Technical Report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

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Technical Report Part 2

Fire Safe Design road tunnels

Rapporteur Road Tunnels, Niels Peter Hj, COWI

Technical review:
Richard Bettis (HSE), Ulla Eilersen (Sund & Bealt)

Workpackage Members
Bruno Brousse (CETU), Didier Lacroix (CETU), Paul Scott (ARUP),
Niels Peter Hoj (COWI), Enrique Fernandez (Dragados), Gabriel Khoury
(FSD), Yngve Anderberg (FSD)Walter Frey (GRS), Hermann Otremba
(Hochtief), Daniel Gabay (RATP), Arnaud Marchais (RATP), Giorgio Micolitti (RFI)Ilse Roelants (Traficon), Esko Mikkola (VTT)

Table of contents

Table of contents

List of collected guidelines..........................................................................................58

Table of references (national guidelines)....................................................................59
Table of references (other reference documents) ......................................................59
Analytical summaries (national guidelines).................................................................59
Italy .............................................................................................................................59
Switzerland .................................................................................................................59
Germany .....................................................................................................................59
United Kingdom ..........................................................................................................59
The Netherlands .........................................................................................................59
USA ............................................................................................................................59


Comprehensive list of safety measures......................................................................59

Structural measures relevant to safety .......................................................................59
Safety equipment........................................................................................................59
Structure & equipment, response to fire .....................................................................59

Matrix of guidelines contents ......................................................................................59


Detailed comparison ...................................................................................................59

Structural measures relevant to safety .......................................................................59
S1 - Emergency exit for users ....................................................................................59
S2 - Emergency access for rescue staff .....................................................................59
S3 Drainage of flammable liquids ...............................................................................59
Safety equipment........................................................................................................59
E1 Smoke control ventilation ......................................................................................59
E2 Emergency exit and rescue access ventilation .....................................................59
E3 Lighting..................................................................................................................59
E4 Signage (permanent/variable) ...............................................................................59
E5 Communication and alarm systems ......................................................................59
E6 Traffic regulation - monitoring equipments ............................................................59
E7 Power supply.........................................................................................................59
E8 Fire suppression (fire fighting equipment) .............................................................59
Structure & equipment, response to fire .....................................................................59
Tunnel Classification...................................................................................................59

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Table of contents


Appendix 1: Tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English ...........59

Italy .............................................................................................................................59
Circular 6 Dec. 1999. Safety of Traffic in Road Tunnels with Particular Reference
to Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Materials...........................................................59
5.1.2 Functional and geometrical standard for construction of roads ..................................59
5.1.3 Light and lighting Tunnel lighting ................................................................................59
5.2.1 Inter-ministy circular n2000-63 of 25.08.2000 concerning safety in the tunnels of
national route network ................................................................................................59
5.2.2 Inter-ministerial circular n2000-82 of 30.11.2000 concerning the regulation of
traffic with dangerous goods in road tunnels of the national network. ........................59
5.2.3 Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to safety of infrastructures and transport
systems, .................................................................................................................59
5.2.4 Risk studies (ESD) for road tunnels, methodology guideline (preliminary version) ....59
Switzerland .................................................................................................................59
5.3.1 Guidelines for the Design of Road Tunnels. 03.05.1995 ............................................59
5.3.2 Ventilation of Road Tunnels, Selection of System, Design and Operation.................59
Germany .....................................................................................................................59
5.4.1 RABT 2002 Guidelines for equipment and operation of road tunnels ........................59
5.4.2 ZTV Additional Technical Conditions for the Construction of Road Tunnels ..............59
5.5.1 RVS 9.232 Tunnel cross section ................................................................................59
5.5.2 RVS 9.233 Structures .................................................................................................59
5.5.3 RVS 9.234 Interior Constructions ...............................................................................59
5.5.4 RVS 9.261 Ventilation, Fundamentals........................................................................59
5.5.5 RVS 9.262 Ventilation, Calculation of fresh air demand.............................................59
5.5.6 RVS 9.27 Lighting.......................................................................................................59
5.5.7 RVS 9.281 Operation and safety measures, Tunnel structure ...................................59
5.5.8 RVS 9.282 Operation and safety measures, Tunnel equipment ................................59
5.5.9 RVS 9.286 Operation and safety measures, Radio equipment ..................................59
5.5.10 RVS 13.74 Maintenance of tunnel equipment ............................................................59
5.6.1 Road Tunnels .............................................................................................................59
5.6.2 Risk Analysis of Fire in Tunnels..................................................................................59
5.7.1 Tunnel 2004................................................................................................................59
United Kingdom ..........................................................................................................59
5.8.1 Design of Road Tunnels .............................................................................................59
The Netherlands .........................................................................................................59
5.9.1 Ventilation of Road Tunnels........................................................................................59
5.9.2 Safety Guidelines Part C / Basic measures for Safety in Tunnels..............................59
5.9.3 Fire protection for tunnels (Part 1: fire test procedures for immersed tunnels)...........59
5.10 USA ............................................................................................................................59
5.10.1 NFPA 502 Standards for Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access
Highways ....................................................................................................................59

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Table of contents

Appendix 2: Tables of contents of other reference documents translated into

English ........................................................................................................................59
EU, Commission of the European Communities ........................................................59
6.1.1 Directive 2004/54/EC..................................................................................................59
6.2.1 Classification of Tunnels.............................................................................................59
6.2.2 Road Safety in Tunnels ..............................................................................................59
6.2.3 Fire and Smoke Control of Tunnels ............................................................................59
6.2.4 OECD/PIARC Safety in Tunnels. Transport of Dangerous Goods through Road
Tunnels .......................................................................................................................59
6.3.1 Ventilation of Road Tunnels........................................................................................59
UN/ECE ......................................................................................................................59
6.4.1 Recommendations of the Group of Experts on Safety in Road Tunnels.
Final Report. ...............................................................................................................59
FHWA .........................................................................................................................59
6.5.1 Prevention and Control of Highway Tunnel Fires .......................................................59
6.6.1 Tunnel Task Force, Final Report ................................................................................59
Germany BASt/STUVA...............................................................................................59
6.7.1 Fire protection in traffic tunnels final report.................................................................59
6.7.2 Procedures for selection of cross section of roads in tunnels.....................................59

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


List of collected guidelines

Road Tunnels
In accordance with the description of work package 3.1 and discussions at the network
meetings, this section of the report covers:
Structural safety facilities
Safety equipment
Reaction/resistance to fire
The work in WP3 includes both a listing of relevant guidelines and comparison of selected guidelines.
The reporting has been carried out by Niels Peter Hj, who has been the rapporteur for
this task. The detailed comparisons for Austria and Switzerland have been provided by
Herman Otremba and the detailed comparison for the Netherlands has been provided by
Inge Stringa.
(The contents of the present document will be incorporated into the WP3 part of the FIT
report. The section numbers will be subsections to the section 3.3 Road Tunnels. For
practical reasons the two first digits in the section numbers have been left out in this


The first part of the activity concerns the listing of relevant guidelines. It has been agreed
that this should include regulations, guidelines, standards, and to some degree current
best practices. Guidelines concerning construction are beyond the scope. Guidelines include relevant documents from European and international organisations and European
countries, supplemented when relevant with guidelines from other major road tunnel
countries, e.g. USA, Japan.
The list also contains the EU directive on minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the
trans-European road network, which was issued in April 2004.
The following countries are the main "road-tunnel-countries" in Europe, i.e. those countries with the highest traffic volume in tunnels: Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, and Austria in the order of annual vehicle kilometres in tunnels. For these countries
the information about standards and guidelines is particularly interesting.
Furthermore, the selection is based on an evaluation made by the authorities of each
European country concerning validity and sufficiency of the standards. According to the
review made by UN/ECE the guidelines used by the Netherlands and Sweden are also
worthy of inclusion. finally, the US standard is included as an important international reference.
The first level of reporting is a list of the documents including:
- Title, reference and date of the document
- The administrative status of the document in the country concerned
The second level includes
- An analytical summary in English of the contents, stating the essential items relevant
to the topics compiled by WP3.
- The table of contents translated into English (given in the two Appendices)

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


List of collected guidelines


Table of references (national guidelines)



Title / Issued by
[1] Circular 6 Dec. 1999. Safety of Traffic in Road
Tunnels with Particular Reference to Vehicles
Transporting Dangerous Materials (Sicurezza
della circolazione nelle gallerie stradali con
particolare riferimento ai veicoli che trasportano
materiali pericolosi)
Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici (Ministry of Public
[2] Functional and geometrical standard for construction of roads (Norme funzionali e geometriche per la construzione della Strade)
Ministerio della Infrastrutture e dei Transporti. Ispettorato Generale per la Circolazione e la Sicurezza
Stradale. (Ministry of Infrastructure and transport.
General Inspectorate for Traffic and Road Safety)
[3] Light and lighting Tunnel lighting (Luce e illuminazione Illuminazione delle gallerie)
UNI - Milano U29000240
[1] Inter-ministerial circular n2000-63 of 25 August
2000 concerning safety in the tunnels of National road network (la scurit dans les tunnels
du rseau routier national)
[2] Inter-ministerial circular n2000-82 of 30 November 2000 concerning the regulation of traffic
with dangerous goods in road tunnels of the national network.



Administrative status



Governmental circular

Covers transport of dangerous

goods only



Ministerial Decree

Only 4 pages deal with tunnels,

showing tunnel cross section.




Covers tunnel lighting only.



Governmental circular



Governmental circular

****Circulars nos. 2000-63 and

200-83 are recent and correspond to the present state of
**** It is recognised that Circular
no. 2000-82 needs to be improved to take account of the
prohibition of dangerous goods
in five levels ref. the
OECD/PIARC project.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


List of collected guidelines



[3] Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to

safety of infrastructures and transport systems,
etc. (LOI n 2002-3 du 3 janvier 2002
relative la scurit des infrastructures et systmes de transport, )
[4] Risk studies for road tunnels : Guide to methodology (Les tudes spcifiques de danger
(ESD) pour les tunnels du rseau routier: Guide
[1] Guidelines for the Design of Road Tunnels.
(Richtlinien fr die Projektierung von Strassentunnel)
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office).
[2] Ventilation of Road Tunnels, Selection of System, Design and operation. Project. (Ventilation
des tunnels routiers, choix du systme, dimensionnement et exploitation, Projet), version 6.1.
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office).
[1] RABT Guidelines for equipment and operation
of road tunnels (Richtlinien fr die Ausstattung
und den Betrieb von Strassentunneln)
Forschungsgesellschaft fr Strassen- und Verkehrswesen. (Road and Transportation Research Association)
[2] ZTV Additional Technical Conditions for the
Construction of Road Tunnels (Zustzlichen
Technischen Vertragsbedingungen und Richtlinien fr den Bau von Strassentunneln)
- Part 1 Closed Construction
- Part 2 Open Construction
Forschungsgesellschaft fr Strassen- und Verkehrswesen.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels









Guidelines by the federal roads office



Guidelines by the federal roads office



Guidelines recommended by the Federal

Ministry of Traffic.

Law 2002-3 art. 2 makes it possible to impose similar procedure to locally owned tunnels as
to those owned or conceded by
the State.
Includes the description of typical fires (releases of heat, CO2,
CO and consumption of O2) to
be used in risk studies.
New version to be issued in

****Amendments are made with

respect to e.g. smoke and fire
control, emergency exits, communication measures, tunnel
barriers emergency cabins etc.

Technical addendum

ZTV Tunnel


List of collected guidelines



Guidelines and Regulations for Road Construction

(Richtlinien und Vorschriften fr den Strassenbau)
[1] Tunnelquerschnitt (Tunnel cross section)
[2] Bauliche Anlagen (Structures)
[3] Innenausbau (Interior Construction)
[4] Lftungsanlagen, Grundlagen (Ventilation, Fundamentals)
[5] Lftungsanlagen, Luftbedarfsberechnung
(Ventilation, Calculation of fresh air demand)
[6] Beleuchtung (Lighting)
[7] Betriebs- und Sicherheitseinrichtungen,
Bauliche Anlagen (Operational and safety
measures, Structure)
[8] Betriebs- und Sicherheitseinrichtungen,
Tunnelausrstung (Operational and safety measures, Equipment)
[9] Betriebs- und Sicherheitseinrichtungen,
Funkeinrichtungen (Operational and safety measures, Radio equipment)
[10] berwachung, Kontrolle und Prfung
Betriebs- und Sicherheitseinrichtungen
(Maintenance of tunnel equipment)
Forschungsgesellschaft fr das Verkehrs- und
Strassenwesen (Transportation and Road
Research Association)
[1] Norwegian design guide, Roads Tunnels
Public Roads Administration, Directorate of
Public Roads
[2] Risk analysis of fire in road tunnels
(Risikoanalyse av brann i vegtunneler)
Guideline for NS 3901
Norges Byggstandardiseringsrd (Norwegian
Council for Construction Standards)

RVS ref:

Guideline supported and

funded by the National
Roads Administration















Guideline/ manual issued by public authority


Guideline for a Norwegian Standard, issued

by the Standardisation

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

****Guidelines are considered



List of collected guidelines




[1] Manual for the design, construction and

operation of tunnels (Orden por la que se
aprueba la instruccion para el proyecto,
construccion y explotacion de obras subterraneas para el transporte terrestre)
[2] Road Instruction, Norm, Alignment (Instruccin de Carreteras, Norma
Trazado) 3.1 IC, [refers to tunnels and
especially to cross section and slopes]
[3] Road Instruction, Norm, Vertical signals
(Instruccin de Carreteras, Norma Sealizacin vertical) 8.1 IC [refers to
signalling at tunnel entries]
[1] Design manual for roads and bridges,
Volume 2 Highway structure design (substructures and special structures) materials, Section 2 : Special structures, Part 9,
BD 78/99 :Design of road tunnels, 1999
The Highways Agency *
Technical standards for the provisions and
installations: a.o.
[1] Ventilation of Road Tunnels
[2] Safety Guidlines Part C / Basic measures
for Safety in Tunnels, (Veiligheidsrichtlijnen Deel C / Basismaatregelen). Main
Report and Appendixes (Centre for tunnel
safety). Version 1.0
[3] Fire Protection for Tunnels (Tunnel Department)
RWS (Ministry of Transport, Public Works and
Water Management)
[4] Specifications for temperature resistance
of boosters and description of testing
RWS, Tunnel Engineering Department, Luuk

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels

Manuals are effectively


**** The existing texts are not

sufficient at all. Infrastructure,
safety requirements, operation
management rules and measures to be carried out on existing
tunnels are not considered. Ventilation and signalling are barely


Guideline and requirements issued by public


**** Yes, sufficient.



Guidelines for safety
measurements regarding tunnels.

Update expected 2005.

Legislation is being developed
now and is expected to be processed and operational in 2006.



Requirements for tests

and materials. Draft.

Draft status. The document was

never finalised.







BD 78/99



List of collected guidelines


[1] Tunnel 2004

Swedish National Road Administration

VV Publ.



[1] NFPA 502 Fire Protection. Standards for Road

Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access
Highways. National Fire Protection Association
[2] 1991 ASHRAE Handbook HVAC applications,
part 13





Guideline. Internal regulation within the Swedish

National Road Administration. (general tech.
American National
Standard, issued by
Standards Council.


Comments by Governmental representatives (National Road Administrations or Traffic Ministries)to the questionnaire issued by UN/ECE in 2000 to the question: "(Are
there any legislation, regulations, recommendations on safety in road tunnels in your country and) do you consider the above texts sufficient?" . If the guidelines have
been revised or replaced since 2000 the comments are not given in the table.
USA was not included in the UN/ECE review
As well as The Scottish Executive Development Department, The National Assembly for Wales, Department for Northern Ireland.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


List of collected guidelines


Table of references (other reference documents)


EU, Commission of
the European Communities
World Road Association

Nordic Road Technical Association

UN/ECE United Nations Economic

Commission for


Directive 2004/54/EC of the European

Parliament and of the Council of 29 April
2004 on minimum safety requirements for
tunnels in the trans-European road network
Classification of Tunnels
PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels, C5
Road Safety in Tunnels
PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels, C5
Fire and Smoke Control of Tunnels
PIARC Committee on Road Tunnels, C5
Ventilation av Vgtunnelar (Ventilation of
Road Tunnels)
NVF Sub Committee 61: Tunnels

Recommendations of the Group of Experts on Safety in Road Tunnels. Final

Ad hoc Multidisciplinary Group of Experts on
Safety in Tunnels
Safety in Tunnels. Transport of Dangerous
Goods through Road Tunnels

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



European Directive





Reports of an international
working group. Approved



Rep. No
6: 1993


Report of a Nordic working




Report of an international
expert group.


Report of a project sponsored by OECD and

PIARC. International Scientific Expert Group.


Administrative status


The intention was to

create a common Nordic
guideline, but this was
impossible due to differences in legislative requirements
Review of existing
guidelines and recommendation of improvements
Basis for restrictions of
transport of dangerous
goods. Risk and decision support software.


List of collected guidelines

Transp., Federal
Highways Adm.

ASTRA. Swiss Federal Roads Office

BASt / Germany

Tunnel Task Force, Final Report.

Brandschutz in Verkehrstunneln, Schlussbericht (Fire protection in traffic tunnels, final report), Bundesanstalt fr Straenwesen (BASt)
(German Federal Road Institute) / STUVA.
Verfahren fr die Auswahl von Straenquerschnitten in Tunneln (Procedures for selection
of cross section of roads in tunnels), Ausgabe
Road Tunnel Technology in Japan
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of
State of the Road Tunnel Equipment
Technology in Japan Ventilation, Lighting, Safety Equipment
Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of
Report on Survey and Research on Tunnel Ventilation Design Principles (Tunnel
Ventilation Design Principles Draft)
Technology Centre of Metropolitan Expressway,


BASt / Germany

PWRI / Japan

Prevention and Control of Highway Tunnel Fires

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Research report.

Review of the problem

and recommendations,
no legal status.

Result of the work in the

Swiss task force
Result of a research programme.

Recommendations for
improved safety





Technical Memorandum

Vol. 61


Technical Note


Survey Report


List of collected guidelines


Analytical summaries (national guidelines)

1.3.1 Italy

Circular 6 Dec. 1999. Safety of Traffic in Road Tunnels with Particular

Reference to Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Materials

The brief circular deals only with transport of dangerous goods through tunnels. Functional and geometrical standard for construction of roads

The standard covers construction of roads in general. Only two pages are related to tunnels and show tunnel cross sections. Light and lighting Tunnel lighting
The Italian UNI standard gives detailed instructions for design of tunnel lighting.
1.3.2 France

Inter-ministry circular n2000-63 of 25 August 2000 concerning Safety

in the Tunnels of National Route Network

The circular relates to those tunnels in the national highways network, including concessionary motorways, whose length is more than 300 metres. As far as its application is
concerned, tunnels are regarded as being all covered roadways. In the case of these
structures, the circular establishes a procedure prior to their commissioning and means
for monitoring their operation described in its Appendix no 1. It therefore supercedes previously specified procedures for the investigation and approval of designs. The circular
also subjects new tunnels in the national highways network to the rules of technical inspection appended in its Appendix n2.

Inter-ministerial circular n2000-82 of 30 November 2000 concerning

the regulation of traffic with dangerous goods in road tunnels of the
national network

The circular describes the results of the joint OECD/PIARC study of transport of dangerous goods for the evaluation of restrictions and prescribes their application to road tunnels owned or conceded by the French State.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


List of collected guidelines

[3] Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to safety of infrastructures

and transport systems,
Full title: Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to safety of infrastructures and transport systems, technical inquiries, after events at sea, accidents or incidents of terrestrialor air transport and undeground storage of natural gas, hydrocarbon and chemical products, J.o. number 3 of 4 January 2002, page 215. (Loi n 2002-3 du 3 janvier 2002 relative la scurit des infrastructures et systmes de transport, aux enqutes techniques
aprs vnement de mer, accident ou incident de transport terrestre ou arien et au
stockage souterrain de gaz naturel, d'hydrocarbures et de produits chimiques.)
Article 2 of this law allows the imposition of the same procedures on the tunnels owned
by local communities are imposed on those owned or conceded by the French State.

