01 GettingStarted

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Getting Started

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

The Getting Started module introduces you to some of the basic
concepts necessary for creating simulations in HYSYS. You will use
HYSYS to define three gas streams to be used as feeds to a gas plant.
In addition, you will learn how to determine properties of these
streams by using the Phase Envelope and the Property Table utilities.

Learning Objectives

Define a fluid package (property package, components,

Add streams
Understand flash calculations
Attach stream utilities
Customize the Workbook

Simulation Basis Manager

HYSYS uses the concept of the fluid package to contain all necessary
information for performing flash and physical property calculations.
This approach allows you to define all information (property package,
components, hypothetical components, interaction parameters,
reactions, tabular data, etc.) inside a single entity.
There are four key advantages to this approach:
All associated information is defined in a single location,
allowing for easy creation and modification of the information.
Fluid packages can be stored as completely defined entities for
use in any simulation.
Component lists can be stored out separately from the Fluid
Packages as completely defined entities for use in any
Multiple Fluid Packages can be used in the same simulation.
However, they are all defined inside the common Basis
The Simulation Basis Manager is a property view that allows you to
create and manipulate multiple fluid packages or component lists in
the simulation. The opening tab of the Simulation Basis Manager
allows for the creation of component lists, which are independent of
but can be associated with the individual fluid packages in the case.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

The first tab of the Basis Manager allows you to manage the
component list(s) used in your case. There are a number of buttons


Allows you to access the property view for the selected Component List.
Allows you to create a Component List.
Note: Component Lists can be added via the Fluid Package property
Removes the selected Component List from the simulation.
Makes a copy of the selected Component List.
Allows you to import a predefined Component List from disk.
Component Lists have the file extension (.cml).
Allows you to export the selected Component List to disk. The exported
Component List can be retrieved into another case, by using the Import
Updates the pure component properties from the database.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

You can use the Ctrl B hot key to re-enter the Simulation Basis
Manager from any point in the simulation or click the Basis
Environment icon from the tool bar.
Inside the Current Fluid Packages group, there are a number of
Basis Environment


This is only active when a fluid package exists in the case. It allows you to
view the property view for the selected fluid package.
Allows you to create and install a fluid package in the simulation.
Removes the selected Fluid Package from the simulation.
Makes a copy of the selected fluid package. Everything is identical in the
copied version except the name. This is useful for modifying fluid
Allows you to import a predefined fluid package from disk. Fluid
packages have the file extension (.fpk).
Allows you to export the selected fluid package to a disk. The exported
fluid package can be retrieved into another case by using the Import

The Fluid Pkgs tab allows you access to the fluid packages/flowsheet
associations list as well as the fluid package definition. As with older
versions, HYSYS allows the user to use multiple fluid packages within
a single simulation by associating the fluid packages with various
flowsheets and linking the flowsheets together. However, beginning
with HYSYS version 3.0, the user no longer requires the use of
flowsheets to employ multiple fluid packages within a single
simulation. The user can now utilize the Stream Cutter operation to
incorporate multiple fluid packages into a single flowsheet.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Defining the Simulation Basis

Add a Property Package
1. Start a new case by selecting the New Case icon.
New Case

2. Go to the Fluid Pkgs tab and create a fluid package by clicking the
Add button.
3. Scroll down the list and select the Peng-Robinson Equation of
State model.

4. Change the Name from the default Basis-1 to GasPlant.

5. Click the View button in the Component List Selection section of
the Set Up tab. This will allow you to add components to the
Component List that is now associated with the GasPlant fluid

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Add Components
You can select components for your simulation using several different
To use...

You can add a range of

components by
highlighting the entire
range and clicking the
Add Pure button.

Do this...
1. Select one of the three name formats, SimName, Full
Name/Synonym, or Formula by selecting the corresponding
radio button.

Match Cell

Click in the Match input field and enter the name of the
component. As you start to type, the list will change to match
what you have entered.

3. Once the desired component is highlighted, either:

4. Click the ENTER key.
5. Click the Add Pure button.
6. Double-click the component to add it to your simulation.
1. Using the scroll bar for the main component list, scroll through
the list until you find the desired component.

