Yule Ritual

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Volmarr's Heathen End of Yule (Jan-1st) Ritual 2013

drinking horn
spring water in small bowl
fresh pine twig
offering bowl
wand (if you don't have one you can use your fingers instead)
Thor's Ritual Hammer (optional, can use it for the Hammer Hallowings)
oath-ring (optional)
Any items to represent Freyr.
This ritual, as are all Heathen or northern rituals, is done while facing north, except where otherwise
noted. The altar should be such that it is in front of you when you face north.
If you don't know how to pronounce the runes see my webpage on how to pronounce them
( http://volmarrsheathenism.webs.com/pronouncing-runes ).
Put spring water in small bowl. Trace 3 Laguz runes over it.:


"From the Well of Wyrd does this water flow, and to the Well of Wyrd does it return"

Make Hammer Sign at item and then splash each ritual item with blessed water using the pine twig
and for each item say:

I bless this ______ with the waters of the Well of Wyrd

Now trace Hammer Sign at person being blessed and/or self and splash them with water using twig.
"I bless ______ with the waters of the Well of Wyrd"
Use twig to splash ritual space with water.
"I bless this space with the waters of the Well of Wyrd"
Few silent deep breaths.
All stand in Elhaz position.

"Bi-Frost's rainbow light shine down upon this space and myself so that I may form a portal between
the worlds of Asgard and Midgard"
Few silent deep breaths.
All face north and trace the Hammer Sign while chanting:
"Hammer in the north hallow and ward this stead"
All turn east and trace the Hammer Sign while chanting:
"Hammer in the east hallow and ward this stead"
All turn south and trace the Hammer Sign while chanting:

"Hammer in the south hallow and ward this stead"

All turn west trace the Hammer Sign while chanting:

"Hammer in the west hallow and ward this stead"
All return to north and look up and trace Hammer sign while chanting:
"Hammer above hallow and ward this stead"
All look below and trace Hammer sign while chanting:
"Hammer below hallow and ward this stead"
Return to facing north and all stand in the Elhaz position and chant:
"Around me and within me Asgard and Midgard"

and move into the Dagaz position in the end.

Few silent deep breaths.
(Highly recommended optional casting of the rune ring)

(face north and trace the rune shape in the air before you using your wand and loudly chant: FEHU!)

(face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: URUZ)

(face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: THURISAZ)

(face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: ANSUZ)

(face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: RAIDHO)

(face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: KENAZ)

(face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: GEBO)

(face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: WUNJO)

(face north and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: HAGALAZ)

(face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: NAUDHIZ)

(face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: ISA)

(face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: JERA)

(face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: EIHWAZ)

(face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: PERTHRO)

(face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: ELHAZ)

(face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: SOWILO)

(face north and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: TIWAZ)

(face north-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: BERKANO)

(face east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: EHWAZ)

(face south-east and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: MANNAZ)

(face south and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: LAGUZ)

(face south-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: INGWAZ)

(face west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: DAGAZ)

(face north-west and trace the rune shape and loudly chant: OTHALA)

(Few silent deep breaths)

This part is optional
Hold up the bottle of mead:
"I now brew the holy mead of inspiration. Won by high Odin long ago!"
Chant into the bottle of mead:
"Odhroerir! Son! Bodhn!"
"Now I hallow this drink with staves of light!"

Chant and trace these runes over the bottle:








All say:
"Hail Odhroerir!"
Few silent deep breaths.
Hail Freyr! Son of Njord. Brother of Freyja. Husband of Gerd. Trusted friend of Skirnir. Descendant of
the Vanir. Harvest god and wealth-giver. King of Alfheim. Blot-god of the Swedes. Possessor of
Skidbladnir, and the boar known as Gullinbursti. Beli's slayer. Enemy of Surtr. Wielder of the stag-horn.
Fruitful one. Sure giver. Father of the Yngling line. Lord of the Volsi!
All respond:
Hail Freyr!
Few silent deep breaths.
Now is the end of the Yule time. We have safely made it out of the turbulent chaotic energies of the
Wild Hunt, and now the smoother flowing energies of the start of the new year cycle are upon us. We
can be very thankful for making it through the holiday season. The old year cycle having been swept
away by the Wild Hunt, now we can start anew, working on new greater things for this year cycle.
Now is a good time, if so desired to make an oath to accomplish some task or tasks for the coming
year cycle. Any oaths made at this time shall have their greatest power since we stand now at the very
first day of the new year cycle. Now is a time to plant the ideas of what you wish to come in this
coming year. Remember though that any oaths made before any of the Gods must be followed
through on, so do not make any oaths that you do not intend to keep. Take some moments now to
think about what if any oaths you wish to make at this time.
Few silent deep breaths.
Say any oaths you wish to make. You may if you have one place your right hand on an oath ring or a

Thor's Hammer or other holy object while making the oaths.