Risk studies (ESD) for road tunnels, methodology guideline (preliminary version)

This document includes a description of typical fires (releases of heat, CO2, CO and
consumption of O2) to be used in safety studies.

1.3.3 Switzerland

Guidelines for the Design of Road Tunnels. (Richtlinien fr die Projektierung von Strassentunnel)
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office), 03.05.1995
This document gives general guidance on the planning, design and equipment of road
tunnels. It specifies safety (not only fire safety) relevant features such as route mapping,
cross passages and lay bys, road surface, drainage, ventilation, lighting, emergency stations, traffic signal and signage system, power supply and control center. For tunnels
with a high frequency of dangerous goods transport, additional measures are prescribed:
structural resistance to fire, special drainage system, fire detection system.

Ventilation of Road Tunnels, Selection of System, Design and operation. Project (Ventilation des tunnels routiers, choix du systme, dimensionnement et exploitation, Projet,)
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office), 2004.
This guideline contains a description of current state of the art ventilation systems and
gives general guidance for the system selection. Furthermore, it defines criteria and input
data depending on traffic- and tunnel parameters for the design and calculation of ventilation systems and components.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


List of collected guidelines

1.3.4 Germany RABT 2002 Guidelines for equipment and operation of road tunnels
The "Guidelines for Equipment and Operation of Road Tunnels" (RABT) contains basis,
guidance and criteria for the planning of the equipment of road tunnels as well as for their
The guidelines only consider structural issues when these are connected directly with
equipment and operation. The latest guidelines also contain, for the first time, traffic
management issues in tunnel approach areas.

ZTV Additional Technical Conditions for the Construction of Road

ZTV-Tunnel gives guidance and regulation to the construction of a tunnel, whereas tunnel operation is dealt with in RABT. ZTV-Tunnel is divided into two parts:
ZTV-Tunnel Part 1: Closed construction (shotcrete) 1995 edition
The document deals with the construction of tunnels and also with the contractual conditions for tunnels. In chapter 10 it is specified how to document safety of the structure
against fire. Part of this specification includes the RABT/ ZTV-Tunnel fire curve.
ZTV-Tunnel Part 2: Open construction 1999 edition
The document deals with the construction of tunnels and also with the contractual conditions for tunnels. In chapter 10 it is specified how to document safety of the structure
against fire. Part of this specification includes the RABT/ ZTV-Tunnel fire curve.

1.3.5 Austria RVS 9.232 Tunnel cross section
This guideline defines the cross section in general. It gives regulations for the number of
lanes and the situation of emergency lanes, lay bys and walkways. RVS 9.233 Structures
This guideline gives the geometrical dimensions of lay bys, turning areas, cross passages and recesses for emergency call stations or fire fighting equipment. RVS 9.234 Interior Constructions
This guideline gives general information on the construction of the tunnel, mainly concerning the driving lanes, the lining, intermediate ceilings and walls, sealing and the
drainage system. Especially for the intermediate ceilings it prescribes the fire resistance.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


List of collected guidelines RVS 9.261 Ventilation, Fundamentals

This guideline is used for the planning of road tunnels, subsurface roads and under
bridges in both rural and urban environment. The guideline deals with the fundamentals
of tunnel ventilation and gives information about the general principles of response to fire
incidents, the possible ventilation systems and also the ventilation control system. It contains a classification of tunnels based on traffic volume, traffic direction, conflict zones,
the frequency of dangerous goods and escape route length. The resulting classes of I-IV
influence the ventilation, operation and safety systems. RVS 9.262 Ventilation, Calculation of fresh air demand
This guideline contains methods and inputs to be used for calculation of the fresh air requirements of all tunnels covered by RVS 9.261. RVS 9.27 Lighting
This guideline deals with tunnel lighting. This is mainly the normal tunnel lighting, but
Emergency lighting is briefly mentioned. Further regulations about this are given in RVS
9.282. RVS 9.281 Operation and safety measures, Structure
This is a comprehensive guideline for all structural safety measures such as lay bys,
turning areas, escape and rescue ways, recesses for emergency call stations and fire
fighting equipment, the protection and placement of cables and pipes, and water reservoirs. It prescribes the design of these measures as well as their necessity and location
in the tunnel. It contains a tunnel classification system similar to that described in RVS
9.261. Thus it supplements the older guidelines described above. RVS 9.282 Operation and safety measures, Equipment
This is a comprehensive guideline concerning safety equipment. It deals with the necessity and placement of the following items: traffic management and control systems,
emergency call systems, information and communication systems, fire extinguishing
equipment, lighting, power supply and connections to the operations centre. The tunnel
classification system gives the basis for the planning and positioning of all the equipment
covered. RVS 9.286 Operation and safety measures, Radio Equipment
This guideline deals with radio equipment further to RVS 9.282. It gives a lot of information on technical details of radio equipment. RVS 13.74 Maintenance of tunnel equipment
This guideline is not relevant for the design of tunnels as it mainly covers the service,
maintenance and inspection of the equipment once installed.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


List of collected guidelines

1.3.6 Norway Road Tunnels
The manual applies to all types of road tunnel. Particular attention has been paid to publish an independent and complete road tunnel standard. The manual deals with all
phases relevant to a road project. Planning, construction, operation and maintenance are
covered. Design criteria and information on preliminary investigations are primarily aimed
at hard rock tunnels. Other types of tunnel are dealt with only briefly. Risk Analysis of Fire in Tunnels
There is a Norwegian Standard and a general guideline on requirements for risk analysis
for fire in structures (NS3901). The present document is a guide to NS3901 indicating the
particular issues relevant for risk analysis of road tunnels. All relevant issues are mentioned in a brief, practice-oriented form.
1.3.7 United Kingdom Design of Road Tunnels
This Standard describes the procedures required for the design of new or refurbished
road tunnels located within Motorways and other Trunk Roads. It gives guidance on the
necessary equipment, Operational and Maintenance Systems that should be considered
by the designer in order to facilitate continued effective and safe operation.
1.3.8 The Netherlands Ventilation of Road Tunnels
The objectives of the recommendations are in key words: documentation of current
knowledge, anticipating the current state of affairs, indication of the boundary conditions
and basic assumptions, cost reduction, determination of the capacity of ventilation systems and standardisation of methods. Ventilation systems are to be designed for traffic
exhaust and fire. The latter, fire aspect is new compared to previous (Dutch) recommendations. (Comment: the fire aspect, however, forms only a very limited part of the report.
4 pages in the chapter on design scenarios deal with fire). Safety Guidelines Part C / Basic measures for Safety in Tunnels
The department of Traffic, Public Works and Water management has developed an integral approach for safety issues regarding tunnels (open, semi-open and fully closed).
The Safety Guidelines Part C is about the basic measures which are recommended to
increase safety in underground tunnel constructions. These guidelines are meant to help
the designer and others who are involved with a tunnel construction. The objective is a
balanced starting point of safety measures. These guidelines will be updated until formal
legislation is operational.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


List of collected guidelines Fire protection for tunnels (Part 1: fire test procedures for immersed
The report describes the necessary test specimens, test procedure and performance criteria specified by RWS for fire tests of tunnel structures to give tunnels resistant to hydrocarbon fires. The purpose of the report is to achieve uniform performance criteria and
test procedures for insulation materials in tunnels.
1.3.9 Sweden Tunnel 2004
Tunnel 99 contains requirements for road tunnels, which need to be applied to all tunnels
with a length of over 100 m and to all rock tunnels independent of length.
1.3.10 USA NFPA 502 Standards for Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways
This standard provides fire protection and fire life safety requirements for limited access
highways, road tunnels, bridges, elevated highways, and roadways that are beneath airtight structures. This standard establishes minimum requirements for each of the facilities
The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum criteria that provide a reasonable
degree of protection from fire and its related hazards. The requirements in this standard
reflect the practices and the state of the art prevalent at the time this standard was issued.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Comprehensive list of safety measures


In order to readily identify the measures referred to in regulations and guidance, these
have been given a code made up of three parts, a letter identifying the general type of
measure, a top level number for each family of measures in each type and, where necessary, a final number identifying each specific measure.


Structural measures relevant to safety

S1 Emergency passenger exit for users

S11 Parallel escape tube
S12 Emergency cross-passage
S13 Shelter
S14 Direct pedestrian emergency exit
S2 Emergency access for rescue staff
S21 Separate emergency vehicular access gallery
S22 Cross passage vehicular access
S23 Emergency lane
S24 Direct pedestrian access (lateral, upstairs, shaft)
S25 Turning areas
S27 Emergency Services station at portals
S3 Drainage of flammable liquids
S31 Inclination of tunnel axis
S32 Separate drainage systems
S33 Liquid sump
S34 Non porous surface course
S4 Others


Safety equipment

E1 Smoke control ventilation

E 11 Natural ventilation by shafts
E 12 Longitudinal
E 13 Transverse
E 14 Ventilation control sensors

Counter pressure measurement at portals

E2 Emergency exit and rescue access ventilation

E3 Lighting
E31 Emergency tunnel lighting
E32 Marker light in tunnel
E33 Emergency exit and rescue access lighting

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Comprehensive list of safety measures

E4 Signage (permanent/variable)
E41 Traffic signs and signals outside the tunnel
E42 Traffic signs and signals inside the tunnel
E43 Exit pedestrian signs
E44 Rescue pedestrian signs
E5 Communication and alarm systems
E51 Emergency telephone
E52 Alarm push button (manual fire alarm)
E53 Automatic alarm on equipments (exit doors, extinguisher, fire boxes)
E54 Automatic incident detection
E55 Fire/smoke detection (ventilation sensors or specific fire detection)
E56 Radio rebroadcast
tunnel users
emergency team
E57 Loudspeakers (in tunnel, in shelters)
E6 Traffic regulation - monitoring equipment
E61 Monitoring of traffic speed and density
E63 Closed circuit television
E64 Remote control barriers
E66 Thermographic portal detectors (trucks)
E7 Power supply
E8 Fire suppression (fire fighting equipment)
E 81 First aid manual fire fighting (extinguisher, hose-reels, etc...)
E82 Fire fighting media
E84 Fixed fire suppression system (Sprinkler, Deluge)
E9 Others


Structure & equipment, response to fire

R1 Reaction to fire
R2 Structure resistance to fire
R3 Equipment resistance to fire

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Matrix of guidelines contents



A,1 A,1,7 A,1

A,1 A,2,7 A,1
A,1 A,2,7 A,1
A,1 A,1,2,7 O
A,1 A,2,7 A,1







A,1 A,6,7,8 A,1






Available national guidelines:

Structural measures relevant to safety
S11 Parallel escape tube
S1 Emergency
passenger exit for S12 Emergency cross-passage
S13 Shelter
S14 Direct pedestrian emergency exit
S21 Separate emergency vehicle gallery
S2 Emergency
access for rescue S22 Cross passage vehicle access
S23 Emergency lane
S24 Direct pedestrian access
S25 Turning areas
S27 Firemen station at portals
S31 Inclination of tunnel axis
S3 Drainage of
flammable liquids S32 Separate drainage systems
S33 Liquid sump
S34 Non porous surface course
Safety equipment
E1 Smoke control E 11 Natural ventilation by shafts
E 12 Longitudinal
E 13 Transversal
E 14 Ventilation control sensors
E2 Emergency exit and rescue access ventilation
E31 Emergency tunnel lighting
E3 Lighting
E32 Marker light in tunnel
E33 Emergency exit & rescue access ligh
E41 Traffic signals outside the tunnel
E4 Signage
E42 Traffic signals inside the tunnel
E43 Exit pedestrian signs
E44 Rescue pedestrian signs
E51 Emergency telephone
Communication E52 Alarm push button (manual fire alarm
and alarm system E53 Automatic alarm on equipments
E54 Automatic incident detection
E55 Fire/smoke detection
E56 Radio rebroadcast
E57 Loudspeakers (in tunnel, in shelters)
E61 Monitoring of traffic speed and intens
E6 Traffic
E63 Close circuit television
regulation E64 Remote control barriers
E66 Thermographic portal detectors (truck
E7 Power supply
E 81 First aid fire fighting
E8 Fire
suppression (fire E82 Fire fighting media
E84 Fixed fire suppression system
Structure & equipement, response to fire
R1 Reaction to fire
R2 Structure resistance to fire
R3 Equipment resistance to fire


Overview of contents












A,2,3 A,1
A,1,2,3 A,1,2


No requirements,little information
Normative information
Detailed information or models
Reference to national guideline n

Figure 1: Overview over types of requirements, amount of information and reference to the documents.
Reference to national guidelines (n) is according to the numbers given in the table
in section 1.1.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Matrix of guidelines contents

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison

For the detailed comparison, the national guidelines of France, Switzerland, Germany,
Austria, Norway, UK, and the Netherlands has been included and compared with the
minimum requirements of EU directive on minimum safety requirements for tunnels.
These national guidelines have been selected based on the number of tunnels and the
traffic in tunnels in the relevant countries, as well as on the basis of availability and quality of the guidelines.


Structural measures relevant to safety

4.1.1 S1 - Emergency exit for users Role of the measure
The emergency exit(s) for tunnel users are established with the purpose of having a safe
haven in case of harmful situations in the tunnel. The exits will mainly be used in connection with a fire in the tunnel. The emergency exits can be connected to the adjacent traffic tube, to a dedicated escape tube or out to the open air. The connection can be direct
or through a cross passage, shaft or similar. In some cases shelters are arranged as
safe havens, where tunnel users can stay for some time. Synthesis - comments
The requirements for emergency exits in the guidelines studied appear to indicate that
parallel escape tubes are not prescribed and the distance between exits varies upward
from 100 m to having no requirement for such exits. Shelters and direct escape routes
are less frequently considered and are not generally a requirement. Comparison tables
S11 Parallel escape tube
France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

2.2.2 A safety tunnel parallel to the tunnel is only to be
constructed if this is justified for technical reasons (e.g. pilot
no reference Escape doors can lead to a rescue tunnel, which
can be used by pedestrians. The tunnel can be parallel to
traffic tunnel and various emergency exits from the tunnel
can be connected to a common exit to the open. The longitudinal slope shall not be more than 10%, the cross section
shall be 2,25 m 2,25 m.
The general safety concept shows two possibilities.
- Limitation of escape routes (according to tunnel cross
section) in combination with natural or longitudinal ventilation.
- Transversal or semi transversal ventilation with no limitation of escape routes.
RVS 9.232 Dimension of escape routes 1.20m x 2.20m,
doors 1,00m x 2,00m
RVS 9.281 Escape tubes for foot passengers or vehicles
could be used to minimize the escape routes (see above).
Dimensions are given.
no reference

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison
UK/ BD78/99


2.38 A separate service tunnelshould be considered on

a whole life cost basisSuch tunnels may also be used for
evacuation purposes during an emergency.
11.4 Escape tubes must have a minimal width of 1.20
meter. Narrowing obstacles in escape tubes must be
avoided as much as possible; the width here must still be
0.85 meter minimal.The escape route must be safe (no
possible exits in smoking zones, no crossing of lanes with
traffic) Avoiding danger of stumbling (no steps) (See
also S24)
2.3.3 Examples of such emergency exits are:, exits to an
emergency gallery, .

S12 Emergency cross-passage

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Switzerland/ Ventilation
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

2.2 Arrangements for the evacuation and protection of users and emergency access shall be provided on a systematic basis and access shall be provided approximately
every 200 m; a shorter spacing is to be used in tubes which
are frequently congested and which have more than three
lanes. In non-urban tunnels these arrangements are to be
provided where lengths exceed 500 m and the spacing will
be approximately 400 m.
2.2.2 Communication between the (two) tubes represents a
satisfactory arrangement provided that a single door
does not provide access from the tube in which the incident
or accident occurred and a traffic lane in the other tube
In two tube tunnels cross passages for pedestrians every
300m, for vehicles every 900m
In tunnels with high frequency of dangerous goods vehicles
the following have to be applied: Cross passages have to
be equipped in order to stop fire spread to the other tube.
Emergency exits to a lower level have to be equipped with
a ramp instead of stairways
Cross passages with length > 5 m need two doors

Comment Escape routes must be indicated and illuminated.

Tunnels 400 m must have emergency exits at regular distances 300 m. The emergency exits can connect to the
other tunnel tube directly or through a cross passage. Cross
passages have doors in both ends.
RVS 9.233 Dimension and design of cross passages
RVS 9.281 Opposite each lay by (see S23) a cross passage for vehicles is situated (a=1000m)
Additionally in tunnels without fire ventilation and in tunnels
with a longitudinal gradient >3% a foot passenger cross
passage is situated at each emergency call station
409 Cross passages. In tunnels with two parallel tubes pedestrian cross passages between the tubes shall be arranged for escape. These shall be located for every 250
602.1 Pedestrian cross passages are required for tunnel
class E and F.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison

UK/ BD78/99


3.16 Escape Routes: In twin bore tunnels, passenger escape routes through fire doors positioned in central walls or
cross-connecting passages, shall be provided. These shall
be positioned at 100m nominal intervals
5.13 (100m preferred limit, 150m maximum limit).
3.17 Tunnel Cross Connections: Tunnel cross connections
are generally of three types:
i. A single set of fire doors in the partition wall between two
traffic bores, ii. A cross passage with fire doors at both ends
providing a safe refuge and an escape route from one bore
to the other, iii
Normal provision for class AA, to be considered in classA
and B.
11.4 Exit-doors for escape are necessary when the distance to open area is too long. Distance between those exit
doors must be determined by quantitative risk analysis.
2.3.3.Emergency exits allow tunnel users to leave the tunnel without their vehicles and reach a safe place in the
event of an accident or a fire and also provide access on
foot to the tunnel for emergency services. Examples of such
emergency exits are: direct exits from the tunnel to the outside, cross-connections between tunnel tubes, exits to an
emergency gallery, shelters with an escape route separate
from the tunnel tube.
2.3.4.Shelters without an exit leading to escape routes to
the open shall not be built.
2.3.5.Emergency exits shall be provided if an analysis of
relevant risks, including how far and how quickly smoke
travels under local conditions, shows that the ventilation
and other safety provisions are insufficient to ensure the
safety of road users.
2.3.6.In any event, in new tunnels, emergency exits shall be
provided where the traffic volume is higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane.
2.3.7.In existing tunnels longer than 1 000 metres, with a
traffic volume higher than 2 000 vehicles per lane, the feasibility and effectiveness of the implementation of new
emergency exits shall be evaluated.
2.3.8.Where emergency exits are provided, the distance
between two emergency exits shall not exceed 500 metres.
2.3.9.Appropriate means, such as doors, shall be used to
prevent smoke and heat from reaching the escape routes
behind the emergency exit, so that the tunnel users can
safely reach the outside and the emergency services can
have access to the tunnel.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison

S13 Shelters

France/ Circ200063A2

UK/ BD78/99


2.2.2Whenever none of the preceding arrangements apply, shelters are to be built to offer users a safe place while
they await evacuation. Each shelter shall have a surface
area of at least 50 m2 Shelters must be connected to the
exterior of the tunnel by an access-way, which is protected
from fire and intended for emergency purposes.
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
3.16 Single bore tunnel escape route and safe refuge
requirements shall be examined and established by the Design Organisation from first principles, to the agreement of
the TDSCG.
no reference
2.3.3. Examples of such emergency exits are: shelters
with an escape route separate from the tunnel tube.
2.3.4Shelters without an exit leading to escape routes to the
open shall not be built.