2. To add the component, either:

3. Press the ENTER key.
4. Click the Add Pure button.
5. Double-click the component to add it to your simulation.
1. Ensure the Match cell is empty, and click the View Filter button.
2. Select the Use Filter checkbox to display the various family


3. Select the desired family (i.e., Hydrocarbons) from the list of

Family Filters to display only that type of component.
4. Use either of the two previous methods to then select the desired

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

6. Select the library components N2, H2S, CO2, C1, C2, C3, i-C4, nC4, i-C5, n-C5, C6 and H2O by clicking each one and then clicking
Add Pure.

7. Click the Hypothetical menu item in the Add Component box to

add a hypothetical component to the Fluid Package.

When you click the

Quick Create a Hypo
Component button,
HYSYS adds a
hydrocarbon class hypo
by default.
If you want to add a
hypo from another class,
click the Hypo Manager
button and then in the
view that appears, click
the View Group button.
This will open the
Tabular Hypothetical
Input, where you can add
non-hydrocarbon class

8. Click the Quick Create a Hypo Component button to create a

hypothetical component.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

A hypothetical component can be used to model non-library

components, defined mixtures, undefined mixtures, or solids. You will
be using a hypothetical component to model the components in the gas
mixture heavier than hexane.
9. In the hypo component view, click the ID tab and in the
Component Name cell type C7+.

HYSYS always places an

* after a hypo name so
it can be distinguished
from library components.

Since you do not know the structure of the hypothetical component

and you are modeling a mixture, the Structure Builder will not be used.
10. Click the Critical tab. The only property supplied by the lab for
the C7+ component is the Normal Boiling Pt. Enter a value of
110C (230F).
11. Click the Estimate Unknown Props button to estimate all the
other properties and fully define the hypothetical component.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

The minimum
information required for
defining a hypo is the
Normal Boiling Pt or
the Molecular Weight
and Ideal Liq Density.

12. When the hypo component has been defined, return to the fluid
package by closing the hypo component C7+* view.
13. Add the hypo component to the Selected Components list by
selecting it in the Available Hypo Components list and then
clicking the Add Hypo button.

You can use the Sort

List button to order the
Component List.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Every hypo you create is part of a Hypo Group. By default, this hypo
is placed in HypoGroup1. You can add additional groups and move
hypo components between groups. This is done on the Hypotheticals
tab of the Simulation Basis Manager.
Compare the properties of C7+ with C7 and C8.




Normal Boiling Point

Ideal Liquid Density
Molecular Weight

You have now finished defining the fluid package. You can view the
Peng-Robinson binary coefficients for your selected components by
selecting the Binary Coeffs tab on the Fluid Package tab.
You will need to add
components C7 and C8
to the component list in
order to view their
properties. Ensure that
you delete them once this
exercise is finished.

Exporting Fluid Packages

HYSYS allows you to export fluid packages for use in other
simulations. This functionality allows you to create a single common
fluid package, which you may then use in multiple cases.
1. On the Fluid Pkgs tab, highlight the GasPlant fluid package.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

2. Click the Export button.

3. Enter a unique name (GasPlant) for the fluid package and click
the Save button.
HYSYS will
automatically add the file
extension .fpk when it
saves your fluid package.
The file is automatically
saved to the
\HYSYS\paks folder.

Now that the fluid package has been defined, you can start building the
simulation. Click the Enter Simulation Environment button to begin
building the simulation.

Building the Simulation

When you build the simulation, you will:
Select a unit set
Add streams
Attach utilities

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Select a Unit Set

In HYSYS, it is possible to change the unit set used to display the
different variables.
1. From the Tools menu, choose Preferences.
2. Click the Variables tab.

3. Select the SI unit set.

4. Close this view to return to the simulation.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Changing Units for a Specification

To change the units for a specification, simply type the numerical
value of the specification and press the space bar or click the unit
drop-down list. Choose the units for the value you are providing.
HYSYS will convert the units back to the default units.

You can scroll through

the unit list by starting to
type the units, by using
the arrow keys, or by
using the scroll bar.

Adding Streams
In HYSYS, there are two types of streams, Material and Energy.
Material streams have a composition and parameters such as
temperature, pressure, and flowrates. They are used to represent
process streams. Energy streams have only one parameter: heat flow.
They are used to represent the duty supplied to or by a unit operation.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

There are a variety of ways to add streams in HYSYS.

