page 77

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Creating Records

Creating Records
You can create records in the Siebel application using several methods, such as clicking a button or
choosing an option from a menu. When you create a record, a new record appears, containing fields
to complete. The procedures in this topic show how to create records using some of the commands
in the Siebel application. You can use the method that you prefer, or the method that is available.
Some records contain read-only fields. Read-only fields are fields in which you cannot enter data.
You might not have user privileges that allow you to enter data in the read-only field, or the data in
the field might be automatically populated by the Siebel application.
NOTE: Not all users can create new records. Your ability to create new records depends on the
responsibilities your Siebel administrator gives to you.

Creating Records Using the New Button

You can create a record using the New button.

To create a record using the New button


In the list or form, click New.

A new record appears.

Enter the appropriate data, and save the record.

Creating Records Using the Menu Button

You can create a record using the menu button.

To create a record using the menu button


In the list or form, click the menu button, and then click New Record.
A new record appears.

Enter the appropriate data, and save the record.

Creating Records Using the Application-Level Menu

You can create a record using the application-level menu.

To create a record using the application-level menu


In the list or form, from the application-level menu, choose Edit, then New Record.
A new record appears.


Enter the appropriate data, and save the record.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Using Quick Fill to Create Records

Related Topics
Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box on page 51
Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box on page 52
Copying Records on page 61

Using Quick Fill to Create Records

You can store default values for fields in templates, and then use these templates when you create
new records. These templates, called quick fill templates, populate fields in a form. Your Siebel
administrator can set up these templates for your organization, and you can create your own
For example, if you are a service representative, then you can create quick fill templates containing
the default field values for common types of service requests that you create. Then, when you
receive a call for a new request for one of these types, you can apply the appropriate template to
create a new service request with default field values.
Although users can save values for read/write fields, single-value and multi-value fields that are
read-only are not supported. For example, if you create a quick fill template for a contact, and enter
a value in the Account Name field, then that value is not saved in the template.
After you create a set of templates, you might want to delete the templates you no longer use or to
rename some of the templates. You can perform these tasks in your user preferences. For more
information, see Maintaining Quick Fill Templates on page 142.

Creating Quick Fill Templates

You can create a new quick fill template.

To create a quick fill template


In a form, create a new record.

You will not save this new record.

Complete all the record fields for which you want to define default values.

In the form, click the menu button, and then click Save as Template.
If an error message appears about entering a value for a required field, then click OK to dismiss
the message.
The Save Template As dialog box appears.

Use the Template Name and Template Description fields to name and describe the quick fill

Click Save.
If a template with the same name already exists, then a message appears indicating that you
cannot save the template. You must do the following:

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Using Quick Fill to Create Records

Click OK on the Siebel message dialog box.

To overwrite the existing template, click Overwrite.

To save the template with a different name, type a new name in the Template Name field, and
click Save.

Delete the new record.

Applying Quick Fill Templates to New Records

You can apply a quick fill template to a new record.

To apply a quick fill template to a new record


In a form, create a new record.

In the form, click the menu button, and then click Apply Template.
If an error message appears about entering a value for a required field, then click OK to dismiss
the message.
The Pick Template dialog box appears.

In the Template list, select the template you want to use, and click OK.
The values defined in the quick fill template are populated in the record.

Using Quick Fill Templates to Create Records

You can use a quick fill template to create a record.

To use a quick fill template to create a record


In a form, click the menu button, and then click New From Template.
The Pick Template dialog box appears.

In the Template list, select the template you want to use, and click OK.
A new record appears. The values defined in the quick fill template are populated in the record.

Creating Records by Using the Last Quick Fill Template

You can create a record by using the last quick fill template that you used.

To create a record by using the last used quick fill template

In a form, click the menu button, and then click New From Last Template.
A new record appears. The values defined in the quick fill template that you last used are
populated in the record.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Copying Records

Copying Records
If a significant amount of data in a new record you want to add is similar to the data in an existing
record, then you can copy the existing record, and then modify the copy to create the new record.

To copy a record

Find and select the record you want to copy.

Click the menu button, and then click Copy Record.

A new record with copied data appears.

Change the fields in the new record as needed, and step off the record to save your changes.

Editing Records
To edit a record, you must have appropriate access privileges.

To edit a record

Find and select the record you want to change.

Change the fields in the record, and step off the record to save your changes.

Changing Multiple Records

You might want to modify the same data in multiple records. Instead of repeatedly changing the
same information in each record, you can change the same information in several records at once
using the Change Records dialog box. You can change up to four fields at one time. Figure 31 shows
an example of the Change Records dialog box.

Figure 31. Example of the Change Records Dialog Box

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Saving Records

To change multiple records


Navigate to the screen.

Select the records you want to change by holding down the CTRL key and clicking each record.

From the application-level menu, choose Edit, then Change Records.

The Change Records dialog box appears.
In the drop-down lists for the fields in this dialog box, columns on the list applet appear, except
for those columns that are marked Inactive or Read Only. List columns do not appear if they are
based on a join field and pick applets are not associated with them.
NOTE: Be careful when updating the value for a Multi-Value Group (MVG) field. When you update
the value for such a field, you not only update the field value for the records you select in Step 2,
but in all records in the Siebel application that contain the same field value.

From the Field drop-down list, select the field in which you want to change data.

Enter the new data in the corresponding Value field.

Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 until you enter all of the information you want to change in your
selected records.

Click OK to apply the changes.

Saving Records
You can save records in several ways.
NOTE: If you try to edit a record at the same time as another user, then a warning message appears,
and you are unable to change the record until the other user exits the record.

To save a record

Do one of the following:

When you finish editing or adding a record in a form or a list, step off the record to commit
the changes to the database.
Stepping off the record means leaving it in any way, such as by moving to another record or
by using the record navigation buttons.

Click the menu button, and then click Save Record.

From the application-level menu, choose Edit, then Save Record.

NOTE: When you finish editing or adding a record, you can click Enter to commit the changes to
the database. However, this action is not a recommended way to save data.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Canceling Changes to Records

Canceling Changes to Records

You might find that you want to cancel your changes to a record before you save the record. You can
undo your changes to a record only if you have not yet saved the record.
NOTE: You cannot undo your changes or additions in selection dialog boxes. For example, when you
add or remove employees from a selection dialog box, you cannot undo those changes.

To cancel changes to a record in form or a list

Click the menu button, and then click Undo Record.

Deleting Records
You can delete a record by using the Delete button, the menu button in a list or form, and the
application-level menu.
Employee records are end-dated but not deleted to preserve historical information. For example, if
an employee creates 100 records and later leaves the organization, then those records are not
deleted in the Siebel application.
NOTE: When a parent record is deleted, explicitly or by using a merge, the primary ID fields are not
immediately updated. For performance reasons, the primary ID fields are updated only when the
parent record is required, and a refresh of the screen is performed.

Deleting Records Using the Delete Button

You can delete a record using the Delete button.

To delete a record using the Delete button


Select the record you want to delete.

In a list, the selected record is highlighted.

Click Delete.
A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

Click OK to delete the record.

Deleting Records Using the Menu Button

You can delete a record using the menu button.

To delete a record using the menu button


Select the record you want to delete.

In a list, the selected record is highlighted.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Associating Records with Other Records

Click the menu button, and then click Delete Record.

A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

Click OK to delete the record.

Deleting Records Using the Application-Level Menu

You can delete a record using the application-level menu.

To delete a record using the application-level menu


Select the record you want to delete.

In a list, the selected record is highlighted.

From the application-level menu, choose Edit, then Delete Record.

A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

Click OK to delete the record.

Associating Records with Other Records

When you work with records, you need access to all information that is related to those records. You
can associate a record with another record. For example, when you work with an account, you can
track contacts for that account. The Contacts screen allows you to add and manage contacts. Also,
many screens, such as in the Accounts screen, include a Contacts view. In the Contacts view, you
can associate a contact with an account record.
NOTE: You cannot associate records with other records in screens if there is no association between
the records in those screens.

To associate a record with another record


Navigate to the appropriate screen.

Drill down on a field in the record with which you want to associate another record.

Click the appropriate view tab.

The selected view appears.

In the selected view, click New.

A new record or a selection dialog box appears.


Do one of the following:

Complete the fields of the new record to add a new record.

From the selection dialog box, select a record, and click OK to add a new record.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Printing Records

Related Topics
Creating Records on page 58
Associating Records Using a Single Selection Dialog Box on page 51
Associating Records Using a Multiple Selection Dialog Box on page 52

Printing Records
You can print records in the Siebel application in the following ways:

Running a report. You can print records by running and then printing a report. For more
information about reports, see Running Reports on page 95.

Browser print. You can use the print feature for the browser to print an image of the current
screen. If you want to print a screen that contains colors, then you can use the color printing
feature for your browser. Color printing is important for screens in which colors signify meaning,
such as calendar screens and notification screens.
NOTE: The printed output might not be an exact replica of what you see on your screen. The
print options for your browser determine the printed output.

Quick Print button. You can use the quick print functionality that works through the print
feature for the browser. Browser print (HTML) allows you to print both lists and forms.

Printing Records by Using Quick Print

You can print records by using quick print.

To print records by using quick print


Navigate to the list that contains the records you want to print.

Click the Quick Print button on the application toolbar.

The print settings in your user preferences determine quick print options. For more information
about setting up quick print options in your user preferences, see Setting Quick Print Options on
page 129.

Use the print feature in the browser to send the output to your printer.

Using Field Hyperlinks in Records

Field hyperlinks can appear in a record that is in a list. They usually consist of blue text that is
underlined when you place your cursor over the hyperlink. A field hyperlink provides one-click access
to detailed or additional information for the underlined text. For example, when an account name
appears as a field in a list, it appears as a hyperlink. This hyperlink allows you to navigate directly
to additional information about that account name.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Displaying Record Count

Clicking a field hyperlink that accesses information that is associated with a selected record and that
is within the current screen is called drilling down. Clicking a field hyperlink that accesses information
that is associated with a selected record but that is outside the current screen is called drilling across.
When you drill across screens by using field hyperlinks, you remain in the same thread.
Consequently, you might navigate to a new screen and view, but you do not see all of the records
available in that screen and view. If you want to see every record in the new screen, then you must
click the current screen tab.
You can return to a previous point in the path by clicking the corresponding hyperlink on the thread
bar. However, if you navigate to another screen using a screen tab or the Site Map, then the thread
bar resets and begins tracking your new path. For more information, see About the Thread Bar on
page 23 and About the Site Map on page 22.

Displaying Record Count

You can see a count of the number of records in a list without navigating to the last record in that
list. If you execute a query, then this function shows you the total number of records in the query

To display a record count


(Optional) Execute a query.

Click the menu button, and then click Record Count.

The Record Count dialog box appears.


If you do not execute a query, then this dialog box shows the total number of records in the
active list.

If you execute a query, then this dialog box shows the total number of records that match
your query criteria.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Finding Information About Records

Finding Information About Records

You can view information about a record in the About Record dialog box. Figure 32 shows an example
of the About Record dialog box.

Figure 32. Example of the About Record Dialog Box

To find information about a record


Navigate to and select the record.

Click the menu button, and then click About Record.

The About Record dialog box appears.
Some fields in the dialog box are described in the following table.


Last Updated

Displays the time of the last update for the record.

Last Updated

Displays the component for the record. This information is useful for
debugging issues when multiple components might change the data.

Last Updated On

Displays the date and time when the data changed in the database and
provides a consistent timestamp usage across all components for each
NOTE: For remote users, the Last Updated date (in the extracted
database) might be different from the Last Updated On date (in the server

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Identifying New Records



Conflict #

Displays the conflict number. Siebel Remote uses this number to prevent
duplication of records. For more information, see Siebel Remote and
Replication Manager Administration Guide.

Modification #

Displays the modification number. This number increases each time a

record is updated. It is used when two or more users try to update a record
at the same time.
For example, if user A and user B are both reading a record with
modification number 3, and user A updates the record, then the
modification number changes to 4. If user B then tries to update the
record, then the modification number of user Bs record (3) is not current,
and user Bs update is rejected. User B is not able to update the record until
it is refreshed with user As changes.

Click OK to close the dialog box.

About Accessing the About Record Dialog Box After a Merge

If you access the About Record dialog box after merging records, then it displays the last updated
date for the remaining record. It does not show the merge date as the last updated date, nor does
it show the last updated date for the record that is merged into the existing record.

Identifying New Records

If you are a member of a team that shares information, then you can see any new records that are
added to that shared information. You can see a record only if you have access rights to view that
If a record is newly added to the Siebel application, then a star icon appears in the New field in that
record. After you drill down on a field in a new record, the star icon no longer appears in the New
NOTE: The star icon in the New field is specific to the primary employee. If you are not the primary
employee for a position, then this star icon still appears after you drill down. For more information
about positions, see About Access and Responsibilities in the Siebel Application on page 17.

To identify a new record

In a list, look for a star icon in the New field for the record.

Flagging Records
In certain screens, such as Projects, you can flag records that you want to single out. A flag acts as
a reminder that only you can see.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Adding Notes to Records

To flag a record

Navigate to the record you want to flag.

In the Priority Flag field of the record, select the check box.
When you step off the record, a flag is placed in Priority Flag field.
The Priority Flag field is not available in all views. If you cannot see a Priority Flag field for the
record, then check your Columns Displayed settings. For information about showing and hiding
columns, see Organizing List Columns on page 74.

Adding Notes to Records

When you work with records, you might want to enter notes. You can add a note to a record in the
Notes view.
In the Notes view, you can enter public notes or private notes. Use the link bar in the Notes view to
navigate between public and private notes. Anyone who can access the record can see a public note
for the record. Only the person who enters the note can see a private note.
The Notes view is not available in all screens. It appears only when it is beneficial to keep notes for
individual records, for example, in the Accounts, Contacts, and Opportunities screens.

To add a note to a record


Find and drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add a note.

Click the Notes view tab, and on the link bar, click Private Notes or Public Notes.

Click New.
A new record appears.

From the drop-down list for the Type field, choose Note.

In the Description field, enter the text for the note.

(Optional) Click Check Spelling to check the spelling in the text of your note.
For more information, see Spell Checking Fields in Records on page 71.

Merging Duplicate Records

You might find that two or more records contain the same information. To keep the database
accurate, you can merge the records into one record. The Merge Records command allows you to
merge multiple records into one record.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Merging Duplicate Records

When you use the Merge Records command, the Merge Records dialog box appears. Figure 33 shows
an example of the Merge Records dialog box.

Figure 33. Example of the Merge Records Dialog Box

If other records are associated with the records you merge, then those records are associated with
the surviving record. Any duplicate associated records are deleted.
You can merge only records for which you are the owner or for which you are the primary person.
The merge functionality might not be available to you because of your access privileges and your
NOTE: When you merge two records, you must pick the surviving record and the source record. Field
values for the source record do not exist after you merge records. Only field values in the surviving
record remain after you merge records. For example, if you merge two contact records, and the
source record contains a value in the Job Title field, but the surviving record does not, then the Job
Title field in the surviving record has no value after the merge. The value in the Job Title field in the
source record is overwritten by the value in the Job Title field in the surviving record, even when that
value is NULL.

To merge two records


Click the record that is the source record.

Press and hold down the CTRL key, and click the record that is the surviving record.
After the merge is complete, the source record is merged into the surviving record.

From the application-level menu, choose Edit, then Merge Records.