S 14 Direct pedestrian emergency exits

France/ Circ200063A2

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
UK/ BD78/99

2.2.1 In the case of tunnels where the roadway is less than
15 m from the ground surface the facilities for the
evacuation and protection of users and emergency access
shall consist of direct communication with the exterior. Accessible to pedestrians only, these communication facilities
must have a minimum width of 1.40 m and a height of 2.20
no reference The escape doors can connect directly to the open
or to evacuation shafts, which are vertical structures for escape routes with stairways leading to the open. Stairways
must be minimum 1.5 m wide. At the design of shafts the
limited physical performance of disabled and elderly people
will have to be considered.
RVS 9.281 see S11
no reference
3.17 Tunnel cross connections are generally of three types:
i, ii, iii. Access doors to a central escape shaft or passage, leading to a safe exit.
11.4 Avoid staircases where possible. When necessary to
provide, then minimum width: 0.7 m / minimum height: 1.9
2.3.3 Examples of such emergency exits are:direct exits from the tunnel to the outside

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

4.1.2 S2 - Emergency access for rescue staff Role of the measure
In case of an emergency, e.g. a fire or a severe accident, the rescue personnel may not
be able to access the incident site directly but may have to access through an adjacent
tunnel or through shafts. The access from an adjacent tunnel may allow emergency vehicles to move from tunnel to tunnel, or access may be for rescuers on foot only. Synthesis - comments
The comparison shows that cross passage vehicle access shall be provided if possible
with a distance of approximately 1 km. Turning areas shall be provided for long tunnels.
Apart from this, there is insufficient consensus to give further overall synthesis. Comparison tables
S21 Separate emergency vehicle gallery access
France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

2.2.2 In tunnels more than 5000 m long which are not light
traffic tunnels, the safety tunnel parallel to the tunnel or the
access-ways providing access to the shelters must be capable of being used by the motor-driven equipment
no reference In exceptional cases it can be reasonable to construct the evacuation tunnels so that it can be used by rescue vehicles. This may be relevant for tunnels longer than
300m with high traffic load. The need for this arrangement
shall be documented as part of safety concept.
RVS 9.281 Could be used to minimize the ways for rescue
staff. According to this, the tunnel category could be influenced (see 4.4)
no reference
no reference
no reference

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison

S22 Cross passage vehicular access

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS


2.3.1In tunnels more than 1000 m long, provision must be
made at approximately every 800 m for the passage of
emergency vehicles from one tube to the other if there are
two tubes
no reference For two tube tunnels every third cross passage
can be constructed for the use of fire fighting and rescue
vehicles, in case this is required by the safety and rescue
RVS 9.233 Dimension and design of cross passages
RVS 9.281 At every second emergency call station
(a=500m) a cross passage for rescue staff vehicles is situated.
no reference
no reference
no reference
2.4.1 In twin-tube tunnels where the tubes are at the same
level or nearly, cross-connections shall be suitable for the
use of emergency services at least every 1500m.


S23 Emergency lane

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS


2.1.1 - Emergency vehicle access widths. If traffic is oneway, the transverse profile must be designed to permit access by emergency vehicles, including in the normal traffic
direction, when there are stopped vehicles on the nominal
number of traffic lanes. Exceptions if there is direct communication with the exterior
- if there is access to a second tube, and also if the traffic
can easily be interrupted in the second tube
In bidirectional traffic tunnels > 1,5 km emergency bays
every 600-900 m, alternating on each side, every 2-3 km
turning bays
Design of emergency bay Under certain economical and traffic conditions it
can be reasonable to have an emergency lane - to be
evaluated and documented Emergency bays shall be considered when the construction of emergency lanes is not reasonable. They are
required at a tunnel length of 600 - 900 m The distance
shall be 600 m in each traffic direction.
RVS 9.232 Necessity and dimensions of emergency lanes
in accordance to speed, traffic volume, number of lanes and
traffic regulation systems
RVS 9.233 Dimension and design of lay by
RVS 9.281 Lay by a=1000m, in tunnels with two directional
traffic on both sides, positioned together with emergency
no reference

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

UK/ BD78/99


3.14 Due to the high costs involved there are very few examples of continuous emergency stopping lanes within tunnels. However, additional lane width or widened verges
provide a temporary expedient for traffic to be able to pass
a stranded vehicle. The first priority and whole basis of
safe tunnel operation must always be to remove, as a matter of urgency, any obstacle to unrestricted lane use.
Normal provision for tunnel class AA, A, B

S24 Direct pedestrian access (lateral, upstairs, shaft)

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT
UK/ BD78/99


See S14, requirements to size of doors and rooms to suit
fire-fighting equipment.
no reference
See S14, no other reference
no reference
no reference
See S14, no other reference
11.3 To support the rescue teams it is strongly recommended to locate the escape doors (from two tubes to the
escape tube in the middle) opposite to one another. 11.3
Appendix: The width of escape routes is based on width of
the stretcher with a nurse accompanying on the side. The
width of the doors must support easily the width of the
stretcher (See also S14)
2.3.3 Emergency exits allow tunnel users to leave the tunnel without their vehicles and reach a safe place in case of
an accident or a fire and also provide an access on foot to
the tunnel for emergency services. Examples of such
emergency exits are: direct exits from the tunnel to the outside, cross-connections between tunnel tubes, exits to an
emergency gallery, shelters with an escape route separate
from the tunnel tube

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison

S25 Turning areas

France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design
Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99


2.3.1In tunnels more than 1000 m long, provision must be
made at approximately every 800 m for them to turn
In bidirectional traffic tunnels > 1,5 every 2-3 km turning
2.5.6 Turning bays are standard equipment for tunnels >
900 m, to be considered for tunnels 600 - 900 m.
RVS 9.233 Dimension of turning areas
RVS 9.281 In category III and IV tunnels (see 4.4) with twodirectional traffic, a turning area is necessary instead of
each fourth lay by. Alternatively an escape tube for vehicles
could be situated.
408.1 Turning bays are arranged in tunnels with contra
flow traffic. Lay bys function as turning bays for cars. Turning bays for larger vehicles are arranged as specified in
figures Normal distances between turning bays (for large
vehicles) in class B, C and D are 2000m, 1500m and
3.19 Turning Bays: In tunnels of over 5 km length, turning
bays of sufficient size to enable a lorry to turn around shall
be provided, not more than 1 km from the middle of the
To be considered in class AA.
no reference


S27 Emergency Services station at portals

France/ Circ200063A2

UK/ BD78/99


2.3.2 A location 12 m long and 3 m wide for parking an
emergency vehicle shall be provided outside, close to the
In addition to this an arrangement enabling emergency
vehicles to turn around / move from one roadway to another
shall be provided externally, close to the portals.
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
3.20 Emergency Services Parking: If necessary, an area
close to the tunnel portals shall be provided for the parking
of police and emergency services vehicles and equipment
when attending a tunnel incident.
no reference


4.1.3 S3 Drainage of flammable liquids Role of the measure
If flammable liquids are spilled in a tunnel there is a risk that the spill can be ignited and
cause a serious fire. If the tunnel is well drained and the flammable liquids are collected
in a system suitable for the purpose, this risk can be reduced.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison Synthesis - comments

Drainage systems capable of draining flammable liquids are generally required. The capacity specified for the liquid sump varies significantly. Comparison tables
S31 Inclination of tunnel axis
France/ Circ200063A2

Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99


7.2.2 Transverse gradients to ensure the satisfactory collection of hazardous liquids A minimum transverse gradient of 2% must be provided over the traffic lane.
7.2.3 a continuous slot gutter is compulsory. This gutter
shall drain to an underground main along independent sections of the order of 50 m long. Each section of gutter is to
be capable of accepting a volume of 5 m3 in 1 minute.
no reference
2.6.2 A slotted channel with a drain capacity of 100 l/s is to
be arranged along the road with sections of 50 m.
RVS 9.234 Inclination should be 0.5%. It must be ensured
that on a length of 200m tunnel an amount of 200l/sec
flammable liquid could be drained
412.4 maximum longitudinal gradient 6 - 8%


4.22 Gradients: Trunk road tunnels with gradients exceeding 6% are unlikely to be practical.
4.24 Crossfalls: For tunnels, the need to drain the road
surface arises from routine wall washing, flushing away accidental spillage and any seepage. It is recommended that
the normal cross-fall of 2.5% is provided throughout the
7.2 In order to avoid pools of fuel larger then 500 m2as a
result of an accident: a minimum traverse gradient of 2%
must be provided over the traffic lane.
2.2.2.Longitudinal gradients above 5 %shall not be permitted in new tunnels, unless no other solution is geographically possible.
2.2.3.In tunnels with gradients higher than 3 %, additional
and/or reinforced measures shall be taken to enhance
safety on the basis of a risk analysis.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison

S32 Separate drainage systems

France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design
Germany/ RABT
Norway/ Road Tunnels


See S33


In tunnels with high frequency of dangerous goods vehicles

a slotted channel for drainage of flammable liquids has to
be installed, connected to the main drainage system.
2.6.2 the drainage system for ramp and tunnel must as
far as possible be separated
no reference
801 In addition to drainage for leakage water a separate
system for collection of washing water shall be established
804 sand trap shall be located every 80m
805 The drainage system can be supplemented with a
separate sumps for fire water
no reference, see S33
7.1 Appendix. Drainage systems are for the drainage of rain
water as well as others liquids including hazardous ones.
No reference to separate drainage systems.
2.6.1.Where the transport of dangerous goods is permitted,
the drainage of flammable and toxic liquids shall be provided for through well-designed slot gutters or other measures within the tunnel cross-sections. Additionally, the
drainage system shall be designed and maintained to prevent fire and flammable and toxic liquids from spreading
inside tubes and between tubes.

S33 Liquid sump

France/ Circ200063A2

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

7.2.3 - A water lock is to be provided between the gutter
and the main alongside each connection in order to stop
flames All liquids collected from the roadway are to pass
through the main The system must be capable of recovering at least a minimum total volume of 200 m3 (40 m3 corresponding to the maximum volume of hazardous liquids
transported in a vehicle and 160 m3 corresponding to the
volume of water used to control the accident).
no reference
2.6.2A sump must be provided. For accidental cases the
volume must be approximately 100m3 (72 m3 for fire extinction and approximately 30 m3 spill from a tank).
Electrical systems in the sump must be explosion safe.
RVS 9.234 Outside the tunnel, the drainage system should
be designed to take care of environmentally dangerous
waste. A sufficiently dimensioned storage tank must be stationed (25m3/50m3).
806 The pump system comprises normally of the pump
arrangement and the pump sump. In addition there is a
sludge interceptor and an oil separator.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

UK/ BD78/99



More details are


S34 Non porous surface course

France/ Circ200063A2
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99



7.5 sumps are equipped with ventilation and sensors,

which will detect a build-up of common hydrocarbons and
will initiate automatic protective measures to prevent an
explosive atmosphere developing. These measures include
flooding the sump with foam to prevent ignition, and shutting down pumps and sump ventilation fans to confine the
hazard until it can be dealt with
3.22 Drainage sumps shall be sized to accept, and be
equipped to contain with safety, the largest spillage that
may reasonably be expected to occur within the tunnel.
Unless byelaw restrictions are imposed and enforced, the
volume to be assumed is 30m3, which approximates to the
total contents of a large tanker vehicle.
7.4 The target value for collection of liquid in the nadir
sumps is 30 m3. For the main sump the target value is 240
m3. Between drainage system and sump a water lock is
required. Electrical systems in the sump must be explosion
safe (zone 1)

2.1.3 - Roadway surfacing. Draining wearing courses are
prohibited within tunnels more than 50 m from the ends
no reference
no reference
no reference
904.3 Generally the surface course is chosen in accordance with Handbook 018 (for open roads)
4.30 Porous asphalts are unsuitable as they may retain
flammable or toxic spillages arising from an incident.
7.2 Porous asphalt is not recommended in tunnels with longitudinal slope because of: the risk of a larger pool of petrol,
more evaporation per m3, longer duration of a explosive
mixture in the tunnel a large part of the petrol remains behind in the asphalt (not reaching the drainage system)


Safety equipment

4.2.1 E1 Smoke control ventilation Role of the measure
Ventilation of smoke is a very important safety measure both for the evacuation of tunnel
users and for assistance to the fire fighting operation. The arrangement of the ventilation
system may be dependent on the traffic (contraflow or unidirectional traffic) the traffic and
the length of the tunnel. Synthesis - comments
Detailed descriptions of requirements for ventilation systems are available in most of the
tunnel guidelines. It is accepted that tunnels under 300 - 400 m do not require mechanical ventilation. Limits of concentrations are given in the different guidelines.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison Comparison tables

E 11 Natural ventilation
France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Switzerland/ Ventilation

Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS
UK/ BD78/99



3.2.2 Arrangements for smoke ventilation will be required
for tunnels in excess of the following lengths: 300 m in the
case of urban tunnels, 500 m in the case of non-urban tunnels which are not for light traffic (800 m provided that the
absence of ventilation is compensated ), 1000 m for light
traffic tunnels.
Natural ventilation (piston effect) is sufficient for
- bidirectional traffic tunnels < 200 m
- one directional traffic tunnels several hundred meters
Decision/calculation see guideline Ventilation of Road
Contains a decision system which of the three main categories natural, mechanical without extraction, mechanical
with extraction becomes necessary.
Decision criteria are:
- traffic type and volume
- tunnel length
- tunnel gradient
It also contains parameters and methods for a detailed calculation of the chosen system. The calculation systems for
normal and emergency case operation are described, including fire loads. . In short tunnels it is less reasonable to control
the smoke with ventilators. For that reason tunnels shorter
than 400 m resp. 600 m do not have fire ventilation
RVS 9.261 Permitted if the fresh air demand during normal
operation is ensured and the length of the escape routes is
within the limits.
601 For tunnels shorter than 250m only safety equipment in terms of lighting is required.
5.13 In many short one-way tunnels, of up to 300m length,
the piston effect of vehicle induced air flow will provide satisfactory natural ventilation for normal environmental needs,
also emergency evacuation routes to places of refuge can
be made acceptably short
5.78 Except for shorter tunnels, , a lack of positive
control of smoke direction is not acceptable,
12.1 For tunnels shorter than 250 meter mechanic ventilation is not required. Due to the short time for escape it is
important that the possibilities and measures (for escape)
are sufficient in relation to the choice of natural ventilation.
Tunnel constructions of more than >250 meter and less
than <500 meter offer the possibility to opt for natural ventilation or mechanic ventilation. Tunnels longer than 500 meter always need a mechanic ventilation system.
12.2 For natural ventilation the closed structure must be
short or techniques of horizontal slots in the roof or dampers must be applied.


3.2.2 Longitudinal ventilation is possible for non-urban
one-way tunnels: up to a length of 5 000 m; urban one-way
tunnels up to 500 m(for light traffic up to 800 m); non-


E 12 Longitudinal

France/ Circ200063A2

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison

Switzerland/ Ventilation

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

urban two-way tunnels: up to 1 000 m (for light traffic up to

1 500 m). Longitudinal ventilation is prohibited for urban
two-way tunnels.
The ventilation must be started up as soon as possible under conditions, which will make it possible to achieve at
least 3 m/s in the direction of traffic movement. (For urban
tunnels or two way tunnels the ventilation control may be
more delicate in order to maintain stratification)
Two types are described:
Longitudinal ventilation without extraction
Longitudinal ventilation with extraction through a separate
channel with steerable flaps
Decision and calculation system, see guideline Ventilation
of Road Tunnels
Calculation data for jet fans is included
Calculation data for extraction is included
Calculation data for flaps is included In case of fire the longitudinal ventilation can
be activated to control the velocity of the smoke. For longer tunnels the smoke is discharged
through openings in the ceiling at limited sections or blown
in one direction from the site of the fire. Singular discharge
can reduce the smoke spread for long tunnels. For longitudinal ventilation the traffic situation, the site of the fire, and
the velocity of the tunnel air are decisive for the operation of
the ventilation. For contraflow and congestion the use of
longitudinal ventilation only possible with limitations. For
this reason a risk evaluation must be carried out for tunnel
lengths over 600 m Critical air velocity 2.3 - 3.6 m/s (indicated in a table
depending on tunnel shape, gradient and fire output.)
RVS 9.261 If natural ventilation does not ensure sufficient
supply of fresh air or if the escape routes are above limits
mechanical ventilation is necessary. Possible systems are
longitudinal, semi transversal and transversal.
For dimensioning of the system, normal operation phase
and emergency (fire) operation phase must be taken into
The three main aims are:
- Enable self rescue due to smoke prevention for a sufficient time and ventilation of escape tubes
- Ensuring reasonable conditions for rescue staff
- Reduction of damage to people, vehicles and tunnel
A decision system based on risk factors, a catalogue of
measures and special demands for each ventilation system
are given.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels

More details in
sec 2.3 and appendix A

Details see RVS



Detailed comparison

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



1004.21 Mechanical longitudinal ventilation is based on

the use of impulse fans. In long tunnels with heavy traffic, or
where there are particular restrictions, the use of ventilator shaft may be considered.
1005 the ventilation system shall also be designed to
control a fire of 5 MW or 20 MW depending on the traffic
volumeFor tunnels with gradient < 2% the net design air
velocity shall be minimum 2 m/s for tunnels designed for car
fires (5 MW) and minimum 3.5 m/s for HGV fires (20 MW)
For tunnels of between 300m to 400m length, mechanical
ventilation plant will need to be considered with respect to
fire smoke control, for example, where traffic is relatively
light and/or gradients are not steep, the length of tunnel
where mechanical ventilation plant is unlikely to be required
may be increased to 400m. Mechanical ventilation is required for all longer (400m and above) tunnels and for
(200m and above) tunnels on steep gradients or those subject to frequent congestion, either due to high usage or external traffic conditions
5.16 Longitudinal ventilation is the simplest form of tunnel
ventilation and because of lower capital and running cost
benefits, is often the first choice.
5.91 Fans for tunnel air control shall be reversible
5.22 Calculations of jet fan capacity shall take into account
that air velocities shall be sufficient for control of fire smoke.
The fans shall be capable of reverse operation
5.74 The initial velocity of smoke layer advance is about
1.3m/s for a 3 MW car fire and 3.0m/s for a 25 MW lorry
fire, depending on the tunnel geometry. A petrol tanker fire
of 50 to 100 MW could generate a smoke velocity of 7.0m/s
or more, which requires large and high cost ventilation plant
provisions to be able to cope successfully.
Ventilation normal provision for tunnel class AA, A, B, to be
considered for C, D
12.1Tunnels > 500 m always need a mechanic ventilation
systemLongitudinal ventilation is suitable for tunnels >
250 m.
12.2 Longitudinal ventilation is applied only in tubes with
one-directional traffic. The ventilation design has to take
into account:
the fire intensity, the location of the fire , influence of the
wind, the resistance in ventilation by the vehicles, influence
of the longitudinal slope on the draught
2.9.2 A mechanical ventilation system shall be installed in
all tunnels longer than 1000m with traffic volume higher
than 2000 vehicles per lane.2.9.3 In tunnels with bidirectional and/or congested unidirectional traffic, longitudinal ventilation shall be allowed only if a risk analysis according to Article 13 shows it is acceptable and/or specific
measures are taken, such as appropriate traffic management, shorter emergency exit distances, smoke exhausts at

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

Details in annex
(C and) D


Detailed comparison

E 13 Transverse

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Ventilation
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99


3.2.2 the objectives for transverse ventilation systems are
to retain a layer of pure air close to the roadway, and to
extract smoke at roof level. Smoke extractionmust be
capable of being achieved over a distance of the order of
400 m in an urban tunnel and 600 m in a non-urban tunnel. If fresh air blower blocks are more than 800 m long,
provision must be made for the possibility of blowing fresh
air into the lower part of the tunnel under all circumstances.
This imposes a requirement for blower outlets at the base
of the side walls and means for delivering fresh air to the
duct feeding them at all times
The start-up of smoke extraction requires a human presence at all times, or an automatic system, which includes
fire detection. When the tunnel has a human presence offering rapid and accurate control at all times it is most effective that smoke is extracted using smoke vents in the roof
which are opened under remote control. Vents are placed
per 50 m (not more than 100 m apart in non-urban tunnels).
Transversal ventilation with one fresh air channel and one
extraction channel with adjustable flaps
Decision and calculation system see E 12
See also E12 Today the only economical use of transverse ventilation is in cases of long tunnels Semi-transverse ventilation the inlets are placed
at the road level in regular distances 20 m.
Normally the inflow velocity can be up to 10 m/s, whereas it
in case of fire should not exceed 3m/s. The polluted air is
usually discharged through the portals For long tunnels
semi-transverse ventilation in sections can be an economical alternative to longitudinal ventilation
See E12
no reference


More details in
sec 2.3 and appendix A

See also E12.

