April 30 2015 Beltane Clearing Dark Female Energies.

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APRIL 30 2015 BELTANE ....


Hello family of light,
Just opening the doors by bringing certain circumstances to you
awareness...into the light to recognize,transmute and therefore override with
I will do my best to translate the vision the lightforces gave me, to manifest
on our planet.To know how the dark forces manipulate/distort the leylines is
to know how to heal.Avoiding(looking the other way) negative stories just
gives the dark ones the time to procede their rituals.Many occult male
members have been in the news and it's time to see how a few female
members work in plain sight.
High level lightworkers,who are actually had incarnations as
priests/priestesses during the times of Atlantis, are in the knowing of the fact,
that the dark ones incarnate over and over again in certain bloodlines and
have been our opponents during many lifetimes(battle of the light/LOVE).The
Female wing of the dark forces are the ones who have been working behind
the scenes and have been very powerful during many eons of time.In earlier
incarnations they were also known as Hitler's furies.Females are very
powerful because of the fact that they have a womb.A womb contains the
energyfield of source/the energies of creation.They also have the gift of
knowing(seeing) how energy flows through the universe and planets.We
(global leyline participants) have been healing the leylines and rectifying the
many distortions/low vibrations by the power of collective intent to send
LOVE and therefore heal.
I would like to explain the first situation and let you "SEE " how they
operate.This is Princess Beatrix of the Netherlands and the and her son
Willem Alexander who is King Now

See the symbol of wings on her dress.The symbol stands for the wings of
ISIS:The female principal/the energies of creation.

Her father started the Bilderberggroup(dark forces combining their

energies/knowledge) and of course they have an occult wing.Her residence is
in Apeldoorn.Her "Home"is built on a leyline node which connects to the
Leylines of Glastonburry and therefore to CERN(LHC).Her house is built on the
old fundament of a former monestary. In front of her Home palace "Het
Loo",which is nog far from the Bilderberg hotel:The emperor's crown(see the
symbols/signs), resides an obelisk.it's called De Naald,which means needle...
(low vibrating accupuncture needle into the leylines?Mother earth's

Let "see "how she used our creator's power's to lower the grid in the
netherlands and therefore try to use our creator's powers towards
CERN.CERN also taps of the goddess stargate under the vatican..somewhere
in the library.
On Queen's day 2009 a mind controlled individual drove his car through the
celebrating public(holiday),killing people and smashed his car on the
obelisk.This had to look like an attempt to take the queen's life.
So What happens in terms of energy at that moment??
Humanity sends their feelings/energy of compassion,empathy,love and
healing otwards the queen(playing the victum) and her obelisk everytime the
name Apeldoorn is mentioned.The incident is written in their hearts/memory
banks.Humanity sends her the feelings of compassion and empathy: the
powers of creation/female principal through the leylines when huamity makes
a heartf connection,the power CERN needs to 'Crank up". The power she does
not have and can not regenerate because she has no heartconnection,she is
pure strategic mind.When the obelisk is mentioned it also receives distorting
energies through the ether by imagining(creator's powers) the impact, over
and over again.We should be imaging a perfect torodial field and the obelisk
connected to the sun of hollow earth and the outer sun,blazing outwardly and
clearing the energies through the ether.
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands is also a major shareholder of
SHELL/OILINDUSTRY.Oil dampens the trembling of the stargates and the
leylines.(think hydraulics).The galactic wars have always been about the
stargates and their power..the powers of creation.

Let's see who financed CERN:

And Queen Beatrix is very fond of her vacations in switserland...hmmmm.
This year Queens day will be celebrated on April 27 2015 in the Netherlands
and not on april 30 as usual.WHY?Coming together in rituals during Beltane
and using the power/energies of Beltane/the sun towards CERN?Queen
Beatrix also known as the Dragon Lady...Dragons have the powers of

Let's go to a simular stituation.Let's see how Queen elizabeth tried to do A

dark ritual that backfired.A dark ritual in plain site,again using humanity's
creator's powers(pineal gland).
Celebration Olympics London
The Olympic Arena resides on the dragon Rose line(info at the bottom of the
text).If we view the arena from above we can see the image of a stargate
laying flat on the ground: symbols have power and the cristalline leylines
copies data and shares with alikes:stargates

The Olympic Arena is built on Radio active dump,like the twin Towers.A few
symbols we saw, during the openings ceremony were:sick children in bed
with dark shadows hanging over them,Harry Potter(look out what you put into
childrens minds),hard fysical labour,industry, ...all images that did not
resonates with LOVE/heartconnection and a miniature TOR in the centre and
thereby using the TOR's powers.If you go to Youtube you can find films of the
celebration(please research and convince yourself).The people in the Arena
were not aware of the fact that they were empowering(focusing on) this NON
LOVE vision in the middle of the vortex:The olympic arena.Many dark ones
had to be there in fysical form to preform the ritual.We saw very tight security
and DNA scans to prevent escalations.During the ritual the queen came in
and all energy was focused to her and at that moment, she is the one to
intend what to do with it and direct it to CERN through the leylines.All

together the participants and people in the arena have many enlightened
codes/collective power.
What actually really prevented disaster from happening?
A short time before the olympic games,Blossom Goodchild(lightworker) sent
out a message to the lightworkers community to send love towards the
openings ceremony(ritual) of the olympic games.To send Love to all
participants and to "see "the olympic games" as a worldwide example of
many people/cultures coming together in Love and Joy/fun.At that moment
the love flowed through the leylines creating a vortex of Love and Unity. A
ship(ufo) has also been seen above the arena during the
fireworks(explosive).I guess Blossom still does not comprehend what she
prevented,also mentioned in her channelings after the olympics.