NOTE: If the Merge Records command is unavailable, then the functionality is not supported for
the record types you select.
The Merge Records dialog box appears, displaying a field value for the surviving record.

Review the information in the dialog box to make sure the correct record survives, and click OK
to complete the merge.
The records are merged into a single record that has the name of the surviving record and that
includes the data from the surviving record.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Spell Checking Fields in Records

Spell Checking Fields in Records

You can perform a spell check from multiple places in the Siebel application. For example, in a Notes
view, you can click the Check Spelling button to verify the proper spelling of text in the Description
field. In Service Request forms, you can click the menu button and then click Check Spelling to verify
the proper spelling of text in the Summary field. For spell check to work properly when you invoke
it using the menu button, you must first step off the record to save the record before you run spell
You can set up your preferences so that all the email messages, faxes, pages, or wireless messages
you send from the Siebel application are automatically checked for spelling errors before they are
sent to a recipient. For more information, see Changing Default Spell Check Options on page 134.
Figure 34 shows an example of the Spelling dialog box.

Figure 34. Example of the Spelling Dialog Box

Attaching Files to Records

When the Attachments view is available within a screen, you can attach a file to a record. You can
attach files such as Microsoft Outlook email messages, Microsoft Word documents, and image files.
The Attachments view allows others who work with the record to access the attachment so that they
see the latest information.
The Attachments view is not available in all screens. It appears only when it is beneficial to keep
supporting material for individual records, for example, in the Contacts, Accounts, and Opportunities
If you edit files attached to Siebel records, then your changes are saved when you step off the
attachment record in the Siebel application.

Attaching Files to Records Using the New File Button

You can create a file attachment by using the New File button in the Attachments view.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Attaching Files to Records

To attach a file to a record using the New File button


Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the file attachment.

Click the Attachments view tab.

The Attachments list appears.

Click New File.

A dialog box appears.

Locate and select the file you want to attach to the record, and then click Open.
NOTE: You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key and clicking each file.
The dialog box closes, and the file appears in the Attachments list as a new attachment record
with the appropriate fields populated.

Complete additional fields as necessary.

Some fields are described in the following table.


Update File

Select this check box to indicate that you want the attachment copy of the
file to be updated automatically each time the original file is updated.

Download File

Select this check box to indicate that the document is retrieved during the
next synchronization session. This field allows you to request files from the
server, and applies only if you use Siebel Remote.

Attaching Files to Records Using the Menu Button

You can create a file attachment using the menu button in the Attachments view.

To attach a file to a record using the menu button


Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the file attachment.

Click the Attachments view tab.

The Attachments list appears.

Click the menu button, and then click New Record.

A new record appears.

In the Attachment Name field, click the select button.

The Add Attachment dialog box appears.

Click Choose File.

A dialog box appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Attaching URLs to Records

Locate and select the file you want to attach to the record, and then click Open.
NOTE: You can select multiple files by holding down the CTRL key and clicking each file.
The dialog box and the Add Attachment dialog box close, and the file appears in the Attachments
list as a new attachment record with the appropriate fields populated.

Attaching Files to Records Using Drag-and-Drop

You can create an attachment by dragging a file into the Attachments list view.

To attach a file to a record using drag-and-drop


Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the attachment.

Click the Attachments view tab.

The Attachments list appears.

Locate the file you want to attach to the record.

Click the file to select it, and drag the file to the Attachments list.
The file appears in the Attachments list as a new attachment record with the appropriate fields

Attaching URLs to Records

In addition to attaching files to records, you can also attach URLs to records to provide team
members with the latest information.

Attaching URLs to Records Using the New URL Button

You can create a URL attachment by using the New URL button in the Attachments view.

To attach a URL to a record using the New URL button


Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the URL attachment.

Click the Attachments view tab.

The Attachments list appears.

Click New URL.

The Add URL dialog box appears.

Enter the URL in the URL field, or copy and paste the URL from a Web page into the URL field,
and then click Add.
The Add URL dialog box closes, and the URL appears as a hyperlink in the Attachments list. You
can click this hyperlink to access the corresponding Web site. If you cannot access the Web site
after adding it as an attachment, then you might not be connected to the network.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Organizing List Columns

Attaching URLs to Records Using the Menu Button

You can create a URL attachment using the menu button in the Attachments view.

To attach a URL to a record using the menu button


Drill down on a field in the record to which you want to add the URL attachment.

Click the Attachments view tab.

The Attachments list appears.

Click the menu button, and then click New Record.

A new record appears.

In the Attachment Name field, click the select button.

The Add Attachment dialog box appears.

Enter the URL in the URL field, or copy and paste the URL from a Web page into the URL field,
and then click Add.
The Add Attachment dialog box closes, and the URL appears as a hyperlink in the Attachments
list. You can click this hyperlink to access the corresponding Web site. If you cannot access the
Web site after adding it as an attachment, then you might not be connected to the network.

Organizing List Columns

A list consists of columns of data. Some of these columns might not appear on the screen. You can
add, remove, and rearrange the list columns as needed by using the Columns Displayed dialog box.
Figure 35 shows an example of the Columns Displayed dialog box.

Figure 35. Example of the Columns Displayed Dialog Box


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Organizing List Columns

To organize columns in a list


In a list, click the menu button, and then click Columns Displayed.
The Columns Displayed dialog box appears. For more information about the Columns Displayed
dialog box, see Figure 35.

Select one or more columns in one of the lists (Available Columns or Selected Columns).

Click the buttons between the Available Columns list and the Selected Columns list to show or
hide the columns you select.
The buttons are described in the following table.

Shows the columns you select. After you click Save, the columns appear in the list
you are modifying.
Hides the columns you select. After you click Save, the columns do not appear in
the list you are modifying.
Shows all columns in the list. After you click Save, the columns appear in the list
you are modifying.
Hides all columns in the list. After you click Save, the columns do not appear in the
list you are modifying.

Select a column in the Selected Columns list, and click the column-ordering buttons to the right
of the Selected Columns list to change the order in which the columns appear in the list.
The buttons are described in the following table.

Moves the column you select up one position in the Selected Columns list. After you
click Save, the column is moved to the left in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select down one position in the Selected Columns list. After
you click Save, the column is moved to the right in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select to the top of the Selected Columns list. After you click
Save, the column is moved all the way to the left in the list you are modifying.
Moves the column you select to the bottom of the Selected Columns list. After you
click Save, the column is moved all the way to the right in the list you are modifying.

Click Save.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Sorting List Columns

Sorting List Columns

You can sort the records in a list by the values in one or more columns. For example, you can sort
accounts to appear alphabetically by name (by sorting on the Name column). You can use an
advanced sort to sort by up to three columns at once. For example, you might want to sort the
accounts by name, then by current volume of sales, and then by city.
CAUTION: If you use any special characters in a field, such as parentheses, then you might
encounter problems when you try to sort records.
The active sort order of a column is designated in the column header. A dark arrow pointing up means
the values in the column are sorted in ascending order. A dark arrow pointing down means the values
in the column are sorted in descending order. Figure 36 shows an example the sort arrows in a
column header.

Figure 36. Example of Sort Arrows in a Column Heading

NOTE: The sort order resets when you leave a screen, unless you save the sort order as part of a
query. This option is available only for My views. For more information about querying, see Chapter 7,
Using Query to Locate Information.

Sorting a Single List Column

You can sort data a single column in ascending order and in descending order.

To sort a single column


In a list, click the column header of the column that you want to sort.
The column is sorted in ascending or descending order.

Click the column header again.

The column is sorted in the opposite order.

Performing an Advanced Sort in Lists

You use the Sort Order dialog box to perform an advanced sort. Figure 37 shows an example of the
Sort Order dialog box.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Completing Common Record Tasks Resizing List Columns

Figure 37. Example of the Sort Order Dialog Box

To perform an advanced sort in a list


In a list, click the menu button, and then click Advanced Sort.
The Sort Order dialog box appears. For more information about the Sort Order dialog box, see
Figure 37.

From the drop-down list for the Sort By field, select the first column to sort by.

From the drop-down list for the first Then By field, select the second column to sort by.

From the drop-down list for the second Then By field, select the third column to sort by.

Use the Ascending and Descending option buttons to define the sort order for each column you
select for the advanced sort.

Click OK.
The columns are sorted in the order you specify.

Resizing List Columns

You might find that you want to change the width of a column so that you can see all of the data in
the column. A changed column width is automatically saved, so you do not have to repeatedly resize
the column.

To resize columns

Place the cursor over the right header divider for the column you want to resize.
A resize arrow appears.

Click and drag the column divider to the right to widen the column, or to the left to narrow the

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Completing Common Record Tasks Resizing List Columns


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate


This chapter describes how to use queries to locate information in the Siebel application. It includes
the following topics:

About Queries on page 79

Creating Queries for Records on page 80

Finding Records in Lists on page 81

Refining Queries on page 82

Deleting Queries on page 82

Canceling Long-Running Queries on page 83

Using the Query Assistant on page 83

About Using Default Queries on page 85

About Querying a Telephone Number on page 85

Simple Query Operators on page 86

Compound Query Operators on page 88

Tips for Queries on page 88

About Queries
You use queries to locate one or more records that meet specified criteria. You can view the records
that a query finds on-screen, export them to a file, or use them as input for a report. A query
searches the database for specific data by using conditions or criteria. For example, you might want
to find all open service requests with a high priority. You perform this query in the Service screen by
using the query criteria of a Status field value of Open and a Priority field value of High.
After you create a query, you can save it, and run it again later.

Predefined Queries
Your organization can provide predefined queries (PDQs). Predefined queries have established
criteria, and appear in the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field. You cannot change predefined

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Creating Queries for Records

For example, if you always work with accounts located in California, then the drop-down list for the
Saved Queries field might contain a PDQ called CA Accounts that finds all the accounts in California.
Each time you want to see only the California accounts, you do not have to create a new query.
Instead, you can select the predefined CA Accounts query from the drop-down list for the Saved
Queries field.
When you execute a predefined query, the query runs against all the data for the current screen. If
you run a query to narrow the data set, then the predefined query uses all data for the screen, not
just the data that appears in a list.

Case Insensitive and Accent Insensitive Queries

Query features provide indexes that directly support case insensitive and accent insensitive (CIAI)
queries on eligible text columns. CIAI queries ignore both the case and use of accents to return all
records that otherwise match the query criteria. This capability is important when searching for
records such as contact or customer names. For example, an exact-match query produces different
a query results than a CIAI query if the query results contain capitalization inconsistencies (such as
MacArthur and Macarthur) or accent usage inconsistencies.
CIAI queries apply to the entire query string. To find out if your Siebel application uses exact-match
queries or CIAI queries, run test queries and review the query results. For more information about
CIAI queries, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
Your Siebel administrator can configure specific columns for CIAI queries by defining CIAI columns
and CIAI indexes in the repository using the CIAI wizard in Siebel Tools. The CIAI wizard sets the
Default Insensitivity property for CIAI columns to DB Case & Accent. CIAI-enabled fields are blank
in the user interface. The fields that contain the Case Required property represent non CIAI-enabled
A case-insensitive query works on all supported databases for the current release of the Siebel
application. However, an accent-insensitivity works only on the databases that provide the accentinsensitivity feature, such as Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL). For more information
about supported databases, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle
Technology Network.
NOTE: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system
requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certification tab on My
Oracle Support. For information about the Certification application, see article 1492194.1 (Article ID)
on My Oracle Support.

Creating Queries for Records

You can create your own queries, execute them, and save them for later use. Queries that you create
are called user-defined queries. In these queries, you can enter your own criteria to locate a specific
set of records.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate Information Finding Records in Lists

To create a query for records


Navigate to the screen.

Do one of the following:

In the list or form, click Query.

In the list or form, click the menu button, and then click New Query.

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then New Query.

Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

When you invoke the new query command, a blank form or a blank row in a list appears.

Enter the query criteria in the appropriate fields.

For more information about entering query criteria, see Simple Query Operators on page 86.
A wildcard is automatically assumed at the end of text you enter in the query fields. If you search
for Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.

Do one of the following:

In the list or form, click Go.

In the list or form, click the menu button, and then click Run Query.

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then Run Query.

Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

The query executes, and the records that match the query criteria appear.

If you want to save the query, then do the following:

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then Save Query As.
The Save Query As dialog box appears.

In the Query Name field, enter a name for the query, and click OK.
The saved query appears in the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field.

Finding Records in Lists

A list can contain many records. You might find it necessary to search for the records you want to
see in the list. You can perform full- or partial-text searches on one field.
Finding records is similar to querying for records, but you do not save search results when you query
for records.

To find records in a list


Navigate to the screen.

In the list header, select a field you want to search from the drop-down list for record fields.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Refining Queries

In the list header, type the text you want to search for in the field for a search value.
A wildcard is automatically assumed at the end of text you enter in the value field. If you search
for Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.

Press ENTER.
The records that match the criteria appear.

Refining Queries
You can refine the criteria of a predefined query or a user-defined query.
NOTE: If you refine the criteria of a predefined query, then you must save the query with a different
name to save the query.

To refine a saved query


Navigate to the screen.

From the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field, select the query.
The records meeting the query criteria appear.

Do one of the following:

In a list or form, click the menu button, and then click Refine Query.

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then Refine Query.

Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

Add and edit the criteria.

Do one of the following:

In the list or form, click the menu button, and then click Run Query.

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then Run Query.

Use the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

The query executes, and the records that match the criteria appear.

Deleting Queries
You can delete user-defined queries.

To delete a saved query


Navigate to the screen.

From the application-level menu, choose Query, then Delete Saved Query.
The Delete Record dialog box appears, showing the user-defined queries for that screen.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate Information Canceling Long-Running Queries

Select the query you want to delete in the Query Name list.

Click OK to delete the query.

Canceling Long-Running Queries

Because of how your Siebel application is set up, you might be able to cancel queries that run for a
long time. For more information about your setup, contact your Siebel administrator.

To cancel a long-running query


Execute a query.
If the query does not return records after a specified period of time, then a dialog box appears.

Click Cancel.
A confirmation dialog box appears to confirm that the query canceled successfully.

Click OK.

Using the Query Assistant

After clicking Query in a form or list, you can click Query Assistant to launch a dialog box to create
a query. The Query Assistant button appears to the right of the Cancel button after you click Query.
You can use the Query Assistant dialog box if you are not familiar with query operators. When you
use the Query Assistant, you can select operators, instead of entering them, to find the information
you are looking for. You can also save your query before you execute it by clicking Save Query.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Using the Query Assistant

Figure 38 show an example of the Query Assistant dialog box. This Query Assistant queries for all
accounts for which the value in the Site field is San Francisco and the value in the Name field starts
with Abbot. Querying in the Query Assistant is case-insensitive.
NOTE: You cannot use the EXISTS operator in the Query Assistant for Multi-Value Group (MVG)

Figure 38. Example of the Query Assistant Dialog Box

To perform a query using the Query Assistant


Navigate to the screen.

In the list or form, click Query.

When you invoke the new query command, a blank form or a blank row in a list appears.

Click Query Assistant.

The Query Assistant dialog box appears.
NOTE: If no values appear in the drop-down lists in this dialog box, then contact your Siebel


In the Query Assistant dialog box, do the following:

From the field drop-down list in the first row of fields, select a field to query.

From the drop-down list to the right of the field you just selected, select an operator for that field.