5.30 Fully transverse ventilation is the most comprehensive
form of mechanical ventilation, but because of its high capital and operational costs, is seldom adopted for new tunnels.
5.37 Semi transverse ventilation has frequently been used
in UK tunnels at river crossings.
Ventilation normal provision for tunnel class AA, A, B, to be
considered for C, D
12.1 When traffic intensities and tunnel length increases,
also the risk of congestion increases in case of a (fire) accident. Transversal ventilation can become an alternative for
this. Though warning is given to this transversal ventilation
for its limited capacity of removing smoke and for its reliability. A better option would be the creation of open spaces in
the tunnel (cutting the tunnel into several smaller parts).

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison


2.9.2 A mechanical ventilation system shall be installed in

all tunnels longer than 1000m with a traffic volume higher
than 2000 vehicles per lane.
2.9.4 Transverse or semi-transverse ventilation systems
shall be used in tunnels where a mechanical ventilation system is necessary and longitudinal ventilation is not allowed
according to 2.9.3. These systems shall be able to exhaust
smoke in case of fire.
2.9.5 For tunnels with bi-directional traffic, with a traffic volume higher than 2000 vehicles per lane, longer than 3000m
and with a control centre and transverse and/or semitransverse ventilation, the following minimum measures
shall be taken as regards ventilation: Air and smoke extraction dampers shall be installed which can be operated
separately or in groups. The longitudinal air velocity shall be
monitored constantly and the steering process of the ventilation system (dampers, fans, etc.) adjusted accordingly.

E 14 Ventilation control - sensors

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Switzerland/ Ventilation
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

3.2.1 - Ventilation in accident situations must ensure
that for users a pollution level of 150 ppm of carbon monoxide and an absorption coefficient per unit length, K, of 9.10-3
m-1 is not exceeded at any point in the tunnel following an
accidental traffic stoppage.
In each ventilation-section CO concentration and opacity
have to be measured. If a defined limit is exceeded information to control room. Ventilation steering via the control
If mechanical ventilation is applied, opacity (two measurement points per tube) and air velocity measurement (one
measurement point per ventilation section) are obligatory. The emission of CO for vehicles with catalytic converter is usually only relevant for level over 800 m over the
sea level. At tunnels located lower, the tunnel ventilation is
primarily operated based on the air opacity. Exceptions for
tunnels with frequent congestion. ..
2.3.6 The monitoring of the opacity and the CO concentration as well as the air flow (airspeed and - direction)
give the basis information for the operation of the tunnel
ventilation The opacity must be measured along the tunnel in distances of maximum 300 m. For supporting the fire
detection the distances can be reduced to 150 m. Closure of the tunnel is necessary, when the CO
concentration of 200 ppm, or an extinction coefficient of 12
10-3 m-1 is exceeded, or the transmission becomes less than
RVS 9.261 In each ventilation section the following should
be measured: CO concentration (2x), Opacity (2x), Air
speed and direction, Air volume and air pressure difference
(transversal and semi-transversal ventilation), Traffic parameters

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


More details in
sec 2.3 and appendix A


Detailed comparison

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



1004.11 In order to ensure sufficient control of the concentrations in the tunnel, detectors shall be installed for
measuring the level of CO and NO gas in the middle of the
tunnel and at each end. In unidirectional tunnels there is no
need for detectors at the entrance. Maximum allowable
concentration of CO 200 ppm, maximum allowable NO2
concentration 1.5 ppm.
If a CO detector at tunnel mid point registers 100 ppm for
more than 15 minutes, the tunnel shall be closed. If an
NO2 detector at tunnel mid point registers 0.75 ppm for
more than 15 minutes, the tunnel shall be closed. Limit
values for visibility pollution is 1.5 mg/m3
5.160 The measurement of carbon monoxide and visibility
levels currently form the basis of control for ventilation. In
the near future, as carbon monoxide levels continue to fall
and air opacity clears then nitrogen dioxide etc levels may
need to be used for ventilation control
Table 5.2 CO; NO; NO2 limits: A = up to 500m: 100,; 30; 4
ppm, B = 500 - 1000m, 50; 20; 3 ppm, C = 1000m 2500m: 35; 10; 1.5 ppm.
5.180 Anemometer, ultrasonic flow or orifice plate devices
shall be installed in the tunnel to give a reading of the tunnel air direction and velocity to the control room.
5.23 In the event of a fire, the ventilation system would initially respond automatically to the reduced visibility (due to
fire smoke) by ventilating in one direction to control air quality.
Table 5.3 Tunnel to be closed: Opacity (extinction coefficient) K >= 0.012
5.177 Measurement of External Wind Speed and Direction:
Wind speed is usually measured using a vane type anemometer.
14.2 Detection of CO can only be done correctly by point
measurement. The maximum distance between diction
points is 500 m. Disadvantages are the high cost, time
delay, and high degree of maintenance. Besides this the
low concentration of CO in the exhaust gases makes CO
measurements questionable.
14.2 Due to the impossibility to make accurate NO2 measurements, the Dutch government has chosen to use the
measured value of visibilityThe correlation visibility/ NO2
is 10/1.4 k/ppm. Another way to determine the NO2 value is
by measurement of the amount of vehicles inside the tunnel
in relation to the speed of air. If the NO2 is measured by a
detection system then the starting point is on a k-value of
14.4 Appendix. The criterion for NO2 concentration in tunnels is according to the PIARC-criterion: max. 1 ppm or
1880 g/m3.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison

4.2.2 E2 Emergency exit and rescue access ventilation Role of the measure
Within the emergency exit routes there should be good conditions for people to stop in
safety, at least for some time. This may require specific ventilation at these exits. Such
ventilation can also improve conditions for the rescue forces. Synthesis - comments
The requirements for emergency exit ventilation are only briefly described, if at all. Comparison tables
France/ Circ200063A2

3.2.3 a) Communications between tubes: The airlocks provided in the communication facilities between tubes must
be provided with a ventilation system providing them with
an excess pressure of approximately 80 Pa with respect to
the tube in which an incident or accident has occurred.
b) Safety tunnel parallel to the tunnel: Whenever in use the
tunnel is to be ventilated and the communication airlocks
(or the tunnel itself in the absence of airlocks) is to have an
excess pressure of approximately 80 Pa in comparison with
the tunnel.
c) Shelters: Shelters are to be equipped with a specific ventilation system. Air quality is to be maintained at all times by
renewing the volume in the shelter three times per hour.

Switzerland/ Ventilation

Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS
UK/ BD78/99



Separate guideline Ventilation of

Safety- and
Cross- passages
in Road Tunnels The escape routes must be kept free of smoke. For
this purpose locks or overpressure are useful measures.
See E12
no reference
3.17 Cross passages and escape shafts require ventilation to maintain a supply of fresh air to the escape route
and positive pressure or other provisions to exclude smoke
from any fire within a traffic bore. Where two or more bores
are linked by cross connections, the effect of opening one
or more of those cross connection doors shall be considered
11.4 ... Escape tubes must be safe, control of a
smokeless situation in escape routes.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison

4.2.3 E3 Lighting Role of the measure
In case of an emergency it is important to have sufficient lighting in the tunnel. The light
will provide visibility for a possible evacuation and for any rescue/emergency operation.
In case of a fire, additional marker lights may indicate the route to the exits. Also in the
escape routes (cross passages, escape tunnel etc.) it will be necessary to have sufficient
light in order to facilitiate evacuation. Synthesis - comments
The requirements vary significantly between the different guidelines. Comparison tables
E31 Emergency tunnel lighting
France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
UK/ BD78/99


3.3To enable users to evacuate the tunnel in the event of
an electricity power cut, emergency lighting ensuring a
minimum level of lighting over the roadway and walkways of
an average of 10 lux, and 2 lux at any point, is to be provided. This lighting is not compulsory in light traffic tunnels.
Normal lighting is used as emergency lighting (see power
In tunnel with high frequency of dangerous good vehicles
an additional emergency lighting is installed 50 cm above
the walkways and with a distance of 50 m. Emergency lighting. The normal tunnel lighting is
also used as emergency lighting.
2.5.5 Fire emergency lighting is placed in one side of the
tunnel at the walkway, preferably at the side of the emergency exits. Fire emergency lighting is necessary for tunnels 400 m. Fire emergency lights are placed with a
distance 25 mThe fire emergency lighting is turned on
automatically at fire alarm or manually A flashlight is build
into the emergency exit sign
RVS 9.27 Emergency lighting equals the lowest category of
normal lighting.
1003.6 Priority lighting is arranged by ensuring that every
4th or 5th luminaire works in approximately 1 hour after the
power fails.
11.65 As a minimum requirement, one luminaire in ten of
the Stage 1 lighting shall be designated as emergency lighting and maintained by a UPS. This will provide sufficient
light for safe evacuation of the tunnel, but not for continued
operation with traffic,
6.1 Lighting installations are designed in separate sections
to prevent power failure in the entire lighting systems as
result of an emergency.
2.8.2 Safety lighting shall be provided to allow a minimum
visibility for tunnel users to evacuate the tunnel in their vehicles in case of a breakdown of the power supply.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison

E32 Marker light in tunnel

France/ Circ200063A2

Austria/ RVS



E33 Emergency exit and rescue access lighting

France/ Circ200063A2

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels


3.3 In order to provide marker lights in circumstances
where smoke from a fire masks the overhead lighting ,
illuminated markers (or marker lights) are to be located at a
height of approximately 1 m approximately every 10 m
along the sidewalls. These are to be permanently lit
no reference
no reference
RVS 9.282 Self lighting signs at the boundary of the driving
lanes a=3m-25m
no reference
no reference
11.5, nr. 45 At 1.5 m above the road surface, on the wall at
the emergency exits, a marker light is recommended to indicate these exits. Only in operation when evacuation instructions are given.
2.8.3. Evacuation lighting, such as evacuation marker
lights, at a height of no more than 1.5 m, shall be provided
to guide tunnel users to evacuate the tunnel on foot in the
event of emergency.

3.3The arrangements for the evacuation of users and
emergency access are to be provided with lighting, which
will ensure a minimum average lighting level of 10 lux and 2
lux at all points when these facilities are in use. Comfort
lighting ensuring a mean level of 150 lux shall be ensured in
the shelters when these are in use.
no reference
See E31 and E43
RVS 9.27 On the escape routes a permanent switched on
lighting for orientation including direction markings has to
be installed. It must be connected to the emergency power
Emergency exits for vehicles additionally need a lighting
equal to the lowest category of normal light. This has to be
switched on through the control centre or directly.
Emergency call recesses have to be permanently lighted.
RVS 9.282 see also E43-E45
602.202 Emergency exit lighting is used to show the way to
the tunnel entrance in smoke filled tunnels. The lighting is
activated automatically by removal of fire extinguisher or
alarm from the fire alarm centre. The lighting should be
installed every 62.5 m on one side of the tunnel approximately 1.0m above the road surface providing 1800 lumen (Lm)
no direct reference

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison



11.4 Level of illumination in escape routes must have a

minimum 100 lux on the floor
11.5, nr. 42 Green LED-lighting on top and on both sides of
an emergency exit to indicate the location of the exit. LEDlighting is only in operation when evacuation instructions
are given.
11.5, nr. 39, nr. 41 Permanent lighting above the door with
to light a pictogram (sign) on the exit door of a running person in the right direction (min. 200 lux / max. 400 lux)
2.8.3.Evacuation lighting, such as evacuation marker lights,
at a height of no more than 1.5 metres, shall be provided to
guide tunnel users to evacuate the tunnel on foot in the
event of emergency

4.2.4 E4 Signage (permanent/variable) Role of the measure
There will be many types of sign in a road tunnel. The signage will partly have a preventive purpose (e.g. speed limits, restrictions on overtaking, etc.), partly it will inform the
tunnel users about the occurrence of an emergency situation and give information about
what to do in response to the situation and assist in its control. In the present study, focus is given to the mitigation measures, i.e. the second function of the signage. Some
signs may be of benefit both for prevention and mitigation, e.g. information about the radio channel; these signs will also be included in the comparison. Synthesis - comments
Signage is described in all guidelines but with some variation between the national requirements. Comparison tables
E41 Traffic signs and signals outside the tunnel
France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design

See E42


Detailed description of signs and signals, starting from 1000

m outside the tunnel (500 m if tunnel with bidirectional traffic)

Germany/ RABT

2.4.2 The tunnel equipment is classified in 3 classes depending on length (<200, 200 - 400, 400 - 2000, >2000m),
traffic <16000 vh/day, and speed < 80 km/h. Minimum equipment for all tunnels: Indication of
height for all tunnels < 4,50 m; Warning sign traffic lights;
Speed limit; Overtake restriction; Lights on/off; Traffic signal
red /yellow at portal; Variable traffic sign for explanation of
closure; Basic equipment has as supplement to the minimum equipment: An additional variable traffic sign; Reference to the traffic radio signal. extended equipment contains as supplement to
basic eqmt: Permanent traffic lights (open lane/closed lane)
each 300 - 600 m; Additional variable traffic signs; Variable
message sign
RVS 9.282 At each portal (cat. II, III, IV)

Separate Guideline Signage of

Safety Equipment
in Tunnels
More details
available and illustrated in sec.

Austria/ RVS

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison
Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



414.2 Due to traffic safety reasons the traffic signs near the
tunnel opening shall be reduced to a minimum The following road signs are appropriate in front of tunnels: Warning sign: Tunnel, Information sign: Tunnel name, Restriction
sign: Height limit. Overtaking prohibited, Prohibited access
for pedestrians and cyclists, information sign: Radio station.
SOS telephone and fire extinguisher
401.6 Traffic lights. A duels flashing red warning light is to
be used for tunnel closure.
9.55 Signs and signals used for traffic control shall meet the
requirements of the Traffic Signs Regulations
9.74 All tunnels shall be equipped with portal/lane controls signals to enforce closures.
3 Tunnel Closure Signs/Signals normally provided in
tunnel class AA, A, B, C to be considered in class D
10.1, nr. 3 For the purpose of lane diminishing inside the
tunnel it is necessary place traffic signals outside the tunnel
to warn the traffic about the changed situation inside the
Annex III, 1.2 : In tunnels where users can receive information via their radio,appropriate signs placed before the entrance shall
inform users on how to receive this information.
Annex III, 2.1: The following sign shall be put at each entrance of the tunnel: Sign E11A for Road Tunnels of the
Vienna Convention; The length shall be included either in
the lower part of the panel or on a additional panel H2. The
name of the tunnel may also be indicated.
Annex I, 2.15.1 In all tunnels longer than 1000 m, traffic
signals shall be installed before the entrances so that the
tunnel can be closed in case of an emergency. Additional
means, such as variable message signs and barriers, can
be provided to ensure appropriate obedience.

Sign and signals

illustrated in Ch. 9

E42 Traffic signs and signals inside the tunnel

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

3.7.1 - Signage for emergency facilities such as emergency telephones, extinguishers, facilities for the evacuation and protection of users, and lay-bys, possibly sign for
radio frequencies.
3.7.2 - Signage for stopping traffic.. must be provided some
50 metres in front of each entranceand located in the
tunnel at approximately 800 m. In the case of tunnels more
than 800 m long a variable message panel, which will
inform users of the reasons for closure.
3.7.3 - Lane allocation signalling in the case of tunnels
more than 800 m long, which have more than one lane in
each direction, with spacing of the order of 200 m in urban tunnels and 400 m in non-urban tunnels,
3 coloured signals (red, yellow, green) every 300 m. Placed
at cross passages and emergency call stations.
Operation through control room or use of emergency telephone, alarm pushbutton, fire extinguisher

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



(See E41) Minimum equipment: Normally no traffic

signals inside the tunnel Basic equipment: Variable traffic signs (for length >
600m) extended equipment contains as supplement to
basic eqmt: Permanent traffic lights (open lane/closed lane)
each 300 - 600 m
RVS 9.282 At lay by and cross passage for vehicles (cat.
III, IV). One light signal at each emergency telephone station
414.3 The number of traffic signs inside the tunnel shall be
kept at a minimum. All signs shall be well visible this is
obtained by internal or external lighting. The following signs
are appropriate inside the tunnel Information sign: radio
station, SOS telephone, Distance to tunnel openings.
602.7 Red stop signal can be used inside the tunnel at turning bays.
603.1 variable road signs should be installed in tunnels
based on an analysis of necessity at an early phase of the
602.209 Lane signals consist of red cross, green arrow,
yellow arrow should only be used for exceptional use of
road lane in unidirectional tunnels.
9.55 Signs and signals used for traffic control shall meet the
requirements of the Traffic Signs Regulations
9.71 Matrix type signals should generally be provided
9.72 Portal/lane controls signals, capable of displaying lane
closed cross (red), lane open arrow (green) and blank (wigwag), shall be provided where it is necessary to separately
control traffic in each running lane
3 Lane Control normally provided in tunnel class AA, A,
B, C to be considered in class D
10.1, nr. 1 Traffic installations are needed: in tunnels without a dedicated escape lane, when the other tube must be
used for evacuation in emergency situations, as an outcome based on a risk analyses nr. 4 Because of the strategic importance of traffic installations/signs, they must be
connected to UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply) to avoid
sudden failure of electric power due to accidents or fire.
Annex I, 2.15.2 Inside all tunnels longer than 3000m, with a
control centre and a traffic volume higher than 2000 vehicles per lane, equipment to stop vehicles in case of an
emergency is recommended at intervals not exceeding
1000 m. This equipment shall consist of traffic signals and
possibly additional means, such as loudspeakers, variable
message signs and barriers.
Annex III, 1.1. Road signs shall be used to designate the
following safety facilities in tunnels: Lay-bys; Emergency
exits; Escape routes: the two nearest emergency exits
shall be signed ; Emergency stations: signs to indicate
the presence of emergency phones and fire extinguishers.
Annex III, 2.3, Lane signals, can be circular or rectangular
Annex III, 2.1 For tunnels over 3 000 m, the remaining
length of the tunnel shall be indicated every 1 000 m.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels

More details
available and illustrated in sec.