To use

Do this...

Menu Bar

From the Flowsheet menu select Add Stream.

Press the F11 Hot Key.
The Stream property view opens.


Open the Workbook and go to the Material Streams tab. Type a

stream name into the **New** cell.


From the Flowsheet menu, select Open Object Palette or press F4 to

open the Object Palette. Double-click the stream icon.

In this case, you will add three streams to represent three different gas
wells. Each stream will be added using a different method of

Adding a Stream from the Menu Bar

To add a stream using the F11 hot key:
1. Press F11. The stream property view appears. If the stream
property view is not displayed, double-click the newly created
stream (from the PFD) to bring up the property view.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Highlight the Stream Name cell. Change the stream name by typing in
a new name:
2. Change the stream name to GasWell 1.
3. Press ENTER.

Entering Stream Compositions

There are two different pages for entering stream composition:
On this

Do this...

Double-click the Molar Flow cell to enter mole


Double-click the Mass Flow cell to enter mass


Double-click the Std Ideal Liquid Volume Flow

cell to enter volume fractions.


The Input Composition for Stream view appears.


Click the Edit button.

The Input Composition for Stream view appears.

4. If the Input Composition for Stream view is not already open,

double-click the Mass Flow cell.

5. Click the Mole Fractions radio button in the Composition Basis

group to change the basis from mass to mole fractions.
6. Enter the following compositions.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

For this component... Enter this mole fraction...

If there are <empty>

values either enter 0 or
click the Normalize
button. The stream is not
fully defined until all
composition values have a
numerical input.



























7. Click the OK button when all the mole fractions have been
8. Close the Stream property view.

Adding a Stream from the Workbook

To open the Workbook, click the Workbook icon on the tool bar.
1. Enter the stream name, GasWell 2 in the **New** cell.
Workbook icon

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

2. Double-click the Molar Flow cell and enter the following

For this component... Enter this mole fraction...


























3. Click the OK button to close the Input Composition for Stream


Adding a Stream from the Object Palette

1. If the Object Palette is not open on the Desktop, press F4 to open
2. Double-click the Material Stream icon. The Stream property view
3. Change the name of the stream to GasWell 3.
Material Stream icon

4. Double-click Molar Flow.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

5. Enter the following stream compositions:

For this component... Enter this mole fraction...


























6. Click OK to close the Input Composition for Stream: GasWell 3

7. Click the Save icon. Enter a case name.

Save your case often

to avoid losing

Save icon

You can use one of several different methods to save a case in

From the File menu, select Save to save your case with the
same name.
From the File menu, select Save As to save your case in a
different location or with a different name.
Click the Save icon on the tool bar to save your case with the
same name.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Changing Units for a Specification

To change the units for a specification, type the numerical value of the
specification and press the space bar to switch to the inline unit drop
down menu. Choose the units for the value you are providing. HYSYS
will convert the units back to the default units.

Flash Calculations
HYSYS can perform three types of flash calculations on streams: P-T,
Vf-P, and Vf-T. Once the composition of the stream and two of either
temperature, pressure or vapour fraction are known, HYSYS performs
a flash calculation on the stream, calculating the third parameter.
Only two of these three
stream parameters
(Vapour Fraction,
Temperature, or
Pressure) can be

With the flash capabilities of HYSYS, it is possible to perform dew

and bubble point calculations. By specifying a vapour fraction of 1.0
and either the pressure or temperature of the stream, HYSYS will
calculate the dew temperature or pressure. To calculate the bubble
temperature or pressure, a vapour fraction of 0.0 and either pressure or
temperature must be entered.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Perform a P-T flash calculation on the stream GasWell 2. Set the pressure to 7500
kPa and the temperature to 10C. What is the vapour fraction?
Perform a dew point calculation on the stream GasWell 2. Set the pressure to 7500
kPa. What is the dew point temperature?
Perform a bubble point calculation on the stream GasWell 2. Set the pressure to
7500 kPa. What is the bubble point temperature?