In the field to the right of the operator you just selected, enter the value applicable to that

Complete other rows as needed.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate Information About Using Default Queries

From the drop-down list for the Perform Query using field, select AND or OR to specify the type
of operator you want to use between each row of your criteria.
AND shows only results that meet all the criteria. OR shows results that meet any of the

Click Go.
The query executes, the Query Assistant dialog box closes, and the records that match the
criteria appear.

About Using Default Queries

When you navigate to a screen, the records that appear depend on the default query set up for that
screen. You can specify a different default query in your user preferences. If no default query is set
up, then the first predefined query in the drop-down list for the Saved Queries field executes. For
more information, see Setting Up Default Queries on page 133.
NOTE: You cannot set up a blank query as the default. Also, you cannot set your user preferences
so that no query executes when you navigate to a screen.
If you set up a default query for the view associated with a visibility filter, then the query executes
only if you access that view using the Site Map link. Using the visibility filter to access that filters
default query fails. If the visibility filter is set up as the default view for that screen, then clicking
the screen tab executes the default query for the filter.

About Querying a Telephone Number

When you perform a query for a telephone number, the country code of the default country in your
computers regional settings is automatically added as a prefix to the query value. (However, if the
default country is the United States, then no prefix is added.) For example, if the default country is
Germany, and if you type 0181 in the telephone field of a query, then the German country code (+49)
is added to the query value, and the query value is +49*0181*.
To find a telephone number for a country other than the default country, you must specify the country
code in the query value. To avoid limiting the query to one country, you must refine the query to
remove the country code portion.
For example, a European user enters the phone numbers of business contacts throughout the
continent. When traveling to another country, the user sets the default country on a laptop computer
to that country. When in Germany, the user needs local phone numbers. Therefore, German numbers
are returned by default for each query. If the user wants to find the number of a contact in England
while in Germany, then the user must enter +44 before the query. When next traveling to England,
the user does not use German contacts as much. Therefore, only English numbers are returned by
default for each query.
CAUTION: Including a hyphen in a telephone number query causes the query to fail. Do not include
hyphens in telephone number queries.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Simple Query Operators

Simple Query Operators

You can use several simple query operators to define query criteria.
NOTE: Query operators are reserved in Siebel query language. If you enter a query value that
includes a query operator, then you must enclose the query value in double quotes. For example, a
query for records containing the text call is closed fails. The word IS falls into the category of
reserved Siebel query language because it is used in the query operators IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, and
so on. If you enclose the text call is closed in double quotes ("call is closed"), then the Siebel
application returns all records containing the text call is closed. Other reserved operators include
apostrophe (), brackets ( [ ] ), comma (,), parentheses (()), tilde (~), and comparison operators
such as =, <, and >.
Table 15 shows simple query operators. In this table, operators appear in uppercase. However, query
strings are case-sensitive. The operators do not have to be in uppercase.
You can use simple query operators on their own.

Table 15.

Simple Query Operators




Wildcard operator. Placed anywhere

in a string, returns records containing
the string or containing the string
plus any additional characters,
including a space, that appear at the
location of the asterisk.

*rang* finds arrange, arranged, orange,

orangutan, range, ranges, ranging, rang,
strange, stranger, strangest, strangle,
wrangle, and so on.

You cannot use an asterisk to find


NOTE: If performance is poor when you use

the asterisk, then substitute "IS NOT NULL" in
the query field. This substitution often
improves performance.

To find words on more than one line in

a field, you must use an asterisk to
separate the words. You cannot query
for control characters or nonprintable characters, such as line
feeds (LF) or carriage returns (CR).



Wildcard operator. Placed anywhere

in a string, returns records containing
the characters in the string plus any
one additional character that appears
at the location of the question mark.

?rag finds brag, crag, or drag.

Placed before and after a string,

returns records that exactly match
the string, unless modified by a
wildcard operator (* or ?). Quotes
find a group of words in the exact
order with the exact uppercase or
lowercase lettering.

"Oracle Solaris" finds records that contain

Oracle Solaris in the query field.

t?pe finds type and tape, but not tripe.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate Information Simple Query Operators

Table 15.

(Continued)Simple Query Operators




Placed before a value, returns records

containing a value equal to the query

=Smith finds all records for which the value in

the query field is Smith. It also negates
wildcard operators within the query value.
NOTE: For CIAI-enabled fields, if you type
"=abc*", then the query becomes a casesensitive query because you use an equal sign
(=) as an operator in the query.


Placed before a value, returns records

containing a value less than the query

<6/20/01 finds all records in which the value

of the query field is earlier than 20 June 2001.
When entering a date, use the format that is
specific to your implementation.


Placed before a value, returns records

containing a value greater than the
query value.

>5/31/01 finds all records in which the date in

the query field is later than 31 May 2001.
When entering a date, use the format that is
specific to your implementation.


Placed before the value, returns

records containing a value that is not
equal to the query value.

<>6/20/01 finds all records in which the date

in the query field is not 20 June 2001. <>Paris
finds all the records in which the value in the
query field is not Paris.


Placed before a value, returns records

containing a value less than or equal
to the query value.

<=500 finds all the records in which the value

in the query field is less than or equal to 500.


Placed before a value, returns records

containing a value greater than or
equal to the query value.

>=500 finds all records in which the value in

the query field is greater than or equal to 500.

not like

Placed before a value, returns records

not containing the value.

NOT LIKE Smi* finds all records in which the

value in the query field do not start with Smi.

is null

Placed in the query field, returns

records for which the query field is

IS NULL in the Due Date query field finds all

records for which the Due Date field is blank.

NULL, is
not null

Placed in the query field, returns

records for which the query field is
not blank.

IS NOT NULL in the Due Date query field finds

all records for which the Due Date field is not

Placed before LIKE and a value with a

wildcard operator, returns all
matching records regardless of case.

~LIKE Smi* finds all records in which the value

in the query field starts with Smi, smi, SMI,
and so on. Using this operator might affect
NOTE: You can enter a CIAI query expression
for a contact as follows:
[Last Name] ~Like abc*

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Compound Query Operators

Compound Query Operators

Table 16 shows compound query operators. In this table, operators appear in uppercase. However,
query strings are case-sensitive. The operators do not have to be in uppercase.
When you perform a compound query, you must use parentheses to control the order in which the
search for matching records is performed.

Table 16.

Compound Query Operators




AND, and

Placed between values, returns

only records for which all the
conditions are true.

*performance* AND *memory* finds all records that

contain both performance and memory in the
query field.

OR, or

Placed between values, returns

records for which at least one
condition is true.

*performance* OR *memory* finds all records that

contain either performance or memory in the
query field.
performance* OR memory* finds all records that
start with either performance or memory in the
query field.

NOT, not

Placed before a value, returns

only records that do not contain
the value.

*performance* AND NOT LIKE *memory* finds all

records that contain performance but not memory
in the query field.
NOT (performance OR memory) finds all records
that contain neither performance nor memory in
the query field.


Placed before and after the

values and operators that are
processed first, regardless of
the default processing order.

(sun OR moon) AND NOT stars returns records that

contain sun or moon, but not stars, in the query

LIKE, like

Placed before a value, returns

records containing the value.

(performance* OR memory*) AND LIKE (problem)

finds all records in which the query field starts with
performance or memory and also includes
NOTE: The LIKE operator is case sensitive. To find
matches regardless of case, see Table 15 on
page 86.

Tips for Queries

Note the following tips when you create and execute queries:


The Siebel application automatically adds a wildcard to the end of your query. If you search for
Siebe, then all words beginning with the letters Siebe are found.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Query to Locate Information Tips for Queries

When you create a query, the records matching the query criteria appear in a list. While you work
with the records in the list and move through the views within the current screen, the list
continues to show the records that were found when you executed the query. The list is reset to
the default list of records when you leave and then again access the current screen.

If you no longer need the list of records in a query and want to reset the list, then click the current
screen tab to return to the default set of records.

If a predefined query created by your organization appears in the drop-down list for the Saved
Queries field, then you cannot delete this query from the list. However, you can modify the query
criteria and save the query using another name. For more information, see Refining Queries on
page 82.

You cannot query on Notes views when you are connected to the server.

Any queries that execute in Administration screens against multi-value group fields are
automatically appended by EXISTS(). Consequently, you can see every record, regardless of
whether it is a primary record.

When you create a query and navigate through the views, use the hyperlinks on the link bar to
return to the queried list of records.

If you execute a query that includes more than one consecutive blank space, and if you do not
place quotes around the query, then the spaces are ignored, and you see inaccurate results.

When the query results appear in list format, the first record is highlighted. It might appear as
though the record you select before running the query appears again, but you are actually seeing
a new set of records resulting from your query.

Related Topics
Querying for Records in a Selection Dialog Box on page 54
Setting Up Default Queries on page 133
Displaying Record Count on page 66

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Query to Locate Information Tips for Queries


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Task UI

This chapter describes how to use the task user interface (UI) in the Siebel application. It includes
the following topics:

About Task User Interface on page 91

Using Task UI on page 91

Navigational Buttons for Task UI on page 92

About Task User Interface

Task UI is a wizard-like user interface that:

Guides you through task execution.

Allows you to navigate back and forward during the task execution.

Allows you to resume or pause task execution at any point.

Task UI features help increase the efficiency of:

Novice or intermittent users by guiding them through the execution of unfamiliar tasks.

Experienced users who want to switch between multiple tasks throughout their workday.

Task UI includes the following features that support task execution:

Tasks Pane. The left side of the screen contains a listing of the tasks available to you. These
tasks relate to the current context. When you select a given task, the Tasks Pane shows the
sequence of steps for that task.

Navigation Buttons.
through the task flow.
provides the ability to
information about the

Radio Buttons. Radio buttons provide support for decision-making within a task. The choices
within a task determine the branches and screens that you can access.

The Task screen has a standard set of four buttons that control navigation
It includes buttons to move forward and back through the task steps and
pause a task for later resumption and to cancel a task. For more
navigational buttons, see Navigational Buttons for Task UI on page 92.

After you launch a task item, it remains active until you complete it. If you launch Tasks, and
navigate to a different screen, then the task items do not change. For more information about Task
UI, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.

Using Task UI
You can drill down on task items to launch the Task UI wizard and receive detailed instructions for
each step in the task.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Task UI Navigational Buttons for Task UI

To use tasks

Click the Tasks button on the application toolbar.

The Tasks pane appears on the left side of the application window, and lists the task items related
to the current screen. The Tasks pane remains open until you close it.

In the Tasks pane, drill down on a task item to launch the Task UI wizard.

Select one of the radio buttons to choose an option, and click Next.

Follow the instructions in the wizard.

After you complete the task, close the Tasks pane.

Navigational Buttons for Task UI

Table 17 shows the navigational buttons for the Task UI wizard. Many of these buttons can appear at
the bottom of the Task UI wizard. Your Siebel application might contain additional buttons.

Table 17.

Navigational Buttons in Task Wizard




Navigates to the previous step in the task. This button is disabled for the first step. This
button might also be disabled for the steps that follow the step in which data is
committed to the database.


Navigates to the next step in the task. This button also validates your actions and
prevents you from proceeding to the next step until the required criteria are met. This
button is relabeled Finish when you reach the final step of the task.


Saves the task in its current stage and sends the task to your Inbox. You can launch
the task later and resume the task from where you left off. You can set this option from
your user preferences. For more information, see Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI
on page 144.


Deletes the task without saving any data, but if a task is previously saved, then restores
the task to its previous state. The Pause and Cancel buttons are enabled for all steps.
However, when the data is already committed, the Cancel button is disabled for the last


Writes data while in the middle of a task. Some data is posted to the database rather
than queued until the end of the task.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Synchronizing Data

This chapter provides information about synchronizing data in the Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

About Database Synchronization on page 93

Synchronization Process on page 94

About Synchronizing with a Personal Information Manager Server on page 94

About Database Synchronization

Database synchronization applies to you if you are a remote user of the Siebel application. You must
synchronize data on a regular basis to maintain the database on your remote laptop.
The copy of the database on your laptop is generally called a local database. The Siebel application
is the interface that allows you to add and manipulate information in the database. Using a dial-up
connection, you synchronize your local database with the server database by sending data to the
server and receiving data from the server. Figure 39 on page 94 shows the synchronization process.
For example, if you add several new opportunities to your local database, then you must synchronize
this data, which is on your laptop, with the data on the server. This synchronization transfers the
new data to the server. If, on the server, you are added as a team member to a new account, then
you must synchronize data so that the data for this new account is added to your local database. For
information about setting up synchronization preferences, see Siebel Remote and Replication
Manager Administration Guide.
You synchronize data regularly for the following reasons:

To make sure your local database is current.

To make sure the total time to synchronize is as short as possible. Regular synchronization
results in shorter synchronization times.

To share updates with colleagues.

NOTE: You must synchronize data in a timely manner so that the most up-to-date information
resides on your laptop. Each organization has its own guidelines for the synchronization process.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Synchronizing Data Synchronization Process

Synchronization Process
Figure 39 shows the synchronization process.

Figure 39. Synchronization Process

The synchronization process includes the following steps:

You make offline changes to the database on your laptop.

You dial in and synchronize data.

You initiate the synchronization process by choosing File, then Synchronize Database from the
application-level menu.

The server accepts all the changes to the server database and any new or changed data from
your laptop.

You see all the changes to your laptop database and any new or changed data from the server.

About Synchronizing with a Personal

Information Manager Server
Siebel Server Sync is a server-side integration product that synchronizes Siebel Business
Applications data with Personal Information Manager (PIM) server products. For example, your
administrator can configure such synchronization so that you can synchronize calendar, contact, and
other data between Siebel Business Applications and PIM products. For more information, see Siebel
Server Sync Guide.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

10 Sharing Information
This chapter describes the different ways to share information in the Siebel application. It includes
the following topics:

Using the Inbox on page 95

Running Reports on page 95

Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless Messaging on page 96

Creating Siebel Bookmarks on page 99

Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records on page 100

Importing Data into the Siebel Application on page 100

Exporting Data to an External File on page 102

Using the Inbox

The Inbox provides you with a centralized list of items requiring your attention, such as approvals
and notifications. The Inbox can include almost any business entity, including service requests,
approvals, and opportunities.
When you select an item in your Inbox list, the Detail view in the bottom part of the application
window is updated to show the fields for that type of business entity. You can see the details of the
record without navigating to another screen. You can also perform default actions, such as approving
an expense report, directly from the Inbox.

To check your Inbox


From the application-level menu, choose Navigate, then Site Map.

Click Inbox.
The Site Map displays the views available for the Inbox.

Click Inbox Items List.

In many cases, you can drill down on the Name field hyperlink to see details about the work item.

Running Reports
In the Siebel clients (Siebel Web Client, Siebel Mobile Web Client, and Siebel Developer Web Client),
you run Siebel Reports in views. While in a view, you can perform a query, and then select the report
you want to run. For more information, see Chapter 7, Using Query to Locate Information.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Sharing Information Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless Messaging

You can monitor long-running reports, view previously run reports, and delete reports. For more
information about the Siebel Reports user interface, see Siebel Reports Guide.
NOTE: Reports functionality is an optional extension to Siebel Business Applications.

To run a report

Navigate to the screen and view that contains the information for which you want to run a report.

(Optional) Limit report data by running a query.

On the application toolbar, click the Reports button.

The Run Report pane appears.

In the Run Report pane, complete the appropriate fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.



Report Name

Select an available report. The available reports apply to the screen and view
to which you navigate.

Custom Name

Type a custom name for the report if you want to name the report a different
name from the value in the Report Name field.