Sign and signals

illustrated in Ch. 9


Detailed comparison

E43 Exit pedestrian signs

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99



3.7.1 Signs or permanently illuminated signs shall be provided to draw the attention of users to the safety facilities
available such as facilities for the evacuation and protection of users
no reference
2.5.5 Escape routes are identified by Escape symbol (oriented to the closest emergency exit) and arrow symbols per
escape direction with indication of the distance to the nearest exit or portal, permanent light (15W).
The escape route is illuminated preferably at the side of the
RVS 9.282 Lighted signs above or beside the doors
602.203 Emergency exit sign. At cross passages and other
escape routes inside the tunnel an internally lighted green
and white sign is placed
9.58 Signing of escape routes for road users in the event of
an emergency shall be provided. At each emergency point
within the tunnel it is desirable to include the distance to the
nearest emergency exit in each direction.
3 Permanently illuminated emergency exit signs normally
provided for tunnel class AA, A, B, to be considered for
class C and D.
10.1 nr. 38 Emergency exits must be well recognizable by
bright colours and the use of symbols, nr. 39 (see E33), nr.
42 (see E33),
nr. 44 Every 25 m (in between emergency exit doors) signs
on the same wall must indicate the different distances to the
emergency exit doors, nr. 45 (see E32), nr. 47 Opposite the
emergency exit door a green sign with the text emergency
exit door opposite must be placed at a height of 100 mm
Annex III, 2.3 Emergency exits The signs to indicate Emergency exits should be G signs according to the Vienna
It is also necessary to sign the two nearest exits on the


More details in

E44 Rescue pedestrian signs

Austria/ RVS


no reference
no reference
no reference
RVS 9.282 Lighted sign at each emergency telephone station, not lighted sign at the opposite, marker signs at
a=150m along the escape route, self lighting signs at the
entrance to escape routes
no reference
no reference
no reference

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

4.2.5 E5 Communication and alarm systems Role of the measure
It is important that any tunnel operations-room and control systems have information
about the occurrence of an emergency (including a fire). The information is achieved by
surveillance of the tunnel and by various communication systems. The communication
can be in terms of automated systems triggered by equipment monitoring air quality or
specifically for incident detection. In addition, such triggering can be manual e.g. by
alarm push button or by emergency telephone. Redundancy in the detection systems is
necessary in order to achieve a high probability of triggering the appropriate response to
an emergency situation / fire.
Furthermore, communication systems can be used to instruct the affected tunnel users
about what to do in the situation. This information may be given via radio or information
signage while the users are still in their vehicles, or through the emergency telephone or,
in some cases, through loud speakers for users in the tunnel or in emergency shelters. Synthesis - comments
Emergency telephones and alarms seems to be required for nearly all tunnels, but the
distance between them and detailed arrangements vary. Generally there is an alarm to
the control room, indicating when safety equipment is being used, and radio coverage in
the tunnel. Otherwise there is no general agreement in the national guidelines. Comparison tables
E51 Emergency telephone
France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Germany/ RABT

3.4 Emergency telephones shall be placed in the emergency recesses and in the facilities for the evacuation
and protection of users
2.4 Emergency recesses are to be provided at approximately every 200 m within a tunnel, and close to each end.
Emergency telephones in bidirectional traffic tunnels every
150 m, alternating on each side, in one directional traffic
tunnels every 300 m on the outer side
If possible situated in a recess
Indicated by an illuminated sign
If emergency telephone is operated, the traffic signals in the
appropriate 600-900 m section switch to yellow
Connection to the control room or the next police station Emergency call stations (points) shall be placed in
tunnels with length 400 m on one side with regular distances 150 m as well as at the start and end of the escape routes. Due to the noise the stations shall be separate from the traffic space divided with doors Independent
of the tunnel length stations shall be placed at the portals.
Every emergency bay shall be equipped with an emergency
call stationThe station shall be indicated with signs and

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


More details


Detailed comparison

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



RVS 9.233 Dimension of emergency phone recess

RVS 9.281 Emergency telephone stations are necessary in
tunnels over 500m, a=250m. There must by an emergency
telephone station at each lay by
RVS 9.282 They are equipped with emergency telephone
and 2 alarm push buttons.
602.204 Emergency telephones shall give a calling signal
when the handle is lifted. Telephones have direct contact
with a manned centre preferably the traffic control room
Telephones shall be located in dust-free kiosks. Instruction
on how to use the telephone shall be given in different languages.
602.1 Class B every 500m, class C every 375m, D every
250m, class E every 500 m, F every 250m.
3.23 Emergency roadside telephones within the tunnel allow road users to communicate directly with the tunnel or
police traffic control centre
9.37 the maintenance telephones shall be part of the
emergency point installations
3.12 Emergency Points shall be large enough to house
fire-fighting facilities and emergency roadside telephones...
The nominal spacing for emergency points is 50m, with
emergency roadside telephones and fire hose reels at
100m intervals.
Normal provision for tunnel class AA, A, B, C.
13.2, nr. 6 Consider the use of emergency telephones in
or nearby closed tunnel constructions (preferably located
close to emergency exits and at least one emergency telephone close to the entrance of the tunnel. The telephones must have the same requirements regarding intelligibility as the intercom system.
13.2, nr. 4-5 Intercom system: The standards regarding
intelligibility of the intercom system are high. applying of
noice-cancelling is first requisite. Speech Transmission
Index is 0,6 where as the distance of speech is defined: 100
mm for a handset and 250 mm for hands free set. Intercom
system must be able: to connect to the operator within a
few seconds (with the possibility to process more than one
13.2, nr. 15 Cooperate with providers of cell phones to facilitate the use of cell phones inside the tunnel. Though the
use of mobile phones is not a primarily device in the safety
strategy, it is recommended to support this development.
2.10.1 Emergency stations are intended to provide various
items of safety equipment, in particular emergency telephones and extinguishers, but are not intended to protect
road users from the effects of fire.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

Details Ch. 9


Detailed comparison

E52 Alarm push button (manual fire alarm)

France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design
Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99


3.9 alarm pushbuttons with an indication that the call has
been received may be provided
Accident and fire alarm pushbuttons are placed beside
emergency telephones in tunnels with high traffic frequency
Same functions as emergency telephone Manual fire alarm equipment must be provided in
tunnels longer than 400 m as alarm push bottom according
to DIN 5411 in each emergency call station.
RVS 9.282 Two push buttons (SOS, fire) at each emergency telephone station (see E51)
no reference


3.26 Fire Alarm Facilities for raising an alarm, either by

manual or automatic means, and responding to a fire shall
be provided to safeguard all areas of the tunnel including
the tunnel services building.
3.12 Nominal distance 50m

E53 Automatic alarm on equipments (exit doors, extinguisher, fire boxes ...)

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99


3.9 recess, emergency exit and shelter door opening and
extinguisher removal alarms may be provided
no reference By opening the door to the emergency call station
a yellow warning light will be turned on. The location is
transmitted to the operation room.
RVS 9.282 Automatic alarm on opening door to extinguisher (E81)
602.205 If an extinguisher is removed, this should be signalled to a manned control room.
3.25 Tunnel Systems - Emergencies: Systems relating to
emergency points and the response to tunnel emergencies
shall be linked with the tunnel plant monitoring and control
11.4, nr. 30 In tunnels with surveillance an automatic alarm
sign must be given to the operator when an emergency exit
door is opened.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison

E54 Automatic incident detection

France/ Circ200063A2

UK/ BD78/99


3.9 automatic incident detection may be provided


no reference
no reference
no reference
603.1 The need shall be analysed in an early phase of
the project.
603.3 Incident detection can be indirect or direct.
603.32 Direct detection The incident detection systems
can be inductive loops, video monitoring systems or infrared detectors. It can be relevant to install incident detection
systems by unusual events such as stopped vehicles or
traffic congestion.
9.52 The need for CCTV Alert shall be discussed
13.2, nr. 1 Apply a CCTV system in tunnels with surveillance (= on behalf of the operator).
14.2, nr. 3 Automatic detection of traffic (traffic jams) gives
the possibility for a quick response by the operator. Automatic detection is needed in tunnels with high traffic intensity and in tunnels without additional emergency lanes inside the tunnel.
2.14.1 Video monitoring systems and a system able to
automatically detect traffic incidents (such as stopping vehicles) and/or fires shall be installed in all tunnels with a control centre.

E55 Fire/smoke detection (ventilation sensors or specific fire detection)

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Switzerland/ Ventilation
Germany/ RABT

3.6 In tunnels where there is no permanent human supervision an automatic fire detection system is required,
whenever the ventilation system, which is used in the event
of a fire, is not that which is automatically brought into use
in the event of serious tunnel pollution in other cases to
be considered.
Automatic fire detection system which reacts to the degree
of temperature as well as to Temperature progress, able to
detect a 100 l fuel fire
Connected to the control room and to the traffic signals,
switching them on red in driving direction towards the fire
If mechanical ventilation is applied an automatic smoke detection system is obligatory. Distance between measurement point < 300 m (see separate Guidelines Fire Detection)
2.3.6 Ventilation sensors Automatic fire alarm equipment must be installed for
tunnel length over 400 m and for tunnels with mechanical
2.3.6 As guidance for the sensitivity of the fire detection:
a fire of 5 MW shall be observed within half a minute at up
to 6m/s air velocity. The fire shall be localised with an accuracy of 50 m.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Swiss Guideline
Fire Detection


Detailed comparison

Austria/ RVS
UK/ BD78/99



RVS 9.282 Automatic fire detectors in operation rooms and

at lay by. Generally in the tunnel if there is a mechanical
ventilation system (see E14).
See E14, no other reference
Ventilation sensors, see E14.
Fire detection mentioned for sumps and service buildings
Smoke detection see E14.
14.2, nr. 4 Apply a measurement of visibility for smoke detection...
14.2, nr. 2 In tunnels with an automatic ventilation system;
apply a measurement of visibility to determine the concentration of NO2. When the concentration is too high, the system has to activate the automatic ventilation system.
14.2 nr. 6 Consider the application of measurement of temperature to detect fire.
14.2, nr. 7 Consider the application of a detection system to
detect high risk explosive gases.
2.14.2 Automatic fire detection systems shall be installed in
all tunnels, which do not have a control centre, where the
operation of mechanical ventilation for smoke control is different from the automatic operation of ventilation for the
control of pollutants.

E56 Radio rebroadcast

France/ Circ200063A2

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

3.8 In order to provide continuity of communications for
emergency vehicles, particularly between the site of an incident and the outside of the tunnel, underground radio
communication relays are to be provided for tunnels more
than 500 m long in the case of urban tunnels and 800 m
long in the case of non-urban tunnels.
If radio broadcast stations are relayed, and if there is a control unit, it must be possible to interrupt these relays in order
to broadcast safety messages to users.
no reference For police, fire brigade and rescue service permanent coverage of all necessary radio bands shall be provided. Traffic radio. Minimum one FM band radio station
with traffic radio service (RDS, in future DAB) shall be
broadcasted in the tunnel.
RVS 9.286 Tunnels up to 1km length need no radio communication and rebroadcast system, for tunnels from 1km
to 2.5 km it is recommended, for tunnels over 2.5 km length
special measures are recommended
Additional information RVS 9.282 Category IV tunnels must
have a radio rebroadcast and wire less communication system for rescue staff

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Detailed comparison

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



602.3 The state road authority has the responsibility to establish radio communication in all new tunnel longer than
500m. The radio system consists of a communication
part and a broadcasting part
602.31 For the rescue services the necessary systems are
established inside and outside of the tunnel. Specifications
are agreed with the relevant rescue services.
602.32 Broadcasting system for Norwegian radio station P1
is always established. Cost for other radio channels are
covered by each radio station. All radio channels have possibility to interrupt with emergency messages.
3.2.3. Radio rebroadcasting equipment will enable emergency services and maintenance staff operating within the
tunnel to maintain communications. To warn, guide and
assist road users during tunnel emergencies use of flashing
signals, RDS radio broadcasting, in-car communications,
klaxons and public address systems which are effective in
high ambient noise conditions should be considered, as an
effective means of reducing the risks of loss of life or injury.
Normal provision in tunnel class AA, to be considered in A,
B, C.
13.2, nr. 7 Apply a HF system (high frequency) in the tunnel
when standard radio reception inside the tunnel is poor because of the tunnel lenght or geographical conditions.
13.2, nr. 8 The possibility to use the HF system for instructions by the operator must be applied.
2.16.1 Radio re-broadcasting equipment for emergency
service use shall be installed in all tunnels longer than
1000m with a traffic volume higher than 2000 vehicles per
lane.2.16.2 Where there is a control centre, it shall be possible to interrupt radio re-broadcasting of channels intended
for tunnel users, if available, in order to give emergency

Requirements to
antenna and cables indicated in
602.3 and 1001.4

Details in Ch. 9

E57 Loudspeakers (in tunnel, in shelters)

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

3.4 Shelters shall have a separate sound system (loudspeaker).
no reference Load speaker equipment. Tunnels, which are monitored by video, shall be equipped with load speakers in the
tunnel and at the portals. The speakers shall be used for
messages (direct voice or recorded text)
RVS 9.282 At portal, lay by and turning area (cat. III, IV)
no reference
For tunnels: See E56
In shelters: no reference
11.5, nr. 53 Make sure there is a speaker system in de exit
routes for the operator to instruct the people who are escaping.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison


2.15.2 Inside all tunnels longer than 3000m, with a control

centre and a traffic volume higher than 2000 vehicles per
lane, equipment to stop vehicles in case of an emergency is
recommended at intervals not exceeding 1000 m. This
equipment shall consist of traffic signals and possibly additional means, such as loudspeakers, variable message
signs and barriers.
2.16.3.Shelters and other facilities where evacuating tunnel
users must wait before they can reach the outside shall be
equipped with loudspeakers for the provision of information
to users.

4.2.6 E6 Traffic regulation - monitoring equipments Role of the measure
Traffic regulation and monitoring is mainly a preventive measure. However, monitoring
the traffic, its speed and density, as well as monitoring unwanted events, accidents and
fires directly, will provide information to the tunnel operator. On the basis of this information the tunnel operator can take actions to mitigate the consequences of the accident or
fire. Synthesis - comments
No general synthesis can be concluded. Comparison tables
E61 Monitoring of traffic speed and density
Switzerland/ Design
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels
UK/ BD78/99

no reference
Traffic counting devices are necessary in tunnels with non
natural ventilation, connected to the control room For basic and extended equipment (see E41) Traffic
data recording shall be carried out in the tunnel with a distance of 300 m. also measurements to be made after the
RVS 9.282 Monitoring of number of vehicles, speed, traffic
jam at the portals and a=1000m (cat. III, IV)
603.32 Direct detection The incident detection systems
can be inductive loops, video monitoring systems or infrared detectors.
3.24 Traffic Controls: Appropriate levels of equipment for
measurement of traffic speed and density, traffic surveillance (e.g. CCTV) shall be developed in close cooperation with the Overseeing Organisation. Tunnel traffic control
systems shall be integrated with local networks and
neighbouring traffic control systems
9.84 A system shall be provided to detect vehicles stopped

9.85 Vehicle detection loops may be provided Spacing of

the loops is usually at 50m intervals.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


More details in
Chapter 9


Detailed comparison



13.2, nr. 1 Apply a CCTV system in tunnels with surveillance (= on behalf of the operator).
14.2, nr. 3 Automatic detection of traffic (traffic jams) gives
the possibility for a quick response by the operator. Automatic detection is needed in high frequency tunnels and in
tunnels with additional emergency lanes inside the tunnel.

E63 Closed circuit television

France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Ventilation

3.9 television monitoring system may be provided

Germany/ RABT Video surveillance is necessary in tunnels with

length 400 m, with high HGV traffic ( 4000 HGV
km/bore per day) and with underground junctions. Video
systems must be planned according to the site conditions.
The cameras shall be placed at the side or over the traffic
lane at distances 75 - 150 m preferably with ability to pan
The video surveillance shall cover the tunnel completely
and the signals shall be transmitted to the 24 h manned
operation room. The video surveillance shall be event
oriented and computer as well as manually controlled.
RVS 9.282 Additional video monitoring at the portals and
a=200m-300m (cat. III, IV)
602.210 ITV surveillance. ITV surveillance is only of interest
in tunnels with a high utilisation of the capacity during a
large part of the day, so that a timely and efficient detection
of incidents requiring traffic management can be achieved.
Hereby congestions and secondary incidents can be
avoided. ITV surveillance is connected to a manned road
traffic control centre. Local ITV surveillance is relevant in
connection with remote control barriers.
9.41 Where CCTV is to be provided, cameras shall be installed inside the tunnel, outside of each portal and on the
approaches/exits so as to provide as far as is practical total,
unobscured coverage.
Normal provision in class AA, to be considered in other A,
B, C, D.
3.2, nr. 6 In tunnels with traffic detection by operators, a
close circuit television is needed.
13.2, nr. 2 The camera itself and its position must: -have
sufficient monitor resolution, - give a clear view of the situation to the operator
2.14.1 Video monitoring systems and a system able to
automatically detect traffic incidents (such as stopping vehicles) and/or fires shall be installed in all tunnels with a control centre.

Austria/ RVS
Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



Separate guideline Traffic television

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

Details in Ch 9


Detailed comparison

E64 Remote control barriers

France/ Circ200063A2
Germany/ RABT
Norway/ Road Tunnels


3.7.2 In the case of tunnels more than 800 m long, the
signage is to be supplemented by a remote-controlled
physical closure device (barrier)
no reference Basic equipment: (see E41) The barriers shall be
arranged in accordance to the local conditions and recommendations of the rescue forces
no reference
602.208 Remote controlled barriers are used to obtain
an unambiguous and fast closure of the tunnel tube or to
achieve a safe guidance of the road user for instance in
case of contra flow in tunnels normally operated in unidirectional traffic. The need of remote controlled barriers shall
be investigated By use of remote controlled barriers it is
necessary to have control function ensuring that .. the operator has sufficient information about the traffic.
no reference
no reference
2.15.1 In all tunnels longer than 1000 m, traffic signals shall
be installed before the entrances so that the tunnel can be
closed in case of an emergency. Additional means, such as
variable message signs and barriers, can be provided to
ensure appropriate obedience.
2.15.2 Inside all tunnels longer than 3000m, with a control
centre and a traffic volume higher than 2000 vehicles per
lane, equipment to stop vehicles in case of an emergency is
recommended at intervals not exceeding 1000 m. This
equipment shall consist of traffic signals and possibly additional means, such as loudspeakers, variable message
signs and barriers.


E66 Thermographic portal detectors (trucks)


no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison

4.2.7 E7 Power supply Role of the measure
In case of an emergency, especially a fire, it is necessary to have a reliable supply of
power to operate the safety systems such as lighting, information and communication
systems etc. It is also considered that the ventilation shall be able to operate on demand,
which may require power supply from two sides. Synthesis - comments
In most guidelines an uninterruptible power supply is required for the key safety systems
of the tunnel. Comparison table
France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

3.1.1 - Uninterruptible back-up supply. So that users can
reach safety and rescuers can act in the event of an incident or accident occurring when there is cut in the external
power supply, essential safety equipment shall be powered
by an uninterruptible power source (generally a charger battery - DC/AC converter unit) having an independence
time of at least half an hour in the event of failure of the external power supply.
- emergency lighting and marker lights
- lighting of facilities for the evacuation
- signage and marking of safety equipment
- pollution sensors and anemometers,
- information systems
- function of monitoring and control rooms.
- signalling devices
- closed-circuit television, automatic incident or fire detection,
- radio-communications relay equipment,
- barriers
3.1.2 - In all tunnels equipped with ventilation equipment
the power supply system is to be maintained in the event of
a mains power cut
For lighting two independent power supply sources or an
emergency power supply is needed. This must guarantee a
lighting capacity of 1/10 of normal capacity.
If there is a fault in the lighting steering systems, the lights
must switch on automatically.
The emergency power supply must guarantee the function
of signals, monitoring devices, emergency lighting, control
room lighting

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Detailed comparison

Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99 UPS (unbreakable power supply) shall be designed for the clearance period of the tunnel. (15 - 60 min).
Closed maintenance free batteries shall be used. It shall
sufficiently supply:
- signage for emergency escape
- emergency lighting in case of fire
- emergency lights
- escape route lighting
- Illumination of operational rooms, minimum one lamp per
- traffic control systems in the tunnel and at the approaches
as far as it is necessary
- fire alarm systems
- control systems
- monitoring systems
RVS 9.282 Normal power supply from both portals (cat. III,
IV), Emergency power supply with automatic switches that
ensure interruption time of 0.0 seconds (cat. III, IV)
Following systems must be connected to the emergency
power supply:
- Steering and control system of power supply
- Ventilation system
- Traffic regulation and control system
- Emergency call and communication system
- Emergency lighting
602.1 Emergency power is required for tunnel class b, D, E,
602.201 the following equipment shall be connected to
unbreakable power supply (batteries or generator): monitoring, management, red stop signal, priority lighting (see
E31), escape lighting, Emergency telephone, service signs,
Emergency exit signs, communication and broadcasting
systems. In addition for tunnels in class E and F it must be
evaluated whether other traffic related technical equipment
shall be connected to the unbreakable power supply. The
unbreakable power supply must give minimum 1 hour operation time at the defined service load. Cross passages
in class E and F must have unbreakable power supply from
both sides.
1003.6 Priority lighting is arranged by ensuring that every
4th or 5th luminaire works in approximately 1 hour after the
power fails.
3.27 Emergency Lighting and Power: In the event of failure
of the normal power supply an alternative source of power
will maintain power to operational and safety systems and
permit use of the tunnel to continue.
11.69 Components of the essential load shall include
i. Approximately 10% of the Stage 1 lighting
ii. Computer control and fault indication systems
iii. Sub-surface communications systems including CCTV
iv. Radio Systems
v. Tunnel portal signals/signs
vi. Fire Brigade power tool sockets
vii. Other relevant components

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels

more details


Detailed comparison



5.1 The choice for double (emergency) power supply must

be made on cost-benefit grounds.
5.2 Functions, during normal operational functioning of the
tunnel, which are indicated as critical in regard to power
supply: tunnel lightning, measurement and detection systems, traffic detection (e.g. SOS), barriers, guarding of
buildings, control panel, lightning in emergency escape tunnels.
Functions, during calamities, which are indicated as critical
in regard to power supply: tunnel ventilation, ventilation in
emergency escape tunnels, system of fire suppression (fire
extinguishers, hose-reels etc.
10.1 nr. 4 To avoid sudden failure of traffic signs e.g. in circumstances of incident, accident or maintenance- it is essential to connect this traffic sign system to an uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
2.17.1 All tunnels shall have an emergency power supply
able to ensure the functioning of safety equipment indispensable for the evacuation until all users have evacuated
the tunnel.2.17.2 Electrical, measurement and control circuits shall be designed in such a way that a local failure,
such as that due to a fire, does not affect unimpaired circuits.