Attaching Utilities
The utilities available in HYSYS are a set of useful tools that interact
with your process, providing additional information or analysis of
streams or operations. Once installed, the utility becomes part of the
flowsheet, automatically recalculating when conditions change in the
stream or operation to which it is attached.
As with the majority of objects in HYSYS, there are a number of ways
to attach utilities to streams:
To use the...

Do this...

Menu Bar

From the Tools menu, select Ubtilities.

Press CTRL U.
The Available Utilities view appears.

1. Open the Stream property view.

2. On the Attachments tab, click the Utilities page.
Stream Property View
3. Click the Create button.
The Available Utilities view appears.

Next, you will add a utility using each method of installation.

Adding a Utility from the Stream Property


The Envelope can

only be calculated
on a dry basis (any
water is ignored).

The Envelope utility (in the Available Utilities list) allows you to
examine relationships between selected parameters for any stream of
known composition, including streams with only one component.
Vapour-Liquid Envelopes may be plotted for the following variables:
Pressure - Temperature
Pressure - Volume
Pressure - Enthalpy
Pressure - Entropy
Temperature - Volume
Temperature - Enthalpy
Temperature - Entropy

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

An Envelope utility will be added to the stream Gas Well 2 from the
Stream property view.
1. Open the Stream property view by double-clicking the stream in
either the Workbook or the PFD.
2. On the Attachments tab, click Utilities.

3. Click the Create button. The Available Utilities view appears.

4. Select Envelope. Click the Add Utility button. The Envelope
Utility view appears.
5. The Design tab shows the critical and maxima values for the
What is the critical temperature and pressure for the stream GasWell 2?
Tc_______________ Pc_______________

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

6. Switch to the Performance tab to view the envelope.

7. Click the Table page to view the envelope data in a tabular format.

Adding a Utility from the Menu Bar

Numerical values can be
copied from HYSYS to
Microsoft Excel using the
copy command, CTRL C,
in HYSYS, and then the
paste command, CTRL V,
in Excel.

The Property Table utility allows you to examine property trends over
a range of conditions in both tabular and graphical formats. The utility
calculates dependent variables for user specified independent variable
ranges or values.
A Property Table utility will be added to the stream Gas Well 2.
1. From the Tools menu select Utilities, or press CTRL U. The
Available Utilities view appears.
2. Select Property Table.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

3. Click the Add Utility button. The Property Table view appears.

4. Click the Select Stream button and select the stream GasWell 2.
5. Click the OK button to return to the Design tab.
6. In the Independent Variable section, select Pressure as the first
Independent Variable.
7. Change the mode to State, use the drop-down menu bar.
8. In the State Values matrix, enter values of 2500, 5000, 7500, and
9000 kPa. If you are using field units, the values will be 350, 700,
1050, 1400 psbia.
9. Choose Temperature as the second Independent Variable.
Ensure the mode is set to Incremental.
10. Change the Lower and Upper Bounds to 0C (32F) and 100C
(212F) respectively. Leave the Increments at the default value of

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

11. On the Design tab, click Dep. Prop.

12. On the Dep. Prop. page, click the Add button.
13. Choose Mass Density from the list. Click OK to accept.
14. Click the Add button again. Select the Thermal Conductivity and
click OK to accept.
15. Click the Calculate button to generate the property table.
16. Examine the property table results in either graphical or tabular
format on the Performance tab.
17. Close the Property Table.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Analyzing the Results

Stream Property View
Within HYSYS, it is possible to view the properties of the individual
phases for any stream.
1. Open the Stream property view for GasWell 3 by double-clicking
GasWell 3 in the PFD, and view the Conditions page.
2. Add Temperature and Pressure values of -20C (-4F) and 5000
kPa (725 psia).
3. Move the mouse arrow to the left or right side of the view until the
arrow changes to the double-headed resizing arrows.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

4. Press and hold the left mouse button and drag the edge of the view
until all the phases can be seen as shown below.

5. Go to the Properties page. This page contains more detailed

information about the stream.