Output Type

Select the output type for the report.

Report Locale

Select the locale for the report.

Click Submit.
The designated report runs.

Click My Reports to navigate to the Reports view of the BI Publisher Reports screen.
A record for the run report appears in the Reports view.

Drill down on the Report Name field in the Reports view to display the report in a new window.
You can print the report by using the print feature for the application in which it appears.

Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless

You can send email messages, faxes, pages, and wireless messages (for example, text messages or
Short Message Service messages) from within the Siebel application. The following commands are
available when you choose File on the application-level menu:

Send Email. Allows you to send email directly from the Siebel application. For more information,
see Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email on page 131.

Send Fax. Allows you to send a fax directly from the Siebel application.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Sharing Information Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless Messaging

Send Page. Allows you to page someone directly from the Siebel application.

Send Wireless Message. Allows you to send a message to another persons wireless device
from the Siebel application.

Sending a fax, page, or wireless message is similar to sending an email. Choose the appropriate Send
command after you choose File from the application-level menu. If you cannot send a fax, page, or
wireless message, then contact your Siebel administrator.
The configuration of your Siebel application determines whether you have access to send
functionality. For more information, contact your Siebel administrator.

Sending Email from the Siebel Application

Using the Send Email command, you can send email messages from any context (location) within
the Siebel application. The Siebel administrator can configure the Siebel application so that you can
use context-specific email message templates to improve efficiency and standardize replies for the
types of communications that occur frequently. Figure 40 shows an example of the Send Email dialog

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Sharing Information Emailing, Faxing, Paging, and Wireless Messaging

The Siebel application supports user choice regarding the software for Send Email. The choice of
software is determined by the value of the Email Client user preference setting in your Siebel

Figure 40. Example of the Send Email Dialog Box

To send an email from the Siebel application


Navigate to the screen.

Select the record for which you want to send the email.
On some screens, data associated with the selected record might be inserted into the email.

From the application-level menu, choose File, then Send Email.

NOTE: On some screen, the Pick Recipients dialog box might appear. If this dialog box appears,
then select a recipient (or select None) from the list, and click OK.
The Send Email dialog box appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Sharing Information Creating Siebel Bookmarks

Complete the appropriate fields in the dialog box.

Verify that the From field includes your profile name. If this field does not include your profile
name, then select a profile name from the drop-down list for this field. If no profile is available,
then contact your Siebel administrator.
You can select a template containing predefined text for the email from the drop-down list for
the Body field.

(Optional) Complete the following additional steps:

Attach literature and other files to the email by clicking the Add literature or Attachment button
next to the Attachments field.
Launching the Send Email dialog box from an attachment record automatically attaches the
file in the attachment record to the email.
NOTE: If you attach multiple items (literature or attachments) to the email, then only the
last item you attach appears in the Attachments field. To see a list of all attachments, click
the Attachment button.

If you select HTML as your Default Message Format user preference, then edit aspects of the
message text, such as font size, font color, paragraph justification, and so on. For more
information, see Using the HTML Editor on page 99.
The email recipient sees this formatting if the recipients email client software supports

Click Send to send the email.

Using the HTML Editor

You can set your user preferences to allow you to use the HTML editor in the Send Email dialog box.
For more information, see Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email on
page 131.
In the Siebel application, you might come across various screens in which you can invoke the HTML
editor. The HTML editor provides special editing controls that allow you to use supported HTML
formatting, and also provides some standard editing features, such as cut and paste. Figure 40 shows
the buttons available in the toolbar for the HTML editor above the body of the message.

Creating Siebel Bookmarks

A Siebel bookmark is a URL that links to a specific record in the Siebel application. A Siebel bookmark
included in an email message or a document allows a user to click a link to navigate directly to a
record if the Siebel application is active on the users computer.
When you click the link in an email message or a document, a new browser window might open to
access the Siebel application. If an error message appears indicating that you cannot access the
Siebel application from this window, then close the window, open a new window, and paste the URL
into the new window. If the Siebel application is running on your computer, then you can also paste
the URL into the browser for that application.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Sharing Information Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records

The procedure in this topic shows how to add a Siebel bookmark to an email or a document by
copying and pasting, but you can also complete this task by dragging and dropping.

To add a Siebel bookmark to an email or a document


Navigate to and select the Siebel record to which you want to create a link.

Complete either of the following steps:

Select the URL in the browser, and then copy and paste this URL to an email or document.
A hyperlink is created to the Siebel record from the email or the document.

From the application-level menu, select File, then Create Bookmark, select the URL in the
Get Bookmark URL dialog box, and then copy and paste this URL to an email or document.
Click OK to close the Get Bookmark dialog box.
A hyperlink is created to the Siebel record from the email or the document.

Creating Shortcuts to Siebel Records

A shortcut allows you or another user to click a link to navigate directly to a record. If the Siebel
application is not running when you click the link for a shortcut, then you must first log in to the
Siebel application.

To create a shortcut to a Siebel record


In the Siebel application, locate and select the Siebel record for which you want to create a

Select the URL content in the address field of the browser.

Copy and paste the URL content to another location, such as an email message or a document.
The link for the shortcut is created at the location.

Importing Data into the Siebel

You can import data into only certain parts of the Siebel application. For example, you cannot import
contacts into the My Personal Contacts view. However, you can add personal contacts by creating
new records in the Personal Contacts view or by synchronizing with a Personal Information Manager
(PIM), such as Microsoft Outlook. For more information, see About Synchronizing with a Personal
Information Manager Server on page 94.
If you want to import accounts or opportunities, then contact your Siebel administrator. You can
import a maximum of 2000 records at one time.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Sharing Information Importing Data into the Siebel Application

To import data into the Siebel application


Navigate to the screen into which you want to import data.

NOTE: You cannot use the import feature from a view.

Click the menu button, and then click Import.

The Import dialog box appears.

In the Import dialog box, do the following:

Click Choose File for the Input File field to select the file to import.
A dialog box appears.

Select the file you want to import, and click Open.

Use the Input Format option buttons to select the format of the input source file.
NOTE: The file you import must match the format you select in the Input Format option.

Use the Input Source option buttons to define the type of mapping you want to use.
The Auto Mapping option uses the structure of the import file to map fields. The Predefined
Mapping option uses a set format that is based on the source application, for example, ACT!.
When you select the Predefined Mapping option, you must select the corresponding source
from the Input Source drop-down list.
NOTE: When importing using predefined mapping, all the fields must be defined in the
Import Object in Siebel Tools. A certain format is required for predefined mapping. For more
information, contact your Siebel administrator.

Use the Conflict Resolution option buttons to select the method you prefer to use if the import
process encounters a conflict between records.

Click Next.
If you choose the Predefined Mapping option, then go to Step 5. If you choose the Auto
Mapping option, then the Import mapping dialog box appears.

Verify that the mappings in the Field Mappings list are correct.
To update a mapping, select the field in the Import Field list, select the corresponding Siebel field
in the Siebel Field list, and then click Update Mapping. The mapping in the Field Mappings list is

Click Next.
The records from the import file are imported into the Siebel database. When the import finishes,
a status dialog box appears.

Click OK to close the dialog box, or click View Log to review information about the import.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

10 1

Sharing Information Exporting Data to an External File

Exporting Data to an External File

The export feature is useful when you query for specific data and want to export that data to a
separate file. The exported data in the file might be in Microsoft Excel, but you can import the data
into other applications.
Dates or numbers in exported data are formatted according to your computers regional settings.
You can configure your regional settings using the Microsoft Windows Control Panel. In some cases,
the formatting depends on the regional settings on the company server. For more information,
contact your Siebel administrator.
You export from a list. You can export a single record or a list of records.
NOTE: If a record you export includes a multi-value group field, then only the primary value for that
field is exported.

To export data to an external file


Navigate to the screen from which you want to export data, and run a query to display the

(Optional) Use the Columns Displayed function to add columns to and remove columns from the
For more information, see Organizing List Columns on page 74.

Click the menu button, and then click Export.

The Export dialog box appears.

In the Export dialog box, do the following:

Use the Rows To Export option buttons and Columns To Export option buttons to define the rows
and columns you want to export.
NOTE: The order of exported columns is determined in Siebel Tools by the order of the
Sequence property values of the columns as they are set in the List Column object. For more
information about properties of the List Column object, see Siebel Object Types Reference.

Use the Output Format option buttons to define the format of the output document.
To correctly export Siebel data to a Microsoft Excel document, select the Tab Delimited Text
File option. Select the Text File With Delimiter option to add quotes around each field value
to help differentiate between each column value.
NOTE: For numeric fields, the number of digits to the right of the decimal point that are
exported to the document is determined by the regional settings of your operating system.
Modifying the operating system settings allows for more digits, up to a maximum value of
nine digits to the right of the decimal point.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Sharing Information Exporting Data to an External File

Click Next.
NOTE: The export process can take several minutes if you export a large amount of data. A
message showing the current status of the export appears (and is periodically updated) at
the top of the Export dialog box. Performance might be adversely affected if you export more
than 50,000 records.
After all of the export data is retrieved, the Show all downloads link appears in the bottom
right corner of the screen, and a field containing the external file appears in the bottom left
corner of the screen. You can click the Show all downloads link to use your browser to access
and manage all files that you export.

From the drop-down list for the field containing the external file, select Show in Folder to see the
location of the external file.
You can access this file and modify it.

Close the Export dialog box, and click the X next to the Show all downloads link to hide the link
and the field containing the external file.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

10 3

Sharing Information Exporting Data to an External File


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

11 Using the Calendar

This chapter describes how to use the calendar. It does not apply to users who integrate Microsoft
Outlook with their Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics:

About the Calendar on page 106

About Calendar Formats on page 107

About Calendar Views on page 108

About Viewing Activities on page 108

About Activity Defaults on page 109

About Recurring Activity Defaults on page 110

About Activity Fields on page 110

About Using Group Calendars on page 110

Viewing Calendar Activities on page 110

Adding Activities to the Calendar on page 111

Deleting Calendar Activities on page 112

Creating Recurring Calendar Activities on page 112

Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities on page 113

Adding To Do Activities to the To Do List on page 114

Marking To Do Activities Complete on page 115

Changing Activities on page 115

Rescheduling Activities on page 116

Adding Participants to Activities on page 117

Removing Participants from Activities

Reassigning Activities on page 119

Changing the Time Zone in the Calendar on page 120

Granting Access to Your Calendar on page 121

Viewing Calendars of Other Users on page 121

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

10 5

Using the Calendar About the Calendar

About the Calendar

The Calendar screen allows you to manage your time and scheduled activities. You can choose the
visual format that you want for the calendar. These formats include the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly
calendar format. In the Calendar screen, you can schedule activities, view activities, invite
participants to meetings, and view your tasks in a To Do list. Figure 41 shows an example of the
Calendar screen.

Figure 41. Example of the Calendar Screen

Each activity that appears in the calendar is highlighted in the color associated with the Status field
value of that activity. The color legend for the calendar shows only those colors that appear in the
displayed calendar, not all possible colors. The Siebel administrator can change the colors for Status
field values and change the field that determines activity color from the Status field to another field,
such as the Type field. For more information about this customizing these colors and fields, see
Configuring Siebel Open UI.
In the Activities screen, you can create an activity with a planned start time, and the activity is
automatically placed on your calendar. Changing the information for a scheduled activity on the
calendar changes the same information in the Activities screen. Similarly, changing information
about an activity in any Activities screen changes the same information in the calendar.
Some views in the Calendar screen display a To Do list. Activities that you specify as To Do activities
appear in your To Do list. You can view your uncompleted To Do activities in this list.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar About Calendar Formats

About Calendar Formats

The configuration of your Siebel application determines the availability of certain features. Therefore,
the calendar formats you see can differ from the calendar formats described in this topic. Calendar
format buttons appear in the Calendar screen. Table 18 describes the calendar format buttons.

Table 18.

Calendar Format Buttons



Switch to daily
view button

Displays your activities that are scheduled for the selected day.

Switch to
weekly view

Displays your activities that are scheduled for the selected week. You
can designate a 5-Day-Weekly format or a 7-Day-Weekly format in
your user preferences. For more information, see Setting Up Default
Calendar Formats on page 141.

Switch to
monthly view

Displays your activities that are scheduled for the selected month. In
the Monthly calendar format, you can place your cursor over a day to
see a full list of the days activities.

If the current date appears in the calendar format, then that date is automatically selected and
highlighted in a color (for example, yellow) when you access a calendar. If you click a time slot in
the calendar, then that time slot is highlighted in a color (for example, blue).
You can navigate to a date in calendar formats in the following ways:

Click the left arrow button to the left of the calendar title to navigate to the previous calendar
interval and the right arrow button to the right of the calendar title to navigate to the next
calendar interval.
The calendar title determines the calendar interval to which you navigate. For example, if the
calendar title is August 6 - 12, 2012, then the calendar is in the Weekly calendar format. When
you click the left arrow button, you navigate to the calendar for the previous week, and when
you click the right arrow button, you navigate to the calendar for the next week.

Click the Today button to navigate to the current date when the current date does not appear in
the displayed calendar format.

Click the calendar select button to navigate to a date. This date does not have to appear in the
displayed calendar format.
When you click the calendar select button, you access the calendar control. Unlike the calendar
control for fields, the calendar control for the Calendar screen does not include an OK button and
a Now button that you can click to select a date. In the calendar control for the Calendar screen,
you click a date to select the date. For more information about the calendar control, see About
the Calendar Control on page 47.

In the Monthly calendar format, click a date in the calendar.

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Using the Calendar About Calendar Views

About Calendar Views

Calendar views are available in screens, such as Accounts, Contacts, Campaigns, Projects, and
Opportunities. Each Calendar view allows you to create activities without navigating to the Calendar
screen and leaving the current screen.
Calendar views in screens allow you to associate activities with an active record. For example, if you
create a new activity in the Calendar view of the Accounts screen, then the new activity appears with
the Account and Site fields populated from the active account record.
You can navigate to a date in Calendar views in the following ways:

Select values in the date value fields at the top of the view, and click Go.

Click the Today button to navigate to the current date when the current date does not appear in
the displayed calendar.

This date navigation is available only if administrators configure calendar views in screens for the
Siebel Open UI client. For more information this configuration, see Configuring Siebel Open UI.

About Viewing Activities

Activities can appear in the Activities screen, in the Calendar, and in the To Do list. The place where
an activity appears depends on the place where you create it. Table 19 explains where activities
NOTE: You cannot query for activities in the calendar.
Activities cannot appear in the Calendar and the To Do list at the same time.

Table 19.

Where Activities Appear

If you create an
activity here...

Then the activity

automatically appears

Calendar screen

Calendar screen

Activities screen



Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar About Activity Defaults

Table 19.

(Continued)Where Activities Appear

If you create an
activity here...

Then the activity

automatically appears

To Do list

To Do list

Activities screen

The location associated

with value you select
from the drop-down list
for the Display In field

Activities screen


Values in the drop-down list for the Display In

field include: Calendar and Activities, To Do and
Activities, Activities Only, and Communication
and Activities.
If you choose Calendar and Activities, but do
not assign a start time to the activity, then the
activity does not appear in your calendar.
If you choose Communication and Activities in
the Display In field and Email - Inbound in the
Type field, then the activity appears in
Communications List view of the
Communications screen.

About Activity Defaults

When you create a new calendar activity, some fields are populated with default values. Table 20
shows these values as they appear in the preconfigured Siebel application.