4.2.8 E8 Fire suppression (fire fighting equipment) Role of the measure
A tunnel fire is more effectively fought in its early stages. Some vehicles using the tunnel
may carry fire fighting equipment, but if such equipment is unavailable or insufficient then
first aid fire fighting equipment installed in the tunnel can be used. (As with buildings, it is
also possible to have sprinklers or a deluge system in the tunnel). It is possible that the
installed equipment is also insufficient, so there should be equipment, such as fire hydrants, for use by the fire brigade or similar. Synthesis - comments
Generally, hand held extinguishers are provided in the tunnels, but the required distances between them vary. Pressurised fire hydrants are provided for most tunnels.
Sprinklers are generally not mentioned or discouraged.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Detailed comparison Comparison tables

E 81 First aid fire fighting (extinguisher, hose-reels, etc ...)
France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design

Germany/ RABT
Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99


3.5.1 Two standard portable extinguishers having a recommended unit capacity of 6 kg are to be located in the
emergency recesses It is recommended that water-withadditive extinguishers should be used.
Two 6 kg fire extinguishers placed at each emergency telephones station, in bidirectional traffic tunnels every 150 m,
alternating on each side, in one directional traffic tunnels
every 300 m on the outer side
Connection to the control room which indicates if a fire extinguisher is taken (For tunnels > 400 m) Two 6 kg (net) handheld extinguishers are placed at each emergency point (distance <
150 m).
RVS 9.233 Dimension of fire fighting equipment recess
RVS 9.281 Fire fighting equipment recesses are necessary
in tunnels over 500m. They have to be positioned just opposite the emergency telephone stations and half way between the emergency telephone stations. Thus they are on
both sides with a=250m.
RVS 9.282 At each fire fighting equipment recess and at
each emergency telephone station two extinguishers (6l
and 9l) must be available.
602.205 Fire extinguishers should be at least 6 kg ABC.
and must be located in separate compartments.
602.1 Class B every 250 m, C, D every 125 m, E every 125
m, F every 62.5m.
3.26 Facilities for responding to a fire shall be provided
to safeguard all areas of the tunnel including the tunnel services building.
3.12 Emergency Points shall be large enough to house
fire-fighting facilities and emergency roadside telephones
connected to control centres.... The nominal spacing for
emergency points is 50m, with emergency roadside telephones and fire hose reels at 100m intervals.
Hand held fire extinguishers are normally provided in tunnel
class AA, A, B. To be considered in class c.
15.1 nr. 2. For a tunnel there is no need for provisions of
fire suppression by tunnel users, except if the economic
value of the tunnel asks for this. Then fire extinguishers are
recommended under the condition that there is monitoring.
15.2 nr. 5 In tunnels of large economic value and with a
mechanic ventilation system, hose-reels are recommended.
The distance between the hose-reels must be limited to 60
15.2 nr. 6 In First aid stations with hose-reels a fire extinguisher shall also be provided

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


more details in


Detailed comparison


2.10.1 Emergency stations are intended to provide various

items of safety equipment, in particular emergency telephones and extinguishers, but are not intended to protect
road users from the effects of fire.
2.10.2 Emergency stations can consist of a box on the
sidewall or preferably a recess in the sidewall. They shall
be equipped with at least an emergency telephone and two
fire extinguishers.
2.10.3 Emergency stations shall be provided near the portals and inside at intervals which for new tunnels shall not
exceed 150m and which in existing tunnels shall not exceed

E82 Fire fighting media

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design
Germany/ RABT

Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99

2.5 Fire-fighting equipment must preferably be located in
recesses, which are separate from emergency recesses.
3.5.2 The provision of a water supply is not compulsory in
non-urban tunnels less than 500 m long. In other circumstances, unless different arrangements are agreed by local
authorities, a water pipe is to be installed. Fire-fighting
equipment of the riser or hydrant type delivering 120 m3 at a
pressure of 0.6 MPa are to be installed approximately every
200 m. In the case of a tunnel in which there is a change in
level, a range of 0.4 to 0.8 MPa shall be accepted. The delivered flow from a hydrant must be 60 m3/h.
Hydrants and pipes are not prescribed, but if they are installed the following parameters must be met:
20 l/sec, hydrants every 150 m, reservoir 250 m3 Tunnels with length 600 m (400 m at high HGV
traffic > 4000 HGV km/tube/Day) must be equipped with
fire hydrant the pipes shall be designed for 1200 l/min at
6 - 10 bar. The connectors are placed opposite the emergency points at distances less than 150 m.
For tunnels < 400 m fire hydrant shall be available at the
RVS 9.281 Water reservoir of 80m3, refilled in 24h
RVS 9.282 Hydrants at each fire fighting equipment recess
and at the portals fed through water main (dry pipe only for
tunnels 500-1000m). Necessary for category III and IV, recommended for all categories. Capacity 20l/sec for 1h,
602.206 Possible solutions are: separate reservoirs (approximately 6m3) in connection with the drainage system, a
water tanker vehicle with sufficient capacity (approximately
6m3) firewater reservoir at the low point of the tunnel. In
special cases where pressurised water is easily available,
e.g. in tunnel in towns) a continuous water main can be an
See also E81.
Pressurised Fire Hydrants normally provided in tunnel class
AA, A, B, C, to be considered in class D
Fire Hose Reels normally provided in tunnel class AA, to be
considered in class A, B, C.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


more details in Ch


Detailed comparison



E84 Fixed fire suppression system (Sprinkler, Deluge)

UK/ BD78/99




15.3, nr. 12A system of fire fighting consists of a distribution

system (hose-reels), and possibly completed with a system
to increase the water pressure and a system of water feeding.
15.3, nr. 13 If the tunnel has a large economical value consideration has to be made for the construction of a permanent installation for the increase of water pressure and a
water reservoir.
15.2 nr. 7 A foaming substance shall be added to the extinguishing medium
2.11 Water supply. A water supply shall be provided for all
tunnels. Hydrants shall be provided near the portals and
inside at intervals which shall not exceed 250m. If a water
supply is not available, it is mandatory to verify that sufficient water is provided otherwise.

no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
no reference
8.55 Automatic fire extinguishing systems are not considered suitable for the traffic space. Total flood gaseous systems and foam systems are not practical where people are
present in vehicles. Water sprinkler systems may cool
buoyant smoke causing immediate smoke logging of the
tunnel and producing potentially explosive air/vapour mixes.
8.3, nr. 6c Fixed fire suppression mitigation systems as
sprinklers can be used for mitigating the heating of the concrete and the reinforcement In the Netherlands sprinkler
system is not yet applied because of disadvantages, though
it will be applied in the tunnel of the Betuwelijn.


Structure & equipment, response to fire Role of the measure

The tunnel structure and any safety critical equipment within the tunnel should be able to
resist the fire and perform safely for a period sufficient to allow the evacuation of the tunnel users. In addition, the performance of the structure and equipment should not hinder
fire fighting. Furthermore, the structure and equipment should be designed with the aim
of minimising the economic damage from a fire. Synthesis - comments
General formulations of fire resistance of structure and equipment are available in all

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison Comparison tables

R1 Reaction to fire
France/ Circ200063A2


4.1 - Reaction of materials to fire. The construction materials used for the main structures and secondary structures in
a tunnel, with the exception of roadway components, must
have a classification of M0 from the point of view of reaction
to fire. This class is also necessary for materials constituting drainage systems, including slotted channels and
no reference
no reference
no reference


R2 Structure resistance to fire

France/ Circ200063A2

Switzerland/ Design

Germany/ZTV 1

Germany/ZTV 2

Austria/ RVS

4.2.2 - The fire resistance required from structures is designed to achieve the following main objectives:
- protection of users who have entered the evacuation facilities for the time required for them to reach the exit, which
is set at 60 minutes
- protection of users in shelters, for 120 minutes,
- no endangering of the fire service, during120 minutes
In all circumstances the maximum duration of a fire is fixed
at 240 minutes for the standard graph and 120 minutes for
the supplemented hydrocarbons fire graph.
In tunnels with high frequency of dangerous goods vehicles
the following have to be applied:
For wall covers, intermediate ceilings and partition walls in
ventilation channels non flammable materials have to be
A temperature curve is defined to calculate thermal reaction
10.3 The necessary structural fire protection for an arched
or circular tunnel shall be ensured by compliance to structural minimum requirements and by calculated documentation. Normally, with a cover of 6 cm no other fire protection
is needed.
9.31 The necessary structural fire protection for rectangular
sections shall be ensured by compliance to structural minimum requirements and by calculated documentation.
9.32 By structural measures it shall be prevented that the
load bearing reinforcement is heated to more than 300C. As
protection against spalling a galvanised net shall be arranged in the cover The minimum cover for load bearing
reinforcement is 6 cm.
RVS 9.234 Intermediate ceilings must have a resistance to
fire according to fire class F90 (90 minutes resistance)

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

Details available
in sec. 4.2.2

The given measures may not prevent spalling.

same as above


Detailed comparison

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99



605 Fire protection 605.1 General The Department of

Transportation and the Department of regions and communities has issued guidelines for treatment of fire protection
in road tunnels. Similarly the Directorate of fire and explosion protection has prepared a guideline of fire safety in
road tunnels.
605.2 Fire load, requirements for structures Tunnels must
be designed for a fire load of 5 MW, when AADT(10 years
after opening) is under 10000 and 20 MW, when AADT (10)
is over 10000. In tunnels where fire result in risk of collapse
of structural elements, the design fire load will have to be
evaluated in detail.
Tunnels with two tubes must be separated with fire wall
minimum REI-M 120 Doors in fire walls must have fire
resistance EI-C 60.
8.56 The effects of fire on the tunnel structure and associated ducts and shafts shall be carefully assessed
8.57 Depending on the design fire to be resisted, additional
fire protection layers to structures may not be required
5.68 Measures to reduce concrete spalling from concrete
ceilings at 150+ C shall be applied.

See also Fire risk


Some misleading
comments on fire
resistance of cast
iron and measures against
spalling in 8.57

8.3 nr. 6a A protective measure can be the use of e.g. refractory materials.
8.3 nr. 7 Refractory materials must be tested regarding the
procedure of Fire protection for tunnels, document number
GT-98036 (98-CVB-R1161). This is the material has to
withstand a temperature up to 1350 oC.
16.3 nr. 12 The surrounding elements are conditional to the
quality of the material and the construction chosen for cables and pipelines.
2.7 Fire resistance of structures. The main structure of all
tunnels where a local collapse of the structure can have
catastrophic consequences e.g. immersed tunnels or tunnels, which can cause the collapse of important neighbouring structures, shall ensure a sufficient level of fire resistance.

R3 Equipment resistance to fire, - cables, - fans

France/ Circ200063A2
Switzerland/ Design
Switzerland/ Ventilation

4.2.2 - The fire resistance required from equipment is
designed to achieve the (same objectives as indicated in
In order to protect telephone and power supply cables in
case of fire, they had to be positioned under the tunnel floor
Temperature resistance of jetfans, extraction fans and extraction flaps: 250C 120 min
10.4 longitudinal cables must be placed in concrete or

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Detailed comparison


Austria/ RVS

Norway/ Road Tunnels

UK/ BD78/99


EU/2004/54/EC Extraction fans () and -dampers must be designed minimum for resistance to a temperature of 400C
during 90 minJet fans and electrical connections shall
withstand a temperature of 250C during 90 minutes and (in
some cases) up to 400C in 90 min. The number of fans
shall be redundant as the fans near the site of the fire can
fall out.
RVS 9.27 Cables for emergency lighting must be inflammable and corresponding to F90 (90 minutes functionally)
RVS 9.281 In general it is recommended to install cables
and pipes outside the driving tunnel (channel under the
Design and fire resistance classes of doors and gates are
RVS 9.282 Cables for normal lighting, ventilation and door
steering must correspond to E30 (30 minutes functionality)
and FE180 (180 minutes isolation)
605.2 Fire load, requirements for structures and equipment Tunnels must be designed for a fire load of 5 MW,
when AADT(10 years after opening) is under 10000 and 20
MW, when AADT (10) is over 10000. Cable class 3, functionally safe cables shall be used by all open placements to
equipment, which must work in case of fire. For equipment
which must function during a fire (lighting, ventilation signal
cables etc.) must be connected so that the power supply is
ensured in sections through the tunnel
Doors in firewalls must have fire resistance EI-C 60.
5.68 Lights, lighting diffusers, cables and tunnel linings
above shall be non-flammable to remove a potential hazard
to fire fighters below. Heavy items such as fans, subject to
temperatures of 450C, should not fall during the fire fighting
5.99 All electrical and structural components essential to
the continued operation of ventilation fans (located within
the tunnel bore) shall, in the event of a fire, be suitable for
operating in smoke-laden air at a temperature of 250oC for
2 hours.
16,1 nr. 1 & 9 Cables and pipelines preferably in a central
cable track. If possible outside the traffic area. If this is not
possible then the cable track must be protected against
2.18.Fire resistance of equipment. The level of fire resistance of all tunnel equipment shall take into account the
technological possibilities and aim at maintaining the necessary safety functions in the event of a fire.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels

more details in


Detailed comparison


Tunnel Classification

Some of the above tables refer to classification. The definitions of the classifications are
indicated in figure 4.1 (UK) and 4.2. (Norway)

Figure 4.1
Figure 2: Classification in Design manual for roads and bridges, Volume 2 Highway structure design
(substructures and special structures) materials, Section 2: Special structures, Part 9,
BD 78/99: Design of road tunnels

Tunnel length [km]

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Detailed comparison

Figure 3: Classification in Norwegian design guide, Roads Tunnels Public Roads Administration, Directorate of Public Roads

Classification in Austrian RVS 9.282.

The classification is determined by the danger class, which follows from the danger potential of the tunnel concerned.
The danger potential, G is defined:
G = MSV * gR * gK * gG
- The traffic volume per hour (MSV) given as the 30th hour peak traffic volume. Lorries
have to be considered using the personal car equivalent of 2.5.
- Directional split gR
- Additional points that may cause conflicts gK (merging lanes and/or crossings in the
tunnel and in the portal areas)
- Permission and number of dangerous goods transports gG
Danger potential, G
up to 1.000
1.001 to 2.500
2.501 to 10.000
more than 10.000

Danger class

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English





5.1.1 Circular 6 Dec. 1999. Safety of Traffic in Road Tunnels with Particular
Reference to Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Materials
Total number of pages:
The brief circular deals only with transport of dangerous goods through tunnels.
5.1.2 Functional and geometrical standard for construction of roads
5 chapters:
4 Road design
4.1 Road section with structures
4.1.2 Tunnels
Total number of pages
The standard covers construction of roads in general. Only 4 pages are related to tunnels and show tunnel cross sections.

5.1.3 Light and lighting Tunnel lighting

1. Scope and area of application
2. Normative reference
3. Terms and definitions
4. Daytime lighting
5. Night time lighting
6. Other lighting requirements
7. Maintenance
Total number of pages
The Italian UNI standard gives detailed instructions for design of tunnel lighting.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English




5.2.1 Inter-ministry circular n2000-63 of 25.08.2000 concerning safety in the

tunnels of national route network
Circular covering letter
Appendix No 1: Procedure prior to the commissioning of tunnels in the national highways
network and the monitoring of their operation
I. Procedure prior to the commissioning of a tunnel
I.1 Prior investigation and preparation of documentation on the structure
I.2 Approval of structure designs
I.3 Opening of a structure to public traffic
II Measures for monitoring tunnel operation
II.1 Periodical exercises
II.2 Feedback on experiences
III Special Measures
III.1 Structures at the design stage
III.2 Structures which have not yet been commissioned
III.3 Structures which are already in operation
III.3.1 Safety documentation for a structure which is in operation
III.3.2 Inspection of structures
III.3.2.1 Structures between 300 metres and one kilometre long
III.3.2.2 Structures more than one kilometre long
III.3.3 Centralised monitoring of structures
Appendix No. 2: Technical instruction relating to safety measures in new road tunnels
(design and operation)
1 - Scope of application
2 - Civil engineering provisions
2.1 - Roadways and walkways
2.1.1 - Emergency vehicle access widths
2.1.2 - Walkways
2.1.3 - Roadway surfacing
2.2 - Arrangements for the evacuation and protection of users and emergency access
2.2.1 - Direct communication with the exterior
2.2.2 - Facilities underground
2.3 - Facilities for use by emergency vehicles
2.3.1 - Facilities within a tunnel
2.3.2 - Arrangements at the ends
2.4 - Emergency recesses
2.5 - Fire-fighting recesses
2.6 - Helipad
2.7 - Arrangements to prevent the passage of smoke from one tube to the other
2.8 - Lay-bys
2.9 - Accessibility for handicapped persons
3 - Emergency equipment
Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

3.1 - Electricity supply

3.1.1 - Uninterruptible back-up supply
3.1.2 - Uninterruptible power supply
3.2 - Ventilation
3.2.1 - Ventilation to maintain air quality
3.2.2 - Smoke extraction ventilation in the event of a fire
3.2.3 - Ventilation of facilities for the evacuation and protection of users and emergency
3.3 - Lighting
3.4 - Emergency telephones
3.5 - Fire-fighting facilities
3.5.1 - Extinguishers
3.5.2 - Water supply
3.6 - Fire detection
3.7 - Signage, signalling systems and tunnel closure devices
3.7.1 - Signage for emergency facilities
3.7.2 - Signage and means for stopping traffic
3.7.3 - Lane allocation signalling
3.8 - Relaying of radio communications
3.9 - Other equipment
4 - Fire behaviour
4.1 - Reaction of materials to fire
4.2 - Principles of fire resistance
4.2.1 - Temperature/time graphs
4.2.2 - Objectives and resistance levels
4.2.3 - Evidence of fire resistance
4.3 - Fire resistance of structures
4.3.1 - Main structures
4.3.2 - Secondary structures
4.3.3 - Protection against fall of equipment suspended from the roof
4.4 - Operation of equipment under hot conditions
4.4.1 - Electrical power supply and transmission equipment
4.4.2 - Ventilation equipment
4.4.3 - Relaying of radio communications
5 - Operation
5.1 - Forms of operation
5.1.1 - Degrees of attendance and supervision
5.1.2 - Emergency facilities
5.2 - Compulsory documents
5.2.1 - Control of traffic
5.2.2 - Operating instructions
5.2.3 - Response and safety plan
5.3 - Maintenance of safety levels
5.3.1 - Exercises
5.3.2 - Feedback of experience
5.4 - User information

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

6 - Special case of urban tunnels having an authorised gauge of 3.50 m or less

6.1 - Smoke extraction ventilation in the event of a fire
6.2 - Fire resistance
7 - Tunnels authorised for vehicles carrying hazardous goods
7.1 - Scope and field of application of this chapter
7.2 - Civil engineering measures
7.2.1 - Facilities for the evacuation and protection of users of emergency access-ways
7.2.2 - Transverse gradients
7.2.3 - Drainage system
7.2.4 - Obstacles
7.3 - Safety equipment
7.3.1 - Smoke extraction ventilation
7.3.2 - Detection and warning facilities
7.3.3 - Signage and means for closing tunnels
7.3.4 - Water supply
7.3.5 - Other equipment
7.3.6 - Flameproof equipment
7.4 - Fire resistance
7.5 - Operation
Annex: Appendix 1: Significant incident and accident reports
Appendix 2: Summary tables
Total number of pages:


The circular relates to the tunnels in the national highways network, including concessionary motorways, whose length is more than 300 metres. As far as its application is
concerned, tunnels are regarded as being all covered roadways. In the case of these
structures, the circular establishes a procedure prior to their commissioning and means
for monitoring their operation described in Appendix no 1. It therefore amends the previously specified procedures for the investigation and approval of designs. The circular
also subjects new tunnels in the national highways network to the rules of technical inspection appended as Appendix n2.