6. Close the worksheet for GasWell 3.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Customizing the Workbook

HYSYS allows you to customize the Workbook at several different
levels. You can add additional pages, change the variables which are
displayed on the current pages, or change the format of the values.
In this exercise, a new Workbook tab containing stream properties,
Cp/Cv, Heat of Vaporization, and Molar Enthalpy, will be added.
1. Open the Workbook by clicking the Workbook icon on the tool
2. From the Workbook menu, select Setup. The Setup view appears
as shown below.
Workbook icon

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

3. Under the Workbook Tabs group, click the Add button. The new
Object Type view appears.

4. Select Stream and click OK.

5. A new Workbook tab, Streams, will be listed in the Workbook
Tabs group. Ensure that this new tab is highlighted.
6. Highlight the Name cell and change the name to Other Prop.
7. In the Variables group, click the Delete button until all the default
variables are removed.
8. Click the Add button to add a new variable to the tab.
9. From the Variable list, select Cp/Cv and click OK.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

10. Repeat steps #8 and #9 to add Mass Heat of Vaporization and

Molar Enthalpy as shown below.

11. Exit the view when you are done to return to the Workbook.
12. The Workbook now contains the tab Other Prop. which shows the
values of Cp/Cv, Mass Heat of Vaporization, and Molar
Enthalpy as shown below.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Printing Stream and Workbook

In HYSYS you have the ability to print Datasheets for streams,
operations, and Workbooks.

Printing the Workbook Datasheet

1. Open the Workbook.
2. Right-click (object inspect) the Workbook title bar. The Print
Datasheet pop-up menu appears.
To print all streams:
Customize the

Workbook to
contain all the
stream data you
Print the

3. Select Print Datasheet. The Select Datablock view appears.

4. From the list, you can choose to print or preview any of the
available datasheets.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Printing an Individual Stream Datasheet

To print the datasheet for an individual stream, object inspect the
stream property view title bar and follow the same procedure as with
the Workbook.

Finishing the Simulation

The final step in this section is to add the stream information necessary
for the case to be used in future modules.
Add the following temperature, pressure, and flowrate to the streams:
Temperature Pressure


GasWell 1 40C (105F) 4135 kPa (600 psia)

425 kgmole/h
(935 lbmole/hr)

GasWell 2 45C (113F) 3450 kPa (500 psia)

375 kgmole/h
(825 lbmole/hr)

GasWell 3 45C (113F)

575 kgmole/h
(1270 lbmole/hr)

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Exploring the Simulation

Exercise 1: Phase Behavior and Hydrate
A. Use the Phase Envelope to find the following points:
Critical Point for GasWell 1. ___________________________________________
Cricondenbar (maximum pressure) for GasWell 1. ______________________
Bubble Point temperature for GasWell 3 at 6000 kPa. ___________________
Dew Point temperature for GasWell 1 at 4000 kPa. ______________________
GasWell 1 temperature for 50% quality at 8000 kPa. ____________________
Hydrate Formation temperature for GasWell 2 at 7500 kPa. ______________

B. Use the Workbook to find the following values:

Bubble Point temperature for GasWell 3 at 6000 kPa. ___________________
Dew Point temperature for GasWell 1 at 4000 kPa. ______________________
GasWell 1 temperature for 50% quality at 8000 kPa. ____________________

C. Use the Hydrate Formation Utility to find the hydrate formation

temperature for GasWell 1 and GasWell 2.

Pressure, kPa (psia) Hydrate Temperature

GasWell 1 5000 (725)

GasWell 1 7500 (1090)
GasWell 2 5000 (725)
GasWell 2 7500 (1090)

The phase envelope utility is only capable of performing the flash
calculations on a dry basis, it will always ignore any water present in
the stream.
The composition of GasWell 3 contains some water. You have been
asked to perform a number of Dew and Bubble Point calculations on
the stream at various pressures. Knowing that you cannot accurately
predict these points on the Phase Envelope (because of the water) you
start to do the calculations in the Workbook. After about 30 minutes of
doing flashes and writing down the pressure-temperature values, your
colleague comes in and tells you the wonders of the Property Table
and you are done in about five minutes.
Using your colleague's advice, set up a Property Table to generate a
Bubble Point and Dew Point curve from 100 to 10000 kPa.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

Getting Started

Note: Make sure the temperature and pressure for the streams are as
given on the previous page.

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Process Modeling Using HYSYS

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Getting Started


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