Table 20.

Default Values for Calendar Activity Fields


Default Value




Date and time that is determined by the way you create the activity.

If you select a single time slot or multiple time slots in the calendar, then the date
and start time for that time slot or group of time slots.

If you select the + (plus sign) button, then the calendar date to which you navigate
and the start time of the time slot that begins after the current time. For example,
if the current time is 11:02 A.M. and the calendar interval in your user preferences
is 15 minutes, then the start time defaults to 11:15 A.M.


Default value, in minutes, in your user preferences.


Start time plus the value in the Duration field.


Your user ID in the Siebel application when you view your calendar, and another user
ID when you view another users calendar.

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Using the Calendar About Recurring Activity Defaults

About Recurring Activity Defaults

When you create a recurring activity, the Repeat Until field defaults to a predetermined value that is
based on the value you select from the drop-down list for the Repeat Frequency field. You can change
this predetermined value as needed.
Table 21 shows the default values for the Repeat Until field. For more information about creating
recurring activities, see Creating Recurring Calendar Activities on page 112.

Table 21.

Default Values for Repeat Until Field

If Repeat Frequency value is...

Then the default Repeat Until value is...


Today plus 7 days


Today plus 90 days


Today plus 6 months


Today plus 2 years


Today plus 10 years

About Activity Fields

Note the following points when you work with calendar activities:

Selecting a value in the Repeat Frequency field automatically sets a value in the Repeat Until field
and determines that the activity is recurring.

The date and time in the Start field cannot be later than the date and time in the End field.

If you select the Alarm check box in the Calendar Detail form of a calendar activity, and you
select the Done check box in the Activity form of that calendar activity, then the Alarm check box
is cleared.

About Using Group Calendars

You might want to see certain calendar activities common to all of your colleagues, such as trade
shows, training events, holidays, and so on. Your Siebel administrator can create a user ID
representing your group and give you and your colleagues access to this user ID. For more
information, contact your Siebel administrator.

Viewing Calendar Activities

You can view and manage activities in the daily, weekly, or monthly format of your calendar. You can
specify any of the calendar formats as the default format in the Calendar screen. For more
information, see Setting Up Default Calendar Formats on page 141.
NOTE: You cannot query for activities in the calendar.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Adding Activities to the Calendar

To view calendar activities


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

The calendar appears, showing the Daily calendar format.

(Optional) Click a button to change the calendar format.

For more information, see About Calendar Formats on page 107.

Place your cursor over the hyperlink for an activity description to view details about that activity.

Adding Activities to the Calendar

In the Daily and Weekly calendar format, the free time slots associated with your work hours are a
lighter color than the time slots associated with your non-work hours, but you can add activities to
any time slot. You can designate the time your work hours in your user preferences. For more
information, see Changing the Length of the Calendar Day on page 140.

To add an activity to the calendar


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

(Optional) Navigate to a date in the calendar.

If you complete this step, then the value in the Start field of the Calendar Detail form includes
the date to which you navigate. The Calendar Detail form appears when you complete the next
step. For information about navigating to a date in the calendar, see About Calendar Formats on
page 107.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click + (plus sign).

The Calendar Detail form appears.

Complete the fields.

Click Save This One.

The activity appears in your calendar and in the Activities screen.

Entering Activities Directly in the Calendar

In the Daily and Weekly calendar format, you can enter an activity directly in the calendar.

To enter an activity directly in the calendar


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily or Weekly calendar format, click the time slot for which you want to create the
If you want to create an activity that spans multiple time slots, then click the first time slot, and
without lifting the mouse, drag and drop the activity to the last time slot.

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Using the Calendar Deleting Calendar Activities

In the New Event dialog box, enter a description, and click OK.
The activity appears in your calendar and in the Activities screen.

Deleting Calendar Activities

You can delete an activity from any calendar format in the Calendar screen. However, you cannot
delete read-only activities. Read-only activities include the following activities:

Some activities imported from other applications, such as Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft

Activities that you do not own in your calendar.

Activities that you can only view in the calendars of other users.

Activities that are protected by industry-specific functionality.

For example, some call records in Siebel Life Sciences are read-only. You can delete the call
record, but not the calendar activity for the call record.

To delete an activity

Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

Click Delete This One.

If you are the primary employee for the activity, then the activity is deleted from every
participants calendar. If you are a non-primary employee for the activity, then the activity is
deleted from only your calendar.

Creating Recurring Calendar Activities

You might find that you want to schedule recurring activities, such as meetings. Instead of creating
a new meeting every time a recurring meeting occurs, you can create one activity and set the activity
to repeat at specific times to create a series of meetings.
NOTE: When you modify a recurring meeting and click Save All, your changes are applied to the
current meeting and to every future meeting in the series. However, your changes are not applied
every previous meeting in the series.

To create a recurring calendar activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click + (plus sign).

The Calendar Detail form appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities

Complete the fields.

Some fields are described in the following table.




Select a value to designate how often you want this activity to recur. For more
information about the Repeat Frequency value, see Table 21 on page 110.


(Optional) Select the date on which you want the activity to stop recurring by
clicking the Calendar button in this field.

Click Save This One.

Changing Recurring Activities to Nonrecurring Activities

You can change a recurring activity to a nonrecurring activity.

To change a recurring activity to a nonrecurring activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

From the drop-down list for the Repeat Frequency field, choose Non-Repeating.

Click Save All.

All future instances of the activity are deleted. The activity for the current day and previous days
are not deleted.

Deleting Recurring Calendar Activities

When you delete a recurring activity, you can choose to delete just one instance or every instance
of the activity.

Deleting One Instance of a Recurring Activity

Complete the procedure in this topic to delete one instance of a recurring activity.

To delete one instance of a recurring activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

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Using the Calendar Adding To Do Activities to the To Do List

Click Delete This One.

This instance of the activity is deleted. Every other instance is still scheduled.

Deleting Every Instance of a Recurring Activity

Complete the procedure in this topic to delete every instance of a recurring activity.

To delete every instance of a recurring activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

Click Delete All.

Every instance of the recurring activity from the current day forward is deleted. Any instances of
the recurring activity before the current day remain on the calendar.

Adding To Do Activities to the To Do List

The To Do list appears in the Calendar screen to the right of the calendar format.
To Do activities have the following characteristics:

They are activities that have a Type field value of To Do.

They carry forward every day until they are marked complete.

They do not appear in the Calendar itself.

TIP: Alternatively, you can add a new To Do activity in the Activities screen and select To Do and
Activities from the drop-down list for the Display In field.

To add a To Do activity

Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the To Do list, click New.

A blank row appears.

Enter values in the Description and Due fields.

(Optional) To add more information to the activity, drill down on the Description field hyperlink
of the activity.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Marking To Do Activities Complete

Marking To Do Activities Complete

To Do activities remain in your To Do list and carry forward to the next day until they are complete.
Use the Done check box to mark a To Do activity as complete. After an activity is marked complete,
that activity does not appear in the To Do list when the Calendar screen is refreshed. Only
uncompleted items appear in the To Do list.

To mark a To Do activity as complete


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the To Do list, select the To Do activity you want to mark as complete.

Select the Done check box.

Changing Activities
After adding an activity to your calendar, you can change the activity. You drill down on the activity
and make changes in the Calendar Detail form.

Changing Nonrecurring Activities

Complete the procedure in this topic to change nonrecurring activities.
TIP: Each time you create or modify an activity in the calendar, you can choose to automatically
notify any employees who are associated with the activity. For more information, see Setting Up
Email Prompts for Meetings on page 141.

To change a nonrecurring activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

Make the necessary changes, and click Save This One.

Changing Recurring Activities

Complete the procedure in this topic to change recurring activities. When you change a recurring
activity, you must make sure to save it properly.

To change a recurring activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

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Using the Calendar Rescheduling Activities

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

Make the necessary changes, and click one of the following buttons:

Save This One. Saves the changes you make to the current recurring activity, changes the
activity to a non-recurring activity, and does not change every other recurring activity in the
For example, a recurring activity is scheduled to occur daily from August 21 until August 25.
If you change the August 23 instance of the activity and click Save This One, then only the
August 23 activity changes. This activity also becomes non-recurring and is no longer
associated with the other activities in the series.

Save All. Saves changes you make to the current recurring activity and to all subsequent
recurring activities in the series. However, the changes are not applied to any activities that
are scheduled before the current activity.
For example, a recurring activity is scheduled to occur daily from August 21 until August 25.
If you change the August 23 activity and click Save All, then the activities scheduled for
August 23, August 24, and August 25 change, but the activities scheduled for August 21 and
August 22 do not change.

Rescheduling Activities
You can use different methods to reschedule activities.

Rescheduling Activities by Changing Date Fields

In any calendar format, you can change date fields to reschedule activities.

To reschedule an activity by changing date fields


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

Change the value in the Start field.

Change the value in the End field.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Adding Participants to Activities

Rescheduling Activities by Using Drag-and-Drop

In the Daily and Weekly calendar format, you can use drag-and-drop functionality to reschedule
NOTE: You cannot drag appointments across calendar formats. For example, you cannot drag an
appointment from the Daily format to the Monthly format.

To reschedule an activity by using drag-and-drop


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily or Weekly calendar format, click the time slot for the activity in the calendar, and
without lifting the mouse button, drag and drop the activity to a different time slot in the

Rescheduling Activities by Stretching Activity Borders

In the Daily and Weekly calendar format, you can stretch the bottom cell border for an activity to
reschedule the activity.

To reschedule an activity by stretching the activity border


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

To change an end time for the activity, do the following:

Place the cursor over the bottom border of the activity.

A line with arrowheads appears.

Click and drag activitys bottom border to an earlier or later time.

Adding Participants to Activities

When you add an activity to your calendar, you might also want to add the people who participate
in the activity. You can add participants to the activity on your calendar. Participants can include
contacts and employees.

Adding Contacts to Activities

You can add contacts to activities.

To add contacts to an activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

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Using the Calendar Removing Participants from Activities

To add contacts, do the following:

In the Contacts field, click the select button.

The Contacts multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected contacts for
the activity.

Click Show Available to view the list of available contacts to add to the activity.

Select the contacts that you want to add to the activity, and click Add.
The added contacts appear in the list of selected contacts.

Click OK.

Adding Employees to Activities

You can add employees to an activity.

To add employees to an activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

To add employees, do the following:

In the Employees field, click the select button.

The Employees multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected employees
for the activity.

Click Show Available to view the list of available employees to add to the activity.

Select the employees that you want to add to the activity, and click Add.
The added employees appear in the list of selected employees.

Click OK.

Removing Participants from Activities

You can remove contacts and employees from an activity using the Calendar Detail form.

Removing Contacts from Activities

You can remove contacts from activities.

To remove contacts from an activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Reassigning Activities

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

To remove contacts, do the following:

In the Contacts field, click the select button.

The Contacts multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected contacts for
the activity.

Select the contacts that you want to remove from the activity, and click Remove.
The removed contacts no longer appear in the list of selected contacts.

Click OK.

Removing Employees from Activities

You can remove employees from activities.

To remove employees from an activity


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

To remove employees, do the following:

In the Employees field, click the select button.

The Employees multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected employees
for the activity.

Select the employees that you want to remove from the activity, and click Remove.
The removed employees no longer appear in the list of selected employees.

Click OK.

Reassigning Activities
After creating an activity and adding employees to it, you might want to reassign the activity to a
different employee. That is, you might want to make a different employee the primary employee for
the activity.

To reassign an activity

Navigate to the Calendar screen.

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Using the Calendar Changing the Time Zone in the Calendar

In the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly calendar format, click the hyperlink for an activity description
to access the activity.
The Calendar Detail form appears.

In the Employees field, click the select button.

The Employees multiple selection dialog box appears showing the list of selected employees for
the activity, and the primary employee appears with a check mark in the Primary field.
You must change the primary employee to reassign the activity.

If the employee to whom you want to assign the activity appears in the list of selected
employees, then do the following:

Click the Primary field in the record for this employee, and click OK.
The activity is reassigned.

If the previous primary employee is no longer involved with the activity, then access the
Employees multiple selection dialog box again, and remove that employee from the list of
selected employees.

If the employee to whom you want to assign the activity does not appear in the list of selected
employees, then do the following:

Click Show Available to show the list of available employees for the activity.

Select the employee to whom you want to assign the activity, and click Add.
The added employee appears in the list of selected employees.

Click the Primary field in the record for the added employee.

Click OK.

If the previous primary employee is no longer involved with the activity, then access the
Employees multiple selection dialog box again, and remove that employee from the list of
selected employees.

Changing the Time Zone in the Calendar

You can change time zone in the Calendar screen and the Calendar views. You might want to change
the calendar time zone if you travel between time zones.
NOTE: You can set a default time zone for your calendar in your user preferences. For more
information, see Setting a Default Time Zone on page 126.

To change the time zone for the calendar


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

Click ... (Advanced Calendar Settings).

The Settings dialog box appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using the Calendar Granting Access to Your Calendar

From the drop-down list for the Time Zone field, choose the appropriate time zone, and click OK.
The calendar times appear in the time zone that you select.

Granting Access to Your Calendar

When working with your team members, you might want to allow them to see your activities or to
add activities to your schedule. To grant other people access to your calendar, you add team
members in the Access List, and give them view or update privileges.
NOTE: Calendar sharing can result in the routing of numerous activities to mobile clients.

To give others access to your calendar


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

On the link bar, click Access List.

The Calendar Access list appears.

Click New.
The Add Employees dialog box appears.

Select the record for an employee, and then click OK.

The Calendar Access list appears again. The employee you select appears in the list, and that
employee can now view your calendar.

(Optional) To allow the employee to add activities to your calendar, select the Allow Updates
check box.

Viewing Calendars of Other Users

You can view only calendars to which other users grant you access. If you are a manager, then you
can view the calendars of your direct reports.
TIP: If your job often requires you to access another users calendar, then you might want to set
up that users calendar as your default calendar. You can perform this setup in your user preferences.
For more information, see Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your Default Calendar on page 142.

To view the calendar of another user


Navigate to the Calendar screen.

Click ... (Advanced Calendar Settings).

The Settings dialog box appears.

From the drop-down list for the Owner field, choose the user of the calendar you want to see,
and click OK.
The other users calendar appears.

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Using the Calendar Viewing Calendars of Other Users


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

12 Customizing Home Pages

This chapter describes information relating to customizing the home page for your Siebel application.
It contains the following topics:

About Home Page Controls on page 123

Editing the Layout of Home Pages on page 123

About Home Page Controls

Use the controls that appear in the top right corner of each list and form to change the layout of the
home page for your Siebel application. The changes you make to the layout using these controls
remain in effect until you change the layout again. Table 22 describes these controls.

Table 22.

Home Page Controls

Hides the list or form and temporarily removes it from the home page.
NOTE: You must edit the layout of the home page to place the list or form
back on the home page.
Collapses the list or form to its minimal size showing no records.
Expands the list or form to its standard size.

Editing the Layout of Home Pages

The edit layout function lets you access more advanced layout editing functions, such as showing
hidden lists or forms, collapsing or expanding all the available lists and forms at once, and restoring
the default layout. You can use the edit layout function to edit both the home page for your Siebel
application and screen home pages. The changes you make remain in effect until you change the
layout again.

To edit the layout of a home page


At the home page, click Edit Layout.