5.2.2 Inter-ministerial circular n2000-82 of 30.11.2000 concerning the regulation of

traffic with dangerous goods in road tunnels of the national network.
I - Object of the circular - Area of application,
II - Main purpose - Principle of comparative evaluation of risks
III - Comparative analysis of risks of "dangerous goods" and decision criteria
IV - Integration of the comparative risk analysis of "dangerous goods" in the procedures
for the inauguration and follow-up of road tunnels.
V - Contents of the different possible regulations
VI - Dissemination of the rules and of the circular
ANNEX: Presentation of the Quantitative Risk Analysis model (QRA model), developed
for OECD and PIARC.
Total number of pages:

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

The circular describes and prescribes the application of the results of the joint
OECD/PIARC study of transport of dangerous goods for the evaluation of restrictions to
road tunnels owned or conceded by the French State.

5.2.3 Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to safety of infrastructures and

transport systems,
Full title: Law n 2002-3 of 3 January 2002 relative to safety of infrastructures and transport systems, technical inquiries, after events at sea, accidents or incidents of terrestrialor air transport and underground storage of natural gas, hydrocarbon and chemical
products, J.o. number 3 of 4 January 2002, page 215. (Loi n 2002-3 du 3 janvier 2002
relative la scurit des infrastructures et systmes de transport, aux enqutes techniques aprs vnement de mer, accident ou incident de transport terrestre ou arien et
au stockage souterrain de gaz naturel, d'hydrocarbures et de produits chimiques.) Contents
1st Title: Safety of the infrastructure and the transportation systems (12 Articles without
2nd Title: Safety around the sites for underground stockage of natural hydrocarbon gas
and chemical products (2 Articles without headings)
3rd Title: Technical inquiries after events on the sea, accidents or incidents of ground and
air transportation. (15 Articles without headings)
Total number of pages:


Article 2 of this law will make it possible to impose similar procedure to the tunnels
owned by local
communities as to those owned or conceded by the French State.

5.2.4 Risk studies (ESD) for road tunnels, methodology guideline (preliminary
Total number of pages:
This document includes the description of typical fires (releases of heat, CO2, CO and
consumption of O2) to be used in safety studies.

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English



5.3.1 Guidelines for the Design of Road Tunnels. 03.05.1995

(Richtlinien fr die Projektierung von Strassentunnel)
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office).
I. Structural design of road tunnels
1. Design of route
2. Cross passages and lay bys
3. Normal cross section
4. Measures to optimize sight
5. Tests
II. Tunnel equipment
10. Ventilation
11. Lighting
12. Emergency station
13. Traffic signals
14. Traffic counting
15. Power supply
16. Control center
17. Hydrant pipes
III. Additional guidelines for road tunnels with high frequency of dangerous goods transports
20. Structural measures
21. Equipment
Total number of pages:


This document gives general guidance to the planning, design and equipment of road
tunnels. It specifies safety (not only fire safety) relevant features such as route mapping,
cross passages and lay bys, road surface, drainage, ventilation, lighting, emergency stations, traffic signal and signage system, power supply and control center. For tunnels
with high frequency of dangerous goods transport additional measures are prescribed:
structural resistance to fire, special drainage system, fire detection system.

5.3.2 Ventilation of Road Tunnels, Selection of System, Design and Operation

(Lftung der Strassentunnel Systemwahl, Dimensionierung und Ausstattung / Ventilation
des tunnels routiers, choix du systme, dimensionnement et exploitation, Projet,) Edition
ASTRA (Swiss Federal Roads Office).

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the guideline
1.2 Validity
1.3 Coming into force
2. Tasks of ventilation
2.1 Aims of protection
2.2 Ventilation during normal traffic
2.3 Ventilation during an occasion
2.4 Reduction of pollution
3. Description of ventilation systems
3.1 Main categories of ventilation systems
3.2 System of natural ventilation
3.3 Mechanical ventilation without extraction in emergency cases
3.4 Mechanical ventilation with extraction in emergency case
3.5 Combined systems
4. Application of the guideline
5. Necessary basic data
5.1 Tunnel data
5.2 Traffic data
5.3 Other data
6. Selection of ventilation system
6.1 Procedure
6.2 Basic traffic types
6.3 Determination of main category of ventilation system
6.4 Determination of ventilation system
7. Calculation
7.1 Calculation for normal operation
7.2 Calculation for emergency operation
7.3 Reduction of pollution at the tunnel portal
7.4 Optimization of system
7.5 Ventilation of operation rooms
7.6 Documentation of calculation
8. Equipment
8.1 General
8.2 Measurement instruments and detection equipment
8.3 Temperature resistance
9. Escape routs
9.1 General
9.2 Tunnels with two parallel tubes
9.3 Tunnels with one tube
10. Special examinations
10.1 Special specifications for system components
10.2 Introduction into operation
10.3 Examination of overall concept

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

11. Operation
11.1 Air quality in the tunnel
11.2 Steering
11.3 Documentation of emergency cases
11.4 Traffic regulation
11.5 Emergency power supply
12. Maintenance works
12.1 Air quality in the tunnel
12.2 Scope of work
13. Appendix 1: Communication
13.1 Abbreviations
13.2 Units
13.3 Glossary
14. Appendix 2: Guidance parameters for traffic prognosis
14.1 Traffic development
14.2 Determining hourly traffic
14.3 Frequency of congestion
15. Appendix 3: Emission calculation
15.1 Basics
15.2 Emission of motor cars
15.3 Emission of trucks
15.4 Time dependent development of basic emission
16. Appendix 4: Jet fans
16.1 General
16.2 Data of fans
16.3 Location
16.4 Normal operation
16.5 Emergency operation
17. Appendix 5: Remarks on components (check list)
18. Appendix 6: Remarks on Optimization of the system outline
18.1 General
18.2 Amortization of capital investment
18.3 Average cost
18.4 Average lifetime of components
18.5 Interest rates and cost development
18.6 Energy cost
18.7 Necessary parameters
19. Bibliography
Total number of pages:


This guideline contains a description of todays state of the art ventilation systems and
gives general guidance for the system selection. Furthermore it defines criteria and input
data depending on traffic- and tunnel parameters for the design and calculation of ventilation systems and components.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D- D-D- D-D- D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-



5.4.1 RABT 2002 Guidelines for equipment and operation of road tunnels
0. Introduction
0.1 Contents
0.2 Purpose
0.3 Validity
0.4 General Safety Concept
1. Traffic Space in Tunnel
1.1 General
1.2 Tunnel Cross Section, Free Space, Traffic Space
2. Operational Equipment
2.1 General
2.2 Lighting
2.3 Ventilation
2.4 Traffic Control Equipment
2.5 Traffic Safety Equipment
2.6 Central Systems
3. Operation and Maintenance
3.1 Operation
3.2 Maintenance
3.3 Execution of Operation and Maintenance
4. Transport of Dangerous Goods
A. Lighting
B. Ventilation
C. Traffic Control Equipment
D. Operation
Total number of pages


The "Guidelines for Equipment and Operation of Road Tunnels" (RABT) contains basis,
guidance and criteria for the planning of the equipment of road tunnels as well as for their
The guidelines only consider structural issues when these are directly connected with the
equipment and operation. The guidelines contain traffic management issues in tunnel
approach areas for the first time.
Regulations for the structural design of road tunnels is included in the "Additional Technical Conditions for the Construction of Road Tunnels" (ZTV).

5.4.2 ZTV Additional Technical Conditions for the Construction of Road Tunnels
ZTV-Tunnel gives guidance to the construction of a tunnel, whereas tunnel operation is
dealt with in RABT. ZTV-Tunnel is divided into two parts:
ZTV-Tunnel Part 1: Closed construction (shotcrete) 1995 edition

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


D-D-D--D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D-D D-D- D-D- D-D- D-D- D-D- D-

Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

1. General
2. Geotechnical investigations
3. Investigation of safety
4. Measures during construction
5. Structural materials
6. Break-out and securing
7. Tunnel lining
8. Protection measures against water
9. Tunnel draining
10. Structural protection against fire
10.1 General
10.2 Thermal action
10.3 Fire protection measures for the structure
10.4 Fire protection for the tunnel interior
11. Tunnel interior and portals
12. Documentation
13. Appendix: List of codes and similar technical regulation
Total number of pages:


The document is deals with the construction of tunnels and also contractual conditions
for tunnels. Chapter 10 specifies how to document safety of the structure against fire.
This specification includes the RABT/ ZTV-Tunnel fire curve.
ZTV-Tunnel Part 2: Open construction 1999 edition
1. General
2. Investigations of ground conditions
3. Investigation of safety
4. Structural materials
5. Construction in ground water
6. Construction and production
7. Protection measures against water
8. Tunnel draining
9. Structural protection against fire
9.1 General
9.2 Thermal action
9.3 Fire protection measures for the structure
9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Structural measures
9.3.3 Documentation by calculation
9.4 Fire protection for the tunnel interior
9.4.1 General
9.4.2 Escape doors, Connection doors
9.4.3 Cables and wires
9.4.4 Drainage facilities
9.4.5 Tunnel equipment
10. Interior and portals
11. Documentation

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

Appendix: List of codes and similar technical regulation

Total number of pages:



The document is deals with the construction of tunnels and also contractual conditions
for tunnels. Chapter 10 specifies how to document safety of the structure against fire.
This specification includes the RABT/ ZTV-Tunnel fire curve.



5.5.1 RVS 9.232 Tunnel cross section

5.5.2 RVS 9.233 Structures
5.5.3 RVS 9.234 Interior Constructions
5.5.4 RVS 9.261 Ventilation, Fundamentals
0. Preface
1. Scope
2. Performance Requirements of Ventilation Installations
3. Calculating the Fresh Air Demand
4. Choosing the Ventilation System
5. Technical Specifications
6. Aerodynamic Design
7. Regulation and Operation of the Ventilation System
8. Smoke Tests and Fire Tests
9. References (guidelines, Standards)
10. Appendix
Total number of pages:


This guideline covers road tunnels, subsurface roads and under bridges in both rural and
urban environment. The guideline deals with the fundamentals of tunnel ventilation for
use in the design of the ventilation system.

5.5.5 RVS 9.262 Ventilation, Calculation of fresh air demand

0. Preface
1. Scope
2. Symbols, Units and Definitions
3. Calculation Procedure
4. Calculating the Fresh Air Demand
5. References (Guidelines, Publications)
6. Appendix

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

Total number of pages:


This guideline contains methods and input to be used for the computation of the fresh air
requirements of all tunnels as given in RVS 9.261.

5.5.6 RVS 9.27 Lighting

5.5.7 RVS 9.281 Operation and safety measures, Tunnel structure
0 Preliminary remark
1 Range of application
2 General planning instructions
3 Abbreviations
4 Lay-by niches
4.1 Arrangement
4.2 Construction
5 Turning spots
5.1 Arrangement
5.2 Construction
6 Escape passages, rescue passages and accesses
6.1 Cross passages
6.2 Passages leading into the open
6.3 Accesses
6.4 Moveable barriers (doors and gates)
7 Niches for operating and safety facilities
7.1 Emergency phone niches
7.2 Electric niches
7.3 Fire extinguishing niches
8 Laying of cables
8.1 General remarks
8.2 Raised sidewalks
8.3 Cable ducts and pipes laid in the side walls of the tunnel
8.4 Tubes leading from the niches to the carriageway
8.5 Collectors
8.6 Fire protection
9 Earthing
10 Area before the portal
11 Impact attenuators
12 Fire-extinguishing water supply
Fire-extinguishing water duct
Fire-extinguishing water tank
13 Supply of fire-extinguishing agents
14 Legal reference and guidelines

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

5.5.8 RVS 9.282 Operation and safety measures, Tunnel equipment

0 Preliminary remark
1 Range of application
2 Definitions
2.1 Operating management rooms
2.2 Operating rooms
2.3 Portal area
3 Project bases
4 Determining the danger class
5 Operating management and facility concept
5.1 Operating management concept
5.2 Facility concept
8 Examining the plausibility
9 Technical requirements to be met by OaSF
9.1 Energy supply plants
9.2 Surveillance of air quality in the tunnel
9.3 Traffic management and monitoring
9.4 Emergency phones
9.5 Information systems
9.6 Alarm system
9.7 Fire extinguishing facilities
9.8 Tunnel lighting
9.9 Data transmission systems
9.10 Data processing
9.11 Cables
9.12 Shaft elevator
9.13 Operating rooms dimensions and equipment
10 Design of facility and device details
10.1 Symbols
10.3 Specifications of devices
10.4 Marking of rooms and facilities
10.5 Materials
10.6 Corrosion and surface protection
11 Referenced laws, guidelines and norms
5.5.9 RVS 9.286 Operation and safety measures, Radio equipment

5.5.10 RVS 13.74 Maintenance of tunnel equipment

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English




5.6.1 Road Tunnels

1. The formal basis for planning of tunnels
101 A short overview over legislative requirements
102 Case treatment after the Law of planning and construction
2. Preliminary geological investigation
201 General
202 Early mapping
203 Mapping
204 Planning of changes
205 Planning of construction and of tender
3. Care of surroundings
301 General
302 Requirements and restrictions
303 Registrations and survey programs
304 Vibrations and inspection of buildings
305 Requirements for limitations of leakage
306 Temporary discharge of water
307 Use of chemicals in tunnel construction
308 Permanent discharge of water
309 Release of gasses and particles
310 Cleaning of tunnel exhaust air
311 Noise near tunnel openings
4. Geometrical design
401 General
402 Choice of tunnel classification
403 Tunnel profiles
404 Side areas
405 Safety against dangerous item next to the tunnel
406 Construction under road level
407 Profile for concrete tunnels
408 Extension for lay-bys
409 Cross passages
410 Tunnels with one lane
411 Pedestrians and bicycle traffic
412 Alignment
413 Road intersections in connection with tunnels
414 Equipment, road-signs and carriageway markings
5 Aesthetics and experience of driving
501 Overall aims
502 Open part
503 Tunnel

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels



Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

6 Traffic and fire safety

601 General
602 Safety equipment and safety measures
603 Traffic management and incident detection
604 Warning for road works
605 Fire protection
606 Transport of dangerous goods
607 Emergency plans
7 Works concerning stability and water and frost protection
701 Establishment of cut
702 Exploratory drilling and pre-grouting
703 Stability protection
704 Requirements for equipment and emergency planning for sub-sea tunnels
705 Penetration of frost in tunnels
706 Water and frost protection by isolation
707 Frost protection by means of frost portals
708 Portals
8 Drainage
801 General
802 Drainage system
803 Gutters
804 System for collecting flushing water
805 Sumps for fire water
806 Pump stations and pumping pipes
9 Road foundation and road cover
901 General
902 Sub-base
903 Pavement without frost protection
904 Pavement with frost protection
10 Technical systems
1001 Requirements for technical systems
1002 Power supply
1003 Lighting
1004 Ventilation
1005 Fire ventilation
11 Operation and maintenance
1101 General
1102 Methods of maintenance
1103 Maintenance of structures
1104Maintenance of pavement and drainage
1105 Maintenance of technical installations
1106 Cleaning
1107 Winter maintenance
12 Documentation by handover
Total number of pages:


Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

The manual applies to all types of road tunnels. The intention has been to publish an
independent and complete road tunnel standard. The manual deals with all phases relevant to a road project. Planning, construction, operation and maintenance are covered.
Design criteria and information on preliminary investigations are primarily aimed at hard
rock tunnels. Other types of tunnel are dealt with only briefly.

5.6.2 Risk Analysis of Fire in Tunnels

1. Safety policy
2. Terminology
3. Design
4. Safety Measures
4.1 General
4.2 Follow-up and maintenance
4.3 Emergency Plans
5 Risk Analysis
5.1 Demand for Risk Analysis
5.2 Requirements for the analysis
5.3 Planning
5.4 Safety strategies
6 Execution of the analysis
6.1 The object of the analysis
6.2 Procedure and methods
6.2.1 Qualitative analysis
6.2.2 Quantitative analysis
6.3 Fire Scenarios
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Initiation of fire. Analysis of cause
6.3.3 Smoke spread
6.3.4 Fire spread
6.3.5 Detection, activation and fire fighting
6.4 Individual risk
6.4.1 Acceptance Criteria
6.4.2 Evacuation
6.5 Risk of loss of other assets
6.5.1 Acceptance Criteria
7 Presentation of results
8 Literature
Total number of pages:


A Norwegian Standard and a general guideline on requirements for risk analysis for fire
in structures exist (NS3901). The present document is a guideline to NS3901 indicating
the particular issues relevant for risk analysis of road tunnels. All relevant issues are
mention in a brief, practice oriented form.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


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Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English



5.7.1 Tunnel 2004

1 General
1.1 Contents
1.2 Applicable documents
1.3 Designations and Abbreviations
1.4 Presentation of building documents
1.5 Approval of building documents
1.6 Certification and verification of products
1.7 Documentation
2 Preconditions
2.1 General
2.2 Definitions
2.3 Technical standards for traffic
2.4 Side spaces
2.5 Structural standard
2.6 Operation and maintenance
3 Load-bearing Capacity, Stability and Durability
3.1 General
3.2 Requirements
3.3 Loads
3.4 Rock Tunnels
3.5 Tunnels of concrete or steel
3.6 Fittings and Road Construction
4 Fire protection
4.1 General
4.2 Fire resistance
4.3 Smoke Control
4.4 Evacuation
4.5 Equipment for fire detection and fire protection
4.6 Rescue Service
5 Health and Environment
5.1 Requirement
5.2 Air
5.3 Water
6 Safety in Use
6.1 General
6.2 Safety Appliances
6.3 Road design and -equipment
7 Protection against noise and vibrations
7.1 General
7.2 Noise
7.3 Vibrations
8 Ventilation, water supply, drainage, and other installations
8.1 General
8.2 Definitions
8.3 Control, monitoring and communication
Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

8.4 Lightning
8.5 Power supply
8.6 Ventilation of road tunnels
8.7 Water and Sewage
8.8 Other road equipment
9 List of other Applicable Regulations and Appendices
9.1 Road
9.2 Extenal publications
9.3 Standards and method specification
9.4 Appendices
Total number of pages:


Tunnel 2004 contains the requirements for all road tunnels with a length of over 100
m and for rock tunnels independent of the length.


United Kingdom

5.8.1 Design of Road Tunnels

1. Introduction
2. Planning, Safety, General Design Considerations
3. Operational Classification of Safety Facilities for Road User
4. Geometric Design
5. Ventilation
6. Tunnel Lighting
7. Drainage
8. Fire Safety Engineering
9. Traffic Control, Communications and Information Systems
10. Plant Monitoring and Control
11. Electrical Power Supply and Distribution
12. Services Buildings and Plant Rooms
13. Tunnel Commissioning, Handover and Operational Documentation
14. Tunnel Operation and Maintenance
15. References and Glossary
16. Enquiries
A. Secondary Cladding
B. Durability and Materials
C. Tunnel Documentation: Typical Contents
D. Guidelines for Major Incident Operations and Fire Tests
E. Recent Research by the Highways Agency
F. Tunnel Design and Safety Consultation Group (TDSCG) Requirements
G. Life Expectancy of Tunnel Equipment
Total number of pages:

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

This Standard describes the procedures required for the design of new or refurbished
road tunnels located on Motorways and Other Trunk Roads. It gives guidance on the
necessary equipment and Operational and Maintenance Systems that need to be considered by the designer to facilitate continued effective and safe operation.



The Netherlands

5.9.1 Ventilation of Road Tunnels

Conversion factors
1. Introduction
2. Design Scenarios
3. Exhaust fume emissions
4. Traffic lane capacities in tunnels
5. Ventilation systems
6. Permissible levels of air pollution
7. Calculation method for longitudinal ventilation systems
8. Probabilistic calculation methodology
9. Standardisation
10. Calculation principle for longitudinal ventilation according to the probabilistic calculation method
11. Calculation principles
12 Guarantee measurements
13 Measurement system and control system
14 Environmental and safety aspects
Total number of pages:


The objectives of the recommendations are, in key words: documentation of current
knowledge, anticipating the current state of affairs, indication of the boundary conditions
and basic assumptions, cost reduction, determination of the capacity of ventilation systems and standardisation of methods. Ventilation systems are to be designed for traffic
exhaust and fire. The latter, fire aspect is new compared to previous (Dutch) recommendations. (Comment: the fire aspect, however, forms only a very limited part of the report.
4 pages in the chapter on design scenarios deal with fire).