Few silent deep breaths.
This is the time of year to give thanks to Freyr for all the blessings he has given us in the now past
year, and to ask that his blessings shall continue in the coming year. Freyr is the god of the harvest,
harvest means more then just the gathering of crops, as there is a type of harvest which is the
receiving of anything of value in our life. Thus all positive things we have gained are due to this
harvest energies of Freyr. Giving thanks reinforces what it is we wish more of in the future, and also is
a way to be grateful for all that is given to us. Being grateful sets the patterns in Wyrd for more of what
we are grateful for to follow in the future. Think of all things you are grateful for at this time and also all
things you wish more of in the coming year.
Few silent deep breaths.
Say any and all things you are grateful for from the last year. Word it like 'I am grateful for ____'.
Now state any things you would like more of in your life in the coming year. Please feel free to say as
many things as you would like, and do not feel guilty about any of it. Say it like this 'May there be more
____ in my life this year.'
Few silent deep breaths.
Now trace the Sign of the Hammer over the cookies. Fill your horn up with mead.
Hold the horn up while saying:
Hail Freyr, god of prosperity and the harvest, I am thankful to you for all your many blessings!
All chant:
Hail Freyr!
Drink some of mead and pass horn. Pour remaining into offering bowl.
Eat a cookie and pass the cookies around so everyone may get one, and put the rest of the cookies
into the offering bowl for Freyr.

Use the pine twig to splash a bit of the liquid in the offering bowl on yourself, on any others in the ritual
with you, on your altar, on the ritual space, and in all general areas of your dwelling as well. Does not
need to be much splashed around, just a little is fine. This helps to imbue more of the energies of the
ritual on you, and others who may also in the ritual with you, and to your place.
"Now my rite has ended. May all gathered here fare well on their return to their home places. And may
the bonds of frith between us grow, gods, wights, and humans alike. Until we meet again."
Pour out the offerings from the offering bowl outside:
A gift for a gift
Trace gebo at spot offerings were given to.

Pour out remaining blessed water outside.

"I pour the sacred water back to the Earth so it may find it's way back to the Well of Wyrd"
Now at this point it is very important to ground your energies. This should always be done after every
ritual. Not doing so can lead to problems in the long-run. Grounding is like shifting gears in a car,
except it is the process of shifting brain states. During rituals you create a trance like brain state, which
is desired for during rituals or for during any spiritual practices. But trance states are not good for
doing everyday mundane things. You need to return your mind back to the normal state of
consciousness after the ritual is finished. That is what grounding is.
The most simple and common method to ground is to visualize yourself as a tree and see roots
growing into the ground from the base of your spine and going down into the earth. Sometimes rituals
require industrial strength grounding as they can really create some intense energy. In that case you
can try the following triple grounding method.:
First visualize your chakras. You picture in your mind closing first the top one and then seeing a sort of
lid closing over it, then proceed with the net lower chakra and so on. You want to leave the bottom
most chakra, the root chakra fully open as this is your connection to grounding. Don't be concerned
about having the others closed, the normal proper function of them is that they open and close as
needed. Problems with being ungrounded happen when one of more of them are stuck open. Only the
bottom one is to be left open at all times.

Next step is to picture a ball of pure white light above your head. Now let this white light slowly
descent downward into your body and slowly move lower. As it descends it takes with it any
unneeded, old, and negative energies. It is sort of sweeping downward through your energies taking
all you no longer need with it. Once it reaches your feet let it move lower till it passes down through
the floor. If you are on an upper close let it pass all the way to the ground. Let the earth take this
energy to recycle it.
Now final step is to do the traditional grounding. Picture yourself as a tree. Visualize roots coming out
of the base of your spine and going down into the Earth. Feel the calmness of a tree, the rooted
If after these three things you still feel hyper or spaced out you can either eat some food, or put a
small amount of salt on your tongue. Another thing you can do is prostrate down to the ground, placing
your head on the ground and stay like this for a few moments.
Feel free to copy and use this ritual so long as you acknowledge the source.

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