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Customizing Home Pages Editing the Layout of Home Pages

In the Edit Layout form, click the controls to change each list or form that appears.
The controls are described in the following table.

Collapses the list or form to its minimal size showing no records.
Expands the list or form to its standard size.
Moves the list or form up on the page to reposition it above other lists and forms
on the page.
Moves the list or form down on the page to reposition it below other lists and forms
on the page.
Hides the list or form in the home page.
Shows a previously hidden list or form and places it back on the home page.

To apply the same action to all forms and lists at the same time, click the menu button, and then
click an option.
The options are described in the following table.


Hide All Applets

Removes all lists and forms from the home page, and the home page is

Show All Applets

Places all the lists and forms back on the home page.

Collapse All

Collapses all lists and forms on the home page.

Expand All

Expands all lists and forms on the home page.

To restore the default layout for the home page, click Default Layout.

Click Done.
The home page appears in the layout you define.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

13 Setting User Preferences

This chapter describes how to set user preferences in your Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

About User Preferences on page 125

Setting a Default Time Zone on page 126

Setting a Startup View on page 126

Setting Left-Hand Navigation on page 127

Setting Transition Effects on page 127

Setting Scroll Speeds on page 128

Setting the Color for User Interface Elements on page 128

Setting Quick Print Options on page 129

Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email on page 131

Setting Up Default Queries on page 133

Viewing Saved Queries on page 134

Changing Default Spell Check Options on page 134

Customizing Aspects of Notifications on page 135

Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages on page 137

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs on page 137

Customizing Aspects of the Calendar on page 140

Maintaining Quick Fill Templates on page 142

Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI on page 144

About Setting Up Synchronization Preferences on page 145

About Availability Fields in the Profile View on page 145

About User Preferences

Your user preferences control the behavior and appearance of the Siebel application. The user
preferences that you set apply to the user interface for only your session, and not to user interface
for the sessions of other users. Your user preferences are stored in a Siebel repository patch file
(SPF), and not in a table. This file has an extension of .spf. Each user for a Siebel application has a
.spf file for that Siebel application.

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Setting User Preferences Setting a Default Time Zone

Your access to the functionality in the User Preferences screen depends on how your Siebel
application is configured. For more information, contact your Siebel administrator.
Some user preferences settings might not take effect until you log out, and then log back in to the
Siebel application.

Setting a Default Time Zone

You can specify the time zone that your Siebel application uses to display date and time fields during
your session.

To set a default time zone


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Profile.

The Profile form appears.

In the Time Zone field, click the select button.

The Pick Time Zone dialog box appears.

Select the time zone, and click OK.

Setting a Startup View

You can determine the screen and view that appears when you launch your Siebel application.

To set a startup view


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

In the Startup View field, click the select button.

The Pick Favorite dialog box appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Setting Left-Hand Navigation

From the Startup View list in the Pick Favorite dialog box, select the screen and view you want
as your startup view.
For example, choosing Accounts - Activities shows the Accounts screen, then Activities view when
you first launch your Siebel application.
NOTE: The user preference startup views to appear at startup are visible in the drop-down list
for the Startup View field only if the Category Viewbar Text and the Menu Text screen view
properties are defined in Siebel Tools. If a view within a screen has neither of these properties
defined, then the view does not appear in the list. For more information about setting the screen
view properties, contact your Siebel administrator.

Click OK.
The screen and view you select appear in the Startup View field.

Setting Left-Hand Navigation

The screen tabs and associated link bars normally appear near the top of your screen. If you are lefthanded, then you can set the names for the screen tabs and associated link bars to appear on the
left side of the screen so that you can more easily access this information. In this scenario, these
names appear in tree format and not in tab format and link bar format.

To set left-hand navigation


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

Select the Tree value from the drop-down list for the Navigation Control field.
If you want to display screen tabs and associated link bars near the top of the screen, then clear
the value in this field.

Setting Transition Effects

The Siebel Open UI client uses transition effects when you navigate between different screens and
views. You can configure your preferred type of transition effect.
NOTE: Transition effects are limited in some deployments of the Siebel Open UI client. For more
information about the transition effects available to you, contact your Siebel administrator.

To set the transition effects


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

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Setting User Preferences Setting Scroll Speeds

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

From the drop-down list for the Transition field, choose from the available options.

Setting Scroll Speeds

When tile applets appear in the Siebel Open UI client, scroll arrows appear on either side of the tiles.
For example, tiles appear in the Contact List view of the Contacts screen after you click the Tile
button. You can configure the scroll speed for tile applets. The scroll speed is the speed at which the
tiles move when you click a scroll arrow.

Setting Scroll Speeds for All Tile Applets

You can set the scroll speeds for all tile applets.

To set the default scroll speed for all tile applets


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

Select a value from the drop-down list for the Default Scroll Speed field.

Setting Scroll Speed for a Specific Tile Applet

You can set the Scroll speed for a specific tile applet. For a specific tile applet, the scroll speed that
you set overrides the scroll speed that you set for all tile applets.

To set the scroll speed for a specific tile applet


Navigate to a view that displays a tile applet.

At the bottom right side of the tiles, adjust the slide bar to control the scroll speed.
NOTE: The number representing the scroll speed appears to the right of the slide bar.
The scroll speed is modified for the tile applet.

Setting the Color for User Interface

You can designate the color that appears for the following elements in the user interface:

Some active buttons.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Setting Quick Print Options

Link names in fields.

Background colors.

To set the color for user interface elements


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

Select color value from the drop-down list for the Theme field.
NOTE: You cannot select a value in the Theme field if the Navigation Control field has no value.

Setting Quick Print Options

The quick print function can use the print feature in your browser to print the records that currently
appear in a list. For more information, see Printing Records on page 65.

To set quick print options


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Printing.

The Printing form appears.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

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Setting User Preferences Setting Quick Print Options

Complete the fields as needed to set up printing the way you want it.
Some fields are described in the following table.


Menu - Print

Select from the following options to determine how screen data prints when
you use the application-level menu (File, then Print):

All Applets in View. Prints each list or form sequentially, left to right and
top to bottom.

Selected Applet Only. Prints only the selected list or form.

This field applies only to HTML. If you use Microsoft Excel, only the list is
Applet Menu Print Behavior

Lists Using

Rows to Print

Columns to


Select from the following options to determine how screen data prints when
you use the menu button (Menu, then Print):

All Applets in View. Prints each list or form sequentially, left to right and
top to bottom.

Selected Applet Only. Prints only the selected list or form.

Select from the following options:

Microsoft Excel. Prints only list applets. Select this option to designate
Microsoft Excel as your quick print application.

HTML. Prints an entire view. Select this option to designate the print
feature of the browser as your quick print application.

Select from the following options to determine how you want rows to print:

All Rows in Current Query.

Active Row.

Select from the following options to determine how you want columns to


Visible Columns.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email

Setting Outbound Communications

Preferences for Send Email
This topic describes how to set user preferences that affect the Send Email command. For more
information about the sending email, see Sending Email from the Siebel Application on page 97. For
information about supported versions of Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes email client software, see
Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.
NOTE: For Siebel CRM product releases and later and for and later, the system
requirements and supported platform certifications are available from the Certification tab on My
Oracle Support. For information about the Certification application, see article 1492194.1 (Article ID)
on My Oracle Support.

To set outbound communications preferences for Send Email


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Outbound Communications.

The Outbound Communications form appears.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

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Setting User Preferences Setting Outbound Communications Preferences for Send Email

In the Send Email section, complete the fields as need.

Some fields are described in the following table.


Upon Sending

Select activity generation for messages sent using the Send Email, Send Fax,
Send Wireless Message, and Send Page commands. Options are:

No Activities. No activity records are generated by sending an outbound


Private activities. Sets the Internal flag to TRUE for an activity record
generated by sending an outbound message. Only the message sender
can view the activity record.

Public activities. Sets the Internal flag to FALSE for an activity record
generated by sending an outbound message. Other users, in addition to
the message sender, can view the activity record.

The specific results of the Internal flag of FALSE or TRUE depend on your
Siebel implementation. For more information, contact your Siebel
Default Profile

Select the default communications profile to use for the Send Email and Send
Fax commands. The profile stores various communications settings and
provides access to the communications driver that transfers information
between the Siebel application and the email/fax server. For example, a
profile for the Internet SMTP/POP3 Server driver handles outbound
communications using the SMTP protocol.
You can access any profiles that are associated with your Siebel responsibility
setting, and any profiles that you create for your personal use by using the
My Profiles view in the Communications screen. The ability to create personal
communications profiles is not available for some responsibility settings.
The default profile information is copied to the From field in the Send Email
and Send Fax dialog boxes. You can specify a different profile by choosing
another value from the drop-down list for the From field.

Recipient Class

Select the default choice for where recipient email or fax address information
is populated in an outbound message. Options are: To, Cc, and Bcc.
In some contexts, the Send Email and Send Fax commands allow you to
choose email or fax recipients from data stored in certain fields of the current
record. This field applies if you choose a recipient for one of these current field
For example, you might generally want to populate recipients to the To field.
However, because of your typical activities or workflow and your companys
business needs, it might be more appropriate to populate recipients to the Cc
or Bcc field instead of the To field.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Setting Up Default Queries



Email Client

Select the email client to use when the Send Email command is selected.
Options are: Lotus Notes, Microsoft Outlook, Siebel Email Client, and External
Email Client.


Select your preferred outbound email form when Email Client is set to
Microsoft Outlook, if you prefer a default form other than the form specified
by the Siebel administrator at the server level. For information about creating
outbound forms, see Siebel Email Administration Guide.


Select your preferred outbound email form when Email Client is set to Lotus
Notes, if you prefer a default form other than the form specified by the Siebel
administrator at the server level. For information about creating outbound
forms, see Siebel Email Administration Guide.


Select the type of formatting to use for outbound email messages that are
sent using the Send Email command. Options are HTML and Plain Text. For
more information about using the HTML message format, see Using the HTML
Editor on page 99.

Setting Up Default Queries

You can set up queries to display data when you access a specific screen and view. For more
information about queries, see Chapter 7, Using Query to Locate Information.
If you set up default queries for multiple views that are based on the same business object (for
example, the Contact business object), then the default query for the first view that you access runs
to display data in the view. However, when you access another one of the views, the data that
appears is determined by the default query for the first view, and not the default query for the new
view. The default query for the new view does not run to display data because the query context for
the first view is retained when you navigate from the first view to any of the other views.
NOTE: Only views that you can access from the drop-down list for the Show field or from the Site
Map can have an associated default query.

To set up a default query


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Default Queries.

The Screen Name and Screen View lists appear.

In the Screen Name list at the top of the screen, select the screen.

In the Screen View list below the list of screens, select the view from the View Name column.

Click the Default Query field next to the view you select, and click the select button.
The Pick Query dialog box appears.

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Setting User Preferences Viewing Saved Queries

From the Pick Query dialog box, select the query you want this view to display, and click OK.
The selected query appears next to the appropriate view in the Default Query column.

Viewing Saved Queries

You can view existing queries that you previously saved. For more information about queries, see
Chapter 7, Using Query to Locate Information.

To view a saved query


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Saved Queries.

The Saved Queries list appears.

Changing Default Spell Check Options

You can change the options for the spell check feature. For example, you can change your default
language for spell check. Also, you can add words to a custom dictionary. Custom user dictionaries
are stored on the server so you can use any available workstation and still access the entire
You can set up spell check to run automatically on email messages, faxes, pages, and wireless
messages that you send from the Siebel application. For more information about the spell check
feature, see Spell Checking Fields in Records on page 71.

To change default spell check options


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Spelling.

The Spelling form appears.

In the Spelling form, complete the fields as needed.

Some fields are described in the following table.





Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
words in all caps such as SMTP or CD.

Ignore MixedCase

Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
words such as eMail.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Customizing Aspects of Notifications



Ignore Internet

Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
words such as

Capitalization Errors

Select this check box to indicate that spell check questions capitalization
errors such as PLEase.

Ignore HTML Tags

Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question any
text enclosed in angle brackets (<>) or any text that follows an
unmatched left angle bracket (<).

Ignore Words with


Select this check box to indicate that spell check does not question
words such as POP3.

Always Check
Spelling Before

Select this check box to indicate that spell check automatically checks
the spelling of the email message, fax, page, or wireless message when
you click Send.

Default Spell
Checking Language

Select the current default language dictionary used to check spelling.

The initial default language is the language specified during the Siebel
application installation. You can change your default language at any
time. A new default spell checking language takes effect the next time
you invoke spell check.

Customizing Aspects of Notifications

If your Siebel administrator provides you with the proper authority, then you can customize
notifications. You customize the behavior of the Notification icon and the notification panes. For more
information, see About Notifications on page 36.

To customize notifications

From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Message Broadcasting.

The Message Broadcasting form appears.

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Setting User Preferences Customizing Aspects of Notifications

In the Message Broadcasting form, complete the fields as needed.

Some fields are described in the following table.


Scroll Speed

Select a speed at which messages scroll across the bottom of the application
window. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast. This field does not
apply to the Siebel Open UI client.

Arrow Scroll

Select a speed at which messages scroll when you click the arrows at either
end of the message bar. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast.
This field does not apply to the Siebel Open UI client.

Pause Speed

Select a speed at which the messages scroll when your place your cursor
over the message bar. Values include: Stopped, Slow, Medium, or Fast. This
field does not apply to the Siebel Open UI client.

Update Interval

Type the time interval in seconds at which you want notifications to refresh.
This field applies to the Notification icon and notification panes.

Prefix of Normal
Priority Message

Type the text to appear before a normal-priority message. For example, you
might want the letter N to appear before a normal-priority message to
indicate it is a normal-priority message. A letter is useful if you have
difficulty distinguishing the colors of these messages. This field applies to
the notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <N>, enter &lt;N&gt; because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).

Prefix of High
Priority Message

Type the text to appear before a high-priority message. For example, you
might want the letter H to appear before a high-priority message to indicate
it is a high-priority message. A letter is useful if you have difficulty
distinguishing the colors of these messages. This field applies to the
notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <H>, enter &lt;H&gt; because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).

Prefix of Urgent
Priority Message

Type the text to appear before an urgent-priority message. For example,

you might want the letter U to appear before an urgent message to indicate
it is an urgent message. A letter is useful if you have difficulty distinguishing
the colors of these messages. This field applies to the notification panes.
For HTML messages, instead of entering <U>, enter &lt;U&gt; because the
Siebel application does not recognize the less than character (<) and the
greater than character (>).



Select this check box to show the functionality for notifications in the
application window. This field applies to the Notification icon and notification

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Setting Up View Links for Screen Home Pages

Setting Up View Links for Screen Home

You can set up view links to appear in the view links area in screen home pages. For more information
about the main elements in home pages, see About Home Pages for Screens on page 24.
If your Siebel administrator sets up view links for screen home pages and marks those links as public,
then you cannot change or delete those links.

To add a view link to a screen home page


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click View Links.

The Screen Homepages list appears.

In the Screen Homepages list, select the home page for which you want to add a view link.
If view links exist for the home page, then the View Links list shows those links.

In the View Links list, click New.

Complete the fields as needed.

Some of the fields are described in the following table.



Type a number that determines the place of the link in the view links area of
the screen home page.


Select this check box to indicate this link is a public view link and you cannot
modify or delete it.


Select this check box to indicate this link is an active view link.


Type a name for the link.


Type a long description for the link.


Select a view in the Pick Screen View dialog box that appears when you click
the select button in this field.