5.9.2 Safety Guidelines Part C / Basic measures for Safety in Tunnels

1. Introduction
2. Definitions
3. Coherence between measures
4. Traffic perspective
5. Power supply
6. Lightning
7. Drainage system

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English


Fire protection
Operation desk and monitoring
Traffic detection and traffic arrangements
Detection of situations of risk
Fire fighting
Cables and pipelines
First-aid station
Human experience
Control and maintenance
Compensating measures in case of failure of tunnel installations.

Total number of pages:



The objectives of the recommendations are in key words: documentation of the knowledge, anticipating the current state of affairs, indication of the boundary conditions and
basic assumptions, cost reduction, determination of the capacity of ventilation systems
and standardisation of methods. Ventilation systems are to be designed for traffic exhaust and fire. The latter aspect is new compared to previous (Dutch) recommendations.
The fire aspect, however, is only a very limited part of the report.

5.9.3 Fire protection for tunnels (Part 1: fire test procedures for immersed tunnels)
1. Introduction
2. Test specimens
2.1 Fire test specimens
2.1.1 Concrete slabs with thermocouples
2.1.2 The application of protective material
2.2 Test samples for the determination of moisture and density
2.3 Measurement of the thickness of the protective material
3. Specifications and identification of the protective material
4. Conditioning and determination of the density and moisture content
4.1 Moisture content at the date of the fire test
4.2 Conditioning procedure
4.3 Determination of the moisture content
4.4 Determination of the density of the protective material and the concrete
5 Fire test
5.1 Test arrangement
5.2 Furnace temperature
5.2.1 Heating curve
5.2.2 Tolerances
6 Performance criteria
7 Determination of the required thickness of the protective material in practice
7.1 All test speciments satisfy the performance criteria
7.2 One of two test specimens does not meet the temperature crtiteria
7.3 One of three test specimens does not meet the performance criteria
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Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

8 Test report
Annex A Conditioning and determination of moisture content
Total number of pages:


(Part 2: Fire tests on insulation materials for bored tunnel, was not available for this review, but it is assumed it has the same structure as part 1.)


The report describes the necessary test specimens, test procedure and performance criteria specified by RWS for fire tests of tunnel structures to give tunnels resistant to hydrocarbon fires. The purpose of the report is to achieve uniform performance criteria and
test procedures for insulation materials in tunnels.

5.10 USA

5.10.1 NFPA 502 Standards for Road Tunnels, Bridges and Other Limited Access
1. General
2. Limited Access Highways
3. Bridges and Elevated Highways
4. Road Tunnels
4-1 General
4-2 Road Tunnel Length
4-3 Fire Detection
4-4 Communications Systems
4-5 Traffic Control
4-6 Fire Apparatus
4-7 Standpipe and Water Supply
4-8 Portable Fire Extinguishers
4-9 Ventilation During Fire Emergencies
4-10 Tunnel Drainage Systems
4-11 Ancillary Facilities
4-12 Alternative Fuels
4-13 Control of Hazardous Materials
4-14 Emergency Response Plan
5. Roadways Beneath Air-Right Structures
6. Standpipe and Water Supply
7. Tunnel Ventilation During Fire Emergencies
7-1 General
7-2 Normal Ventilation
7-3 Smoke Control
7-4 Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program
7-5 Design Objectives
7-6 Criteria
7-7 Fans
7-8 Dampers
7-9 Sound Attenuators

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 1 : tables of contents of national guidelines translated into English

7-10 Controls
8. Electrical Systems
9. Emergency Response
10. Control of Hazardous Materials
11. Referenced Publications
A. Explanatory Material
B. Temperature and Velocity Criteria
C. Critical Velocity Calculations
D. Fire Sprinkler Protection in Road tunnels
E. Emergency Response Plan Outline
F. Alternative Fuels
G. The Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Programme
H. Tunnel Ventilation System Concepts
I. Fire Apparatus
J. Referenced Publications
K. Bibliography
Total number of pages:


This standard provides fire protection and fire life safety requirements for limited access
highways, road tunnels, bridges, elevated highways, and roadways that are beneath airtight structures. This standard establishes minimum requirements for each of the facilities
The purpose of this standard is to establish minimum criteria that provide a reasonable
degree of protection from fire and its related hazards. The requirements in this standard
reflect the practices and the state of the art prevalent at the time this standard was issued.

Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English



EU, Commission of the European Communities

6.1.1 Directive 2004/54/EC

Directive 2004/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 on
minimum safety requirements for tunnels in the trans-European road network
Article 1 Subject matter and scope
Article 2 Definitions
Article 3 Safety measures
Article 4 Administrative authority
Article 5 Tunnel manager
Article 6 Safety Officer
Article 7 Inspection entity
Article 8 Notification of the administrative authority
Article 9Tunnels whose design has not yet been approved
Article 10 Tunnels whose design has been approved but which are not yet open
Article 11 Tunnels already in operation
Article 12 Periodic inspections
Article 13 Risk analysis
Article 14 Derogation for innovative techniques
Article 15 Reporting
Article 16 Adaptation to technical progress
Article 17 Committee procedure
Article 18 Transposition
Article 19 Entry into force
Annex 1 Safety measures as referred to in Article 3
1.Basis for deciding on safety measures
1.1.Safety parameters
1.2.Minimum requirements
1.3.Traffic volume
2.Infrastructure measures
2.1.Number of tubes and lanes
2.2.Tunnel geometry
2.3.Escape routes and emergency exits
2.4.Access for emergency services
2.7.Fire resistance of structures
2.10.Emergency stations
2.11.Water supply
2.12.Road signs
2.13.Control centre

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

2.14.Monitoring systems
2.15.Tunnel-closing equipment
2.16.Communication systems
2.17.Power supply and electrical circuits
2.18.Fire resistance of equipment
2.19.Table displaying informative summary of minimum requirements
3.Measures concerning operations
3.1.Operating means
3.2.Emergency planning
3.3.Works in tunnels
3.4.Management of accidents and incidents
3.5.Activity of the control centre
3.6.Tunnel closure
3.7.Transport of dangerous goods
3.8.Overtaking in tunnels
3.9.Distances between vehicles and speed
4.Information campaigns
ANNEX II Approval of the design, safety documentation, commissioning of a tunnel,
modifications and periodic exercises
1.Approval of the design
2.Safety documentation
5.Periodic exercises
ANNEX III Signing for tunnels
1.General requirements
2.Description of signs and panels
Total number of pages




6.2.1 Classification of Tunnels

I Introduction
I.1 General
I.2 Classification of tunnels
I.3 Classification of tunnels and recommendations
I.4 Safety equipment
II 1994 State of the art: Existing guidelines and experiences
Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and USA.
Total number of pages


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Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

6.2.2 Road Safety in Tunnels

I Introduction
II Table of results
III Break downs
III.1 General comments
III.2Evolution in breakdowns
III.3 Effect of gradients
III.4 LV-HV distinction
III.5 Cause of breakdowns
III.6 Duration of brakdowns
III.7 Breakdown detection means
III.8 Use of lay-bys
III.9 Repair on site or not
III.10 Advantage of the emergency lanes
III.11 Special cases of very long tunnels
III.12 Consequences of breakdowns
IV Accidents
IV.1 General Comments
IV.2 Effect of geometry
IV.3 Damage only accidents - injury accidents distinction
IV.4 Light vehicles - Heavy vehicles distinction
IV.5 Number of involved vehicles
IV.6 Standard injury accidents
IV.7 Time distribution of accidents
IV.8 Various causes of accidentology
IV.9 Accidents involving dangerous materials
V Fires
V.1 General comments
V.2 Light vehicles - heavy vehicles distinction
V.3 Use of the extinguishers
V.4 Causes of fires
V.5 Effect of fires
VI Literature
Total number of pages


6.2.3 Fire and Smoke Control of Tunnels

I Objectives of fire and smoke control
I.1 Introduction
I.2 Previous work by PIARC
I.3 Existing guidelines
I.4 Physical background and principles
I.5 Recommendations
I.6 Needs for research
II Fire risk and design fires
II.1 Introduction
Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

II.2 Previous work by PIARC

II.3 Frequencies of fire
II.4 Choice of design fires
II.5 Design fire scenarios
II.6 Recommendations for further work
III Smoke behaviour
III.1 Introduction
III.2 Previous work by PIARC
III.3 Smoke development and dispersal of smoke, general statement
III.4 Smoke development and dispersal of smoke in fire tests
III.5 Influence of the tunnel slope
III.6 Conclusion
IV Study methods
IV.1 Introduction
IV.2 Previous work by PIARC
IV.3 Full scale tests
IV.4 Small scale experiments
IV.5 Computer simulations
IV.6 Needs for further research work
IV.7 Conclusion
V Ventilation for fire and smoke control
V.1 Introduction to ventilation
V.2 Previous work by PIARC
V.3 Existing guidelines and experience
V.4 New research results and physics
V.5 Objectives of ventilation for fire and smoke control
V.6 Recommendation on natural ventilation
V.7 Recommendation on longitudinal ventilation
V.8 Recommendation on transverse and semi-transverse ventilation
VI Exits and other safety facilities
VI.1 Introduction
VI.2 Exits and evacuation routes
VI.3 Other safety facilities
VI.4 Need for research work
VII Tunnel reaction and resistance to fire
VII.1 Introduction
VII.2 Previous work by PIARC
VII.3 Fire reaction of materials
VII.4 Fire resistance of structures
VII.5 Fire resistance of equipment
VIII Fire response management
VIII.1 Introduction
VIII.2 Previous work by PIARC
VIII.3 Existing experience
VIII.4 Recommendations
VIII.5 Needs for research work
IX References
Total number of pages


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Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

6.2.4 OECD/PIARC Safety in Tunnels. Transport of Dangerous Goods through

Road Tunnels
Executive Summary and Recommendations
1. Introduction
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Organisation and funding of the project
1.3 Structure of the report
2 Information from previous large tunnel fires
2.1 Findings
2.2 Conclusions
3 Review of Current National and International Regulations
4 Harmonised Groupings of Dangerous Goods Loadings
4.1 Objectives of harmonised regulations
4.2 General principle of the groupings
4.3 Proposed grouping system
4.4 Conclusions concerning the grouping system for dangerous goods loadings
5 The Quantitative Risk Assessment Model (QRAM)
5.1 Problem description
5.2 Purpose
5.3 Indicators
5.4 Accident scenarios
5.5 Evaluation of accident probability
5.6 Determination of physiological consequences, structural and environmental damage
5.7 Evaluation of consequences in open sections and tunnel sections
5.8 Escape/sheltering possibilities
5.9 Validation process
6 The Decision Support Model
6.1 Definition of the decision problem
6.2 DSM inputs
6.3 Survey and choice of decision support methodologies/tools
6.4 The DSM computer program
6.5 Recommendations
7 Risk Reduction Measures
7.1 Objectives and contents
7.2 Identification of the risk reducing measures
7.3 The effectiveness of native risk reduction meaures
7.4 Effectiveness of non-native risk reduction measures related to accident probabilities
7.5 Assessment of the non-native risk reduction measures related to response times
7.6 Concluding remarks
8 references
9 Glossary
Total number of pages


Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English



6.3.1 Ventilation of Road Tunnels

1. Preface
2. Conclusion and recommendations
3. Introduction
3.0 Background - why ventilate?
3.1 Emissions from vehicle
3.2 Choice of limiting values
3.3 Ventilation System
4. Levels - Limit Values
4.0 General
4.1 Examples of International Guidelines
4.2 Examples on Nordic Requirements and Guidelines
5. Emissions
5.0 General
5.1 Traffic
5.2 Emission from Vehicles
6. Fire
6.1 General
6.2 Necessary supply air flow and air velocities in tunnel
6.3 Ventilation principle during fire
6.4 Ventilation system design
6.5 Dimensioning of the ventilation system
6.6 Controls and manuals
7. Ventilation Systems
7.0 Different ventilation systems
7.1 Mechanical ventilation
7.2 Ventilation system safety
7.3 Control of the ventilation system
7.4 System for operational time measurement
7.5 Noise
7.6 Costs
8. Air Flows
8.0 General
8.1 Calculation of necessary air flow
8.2 Emission data for CO and NO
8.3 Calculation of necessary impulse for longitudinal ventilation
9. Control Systems
10. Pollution from the tunnel
11. Cleaning
Total number of pages


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Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English



6.4.1 Recommendations of the Group of Experts on Safety in Road Tunnels. Final

A Introduction And Mandate
A.1 Introduction
A.2 Mandate of The Ad Hoc Multidisciplinary Group of Experts on Safety in Tunnels
B Principles
B.1 Development of Road Traffic
B.2 Road Accidents
B.3 Extent of Damage
B.4 Safety in Road Tunnels
C Measures To Improve Safety in Road Tunnels
C.1 Road Users as Factor No 1 Influencing Safety in Road Tunnels
C.2 Operation as Factor Influencing Safety in Road Tunnels
C.3 Infrastructure as Factor Influencing Safety in Road Tunnels
C.4 Vehicles as Factor Influencing Safety in Road Tunnels
D Conclusion
D.1 Safety in Road Tunnels
D.2 Outlook
D.3 Costs
D.4 Next Steps
E Annexes
Annex 1 Road Signing for Tunnels Appendix
Annex 2 List of Abbreviations
Annex 3 Number of Tunnels over 1000 m in Europe


6.5.1 Prevention and Control of Highway Tunnel Fires

1. Introduction
2. Tunnel Fire Survey
2.1 Fire Summaries
Baltimore Harbor
Squirrel Hill
Blue Mountain
Chesapeake Bay
2.2 Discussion
2.3 Findings of Other Studies
2.4 Synopsis of Existing Systems
Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

3 Risk Analysis
3.1 Summary
3.2 Reference Tunnel
3.3 Fire Frequency Prediction
3.4 Fire/Smoke Spread Potential
3.5 Fire/Smoke Spread Potential Reduction
3.6 Fire Intensity
3.7 Fire Duration
3.8 Fire Scenarios
3.9 Explosion Potential
4 Evaluation: Prevention
4.1 Sources of Ignition
4.2 Sources of Fuel
4.3 Sources of Oxygen
4.4 Restrictions on Hazardous Materials
4.5 Controls on Drivers' Actions
4.6 Enforcement of Regulations
4.7 Designing with Safe Configurations
5 Evaluation: Detection/Alarm/Notification
5.1 Detection
5.2 Alarm
5.3 Notification
6 Evaluation: Response
6.1 Fire/Emergency Plan
6.2 Fire Department Liaison
6.3 Tunnel Personnel and Vehicles
7 Evaluation: Control/Extinguishment/Suppression
7.1 Fire Extinguishers
7.2 Stand Pipes
7.3 Sprinklers
7.4 Water Supply
7.5 Drainage
8 Evaluation: Survival
8.1 Communication
8.2 Ventilation
8.3 Lighting
8.4 Escape
8.5 Estimated Fatalities with Unrestricted Hazardous Materials
9 Future Testing
10 Conclusions
11 Recommendations
Appendix A, Tunnels in Study
Appendix B, Interview Tape Log
Appendix C, Notes from Tunnel Fire Study Interviews
Appendix D, Observations of European Tunnels
Views of Fire Damage in Highway Tunnels
Total number of pages


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Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English



6.6.1 Tunnel Task Force, Final Report

A Extract
A1 Introduction
A2 The Final Report
A3 Switzerlands Road Tunnels
A4 Safety in Road Tunnels - what can be done?
A5 Measures
A6 Concluding Remarks
B. Principles
B1 Introduction
B2 Development of Road Traffic
B3 Switzerland's Road Tunnels
B4 Safety in Road Tunnels
B5 Road Users
B6 Operation
B7 Infrastructure
B8 Vehicles
B9 Evaluation of Inspections Carried out in the Cantons
C Measures
C1 Measures for Road Users
C2 Measures for Operation
C3 Measures for the Infrastructure
C4 Measures for Vehicles
D Next Steps
D1 Introduction
D2 Outlook
D3 Costs
D4 Concluding Remarks
E Appendices
E1 Abbreviations
E2 Traffic Volumes on European Roads
E3 List of Highway Tunnels
E4 Documents of the Information Campaign of April 2000

Germany BASt/STUVA

6.7.1 Fire protection in traffic tunnels final report

Bundesanstalt fr Straenwesen (BASt) (Federal German Highway Research Institute) /
STUVA. FE 82.166/1999/B3 Nov. 2000
1. Introduction
2. Scope of the investigation
3. Description of selected fire events
3.1 Fire events in urban railway tunnels
3.2. Fire events in long distance railway tunnels
Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

3.3 Fire events in road tunnels

3.3.1 Event S1: Holland tunnel, New York, USA
3.3.2 Event S2: Moorfleet tunnel, Hamburg
3.3.3 Event S3: Nihonzaka tunnel, Japan
3.3.4 Event S4: Caldecott tunnel, Oakland, California, USA
3.3.5 Event S5: Gotthard tunnel, Switzerland (1994)
3.3.6 Event S6: Pfnder tunnel, Austria
3.3.7 Event S7: Ekebergtunnel, Norway
3.3.8 Event S8: Gotthard tunnel, Switzerland (1997)
3.3.9 Event S9: Mont-Blanc tunnel, France/Italy
3.3.10 Event S10: Tauern tunnel, Austria
3.3.11 Further fire events in road tunnels
4. Evaluation of the fire events studied
5. Results of the Workshops Safety in Tunnels
5.1 General
5.2 Urban rail traffic tunnels
5.3. Long distance railway tunnels
5.4 Road tunnels
5.4.1 Hazard and fire loads of vehicles
5.4.2 Hazard and fire load at occurrence in tunnels
5.4.3 Fire alarms and extinguishers in vehicles
5.4.4 Fire alarms and extinguishers in tunnels
5.4.5 Fire ventilation in tunnels
5.4.6 Escape routes and emergency exits
5.4.7 Traffic control and communication facilities
5.4.8 Summary of results of discussion and comparison with requirements of RABT
6 Proposals for increased protection of persons in case of fire in traffic tunnels
6.1 Preface
6.2 Fire protection in railway tunnels and in trains
6.3 Fire protection in road tunnels and in road vehicles
6.3.1 Risk considerations for road tunnels
6.3.2 Design of fire protection of tunnels
6.3.3 Structural measures in road tunnels for increased protection of persons in case of
6.3.4 Operational measures in road tunnels for increased protection of persons in case of
6.4 Fire protection in road tunnels
7. Recommendations for revision of regulations
7.1 Preface
7.2 Recommendations for revision of regulations for rail tunnels
7.3 Recommendations for revision of regulations for road tunnels for increased protection of persons in case of fire
8. Summary
9. Literature
Total number of pages:


Technical report Part 2 Fire Safe Design Road Tunnels


Appendix 2 : tables of contents of other reference documents translated into English

The report is the result of a German research study of fire safety in traffic tunnels. It covers both metro- railway and road tunnels. The study comprises, inter alia, actual fire
events, present regulation and evaluation and recommendations of improvements in the
present regulation. The discussions and recommendations are results of a workshop entitled "Safety in Tunnels" held Nov. 1999 in Bergisch Gladbach,Germany
(In the list of contents above only sub-items concerning road tunnels has be included)

6.7.2 Procedures for selection of cross section of roads in tunnels

(Verfahren frdie Auswahl von Straenquerschnitten in Tunneln) BASt, Edition 2000
1. Scope
2. Constructions
3. Costs
4. Benefits
5. Design of a tunnel cross section
6. Special case tunnel boring machine
7. Case histories
Annex 1: General cross sections in tunnels
Annex 2: Constructions
Annex 3: Diagram for two-lane unidirectional traffic
Annex 4: Diagram for three-lane unidirectional traffic

Thematic Network Fire in Tunnels


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