I guess The United states also knows which bloodline Hilary is from and also
on the dragon rose line/leyline:
Elizabeth Trutwin(facebook april 19 2014):

Hillary Clinton is Hitler's Grandaughter through a mistress. Like his daughter, Angela
Merkel, she too was tortured and raped by her Dragon Family while very young - trained
to hate. Made into a killer. These cases involve gang rapes on children by groups of
grown men working over all the girls and boys in these families. Their entertainment.
Hillary is a member of the Bauer Family - known after coming to America as the
Rothschilds. They are Zionist Jews. They are the 4th Reich. She works with Angela,
Rahm Emanuel - head of Mossad, Netanyahu and others like John Kerry and John
McCain to carry on WW - which really never ended. The real Hillary Clinton was
executed for War Crimes in November, 2008. You are looking at her Clone. She was
responsible for Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing and several murders to name a few.
Bill Clinton is not a Clone. Bill was responsible for the deaths of Dennis Kucinich
Brother and Sister-in-Law but the other crimes he is accused of were all Hillary. Bill
Clinton signed NESARA Law on October 10, 2000. He is working hand in hand with
President Obama to assist #FullGalacticDisclosure THIS IS A VERY BIG STORY These
memos being released are significant Disclosure. WE ARE AT THE VERY END. of

So before emplementing the energies of creation it is soo important to Forgive these

ladies and their Dark intentions.
info from an earlier post:

They are also children of mother earth and it'time to come home to the light.They were
not Loved(heart) ...they were trained(mind) to avoid love and not to feel it.
Dear Ladies,it's time to see the light to make earth a safer place.....

-with love gratitude and respect ask mother earth to connect you to the energies of the sun
of hollow earth and the energies of the ascended masters of hollow earth, creating and
upwards spiral
- with love gratitude and respect ask the forces of light and the sun to connect you to the
powers/energies of source,providing the downwards spiral.feel the 2 spirals connecting in
your heartspace.
- enter the generator the great piramid of Gizeh.
- with love,gratitude and respect ask mother earth to connect you to the energies/power of
the arc of the covenant.
- feel the two spirals connecting in you heartspace and empowering your diamond
particle which coresponds with the Arc of the covenant and Source.
- because we all are ONE, with Love gratitude and respect ask mother earth to direct your
Love towards Queen Beatrix,Queen Elizabeth.Angela merkel,Hilary Clinton and other
women that come to mind
- see the energies love coming up through their feet providing an upwards spiral.
- see the lightforces and the sun providing the downwards spiral.
- See the ladies in a pillar of love light..a portal for the lightforces to energetically
intervene.See them leaving the planet and turning to the light.
- then see all humans in a pillar of light giving the lightforces an entrance to remove dark
With Love gratitude and respect
In cooperation with the forces of light
Dragon Roseline;
Synoptic Overview
"The Dragon-Rose Line begins at the major vortex of the Great Pyramid of the Giza
Plateau. It then proceeds over the Mediterranean Sea to the Rennes Le Chateau region in
the South of France. Here it joins the Paris Meridian, which intersects a double star, Twin
Vortex Star Gate. Jesus accessed the energy of this sacred Rose Line when he spoke the
dialogue of the Piste Sophia.

From Southern France, the Dragon Rose Line follows the Prime Meridian up through
Paris on its way to Stonehenge and Roslyn Chapel of Scotland. It then crosses the
Atlantic to Oak Island, on the Eastern Shore of North America, and from there moving
Southeast to the Great Salt Lake region of Utah, where the great Mormon Tabernacle is
built according to many of the same sacred, geometrical principles as the great cathedrals
of France.
This ancient Rose Dragon Line then drops straight South, passing through what was once
called Cibola, the mythological cities of gold also known as the Treasure of El Dorado.
Continuing South the Line reaches Sedona's magical Oak Creek Canyon, then passes
through Sedona's Airport, Cathedral Rock and Bell Rock Vortexes:
From Sedona it continues down to the Isle of Magdala in Baja California, where it
becomes one of the Quetzalcoatl Serpent Lines of the Americas, empowering such sacred
sites as Uxmal, Dzibalchen, Palenque, Monte Alban. The energy of the Rose line in
Mexico was accessed in earlier times at the Ancient Serpentine Wisdom Academies of
Teotihuacan, close to the 19.5 latitude.
From Mexico we flow down through the Sacred Sites of Central and South America,
including Tikal in Guatemala, the Nazca Lines, Hayu Marca and Machu Picchu in Peru,
Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, Easter Island off the Coast of Chile and the Motto Grosso
Amazonian Jungles of Brazil, the heart and source of the Quetzalcoatl Dragon Lines." -Amarushka

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