Default Query

Select a default predefined query for the view you select in the View field.

Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen

and View Tabs
You can show, hide, and reorder screen tabs and view tabs. You can also set up default views for
screens in your Siebel application. The screens and views available to you are always available
through the Site Map, even if their tabs are hidden.

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13 7

Setting User Preferences Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

Showing or Hiding Screen Tabs

You can show or hide screen tabs.

To show or hide screen tabs


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Tab Layout.

The Screen Tab Layout and View Tab Layout lists appear.

In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab you want to show or hide, and
do one of the following:

Clear the Hide check box to show the screen tab.

Select the Hide check box to hide the screen tab.

NOTE: If you hide a screen tab, then all the views within that screen are also hidden.

Showing or Hiding View Tabs

You can show or hide view tabs.

To show or hide view tabs


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Tab Layout.

The Screen Tab Layout and View Tab Layout lists appear.

In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen tab associated with the view tab you
want to show or hide.
The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen tab.

In the View Tab Layout list, select the row for the view tab you want to show or hide, and do one
of the following:

Clear the Hide check box to show the view tab.

Select the Hide check box to hide the view tab.

Changing the Order of Screen Tabs

You can change the order in which screen tabs appear.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Showing, Hiding, and Reordering Screen and View Tabs

To change the order in which screen tabs appear


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Tab Layout.

The Screen Tab Layout and View Tab Layout lists appear.

In the Screen Tab Layout list, type a whole number in the Order field for each screen tab to define
the position of that screen tab.
The number in the Order field is used to re-sequence the tabs in ascending order. If you use the
same number in the Order field for more than one tab, then the tabs with the same number
appear in alphabetical order.

Changing the Order of View Tabs

You can change the order in which view tabs appear.

To change the order in which view tabs appear


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Tab Layout.

The Screen Tab Layout and View Tab Layout lists appear.

In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the row for the screen for which you want to reorder view
The View Tab Layout list shows the view tabs for the selected screen.

In the View Tab Layout list, type a whole number in the Order field for each view tab to define
the position of that view tab.
The number in the Order field is used to re-sequence the tabs in ascending order. If you use the
same number in the Order field for more than one tab, then the tabs with the same number
appear in alphabetical order.

Setting Up Default Views for Screens

You can set up a default view for a screen.

To set up a default view for a screen


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Tab Layout.

The Screen Tab Layout and View Tab Layout lists appear.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

13 9

Setting User Preferences Customizing Aspects of the Calendar

In the Screen Tab Layout list, select the screen for which you want to set up a default view.

In the View Tab Layout list, select the Default View check box for the view you want as the default
view for this screen.

Customizing Aspects of the Calendar

To better suit your needs, you can customize aspects of your calendar from the Calendar tab in the
User Preferences screen. For information about using the calendar, see Chapter 11, Using the
This topic contains the following information:

Changing the Length of the Calendar Day on page 140

Setting Up Default Calendar Activity Duration on page 140

Setting Up Email Prompts for Meetings on page 141

Setting Up Default Calendar Formats on page 141

Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your Default Calendar on page 142

Changing the Length of the Calendar Day

The Daily calendar format shows your default workday, but it might not reflect the hours you are
actually at work. You can change the length of the calendar day.

To change the length of the calendar day


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Calendar.

The Calendar form appears.

Enter the calendar start time in the Working Hours Start At field.

Enter the calendar end time in the Working Hours End At field.

Setting Up Default Calendar Activity Duration

Each activity you schedule on your calendar has a default duration. You can determine this default


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Customizing Aspects of the Calendar

To set up a default calendar activity duration


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Calendar.

The Calendar form appears.

From the drop-down list for the Appointment Duration field, select the activity length.

Setting Up Email Prompts for Meetings

You might want to be prompted to send email messages to meeting participants when you create a
new appointment or modify an existing appointment.

To set up an email prompt for a meeting


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Calendar.

The Calendar form appears.

Select the check box for the Participant Email Prompt field.

Setting Up Default Calendar Formats

You can set up a default calendar format to appear every time you access the Calendar screen. For
example, if you use the monthly calendar all the time, then it helps you if the monthly calendar is
set up as the default calendar format.

To set up a default calendar format


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Calendar.

The Calendar form appears.

From the drop-down list for the Default Calendar field, choose Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

If you select Daily as the Default Calendar, then select the time interval for activity periods in
the calendar from the drop-down list for the Time Interval (Minutes) field.

If you select Weekly as the Default Calendar, then do the following:

Select the default weekly calendar format from the drop-down list for the Weekly Calendar View

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Setting User Preferences Maintaining Quick Fill Templates

Select the time interval for activity periods in the calendar from the drop-down list for the
Time Interval (Minutes) field.

Select the first day of the week to appear in the calendar from the drop-down list for the First
day of week field.

Select the week days to appear in the calendar from the check boxes for each day of the week.

If you select Monthly as the Default Calendar, then select the first day of the week to appear in
the calendar from the drop-down list for the First day of week field.

Setting Up Another Users Calendar as Your Default

If you spend much of your time accessing another users calendar, then you might want to set up
that users calendar as your default calendar.

To set up another users calendar as your default


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Calendar.

The Calendar form appears.

Click the select button in the Default User field.

The Pick Default User dialog box appears.

Select the appropriate user, and click OK.

That users login appears in the Default User field, and that users calendar appears as your
default calendar in the Calendar screen.

Maintaining Quick Fill Templates

After you create quick fill templates, you can change some of their properties, and you can deactivate
or delete the templates. You can perform the tasks in this topic only for the quick fill templates that
you create.

Renaming Quick Fill Templates

You can rename a quick fill template.

To rename a quick fill template


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences Maintaining Quick Fill Templates

On the link bar, click Quick Fill Templates.

The Templates list appears.

Select the template you want to rename.

In the Template Name field, type a new name for the quick fill template.

(Optional) In the Description field, change the description of the template.

Deactivating Quick Fill Templates

You can deactivate a quick fill template.

To deactivate a quick fill template


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Quick Fill Templates.

The Templates list appears.

Select the template you want to deactivate.

In the Active field, clear the check box.

The template is no longer available for selection when you create a new record from a quick fill

Reactivating Quick Fill Templates

You can reactivate a quick fill template.

To reactivate a quick fill template


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Quick Fill Templates.

The Templates list appears.

Select the template you want to reactivate.

In the Active field, select the check box.

The template is now available for selection when you create a new record from a quick fill

Deleting Quick Fill Templates

You can permanently delete a quick fill template.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

14 3

Setting User Preferences Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI

To permanently delete a quick fill template


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Quick Fill Templates.

The Templates list appears.

In the Templates list, select the quick fill template you want to delete, and click Delete.

At the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

Adding Quick Fill Template Options in an Applet Menu

In the preconfigured Siebel application, Quick Fill Template menu options are available for some
applets such as Activity Form Applet and are not available for other applets, such as FS Invoice Form
Applet. You can assign the Quick Fill Template menu options to other applets by adding Applet
Method Menu Item objects.

To add Applet Method Menu Item objects to a quick fill template


In Siebel Tools, select the applet to which you want to add the quick fill template options.

Add a new Applet Method Menu Item to the applet.

The Applet Method Menu Item defines a menu item in the applet-level menu for the parent Applet
object definition.

Add the following values:

Command: ApplyTemplate
Menu Text: Apply Template
Command: SaveTemplate
Menu Text: Save as Template
Command: NewFromTemplate
Menu Text: New From Template
Command: NewFromLastTemplate
Menu Text: New From Last Template
For more information about the Applet Method Menu Item, contact your Siebel administrator.

Setting Pause Behavior for Task UI

When you click the Pause button in the Task UI wizard, the task is saved in its current stage, and
the task is sent to your Inbox. You can launch the task later and resume the task from where you
left off. Complete the procedure in this topic to set this pause behavior.


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Setting User Preferences About Setting Up Synchronization Preferences

To set the pause behavior for Task UI


From the application-level menu, choose Tools, then User Preferences.

The User Preferences screen appears.

On the link bar, click Behavior.

The Behavior form appears.

Select the check box for the Prompt to Pause When a User Interrupts a Task field.

About Setting Up Synchronization

You can set synchronization preferences from the DB Synchronization view of the User Preferences
screen. These preferences include enabling auto synchronization, setting its frequency, and setting
up auto synchronization reminders. For information about setting up synchronization preferences,
see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information about basic
synchronization, see Chapter 9, Synchronizing Data.

About Availability Fields in the Profile

The following fields in the Availability section of the Profile view of the User Preferences screen are
only informational and have no associated logic: Current Status, Until, and Next Status.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

14 5

Setting User Preferences About Availability Fields in the Profile View


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

14 Using Keyboard Shortcuts

This chapter describes how to use keyboard shortcuts in the Siebel application. It includes the
following topics:

Keyboard Shortcuts on page 147

Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts on page 147

Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts allow you to use sequences of keystrokes as an alternative to the mouse for
executing commands and navigating through the Siebel application. Typically these key sequences
are combinations of CTRL, ALT, and SHIFT, along with the standard keys on your keyboard.
Many of the default keyboard shortcuts provided by your browser are also available for use in Siebel
applications. For example, you can navigate sequentially through fields within the Siebel application
views using TAB.
A full set of keyboard shortcuts is included in Siebel applications, but administrators can change
these keyboard shortcuts in Siebel Tools. For information about the keyboard shortcuts available to
you, contact your Siebel administrator.

Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

The keyboard shortcuts in this topic are organized in category tables according to the actions they
perform. The context column indicates where in the Siebel application you perform each action
because keyboard shortcuts are based on Siebel application context, or focus rules. If a command is
not available in the Siebel application, then the keyboard shortcut is not active.
Some keyboard shortcuts described in the tables in this topic do not execute the designated action
in all browsers. Also, if a keyboard shortcut for an action in a table is the same keyboard shortcut
for a different action in your browser, then the resulting action might be the action for your browser.
NOTE: The keyboard shortcuts described in this topic are included in the Siebel application. If your
Siebel administrator changes the configuration of these keyboard shortcuts, then your keyboard
shortcuts might be different. Because of the browser that you use, it might be necessary to change
the default keyboard shortcuts in your browser preferences or in your Siebel Business Applications.
If you encounter difficulties using your keyboard shortcuts, then contact your Siebel administrator.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

14 7

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Application Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 23 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to perform general activities in the Siebel

Table 23.

Application Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Synchronize the database.



Update the audit cache.



Connect as new mobile user.



Log out.



Online Help Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 24 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to access options available on the application-level
Help menu.

Table 24.

Online Help Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Display the online help.



Display information about a record.



Display technical support information, including

system information.



General Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 25 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate in the Siebel application.

Table 25.

General Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go to the Site Map.



Go to the application-level menu.



Go back.



Go forward.



Go to the screen tabs.




Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 25.

(Continued)General Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go to the view tabs.



Go to the subtabs.



Open the menu button window on a list or form.


List, form

Go to the next list or form.



Go to the previous list or form.



Open the Tasks pane.



Go to the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI)




Go to a tree applet.



Go to the previous tree applet node.



Go to the next tree applet node.



Go to the field for the visibility filter.



Layout Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 26 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to change the appearance of lists in the Siebel

Table 26.

Layout Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Sort a single column.


List column

Open a dialog box to perform advanced sorting.



Open a dialog box to select the displayed





Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

14 9

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Record Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 27 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use when performing record management tasks.

Table 27.

Record Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Create a new record.


List, form

Create a new record using a Quick Fill template.



Create a new record using the last used Quick

Fill template.



Apply a Quick Fill template to a record.



Copy a record.



Save a record.


List, form

Delete a record.



Undo a record.



Select all records.

(The preceding shortcut applies
when each record appears with a
check box.)


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Record Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 28 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to navigate to records in the Siebel application.

Table 28.

Record Navigation Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go to the previous record.

CTRL+SHIFT+, (comma)

List, form

ALT+, (comma)
Go to the next record.

CTRL+SHIFT+. (period)

List, form

ALT+. (period)
Go to the previous record set.

CTRL+ALT+, (comma)


Go to the next record set.

CTRL+ALT+. (period)


Go to the first record set.


List, form

Go to the last record set.


List, form


Query Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 29 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to work with queries.

Table 29.

Query Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Create a new query.


List, form

Run a query.


List, form

Refine a query.


List, form

Save a query with different name.


List, form


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

15 1

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 29.

(Continued)Query Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Open a dialog box for the query assistant.


List, form

Cancel a query.


List, form

Field Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 30 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use when performing field management tasks.

Table 30.

Field Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Open a selection dialog box for a field.



Open the calendar control for a field.


Open the calculator control for a field.

Close a selection dialog box for a field.



Open a drop-down list for a field.



Drill down on a field.



Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 31 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to work with the calendar control.

Table 31.

Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go to widgets (interface elements) within the

calendar control.



Go to the previous day.



Go to the next day.



Go to the same week day in the previous week.



Go to the same week day in the next week.





Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 31.

(Continued)Calendar Control Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go the first date in the displayed month.



Go to the last date in the displayed month.



Go to the same date in the previous month.



Go to the same date in the next month.



Go to the same date in the previous year.



Go to the same date in the next year.



Enter the selected date in the date field.



Close the calendar control without saving data.



Calculator Control Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 32 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to work with the calculator control.

Table 32.

Calculator Control Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Click the BS (Backspace) button.



Click the CE (Clear Entry) button.



Click the CA (Clear All) button.



Click the Use button.



Click the Erase button.



Close the calculator control without saving data.



Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

15 3

Using Keyboard Shortcuts Tables of Keyboard Shortcuts

Communication Management Keyboard Shortcuts

Table 33 lists the keyboard shortcuts you can use to share information with others.

Table 33.

Communication Management Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Shortcut


Go to the Correspondence screen to send a




Open a dialog box to send an email.



Open a dialog box to send a fax.



Open a dialog box to send a page.



Open a dialog box to send a wireless message.



Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


Accessibility for Siebel Business


This appendix provides information about accessibility for Siebel Business Applications. It includes
the following topics:

About Section 508 Accessibility on page 155

About Web Content Accessibility Guidelines on page 156

About the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template on page 156

About Screen Readers on page 156

About Utilities for Visually Impaired Users on page 157

About Utilities for Physically Disabled Users on page 157

About Keyboard Navigation in Accessible Rich Internet Applications on page 158

About Section 508 Accessibility

In 1998, the United States Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act to require federal agencies to
make their electronic and information technology accessible to people with disabilities. Inaccessible
technology interferes with ability of these individuals to obtain and use information quickly and
easily. Section 508 was enacted in the U.S. to eliminate barriers in information technology, to make
available new opportunities for people with disabilities, and to encourage development of
technologies that help achieve these goals. The Access Board, a U.S. government agency, developed
accessibility standards for the various technologies that the law covers. These standards are folded
into the procurement regulations for the federal government.
The law applies to all U.S. government agencies that develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic
and information technology. Under Section 508, agencies must give disabled employees and
members of the public access to information that is comparable to the access available to others.
NOTE: Section 508 undergoes review to address recent internet technology developments. You can
review the laws and regulations to further your understanding about Section 508 and how you can
support implementation.
For more information about Section 508, visit the Section 508 Web site at:
For more information about the Access Board, visit the United States Access Board Web site at:
For information about Oracles Accessibility Program, visit Oracles Accessibility Program Web site at:

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

15 5

Accessibility for Siebel Business Applications About Web Content Accessibility


About Web Content Accessibility

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) explain how to make Web content accessible to
people with disabilities. Web content generally refers to the information in a Web page or Web
application, including text, images, forms, and sounds. WCAG are part of a series of accessibility
guidelines, including the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) and the User Agent
Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG). The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines Working Group
(WCAGWG) developed WCAG technical documents. The WCAGWC is part of the Web Accessibility
Initiative (WAI) for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
Version 2.0 of the WCAG was approved in December of 2008. This version is stable, and it is the
recommended version to use for reference. Version 2.0 of the WCAG is developed to do the following:

To apply broadly to different technologies now and in the future

To be easier to use and understand

To be more precise when testing with automated testing tools and human evaluation

For information about Version 2.0 of WCAG, visit the Web Accessibility Initiative Web site at:

About the Voluntary Product

Accessibility Template
The accessibility status of each Oracle product is reported in a Voluntary Product Accessibility
Template (VPAT). The VPAT was created by a partnership of the Information Technology Industry
Council (ITIC) and the U.S. General Services Administration (USGSA) to create a simple document
that U.S. government contracting and procurement officials can use to evaluate a product with
respect to the provisions in Section 508. The Siebel Open UI client has a VPAT. Administrators do not
need to configure the Siebel Open UI client in order for people with disabilities to use the client.
Because products are on different release cycles, or because Oracle might have recently acquired
products, not all Oracle products meet all of the guidelines.
For more information about VPAT, visit Oracles Accessibility Program Web site at:

About Screen Readers

The Siebel Open UI client supports screen readers that work in browser-based applications. Screen
readers provide an audible description of the field contents as you navigate through the user
interface. It is recommended that you use screen readers that comply with Accessible Rich Internet
Applications (ARIA).


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Accessibility for Siebel Business Applications About Utilities for Visually Impaired

The Siebel Open UI client supports screen readers that are browser-compatible because it is a
standards-based Web application. Some browsers interpret Accessible Rich Internet Applications
(ARIA) and Version 2.0 of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) better than other browsers.
Use the appropriate browser for your Siebel implementation. Consult with the vendor for your screen
reader to use it with a Siebel application.
If you use a screen reader, then you hear the levels of the view bar region that denote user interface
areas. This guide does not refer to the levels of the view bar region because the user interface that
sighted users work with does not refer to these levels. Table 34 shows the level of the view bar region
that corresponds to each user interface area that sighted users work with.

Table 34.

Levels of View Bar Region for User Interface Areas

User Interface Area

Level of View Bar Region

Screen tabs

First level

Link bar for a screen tab

Second level

View tabs

Third level

Link bar for a view tab

Fourth level

About Utilities for Visually Impaired

In the Siebel Open UI client, people with visual impairment can use screen magnification utilities to
enlarge selected text and other on-screen elements for easier viewing. Several operating systems
supply magnification utilities. Also, you can purchase these utilities from third-party vendors. The
Siebel Open UI client supports magnification utilities that work in browser-based applications.
In the Siebel Open UI client, people with visual impairment can use zoom features and high-contrast
options for browsers to facilitate viewing.

About Utilities for Physically Disabled

In the Siebel Open UI client, people with physical disabilities can use utilities, such as soft keyboards,
voice control, and StickyKeys, to work with data. The keyboard-usage model for the Siebel Open UI
client recognizes these utilities. For more information about using these utilities in browser-based
applications, consult the vendor for the utility or the vendor for the operating system.

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

15 7

Accessibility for Siebel Business Applications About Keyboard Navigation in Accessible

Rich Internet Applications

About Keyboard Navigation in

Accessible Rich Internet Applications
The Siebel Open UI client supports Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA). ARIA define a way
to make Web content and Web applications more accessible for people with disabilities and easier to
use for all users. ARIA especially help in navigating within dynamic content and in using advanced
user interface controls developed with Ajax, HTML, JavaScript, and related technologies.
ARIA include a collection of common, semantic landmarks that apply to each navigable region in a
Siebel application. These landmarks allow a person with disabilities to use an assistive-technology
product, such a screen reader, to navigate in a Siebel application. Landmarks provide a consistent
navigation experience in which a pointing device, such as a mouse, is unnecessary.
Examples of landmarks include: the application-level menu, the application toolbar, screen tabs, view
tabs, lists, visibility filters, and forms. If you use a JAWS screen reader, you can press CTRL +
INSERT+; (semicolon) to display a dialog box that describes the landmarks. For more information
about using the keyboard to navigate in Oracles Siebel Business Applications, see About Keyboard
Navigation on page 20.
For information about ARIA, visit the Web Accessibility Initiative Web site at:


Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A


About Record feature
about 67
and merging records 68
Accessible Rich Internet Applications, about
keyboard navigation in 158
about defaults for 109
about defaults for recurring 110
about viewing 108
adding contacts to 117
adding employees to 117
adding participants to 117
adding to calendar 111
adding to the To Do list 114
changing 115
changing recurring to nonrecurring 112
clearing Alarm check box in 110
creating recurring in calendar 112
deleting from calendar 112
deleting recurring in calendar 113
reassigning 119
removing employees and contacts from 118
removing participants from 118
rescheduling by changing date fields 116
rescheduling by stretching 116
rescheduling by using drag-and-drop 116
saving recurring 115
selecting Repeat Frequency field value
in 110
Start field and End field in 110
viewing in Daily, Weekly, and Monthly
format 110
advanced sorting, performing in lists 76
application management, keyboard
shortcuts for 148
application toolbar
See toolbar
application window
about elements of 20
application toolbar for 21
application-level menu in 21
branding area in 21
screen tabs in 23
Site Map for 22
subviews in 32
view tabs in 31

application-level menu
about 21
using to create records 58
using to delete records 63
Apply Target List button, described
adding files to records 71
adding URLs to records 73


bookmarks, adding to email or
documents 99
branding area, about 21
using features for 17

about 45
button for 45
calculator control, keyboard shortcuts
for 153
about 106
adding activities to 111
adding activities to the To Do list in 114
changing length of day for 140
changing recurring activities in 112
changing the time zone in 120
creating recurring activities in 112
customizing aspects of 140
deleting activities from 112
deleting recurring activities in 113
formats in 107
granting others access to 121
saving recurring activities in 115
setting up another users calendar as your
default 142
setting up default activity duration in 140
setting up default formats for 141
viewing activities in 110
viewing calendars of others 121
viewing To Do list in 106
views for 108
calendar control
about 47

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

15 9

Index D

calendar select button for 47

keyboard shortcuts for 152
calendar select button
about using 45
calendar control and 45
case insensitive and accent insensitive
queries 80
charts, about 28
check boxes, about 44
organizing in lists 74
resizing 77
sorting data in 76
Columns Displayed dialog box, about buttons
in 74
communication management, keyboard
shortcuts for 154
compound query operators 88
Contact Us link, about 39
adding to activities 117
removing from activities 118
count of records, displaying 66
currency calculator, about 45

Daily format
about 107
adding activities to 111
rescheduling activities by stretching 116
rescheduling activities by using drag-anddrop 116
setting up for calendar 141
viewing activities in 110
data access, about 17
data, displaying
about record navigation buttons for 34
charts for 28
Explorer views for 27
forms for 34
lists for 32
data, exporting to an external file 102
data, importing into the Siebel
application 100
data, synchronizing
about and example 93
illustration of 94
initiating 94
with Personal Information Manager (PIM)
server 94
default queries, about using 85
Delete button
described 36


using to delete records 63

Demo application, about 16
documents, adding URLs to 99
drag-and-drop, using to attach files to
records 71
drilling down and across, described 65
drop-down lists, about using 44
duplicate records, merging 69

Edit Layout form, buttons for 123
adding URLs to 99
automatically spell checking outgoing 134
keyboard shortcuts for 154
Send Email command for 96
sending 96
setting outbound communications
preferences for 131
setting up meeting prompts using 141
viewing list of all attached items in 96
adding to activities 117
and deleting activities from the calendar 112
removing from activities 118
Explorer views, about 27

keyboard shortcuts for 154
Send Fax command for 96
field controls
about 43
buttons for 45
check boxes and 44
currency calculator and 45
drop-down lists and 44
option buttons and 44
text fields and 42
field hyperlinks in records, using 65
field management, keyboard shortcuts
for 152
about 42
spell checking in records 71
attaching to records 71
exporting to an external file 102
importing into the Siebel application 100
about editing 34
common buttons in 36
long and short 34

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Index G

group calendars, about using 110

home page
about 16
about for screens 24
edit layout controls for 123
editing layout of 123
setting as startup view 126
setting up default queries for 133
setting up view links for 137
HTML editor
toolbar buttons in 99
using 99

Inbox, using 95

keyboard navigation
about 20
in Accessible Rich Internet Applications 158
keyboard shortcuts
about 147
application management and 148
calculator control and 153
calendar control and 152
communication management and 154
field management and 152
general navigation and 148
layout management and 149
online help and 148
query management and 151
record management and 150
record navigation and 151
tables of 147

layout management, keyboard shortcuts
for 149
left-hand navigation, setting 127
link bars
about for screens 25
about for views 32
hidden views for 25
about 32
about expanding and collapsing 34
common buttons in 36
finding records in 81
horizontal scrolling in 34

organizing columns in 74
performing advanced sorting for 76
resizing columns in 77
show less button in 34
show more button in 34
sorting columns in 76
using visibility filter in 30
vertical scrolling in 33
logging in
about data access and responsibilities for 17
to Siebel application 15
long forms, about 34

meetings, setting up email prompts for 141
menu button
described 36
using to attach files to records 71
using to attach URLs to records 73
using to create records 58
using to delete records 63
Monthly format
about 107
adding activities to 111
setting up for calendar 141
viewing activities in 110
multiple selection dialog box, using to
associate records 52
multi-value group fields, exporting records
that include 102

keyboard shortcuts for 148
using Site Map for 22
New button
described 36
using to create records 58
New File button, using to attach files to
records 71
New URL button, using to attach URLs to
records 73
notes, adding to records 69
Notification icon
about 36
customizing 135
notification panes
about 36
customizing 135
about 36
about colors for 38
customizing aspects of 135

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

16 1

Index O

online help, keyboard shortcuts for 148
Open Customer Dashboard button,
described 21
compound query 88
simple query 86
option buttons, about 44
Owner field, about using to reassign
activities 119

adding to activities 117
removing from activities 118
setting up email prompts for 141
See predefined queries
Personal Information Manager (PIM) server,
about using to synchronize 94
physically disabled users, about utilities
for 157
predefined mapping, about using to import
data 100
predefined queries
about 79
modifying 88
Prepare for Interactive Detailer button,
described 22
primary employee, and deleting activities
from the calendar 112

about 79
about predefined 79
about user-defined 80
about using default 85
canceling long running 83
compound operators for 88
creating 80
deleting 82
drop-down list for saved 38, 80
executing 80
limiting report data by using 95
modifying predefined 88
refining 82
saving 80
saving using another name 88
setting up default 133
simple operators for 86
tips for creating and executing 88
use of blank spaces in 88


viewing results list for 88

viewing saved 134
Query Assistant, using 83
Query button, described 36
query management, keyboard shortcuts
for 151
quick fill
deactivating templates for 142
deleting templates for 142
reactivating templates for 142
renaming templates for 142
using to create records 59
quick print
button for 22
setting options for 129
using 65

radio buttons, about 44
record count, displaying 66
record management, keyboard shortcuts
for 150
record navigation, keyboard shortcuts
for 151
about 41
adding notes to 69
associating using multiple selection dialog
box 52
associating using single selection dialog
box 51
associating with other records 64
attaching files to 71
attaching URLs to 73
canceling changes to 63
changing multiple 61
copying 61
creating 58
creating shortcuts to 100
deleting 63
editing 61
entering characters to find 54
finding in lists 81
finding in selection dialog box 54
finding information about 67
flagging 68
identifying new 68
merging duplicate 69
printing 65
querying for in selection dialog box 54
saving 62
spell checking fields in 71
using field hyperlinks in 65

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

Index S

using quick fill to create 59

Repeat Until field, default values for
accessing and running 95
button for 22
role of queries in 95
resizing indicator, about 42
Resource Scheduler, about 25
responsibilities, about 17


Sample database, about 16
Save All button, about using 115
Save Target List button, described 21
Save This One button, about using 115
Saved Queries, about field 38
screen readers, about 156
about 23
about home pages for 24
about link bars for 25
about tabs for 23
changing order of screen tab
appearance 137
hidden tabs for 23
setting up default view for 137
showing or hiding tabs for 137
scroll speeds, setting 128
Section 508, about 155
select buttons
about 49
about using 45
selection dialog boxes
finding specific records in 54
launching 49
multiple 49
querying for records in 54
single 49
using multiple to associate records 52
using single to associate records 51
Send Email command 96
Send Fax command 96
Send Page command 96
Send Wireless Message command 96
short forms, about 34
shortcuts, creating to Siebel records 100
show less button 34
show more button 34
Siebel application
logging in to 15
logging out of 18
Siebel bookmarks, adding to email or
documents 99

simple query operators 86

single selection dialog box, using to
associate records 51
Site Map
about 22
button for 21
using to navigate 22
spell check
automatically checking outgoing messages
using 134
performing 71
setting defaults for 134
star icon
in required fields 42
in required form fields 34
using to identify new records 68
startup view, setting 126
Strict Date Format system preference 47
subviews, about 30, 32
synchronizing data
about and example 93
about setting up user preferences for 145
illustration of 94
initiating 94
with Personal Information Manager (PIM)
server 94

Task UI
about 91
navigational buttons for 92
setting pause behavior for 144
using 91
tasks, button for 21
telephone number, querying for 85
templates, quick fill 59
text fields, about 42
thread bar
about 23
and drilling across 23, 65
time zone
changing in calendar 120
setting a default 126
To Do list
adding activities to 114
marking activities complete in 115
viewing in calendar 106
Toggle CTI Toolbar button, described 22
toolbar, about for application 21
transition effects, setting 127

Undo Record, using 63

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

16 3

Index V

adding to email or documents 99
attaching to records 73
user interface elements, setting the color
for 128
user preferences
about 125
about availability fields in Profile view of 145
about setting up synchronization
preferences 145
changing default spell check options 134
changing length of calendar day 140
changing order of screen tab
appearance 137
changing order of view tab appearance 137
customizing aspects of notifications 135
setting a default time zone 126
setting a startup view 126
setting left-hand navigation 127
setting outbound communications
preferences for email 131
setting pause behavior for Task UI 144
setting quick print options 129
setting the color for user interface
elements 128
setting up another users calendar as your
default 142
setting up default calendar activity
duration 140
setting up default calendar formats 141
setting up default queries 133
setting up default view for screen 137
setting up email prompts for meetings 141
setting up view links for home pages 137


showing or hiding screen tabs 137

showing or hiding view tabs 137
user-defined queries, about 80

about 30
about for calendar 108
about link bars for 32
about tabs for 31
changing order of view tab appearance 137
hidden tabs for 31
showing or hiding tabs for 137
visibility filter, using in lists 30
visibility, about 17
visually impaired users, about utilities
for 157
Voluntary Product Accessibility Template,
about 156

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,
about 156
Weekly format
about 107
adding activities to 111
rescheduling activities by stretching 116
rescheduling activities by using drag-anddrop 116
setting up for calendar 141
viewing activities in 110
wireless devices, sending message to 96

Siebel Fundamentals for Siebel Open UI Version 8.1/8.2, Rev. A

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